LO170 - 46C - 003basics

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SAP AG 1999
EDP-Based Quality Management
Quality Management Using SAP System
QM Application Component
SAP AG LO170 3-1
SAP AG 1999
QM unctions and t!ei" impo"tance o" you"
#!e options o" implementing you" $uality
management "e$ui"ements acco"ding to D%& E&
%S' (000
#!e integ"ation o t!e QM application
component in t!e logistics supply c!ain
At t!e conclusion o t!is unit) you *ill +e a+le to
Basics: Unit '+,ecti-es
SAP AG LO170 3-2
SAP AG 2001
in Detail
QM in t!e 0og.
Supply C!ain
Cou"se '-e"-ie* Diag"am
SAP AG LO170 3-3
SAP AG 2001
Quality Manage":
41e need a QM system t!at
is integ"ated in ou" supply
%# Specialist:
4Quality management
using SAP System76
Basics: Business Scena"io
Managing Di"ecto":
48o* can *e imp"o-e
t!e $uality o ou"
This planning meeting deals with typical questions raised by a company.
The participants come from the following areas:
Quality management
Data processing
They discuss options for bringing their company-wide goals into line with market requirements for
quality management systems, by using a software solution.
The !" ystem comprehensi#ely supports the elements of a quality management system, according
to D$% &% $' ()))ff. $t links quality management functions with all business processes and all
phases in the life cycle of a product.
The QM application component is not installed as a stand-alone solution, but is integrated in all areas
of the !" business system.
SAP AG LO170 3-4
SAP AG 2001
:e$ui"ements o" QM Systems
%nteg"ation o p"ocesses
in t!e SAP System
Business p"ocesses in
t!e company
EDP-Based Quality Management
*hen you implement a quality management system, you should consider the following:
Market requirements for quality management in your company
+usiness processes in your company
Data processing support for the integration of QM functions in other applications
SAP AG LO170 3-5
SAP AG 2001
'+,ecti-es o" #otal Quality
%ndust"y-speciic standa"ds
o" QM systems
Standa"ds o" QM systems
D%& E& %S' (000
:e$ui"ements o" QM Systems
QM system
Total Quality Management ,TQM- represents the goal of a comprehensi#e quality management
process in your company.
Different demands are placed on a company.s QM ystem, depending on the industry sector
in#ol#ed, for e/ample:
0D! ,1ederation of the 2erman Motor $ndustry-
1D! ,3 1ood and Drug !dministration-
2M" ,2ood Manufacturing "ractices-
The standards for QM systems must also be taken into consideration, for e/ample:
$' ()))
Q ()))
SAP AG LO170 3-6
SAP AG 2001
Ma"2et "esea"c!
/inal inspection
P"ocu"ement P"oduction
Quality 0oop
Acco"ding to %S' (003
Cont"i+utions o Quality Management
1rom the planning and implementation stages of a product.s life cycle, to its marketing and use,
quality management plays a part in all processes in the logistics supply chain.
The interaction of quality management in these processes must be supported by an &D" system.
The quality loop according to $' ())4 illustrates that you can use quality management information
pro#ided by QM, ,for e/ample from inspections- to perform correcti#e tasks, if required.
SAP AG LO170 3-7
SAP AG 2001
C' @Cont"ollingA
Quality Management *it! t!e SAP System
MM @P"ocu"ementA
PP @Disc"ete manuactu"ingA
PP-P% @P"ocess manuactu"ingA
SD @Sales B Dist"i+utionA
CS @Custome" Se"-iceA
PM @Plant MaintenanceA
$n the !" ystem there are the following application components:
MM ,Materials Management- supports the materials management process.
"" ,"roduction "lanning- supports discrete manufacturing and repetiti#e manufacturing.
"$ ,"rocess $ndustry- supports process manufacturing.
D ,ales and Distribution- including *M ,*arehouse Management- supports purchasing and
5 ,5ustomer er#ice- supports customer ser#ice.
