Addressing Selection Criteria
Addressing Selection Criteria
Addressing Selection Criteria
This booklet is about how to respond effectively to selection criteria. Selection
criteria are a set of benchmarks against which you are measured in order to achieve
merit-based selection. Each listed criterion provides you with an opportunity to
market your skills to an employer using specific examples. Your overall application
will also demonstrate the effectiveness of your written communication skills.
NOTE: This booklet contains examples of phrases and full responses to criteria, and
you will find more examples in the Appendices. Use them to give you an idea of how
to go about organising your answer, but dont just copy them. Your answer will be
created out of your unique set of experiences. Also you want to stand out as an
individual (not as one of the many other students who have read this booklet!)
We have other booklets available covering all aspects of graduate job search. You
may wish to obtain your free copies of our booklets from the Careers and Employer
Liaison Centre, or download them from our website.
Writing Your Application - CV and cover letters
Winning Graduate Applications
Creative Job Search
Assessment Centers & Selection Tests
At the Interview
The booklet, Networking - going proactive is also available from our website
I also read many of their (Careers & Employer Liaison Centre) information booklets;
one of them that I found particularly useful was 'Addressing Selection Criteria'. This
booklet was so useful because addressing selection criteria when applying for jobs
was one of the hardest and most time-consuming aspects when I started to look for
jobs. This booklet helped me think of what I was good at and how I should go about
describing it to my possible future employers. Once I did this, writing selection criteria
became more and more easy! Jean, Medical Science Graduate, Technical
Assistant in the Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology, at Flinders
As a result of successfully pursuing your studies at Flinders University, you will have
developed program-specific professional competencies as well as being able to
demonstrate a range of qualities.
Flinders Universitys Bachelor degree programs aim to produce graduates who:
are knowledgeable
can apply their knowledge
communicate effectively
can work independently
are collaborative
value ethical behaviour
connect across boundaries.
More information about the Graduate Qualities, including descriptions is available at:
As you conduct your self-assessment and review your educational experiences,
consider how you may both demonstrate and draw on these qualities as you embark
on the next step in your career.
We are proud that so many Flinders graduates identify with, and can be distinguished
by, these distinctive academic, professional and cultural characteristics. (Flinders
University Graduate Qualities statement
They refer to a highly formal and structured written application process. Selection
criteria are used by: the Australian Public Service, State Government (including some
Hospitals), Local Government, educational institutions (for example, universities and
some Independent Schools), the community sector, and non-government
organisations; to short list applicants for the next stage of the selection process.
In the job advertisement you will usually be invited to visit the organisations web site
to obtain a copy of the Selection Criteria/Job and Person Specification (JPS) or to
email the contact person for this documentation.
Applicants should obtain a copy of the Job and Person Specification (JPS) and an
information package prior to submitting their application. These are available from
(name). OR
Further information, including the Duty Statement and Selection Criteria may be
obtained from (name) OR
Candidates must address the Selection Criteria.
Employer Guidelines
It is very important to check whether the organisation has guidelines available on
writing applications and, in particular, if they have a preferred format for you to follow
when addressing the selection criteria. Be aware that there are variations in the
format and requirements for these applications across organisations and across
different States and that these change over time. Their requirements could range
from addressing each selection criterion separately (usually a fairly lengthy
application) to addressing all the selection criteria in a cover letter (which can vary in
length, in some cases 2 pages).
For an example of such guidelines, check this link to Primary Industries and
Resources SA: (Guidelines
to help you apply for a position within PIRSA).
When in doubt, ensure you speak to the Contact Person mentioned in the job
Examples of Selection Criteria Instructions
The following are excerpts from instructions to applicants from a range of South
Australian Government organisations, illustrating the diverse nature of their
requirements, as well as the very different application formats to which you will
respond. It is up to you to determine what is required.
Your Application should: Address all Person Specification
Application response addressing ONLY the Application Criteria requested. Please
do not address additional criteria, as only your responses to those requested will be
assessed. Ensure your responses demonstrate your experience or ability to meet the
criteria and are succinct (no more than a page per criteria) and relevant to the
position. Your experience can be from non work-related activities.
Job & Person Specification: Your written statement will be the basis for short listing:
List all the Person Specification items in order; Provide supporting claims of your
qualifications/skills/abilities/under each item; Make sure to support your claims
including examples of previous and current work; Include skills, knowledge,
experience gained outside the workplace, which may assist your case; Please note
your application addressing the Skills/Knowledge/Experience Profile should be no
more than five (5) pages.
A covering letter of up to 2 pages introducing yourself to the selection panel and
describing your skills, abilities, knowledge, qualifications and experience in relation to
the position. The covering letter should clearly state the job vacancy number,
position title, your name and your contact details.
As a minimum, your application should consist of a covering letter and an up-to-date
resume. You may want to include in the covering letter or separately, information
about your skills, experience and knowledge relating to the essential and desirable
requirements as detailed in the Person Specification. However, you do not have to
provide separate paragraphs on each criterion. While you are not required to
address each of the essential and desirable criteria separately, please ensure that
your application covers the necessary attributes and criteria relative to the position
you are applying for.
This booklet will focus for the most part on the process of addressing each selection
criterion separately, however, we will also provide an example of an expanded letter
format. In Appendix Two we provide an example of a dot-pointed response.
"An applicant who cannot show in their written application how they meet each of the
nominated selection criteria will be culled in the first round of consideration. The
Aussie Rsums Employer Survey,
What is the Job description?
The Job Description (or Duty Statement) provides a summary of the position, a
description of reporting relationships, any special conditions (such as out of hours
work), and statements indicating key outcomes and associated tasks.
What is the Person Specification/Selection Criteria?
The terminology varies across Australian, State and Local Government you may be
referred to an application kit, the person specification, selection criteria, capabilities
profile, competencies profile and so on. Generally speaking, these terms refer to a
list of the qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience a person requires
in order to perform the target role effectively. They represent the criteria to which you
are required to respond. They vary considerably across settings, and may range from
a set of 5-7 criteria to two pages of them. They are often divided into:
essential criteria
desirable criteria.
