Know Your UMC Church Structure: O 2014 V Ii, I 6
Know Your UMC Church Structure: O 2014 V Ii, I 6
Know Your UMC Church Structure: O 2014 V Ii, I 6
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ithin this October publication
of the Lamplighter, we will
celebrate, acknowledge, and
highlight the administrative and spiritual
structure of St. James UMC.
Know Your UMC
Church Structure
As a United Methodist Church,
St. James structure is based on The
Book of Discipline. Like our country,
our governance/administration body is
representative. We elect people to
manage the administrative and spiri-
tual affairs of the congregation. The
Charge Conference is the highest gov-
erning body of the Church.
The Church Ad Council meets
monthly and serves as the executive
agency of the Charge Conference
which typically happens in the fall. All
church member selected by the nomi-
nation committee to serve our church
are confirmed at the charge conference.
Our charge conference for this coming
year is scheduled for Sunday, October
12, 2014 at Salem UMC, Denver, NC.
The UMC church has four major
administrative committees:
Trustees (all property& holdings)
Finance Committee (stewardship,
finances, budget) Staff Parish Rela-
tions Committee (SPR) (personnel-
the hiring, management, evaluation &
reporting to the board and congrega-
tion) Nominations Committee
(recommends elected leaders for the
There are many ministry areas of
the church. They are grouped under
broad program ministry areas of:
Nurture, Education, Invitation, Ser-
vice, Weekday Ministries (Bible
Study, Intercessory Prayer, and Youth
Programs) and Specialized Minis-
tries. These groups provide the
heart and soul of ministry at St.
If you are interested in serving in
leadership at St. James, please con-
tact members of the Nomination
Committee or Pastor Louise Lear-
son. Most leadership positions are
filled in the fall for the coming cal-
endar year. This is our St. James cur-
rent Nomination Committee as
reported since the last conference
include: Bro. Jerry Nixon, Sisters
Margaret Nixon, Marilyn Roseboro,
Hattie Roseboro, Sheila Thompson,
Rosie Thompson and Pastor L.
Our church leadership values
healthy communication among
congregants and seeks to be open
to input from members of the
church. To foster healthy commu-
nication, the Church Council
should adopt a Communication
Guideline. These guidelines will
help you know how best to con-
tact your church-governing com-
mittees and who they are.
Please attend the Annual Church
conference next Sunday at Salem
UMC, 378 N. Pilot Knob Rd. Den-
ver, NC 28037 at 3:00pm.
Prepare to Follow Jesus, Make
Disciples, Transform the World
per our conference website motto.
Are you a participant in the life of your
church or a comfortable observer?
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
Isaiah 54:13
You can choose to be elected,
selected or volunteer?
Contd on page 4, conference
Page 2
St James UMC Lamplighter
God Is:
1. God of Gods and Lord of Lords!
2. Awesome!
3. My joy and the strength of my life!
4. My Salvation.
5. For Us!
6. Good!
7. Faithful!
8. Real!
9. Love!
10. A consuming fire, a jealous God.
11. Deserving of my praise and worship!
12. Merciful.
13. My refuge!
14. Living and active.
15. Omnipresent!
16. Omnipotent!
17. My help in a time of trouble!
18. My salvation.
19. My strength.
20. My comforter!
21. My Healer
22. My fortress.
23. My provider.
24. My teacher!
25. Lover of my soul!
26. My Joy!
27. My Companion.
28. Cannot be mocked.
29. ot a God of disorder but of peace!
30. Not a matter of talk but of Power!
31. NOT DEAD!!!
32. My all and all.
33. ot the author of confusion.
34. The same yesterday, today and forever.
35. The strength of my life!
36. The Universe.
37. The Gospel.
39. The Word.
40. The Potter.
41. The only Judge!
42. The LIGHT!
43. In control.
44. In the details.
45. In His Holy temple.
46. Removes all sin, misery and Strife.
47. MY ALL and ALL!
48. My refuge.
49. My rock!
50. My Anchor!
51. My Provider!
52. My Everything!
53. My Savior.
54. Truly Able.
55. In all Things with me!
56. A promise that He will never leave me!
57. A very present help in times of trouble
58. More than enough.
59. Everything you need.
60. A friend when you are lonely.
61. The one who gives me love when I need it the
most and deserve it the least. Given to me at
great personal cost, Crucifixion of His only begot-
ten Son, still forever committed to saving my soul
with His love and word.
