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Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle

and his Prophecy Puzzle,
Its Never een Solved
Barbara Taylor
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication - data available
copyright !""# Barbara Taylor$ all rights reserved% No part of this publication may be reproduced$
stored in a retrieval system$ or transmitted in any form or by any means$ electronic$ mechanical$
recording or other&ise &ithout the prior &ritten permission of the author%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This boo' is dedicated to all of the Nostradamus scholars &ho have gotten us as far as &e are in
uncovering the secrets of the multi-layered (uatrains) to Theodore *arencieres &ho first translated
the prophecies into +nglish in 1,-!) to .enry C% /oberts &ho &as published in 10#-) to +dgar Leoni
&hose boo' &as published in 10,1) and to all the modern day commentators$ especially +ri'a
Cheetham and 1ohn .ogue%
They have all built on the ideas presented to them from previous commentators$ researched the
possibilities) then they came to their o&n conclusions and presented them to the public in their boo's%
2any years of their lives &ere spent in research and &riting% 3 am grateful for their dedication% 2y
greatest hope is that &hat 3 have &ritten may be used to shed some light on deciphering the (uatrains
and to find the hidden order of the prophecies%
4 complete bibliography is listed at the end% 3 &ould certainly suggest their boo's as recommended
reading material%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
TA$% O' !ONT%NTS O' PART ON% ( T)% PU**$%
4c'no&ledgements 5
3ntroduction ,
*uidelines to using this boo' -
2ichel de Nostredame 6
Prophecy 0
Part 7ne The Puzzle 11
Number Puzzles 15
The *lobal 8amily 19
8uture :ars 19
+arth Changes 1,
Nostradamus on +arth Changes 10
Comets$ 4steroids$ and 2eteors !1
;ources of 3nfluence !!
4lchemy and *eometry !!
4strology !5
The Priory of ;ion Connection !#
7ther Clues !,
*alley$ Treasure and ;e(uence <uatrains !,
:ord Puzzles !-
=ecoding the ;ymbols !6
Capitalized Letters 5"
The Cloc' Theory 5"
Puzzle Pieces 51
3ntroduction to the Prophecies 5#
The Prefi> 59
The +pistle 50
The ;olved <uatrains The Cycle of the 2oon #,
19,# - P2 9#
190# 6 P2 ,!
1,!5 0 P2 ,6
1,95 1" P2 -5
1,6! 11 P2 -#
1-1! 1! P2 --
1-#1 1 42 6"
1--1 ! 42 6"
16"" 5 42 0,
165" # 42 1"5
1690 9 42 1"-
1666 , 42 ;olved <uatrains The Cycle of the ;un 11#
101- - 42 116
10#- 6 42 156
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
10-, 0 42 1##
!"", 1" 42 1#0
+nd of Prophecies 19"
8uture and ?nsolved <uatrains 19!
;e(uence <uatrains 19!
4lchemy <uatrains 19#
Treasure <uatrains 199
*alley <uatrains 19-
+arth Changes$ :eather$ 8amine and Plague 190
:ar in 4usonia 1-1
Chyren$ ;elin$ Blac'beard$ and /edbeard 1-!
/eligious <uatrains 1--
/avenna <uatrains 165
.annibal 16#
.adrie 169
7gmios 16,
+>ile <uatrains 16-
The Three Brothers 160
The *reat 4rab 10"
4nti-Christ 333 and Nero 101
Porphyry 10!
4emathion 105
7ther 8uture and ?nsolved <uatrains 109
Century 1 109
Century ! !"1
Century 5 !"0
Century # !1-
Century 9 !5"
Century , !##
Century - !9-
Century 6 !,#
Century 0 !-,
Century 1" !60
;uspect <uatrains 5"#
Century <uatrains 511
Bibliography 515
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle

:elcome to the most perple>ing of all the puzzles in the &orld% 3t has never been solved%
Nostradamus$ using linguistic symbolism in the tradition of hermetic philosophers$ conveys his
visions of the future to us in enigmatic prophecies% 4 thorough study of his mysterious verses reveals
the bad guys of our history$ the heroes$ the sad events of &ars and assassinations and the places
involved$ and the &onderful inventions and occurrences since 199-% But &ith one glance at the
prophecies$ you (uic'ly realize the verses are not in chronological order%
The correct se(uence - the solution to the puzzle - has never been discovered% 3n fact$ most
Nostradamus scholars do not believe there is a correct historical order% 3 have found evidence
other&ise% Nostradamus himself predicts the secret &ill be found and in the T&enty-8irst Century%
This boo' is different% 3n studying the &ritings of this great prophet$ my mind &as ma'ing
connections 3 had never before seen in print% 3 found there are layers in the prophecies of
Nostradamus$ in fact many layers% .idden @ust belo& the surface of his &ritings youAll find a cleverly
designed puzzle%
8ollo&ing the linguistic clues Nostradamus provides$ 3 discovered the prophecies &ere divided in t&o
parts$ a Cycle of the 2oon and a Cycle of the ;un$ inter&oven% 8ollo&ing more clues$ 3 ne>t
discovered the time line of the prophecies$ &hich proved to e>tend from 199- to !!#! 4%=%$ and
&hich 3 &as able to prove in several different &ays%
Nostradamus &rote in a mi> of 7ld 8rench$ Latin$ *ree'$ and ProvenBal$ the language of scholars of
his time period% .e designed anagrams$ &ord games$ number puzzles$ and he used symbols for
people and places Canother layerD) then he mi>ed up the verses and arranged them in his o&n special
order% ?sing language boo's and chec'ing usage from other Nostradamus commentators$ 3 learned
the language and made my o&n Nostradamus dictionary% 3 made a list of symbols Nostradamus used%
?sing these as reference tools$ 3 &as able to solve a number of (uatrains%
3 have researched the Nostradamus prophecies in my spare time for over thirty years% 3n the late
seventies 3 devised a noteboo' system% +ach (uatrain &as &ritten on noteboo' paper% Then 3 dated
every verse 3 could and put them in a noteboo' in date order under either Cycle of the 2oon or Cycle
of the ;un% 3 &as trying to see if 3 could figure out the chronological order% Needless to say$ this
system &as (uite bul'y and hard to &or' &ith% :hat a blessing computers areE :hen 3 got my first
PC 3 &as delighted to find 3 could put the verses in any order 3 &ished using the cut and paste
options) and 3 could easily find any &ord$ (uatrain$ or phrase using the FfindG option under FeditG%
The more 3 have studied the prophecies$ the more 3 am convinced it is imperative to find the correct
se(uence because of the catastrophic events to ta'e place in our future% 3 have addressed the most
urgent of these$ namely the earth changes% The political changes$ future &ars$ and the coming 4nti-
Christ have not been addressed in full$ but once the prophecies are in chronological order$ these
events$ as Nostradamus himself says$ F&ill be made more clear%G
This boo' has a fresh approach% /ather than simply trying to solve each (uatrain$ 3 also loo' at the
prophecies as a &hole to locate patterns and connections$ and 3 try to determine the manner in &hich
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
all the (uatrains fit together% Therefore$ this boo' is &ritten in t&o partsH The Puzzle and The
FPart 7ne - The PuzzleG includes all the information 3 could gather to help the reader solve the
puzzle% 3t also includes the numerical figures sho&ing the time line used by Nostradamus$ ne& clues
to decoding his symbols$ and the clues he gave us regarding the order of the prophecies% 3 have solved
some of the &ord puzzles and number puzzles Cthe smaller puzzles &ithin the bigger puzzleD% 2uch
more remains to be solved%
FPart 7ne the PuzzleG also addresses the earth changes and correlates the prophecies of
Nostradamus &ith research from the scientific and astrological communities%
Then in FPart T&o the Prophecies$G in order to find the hidden se(uence$ 3 have listed the solved
prophecies in date order thin'ing a pattern may sho& up% The unsolved and future (uatrains Cand
there are manyD have been grouped by sub@ect &hen possible to assist you in solving the verses%
3 &ish to present here the possibilities 3 have found in order for you$ the reader$ to come to your o&n
conclusions and perhaps put all of the pieces of the puzzle together in the correct se(uence% 3 &ish
you the best of luc'%
P4/T 7N+H 4 close inspection of the Preface to the Prophecies$ a letter from Nostradamus &ith
instructions to his young son) and the +pistle$ in &hich he dedicated the last three centuries of the
Prophecies to his Iing$ .enry 33 of 8rance) reveals clues regarding the time frame of the Prophecies$
clues on deciphering the (uatrains$ and more clues regarding the correct order%
.o&ever$ in reading the Preface and +pistle$ one (uic'ly realizes Nostradamus is difficult to follo&%
.e s'ips around from one sub@ect to another% Because Nostradamus has @umbled up the order of the
events Cprobably on purposeD in both the Preface and the +pistle$ 3 have tried to ma'e logical sense of
it all by ta'ing e>cerpts from each and reorganizing his information under topics% The +ords o,
Nostrada-us$ translated into +nglish$ are sho+n in .old throu/hout this .oo0 &ith the e>ception
of the Preface and the +pistle%
3 sho& the Century and the <uatrain numbers as$ for e>ample$ C ! < # as a shortcut% 3 do not use
roman numerals e>cept for 'ings and popes) &ith the e>ception of the 'ings of 8rance &hose names
&ere Louis% 3 have found it is much easier to mentally grasp 4rabic numerals than roman numerals%
P4/T T:7H The F;olved <uatrainsG are by no means actually solved) nor is the order sho&n
necessarily the correct order of the prophecies% :ith so many variables$ the only FcorrectG order of the
(uatrains is the chronological order Nostradamus intended and &hich remains to be discovered% The
(uatrains are listed in this order to assist the reader &ith the possibility of finding a pattern to the
se(uence of the verses%
3n order to assist the reader in finding anagrams &ithin the (uatrains$ the letters are sho&n as used by
Nostradamus in the Benoist /igaud edition of 19,6$ the first complete edition &hich contained the
+pistle and the last three centures% The found anagrams are underlined% There are many more to be
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
found% The variations in &ords bet&een editions are sho&n in parenthesis$ as are the variations in
translated &ords%
3 used the Benoist /igaud edition$ e>act letters and &ords and punctuation$ and 3 added the e>tra
verses found in other early editions in case you feel they are a part of the boo'%
3n order to translate the (uatrains$ 3 compiled a rudimentary Nostradamus dictionary &ith the help of
8rench$ Latin$ and other language dictionaries% To verify the usage of the &ords C3 am not a language
scholarD$ 3 doublechec'ed the &ritings of first$ Theodore *arenciers$ then +dgar Leoni$ +ri'a
Cheetham$ and lastly 1ohn .ogue% Their boo's are listed in the Bibliography at the end% The
interpretations of the (uatrains are my o&n e>cept for those commentators &hose interpretations 3
consider to be correct% 3 have diligently attempted to give credit &here credit is due to all those &hose
interpretations 3 use$ follo&ing the precedent set by earlier commentators%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=uring his lifetime$ Nostradamus &as one of the top celebrities of his day% .is almanacs$
&hich began to be published in 199"$ &ere read by thousands of people in many countries% Iings and
(ueens &ere said to have consulted the almanac daily%
4fter he published the first set of his FLes ProphetiesG in 1999$ he en@oyed even more fame$
notoriety$ honors$ controversy$ and immense popularity tempered by outright scorn% .e &as 'no&n as
a beloved grandfather figure &ho gave hope to man'ind and he &as called a charlatan%
2isunderstandings continue to plague the famous time traveler &hose name is synonymous &ith
mystery$ blac' magic$ prophesy$ and &onder) but to some minds$ even today$ his prophecies are only a
2ichel de Nostredame &as born in 19"5 in the small to&n of ;aint-/emy in Provence in
southern 8rance% .is t&o grandfathers$ both of &hom &ere physicians in royal households and
outstanding scholars$ and both of &hom &ere said to be clairvoyant$ &ere the primary influences in
his early life%
.e studied at 4vignon &ith its magnificent library and became fascinated &ith astrology$
astronomy$ and the occult% .e &ent on to 2ontpellier to study medicine% 4t that time the Blac' Plague
&as rampant% .e became a plague doctor$ going into to&ns &hen other doctors left$ treating the
victims and instituting his revolutionary methods &hich included fresh air$ clean bedding$ fresh &ater$
and his o&n herbal remedies%
.e married and had t&o children% :hile he &as a&ay from home fighting the plague in
another to&n$ his o&n &ife and his t&o children died$ victims of the plague% =evastated$ he left the
region to travel the countryside of 8rance and 3taly% Not much is 'no&n of his travels e>cept that he
returned in 19##% .e eventually remarried and settled in ;alon-de-Provence$ a small to&n also in
southern 8rance$ and raised another family of si> children%
4fter his prophecies &ere published$ he &as summoned to Iing .enry 33As court by the
<ueen$ Catherine deA 2edici% .is popularity &ith the <ueen probably saved him and his family from
&ell-meaning Catholic officials &ho &ere &itch hunting in his day% ;till$ he &as careful$ clouding his
forecasts &ith obscure language%
There are many stories about the amazing ability of Nostradamus to foresee the future% 7ne
famous$ and often repeated$ story tells ho& he met a group of friars on the road one day% Nostradamus
immediately fell to his 'nees and 'issed the robe of one of the friars% That astonished friar$ forty years
later$ &as to become Pope ;i>tus J%
3n 19,# Nostradamus &rote in Presage 1#1 for the 4lmanac of November 19,- Chis last
Once .ac0 ,ro- the e-.assy, the "in/s /i,t in its place,
)e +ill do nothin/ -ore1 he +ill .e /one to &od
The dearest o, relatives, ,riends, .rothers .y .lood,
eside the .ed and .ench shall ,ind hi- dead2
Nostradamus died on 1uly !$ 19,, from complications of gout and dropsy$ @ust as he himself had
predicted% .e told his secretary$ Chavigny$ he &ould not see him alive at sunrise% 3t &as Chavigny
&ho found him dead early the ne>t morning% .e &as buried upright inside a &all of the local church
&ith an inscription &ritten by his &ife$ 4nne Pons *emelle%
.is tomb &as moved by the city officials in the year 1-""% They couldnAt resist a pee' inside
the coffin &here$ so the story goes$ they &ere astonished to find a medallion resting on the chest of the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
body of Nostradamus &ith roman numerals inscribed for the year 1-""% They promptly closed the
coffin and reinterred it in a ne& tomb%
=uring the 8rench /evolution$ one of the drun'en soldiers bro'e into his tomb$ believing that
to drin' &ine from the s'ull of the great prophet &ould transfer the prophetAs ability to foresee the
future to himself% .e &as una&are of the verse in Century 0 <uatrain -H
)e +ho +ill open the to-. +hen ,ound,
And +ill not close it pro-ptly,
%vil +ill co-e to hi-, and no one +ill .e a.le to prove
It +ould .e .etter to .e a reton or Nor-an "in/2
The sacrilegious soldier$ so the story goes$ on the follo&ing day met an ambush at LanBon and died a
gruesome death%
Today$ the remains of Nostradamus$ reburied in a &all of the Chapel of the Jirgin in the
Church of ;aint-Laurent in ;alon$ are given great respect by believers and unbelievers ali'e% 2any
tourists stop by to give honor to the great prophet%
3f it is actually possible to see into the future$ ho& did Nostradamus do itK 3n the Preface he
tells us all is predicted throu/h divine inspiration and .y -eans o, the an/elic spirit +ho inspires
the -an prophesyin/, renderin/ hi- anointed +ith prophecies, illu-inatin/ hi-, -ovin/ hi-
.e,ore his ,antasy throu/h diverse nocturnal apparitions, and +ith astrono-ic calculations in
the dayti-e certi,yin/ the prophesy2 .e further declares there is nothin/ -ore to the holiest
,uture prediction than ,ree coura/e2
4gain in the Preface he &rites, I say ,ran0ly to all to +ho- &od has +ished to reveal his
i--ense -a/nitude, i--easura.le and inco-prehensi.le, a-idst lon/ and -elancholy
inspiration, that it is a hidden thin/ -ani,ested divinely2 It is -ani,ested .y t+o -eans +hich
are contained in the understandin/ o, the one inspired +ho prophesies2 One co-es .y in,usion,
clearin/ the supernatural li/ht ,or the one +ho predicts .y astrono-y, -a0in/ it possi.le to
predict .y inspired revelation2 The other is a ,i4ed participation o, the divine eternity2 y -eans
o, it, the Prophet is a.le to 5ud/e +hat has .een /iven hi- .y the divine spirit, all throu/h &od
the !reator and his natural intuition2 So there,ore, +hat is predicted, and is true, has an
ethereal ori/in2
3n Century 3$ <uatrains 1 and !$ and continuing in Century 5$ <uatrain !$ you &ill find the
ritual he used to bring about a receptive stateH
Seated at ni/ht in secret study
Alone, restin/ upon the .rass tripod1
A slender ,la-e co-es ,orth ,ro- the solitude
Ma0in/ success,ul that +hich should not .e .elieved in vain2
The +and in hand is placed in the -iddle o, RAN!)%S
#ith +ater I +et the he- and ,oot1
'ear, a voice 6uivers throu/h -y sleeves1
Divine splendor2 The divine presence sits near.y2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The divine +ord +ill /ive to the su.stance,
!o-prisin/ heaven and earth, the occult /old in the -ystic -il01
ody, soul, spirit, havin/ all po+er,
All .eneath his ,eet as at the seat o, )eaven2
:hile Nostradamus never discloses his e>act method$ Century ! <uatrain 15 contains the
phrase .ody +ithout a soul no lon/er at sacri,ice &hich suggests a type of out of body e>perience
&hereby he &as led into a state of timelessness &here the future could be seen%
3f one can travel through time$ then &hat is the nature of timeK +soteric thought holds there is
no actual division of time into past$ present and future that all e>ists in the eternal Fno&G and FtimeG
itself is a grand illusion% 3f that is so$ does the future already e>istK
:hich raises the ne>t (uestion as to &hether future events are predetermined$ or is the future
pliable to causes in the Fpresent no&G &hich may produce a change to the events in the futureK 3n
other &ords$ are future events changeableK 2y personal feeling is that certain ma@or events are
predetermined% .o&ever$ they may be mitigated by changes in the Fpresent no&%G 8or instance$
suppose our astronomers find an asteroid in a collision path &ith earth in the future% ;o in the present
&e develop a technology that &ill allo& us to deflect the asteroid onto a different path and thus avoid
a collision%
Prophecy is a &arning of the dangers ahead% The dangers can be mitigated by the actions &e
ta'e in the Fpresent no&%G By acts of love$ compassion and caring$ and by putting service to others
first in our lives$ &e can deflect the collisions ahead% 4nd if &e 'no& about the future events to ta'e
place$ &e can prepare for them both physically and mentally%
3n the history of prophecy &e find outstanding failures and outstanding successes% The very
best prophets$ such as Nostradamus$ address only the predetermined events% The manner in &hich
these predetermined events fit into our future depends on us%
The vast 'no&ledge of Nostradamus is impressive% 4lthough some have tried to debun' his
&ritings as luc'y guesses$ once you are involved in the study of his prophecies$ you become totally
convinced of his ability to see into the time continuum and to record the future in detail% :ritten
during a time period &hen conventional intellectual thought follo&ed Ptolemy and determined the
earth &as the center of the universe$ our Prophet spea's of man going to the moon$ a satellite in orbit
over the hemisphere$ airplanes$ missiles and the atom bomb% To me$ the former s'eptic$ the prophecies
are a never ending source of &onder%
Nostradamus claims he &as divinely inspired in &riting the prophecies and then he double
chec'ed astrologically to prove the correctness% .is &ritings do not contradict the Bible$ but seem to
augment the biblical prophets$ adding more detail% .is ability to travel through time and to bring bac'
a &ritten account has to be divinely inspired% .e gives praise and tribute to the eternal *od for the
Prophecies are given as a &arning% 4lthough some have spo'en of Nostradamus as a doom
and gloom prophet$ loo'ing at the atrocities of our past and at &hat he predicts for our future$ his
&arnings spea' directly to us in this time frame to improve our relations &ith each other$ &ith other
countries$ and &ith nature% 7nce again &e need to become careta'ers and protectors of our planet%
3ndividually and collectively &e must see' and find the &ay to peaceful coe>istence &ith each other
and &ith other nations$ not as an idealistic concept$ but as a &ay of living% 3t should be our priority%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
NOSTRADAMUS and his Prophecy Puzzle,
Its Never een Solved
Part One ( The Puzzle
4 serious study of the prophecies of Nostradamus reveals a troubling forecast for our &orld%
.is predictions include a &orld&ide famine$ droughts$ floods and inundations$ a plague &hich &ill
'ill millions$ unstable magnetic poles$ and devastating earth(ua'es% Nostradamus foresees the rise of
an 4nti-Christ and his &ar against Christians$ ne& and terrible &eapons in :orld :ar 333$ the rise of
future heroes &ho &ill &in the &ar against the 4nti-Christ$ and the coming thousand years of peace%
The dire predictions concerning our future$ &ritten by Nostradamus more than #9" years ago$
compel us to study his prophecies% 4t first reading$ his verses seem confused and nonsensical$ or even
at second$ third and fourth reading% But after you learn his terminology and his use of symbols$
youAll find his accuracy is amazing% .e foresa& the 8rench /evolution$ the 4merican /evolution$
Napoleon$ .itler$ and the technological achievements of the T&entieth Century% 3n Century 1"
<uatrain -! he predicted the destruction of the :orld Trade Center in Ne& Lor'% 3t readsH
The year 7888, seventh -onth 9or -onth:,
'ro- the s0y +ill co-e a /reat "in/ o, Terror1
To resurrect the /reat "in/ o, the Mon/ols,
e,ore and a,ter Mars 9+ar: to rei/n .y /ood luc02
Nostradamus used the 1ulian calendar &hich began the year in 2arch instead of 1anuary li'e the
*regorian calendar &e use% Thus$ the seventh month &as ;eptember% 7ur Prophet &as off e>actly
t&o years from ;eptember 11$ !""1 not too bad considering he &as ##, years a&ay from the actual
event% 3f he &as correct about our past$ there is a great li'elihood he is correct about our future%
3f Nostradamus &ished to &arn us of these threats$ &hy didnAt he @ust put his prophecies in
chronological order and ma'e them less obscure so &eAd 'no& &hat to e>pect and &henK 3t &ould
certainly have added credibility and prestige to his reputation as a prophet% But perhaps that &as not
his aim%
Nostradamus had many reasons for his obscurity$ among them the fact that &ell meaning
Catholic officials &ere &itch hunting in his time and he had his familyAs &elfare to consider% But the
most li'ely reason is that if he had &ritten his prophecies more clearly and had put them in date
order$ history may have been altered% :ould Napoleon have grabbed po&er in 8rance 'no&ing his
eventual outcomeK :ould .itler have marched into Poland$ then Belgium$ then 8rance$ 'no&ing the
outcome of :orld :ar 33K :ith a guideboo' to the future$ alternative actions may have been ta'en by
&orld leaders$ changing the course of history% 3f history had been changed$ &hat &ould our &orld be
li'e todayK 2aybe better$ but maybe not% ;eeing &hat lies in our future$ perhaps Nostradamus &rote
his prophecies not as a &arning to those of his time$ but to a certain future generation) maybe ours%
Nostradamus may have had to &al' a thin line bet&een revealing too much and ris' changing
history$ thereby rendering his prophecies useless at a time &hen our need is great) or revealing too
little$ causing a lac' of interest% 4s they &ere &ritten$ they have a certain mystery and allure that has
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
no& lasted over #9" years% .is prophecies have never been out of print since FLes ProphetiesG by 2%
2ichel Nostradamus &as first published in 1999%
Nostradamus &rote the prophecies as a puzzle$ complete &ith number puzzles$ &ord puzzles$
symbols$ riddles$ and a hidden chronological order% .e predicted his puzzle &ill be solved after
famine and plague% Perhaps no& the time is right and it &ill be solved even sooner%
.e &rote his verses in groups of one hundred called FCenturiesG Cnot to be confused &ith one
hundred yearsD% +ach four line rhymed verse$ called a (uatrain$ is a piece of the puzzle$ a riddle to be
solved as an event unfolds in time%
Nostradamus may have e>pected that as each (uatrain &as solved it &ould then be placed in a
date order and eventually the pattern of the time se(uence &ould be seen%
7nce the correct chronological order has been found$ the prophecies$ in date order$ &ould
lend themselves to further interpretation% The events to ta'e place in our future &ould then be made
'no&n to us in the correct order of their future appearance%
No one has been 'eeping up &ith this% The time se(uence is yet to be discovered% 3n fact$ most
Nostradamus scholars do not believe there is a date order at all% ;ome have given up saying$
FNostradamus tossed them all into the air and then numbered them randomly%G But that does not fit
his character% Nostradamus &as a man of letters and learning$ a physician$ an astrologer$ an
astronomer and a mathematician &ith a regard to e>actness% 7ur seer gives us clues there is a correct
time se(uence hidden &ithin the prophecies and that it &ill be found%
3n the Preface to the first edition Cthe PrefaceD$ a letter of instruction to his young son$ CMsar$
he states that althou/h +ritten under cloudy o.scurity, the -eanin/s o, the verses +ill .e
understood, and +hen the ti-e co-es ,or the re-oval o, i/norance, the situation +ill .e -ade
still clearer. This statement indicates the time se(uence &ill be found%
4gain in Century 5 <uatrain 0# he &ritesH
'or ;<< years -ore they +ill ta0e account o, hi-
)e +ho +as the orna-ent o, his ti-e1
Then suddenly a /reat revelation +ill .e -ade
That +ill -a0e people o, that century -ost content2
Nostradamus is spea'ing here of himself and his prophecies% :hen the correct chronological order of
the prophecies is found$ he predicts it &ill be a great revelation for the people of that century% 3f he is
spea'ing of 9"" years from his birth$ then the correct se(uence &ill be found any time after !""5% 3f
he is spea'ing of the publication date of his FLes Propheties$G then it &ill be after !"99$ or if after his
death$ then the correct se(uence &ill be found after the year !",,% /egardless$ it loo's li'e the people
of the T&enty-8irst Century are his chosen target% .e even gives information about the discoverer in
Century # <uatrain 51H
The -oon in ,ull at ni/ht over the hi/h -ountain,
The ne+ sophe +ith only his .rain has seen it1
y his disciples invited to .eco-e i--ortal,
%yes to the south 9noon:2 )oly relics in hands, .odies in the ,ire2
9or %yes to the south 9noon:, conclusion, hands and .ody to ,ire:2
This tells us the discoverer$ a ne& sage$ &ill use only his brain$ not a computer$ to find the hidden
order of the prophecies%
The tric' is to solve the (uatrains% 2any Nostradamus scholars have spent much of their lives
trying to solve them$ and they donAt all agree &ith each other on interpretations% The clues are hidden
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
in pages of history boo's$ encyclopedias$ and in the (uatrains themselves% This scholarly study
re(uires a great deal of research$ patience$ and dedication% 7nce you solve a (uatrain$ ho&ever$ the
&ords ma'e sense and it all fits into place li'e a piece of a @igsa& puzzle%
7nce solved$ each (uatrain can be placed in date order% 7nce all the solved (uatrains are in a
date order$ a geometric pattern may emerge$ perhaps a type of mandala$ a circular pattern or a spiral$
a sun and moon pattern$ maybe even a pattern duplicating the Iabbalistic Tree of Life% The
suggestion of a pattern lies in Century # <uatrain 5" CC # < 5"D &here he &roteH
%leven -ore ti-es the Moon the Sun +ill not +ant,
All raised and lo+ered .y de/ree1
And put so lo+ that one +ill stitch little /old1
Such that a,ter ,a-ine and pla/ue, the secret discovered2

