Rule 74 Digests

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SPECPRO 3D- 2012

Rule 74
1. Utulo v. Vda. de Garcia
Facts: Juan Sanchez died intestate leaving his widw and 3 child!en as hei!s"
#is widw$ %da" de &a!cia was a''inted ad(inist!ati)" One * thei! child!en
+uz$ died leaving he! s'use Pa,l -tul and he! (the! as *!ced hei!s"
-tul c((enced the .udicial ad(inist!atin * he! '!'e!ties whe!e %da" de
&a!cia ''sed a!guing that the!e is n need *! .udicial ad(inist!atin and
in case it shuld ,e g!anted ,/ cu!t that she ,e a''inted ad(inist!ati)"
0he CF1 a''inted -tul as .udicial ad(inist!at! hence this a''eal"
1ssue: 234 the!e was need * .udicial ad(inist!atin
#eld: 4O5
0he gene!al !ule as '!vided *! in Sec" 672 * the Cde * Civil P!cedu!e is
that that 8i* n e)ecut! is na(ed in the will$ ! i* a 'e!sn dies intestate$
ad(inist!atin shall ,e g!anted9" #weve! this is su,.ect t 2 e)ce'tins
'!vided ,/ Secs" :;6 and :;< * the sa(e Cde" Sec" :;6 '!vides that
when all the hei!s a!e * law*ul age$ and the!e a!e n de,ts due *!( the
estate$ the/ (a/ ag!ee in w!iting t 'a!titin the '!'e!t/ withut instituting
the .udicial ad(inist!atin ! a''l/ing *! the a''int(ent * an
ad(inist!at!" Sec" :;< '!vides that i* the '!'e!t/ le*t des nt e)ceed
P6$000$ the hei!s (a/ a''l/ t the c('etent cu!t t '!ceed with the
su((a!/ 'a!titin withut instituting the .udicial ad(inist!atin and the
a''int(ent * an ad(inist!at!"
When a person dies without leaving pending obligations to be paid,
his heirs, whether of age or not, are not bound to submit the
propert to a !udicial administration, which is alwas long and costl
or to appl for the appointment of an administrator b the court"
Rights t the successin * a 'e!sn a!e t!ans(itted *!( the ((ent *
death hence his hei!s succeed i((ediatel/ t all the '!'e!t/ * the
deceased" 1t is at thei! 'tin i* the/ want t ente! u'n the ad(inist!atin *
the '!'e!t/ ! i* the/ want t 'a!titin it" 2hen the!e a!e n de,ts e)isting
against the estate$ the!e is n need *! the inte!ventin * an ad(inist!at!"
". #ernande$ v. %ndal
Facts: C!esencia$ =a!ia and >?uilina #e!nandez a!e siste!s wh inhe!ited
*!( thei! *athe! a 'a!cel * land" 0he/ 'a!titined the land ve!,all/"
>*te!wa!ds =a!ia and >?uilina sld thei! sha!e t @aca!ias >ndal" C!esencia
t!ied t !e'u!chase the land sld at P1:0 ,ut >ndal did nt ag!ee" 1n he!
su''le(ental c('laint she alleged that she Ae!ed t !e'u!chase it *!
PB60 ,ut >ndal asCed *! an e)tensin ,ut late! n sld the land ,acC t
=a!ia and >?uilina *! P;<0" Du!ing t!ial$ cunsel *! 'laintiA cntended that
the ,est evidence was the dcu(ent * 'a!titin" 0he t!ial cu!t !uled that
unde! Rules <7 and 123 * the Rules * Cu!t and >!t" 127B * the CC$ 'a!l
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
evidence * 'a!titin is inad(issi,le hence the !esale * >ndal t the
#e!nandezes was null and vid" #ence this a''eal"
1ssue: 234 a cnt!act * 'a!titin can ,e '!ved ,/ 'a!l evidence
#eld: FES5
0he!e a!e 2 cnGicting views as t whethe! an ag!ee(ent * 'a!titin shuld
,e in w!iting unde! the statute * *!auds" Pa!titin is e)cluded *!( the
'e!atin * the statute * *!auds *! the !easn that 'a!titin is nt a
cnve/ance ,ut si('l/ a se'a!atin and designatin * that 'a!t * the lands
which ,elngs t each tenant in c((n"
Rule <7 Sec" 1 '!vides that when the!e a!e n utstanding de,ts the hei!s
(a/ divide the estate ,/ (eans * a 'u,lic inst!u(ent" %lthough it is
contended that a verbal partition is entirel void and cannot be
validated b an acts short of the e&ecution of a public document,
there are no indications in the phraseolog of the rule to !ustif an
a'rmative answer. Where the law intends a writing or other
formalit to be the essential re(uisite to the validit of the
transaction it sas so in clear and une(uivocal terms. )ec. 1 Rule 74
contains no such e&press or clear declaration that the re(uired
public instrument is to be constitutive of a contract of partition"
+iCewise$ the Rules * Cu!t '!(ulgated ,/ the Judicial de'a!t(ent deals
with (atte!s * '!cedu!e e)clusivel/" F! the Cu!t t '!esc!i,e what is t
,e a ,inding ag!ee(ent ,etween c-hei!s in the settle(ent * thei! '!ivate
aAai!s which in n wa/ aAect the !ights * 3
'a!ties wuld ,e t t!anscend
its !ule-(aCing 'we!"