62. My Creator
63. Committed to my salvation!
64. ?
What God is as
great as Our God?
at is your choice? What would you select as the number one answer in this list? What
is God to you? Can you add to the list? Will we get to more than one hundred state-
ments of what God is to you, what He is others , to all mankind? Perhaps, together ,we can reach
1000 answers. Write them down and return to me so we can share what God Is to the world. This is
just a beginning list. How quickly and how long can it become?
Our God Is List!
Page 3
Greetings St. James,
By Marilyn Roseboro, Church Council Chair
Blessings and Greetings Church,
This year I pray that we recognize
our goals of Making Disciples and
of Extravagant Giving established
as a conference goal from our
UMC Conference.
Each and every one of us have the
makings of helping to make Disci-
ples of others. All we have to do is recognize our God
given gifts and use them for the up building of God's
kingdom. Let others see the God in us.
The conference is calling each church to put in prac-
tice the concept of Extravagant giving. Although we
may want new buildings, furnishings and other items,
how best can that money, our givings, be used?
Can our money be used for ministries of helps, in-
stead? Or do we want to be like the world and be a
church of stuff? I pray each and everyone of us will
search our hearts and decide that not only do we
need to show LOVE to each other, but we want to
show the world love with our Extravagant giving and
the developing and loving of all new disciples we bring
into the fold.
Notes from Admin Chairperson
St James UMC Lamplighter
The Great Commission
By Bro. Jerry ixon, Lay Leader Chair
Bible Study & Sunday School Teacher
God gave his disciples, The
great Commission, to go
therefore into all the world
and make disciples of all na-
tions, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, the son
and the Holy Spirit. Teach-
ing them to observe every-
thing I have commanded you
and remember, I am with you
This commission requires obedience from its members
to move these beyond to go outward into the commu-
nity; letting your light shine before men in order that
they may see your good work and glorify your Father
in Heaven.
So let us use our God given gifts for the various minis-
tries in our church and you can be placed in a position
where your gifts and passions will enhance our church
leadership. Telling those you encounter that they can
have what-so-ever that Jesus went to the cross on their
behalf and how they can now give to others. At St
James, your involvement is needed.
St James Informer Mission
The St James Informer is a monthly Newsletter
Ministry dedicated to reporting to the church body
news of upcoming events and programs; current and
on-going activities; and historical news regarding each
auxiliary, individual, and the church as a whole, as
well as news with reference to our sister churches and
the community. Contact us to provide additional news
& info for the newsletter by 2nd week of each month.
Betty C. Gwynn225-610-9995
Sarah C .Johnson 704-966-0648
Inside this issue:
Church Administration 2
The Great Commission 2
Mission & Objective 3
People In Our Church 4
Church Conference Preparation 4
A Psalm for God
Youth Activity
General Info 8
Page 4
Saint James is commissioned to be a community of
growing Christians seeking to know and carry out
the will of God.
By producing kingdom citizens through Worship,
Prayer, Discipleship, Service and Evangelism.
St James UMC Lamplighter
he upcoming Charge Conference is a
time to measure the past performance
of our church and plan for the next
year. It is a time when the church needs to
truly reflect on its mission as the body of
Over the years I have noticed how the struc-
ture of the church has changed, our church in
particular. Even with the changes, we as servants of Christ need
to remain true to what being Christian really means.
As a small congregation here at St. James; we hold many differ-
ent offices and many responsibilities. There was a time when we
had a congregation to fill these very important offices, but we no
longer have the manpower to fill all of these offices. But what
we do have is a duty to stay close to the mission of Christ and
his church. That mission is to lead others to Christ and love one
Over the years there were many who attended the Charge Con-
ferences with expectations of presenting our church as that bea-
con on a hill. Through leadership and just plain telling it like it
was. No pretending, no building up more than what we had or
who we were.
As a small congregation we do our best to stay true to God and
Jesus by the way we strive to live our lives. I pray that God hon-
ors that in us.
Charge Conference is a time to measure how we are doing as the
body of Christ; my spirit says we are doing what God requires of
us. That is to: Lead others to Christ by hearing his word and
loving one another.
Certain key decisions and actions of the local church can be
made only by the charge conference What more can we do?
