Child Language Acquisition

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Child Language Acquisition

Children will come up with the most extraordinary things when they start using language. Cute
things, hilarious things and, sometimes, baffling things that may start us wondering whether we
should worry about their language development. This article summarizes some of the knowledge we
have about typical child language acquisition, that is, what you, as a caregiver, need not worry
about. The last sections give a few pointers about when to seek professional help concerning your
child's language development and about resources on language acquisition. These resources (and
this FAQ) deal with monolingual language acquisition. For multilingual language acquisition, please
refer to the Ask-a-Linguist FAQs on Bilingual and Multilingual Children.

Is the language acquisition process the same for all children?
How do children develop?
Do children copy adults exactly?
Are speech and language the same?
How long does it take to acquire language?
Do all children learn at the same rate?
How do children handle the language acquisition process?
What strategies do children use in learning language?
When should you worry about language development?
Where can you learn more about language acquisition?

Answers provided by Madalena Cruz-Ferreira, independent scholar, with input from the following
other panelists:
Suzette Haden Elgin, James L. Fidelholtz, Susan Fischer, Nancy J. Frishberg, Anthea Fraser Gupta,
Robert A. Papen, Elizabeth J. Pyatt, and Harry A. Whitaker.

Is the language acquisition process the same for all children?
All children acquire language in the same way, regardless of what language they use or the number
of languages they use. Acquiring a language is like learning to play a game. Children must learn the
rules of the language game, for example how to articulate words and how to put them together in
ways that are acceptable to the people around them. In order to understand child language
acquisition, we need to keep two very important things in mind:

First, children do not use language like adults, because children are not adults. Acquiring language is
a gradual, lengthy process, and one that involves a lot of apparent 'errors'. We will see below that
these 'errors' are in fact not errors at all, but a necessary part of the process of language acquisition.
That is, they shouldn't be corrected, because they will disappear in time.

Second, children will learn to speak the dialect(s) and language(s) that are used around them.
Children usually begin by speaking like their parents or caregivers, but once they start to mix with
other children (especially from the age of about 3 years) they start to speak like friends their own
age. You cannot control the way your children speak: they will develop their own accents and they
will learn the languages they think they need. If you don't like the local accent, you'll either have to
put up with it or move to somewhere with an accent you like! On the other hand, if you don't like
your own accent, and prefer the local one, you will be happy. A child will also learn the local
grammar: 'He done it'; 'She never go there'; 'My brother happy' and so on are all examples of non-
standard grammar found in some places where English is spoken. These might be judged wrong in
school contexts (and all children will have to learn the standard version in school) but if adults in the
child's community use them, they are not "wrong" in child language.

These examples show that different dialects of English have their own rules. The same is of course
true of other languages and their own dialects. In what follows, examples are in English, because
that is the language in which this article is written, although the child strategies illustrated in the
examples apply to any language and to any combination of languages that your child may be

We start with a number of observations about child learning in general, about speech and language,
and about how children themselves show us how they learn, before turning to children's
acquisitional strategies. These also teach us that children follow their own rules, and that they need
plenty of time to sort these rules out.

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How do children develop?
Like the rest of us, children are individuals. What makes them different from adults, as a whole, is
that children are reared in adult worlds according to adult expectations. Children learn to model
their behaviour on what goes on around them, be it dress codes, body language, table manners or
language uses, usually first through their caregivers and later through peers in their family,
neighbourhood or school. That is, children are learning how to function adequately in their
environment, and much of this learning takes place through language itself. We talk to children to
tell them about our adult world and they learn about the world from what we tell them. But they
also learn about our language, from how we use it to tell them about other things. This means that
language learning is going on whenever language is used around children.

