Properties of Electrodeposits
Properties of Electrodeposits
Properties of Electrodeposits
The properties of electrodeposits are important for a broad spectrum of
applications. Safranek summarizes these along with property data in his
two texts on The Properties of Electrodeposited Metals and Alloys (1,2).
The second volume of this set (published in 1986) contains property data
from over 500 technical papers published since 1971 while the first volume
(published in 1974 but now out of print) covers the previous years. Both of
these are an invaluable help for anyone concerned with properties of
deposits. Since they are so complete, and since properties are discussed
throughout this book, this chapter will be relatively short.
A fundamental concern of materials science is the relationship
between structure and properties and this is true for both bulk and coated
materials (3). Hornbogen (4) divides the structural level of matter into six
levels (Figure 1). The interactions which occur between these different
levels of structure dictate the properties of engineering materials. These
interactions may start just above one atomic spacing and extend over many
grains. The structure-property relationships derived for thin films reflect
this complex situation. A further complication is the fact that, in general,
coatings are not deposited at equilibrium and contain high concentrations of
lattice vacancies, dislocations, etc., which can vary from grain to grain (3).
Before going any further it is important to distinguish between
mechanical and physical properties since they are often referred to
improperly. Harold Read ( 5) made a clear distinction in 1960 and it is still
applicable today. Those properties of metals and alloys which have to do
Properties 115
Levels of Structure of materials
Engineering lntegroted ciruits Chinese wall
t 4
9 5 Phose
M 4 Molecule
Diameter of grain or phase boundary Large grain size
r 6 Microstructure
Small Lorge elementory cells
Monomers High polymer
t I
3 Atom
2 Nucleus I+
I Elementary U
Level of
1 I C
1~- 15 10-12 10-9 10-6 10-3 100 to3
Size of structural objects (mi
Figure 1: The seven levels of structure suggested by Hornbogen (4).
Reprinted with permission of Pergamon Press Ltd.
with strength, ductility, hardness, elastic modulus, and the like are properly
called mechanical properties, not physical properties. The latter term is
reserved for electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, magnetic behavior,
thermoelectric effects, density, melting point, lattice structure, etc. Perhaps
the easiest way to divide non-chemical properties into their proper
categories is simply to remember that properties which relate the
deformation of a metal to a force which caused it are mechanical properties
and all others are physical properties ( 5) .
The practical significance of the measurement of mechanical
properties lies in the use of these data to predict the performance of a
material in a specific type of application. Properties obtained from tensile
testing are often used for engineering purposes.
A tensile stress-strain curve is constructed from load/elongation
measurements made on a test specimen (6). Typically, original dimensions
are used to calculate the stress based on load measurements and dimensions
of the test specimen. This disregards any thinning or necking during testing
and results in what is referred to as nominal or engineering stress. The
terms true stress and true strain are used when actual dimensions during
testing are used in the calculations (6).
116 Electrodeposition
The shape of a stress-strain curve (Figure 2) is an indication of both
the strength and ductility of a material. The elastic region is the early,
approximately linear portion of the curve (7). In this region material that
is stressed will not suffer any permanent deformation when the stress is
relaxed. The onset of permanent deformation, which is a measure of yield
strength, is that location where the curve leaves the elastic region by
bending toward the horizontal. Beyond this is the inelastic or plastic flow
region of the curve. The slope of the curve in each region provides
information: in the elastic region it is the elastic modulus which is a
measure of the materials stiffness and in the plastic flow region it is a
Figure 2: A representative stress-strain curve. Adapted from reference 7.
measure of work hardening since a steeper slope means more stress must be
applied to create a given amount of deformation (7). Figure 3 shows the
influence of strain rate on the strength and behavior of depleted uranium.
Stress-strain curves are presented at strain rates of 5000 (dynamic) and
0.001 per second (static). The dynamic, or high strain rate curve reveals a
higher yield point and, initially higher work hardening, followed by lower
work hardening as the material thermally softens (7). Crack-free chromium
is an example of an electrodeposit witha low strain hardening rate. With
this low strain hardening rate, rapid localization of deformation occurs and
this leads to early fracture and an increased wear rate unlike the behavior
noted for conventional chromium deposits (8.9).