5' ,5ontrolling- including 1$ ,1inancials- supports accounting.
"M ,"lant Maintenance- supports plant maintenance procedures.
The component QM is, for e/ample, linked to the following components using interfaces:
MM: QM in procurement, procurement key, quality information record
PP: $ntegration of QM acti#ities in routing, creation of inspection lot when production order is
PP-PI: $ntegration of QM acti#ities in master recipe
SD: 5ustomer-specific inspection requirements, customer information record
The QM component is deli#ered with each !" installation and only needs to be acti#ated in the
application systems.
SAP AG LO170 3-8
SAP AG 2001
QM as a St"ategic Management #ool
Uses +asic and c"oss-application
unctions in t!e SAP System
%s integ"ated in t!e p"ocesses o t!e
logistics supply c!ain
Suppo"ts $uality planning) $uality
inspection and $uality cont"ol
SAP AG LO170 3-9
SAP AG 2001
D%& E& %S' (00C: 2000 Quality Elements and SAP
Quality Management System
General requirements F F F F F F
General requirements !r "!#umentati!n F
Management "esponsi+ility
O$li%ati!n ! t&e mana%ement F F F F
'ust!mer !rientati!n F F F F
(ualit) *!li#) F F
Plannin% F F F
+ana%ement F F F
+ana%ement ,aluati!n F F
#est e$uipment management
Pr!,isi!n ! test equi*ment F F F F F F
-uman res!ur#es F F
Set u* F F F
.!r/in% en,ir!nment F
P"oduct implementation
Plannin% !r *r!"u#t im*lementati!n *&ase F F F F
'ust!mer rele,ant *r!#esses F F
0e,el!*ment F F
Pr!#urement F F
Pr!"u#ti!n an" ser,i#e !ut*ut F F
1est equi*ment #!ntr!l F F F
Measu"ement) analysis) and imp"o-ement
Plannin% F F
+easurement an" m!nit!rin% F F
2rr!r #!ntr!l F F
0ata anal)sis F F
3m*r!,ement F
6inking the QM component with other components in the !" ystem allows the different quality
management elements contained in the standards ,Q())), $'()))- to be uni#ersally applied.
*ith the reworked #ersions of the $' ())) : 7))), an up-to-date set of standards is produced that,
independent of the si8e of the company, is suitable for Quality Management and quality assurance of
ser#ices, hardware, software, and bulk products. $t reflects the changes of society to a ser#ice society
by equali8ing the importance of products and ser#ices and enabling the display of dynamic operating
The $' ())):7))) is made up of eight quality principles:
5ustomer orientation &/ecution
$nclusion of people "rocess oriented approach
ystem oriented approach ystem oriented management approach
9egular impro#ements tructural approach for decision making
upply relationships useful for both parties
!dditional elements according to 0D!::
1inancial obser#ations, product security, company strategy
!dditional elements according to Q ())):
!cceptance procedure for parts from production, regular impro#ements, process capability
SAP AG LO170 3-10
SAP AG 2001
<a"iant A: Document management
<a"iant B: SAPoice
Special document type
Sto"age o o"iginals on a cent"al ile se"-e"
=ene"al olde"
Quality policy
% "e$ui"ed:
Assignment o any num+e"
o oice documents
%nst"uctions o"
QM p"ocedu"es
QM Manual
Managing QM Documents *it! SAP
The !" ystem pro#ides different options for managing QM-specific documents ,for e/ample, the
QM manual or documented procedures- centrally. !n ad#antage of this includes a uni#ersal
archi#ing concept and central access for all !" users.
!d#antages of using the Document Management System (DMS):
tatus management and authori8ation concept ,for e/ample, for different document types and
1le/ible management of different document types and classification of documents
SAPoffice pro#ides another alternati#e for managing the QM manual and related documents.
;ou can create any number of structures in the !"office general folders.