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Do children copy adults exactly?
Children do not simply reproduce as-is whatever they are exposed to, for two reasons: First, they are
developing physically. Just as it may take years to be able to develop the fine motor skills needed for
sewing on a button, it will take years to be able to use speech organs in equally precise ways.
Second, children are developing cognitively. They need to find ways to make sense of their
environment, so that they can engage comfortably with it. They do this by progressively adapting the
input they receive to their own emerging cognitive and linguistic abilities, and by screening out, as it
were, what is as yet too complex for them to understand. Let's see why this difference between
physical and cognitive ability matters for child language acquisition.

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Are speech and language the same?
Speech and language are two quite different things. Speech is a physical ability, whereas language is
an intellectual one. The difference between children's language abilities and speech abilities
becomes clear from a classic illustration, reported by researchers Jean Berko-Gleason and Roger
Brown in 1960. One parent imitates the child's developing pronunciation of the word fish as 'fis' and
asks the child: Is this your 'fis'? To which the child responds: No! It's my 'fis'!

The child recognizes that the pronunciation 'fis' is not up to par, but cannot reproduce the adult
target 'fish'. That is, the language item fish, complete with target pronunciation, is clear to the child,
but speech production doesn't match this awareness. Children of deaf parents give us further proof
of the difference between these two abilities: if these children are exposed to a sign language early
in life, they will develop that language whether they are deaf or hearing, even though they might not
use it. The 'fis-phenomenon' is what explains why children can get very angry at someone who
repeats their own baby productions back to them, whether in pronunciation or in grammar.

Since speech and language are independent abilities, emerging language does not reflect emerging
speech in any straightforward way, or vice versa. There's nothing necessarily wrong with someone's
language abilities if they stutter, lisp or slur their words together, but these features of their speech
may need correcting if they impair intelligibility beyond childhood. And there's nothing necessarily
wrong with someone's speech if they can't say She sells seashells on the seashore by age 6, although
their language ability may need checking if they don't understand what this sentence means, in any
language, at the same age.

What speech and language development have in common is that they progress through stages and
that their progress takes time. In speech, it is quite normal for English-speaking children, for
example, to have difficulties pronouncing the sounds at the beginning of words like thank and than
throughout their first 8 to 10 years: the precise coordination of the many different muscles involved
in pronouncing any speech sound needs a lot of practice. In language, it is also normal that children
have serious trouble throughout many years, for example sorting out the use of pronouns like I vs.
you (if people say I of themselves and you to everyone else, what can these words mean??) or
following complex instructions (which involve several clauses in one same sentence): children well
into their early school years may not have acquired the meaning of words like or, before, after, or
the cognitive ability to process complex sentences yet. As with the 'fis-phenomenon', in many cases
these (typically temporary) child production problems are recognized as such by the child, who can
simultaneously understand an adult using the correctly pronounced words in complete utterances.
The child chooses to use other forms of expression, or to omit certain forms, so as to avoid using
what they know will be badly produced.

Some children will take longer than others to sort out some speech or language issue, or will have
difficulties in areas which other children will have a breeze sailing through -- even among siblings,
including identical twins. These observations teach us to respect children's learning in two
complementary ways: the time it takes, and the individuality of each child's learning.

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How long does it take to acquire language?
Language acquisition takes time, a long time, because all learning needs time to digest and make
ours what we experience around us; it cannot be rushed. Many caregivers want to see 'results', and
in double-time, according to adult expectations, and then worry that 'nothing is happening'. Give
yourself some time too: children learn language through natural interaction with caring people in
everyday settings. The rule here is 'the more, the better': interact with your children in as many
different, engaging, fun situations as possible, so that they realize that language permeates all that
we do in all sorts of different ways. Give your children also plenty of time to 'do nothing': let them
play around doing nothing in particular, wonder on their own about intriguing things like what the
moon eats or why dogs don't wear clothes, or throw serious tantrums to learn how to cope with
other people and themselves, and do all this by means of language. It is important to keep in mind
that, as the child learns and acquires more and more language, each step in the process becomes
less and less visible, to adults as well as to the child. The same is true of adult language learning: it
may sometimes seem, to adult learners, that they are progressing very slowly or not at all; at some
point they may suddenly realize that they have indeed made progress.