Maybe more, but are our efforts pleasing God and preparing us
for His kingdom.
- -- - Our Mission Statement Our Mission Statement Our Mission Statement Our Mission Statement -
And by ministering to the spiritual , emotional,
intellectual and physical needs of our members as
well as our neighbors
Charge Conference, A Time to Evaluate our Performance!
By Sis Sarah Johnson, Co Editor
otes from Our Worship Committee
By Sis Margaret Nixon
Matthew 25:21
His master replied, Well
done, good and faithful servant!
You have been faithful with a
few things; I will put you in
charge of many things. Come
and share your masters happi-
As chairperson of worship, I offer
many thanks to our church family for a job well done.
Weve had a great 2013. Through prayer and dedica-
tion, in 2014 we can do greater works for our Lord and
Many thanks to our pastor, to the choirs, ushers, lay
speakers, communion stewards, acolytes, and the con-
gregation at large. God has blessed St. James with tal-
ents and we see they have been used for the glory of
our God.
Rev. Lynn Sorrells, District Superintendent
See the list of St James UM Church officers and
contact information on the last page of this newsletter.
Sis. Betty Gwynn
St James church members, its officers and Admin
Bd. should attend our annual charge conference.
From page 4, Conference
Page 5
St James UMC Lamplighter
A Psalm of Praise to God for His Love
A Psalms for God!
Oh ancient one, God of my forefathers,
the holy, and righteous one!
What can I offer thee, but sincere praise, and adoration!
You who knew me from the beginning of time,
Thou who knows all of my deepest fears and the number of my days,
I can not fathom why one whom the angelic host attends,
would desire my praise,
I am humbled by your love and grace,
Thou who has blessed me countless times, and spared my life,
Thy countless mercies are to wonderful for me to comprehend,
Thou who loves me,
and shields me from the destruction of my enemies,
Thou who guides me daily through seen and unseen dangers,
Although death follows me as a shadow,
I walk in the light from thy divine countenance,
Thou who has blessed the work of my hands,
Forgive me, a sinner, my salvation belongs to thee!
I am unworthy of such a complete and matchless love.
Hear my prayer oh Lord, I praise thee!
What can be given, when everything in creation belongs to thee?
Praise thee! Hosanna in the highest!
All glory and honor to your name!
Only you are worthy of my love, praise, and obedience!
By Bro. Charles Moody
cording to the Wikipe-
dia dictionary, a psalm is
described as a: lyrical poem or
hymn of praise. The most well
known psalms are those found in
the Old Testament section of the
Bible. Most biblical scholars,
and historians attribute King David
with writing the majority of these
hymns or poems, but some chapters
were written by unknown writers
as well. The actual book (Psalms)
was completed around 460 BC. The
Old Testament Psalms in the King
James' version of the Bible con-
sists of 150 chapters. One of the
most well known and used passages
in the Bible is from the 23rd chap-
ter of Psalms.
Psalters are several passages of
Psalms usually paraphrased and in-
tended to be sung. Some are bril-
liantly illustrated, or painted in a
medieval style. During the early
ages Psalters were very popular,
because they were used to
teach wealthy people to read. How-
ever, nowadays they are used as
part of a worship service.
The book of Psalms is the chief hymnal of the Jewish people
and some Christians. Nowadays, many of us (Christians) pray, or
sing songs of praise, but rarely do we actually write about God's
goodness, and salvation. Maybe that's the secret formula
that our pastors, authors, and favorite gospel singers share?
They write, and sing to the world unashamedly about God's
grace, and love. After reading some of my favorite passages
from the wonderful book, I've attempted to write a Psalm from
my perspective about God's love!
Page 6
YOU are so impor-
tant to the life of our churchs
spiritual growth. YOU,
meaning, each person within
our congregation who have
received Christ as your per-
sonal savior. As Disciples,
WE are called to seek, wel-
come, and nurture others into
the body of Christ. As spiritual leaders, our pri-
mary focus should be to seek ministries which will
strengthen discipleship within our church and com-
munity. Realizing WE cannot neglect the needs of
members within our own congregation; WE must
first transform ourselves before WE can transform
others. WE collectively must enhance our own spiri-
tual growth through prayer, studying of the Scrip-
tures, worshiping, fellowshipping and showing com-
passion one to another.
WE are moving into a new Era and past ways of
church business is just that; A thing of the Past.
