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Maske Rupali Amrutrao, Pawan R.

Sharma| Face Recognition using PCA and Wavelet Method

International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing |Vol 3|issue 1|Feb. 2013 31

Face Recognition using PCA and Wavelet Method
Maske Rupali Amrutrao, Pawan R. Sharma
Asst.Professor, SRESCOE Kopergaon.Dist A..Nagar.MH INDIA
MTech-IIyear, RJPV University .Bhopal INDIA

This paper proposes a new method of face recognition
which is used for face recognition by Wavelet with PCA
method. For face recognition we have used a two-step
method, first Wavelet is used to transform the faces to a
more discriminated space and then principal component
analysis (PCA) is applied. The proposed method
produced a significant improvement which includes a
substantial reduction in error rate and in time of
processing during the obtaining PCA orthonormal basis
i.e. related poses and variations. In this proposed
system, a methodology is given for improving the
robustness of a face recognition system based on two
well-known statistical modeling methods to represent a
face image: Principal Component extract the
discriminates features from the face. Preprocessing of
human face image is done using Gabor wavelets which
eliminates the variations due to pose, lighting and
features to some extent.
PCA extract low dimensional and discriminating feature
vectors and these feature vectors were used for
classification. The classification stage uses nearest
neighbour as classifier. This proposed system will use
the ORL face data base with 100 frontal images
corresponding to10 different subjects of variable
illumination and facial expressions.
Keywords Face recognition, Gabor Wavelet
transform, Principal Component Analysis.
The face recognition problem can be formulated as
follows: Given an input face image and a database of
face images of known individuals, how can we verify or
determine the identity of the person in the input image?
Biometric-based techniques have emerged as the most
promising option for recognizing individuals in recent
years since, instead of authenticating people and
granting them access to physical and virtual domains
based on passwords, PINs, smart cards, plastic cards,
tokens, keys and so forth, these methods examine an
individuals physiological and/or behavioral
characteristics in order to determine and/or ascertain his
identity. Passwords and Face recognition has been a
very popular research topic in recent years. The first
attempts began in the 1960's with a semi-automated
system. It used features such as eyes, ears, noses, and
mouths. Then distances and ratios were computed from
these marks to a common reference point and compared
to reference data. In the early 1970's Goldstein,
Harmon and Lesk created a system of 21 subjective
markers such as hair color and lip thickness. Later
Kohonen demonstrated that a simple neural net could
perform face recognition for aligned and normalized
face images. The type of network he employed
computed a face description by approximating the
eigenvectors of the face image's autocorrelation matrix;
these eigenvectors are now known as 'Eigenfaces'.
Kohonen's system was not a practical success, however,
because of the need for precise alignment and
normalization [1]. Turk and Pentland (1991) then
demonstrated that when we perform the coding using
the eigenfaces the residual error could be used both to
detect faces in cluttered natural imagery, and to
determine the precise location and scale of faces in an

Figure. 1 Block Diagram Of Face Recognition
An overview of the face recognition process is
illustrated in Fig. 1. In the figure the gallery is the set of
known individuals. The images used to test the
algorithms are called probes. A probe is either a new
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Maske Rupali Amrutrao, Pawan R. Sharma| Face Recognition using PCA and Wavelet Method
International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing |Vol 3|issue 1|Feb. 2013 32
image of individual in the gallery or an image of an
individual not in the gallery. To Compute performance,
one needs both a gallery and probe set. The probes are
presented to an algorithm, and the algorithm returns the
best match between the each probe and images in the
gallery. The estimated identity of a probe is the best
match. While there are many databases in use currently,
the choice of an appropriate database to be used should
be made based on the task given [2]. Some face data
sets that are commonly used: Color FERET Database,
Yale Face Database, PIE Database, FIA video Database,
CBCL Face recognition Database, Expression Image
Database, Mugshot Identification Database, Indian Face
Database, Face Recognition Data, University of Essex,
Face Recognition is the process of recognizing a person
on the basis of face alone. It is a well known fact that
each person has unique face that enables us to recognize
them. It has been proved that face recognition is the
most successful biometric method .unlike other forms of
identification such as password or keys, a persons face
cant be stolen, forgotten or lost. Thus Face recognition
provides the higher authentication. [10]
Face recognition scenarios can be classified into two
types, (i) face verification (or authentication) and (ii)
face identification (or recognition). Face verification
(Am I who I say I am?) is a one-to-one match that
compares a query