Properties 117
Figure 3: Stress-strain curves for depleted uranium at strain rates of 5000
(dynamic) and 0.001 per second (static). Adapted from reference 7.
The tensile strength of individual electrodeposited metals spans
broad ranges and depends on the conditions adopted for electrodeposition
(2). This is shown in Table 1 which compares strength of electrodeposits
with their annealed, metallurgical counterparts of comparable purity. In a
number of cases, the electrodeposit is two or three times as strong as the
corresponding wrought metal. The maximum tensile strength for
electrodeposited cobalt is more than four times the strength of annealed,
wrought cobalt while some chromium deposits are nearly seven times as
strong as cast or sintered chromium. A fine grain size is the primary reason
for the higher strength of the electrodeposits as compared with their wrought
counterparts (2). An example is electrodeposited gold containing 0.6 at%
cobalt. This deposit has a hardness (VHNlo = 190) about four times that of
annealed bulk gold and this high hardness cannot be reproduced by standard
metallurgical methods. The fine grain size (250-3OOA) of the
electrodeposited gold accounts for the observed high hardness. Other
mechanisms such as solution hardening, precipitation hardening, strain
hardening, and "voids" hardening account for only small alterations in the
hardness of this coating (10).
The high strengths and hardnesses, high dislocation densities, fine
grain structure, and response to heating obtained with electrodeposited
metals are due to the existence of a strained condition similar to that found
in cold worked metals. Figure 4, a plot of recrystallization temperature for
electrodeposited pyrophosphate copper and wrought copper with various
Properties 119
degrees of cold work suggests that the electrodeposited copper exhibits
behavior expected of 100% cold worked material (11). The higher the
percentage of cold work, or strained condition, the quicker the
recrystallization behavior upon heating. Other examples comparing
electrodeposits with cold worked counterparts include copper deposited in
acid solution containing thiourea and electrodeposited silver. Dislocation
density of the copper deposits (12) was 3x 10"/cm2 compared to 2 x
10"/cm2 for cold worked copper (13) and the stored energy of cold worked
silver reduced in cross section by 87% was of the same order of magnitude
of that of electrodeposited silver (14).
Figure 4:
Adapted from reference 11.
Recrystallization temperature for various copper materials.
It's important to realize that tensile strength and ductility of thin
deposits are very much influenced by the thickness of the test sample.
Typically, tensile strength data are high for thin deposits and then decrease
as a function of thickness before reaching some steady value while
elongation data show the opposite. The effect on elongation is generally
more pronounced than on tensile strength. Figure 5 and Table 2 show this
effect for thick copper (0.2 to 3.0 mil) and nickel (5.5 to 144 mil) deposits
respectively (15.16). This decrease in tensile strength and increase in
120 Electrodeposition
Figure 5:
electrodeposited copper. From reference 15.
Influence of thickness on yield strength and elongation of
Table 2: Influence of Thickness of Sulfamate Nickel Deposits
on Tensile and Ductility Properties (From Ref. 16)
Th i ckness Yie;;s;;rength Tensile Strenyth E1o;;;tion b
7x1s) -TP=?
5.5 47 700 87 400
8.3 38 400 80 700
15 77 100 10.9 90.8
20 76 800 12.1 93.9
29 39 600 74 700 12.6 94.4
54 38 700 70 900
91 33 200 71 000 31 .8 90 .I3
144 37 600 70 900 29.2 88.4
Properties 121
elongation with thinner deposits reflects a change in necking behavior
whereby the thinner foils undergo less plastic flow at a given strain level
Ductilites, as evidenced by percent elongation, are higher when the
deposits are attached to their substrates since they cannot exhibit highly
localized plastic deformation prior to fracture (18). The lower ductilities of
the foils tested without their substrates are probably caused by the more
severe local plastic deformation in the region where fracture subsequently
occurs. This localized plastic deformation is called necking. When samples
neck, this covers an appreciable portion of the cross sectional area so they
break. Nickel electrodeposits (19) and electroless copper (20) have been
found to exhibit severe necking when tested without their substrates.
