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September 2013 s133 Volume 12 Issue 9 (Supplement)

Copyright 2013 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Journal of Drugs in Dermatology

Cosmetic Benefts of Natural Ingredients:
Mushrooms, Feverfew, Tea, and Wheat Complex
Whitney P. Bowe MD
SUNY Downstate College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY
Natural ingredients are frequently used in an effort to address cosmetic concerns such as fne lines, wrinkles, uneven tone, and tex-
ture. Many of these ingredients found in nature possess potent antioxidant as well as anti-infammatory properties. Some, such as
mushroom extracts, are even capable of accelerating the skin turnover rate and repairing dermal molecular components that provide
structure and elasticity to the skin. Others, such as green tea, provide photoprotection against ultraviolet-induced DNA damage. In
this manuscript, the cosmetic benefts of mushrooms, feverfew, and tea are discussed in the context of their ability to improve the
appearance of the skin. The healing effects that wheat complex can have on damaged hair are also addressed.
J Drugs Dermatol. 2013;12(suppl 9):s133-s136.
he cosmetic patients who enter our practices today do
not appear to be the typical cosmetic patients we were
seeing just a decade or two ago. The modern cosmetic
patient is younger, perhaps even in her twenties or thirties, and
she puts as much focus on prevention as on correction. She
is also far more concerned about the source of her products,
frequently requesting natural or organic alternatives to pre-
scription medications. She might even perceive products that
are not natural as unsafe, and peruses the ingredient list for
chemicals and preservatives that she has read are toxic on
the Internet.
Sales of products claiming to be organic, natural, or natu-
rally derived have soared in recent years. But what do these
terms really mean? Certifying products as organic has become
a trend of late, but there are a number of worldwide organi-
zations that have differing defnitions of organic. A common
misconception among patients and consumers alike is that or-
ganic is better, but, in reality, organic is not necessarily better.
Naturally derived ingredients are not invariably organic, rather
they contain plant-derived elements that are actually improved
upon in the laboratory setting.
One of the reasons why natural ingredients have gained such
popularity is their abundance of antioxidants. Oxidative stress
is a major driving force behind aging. Free radicals are highly
reactive species, capable of damaging biomolecules such as
lipids, proteins, and DNA, and they are continuously formed
during our normal metabolic processes. Their production is
increased with exposure to environmental factors such as sun-
light and cigarette smoke. As a result, humans have evolved
an antioxidant defense system to minimize the potential for
free radical damage. However, we need to keep replenishing
our antioxidant stores, and natural ingredients are an excel-
lent source of these desirable antioxidants. Several natural
ingredients that exhibit antioxidant and photoprotective ef-
fects on the skin include, among others: shiitake mushrooms,
vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), feverfew parthenolide-free ex-
tract (PFE), tea extracts (green and black), coffeeberry, grape
seed extract, and licorice. In this article we will focus on shii-
take mushrooms, feverfew, and tea, and then shift gears and
discuss the benefts of wheat for damaged hair.
Shiitake Mushroom Complex
Mushroom extracts, including shiitake mushroom extract,
possess not only antioxidant properties but also anti-irritant
properties. Therefore, the right combination of mushroom
extracts could be the ideal ingredient in anti-aging skin formula-
tions. Shiitake mushrooms and mannetake (reishi) mushrooms
contain polysaccharides, triterpenes, proteins, lipids, phenols,
and cerebrosides.
These serve as anti-irritants and antioxidants,
and stimulate the skins natural renewal process. Mushroom
extract skin care applications include protection against pho-
toaging and improved skin elasticity.
Natural shiitake complex
inhibits elastase activity. As we age, enzymes such as elastase
diminish our elastin, compromising the integrity of the der-
mal layer. Natural shiitake complex has been shown to inhibit
elastase in a dramatic fashion. The degree of elastase enzyme
inhibition increases as the concentration of the shiitake com-
plex is increased (Figure 1).
Shiitake derivatives also display
potent antioxidant activity, which is critical for anti-aging be-
cause oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species are major
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Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
September 2013 Volume 12 Issue 9 (Supplement)
W.P. Bowe
Wheat Complex for Damaged Hair
There are 2 naturally active components of wheat that make
it unique: wheat protein and wheat germ oil. Wheat protein
has the ability to bond to the damaged areas on the hair shaft,
whereas the wheat germ oil can provide benefts with regards
players in the aging process.
Miller et al have demonstrated
that twice daily use of cleansing pads containing a mushroom
extract lead to signifcant improvements in a number of param-
eters including roughness, sallowness, tone, fne lines, pore
size, and mottled pigmentation. Signifcant improvements were
detected by both dermatologists and the subjects themselves,
with a number of improvements seen within the frst 4 weeks.
Feverfew is a fowering plant from the daisy family, and it has
a long history of use in traditional European medicine and folk
medicine. Feverfew was originally named for its fever-reduc-
ing properties, but was also commonly used for headaches
and arthritis. The feverfew plant, Tanacetum parthenium, has
anti-infammatory, anti-irritant, and antioxidant properties. Its
skin care applications include treatment of sensitive skin and
shaving-induced irritation or redness, and photoprotection.