!ccess is controlled at folder le#el. *hich users are authori8ed to change data< *hich users only
ha#e authori8ation to display data<
The contents of the folders can be managed using !"script or #arious Microsoft 'ffice
documents ,for e/ample, Microsoft *ord (= or Microsoft "ower"oint (=-.
$f you create documents using 'ffice products and archi#e them in the !" ystem, indi#idual
users must ha#e a #iewer to display the documents on the front-end.
*ith the QM handbook in the !" >nowledge *arehouse ,>* as of 9el. ?.)-, !" offers you a
web-based solution to create or update company-specific QM documentation with a modern
authoring tool.
SAP AG LO170 3-11
SAP AG 2001
SAP System
Suppo"ted /unctions:
Document Management
Enginee"ing C!ange Management
%no"mation System

QM in t!e SAP System
The QM application component is integrated in the !" ystem and uses the supporting functions of
the system.
!s a result of this integration, you can access general cross-application and support functions in the
!" ystem from within QM:
Basic Functions:
!" +usiness *orkflow ,acti#ates predefined processes and acti#ities-
Supporting Functions:
&ngineering 5hange Management ,for e/ample, for documents, drawings, inspection plans-
Document Management ystem ,for e/ample, for technical deli#ery terms, quality assurance
5lassification ystem ,for e/ample, for batches, class characteristics-
$nformation ystem ,QM$, 6$, +*: +* is a separate product with separate release cycles-
SAP AG LO170 3-12
SAP AG 2001
SAP System
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
/unctions in t!e QM Component
The functions of the QM component co#er the classic quality management tasks such as quality
planning, quality inspection, and quality control, as well as supplementary functions.
SAP AG LO170 3-13
SAP AG 2001
Quality Planning: Acti-ities
C"eating and managing t!e
maste" data t!at is "e$ui"ed
@among ot!e" itemsA to plan and
eGecute $uality inspections.
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
Quality Planning: Acti-ities
;ou use quality planning for the following:
2eneral master data ,for e/ample, material master, batch data, #endor master records-
QM specific master data ,for e/ample, master inspection characteristics, inspection methods,
sampling procedures-
$nspection planning functions ,for e/ample, inspection plan, material specification-
SAP AG LO170 3-14
SAP AG 2001
Auga+en de" QualitHtsp"Iung
%dentiying *!et!e" t!e inspected
units ulill t!e p"edeined $uality
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
Quality %nspection: Acti-ities
Quality inspection co#ers the following functions:
$nspection lot processing ,from creation to completion-
9esults recording
Defects recording
ample management
$nterfaces to subsystems ,such as QM-$D$- allows the transfer of measurement data, using a
keyboard wedge-
SAP AG LO170 3-15
SAP AG 2001
Ce"tiying t!e $uality o a
Quality ce"tiicates contain
teGts) speciication -alues)
and inspection "esults.
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
Quality Ce"tiicates: Acti-ities
The quality certificates function allows you to create certificates to confirm the quality of a product.
;ou can send quality certificates o#er the $nternet.
;ou can create the following certificates:
5ertificate of conformity
*orks test certificate
5ertificate of analysis
SAP AG LO170 3-16
SAP AG 2001
:eco"ding and p"ocessing inte"nal
o" eGte"nal p"o+lems t!at a"e
p"ima"ily caused +y poo"-$uality
goods o" se"-ices.
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
Quality &otiications: Acti-ities
The quality notifications function co#ers the recording and processing of quality problems ,internal
or e/ternal- and includes:
Defect analysis
&ntry of the partner concerned
9ecording of costs
&/amples of quality notifications:
5omplaint against a #endor
5ustomer complaint
$nternal problem notification
%otification concerning problems in production
SAP AG LO170 3-17
SAP AG 2001
Quality Cont"ol: Acti-ities
%mplementing -a"ious
p"e-enti-e) monito"ing and
co""ecti-e acti-ities.