In cases where it is possible, a better indicator of ductility is
measurement of the reduction of area of the sample rather than elongation
(17). Reduction of area is largely a measure of the inherent ultimate
ductility of a material whereas elongation is largely a practical measure of
stretching capability during forming; it is dependent on specimen shape and
dimensions as well as on inherent ductility. Figure 6 shows three gold
samples of varying thickness (1,4, and 10 mils) after tensile testing. They
all exhibit similar reduction in area values, e.g. greater than 95%. however,
elongations varied from 5% for the 1 mil sample, to 11 % for the 4 mil
sample to 23% for the 10 mil sample. The cross sections clearly show they
were all equally ductile. This is a good example revealing that reduction
in area measurements or metallographic cross section evaluation of a sample
after fracture can give a better evaluation of the extent of necking strain.
Conventional tensile testing machines are used for samples with
width-to-thickness ratios around 500. They are not suitable for thin foils
with width-to-thickness ratios of 20, such as found on printed wiring boards
(21). A new tensile testing machine developed under AESF Project 38 can
Figure 6: Gold deposits of varying thickness after tensile testing; a) 1 mil,
5% elongation, b) 4 mils, 11% elongation, and c) 10 mils, 23% elongation.
As can be seen above, all exhibited greater than 95% reduction in area.
122 Electrodeposition
test samples as thin as 2000% which is only about loo0 atom layers
(22,23). Mechanical properties of thi n nickel deposits tested on this
machine are shown in Table 3. Very thi n deposits exhibited the highest
yield strengths and this property decreased with increasing thickness. The
high yield strength of the thinnest deposit is probably due to surface pinning
of dislocations. The tensile strengths are seen to be relatively unaffected by
the thickness of the deposits. Elongation increased with increasing
thickness because a larger portion of the gage length deformed plastically,
with all deposits necking down to essentially the same thickness prior to
fracture (23).
Table 3: Mechanical Properties of Thin Nickel Deposits'
Young's Yield Tensile
Thickness Modulus Strength Strength Percent
m C G P a l * i t Y l E w f w Uonaatlon
0.2 80 (3) 220 (5) 220 (5) 0
2.0 92 (1) 154 (3) 200 (5) 2.2 (0.2)
4.2 92 (0) 137 (7) 190 (6) 3.7 (0.2)
5.7 87 (1) 130 (1 1) 200 (7) 6.2 (0.2)
7.5 86 (3) 122 (8) 210 (13) 7.0 (0.1)
8.3 84 (2)
130 (8) 204 (4) 7.0 (0.3)
9.5 85 (2) 123 (7) 205 (5) 7.0 (0.2)
' From reference 23. Each value i s the average of at least three
measurements. The values in parenthesis are the variations
on the individual measurements.
7 GPa = approximately 1 million psi
#7 MPa = approximately 1000 psi
There have been several attempts to relate grain size of a metal with
its mechanical properties. One of these, the Hall-Petch (24) equation relates
the grain size, d, with the hardness, H, of a metal:
The terms, H, and K, are experimental constants and are different for each
metal. H, is the value characteristic of dislocation blocking and is related
Properties 123
to the friction stress. KH takes account of the penetrability of the boundaries
to moving dislocations and is related to the number of available slip systems
(25). The equation has been found applicable to several polycrystalline
materials as shown in Figure 7 (26). and also for electrodeposited iron (27),
nickel (28,29) and chromium (30). Hall-Petch strengthening is shown in
Figure 8 for electrodeposited nickel over a range of grain sizes from
12,500nm down to 12nm. A microhardness of approximately 700 kg/mm2
was obtained with the smallest grain size (28). A Hall-Petch analysis has
been used to help in understanding the occurrence of brittle cracking in
chromium electrodeposits. An appreciable friction stress resistance to
dislocation movement was shown to exist within the grain volumes of
electrodeposited chromium and such friction strength strengthening for body
centered cubic materials normally promotes brittleness (30). Hardness and
grain size values for copper electrodeposits have also been analyzed using
the Hall-Petch equation, but a better correlation was found using a
semilogarithmic relationship (25).
