Lesly Smith Kahun Papyrus

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54 J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2011;37:5455. doi:10.1136/jfprhc.2010.

History of contraception
In around 1825 BC, the 29th year of the
reign of Amenemhat, someone (probably
a physician) recorded that date on the
back of a papyrus, which formed part of
a group of medical texts originating from
the land of the Pharaohs. Those papyri
would be brought into the modern world
in April and November 1889 by Flinders
Petrie. They were found on a site near
the modern day Egyptian town of Lehun.
The so-called Kahun Gynaecological
Papyrus is one of the largest manuscripts
dating from the late Middle Kingdom
(18501700 BC). Kahun is the name
Petrie gave to the Lehun town site, which
in 1825 BC had been a thriving, pros-
perous town. The papyrus had been so
heavily used that its ancient owner had to
repair it, with a patch bearing an admin-
istrative fragment visible at one point on
the back.
In the late Victorian period and into the
early 20th century there was a worldwide
fascination for all things Egyptian. Egypt
had sparked the romantic imagination
and there was great demand to find yet
more artefacts among the tombs. As man
wondered at the sight of the lapis lazuli
and golden jewellery, there were also the
fascinating Kahun medical papyri. These
were no ordinary ancient papyri, but the
earliest medical texts known, relating to
gynaecological medicine almost 4000
years ago.
The work was discovered to be in many
fragments, but after careful reassembly,
although there were gaps in some of the
scripts, there appeared the first primary
evidence about female medicine and
health in an ancient civilisation possess-
ing great power and influence.
The work was translated and published
by F Griffiths in 1893, and published in
The Petrie Papyri: Hieratic Papyri from
Kahun and Gurob.
Papyrus contents
The work is divided into 34 paragraphs,
each section dealing with a specific medical
problem or complaint. The text has a dis-
tinctive style: first, there is a brief account of
the symptoms, then the physician is advised
how to address the patient in offering their
diagnosis and, finally, a recommended treat-
ment is suggested. No mention is, however,
made of the likely prognosis. This process
of described symptoms, diagnosis, report
and treatment makes up 17 sections. An
example of one such description of a medi-
cal problem appears in Column 1, Lines
15 (Bibliography item 2):
[Examination] of a woman whose eyes
are aching till she cannot see, on top of
aches in her neck.
[You should say of it] it is discharges of
the womb in her eyes.
[You should treat it] by fumigating her
with incense and fresh oil, fumigating her
womb with it, and fumigating her eyes
with goose leg fat. You should have her
eat a fresh ass liver.
There seemed to be a belief in ancient
Egyptian times that much illness was gen-
erated throughout the whole body as a
result of various conditions of the womb,
some of which defy logic in terms of how
they might be linked to one another.
Descriptions include wandering womb,
womb discharge and terror of the
womb, all of which seem capable of caus-
ing difficulties with eyes, teeth, joints and
the neck and head.
The suggested treatments are varied and
interesting, and include fumigation, mas-
sage and medicines introduced into the
body in the form of pessaries or as a liq-
uid to be drunk or rubbed onto the skin.
The clich of asses milk also appears
as part of the materia medica, and the ass
is also used to provide liver and urine.
More fragrant materials are also included
such as various scented oils.
Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, UK
Correspondence to
Ms Lesley Smith, Tutbury Castle,
Tutbury, Staffordshire
DE13 9JF, UK;
Received 8 November 2010
Accepted 10 November 2010
The Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus: ancient
Egyptian medicine
Lesley Smith
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55 J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2011;37:5455. doi:10.1136/jfprhc.2010.0019
History of contraception
The text makes no suggestion of surgery, and inter-
estingly there are direct parallels with Hippocratic and
Galenic medical procedures such as fumigation and
massage with oil.
The later paragraphs in the text turn their attention
to pregnancy, with prescriptions for conception that
include incense, fresh oil, dates and beer. There then
appears in Column 3, Line 6 the first reference known
to contraception. The section about pregnancy reads:
For preventing [...] crocodile dung chopped over
HAS and awyt-liquid, sprinkle [...] last [...].
This is a most intriguing section for me personally,
as over the years people have often told me they have
heard about crocodile dung being inserted into the
vagina and packed against the cervix as a contracep-
tive. The prescription contained within the Kahun
papyrus does not say that the dung is pressed into the
body; it may mean burning it as an incense as fumiga-
tion. The awyt-liquid is sour milk. Until I see evi-
dence of crocodile dung inserted in the vagina in any
other ancient texts I remain unconvinced.
The next section (Column 3, Line 7) offers another
form of contraception, namely: honey, sprinkle over
her womb, this to be done on a natron bed. [NB.
Natron, a carbonate salt, was ancient Egypts supreme
cleansing product. It was used for household cleansing
as well as to cleanse the human body.]
There then follow sections of text describing various
gynaecological conditions and treatments including
another section of broken text that describes a birth
brick. Sadly, however, the text offers no further infor-
mation as to how such an intriguingly named item
might be used.
Testing for fitness to conceive takes up two further
paragraphs and seems to be focused on whether the
woman has something on (such as a sty) her eye. Eyes
and wombs are yet again linked in Egyptian medicine.
Concluding remarks
So despite the breaks in some sentences and para-
graphs in the papyrus, these texts provide us with a
fascinating insight into ancient Egyptian gynaecology,
contraception and conception techniques. The ancient
words also supply yet more evidence of mans desire to
heal and control fertility.
The Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus (UC 32057) is
housed at University College London, London, UK.
About the author Lesley Smith is currently a
postgraduate student in the Centre for the History
of Medicine of the University of Birmingham,
where she is developing a PhD in obstetrics and
gynaecology in early modern Britain. She holds
an honorary degree for services to history.
She makes 200300 public appearances a year
and also works as a TV historian in the UK
and abroad including the USA. Lesley is also
Curator of Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire and
is a member of the Society of Apothecaries of
London and the Society of Medical Writers.
Lesley has very recently become a Fellow of
the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Acknowledgement The author would like
to thank Dr G Williams, British Museum,
London, UK for his help and advice.
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Commissioned;
internally peer reviewed.
1 Digital Egypt for Universities. Reading a passage from
an Ancient Egyptian healing manuscript (Kahun Medical
Papyrus UC 32057). http://www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/med/
healthexample.html [accessed 8 November 2010].
2 Digital Egypt for Universities. Manuscript for the health of
mother and child (Kahun Medical Papyrus UC 32057). http://
www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/med/birthpapyrus.html [accessed 8
November 2010].
3 David, AR. The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern
Investigation of Pharaohs Workforce. London, UK: Routledge,
4 Nunn, JF. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. London, UK: British
Museum Press, 1997.
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doi: 10.1136/jfprhc.2010.0019
2011 37: 54-55 J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care

Lesley Smith

Egyptian medicine
The Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus: ancient
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