How are selection criteria used?
Each applicant is rated on how well or closely they meet each of the criteria and then
ranked against the other applicants. You must meet the essential criteria to be
considered for a position. Without having the relevant qualifications, knowledge, skills
or experience you would not be able to do the job. If you do not meet the essential
criteria, you may not be shortlisted for interview.
You dont have to have the qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience
described by the desirable criteria; but you have a stronger chance of being
shortlisted if you do. Where there are several applicants who meet the essential
criteria, the selection panel will then shortlist on the basis of the desirable
Remember that the onus is on you to demonstrate your value against the selection
criteria - it is not up to the selection panel (who may have anywhere from dozens to
hundreds of applications to read through) to work this out from your resume.
What if it isnt clear what I need to respond to or the required
If you are in any doubt, always ring the contact person in the advertisement to clarify
exactly what they want you to respond to - youll be making both your job and the
panels job easier! Likewise if you have any further queries about the position, the
organisation, preferred background (etc), speak to the Contact Officer stated on the
Be aware, that even at this stage of the recruitment process, you need to make a
professional and positive impression. Plan your questions before you pick up the
telephone and take notes of what you are advised.
When you are applying to a position that refers to a Job and Person Specification
Package, you MUST always refer to the criteria AND FOLLOW THE
INSTRUCTIONS for addressing the JPS/selection criteria.
Tip: You must address the Person Specification/ Selection Criteria NOT the Job
description/ specification. This usually means that each point in the Person
Specification/ Selection Criteria needs to be addressed individually, that is all points
in the essential minimum and desirable criteria.
What will my application consist of?
There are usually THREE parts to the application:
The covering letter, which expresses your desire to apply for the vacancy.
A separate document that details your claims against the selection criteria (this is
the most important part of the application).
Your curriculum vitae (CV).
You may also need to provide your academic transcript or other documents if
The Selection Criteria used by the Department for Families and Communities (see
box) for their Graduate Program 2009, illustrates the general criteria that you may
encounter when applying for Graduate programs.
Ability to organise tasks, work effectively and meet deadlines
Ability to analyse problems and devise appropriate solutions
Clear written and verbal communication skills
Demonstrated strong commitment to client service
Initiative, drive and flexibility to achieve results
Good interpersonal and liaison skills that indicate the ability to foster trust and
cooperation of others
Knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of products
For advertised vacancies such as Scientific Officer, Tourism Development Officer,
Social Worker, Psychologist, Environmental Policy Officer, and so on; the
documentation will outline key technical criteria as well:
Experience in visitor management in the natural environment
Proven skills in molecular biology
An understanding of the principles of communication and swallowing rehabilitation
Knowledge of the Departments Anti-Poverty and other programs
Sound understanding of biodiversity and ecological principles.
For each criterion you should provide evidence that you have the skills required for
the position for which you are applying. Evidence is an example, or several
examples, of specific times when you have demonstrated each criterion.
Job and Person specifications take many hours to prepare so my advice is start
them as soon the job is advertised. Once you have done a couple they will become
much easier. Natalie, Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitian, Riverland
Community Health Service Inc.
What do the Criteria Really Mean?
What are Key Words and what do they mean?
"Demonstrated" or "proven ability" mean that you should have successfully
performed the duty or used the skill in the past. Actual experience, rather than
potential to perform the duty is required.
"An ability to rapidly acquire" means that if you do not already have the skills,
knowledge and abilities indicated, you may demonstrate your potential to acquire
these by comparing them to relevant tasks or responsibilities you have undertaken in
previous positions or through study.
The words: "thorough", "sound", or "a high-level" indicate that advanced skill or
knowledge is required.
The Star Method is sometimes referred to in Guidelines for Applicants packages as
a way to assist you to structure your responses.
ST-Situation/Task: What was the situation/ task? Who was involved? What was
your role? Use a specific example - dont be too vague or general. Give enough
detail to explain the context.
A-Action: What did you do? How? Describe the steps you took to handle the
situation/ resolve the problem, and any obstacles you had to overcome. Be clear and
concise, and focus on what you did. Show how your actions demonstrate workplace
skills-dont just list what you have done.
R-Result: What was the end result? What did you achieve? What did you learn?
Quantify the results if you can.
Example: Team Work
Group project for Marketing topic at University with 5 students in the team
To develop a business marketing plan and present our plan to the class
My role was to (your project tasks, responsibilities and processes)
Grade and presentation to audience of 40
Learning - about marketing plans, and also team planning and processes
Consider how your role in the team contributed to the result.
In some contexts, the extra step of Evaluation Summary of what you learned may
also be suggested (so STAR becomes STARE). Employers may use other (but
similar) models, for example CARE (Context Action Result Evaluation) and
SHARE (Situation - Hindrances Actions Results Evaluation).
I spent three full days writing the application and asked one of my referees to go
over it with me to make my skills stand out when answering all the selection criteria.
Nicoline, Commerce (Accounting) Graduate, Graduate Officer, Department of
Treasury and Finance.
Stage One: Gathering Information
As soon as possible after you have seen the advertisement, obtain the information
package from the web site or request it from the contact person. These applications
take time to prepare and are lengthy compared to an application involving just a
cover letter and resume. They can go up to 6 pages, or even more (just when you
thought assignments were over!). Give yourself enough time to draft and refine your
Read all the information you have about the job: the advertisement, the entire job
description what is involved in this position? Plus find the selection criteria/person
specification and information about the employer (from the job advertisement, the
Internet, brochures, annual reports, corporate plans etc). Follow all
instructions/guidelines for writing applications exactly (for example, a page limit, word
limit or even character limit may be specified or a preferred writing style indicated
See Appendices One and Two).