Figure 7: Hall-Petch relationship for a variety of metals. Adapted from
reference 26.
124 Electrodeposition
Figure 8: Microhardness dependence of electrodeposited nickel on
reciprocal square root of grain size; rectangles define 95% confidence limits.
From reference 28. Reprinted with permission of Pergamon Press Ltd.
The behavior of substances such as taffy and glass when they are
heated to their softening point and gently pulled is noticeably plastic. These
materials can be stretched to many times their original length and retain the
new shape after they have cooled (31). A piece of metal under tension
typically breaks before it reaches twice its original length, unless it is
squeezed as it deforms (as it is in the drawing of wire) to counteract its
tendency to "neck down" and break. Within the last twenty-five years,
however, a number of alloys have been discovered that will behave like
taffy or glass if certain significant steps are taken in their processing. This
phenomenon is referred to as superplasticity and it offers the possibility of
forming complicated shapes at high temperatures, while also increasing their
room temperature strength, ductility and ability to be machined.
Properties 125
Superplasticity refers to large tensile elongations, typically 500%,
that can be achieved in polycrystalline materials under certain conditions of
strain rate and temperature. One of the main requirements for
superplasticity is the presence of an ultrafine, equiaxed microstructure,
typically 1 to 5 um diameter, that remains stable while being deformed at
the superplastic temperature (usually around one-half the melting point)
(32). This small grain size is typical of many electrodeposited metals, thus
offering the exciting prospect that one could fabricate complex parts by
combining preforming by electrodeposition and final forming of the internal
structure by superplastic deformation. However, what isnt known for most
electrodeposited metals is how stable these grain sizes are at temperatures
around one-half their melting points. Two electrodeposited alloys which
meet these requirements and, therefore, exhibit superplastic behavior are
Cd-Zn (33) and NU40 to 60 percent Co (34,35). Elevated temperature
ductility of NU45 to 56 percent Co is shown in Figure 9. A ductility peak
occurs at 482 C (900 F), where Ni-Co exhibits superplastic behavior. A
280 percent elongation has been obtained over the central area of reduced
test sections and significantly higher elongations may be possible since the
process has not been optimized (34,35).
Figure 9: Average ductility of Ni-Co with 45 to 56 percent Co as a
function of test temperature. From reference 34. Reprinted with permission
of American Electroplaters & Surface Finishers SOC.
Although a number of alloys exhibit superplastic behavior, lead-tin
(36,37), copper-nickel (38), and cadmium-tin (39) are three of particular
interest since these can be deposited from aqueous solution. One technique
that was used to produce superplastic lead-tin alloys was the deposition of
alternate layers of 0.5 to 5 um thick (36), and this approach could be used
126 Electrodeposition
to produce a variety of electrodeposited alloys.
The burgeoning field of electrodeposition of multilayer coatings by
cyclic modulation of the cathodic current or potential during deposition (40)
also offers promise for production of new superplastic alloys.
Composition-modulated alloys (CMA) which have been produced by this
process include Cu-Ni, Ag-Pd, Ni-Nip, Cu-Zn and Cu-Co. At present, no
data on superplasticity of these alloys have been obtained, however, the
room temperature tensile strength of CMA Ni-Cu alloys has been shown to
exhibit values around three times that of nickel itself (41).
Electrodeposited films contain various types of inclusions which
typically originate from the following sources: 1 -deliberately added
impurities, Le., organic or organometallic additives (addition agents),
2-metallic or nonmetallic particles for composite coatings, 3-intermediate
cathodic products of complex metal ions, 4-hydroxides or hydroxides of a
depositing metal, and 5-gas bubbles, for example, containing hydrogen (42).
