The document discusses various Catholic prayers and provides instructions for praying the rosary.
The document includes prayers like the rosary, angelus, litanies and novenas to Mary and Jesus, acts of faith, hope and charity, morning and evening prayers.
The document discusses the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the rosary on pages 8-10.
(Oremus quotidie Rosarium) [ ROSARIUM ] ( ENLISH ! LATIN ) Saturday, February 23, 2013 His mother saith ... : "#atsoe$er #e s#a%% sa& to &ou' do &e( [John 5:2] 2 Ta)%e o* +o,te,t How to pray the osary ! "rayer to the Ho#y $host 5 %he &post#es' (reed )ut Father * * Hai# +ary $#ory be %he Fatima &spiration , , , Joy-u# +ysteries . Sorrow-u# +ysteries / $#orious +ysteries 10 Hai# Ho#y 0ueen 11 +emorare to the 1#essed 2ir3in 12 "rayer -or 2o4ations 13 enewa# o- the Fami#y (onse4ration to the Sa4red Heart o- Jesus 13 "rayer to our 5ady, 0ueen o- &n3e#s 13 "rayer to St. +i4hae#, +y $uardian &n3e#, 1! &4t o- (ontrition 1! &4t o- Faith &4t o- Hope 15 &4t o- (harity 1* %he b#essin3 be-ore mea#s 1* $ra4e a-ter mea#s 1, %he (on-iteor 1, "rayer to St. Joseph 1. +ornin3 "rayer 1/ &nima (hristi 1/ (onse4ration to the 1#essed 2ir3in 1/ 39 orate (ae#i "ur3atoria# So4iety "#ease pray -or the enro##ed sou#s and the priests sayin3 %raditiona# +asses -or the So4iety: For a## the sou#s enro##ed in the orate (ae#i "ur3atoria# So4iety: 6terna# rest 3rant unto them, ) 5ord, and #et perpetua# #i3ht shine upon them. +ay their sou#s and the sou#s o- a## the Faith-u# departed rest in pea4e. &men. %hen ... &#mi3hty and e7er #i7in3 $od, we as8 %hy b#essin3 upon the priests who o--er +asses -or the "ur3atoria# So4iety. $i7e them a 3reater awareness o- the 3ra4e that %hou dost pour out throu3h the Sa4raments, and by their de7out 4e#ebration o- the Sa4red +ysteries, in4rease in them a #o7e -or %hee.$i7e stren3th to %hy priests, ) Shepherd o- the -#o489 when they are in doubt, 3i7e them the assuran4e o- -aith, and in %hy 3oodness 4on-irm them as hera#ds o- %hy %ruth to a## who see8 to -o##ow in %hy path.:e as8 this throu3h )ur 5ord Jesus (hrist, 6terna# "riest, :ho #i7es and rei3ns with %hee in the unity with the Ho#y $host, $od, -or e7er and e7er. &men. http:;;rorate<4ae#i.b#o3spot.4om;2012;11;a##<sou#s<day<ne7er<-or3et.htm#=more 38 S S is hard as in the English word sea, but is slightly softened when coming between two vowels. e.g. misericrdia T T is like the English T, except as below. TI standing before a vowel and following any letter (except S, X, T) is pronouncedtsee. e.g. patientia = pa-tsee-n-tsee-a gratia = gr-tsee-a constitutio = con-stee-t-tsee-o laetitia = lae-te-tsee-a Answered by Colin B. Donovan, STL Sou4e: http:;;www.ewtn.4om;e>pert;answers;e44#esiasti4a#?#atin.htm 3 Ta)%e o* +o,te,t "rayer to (hrist the @in3 1/ %he &n3e#us 21 %he e3ina (ae#i 22 5itany o- the 1#essed 2ir3in 23 5itany o- the Sa4red Heart o- Jesus 2* %he (ord o- St Joseph 2. %he %en (ommandment Si> "re4epts o- the (hur4h 2/ 2/ Ho#y Aays o- )b#i3ation in Sin3apore, +a#aysia and 1runei 30 %he 15 "romises o- +ary to (hristians :ho e4ite the osary 30 :hat the osary is 30 %he Se7en :or8s o- +er4y %he Se7en Spiritua# :or8s o- +er4y %he Se7en $i-ts o- the Ho#y $host %he %we#7e Fruits o- the Ho#y $host 32 %he Four (ardina# 2irtues %he %hree 6mminent $ood :or8s %he Se7en (apita# Sins B their (ontrary 2irtues %he Si> Sins a3ainst the Ho#y $host 32 %he Cine :ays :e "arti4ipate in )thers' Sins %he Cine (hoirs o- &n3e#s %he %hree 67an3e#i4a# (ounse#s %he Four "i##ars o- the (atho#i4 Faith %he %hree "i##ars o- the (hur4h's &uthority 33 %he Four +ar8s o- the (hur4h %he Se7en Sorrows o- )ur 5ady %he %hree "owers o- the :i## %he Four 5ast %hin3s 33 :hy pray in 5atinD 3! $uide to 5atin "ronun4iation 35 orate (ae#i "ur3atoria# So4iety !0 4 HO" TO PRAY THE ROSARY %he osary is a de7otion to the En4arnation o- )ur 5ord and to His 1#essed +other. Et is 4omposed o- -i-teen de4ades, ea4h de4ade 4onsistin3 o- the )ur Father, ten Hai# +ary's, and the $#ory 1e to the Father, and ea4h bein3 re4ited in honour o- some mystery in the #i-e o- )ur 5ord and o- His 1#essed +other. Aurin3 ea4h de4ade we shou#d 4a## to mind the mystery whi4h it is intended to honour, and pray that we may #earn to pra4ti4e the 7irtue spe4ia##y tau3ht us by that mystery. -e.i, t#e Rosar& )&/ 1 +a8in3 the Si3n o- the (ross and say the &post#es (reed. 2 Say the )ur Father. 3 Say three Hai# +ary's. ! Say the $#ory 1e and then, i- you wish, say the Fatima "rayer. 5, 13 &nnoun4e the First +ystery, then say the )ur Father. * Say ten Hai# +aryFs, whi#e meditatin3 on the +ystery. ,,. Say the $#ory 1e, then the Fatima "rayer. /, 10 11, 12 &nnoun4e the Se4ond +ystery9 then say the )ur Father. epeat * and , and 4ontinue with the %hird, Fourth and Fi-th +ysteries in the same manner. 13 Say the Hai# Ho#y 0ueen and the 5et Gs "ray, and Si3n o- the (ross. [Any other prayers can be added] Our Rosary group ends the Rosary with "The Memorare, Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, and the Sign o the !ross" 37 C C coming before e, ae, oe, i, y is pronounced like ch in Church e.g. caelum = che-loom ; Ceclia = che-che-lee-a CC before the same vowels is pronounced T-ch. e.g. ecce = et-che ; sccitas = set-chee-tas. SC before the same vowels is pronounced like Sh in shed e.g. descendit = de-shn-deet Except for these cases C is always pronounced like the English K e.g. critas = kh-ree-tas CH is always like K (even before E or I) e.g. Cham = Kam, mchina = m-kee-na G G before e, ae, i, y, is soft as in generous e.g. mgi , gnitor , Regna GN has the softened sound given to those letters in French and Italian. e.g. (French) agneau , signor , monsignor The nearest English equivalent would be N followed by y. e.g. Regnum = Reh-nyoom ; Magnificat = Mah-nye-fee-caht H H is pronounced K in the two words nihil (nee-keel) and mihi (mee-kee) and their compounds. In ancient books these words are often written nichil and michi. In all other cases H is mute. J J, often written as I (e.g. juris or iurus), is treated as Y, forming one sound with the vowel which follows it. e.g. jam, iam = yam ; alleluia = alleloya ; major = ma-yor R When with another consonant, care must be taken not to omit this sound. It must be slightly rolled on the tongue (carnis). Care must be taken not to modify the quality of the vowel in the syllable preceding the R. e.g. Kyrie: Say Ke-ree-e not Kear-ee-e sapere: Say sh-pe-re not sah-per-e diligere: Say dee-le-ge-re not dee-lee-ger-e Consonants 36 Ecclesiastical Latin Ecclesiastical Latin refers to the pronunciation and usages of Latin by the Catholic Church. In some respects, such as pronunciation, it differs from the Latin spoken by Caesar, Seneca and Cicero, called Classical Latin. Classical Latin is what classics departments in major universities teach, and is also the Latin taught on language tapes, unless Ecclesiastical Latin is specified. A characteristic difference would be the pronunciation of regina coeli. In Classical Latin the "g" is hard and the "c" sounds like "k". In Ecclesiastical Latin, which is defined as Latin spoken as Italian would be pronounced in Rome, the "g" is soft and the c has a "ch" sound. The following pronunciation table is adapted from the