This (uatrain refers to the Cycle of the 2oon and the Cycle of the ;un &hich &eAll cover shortly%
3n FThe +pistle to .enry 33G Cthe +pistleD$ dedicating the last three centuries of the Prophecies
to his 'ing$ he &rites that he could have given each (uatrain its dating in time$ but did not do so%
Because of this statement$ it could be the numbering system he used on each (uatrain has no tie to a
specific date but may$ instead$ tie into a certain numeric order of the time se(uence%
4gain in the +pistle$ Nostradamus &rites that the dan/er o, the ti-es re6uires that such
secrets should not .e -ade -ani,est e4cept in eni/-atic sentences havin/, ho+ever, only one
sense and -eanin/ +ith nothin/ o, a-.i/uity put in nor any a-phi.olo/ical calculations2 3n
other &ords$ the prediction in each (uatrain applies to only one event in time &ith only one train of
logical thought%
3f you have a mathematical mind and you are able to see a certain order in a series of
numbers$ then you may have the ability to find the time se(uence and solve the puzzle &ithout
having to solve the meaning of any of the individual (uatrains%
3n the Preface$ &ritten in 2arch$ 1999$ Nostradamus tells us his prophecies e>tend ,ro- that
date Ca negative figureD to the year =>8> Ca positive figureD% Therefore$ if you subtract 1999 from
5-0- you get the year !!#!% .is first prophecy begins in the year 199-% This gives you a prophecy of
,69 years e>tending from 199- to the year !!#!%
3n Century 5 <uatrain #6 CC 5 < #6D the (uatrain readsH
Seven hundred captives rudely .ound,
$ots are dra+n ,or hal, to .e -urdered1
The approachin/ hope shall co-e pro-ptly,
ut not soon enou/h ,or ,i,teen dead2
.ere Nostradamus refers to a -"" less 19 year prophecy$ or ,69 years$ the FcaptivesG being Fyears%G
.e also claims that mid&ay through the prophecies$ around the year 1666$ there &as a chance the
remaining half of his predictions &ould be unfulfilled%
Nostradamus divided the prophecies into t&o inter&oven parts% 3n Century 1 <uatrain ,! CC 1
< ,!D Nostradamus refers to the cycle of Latona% 3n classical mythology the *oddess$ Latona$
associated &ith the moon$ gave birth to the t&ins$ =iana$ also associated &ith the moon$ and 4pollo$
associated &ith the sun% 3n 1999 our seer states t&enty years of the moonAs cycle had passed% 4nd in
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < !9 naming Pasteur$ he states this is the end of the moon cycle% 3n 1666 the Pasteur 3nstitute
&as founded in Paris &ith Louis Pasteur as its director% ;o the Cycle of the 2oon &as from 1959 to
the year 1666% :hile this is only 595 years and a lunar cycle is 59# years 6 hours and #6 minutes$
Nostradamus states in the +pistle that the sun comes before the moon has completed her great cycle%
4 Latonan cycle &ould then be a combination of t&o lunar cycles$ one dedicated to the moon
and the other dedicated to the sun Cbut only in NostradamusA terminologyD% The ne>t lunar cycle
&ould be from 1666 to the year !!#!$ a total of 59# years% Nostradamus calls this the Cycle of the
;un% CThe math on this is 595 plus 59# N -"- O 1959$ the beginning of the moon cycle$ N !!#!$ the
end of the sun cycle%D
Because Nostradamus states his prophecies contain as much lunar as solar$ his predictions
cover the time period from 199- to 1666 for the Cycle of the 2oon Cone half of the (uatrainsD and
from 1666 to !!#! for the Cycle of the ;un Cthe other half of the (uatrainsD% Ta'ing a count of years
from 199- to the year !!#!$ &e have ,69 years in all$ &ith allusions to further reaches of time%
No& hold onto your hat and &eAll ta'e a &ild ride through the numbers in the +pistle% Lou
may need a thic' scratch pad$ a pencil$ and a calculator% 3n spite of all the obscurity our Prophet has
&ritten &ith the many confusing numbers$ he is mainly trying to establish a time line for the
prophecies and to give us information about the se(uence of the (uatrains$ if &e are clever enough to
figure it out%
3n the +pistle he states his prophecies .e/in in the year 7;;> passin/ ,ar .eyond the
co-in/ advent +hich +ill .e soon a,ter the end o, the seventh -illenary, +hich ,inishes all,
approachin/ the ei/hth2
.e counts years from the creation of 4dam to Noah for 1$!#! years$ then 'eeps adding years
bet&een personages of the Bible to come up &ith #$-96 years to the time of 1esus Christ% 3f you ta'e
,$""" years and subtract #$-96 you get the year of 1!#! 4%=% for the beginning of the seventh
millenary$ also the same number he started &ith bet&een 4dam and Noah% 3f you add another
thousand years$ you get the year !!#! 4%=% as the year of the great seventh number C-$""" years since
the creation of 4damD and the beginning of the eighth millenary%
:hile &e all realize that archaeologists and anthropologists have pushed the beginnings of
man'ind &ay beyond seven thousand years ago$ Nostradamus$ along &ith the intellectually elite of
his time period$ based the prehistory of man strictly by studies of the Bible%
No& &ith the time line established$ Nostradamus thro&s us a curve and adds ?@l years ,ro-
the ti-e o, Aesus !hrist, as ti-e elapsed to the detesta.le seduction o, the Saracens, F;aracensG
being an early +uropean term used collectively for those of the 2uslim faith% 3f you add ,!l to #-96
you get 95-0$ sacred numbers to an 4lchemist$ C5 represents the trinity$ 9 is balance$ - is hidden
mystery$ and 0 is completionD% 3f you subtract ,!l from #-96 you get #15- and if you double ,!l you
get 1!#! 4%=%$ the number he started &ith and the beginning of the seventh millenary%
Later in the +pistle he again adds up years Cthe addition is incorrect$ being #$"0! yearsD from
the creation of the &orld Cnot from the time of 4damD$ adding years bet&een personages of the Bible
to the time of 1esus Christ for his stated total of #$1-5 years and 6 months$ more or less% This number
is 969 years less than his previous number of #$-96 years%
;ince he has already established his time line$ this figure of #$1-5 and 6 is significant% 3t may
be a clue to the order of the (uatrains% 8or instance$ if you rearrange the numbers in a progressive
series and apply them to the Centuries$ you have Centuries 1 through 5$ # through -$ and 6 through
1!$ the end of the prophecies% 4nd in fact$ this &as his order of publishing the prophecies% The
Preface and the first 5 centuries &ere published in 1999 &ith an incomplete Century # consisting of
95 (uatrains% The ne>t edition in 199- contained the Preface and the first seven Centuries &ith
Century # complete and Century - incomplete$ as it still is today% 3n 19,6 the Benoist /igaud edition$
used by most Nostradamus translators$ contained the Preface and the first seven Centuries plus t&o
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
e>tra (uatrains in the seventh$ then the +pistle and Centuries 6 through 1"% The incomplete Centuries
11 and 1!$ &hich he may have &ritten for his almanacs and not for the Prophecies$ &ere in print by
1,"9 and attached to his prophecies% The main body of the prophecies is Century 1 through 5$ #
through ,$ and 6 through 1"$ consisting of 5"" (uatrains for each of the three sections% Century - may
have been an FoverspillG century &ith the numbering system 'ept intact to fit his hidden order% There
are a total of 0,0 (uatrains in all that are most li'ely the &or' of Nostradamus and not counterfeit or
sub@ect to suspicion%
The (uestion is &hy Nostradamus &ished his prophecies to be published not as one boo' but
as a series% Perhaps &ith the first publication he &as testing to see if the time se(uence &ould be
either readily apparent or &ell enough obscured to stand the test of time$ as it most certainly &as% .is
secret order of the prophecies has never been found%
4nother thought regarding F#15-G are 8ibonacci numbersH "$ 1$ 1$ !$ 5$ 9$ 6$ 15$ !1$ 5#$ 99$
60$ etc%$ but you can start &ith any other t&o positive numbers% 3f you start &ith 1 and 5 you haveH 1$
5$ #$ -$ 11$ 16$ !0$ #-$ -,$ 1!5$ etc%%P 3s this the #15- and #1-5 referenced in the +pistleK The first
(uatrains are C 1 < 1$ C 1 < !$ and C 5 < !%
3f his numbers of F#1-5G pertaining to a second time line$ are in fact the actual time line$ the
seventh millenary &ould start in 16!-$ but this date does not agree &ith anything else &ritten%
4fter his second time line$ he ma'es the statement that he calculated the present prophecies
accordin/ to the order o, the chain +hich contains its revolutionB all .y astrono-ical doctrine
-odi,ied .y natural instinct) and then he gives an astrological dating for the beginning of the
persecution of the Christian Church &hich &ill last up until the year 1-0!, at +hich date they +ill
.elieve to -ar0 a rene+al o, ti-e% 3n fact$ his stated date of 1-0! &as the beginning of the ne&
calendar devised by the 8rench /evolutionists Ca rene&al of timeD but the persecution of church
officials had actually @ust begun in 1-0!%
By Forder o, the chain +hich contains its revolutionG he may have been referring to the
revolution of the planets around the sun$ such as ;aturnAs revolution &hich is appro>imately !0%9
years CroundedD% This series of revolutions may have a bearing on the order of the prophecies% 3f so$
1upiter has an orbit around the sun of 1! years% The other planets are 2ercury for 66 days$ Jenus for
!!9 days$ and 2ars for ,6- days$ C66 O !!9 O ,6- N 1$"""D% Nostradamus states in the +pistle that he
is dedicating the final three centuries to his 'ing to co-plete the thousand% The outer planets of
?ranus$ Neptune and Pluto had not yet been discovered in 1999 and &ere not used in the astrology of
his time%
3n the +pistle Nostradamus mentions 1$""! prophets &ho have e>isted since the creation of
the &orld% The ;eventh 2illennium of the .ebre& calendar begins in the year !!#"% This is a
difference of 1$""" and ! years from NostradamusA stated beginning of the +ighth 2illennium in the
year of !!#!%
3n numerology$ a sub@ect familiar to Nostradamus and other alchemists$ you add numbers
together and reduce them until you have a single number bet&een one and ten% Therefore$ #1-5
&ould reduce to l9 or even further to ,%
:hen Nostradamus uses a certain date in a (uatrain$ it may or may not be correct% .e may
use the 1ulian calendar$ named after 1ulius Caesar$ or our calendar$ the *regorian calendar% 3n 196!$
Pope *regory Q333 corrected the /oman calendar by suppressing 1" days in that year and correcting
for leap years% The ne& style calendar began the year on 1anuary first$ &hile the old style calendar
&hich Nostradamus 'ne& began the year in 2arch%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
T)% &$OA$ 'AMI$3
Nostradamus sees countries as members of a global family% .e spea's of &od ta0in/ notice
o, the lon/ sterility o, the &reat $ady, +ho a,ter+ards +ill have t+o principal in,ants. This has
to be 2other +arth$ unable to reproduce her o&n 'ind$ and the t&o principal children &ould be
+urope and 4sia% The &reat $ady and the dau/hter +ould .e in peril in her 9the daughterAs: 7C
year and not a.le to live .eyond the =?
year, the years possibly meaning the 16""As and 5,""As%
The daughter &ould be +urope named for the *oddess +uropa% The daughter &ill leave three males
and one female2 /eading the +pistle regarding the three brothers$ it is apparent the oldest son is
+ngland$ the ne>t son is 8rance$ and the third son is the .oly /oman +mpire$ no& principally
comprised of *ermany$ 4ustria$ Belgium$ the Netherlands$ and Northern 3taly% The female is 3taly
&ho &ill uphold the faith of the Catholic Church%
3n interpreting the (uatrains$ it is important to note that a sister or brother may be a country%
4merica &as elevated from being a colony CchildD of +ngland to being a sister of +ngland Cthe eldest
sister o, the ritish IslesD and also the sister of 8rance% 4 son or daughter or a child &ould be a ne&
country or a colony of a country% 4 nephe& could be a colony CchildD of a sister or brother% 8or
e>ample$ Canada &as a child of +ngland$ therefore a nephe& of 8rance% 4 nephe& may also be a
reno&ned person of 8ranceAs sister or brother% 4braham Lincoln$ for e>ample$ being a child of the
sister of 8rance$ &as a nephe& of 8rance%
The ob@ect in interpreting the (uatrains is to disregard the images &hich appear in your mindAs
eye and ta'e a step up&ard to&ard an overvie&%
2ost of humanity &ishes for peace and concord bet&een nations% 4 &orld &ithout &arfare is
a &onderful dream$ but Nostradamus spea's of horrible future conflicts and lethal ne& &eaponry
before the thousand years of peace begins% .e spea's of &ar in ;pain and southern 8rance in the area
of the Pyrenees 2ountains% The Prophet foresees a desolate Paris% 3n C 5 < 05 he &ritesH
In Avi/non the chie, o, the +hole e-pire
#ill -a0e a stop .ecause Paris is desolate1
Tricast +ill hold the Anni.ali6ue ire1
$yon .y the chan/e +ill .e ill consoled2
The enigmatic .annibal is predicted to destroy /ome and the Jatican% Nostradamus foresees a
Persian C3ranianD leader &ill arise &ho &ill invade Tur'ey$ *reece$ and 2acedonia &ith the &ar
spreading throughout the Bal'ans% The 4driatic ;ea area &ill see future conflict in southern 3taly$
along the eastern 3talian coastline and in the northern 4driatic areas%
Nostradamus names the leaders of these &ars F.annibal$G F7gmios$G FThe *reat 4rab$G
F;elin$G and the great FChyren$ Christian Iing of the :orld%G The 4nti-Christ &ill arise and
persecute the church and the people of the entire globe% .is &ar &ill last t&enty-seven years%
3t is imperative to find the correct se(uence to the (uatrains so that &e may all 'no& ho& the
predictions of Nostradamus &ill fit into our future and so be better prepared%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
%ART) !)AN&%S
The final *reat Cycle of the 2ayan Calendar &hich began in 4ugust$ 5115 B%C% &ill come to
an end on =ecember !1$ !"1!% 1ohn 2a@or 1en'ins in his boo' F*alactic 4lignmentG sho&s the 2aya
based their amazingly accurate calendar on a *alactic center oriented cosmology &hich designates
the &inter solstice in the year !"1! as the end of the present :orld 4ge%
Ino&n to the 2aya$ the +gyptians$ the .indu$ the Babylonians$ the Persians$ and many
ancient 7riental races$ the *alactic center &as only rediscovered by modern science in 101-% 3f you
loo' at the night s'y at the 2il'y :ay you may notice a bulge at the brightest part% That is the center
of our gala>y% To the 2aya it &as the &omb of the 2il'y :ay from &hich the solstice sun god is
born at the end of each &orld age% The +gyptians designated it the *reat 2other 3sis% 7ur solar
system$ along &ith other suns$ orbits the *alactic Center% 3t is estimated this solar system trip around
the gala>y ta'es !!9 million years%
4lso 'no&n to the 2aya and other ancient astronomers is the precession of the e(uino>es$ the
&est&ard motion of the e(uino>es along the ecliptic Cthe path of our sun and its planetsD% 7ur +arth is
tilted on its a>is &hich gives us our seasons% Li'e a spinning top$ the +arthAs celestial pole moves in
circles on the celestial sphere around a pole star% There is a continual change in the pole star% 7ur
current pole star is Polaris% 3n !5"" B%C% the pole star &as in the constellation =raco$ and by 1!$"""
4%=% the star Jega in the constellation Lyra &ill be the pole star%
4ccording to 1en'ins in his boo' F*alactic 4lignment$G a rare astronomical event &ill soon
occur that &ill bring our &inter solstice sun into alignment &ith the *alactic Center% .e states this
rare alignment occurs every 1!$0," to 15$""" years$ or one half of a precessional cycle%
1en'ins claims our solar system is no& crossing the *alactic +(uator Cthe intersection of the
plane of the 2il'y :ay &ith the celestial sphereD% 4ccording to 1en'ins$ it &ill ta'e thirty-si> years
for our sun to cross over the *alactic +(uator &hich our solar system approached in 1006% By the
year !"1!$ at the time of the &inter solstice on =ecember !1$ &e should be over the center of the
*alactic +(uator in a rare alignment &ith the *alactic Center% .e claims this &ill bring about an
opening of an evolutionary a>is that e>tends from the *alactic Center through the +arth to&ard the
*alactic 4nticenter region of the Pleiades$ a constellation &hich is &ithin the larger constellation of
1en'ins (uotes calculations from Patric' :allace$ an astronomer at /utherford 4ppleton
Laboratory$ &ho finds our solar system &ill clear the *alactic +(uator in the year !"!1% The &inter
solstice sun &ill be at its closest approach to the *alactic Center in the year !!10$ and then &e &ill be
past this influence in the year !!#") &hich incidentally$ is also the beginning of the seventh
millennium of the .ebre& Calendar% 1en'ins does not speculate on the specifics of &hat &ill happen
during those !!6 OR- 5 years% .e sees the 2ayan end-date C&inter solstice alignment dateD of !"1! as
the beginning-date of an ascension stage of human consciousness%
3n a separate study$ 1ay :eidner and Jincent Bridges$ in their boo' F2onument to the +nd of
TimeG follo& clues left by the 8rench alchemist$ 8ulcanelli$ in his boo' F2ystery of the CathedralsG
and attempt to unravel the secrets of the *reat Cross located at .endaye$ a small Bas(ue village at
the south&estern tip of 8rance% They discover$ among other things$ the symbols on the base of the
cross indicate an astrological alignment% They demonstrate that the summer solstice on 1une$ 100!
&as the start of a t&enty year countdo&n$ &ith the midpoint being the fall e(uino> in the year !""!
according to the symbols encoded on the base of the cross% They find that on the morning of the
&inter solstice on =ecember !1$ !"1!$ the sun &ill rise in perfect alignment to the *alactic Center on
the cusp of ;corpio and ;agittarius% The moon &ill set in the opposite cusp of Taurus and *emini%
The sun &ill be con@unct the *alactic Center and the moon &ill be in opposition% They believe this
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
rare alignment &ill set in motion global changes% They donAt hypothesize as to e>actly &hat type of
changes &e may e>pect%
3f &e piece together the information from 1en'ins and from Bridges and :eidner &e findH
7ur solar system &ill be located on the *alactic +(uator at the &inter solstice in !"1!%
The cusp of ;corpio and ;agittarius &ill be aligned to the *alactic Center
The cusp of Taurus and *emini &ill be aligned to the *alactic 4nticenter
This raises the (uestion as to &hether this placement of our solar system brings us into the
middle of some type of force field &hich interacts bet&een the *alactic Center and the *alactic
4nticenter Cthe point in the galactic plane that lies directly opposite the *alactic CenterD% 4 great
deal is still un'no&n by modern astronomy about the relationship of the *alactic Center to its
opposite 4nticenter located at the edge of our gala>y% 3f a type of force field is in place and our solar
system is caught in this stream of energy$ &hat &ill be the effectsK
Paul 4% LaJiolette$ Ph%=%$ in his boo' F+arth ?nder 8ireG tells ho& he started &ith the
hypothesis that cosmic rays from a *alactic core e>plosion catastrophically affect our solar system in
a recurrent cycle &ith the most recent event occurring near the end of the last ice age appro>imately
15$""" years ago% 8urther$ he theorizes that a cosmic ray volley passed through our solar system and
in@ected large amounts of interstellar dust into our solar system% This dust then altered +arthAs climate
through its effect on the sun%
=r% LaJiolette found proof in ice core samples that appro>imately 1#$9"" years ago the solar
system &as bombarded by interstellar cosmic dust and frozen cometary debris &hich caused our sun
to become more luminous and engage in continual flaring activity% The heat generated by the e>treme
solar activity suddenly ended the 3ce 4ge and caused rapid melting &ith the e>tinction of large
mammal species% This follo&ed &ith the beginning of the Lounger =ryas 4ge 1!$-"" years before
present% 4nother influ> of cosmic dust occurred 11$""" years ago% The resulting heat from solar
flaring ended the Lounger =ryas 4ge creating the climate &e have at present% .e proposed$ and it
&as subse(uently verified$ that much of the glacial drift deposited at the end of the ice age &as from
glacier &aves issuing rapidly from the surfaces of ice sheets%
=r% LaJioletteAs study of ice core beryllium-1" records$ &hich go bac' in time 19"$""" years$
indicate that *alactic super&aves pass us about once every !,$""" OR- 5$""" years$ appro>imating the
period of one precessional cycle$ &ith the possibility of a 15$""" year recurrence interval% 8urther$ he
claims this recurrence could originate in the mechanism that generates super&aves at the *alactic
This super ray outburst from the *alactic center pushes cosmic dust particles$ normally 'ept
at bay by the solar &ind$ into the center of our solar system% .e finds interstellar dust particles &ould
be particularly harmful to +arthAs climate as they &ould absorb and scatter visible and ultraviolet
light causing the light from the sun and moon and stars to be dim or entirely bloc'ed%
=r% LaJiolette researched ancient myths$ legends$ and esoteric lore and found stories of
humanityAs suffering through destructions by fire and flood% .e feels that the zodiac may have been
encrypted by survivors of these cataclysms to &arn future generations% 8or instance$ he found the
constellation of ;corpio in the heavens is situated &ith its venomous stinger aimed to&ard the
*alactic Center% ;agittarius is depicted &ith his bo& and arro& dra&n and aimed to&ard ;corpio% .e
states that some ancient legends associate the arrival of stinging pro@ectiles &ith the *alactic centered
constellation of ;corpio% CThe star ;agittarius 4 is the nearest star to the e>act center%D 4t the other
end of the heavens$ Taurus$ the bull$ is sho&n as charging to&ard the *alactic 4nticenter &ith the tip
of its horn mar'ed by the &hitish star$ Beta Tauri$ &hich lies very close to the 4nticenter% 8urther$ he
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
finds the &arrior$ 7rion$ is depicted &ith his club held pointing to the e>act direction of the
4nticenter and his shield is raised to fend off the charging bull of Taurus%
3n his research$ =r% LaJiolette found the mural of the zodiac painted on the ceiling of the
+gyptian temple of =endereh to be encoded to convey the idea of an e>plosive outburst from the
*alactic center &ith a date of 15$6,9 OR- 19" years ago%
.e further found that an ancient *ree' legend tells of a cycle of !,$""" years called a F*reat
LearG in &hich a cataclysmic event &ould occur every 15$""" years$ first destruction by fire and
15$""" years later$ by &ater% ;tories of the deluge can be found in the ancient lore of nearly every
nation in the &orld%
=r% LaJiolette states that ancient legends describing the occurrence of global disasters all
share a common theme - first a long period of dar'ness$ then either e>treme coldness and glaciation$
causing an ice age) or e>treme heat from a hot and overactive sun% :ith the e>treme heat$ glacial ice
melts rapidly causing inundations and floods to s&eep across the +arth%
The conse(uences of this super&ave are many% =r% LaJiolette also proposes that geomagnetic
reversals could be induced by solar cosmic ray storms% .e theorizes that solar cosmic rays from a
mega flare could impact the +arthAs magnetosphere$ become trapped there to form storm-time
radiation belts$ and generate an e(uatorial ring current producing a magnetic field opposed to the
+arthAs% 3f sufficiently intense$ this ring current magnetic field could cancel out the +arthAs o&n field
and flip the residual magnetic field pole to an e(uatorial location% 8rom this position +arth &ould
either later recover or it &ould adopt a reversed polarity% .e proposes this geomagnetic event &ould
be very rapid$ occurring in a matter of days% .is theory has since been verified by independent
findings by geophysicists as possibly e>plaining polarity reversals in +arthAs past%
To summarize &hat LaJiolette has found in our past$ and &hat &ould happen if a similar
event occurs in the future$ then &e can e>pectH
4n outburst from the core of our gala>y &hich &ould result in a cosmic ray of electrons and
electromagnetic radiation% 3t &ould be composed of super hot cosmic ray particles traveling at
nearly the speed of light% 3t &ould appear from the direction of the 2il'y :ay as a blue-
&hite light thousands of times brighter than any other star and it &ould be visible during the
This super ray outburst &ould push cosmic dust into our solar system$ enveloping and
energizing our sun in a virtual cocoon%
The sunAs corona$ because of the cosmic dust accumulation$ &ould flare &ildly% The e>treme
heat &ould result in rapid melting in our polar regions causing inundations and floods% The
resulting tor(ue caused by electromagnetic activity may cause a polar shift$ earth(ua'es$
volcanic activity$ high &inds$ and &eather e>tremes%
NoteH 3n 4ugust of !""5 an +;4RN4;4 e>periment found there &as three times more
intergalactic dust entering our solar system than there &as throughout all of the 100"As% The actual
effects of this dust accumulation are being debated by scientists%
;o are &e seeing the beginning of the end of the &orldK 2any &ho believe in the doctrine of
the end of the &orld &ould be right% :ill the Bible prophecies come to passK Perhaps &e should all
study the boo' of /evelations a bit closer%
4t the other e>treme is the Ne& 4ge belief in a ne& and better era% 2any &ho follo& Ne&
4ge thought anticipate the arrival of the &inter solstice of !"1!$ believing it &ill mar' a spiritual
a&a'ening in man'ind) that a collective alteration in consciousness &ill occur &hich ushers in a
*olden 4ge of peace and brotherhood%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2any ancient civilizations left records indicating a *olden 4ge once flourished on +arth%
.indu Jedic lore claims &e are presently in the age of 3ron CIali LugaD representing gross
materialism% They predict the end of each age &ill be mar'ed by cataclysmic events$ but then
man'ind &ill progress to the ne>t age) in our case$ the 4ge of Bronze% 4fter that &e &ill eventually
progress to the 4ge of ;ilver and then again to a *olden 4ge% Nostradamus spea's of the &orld
entering into the 4ge of Bronze in his (uatrain C 1" < 6"H
In the /reat rei/n o, the /reat rei/n rei/nin/,
y ,orce o, ar-s the /reat /ates o, .ronze1
#ill .e opened, the "in/ and Du0e 5oinin/,
Port de-olished ship to the .otto- day serene2
=r% LaJiolette is a mainstream scientist% .e ma'es no predictions about &hen earth changes
may happen or even if they &ill% 3f changes do occur$ it may ta'e hundreds of years for the events to
play out% 4nd it may not happen this &ay at all$ only time &ill tell% The 2ayan end date of =ecember
!1$ !"1! may be a day li'e any other$ simply mar'ing the beginning of a ne& and better era%
The only 'ey to the specifics of &hat lies ahead may be &ithin the prophecies of Nostradamus
and he &arns of (uite a fe& problems before &e see an era of peace and brotherhood%
3n the +pistle our seer spea's of the .arren $ady Cagain 2other +arthD o, /reater po+er
than the second2 3f the first +arth &as destroyed by the floods of NoahAs time$ and &e are in the
second +arth$ that means a destruction andRor an alteration of our present +arth to ma'e &ay for an
+arth of greater po&er% 7ur generally accepted history ac'no&ledges only one destruction of this
planet% .o&ever$ &ritten legends of ancient people spea' of more than one destruction of Planet
+arth% The .opi 3ndian prophecies say &e approaching the end of the fourth &orld no&% They &ere
given signs of the coming destruction of the &orld$ all of &hich have happened e>cept one% The ninth
and final sign &ould be appearance of a blue star% The prophecies say the &orld &ill then roc' to and
fro and there &ill be terrible &ars$ but the fifth &orld &ill be one of true brotherhood of man%
4s a parallel to the &or's of =r% LaJiolette$ Nostradamus &rites in Century ! <uatrain #1H
The /reat star ,or seven days +ill .urn,
The cloud +ill cause t+o suns to appear1
The .i/ -asti,, +ill ho+l all ni/ht
#hen the /reat ponti,, +ill chan/e his territory2
This sounds very much li'e the super ray mentioned in the &or's of =r% LaJiolette &ho predicts that
an outburst from the *alactic Center &ould loo' li'e a very bright blue-&hite star$ almost as if it &ere
a second sun% Cosmic dust &ould be pushed into our solar system% The big mastiff is usually the
symbol for &ar% Nostradamus also predicts at that time the pope &ould move to another territory or
country% 3n another parallel &ith the &or's of =r% LaJiolette$ Century ! <uatrain 5 readsH
ecause o, the solar heat on the sea
O, Ne/repont the ,ish hal, coo0ed1
The inha.itants +ill co-e to cut the-,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#hen the .iscuit +ill ,ail at Rhodes and &enoa2
3f the scenario of =r% LaJiolette is correct$ the incoming cosmic dust &ill result in an overactive sun
&ith constant flaring and searing heat% This verse also tells of &idespread famine caused by &eather
Nostradamus &rites in the +pistle that .e,ore the /reat %-pire o, the AntiD!hrist .e/ins, it
+ill .e preceded .y a solar eclipse dar0er than any since the creation o, the +orld, e4cept ,or the
solar eclipse a,ter the death and passion o, Aesus !hrist2 And it +ill .e in the -onth o,
that the /reat translation is -ade2 It +ill .e such that one +ill thin0 the /ravity o, the earth has
lost its natural -ove-ent and the earth is plun/ed into the a.yss o, perpetual dar0ness2 This
sounds very much li'e a magnetic pole shift$ not unprecedented for our planet%
.e continues to &arn that in the sprin/ there +ill .e o-ens, and therea,ter e4tre-e
chan/es, reversals o, 0in/do-s and -i/hty earth6ua0es. This &ill happen at the same time as the
procreation of a ne& Babylon Ca ne& 3ra(D$ &hich he calls a -isera.le dau/hter enlar/ed .y the
a.o-ination o, the ,irst holocaust2 .e predicts she &ill last for only seventy-three years and seven
3n the Preface Nostradamus foresees that .e,ore the universal con,la/ration, the +orld +ill
.e delu/ed .y ,loods and inundations to such hei/hts there +ill scarcely .e any land not
covered, and it +ill last so lon/ that e4cept ,or the Eno/raphies Cof the seasD and the
topo/raphies Cof the landsD everythin/ +ill perish2 7ur seer laments the great loss to letters and
The ?nited NationsA :orld 2eteorological 7rganization found the year of !""9 &as the
&armest on record e>tending a trend that began in 100"% Climatologists measuring the glacial retreat
on 2ount Iilaman@aro in 4frica have found that 6"S of the ice has disappeared since 101!% They are
also measuring the melting of the /oss 3ce ;helf in the 4ntarctic and the receding glaciers in 4las'a$
and pro@ecting ho& *lobal :arming &ill affect us% Their reports are not encouraging% The ice cap is
e>pected to be totally melted by the year !1""% This melting &ill cause a rise in ocean levels resulting
in tidal surges and inundations% The /oss 3ce ;helf is the main outlet for the :est 4ntarctic 3ce ;heet
&ith several large glaciers that could$ if they melted completely$ raise sea levels by 1, feet - and this
is only one small part of the global melting that is occurring &orld&ide%
Loss of the ice cap accumulation &ould also affect the *ulf ;tream current in the 4tlantic and
the 4rctic stream current in the Pacific &hich flo&s along our &estern coast% 4ny change in these
currents &ill produce &eather anomalies and severe e>tremes% :e can e>pect unpredictable &eather$
stronger storms$ more tornados$ more hurricanes$ and more incidents of droughts and floods%
Nostradamus sees the British 3sles as half sun'$ possibly due to inundations caused by rising sea
Nostradamus also foresees that .e,ore and a,ter these inundations, in -any countries the
rain,all +ill .e sli/ht2 4lready &e are seeing severe droughts in this country% ;ources of drin'able
&ater and &ater for crop irrigation &ill become even more serious issues in this country and
throughout the &hole &orld%
.e continues$ there +ill ,all ,ro- the s0y such a /reat a.undance o, ,ire and .urnin/
stones so nothin/ +ill re-ain unconsu-ed2 Nostradamus may be referring to the bombs and
missiles of :orld :ar 33 and later$ or the falling stones of fire may be meteorites or debris from a
comet or an asteroid passing too close to our planet%
Perhaps his most enigmatic statement in the Preface is that the planet Mars +ill ,inish its
cycle and at the end o, its last period it +ill start a/ain and so-e +ill asse-.le in A6uarius ,or
several years, others in !ancer ,or even lon/er2 By F2ars finishing its cycleG is Nostradamus
predicting a change in the revolution of the planet in its orbit around the sunK 4nd is this an actual
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
change in the planetAs orbit$ or is he possibly referring to a reactivation of the dead planetK 4nd ho&
is Nostradamus connecting this event &ith an assembly Cof &hat or &hoKD in 4(uarius and CancerK
Nostradamus again states in the Preface that in 7;;; +e are led .y the Moon, .ut .e,ore she
co-pletes her /reat cycle, the Sun +ill co-e, and then Saturn Cthe dar' aspects during the ;unAs
cycleD% .e continues$ ,or accordin/ to the si/ns in the heavens, the rei/n o, Saturn +ill returnB so
that, all told, the +orld then is approachin/ an anara/onic 9life givingRdeath dealingK:
'ro- this present -o-ent Cof ;aturnAs dar' timesD$ .e,ore 7>> years, = -onths and 77
days have passed, .y pla/ues, lon/ ,a-ine, +ars and, -ost o, all, .y ,loods, the +orld +ill .e so
di-inished and +ith so ,e+ people le,t, that no one +ill .e +illin/ to +or0 the ,ields, +hich +ill
re-ain +ild ,or as lon/ as they had .een cultivated2
.e predicts in the +pistle$ a pla/ue +ill arise so that t+o thirds o, the +orld +ill .e
re-oved and one +ill .e una.le to ascertain the true o+ners o, propertyB and +eeds +ill .e
/ro+in/ in the streets o, cities2
3n the Preface he states$ the -ercy o, the $ord shall not .e e4tended at all ,or a lon/ ti-e,
not until -ost o, -y prophecies +ill have .een acco-plished, and .y acco-plish-ent, have
.eco-e resolved2 Several ti-es durin/ the sinister te-pests, the $ord +ill say, FI +ill tra-ple
the-, and .rea0 the-, and sho+ not pity2G
This &ill all happen prior to the year !!#!$ the end of the seventh millenary$ +hich ,inishes
all Ceither the prophecies themselves or the cycle of destruction of the earth or bothD% 3n the eighth
millenary he promises the /reat eternal &od +ill co-e to co-plete the revolution, and the
heavenly .odies +ill return to their sources and the upper -otion +ill render the earth sta.le
and ,i4ed ,or us, not deviatin/ ,ro- a/e to a/e, unless &od +ills it other+ise2 This means the
earthAs magnetic poles &ill stabilize only after the year !!#!%
7ur seer presages the coming of a Christian Iing of the :orld &ho &ill overcome the +mpire
of the 4nti-Christ$ mar'ing the end of the seventh millenary% The eighth millenary &ill see ;atan
confined to a bottomless pit and there &ill be a thousand years of peace and brotherhood of man'ind%
The Christian Iing of the :orld may be the president of the +uropean ?nion$ +urope being
the center of the &orld in the time of Nostradamus% :inston Churchill gave a speech at the
?niversity of Turich on ;eptember 10$ 10#,$ calling for a F?nited ;tates of +uropeG in order to
prevent +urope from ever again falling victim to the scourge of &ar% 1ean 2onnet proposed a plan for
a unified +uropean union$ &hich &as publicized by the 8rench foreign minister$ /obert ;chuman in
109"% 1ac(ues =elors of 8rance again presented the idea of a unified +urope in l069% 3n 100!$ the
2aastricht treaty &as signed &hich caused the +uropean ?nion to come into being in 1005% ;ince
then &e have seen more progress being made along these lines &ith the +uro dollar as the standard
currency% 4s of 1une$ !""#$ some serious consideration &as being given to find a ne& president of the
+uropean ?nion% Nostradamus indicates the great Chyren Cpossibly an anagram of the Latinized
.enrycD &ould come from a branch long barren$ so it may be that the greatest president in the future
of the +uropean ?nion &ould be a descendant of the 8rench branch of the Bourbon$ 2erovingian$
.apsburg$ or 7rleans bloodline%
Nostradamus often mentions comets in his verses as a form of dating$ i%e%$ durin/ the
appearance o, the .earded star2222222
Comets periodically pass through our part of the gala>y% The more spectacular comets seen
since 199- are listed belo& to assist dating of the (uatrainsH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
19-- a very bright comet
1,,6 a *reat Comet
1-!0 ;arabatAs Comet very bright
1--" - Le>ellAs Comet &hich closely approached earth
1611 The *reat Comet &ith a large coma
16#5 The *reat 2arch Comet &ith a long tail
16,1 4nother *reat Comet &ith a long tail
166! The *reat ;eptember Comet
100! - ;hoema'er Levy 0$ not visible to the na'ed eye$ &hich hit 1upiter in fragments
100- - .ale Bopp
.alleyAs Comet passed our planet in 1,"-$ 1,6!$ 1-96$ 1659$ 101"$ and 106,%
Nostradamus spea's of an asteroid or a meteor or a fragment of a comet hitting the earth%
Century 1 <uatrain ,0 readsH
The /reat -ountain seven stade round2
A,ter peace, +ar, ,a-ine, inundation:
#ill roll ,ar, sin0in/ /reat countries,
%ven anti6uities and their /rand ,oundations2
3n our measurements$ seven stade is #$!#- feet 5 inches% By Frolling farG it may be assumed
this &ill hit in the ocean$ causing tsunamis and inundations%
This (uatrain is reminiscent of the Boo' of /evelations in the Bible$ Chapter 6 Jerse 6 and 0$
F4nd the second angel sounded and as it &ere a great mountain burning &ith fire &as cast into the
sea$ and the third part of the sea became blood) and the third part of the creatures &hich &ere in the
sea and had life$ died) and the third part of the ships &ere destroyed%G
This stri'e from outer space may be from a meteorite or an asteroid or a fragment of a comet%
4n asteroid may easily be compared to a great stony mountain &ith its irregular and elongated$ but
round$ shape% 4lthough most asteroids are located in the asteroid belt bet&een 2ars and 1upiter$ there
are a series of seven main earth-crossing asteroids Cthose &hose orbit crosses the orbit of +arthD%
They are named +ros$ 4pollo$ 3carus$ Toutatis$ 7l@ato$ Phaeton$ and :ilson-.arrington% :hile some
astronomers have theorized that asteroids are particles remaining from the creation of the universe$
others believe asteroids are e>tinct comets$ and many do have an orbital path li'e that of a comet%
3n its passage around the sun$ a comet can split into t&o or more pieces$ as Comet Biela did in
16#, and Comet :est did in 10-,% Comets lose material &ith successive passages around the sun%
;ome of this material moves around the cometAs orbit as a stream of meteoroids% The ;hoema'er
Levy 0 Comet made an e>tremely close passage to 1upiter in 100!% The tidal stresses induced by the
giant planetAs gravity shattered the cometAs nucleus$ estimated to have been three to five miles in
diameter$ into more than !" ma@or fragments$ the largest of &hich &as about !%9 miles in diameter%
T&o years later after its passage around the sun$ the returning fragmented comet$ in 1uly 100#$
crashed into 1upiter causing a series of tremendous e>plosions$ some of &hich &ere larger than our
3n many verses Nostradamus spea's of a rain of stones% This could be from the meteorites of
a fragmented comet% The earth is bombarded daily by countless meteorites$ most of &hich are
burned up by gravitational friction before stri'ing the surface% 4 meteor of considerable duration and
brightness is 'no&n as a fireball% The brightest fireball ever recorded &as the Tungus'a Basin stri'e
in ;iberia in 10"6% 2easuring only 1," feet$ it e>ploded above the surface &ith a deafening sonic
boom and caused ma@or devastation in the forest%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The occurrence of stones falling from the s'y is not unprecedented% 1ohn ;% Le&is in his
boo' F/ain of 3ron and 3ceG documents the very real threat of comet and asteroid bombardment and
spea's of sho&ers of stones recorded in history from all over the &orld% +ven in modern times$
fireballs are reported and meteorites stri'e houses$ cars$ and people%
SOUR!%S O' IN'$U%N!%
2ost commentators report Nostradamus &as of 1e&ish descent and that his grandfatherAs
family$ including his parents$ converted to Catholicism to prevent e>pulsion from 8rance% 3f so$
Nostradamus may have been inspired by his grandfather to study the Iabbalah$ an esoteric system of
interpretation of the ;criptures based on a tradition claimed to have been handed do&n orally from
4braham% Iabbalistic interpretation of the ;criptures &as based on the belief that every &ord$ letter$
number$ and even accent contained mysteries &hich could be interpreted only by those &ho 'no& the
The t&o main boo's of the Iabbalists are the ;efer Letzirah and the Tohar% The first is a
series of monologues supposedly delivered by 4braham% The basic tenet of the ;efer Letzirah is to
enable one to gain an understanding of the po&ers emanating from *od through &hich the &orld &as
created and its order sustained$ and to use primordial numbers in a system of numerical
interpretation% 3t &as probably put in &riting in the third century%
The Tohar has been attributed to the great Iabbalist$ /abbi ;himon bar Lochai$ of the second
century% 3ts dar' mysteries have made even rabbis shudder% The Tohar deals very directly &ith
concepts of reincarnation$ visionary e>periences$ and the presence of unseen influences in our midst%
3t &as often suppressed by religious authorities &ho feared its po&er to transform the lives of those
&ho gained access to the sacred &ritings% 3t is said to be the actual tree of life spo'en of by all
religions% The Tohar$ a .ebre& &ord meaning Fsplendor$G is said to radiate light%
Perhaps this is the forbidden boo' &hich Nostradamus rendered unto Julcan CburnedD and
&hich then filled his house &ith a brilliant light$ as he recorded in the Preface%
3f Nostradamus &as a student of the Iabbalah$ he &as in good company% 2oses$ 1esus$
2ohammed$ Plato$ Pythagoras$ ;ha'espeare$ ;ir 3saac Ne&ton$ and 8reud &ere among many of the
great minds of science$ religion$ and politics influenced by the Iabbalah%
A$!)%M3 AND &%OM%TR3
Nostradamus &as most certainly a student of alchemy$ the forerunner of todayAs chemical and
pharmaceutical sciences% .e studied herbs and prepared his o&n herbal remedies for his patients$
even &riting a boo' of formulas for cough syrup$ liniments$ and his rose pills &hich &ere to be put
under the tongue to 'eep a&ay the plague% The study of alchemy$ li'e astrology$ &as a legitimate
intellectual pursuit in the time of Nostradamus%
The origins of alchemy go bac' beyond recorded history% 4n ancient legend tells the story of
an angel at the gate of +den &ho gave 4dam instructions in the mysteries of alchemy and the
Iabbalah$ promising that &hen the human race had mastered the secret &isdom hidden in these arts$
the curse of the forbidden fruit &ould be removed and man might again enter into the *arden of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2any early 7riental races$ the Chaldeans$ the Babylonians$ and the Phoenicians &ere familiar
&ith the principles of alchemy% 3t &as a ma@or science of the early +gyptians% 3n fact$ FIhemG &as
the ancient name for the land of +gypt and both the &ords FalchemyG and thus FchemistryG are
derived from the name of +gypt% 2ore than a scientific process$ alchemy is considered a philosophy
&ith 'eys to self understanding$ self mastery$ and &isdom%
4n early influence in alchemy &ere the ancient metaphysical boo's attributed to the +gyptian
god of &isdom$ Thoth$ &hose name &as sometimes translated into *ree' as .ermes Trismegistus$ as
he &as said to have three parts of the &isdom and philosophy of the &hole universe% The +merald
Tablet of .ermes$ said to be &ritten in his o&n hand and found in his sepulcher$ contains a summary
of the principles of alchemy% 3n honor of .ermes all scientific 'no&ledge &as grouped under the title
of FThe .ermetic 4rts%G The .ermetic boo's treat a variety of sub@ects including magic$ philosophy$
and astrology as &ell as alchemy%
;ince the early alchemists &ere mainly artisans$ they tried to conceal the secrets of their
&or') thus many of the materials they used &ere referred to by obscure or astrological names%
Through translations of 4rabic manuscripts$ alchemy$ strongly tinged &ith magic$ reached parts of
+urope in the t&elfth century% The conversion of base metals into silver and gold Cincorruptible
metalsD &as a striving of all things to&ard perfection% The alchemical &ritings of the 2iddle 4ges
continued to be veiled in symbolic and cryptic language$ very much li'e the &ritings of Nostradamus%
.e &as (uite li'ely influenced by the philosophy$ mathematics$ and geometry of Pythagoras$
about 96" B%C% to 9"" B%C%$ &ho &as born on the 3sle of ;amos in the 4egean ;ea% 4lthough most of
his original &or' is lost$ certain important fragments of the mathematicianAs &ritings have been
preserved in the &or's of Porphyry 2alchus in his FLife of Pythagoras%G The first pure
mathematician$ Pythagoras is 'no&n principally for his geometrical theorems and for solving
e(uations by geometrical means% .is school of philosophical thought held five principalsH
1% that at its deepest level$ reality is mathematical in nature$
!% that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification$
5% that the soul can rise to union &ith the divine$
#% that certain symbols have a mystical significance$ and
9% that all brothers of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy%
Nostradamus may have patterned the se(uence of the (uatrains after Pythagorean principles$ ten
being the very best number for it contained in itself the first four integers one$ t&o$ three$ and four
C1 O ! O 5 O # N 1"D% 4n e(ually important number &as 5$ through &hich$ &hen multiplied by itself
and added to the first cause C1D$ you could attain perfection C5 > 5 O 1 N 1"D%
Leoni surmises that Nostradamus may have had a manuscript of the te>ts$ F=e =aemonibusG
by the Byzantine$ 2ichael Psellus$ and F=e 2ysteriis UgyptiorumG by 1amblichus$ and the
Iabbalistic FIeys of ;olomon%G
4stronomy and 4strology &ent hand in hand in the ;i>teenth Century% 4 physician &as
e>pected to cast astrological horoscopes to diagnose and treat the illnesses of their patients%
4strologers &ere considered to be very learned men &ho 'ne& the coming of events as foretold by
the heavens% +ven popes consulted astrologers%
4fter the death of Iing .enry 33$ so &ell predicted by Nostradamus in Century 1 <uatrain 59$
the <ueen /egent$ Catherine deA 2edici$ on her good&ill trip across 8rance too' her seven young
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
children to ;olon to visit Nostradamus and have their horoscopes cast% .e predicted all seven &ould
be 'ings and (ueens in various countries in +urope$ &hich did prove to be true% .e may not have told
her about the untimely deaths ahead for most of them or the fact that they &ould not leave any heirs
to the throne%
4strology in the ;i>teenth Century &as based on PtolemyAs doctrine of a round earth in the
center of the universe &ith the sun and moon and five planets moving around earthAs celestial sphere%
The heavenly bodies &ere in the follo&ing orderH first the 2oon$ then 2ercury$ Jenus$ then the ;un
follo&ed by the superior planets of 2ars$ 1upiter and ;aturn% The Todiac$ then as today$ &as
positioned on the ecliptic Cplane of the earthAs e(uatorD in t&elve e(uidistant sections%
The FTetrabiblosG &hich &as &ritten by Ptolemy Cproperly Claudius Ptolemaeus ca%1""-1-6
4%=%D set do&n the fundamentals of mundane astrology% 4strological rulers &ere assigned to groups
of countries% 8or e>ample$ the north&est triangle of his 'no&n &orld containing +ngland$ 8rance$
*ermany and northern countries &as ruled by 4ries$ Leo$ and ;agittarius$ all fire signs% The northeast
triangle contained the air signs of *emini$ Libra$ and 4(uarius% The southeast triangle contained the
earth signs of Capricorn$ Taurus$ and Jirgo) and the south&est triangle contained the &ater signs of
Pisces$ Cancer$ and ;corpio% Nostradamus carried out this theme even further and assigned each
country a ruler% .e has assigned 4ries for *reat Britain$ Libra for the ?nited ;tates$ and ;aturn for
;oviet /ussia%
2undane astrology$ as used by Nostradamus$ is the application of astrology to &orld affairs$
ta'ing its name from the /oman &ord FmundusG meaning Fthe &orld%G 3n the middle ages it &as
more commonly 'no&n as the study of /evolutions the study of the revolutions of the planets in
their orbits around the +arth% This is the origin of the idea of political revolutions% 2undane astrology
&as used to both study the trends of history and to predict the future%
Nostradamus had an 4strolabe &hich he received from his grandfather% This uni(ue
instrument &as a sphere &ith the earth in the center and the moon$ sun$ and planets around it on metal
paths &ith mar'ings used to plot the courses% The Todiac &as positioned on the ecliptic &here the
relationship of a sign to the heavenly bodies could be mathematically determined% 3n this manner$ the
ephemeris could be accurately plotted%
?sing this instrument$ Nostradamus &rote the 4lmanacs &hich &ere consulted daily by 'ings
and peasants% The 4lmanacs &ere soon translated to +nglish$ *erman$ and 3talian$ ma'ing him an
internationally 'no&n celebrity%
Nostradamus states he &as divinely inspired in &riting the prophecies$ and then he chec'ed
his predictions astrologically) but many of the configurations he gives recur (uite often and cannot be
used to determine an e>act date% 3n Century , <uatrain 1""$ FThe 3ncantation Contra 3nept Critics$G
he &arns astrologers to stay a&ay$ &hich is surprising because he &as an astrologer% This may give a
&arning to any astrologers trying to decipher and put a date on a certain (uatrain$ that other than
studying the revolutions of the superior planets$ he used astrological terms mostly as symbols%
+>perts in astrology &ho have tried to compute dates for the verses have not been very successful%
The Priory of ;ion CPrieurM de ;ionD$ founded in 1"00$ is a secret society dating bac' to the
8irst Crusade &hich &as underta'en by a group of +uropean noblemen &ho$ &ith the blessings of the
pope$ too' bac' the holy land from the infidels% The crusaders established a Iing of 1erusalem$
*odfroi de Bouillon$ on the former throne of =avid% This ne& 'ingdom lasted until 1!01 &hen the
holy land &as ta'en bac' by the Finfidels%G
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Inights Templar$ created as a military front by the Priory of ;ion$ &as organized as a
monastic order% 3t is speculated they discovered a great treasure under the old temple of ;olomon%
Through &ealthy connections they became the prime movers in international politics through money
lending% They &ere instrumental in inventing ban'ing and soon dominated financial activities in
+urope% Their success attracted the concern of the Church and many monarchs of +urope &ho &ere
also see'ing to monopolize control of money and ban'ing%
The end of the Inights Templar came on 7ctober 15$ 15"- &hen all the Templar 'nights in
8rance &ere simultaneously arrested by Iing Philip the 8air of 8rance &ith the support of Pope
Clement J% Their assets &ere seized and many of the 'nights &ere tortured and e>ecuted%
4fter this event$ the Priory of ;ion became even more reclusive and secretive%
4ccording to the controversial nonfiction bestseller F.oly Blood$ .oly *railG the authors$
2ichael Baigent$ /ichard Leigh$ and .enry Lincoln$ after a decade of investigation and research$
came to the follo&ing conclusionsH
The Priory of ;ion is alleged to be devoted to the return of the 2erovingian dynasty that ruled
the 'ingdom of the 8ran's from ##- to -91 4%=%
The 2erovingians may have been from the tribe of Ben@amin &ho migrated to *reece% They
eventually migrated &est&ard follo&ing the =anube and /hine /ivers$ finally settling in
&estern *ermany and eastern 8rance in the Lorraine and 4rdennes areas% 2erovingian 'ings
&ere ascribed legendary po&ers and psychic abilities% By 1e&ish la& they &ould have had a
claim to the throne of 1erusalem%
The royal bloodline traces bac' to ;igisbert 3J C,-,--96 4%=%D$ the son of the 2erovingian
Iing =agobert 33 and the Jisigoth Princess$ *iselle de /azes from southern 8rance% Their
descendants included *odfroi de Bouillon$ =u'e of Lo&er Lorraine$ Iing of 1erusalem$ and
the founder of the 7rder of ;ion%
The authors ma'e an e>tremely controversial hypothesis that the 2erovingian bloodline
includes the seed of =avid$ rightful bloodline to the throne of 1erusalem$ by virtue of 2ary
2agdalene &ho immigrated to southeast 8rance &ith her child by her husband 1esus$ a direct
descendant of =avid and of the tribe of 1udah% .o&ever$ the authors are unable to conclusively
prove their theory in this regard%
F.oly *railG may be a derivative from the &ord F;angrealG by &hich FsangG means blood and
FrealG means royal$ thus those of royal blood are the descendants of 1esus and 2ary
The Priory of ;ion is alleged to be devoted to preserving and protecting the 2erovingian
bloodline% They have been said to maintain e>tensive genealogies and to safeguard the holy
relics &hich prove their claim% 4s of 10,, the =u'e of Lorraine and Iing of 1erusalem &as
7tto von .apsburg%
The Priory of ;ion may have played a large role in the underground stream of esotericism$
alchemy$ and *nostic thought% They use symbolic allusions and &ords &ith hidden meanings to
communicate &ith each other similar in nature to the language of Nostradamus%
The authors state that in the days of Nostradamus$ the houses of *uise and Lorraine C&ho
&ere of the holy bloodlineD &ere aided by a net&or' of emissaries$ ambassadors$ assassins$ spies$ and
agents$ and that according to their research$ Nostradamus may have been one of their agents%
They further state that according to *Mrard de ;Vde$ Nostradamus$ before embar'ing on his
career as a prophet$ spent considerable time in Lorraine possibly undergoing initiation into the secret
society% 2ore specifically he is said to have been sho&n an ancient boo' on &hich he based all his
o&n subse(uent &or'% This boo' &as reportedly divulged to him at a very significant place$ the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4bbey of 7rval% The 4bbey of 7rval continued for another t&o centuries to be associated &ith the
name of Nostradamus and issued boo's of prophecies purportedly authored by the great prophet%
3f the authors of F.oly Blood$ .oly *railG are correct$ then Nostradamus may have been of
the 2erovingian lineage% .is great grandfather$ 1ean de ;aint-/emy$ &as the astrologer$ Iabbalist$
and physician for /enM dA 4n@ou$ Count of Provence$ 'no&n as F*ood Iing /enM%G The ;aint-/emy
name in history goes bac' to the rule of 2erovingian Iing Clovis 3 &ho reigned bet&een #6l and 911
and &hose confessor and advisor &as ;aint /Mmy% ;aint /Mmy CLatinized ;aint /emigiusD &as born
in the /eims area of 4rdennes and is credited for converting the 2erovingians to Christianity% The
great grandfather of Nostradamus may have been able to trace his ancestry bac' to the early saint%
The fact that he &as an advisor to a 'ing of the royal bloodline is very indicative% Iing /enM de
4n@ou &as the *rand 2aster of the Priory of ;ion from 1#16 to 1#6"%
There are several different lists of the *rand 2asters &hich e>tend from the time of their
founding in 1"00 to the latest *rand 2aster on one such list$ Pierre Plantard de ;aint-Clair% The lists
include such illustrious names as Leonardo da Jinci$ ;ir 3saac Ne&ton$ Jictor .ugo$ and Claude
=ebussy% 7ne such list includes the name of 2ichel de Notre-=ame and it sho&s he served as *rand
2aster from 199, to 19,,%
;ome of the prophecies may refer to the holy bloodline% The =u'es of Lorraine$ =u'es of
*uise$ the house of .apsburg$ the Plantards and the ;aint-Clairs Cor ;inclairsD all are of 2erovingian
royal blood% Loo' for symbolic &ords such as FvinesG C&hich pertain to the intert&ining vines of
bloodlinesD or F/ose-Croi>G or F;ionG or F*rail%G The 2erovingian symbols are those of the fleur-
de-lys C&hich &as used by the house of BourbonD$ 4rcadia or Troy Cdenoting their *recian pastD$ a
shepherd or shepherdess$ or the underground stream &hich denotes the bloodline being 'ept secret%
The 2erovingian Iing Pharamond Cc% 5-"-#5"D &ho led his people to the /hine Jalley in #!" 4%=%
had as his standard three golden frogs on a field of azure blue% ;ome of the (uatrains mention the
frogs or the field of blue% The Bourbons replaced the three frogs &ith three lilies on a field of &hite
for their device%
OT)%R !$U%S
Nostradamus &as a devout Catholic and many of his predictions center around the Catholic
Church% .is predictions include the last Pope$ the destruction of the Jatican$ and the end of the
Catholic Church as &e 'no& it today%
.e &as also a 2onarchist and his feelings about the divine rights of 'ings sho& in his
But he &as$ above all else$ 8rench% 4lthough he &rites about +urope$ 4sia$ the 2iddle +ast$
4merica$ and else&here$ the center of his universe &as 8rance% 3t is easy to apply some of his
(uatrains to our o&n 4merican history$ but &e have to remember to 'eep Nostradamus in 8rance and
to not read too much into his predictions%
3t is al&ays important to put aside any preconceived ideas and to e>amine the (uatrains
ob@ectively &ith an open mind% 3t is @ust too easy to read too much into a verse or to create scenarios
in your mind% Loo' closely at the original &ritings and not at the translation in order to find anagrams
and clues% Loo' at each (uatrain ob@ectively and search for the hidden layers% Try to determine &hat
Nostradamus &as striving to convey despite the obscurity%
3n reading and re-reading the prophecies a person gains a sense of a rhythm% The Cycle of the
2oon seems to begin and end in Century 1 and the Cycle of the ;un seems to begin and end in
Century 1% There may be t&o (uatrains that seem to go together either ne>t to each other or not far
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
apart$ then another that seems to fit &ith these either t&o or three centuries later% Century 1" seems to
continue into Century 1% There is a rhythm$ an order%
3n the Preface$ Nostradamus gives us clues that in the search ,or the per,ect trans,or-ation
o, silver or o, /old loo0 ,or incorrupti.le -etals hidden under the earth or hidden in the +aves2
.e also cautions us to re5ect co-pletely the ,antastic i-a/inin/s that -ay arise, and li-it the
particularity o, places +hich +ere arrived at .y divine and supernatural inspiration accordin/
to the celestial ,i/ures. 7ur seer pac's a lot of information here &hich &eAll e>plore in more detail%
The silver and gold &ould be the Cycle of the 2oon and the Cycle of the ;un% The
incorruptible metals also &ould be silver for the moon and gold for the sun%
By Fhidden under the earthG he may mean he buried clues relating to the chronological order
of the verses% There are some treasure (uatrains that donAt seem to pertain to an event in time$ so they
are listed separately after the solved (uatrains in Part T&o as FTreasure <uatrains%G
The FTreasure <uatrainsG may also refer to actual buried treasure% The vast treasure rumored
to have been discovered by the Inights Templar from 1erusalem &as never recovered% 3t has been
suggested it is hidden in southern 8rance in the /ennes-le-Chateau area$ homeland of =agobert 33 and
*iselle de /azes% This area of 8rance$ the Languedoc$ &as the setting of the Cathars$ also called
4lbigensians% They &ere prosperous$ peaceful$ and practiced a *nostic type of religion% Pope
3nnocent 333$ ho&ever$ &hen he came to po&er in 1106$ resolved to suppress the 4lbigenses% 8rench
forces from the north$ spurred on by the decree of the Pope that all lands o&ned by the heretics could
be confiscated at &ill$ &aged &ar% The resulting battles$ &holesale slaughters$ and the follo&ing
in(uisition nearly e>tinguished the Cathars% 3t is speculated that a great deal of their treasure remains
hidden in this area%
By Fhidden in the &avesG Nostradamus may have been referring to the F*alley <uatrains%G
7nce all the verses are arranged in the correct pattern$ these galley (uatrains$ &hen you come to
them$ &ill tell you ho& to further arrange the verses% ;ome of these may be split (uatrains &ith one
meaning as to the se(uence and the other part should be @oined to another verse to complete a
prophecy% 4 F*alley <uatrainG &ould mention a FBiremeG or FTrireme%G
3n studying the verses$ you become a&are there are sometimes three (uatrains pertaining to
the same event in time$ each giving more detail% 8or e>ample$ C 1 < 1$ C 1 < !$ and C 5 < ! &ould
be a three (uatrain set% This three (uatrain set may be &hat Nostradamus refers to as a FTrireme%G
4ctually$ triremes &ere sailing ships$ vessels &ith three ban's of oars% .o&ever$ according to Leoni$
most of the galleys in the si>teenth century &ere single ban'ed% Perhaps Nostradamus envisioned his
three sets of (uatrains as galleys sailing over the seas of time% 4n e>ample of a galley (uatrain is C !
< !1 &hich readsH
The a-.assador sent .y the .ire-es,
)al,+ay repelled .y un0no+n ones1
Rein,orced +ith salt, ,our trire-es +ill co-e,
y ropes and chains in Ne/repont trussed2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
FBiremesG &ould be galleys &ith t&o ban's of oars$ or t&o (uatrains that go together% There &ill
eventually be a third (uatrain &hich &ill complete the set% Then four triremes &ould be @oined to
Century ! <uatrain 5 &here FNegrepontG is mentioned% F;altG is a symbol for &isdom%
3n another e>ample$ C 1" < 0- readsH
Trire-es ,ull o, captives o, all a/es,
&ood ti-es to .ad, the s+eet ,or the .itter1
Prey to ar.arians too soon +ill .e hasty,
&reedy see the plu-e 9,eather: +ail in the +ind2
This may be a split (uatrain% The first t&o lines sho& the triremes Csets of three versesD to be full of
captives CyearsD from all the ages the prophecies cover% The third and fourth lines seem to indicate
the Barbarians are an>ious to see either a plume of smo'e or a feather in the &ind% :hen a ne&
pope is elected a fire is lit in a designated fireplace% The smo'e is a signal to the &orld a ne& pope
has been chosen% The fact that the Barbarians are an>ious over this is ominous%
3t may also be that a trip through the prophecies should be ta'en three times to put the
se(uence in the correct order$ going through the prophecies$ then either turning around to go
bac'&ards or circling bac' to the beginning again t&o more times%
The se(uence (uatrains donAt seem to fit a historical event in time and so they are grouped
together% These se(uence (uatrains most certainly &ill give clues as to the order of the verses%
Nostradamus cautions us to limit the particularity of places% 3n some (uatrains$ he has a list of
to&ns and cities% This may indicate the region &here the event occurs or there may be an anagram or
proper name hidden in the list$ especially &hen the to&ns named are geographically far apart%
.is use of cities can also be used to denote the &hole region% Called a synecdoche$ youAll find
Nostradamus uses this shortcut often% Therefore$ F/omeG may mean the City of /ome or the region
around the city%

