The document contains code for several functions related to power system simulation and analysis:
1) The afpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine power system after a fault for use in transient stability analysis.
2) The busout function prints the power flow solution results in a tabular format to the screen.
3) The defpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine system during a fault, also for use in transient stability analysis.
The document contains code for several functions related to power system simulation and analysis:
1) The afpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine power system after a fault for use in transient stability analysis.
2) The busout function prints the power flow solution results in a tabular format to the screen.
3) The defpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine system during a fault, also for use in transient stability analysis.
The document contains code for several functions related to power system simulation and analysis:
1) The afpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine power system after a fault for use in transient stability analysis.
2) The busout function prints the power flow solution results in a tabular format to the screen.
3) The defpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine system during a fault, also for use in transient stability analysis.
The document contains code for several functions related to power system simulation and analysis:
1) The afpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine power system after a fault for use in transient stability analysis.
2) The busout function prints the power flow solution results in a tabular format to the screen.
3) The defpek function defines the state variable representation of a multi-machine system during a fault, also for use in transient stability analysis.
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% State variable representation of the multimachine system
% after fault. (for use with trstab) % % Copyright (C) 1998 H. Saadat
function xdot = afpek(t,x) global Pm f H E Y th ngg
Pe=zeros(1, ngg); for ii = 1:ngg for jj = 1:ngg Pe(ii) = Pe(ii) + E(ii)*E(jj)*Y(ii, jj)*cos(th(ii, jj)- x(ii)+x(jj)); end, end for k=1:ngg xdot(k)=x(k+ngg); xdot(k+ngg)=(pi*f)/H(k)*(Pm(k)-Pe(k)); end xdot=xdot'; % use with MATLAB 5 (remove for MATLAB 4)
busout % This program prints the power flow solution in a tabulated form % on the screen. % % Copyright (C) 1998 by H. Saadat.
%clc disp(tech) fprintf(' Maximum Power Mismatch = %g \n', maxerror) fprintf(' No. of Iterations = %g \n\n', iter) head =[' Bus Voltage Angle ------Load------ --- Generation--- Injected' ' No. Mag. Degree MW Mvar MW Mvar Mvar ' ' ']; disp(head) for n=1:nbus fprintf(' %5g', n), fprintf(' %7.3f', Vm(n)), fprintf(' %8.3f', deltad(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f', Pd(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qd(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f', Pg(n)), fprintf(' %9.3f ', Qg(n)), fprintf(' %8.3f\n', Qsh(n)) end fprintf(' \n'), fprintf(' Total ') fprintf(' %9.3f', Pdt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qdt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Pgt), fprintf(' %9.3f', Qgt), fprintf(' %9.3f\n\n', Qsht)
defpek % State variable representation of the multimachine system % during fault. (for use with trstab) % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