Liber Usalis, one of the former chant books for Mass and Office. Its introduction to Gregorian Chant is also invaluable. Vowels A A is pronounced as in the word Father, never as in the word can. We must be careful to get this open, warm sound, especially when A is followed by Mor N as in Sanctus, Nam, etc. E E is pronounced as in Red, men, met; never with the suspicion of a second sound as in Ray. I I is pronounced as ee in Feet, never as i in milk or tin. O O is pronounced as in For, never as in go. U U is pronounced as oo in Moon, never as in custom. Y Y is pronounced and treated as the Latin I. (see above) The pronunciation given for i, o, u, gives the approximate quality of the sounds, which may be long or short; care must be taken to bring out the accent of the word. e.g. mrtyr = mrteer. Double Vowels As a general rule when two vowels come together each keeps its own sound and constitutes a separate syllable. e.g. dii is di--i ; flii is fl-i-i ; erum is e--rum. OU The rule of each keeping its own sound applies to OU and AI. AI e.g. prout is pro-oot ; coutntur = co-oo-ton-toor ; it is ah-eet. AE However, AE and OE are pronounced as one sound, like E above. OE e.g. caelum 5 [E,.%is#] SIN O0 THE +ROSS 2. H En the Came o- the Father and o- the Son and o- the Ho#y $host. R( Ame, PRAYER TO THE HOLY HOST (ome, Ho#y $host, -i## the hearts o- %hy -aith-u#, and en8ind#e in them the -ire o- %hy #o7e. 2. Send -orth %hy Spirit and they sha## be 4reated. R( A,d T#ou s#a%t re,e1 t#e *a2e o* t#e eart#( LET US PRAY ) $od, :ho hast tau3ht the hearts o- the -aith-u# by the #i3ht o- the Ho#y $host, 3rant that, by the 3i-t o- the same Spirit, we may be a#ways tru#y wise and e7er reIoi4e in His 4onso#ations. %hrou3h (hrist, our 5ord. &men. [Lati,] SINUM +RU+IS 2. 3 En nJmine "Ktris et FL#ii et SpLritus SKn4ti. R( Ame, ORATIO AD SAN+TUM SPIRITUS 2eni, San4te Spiritus, rep#e tuorum 4orda -ide#ium, et tui amoris in eis i3nem a44ende. 2. 6mitte Spiritum tuum et 4reabuntur. R( Et re,o$a)is *a2iem terrae( OR4MUS Aeus, Mui 4orda -ide#ium san4ti Spiritus i##ustratione do4uisti, da nobis, in eodem Spiritu re4ta sapere, et de 6Ius, semper 4onso#atione 3audere. "er (hristum Aominum nostrum. &men. [100 days indulgence; with holy water 300 days] 6 THE APOSTLES5 +REED E be#ie7e in $od, the Father &#mi3hty, (reator o- hea7en and earth9 and in Jesus (hrist, His on#y Son, our 5ord9 who was 4on4ei7ed by the Ho#y $host, born o- the 2ir3in +ary, su--ered under "ontius "i#ate, was 4ru4i-ied9 died, and was buried. He des4ended into he##9 the third day He arose a3ain -rom the dead9 He as4ended into hea7en, sitteth at the ri3ht hand o- $od, the Father &#mi3hty9 -rom then4e He sha## 4ome to Iud3e the #i7in3 and the dead. E be#ie7e in the Ho#y $host, the Ho#y (atho#i4 (hur4h, the 4ommunion o- Saints, the -or3i7eness o- sins, the resurre4tion o- the body, and #i-e e7er#astin3. &men. OUR 0ATHER #The $ord%s Prayer& )ur Father, :ho art in Hea7en, ha##owed be %hy name9 %hy 8in3dom 4ome9 %hy wi## be done on earth as it is in Hea7en. $i7e us this day our dai#y bread, and -or3i7e us our trespasses as we -or3i7e those who trespass a3ainst us9 &nd #ead us not into temptation, but de#i7er us -rom e7i#. &men SYM-OLUM APOSTOLORUM (rNdo in ANum, "Ktrem omni< potNntem, (reatJrem 4Ke#i et tNrrO. 6t in JNsum (hrLstum, FL#ium NIus unL4um, AJminum nJstrum: Mui 4on4Nptus est de SpLritu SKn4to, nKtus e> +arLa 2Lr3ine, pKssus sub "Jntio "i#Kto, 4ru4i-L>us, mJrtuus, et sepP#tus: des4Nndit ad Ln-eros: tNrtia dLe resurrN>it a mJrtuis: as4Nndit ad 4Ke#os: sNdet ad dN>teram ANi "Ktris omnipotNntis: Lnde 7entPrus est Iudi4Kre 7L7os et mJrtuos. (rNdo in SpLritum SKn4tum, sKn4< tam 644#Nsiam 4athJ#i4am, San4tJ< rum 4ommuniJnem, remissiJnem pe44atJrum, 4Krnis resurre4tiJnem, 7Ltam OtNrnam. &men. PATER NOSTER #Oratio 'ominica& "Kter nJster, Mui es in 4Ke#is, san4ti-i4Ntur nJmen tPum. &d7Nniat rN3num tPum. FLat 7o#Pntas tPa, sL4ut in 4Ke#o et in tNrra. "Knem nJstrum MuotidiKnum da nJbis hJdie, et dimLtte nJbis dNbita nJstra, sL4ut et nos dimLttimus debitJribus nJstris. 6t ne nos indP< 4as in tentatiJnem: sed #Lbera nos a mK#o. &men. 35 "#& Pra& i, Lati,6 1 5atin is the pre-erred #an3ua3e o- prayer o- the (hur4h < :hen you pray in 5atin, you are prayin3 with the rest o- the (hur4h in the same uni7ersa# #an3ua3e the (hur4h has prayed -or more than 1500 yearsQ 2 %he Ae7i# Hates 5atin < Enterestin3#y, there ha7e been numerous reports -rom e>or4ists that 5atin prayers are more e--e4ti7e in dri7in3 away demons. 3 "opes throu3hout history ha7e embra4ed and de-ended the 5atin #an3ua3e < 5atin uni-ies the (hur4h in spirit and do4trine and preser7es the tea4hin3s o- the (hur4h in an un4han3in3 non< 7erna4u#ar #an3ua3e. ! R%he day the (hur4h abandons her uni7ersa# ton3ue [5atin] is the day be-ore she returns to the 4ata4ombsR < "ope "ius SEE, a -ew days be-ore his death, 1/5.. 5 2ati4an EE mandated the retention o- 5atin in the #itur3y < R...the use o- the 5atin #an3ua3e is to be preser7ed in the 5atin ritesR T3*U. RCe7erthe#ess steps shou#d be ta8en so that the -aith-u# may a#so be ab#e to say or to sin3 to3ether in 5atin those parts o- the )rdinary o- the +ass whi4h pertain to themR T5!U. * "ope 1enedi4t is ur3in3 you and a## (atho#i4s to do soQ < Just 2 months a-ter his e#e7ation to the papa4y, 1enedi4t S2E de4#ared that a## (atho#i4s shou#d re4ite and #earn the most 4ommon (atho#i4 prayers in 5atin to promote unity and -i3ht e7i#. 34 T#e 7 Pi%%ars o* t#e +at#o%i2 0ait# 1 %he &post#es (reed 2 %he Se7en Sa4raments 3 %he %en (ommandments ! %he 5ordFs "rayer T#e 8 Pi%%ars o* t#e +#ur2#5s Aut#orit& 1 Sa4red S4ripture 2 Sa4red %radition 3 5i7in3 +a3isterium T#e 7 Mar9s o* t#e +#ur2# 1 Gnity 2 San4tity 3 (atho#i4ity ! &posto#i4ity T#e : Sorro1s o* Our Lad& 1 %he "rophe4y o- Simeon 2 %he F#i3ht into 63ypt 3 %he 5oss o- Jesus in the %emp#e ! +eetin3 o- Jesus B +ary on :ay o- (ross 5 %he (ru4i-i>ion * %a8in3 Aown -rom (ross o- JesusF 1ody , Jesus #aid in the %omb T#e 8 Po1ers o* t#e Sou% 1 +emory 2 Ente##e4t 3 :i## T#e 7 Last T#i,.s (T#e No$issima) 1 Aeath 2 Jud3ement 3 Hea7en ! He## T#e Si,s t#at +r& Out to Hea$e, 1 :i##-u# murder 2 %he sin o- Sodom 3 )ppression o- the poor ! Ae-raudin3 #aborers o- their wa3es T#e ; "a&s "e Parti2i<ate i, Ot#ers5 Si,s 1 1y 4ounse# 2 1y 4ommand 3 1y 4onsent ! 1y pro7o4ation 5 1y praise or -#attery * 1y 4on4ea#ment , 1y parta8in3 . 