*. +orres v. +orres
Facts: >l,e!t 0!!es$ clai(ing t ,e ne * the legiti(ate child!en * the
deceased$ 'etitined t ,e the ad(inist!at! * his *athe!Hs estate which was
''sed ,/ Cnchita 0!!es$ ne * the hei!s$ n the g!und that the hei!s
have al!ead/ ente!ed int an e)t!a.udicial 'a!titin and settle(ent * the
estate" #e late! n alleged that the!e was need *! .udicial inte!ventin as
the atte('ts * the hei!s t designate thei! !es'ective sha!es *ailed$ that the
estate had an utstanding de,t * P:0$000" 0he cu!t dis(issed his 'etitin
since the hei!s have al!ead/ ente!ed int an e)t!a.udicial 'a!titin hence this
1ssue: 234 institutin * s'ecial '!ceedings and the a''int(ent * an
ad(inist!at! is necessa!/
#eld: 4O5
Sec" 1 Rule <7 '!vides that whe!e the decedent le*t n de,ts and the hei!s
! legatees a!e all * age$ the!e is n necessit/ *! the institutin * s'ecial
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
'!ceedings and the a''int(ent * an ad(inist!at! ,ecause the sa(e can
,e eAected eithe! e)t!a.udiciall/ ! th!ugh an !dina!/ actin * 'a!titin" 1*
the hei!s culd nt ag!ee hw the estate culd ,e divided 'h/sicall/$ the/
still have the !e(ed/ * an !dina!/ actin *! 'a!titin" >ls$ the allegatin
* an e)isting de,t was (!e * an a*te!thught and the!e a!e n 'a!ticula!s
as t this de,t t cnstitute a cause * actin"
4. %rcillas v. ,onte!o
Facts: Eusta?ui >!cillas died intestate leaving the 'a!cel * land su,.ect *
this cnt!ve!s/" On 4v 12$ &e!ni( >!cillas sught the cancellatin * the
0C0 cve!ing the said 'a!cel * land alleging that 7 the! child!en *
Eusta?ui sld thei! sha!es t hi(" On 4v 16$ the the! hei!s Iled the 4v
16 'etitin '!a/ing that >u!eli >!cillas ,e a''inted ad(inist!at! *! the
'!e'a!atin * the Inal settle(ent * estate" >u!eli then ''sed the 4v
12 'etitin and '!a/ed that it ,e held in a,e/ance until a*te! the s'ecial
'!ceeding the/ instituted was clsed and te!(inated" 0he CF1 denied the
4v 16 'etitin !easning that it wuld nl/ de'lete the *unds * the estate"
1ssue: 234 Sec" 1 Rule <7 is (andat!/
#eld: 4O5
Sec" 1 des nt '!eclude the hei!s *!( instituting ad(inist!atin
'!ceedings$ even i* the estate has n de,ts ! ,ligatin$ i* the/ d nt
desi!e t !es!t *! gd !easns t an !dina!/ actin * 'a!titin" While
)ec. 1 allows the heirs to divide the estate among themselves as
the ma see -t or to resort to an ordinar action for partition, it
does not compel them to do so if the have good reasons to ta.e a
di/erent course" 0he sectin is 'e!(issive as (a/ ,e glea(ed *!( the
use * the w!d may" #ad the *!a(e!s intended it t ,e (andat!/ the w!d
shall wuld have ,een used as was dne in the! '!visins that a!e
(andat!/ in cha!acte!" #aving decided t institute ad(inist!atin
'!ceedings the hei!s (a/ nt ,e !e,uAed in the e)e!cise * thei! disc!etin
(e!el/ n the !easn that the e)'enses wuld de'lete the *unds * the
estate" 0he !esultant dela/ and necessa!/ e)'enses a!e cnse?uences which
(ust ,e dee(ed t have ,een vlunta!il/ assu(ed ,/ the hei!s"
0. 1rmac v. ,edelo
Facts: S's E!(ac died leaving +t 132< as sle '!'e!t/ t ,e inhe!ited"