Speciications "om $uality
planning) and e-aluations "om
$uality inspections and $uality
notiications o"m t!e +asis o"
$uality cont"ol.
Quality Cont"ol: Acti-ities
Quality planning
Quality inspection
Quality ce"tiicates
Quality notiications
Quality cont"ol
#est e$uipment
Quality control co#ers the following functions:
Dynamic modification of the inspection scope
tatistical process control ,"5@ control charts, results history-
Quality scores ,cp #alue, cpk #alue-
0endor e#aluation
Quality-related costs
SAP AG LO170 3-18
SAP AG 2001
Managing maste" data as *ell
as planning and p"ocessing
cali+"ation inspections o" test
Quality Planning
Quality %nspection
Quality Ce"tiicates
Quality &otiications
Quality Cont"ol
#est E$uipment
#est E$uipment Management: Acti-ities
The test equipment management function co#ers:
5reation and management of test equipment master data
5alibration planning functions ,for e/ample, definition of calibration cycles-
5alibration inspection functions ,for e/ample, inspection specifications-
5alibration inspection processing
Test equipment tracking
Test equipment management uses functions from the "lant Maintenance ,"M- component.
SAP AG LO170 3-19
SAP AG 2001
P"ocu"ement P"oduction Sales Se"-ice
:eco"ding $uality-"elated costs :eco"ding $uality-"elated costs
Cali+"ating test e$uipment Cali+"ating test e$uipment
P"ocessing inspections P"ocessing inspections
P"ocessing p!ysical samples P"ocessing p!ysical samples
:eco"ding and p"ocessing p"o+lems :eco"ding and p"ocessing p"o+lems
Ce"tiying p"oduct $uality Ce"tiying p"oduct $uality
AnalyJing and e-aluating $uality data AnalyJing and e-aluating $uality data
Statistical p"ocess cont"ol Statistical p"ocess cont"ol
QM in t!e 0ogistics Supply C!ain
The indi#idual QM functions are acti#e throughout a company.s logistics supply chain.
"rocessing inspections: 1or e/ample, at goods receipt, during production, and at goods issue
5alibrating test equipment throughout the entire logistics supply chain
"rocessing physical samples in the process industry
9ecording and processing problems in the logistics supply chain using of quality notifications
5reating certificates to #erify product quality from procurement to the sales and distribution
9ecording quality-related costs in procurement, production, and sales and distribution using QM
tatistical process control with the help of control charts and the results history
!naly8ing and e#aluating quality data.
SAP AG LO170 3-20
SAP AG 2001
P"ocess imp"o-ement
Deect p"e-ention
Custome" satisaction
Planning suppo"t
o p"ocesses
o ino"mation lo*
... ...
Cost "eduction
Uses and Beneits o t!e QM Component
The QM component pro#ides ad#antages for your company at #arious le#els, for e/ample through:
QM integration in the o#erall !" concept
!ccess to data that has already been maintained ,such as customer master, #endor master-
tandardi8ation of processes
!utomation of the information flow ,using the *orkflow-
"lanning support ,for e/ample pro#ision of inspection plans-
"rocess impro#ement ,for e/ample by monitoring processes and implementing correcti#e tasks in
quality notifications-
SAP AG LO170 3-21
SAP AG 1999
#!e QM component and t!e suppo"ting +asic and
c"oss-application unctions allo* you to ulill t!e 2ey
"e$ui"ements o QM systems.
#!e QM unctions a"e integ"ated in die"ent a"eas o
t!e logistics supply c!ain.
#!e QM component co-e"s $uality planning) $uality
inspection) $uality cont"ol) $uality ce"tiicate) $uality
notiication and test e$uipment management unctions.
