Fashion in Film

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Fashion in Film

Roland Barthes, The Fashion System, (Berkeley, California: University California Press, Reprinted

Stella Bruzzi, The Sight & Sound A-Z of Cinema: F Fashion, Sight & Sound, 6:1 (November 1996)

Stella Bruzzi, Undressing Cinema: Clothing and Identity in the Movies (London: Routledge, 1997)

David Chierichetti, Hollywood Costume Design (New York, New York: Crown Publishing Group,

Pam Cook, Fashioning the Nation: Costume & Identity in British Cinema (London: BFI Publishing,

Raymond Daum and Vance Muse, Walking With Garbo: Conversations & Recollections (London:
Harper Collins, 1991)

Charles Eckert, The Carole Lombard in Macy's Window, Quarterly Review of Film Studies, (Winter,

Regine Engelmeier (ed.), Fashion in Film (Munich: Prestel, 1997)

Jane Gaines and Hertzog Gaines (eds.), Fabrications: Costume and the Female Body (London:
Routledge, 1990)

Robert Gustafson, The Power of the Screen: the Influence of Edith Head's Film Designs on the
Retail Fashion Market, The Velvet Light Trap: Review of Cinema, 19 (1982)

Sue Harper, Picturing the Past: the Rise and Fall of the British Costume Film, (London: BFI
Publishing, 1994)

Sue Harper, Art Direction & Costume Design, in Gainsborough Melodrama by S. Aspinall & R.
Murphy (eds.), (London: BFI Publishing, 1983)

Sue Harper, What's in a Costume? Monthly Film Bulletin, October (1985)

Anne Hollander, Seeing Through Clothes (Berkeley, California: University California Press, reprinted

Robert W. Lavine, In a Glamorous Fashion (New York, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1980)

Elizabeth Leese, Costume Design in the Movies (New York, New York: Benbridge, 1976)

Dale McConathy and Diana Vreeland, Hollywood Costume: Glamour! Glitter! Romance! (New York,
New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc. Pub. 1976)

Colin McDowell, Shoes, Fashion and Fantasy (London: Thames and Hudson, 1989)

Adrienne Munich, Fashion in Film (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2011)
Maureen Turim, Fashion Shops: Film, the Fashion Industry & the Image of Women, Socialist
Review, 71 (September October 1983) p.86

James Vinson, The International Dictionary of Films & Filmmakers, Vol IV: Writers & Production
Artists, (St. James Press: London, 1987) see entries for Travis Banton and Edith Head

Elizabeth Wilson, Adorned in Dreams: Fashion & Modernity (London: Virago, 1985)

Elizabeth Wilson and Lou Taylor, Through the Looking Glass (London: BBC Books, 1989)

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