1y si#en4e / 1y de-ense o- the i## done T#e ; +#oirs o* A,.e%s (as2e,di,. order) 1 &n3e#s 2 &r4han3e#s 3 "rin4ipa#ities ! "owers 5 2irtues * Aominations , %hrones . (herubim / Seraphim T#e 8 E$a,.e%i2a% +ou,se%s 1 2o#untary po7erty 2 "erpetua# 4hastity 3 6ntire obedien4e Cote: Some o- the 5atin trans#ations are 4reated usin3 $oo3#e %rans#ator. 7 HAIL MARY #Angelic Salutation& Hai# +ary, -u## o- 3ra4e, the 5ord is with thee. 1#essed art %hou amon3st women, and b#essed is the -ruit o- %hy womb, Jesus. Ho#y +ary, +other o- $od, pray -or us sinners now, and at the hour o- our death. &men. LORY -E TO THE 0ATHER $#ory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho#y $host. &s it was in the be3innin3 is now and e7er sha## be, wor#d without end. &men. THE 0ATIMA ASPIRATION ) my Jesus, -or3i7e us our sins, sa7e us -rom the -ires o- he##: #ead a## sou#s to Hea7en espe4ia##y those who are most in need o- %hy mer4y. &men A=E MARIA #Salutatio Angelica& V7e +arLa, 3rKtia p#Nna, AJminus tN4um9 benedL4ta tu in mu#iNribus, et benedL4tus -rP4tus 7Nntris tPi, JNsus. SKn4ta +arLa, +Kter ANi, Jra pro nJbis pe44atJribus, nun4 et in hJra mJrtis nJstrO. &men. LORIA PATRI $#Jria "Ktri, et FL#io, et SpirLtui SKn4to. SL4ut Nrat in prin4Lpio et nun4 et sNmper et in sKe4u#a sO4u#Jrum. &men. ORATIO 0ATIMA Costris, ) Jesu dNbitis indP#3e, Nrue nos ab i3nibus in-Nrni, 4oe#LMue portas uni7Nrsis pande, misNris praesNrtim. &men +ay the 3ra4e o- this mystery 4ome down into our sou#. &men. Mysterii gratia descendit in anima" Amen" Jesus, +ary and Joseph, E #o7e you, sa7e sou#sQ +y Jesus, mer4yQ (esus, Maria et (oseph, amo, animas) Mea (esus, misericordia) 8 T#e >o&*u% M&steries 1 T#e A,,u,2iatio, o* t#e -%essed =ir.i, Mar& *e as+ or the ,irtue o humility %he &n3e# $abrie# appears to +ary, announ4in3 she is to be the +other o- $od. [5u8e 1:2*<3.] 2 T#e =isitatio, o* t#e -%essed =ir.i, Mar& to St( E%i?a)et# *e as+ or the ,irtue o charity 6#iWabeth 3reets +ary: R1#essed art thou amon3 women and b#essed is the -ruit o- thy wombQR [5u8e 1:3/<5*] 3 T#e Nati$it& o* our Lord >esus +#rist *e as+ or the lo,e o po,erty %he 2ir3in +ary 3i7es birth to the edeemer o- the :or#d. [5u8e 2:1<20] ! T#e Prese,tatio, o* Our Lord i, t#e Tem<%e a,d t#e Puri*i2atio, o* t#e -%essed =ir.i, Mar& *e as+ or the ,irtues o purity and obedience %he 1#essed +other presents the (hi#d Jesus in the %emp#e [5u8e 2:22<3/] 5 T#e 0i,di,. o* t#e +#i%d >esus i, t#e Tem<%e *e as+ or the grace to see+ the will o -od in all things %he 1#essed +other -inds Jesus in the %emp#e. [5u8e 2:!2<52] MYSTERIES O0 THE ROSARY M&st@ria audiAsa
PrBmum m&st@rium .audiAsum/ A,,u,tiatiA -eCtD MarBD =Br.i,is .um/ltas p0titur" Se2E,dum m&st@rium .audiAsum/ =isitatiA -eCtD MarBD =Br.i,is ad Sa,2tam E%isa)et# 1ncrem0ntum carit2tis p0titur" T@rtium m&st@rium .audiAsum/ Nati$itCs DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti Amor paupert2tis p0titur" Fuartum m&st@rium .audiAsum/ O)%atiA DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti i, tem<%o et Puri*i2atio -eatae Mariae =ir.i,is !astit2tis et obedi0ntia peti3ntur" Fui,tum m&st@rium .audiAsum/ I,$e,tio <ueri >esu i, tem<%o 4ol3ntas in5uir0ndi 'eum p0titur. Said on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays rom Ad,ent 6 (anuary 78" 33 T#e 7 +ardi,a% =irtues 1 "ruden4e 2 Justi4e 3 Fortitude ! %emperan4e T#e 8 Emi,e,t ood "or9s 1 "rayer 2 Fastin3 3 &#ms3i7in3 T#e : +a<ita% Si,s ! t#eir +o,trar& =irtues T#e G Si,s,st t#e Ho%& #ost 1 "resumption 2 Aespair 3 esistin3 the 8nown truth ! 6n7y o- anotherFs spiritua# 3ood 5 )bstina4y in sin * Fina# impeniten4e T#e : +or<ora% "or9s o* Mer2& 1 %o -eed the hun3ry 2 %o 3i7e drin8 to the thirsty 3 %o 4#othe the na8ed ! %o she#ter the home#ess 5 %o 7isit the si48 * %o 7isit the imprisoned , %o bury the dead T#e : S<iritua% "or9s o* Mer2& 1 %o 4ounse# the doubt-u# 2 %o instru4t the i3norant 3 %o admonish the sinner ! %o 4om-ort the sorrow-u# 5 %o -or3i7e a## inIuries * %o bear wron3s patient#y , %o pray -or the #i7in3 B dead : i*ts o* Ho%& #ost (Is( HH/HI8) 1 :isdom 2 Gnderstandin3 3 (ounse# ! Fortitude 5 @now#ed3e * "iety , Fear o- the 5ord T#e HJ 0ruits o* t#e Ho%& #ost 1 (harity 2 Joy 3 "ea4e ! "atien4e 5 1eni3nity * $oodness , 5on3animity . +i#dness / Faith 10 +odesty 11 (ontinen4y 12 (hastity "ride 7s Humi#ity &7ari4e ; (o7etousness 7s 5ibera#ity 5ust 7s (hastity :rath;&n3er 7s +ee8ness $#uttony ; $reed 7s %emperan4e 6n7y 7s 1rother#y 5o7e S#oth 7s Ai#i3en4e 32 "HAT THE ROSARY IS %he word osary means R(rown o- osesR. )ur 5ady has re7ea#ed to se7era# peop#e that ea4h time they say a Hai# +ary they are 3i7in3 her a beauti-u# rose and that ea4h 4omp#ete osary ma8es her a 4rown o- roses. %he rose is the Mueen o- -#owers, and so the osary is the rose o- a## de7otions and it is there-ore the most important one. %he osary is made up o- two thin3s: menta# prayer and 7o4a# prayer. En the Ho#y osary menta# prayer is none other than meditation o- the 4hie- mysteries o- the #i-e, death and 3#ory o- Jesus (hrist and o- His 1#essed +other. %he ori3ina# -i-teen mysteries are di7ided into Joy-u#, Sorrow-u# and $#orious. 2o4a# prayer 4onsists in sayin3 -i-teen or -i7e de4ades o- the Hai# +ary, ea4h de4ade headed by an )ur Father, whi#e at the same time meditatin3 on and 4ontemp#atin3 the -i-teen prin4ipa# 7irtues whi4h Jesus and +ary pra4tised in the -i-teen mysteries o- the Ho#y osary.%he 4omp#ete osary 4onsists o- -i-teen de4ades, but is more 4ommon#y said in -i7e de4ades. So the osary is a b#essed b#endin3 o- menta# and 7o4a# prayer by whi4h we honor and #earn to imitate the mysteries and the 7irtues o- the #i-e, death, passion and 3#ory o- Jesus and +ary. %he Ho#y +other (hur4h re4ei7ed the osary in its 15 mysteries -orm in 121! in a mira4u#ous way, when )ur 5ady appeared to Saint Aomini4 and 3a7e it to him as a power-u# means o- 4on7ertin3 the hereti4s and other sinners. Sin4e then the de7otion spread around the wor#d with in4redib#e and mira4u#ous resu#ts. 9 T#e Sorro1*u% M&steries 1 T#e A.o,& o* Our Lord i, t#e arde, *e as+ or the contrition or our sins &t $ethsemane, Jesus prays as He 4ontemp#ates the sins o- the wor#d. [5u8e 22:3/<!!] 2 T#e S2our.i,. at t#e Pi%%ar *e as+ or the mortiication o the lesh Jesus is 4rue##y s4our3ed unti# His morti-ied body 4ou#d bear no more. [+at 2,:2*] 8 T#e +ro1,i,. 1it# T#or,s *e as+ or the mortiication o our mind and our heart & 4rown o- thorns is p#a4ed on the head o- Jesus. [+at 2,:2.<31] ! T#e +arr&i,. o* t#e +ross *e as+ or the ,irtue o patience Jesus 4arries the hea7y 4ross upon His shou#ders to (a#7ary. [5u8e 23:2*<32] 5 T#e +ru2i*iKio, o* Our Lord *e as+ or the spirit o sacriice Jesus is nai#ed to the 4ross and dies a-ter hours o- a3ony. [+atthew 2,:33<50] M&st@ria Do%orAsa
PrBmum m&st@rium do%orAsum/ Oratio et a.A,ia DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti i, #orto !ontr/tio pro pecc2tis nostris p0titur" Se2E,dum m&st@rium do%orAsum/ 0%a.e%%atiA DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti Mortiic2tio c9rporis nostri p0titur" Tertium m&st@rium do%orAsum/ +oro,Ctio s<i,is DAmi,i ,ostri >@su +#risti -r2tia mortiic2ndi sup0rbiam p0titur" Fuartum m&st@rium do%orAsum/ -aLu%atiA +ru2is Domi,e ,ostri >esu +#risti Pati0ntia in tribulati9ne p0titur" Fui,tum m&st@rium do%orAsum/ +ru2i*iKiA DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti 'onum su/psius ad redempti9nem anim2rum p0titur" MYSTERIES O0 THE ROSARY Said on Tuesdays, :ridays and Sundays in $ent 10 T#e %orious M&steries 1 T#e Resurre2tio, o* Our Lord >esus +#rist *e as+ or the ,irtue o aith Jesus rises 3#orious and immorta#, three days a-ter His death. [+atthew 2.:1<20] 2 T#e As2e,sio, o* Our Lord >esus +#rist *e as+ or a great desire o hea,en Jesus as4ends into Hea7en -orty days a-ter His esurre4tion. [5u8e 2!:50<51] 3 T#e Des2e,t o* t#e Ho%& #ost u<o, t#e A<ost%es a,d t#e -%essed =ir.i, Mar& *e as+ or the ;eal or the sal,ation o souls %he Ho#y $host des4ends upon +ary and the &post#es. [&4ts 2:2!] ! T#e Assum<tio, o* Our Lad& i,to Hea$e, *e as+ or the grace o a happy death %he 1#essed +other is united with her Ai7ine Son in Hea7en. 5 T#e +oro,atio, o* Our Lad& i, Hea$e, *e as+ or a greater de,otion to Mary +ary is 3#orious#y 4rowned 0ueen o- Hea7en and earth. M&st@ria %oriAsa