Stage Two: Match The Criteria To Your Skills Set
Read each criterion carefully and highlight or underline the skills it is asking for -
there may be more than one (see the example below) and you will need to respond
to each component of the criterion.
Experience to relate effectively and non-judgmentally, verbally and in writing to
clients, staff, outside agencies and with people of different cultural backgrounds.
Brainstorm specific examples that show how you meet the criterion. Refer to
a variety of experiences, for example:
Placements/work experience
Sporting clubs/team activities
Previous employment
Recreational activities
Volunteer work
Community activities
Professional Development
Look for evidence of transferable skills and abilities. While you may not have carried
out a particular duty, you may have performed similar work but in a different context
(for example, working in customer service may give you transferable communication
skills that relate to liaising with corporate clients).
Example of Skills Brainstorm!
Highly developed oral communication skills
Completed topic on communication skills at university
Three years experience in retail sales
Successfully managed staff of x number
Delivered presentations to school assemblies/community groups on XYZ issues.
What Do The Criteria Really Mean?
The following may assist you to identify the evidence that you need to match your
skills and experiences to the criteria. (Adapted From: Hints and Tips for Writing
Public Service Applications, Department of Defence.)
Communication skills (both oral and written)
The ability to express yourself clearly and logically both orally and in writing. Ability to
communicate effectively with a wide range of individuals. Selectors will assess your
written communication skills by the clarity and relevance of your response to
selection criteria.
Areas To Draw on:
Public speaking, debating, tutorial discussions, presentations, asking questions,
responding at public lectures or conferences, explaining solutions to convince
audiences, facilitating discussions, customer service experience, placements.
Research papers, written reports, essays, assignments, a thesis, story writing - if you
have had work published it is important to cite this, case notes, business
correspondence, minutes, or editing a newsletter/student magazine. Consider the
variety of report formats - statistical, scientific/laboratory, business, use of graphs,
presenting information in tables, or essay style. If you have been on a human
services placement - program plans, assessment reports, lesson plans.
Teamwork skills
Ability or potential to contribute effectively to a work team to achieve team goals.
Ability to share information and work cooperatively with other team members where
necessary. An understanding of team dynamics and factors that can affect team
Areas to draw on:
Group work, supervision, leadership, goal setting, communication, listening, problem
solving, participation, negotiation, maintenance, motivation, continual improvement,
training, understanding and valuing of difference, using strengths of members,
balancing weaknesses, sports, theatre, committee work, multidisciplinary team while
on a placement, group assignments/presentations, organising an event,
It will also be helpful to demonstrate your understanding of roles within the team and
to support this with examples of how you have effectively contributed as a team
Critical Self-Awareness
Ability to manage and evaluate your own performance. Awareness of personal
capacity to contribute and a commitment to continuous professional development.
Areas to Draw on:
Being productive, honouring commitments, maintaining confidentiality, flexibility,
ability to manage your own time, willingness to accept responsibility for work
allocated to you, ability to work with minimal supervision, ability to adapt to change,
career aspirations, commitment to further development, and importantly, the ability to
recognise your impact on others.
Problem-solving and innovation skills
Ability to analyse and synthesise information presented in a variety of forms (e.g.,
verbal and quantitative) to assist in problem solving. Ability to identify key issues,
trends and interrelationships between issues. Ability to place information in a
broader context and identify likely implications. Ability to generate new ideas and
creative approaches to issues and practices.
Areas to draw on:
Problem Solving
The capacity to understand and solve complex problems and provide analysis to use
in informed decision making, the ability to research and analyse convincingly,
identification of key issues, counter arguments, setting out ideas, ability to identify
and collect information, use of internet, journals, books, research papers, reading
and listening.
Innovation skills
Diversity of approach, open mindedness, the capacity to introduce new ideas and
approaches into existing working practices, demonstration of original and lateral
thinking, ability to adapt to change, going the extra step, making a difference, thinking
on your feet, implementation of new ideas and activities, ability to adopt or devise
new skills.
Leadership and influencing skills
Capacity or potential to lead and develop individuals and teams. Ability to provide
direction and feedback to others. Ability to motivate, influence, and engage others in
the achievement of goals.
Areas to draw on:
Cultivation of a productive working environment, supervision and coaching of others,
providing leadership and direction, achievement of results, ability to shape strategic
thinking, communicating with influence, illustrating personal drive and integrity, use of
excitement and commitment to influence issues.
A desire to work in the organisation/department/public sector
A genuine interest in, and commitment to work for the employer. An awareness of
ones ability to make a contribution to the work of the organisation. A commitment to,
and genuine interest in, for example, a public service career.
Areas to draw on:
Interested in the field of work the organisation is engaged in, knowledge of the broad
goals, aims, objectives of the employer. How your studies apply, what contribution
you can make, what can the organisation do for you - i.e. training, career, etc (but
dont appear selfish, also consider how you can contribute to the organisations
Additional information on the skills graduate employers are seeking is available from
the Careers and Employer Liaison Centre website.
Stage Three: Drafting And Writing - Making your selection criteria
statement easy for the panel to read.
Start with a new document. You might like to use the heading: "Response to
Selection Criteria" or Evidence in Support of the Selection Criteria, Responses to
the Person Specification or "Statement Addressing Selection Criteria". Also note the
name of the position you are applying for, its reference number and include your
name and contact details. You could number the criteria for easier reading.
Type out each of the criteria exactly as they are stated - you will need to address
each criterion separately.
Start Drafting. Using each criterion as a separate heading write 1-3 paragraphs
underneath it outlining how you meet it (this length is only a guideline and always
check specific instructions from the employer). This helps the selection panel to know
exactly to which criterion you are responding. Explain how your study, work, and
other activities have given you the knowledge, skills and experience that meet the
criteria and provide proof through examples. Sometimes the examples you use for
the criteria may overlap, but try to provide a different slant in each case.