Cenn =edel$ a g!andchild$ Iled a 'etitin *! su((a!/ settle(ent which
was g!anted ,/ the cu!t enu(e!ating all the hei!s entitled t 'a!tici'ate in
the inhe!itance" #weve!$ Ped! E!(ac$ ne * the child!en * the decedent
s'uses$ (ved t !ecnside! alleging that +t 132< ,elngs t hi( and his
wi*e hweve! this was denied ,/ the Cu!t !uling that it shuld ,e th!eshed
ut in a se'a!ate suit" E!(ac then Iled a se'a!ate suit" > '!.ect * 'a!titin
was then su,(itted and a''!ved ,/ the cu!t des'ite the ,.ectin *
E!(ac hence this 'etitin"
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
1ssue: 234 the cu!t a,used its disc!etin when it a''!ved the '!.ect *
'a!titin des'ite ,eing clai(ed in a se'a!ate suit
#eld: 4O5
0he 'lic/ * the law is t te!(inate '!ceedings *! the settle(ent * the
estate * the decedent with the least lss * ti(e" 0his is es'eciall/ t!ue with
s(all estates *! which the !ules '!vide '!ecisel/ a su((a!/ '!ceeding
dis'ensing the a''int(ent * an ad(inist!at! tgethe! with the the!
cu(,e!s(e ste's !dina!il/ !e?ui!ed" 0he '!,ate cu!t is nt the ,est
*!u( *! the !eslutin * the adve!se clai(s * wne!shi' * an/ '!'e!t/
stensi,l/ ,elnging t the decedentHs estate" 2hile the!e a!e settled
e)ce'tins t this !ule$ it is nt '!'e! t dela/ the su((a!/ settle(ent * a
deceased 'e!sn .ust ,ecause an hei! ! a 3
'e!sn clai(s wne!shi' which
clai( (ust ,e ventilated in an inde'endent actin"
2. 3arreon v. %gcaoli
Facts: S's" Eni*aci and Cele!ina Ca!!en 'u!chased the land su,.ect * this
case" 2hen Eni*aci died$ Cele!ina ad.udicated t he!sel* the land decla!ing
he!sel* as the sle hei!ess * he! hus,and *! which a t!ans*e! ce!tiIcate was
issued in he! na(e n Se't 2B$ 1;76 with an anntatin that it was su,.ect
t Sec" 7 Rule <7 * the RC" She then ,!!wed (ne/ *!( the P4E
secu!ed ,/ a RE= n J * the land" 0 'a/ *! the lan$ J was sld t Ru*
>gcaili hence a new 0C0 was issued in his na(e" 1n Fe, 1;::$ the child!en
* Cele!ina sught t have a deed * sale e)ecuted ,/ thei! (the! ,e
decla!ed as ne * (!tgage and t !ecve! the J t!act * land" 0he cu!t
!uled in *av! * >gcali hence this a''eal" 1t was alleged that >gcaili was a
,u/e! in ,ad *aith and that a t!ust !elatinshi' e)isted"
1ssue: 234 >gcali was a ,u/e! in gd *aith
#eld: FES5
0he!e is n clea! '!* the >gcali Cnew * an/ Gaw in the title * Cele!ina"
0he (e!e *act * ,eing a twn(ate is nt a suKcient ,asis t cnclude that
he Cnew she had child!en" 1t was shwn that he !a!el/ ca(e h(e since he
was an enlisted (an in the Phil" Cnsta,ula!/ hence he cannt ,e e)'ected
t Cnw the !elatives and child!en * this vend!" F!aud cannt ,e '!esu(ed"
1t (ust ,e esta,lished ,/ clea! and suKcient evidence" 1* *!aud was
c((itted$ such was 'e!'et!ated ,/ Cele!ina" >gcali is nl/ cha!ged with
ntice * the ,u!dens which a!e nted n the *ace * the title and nthing
On the title was an anntatin that it was su,.ect t Rule <7$ Sec" 7 which is
eAective nl/ *! 2 /ea!s" F!( Se't" 2B 1;76 when a 0C0 was issued in
Cele!inaHs na(e until the ti(e when the deed * sale was issued t >gcali$
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