PrBmum m&st@rium .%oriAsum/ Resurre2tiA DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti a mArtuis 1ncrem0ntum :idei p0titur" Se2E,dum m&st@rium .%oriAsum/ As2e,siA DAmi,i ,ostri >esu +#risti i, 2Ce%um 'esid0rium supern9rum p0titur" T@rtium m&st@rium .%oriAsum/ MissiA S<Britus Sa,2ti i, dis2B<u%os et -eatam Mariam =ir.i,em <elus anim2rum p0titur" Fuartum m&st@rium .%oriAsum/ Assum<tiA -eCtD MarBD =Br.i,is i, 2Ce%um -r2tia bene mori0ndi p0titur" Fui,tum m&st@rium .%oriAsum/ +oro,atiA -eCtD MarBD =Br.i,is i, 2Ce%o :id3cia in Mar/a Regina nostra p0titur" MYSTERIES O0 THE ROSARY Said on *ednesdays, Saturdays and all the other Sundays in the year" 31 ! Et wi## 4ause 7irtue and 3ood wor8s to -#ourish9 it wi## obtain -or sou#s the abundant mer4y o- $od9 it wi## withdraw the hearts o- men -rom the #o7e o- the wor#d and its 7anities, and wi## #i-t them to the desire o- eterna# thin3s. )h, that sou#s wou#d san4ti-y themse#7es by this meansQ 5 %he sou# whi4h re4ommends itse#- to me by the re4itation o- the rosary sha## not perish. * :hoe7er sha## re4ite the rosary de7out#y, app#yin3 himse#- to the 4onsideration o- its sa4red mysteries, sha## ne7er be 4onMuered by mis-ortune. $od wi## not 4hastise him in His Iusti4e, he sha## not perish by an unpro7ided death9 i- he be Iust he sha## remain in the 3ra4e o- $od, and be4ome worthy o- eterna# #i-e. , :hoe7er sha## ha7e a true de7otion -or the rosary sha## not die without the sa4raments o- the (hur4h. . %hose who -aith-u##y re4ite the rosary sha## ha7e durin3 their #i-e and at their death the #i3ht o- $od and the p#enitude o- His 3ra4es9 at the moment o- death they sha## parti4ipate in the merits o- the saints in paradise. / E sha## de#i7er -rom pur3atory those who ha7e been de7oted to the rosary. 10 %he -aith-u# de7otees o- the rosary sha## merit a hi3h de3ree o- 3#ory in hea7en. 11 Xou sha## obtain a## you as8 o- me by the re4itation o- the rosary. 12 &## those who propa3ate the ho#y rosary sha## be aided by me in their ne4essities. 13 E ha7e obtained -rom my Ai7ine Son that a## the ad7o4ates o- the rosary sha## ha7e -or inter4essors the entire 4e#estia# 4ourt durin3 their #i-e and at the hour o- death. 1! &## who re4ite the rosary are my sons, and brothers o- my on#y son Jesus (hrist. 15 Ae7otion to my rosary is a 3reat si3n o- predestination. $E26C %) S%. A)+ECE( &CA 156SS6A &5&C 30 1. E am the 5ord thy $od, thou sha#t not ha7e stran3e 3ods be-ore me. 2. %hou sha#t not ta8e the name o- the 5ord thy $od in 7ain. 3. emember thou 8eep ho#y the 5ord's Aay. !. Honour thy -ather and thy mother. 5. %hou sha#t not 8i##. *. %hou sha#t not 4ommit adu#tery. ,. %hou sha#t not stea#. .. %hou sha#t not bear -a#se witness a3ainst thy nei3hbour. /. %hou sha#t not 4o7et thy nei3hbour's wi-e. 10. %hou sha#t not 4o7et thy nei3hbour's 3oods. SiK Pre2e<ts o* t#e +#ur2# 1. %o assist at Ho#y +ass on a## Sundays and Ho#y Aays o- )b#i3ation. 2. %o -ast and abstain on the days appointed. 3. %o 4on-ess our sins at #east on4e a year. !. %o re4ei7e Ho#y (ommunion durin3 6aster time. 5. %o 4ontribute to the support o- the (hur4h. *. %o obser7e the #aws o- the (hur4h 4on4ernin3 marria3e. Ho%& Da&s o* O)%i.atio, i, Si,.a<ore' Ma%a&sia a,d -ru,ei 1. (hristmas Aay, => 'ecember 2. &s4ension %hursday 3. &ssumption o- )ur 5ady, 7> August !. &## Saints' Aay, 7 ?o,ember T#e Te, +omma,dme,ts T#e 0i*tee, Promises o* Mar& to +#ristia,s "#o Re2ite t#e Rosar& 1 :hoe7er sha## -aith-u##y ser7e me by the re4itation o- the rosary, sha## re4ei7e si3na# 3ra4es. 2 E promise my spe4ia# prote4tion and the 3reatest 3ra4es to a## those who sha## re4ite the rosary. 3 %he rosary sha## be a power-u# armor a3ainst he##9 it wi## destroy 7i4e, de4rease sin, and de-eat heresies. 11 HAIL HOLY FUEEN @1ndulgence o i,e years] Hai#, ho#y 0ueen, +other o- +er4y9 our #i-e, our sweetness, and our hope. %o thee do we 4ry, poor banished 4hi#dren o- 67e9 to thee do we send up our si3hs, mournin3 and weepin3 in this 7a#e o- tears. %urn, then, most 3ra4ious ad7o4ate, thine eyes o- mer4y towards us9 and a-ter this our e>i#e, show unto us the b#essed -ruit o- thy womb, Jesus. ) 4#ement, ) #o7in3, ) sweet 2ir3in +ary. 2. "ray -or us, ) ho#y +other o- $od. R( T#at 1e ma& )e made 1ort#& o* t#e <romises o* +#rist( LET US PRAY ) $od, whose on#y<be3otten Son by His #i-e, death, and resurre4tion, has pur4hased -or us the rewards o- 6terna# 5i-e: 3rant, we besee4h thee, that meditatin3 upon these mys< teries in the +ost Ho#y osary o- the 1#essed 2ir3in +ary, we may imitate what they 4ontain and obtain what they promise, throu3h the same (hrist, our 5ord. &men SAL=E REINA SK#7e e3Lna, mKter miseri4JrdiO: 7Lta, du#4Ndo, et spes nJstra, sK#7e. &d te 4#amKmus, N>su#es -L#ii HN7O. &d te suspirKmus, 3emNntes et -#Nntes in ha4 #a4rimKrum 7K##e. 6Ia Nr3o, &d7o4Kta nJstra, L##os tPos miseri4Jrdes J4u#os ad nos 4on< 7Nrte. 6t JNsum, benedL4tum -rP4< tum 7Nntris tPi, nJbis post ho4 e>sL#ium ostNnde. ) 4#Nmens, ) pLa, ) dP#4is 2Lr3o +arLa. 2. Yra pro nJbis sKn4ta ANi $Nnitri> R( Ut dB.,i e**i2iCmur <romissiAI ,i)us +#rBsti( OR4MUS ANus, 4PIus Gni3Nnitus per 7Ltam, mJrtem et resurre4tiJnem sPam nJbis sa#Ptis OtNrnO prOmia 4om< parK7it: 4on4Nde, MuOsumus: ut hO4 mystNria sa4ratLssimo beKtO +arLO 2Lr3inis osKrio re4o#Nntes, et imitNmur Muod 4Jntinent, et Muod promLttunt, asseMuKmur. "er ePn< dem (hrLstum AJminum nJstrum. &men. )ptiona#: LITANY O0 THE -LESSED MARY T"a3e 23U 12 emember, ) most 3ra4ious 2ir3in +ary, that ne7er was it 8nown that anyone who -#ed to thy prote4tion, imp#ored thine he#p, and sou3ht thy inter4ession, was #e-t unaided. Enspired with this 4on-iden4e, E -#y unto thee, ) 2ir3in o- 7ir3ins, my +other. %o thee do E 4ome9 be-ore thee E stand, sin-u# and sorrow-u#, ) +other o- the :ord En4arnateQ Aespise not my petitions, but in thy mer4y, hear and answer me. &men +emorKre, o piLssima 2ir3o +arLa, non esse audLtum a sO4u#o, MuemMuam ad tua 4urrNntem prOsLdia, tua imp#orKntem au>L#ia, tua petNntem su--rK3ia, esse dere#L4tum. 63o ta#i animKtus 4on-idNntia, ad te, 2ir3o 2Lr3inum, +ater, 4urro, ad te 7Nnio, 4oram te 3emens pe44Ktor assLsto. Co#i, +ater 2erbi, 7erba mea despL4ere9 sed Kudi propLtia et e>Kudi. &men. @Said three times] 2. +ost Sa4red Heart o- Jesus. R( Ha$e mer2& o, us( )ptiona#: "rayer to the Saints MARIAN -LESSIN +ay the 2ir3in +ary and her sweet (hi#d b#ess us. 2. 3 En the Came o- the Father and o- the Son and o- the Ho#y $host. . Ame,. Cos 4um pro#e pia, benedi4at 2ir3o +aria. 2. 3 En nJmine "Ktris et FL#ii et SpLritus SKn4ti. . Ame, These prayers may be addedA "rayer to St Joseph T"a3e 1.U "rayer -or 2o4ations T"a3e 13U enewa# o- the Fami#y (onse4ration to the Sa4red Heart o- Jesus T"a3e 13U "rayer to )ur 5ady, 0ueen o- the &n3e#s T"a3e 13U "rayer to St +i4hae# T"a3e 1!U $uardian &n3e# T"a3e 1!U MEMORARE TO THE -LESSED =IRIN (ST -ERNARD) 4" !or (esu sacratissimum" R. Miserere nobis. 29 RA+ES ATTA+HED TO THE "EARIN TO THE +ORD O0 ST >OSEPH 1 St. Joseph's spe4ia# prote4tion9 2 purity o- sou#9 3 the 3ra4e o- 4hastity9 ! -ina# perse7eran4e9 5 parti4u#ar assistan4e at the hour o- death.