function xdot = dfpek(t,x) global Pm f H E Y th ngg Pe=zeros(1, ngg); for ii = 1:ngg for jj = 1:ngg Pe(ii) = Pe(ii) + E(ii)*E(jj)*Y(ii, jj)*cos(th(ii, jj)- x(ii)+x(jj)); end, end for k=1:ngg xdot(k)=x(k+ngg); xdot(k+ngg)=(pi*f)/H(k)*(Pm(k)-Pe(k)); end xdot=xdot'; % use with MATLAB 5 (remove for MATLAB 4)
lf newton % Power flow solution by Newton-Raphson method % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat % Revision 1 (Aug. 99) To include two or more parallel lines ns=0; ng=0; Vm=0; delta=0; yload=0; deltad=0; nbus = length(busdata(:,1)); kb=[];Vm=[]; delta=[]; Pd=[]; Qd=[]; Pg=[]; Qg=[]; Qmin=[]; Qmax=[]; % Added (6-8-00) Pk=[]; P=[]; Qk=[]; Q=[]; S=[]; V=[]; % Added (6-8-00) for k=1:nbus n=busdata(k,1); kb(n)=busdata(k,2); Vm(n)=busdata(k,3); delta(n)=busdata(k, 4); Pd(n)=busdata(k,5); Qd(n)=busdata(k,6); Pg(n)=busdata(k,7); Qg(n) = busdata(k,8); Qmin(n)=busdata(k, 9); Qmax(n)=busdata(k, 10); Qsh(n)=busdata(k, 11); if Vm(n) <= 0 Vm(n) = 1.0; V(n) = 1 + j*0; else delta(n) = pi/180*delta(n); V(n) = Vm(n)*(cos(delta(n)) + j*sin(delta(n))); P(n)=(Pg(n)-Pd(n))/basemva; Q(n)=(Qg(n)-Qd(n)+ Qsh(n))/basemva; S(n) = P(n) + j*Q(n); end end for k=1:nbus if kb(k) == 1, ns = ns+1; else, end if kb(k) == 2 ng = ng+1; else, end ngs(k) = ng; nss(k) = ns; end Ym=abs(Ybus); t = angle(Ybus); m=2*nbus-ng-2*ns; maxerror = 1; converge=1; iter = 0; %%%% added for parallel lines (Aug. 99) mline=ones(nbr,1); for k=1:nbr for m=k+1:nbr if((nl(k)==nl(m)) & (nr(k)==nr(m))); mline(m)=2; elseif ((nl(k)==nr(m)) & (nr(k)==nl(m))); mline(m)=2; else, end end end %%% end of statements for parallel lines (Aug. 99)
% Start of iterations clear A DC J DX while maxerror >= accuracy & iter <= maxiter % Test for max. power mismatch for ii=1:m for k=1:m A(ii,k)=0; %Initializing Jacobian matrix end, end iter = iter+1; for n=1:nbus nn=n-nss(n); lm=nbus+n-ngs(n)-nss(n)-ns; J11=0; J22=0; J33=0; J44=0; for ii=1:nbr if mline(ii)==1 % Added to include parallel lines (Aug. 99) if nl(ii) == n | nr(ii) == n if nl(ii) == n , l = nr(ii); end if nr(ii) == n , l = nl(ii); end J11=J11+ Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l)); J33=J33+ Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l)); if kb(n)~=1 J22=J22+ Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l)); J44=J44+ Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l)); else, end if kb(n) ~= 1 & kb(l) ~=1 lk = nbus+l-ngs(l)-nss(l)-ns; ll = l -nss(l); % off diagonalelements of J1 A(nn, ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l)); if kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J2 A(nn, lk) =Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));end if kb(n) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J3 A(lm, ll) =-Vm(n)*Vm(l)*Ym(n,l)*cos(t(n,l)- delta(n)+delta(l)); end if kb(n) == 0 & kb(l) == 0 % off diagonal elements of J4 A(lm, lk) =-Vm(n)*Ym(n,l)*sin(t(n,l)- delta(n) + delta(l));end else end else , end else, end end Pk = Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J33; Qk = -Vm(n)^2*Ym(n,n)*sin(t(n,n))-J11; if kb(n) == 1 P(n)=Pk; Q(n) = Qk; end % Swing bus P if kb(n) == 2 Q(n)=Qk; if Qmax(n) ~= 0 Qgc = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n); if iter <= 7 % Between the 2th & 6th iterations if iter > 2 % the Mvar of generator buses are if Qgc < Qmin(n), % tested. If not within limits Vm(n) Vm(n) = Vm(n) + 0.01; % is changed in steps of 0.01 pu to elseif Qgc > Qmax(n), % bring the generator Mvar within Vm(n) = Vm(n) - 0.01;end % the specified limits. else, end else,end else,end end if kb(n) ~= 1 A(nn,nn) = J11; %diagonal elements of J1 DC(nn) = P(n)-Pk; end if kb(n) == 0 A(nn,lm) = 2*Vm(n)*Ym(n,n)*cos(t(n,n))+J22; %diagonal elements of J2 A(lm,nn)= J33; %diagonal elements of J3 A(lm,lm) =-2*Vm(n)*Ym(n,n)*sin(t(n,n))-J44; %diagonal of elements of J4 DC(lm) = Q(n)-Qk; end end DX=A\DC'; for n=1:nbus nn=n-nss(n); lm=nbus+n-ngs(n)-nss(n)-ns; if kb(n) ~= 1 delta(n) = delta(n)+DX(nn); end if kb(n) == 0 Vm(n)=Vm(n)+DX(lm); end end maxerror=max(abs(DC)); if iter == maxiter & maxerror > accuracy fprintf('\nWARNING: Iterative solution did not converged after ') fprintf('%g', iter), fprintf(' iterations.\n\n') fprintf('Press Enter to terminate the iterations and print the results \n') converge = 0; pause, else, end
if converge ~= 1 tech= (' ITERATIVE SOLUTION DID NOT CONVERGE'); else, tech=(' Power Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson Method'); end V = Vm.*cos(delta)+j*Vm.*sin(delta); deltad=180/pi*delta; i=sqrt(-1); k=0; for n = 1:nbus if kb(n) == 1 k=k+1; S(n)= P(n)+j*Q(n); Pg(n) = P(n)*basemva + Pd(n); Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n); Pgg(k)=Pg(n); Qgg(k)=Qg(n); %june 97 elseif kb(n) ==2 k=k+1; S(n)=P(n)+j*Q(n); Qg(n) = Q(n)*basemva + Qd(n) - Qsh(n); Pgg(k)=Pg(n); Qgg(k)=Qg(n); % June 1997 end yload(n) = (Pd(n)- j*Qd(n)+j*Qsh(n))/(basemva*Vm(n)^2); end busdata(:,3)=Vm'; busdata(:,4)=deltad'; Pgt = sum(Pg); Qgt = sum(Qg); Pdt = sum(Pd); Qdt = sum(Qd); Qsht = sum(Qsh);
%clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 J44 Qk delta lk ll lm %clear A DC DX J11 J22 J33 Qk delta lk ll lm
Lfybus % This program obtains th Bus Admittance Matrix for power flow solution % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
j=sqrt(-1); i = sqrt(-1); nl = linedata(:,1); nr = linedata(:,2); R = linedata(:,3); X = linedata(:,4); Bc = j*linedata(:,5); a = linedata(:, 6); nbr=length(linedata(:,1)); nbus = max(max(nl), max(nr)); Z = R + j*X; y= ones(nbr,1)./Z; %branch admittance for n = 1:nbr if a(n) <= 0 a(n) = 1; else end Ybus=zeros(nbus,nbus); % initialize Ybus to zero % formation of the off diagonal elements for k=1:nbr; Ybus(nl(k),nr(k))=Ybus(nl(k),nr(k))-y(k)/a(k); Ybus(nr(k),nl(k))=Ybus(nl(k),nr(k)); end end % formation of the diagonal elements for n=1:nbus for k=1:nbr if nl(k)==n Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k)/(a(k)^2) + Bc(k); elseif nr(k)==n Ybus(n,n) = Ybus(n,n)+y(k) +Bc(k); else, end end end clear Pgg
trstab % TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A MULTIMACHINE POWER SYSTEM NETWORK % % Program ``trstab'' must be used in conjuntion with the power flow % program. Any of the power flow programs ``lfgauss'', ``lfnewton'', % ``decoupled'' or ``perturb'' can be used prior to ``trstab'' program. % Power flow program provide the power, voltage magnitude and phase % angle for each bus. Also, the load admittances are returned in a % matrix named ``yload''. In addition to the required power flow data, % Transient reactance, and inertia constant of each machine must be % specified. This is defined in a matrix named ``gendata'', Each row % contain the bus No. to which a generator is