In its completely natural or organic state, feverfew contains
an ingredient known to be a contact sensitizer, called parthe-
nolide. Purifed feverfew extract (PFE) is a purifed extract that
has been developed by extracting the benefcial components of
feverfew while removing the harmful parthenolide component.
This is an example of how naturally derived products can be
more benefcial and less irritating than organic products, de-
spite what many consumers believe.
In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, trial, sub-
jects applied either PFE or placebo to their back skin for 2
days prior to ultraviolent (UV) exposure and then for 2 days
following the UV exposure. Feverfew treatment signifcantly
reduced erythema vs placebo after UV exposure.
Figure 2
demonstrates a subject who used a topical feverfew product
on her face for 3 weeks. The signifcant reduction in erythema
is clearly evident.

All teas (green, oolong, and black) are derived from the plant
Camellia sinensis, but they differ in the degree of fermenta-
tion of the leaves. The manufacture of green tea does not
involve fermentation and, as such, the polyphenols of the
plant are preserved. Teas contain favanols, which include
epicatechin, epacatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin, and epigal-
They function as antioxidants (lipid radical
scavengers) and provide anti-infammatory and photoprotec-
tive benefts.
Topical treatment with green tea polyphenols
prior to UVB exposure inhibited the formation of cyclobutane
pyrimidine dimers in the DNA of human skin.
In a clinical trial of 40 women who were randomized to receive
8 weeks of treatment with a combination oral-topical green
tea regimen or a placebo pill and placebo cream, skin biopsies
demonstrated signifcant improvement in the elastic tissue
content of those on the green tea regimen (P<.05).

FIGURE 1. Natural shiitake complex inhibits elastase activity.
FIGURE 2. Puried feverfew extract: benets for sensitive skin.
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Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
September 2013 Volume 12 Issue 9 (Supplement)
W.P. Bowe
charged site. This wheat complex technology provides a benef-
cial protective function on the hair shaft.
Repeated coloring of hair can cause damage to the hair cu-
ticle. The images in Figure 3 show the surface of a hair fber
captured using Scanning Electron Microscopy. These images
show the cuticle on the surface of the hair fber. The untreated
hair seen in the top 2 photos is called virgin hair because it
has never been colored. The cuticle structure is uniform, thick,
and undamaged. The images on the bottom represent hair f-
bers that were color treated twice. They show damage to the
cuticle including "wearing-away," pitting, and non-uniformity
of the cuticle structures.
The images in Figure 4 demonstrate how the wheat complex
can nourish and repair damaged hair. The hair was treated with
wheat-complexcontaining shampoo and conditioner 3 times. The
images on the right show the improvement to the cuticle struc-
ture. It looks smooth and uniform. Smoothing of the surface of
the hair evens out the refectivity of light, allowing the hair to look
shiny, which patients perceive as healthier hair. This technology
provides the damaged hair shaft with a lubricated layer to help
protect against damage, which can be caused by chemical treat-
ments or even by grooming the hair with combs or brushes.
Interest in natural ingredients continues to rise, and numer-
ous products claiming to be natural in origin continue to
enter the marketplace, fnding shelf space in local pharma-
cies, department stores, and beauty boutiques. However,
only a select few of these products contain ingredients that
have scientifc studies backing the claims made on their la-
bels. Furthermore, confusion remains about the defnition of
terms such as organic. As more and more of our patients
seek natural remedies to address their cosmetic concerns,
our advice will be sought regarding which ingredients to
choose and which products are not only effective but safe.
While further research is needed to better understand the full
scope of the properties these natural ingredients possess,
clinicians should have a working knowledge of which ingre-
dients appear to provide a true beneft. We want to be in a
position to best assist our patients, arm them with knowl-
edge, and help them to become savvy consumers.
to shine and lubrication of the hair shaft. When hair is damaged
through coloring, blow-drying, or perming, bonds in the hair
break and create a negative charge. The wheat protein in the
Nourishing Wheat Complex (Aveeno

positively nourishing
Hair Care Collection; Johnson & Johnson Inc, Skillman, NJ)
has a naturally positive charge that is attracted to the charge
on damaged hair. Wheat protein deposition is targeted to the
most damaged areas of the hair (the tip region, rather than the
root region), helping to prevent future build-up. Wheat protein
is unique because it is non-hydrolyzed protein (not soluble in
water and so not broken down with use in the shower).
In the interaction between the wheat complex and the surface
of a hair fber, damaged areas on the hair shaft have a nega-
tive charge due to the presence of sulfhydryl groups. The wheat
complex has a positive charge, and so it binds to the negatively
FIGURE 3. How does coloring affect hair?
"As more and more of our patients
seek natural remedies to address their
cosmetic concerns, our advice will be
sought regarding which ingredients
to choose and which products are not
only efective but safe."
FIGURE 4. Effects of shampoo and conditioner with wheat complex.
Bleach-Damaged Hair
Treated with shampoo
and conditioner
Bleach-Damaged Hair
2X Colored
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Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
September 2013 Volume 12 Issue 9 (Supplement)
W.P. Bowe
Whitney P. Bowe MD has served as a consultant for Johnson &
Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc, on an advisory panel for
Galderma Labs, and as a consultant for Procter and Gamble.
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Whitney P. Bowe MD
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