NATURE O0 THE +ORD AND MANNER O0 "EARIN IT The !ord o St" (oseph should be o thread or cotton, with se,en +nots at one end, indicati,e o the se,en Boys and sorrows o the august Patriarch" 1t is worn as a girdle, and ought to be blessed by a priest possessing powers to engird one with it"PRACDRS O: T.D .O$C !OR'A Recite daily in honor o St" (osephA -$OR1A PATR1, se,en times and ) 3reat Saint, as thou wast ser7ed by $od, E too wish to be ta8en into thy ser7i4e. E 4hoose thee, a-ter +ary, to be my 4hie- ad7o4ated and prote4tor. E promise to honour thee e7ery day by some spe4ia# a4t o- de7otion and by p#a4in3 myse#- under thy dai#y prote4tion. 1y that sweet 4ompany whi4h Jesus and +ary 3a7e thee in thy #i-etime, E besee4h thee to prote4t me a## throu3h #i-e, so that E may ne7er separate myse#- -rom my $od by #osin3 His 3ra4e. +y dear St. Joseph, pray to Jesus -or me. (ertain#y He 4an ne7er re-use thee anythin3, as He obeyed a## thine orders whi#e on earth. %e## Him to deta4h me -rom a## 4reatures and -rom myse#-, to in-#ame me with His ho#y #o7e, and then to do with me what He p#eases. &nd by that assistan4e whi4h Jesus and +ary 3a7e thee at death, E be3 o- thee to prote4t me in a spe4ia# way at the hour o- my death, so that dyin3, assisted by thee, in the 4ompany o- Jesus and +ary, E may 3o to than8 thee in "aradise, and in thy 4ompany praise my $od -or a## eternity. &men. $#ory be to the FatherZ Tthree timesU Se$e, Sorro1s Se$e, >o&s The doubt of St. Joseph. (Matt. 1:19) The message of the Angel. (Matt. 1:20) The poverty of Jesus' birth. (Luke 2:7) The birth of the Savior. (Luke 2:10-11) The Circumcision. (Luke 2:21) The Holy Name of Jesus. (Matt. 1:25) The prophecy of Simeon. (Luke 2:34) The effects of the Redemption. (Luke 2:38) The flight into Egypt. (Matt. 2:14) The overthrow of the idols of Egypt. (Is. 19:1) The return from Egypt. (Matt. 2:22) Life with Jesus and Mary at Nazareth. (Luke 2:39) The loss of the Child Jesus. (Luke 2:45) The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. (Luke 2:46) 28 Heart o- Jesus, our "ea4e and e4on4i#iation, Heart o- Jesus, 2i4tim -or sinners, Heart o- Jesus, Sa#7ation o- them that hope in %hee, Heart o- Jesus, Hope o- them that die in %hee, Heart o- Jesus, Ae#i3ht o- a## saints, 5amb o- $od, who ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d, s<are us' O Lord( 5amb o- $od, who ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d, .ra2ious%& #ear us' O Lord( 5amb o- $od who ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d, #a$e mer2& o, us( 2. Jesus, mee8 and humb#e o- Heart. R( Ma9e our #earts %i9e u,to T#i,e( LET US PRAY &#mi3hty and eterna# $od, 4onsider the heart o- %hy we## be#o7ed Son, and the praises and satis-a4tion He o--ers %hee in the name o- sinners9 appeased by worthy homa3e, pardon those who imp#ore %hy mer4y, in the name o- Jesus (hrist %hy Son, :ho #i7eth and rei3neth with %hee, wor#d without end. R( Ame,( (or Eesu, pa> et re4on4i#iatio nostra, (or Eesu, 7i4tima pe44atorum, (or Eesu, sa#us in te sperantium, (or Eesu, spes in te morientium, (or Eesu, de#i4iae San4torum omnium, &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi, <ar2e ,o)is' Domi,e( &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi, eKaudi ,os' Domi,e( &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi, miserere ,o)is' Domi,e( Eesu, mitis et humi#is (orde, 0a2 2or ,ostrum se2u,dum +or tuum( OR4MUS )mnipotens sempitNrne Aeus, rNspi4e in (or di#e4tissimi Fi#ii tui et in #audes et satis-a4tiJnes, Muas in nJmine pe44atJrum tibi persJ#7it, iisMue miseri4Jrdiam tuam petNrtibus, tu 7Nniam 4on4Nde p#a4Ktus in nJmine eIPsdem Fi#ii tui Jesu (hristi: 0ui te4um 7i7it et re3nat in sae4u#a sae4u#Jrum. R( Ame,( 13 SO+IETY O0 ST PIUS M PRAYER 0OR =O+ATIONS @Repeat each o the E in,ocations twice] ) 5ord, 3rant us priestsQ ) 5ord, 3rant us ho#y priestsQ ) 5ord, 3rant us many ho#y priestsQ ) 5ord, 3rant us many ho#y re#i3ious 7o4ationsQ ) 5ord, 3rant us many ho#y (atho#i4 -ami#iesQ 2. St "ius S R( Pra& *or us( RENE"AL O0 THE 0AMILY +ONSE+RATION TO THE SA+RED HEART O0 >ESUS ) Sweet Sa7iour, 8nee#in3 humb#y at %hy -eet, we renew the 4onse4ration o- our -ami#y to %hy Ai7ine Heart. 1e -ore7er our @in39 we ha7e -u## and 4omp#ete 4on-iden4e in %hee. +ay %hy Spirit -i## our thou3hts, our desires, our words and our wor8s. 1#ess our underta8in3s. %a8e part in our Ioys, our tria#s, and our #abours. $rant us to 8now %hee better, to #o7e %hee more, and to ser7e %hee without -ai#. From one po#e o- the earth to the other may the 4ry resound: [1eho#d, b#essed, and 3#ori-ied be e7erywhere and -ore7er the %riumphant Heart o- JesusQ\ &men. PRAYER TO OUR LADY' FUEEN O0 THE ANELS &u3ust 0ueen o- the Hea7ens, hea7en#y so7erei3n o- the &n3e#s, thou who -rom the be3innin3 re4ei7ed -rom $od the power and the mission to 4rush the head o- Satan, we humb#y besee4h thee to send thy ho#y #e3ions so that under thy 4ommand and throu3h thy power, they may pursue the demons and 4ombat them e7erywhere, suppress their bo#dness and dri7e them ba48 into the abyss. R:ho is #i8e unto $odDR ) 3ood and tender +other, thou sha#t a#ways be our #o7e and our hopeQ ) Ai7ine +other, send thy ho#y &n3e#s to de-end me and to dri7e -ar away -rom me the 4rue# enemy. Ho#y &n3e#s and &r4han3e#s, de-end us, 3uard us. &men. 14 PRAYER TO SAINT MI+HAEL St. +i4hae# the &r4han3e#, de-end us in batt#e9 be our prote4tion a3ainst the wi48edness and snares o- the de7i#. +ay $od rebu8e him, we humb#y pray: and do %hou, ) "rin4e o- the hea7en#y host, by the power o- $od, thrust down to he## Satan and a## the e7i# spirits who roam throu3h the wor#d see8in3 the ruin o- sou#s. &men. MY UARDIAN ANEL &n3e# o- $od, my 3uardian dear, to whom His #o7e 4ommits me here. 67er this day Tni3htU be at my side, to #i3ht and 3uard, to ru#e and 3uide. From stain o- sin o 8eep me -ree, and at my death my he#per be. &men ORATIO AD SAN+TUM MI+HAEL SKn4te +L4ha]# &r4hKn3e#e, de-Nnde nos in proN#io, 4Jntra neMuLtiam et insLdias diKbo#i Nsto praesLdium. Emperet L##i ANus, sPpp#i4es depre4Kmur: tPMue, "rLn4eps mi#Ltiae 4ae#Nstis, SKtanam a#iJsMue spLritus ma#L3nos, Mui ad perditiJnem animKrum per7a3Kntur in mPndo, di7Lna 7irtPte, in in-Nrnum detrPde. &men. MEI MAISTER ANELUS &n3e#e Aei, Mui 4ustos es mei, +e tibi 4ommissum pietate superna9 hodie Tha4 no4teU i##umina, 4ustodi, re3e, et 3uberna. ) me #iberet ab omni #abe pe44ati et mortis sit mihi adiutor. &men. A+T O0 +ONTRITION @1ndulgence o three years] ) my $odQ E am hearti#y sorry -or ha7in3 o--ended %hee, and E detest a## my sins, be4ause E dread the #oss o- hea7en and the pains o- he##9 but most o- a## be4ause they o--end %hee, my $od, who art a##<3ood and deser7in3 o- a## my #o7e. E -irm#y reso#7e, with the he#p