Tip: Do not limit your response simply to I can or I have done statements. For
example I have excellent problem solving skills. The Panel needs to shortlist
applicants based on the merit principle. Anyone can say they have done this or can
do that. That is why you need to provide examples to support your responses. For
example, My excellent problem solving skills are demonstrated by
Respond to the criteria in the exact order in which they appear.
NEVER LEAVE ANY POINTS BLANK - Be prepared to write something about your
understanding of the relevance of the criterion. If you feel the criterion has been
amply addressed earlier, then refer the reader to that specific section but do provide
some comments relating to the criterion.
When drafting and writing your responses, consider the following:
The opening sentence should be a brief introductory statement that leads into the
major content of your response. It is a short overview statement that clearly indicates
that you meet the criterion. For certain criteria it could also reflect your understanding
of the relevance/importance of that specific criterion.
Use the STAR Method to explain the major example/s you wish to provide and refer
to other supporting evidence as appropriate. Be specific - dont assume all panel
members know what you are referring to. Give examples that demonstrate:
your skills and abilities; and
your potential to further develop relevant knowledge and skills.
Examples are not limited to work experience. Other areas of relevance for a
graduate may include presentations, group assignments, voluntary work experience,
participation in interest and community groups, etc. However, wherever possible, try
to select the examples that are closest to the role that you are applying for.
Explain and detail any process that you undertook in the example/s you have
provided. Examples of step-by-step processes could include:
Steps taken to resolve a customer complaint.
The steps involved in planning and managing a project effectively.
The process used to negotiate with a client.
Finish the example/s properly by concluding with a summary of how the example
ended, such as: this resulted in...; or I have improved... The results or outcomes
of your supporting statement will provide evidence of achievements.
Where possible, indicate how successfully you meet the criterion. You could do this
by referring to feedback you've received from others, or things you've set up that are
still being used. For example: 'A report I wrote about.... was well received by the....
Committee, and circulated as a discussion paper.'
Finishing off the document
At the end of your selection criteria statement you may like to add any extra
information that you believe is relevant to the job. Alternatively you could refer to it in
your covering letter. Examples of things you could mention include:
skills and abilities that you think are important and that haven't been mentioned in
the selection criteria, e.g. 'flexibility', 'ability to maintain confidentiality'
knowledge or experience you have which you believe is important to the job.
Stage Four: Polishing The Draft
If you have time, leave it for a period, then come back to it with a fresh eye. Check for
content - have you given the information that shows you are the best candidate for
the job?
Finally, proof read and have someone else read it and give you feedback.
Stage Five: Sending It Off
Send what documentation has been requested and provide requested photocopies
(you may be asked to provide up to 4 copies of your application as well). Make sure
you keep a copy for yourself!
Know the contents of your application. If you are called in for an interview you may
be asked questions about the content of your application; thus reviewing your
application is also good preparation for the interview.
NOTE: The good news is that certain criteria appear across most advertisements -
e.g. team work, communication skills so after awhile you will build up a set of
responses to draw on and adapt to the specific needs of the employer and their
organisation. So the time you invest now, will pay off in the longer term.
How many examples should I use?
Depending on the criterion, it might be more appropriate to describe one major role
or situation in some detail (for example, conflict resolution) using the STAR Method.
Alternatively, you could provide a range of examples in which you have
demonstrated the skills sought on a regular basis (for example, time
management/organisational skills).
How long should each Selection Criterion response be?
Always check if the employer has provided any instructions in their Guidelines for
Applications document common guidelines can range from 2/3 page, 3/4 page, no
more than 1/2 page, to 2-3 paragraphs! For Graduate recruitment online applications
a word or character limit may be required: word limits can range from 150 words to
500 words.
What if I dont have any evidence for a particular criterion?
If you dont directly meet the criterion, you can state your willingness to learn new
things, your motivation, enthusiasm for challenges, initiative, etc; and you may want
to provide examples of how you have done this previously. You could comment on
the skills you can draw on from similar contexts. Convince the employer that you
possess the potential to meet the criteria.
Tip: Try to avoid starting with a negative statement, for example: I dont have
experience in XYZ database, but . Instead, start with a positive statement, for
example: I have excellent computer knowledge and have demonstrated my ability to
learn new software packages efficiently. This is evident through my current role
where I had not previously used FileMaker Pro database and I am now proficient in
its use. Although my experience is not directly with XYZ database, I am confident
that I will rapidly develop competence in its usage.
Writing in response to selection criteria is quite different to the writing you do for
university assignments. This is a marketing document and you need to present
yourself in the best possible light. Step into the shoes of the employer - they dont
know you, they dont know about your experiences, and they may not know a lot
about your course. You need to be explicit in showing how the nature of your
experiences links with the employers criteria.
When structuring your answer you may:
1. Give details of one or two specific things you've done that are good examples to
show how you obtained the relevant experience or knowledge required. For
example: 'I was responsible for organising a conference attended by 180
delegates. This involved....
2. Quantify your experience as appropriate: e.g. number of years of experience,
number of staff supervised, etc. For example: 'I am responsible for supervising
the day-to-day work of five staff....'; I delivered a presentation to a community
audience of 80 people.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge of a particular area by outlining key information you
have learned.
4. Refer to you own attitude or philosophy in relation to a particular quality required,
though it will be important to ensure that this is aligned to the organisation to
which you are applying.
Here are some examples of phrasing that illustrate how you can sell the benefits of
your experience:
I gained experience in team work through the preparation and delivery of a
presentation on
Involvement in the ABC University Committee has enabled me to develop effective
business meeting skills, the ability to confidently express views, work effectively
with committee members to achieve (cite outcomes)
My report on Z Topic involved extensive community consultation, liaison with local
council and (relevant) agencies. The project culminated with a presentation to the
Community in which research results were presented, questions addressed, and
As President of the (Name) Organisation, I have developed high level
communication and leadership skills through activities such as
My experiences as an orderly at Z Hospital have enabled me to develop effective
team communication skills and an empathic manner with patients.