The United Methodists focus is more about Outreach
Ministries. Taking It To The Streets. WE (United
Methodist Churches) are becoming more involved in
the needs of our schools and communities.
How can WE include poverty neighborhoods into our
churches? How do WE meet the needs of those less
fortunate than us?
St James UMC Lamplighter
You are Important to Us!
By Sis Delores Roseboro
What plan of action will WE take to provide re-
sources for neighboring school/schools and commu-
nity? Our vision should be to make them a part of us.
First, WE must become educated of the need, then
form teams to address those needs. Through reading,
one-on-one activities, Feeding, Back Pack Program,
or whatever need is identified; WE may even have to
partner with other churches but excuses will no
longer be accepted for not becoming more involved
in the needs of our churches and communities.
Our church is also at a technology crossroad; paper is
becoming obsolete. Focus in now converting every-
thing to technology from completing forms to Webi-
nars and training. Social media is the new means of
communication; Church Websites, Face book, Twit-
ter, Email, Pinterest, Instagram, creating technology
teams, etc.
WE are challenged to become involved as WE com-
mit ourselves to intentional transformation; Changing
ourselves and OUR community.
WE may not be able to transform an entire community but,
WE can make a difference one person at a time.
Page 7
St James UMC Lamplighter
e must love chil-
dren! The first
question you
must ask yourself
is: Do I really love chil-
dren? Do I honestly love to
work with them?
I would like to take a story
from the realm of theologi-
cal controversy and tell you
what the story means to me.
The first thing that im-
presses me about it is this: Andrew and Jesus recognized the
child. There is a boy here. John 6:9
This was an ordinary boy who, like all boys, loved a great
crowd of people. Im sure he must have begged his mother
for permission to take the trip to see Jesus. She probably
said he wouldnt understand what was being taught, he
would get tired and weary before the day was over. Since he
wouldnt take no for an answer, she gave him some food,
five buns and two tiny fishes, and he joined the crowd as
they followed Jesus. He must have been a very small fellow
among five thousand other people. Just as Jesus asked about
feeding the multitude, Andrew had seen the boy sit down on
a rock, pull out the lunch he had been carrying in his pocket.
Andrew recognized the child!
We are sometimes not so wise. Often we do not
recognize the child in our homes. We as parents say
things without regard to their effect upon the child.
Sometimes we give our children everything but our-
selves. Perhaps our children need us. Our love, our
time, our companionship more than anything else on
earth. They are robbed without it. We should rec-
ognize the child in the home.
The church ought to be one place where children
can grow up in a wholesome, happy Christian fel-
lowship. Surely the church ought to recognize the
spiritual needs of its children. We must never un-
derestimate the potential power of a little child.
God works in a mysterious way. He builds his king-
dom best through the consecrated hearts of children.
Look how important this little boy was to Jesus that
day. His foresight enabled Jesus to feed the multi-
tude. The story teaches us that the child gave what
he had. He gave the fishes and buns, and they were
enough to feed the multitude when Christ blessed
This unnamed child is remembered because he gave
what he had, you have an influence for God: give
it! You have a mind: give it! You have a hand: give
it! You have a heart: give it! You have a life, thats
what God wants most You!
CH Henry Haynes
Give What You Have!
By CH Henry Haynes
is God who arms us with strength and
makes our way perfect. All that we are and
ever hope to be, It is from our God. Here in
Psalms' 127: 3 ESV: Behold children are a heri-
tage from the Lord, the fruit of the womba re-
ward! Know that each and everyone of us is a
temple, a temple where in the spirit of the Lord dwells within us. God
loves us and has a plan for everyone of us.
Psalms' 139: 13-14,
For You formed my inward parts; You cov-
ered me in my mothers womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully
and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul
knows very well.
Being Wonderfully Made Being Wonderfully Made Being Wonderfully Made
Rule #1: A church where children are loved, prioritized, and provided a strong Christian foundation.
Our Children perform willingly and
well when asked!