Figure :2. Face recognition system classifications.
Face recognition is one of the few biometric methods
that possess the merits of both high accuracy and low
intrusiveness. It has the accuracy of a physiological
approach without being intrusive. For this reason, since
the early 70's (Kelly, 1970), face recognition has drawn
the attention of researchers in fields from security,
psychology, and image processing, to computer vision.
Numerous algorithms have been proposed for face
recognition; for detailed survey please see Chellappa
(1995) and Zhang (1997). [18]
3. PCA
PCA commonly referred to as the use of eigenfaces, is
the technique pioneered by Kirby and Sirivich in 1988.
With PCA, the probe and gallery images must be the
same size and must first be normalized to line up the
eyes and mouth of the subjects within the images. The
PCA approach is then used to reduce the dimension of
the data by means of data compression basics reveals the
most effective low dimensional structure of facial
patterns. This reduction in dimensions removes
information that is not useful and precisely decomposes
the face structure into orthogonal (uncorrelated)
components known as eigenfaces. Each face image may
be represented as a weighted sum (feature vector) of the
eigenfaces, which are stored in a 1D array. A probe
image is compared against a gallery image by measuring
the distance between their respective feature vectors. The
PCA approach typically requires the full frontal face to
be presented each time; otherwise the image results in
poor performance. The primary advantage of this
technique is that it can reduce the data needed to identify
the individual to 1/1000 the of the data presented.
The Eigenface algorithm uses the Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction to find the
vectors which best account for the distribution of face
images within the entire image space [14]. These
vectors define the subspace of face images and the
subspace is called face space. All faces in the training
set are projected onto the face space to find a set of
weights that describes the contribution of each vector in
the face space. To identify a test image, it requires the
projection of the test image onto the face space to obtain
the corresponding set of weights. By comparing the
weights of the test image with the set of weights of the
faces in the training set, the face in the test image can be
identified. The key procedure in PCA is based on
Karhumen-Loeve transformation [18]. If the image
elements are considered to be random variables, the
image may be seen as a sample of a stochastic process.
The Principal Component Analysis basis vectors are
defined as the eigenvectors of the scatter matrix ST ,

A: Mathematics of PCA
A 2-D facial image can be represented as I-D vector by
concatenating each row (or column) into a single
column (or row) vector.
1) We assume the training sets of images are rl, rl,
r3, ... , r m, with each image I(x,y). where (x,y)
is the size of the image. Convert each image
into set of vectors and new full-size matrix
(mxp) , where m is the number of training
images and p is x xy the size of the image.
2) Find the mean face by:
'P _ 1 m - ; L..i=l ri
Maske Rupali Amrutrao, Pawan R. Sharma| Face Recognition using PCA and Wavelet Method
International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing |Vol 3|issue 1|Feb. 2013 33
3) Calculated the mean-subtracted face:
<1>, = r, - 'P
i = 1,2,3 .... m. and a set of matrix is obtained with
A = [<1>1, <1>2, ...... <l>m,] is the mean-subtracted
matrix vector with its size Amp.
4) By implementing the matrix transformations,
the vector matrix is reduced by:
Cmm = Amp X ATpm (9) where C is the covariance
matrix and T is transpose matrix.
5) Find the eigen vectors V mm and eigen values
Am from the C matrix and ordered the eigen
vectors by highest eigen values.
6) Apply the eigen vector matrix, V mm and
adjusted matrix <Dm. These vectors determine
the linear combinations of the training set
images to form the eigenfaces,
7) Instead of using m eigen faces, m' m which is
considered as the image provided for training
for each individual or m' is the total class used
for training.
8) Based on the eigen faces, each image has its
face vector by
Wk = u\(r - '1'), k = 1,2, .... , m'.
9) The weights form a feature vector. This feature
vectors are taken as the representational basis
for the face images with dimension reduced
with m.
10) The reduced data is taken as the input to the
next stage for discriminating feature.
Figure 3: Eigenvectors corresponding to the 7 largest
Gabor filters were introduced in image processing
because of their biological relevance and computational
properties.A Gabor atom (or function) was proposed by
Hungarian-born electrical engineer Dennis Gabor in

The band LL is a coarser approximation to the original
image. The bands LH and HL record the changes of the
image along horizontal and vertical directions. While
the HH band shows the high frequency component of
the image. This is the first level decomposition. Further
decomposition can be conducted on the LL subband.
Daub(4), Daub(6) , Daub(8) they does not cause
significant difference by applying in face recognition.
Therefore wavelet Daubechies wavelet D4 is adopted
for image decomposition in our system.
In this system is tested with ORL face database and its
effectiveness is shown in results. For different scales
and orientations of the Gabor filter, the input image is
convoluted with gabor filters. Then this convoluted
image feature vectors were formulated using PCA
method. PCA, is used to reduce the high dimensionality
of these feature vectors. The recognition rate high with
features extracted from PCA based Gabor methods than
simple PCA methods.The extracted features is used as it
is using the above said feature extraction methods and
classification is done using eigenvalues and compared
with Euclidean distance measure method.The
recognition rate is obtained with fixed number of PCA
features. The performance comparison with Euclidean
Distance Measure Classifier (ED) is shown


[1] Juwei Lu, Kostantinos N. Plataniotis,and
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recognition using LDA Based algorithms,
IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, vol.
14, no. 1, January 2003.
[2] Volker Blanz & Thomas Vetter, A
Morphable Model for The Synthesis Of 3D
Maske Rupali Amrutrao, Pawan R. Sharma| Face Recognition using PCA and Wavelet Method
International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing |Vol 3|issue 1|Feb. 2013 34
[3] Xiao-Ming,Bai,Bao-Cai Yin, Qin Shi, Yan-
Feng Sun, Face Recognition using Extended
Fisherface with 3D Morphable Model,
Proceedings of the Fourth International
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[4] Xiaoguang Lu, Image Analysis for Face
Recognition, Dept. of Computer Science &
Engineering,Michigan State University, East
[5] Sanun Srisuk,Kongnat Ratanarangsank,
Werasak Kurutach and Sahatsawat Waraklang,
Face Recognition using a New Texture
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