Language to avoid: Avoid ambiguous or unclear expressions such as involved in
or assisted as it makes it difficult to understand exactly what you did. Words and
phrases that could reduce credibility should also be avoided (e.g. some, a little,
limited, somewhat, only, quite, unfortunately). Do not use passive language in your
application for example; 'I believe', 'I was required to', I had to
Language to use: Words such as: very, several, many, good/ excellent. Use active
language for example; 'I am/ do/ performed ', 'I did/ managed/ administered ', I
have experience in My knowledge of includes
Lets look at how you can go from your brainstormed notes to a STAR example then
to your polished response.
Well-developed written communication skills.
Volunteer Research Administration Officer at XYZ Organisation designed and
compiled a monthly newsletter
Writing of university assignments for Law/ Arts degree - essays, reports - legal,
creative writing
Excellent results in assignments (cite GPA or overall Credit average, etc)
English Major, topics on Editing
Try to edit everything - especially if important
Writers Club Committee.
Situation Role as Research Administration Officer at Department of XYZ
Task Needed to ensure that managers were kept informed of policies and
Action or approach Initiated monthly newsletter, which was emailed to each
manager. Took responsibility for writing the main articles. This involved obtaining
ideas and input from other stakeholders to ensure that the articles reflected
managers needs (in terms of content and language)
Result Feedback was consistently excellent. Led to improved lines of
communication between managers and the Research Support Unit.
The selection criterion response can now be drafted, working through the Viewpoint
Example/s Process Success structure. Note how this sample response
integrates a range of examples where written communication skills have been
demonstrated on a regular basis over the course of a degree, as well as an in-depth
STAR example from a particular project undertaken for work experience.
Well-developed written communication skills.
My ability to communicate effectively in writing has been demonstrated through
completion of a combined Law/ Arts degree (with a major in English) and 3 months
experience as a Research Assistant at the XYZ Organisation.
University study has given me systematic training in communicating professionally in
writing. The quality of my work is demonstrated by my consistent achievement of
credits/distinctions for assignments across both legal and creative domains. Topics in
Publishing and Editing and Professional English in Law have led to my strong
commitment to rigorously editing all my written work prior to submission.
Through undertaking a volunteer work experience placement at the XYZ
Organisation, I had the opportunity to further develop my written communication skills
in a corporate setting. In my role as Research Administration Officer I was allocated a
project designed to ensure that managers were kept informed of policies and
procedures. To do this, I initiated a monthly newsletter, which was emailed to each
manager. I took responsibility for writing the main articles in each publication. This
involved obtaining ideas and input from other stakeholders to ensure that the articles
reflected the needs of managers, both in terms of content and language. I received
consistently excellent feedback in relation to this newsletter from these internal
clients and my own manager. Importantly, this initiative resulted in enhanced
communication and regular knowledge sharing between managers and the Research
Support Unit.
In addition, through my role on the University Writers Club Committee, I have also
developed skills in preparing succinct and accurate minutes on a monthly basis. As a
result of these diverse experiences, I can contribute the ability to communicate in
writing at a very professional level to this role.
Notes on the examples: The important thing with the following examples is to look
at how they have been structured, how the evidence is presented, and the phrasing
that has been used to achieve this. Whether you are writing about communication or
teamwork skills or more technical criteria, the same writing style applies to effectively
present your claims and evidence. Note that in some cases, bullet points have been
used to present lists of information.
I will complete my three-year degree in Environmental Science at Flinders University
in November 2009. To date I have maintained a grade point average of 5.5 out of 7
(see attached academic transcript). This degree has involved several key topics of
relevance to this role including . In addition, a major project within my degree has
involved investigating the impact of introduced species on native flora and fauna in
Greenhill Conservation Park. This project is contributing to the State Government's
Indigenous Species initiative.
Well-developed oral communication skills as evidenced by the
ability to liaise with a range of clients at all levels.
I possess well-developed communication skills that I have gained throughout my
working career. In particular, my role as Administration Support Officer at XZY
Corporation involved liaising on a daily basis with senior managers, staff at all levels,
recruitment agencies and members of the public. Most of the communication was
face-to-face and by telephone and as I was the first point of contact for the
organisation it was very important that I was professional, courteous and helpful in
my interactions. I was frequently commended for the professional manner in which I
carried out these duties.
For example, one of my key responsibilities was to recruit office support staff for
various areas within XZY Corporation. Senior Managers would phone me to request
a new staff member and I would personally meet with them to discuss their
requirements. I would update the job description and brief the agency on all aspects
of the job to ensure they understood our requirements.
This process required well-developed communication skills to ensure I acquired an
accurate understanding of the job and clearly communicated this to the agency. As a
result, highly suitable applicants were referred for interview. In recognition of my
positive interpersonal skills my temporary position was extended for 6 months
beyond my initial contract.
Adapted from:
Experience relevant to this role was developed through working as a Research
Assistant at CSIRO in a voluntary capacity. In this position, I was involved in a project
on quantifying the release of carbon from soils and organic amendments. As a
consequence I have gained experience in:
maintenance of laboratory incubation experiments
soil physical measurements
titrimetric measurements of CO2 in alkali
various plant and soil analyses with a special emphasis on the use of mass
spectrometry to measure N and C isotopes
scintillation counting techniques for radioactive isotope analysis.
My responsibilities also included the maintenance of a growth cabinet system for the
production of plants labelled with non-radioactive isotopes. This project enhanced my
skills in performing accurate observations and note taking, along with generating and
analysing data.
Further research experience has been developed through my Science degree, in
particular, my major project on the level of salinity in the Lower River Murray. This
involved regular water sampling and analysis. Sediment samples were also
analysed. Data analysis was undertaken utilising . My final report was published
on the web ( and a paper presented to the River Murray
Catchment Water Management Board.
Ability to prioritise workload to meet deadlines and achieve goals.