#ORD PU**$%S
Nostradamus &rites in the classic 7ld 8rench language &ith some use of Latin$ ProvenBal$
+nglish$ and *ree'% Latin &as a familiar language to the scholars of that time period$ as &as the
'no&ledge of classical gods and goddesses% The 8rench language &as changing in his time period
from regional dialects and 7ld 8rench to the modern 8rench &e 'no& today$ &hich has caused the
translators of the (uatrains much grief% .o&ever$ most of the &ords used by Nostradamus have come
do&n to us in some form in the modern 8rench language%
The *reen Language$ also called the Language of the Birds$ &as used prior to the 2iddle
4ges up to and through the nineteenth century by occultists$ alchemists$ and secret societies such as
the Priory of ;ion$ in order to communicate &ith each other &ithout fear of discovery by the
uninitiated% Their techni(ues included coined &ords and phrases$ anagrams$ and linguistic
symbolism% These techni(ues are also employed by Nostradamus in his prophecies%
7ur seer uses the ancient name of cities and disguises people and places by using
mythological e(uivalents%
.e ma'es up his o&n name for people% 8or instance in C ! < 06$ FTonant en LeoG translates
to FThunderer in Leo%G This has to be =anton$ &ell 'no&n for his booming voice and spea'ing
ability$ and certainly an e>troverted leonine personality% .e &as a ma@or figure during the 8rench
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
To further complicate things$ Nostradamus &ill eliminate one or more letters$ add or change
letters to ma'e a rhyme$ omit completely a remainder of a &ord$ eliminate nonessential &ords$ or
combine t&o &ords to form one &ord &ith a double meaning%
.e &ill combine meanings% 8or instance F3sterG is the old name for the =anube /iver% .itler
&as born near the =anube$ thus F.itlerG becomes F.yster$G F.ister$G or Cmore commonlyD simply
F3ster%G 3n some of the (uatrains &here his name does not formally appear$ F3sterG is anagrammed in
the (uatrain and gives a clue as to the gist of the (uatrain% :hen Nostradamus means the =anube
/iver$ he uses the actual &ord F=anube%G
4nagrams are &idely used throughout the prophecies% ?nder the rules of anagram$ as
popularly played in his day$ he may substitute one or t&o letters or eliminate one or t&o letters &hile
scrambling the rest% Thus F=antonG becomes FTonant%G 4nother e>ample$ in C , < !5 the &ord
F/apisG can be unscrambled to FParis%G .e may even ma'e an anagram using more than one &ord%
8or e>ample$ Century 5 <uatrain !! refers to the si> day &ar for 1erusalem$ and on the third line you
&ill find F3sraelG anagrammed as a part of three different &ords% This is sho&n in 8rench asH Trois la
redront Cislare N 3sraelD% 3t is doubtful this is @ust a coincidence because many more e>amples can be
found in the (uatrains% 3f you can find the anagram$ you can cinch the (uatrain and pinpoint the date%
?nder the rules for &riting in his day$ a FJG can be a F?G or a FLG can be an F3G and an F3G
can be a F1%G The letter F.G &as sometimes dropped entirely% The letters F;G and F8G &ere &ritten
similarly and &ere often confused in the translation and publication of his boo's%
3n the time of Nostradamus$ rules for punctuation had not yet been established and it sho&s in
the &ritings commas used for periods$ no commas$ or all in the &rong placeE ?sually he puts a
comma at the end of the first line$ the ne>t a colon$ the ne>t a comma$ then a period% :hen he
deviates is there a reasonK 3t has been suggested that some of the (uatrains are split bet&een t&o
Nostradamus uses symbols because you can put a lot more meaning into a symbol than you can by
using the actual &ords of description% .e 'ept his (uatrains brief$ compacted$ and layered% The
symbols also rendered a cloud of obscurity%
4N4T723C4LH .ands N po&ers
4rms N armies or &eapons
Legs N support
Teeth N defense
8eet N ability to travel
4N324L;H Bear N /ussia
Coc' N 8rance
8rog N 8rance$ pertaining to the 2erovingian line
Lion N +ngland
:olf N 3taly$ /ome$ or .itler
;tag N Poland
+agle N 4merica or 4ustria or Napoleon
Bird of Prey N the +agle of 4merica or Napoleon
Boar N *ermany
;&ine or Pig N .itlerAs *ermany
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2astiff N :ar
C+L+;T34LH ;un N the Catholic faith$ 1apan$ or cycle of the sun
2oon N Tur'ey$ China$ 3slam$ cycle of the moon$ ;elene
CCrescent 2oon for 3slam and 8ull 2oon for ChinaD
Jenus N /uler of Libra N 4merica or 4ustria
2ars N &ar$ the month of 2arch$ or the aggressive country
;aturn N ;oviet /ussia$ a scythe$ or dar' aspects
1upiter N the royal scepter$ ruler$ the ruling superpo&er of the &orld
2ercury N speed or communication$ alchemy C.ermesD
;eptentrion N /ussia$ the seven stars of ?rsa 2inor
CBear ConstellationD
4;T/7L7*3C4LH 4(uarius N a &ater @ar or urn$ a country or the 4ge of 4(uarius
4ries N +ngland
Taurus N the bull$ possibly a 2iddle +astern country or ;pain
Cancer N un'no&n at this time Cpossibly 8ranceD
*emini N the t&ins$ Castor and Pollu>
Libra N the balance scales$ 4merica or 4ustria
;agittarius N possibly post ;oviet /ussia
Leo N possibly 3taly
:+4T.+/H Bruine N drizzle N indicates sadness in the air
8og N a cover up or intrigue
:ind N public opinion
:hirl&ind N a revolution
;unshine or dryness N peace
8lood N a flood of events$ a real flood$ or a &ar
8rostR3ce N numbness by an event$ a cold action
7T.+/H 4(uilon N land of the North$ the Baltic countries
Barbarian N any person or country not of Christian faith
Barbarian N those of the Barbary Coast N Libya$ 4lgeria$ etc%
Celtic N 8rench$ even though usually thought of as ;cotch or 3rish
Cheryn N .enryc CLatinized .enryD or a separate person
*rand 2onarch N al&ays Louis 1#
3ron N fer N symbol of *ermany at &ar Ci%e%$ the iron crossD$ or &eapons
Neptune N the ruling sea po&er$ Tur'ey$ then +ngland$ no& the ?;4
Pont N bridge$ pontiff$ or ocean Cpontus in LatinD
;alt N &isdom$ &it
:ine N e>perience in leadership
These are the most common symbols found% .o&ever$ there are many$ many more in the
(uatrains% 4s an e>ample of the symbols Nostradamus uses$ C 1 < 96 readsH
Slittin/ the .elly, it +ill .e .orn +ith t+o heads,
And ,our ar-s1 A ,e+ years it +ill live1
The day +hen A6uiloye cele.rates its ,easts,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
'ossano, Turin, chie, o, 'errara +ill ,ollo+2
:hile this sounds li'e a frea' of nature$ Nostradamus is tal'ing about occupied *ermany Cand also
BerlinD after :orld :ar 33% *ermany &as divided into t&o parts$ the /ussians on the east and the
4llied po&ers on the &est Ct&o headsD% The four armies &ere 8rance$ +ngland$ the ?;4 and /ussia%
This &as initiated on Than'sgiving =ay$ l0#9% The Latin &ord$ F4(uiloyeG may be interpreted as
F+agleAs la&G meaning 4merica% The last line pertaining to 3taly is unclear% =ivided *ermany lasted
until 100"%
;ome of the (uatrains have a &ord in capital letters% 3n fact$ C 1 < ! starts the prophecies &ith
the &ord FB/4NC.+;G capitalized% Nostradamus may have divided his prophecies into sections
and &hen the prophecies are in the correct order) these capitalized &ords may mar' the beginning of
a ne& chapter% 3f so$ there may be 1! sections in the Cycle of the 2oon and 1! in the Cycle of the
;un$ and perhaps 1 at the beginning of the prophecies$ and perhaps 1 at the end C!, in allD%
3f a &ord &hich is capitalized indicates a ne& chapter$ belo& is a list of the &ords capitalized
in the Benoist /igaud edition of 19,6H
C 1 < ! B/4NC.+; C 1 < 1, 4J*+ C ! < -0 C.3/+N
C ! < 0# */4N= C 5 < 69 L4J=+ C # < !- ;+Q%
C # < 5# C.L/+N C # < -- ;+L3N C 9 < !5 =JJ2J3/4T
C 9 < 9- ;+QT% C 6 < 1 P4J$ N4L$ L7/7N C 6 < 1, .3+/7N
C 6 < 5# 3J/4 C 6 < ## P4J C 6 < ," N7L4/3;
C 6 < ,1 T4* C 6 < ,- P4/%C4/%N+/;48 C 6 < 0- J4/
C 0 < 5" PJ7L4 C 0 < ## /4LP7T C 0 < 9- =/JQ
C 1" < !0 24N;7L C 1" < #" L7N7L+ C 1" < #, LA7/
C 1" < 9! L4L+
This totals !9 capitalized &ords% .o&ever$ to further complicate things$ the different editions vary%
Belo& is the list of capitalized &ords found in other editionsH
C , < !5 /4P3;$ C , < -" C.3/+N$ C 6 < 16 8L7/+$ C 6 < 0! L73N$
C 0 < #1 C.L/+N$ C 1! < ,0 +37J4;$ C 0 < #9 2+N=7;J;$ and
C 0 < 9" 2+N=7;J;%