o- %hy 3ra4e, to 4on-ess my sins, to do penan4e, and to amend my #i-e. &men. A+TUS +ONTRITIONIS Aeus meus, e> toto 4orde poenitet me omnium meorum pe44atorum, eaMue detestor, Muia pe44ando, non so#um poenas a %e iuste statutas promeritus sum, sed praesertim Muia o--endi %e, summum bonum, a4 di3num Mui super omnia di#i3aris. Edeo -irmiter propono, adiu7ante 3ratia %ua, de 4etero me non pe4< 4aturum pe44andiMue o44asiones pro>imas -u3iturum. &men. 27 Heart o- Jesus, -u## o- 3oodness and #o7e, Heart o- Jesus, &byss o- a## 7irtues, Heart o- Jesus, worthy o- a## praise, Heart o- Jesus, @in3 and 4enter o- a## hearts, Heart o- Jesus, in whi4h are a## the treasures o- wisdom and 8now#ed3e, Heart o- Jesus, in whi4h dwe##eth a## the -u##ness o- the Ai7inity, Heart o- Jesus, in whi4h the Father was we## p#eased, Heart o- Jesus, o- whose -u##ness we ha7e a## re4ei7ed, Heart o- Jesus, desire o- e7er#astin3 hi##s, Heart o- Jesus, patient and aboundin3 in mer4y, Heart o- Jesus, ri4h unto a## who 4a## upon %hee, Heart o- Jesus, Fountain o- #i-e and ho#iness, Heart o- Jesus, "ropitiation -or our sins, Heart o- Jesus, -i##ed with reproa4hes, Heart o- Jesus, bruised -or our sins, Heart o- Jesus, made obedient unto death, Heart o- Jesus, pier4ed with a #an4e, Heart o- Jesus, Sour4e o- a## 4onso#ation, Heart o- Jesus, our 5i-e and esurre4tion, (or Eesu, bonitate et amore p#enum, (or Eesu, 7irtutum omnium abyssus, (or Eesu, omni #aude di3nissimum, (or Eesu, re> et 4entrum omnium 4ordium, (or Eesu, in Muo sunt omnes thesauri sapientiae et s4ientiae, (or Eesu, in Muo habitat omnis p#enitudo di7initatis, (or Eesu, in Muo "ater sibi bene 4omp#a4uit, (or Eesu, de 4uius p#enitudine omnes nos a44epimus, (or Eesu, desiderium 4o##ium aeternorum, (or Eesu, patiens et mu#tae miseri4ordiae, (or Eesu, di7es in omnes Mui in7o4ant te, (or Eesu, -ons 7itae et san4titatis, (or Eesu, propitiatio pro pe44atis nostris, (or Eesu, saturatum opprobriis, (or Eesu, attritum propter s4e#era nostra, (or Eesu, usMue ad mortem oboediens -a4tum, (or Eesu, #an4ea per-oratum, (or Eesu, -ons totius 4onso#ationis, (or Eesu, 7ita et resurre4tio nostra, 26 LITANY O0 THE SA+RED HEART O0 >ESUS 5ord, ha7e mer4y on us. Lord' #a$e mer2& o, us( (hrist, ha7e mer4y on us. +#rist' #a$e mer2& o, us( 5ord, ha7e mer4y on us. Lord' #a$e mer2& o, us( (hrist, hear us. +#rist' .ra2ious%& #ear us( $od, the Father o- Hea7en, #a$e mer2& o, us. $od, the Son, edeemer o- the :or#d, $od, the Ho#y $host, Ho#y %rinity, one $od, Heart o- Jesus, Son o- the 6terna# Father, #a$e mer2& o, us. Heart o- Jesus, -ormed by the Ho#y $host in the womb o- the 1#essed 2ir3in +other, Heart o- Jesus, hypostati4a##y unite to the 6terna# :ord, Heart o- Jesus, o- in-inite maIesty, Heart o- Jesus, Ho#y %emp#e o- $od, Heart o- Jesus, %aberna4#e o- the +ost Hi3h, Heart o- Jesus, House o- $od and $ate o- Hea7en, Heart o- Jesus, burnin3 Furna4e o- (harity, Heart o- Jesus, 2esse# o- Iusti4e and #o7e, LITANIAE DE SA+RATISSIMO +ORDE IESU @yrie, e#eison. N&rie' e%eiso,( (hriste, e#eison. +#riste' e%eiso,( @yrie, e#eison. N&rie' e%eiso,( (hriste, audi nos. +#riste' eKaudi ,os( "ater de 4ae#is, Aeus, miserere ,o)is Fi#i, edemptor mundi, Aeus, Spiritus San4te, Aeus, San4ta %rinitas, unus Aeus, (or Eesu, Fi#ii "atris aeterni, miserere ,o)is (or Eesu, in sinu 2ir3inis +atris a Spiritu San4to -ormatum, (or Eesu, 2erbo Aei substantia#iter unitum, (or Eesu, maiestatis in-initae, (or Eesu, temp#um Aei san4tum, (or Eesu, taberna4u#um &#tissimi, (or Eesu, domus Aei et porta 4ae#i, (or Eesu, -orna> ardens 4aritatis, (or Eesu, iustitiae et amoris re4epta4u#um, 15 A+T O0 0AITH @1ndulgence o three years] ) my $odQ E -irm#y be#ie7e that %hou art one $od in three Ai7ine persons, ^ the Father, the Son, and the Ho#y $host9 E be#ie7e that %hy Ai7ine Son be4ame man, and died -or our sins, and that He wi## 4ome to Iud3e the #i7in3 and the dead. E be#ie7e these and a## the truths whi4h the Ho#y (atho#i4 (hur4h tea4hes, be4ause %hou hast re7ea#ed them, who 4anst neither de4ei7e nor be de4ei7ed. &men. A traditional $atin ,ersion ) 5)A $od, E -irm#y be#ie7e ea4h and e7ery truth whi4h the ho#y (atho#i4 (hur4h tea4hes, be4ause %hou, ) $od, :ho art eterna# truth and wisdom whi4h 4an neither de4ei7e nor be de4ei7ed, hast re7ea#ed them a##. En this -aith E stand to #i7e and die. &men. A+T O0 HOPE @1ndulgence o three years] ) my $odQ re#yin3 on %hy in-inite 3oodness and promises, E hope to obtain pardon o- my sins, the he#p o- %hy 3ra4e, and #i-e e7er#astin3, throu3h the merits o- Jesus (hrist, my 5ord and edeemer. &men. A+TUS 0IDEI Aeus meus, -irmiter 4redo %e esse unum Aeum in tribus distin4tis "ersonis, ^ "atre, Fi#io et Spiritu San4to9 et Fi#ium propter nostram sa#utem in4arnatum, passum et mortuum esse, resurre>isse a mortuis, et uni4uiMue pro meritis retribuere aut praemium in "aradiso aut poenam in En-erno. Hae4 4eteraMue omnia Muae 4redit et do4et 4atho#i4a 644#esia, 4redo Muia %u ea re7e#asti, Mui ne4 ipse -a##i ne4 nos -a##ere potes. &men Aomine Aeus, -irma -ide 4redo et 4on-iteor omnia et sin3u#a MuO san4ta e44#esia (atho#i4a proponit, Muia tu, Aeus, ea omnia re7e#asti, Mui es aeterna 7eritas et sapientia Muae ne4 -a##ere ne4 -a##i potest. En ha4 -ide 7i7ere et mori statuo. &men. A+TUS SPEI Aeus meus, 4um sis omnipotens, in-inite miseri4ors et -ide#is, spero %e mihi daturum, ob merita Eesu (hristi, 7itam aeternam et 3ratias ne4essarias ad eam 4onseMuendam, Muam %u promisisti iis Mui bona opera -a4ient, Muemadmodum, %e adiu7ante, -a4ere 4onstituo. &men. 16 A traditional $atin ,ersion ) 5ord $od, throu3h %hy 3ra4e E hope to obtain remission o- a## my sins and a-ter this #i-e eterna# happiness, -or %hou hast promised, :ho art a## power-u#, -aith-u#, 8ind, and mer4i-u#. En this hope E stand to #i7e and die. &men. A+T O0 +HARITY @1ndulgence o three years] ) my $odQ E #o7e %hee abo7e a## thin3s, with my who#e heart and sou#, be4ause %hou art a##<3ood and worthy o- a## #o7e. E #o7e my nei3h< bour as myse#- -or the #o7e o- %hee. E -or3i7e a## who ha7e inIured me, and as8 pardon o- a## whom E ha7e inIured. &men. A traditional $atin ,ersion ) 5ord $od, E #o7e%hee abo7e a## thin3s, and E #o7e my nei3hbor on a44ount o- %hee, be4ause %hou art the hi3hest, in-inite and most per-e4t 3ood, worthy o- a## #o7e. En this #o7e E stand to #i7e and die. &men. THE -LESSIN -E0ORE MEALS ^ 1#ess us, ) 5ordQ and these %hy 3i-ts, whi4h we are about to re4ei7e -rom %hy bounty, throu3h (hrist our 5ord. &men. Aomine Aeus, spero per 3ratiam tuam remissionem omnium pe4< 4atorum, et post han4 7itam O< ternam -e#i4itatem me esse 4onse4uturum: Muia tu promisisti, Mui es in-inite potens, -ide#is, be< ni3nus, et miseri4ors. En ha4 spe 7i7ere et mori statuo. &men. A+TUS +ARITATIS Aeus