Using an organised and systematic approach, I have successfully met all deadlines
for my academic work throughout the four years of my degree, whilst managing my
time effectively across work and sporting commitments.
In particular, in my Honours year, it was essential to develop and manage a work
plan for all activities within my project. This included defining a timeline for
completion of each stage of my thesis whilst maintaining the flexibility needed to
adjust these goals as necessary, for example, after delays in processing my ethics
application. Allocating time to plan the project phases of my thesis ensured an
efficient approach overall.
To achieve this I used Outlook Calendar and a paper diary as a backup to prioritise
daily tasks and track monthly goals, and outcomes. I kept track of each thesis task in
order of priority and project timeline. Starting with the tasks with the closest deadline
and the highest priority, I scheduled times in my calendar for me to work on them to
ensure I met my project goals. I remained focused on my goals by reviewing my
calendar on a daily and weekly basis so I was clear about what I had achieved and
what actions need to be prioritised next. I also used this calendar to record my twice
weekly social netball commitments, as well as my work shifts at Subway.
This experience demonstrates my self-discipline, energy and enthusiasm towards my
work and has provided me with the organisational ability needed to succeed in the
public sector.
Knowledge of statistics or quantitative social science, and research
techniques, and ability to apply them in the fields of health or social
My knowledge of social research methods and statistical analysis has been
developed to a high level through my degree in ., where I achieved a Distinction
Average. Specialised training was gained from 4 topics on statistics/ research
methods. These involved undertaking (e.g. univariate, bivariate, multivariate)
analyses using SPSS, interpreting the results of these analyses and preparing brief
reports on the findings. For example, in one report I examined (the links between
ageing and health status). This involved I am also familiar with (e.g. age-
standardisation, factor analysis, logistic regression) techniques as a result of.
My degree also included relevant topics on (e.g. public health, population sampling,
qualitative research methods, womens studies). These subjects enabled me to gain
a general awareness of health and/ or welfare issues. In particular my work on (e.g.
human behaviours in stressful situations) involved appraising the extent to which
research evidence supported some of the major debates in literature. This was
achieved through My ability to apply these skills in this sector is demonstrated by
my experience in at organisation. As a result I am confident that I can
competently apply my social research skills to your research endeavours in the areas
Administrative and Computing Skills.
I have successfully worked in a number of administrative roles. In all of these roles I
have performed general office duties such as handling telephone enquiries, greeting
visitors, arranging meetings, filing, photocopying, sorting, and distributing mail. In my
current role I have drawn on my administrative experience to suggest a number of
improvements to increase office efficiency and professionalism to our client base.
Each of these suggestions has been implemented, for example.
The majority of my work is conducted using a computer, and I am competent in the
usage of a variety of software and hardware. This includes Office 2000 (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook Express), PageMaker and Filemaker Pro. I have over four
years' experience using Microsoft Word on a daily basis to produce letters, memos,
reports, and tables (my typing speed is 70 words per minute). I regularly use
advanced features of the program, such as.... As my current position required me to
attain a more advanced competency with computers, I recently undertook a computer
course on.
Responding to Criteria on Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare,
Equal Opportunity etc
Example: Knowledge of the principles and practice of OHSW, Equal Opportunity,
the PSM Act, employee conduct standards and diversity appropriate to the
requirements of the position.
To respond to these types of criteria consider the following:
Read the job description to understand what these criteria mean in the context of
the duties of the position that you are applying for.
Visit the organisations website to familiarise yourself with their policies and
Remember that as a student at Flinders University, you are in an organisation that
is committed to achieving equality of opportunity in education and employment and
has policies to ensure students and staff are not subjected to harassment or
discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexuality, race, disability, age, marital status,
pregnancy, political, or religious beliefs.
Did your induction to any Course Placements or Volunteering cover such matters of
organisational policy?
In your casual work have you had any training, or even informal input on these
Have you had training in Occupational Health and Safety at Flinders University as it
relates to fieldwork or scientific laboratory work?
If you have been a tutor, science demonstrator, Residential Tutor etc, your training
is likely to have included these aspects.
Have you studied any topics on these areas?
In your response:
Briefly reflect your understanding of what these criteria mean.
Reflect on how you have respected and applied this understanding in various roles
and contexts.
Write about how you will respect this criterion in the workplace of your target
Knowledge of Occupational Health, Safety & and Welfare policies
and procedures and their application in the workplace.
As an Assistant in Nursing at ____ Hospital I always observed the OH&S procedures
and practices required to ensure a safe working environment. This included attending
mandatory safety training programs on and . On a daily basis I correctly used
lifting equipment, safety devices and personal protective equipment such as:
C; etc.
I also received positive feedback on my knowledge and application of these policies
and procedures from my Clinical Supervisor when on placement at ___ Hospital. As
a result, I am able to
A current SA Drivers License
Even a criterion such as this can provide you with an opportunity to market your skills
and experience. This can be important for roles that will involve driving either in
metropolitan areas, or in rural/remote regions.
Rural/Remote example
My current South Australian (Class C) drivers licence was gained six years ago, in
Loxton. As a country driver, my driving has included extensive experience on
bitumen, metalled and unmetalled/dirt roads. The additional risk involved in country-
based driving was fully covered in my drivers instruction training, and since holding
my licence I have not been involved in any car accidents; either in country South
Australia or the Adelaide metropolitan region. My mix of both country and
metropolitan driving experience, with additional off-road exposure allows me to
understand the importance of preparation and planning when driving in remote South
As discussed earlier, a developing trend with some public sector organisations is to
request candidates to provide in the covering letter information about your skills,
experience and knowledge relating to the essential and desirable requirements as
detailed in the Person Specification. In some cases it will be indicated that this cover
letter should be up to 2 pages. This approach entails adapting and expanding on the
usual 1 page Cover Letter (refer to the booklet: Writing Your CV/Resumes and Cover
Letter). The cover letter should clearly state the job vacancy number, position title,
your name and your contact details.