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Do all children learn at the same rate?
Language acquisition is not a competitive sport either. Children are not aiming to reach or surpass
some level of language or some time frame that someone else set for them. They are competing
only with themselves, on their own terms. The child whose speech is most advanced at the age of 2
is not necessarily going to be a higher achiever at age 20 than the child who was slower to learn
language. Language is only part of what children have to learn and a child who seems slower might
be learning in a different way, or concentrating on other things.

Children won't learn anything which they are not ready for -- they may parrot things that you or
someone else tries to 'teach' them, but a parrot only learns to parrot. What your child is ready for is
not found in books or in someone else's children. It's found in your child, and to learn about your
child you must also give yourself -- and your child -- time. Your children are as new to you as
everything they are learning about is to them.

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How do children handle the language acquisition process?
Respecting children means learning to understand them. Your child is not you. Children will develop
their own strategies for learning whatever they find relevant to learn around them, including
language. Children are much more resourceful, resilient and creative than we are often prepared to
give them credit for. Besides, and probably most importantly, your worries will reflect on your child.
Children are very good at picking up distress signals from adults, and if they learn to associate your
worry with their speech, then you may start having a real problem on your hands.

Children have no idea that 'language' is something that adults worry about for its own sake.
Language is just a tool that gets things done for them: it's much more effective for a child to ask
daddy for a toy that is out of reach than to simply shout in anger because they can't grab it. So let
your children experiment with their language(s), their way. They will find the right ways to make
language work for them, just as you yourself did when you were growing up. There is nothing to
worry about if your child doesn't sound like an adult (which children don't anyway) or like your
friend's child or like the 'prodigy' children you may hear about through the media. There may be
reason to worry only if your children don't sound like themselves. No one knows this better than
you, because no one knows a child better than a caregiver.

Your children have no idea what is 'expected' of them either. Namely, that you may be looking for
things that are there, or not, in their language. The truth is that many of us caregivers forget to look
for what is there, in our children's language(s), and tend to focus on what we think is missing
instead. A lot of people believe that only 'grammatical' language is language, with lots of words and
lots of syntactic sophistication. Language is much more than this: your child may prefer to be
expressive through intonation, for example, the melody of speech without which no language makes
sense. Or may rely on invented words, complemented by expressive body language. Children know
that there is a model around them that they must learn to follow. But they don't know what the
model looks like, so they approach it by trial and error. Let's see how they do this, with a few

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What strategies do children use in learning language?
All human beings, young and old, follow two kinds of learning strategy. One, drawing on physical
ability, is that we learn in stages (we make sure we can walk before we run). The other, drawing on
intellectual ability, is that we generalize from past experience (if you see an insect that you never
saw before and that looks like a cockroach you're likely to think it may be a cockroach). These
strategies help us explain child productions in the whole of language, from pronunciation through
vocabulary and grammar to skills like how to hold a conversation. The following examples deal with
pronunciation and word learning because they concern the most common questions received at Ask-
a-Linguist. In what follows, we give only rough guidelines for the ages associated with particular
stages of development. As said above, a child's physical and cognitive progress is best assessed
against the child itself, so that specific age ranges matter less than the child's progress from one
stage to the next. Resources detailing milestones in overall child development are included at the
end of this article.

How do children acquire pronunciation?

The basic insight that we gain from children's developing pronunciation is that there are difficult
sounds and easy sounds, and difficult and easy distinctions between sounds. We can tell which are
which by looking at what children do, because children cannot articulate what their vocal tracts are
not developed enough to tackle yet. We can for example safely conclude that, for the 'fis-
phenomenon' child above, the sound at the end of the word fish is more difficult than the sound at
the end of the word fis.

