Subaru Diagnostic Tips
Subaru Diagnostic Tips
Subaru Diagnostic Tips
Pre-OBD II Diagnostics
& Ignition
here longevity is concerned, nothing Until the advent of OBD II, Subaru self-diag-
A customer who’s fond of fording streams may show up at your door with the Check Engine lamp on. If you get a code 32, the
oxygen sensor was probably flooded with water. Simply clear the code and the car will be good to go.
O On ‘85 and later Loyale MPFI cars, cutting out and dra- O If the oxygen sensor of a Legacy gets flooded with water,
matic surging over 2,000, mostly while cold, could be it could illuminate the MIL and set a code 32.The sensor
caused by excessive charging system voltage. Anything will be fine, so just clear the memory.
over 15V makes the computer lose its mind.
O Make sure that Impreza is fully warmed up and at normal
O A Legacy with a strange whistling noise may have a bend idle speed before you even think about making a throttle
in the catalytic converter’s inlet shield ring. Pull it apart position switch adjustment.
and blow compressed air around the ring to see if you get
the sound. O Stalling or even an instantaneous backwards crank can set
a false code 11 or 13.
O Another source of whistling is a carboned-up ISC valve.
O If you’re ever fortunate enough to get a tune-up on an
O Stalling or idle surge may also be caused by the ISC valve SVX (the test drive will be a blast — that flat six is one
— you can’t adjust it, so get a new one. great motor), you should be aware that there are two
frame rail access holes for R&R of #5 and #6 spark
O ‘95 Legacy vehicles have a speed limiter that kills injec- plugs.The holes are only big enough in diameter for your
tion at 113 mph. So, a malfunctioning vehicle speed 3/8th extension, which you stick through then attach to
sensor that sends a signal indicating that number or high- the socket.
er will shut down the engine. A customer who complains
because he can’t go faster than that should be ejected O You can run an emissions test on any ‘87-1/2 and
from your place of business. up four-speed automatic AWD Subaru using a
two-wheel dyno. Just install a fuse in the receptacle you’ll
O A Legacy’s idle quality can actually degrade from corro- find under the hood near the driver’s side shock tower
sion in the connection between the spark plug terminal that’s labeled “FWD.” This completes the ground path of
and the wire. a circuit that controls power flow to the
rear wheels.