As with the more traditional approach of responding to each selection criterion
separately, you will need to review the Job application documents, such as the job
description, person specification etc to develop an understanding of the role, and the
application criteria.
In addition to your expanded letter, you will need to provide a very tailored resume,
specific to the duties of this position, the necessary attributes and criteria and the
Always check and observe the specific instructions provided.
Example Person Specification (Qualifications / Experience / Skills):
Approved degree in Speech Pathology
Eligibility for membership of Speech Pathology Association of Australia
Clinical competency and theoretical knowledge in the assessment and
management of communication and swallowing disorders within the acute,
rehabilitation and/or aged sectors
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Excellent organisational and time management skills
Demonstrated ability to work within a multidisciplinary team
Knowledge of and participation in continuous quality improvement processes
Commitment to continuing professional development and clinical research
Example of a 2 page Response Framework
Having successfully completed my Degree in Speech Pathology and with eligibility
for membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia, I am writing to
apply for the position of Speech Pathologist advertised in the Advertiser on .
Within my course I enjoyed the opportunity to , and to develop my clinical
experience in This has enhanced my keen interest in pursuing a career
Through placements at I have had the opportunity to provide diagnostic and
review assessment of in settings ranging from X to Y. In particular, at the ABC
Agency I managed a caseload of X clients, ranging in age from X-Y who presented
with clinical conditions such as Utlising assessment techniques such as I have
In addition to designing and implementing suitable therapy programs for I have
furthered my knowledge base (established through topics such as ABC) and clinical
competency through In addition, placements at and , have enabled me to
further my experience working with and responding to associated complications
such as My placement summaries note my
Throughout my Speech Pathology placements I have drawn upon my excellent
written communication skills to, in addition to preparing succinct assessment
reports and discharge summaries. In liaising effectively with patients, other health
professionals and family members my verbal communication skills (including ),
have been developed to a high level. My involvement in various community
volunteering roles in the aged care sector and five years of customer service
experience has also strengthened my ability to establish rapport and maintain a
professional communication style.
Using an organised and systematic approach my workload, I have both successfully
managed my time effectively in a clinical setting whilst also meeting all deadlines for
my coursework, evidenced by . To achieve this I use Outlook Calendar, and a
paper diary as a backup, to prioritise daily tasks and track monthly goals, and
outcomes. Through reviewing my calendar on a daily and weekly basis I am able to
My ability to work within a multidisciplinary team is demonstrated by In my
placement at XYZ, I worked closely with other team members such as to ensure
that A key example of my ability to provide of multidisciplinary management of
patients is when I
Furthermore, I am keen to be involved in continuous quality improvement processes.
While on placement with YYY clinic I worked with my supervisor to develop a client
survey asking about satisfaction with, and efficiency of, our services. This involved
As a result I am enthusiastic in my commitment to continuing professional
development and have recently participated in professional development activities
including I have found my regular meetings with placement supervisors invaluable
for my clinical development. My commitment to improving and updating my
knowledge through clinical research was recognised in my placement report from
ABC Agency I have made it my practice to regularly refer to XYZ sources.
Dont forget to comment on why you would like to work for this particular organisation
State your reasons for applying to this particular organisation and then proceed to
your final paragraph.
As discussed on previously, you may have to conform to a word limit when
responding to Selection Criteria. Your ability to present examples in concise form is
paramount! Here are some examples:
Demonstrated Project Management Skills (150 words)
My project management skills are well demonstrated through the completion of a
major research project for my Honours Degree, and volunteering at CommunityCare
where I developed a grant submission. The latter experience involved developing a
project plan setting out the major milestones of the project and developing a GANT
Chart to outline the time frames for each milestone. Phases in this 10-week project
included: identifying the funding sources, background research (qualitative and
quantitative data), budget preparation, and writing the proposal. I delivered 2
presentations to the CommunityCare team on my progress. The Fundraising Officer
approved my proposal and as a result we were awarded $5000 for new equipment to
support community programs. My Honours project on community development
practices in regional Australia involved the effective management of all project
phases, from obtaining ethics approval to undertaking the literature review,
conducting 30 semi-structured interviews and the analysis and reporting of results.
The ability to work in a team to achieve project deadlines (150
My project-based teamwork skills are demonstrated though participation in 12 group
projects at university. For example, I worked in a team of 6 students with a timeline of
4 weeks to complete a project exploring the links between ageing and health. My role
was to collate the research undertaken by the team and integrate this into the final
report. This involved liaising with and supporting each team member, and reporting
on progress at each meeting.
The effectiveness of this strategy was apparent when two team members left due to
illness, as I could rapidly review the tasks remaining and reallocate these amongst
the group. I used my negotiating skills and ability to foster enthusiasm to ensure we
functioned cohesively to deliver the project report on time. I coordinated our project
presentation and we achieved a credit grade. My community volunteering,
employment and sporting involvements also demonstrate my team work skills.
Application forms and selection criteria? What is the difference?
Graduate applications (including online applications) can involve either responding to
selection criteria, or responding to specific questions about your skills (Describe a
time when). There are subtle differences in each form of application. For more
information, refer to the booklet Winning Graduate Applications.
Compare the selection criterion - Demonstrated project management skills and the
application form question - Provide an example of a time when you had to manage a
complex project. In your response to the selection criterion, you may present a few
examples, for the application form question, you will describe one example as
requested, within the word limit.
The cover letter is still an important part of your application, though the main focus of
the panel will be on your responses to the Criteria. You can use your letter to
highlight your interest in the position, why you want to work for the organisation, and
what makes you a suitable candidate.
State where and when you saw the position advertised; and other information about
the position, such as its classification, position number, and the location of the
List all attachments (for example; Responses to Selection Criteria, Referees,
Resume, Academic Transcript).
Finish with a positive close (e.g. I look forward to the opportunity to expand on my
written application at interview. Or I look forward to discussing my application with
you in more detail at an interview.)