Figure 10 provides a pictorial illustration of these various types of
inclusions. Much has been written on the influence of small amounts of
inclusions on the appearance of deposits. However, very little information
is available on their influence on properties of deposits. The purpose of this
section is to provide examples showing how small amounts of impurities
can noticeably affect properties.
With nickel, low current density deposits have higher impurity
contents and this can affect stress and other properties. For example, Table
4 shows that for nickel sulfamate solution, hydrogen and sulfur contents are
much higher for low current density deposits (54 A/m2) than for those
produced at higher current densities (43). Electrical resistance of
electroformed nickel films shows a unique dependence on plating current
density (Figure 11). Films deposited at a low current density of 120 A/m2
show considerably lower residual resistance than high current density films
over the temperature range of 4 to 40 K presumably due to codeposited
impurities in the low current density deposits (44).
Small amounts of carbon in nickel and tin-lead electrodeposits can
noticeably influence tensile strength. For example, increasing the carbon
content of a sulfamate nickel electrodeposit from 28 to 68 ppm increased
the tensile strength from 575 to 900 MPa, a noticeable increase in strength
with a few ppm of the impurity (45). Similarly, with tin-lead, increasing the
carbon content of the electrodeposit from 125 to 700 ppm increased the
tensile strength from 29 to 41 MPa (46). Carbon also increases the strength
Properties 127
Figure 10: A pictorial representation of the various types of inclusions in
electrodeposited films. From reference 42. Reprinted with permission of
The Electrochemical SOC.
Table 4: Influence of Current Density in Nickel Sulfamate Solution on
Impurity Content of Deposits (Ref 43).
am2) (au-2, c H Q hl s
54 5 70 10 44 8 30
323 30 80 3 28 8 8
538 50 60 4 32 8 6
128 Electrodeposition
Figure 11: Resistance-temperature curves for electrodeposited nickel films
approximately 20 um thick. Adapted from reference 44.
of cast nickel and nickel-cobalt alloys but the effect isnt as pronounced as
that for electrodeposits. For example, increasing the carbon from 20 to 810
ppm in cast nickel increases the flow stress from 190 to 250 MPa (47).
Sulfur impurities can be harmful to nickel deposits which are
intended for structural or high temperature usage. For example, small
amounts of codeposited sulfur can noticeably influence notch sensitivity,
hardness and high temperature embrittlement. Charpy tests, which are
impact tests in which a center-notched specimen supported at both ends as
a simple beam is broken by the impact of a rigid, falling pendulum, showed
that deposits containing greater than 170 ppm of sulfur were highly notch
sensitive (48,49). Figure 12 shows the results of testing specimens of two
different thicknesses, 0.51 cm (0.200 in), and 0.19 cm (0.075 in). An
increase in sulfur content is clearly shown to reduce the fracture resistance
of electroformed nickel. Whereas thicker specimens (0.51 cm) displayed a
steady decrease of impact energy with sulfur content, thinner specimens
(0.19 cm) maintained roughly constant impact energy values up to 160 ppm.
In t hi s case, the thinner specimens were in a plane stress condition typified
by shear fractures and relative insensitivity to sulfur content. In contrast, the
Properties 129
Figure 12: Influence of sulfur content on impact strength of electroformed
sulfamate nickel. The squares are 0.200 in. (0.51 cm) thick Ni and the
triangles are 0.075 in (0.19 cm) thick Ni. Adapted from reference 48.
plane strain condition (no strain in the direction perpendicular to the applied
stress and crack length, reference 50) existing in thicker specimens led to
higher triaxial tensile states and a significant sensitivity to sulfur content.
Sulfur also has a direct influence on the hardness of electrodeposited nickel
(Figure 13), therefore, if no other impurities are present in the deposit,
hardness can be used as an indicator of sulfur content (48,49).
Both nickel and copper electrodeposits undergo a ductile to brittle
transition at high temperature. With nickel, reduction in area drops from
greater than 90% at ambient to around 25% at a test temperature of 500 C
(Figure 14, ref 51). This effect occurs at a much lower temperature for
copper electrodeposits, e. g., 100 to 300 C depending on the conditions used
for electrodeposition (Figure 15, ref 52).