Basics: Unit Summa"y
SAP AG LO170 3-22
Data for te !"ercises
!"planation of Sym#ols in te !"ercises an$ Solutions
%ourse &#'ecti(es
Business Scenario
)ips * )ric+s
Data -se$ in te !"ercises
Data )ype Data in te )raining
"lant A)))
"lant AA))
0endor A)))
hip-to party ====
ampling procedure 1$B?-)
Master inspection characteristic 5C)A-DD
5lass characteristic %-))4
$nspection plan for material in 29 T-+QEDD
$nspection plan for material in 29 T-TQADD
$nspection plan for material in 2$ T-1QADD
9outing for material T-+Q?DD
*ork center T-"DD
*ork center &lectrical
Master recipe for material T!+DD
Material master T-+QADD
SAP AG LO170 3-23
Material master T-+QEDD
Material master T-+Q4DD
Material master T-+Q?DD
Material master T-CT7DD
Material master T-1QADD
+atch 1QADD
Material master T-TQADD
+atch TQADD
5ertificate profile Q$%T&9F)AFDD, 0ersion A
5ertificate profile Q5ertA=)FDD, 0ersion A
&quipment T-M!DD
&quipment T-MDDD
%ountry-specific $ata
"lant ,discrete manufacturing- A)))
torage location ,discrete
"lant ,process manufacturing, D- AA))
ales organi8ation ,process
manufacturing, D-
Distribution channel ,process
manufacturing, D-
Di#ision ,process manufacturing,
SAP AG LO170 3-24
Basics: !"ercises
-nit: Basics
)opic: Basics
!t the conclusion of these e/ercises, you will be able to:
Describe the central functions in logistics and their use in QM
&#aluate QM-rele#ant data using the information system
*ithin the logistics applications, you require central functions that you
can use in different areas, for e/ample, Materials Management,
"roduction, or Quality Management. ;ou also want to e#aluate QM-
rele#ant data in respect to certain criteria at the end of the month.
A-A 5entral 1unctions in 6ogistics
Make a note of functions that support QM within the logistics applications of the
!" ystem.
*hich menu path do you use to access these functions<
SAP AG LO170 3-25
A-7 Material !nalysis and !"office
!t the end of the month, you need an o#er#iew of the quality scores for materials at
goods receipt. 3sing material T-+Q4DD, create this material analysis for the
inspection lots using the !" $nformation ystem.
*hich menu path do you use to access this material analysis<
!naly8e the data and create a graphic with the materials and quality scores. end
this graphic to another group ,user 6'A=)-DD-.
SAP AG LO170 3-26
Basics: Solutions
-nit: Basics
)opic: Basics
A-A 5entral 1unctions in 6ogistics
Logistics Central Functions
5lassification ystem
0ariant configuration
+atch #aluation
Document management
&ngineering change management
Mass maintenance
A-7 Material !nalysis and !"office
Information Systems Logistics Quality Management Key Figures
Material Inspection Lots Quality Scores
'n the selection screen Material Analysis: Quality Scores: Selection, you can
define the characteristics for analysis ,material, inspection type, plant- and the
analysis period.
"erform the material analysis for the following data:
Fiel$ name or $ata type .alues
Plant 1000
Month >eep default #alues
tart the analysis by choosing the pushbutton Execute or the 1G function key.
The basic list appears for the material analysis of the quality scores. The first
column of the basic list displays the characteristic, the other columns display the
key figures for the characteristic. ;ou can display the other characteristics for
analysis by double clicking on a row below the sum in the characteristic column.
SAP AG LO170 3-27
;ou can display the graphic by choosing the pushbutton Graphic or the 1? function
$n the graphic, a ma/imum of : key figures can be displayed
simultaneously. $f necessary, select the key figures that
should be displayed in the graphic.
;ou can send the graphic to another user in the system. To do this, choose Graphic
Send in the graphic. The screen Sen ocu!ents appears. &nter the following
Fiel$ name or $ata type .alues
"ecipient #$1%0&''
+y choosing the pushbutton Sen, the graphic is sent to the recipient.
SAP AG LO170 3-28

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