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Artigo JDD PDF
positively nourishing
Hair Care Collection; Johnson & Johnson Inc, Skillman, NJ)
has a naturally positive charge that is attracted to the charge
on damaged hair. Wheat protein deposition is targeted to the
most damaged areas of the hair (the tip region, rather than the
root region), helping to prevent future build-up. Wheat protein
is unique because it is non-hydrolyzed protein (not soluble in
water and so not broken down with use in the shower).
In the interaction between the wheat complex and the surface
of a hair fber, damaged areas on the hair shaft have a nega-
tive charge due to the presence of sulfhydryl groups. The wheat
complex has a positive charge, and so it binds to the negatively
FIGURE 3. How does coloring affect hair?
"As more and more of our patients
seek natural remedies to address their
cosmetic concerns, our advice will be
sought regarding which ingredients
to choose and which products are not
only efective but safe."
FIGURE 4. Effects of shampoo and conditioner with wheat complex.
Bleach-Damaged Hair
Treated with shampoo
and conditioner
Bleach-Damaged Hair
2X Colored
2013-Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. All Rights Reserved.
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Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
September 2013 Volume 12 Issue 9 (Supplement)
W.P. Bowe
Whitney P. Bowe MD has served as a consultant for Johnson &
Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc, on an advisory panel for
Galderma Labs, and as a consultant for Procter and Gamble.
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Whitney P. Bowe MD
2013-Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. All Rights Reserved.
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