T)% !$O!" T)%OR3
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4n interesting thoughtH if Nostradamus has the main body of the prophecies divided into !#
divisions$ li'e hours in a day$ it is possible he has 1! night divisions representing the moon and 1!
daytime divisions representing the sun% 3n some (uatrains heAll mention a certain time li'e Fat
midnightG or Fat the rising of the sun%G 3f so$ then a lunar cycle of 59# years divided by 1! &ould give
a division of !0%9 years$ incidentally the same number of years as the orbit of the planet ;aturn% 3f
you &ould start the dating at , P2 for the Cycle of the 2oon and , 42 for the Cycle of the ;un$ the
corresponding years are as follo&sH
Cycle of the 2oon Cycle of the ;un
, P2 - 1959 , 42 1666
- P2 - 19,# W - 42 - 101- W
6 P2 - 190# 6 42 - 10#-
0 P2 - 1,!5 W 0 42 - 10-, W
1" P2 - 1,95 1" 42 - !"",
11 P2 1,6! W 11 42 - !"59 W
1! P2 - 1-1! 1! 42 - !",9
1 42 - 1-#1 W 1 P2 - !"0# W
! 42 - 1--1 ! P2 - !1!#
5 42 - 16"" W 5 P2 - !195 W
# 42 - 165" # P2 - !165
9 42 - 1690 W 9 P2 - !!1! W
, 42 - 1666 , P2 - !!#!

The Cycle of the 2oon begins and ends in Century 1 as does the Cycle of the ;un% Perhaps Century 1
stands for , oAcloc'$ both 4%2% and P%2% Nostradamus may have patterned the (uatrains after a cloc'
and &hat better symbol for time could be found than a cloc' &hich remains constant in all
countries and throughout the &hole time period of the prophecies%
Lou could ta'e this theory a step further% 3f Nostradamus divided his prophecies into !#
sections C1! sections for the 2oon and 1! sections for the ;unD$ there may be an even number of
(uatrains to a section% 3f you start at , P2 and go cloc'&ise$ there may be15 triremes C15 sets of
three (uatrains each or 50 (uatrainsD per section and the remaining verses &ould go at the beginning
andRor at the end% 4t the end of 19, triremes Cor #,6 (uatrainsD$ the Cycle of the 2oon CsilverD &ould
be completed% Then you &ould start around again in a cloc'&ise circle to complete the triremes C50
(uatrains per sectionD for the Cycle of the ;un CgoldD% This &ould be a total of 05, (uatrains% 3f there
are 5 (uatrains at the beginning and 5 (uatrains at the end$ this &ould give you the 0#! (uatrains in
the Benoist /igaud edition of 19,6%
This pattern may even be dra&n out in the form of a cloc' &ith 50 (uatrains being part of the
arc of a circle$ say from , oAcloc' to - oAcloc'% The resulting circle at the end of 19, triremes C#,6
(uatrainsD &ould be symbolic of the moon% Then one could go around again &ith 50 (uatrains being
representative of a sun ray% :hen this dra&ing is completed$ it &ould represent both the Cycle of the
2oon and the Cycle of the ;un% This dra&ing may also provide a clue as to the order of the time
:hile it is tempting to try to ma'e the verses fit an e>act time scale C&hich may be correctD it
is possible the usage of the hours of a cloc' is mainly to give us an estimate of &hen an event ta'es
place in time% The order of the verses may instead be event driven to ade(uately cover the ma@or
events of history%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
PU**$% PI%!%S
4 critical indepth study of the &ritings of Nostradamus reveals our Prophet hid clues as to the
time line of the prophecies C199- to !!#!D$ the fact that his prophecies are divided into t&o parts$ the
Cycle of the 2oon and the Cycle of the ;un$ and the fact his (uatrains are in sets of three$ &hich he
calls Ftriremes%G The tric' is to find out ho& he arranged the se(uence of the verses%
3n the +pistle$ Nostradamus &ritesH I have calculated the present prophecies in accordance
+ith the order o, the chain +hich contains its revolution, all .y astrono-ical doctrine -odi,ied
.y -y natural instinct2 3f by this statement he means the revolution of the planets around the sun in
earth time are used in his se(uence of the verses$ the time CroundedD of each planet is as follo&sH
;aturn ta'es !0%9 years for a trip around the sun% This figure of !0%9 &as used to determine
the corresponding timescale of the prophecies according to the hours of a cloc'% The planet ;aturn
&as 'no&n to the ancients as Ironos$ Time Ieeper of the ;olar ;ystem%
1upiter ta'es 1! years &hich corresponds to t&elve hours for the Cycle of the 2oon and
t&elve hours for the Cycle of the ;un% T&elve is also the number of months in a year and the number
of the divisions of the Todiac%
2ars circles the sun in ,6- days% 3n the Preface Nostradamus statesH ,or althou/h the planet
Mars +ill ,inish its cycle, at the end o, its last period, it +ill .e/in a/ain2 Perhaps he is spea'ing
of the se(uence of the verses%
Jenus ta'es !!9 days to circle the sun% There are 9 points in the heavens that Jenus visits
every 6 years &ithin a fraction of one day% 3f you connect these points$ the result &ill be a Pentagon
Cor a PentagramD% The five pointed star$ or pentagram$ &as a symbol used by the Inights Templars%
;ome historians say it may have symbolized the sacred feminine Cor JenusD% The *olden /atio of a
Pentagram or Pentagon Cfrom Pythagoras simplifiedD isH BCR4C N 4BRBC N 1%,16"55066-%
3nterestingly$ the number of 1%,16 is a significant number in the study of the Iabbalah that
symbolizes the presence of *od in this &orld% This number of 1%,16 is considered the divine
proportion from the 1e&ish perspective%
2ercury ta'es 66 days to circle the sun%
3f you add ,6- and !!9 and 66 the result &ould be 1$"""% 3n the +pistle$ Nostradamus states
that he is dedicating the final three centuries C6$ 0$ and 1"D to his 'ing +hich +ill co-plete the
The Nostradamus Puzzle has 0#! pieces Cor 0,0 if you count the suspect (uatrainsD &hich one
can attempt to put into a chronological order as is done in Part T&o% 3f there &ere supposed to be one
thousand verses and you count the suspect (uatrains$ then 51 verses are missing% 4ssuming that there
&ere originally 1$""" (uatrains$ one can divide this into thirds$ as his boo's &ere published% Lou
&ould then have 555 verses in the first section$ and 555 verses in the second section$ and 555 verses
in the third section$ and one e>tra$ &hich &ould be Century , <uatrain 1""$ F3ncantation Contra 3nept
CriticsG &hich &ould be placed at the beginning% The prophecies &ould be divided in thirds as
C 1 < l through C # < 55 for 555 verses
C # < 5# through C - < 6! for 51, verses C1- are missingD
C 6 < 1 through C 1! < -1 for 5!" verses C15 are missingD
The verses in Centuries -$ 11$ and 1! are irregularly numbered% =uplicate numbered verses are found
in Century , and in Century 6%
The duplicate verses in Century , and 6 plus Centuries 11 and 1! &ere in print by the 1,"9
edition and they are suspect% The duplicates in Century 6 seem to be generalized and do not portend
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
an actual event% Century - <uatrains #5 to the end of Century - and Centuries 11 and 1! seem to
better fit the Presages Nostradamus &rote for his 4lmanacs% These verses &ere &ritten ahead for
publishing for a particular year of an 4lmanac and they &ere numbered according to their dates of
future publishing% 2ost of these (uatrains spea' of the localized problems in 8rance during the :ars
of /eligion% 3f you discount these suspect (uatrains$ you are left &ith 0#! verses%
3n searching through the prophecies in date order$ loo' for three verses that seem to fit
together% Nostradamus calls this set of three (uatrains a trireme% 3f there is not a great amount of
detail re(uired for a prediction$ Nostradamus seems to insert a (uatrain that applies to the same time
frame to complete his three (uatrain set%
3n loo'ing at the &hole of the prophecies in date order it is apparent that some (uatrains in
Centuries 0 and 1" circle around into Centuries 1 and ! to complete the set of three (uatrains%
Centuries 5 and # seem to continue into Centuries 9 and ,% Nostradamus may have created his
prophecies li'e a puzzle in the round%
The tric' &ill be to find the e>act method Nostradamus used as you @ourney through the
prophecies in Part T&o%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
and his Prophecy Puzzle,
Its Never een Solved
Part T+o D The Prophecies
3f you &ould understand the true secrets of 4lchemy$ you must study the
&or's of the 2asters &ith patience and assiduity% +very &ord is often an
enigma) and to him &ho reads in haste$ the &hole &ill seem absurd% +ven
&hen they seem to teach that the *reat :or' is the purification of the
soul$ and so to deal only &ith morals$ they most conceal their meaning$
and deceive all but the 3nitiates%
------- 4lbert Pi'e$ Morals and Dogma$ 16-1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Nostradamus &rote his prophecies in the 7ld 8rench$ Latin$ and ProvenBal languages% 3 have used the
Benoist /egaud edition of 19,6 so that any anagrams contained in his original &ritings may be
spotted more easily% .is &ritten language is confusing due to his use of the FiG for a F@G and the FuG
for the Fv%G .e used the symbol FXG for Fand%G
2any anagrams can be found$ not @ust in individual &ords$ but also in phrases% 3f you can find the
anagram$ you can usually pinpoint the date of the related event%
The Preface is typically sho&n at the beginning of the prophecies and the +pistle is typically sho&n
bet&een Century - and Century 6% This is because the +pistle is a dedication by Nostradamus of the
final three centuries to his 'ing$ .enry 33 of 8rance%
Both the Preface and the +pistle are difficult to understand) and for that reason$ 3 have deviated here
from the rest of the boo' by sho&ing the &ords of Nostradamus$ translated into +nglish$ in regular
print in the Preface and the +pistle rather than in bold. The italics are the authorAs &ords%
The variants of individual &ords in editions other than the Benoist /igaud edition are sho&n in
parenthesis% 4lso the variants bet&een interpretations are sho&n in parenthesis%
The solved prophecies are sho&n in date order &ith the FsummaryG (uatrains at the beginning of a
section% The verses pertaining to a certain sub@ect are grouped% The unsolved and future verses follo&%
*ood luc' on your @ourney through the mysterious prophecies from the pen of Nostradamus%

Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
78 2% N7;T/4=42?;
To his Prophecies
To CMsar Nostradamus my son$ long life and happiness
Lour late arrival$ CMsar Nostradame$ my son$ has caused me to devote a lot of time in
continual nocturnal &atches$ so that by putting this in &riting$ you may be left a memorial after the
corporal e>tinction of your father to the common benefit of man'ind concerning that &hich the divine
essence$ by astronomical revolutions$ has given to my understanding%
;ince it has pleased the immortal *od that you should have appeared on this earth but recently$
and your years are but a fe&$ and your &arrior Cmartial?D months are not capable of receiving into
your tender understanding that &hich 3 must record of the future% 3t is impossible to leave to you in
&riting that &hich &ould not be in@ured by the &ear and tear of time$ for the inherited &ords of occult
prediction &ill be closed up in my stomach% Consider also the events of human origin are uncertain by
the incalculable po&er of *od$ inspiring us not by Bacchic CdrunkenD fury$ nor by Lymphatic CfranticD
movement$ but through the influences of the stars% 7nly those divinely inspired can foresee particular
things in a spirit of prophecy%
8or a long time 3 have been ma'ing many predictions$ far in advance$ of events since come to
pass$ naming the particular region% 3 ac'no&ledge all to have been accomplished by virtue of divine
inspiration% 7ther predicted happy and sad events have come to pass in the &orld &ith increasing
promptness% But because of the possibility of in@ury$ both for the present time and for most of the
future$ 3 became &illing to 'eep silent and refrain from putting them into &riting%
8or 'ingdoms$ sects and religions &ill ma'e changes so opposite$ that if 3 came to reveal &hat
&ill come to pass$ those of the said 'ingdoms$ sects$ religions and faiths &ill find it so little in accord
&ith &hat their fancy &ould li'e to hear$ that they &ould condemn that &hich future centuries &ill
'no& and perceive to be true% Consider the &ords of the true ;avior$ Fgive not that &hich is holy unto
dogs$ nor cast your pearls before s&ine$ lest they trample them under their feet and turn and rend
This has been the cause of my &ithholding my &ords from the populace and my pen from
Later$ because of seeing the advent of the common people$ 3 decided to give &ay and$ by dar'
and cryptic sentences$ tell of the causes of the future changes of man'ind$ especially the most urgent
ones and the ones 3 perceived$ in a manner that &ould not scandalize their fragile sentiments% 4ll had
to be &ritten under a cloudy figure$ but most of all propheticH FThou hast hidden these things from the
&ise and the prudent$ from the po&erful and from 'ings$ and hast revealed them to the small and the
The prophets$ by means of the immortal *od and his good 4ngels$ received the spirit of
prophecy by &hich they foresee distant things and foretell of future events% 8or nothing can be
achieved &ithout .im &hose po&er and goodness to .is creatures is so great that as long as these
d&ell in them$ much as they may be e>posed to other influences$ on account of their good spirits% This
prophetic heat and po&er approaches us li'e the rays of the sun &hich cast their influence on bodies
both elementary and non-elementary%
4s for ourselves$ &ho are but human$ &e can discover nothing of the obscure secrets of *od
the Creator by our o&n natural 'no&ledge or by our ingenuity% F3t is not for you to 'no& times or
hours$ etc%G
.o&ever$ no& or in the future$ there &ill be people to &hom *od the Creator &ill reveal
by impressions made on their understanding some secrets of the future$ integrated &ith @udicial
2atthe& -H,
2atthe& 0H!9
5 4cts lH-
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
astrology$ as happened in former times$ &hereby a certain po&er and voluntary faculty possessed
them li'e a flame and caused them to @udge human and divine inspirations ali'e% 8or of the divine
&or's$ those &hich are absolute *od completes) those &hich are medial$ the angels) and the third
'ind$ the evil spirits%
But$ my son$ 3 spea' to you a bit too obscurely% .idden prophecies come to one by the subtle
spirit of fire$ through &hich the understanding is moved to contemplate the remotest of stars$ &hile
remaining alert and vigilant% The pronouncements are ta'en do&n in &riting$ &ithout fear$ &ithout
taint of e>cess verbiage% But &hyK Because all these things proceed from the divine po&er of the great
eternal *od$ from &hom all goodness flo&s%
8urthermore$ my son$ although 3 have been attributed the name of prophet$ 3 do not &ish to
assume for myself a title so sublime for the present) for he &ho is called a prophet no& &as once
called a seer% ;trictly spea'ing$ my son$ a prophet is one &ho sees things remote from the natural
'no&ledge of men% 3t may happen that the prophet$ by means of the perfect light of the prophecy
appearing before him$ thin's he sees things divine as &ell as human &hich he cannot yet understand$
for the effects of future prediction e>tend far% 8or the incomprehensible secrets of *od and their
efficient virtue belong to a sphere very remote from human 'no&ledge$ deriving their immediate
origin from the free &ill$ causing those things to appear &hich$ of themselves$ could not be 'no&n$
either by human augury or by any other hidden 'no&ledge or secret virtue comprised under the
concavity of heaven$ not even from the present fact of all eternity$ &hich comes to embrace all of time
itself% But through some indivisible eternity and by means of .iraclienne agitation$ the causes are
made 'no&n by celestial movements%
?nderstand me &ell$ my son$ 3 do not say that the 'no&ledge of this matter cannot impress
itself upon your tender brain$ nor do 3 say that very distant events are not &ithin the 'no&ledge of
reasoning man% 3f future events are merely the creation of the intellectual soul out of current events$
they are not by any means too greatly hidden from him$ nor on the other hand$ can they be said to be
revealed at all%
The perfect 'no&ledge of the cause of events cannot be ac(uired &ithout divine inspiration$
since all prophetic inspiration receives its prime motivating force more from *od the Creator than
from good fortune and nature% 8or this reason$ the presage occurs$ in part$ &here it has been predicted$
in proportion to the e>tent to &hich similar events have manifested themselves similarly or have failed
to manifest themselves% 8or the human understanding$ being created intellectually cannot see hidden
things unless aided by the voice coming from limbo by the thin flame$ sho&ing the direction that
future events incline%
8urthermore$ my son$ 3 entreat you to never employ your understanding on such dreams and
vanities that dry up the body$ put the soul in perdition$ and cause trouble to the &ea' senses% 3 caution
you especially against the vanity of the more than e>ecrable magic$ condemned by the .oly ;criptures
and by the Canons of the Church%
.o&ever$ @udicial astrology is e>cepted from this @udgment% 8or it is by this$ together &ith
divine inspiration and revelation$ and continual nightly &atches and calculation$ that 3 have reduced
my prophecies to &riting% 4lthough this occult philosophy &as not forbidden$ 3 did not desire that you
should ever be faced &ith their unbridled promptings% 3 had at my disposal many volumes &hich had
been hidden for a great many centuries% But fearing &hat use might be made of them$ after reading
them$ 3 presented them to Julcan% 4s the fire came to devour them$ the flame$ mi>ing &ith air$ shone
forth &ith an unusual brightness$ clearer than natural fire% 3t &as li'e lightning$ suddenly illuminating
the house$ as if in sudden conflagration% Thus$ so that you might not be led astray in the future) in the
search for the perfect transformation$ as much lunar as solar$ or of silver or of gold$ or of incorruptible
metals hidden under the earth$ or hidden in the sea$ 3 have reduced them to ashes%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
But &hat 3 do &ant to ma'e clear to you is the @udgment obtained through the calculation of
the heavens% By this one has 'no&ledge of future events) re@ecting completely all the fantastic
imaginings that may arise$ and limiting the particularity of places &hich &ere arrived at by divine and
supernatural inspiration% By this means$ integrated &ith astronomical computations$ one can name
places and periods of time accurately - an occult property obtained through divine virtue$ po&er and
ability% By means of this$ past$ present$ and future become but one eternityH Ffor all things are na'ed
and open%G
Thus$ my son$ not&ithstanding your tender brain$ you can easily comprehend things &hich are
to happen$ prophesied by the lights of the s'y at night$ &hich are natural$ coupled &ith the spirit of
prophecy$ not that 3 &ould attribute to myself the name or po&er of a prophet% 3t is as a mortal man$
&hose senses revealed inspiration$ &hich places him no farther from .eaven than his feet from the
ground% 3 cannot fail$ err$ or be deceived$ although 3 am the greatest sinner in this &orld$ sub@ect to all
human afflictions%
2any times in the &ee' 3 am overta'en by an ecstasy) having rendered my nocturnal studies
agreeable through long calculation$ 3 have composed boo's of prophecies$ of &hich each contains one
hundred astronomical (uatrains of prophecies &hich 3 have sought to @oin a bit obscurely% They are
perpetual prophecies$ for they e>tend from no& to the year 5-0-%
3t is possible$ my son$ that some &ill raise their eyebro&s at seeing such a vast e>tent of time
and treatment of everything under the moon that &ill happen throughout the earth$ my son% But if you
attain the natural span of human life$ you &ill come to see$ under your o&n native s'ies$ the
fulfillment of future events that 3 have foreseen%
4lthough the eternal *od alone 'no&s the eternity of the light &hich proceeds from him$ 3 say
fran'ly to all to &hom he has &ished to reveal his immense magnitude$ immeasurable and
incomprehensible as it is$ amidst long and melancholy inspiration$ that it is a hidden thing$ divinely
manifested% 3t is manifested by t&o principal means &hich are contained in the understanding of the
inspired one &ho prophesies% 7ne comes by infusion$ clarifying the supernatural light for the person
&ho predicts by astronomy$ ma'ing it possible to predict through inspired revelation% The other is an
authentic participation of the divine eternity% By means of this$ the prophet comes to @udge &hat has
been given him by his o&n divine spirit$ through *od the Creator and by natural intuition% ;o that
&hat is predicted$ and is true$ has an ethereal origin% This light and the thin flame are altogether
efficacious$ and are of heavenly origin no less than natural light% 4nd it is the natural light &hich
renders philosophers so sure of themselves that by means of the principles of the first cause they have
penetrated to the innermost cores of the loftiest of doctrines% But an end to this$ my son$ for 3 must not
stray too far from the future capacity of your senses%
3 find that letters &ill suffer a very great and incomparable loss% 3 find also that before the
universal conflagration the &orld &ill be deluged by floods and inundations to such heights that there
&ill remain scarcely any land not covered by &ater$ and this &ill last for so long that e>cept for the
Ynographies and topographies everything &ill perish%
8urthermore$ before and after these inundations$ in many countries the rains &ill have been so
slight$ and there &ill have fallen from the s'y such a great abundance of fire and of burning stones$
that nothing &ill remain unconsumed% 4nd this &ill occur a short time before the final conflagration%
8or although the planet 2ars &ill finish its cycle$ at the end of its last period$ it &ill begin
again% ;ome &ill assemble in 4(uarius for several years$ others in Cancer for an even longer time%
No&$ by means of the supreme po&er of the eternal *od$ &e are led by the 2oon% Before she has
completed her entire circuit$ the ;un &ill come and then ;aturn% 8or according to the signs in the
heavens$ the reign of ;aturn &ill return) so that$ all told$ the &orld is dra&ing near its anaragonic
.ebre&s #H15
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
revolution% 8rom this moment$ 3 can &rite that before 1-- years$ 5 months and 11 days have passed$
the &orld bet&een this and that preaffi>ed time$ before and after$ by pestilence$ long famine$ &ars$
and$ most of all$ by inundations$ &ill be so diminished$ &ith so fe& remaining$ that no one &ill be
found &illing to &or' the fields$ &hich &ill remain free for as long a period as they had been tilled%
This is according to the visible @udgment of the stars$ for although &e are no& in the seventh
millenary$ &hich finishes all$ &e are approaching the eighth$ &hich is in the firmament of the
latitudinarian dimension of the eighth sphere$ from &hence the great eternal *od &ill come to
complete the revolution$ and the heavenly bodies &ill return to their motion$ and the superior motion
&ill render the earth stable and fi>ed for us$ Fnot deviating from age to age$G
unless .e &ills it
By ambiguous opinions beyond all natural reasoning$ by 2ohammedan dreams and even
sometimes through the fire and flaming missives brought by the angels of *od the Creator$ there come
before e>terior senses$ and even to our eyes$ predictions of the causes of future events significant to a
future happening%
These should manifest themselves to one &ho presages anything% 8or the presage &hich is
made by the interior light comes infallibly to @udge partly &ith it and by means of the e>terior light%
Truly$ the part &hich seems to come by the eye of the understanding comes only by the lesion of the
imaginative sense%
The reason is very evident% 4ll is predicted through divine inspiration and by means of the
angelic spirit through &hich the man prophesying is inspired$ rendering him anointed &ith prophecies$
illuminating him$ moving him before his fantasy through diverse nocturnal apparitions$ so that in the
daytime astronomical calculations can certify the prophecy% There is nothing more to the holiest future
prediction than free courage%
Lou must see no&$ my son$ that 3 find by my calculations$ &hich are according to revealed
inspiration$ the s&ord is no& approaching us in the shape of pestilence$ &ar more horrible than has
been 'no&n in three lifetimes$ and famine &hich &ill fall upon the earth$ and return there often$
according to the &ords$ F3 &ill visit their ini(uities &ith a rod of iron$ and &ill stri'e them &ith