connected, armature % resistance, transient reactance, and the machine inertia constant. % Program ``trstab'' obtains the prefault bus admittance matrix including % the load admittances. Voltage behind transient reactances are obtained. % The reduced admittance matrix before, during and after fault are found. % Machine equations are expressed in state variable form and the MATLAB % ode23 is used to solve the multimachine equations. The phase angle % difference of each machine with respect to the slack bus are plotted. % The simulation can be repeated for a different fault clearing time, or % a different fault location. % % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat % global Pm f H E Y th ngg f=60; ngr=gendata(:,1); ngg=length(gendata(:,1)); for k=1:ngg zdd(ngr(k))=gendata(k, 2)+j*gendata(k,3); H(k)=gendata(k,4); % new end for k=1:ngg I=conj(S(ngr(k)))/conj(V(ngr(k))); Ep(k) = V(ngr(k))+zdd(ngr(k))*I; % new Pm(k)=real(S(ngr(k))); % new end E=abs(Ep); d0=angle(Ep); for k=1:ngg nl(nbr+k) = nbus+k; nr(nbr+k) = gendata(k, 1); R(nbr+k) = real(zdd(ngr(k))); X(nbr+k) = imag(zdd(ngr(k))); Bc(nbr+k) = 0; a(nbr+k) = 1.0; yload(nbus+k)=0; end nbr1=nbr; nbus1=nbus; nbrt=nbr+ngg; nbust=nbus+ngg; linedata=[nl, nr, R, X, -j*Bc, a]; [Ybus, Ybf]=ybusbf(linedata, yload, nbus1,nbust); fprintf('\nPrefault reduced bus admittance matrix \n') Ybf Y=abs(Ybf); th=angle(Ybf); Pm=zeros(1, ngg); disp([' G(i) E''(i) d0(i) Pm(i)']) for ii = 1:ngg for jj = 1:ngg Pm(ii) = Pm(ii) + E(ii)*E(jj)*Y(ii, jj)*cos(th(ii, jj)- d0(ii)+d0(jj));
end, fprintf(' %g', ngr(ii)), fprintf(' %8.4f',E(ii)), fprintf(' %8.4f', 180/pi*d0(ii)) fprintf(' %8.4f \n',Pm(ii)) end respfl='y'; while respfl =='y' | respfl=='Y' nf=input('Enter faulted bus No. -> '); rtn=isempty(nf); if rtn==1; nf=-1; end while nf <= 0 | nf > nbus fprintf('Faulted bus No. must be between 1 & %g \n', nbus) nf = input('Enter Faulted Bus No. -> '); rtn=isempty(nf); if rtn==1; nf=-1; end end
fprintf('\nFaulted reduced bus admittance matrix\n') Ydf=ybusdf(Ybus, nbus1, nbust, nf) %Fault cleared [Yaf]=ybusaf(linedata, yload, nbus1,nbust, nbrt); fprintf('\nPostfault reduced bus admittance matrix\n') Yaf resptc='y'; while resptc =='y' | resptc=='Y' tc=input('Enter clearing time of fault in sec. tc = '); tf=input('Enter final simulation time in sec. tf = '); clear t x del t0 = 0; w0=zeros(1, length(d0)); x0 = [d0, w0]; tol=0.0001; Y=abs(Ydf); th=angle(Ydf); %[t1, xf] =ode23('dfpek', t0, tc, x0, tol); % Solution during fault (use with MATLAB 4) tspan=[t0, tc]; %use with MATAB 5 [t1, xf] =ode23('dfpek', tspan, x0); % Solution during fault (use with MATLAB 5) x0c =xf(length(xf), :); Y=abs(Yaf); th=angle(Yaf); %[t2,xc] =ode23('afpek', tc, tf, x0c, tol); % Postfault solution (use with MATLAB 4) tspan = [tc, tf]; % use with MATLAB 5 [t2,xc] =ode23('afpek', tspan, x0c); % Postfault solution (use with MATLAB 5) t =[t1; t2]; x = [xf; xc]; fprintf('\nFault is cleared at %4.3f Sec. \n', tc) for k=1:nbus if kb(k)==1 ms=k; else, end end fprintf('\nPhase angle difference of each machine \n') fprintf('with respect to the slack in degree.\n') fprintf(' t - sec') kk=0; for k=1:ngg if k~=ms kk=kk+1; del(:,kk)=180/pi*(x(:,k)-x(:,ms)); fprintf(' d(%g,',ngr(k)), fprintf('%g)', ngr(ms)) else, end end fprintf(' \n') disp([t, del]) h=figure; figure(h) plot(t, del) title(['Phase angle difference (fault cleared at ', num2str(tc),'s)']) xlabel('t, sec'), ylabel('Delta, degree'), grid resp=0; while strcmp(resp, 'n')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'N')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'y')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'Y')~=1 resp=input('Another clearing time of fault? Enter ''y'' or ''n'' within quotes -> ');