Always keep the selector/s in mind and aim to make it easy for them to assess your
application. Whatever the outcome of the recruitment process, ask for feedback on
your application, and ways you might improve it in future.
Graduate Opportunities 2009, Graduate Careers Australia, 2009; Unigrad graduate
jobs guide 2009, Unimail, 2009; Hints and Tips for Writing Public Service
Applications (Department of Defence);;;;;;;
Note The length and complexity of Selection Criteria responses varies with
the level of the position. Graduate roles mayrequire more information, but this
example illustrates the layout of the document.
Administrative Assistant, School of Business (Ref: 48/06)
Adapted from: The University of Western Australia, Organisational and Staff
Development Services
Year 12 or equivalent competency
I successfully completed Year 12 in 1988. I am currently studying part-time towards a
Diploma in Business Administration at TAFE.
Excellent verbal and interpersonal communication skills
In the positions I have held over the past ten years I have been the first point of
contact for internal and external clients, both on the phone and face-to-face. At
present I liaise with staff at all levels in the University, including members of the
Executive, deans, heads of school, academic and general staff members, and
students. I answer general enquiries, provide information on the section's policies
and procedures and welcome visitors to the centre. In 2008 I attended an
interpersonal skills workshop that assisted me in dealing with sensitive situations. I
have been complimented by clients and colleagues on my helpful manner and tactful
handling of difficult situations.
Relevant office experience
I have worked at the University for the past six years, and previously in administrative
positions in the private sector. My experience working in a human resources
department is particularly relevant to this position. I have effectively performed the full
range of office duties, including handling enquiries, word processing, arranging
meetings and venues, managing diaries, filing, photocopying, sorting mail, etc.
Good organisational skills
Good organisational ability is essential to my present position, as I frequently arrange
meetings, seminars and presentations, as well as travel and accommodation for
overseas visitors. I enjoy handling a wide range of tasks and meet daily and weekly
deadlines, including payment of casual timesheets and invoices. In 2009 I was
responsible for assisting in the organising of a conference attended by 200
delegates. My role involved arranging advertising, handling registrations, booking
venues, accommodation, catering and entertainment, and ensuring that the
conference ran smoothly. The event was successful and several delegates
commented on how well it had been organised. I have since been asked to organise
another conference.
Good written communication skills
In my current job I write and respond to emails from staff and students on a daily
basis. I regularly produce letters and memos on behalf of my supervisor. I have also
written two reports on the use of computers within the school. Last year I developed
a leaflet about the school to help in the induction of new staff. Colleagues have said
that they found the leaflet clear, concise and easy to read. I also assisted in writing a
procedures manual for the school, which has been well received by staff. The one-
day workshop I attended recently on 'Writing for Impact: How to write clearly,
concisely and forcefully' has further enhanced my skills.
Ability to use initiative
As my supervisor is required to be away from the office several times a week, I
frequently work independently and use my initiative to handle situations in her
absence. Examples of things I have initiated in the past include a new system for
handling course enrolments, which has resulted in less paperwork and quicker
processing of applications; and a spreadsheet system for monitoring expenditure of
departmental accounts. Both systems have been operating successfully for the last
two years.
Ability to work as part of a team
I have worked in teams as large as 50 and others as small as three. I have always
worked well with other team members and enjoyed a good rapport with them, both at
work and socially. I work closely with other team members to ensure that seminars
are organised effectively, that reports are distributed on time and that the office runs
smoothly. I often volunteer to assist others in the team when there are deadlines to
be met, and ensure that I keep others informed of issued that may be relevant to
Accounts experience
I am currently responsible for the payment of all accounts in my school and have
been for the past three years. This includes raising purchase orders and T Forms,
payment of invoices, checking of monthly account printouts, and monitoring
expenditure against the budget. I am familiar with Peoplesoft, the University's
financial records system, which I access electronically on a weekly basis to monitor
account transactions and to run reports.
Proficiency in a range of computing skills
I have used computers, both at work and home for the past ten years and am able to
use a wide range of software packages, including the full suite of Microsoft Office
products. I use Microsoft Word on a daily basis to produce letters, reports, mail
merge documents, and tables. I have set up spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel for
budgets and can create formulas and pivot tables. I have set up two large databases
using Microsoft Access, and regularly create tables, queries and reports. I use
Microsoft Outlook on a daily basis for all my email, calendar and diary needs. I
regularly set up and maintain distribution lists and filters. I use Explorer to search for
information, both within the University and beyond, and have experience of editing
web pages using HTML editor and MySource. I recently attended a MySource
Additional Information
I regularly use a range of other University computer systems, including Alesco, TRIM,
and the student records system. I am familiar with the University's policies and
procedures in relation to safety and health, and equity and diversity, including family-
friendly policies, workforce diversity, harassment and workplace bullying.
Note Very occasionally, some employers Guidelines for Applicants
documentation may stipulate the style of the written response should be in
dot-point or bullet-point format.
Use this format only if requested to do so by the employer, otherwise, use the prose
form outlined in this booklet. Here is an example of responding to selection criteria
using bullet points.
Demonstrated high quality verbal and written communication skills
My high quality verbal communication skills have been demonstrated by:
Consulting widely with members in my role as union delegate (from August
2003 to current) by speaking at union meetings, representing members views
at consultative meetings and briefing working parties on current issues;
Chairing department section meetings and presenting staff issues to
Successfully working with a range of medical, nursing and allied health staff at
the Migrant Health Service that primarily caters for people of non-English
speaking background.
My high quality written communication skills have been demonstrated by:
In my role as a Policy Officer in the Department of Human Services from April 2004-
December 2008:
Collating research summaries for management
Preparing monthly briefings for the Chief executive
Drafting ministerial;
Writing letters in response to requests from the public.
My written work receives little amendment from supervisors or peers.
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Tel: 8201 2832
careers and employer liaison centre
CRICOS Registered Provider Flinders University
CRICOS Provider Number: 00114A