Subaru Diagnostic Tips

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> The Way They Were:

Pre-OBD II Diagnostics
& Ignition

here longevity is concerned, nothing Until the advent of OBD II, Subaru self-diag-

W beats a Subaru. Statistics? Well, 96 out

of 100 sold in the last 10 years are still
on the road.* Then there are the real-
world examples we’ve all seen, such as the ‘85
wagon that showed up at a New England press
nostics were different from anybody else’s. There
were four modes: U-Check, D-Check, Read
Memory, and Clear Memory.
The U (for User)-Check is simply what turns on
the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp, also known
preview with an odometer reading of 325,000 — as the Check Engine light) when any EFI compo-
and there’s no lack of salt on the roads up there. nents necessary for basic starting and driving func-
Or, this statement from a California specialist: tions are found wanting.The D (for Dealer)-Check
“We see Subarus with 250,000 miles on them that is the most useful — it’s where you’ll find codes
have never had engine work.” And, if you’ll recall, for the whole engine management system.
the original Legacy in stock turbo trim held the To enter this mode, get the engine up to nor-
World Speed Endurance record of 138 mph for mal operating temperature, shut if off, connect
100,000 kilometers for years and years. the two green test plugs (under the dash by the
This kind of durability breeds rabid loyalty steering column, or on the engine side of the fire-
among owners. It also means that you’re apt to be wall by the master cylinder), turn on the ignition,
working on quite a few older models. Ergo, we fig- and watch the Check Engine light (on pre-1990
ured we’d better refresh your memory about the models, look at the O2 monitor lamp, which is
electronic engine management diagnostics used in visible through a hole in the MPFI control box
Subaru vehicles of yesteryear. under the steering column).
* Based on the Polk Company Retail Registration statistics for the period ending 6/30/03.

18 | The End Wrench > w w w. e n d w r e n c h . c o m

Mode Engine Read Memory Connector Test Mode Connector
U-check Ignition on Disconnect Disconnect
Read memory Ignition on Connect Disconnect
D-check Ignition on, engine on Disconnect Connect
Clear memory Ignition on, engine on Connect Connect
On pre-OBD II Subaru vehicles, follow this chart to access the four self-diagnostic modes of the electronic
engine management system.

If a fault is currently present, a code will be flashed out. Glitches

Read it as follows: Each long flash (1.2 seconds) repre-
sents ten, and each short flash (0.2 second) one. So, Code Driveability and emissions items specific to Subarus lend
23 would appear as two long flashes, then three short themselves to a list, to wit:
flashes. After a pause of 1.8 seconds, the message is
repeated. O The fuel cut control unit on ‘89-’93 Loyales provides the
“On pre-1990 models, it’s easy to tell if the oxygen sen- ground for the fuel pump. So, if you get one that won’t
sor is working,” says a former SOA training manager. “Get it start and has no fuel pressure, check out the unit, which
up to normal operating temperature, then look at the LED is mounted near the hood release.
on the computer. If it’s flashing, the sensor’s working.”

August 2005 • Number 30 | 19

The Way They Were

A customer who’s fond of fording streams may show up at your door with the Check Engine lamp on. If you get a code 32, the
oxygen sensor was probably flooded with water. Simply clear the code and the car will be good to go.

O On ‘85 and later Loyale MPFI cars, cutting out and dra- O If the oxygen sensor of a Legacy gets flooded with water,
matic surging over 2,000, mostly while cold, could be it could illuminate the MIL and set a code 32.The sensor
caused by excessive charging system voltage. Anything will be fine, so just clear the memory.
over 15V makes the computer lose its mind.
O Make sure that Impreza is fully warmed up and at normal
O A Legacy with a strange whistling noise may have a bend idle speed before you even think about making a throttle
in the catalytic converter’s inlet shield ring. Pull it apart position switch adjustment.
and blow compressed air around the ring to see if you get
the sound. O Stalling or even an instantaneous backwards crank can set
a false code 11 or 13.
O Another source of whistling is a carboned-up ISC valve.
O If you’re ever fortunate enough to get a tune-up on an
O Stalling or idle surge may also be caused by the ISC valve SVX (the test drive will be a blast — that flat six is one
— you can’t adjust it, so get a new one. great motor), you should be aware that there are two
frame rail access holes for R&R of #5 and #6 spark
O ‘95 Legacy vehicles have a speed limiter that kills injec- plugs.The holes are only big enough in diameter for your
tion at 113 mph. So, a malfunctioning vehicle speed 3/8th extension, which you stick through then attach to
sensor that sends a signal indicating that number or high- the socket.
er will shut down the engine. A customer who complains
because he can’t go faster than that should be ejected O You can run an emissions test on any ‘87-1/2 and
from your place of business. up four-speed automatic AWD Subaru using a
two-wheel dyno. Just install a fuse in the receptacle you’ll
O A Legacy’s idle quality can actually degrade from corro- find under the hood near the driver’s side shock tower
sion in the connection between the spark plug terminal that’s labeled “FWD.” This completes the ground path of
and the wire. a circuit that controls power flow to the
rear wheels.

20 | The End Wrench > w w w. e n d w r e n c h . c o m

O Again on emissions checking with a dyno, TCS- Old Sparky
equipped Subarus should have the switch on the dash
turned off AFTER starting the engine, but before any On all older models except Legacy and Impreza, variable
testing begins. spark lead is used to stabilize idle speed, so you should be
aware of the checking/setting procedure for ignition timing.
O Reduced performance, a glowing MIL, and a code 22 (or First, you’ll have to remove the spare tire, which resides in
28 on the SVX) may mean that the knock sensor has a the engine compartment (the timing marks are on the fly-
broken internal lead wire. wheel, and the viewing port has a rubber cover — that is,
except on the Justy, which has a more conventional three
O By causing a lean mix, a clogged fuel filter can set a code and regular marks on the crank pulley), then plug the two
41 in a Legacy. green test connectors together as you do to get trouble
codes. Make sure you’re at curb idle speed with the idle con-
O A code 42 in a ‘90 Legacy, possibly accompanied by hard tacts closed, then shine the light.
shifting of the 4EAT, may be due to corrosion in the A variation on this is the ‘85-’86 turbo, for which
three-pin connector F23/F24 (clear, and located near the you unplug the five pin knock sensor connector, then set
battery and main harness connectors). the timing.
Another ignition-related point is that ‘86-’94 SPI
O F.Y.I., in ‘97s the charcoal canister uses manifold vacuum (Single Port Injection — the old two-belt 1.8L) engines
instead of ported vacuum, and in ‘96 and up models a have distributors with a photo-sensitive diode and a shut-
loose fuel cap will illuminates the MIL as part of the OBD ter wheel with 360 tiny slits. Make sure the slits aren’t
II strategy. blocked with dirt or grease. Subaru models with MPFI
have a magnetic pickup/reluctor ignition. Cylinder #1, by
the way, is at the front of the passenger’s side, and the fir-
ing order is 1-3-2-4. O

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