(!e than 2 /ea!s had ela'sed" >gcali had the !ight t have such lien
7. , v. ) 3onbieng
Facts: One Eng!aci Palanca was a''inted ad(inist!at! * the estate *
=a!ga!ita Jse" =a!ian Oca(' ,eca(e ne * the su!eties * Eng!aci
Palanca" >*te! the e)ecutin * the ,nd$ said Palanca tC 'ssessin * all
the '!'e!t/ * =a!ga!ita Jse" +ate! n$ =a!ian Oca(' died$ testate"
D!te %elasc was a''inted ad(inist!at! * the estate * =a!ian
Oca(' while Pi de la &ua!dia Ea!!ett Lde*endantM ?ualiIed as ne * the
su!eties * said D!te %elasc"
D!te %elasc$ as ad(inist!at!$ Iled with the cu!t a c('lete !e'!t and
invent!/ * the '!'e!t/ * the deceased$ tgethe! with a state(ent * all
his de,ts and lia,ilities" 0he Cu!t * Fi!st 1nstance aK!(ed and a''!ved
the 'a!titin" Pu!suant t such ag!ee(ent and !de! * the cu!t a''!ving
the sa(e$ D!te %elasc$ delive!ed t the devisees and legatees *
=a!ian Oca('$ all * the '!'e!t/ * said decedent leaving in the hands *
said ad(inist!at! n '!'e!t/ ! thing * value whateve! ,elnging t said
=eanwhile$ Eng!aci Palanca was !e(ved *!( Kce as ad(inist!at! *
the estate * =a!ga!ita Jse$ and Jse =c=icCing L'laintiAM was a''inted in
his stead" Said Palanca was !e(ved *!( Kce ,/ !easn * the *act that he
*ailed and !e*used t !ende! an accunt * the '!'e!t/ and *unds * the
estate * the said =a!ga!ita Jse" >t the ti(e * his !e(val he was inde,ted
t the estate in the su( * P71$;60"1:"
F! the de*ault * Eng!aci Palanca$ =c(icCing Iled a clai( in the a(unt *
30$000 t the estate * Pi de la &ua!dia Ea!!ett as the su!et/ * D!te
%elasc wh is the ad(inist!at! * the estate * =a!ian Oca(' wh in
tu!n is the su!et/ * said Eng!aci Palanca"
0he lwe! cu!t dis(issed the case and !ende!ed .udg(ent in *avu! *
2hethe! 'laintiA (a/ clai( against the de*endant as the su!et/ * D!te
Ruling5 4"
SC aK!(ed the lwe! cu!tHs decisin" 0he Cu!t ,ased thei! decisin u'n
the g!und that D!te %elasc$ *! wh( the deceased Pi de la &ua!dia
Ea!!ett was su!et/$ wuld nt have ,een lia,le hi(sel* had this actin ,een
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
c((enced against hi(" 1* the '!inci'al is nt lia,le u'n the ,ligatin$ the
su!et/ cannt ,e"
>t the head * the law * ad(inist!atin * the Phili''ine 1slands
stand sectins :;6 and :;< * the Cde * Civil P!cedu!e" 0he/ a!e as
NSEC" :;6"Settlement of intestate estates, without legal
proceedings, in certain cases" O 2heneve! all the hei!s * a
deceased 'e!sn a!e * law*ul age and legal ca'acit/$ and the!e
a!e n de,ts due *!( the intestate estate$ ! all the de,ts
have ,een 'aid ,/ the hei!s$ the hei!s (a/$ ,/ a *a(il/ cuncil
as Cnwn unde! S'anish law$ ! ,/ ag!ee(ent ,etween
the(selves$ dul/ e)ecuted in w!iting$ a''!tin and divide the
estate a(ng the(selves$ as the/ (a/ see It$ withut
'!ceedings in cu!t"
NSEC" :;<"In such case distributees liable for debts" O Eut
i* it shall a''ea!$ at an/ ti(e within tw /ea!s a*te! such
settle(ent and dist!i,utin * the estate$ that the!e a!e de,ts
utstanding against the estate which have nt ,een 'aid$ an/
c!edit! (a/ c('el the settle(ent * the estate in the cu!ts
in the (anne! he!eina*te! '!vided$ unless his de,t shall ,e