Page 8
St James UMC Lamplighter
Tues, Apr 1April Fools Day
April 6th Gospel Choir Anniversary
April 12th UMW"s Prayer Breakfast @9:00am
Sun, April 13Palm Sunday
Thur, April 17Maundy (Holy) Thursday
Fri, April 18 Good Friday
Sun, April 20Easter Sunday
April 21st Children Easter Egg Hunt @12:00pm
May 3rd @10:00am Boys to Men starts
May 4th Homecoming Services each member asked to
pay $50
May 17th Mother Daughter's banquet time not set yet
Tues, Apr 1April Fools Day13th Youth lock-in
June 16th-18th VBS
June 21st Cierra Vinson& Roy Peakes wedding@3:00pm
June 22nd Usher Board program@3:00pm
July 4th
July 26th Bike Rally to benefit the Herman Nixon's
Memorial Fund
Mon, Jan 6, - Epiphany 1st day
(End of 12 days of Christmas, visit of 3 Wise Men)
Mon, Jan 20 (All Day) MLK Holiday
Sun, Feb 2 Ground Hog Day
Wed, Feb 12Lincolns birthday
Friday, Feb 14Valentines Day
Mon, Feb 17 - (All day) Presidents Day
Pastor Learsons birthday
Sat, Feb 22Washingtons birthday
Sun, Feb 23Old Fashion Sunday & Brunch
Mon, Feb 24 Church Council Meeting@7pm
Sat, Feb 28 Charlotte Youth Day
Wed, Mar 5Ash Wed
Fri, Mar 7 Sister2Sister Seminar (UMW)
Sat, Mar 8 8th Sister to Sister Seminar (UMW)
Sun., Mar 9Women Day Program/morning worship
- Speaker - Cathy Stewart
Sun, Mar 9Daylight Savings, (Spring Ahead!)
Fri, Mar 14th- beginning of youth outing every 2nd Fri.
Mon, Mar 17St Patricks Day
Mon, Mar 24 Church Council Meeting@7pm
Sun, March 30, Mrs. Hattie Curry,
87th Birthday Celebration
Sun, Mar 30, UMM program@ 3:00pm
2014 Church Six Month Calendar
Contd 2014 Church Calendar
Oct 5th Race for Life
Oct 10th Grant Writing WorkshopUMC Conference
Oct 11th Family & Friends Day Celebration
Oct 12th Church Conference
Oct 31st Trunk or Treat Celebration
Nov 27 Thanksgiving
Dec 25th Christmas
Full Calendar will be included
in Nov 2014 printing
Greetings all!
October is the beginning of some exciting events for
the Youth Department! October 11, we will be par-
ticipating in the 2nd Annual Fall Festival. This year it
will be in conjunction with Friends and Family Day!
We are also planning a Trunk or Treat event at church
on October 31. This month will also be the start of the
rehearsal for our Christmas Program. We will need as
much participation as possible. We are in search of
Praise Dancers, both young and adult. Please continue
to support our Youth to help them learn and grow
through our Christ and Savior.
Sis. Shanta Bryan
Youth Coordinator
Page 9
Working together to serve a perfect God
St James UMC Lamplighter
Sunday School8:00 am
Sunday Services9:00 am
Intercessory PrayerTuesdays 6:30pm
Bible StudyTuesdays 7:00pm
Youth Bible StudiesWed. 6:00pm
Adult Choir RehearsalThurs 6:00pm
MeetingsUMMas scheduled
Meetings - UMW Sundays after Services
2201 St. James Church Road
Denver, NC 28037
Mail to:
Phone: 704-483-3394
Pastor Learson: 704-500-3944
od grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Prayer of Serenity
Amen Amen Amen Amen
2014 Church Officials:
Rev. Louise D. Learson, Pastor 704-500-3944
Mary Anthony, President Adult Choir 704-489-0861
Terry Clarke, Trustee Chairperson 704-673-2612
Linda Cook, PPR Chair 589-805-4322
Victoria Franklin, Membership Chair 704-579-0796
Clara Nixon, & Evangelism Chair 704-483-2716
Margaret Nixon, Worship Chair, Treasurer
Gary Roseboro, Nurturing & Outreach Chair &
Boys2Men Coordinator 704-408-2442
Hattie Roseboro, Finance Secretary & Usher Coord.
Stanley Roseboro, Sunday Sch. Superintendent
Marilyn Roseboro, Church Council Chair
Chair UMW 704-483-3531
Sarah Johnson, Church Historian 704-966-0648
Jerry Nixon, Church Lay Leader 704-877-6137
Waddell Thompson, UMM Chair & Chairman of Finance