April 1999:
WAVES is the publication of the Recreational Boating Safety Directorate (B-Directorate) of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. It is published by the B-Directorate, and is posted to our Flotilla Scribd page for the purposes of increasing readership.
April 1999:
WAVES is the publication of the Recreational Boating Safety Directorate (B-Directorate) of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. It is published by the B-Directorate, and is posted to our Flotilla Scribd page for the purposes of increasing readership.
April 1999:
WAVES is the publication of the Recreational Boating Safety Directorate (B-Directorate) of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. It is published by the B-Directorate, and is posted to our Flotilla Scribd page for the purposes of increasing readership.
April 1999:
WAVES is the publication of the Recreational Boating Safety Directorate (B-Directorate) of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. It is published by the B-Directorate, and is posted to our Flotilla Scribd page for the purposes of increasing readership.
The Newsletter from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Department of Boating VOLUME 03 99-04 Editor: Karen L. Miller, BC-BNN 2931 Buttonbush Court Palm Harbor, FL 34684 Department Chief: Warren E. McAdams, DC-B 894 Surrey Ridge Drive Cincinnati, OH 45245
NASBLA News Jesse L. Harrup, Jr., DVC-BN
The CY 00 BOAT/US Grassroots Grants applications went online July 12, 1999 at the BOAT/U.S. National website: www.boatus.com/foundation/national_board.htm
A two (2) page CY 00 BOAT/US Grassroots Grants instructional guideline was placed in the WHATS NEW section of the USCGAUX National website on 7/13/99. This document provides instructions for both the on-line as well as off-line (hard copy) versions of the application, including the submission process. DC- Id provided this information first in his 7/21/99 AUXNET report. Please go to the Auxiliary National website address: http://www.cgaux.org/cgauxweb/news/GrGApp.pdf in order to access this important informational document.
FSO-CSs, SO-CSs, FCs, DCPs, and/or any members with Internet access, please print a copy of these guidelines and share it with Flotilla/Division members who may not have Internet or computer access; lets try not to leave out these significant Auxiliary personnel resources in this grant program. I have reviewed and re-transmitted one grant request to date, so theres not a lot of competition for those dollars yet, but lets change that.
As always, Vanessa Pert, (BOAT/US Grant Administrator) can be reached at Internet e-mail: Vpert@boatus.com and I can be contacted via e-mail: HarrupJL@msn.com or Harrup_JL@VDOT.STATE.VA.US
The grant staff and I look forward to receiving your requests. That leads me into the next announcement, although it was very difficult due to the excellent candidates from which I had to choose, I have made a selection for Branch Chief-Grants (BC-BNG). As I said in the last edition of WAVES, I am prepared to make the introduction in this months edition.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. James (Jim) R. Bechtel from Chicago, Ill. to the Department of Boating, NSBLA/NEW Division. Jim is a Master Instructor, Vessel Examiner, Marine Dealer Visitor, AUXOP, and has served both Flotilla and Division staff positions in the PA, MV, and IS programs. Of most significance are his years of experience in political fund raising and
consulting, financial planning, and gifts/grants development and administration responsibilities, among his career accomplishments. Together we plan on taking the
Auxiliary to a higher level of service provision to you, the members, in the upcoming months and years.
What is it? Well, if you remember reading the 2/99 edition of WAVES, I summed it up by saying: Its a professional association consisting of state, commonwealth and provincial officials responsible for administering (among other things) state boating laws that promote recreational boating safety. Sounds similar to the Auxiliary doesnt it? Professional, multi- geographical in its sphere of influence, administering programs which promote recreational boating safety; clearly its a natural partnership for us.
The 40 th Annual National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) conference will be held in Hot Springs, Ark. from 18 22 September 1999. I look forward to sharing the information learned/obtained in future issues of WAVES. Major meetings planned include, Boats and Associated Equipment, Education, Personal Watercraft, Grants Administration, and the Boating Accident Investigation Reporting/Analysis (BAIRAC) committees. On-water education sessions are also planned.
Well thats some of whats been happening and some of the future plans in our Division since the last issue. Drop us a line if you want to know more about how we can help you in your RBS programs.