8or the mercy of *od$ my son$ shall not be e>tended at all for a long time$ not until most of
my prophecies &ill have been accomplished$ and by accomplishment$ &ill have become resolved%
Then several times during the sinister storms$ the Lord &ill say$ F3 &ill trample them$ and brea' them$
and not sho& pity%G
4nd thousands of other events &ill come to pass$ because of floods and continual rains$ as 3
have set forth more fully in &riting my other Prophecies$ &hich are composed in length$ in prose$
setting forth the places and times and prefi>ed terms$ so that men coming after may see them and
'no& the events to have occurred infallibly% This &e have noted in connection &ith the others$
spea'ing more clearly% 8or although they are &ritten under a cloud$ the meanings &ill be understood%
:hen the time comes for the removal of ignorance$ the situation &ill be cleared up still more%
3 ma'e an end here$ my son% Ta'e no& this gift of your father$ 2ichel Nostradamus$ &ho
hopes to e>plain to you each prophecy of the (uatrains included here% 3 pray to the immortal *od that
he &ill be &illing to endo& you &ith long life in good and prosperous happiness%
8rom ;alon this first of 2arch$ 1999%
resembles Psalms 1"#H9
/esembles Psalms 60H5!$ but not a (uotation
/esembles 3saiah ,5H5 but not a (uotation
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
T7 T.+ 27;T 3NJ3NC3BL+$ 27;T P7:+/8?L
4N= 27;T C./3;T34N
.+N/L$ I3N* 78 8/4NC+$ T.+ ;+C7N=
2ichel Nostradamus$ his very humble and very obedient servant and sub@ect
&ishes Jictory and .appiness
+ver since my long-beclouded face first presented itself before the immeasurable deity of your
2a@esty$ 7 2ost Christian and 2ost Jictorious Iing$ 3 have since remained dazzled by the sovereign
sight$ continually honoring and venerating the day &hen 3 presented myself before a 2a@esty so
singular and so humane% No& 3 have searched for some occasion on &hich 3 might manifest my good
heart and fran' courage$ and thereby obtain ample recognition of Lour 2ost ;erene 2a@esty) but 3
sa& ho& obviously impossible it &as for me to declare myself$ together &ith my singular desire to be
transported suddenly from my long-beclouded obscurity to the illuminating presence of the first
monarch of the universe%
3 &as also long in doubt as to &hom 3 should dedicate these last three Centuries of my
Prophecies$ &hich &ill complete the thousand% 4fter having meditated for a long time on such rash
audacity$ 3 have$ &ith great temerity$ ventured to address Lour 2a@esty$ as one not daunted li'e those
mentioned by that most grave author Plutarch$ in his FLife of Lycurgus$G &ho &ere so astounded at
the e>pense of the offerings and gifts brought as sacrifices to the temples of the immortal gods of that
age$ that they did not dare to come anymore at all% ;eeing your royal splendor @oined &ith such an
incomparable humanity$ 3 have made my address to this and not as to those Iings of Persia before
&hom one could neither stand nor approach%
But it is to a most prudent and most &ise Prince that 3 have dedicated my nocturnal and
prophetic calculations$ &hich are composed more out of a natural instinct$ accompanied by a poetic
furor$ than according to the strict rules of poetry% 8or the most part they have been integrated &ith
astronomical calculations corresponding to the years$ months$ and &ee's of the regions$ countries$ and
most of the to&ns and cities of all +urope$ touching also parts of 4frica and parts of 4sia$ and to the
changes that come near to those climates &here most of all these coming events are to transpire) and
composed in a natural fashion%
;omeone may ans&er$ &ho &ould do &ell to blo& his nose$ that the rhythm is as easy as the
sense is difficult% That$ 7 2ost .umane Iing$ is because most of the prophetic (uatrains are so
difficult that there is no &ay to be found through them$ nor is there any interpretation of them%
Nevertheless$ 3 &anted to leave a record in &riting of the years$ to&ns$ cities and regions in
&hich most of the events &ill occur$ even those of the year 1969 and of the year 1,",$ beginning from
the present time$ &hich is 2arch 1#$ 199-$ and passing far beyond to the fulfillment of those things
&hich &ill ta'e place after the commencement of the seventh millenary$ profoundly rec'oned$ &hen$
so far as my astronomical calculations and other 'no&ledge have been able to ma'e out$ the
adversaries of 1esus Christ and his Church &ill begin to multiply greatly%
4ll has been calculated and composed during choice hours of &ell-disposed days$ and as
accurately as 3 could$ &hen 2inerva &as free and not unfavorable%
3 have made computations for
events for almost as long a period of time to come as that &hich has already passed$ and by these they
&ill 'no& in all regions &hat is to happen in the course of time$ @ust as it is here &ritten$ &ith nothing
according to Leoni$ .orace used Finvita 2inervaG to mean contrary to oneAs natural abilities%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
superfluous added$ although some may say$ FThere can be no truth entirely determined concerning the
3t is (uite true$ ;ire$ that by my natural instinct$ given to me by my forebears$ 3 did not believe
3 could predict anything$ but this natural instinct has been ad@usted and integrated &ith long
calculations% 4t the same time$ by a great tran(uility of spirit and repose of mind$ 3 freed my soul$
mind$ and heart of all care$ solicitude and ve>ation% 4ll of these prere(uisites 3 have brought to accord
for presaging$ and 3 have predicted in part by means of the brass tripod%
There are some &ho &ould attribute to me as mine that &hich is not mine at all% The eternal
*od alone$ &ho is the thorough searcher of human hearts$ pious$ @ust and merciful$ is the true @udge$
and it is to him 3 beseech to defend me from the calumny of &ic'ed men% These evil ones$ in their
slanderous &ay$ &ould li'e&ise &ant to (uestion ho& all your most ancient progenitors$ the Iings of
8rance$ have cured the scrofula$ ho& those of other nations have cured the bite of serpents$ ho& those
of yet other nations have had a certain instinct for the art of divination and still others &hich &ould be
too long to recite here%
Not&ithstanding those &ho cannot contain the malignity of the evil spirits$ as time elapses
after my death$ my &ritings &ill have more esteem than during my lifetime% ;hould 3$ ho&ever$ have
made any errors in my calculation of ages$ or prove unable to please everybody$ may it please your
more than 3mperial 2a@esty to forgive me% 3 protest before *od and his ;aints that 3 do not intend to
insert any &riting in this present +pistle that &ill be contrary to the true Catholic faith$ &hile
consulting the astronomical calculations$ according to my 'no&ledge%
;uch is the space of time past$ sub@ect to correction by the most learned @udgment$ that the first
man$ 4dam$ came 1$!#! years before Noah$ not rec'oning the time by such *entile calculations as
Jarro used$ but simply according to the .oly ;criptures$ as best my &ea' understanding and
astronomical calculations can interpret them% 4bout 1$"6" C5," > 5D years after Noah and the universal
deluge came 4braham$ &ho$ according to some$ &as a supreme astrologer and invented the Chaldean
alphabet% 4bout 919 or 91, years later came 2oses$ and bet&een his time and that of =avid about 9-"
years elapsed% 8rom the time of =avid to that of our ;avior and /edeemer$ 1esus Christ$ born of the
uni(ue Jirgin$ 1$59" years elapsed$ according to some chronographers% ;ome may ob@ect that this
calculation cannot be true because it differs from that of +usebius% 8rom the time of human
redemption to the detestable seduction of the ;aracens about ,!1 C,!1 > ! N 1!#!D years elapsed%
8rom this one can easily add up the amount of time that has passed%

3f my calculations are not good and valid for all nations$ they have$ ho&ever$ been calculated
by the celestial movements$ combined &ith the emotion handed do&n to me by my forebears$ &hich
comes over me at certain hours%
But the danger of the times$ 7 2ost ;erene Iing$ re(uires that such secrets should not be
made manifest e>cept in enigmatic sentences having$ ho&ever$ only one sense and meaning$ &ith
nothing of ambiguity put in nor any amphibological calculations% /ather they are under a cloudy
obscurity$ &ith a natural infusion coming near to the sentential delivery of one of the 1$""! Prophets
&ho have e>isted since the creation of the &orld$ according to the calculation and Punic Chronicle of
1oelH F3 &ill pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters &ill prophesy%G
But such
Prophecy proceeded from the mouth of the .oly *host &ho is the supreme and eternal po&er$
together &ith the heavens$ and caused some of them to predict great and marvelous events%
4s for myself$ 3 &ould never claim such a title$ never$ please *od% 3 readily admit that all
proceeds from *od and render to .im than's$ honor and praise% 3 have mi>ed there&ith no divination
coming from fate% 4ll from *od and nature and for the most part integrated &ith celestial movements%
4bout #$-96 years before Christ%
1oel !H!6
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
3t is much li'e seeing in a burning mirror$ &ith clouded vision$ the great and sad events$ the
prodigious$ and the calamitous occurrences that in due time &ill fall upon the principal &orshippers)
first$ upon the temples of *od) and secondly$ upon those &ho$ sustained by the earth$ approach such
decadence) also a thousand other calamitous events &hich &ill be 'no&n to happen in course of time%
8or *od &ill ta'e notice of the long sterility of the great Lady$ &ho thereupon &ill conceive
t&o principal children% But she &ill be in danger$ and the female to &hom she &ill have given birth
&ill also$ because of the temerity of the age$ be in danger of death in her eighteenth year and &ill be
unable to live beyond her thirty-si>th year% ;he &ill leave three males and one female$ and of these$
t&o &ill not have had the same father%
The great differences bet&een the three brothers &ill be such$ although united and agreed$ that
the three and four parts of +urope &ill tremble% The lesser of years &ill sustain and augment the
Christian monarchy% ;ects &ill be elevated$ and suddenly put do&n again$ 4rabs &ill be driven bac'$
'ingdoms &ill be united$ and ne& la&s &ill be promulgated%
7f the other children$ the oldest one &ill occupy the land of the furious cro&ned lions$ holding
their pa&s upon their intrepid armories%
The one second in age$ accompanied by the Latins$ &ill penetrate far$ until a second furious
and trembling path has been made to the *reat ;t% Bernard Pass% 8rom there he &ill descend to mount
the Pyrenees$ &hich &ill not$ ho&ever$ be transferred to the 8rench cro&n% The third one &ill cause a
great inundation of human blood$ and for a long time 2ars &ill not be fasting%
The daughter &ill be given for the preservation of the Christian Church$ her lord falling into
the pagan sect of the ne& infidels% 7f her t&o children$ one &ill be faithful and one unfaithful by the
confirmation of the Catholic Church%
The unfaithful son$ &ho$ to his confusion and later repentance$ &ill go about to ruin her% .e
&ill have three &idely scattered regions$ namely$ the /oman$ *erman$ and ;panish$ &hich &ill consist
of diverse sects by military force% The 9"
to the 9!
degree of latitude &ill be left behind%
4nd all &ill render the homage of ancient religions to the remote regions of +urope and of the
;eptentrion of the #6
degree% The first &ill tremble in vain timidity$ but after&ards those of the
regions of the &est$ south$ and east &ill tremble% But the nature of their po&er &ill be such that &hat
has been brought about by concord and union &ill prove invincible to &arli'e con(uests% 3n nature
they &ill be e(ual$ but very different in faith%
4fter this the sterile Lady$ of greater po&er than the second$ &ill be received by t&o of the
nations% 8irst$ by those made obstinate by the one-time masters of the universe% The second$ by the
latter themselves%
The third people &ill e>tend their forces to&ards the circuit of +astern +urope &here$ in the
Pannonias$ they &ill be over&helmed and overcome% By sea they &ill e>tend their forces through the
and to 4driatic ;icily% *ermany &ill succumb &holly and the barbarian sect &ill be
greatly afflicted and driven out of the Latins%
Then the great +mpire of the 4nti-Christ &ill begin &here once &as 4ttilaAs empire and
Qer>es &ill descend &ith great and countless numbers$ so that the coming of the .oly *host$
proceeding from the #6
degree$ &ill ma'e a transmigration$ chasing out the abomination of the 4nti-
Christ$ &ho made &ar upon the /oyal person of the great Jicar of 1esus Christ and against his
Church$ and &hose reign &ill be for a time and to the end of time%
This &ill be preceded by a solar eclipse more dar' and gloomy than any since the creation of
the &orld$ e>cept that after the death and passion of 1esus Christ$ and from him until no&% 4nd it &ill
be in the month of 7ctober that the great translation &ill be made$ and it &ill be such that one &ill
4ccording to Leoni$ a 2acedonian tribe metamorphosed from ants by 1upiter%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
thin' the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it has been plunged into the abyss
of perpetual dar'ness%
3n the spring there &ill be omens$ and thereafter e>treme changes$ reversals of 'ingdoms and
mighty earth(ua'es% These &ill be accompanied by the procreation of the ne& Babylon$ a miserable
daughter enlarged by the abomination of the first holocaust$ and it &ill last for only seventy-three
years and seven months%
Then there &ill issue from the stoc' &hich had remained barren for so long$ proceeding from
the 9"
degree$ one &ho &ill rene& the &hole Christian Church% 4 great peace &ill be established$
&ith union and concord bet&een the children of the frontiers$ gathered$ &ho had been separated by
diverse realms% 4nd such &ill be the peace that the instigator and promoter of military factions$ born
of the diversity of religions$ &ill remain chained to the deepest pit% 4nd the 'ingdom of the 8urious
7ne$ &ho counterfeits the ;age$ &ill be united%
The countries$ to&ns$ cities$ realms and provinces &hich &ill have abandoned their old &ays
to gain liberty$ but &hich$ in fact$ have enslaved themselves more deeply$ &ill secretly have &earied
of their liberty% 8aith lost in their perfect religion$ they &ill begin to stri'e to the left$ only to return to
the right and to .oliness$ for so long a time overcome in accordance &ith their earlier &ritings%
Thereafter the great dog$ the biggest of curs$ &ill cause the destruction of all$ even those
crimes &hich in the beginning &ere perpetrated% Temples &ill be set up again as in ancient times$ and
the clergy &ill be restored to its former position$ and he &ill begin his &horing and lu>ury$ and &ill
commit a thousand crimes%
4t the eve of another desolation$ &hen she is atop her most high and sublime dignity$ some
potentates and military po&ers &ill confront her and ta'e a&ay her t&o s&ords and leave her only the
insignia &hose curvature attracts them% The people &ill ma'e him go to the right and &ill not &ish to
submit themselves to those of the opposite e>treme &ith the sharp hand touching the earth and
provo'ing them%
4nd it is then that there is born of a branch long barren one &ho &ill deliver the people of the
&orld from that mee' slavery to &hich they had voluntarily submitted% .e &ill put himself under the
protection of 2ars$ stripping 1upiter of all his honors and dignities$ and &ill establish himself in the
free city of another small 2esopotamia% The chief and governor &ill be cast out from the middle and
hung in a high place in the air$ ignorant of the conspiracy of one of the conspirators &ith the second
&ho for a long time &ill have directed all this%
Then the impurities and abominations$ &ith a great shame$ &ill be brought out and manifested
in the shado&s of the veiled light$ and &ill cease to&ards the end of the change in his reign% The chief
men of the Church &ill be set bac' in the love of *od and several of them &ill apostatize from the
true faith% 7f the three sects$ that &hich is in the middle$ because of the actions of its o&n
&orshippers$ &ill be thro&n a bit into decadence% The first one &ill be undone throughout all +urope
and most of 4frica by the third one$ by means of the poor in spirit &ho$ led by madmen elevated to
libidinous lu>ury$ &ill adulterate%
The supporting common people &ill rise up and chase out the adherents of the legislators%
8rom the &ay 'ingdoms &ill have been &ea'ened by the +asterners$ it &ill seem that *od the Creator
has loosed ;atan from his infernal prison of hell to give birth to the great =og and =oham$ &ho &ill
ma'e such an abominable breach in the Churches that neither the reds nor the &hites$ &ho are &ithout
eyes or hands$ &ill no longer give @udgment and their po&er &ill be ta'en from them%
Then &ill commence a persecution of the Churches greater than has ever been seen%
2ean&hile$ such a plague &ill arise that t&o thirds of the &orld &ill fail% 7ne &ill be unable to
ascertain the true o&ners of fields and houses$ and the &eeds gro&ing in the streets of cities &ill rise
4ccording to Leoni$ the classical FpeopleAs friendG &ho restored 4thenian democracy%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
higher than the 'nees% 8or the clergy there &ill be but total desolation% The men of &ar &ill usurp
&hat is returned from the City of the ;un$ from 2alta and the 3sles of .yeres% The great chain of the
port &hich ta'es its name from the marine o>
&ill be opened%
4nd a ne& incursion &ill be made by the maritime shores$ &ishing to deliver the Castulum
CSierra MoreaD from the first 2ohameddan recapture% Their assaults &ill not all be in vain and the
place &hich &as once the abode of 4braham &ill be assaulted by persons &ho hold the 1ovialists in
reverence% 4nd this city of 4chem &ill be surrounded and assailed on all sides by a po&erful force of
armed men% Their maritime forces &ill be &ea'ened by the :esterners$ and great desolation &ill fall
upon that 'ingdom% 3ts greatest cities &ill be depopulated and those &ho enter &ithin &ill fall under
the vengeance of the &rath of *od%
The sepulcher$ for so long a time an ob@ect of great veneration$ &ill remain in the open$
e>posed to the universal sight of the heavens$ the ;un and the 2oon% The sacred place &ill be
converted into a stable for a herd large and small$ and used for profane purposes% 7h$ &hat a
calamitous affliction &ill pregnant &omen bear at this time%
8or then the principal +astern chief &ill be van(uished by the ;eptentrionals and the
:esterner men$ and most of his people van(uished and put to death$ over&helmed and the rest
scattered% .is children$ offspring of many &omen$ &ill be imprisoned% Then &ill be fulfilled the
prophecy of the /oyal Prophet$ FLet him hear the groaning of the captives$ that he might deliver the
children of those doomed to die%G
:hat great oppression &ill then be made upon the princes and governors of 'ingdoms$
especially those &hich are east&ard and near the sea$ &hose tongues &ill be intermingled &ith othersH
the tongue of the Latins and of the 4rabs via North 4frica% 4nd all these +astern Iings &ill be chased$
overthro&n and e>terminated$ but not altogether by means of the forces of the Iings of 4(uilon Cthe
NorthD or because of the dra&ing near of our age$ but through the means of the three secretly united in
the search for death$ treacherously laying traps for one another% This rene&ed Triumvirate &ill last for
seven years$ and the reno&n of this sect &ill e>tend all over the &orld% The sacrifice of the holy and
immaculate host &ill be upheld%
Then the Lords of 4(uilon$ t&o in number$ &ill be victorious over the +asterners$ and so great
a noise and bellicose tumult &ill they ma'e that all the +ast &ill tremble in terror of these t&o
brothers$ yet not brothers$ of 4(uilon%
By this discourse$ ;ire$ 3 present these predictions &ith confusion$ especially as to &hen they
&ill ta'e place% 8urthermore$ the chronology of time &hich follo&s conforms very little$ if at all$ &ith
that &hich 3 have already set forth% Let it &as determined by the rules of astronomy and other sources$
including the .oly ;criptures$ and thus could not err% 3f 3 had &anted to date each (uatrain$ 3 could
have done so% But this &ould not have been agreeable to all$ least of all to those interpreting them$ and
&as not to be done until Lour 2a@esty granted me full po&er to do so$ lest calumniators be furnished
&ith an opportunity to in@ure me%
Nevertheless$ 3 count the years since the creation of the &orld to the birth of Noah as 1$9",
and from the birth of Noah to the completion of the 4r' at the time of the universal deluge as ,""
C&hether the years (gifts) be solar or lunar or a mi>ture of the tenD%
3 hold that the ;acred ;criptures
use solar years% 4nd at the end of these ,"" years$ Noah entered the 4r' to be saved from the deluge%
This deluge &as universal and lasted one year and t&o months% 4nd !09 years elapsed from the end of
the flood to the birth of 4braham$ and 1"" from then until the birth of 3saac) and ," years later 1acob
2arseilles CPort Phocen from the Latin FphoceG meaning sea calfD%