Children start using speech sounds when they start babbling. The sounds that they use in babbling
are easy sounds and these will be the sounds children will use in their first utterances too. Children
usually replace difficult sounds with sounds that are easier for them to articulate, or they may drop
difficult sounds altogether. They may call Sam 'Tam', for example, and they may want to 'pee'
potatoes with a potato-'peewah', or ask you why strawberries are 'wed' and not 'boo'. Although
sounds tend to be acquired in the same order across languages, we should keep in mind that
different children may find different sounds easier or more difficult: each child will have their own
individual learning strategies. The important thing is that there is progress in their development.
Children's spontaneous play also shows a progression from gross to sophisticated control over their
body: they usually start by hitting toys, and hitting things with toys, because it's easier to do this
whilst fine motor skills have yet to be acquired. This is also why in virtually all languages the baby-
words for 'mummy' and 'daddy' sound very similar. It's not that the children 'know' the words for
mum and dad, it's simply that these are the kinds of words that children can say (they say them to
us, to the cat, to their toys, to themselves), but parents decided to believe that the children are
calling them 'by name', and so reinforced the children's use of these words to them from time

Vowels (the sounds usually spelt a, e, i, o, u in English) are easier than consonants and are generally
learned first. This is because vowels are the sounds that carry, and that we therefore perceive most
clearly. If you want to shout for someone named Eve or Archibald you prolong the vowels in their
names, not the consonants. So children are likely to go through some stage where all or most vowels
are target-like in their speech, but all or most consonants may still be funny. Since consonants are no
piece of cake for developing mouths, it becomes clear that words containing several consonants in a
row are young children's worst nightmare. English is particularly child-unfriendly, in that it has words
like splash, with three consonants at the beginning, or like texts, with four at the end (the letter x
represents two sounds, 'k' and 's'). If your child is bilingual in a tricky language like English and a
straightforward one like Hawai'ian, where only single consonants are allowed before vowels, you
shouldn't be surprised if she sounds right in Hawai'ian much earlier than in English. Or if a proud
Hawai'ian parent tells you that his monolingual children started 'speaking much earlier' than all the
English monolingual children he knows. It's the languages' fault, not the children's. The insights that
we gain from cross-linguistic observations like these, by the way, especially among multilingual
children, teach us that using what children do in one single language as the benchmark for typical
language development across the board is very short-sighted indeed.

This same strategy also accounts for why children leave out certain words and not others in their
utterances. They may say things like 'Mummy big glass table' but not 'My on if the'. These are two
quite different types of words, the former being more salient to children because they carry stress in
connected speech, and therefore much easier to perceive and produce.

How do children acquire words?

Suppose you show a banana to a group of children who are at the one-word stage, when all their
utterances contain single words only, and suppose you ask them "What's this?" Some children will
say 'nana', others will say 'mama', others still may say 'bana'. Child words like these exemplify
children's use of generalization: children modify words, replace, add and remove word bits to make
them conform to a general pattern that they find easier to tackle. The two-syllable structure of these
words and others like them, with straightforward consonant-vowel syllables and a sample of
preferred consonants, is typical of children's first words all over the world.

But suppose now one child in the group replies 'moo' to your question. Before you start worrying
about this child's linguistic (or cognitive) abilities, try to think about your question and the child's
answer on the child's own terms, not yours. You are expecting a word that sounds like 'banana', but
how does the child know that? And how do you know what prompted the child to give you this
answer? In particular, why should the sound of the word be more relevant to the child than, say, the
shape of the object you're holding? It may well be that this child has recently been fascinated by the
night sky, and all shiny things in it whose names he's just learned. And a banana does look like a
waning or waxing moon. This child is also generalising, though in a different way from his friends. He
is besides showing you that he knows how to relate what he learned before to whatever activity is
required of him now, which is a very good thing to have mastered indeed. (On a side note, it is this
kind of generalization that makes young children, sometimes very embarrassingly, call all adult
males 'daddy'.)

How do children acquire sentences?