130 Electrodeposition
Figure 13: Influence of sulfur content on hardness of electroformed nickel.
Adapted from reference 49.
Properties 131
Figure 14: Influence of temperature on reduction in area of 201 nickel and
electrodeposited sulfamate nickel. Adapted from reference 5 1.
Figure 15: Influence of temperature on reduction in area for OFE (oxygen
free electronic) copper and electrodeposited copper. Adapted from reference
132 Electrodeposition
Electrodeposited nickel is quite pure, especially when compared
with 201 wrought nickel which does not exhibit the ductile to brittle
transition (Table 5 and Figure 14). The problem is that the electrodeposited
nickel is too pure. Embrittlement occurs because of formation of brittle
grain boundary films of nickel sulfide. Wrought 201 nickel doesnt exhibit
the problem because it has sufficient manganese to preferentially combine
with the sulfur and prevent it from becoming an embrittling agent. By
codepositing a small amount of manganese with the nickel, the embrittling
effect can be minimized. The amount of manganese needed to prevent
embrittlement depends on the heat treatment temperature. The Mn:S ratio
varies from 1:l for 200 C treatments to 5:l for 500 C treatments (51,53).
Embrittlement in electrodeposited copper is also probably due to
grain boundary degradation stemming from the codeposition of impurities
during electroplating. Its speculated that impurities modify the constitutive
behavior or produce grain boundary embrittlement that leads to plastic
instability and failure at small overall strains when compared with cast or
wrought material of comparable grain size (54). At present the culprits have
not been identified but two likely candidates are sulfur and oxygen. For
example, cast high purity copper (99.999+%) is embrittled at high
temperature when the sulfur content is greater than 4 ppm (55). Oxygen in
cast copper has also been reported to cause embrittlement at high
temperaturcs, either under tensile or creep conditions (56). This
embrittlement is attributed to oxygen segregation to grain boundaries in the
copper which promotes grain boundary decohesion and enhances
intergranular failure. Both sulfur and oxygen can be present as impurities
in electrodeposited copper.
The relationship between the internal stress in chromium deposits
and their oxygen content is shown in Figure 16. The broad band depicts the
scatter observed in many hundreds of experiments (57). These variations
are not unexpected because residual stress in any situation is related to the
well known cracking of chromium deposits. The changes were achieved by
changing the solution compositions at constant temperature (86 C) and
current density (75 A b 2 ) .
With physically vapor deposited films, certain long term stability
problems may be due to gas incorporation during deposition (58). In sputter
Properties 133
Table 5: Composition of 201 Nickel and Electrodeposited Sulfamate
201 Nickel Electrodeposited
Element iQt2Lul w1-
Si1 ico n
250 max
400 max
3500 max
3500 max
< 5
< 10
' Composition of the nickel sulfamate plating soloution was
80 g/l nickel (as nickel sulfamate), <1 .O g/l nickel chloride,
and 40 g/l boric acid. Wetting agent was used to reduce the
surface tension to 35-40 dyneskm. Current density was
268 Nm2; pH, 3.8; and temperature, 49'C. Anodes were sulfur
depolarized nickel.
deposition, up to several atomic percent of atoms of the sputtering gas can
be incorporated into the deposited film and this gas can precipitate into
bubbles or be released by heating (59-64). The incorporated gas can
increase the stress and raise the annealing temperature of sputter deposited
gold films (59). Argon incorporation up to 1.5 at. % is possible in Ti c
films and this causes compressive stresses of the order of lo7 Pa. Such high
stresses give rise to lattice distortion which affects the dislocation properties
and thus the hardness of the films (60). Similar effects are found in
electron beam evaporated films where residual gases, often released by
heating during evaporation, are incorporated into the deposit and may cause
property changes (64).
134 Electrodeposition
Figure 16: Influence of oxygen on stress in chromium electrodeposits
produced at 86OC and 75 A/dm2. Adapted from reference 57.
Properties 135
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