/esembles Psalms 1"!H!"$ but it is not a (uotation%

3nstead of ten$ t&o is probably the number he &ishes here$ perhaps a printers error in the original te>t% The
original te>t also sho&s FdonsG meaning FgiftsG rather than FansG meaning Fyears%G
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
&as born) 15" years elapsed bet&een the time he entered +gypt and the time he came out% Bet&een
the entry of 1acob into +gypt and &hen his posterity came out of +gypt$ #5" years passed% 8rom the
+>odus to the building of the Temple by ;olomon in the fourth year of his reign$ #6" years passed%
4ccording to the calculations of the ;acred :ritings$ it &as #0" years from the building of the Temple
to the time of 1esus Christ% Thus$ this calculation of mine$ collected from the ;acred :rit$ comes to
about #$1-5 years and 6 months$ more or less%
Because there is such a diversity of opinions$ 3 &ill
not go beyond the time of 1esus Christ%
3 have calculated the present prophecies in accordance &ith the order of the chain &hich
contains its revolution$ all by astronomical doctrine modified by my natural instinct% 4fter a &hile$ 3
found the time &hen ;aturn turns to enter on 4pril - until 4ugust !9$ 1upiter on 1une 1# until 7ctober
-$ 2ars from 4pril 1- to 1une !!$ Jenus from 4pril 0 to 2ay !!$ 2ercury from 8ebruary 5 to
8ebruary !#% 4fter that$ from 1une 1 to 1une !#$ and from ;eptember !9 to 7ctober 1,$ ;aturn in
Capricorn$ 1upiter in 4(uarius$ 2ars in ;corpio$ Jenus in Pisces$ 2ercury for a month in Capricorn$
4(uarius and Pisces$ the 2oon in 4(uarius$ the =ragonAs head in Libra$ its tail in the opposite sign
follo&ing a con@unction of 1upiter and 2ercury &ith a (uadrain aspect of 2ars to 2ercury$ and the
=ragonAs head coinciding &ith a con@unction of the ;un and 1upiter% 4nd the year &ill be peaceful
&ithout an eclipse%
But not every&here% 3t &ill mar' the commencement of &hat &ill long endure% 8or beginning
&ith this year the Christian Church &ill be persecuted more fiercely than it ever &as in 4frica$ and
this &ill last up to the year 1-0!$ &hich they &ill believe to mar' a rene&al of time%
4fter that$ the /oman people &ill begin to stand upright again) chasing a&ay some obscure
shado&s and recovering a bit of their ancient splendor) but this &ill not be &ithout great division and
continual changes% Thereafter Jenice &ill raise its &ings very high in great force and po&er$ not much
less than the might of ancient /ome%
4t that time the great sails of Byzantium$ allied &ith the Ligurians and through the support and
po&er of 4(uilon$ &ill hinder them so greatly that the t&o Cretans &ill be unable to retain their faith%
The ar's built by the ancient &arriors &ill accompany them to the &aves of Neptune% 3n the 4driatic a
great discord &ill arise$ and that &hich &as united &ill be separated% :hat &as before$ and is$ a great
city$ shall be reduced to a house$ including the Pampotan CEngland?D and 2esopotamia of +urope
CFrance?D in #9$ and others of #1$ #!$ and 5- degrees%
3n that time and in those countries the infernal po&er &ill set the po&er of its adversaries of
the la& against the Church of 1esus Christ% This &ill be the second 4nti-Christ$ &ho &ill persecute
that Church and its true Jicar by means of the po&er of temporal 'ings$ &ho$ in their ignorance$ &ill
be seduced by tongues &hich &ill cut more sharply than any s&ord%
The said reign of the 4nti-Christ &ill last only to the death of him &ho &as born at the
beginning of the age and of the other one of the City of Lyon$ accompanied by the elected one of the
2odone 8ulcy Cthe trie of ModenaD and of 8errara$ maintained by the 4driatic Ligurians and the
pro>imity of great ;icily% Then the mountains of 1upiter C!reat St. "ernard #ass in the $l%sD &ill be
The *allic 7gmium &ill be accompanied by such a great number that the +mpire of his great
la& &ill e>tend very far% Then$ and for some time thereafter$ the blood of the innocent &ill be spilled
profusely by the recently elevated guilty ones%
Then$ by great deluges$ the memory of things contained in these instruments shall suffer
incalculable loss$ even letters% This &ill happen to the people of 4(uilon by =ivine :ill%
This actually adds up to #$"0! years% The Benoist /igaud edition has 0#! verses%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7nce again ;atan &ill be bound$ universal peace &ill be established among men$ and the
Church of 1esus Christ &ill be free from all tribulation$ although the 4zostains &ill &ish to mi> &ith
honey their pestilent seduction% This &ill happen near the seventh millenary &hen the sanctuary of
1esus Christ &ill no longer be trodden do&n by the unbelievers &ho come from 4(uilon% The &orld
&ill be approaching a great conflagration$ although$ according to my calculations in my prophecies$
the course of time goes much further%
3n the +pistle that some years ago 3 dedicated to my son$ CMsar Nostradamus$ 3 openly
declared some points &ithout presage% But here$ ;ire$ are comprehended many great and marvelous
events &hich those to come after us &ill see%
=uring this astrological computation$ harmonized &ith the .oly ;criptures$ the persecution of
the +cclesiastical people &ill have its origin in the po&er of the Iings of 4(uilon united &ith the
+asterners% This persecution &ill last for eleven years$ or some&hat less$ and then the chief Iing of
4(uilon &ill fail%
These years accomplished$ there &ill come his united ally of the ;outh$ &here for the space of
three years the Church people &ill be persecuted even more violently through the apostatic seduction
of one &ho &ill hold all the absolute po&er of the militant Church% The holy people of *od$ the
'eepers of .is la&$ and the &hole order of religion$ &ill be persecuted fiercely and such &ill be their
affliction that the blood of the true +cclesiastics &ill flo& every&here%
7ne of the horrible temporal Iings &ill be told by his follo&ers$ as the ultimate in praise$ that
he has spilled more human blood of innocent +cclesiastics than anyone else could have spilled of
&ine% This Iing &ill commit incredible crimes against the Church% .uman blood &ill flo& in the
public streets and temples$ li'e &ater from an impetuous rain$ coloring the nearby rivers red &ith
blood% The ocean itself &ill be reddened by another sea battle$ such that one 'ing &ill say to another$
FNaval battles have caused the sea to blush%G
Then$ in this same year$ and in those follo&ing$ there &ill ensue the most horrible pestilence$
made more stupendous by the famine &hich &ill have preceded it% ;uch great tribulations &ill never
have occurred since the first foundation of the Christian Church% 3t &ill cover all Latin regions and
&ill leave traces in some countries of the ;panish%
Thereupon the third Iing of 4(uilon$ hearing the lament of the people of his principal title$
&ill raise a mighty army and$ defying the tradition of his predecessors$ &ill put almost everything
bac' in its proper place% The great Jicar of the Cloa' Cthe %o%eD &ill be put bac' in his former state)
but desolated$ and then abandoned by all% .e &ill turn to find the .oly of .olies destroyed by
paganism$ and the 7ld and Ne& Testaments thro&n out and burned%
4fter that the 4nti-Christ &ill be the infernal prince again$ for the last time% 4ll the Iingdoms
of Christianity &ill tremble$ even those of the unbelievers$ for the space of t&enty-five years% :ars
and battles &ill be more grievous and to&ns$ cities$ castles$ and other edifices &ill be burned$
desolated and destroyed &ith great effusion of vestal blood$ violations of married &omen and &ido&s$
and suc'ing children dashed and bro'en against the &alls of to&ns% By means of ;atan$ Prince
3nfernal$ so many evils &ill be committed that nearly all of the &orld &ill find itself undone and
desolated% Before these events$ some rare birds &ill cry in the air$ FToday$ todayG Cor &No', No'(D$
and some time later &ill vanish%
4fter this has lasted for a long time$ there &ill be almost rene&ed another reign of ;aturn and
a cycle of gold% *od the Creator$ hearing the affliction of .is people$ &ill command that ;atan be cast
into the abyss of the deep pit of hell% Then a universal peace &ill begin bet&een *od and man$ for a
space of a thousand years$ and then ;atan &ill be unbound again%
4ll these figures represent the @ust integration of .oly ;criptures &ith visible celestial bodies$
namely$ ;aturn$ 1upiter$ 2ars and the others con@oined$ as can be seen at more length in some of the
(uatrains% 3 &ould have calculated more deeply and coordinated them even further$ 2ost ;erene Iing$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
but for the fact that some given to censure &ould raise difficulties% Therefore 3 &ithdra& my pen to its
nocturnal repose%
;o many events$ most po&erful of all Iings$ of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon$
but 3 neither could nor &ould fit them all into this epistle) but in order to comprehend certain horrible
facts$ a fe& must be set forth%
;o great is your grandeur and humanity before men$ and your piety before the gods$ that you
alone seem &orth of the great title of the 2ost Christian Iing$ and to &hom the highest authority in
all religion should be deferred%
But 3 shall only beseech you$ 2ost Clement Iing$ by your singular and prudent humanity$ to
understand the desire of my heart and my earnest &ish to obey Lour 2ost ;erene 2a@esty$ ever since
my eyes approached your solar splendor$ more than the grandeur of my labor can attain to or ac(uire%
8rom ;alon$ this !-
of 1une$ 1996%
:ritten by 2ichel Nostradamus at ;alon-de-Crau in Provence%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
!3!$% O' T)% MOON D 7;=; to 7CCC
Those +ho read these verses let the- consider +ith -ature -ind,
$et not the pro,ane, vul/ar and i/norant .e attracted1
All Astrolo/ers, 'ools, ar.arians dra+ not near,
)e +ho acts other+ise is cursed accordin/ to rite2
Nostradamus &rote this (uatrain entirely in Latin% This verse seems to automatically go first before
the other prophecies% This may be the F4lephG (uatrain spo'en of in C 1" < 0, to ma'e the one and
one thousand% 3f so$ then the puzzle may contain 0"1 (uatrains &ith #1 being set aside Cse(uence
(uatrains$ unfulfilled$ etc%D%
C 1 < 1 1999+stant assis de nuict secret estude$
;eul reposM sur la scelle dAaerainH
8lambe e>igue sortant de solitude$
8aict prsperer ( nAest Z croire vain%
ein/ seated at ni/ht in secret study,
Alone, restin/ upon the .rass tripod 9stool:1
A slender ,la-e co-es ,orth ,ro- the solitude,
Ma0in/ success,ul that +hich should not .e .elieved in vain2
C 1 < ! 1999La verge en main mise au milieu de B/4NC.+;$
=e lAonde il moulle X le limbe X le piedH
Jn peur X voi> fremissent par les manchesH
;plendeur diuine% Le diuin pres sAassied%
The +and in hand is placed in the -iddle o, RAN!)%S,
#ith +ater I +et the he- 9li-.: and ,oot1
'ear, a voice 6uivers throu/h -y sleeves1
Divine splendor2 The divine presence sits near.y2
C 5 < ! 1999 Le diuin verbe donrra Z la substance$
Comprins ciel$ terre$ or occulte au laict mysti(ueH
Corps$ ame$ esprit ayant toute puissance$
Tant soubz ses piedz comme au siege Celi(ue%
The divine +ord 9voice: +ill /ive to the su.stance,
!o-prisin/ heaven and earth, hidden /old in -ystic -il01
ody, soul, spirit, havin/ all po+er,
All .eneath his ,eet as at the seat o, )eaven2
These three verses outline the ritual Nostradamus used to put himself in a receptive state% .e never
disclosed his e>act method% .o&ever$ in C ! < 15$ he &rites Fbody &ithout a soul no longer at
sacrifice%G This is reminiscent of an advanced out of body e>perience &here the soul can leave the
body and enter into a state of timelessness% This has been reported as having been accomplished by
Logas and those people &ith a natural inclination by using a method of self-hypnosis$ as perhaps
Nostradamus did%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < ,! La grande perte las (ue feront les lettres$
4uant le cicle de Latona parfaictH
8eu grand deluge plus par ignares sceptres$
<ue de long siecle ne se verra refaict%
The /reat loss, AlasJ there +ill .e to learnin/ 9letters:,
e,ore the cycle o, $atona is co-pleted1
'ire, /reat ,lood, -ore throu/h i/norant rulers,
)o+ lon/ the century until it is seen restored2
Latona &as the mother of 4pollo$ the sun god$ and =iana$ the moon goddess% The loss to learning
during the moon cycle C1959 to 1666D &as by the Catholic ChurchAs in(uisition resulting in a ban on
boo's$ by &ars$ and by boo' burning by ignorant rulers% The loss to learning during the sun cycle
C1666 to !!#!D may be by great floods and climate changes as &ell as continued &arfare% .itlerAs
boo' burning may be noted here%
This is the first of the F;ummaryG <uatrains &hich summarize an event over a period of
time% 3n this boo' they are put &here they seem applicable$ usually at the beginning of each section%
C , < ! +n lAan cin( cens octante plus X moins$
7n attendra le siecle bien estrangeH
+n lAan sept cens$ X trois cieu> en tesmoings$
<ue plusieurs regnes vn Z cin( feront change%
In the year ,ive hundred ei/hty -ore or less,
One +ill a+ait a very stran/e century1
In the year seven hundred and three heavens +ill +itness,
That several real-s one to ,ive +ill -a0e a chan/e2
The year of 196" sa& 8rance torn by the ;eventh :ar of /eligion &hich ended in 196"% These civil
&ars bet&een the .uguenots CProtestantsD and Catholics$ &hich had actually started prior to 19,!$
put all of 8rance in an upheaval% 3n the year 1-"5 the *rand 2onarch$ Louis 1#$ put his grandson$
Philip J$ Cone to fiveD on the throne of ;pain% The 'ingdoms that &ere thus changed &ere ;pain and
its holdings of the T&o ;icilies$ the Netherlands$ 2ilan$ and the colonies in the 4mericas and in
C 5 < 99 +n lAan (uAvn [il en 8rance regnera$
La court sera Z vn bien facheu> troubleH
Le grand de Bloys son amy tuera$
Le regne mis en mal X doubte double%
In the year that one eye +ill rei/n in 'rance,
The court +ill .e in very .ad trou.le1
The /reat one o, lois +ill 0ill his ,riend,
The real- placed in har- and dou.le dou.t2
Iing .enry 33 of 8rance &as accidentally in@ured in a @oust% The shattered splint of Comte de
2ontgomery pierced the left eye of the 'ing% The Iing died from the &ounds ten days later leaving
the court and the realm in trouble% The last t&o lines refer to Iing .enry 333 &ho 'illed the *uise
brothers in 1966% ;ee also C 1 < 59 and C 5 < 91%
C 1" < 1"" 1,#0 Le grand +mpire sera par 4ngleterre$
Le pempotam des ans plus de trois censH
*randes copies passer par mer X terre$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Les Lusitains nAen seront pas contens%
The /reat %-pire +ill .e ,or %n/land,
The all po+er,ul ,or -ore than three hundred years1
&reat ar-ies +ill pass .y sea and land,
The Portu/uese +ill not .e content2
The process of empire-building in Britain &as begun under the rule of Crom&ell% The British &ere
fond of the saying$ FThe sun never sets on the British +mpire%G 3t stretched clear around the globe%
4fter :orld :ar 33$ the British began dismantling their empire and gave their colonies a type of
independence% :inston Churchill grumbled about his role in undoing the greatness of the British
+mpire% This great man &ho 'ept the spirits of the British so upbeat in &artime simply did not have
the heart to disconnect parts of his beloved empire%
C 5 < #0 /egne *aulois tu seras bien changMH
+n lieu estrange est translatM lAempireH
+n autres m[urs X loi> seras rangM$
/oan$ X Chartres te feront bien du pire%
"in/do- o, 'rance, you +ill .e very chan/ed1
In ,orei/n place the e-pire +ill .e trans,erred1
In other -anners and la+s you +ill .e ordered,
Rouen and !hartres you +ill have the +orst2
Cheetham points out the fact that Nostradamus recognized the Iingdom of 8rance &ould become an
empire$ &hich happened under Napoleon% /ouen is in Normandy and Chartres is south&est of Paris%
.ogue proposes this verse concerns the *erman occupation during :orld :ar 33$ and that is
C 1" < 60 1,#5 =e bri(ue en marbre seront les murs reduits$
;ept X cin(uante annees pacifi(uesH
3oie au> humains renouM lAa(ueduict$
;antM$ grands fruict ioye X temps melifi(ue%
O, .ric0 and -ar.le the +alls +ill .e converted,
Seven and ,i,ty peace,ul years1
Aoy to hu-ans re.uilt the a6ueduct,
)ealth, a.undant ,ruit, 5oy and -elli,luous ti-es2
3f you add fifty-seven years to 1,#5$ the year Louis 1# ascended to the throne of 8rance$ you &ould
have the year of 1-""$ the beginning of the :ar of ;panish ;uccession% =uring those 9- peaceful
years$ the a(ueduct &as rebuilt$ the palace at Jersailles &as constructed$ roads &ere improved$ and a
time of prosperity &as en@oyed by all 8rench citizens%
C 1 < 10 199- Lors (ue serpens viendront circuir lAare ClAairD$
Le sang Troyen ve>M par les +spaignesH
Par eul> grand nombre en sera faicte tare$
Chef fuict$ cachM au> mares dans les saignes%
#hen serpents +ill co-e to encircle the altar 9air:,
The Tro5an .lood is ve4ed .y the Spanish1
y the- a /reat +ill .e -ade to su,,er,
The chie, ,lees, hidden in the -arsh in the s+a-p2
The serpents refer to the rule of .enry 33% The verse refers to Coligny in the Battle of ;aint-<uentin in
199-% .e &as defeated and captured by ;panish forces% 2any of his men s&am through s&amps to
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
escape prior capture% Tro@an blood refers to the 8rench /oyal family &ho are said have descended
from 8rancus$ the mythical son of Priam of Troy%
C # < 6 199-La grande citM dAassaut prompt X repentin$
;urprins de nuict$ gardes interrompusH
Les e>cubies X veilles sainct <uintin$
TrucidMs gardes X les pourtails rompus%
The /reat city .y pro-pt and sudden assault,
Overta0en .y ni/ht, /uards interrupted1
The /uards and +atches at SaintDHuentin,
Murdered /uards and the portals .ro0en2
;aint-<uentin &as captured by the ;panish in 199-% .o&ever$ it &as a 1- day siege% 8or some odd
reason$ Nostradamus uses the &ord FguardsG three times and &hen he does something out of the
ordinary$ there is a reason% This event ta'es place prior to 1666 because Fat nightG means during the
Cycle of the 2oon%
C ! < 6" 199- 4pres conflict du lesM lAelo(uence
Par peu de temps se trame faint reposH
Point lAon nAadmet les grands Z deliuianceH
=es ennemis sont remis Z propos%
A,ter con,lict .y the elo6uence o, the +ounded one
In a short ti-e is contrived a ,alse rest1
The /reat ones are not allo+ed deliverance1
y the ene-ies they are restored at the appropriate ti-e2
Leoni cites 1aubert &ith solving this (uatrain &hich applies to the Constable of 2ontmorency% 4fter
the 8rench disaster at ;aint-<uentin on 4ugust 1"$ 199-$ the Constable$ &ho &as &ounded in the
battle$ &as permitted to go bac' and forth to negotiate &ith the 8rench government for peace terms%
Phillip 33 of ;pain refused to allo& the 8rench prisoners of noble ran' to be ransomed Cas &as the
usual prodecureD and set them free only after the peace &as finalized%
C # < 9- 199- 3gnare enuie au grand /oy supportee$
Tiendra propos deffendre les escriptzH
;a femme non femme par vn autre tentee$
Plus double deu> ne fort ne criz%
I/norant envy .y the /reat "in/ supported,
)e +ill propose to de,end the +ritin/s1
)is +i,e not +i,e .y another te-pted,
T+ice dou.le t+o no stren/th no cries2
.enry 33 may have had to defend the prophecies of Nostradamus% .is mistress$ =iane de Poitiers
C&ife not &ifeD$ had a great deal of influence over the 'ing$ and they may have disagreed about the
prophecies% The last line is puzzling%
C - < 1, 1996 +ntree profonde par la grande /oyne faicte
/endra le lieu puissant inaccessibleH
LAarmee des troys lyons sera deffaite$
8aisant dedans cas hideu> X terrible%
The deep entry -ade .y the /reat Hueen
#ill render the place po+er,ul and inaccessi.le1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The ar-y o, the three lions +ill .e de,eated,
Ma0in/ +ithin a thin/ hideous and terri.le2
Leoni interprets the great (ueen as 2ary Tudor &hose forces held Calais until it &as ta'en by the
=u'e of *uise in 1anuary$ 1996% The three lions formed a part of the coat of arms of +ngland% Calais
lies on the north&estern seaboard of 8rance directly across the channel from =over$ +ngland% 3t is not
'no&n &hat the hideous and terrible thing might be unless it pertains to the fame and recognition
gained by the =u'e of *uise &ho later became a Catholic religious fanatic and created a great deal of
friction in 8rance%
C 5 < !6 1996 =e terre foible X pauure parentele$
Par bout X pai> paruiendra dans lAempire%
Long temps regner vne ieune femelle$
<uAonc(ues en regne nAen suruint vn si pire%
O, land +ea0 and poor parenta/e,
Throu/h adversity and peace +ill attain to the e-pire2
'or a lon/ ti-e a youn/ ,e-ale to rei/n,
Never in the real- one so .ad2
<ueen +lizabeth 3 &ent through a lot of adversity in her childhood% .er mother$ 4nne Boleyn &as
e>ecuted on a &him of .enry J333% <ueen +lizabeth ruled +ngland for forty-five years% Nostradamus
indicates a disli'e%
C , < -1 1996 <uand on viendra le grand roy parenter
4uant (uAil ait du tout lAame rendueH
Celuy (ui moins le viendra lamenter$
Par lyons$ dAaigles$ croi> couronne vendue Ccourone de rueD%
#hen they co-e to /ive the last rites to the /reat "in/
e,ore he has entirely /iven up his soul1
They 9he: +ho +ill co-e to /rieve over hi- the least,
y 9+ith: $ions, the %a/les, cross cro+n sold 9cro+n o, rue:2
Iing Charles J divided the .oly /oman +mpire bet&een his brother$ 8erdinand$ and his son$ Philip
33$ and then retired in ;pain% .e had a preoccupation &ith funerals% .e draped his chapel in blac' and
'ept his staff in the blac' of perpetual mourning% T&o months before his death$ he held funeral
processions for himself &ith his tearful household and a priest in attendance% ;ome accounts record
that he &ore a shroud and laid in the coffin until everyone had left% The last line is enigmatic% 3t may
pertain to the fact that the eastern half of his empire &as given to his brother$ rather than having his
son succeed him% Pillip 33 &as allied &ith both +ngland and 4ustria CLions and +aglesD%
C , < ,- 1996 4u grand +mpire paruiendra tout vn aultre$
BontM distant plus de felicitMH
/egi par vn issu non loing du peaultre$
Corruer regnes grande infelicitM%
Huite a di,,erent one +ill attain to the /reat %-pire,
"indness distant -ore so happiness1
Ruled .y one issued not lon/ ,ro- the .ed 9or .rothel:,
Real-s decay /reat unhappiness2
Louis 15 &as an unhappy$ brooding Iing of 8rance% .o&ever 8rance prospered under his rule due to
Cardinal /ichelieu$ &ho handled the affairs of 8rance for the Iing% ;ome commentators apply this
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
verse to Napoleon 3 and others to Napoleon 333% Napoleon 333As &ife$ +ugenia$ &as (uite active in the
decisions made by the +mperor% .o&ever$ he 'ept 8rance peaceful until 16-"%
This verse may better apply to Philip 33 of ;pain &ho inherited half of the .oly /oman +mpire
from his father$ Charles J% .is ;panish Netherlands did decay by the great unhappiness of the people
there &ith his rule$ mostly due to his religious bigotry% .is marriage to <ueen 2ary of +ngland in
199# resulted in an +nglish-;panish alliance of &ar against 8rance%
C 5 < 56 1990 La gent *auloise X nation estrange$
7utre les monts$ morts$ prins X profligezH
4u mois contraire X proche de vendange$
Par les ;eigneurs en accord redigez%
The 'rench people and a ,orei/n nation,
eyond the -ountains, deaths, captive and overco-e1
The -onth contrary and near the vinta/e,
y the $ords an accord dra+n up2
.enry 33 did not have much success against the ;panish in his 3talian campaign% 4fter decades of &ar$
Pope Paul 3J negotiated a peace accord bet&een Phillip 33 of ;pain and .enry 33 of 8rance% The treaty
of Cateau-CambrMsis &as signed in 4pril$ 1990 Cmonth contrary to harvest timeD%
C 0 < !0 1990 Lors (ue celuy (uAZ nul ne donne lieu$
4bandonner vouldra lieu prins non prinsH
8eu nef par saignes$ bitument Z Charlieu$
;eront <uintin Balez reprins%
#hen he +ho /ives place to none,
#ill +ant to a.andon place ta0en not ta0en1
Ship 9ne+: ,ire throu/h s+a-ps, .itu-en at !harlieu,
#ill -a0e SaintDHuentin and !alais recaptured2
8ranBois de *uise$ the =u'e of *uise$ captured Calais in 1anuary of 1996% This capture &as sudden
and une>pected as the +nglish had held this part of 8rance since 15#-% By the terms of the peace
agreement of Cateau-CambrMsis in 1990$ ;aint-<uentin &as returned to 8rance% Nostradamus is
correct on both accounts%
C 0 < !5 1990 Puisnay iouant au fresch dessouz la tonne$
Le hault du toict du milieu sur la teste$
Le pere roy au temple saint ;olonne$
;acrifiant sacrera fum de feste%
The youn/er son playin/ outside under the ar.or,
The top o, the roo, in the -iddle on his head,
The ,ather "in/ in the te-ple o, SaintDSalenne,
Sacri,icin/ he +ill consecrate ,estival s-o0e2
Blois &as a recreational area for the Jalois clan% .enry 33 &as an avid hunter and the nearby 8orest de
/ussy provided hunting sport% 3t may be that Nostradamus loo'ed into the future and sa& .enry 33 in
Blois in the cathedral$ renamed in 1-5" LA+glise de ;aint-Louis% The young son playing under the
arbor &ould become Iing .enry 333$ the last 'ing of the Jalois line Cthe top of the roof on his headD%
C 0 < #- 1990 Les soulz signez dAindigne deliurance$
+t de la multe auront contre aduis$
Change monar(ue mis en perille pence$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;errez en cage se verront vis Z vis%
The undersi/ned o, an un+orthy delivery,
And o, the -ultitude havin/ contrary advice,
Monarchs chan/e o, -ind puts hi- in peril,
%nclosed in a ca/e they +ill co-e ,ace to ,ace2
The undersigned is Nostradamus% .e and other astrologers had &arned Iing .enry 33$ in &riting$ of
the life-threatening danger of meeting another in a single duel on a field of battle% But .enry 33 &as
caught up in the festivities of the marriage celebration of his daughter and his sister$ and he en@oyed
@ousting% Cheered on by the cro&d$ he and the Comte de 2ontgomery$ each &ith their golden helmets$
faced each other on the @ousting field% 3t &as the 'ingAs last @oust%
C 1 < 59 1990 Le lyon ieune le vieu> surmontera$
+n champ belli(ue par singulier duelleH
=ans caige dAor les yeu> luy creueraH
=eu> classes vne$ puis mourir$ mort cruelle%
The youn/ lion +ill overco-e the older one,
On the ,ield o, .attle in sin/le duel1
)e +ill pierce his eyes in a /olden ca/e,
T+o +ounds 9,leets: in one, then dies a cruel death.
Iing .enry 33 ignored all &arnings and competed in a @ousting tournament% .is opponent &as Comte
de 2ontgomery &hose lance splintered accidentally putting shards of the lance through Iing .enryAs
gilded helmet into his eye% Iing .enry 33 died ten days later from the &ounds% Both had a lion
insignias on their coat of arms%
C 1" < 99 19," Les malheureuses nopces celebreront$
+n grand ioye$ mais la fin malheureuseH
2ary X mere nore desdaigneront$
Le Phybe mort$ X nore plus piteuse%
The un,ortunate -arria/e +ill .e cele.rated,
In /reat 5oy, .ut the end unhappy1
Mother +ill disdain dau/hterDinDla+ Mary,
The Phy.e dead and dau/hterDinDla+ -ost piti,ul2
2ary$ <ueen of ;cots$ and 8rancis$ son of .enry 33$ &ere married in 1996% 8rancis became Iing
8rancis 33 at the death of his father% There &as no love lost bet&een 2ary and her mother in la&$
Catherine deA 2edici% 2ary referred to the (ueen as Fthe merchantAs daughter%G 4s reported by Leoni$
an anonymous critic of 1-!# had the bright suggestion that the *ree' letter FPhiG &ould stand for the
F8G in the name of 8rancis and the second letter of the *ree' alphabet FbG &ould stand for Fthe
secondG and thus mean F8 33G or F8rancis 33%G The t&o ne&ly&eds &ere still teenagers &hen 8rancis
C 1" < 50 19," Premier fils vefue CvesueD malheureu> mariage$
;ans nuls enfans deu> 3sles en discord$
4uant di>huict incompetant eage$
=e lAautre pres plus bas sera lAaccord%
'irst son, +ido+, un,ortunate -arria/e,
#ithout any children, t+o isles in discord,
e,ore ei/hteen, inco-petent a/e,
'or the other even youn/er +ill .e the accord 9.etrothal:2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The first son of .enry 33$ the sic'ly adolescent 8rancis 33$ &ould be Iing of 8rance until he died in
19,"% .is &ido& of the t&o year unfruitful marriage &as 2ary ;tuart$ <ueen of ;cots since her birth%
.er return to ;cotland thre& the t&o 'ingdoms of the island into discord over the po&er struggle
bet&een the Catholic 2ary ;tuart and the Protestant <ueen +lizabeth of +ngland% Charles 3Q
ascended to the throne of 8rance &ith his mother as <ueen /egent% .e &as betrothed at the age of
eleven Ceven youngerD to +lizabeth of 4ustria%
C , < 9" 19," =edans le puys seront trouuMs les oz$
;era lAincest commis par la maratreH
LAestat changM$ on (uerre bruict X loz$
+t aura 2ars attendant pour son astre%
Inside the pits 9+ell: +ill .e ,ound the .ones,
Incest +ill .e co--ited .y the -otherDinDla+ 9or step-other:1
The state chan/ed, one +ill see0 ,a-e and praise,
And he +ill have Mars attendin/ ,or his star2
The closest historical event to this (uatrain &ould be Pope Pius 3J C1990-19,9D &hose first official
act &as to grant amnesty to those &ho had outraged the memory of his predecessor$ Pope Paul 3J% .e
refused clemency to Pompeio Colonna &ho had murdered his mother-in-la&% The pope did not &ish to
begin his pontificate by condoning a parricide% Pius 3J did many great things as pope% .e supported
the &ar against the Tur's in .ungary$ he made much needed improvements in /ome and the Papal
;tates$ and he founded the pontifical printing office for issuing boo's in all languages%
C 1 < #9 19,1 ;ecteur de sectes grand peine au delateurH
Beste en theatre$ dresse le ieu sceni(ueH
=u fait anti(ue ennobly lAinuenteur$
Par sects monde confus X schismati(ue%
'ounder o, sects, /reat punish-ent to the in,or-er,
east 9este: in the theater, dresses the plays scenery1
The ancient ,act enno.les the inventor,
ecause o, sects the +orld is con,used and schis-atic2
3 agree &ith 1ohn .ogue on his interpretation of this verse% Calvin and his right hand man$ Besze$
tried to e>plain Calvinism to the 8rench National Council CThe Collo(uy of PassyD% 4ll &ent &ell &ith
the performance until they began arguing about the sanctity of the .oly +ucharist Cthe ancient factD%
The beast from *eneva made a hasty retreat and 8rance slipped even deeper into a religious &ar fever%
CClueH Beste N BeszeD%
C # < #5 19,! ;eront oys au ciel les armes battreH
Celuy au CanD mesme les diuins ennemisH
Joudront loi> sainctes iniustement debatreH
Par foudre X guerre bien croyans Z mort mis%
Ar-ies +ill .e heard .attlin/ in the s0y1
The sa-e ti-e 9year: the divine ones are ene-ies1
They +ill +ant to un5ustly de.ate the holy la+s1
y li/htnin/ and +ar -any .elievers put to death2
+>cept for the first line$ this is a very accurate description of the :ars of /eligion &hich tore 8rance
apart for over forty years from 1996 to 1906% 3n spite of the first line$ assigning this verse the year of
19,! may be correct as Nostradamus did not say the armies battling in the s'y &ere seen$ only the
noise of &ar &as heard% Nostradamus uses the &ords Fun@ustly debateG in connection &ith the holy
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
la&s because he felt the holy la&s of Catholicism &ere not a sub@ect open to debate% Nostradamus
uses the symbol FlightningG to describe very sudden changes%