Once the first words are in place, children are quick to realize that saying several words together in
one same utterance is the next step. So, just as they will attempt to run as soon as they are able to
stand up unaided, and will then stumble and fall because of lack of practice walking, they will
attempt to say too many words in one go, and will end up jumbling them all together. Many children
start stuttering or stammering at this multi-word stage of their development precisely for this
reason: lack of practice. Other children may even fall silent altogether for a while, until they've
worked out the very difficult skill of coordinating breathing with speaking in long utterances.
Professional speakers need practice in this skill too, so that speaking for long periods of time does
not wear them out completely, or impair their delivery. Yet other children won't bother at all about
the way they sound and will just go on producing unintelligible speech until things fall naturally in
place for them, even those children who may have had perfect single-word articulations before.

Other examples of child acquisitional strategies surface in ways that would also appear to give
reason for concern, if we didn't know better. Say your child uses so-called irregular past tenses like
came, drove or slept with no problem, as well as regular ones like baked or cried. Then one day he
starts saying things like 'Mummy drived me to school today', or 'I sleeped so well'. What is
happening here is that your child has realized that there is a pattern in some part of the language:
some words (linguists call them 'verbs') can have extra sounds at the end to indicate events that
happened before the time we are talking about them. Most verbs are regular in this way, so
productions like catched or swimmed show that your child has actually learned a general rule and
immediately started applying it to any verb -- just as you once learned that cockroaches 'pattern' in a
certain way, and so this funny new insect before you must be a cockroach too. The same happens
with noun plurals, and your child may start talking about foots or even feets whereas he talked
about feet before. Child language researcher Jean Berko-Gleason used an ingenious experiment to
show that children are in fact learning rules of language. For example, she showed children a picture
of one imaginary, cuddly animal and told the children that the animal was called a 'wug'. Then she
showed a picture with two of these cuddly beings and asked the children: "Now there are two of
them. There are two ___". The children had to complete her sentence, and they used the correct
plural form 'wugs', showing that they could apply the plural rule to words that they had never heard
before. Apparent 'errors' like foots (or catched) thus mean that learning is progressing as it should:
the previous, 'correct' production of irregular and regular forms was simply due to imitation. The
generalized forms will disappear once your child is ready to learn the next rule, which is that some
words follow the general rule and others don't.

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When should you worry about language development?
All of the child productions described so far are natural, part and parcel of typical language
acquisition. But sometimes there can be problems in the process of language acquisition. If a child
has not said a recognizable word with a clear meaning (such as 'mama' for mother) by the age of 18
months, it is advisable to make sure that all is well. It is normal for some children not to say their
first word until the age of 2 years, but sometimes there are problems that would benefit from early
help, so it is worth checking things out a little sooner. If your child has not said the first sentence
(such as 'Dere mama', meaning 'There is mama.') by the age of 3 years, it is also worth checking that
all is well. If you feel at any time that your child's speech has become less than it was, or that
learning has stopped, that is another reason for checking it out. The most common reason for late or
deteriorating speech is a hearing problem.

If you suspect that something is amiss with your child's linguistic development, the first thing you
need to do is to consult with your doctor to make sure your child's development is otherwise
normal. The doctor will establish that your child has (or has not) normal hearing and normal
cognitive and motor skills, among other things, and will guide you about required follow-up to any
issues arising from non-language related problems which may be affecting language itself. A child
may need hearing aids or medication for ear infections, for example. If your doctor finds that
everything else except language is as it should be, the usual procedure is to refer the child to a
speech-language clinician, who will be able to diagnose and remedy specific problems in language
and/or speech. Children with hearing problems will also benefit from help from a speech-language
clinician and/or an audiologist.

In case you do need a speech-language clinician, take some time to decide about which clinician to
consult with, if you have a choice. Assessing child language in order to diagnose possible problems
proceeds through comparison with developmental norms that have been established for children
using particular languages and particular dialects. These norms may not match the language(s) or
the dialect(s) used by your child. To give a straightforward example, Texan children (and adults)
speak differently from New York children (and adults). By the same token, developmental norms
that apply to English may not apply to Spanish or Mandarin, and developmental norms accounting
for monolingual children will not apply to multilingual children, and vice versa. A competent speech-
language therapist, whether monolingual or multilingual, will know this and will be able to address
your child's specific problems accordingly.