meus, e> toto 4orde amo %e super omnia, Muia es in-inite bonus et in-inite amabi#is9 et ob amorem %ui pro>imum meum di#i3o si4ut meipsum, eiMue, si Muid in me o--endit, i3nos4o. &men. Aomine Aeus, amo te super omnia pro>imum meum propter te, Muia tu es summum, in-initum, et per< -e4tissimum bonum, omni di#e4tione di3num. En ha4 4aritate 7i7ere et mori statuo. &men. -ENEDI+' DOMINE ^ 1enedi4, Aomine, nos et hae4 tua dona Muae de tua #ar3itate sumus sumpturi. "er (hristum Aominum nostrum. &men. 25 0ueen o- the most ho#y osary 0ueen o- pea4e 5amb o- $od, :ho ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d: S<are us' O Lord( 5amb o- $od, :ho ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d: ra2ious%& #ear us' O Lord( 5amb o- $od, :ho ta8est away the sins o- the wor#d: Ha$e mer2& o, us( 2. "ray -or us, most ho#y +other o- $od, R( T#at 1e ma& )e made 1ort#& o* t#e <romises o* +#rist( LET US PRAY $rant us %hy ser7ants, we besee4h %hee, ) 5ord $od, to enIoy perpetua# hea#th o- mind and body, that throu3h the 3#orious inter4ession o- the 1#essed +ary, e7er 7ir3in, we may be de#i7ered -rom present sorrow and enIoy e7er#astin3 happiness. %hrou3h (hrist our 5ord. &men. e3ina sa4ratissimi osarii e3ina pa4is &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi: Par2e ,o)is' Domi,e( &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi: EKaudi ,os' Domi,e( &3nus Aei, Mui to##is pe44ata mundi: Miserere ,o)is( 2. )ra pro nobis, san4ta Aei $enetri>, R( Ut di.,i e**i2iamur <romisI sio,i)us +#risti( OR4MUS (on4ede nos -amu#os tuos, Muae< sumus, Aomine Aeus, perpetua mentis et 4orporis sanitate 3audere: et 3#oriosae beatae +ariae semper 2ir3inis inter4essione, a praesenti #iberari tristitia, et aeterna per-rui #aetitia. "er (hristum Aominum nostrum. &men. 24 +other o- our Sa7iour, <ra& *or us 2ir3in most prudent 2ir3in most 7enerab#e 2ir3in most renowned 2ir3in most power-u# 2ir3in most mer4i-u# 2ir3in most -aith-u# +irror o- Iusti4e Seat o- wisdom (ause o- our Ioy Spiritua# 7esse#, 2esse# o- honour Sin3u#ar 7esse# o- de7otion +ysti4a# rose %ower o- Aa7id %ower o- i7ory House o- 3o#d &r8 o- the 4o7enant $ate o- Hea7en +ornin3 Star Hea#th o- the si48 e-u3e o- sinners (om-orter o- the a--#i4ted He#p o- (hristians 0ueen o- &n3e#s 0ueen o- "atriar4hs 0ueen o- "rophets 0ueen o- &post#es 0ueen o- +artyrs 0ueen o- (on-essors 0ueen o- 2ir3ins 0ueen o- a## Saints 0ueen 4on4ei7ed without ori3ina# sin 0ueen assumed into Hea7en +ater Sa#7atoris,ora <ro ,o)is( 2ir3o prudentissima 2ir3o 7eneranda 2ir3o praedi4anda 2ir3o potens 2ir3o 4#emens 2ir3o -ide#is Spe4u#um Iustitiae Sedes sapientiae (ausa nostrae #aetitiae 2as spiritua#e 2as honorabi#e 2as insi3ne de7otionis osa mysti4a %urris Aa7idi4a %urris eburnea Aomus aurea Foederis ar4a Janua 4ae#i Ste##a matutina Sa#us in-irmorum e-u3ium pe44atorum (onso#atri> a--#i4tionem &u>i#ium (hristianorum e3ina an3e#orum e3ina patriar4harum e3ina prophetarum e3ina aposto#orum e3ina martyrum e3ina 4on-essorum e3ina 7ir3inum e3ina san4torum omnium e3ina sine #abe ori3ina#i 4on4epta e3ina in 4ae#um assumpta 17 RA+E A0TER MEALS @1ndulgence o 8FF days] ^ :e 3i7e %hee than8s -or a## %hy bene-its, ) &#mi3hty $od, who #i7est and rei3nest -or e7er9 wor#d without end. &men 2. 5et us b#ess the 5ord. R( T#a,9s )e to od( +ay the sou#s o- the -aith-u# departed, throu3h the mer4y o- $od, rest in pea4e. . &men. AIMUS TI-I RATIAS ^ &3imus tibi 3ratias, omnipotens Aeus, pro uni7ersis bene-i4iis tuis, Mui 7i7is et re3nas in sae4u#a sae4u#orum. &men 2. 1enedi4amus Aomino. R( Deo .ratias( Fide#ium animae, per miseri4ordiam Aei, reMuies4ant in pa4e. . &men. I +ON0ESS E 4on-ess to &#mi3hty $od, to 1#essed +ary e7er 2ir3in, to 1#essed +i4hae#, the &r4han3e#, to 1#essed John the 1aptist. to the ho#y &post#es "eter and "au#, to a## the Saints, and to you Father, that E ha7e sinned e>4eedin3#y in thou3ht, word, and deed: #stri+ing your breast three times& throu3h my -au#t, throu3h my -au#t, throu3h my most 3rie7ous -au#t9 %here-ore E besee4h the 1#essed +ary e7er 2ir3in, the 1#essed +i4hae# the &r4han3e#, the 1#essed John the 1aptist, the ho#y &post#es "eter and "au#, and a## the saints, and you Father, to pray to the 5ord our $od -or me. &men +ON0ITEOR (on-iteor Aeo )mnipotenti, beatae +ariae semper 2ir3ini, beato +i4hae#i &r4han3e#o, beato Joanni 1aptistae, san4tis &posto#is "etro et "au#o, omnibus San4tis, et tibi, "ater: Muia pe44a7i nimis 4o3itatione, 7erbo et opere: #stri+ing your breast three times&, mea 4u#pa, mea 4u#pa, mea ma>ima 4u#pa, ideo pre4or beatum +i4hae#em &r4han3e#um, beatum Joannem 1aptistam, san4tos &posto#os "etrum et "au#um, omnes San4tos, et te "ater, orare pro me ad Aominum Aeum nostrum. &men 18 ORATIO AD SAN+TUM IOSEPHUM &d te beate Eoseph, in tribu#atione nostra 4on-u3imus, atMue, imp#orato Sponsae tuae san4tissimae au>i#io, patro4inium MuoMue tuum -identer e>pos4imus. "er eam, Muaesumus Muae te 4um imma4u#ata 2ir3ine Aei $enetri4e 4oniun>it, 4aritatem, perMue paternum, Muo "uerum Eesum amp#e>us es, amorem, supp#i4es depre4amur, ut ad hereditatem, Muam Eesus (hristus a4Muisi7it San3uine suo, beni3nus respi4ias, a4 ne4essitatibus nostris tua 7irtute et ope su44urras. %uere, o (ustos pro7identissime di7inae Fami#iae, Eesu (hristi sobo#em e#e4tam9 prohibe a nobis, amantissime "ater, omnem errorum a4 4orrupte#arum #uem9 propitius nobis, sospitator noster -ortissime, in ho4 4um potestate tenebrarum 4ertamine e 4ae#o adesto9 et si4ut o#im "uerum Eesum e summo eripuisti 7itae dis4rimine, ita nun4 644#esiam san4tam Aei ab hosti#ibus insidiis atMue ab omni ad7ersitate de-ende: nosMue sin3u#os perpetuo te3e patro4inio, ut ad tui e>emp#ar et ope tua su--u#ti, san4te 7i7ere, pie emori, sempiternamMue in 4ae#is beatitudinem asseMui possimus. &men. PRAYER TO ST( >OSEPH EC )G %E1G5&%E)C we -#y to thee, ) 1#essed Joseph, and a-ter imp#orin3 the he#p o- thy most ho#y Spouse, we as8 a#so with 4on-iden4e -or thy patrona3e. 1y that a--e4tion whi4h united thee to the Emma4u#ate 2ir3in, +other o- $od, and the paterna# #o7e with whi4h thou didst embra4e the 4hi#d Jesus, we besee4h thee to #oo8 8ind#y upon the inheritan4e whi4h Jesus (hrist a4Muired by His "re4ious 1#ood, and by thy power-u# aid to he#p us in our needs. "rote4t, most 4are-u# 3uardian o- the Ho#y Fami#y, the 4hosen peop#e o- Jesus (hrist9 8eep us, most #o7in3 Father, -rom a## pesti#en4e o- error and 4orruption9 be mer4i-u# to us, most power-u# prote4tor, -rom thy p#a4e in Hea7en, in this war-are with the powers o- dar8ness9 and as thou didst snat4h the (hi#d Jesus -rom dan3er o- death, so now de-end the Ho#y (hur4h o- $od -rom snares o- the enemy and -rom a## ad7ersity. $uard ea4h o- us by thy perpetua# patrona3e, so that, sustained by thy e>amp#e and