if strcmp(resp, 'n')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'N')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'y')~=1 & strcmp(resp, 'Y')~=1 fprintf('\n Incorrect reply, try again \n\n'), end end resptc=resp;
end resp2=0; while strcmp(resp2, 'n')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'N')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'y')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'Y')~=1 resp2=input('Another fault location: Enter ''y'' or ''n'' within quotes -> '); if strcmp(resp2, 'n')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'N')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'y')~=1 & strcmp(resp2, 'Y')~=1 fprintf('\n Incorrect reply, try again \n\n'), end respf1=resp2; end if respf1=='n' | respf1=='N', return, else, end end
ybusaf % This function forms the bus admittance matrix including load % admittances after removal of faulted line. The corresponding reduced % bus admittance matrix is obtained for transient stability study. % % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat function [Yaf]=ybusaf(linedata, yload, nbus1,nbust, nbrt); global Pm f H E Y th ngg
nl=linedata(:, 1); nr=linedata(:, 2); remove = 0; while remove ~= 1 fprintf('\nFault is cleared by opening a line. The bus to bus nos. of the\n') fprintf('line to be removed must be entered within brackets, e.g. [5, 7]\n') fline=input('Enter the bus to bus Nos. of line to be removed -> '); nlf=fline(1); nrf=fline(2); for k=1:nbrt if nl(k)==nlf & nr(k)==nrf remove = 1; m=k; else, end end if remove ~= 1 fprintf('\nThe line to be removed does not exist in the line data. try again.\n\n') end end linedat2(1:m-1,:)= linedata(1:m-1,:); linedat2(m:nbrt-1,:)=linedata(m+1:nbrt,:);
linedat0=linedata; linedata=linedat2; lfybus for k=1:nbust Ybus(k,k)=Ybus(k,k)+yload(k); end YLL=Ybus(1:nbus1, 1:nbus1); YGG = Ybus(nbus1+1:nbust, nbus1+1:nbust); YLG = Ybus(1:nbus1, nbus1+1:nbust); Yaf=YGG-YLG.'*inv(YLL)*YLG; linedata=linedat0;
ybusbf % This function forms the bus admittance matrix including load % admittances before fault. The corresponding reduced bus % admittance matrix is obtained for transient stability study. % % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
function [Ybus, Ybf] = ybusbf(linedata, yload, nbus1, nbust) global Pm f H E Y th ngg
lfybus for k=1:nbust Ybus(k,k)=Ybus(k,k)+yload(k); end YLL=Ybus(1:nbus1, 1:nbus1); YGG = Ybus(nbus1+1:nbust, nbus1+1:nbust); YLG = Ybus(1:nbus1, nbus1+1:nbust); Ybf=YGG-YLG.'*inv(YLL)*YLG;
Ybusdf % This function forms the bus admittance matrix including load % admittances during fault. The corresponding reduced bus % admittance matrix is obtained for transient stability study. % % Copyright (c) 1998 by H. Saadat
function Ypf=ybusdf(Ybus, nbus1, nbust, nf) global Pm f H E Y th ngg nbusf=nbust-1; Ybus(:,nf:nbusf)=Ybus(:,nf+1:nbust); Ybus(nf:nbusf,:)=Ybus(nf+1:nbust,:); YLL=Ybus(1:nbus1-1, 1:nbus1-1); YGG = Ybus(nbus1:nbusf, nbus1:nbusf); YLG = Ybus(1:nbus1-1, nbus1:nbusf); Ypf=YGG-YLG.'*inv(YLL)*YLG;