'aid$ with inte!estP and the ad(inist!at! a''inted ,/ the
cu!t (a/ !ecve! the assets * the estate *!( thse wh
have !eceived the($ *! the 'u!'se * 'a/ing the de,tsP and
the !eal estate ,elnging t the deceased shall !e(ain cha!ged
with the lia,ilit/ t c!edit!s *! the *ull 'e!id * tw /ea!s
a*te! such dist!i,utin$ ntwithstanding an/ t!ans*e!s the!e*
that (a/ have ,een (ade"N
0hese sectins '!vide *! the vlunta!/ divisin * the whle
'!'e!t/ * the decedent withut '!ceedings in cu!t" 0he '!visins
which the/ cntain a!e e)t!e(el/ i('!tant" 0he wisd( which unde!lies
the( is a''a!ent" 1t is the undis'uted 'lic/ * eve!/ 'e'le which
(aintains the '!inci'le * '!ivate wne!shi' * '!'e!t/ that he wh wns
a thing shall nt ,e de'!ived * its 'ssessin ! use e)ce't *! the (st
u!gent and i('e!ative !easns and then nl/ s lng as is necessa!/ t
(aCe the !ights which unde!lie thse !easns eAective" 1t is a '!inci'le *
unive!sal acce'tance which decla!es that ne has the instant !ight t
ccu'/ and use that which he wns$ and it is nl/ in the '!esence *
!easns * the st!ngest and (st u!gent natu!e that '!inci'le is
'!evented *!( acc('lishing the 'u!'se which unde!lies it" 0he *!ce
which gave ,i!th t this ste!n and i('e!ius '!inci'le is the sa(e *!ce
which dest!/ed the *eudal des'tis( and c!eated the de(c!ac/ *
'!ivate wne!s"
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
0hese '!visins shuld$ the!e*!e$ ,e given the (st li,e!al
cnst!uctin s that the intent * the *!a(e!s (a/ ,e *ull/ ca!!ied ut"
0he/ shuld nt ,e st!aitened ! na!!wed ,ut shuld !athe! ,e given that
wideness and *ullness * a''licatin withut which the/ cannt '!duce
thei! (st ,eneIcial eAects"
Standing$ as we have said$ at the head * the law * ad(inist!atin
* these 1slands$ the/ a!e the I!st '!visins t which u! attentin is
di!ected in seeCing a legal (ethd *! the divisin and dist!i,utin * the
'!'e!t/ * deceased 'e!sns" 0he/ a!e thus (ade '!(inent" >nd .ustl/
s" 0he 'u!'se which unde!lies the($ as we have al!ead/ inti(ated$ is t
'ut int neQs hands the '!'e!t/ which ,elngs t hi( nt nl/ at the
ea!liest 'ssi,le ((ent ,ut als with the least 'ssi,le e)'ense" E/
'e!(itting the 'a!titin and divisin withut '!ceedings in cu!t n ti(e
is lst and su,stantiall/ all e)'ense and waste a!e saved" 0his is as it
shuld ,e" 0he State *ails w!etchedl/ in its dut/ t its citizens i* the
(achine!/ *u!nished ,/ it *! the divisin and dist!i,utin * the '!'e!t/
* a decedent is s cu(,e!s(e$ unwield/ and e)'ensive that a
cnside!a,le '!tin * the estate is a,s!,ed in the '!cess * such
divisin" 2he!e ad(inist!atin is necessa!/$ it ught t ,e acc('lished
?uicCl/ and at ve!/ s(all e)'enseP and a s/ste( which cnsu(es an/
cnside!a,le '!tin * the '!'e!t/ which it was designed t dist!i,ute is
a *ailu!e" 1t ,eing undu,ted that the !e(val * '!'e!t/ *!( the
'ssessin * its wne! and its de'sit in the hands * anthe! *!
ad(inist!atin is a sus'ensin * s(e * his (st i('!tant !ights *
'!'e!t/ and is attended with an e)'ense s(eti(es enti!el/ useless and
unnecessa!/$ such '!cedu!e shuld ,e avided wheneve! and whe!eve!