he#p, we may #i7e in ho#iness, die a ho#y death, and obtain the e7er#astin3 happiness o- hea7en. &men. 23 LITANY O0 THE -LESSED =IRIN MARY 5ord ha7e mer4y on us. Lord #a$e mer2& o, us( (hrist ha7e mer4y on us. +#rist #a$e mer2& o, us( 5ord ha7e mer4y on us. Lord #a$e mer2& o, us( (hrist, hear us, +#rist' .ra2ious%& #ear us( $od the Father o- Hea7en, #a$e mer2& o, us( $od the Son, edeemer o- the wor#d, #a$e mer2& o, us( $od the Ho#y $host, #a$e mer2& o, us( Ho#y %rinity, one $od, #a$e mer2& o, us( Ho#y +ary, <ra& *or us Ho#y +other o- $od Ho#y 2ir3in o- 7ir3ins +other o- (hrist +other o- the (hur4h +other o- Ai7ine 3ra4e +other most pure +other most 4haste +other in7io#ate +other unde-i#ed +other most amiab#e +other most admirab#e +other o- 3ood 4ounse# +other o- our (reator LITANIAE -EATAE MARIAE =IRINIS @yrie e#eison. N&rie e%eiso,( (hriste e#eison. +#riste e%eiso,( @yrie e#eison. N&rie e%eiso,( (hriste, audi nos, +#riste' eKaudi ,os( "ater de 4ae#is Aeus, miserere ,o)is( Fi#i redemptor mundi Aeus, miserere ,o)is( Spiritus San4te Aeus, miserere ,o)is( San4ta %rinitas unus Aeus, miserere ,o)is( San4ta +aria, ora <ro ,o)is( San4ta Aei $enitri> San4ta 2ir3o 7ir3inum +ater (hristi +ater 644#esiae +ater di7inae 3ratiae +ater purissima +ater 4astissima +ater in7io#ata +ater intemerata +ater amabi#is +ater admirabi#is +ater boni 4onsi#ii +ater (reatoris 22 2. 0ueen o- Hea7en, reIoi4e, a##e#uia. . 0or He 1#om T#ou didst merit to )ear' a%%e%uia( 2. Hath risen as He said, a##e#uia. . Pra& *or us to od' a%%e%uia( 2. eIoi4e and be 3#ad, ) 2ir3in +ary, a##e#uia. . 0or t#e Lord #at# rise, i,deed' a%%e%uia( LET US PRAY ) $od, who by the esurre4tion o- %hy Son, our 5ord Jesus (hrist, didst 7ou4hsa-e to -i## the wor#d with Ioy9 3rant we besee4h %hee, that throu3h His 2ir3in +other +ary, we may #ay ho#d o- the Ioys o- e7er#astin3 #i-e. %hrou3h the same (hrist, )ur 5ord. &men. 2. e3ina (ae#i, #aetare, a##e#uia. . Fuia quem meruisti <ortare' a%%e%uia( 2. esurre>it si4ut di>it, a##e#uia. . Ora <ro ,o)is Deum' a%%e%uia( 2. $aude et #aetare, 2ir3o +aria, a##e#uia. . Fuia suureKit Domi,us $ere' a%%e%uia( OR4MUS Aeus Mui per resurre4tionem Fi#ii tui Aomini nostri Jesu (hristi, mundum #aeti-i4are di3natus es, praesta Muaesumus, ut per eIus $enetri4em 2ir3inem +ariam, perpetuae 4a< piamus 3audia 7itae. "er eumdem (hristum Aominum nostrum. &men. This prayer replaces the Angelus rom Daster Sunday morning until noon o Satruday ater Pentecost inclusi,e" 1t is also sung or recited at !ompline with ,erse and prayer during Paschal Time" THE REINA +AELI TAlways recite standingU [Endu#3en4e o- ten years] 19 MORNIN PRAYER ) my $od, E o--er %hee a## my prayers, wor8s, and su--erin3s in union with the Sa4red Heart o- Jesus, -or the intentions -or whi4h He p#eads and o--ers Himse#- in the Ho#y Sa4ri-i4e o- the +ass, in than8s3i7in3 -or %hy -a7ours, in reparation -or my o--enses, and in humb#e supp#i4ation -or my tempora# and eterna# we#-are, -or the wants o- our ho#y +other the (hur4h, -or the 4on7ersion o- sinners, and -or the re#ie- o- the poor sou#s in pur3atory. E wish to 3ain a## the indu#3en4es atta4hed to the prayers E sha## say and to the 3ood wor8s E sha## per-orm this day. &men. +ONSE+RATION TO THE -LESSED =IRIN +y 0ueenQ +y +otherQ E 3i7e myse#- entire#y to thee9 and to show my de7otion to thee, E 4onse4rate to thee this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my who#e bein3 without reser7e. :here-ore, 3ood +other, as E am thine own, 8eep me, 3uard me, as thy property and possession. &men. +ONSE+RATIONIS AD =IRINIS ) AAmina meaQ ) +ater mea, me tibi totum A--ero, atMue ut me tibi probem de7Atum, 4Anse4ro tibi A4u#os meos, aures meas, os meum, 4or meum, p#ane me totum. 0uAniam itaMue tuus suum. ) 1ona +ater, ser7a me, de-@nde me, ut rem a4 possessiAnem tuam. &men. PRAYER TO +HRIST THE NIN ) Jesus (hrist, E a48now#ed3e %hee as uni7ersa# @in3. &## that has been made, has been 4reated -or %hee. 6>er4ise a## %hy ri3hts o7er me. E renew my baptisma# 7ows, renoun4in3 Satan, his pomps and his wor8s9 and E promise to #i7e as a 3ood (hristian. En parti4u#ar do E p#ed3e myse#- to #abour, to the best o- my abi#ity, -or the triumph o- the ri3hts o- $od and o- %hy (hur4h. Ai7ine Heart o- Jesus, to %hee do E pro--er my poor ser7i4es, #abourin3 that a## hearts may a48now#ed3e %hy Sa4red @in3ship, and that thus the rei3n o- %hy pea4e be estab#ished throu3hout the who#e uni7erse. &men. 20 ANIMA +HRISTI &nima (hristi, san4ti-i4a me. (orpus (hristi, sa#7a me. San3uis (hristi, inebria me. &Mua #ateris (hristi, #a7a me. "assio (hristi, 4on-orta me. ) bone Eesu, e>audi me. Entra %ua 7u#nera, abs4onde me. Ce permittas me separari a %e. &b hoste ma#i3no, de-ende me. En hora mortis meae, 7o4a me. 6t iube me 7enire ad %e, Gt 4um San4tis tuis #audem %e in sae4u#a sae4u#orum. &men. ANIMA +HRISTI Sou# o- (hrist, san4ti-y me. 1ody o- (hrist, sa7e me. 1#ood o- (hrist, inebriate me. :ater -rom the side o- (hrist, wash me. "assion o- (hrist, stren3then me. ) 3ood Jesus, hear me. :ithin %hy wounds, hide me. Su--er me not to be separated -rom %hee. From the ma#i3nant enemy, de-end me. En the hour o- my death, 4a## me. &nd bid me 4ome to %hee, %hat, with %hy saints, E may praise %hee For e7er and e7er. &men. 21 2. %he &n3e# o- the 5ord de4#ared unto +ary . A,d s#e 2o,2ei$ed o* t#e Ho%& #ost( Hai# +ary ... 2. 1eho#d the Handmaid o- the 5ord. . -e it do,e u,to me a22ordi,. to T#& "ord( Hai# +ary ... 2. &nd the :ord was made -#esh. . A,d d1e%t amo,.st us( Hai# +ary ... 2. "ray -or us, ) Ho#y +other o- $od. . T#at 1e ma& )e made 1ort#& o* t#e <romises o* +#rist( LET US PRAY "our -orth, we besee4h %hee, ) 5ord, %hy 3ra4e into our hearts, that we, to whom the En4arnation o- (hrist, %hy Son, was made 8nown by the messa3e o- an an3e#, may by His "assion and (ross, be brou3ht to the 3#ory o- His esurre4tion. %hrou3h the same (hrist, our 5ord. &men. 2. &n3e#us Aomini nuntia7it +ariae9 . Et 2o,2e<it de S<iritu Sa,2to( &7e +aria ... 2. 644e an4i##a Aomini9 . 0iat mi#i se2u,dum $er)um tuum( &7e +aria ... 2. 6t 2erbum 4aro -a4tum est9 . Et #a)ita$it i, ,o)is( &7e +aria ... 2. )ra pro nobis, san4ta Aei $enitri> . Ut di.,i e**i2iamur <romissio,i)us +#risti( OR4MUS $ratiam tuam Muaesumus, Aomine, mentibus nostris in-unde, ut Mui, &n3e#o nuntiante, (hristi Fi#ii tui in4arnationem 4o3no7imus, per "as< sionem eIus et (ru4em, ad e< surre4tionis 3#oriam perdu4amur. "er eumdem (hristum Aominum nostrum. &men. :rom Saturday e,ening beore Trinity Sunday until .oly Saturday e,ening inclusi,e, this prayer is recited three times a day, namely, in the morning #G am&, at noon and in the e,ening #G pm&" *e recite Angelus +neeling, eHcept or Saturday e,enings and Sundays" THE ANELUS @1ndulgence o ten years]