National Safe Boating Council Bill Griswold, BC-BLN
The 1999 National Safe Boating Campaign was kicked-off in Washington DC. An article in the Wall Street Journal ran the day of the kick-off, May 20 th , and Capt. Mike Holmes, USCG, was interviewed. CNN was on scene talking to Rodney Slater, SECDOT, Larry Innis, Chairman National Safe Boating Council, and RADM Hull, G-OP USCG Headquarters. Willard Scott on the Today Show, reminded everyone to Boat Smart from the Start and he urged everyone to wear a lifejacket. That was just some of the media coverage gained from the initial kick-off of the Campaign. [Continued on next page]
2 The National Safe Boating Council, using a non-profit grant administered by the Coast Guard with Wallop- Breaux funds, sponsored the event, and designed the Campaign Kits, of which about 20,000 were sent to the states, USPS Squadrons and Auxiliary Flotillas. In the kits were excellent directions on how to establish a local campaign. It had materials that could be ordered, news releases for local media, proclamations for local officials, and directions on how to do a great campaign. Many flotillas participated by combining their efforts with Coast Guard units, or other safety agencies. They established CME stations, and brought the message to the boaters.
The National Safe Boating Council and their contractor, Ketchum Public Relations, reached over 37 million people in connection with the kick-off media blitz. Its probably unknown how many more folks Auxiliarists and Squadron members reached with local efforts. By extending the Campaign from just one week to the entire year aims to reach even more recreational boaters. If anyone wants more information about the campaign, generic news releases, and other information you can use to send a safe boating message, look at the NSBC website at: www.SafeBoatingCouncil.org
This site should be added to your favorite places on the net; it has a great array of safe boating material you can use.
I hope every reader has helped out with the Safe Boating Campaign. With the number of boats on the same water, safety is paramount. You are doing a great job keeping the statistics steady, but we can do more. Help your neighbors by sending out the message, Boat Smart from the Start, Wear your Life Jacket.
Western States Report Betty Oakey, BC-BP
Looking forward to seeing all of you at NACON in Orlando 27-29 Aug. This will be the 60th Birthday of the USCG Auxiliary. There will be lots of exhibits and displays as well as USCG vessels to explore. Ah, but one of the best will be in the Education Department workshops. There will be information about short courses AND a debut of the new BOATING FUN booklet for 4th to 6th graders, that replaces our old youth program materials. Now that is something worth coming to see and hear about.
The Boating Department sent me to the WSBAA Conference and it was a most informative and rigorous few days. (It took all my "rigor" to stay in that freezing air conditioned meeting room when the beauty of the Pacific and the warmth of the tropical winds beckoned!) I have mailed reports to most interested bodies and if I missed anyone just let me know.
Heres a quick summary: All the Western States are hurting from PWC accidents and fatalities and several are considering mandatory education bills quite often just focused upon youth when in actual fact most of the accidents were among 24-40 year old males!!!
Although other areas seem to be concerned about Auxiliary Instructors not including the State specific information when teaching to the public, this issue was not a factor at the Western States conference. In this area, it also appears that more Boating Law Administrators (BLAs) and Park personnel seem to be included in most Auxiliary activities. Northern CA just had a big USCG/USCG Auxiliary sponsored PWC Roundup with all the major manufacturers bringing their vessels for the public to get free lessons and rides. We gave "Certificates" to about 250 participants and passed out scads of Course schedules. It was held on an Island in the Delta with the Park Service doing all the physical layout work along with some help from the local USCG station personnel.
Here's to our Partnership
Tennessee Report Bill Marett, AUXSLO-TN
The Task Force on licensing and mandatory education met on August 5 th to hear presentations from the Boating Law Administrators (BLAs) of Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, and Utah (where there is a dynamite mandatory PWC education program). These state programs (all with some form of mandatory education requirement, except Alabama, which has licensing) were explained, and there was good discussion of how these programs were implemented, their costs, what changes would they implement, and how would they do it differently. In addition, the president of BoatEd, Inc., a commercial vendor, presented his program, which is used in Texas, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and a host of others, to provide education and certification.
The consensus of our group (consisting of representatives of manufacturers, retailers, marina operators, USPS, and the Auxiliary) is to move toward required boater education. We are not in agreement on licensing, but there is a strong feeling that, even if licensing is not to be proposed, "revocability" of education certification should be provided.
Several of us are now preparing for the Task Force a draft recommendation for consideration by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission. We anticipate finalizing our recommendation in time for it to be presented to the Commission at their September meeting. We expect that the full Commission will not act on our recommendation until their November meeting.