>s we have al!ead/ indicated$ the ,asis * the lia,ilit/ * a su!et/ n an
ad(inist!at!Qs ,nd is the *ault ! *ailu!e * the '!inci'al" 0he lia,ilit/ * the
'!inci'al '!ecedes that * the su!et/" 1* %elasc incu!!ed n lia,ilit/$ then his
su!et/ incu!!ed nne"
6. 7ereira v. 3ourt of %ppeals
Facts: >nd!es Pe!ei!a died leaving his wi*e Pe!ei!a and his siste! 4agac as his
nl/ hei!s" 4agac then instituted s'ecial '!ceedings t ,e a''inted
ad(inist!at! * he! ,!the!Hs estate t which the widw ''sed alleging t
estate t ,e ad(iniste!ed and in the alte!native she ,e a''inted
ad(inist!ati)" 0he R0C a''inted 4agac as ad(inist!ati) which was u'held /
the C> hence this 'etitin"
1ssue: 234 the!e is a need *! a s'ecial '!ceeding
#eld: 4O5
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>
SPECPRO 3D- 2012
0he gene!al !ule is that when a 'e!sn dies leaving '!'e!t/$ the sa(e
shuld ,e .udiciall/ ad(iniste!ed and the c('etent cu!t shuld a''int a
?ualiIed ad(inist!at!" >n e)ce'tin t this !ule is sec" 1 * Rule <7 which
'!vides that when all the hei!s a!e * law*ul age and the!e a!e n de,ts due
*!( the estate$ the/ (a/ ag!ee in w!iting t 'a!titin the '!'e!t/ withut
instituting the .udicial ad(inist!atin ! a''l/ing *! the a''int(ent * an
ad(inist!at!" #weve!$ this des nt '!eclude the( *!( instituting
ad(inist!atin '!ceedings$ even i* the estate has n de,ts ! ,ligatins$ i*
the/ d nt desi!e t !es!t FOR &OOD RE>SO4S t an !dina!/ actin *!
'a!titin" 4w the ?uestin is what cnstitutes 8gd !easnNR 0he cu!t has
ti(e and again !e*used t sanctin ad(inist!atin '!ceedings when the
issues t ,e !eslved can ,e '!'e!l/ ,e ventilated in an actin *! 'a!titin
as ad(inist!atin '!ceedings a!e alwa/s lng and cstl/"
1n the case at ,a!$ the !easn wh/ 4agac instituted the s'ec" P!c" is
,ecause she and the widw a!e nt in gd te!(s and she wants t ,tain
'ssessin * the '!'e!ties *! he! wn 'u!'se" 0his is nt a c('elling
!easn which will necessitate a .udicial ad(inist!atin * the estate"
8. 9ere$ v. :ietes
Facts: 4iclas Jalandni died" > s'ecial '!ceeding *! the settle(ent * his
estate was Iled ,/ Je!ez$ his widw wh was a''inted ad(inist!ati)" >
'!.ect * 'a!titin was late! n su,(itted and a''!ved" 0hen ca(e +ucil
and %ict!ia Jalandni wh (ved t inte!vene alleging that the/ a!e
illegiti(ate child!en * the decedent" Judge 4ietes issued the assailed !de!
allwing the( t inte!vene" -'n 'etitin t the C>$ the ?uestined !de!
was u'held hence this 'etitin"
1ssue: 234 the .udge has the 'we! t !e'en the '!ceedings and allw
#eld: FES5
0he nl/ instance when a 'a!t/ inte!ested in a '!,ate '!ceeding (a/ have
a Inal li?uidatin set aside is when he is le*t ut ,/ !easn * ci!cu(stances
,e/nd his cnt!l ! th!ugh (istaCe ! inadve!tence nt i('uta,le t
negligence" Even then$ the ,ette! '!actice is !e'ening * the sa(e case ,/
'!'e! (tin within the !egla(enta!/ 'e!id instead * an inde'endent
actin" Fllwing the dct!ine * li,e!alit/ as t 'leas *! inte!ventin$ na!!w
technicalities shuld ,e ,!ushed aside t allw the inte!ventin '!a/ed *!
and avid needless dela/ in the !eslutin * the cnGicting inte!ests * the
'a!ties" >lthugh the .udge had the 'we! t issue the said !de!$ the
a''!'!iateness * the sa(e is nw in ?uestin" 0he said !de! was issued
'!e(atu!el/" 0he!e (ust ,e '!* ,e/nd allegatins t shw inte!est * the
'!ivate (vants hence the decisin was (diIed di!ecting the .udge t
!e?ui!e the JalandniHs t '!esent evidence t .usti*/ thei! !ight t inte!vene"
>40O41O D >RR1O+> D E+E@> D CR1SO+O&O D C-R>==E4& D DOCE4> D ESC-E0> D FR>4C1SCO D 1=PER1>+
D J-+>RE>+ D P1C#>F D P+>@O D ROJO D S1>

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