Normal Speech & Language Development
It's important to discuss early speech and language development, as well as other
developmental concerns, with your doctor at every routine well-child visit. It can be difficult
to tell whether a child is just immature in his or her ability to communicate or has a problem
that requires professional attention.
These developmental norms may provide clues:
Before 12 Months
It's important for kids this age to be watched for signs that they're using their voices to relate
to their environment. Cooing and babbling are early stages of speech development. As babies
get older (often around 9 months), they begin to string sounds together, incorporate the
different tones of speech, and say words like "mama" and "dada" (without really
understanding what those words mean).
Before 12 months of age, babies also should be attentive to sound and begin to recognize
names of common objects (bottle, binky, etc.). Babies who watch intently but don't react to
sound may be showing signs of hearing loss.
By 12 to 15 Months
Kids this age should have a wide range of speech sounds in their babbling (like p, b, m, d, or
n), begin to imitate and approximate sounds and words modeled by family members, and
typically say one or more words (not including "mama" and "dada") spontaneously. Nouns
usually come first, like "baby" and "ball." Your child also should be able to understand and
follow simple one-step directions ("Please give me the toy," etc.).
From 18 to 24 Months
Though there is a lot of variability, most toddlers are saying about 20 words by 18 months
and 50 or more words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids are starting to combine two
words to make simple sentences, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big." A 2-year-old should
be able to identify common objects (in person and in pictures), points to eyes, ears, or nose
when asked, and follow two-step commands ("Please pick up the toy and give it to me," for
From 2 to 3 Years
Parents often see huge gains in their child's speech. Your toddler's vocabulary should increase
(to too many words to count) and he or she should routinely combine three or more words
into sentences.
Comprehension also should increase by 3 years of age, a child should begin to understand
what it means to "put it on the table" or "put it under the bed." Your child also should begin
to identify colors and comprehend descriptive concepts (big versus little, for example).
Baby Language Development Milestones
Language Development Begins at Birth
From the moment she is born, your baby is learning how to communicate. She progresses
from simply crying and cooing, to speaking in phrases, and eventually to making short
sentences as she moves into toddlerhood. As your childs first teacher, you can help your
baby develop solid language skills through talking, singing, playing, and reading together.
Games and activities that teach babies how to understand and use language are an easy,
natural way of building a loving and lasting connection with your child.
Although your baby is years away from becoming a reader, he starts to develop the skills
necessary for reading and writing at birth. While he wont be doing this for quite some time,
you can begin now to help him develop a love of language and books. He will start by
listening and making sounds and words. These skills lead to language development and
literacy. Communication through play is the key to developing both a loving relationship and
a budding reader. Talking about things that interest your baby, saying nursery rhymes,
playing peek-a-boo and other games, and reading board books are all simple but important
ways to begin. Below are more ideas to encourage your baby to grow up to love reading and

How to Help Babies Learn Language
Talk to your baby about his world. Babies respond best to adults who make eye contact
with them, touch them, and talk in a lively way about hte world around them. When you talk
with your baby, you teach him new words while showing him the rhythms and patterns of
Talk back when your baby talks to you. When you take turns talking with your baby, you
encourage her to speak more. Even if she is not yet speaking words you can still take turns
by listening to the sounds she makes, making the same noise, and letting her talk back.
Ask your baby to point to the pictures. When you ask your baby to point to pictures in
books, you help him make a connection between the word and a familiar object. You are
also teaching him that books contain information that interests him and can be a source of
Play games to teach your baby words. Babies love to connect with parents through playing
simple games. When you play Wheres your nose? or sing songs with finger plays like The
Wheels on the Bus, you actually teach your baby new words and help her practice speaking.
Talk to your baby about her scribbles. Offer older babies paper and crayons. Theyll scribble
at first, but with practice, their work will look more like writng. Talk with them about their
writing to help them understand that writing represents objects and ideas.

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