C 1 < 9 19,! ChassMs seront faire long combat$
Par le pays seront plus fort greuMsH
Bourg X citM auront plus grand debatH
Carcas% Narbonne auront c[ur esprouuMs%
They +ill .e chased a+ay +ithout a lon/ .attle,
Throu/h the country +ill .e -uch /rie,1
To+n and city +ill have the /reater de.ate,
!arcassone and Nar.onne +ill have their hearts proved2
This is about the :ars of /eligion in 8rance bet&een the .uguenots CProtestantsD and Catholics%
Carcassone and Narbonne sa& the greatest strife% The struggle came to an end in 1906 &hen .enry 3J
became a Catholic to &in over the support of Paris and to unite 8rance under his rule%
C , < 6- 19,! LAelection faite dans 8ran'fort$
NAaura nul lieu 2ilan sAopposeraH
Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort$
<uAoutre le /hyn es mareschz chassera%
The election -ade in 'ran0,ort
#ill not .e annulled, Milan +ill .e opposed1
The closest ,ollo+er +ill see- so very stron/,
That he +ill drive hi- .eyond the Rhine into the -arshes2
There are t&o possibilities for solving this (uatrain% 8irst$ Iaiser :ilhelm 33$ after losing :orld :ar
3$ found his *erman sub@ects in rebellion% The *erman /evolution in 1016$ culminated in the
overthro& of the Iaiser and the establishment of a democratic republic% .is closest follo&er &as the
leftist Prince 2a> von Baden$ &ho assumed po&er of the ne& government% The IaiserAs abdication
&as announced on November 0 by 2a> von Baden% The Iaiser &ent into e>ile in the Netherlands
Cthe marshesD% .o&ever$ this doesnAt e>plain &here F2ilanG fits in unless it is an anagram%
4 better possibility$ put forth by Leoni$ is that this (uatrain carries on the theme of (uarrels
bet&een Philip 33 and 8erdinand over Charles JAs estate CThe .oly /oman +mpireD% 8erdinand &as
cro&ned as +mperor at 8ran'fort in 1996% 3n 19#! Philip 33 had been given 2ilan by Charles J%
Philip 33 persisted until 19,! in having the right of succession of 8erdinandAs empire% 8erdinandAs
election &as never annulled% Philip 33As holdings did include the Netherlands Cthe marshesD%
C , < -9 19,! Le grand pilot par /oy sera mandM$
Laisser la classe pour plus haut lieu attaindreH
;ept ans apres sera contrebandM$
Barbare armee viendra Jenise craindre%
The /reat Pilot co--issioned .y the "in/,
To leave the ,leet to attain a hi/her place1
Seven years a,ter he +ill .e in re.ellion,
ar.arian ar-y +ill put Ienice in ,ear2
4gain .ogue should be credited for solving this (uatrain% *aspard de Coligny &as appointed to the
ran' of 4dmiral of 8rance in 199!% 4fter the death of Iing .enry 33 in 1990$ he resigned to become
head of the Calvinist party% .e &as a leader of the Protestant rebellion seven years later in 19,,% .e
&as 'illed in the ;t%Bartholome&As =ay massacre in 19-!% 4t that same time the 7ttoman +mpire
&as menacing Jenice and its 2editerranean possessions%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7;?K ( > PM
C ! < 15 19,, Le corps sans ame plus nAestre en sacrifice$
3our de la mort mis en natiuitMH
LAesprit diuin fera lAame felice$
Joyant le verbe en son eternitM%
The .ody +ithout a soul no lon/er at sacri,ice,
Day o, death put ,or day o, .irth1
The divine spirit +ill -a0e the soul happy,
Seein/ the +ord in its eternity2
This is the seerAs vie&s in regard to his death in 19,,% FThe body &ithout a soulG may also describe
his method of out of body remote vie&ing of future events% 7ur famous time traveler never disclosed
his e>act methods%
C 5 < 0# 19,, =e cin( cens ans plus compte lAon tiendra$
Celuy (uAestoit lAaornement de son tempsH
Puis Z vn coup grande clartM donra$
<ue par ce siecle les rendra trescontens%
'or ;<< years -ore they +ill ta0e account o, hi-,
)e +ho +as the orna-ent o, his ti-e1
Then suddenly a /reat li/ht +ill .e /iven,
#hich +ill -a0e people o, that century -ost content2
Nostradamus is spea'ing again of his prophecies and himself% :hen the correct chronological order of
the prophecies is found$ it &ill be a great revelation for the people of that century% 3f he is spea'ing of
9"" years from his birth$ then the correct se(uence &ill be found any time after !""5% 3f he is spea'ing
of the publication date of his FLes Propheties$G then it &ill be after !"99) or if after his death$ then 9""
years later &ould be the year of !",,% /egardless of &hich is correct$ it loo's li'e the people of the
T&enty-8irst Century are his chosen target%
C 5 < 90 19,, Barbare empire par le tiers vsurpM$
La plus grand part de son sang mettra Z mortH
Par mort senile par luy le (uart frappM$
Pour peur (ue sang par le sang ne soit mort%
ar.arian e-pire .y the third usurped,
The /reater part o, his .lood he +ill put to death1
y senile death .y hi- the ,ourth struc0,
'or ,ear that .lood .y the .lood +ill not die2
The best interpretation is from .ogue concerning the death in old age of ;uleiman the 2agnificent$
;ultan of the 7ttoman +mpire$ &ho 'illed t&o of his sons$ leaving his incompetent third son to
continue the line% 3nterestingly$ he died in 19,,$ the same year that Nostradamus died%
C , < ,5 19,, La dame seule au regne demeuree$
=Avnic estaint premier au lict dAhonneurH
;ept ans sera de douleur e>ploree$
Puis longue vie au regne par grand heur%
The lady le,t alone in the real-,
y the uni6ue one e4tin/uished ,irst on .ed o, honor1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Seven years she +ill +eep +ith /rie,,
Then a lon/ li,e in the real- .y /reat ,ortune2
Catherine deA 2edici mourned for seven years after she lost her husband$ .enry 33% ;he had a great
deal of influence in the realm as a peacema'er during the :ars of /eligion$ especially &hile she &as
/egent for her t&o minor sons% ;he died at age -" in 1960%
C 1 < 6, 19,6 La grande royne (uand se verra vaincue$
8era e>cMs de masculin courageH
;us cheual$ fleuue passera toute nue$
;uite par ferH Z foy fera outrage%
The /reat Hueen +hen she +ill see hersel, con6uered,
#ill .e e4cessive in -asculine coura/e1
Upon a horse, totally nude, she +ill pass the river,
'ollo+ed .y s+ord1 she +ill outra/e her ,aith2
3 agree &ith Cheetham on her interpretation of this verse% 2ary$ <ueen of ;cots$ having been defeated
for the second time$ escaped her prison and fled to +ngland by horse &ith only the clothes on her bac'%
Both Catholics and Protestants &ere outraged by her affair and subse(uent marriage to Both&ell% ;he
fled to <ueen +lizabeth for protection and &as held as her prisoner% ;he &as beheaded in 196-%
C , < 65 19,6 Celuy (uAaura tant dAhonneur X caresses$
4 son entree de la *aule Belgi(ueH
Jn temps apres fera tant de rudesses$
+t sera contre Z la fleur tant belli(ue%
)e +ho +ill have -uch honor and ,lattery,
At his entry into el/ian &aul1
A +hile a,ter he +ill act +ith rudeness,
And +ill act very +arli0e a/ainst the ,lo+er2
Philip 33 of ;pain inherited the ;panish Netherlands &hen Charles J divided the .oly /oman +mpire%
4t first he &as &elcomed$ but his religious bigotry and self-righteous attitude soon offended his
sub@ects% By 19,6 the =utch &ere revolting$ and thus began the 6"-year &ar for =utch 3ndependence%
Philip 33 &as &arli'e against the fleur-de-lys Cflo&erD of 8rance$ .enry 3J$ from 1960 to 1906%
C ! < 9" 19,6 <uand ceu> dA.ainault$ de *\d X de Bru>elles$
Jerront Z Langres le siege deuant misH
=erriere leurs flancz seront guerres cruelles$
La plaie anti(ue fera pis (uAennemis%
#hen those o, )ainaut, o, &hent and o, russels
#ill see the sie/e laid .e,ore $an/res1
ehind their ,lan0s +ill .e cruel +ars,
The ancient +ound +ill do +orse than the ene-ies2
The men of .ainaut$ *hent$ and Brussels in 19,6 began &aging an 6" year &ar of independence from
;pain% The ancient &ound &as the ;panish 3n(uisition &hich &as especially harsh in the ;panish
Netherlands &here Protestantism &as attracting more and more follo&ers%
C 5 < #1 19,0 Bossu sera esleu par le conseil$
Plus hideu> monstre en terre nAapperceu$
Le coup voulant creuera lA[il$
La traitre au /oy pour fidele reBeu%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
A croo0ed one +ill .e elected .y the council,
A -ore hideous -onster not seen on earth,
The ,lyin/ 9+illin/: .lo+ +ill put out his eye,
The traitor to the "in/ received as ,aith,ul2
Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier on this verse regarding the murder of Prince Louis of Conde% Conde &as
elected commander-in-chief by the council of Calvinist notables% F]Never before &as seen a more
un&orthy scoundrel$A said 2ontes(uiou$ &ho shoot him in cold blood C&illinglyD in the head at the
Battle of 1arnac in 19,0% This put an end to the incessant rebellions of this traitor &ho$ t&ice before
Cin 19," and in 19,!D had obtained a pardon by s&earing loyalty to Charles 3Q%G CClueH Conse
unscrambles to CondeD%
C 6 < !5 19,0 Lettres trouuees de la royne les coffres$
Point de soubscrit sans aucun nom dAhauteur
Par la police seront cache les offres$
<uAon ne scaura (ui sera lAamateur%
$etters ,ound in the Hueens co,,ers,
No si/nature and +ithout any na-e o, the author
y the /overn-ent +ill .e concealed the o,,ers,
So they +ill not 0no+ +ho the lover +as2
Cheetham has rightly pinpointed this verse to pertain to the Cas'et Letters$ as they became 'no&n%
2ary$ <ueen of ;cotsA husband$ =arnley$ &as murdered in 19,-% Because of her liaisons &ith$ and
subse(uent marriage to$ 1ames .epburn$ 8ourth +arl of Both&ell$ 2ary &as suspected and
imprisoned% <ueen +lizabeth 3 ordered an in(uiry% 3n the investigation$ eight letters from 2ary to
Both&ell &ere produced and e>amined by the +arl of 2oreton% 3n the end$ it &as found the
controversial letters &ere inconse(uential% <ueen +lizabeth continued to 'eep her confined as she
felt 2ary &as a threat to the throne of +ngland% 2ary &as beheaded in 196-% Both&ell &as
imprisoned in =enmar' &here he &ent insane and died in 19-6% 2aryAs son by =arnley became
1ames 3 of +ngland and 1ames J3 of ;cotland%
C 0 < #! 19-1 =e Barcellonne$ de *ennes X Jenise$
=e la ;ecille peste CpresD 2onet vnisH
Contre Barbare classe prendront la vise$
Barbar$ poulse bien loing ius(uAZ Thunis%
'ro- arcelona, &enoa and Ienice,
O, Sicily pestilence 9near: Monaco 5oined1
A/ainst the ar.arian ,leet they +ill ta0e ai-,
ar.arian, repulsed as ,ar .ac0 as Tunis2
?nder the coalition of the pope$ a .oly League &as formed to drive bac' the infidels of the
7ttoman +mpire% The coalition fleet consisted of !", galleys and , galleases% The ships &ere
contributed by ;pain$ Naples$ ;icily$ *enoa$ ;avoy$ the Inights of 2alta$ Jenice$ 1! Papal ships$
and !6 privately o&ned galleys% 3t &as commanded by =on 1uan C=on 1ohnD of 4ustria% .is
opponent &as the Tur'$ 4li Pasha$ supported by buccaneers from 4le>andria &ho had !!9 galleys
and 99 galliots% The .oly League defeated the 7ttoman force at the northern edge of the entrance to
the *ulf of Lepanto% The crusaders lost about 0$""" men$ but freed t&ice as many Christian
prisoners% The Tur's lost about 5"$""" men% The Battle of Lepanto ended the domination of the
7ttoman Tur'ish sea po&er in the 2editerranean%

C , < !0 19-! Le vesue sainte entendant les nouuelles$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=e ses rameau> mis en perple> X troubleH
<ui sera duict appaiser les (uerelles$
Par son pourchas des razes fera comble%
The saintly +ido+ hearin/ the ne+s,
O, her .ranches put in perple4ity and trou.le1
)e +ho +ill .e instructed to appease the 6uarrels,
y his pursuit shaven heads +ill .e piled up2
4fter the third &ar of religion in 19-"$ the fanatic Catholic .ouse of *uise had fallen from favor at
the court and &as replaced by Catholic moderates &ho tried to find a &ay to peace% Catherine deA
2edici had hoped that the marriage alliances of her children &ould support her move for peace% 3n
19-! on the !!
of 4ugust$ after the marriage of her daughter$ 2arguerite of Jalois$ to the
Protestant Iing .enry of Navarre$ Catherine deA 2ediciAs agent$ a Catholic named 2aurevert$
attempted to assassinate 4dmiral *aspard de Coligny$ leader of the .uguenots in Paris% .e &as
only &ounded% 3n the early hours of the morning of 4ugust !#
$ ;t% Bartholome&As =ay$ several
dozen .uguenot leaders &ere murdered in Paris$ setting off spontaneous massacres of .uguenots
by the Paris Catholic mob% Coligny &as 'illed% 8or t&o months$ all over 8rance$ the 'illings
continued% +stimates of the number of those murdered &ere a minimum of -"$"""% Contemporary
accounts reported bodies in the rivers for months after&ards$ so that no one &ould eat fish%
C 6 < 9" 19-5 La pestilence lAentour de Capadille$
Jn autre faim pres de ;agont sAappresteH
Le cheualier bastard de bon senille$
4u grand de Thunes fera trancher la teste%
The pestilence around !apallades,
Another ,a-ine approaches Sa/unto1
The 0ni/hly .astard o, the /ood old -an,
The /reat one o, Tunesia +ill lose his head2
Capallades is the region @ust &est of Barcelona$ ;pain% ;agunto is further south on the coast% Leoni
interprets the 'nightly bastard as the illegitimate son of Iing Charles J$ =on 1ohn% 3n 19-5 =on
1ohn recaptured Tunis for his half-brother$ Philip 33 of ;pain% CThe City of Tunis$ in Tunisia$ had
been captured by the 4lgerians from 4ustria%D =on 1ohn cut off the head of the ruler &ho had been
installed by the 4lgerians% Leoni$ on chec'ing$ found there &as a pestilence in ;pain in the years
19-" and 19-#% 8amines &ere common in that era as farmers relied solely on the &eather and did
not have the capabilities of storing food%
C # < 9! 19-5 +n citM obsesse au> murs hommes X femmes$
+nnemis hors le chef prest Z soy rendre H
Jent sera fort encontre les gensdarmes$
Chassez seront par chau>$ poussiere X cendre%
In the .esie/ed city -en and +o-en to the +alls,
%ne-ies outside the chie, ready to surrender1
#ind +ill .e stron/ly a/ainst the troops,
They +ill .e chased a+ay .y li-e, dust and ashes2
The siege of 4l'maar &as one of the last battles of the long and hideous conflict bet&een the =utch
people and the vast resources of ;panish Catholic 3mperialism% The =u'e of 4lva &rote to Phillip
33$ ]]3f 3 ta'e 4l'maar$ 3 am resolved not to leave a single creature alive) the 'nive shall be put to
every throat%AA The handful of to&nspeople shut up &ithin 4l'maar prepared for the &orst% The
siege &as begun &ith t&elve hours of cannon fire% T&o choice regiments from Lombardy led the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
assault &ith mus'etry and pistols% The to&nspeople poured boiling &ater$ pitch and oil$ molten lead$
and unsla'ed lime onto those trying to get over the &alls% The attac' &as rene&ed three times% 4
to&n carpenter had been sent to open the sluice gates and the ground around the ;panish &as getting
splashy and uncomfortable% 2ean&hile$ *overnor ;onoy opened many of the dy'es$ and finally the
;panish bro'e camp and left to the cheers of the people of 4l'maar% Public opinion in .olland Cthe
&ind strongly against the ;panishD prevailed and the people of .olland achieved independence in
1,"0$ although not confirmed until the Treaty of :estphalia in 1,#6%
C 5 < 5" 19-# Celuy (uAen luitte X fer au faict belli(ue$
4ura portM plus grand pue luy le prisH
=e nuict au lict si> luy feront la pi(ue$
Nud sans harnois subit sera surpris%
)e +ho durin/ the contest +ith +eapons in the +arli0e deed,
#ill have carried o,, the prize ,ro- one /reater than he1
y ni/ht si4 +ill carry the /rud/e to his .ed,
Nude +ithout ar-or +ill .e suddenly surprised2
Cheetham pinpoints this to the Comte de 2ontgomery &ho &on the @oust &ith .enry 33 by
accidentally &ounding him and causing his death% 3n spite of .enry 33As re(uest that 2ontgomery be
pardoned$ Catherine deA 2edici held a grudge% 3nvolved in the Protestant side in the &ars of
religion$ he held out for si>teen days &ith only 19" men against 1"$"""% .e surrendered on 2ay !9$
19-#% .e &as promised immunity$ but this &as violated and he &as seized at night by a force of
armed men% .e &as condemned and e>ecuted%
C , < ,! 19-# Trop tard tous deu> les fleurs seront perdues$
Contre la loy serpent ne voudra faireH
=es ligueurs forces par gallots confondues$
;auone$ 4lbingue par 2onech grand martyre%
Too late .oth o, the ,lo+ers +ill .e lost,
A/ainst the la+ the serpent +ill not +ant to act1
The lea/uers ,orces con,ounded .y the 'rench 9.y /allops:,
Savona, Al.en/a throu/h Monaco /reat -artyrdo-2
.ogue applies this verse to Catherine deA 2edici &ho adopted as her device a serpent s&allo&ing its
tail% The t&o flo&ers &ould be the boy 'ings$ 8rancis 33 and Charles 3Q% Charles 3Q died in 19-#%
Catherine acted as /egent for the t&o minors$ but did not do so under her son .enry 333% ;he never
acted against the la& and set her goal as a peacema'er bet&een the Catholic leaguers and the
.uguenots% ;avona and 4lbenga &ere ports &est of *enoa% 2onaco$ although in *rimaldi hands$
&as an ally of the ;panish and under treaty to fight in her &ars$ even against the 8rench%
C - < 59 19-# La grand pesche CpocheD viendra plaindre$ plorer$
=Aauoir esleu$ trompMs seront en lAaageH
*uiere auec eu> ne voudra demourer$
=eBeu sera par ceu> de son langaige%
The /reat ,ish 9poc0et: +ill co-e to co-plain and +eep,
'or havin/ elected, deceived a.out his a/e1
)e +ill +ish not to re-ain +ith the- at all,
)e +ill .e deceived .y those o, his o+n lan/ua/e.
Le Pelletier Cfrom *uynaudD ma'es a good case for this referring to .enry 333$ Iing of Poland on the
basis that Poland &as notorious for electing its 'ings in a rec'less manner CpecheD% They had
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
e>pected their ne& 'ing to found a dynasty$ but the 'ing returned to 8rance to assume the throne
there after the une>pected death of Iing Charles 3Q% The Poles said they &ere deceived about the age
of the t&o brothers% .enry 333 came bac' &ith the :ars of /eligion raging throughout 8rance and
deception and intrigue &as prevalent%
C , < 11 19-9 =es sept rameau> Z trois seront reduicts$
Les plus aisnez seront surprins par mort$
8ratricider les deu> seront seduicts$
Les coniures en dormans seront morts%
The seven .ranches +ill .e reduced to three,
The eldest havin/ .een surprised .y death,
The t+o +ill .e seduced to+ard ,ratricide,
The conspirators +ill die +hile sleepin/2
.enry 33As seven children &ere reduced to three in 19-# leaving only Iing .enry 333$ 2arguerite de
Navarre and the duc dA4lenBon% The young du'e allied himself &ith the *uises$ hoping to ta'e the
throne from his brother$ .enry 333$ &hen he died from a cold% The *uises &ere lured into the
bedchambers of .enry 333 in 1996 and$ ta'en offguard CsleepingD$ &ere 'illed by the 'ingAs
bodyguards% Leoni again credits Le Pelletier for solving this verse%
C 9 < -! 19-- Pour le plaisir dAedict voluptueu>$
7n meslera le poyson dans lAaloyH
H Jenus sera en cours si vertueu>$
<uAobfus(uera du soleil tout Z loy%
'or the pleasure o, the voluptuous edict,
One +ill -i4 poison in the la+1
Ienus +ill .e in a course so virtuous
As to o.scure the +hole la+ o, the Sun2
4ccording to Leoni$ (uoting 1aubert and Le Pelletier$ a good case is made for the +dict of Poitiers in
19-- &hereby the Iing legalized Calvinist &orship% 3t &as voluptuous because it allo&ed marriage
for the clergy$ beclouding the Catholic ;un and mi>ing poison in &ith the true faith% Jenus
Crepresenting se>ual activity by the priesthoodD &as made to seem virtuous instead of heretical%
C , < 1# 19-6 Loing de sa terre /oy perdra la bataille$
Prompt echappM poursuiuy suiuant prins$
3gnare prins soubs la doree maille$
;oubs fainct habit$ X lAennemy surprins%
'ar ,ro- his land a "in/ +ill lose the .attle,
Pro-ptly escaped, pursued, then captured,
I/norant ta0en under the chain -ail,
Under a ,alse /ar-ent, and the ene-y surprised2
Leoni suggests this verse is in reference to Iing ;ebastian 3 of Portugal% 3f so$ 3n 19-6 the young
'ing &as consumed &ith plans of a crusade against the infidels% 4gainst the advice of the Pope and
the Iing of ;pain$ he mounted an attac' on the Iing of 8ez in 2orocco% 4t the Battle of Iasr 4l-
Iabir his army &as completely obliterated and he &as either captured or 'illed% Not one soldier &as
left to tell the tale of the death of the 'ing% .ere Nostradamus tells us &hat happened and ho& he
;ome Portuguese people believe that Iing ;ebastian &ill return to Portugal on a day of fog to
save the country and lead it to a glorious 8ifth +mpire%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle

C 0 < !1 1966 4u temple hault de Bloys sacre ;olonne$
Nuict pont de Loyre$ prelat$ roy pernicant
Curseur victoire au> marestz de la lone$
=Aou prelature de blancs Z bormeant%
At the hi/h te-ple o, lois SaintDSolonne,
Ni/ht .rid/e o, the $oire, Prelate, "in/ destructive
Messen/er victory in the -arshes o, the pond 9Nole:9Olonne:,
O, +here prelature o, +hites -iscarryin/ 9destruction:2
3n the first line Nostradamus may be spea'ing of the Cathedral of Blois$ renamed in 1-5" LA+glise de
;aint-Louis% Blois is south of Paris on the Loire /iver% The famous Chateau de Blois is located in the
center of the city and an 16
century stone bridge no& spans the Loire% 3n the third line the &ord
Flone$G meaning a body of still &ater in ProvenBal$ may be an anagram for a place name such as
FNoleG in the Piedmont area of 3taly) or .ogue suggests F7lonneG &hich is a to&n further to the
south and &est of Blois on the 4tlantic 7cean% ;aint-;olonne is mentioned also in C 0 < !5% Both of
these verses may apply to .enry 333%
3n 1966 .enry 333 chose Blois as the meeting place of the ;tates-*eneral% 4lso in 1966 he
brought about the murders of .enry$ du'e of *uise and his brother$ Louis$ archbishop of /eims and
cardinal$ in the chateau%
C 5 < 91 1966 Paris coniure vn grand meurtre commettre$
Bloys le fera sortir en plain effectH
Ceu> dA7rleans vouldront leur chef remettre$
4ngiers$ Troye$ Langres leur feront vn meffait%
Paris conspires to co--it a /reat -urder,
lois +ill -a0e sure it is ,ully carried out1
Those o, Orleans +ill +ant their chie, replaced,
An/ers, Troyes, $an/res a/ainst the- +ill do a -isdeed2
This (uatrain concerns the murder of the t&o *uise brothers by Iing .enry 333% 3t &as reported that
the scheme &as plotted at Paris% 3t &as carried out in the Chateau of Blois on =ecember !5$ 1966%
Leoni gives Le Pelletier credit for solving this one% .e states .enryAs governor of 7rleans met open
resistance$ and he interprets the last line as cities that remained loyal to .enry 333%
C 1 < 69 1966 Par la reponce de dame$ roy troublM$
4mbassadeurs mespriseront leur vieH
Le grand ses freres contrefera doublM$
Par deu> mourront ire$ haine X enuie%
The "in/ is trou.led .y the ladys reply,
A-.assadors are ,ear,ul o, their lives1
The /reater o, the .rothers counter,eit dou.le,
T+o o, the- die throu/h an/er, hatred and envy2
.enry 333 had t&o of his rivals assassinated$ .enry de *uise and his brother$ the Cardinal Louis de
*uise% .e did not 'ill the more troublesome brother$ the =uc de 2ayenne$ &ho then too' both titles
held separately by his brothers% The <ueen Catherine deA 2edici$ mother of .enry 333$ sa& this
murder as a political blunder and &as furious% .enry 333 &as denounced by his Catholic church and
by the ambassadors of the +states-*eneral%
C 1 < 5, 1966 Tard le monar(ue se viendra repentir$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=e nAauoir mis Z mort son aduersaireH
2ais viendra bien Z plus hault consentir$
<ue tout son sang par mort fera deffaire%
Too late the -onarch +ill co-e to repent,
O, not havin/ put to death his adversary1
ut he +ill co-e to consent to a -uch hi/her thin/,
Than ,or all his .lood .y death to lose2
.enry 333 continues to repent that he did not 'ill the brother$ the =uc de 2ayenne$ &ho later made
much trouble for the 'ing%
C 1 < 0- 1960 Ce (ue fer flamme nAa sceu paracheuer$
La douce langue au conseil viendra faireH
Par repos$ songe$ le /oy fera resuer$
Plus lAennemy en feu$ sang militaire%
That +hich iron, ,ire did not 0no+ ho+ to achieve,
#ill .e -ana/ed .y a s+eet spea0in/ ton/ue in council1
In sleep, drea-, the 0in/ -ade to consider,
More the ene-y in ,ire, +arli0e .lood2
.enry 333 &as murdered by Brother Clement$ a =ominican friar$ &ho re(uested a council% .enry 333
&as 56% .e had a dream three days before his death &here he foresa& his death and the cro&n and
scepter of 8rance being trampled by a mon'-led mob% CClueH faire N friar%D
C ! < 66 1960 Le circuit du grand faict ruineu>$
Le nom septiesme du cin(uiesme seraH
=Avn tiers plus grand lAestrange belli(ueu>H
2outon$ Lutece$ 4i> ne garantira%
The circuit o, the /reat ruinous deed,
The na-e o, the seventh +ill .e that o, the ,i,th1
O, the third /reater the ,orei/ner +arli0e1
Sheep, Paris, Ai4 +ill not /uarantee2
This is a very clear verse% The final outcome of the :ar of the Three .enrys led to the death of
.enry 333 Cthe fifth child of the seven children of JaloisD and .enry de *uise% .enry of Navarre
CNavarre &as a foreign country at that timeD succeeded to the throne of 8rance as Iing .enry 3J$
beginning the Bourbon rule% Being a Protestant$ not all of 8rance accepted his rule$ especially Paris%
.e began the siege of Paris CLuteceD in 4pril C4ries being the ;heepD% :hen he finally renounced
Protestantism in 1906 in order to &in the support of the people$ Paris &elcomed him &ith open
arms% .e made his famous statement$ FParis is &ell &orth a mass%G
C 0 < 9" 1960 2andosus C2+N=7;J;D tost viendra Z son hault regne
2ettant arriere vn peu de NorlarisH
Le rouge blesme$ le masle Z lAinterregne$
Le ieune crainte X frayeur Barbaris%
Mandosus +ill soon co-e to his hi/h rei/n
Puttin/ .ehind a little o, $orraine1
The pale red one, the -ale in the interre/nu-,
The ,ear,ul youth and .ar.aric terror2
This verse is about .enry of Navarre &ho became Iing .enry 3J of 8rance% Le Pelletier should be
given credit for discovering F2endosvsG is an anagram for FJendosme$G the former spelling of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Jendome% .enry 3J$ li'e his father$ &as the =u'e of Jendome% .e puts behind the deaths of the
*uises from Lorraine% The other claimants to the throne &ere the old Cardinal de Bourbon) the =uc
de 2ayenne$ the Lieutenant-*eneral of the realm and the third brother of the murdered *uises) and
the young =u'e of *uise$ son of Balafre and Iing Philip 33 of ;pain% The barbaric terror to be faced
by the ne& 'ing &as the &ars of religion that had to be stopped%
C 0 < #9 1960 Ne sera seul iamais de demander$
*rand 2endosvs C2+N=7;J;D obtiendra son empire
Loing de la cour fera contremander$
Piemont$ Picard$ Paris$ Tyrron le pire%
Not a sin/le one +ill re-ain to as0,
&reat Mendosvs +ill o.tain his e-pire
'ar ,ro- the court he +ill cause to .e counter-anded,
Pied-ont, Picardy, Paris, Tuscany the +orst2
7ut of the :ar of the Three .enrys only .enry of Navarre remained standing$ and &as ne>t in line
to the throne of 8rance &hich he too' on the death of .enry 333% .o&ever$ the obscurity of Line #
does not seem to apply to this 'ing unless these place names could be applied to areas he had
problems &ith during his reign%
C 1" < 16 1960 Le ranc Lorrain fera place Z Jendosme$
Le hault mys bas X le bas mys en hault$
Le filz dA.amon sera esleu dans /ome$
+t les deu> grands seront mys en deffault%
The house o, $orraine +ill -a0e +ay ,or Iendo-e,
The hi/h put lo+ and the lo+ placed on hi/h,
The sons o, )a-on 9Ma--on: +ill .e elected in Ro-e,
And the t+o /reat ones +ill .e put at a loss2
This is an e>tremely successful prophecy% The .ouse of Jendome &as put up high &hen .enry of
Navarre$ a Protestant$ came to the throne as .enry 3J of 8rance% The Catholic .ouse of Lorraine$
represented by the remaining brother$ =uc de 2ayenne$ &as put lo&% Le Pelletier puts it$ FThis
heretic prince Cthe son of 2ammonD &ill$ than's to his ab@uration$ be accepted in /ome as the Iing
of 8rance in preference to his rivals and the t&o Pretenders%G .enry 3J &as a Protestant$ but later
converted to Catholicism%
C ! < ,5 190" *aulois$ 4usone bien peu subiuguera$
Pau$ 2arne X ;eine fera Perme lAvrieH
<ui le grand mur contre eu> dressera$
=u moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie%
The &auls Ausonia +ill su.5u/ate very little,
Po, 9Pau: Marne and Seine Par-a +ill -a0e drun01
)e +ho +ill erect the /reat +all a/ainst the-,
)e +ill lose his li,e at the +all ,ro- the least2
Both Leoni and Cheetham consider this verse may apply to the Battle of 3vry ClAvrieD in 190" &hich
&as &on by .enry of Navarre against the Catholic =uc de 2ayenne% 4le>ander 8arnese$ the =u'e
of Parma$ had been sent from the Netherlands to 8rance to help the Catholic leaguers against .enry
of Navarre% The =uc de 2ayenne engaged .enry of Navarre in the battle% .e served under the
command of the =u'e of Parma% Parma &as defeated$ but he didnAt lose his life until a fe& years
later at another battle% .enry of NavarreAs capital &as the City of Pau in 8rance% Parma served
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Phillip 33 of ;pain &ho &as also Iing of Naples C4usoniaD% There are t&o anagrams &hich both
suggest FParma%G There is a medieval city in northern 3taly by the name of Parma% 4lso this verse
may go &ith C ! < 9- and C 9 < 16 as both verses spea' of a great &all and a great person &ho
C # < 10 190! =euant /ouan dA3nsubres mis le siege$
Par terre X mer enfermMs les passagesH
=A.aynault$ X 8landres$ de *and X ceu> de Liege$
Par dons laenMes rauiront les riuages%
e,ore Rouen the sie/e laid .y the Insu.rians,
y land and sea the passa/es shut o,,1
y )ainaut and 'landers, .y &hent and those o, $ie/e
Throu/h cloa0ed /i,ts they rava/e the shores2
/ouen is on the ;eine /iver north&est of Paris% The other cities are in the Lo& Countries in
Belgium and .olland% /ouen &as captured by the =u'e of Parma in 190!$ but &ithout a siege% The
=u'e of ParmaAs army included troops from Lombardy C3nsubriaD in their efforts to enforce
Catholicism in the ;panish Netherlands%
7;8K ( C PM
C 9 < 60 190# =edans .ongrie par Boheme$ Nauarre$
+t par banniere fainctes seditionsH
Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre$
Contre 7rleans fera esmotions%
#ithin )un/ary .y ohe-ia, Navarre,
And .y .anner ,aint seditions1
y the ,leurDdeDlys country carryin/ the .ar,
A/ainst Orleans +ill .e -ade a co--otion2
The arms of the Bourbon family sho&ed a fleur-de-lys &ith a diagonal bar% The first 8rench ruler
&ith this standard &as .enry of Navarre &ho became .enry 3J of 8rance% 4s 'ing$ part of his
foreign policy &as to &ea'en the 4ustrian .apsburgs &ho held the country of Bohemia and parts of
.ungary% 4s a former Protestant$ he had ta'en part in the :ars of /eligion against the 7rleans
brothers &ho had formed a Catholic league against him%
C 5 < !9 190# <ui au /oyaume Nauarrois paruiendra$
<uand le ;icile X Naples seront iointsH
Bigore X Landes par 8oy> Loron tiendra$
=Avn (ui dA+spaigne sera par trop conioint%
)e +ho attains to the 0in/do- o, Navarre
#hen Sicily and Naples +ill .e 5oined1
)e +ill hold i/orre and $andes throu/h 'oi4 and Oloron,
'ro- one +ho +ill .e too closely allied +ith Spain2
This is a very clear prediction about .enry of Navarre &ho &as cro&ned Iing of Navarre in
19,! and Iing of 8rance in 190#% Leoni states the alliance of ;icily and Naples occurred
&hen Phillip 33 of ;pain married 2ary Tudor of +ngland in 199# and they &ere still allied during
190#% They &ere not allied again until the nineteenth century% The cities mentioned in line three &ere
a part of the holdings of the /ealm of Navarre% ;pain and 8rance$ both primarily Catholic countries$
began &or'ing more closely together at that time%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 5 < 66 190, =e Barselonne par mer si grande armee$
Toute 2arseille de frayeur trembleraH
3sles saisies de mer ayde fermee$
Ton traditeur en terre nagera%
'ro- arcelona a very /reat ar-y .y sea,
Throu/hout Marseille ,ear and tre-.lin/1
Isles seized aid shut o,, .y sea,
3our traitor +ill s+i- on land2
Leoni again credits Le Pelletier &ith a good interpretation of this (uatrain% 3n 190, Phillip 33 sent a
;panish fleet of t&elve galleys$ commanded by Charles =oria$ to help the Leaguers against the
Protestants% The 3sles of Chateau dAif and /atonneau &ere seized shutting off help for 2arseille
from the sea% The traitor is Charles de Casau$ the consul &ho &anted to deliver the to&n to the
;panish% .e &as 'illed by a s&ord-thrust by Pierre Libertat and the body &as dragged by the
populace in the gutters%
C 1" < #9 1906 Lombre du regne de Nauarre non vray$
8era la vie de sort illegitimeH
La veu promis incertain de Cambray$
/oy 7rleans donra mur legitime%
The shado+ o, real- o, Navarre not true,
#ill -a0e li,e o, ,ate unla+,ul1
The vo+ -ade in uncertainty at !a-.rai,
"in/ OrlLans +ill /ive a le/iti-ate .order 9+all:2
The first line pinpoints the sub@ect of this verse as .enry of Navarre$ Iing .enry 3J% The Treaty of
Cambrai in 19!0$ by &hich Iing 8rancis 3 of 8rance renounced his claims to Naples$ 4rtois$ and
8landers$ &as bro'en by .enry 33 in 199,% Iing .enry 33 &as the =u'e of 7rleans before he
ascended to the throne% The Peace of Cateau CambrMsis in 1990 &as signed about 9" 'm southeast
of Cambrai &hich put an end to the 3talian &ars bet&een ;pain and 8rance%
To rid 8rance of the ;panish influence during the :ars of /eligion$ .enry 3J declared &ar
on ;pain in 1909 and brought it to a successful conclusion &ith the Peace of Jervins in 1906
&hereby Philip 33 of ;pain agreed to &ithdra& all of his troops from 8rance%
C 1" < 5- 1900 Lassemblee grande pres du lac de Borget$
;e ralieront pres de 2ontmelian$
2archans plus oultre pensifz feront proget
Chambry$ 2oraine combat sainct 3ulian%
The /reat near the la0e o, or/et,
They +ill rally near Mont-Llian,
Travelin/ ,urther .eyond the pensive ones +ill -a0e a plan
!ha-.Lry, St2 AeanDdeDMaurienne, St2 Aulian, co-.at2
4ll of these places &ere in the duchy of ;avoy in southeastern 8rance% Leoni credits Larmor for
solving this verse% The =u'e of ;avoy ca% 190--1,"" concentrated an army at 2ontmMlian for an
invasion of 8rance$ but &as defeated at ;aint-1ulien by .enry 3J% 4fter&ards .enry 3J captured
ChambMry and ;aint-1ean-de-2urienne%
C 1" < 9! 1,"- 4u lieu o^ L4L+ X ;celde se marient$
;eront les nopces de long temps maniees$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4u lieu dA4nuers o^ la crappe charient$
3eune vieillesse consorte intaminee%
At the place +here the $ys and the Scheldt .eco-e as one,
#ill the nuptials .e arran/ed ,or a lon/ ti-e,
At the place in Ant+erp +here the cha,, is carried,
3outh old a/e +i,e unde,iled2
4nt&erp$ Belgium$ on the ban's of the /iver ;cheldt$ is one of the largest ports in the &orld% 3t &as
the site of departure for many colonists bound for the ne& &orld% The first +nglish colony &as
founded at 1amesto&n in 1,"-% 2ore colonists follo&ed those &ho &ished to escape religious
persecution$ those &ho &ere considered the FchaffG of +urope and &ho &anted a ne& start$ and
those &ho &ere young and eager for adventure% .ere Nostradamus is saying the colonies &ere a
marriage of the Ne& :orld and the 7ld :orld of +urope%
C 1 < 9" 1,"- =e lAa(uati(ue triplicitM naistra$
=Aun (ui fera le ieudy pour sa festeH
;on bruit$ loz$ regne$ sa puissance croistra$
Par terre X mer au> 7riens tempeste%
'ro- the a6uatic triplicity +ill .e .orn,
One +ho +ill cele.rate Thursday as his ,east day1
)is 9its: ,a-e, praise, rule and po+er +ill /ro+,
y land and sea, a te-pest to the Orient 9%ast:2
8rom the three sea po&ers of +ngland$ ;pain and 8rance the ?nited ;tates of 4merica &as born%
4lso the ?nited ;tates is surrounded by three seas% Than'sgiving =ay is only observed in 4merica%
C 6 < -1 1,"- Crositra le nombre si grand des astronomes
Chassez$ bannis X liures censurez$
LAan mil si> cens X sept par sacre glomes
<ue nul au> sacres ne seront asseurez%
The o, astrono-ers +ill /ro+ very /reat
Driven out, .anished and their .oo0s censured,
The year 7?<> .y holy asse-.lies
Such that none +ill .e sa,e ,ro- the holy ones2
4fter the discovery of the telescope$ first used by *alileo in 1,1"$ a great many in(uiring minds in
the astronomy field loo'ed again into the theories of Capernicus &hose boo'$ F=e /evolutionibusG
&as published the same year as his death in 19#5% The astronomy field branched off from the @oint
astrologyRastronomy field into a separate science% Nostradamus may have studied this boo'%
.o&ever$ the Catholic Church still adhered to the tenet that the earth &as the center of the
universe and they meant to enforce their point of vie&% The boo's of the early astronomers$ such as
Capernicus$ may have been banned in 1,"-$ but this fact cannot be ascertained%
C - < 1- 1,1" Le Prince rare de pitiM X clemence
C_4pres avoir la pai> au> siens bailleD$
Jiendra changer par mort grande cognoissanceH
Par grand repos le regne travaille$
Lors (ue le grand tost sera estrille%
The Prince rare in pity and cle-ency
9MA,ter he shall have /iven peace to his su.5ects:,
#ill co-e to chan/e .y death /reat 0no+led/e1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
y the /reat repose the real- trou.led,
#hen the /reat one soon +ill .e ,leeced2
_4lternate line ! is sho&n as per the 1,"9 Cor the 1,#0D edition used by *arencieres% This edition
did not include Line #% This version actually rhymes much better and may be correct%
This verse can be applied to .enry 3J$ &ho ended the &ars of religion and brought peace to
his nation% .e &as assassinated by the madman$ /availlac CanagrammedD$ in 1,1"% The great one
soon to be fleeced may refer to 8rance% ?nder the regency of <ueen 2arie deA 2edici and her
minister$ Concini$ the treasury of 8rance &as emptied%
C 5 < !" 1,1" Par les contrees du grand fleuue Bethi(ue$
Loing dA3bere au royaume de *renadeH
Croi> repoussees par gens 2ahometi(ues
Jn de Cordube trahira la contrade%
Throu/h the re/ions o, /reat river &uadal6uivir,
'ar in I.eria to the "in/do- o, &ranada1
!rosses .eaten .ac0 .y the Moha--edan people
One o, !ordova +ill .etray his country2
The river and the cities named are in the southern part of ;pain% 8reedom of religion in this area &as
previously tolerated by Iing 8erdinand and <ueen 3sabella% .o&ever$ Phillip 33$ in his religious
zeal$ re(uired the 1e&s and 2oors in this area to either convert to Catholicism or leave ;pain% 3n
1,1"$ Phillip 333 began an e>pulsion from ;pain of the 2oors and 1e&s &ho &ould not convert% This
mass e>odus &ea'ened the country by the loss of capital$ culture$ and 'no&ledgeable labor% The
traitor from Cordova has not been recorded in history%
C 1 < 1" 1,19 ;erpens transmis en la caige de fer$
7^ les enfans septainrs du /oy sont prisH
Les vieu> X peres sortiront bas de lAenfer$
4ins mourir voir de fruict mort X crys%
The serpent carried in a ca/e o, iron,
#here seven children o, the "in/ are held 9prized:B
Their ,ore,athers +ill rise ,ro- the depths o, hell,
e,ore dyin/, see the death and cries o, their ,ruit2
Catherine deA 2edici changed her heraldic emblem to a serpent &ith its tail in its mouth after the
death of her husband$ .enry 33% .er daughter$ 2arguerite$ died in 1,19% 2arguerite &as the last of
the seven children of .enry 33 and Catherine deA 2edici to die and she too died childless ending the
.ouse of Jalois in 1,19% 2ost commentators give this or a similar interpretation%
C # < !9 1,1, Corps sublimes sans fin Z lA[il visiblesH
7bnubiler viendront par ces raisonsH
Corps$ front compris$ sens chef X invisibles$
=iminuant les sacrees oraisons%
)eavenly .odies +ithout end visi.le to the eye1
#ill co-e to cloud over ,or its o+n reasons1
ody, ,orehead included, sense and head invisi.le,
Di-inishin/ the sacred prayers2
Leoni (uotes Le PelletierAs 16,- interpretation of this (uatrain$ F:hen the perfection of optical
instruments &ill have permitted one to distinguish stars beyond the range of the eye$ &hich one &ill
assume to be &orlds$ gravitating endlessly in the depths of the s'y$ one &ill dra& from this
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
discovery rationalizations hostile to religious beliefs% The materialists$ subordinating the soul to the
body and recognizing neither *od nor superior spirits$ &ill deliver a blo& to traditional &orship%G
.e &as right on target$ but failed to connect this verse &ith *alileo%
*alileo *alilei C19,#-1,#!D$ on hearing that a =utch optician named Lippershey had
produced an instrument &hich magnified the size of distant ob@ects by three times$ succeeded in
constructing a telescope &hich magnified thirty-t&o times the size of distant heavenly bodies%
?sing this instrument he &as able to see the moonAs craters$ the moons of 1upiter$ and sun spots% .is
telescopic discoveries induced him at once to lay aside all reserve and come for&ard as a strenuous
champion of Copernicus$ &hose theory &as that the sun &as the central body around &hich
revolved the earth and planets$ a theory mostly ridiculed by the established scientific thought of that
time% .e visited the papal court in 1,11 and &as received in triumph% The entire &orld$ clerical and
lay$ floc'ed to see his demonstrations%
.is problems arose four years later &hen the established men of science of that day claimed
his theory &as not only vehemently false and unscientific$ but against the .oly ;cripture% This led to
*alileo being summoned to /ome to appear before the /oman 3n(uisition$ &here he &as forced to
recant his findings%
3n the (uatrain Nostradamus may be &arning *alileo not to let the dazzling sights come to
cloud over his reasoning ability%
C # < 16 1,1, =es plus lettrMs dessus les faits celestes
;eront par princes ignorants reprouuMsH
Punis dA+dit$ chasses$ comme scelestes$
+t mis Z mort la o^ seront trouuMs%
So-e o, the -ost learned o, the celestial ,acts
#ill .e conde-ned .y i/norant princes1
Punished .y %dict, chased li0e scoundrels,
And put to death +herever they are ,ound2
This sounds very much li'e the problems *alileo got into &ith the church% 3n 1,11 he visited the
papal court in /ome to display his telescope% 3n 1,1, the system of Copernicus &as denounced as
dangerous to the faith% *alileo &as summoned and &arned not to teach or uphold it% But in 1,5! he
published his &or'$ F=ialogue on the T&o Chief ;ystems of the :orld$G &hich supported the
Copernican system Cthat the sun is the central body and the earth and the planets revolve around the
sunD as opposed to the Ptolemaic system Cthe sun and all planets revolved around the earthD%
This &or' mar'ed a turning point in scientific and philosophical thought% 4gain summoned
to /ome$ *alileo &as again tried by the 3n(uisition in 1,55% The 3n(uisition brought him to the
point that he &as forced to again ma'e an ab@uration of all his beliefs and his &ritings% The story is
that as he rose from his 'nees$ he muttered in regard to the earthAs movement around the sun$
FNevertheless it does move%G *alileo &as sentenced to an enforced residence in ;iena% 3n 1,56 he
published his last boo' F=ialogues Concerning T&o Ne& ;ciencesG &hich contains most of his
contributions to physics% ;ee also C - < 5, and C # < !9%
C - < 5, 1,1, =ieu$ le ciel tout le diuin verbe Z lAvnde$
PourtM par rouges sept razes Z BizanceH
Contre les oingz trois cents de Trebisconde$
=eu> loi> mettront$ X horreur$ puis credence%
&od, the divine +ord o, heaven in the +aves,
!arried .y seven red shaven heads to yzantiu-1
A/ainst the anointed three hundred ,ro- Tre.izond,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
T+o la+s are set, and horror, then .elie,2
3t seems as if Nostradamus is laughing at the situation caused by the in(uisition of the church trying
to disclaim the scientific discoveries of *alileo% The seven red shaven heads refer to cardinals% The
reference to Byzantium indicates pagan beliefs$ &hich made the three hundred supporters of *alileo
also Fpagans%G 4fter his second conviction$ *alileo &as re(uired to repeat seven psalms of
repentance daily for the three years he &as imprisoned% There follo&ed a decree of the Congregation
of the 3nde> dated 2arch 9$ 1,1,$ &hich prohibited various heretical &or's$ to &hich &ere added
any advocating the Copernican system%
3n 10-0$ Pope 1ohn Paul 33 annulled the 1,55 conviction and re(uested that the 1,1,
prohibition on Copernican astrology be overturned% This &as accomplished in 100!%

C ! < 11 1,1- Le prochain filz de lAaisnier paruiendra$
Tant esleuM ius(ueau regne des forsH
;on aspre gloire vn chascun la craindra$
2ais ses enfantz du regne gettes hors%
The ,ollo+in/ 9nearest: son the ,alcon 9the elder: +ill attain,
Such a /reat hei/ht in real- o, privile/es1
)is ,ierce /lory +ill put everyone in ,ear,
ut his children +ill .e re5ected ,ro- the real-2
3f FlAaisnierG Ceither elder or a falconD$ is meant to be a falcon as Cheetham suggests$ then this verse
pertains to Charles dA4lbert duc de Luynes% .e &as an e>-army officer and the favorite falconer of
young Louis 15 &ho put him in charge of the affairs of 8rance% :ith the IingAs collaboration
Luynes caused the assassination of Concino Concini$ the finance minister &ho &as draining the
resources of 8rance for his o&n personal use% Luynes &as elevated to Constable of 8rance until his
death in 1,!1% The children of Luynes did not inherit his post or entitlement to the privileges of the
court% This is a very convoluted (uatrain%
C ! < !5 1,1- Palais$ oyseau>$ par oyseau dechassM$
Bien tost apres le prince paruenuH
Combien (uAhors fleuue ennemi repousse$
=ehors saisir trait dAoyseau soustenu%
Palace, .irds, .y a .ird chased out,
Iery soon a,ter the prince has arrived1
Althou/h the ene-y is repulsed .eyond the river,
Outside seized, the sha,t upheld .y the .ird2
The prince is Louis 15 &ho at 1, came of age% :ith the help of his favorite falconer$ Charles
dA4lbert duc de Luynes Cthe birdD$ he effectively chased out the palace parasites% This included the
mother of Louis 15$ 2arie deA 2edici$ the /egent of 8rance$ &ho &as dependant on Concini for
managing the affairs$ but &ho only managed his o&n enrichment% The shaft of po&er in 8rance &as
upheld by Luynes%
C - < 1 1,1-LA4rc du thresor par 4chilles deceu$
4u> procrMes sceu la (uadrangulaireH
4u faict /oyal le comment sera sceu$
Corps veu pendu au veu de populaire%
The Ar0 o, treasure deceived throu/h Achilles,
Shall sho+ to procreated ones 9posterity:9docu-ents: the 6uadran/ular1
y the royal deed the contrivance 9co--ent: +ill .e 0no+n,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
ody seen han/in/ in the si/ht o, the people2
*arencieres in 1,-! applied this verse to 4chille de .arlay$ President of the Parliament of Paris$
&ho cut off the treasury funds Cthe ar' of treasureD from Concino Concini$ accusing him of misuse
of funds% Concini &as still the Chief 2inister of government$ and of finance$ and the favorite of the
<ueen /egent$ 2arie deA 2edici% 7n coming of age$ Louis 15 issued an order for his arrest% :ith
the help of Luynes$ Concini &as arrested in the (uadrangular of the Louve$ but he turned and fled
and &as shot by the IingAs bodyguards% 4ccording to some historians$ ConciniAs body &as hung
before being buried% By other accounts$ after he &as buried the populace dug up his body and hung
it up by the feet% Then they dragged his corpse through the streets and burned it%
C - < 11 1,1- LAenfant /oyal contemnera la mere$
7eil$ piedz$ blessM$ rude$ inobeissant$
Nouuelle Z dame estrange X bien amere$
;eront tuMs des siens plus de cin( cens%
The royal child +ill conde-n his -other,
%ye, ,eet, +ounded, rude, diso.edient,
Ne+s to the lady stran/e and very .itter,
More than ,ive hundred o, her ,ollo+ers 0illed2
The royal child is Louis 15 &ho overthre& the regency of his mother$ 2arie deA 2edici$ &ho &as
draining the royal treasury along &ith her friend$ Concino Concini$ the chief minister% *arencieres
states that five hundred of her follo&ers &ere 'illed$ but there is no historical evidence to support
his claim% .o&ever$ 2arie did leave the court for a brief e>ile$ and it is certain that most of her
supporters did the same% CClueH amere N 2arieD
C 6 < !" 1,16 Le fau> messaige par election fainte
Courir par vrben$ rompue pache arreste$
Joi> acheptees CacheteD$ de sang chapelle tainte$
+t Z vn autre lAempire contraicte%
The ,alse -essa/e .y the ,ei/ned election
To run throu/h the city, .ro0en pact stopped,
Ioices .ou/ht, o, .lood the chapel is stained,
And to another the e-pire contracted2
1ohn .ogue pinpoints this verse indicating the Thirty Lear :ar% The Thirty Lear :ar C1,16-1,!9D
started &ith the Bohemian /evolt% The .oly /oman +mperor and Iing of Bohemia$ 2atthias$ died
&ithout a biological heir in 1,1-$ but named his cousin as his heir$ 8erdinand 33 of ;tyria$ a staunch
Catholic% ;ince the Iing of Bohemia &as an elected office$ the Bohemians chose as their preferred
leader$ 8rederic' J$ a Protestant% :hen the .apsburg +mperor 8erdinand 33 sent t&o Catholic
councilors as his representatives to .radcany Castle in Prague in 2ay 1,16 to prepare for his arrival
as 'ing$ the Bohemian Calvinists seized them and thre& them out of a palace &indo&% They
survived by landing on a pile of manure% This event$ 'no&n as FThe =efenestration of Prague$G
began the Bohemian /evolt &hich erupted into a conflict bet&een the Catholics and Protestants in
most of +urope%
7?@= ( 8 PM
C ! < ,1 1,!6 +uge$ Tamins$ *ironde X la /ochele$
7 sang TroienE 2ort C2arsD au port de la flescheH
=erriere le fleuue au fort mise lAeschel
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche%
ravo, -en o, the Tha-es, &ironde and $a Rochelle,
O Tro5an .loodJ Mars 9Death: at the port o, the arro+1
ehind the river the ladder put to the ,ort,
Points ,ire /reat -urder on the .reach2
This verse may be either :orld :ar 3 or 33$ but since Tro@an blood refers to 8rench royalty this is
more li'ely to have been fulfilled during the cycle of the moon% Leoni ma'es the observation that on
7ctober !6$ 1,!6$ La /ochelle$ in revolt against the government$ &as ta'en by Cardinal /ichelieu
&ho handled the affairs of 8rance for Louis 15% Three fleets from +ngland &ere sent to save the
Protestants in their fourteen month siege% The *ironde is an estuary of the *aronne$ about thirty
miles from La /ochelle% La /ochelle is a port city on the Bay of Biscay% 3t is hard to believe
Nostradamus is cheering on the Protestants$ so this may be applied to another time%
C 6 < 5, 1,!0 ;era commis contre oingdre aduchM
=e ;aulne X sainct 4ulbin X BellA[uure
Pauer de marbre de tours loing espluchM
Non Bleteran resister X chef dA[uure%
It +ill .e co--itted a/ainst the anointed .rou/ht
'ro- $onsDleDSaunier, and .eauti,ul +or0
To pave +ith -ar.le pic0ed ,ro- distant to+ers
Not to resist leteran and his -asterpiece2
The to&ns named in line t&o and the to&n of Bleterans all lay in the 8ranche-Comte area &est of
the 1ura 2ountains% The nearest interpretation of this verse may be that it refers to *ian Lorenzo
Bernini C1906-1,6"D% .e &as commissioned by Pope ?rban J333 to be in charge of all the ongoing
architectural &or's at ;t% PeterAs% .is BasilicaAs tombs of Pope ?rban J333 and Pope 4le>ander J33$
his fountains$ and his statues are all considered masterpieces% Nostradamus may be saying here that
the marble used &as ac(uired from the 8ranche-Comte district%
C 1 < 66 1,!0 Le diuin mal surprendra le grand prince$
?n peu deuant aura femme espousMe$
;on apuy X credit Z vn coup viendra mince$
Conseil mourra pour la teste rasMe%
The divine sic0ness +ill overta0e the /reat prince,
A short ti-e .e,ore he ta0es a +o-an to spouse,
)is support and his credit +ill suddenly di-inish,
!ounsel +ill die .ecause o, shaven heads2
The Fdivine sic'nessG &as love% The 'ing$ a Protestant in a Protestant country$ fell in love &ith a
Catholic% Charles 3 of +ngland declared on his &edding day that the persecutions of Catholics
should stop% The Parliament openly refused him by vetoing his re(uest for subsidies for his &ar
against ;pain% This increased the problems Charles 3 had &ith the parliament% .is marriage to a
Catholic &ould pressure the 'ingAs o&n court and the /oundheads Crazored heads or ProtestantsD$ to
sentence him to die !# years later%
C 0 < 16 1,5! Le lys =auffois portera dans Nansy$
3us(ues 8landres electeur de lAempire$
Neufue obturee au grand 2ontmorency$
.ors lieu> prouues deliure Z clere peyne%
The lily o, the Dau,,ois 9Dauphin: +ill .e carried to Nancy,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
As ,ar as 'landers the %lector o, the %-pire,
Ne+ hindrance 9con,ine-ent: ,or the /reat Mont-orency,
Outside o, proven place delivered to ,a-ous punish-ent2
Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier on this one$ FLouis Q333 &ill enter Nancy in 1,55$ and &ill penetrate to
8landers in 1,59 to uphold the cause of the +lector of Treves$ prisoner of the ;paniards%G
The 2ontmorency name signifies one of the oldest and most distinguished families in
8rance$ derived from the city of 2ontmorency about nine miles north&est of Paris% 4nne de
2ontmorency &as the first to attain the ducal title in 1991% .is son$ .enri 3 de 2ontmorency C195#-
1,1#D &as the governor of Languedoc% .e too' a prominent part in the 8rench :ars of /eligion%
.is son$ .enry 33 de 2ontmorency C1909-1,5!D &as made *rand 4dmiral% .e &as also the
governor of Languedoc% 3n 1,!9 he defeated the 8rench Protestant fleet under ;oubise and too' the
islands of /M and 7leron% 3n 1,5" he &as created 2arshal% 3n 1,5! he @oined the party of *aston$
du'e of 7rleans and brother to the 'ing$ and placed himself at the head of the rebel army% .is army
&as defeated% .e &as severely &ounded and he fell into enemy hands% .e &as confined to the
ne&ly-built .otel de Jille at Toulouse Cne& confinementD% .e &as e>ecuted as a traitor at Toulouse
on 7ctober 5"
% By saying Foutside of proven place$G Nostradamus is saying 2ontmorency did not
continue to support his 'ing Chis proven placeD and that his activity &as traitorous%
C # < 05 1,56 Jn serpent veu proche du lict royal$
;era par dame nuict chiens nAabayerontH
Lors naistre en 8rance vn Prince tant royal$
=u ciel venu tous les Princes verront%
A serpent seen near the royal .ed,
#ill .e .y the lady at ni/ht, the do/s +ill not .ar01
Then .orn in 'rance a Prince so royal,
!o-e ,ro- heaven all the Princes +ill see hi-2
There have been many much-heralded royal births in 8rance% Iing Louis 1#As birth in 1,56
appeared miraculous$ occurring t&enty-three years after the marriage of Louis15 and 4nne of
4ustria% .e &as thus christened F=ieudonnMG meaning F*od *ivenG Ccome from heavenD%
C 1 < 09 1,56 =euant moustier trouuM enfant besson$
=Aheroic sang de moine X vetusti(ueH
;on bruit par secte langue X puissance son$
<uAon dira fort esleuM le vopis(ue%
e,ore the -onastery a t+in in,ant ,ound,
'ro- the heroic and ancient .lood o, a -on01
)is ,a-e .y ton/ue, sect and po+er is such,
That one +ill say the healthy survivor o, pre-aturely .orn t+ins
The &ord Fvopis(ueG means the healthy survivor of prematurely born t&ins% 1ohn .ogue considers
this may reference the popes 1ohn Paul 3 and 1ohn Paul 33% 7ther commentators &onder about the
2an in the 3ron 2as' &ho may have been the t&in brother of Louis 1#$ andRor possibly the
illegitimate son of <ueen 4nne and Cardinal 2azarin Cthe mon'D% There &ere rumors recorded by
historians that Louis 15$ because of a deformity$ could not physically father a child% Cardinal
2azarin &as carefully chosen by Cardinal /ichelieu as his successor perhaps also for his lineage%
Louis 1# &as born at ;aint-*ermaine-en-Laye opposite from the 2onastery of Loges% Perhaps
Louis 1# &as the survivor of a set of t&ins in 1,56 and that fact &as not recorded in history%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < # 1,#1=edans 2onech le co( sera receu$
Le Cardinal de 8rance apparoistra
Par Logarion /omain sera deceu
8oiblesse Z lAaigle$ X force au co( naistra CcroistraD%
#ithin Monaco the !oc0 +ill .e received,
The !ardinal o, 'rance +ill appear
Throu/h Ro-an $e/ation +ill .e deceived
9My $o/arion Ro-e +ill .e deceived:
#ea0ness to the %a/le and stren/th to the !oc0 .orn 9+ill /ro+:2
_4lternate interpretation of Line 5% 2onaco came under 8rench$ rather than ;panish$ protection in
1,#1% The Cardinal of 8rance &ould have been /ichelieu% Cardinal /ichelieu died in 1,#!$ replaced
by Cardinal 2azarin &ho then directed the affairs of 8rance% 7ne of these t&o appears to have
traveled to 2onaco to conclude the diplomatic arrangements% The protection of 2onaco by the
8rench greatly strengthened the position of the 8rance in this area and &ea'ened 4ustrian CeagleD
2onaco &as under the protection of ;ardinia from 1619 to 16,1$ and then it &ent bac' to
8rench protection again in 16,1% Then it &as anne>ed to 8rance &ith the 8ranco-2onegas(ue
The third line is puzzling as the &ord FLogarionG is unsolved% The closest is FLegationG
meaning 3talian cities &hich belonged to the Papacy% Their governors &ere Cardinals-Legate% This
&ord may also be FLA7gmionG ma'ing the third line read$ FBy the 7gmion the /omans &ill be
deceived%G This &ould put this (uatrain in the future% The eagle &ould then be the ?nited ;tates%
C 6 < ,6 1,#! Jieu> Cardinal par le ieusne deceu$
.ors de sa charge se verra desarmM$
4rles ne monstres double soit aperceu$
+t Li(ueduct X le Prince embausmM%
The old !ardinal deceived .y a youn/ person,
Outside o, his duty he +ill ,ind hi-sel, disar-ed,
Arles +ill not sho+ the duplicate is perceived,
And the $i6ueduct and the Prince
The old Cardinal is /ichelieu &ho &as deceived by Cin(-2ars% .enry Coiffier de /uzM$ 2ar(uis of
Cin(-2ars$ lost his parents at an early age% Cardinal /ichelieu too' the boy under his protection% .e
presented him to Louis 15$ &ho too' a li'ing to the boy% But Cin(-2ars began a campaign of
slander against the aging cardinal$ even trying to convince the 'ing to have Cardinal /ichelieu
3n 1,#!$ Cardinal /ichelieu$ the brains behind the throne of 8rance$ traveled via the rivers of
8rance to 4rles% FLed by &atersG is the meaning of FLi(ueduct%G .e &as then out of favor &ith
Louis 15% 4ccording to Le Pelletier$ at the to&n of 4rles he &as sho&n a copy of a traitorous treaty
negotiated &ith ;pain by the young Cin(-2ars in 2arch of 1,#!% /ichelieu then traveled to Lyon
by river &ith his prisoners$ Cin(-2ars and fello& conspirator$ 8ranBois de Thou% 7n the orders of
Iing Louis 15$ the young men &ere e>ecuted and /ichelieu gained bac' the favor of Louis 15% 3n
=ecember of that year /ichelieu died and Iing Louis 15 died five months later%
C 5 < 61 1,#6 Le grand criar sans honte audacieu>$
;era esleu gouueneur de lAarmeeH
Le hardiesse de son contentieu>$
Le pont rompu$ citM de peur pasmee%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The /reat crier, +ithout sha-e, audacious,
#ill .e elected /overnor o, the ar-y1
The .oldness o, his contention,
The .rid/e .ro0en, the city +ill ,aint ,ro- ,ear2
7liver Crom&ell modeled his ne& army on passion% .e trained his men to rapidly regroup after an
attac'% :ith military success came political po&er until he &as the leading politician in +ngland%
Nostradamus calls him F&ithout shameG and FaudaciousG because he &as instrumental in e>ecuting
the Iing of +ngland$ Charles 3 in 1anuary 1,#0$ although there &ere 96 other signatories to the
death &arrant% Cheetham points out a typical Nostradamus clue in Fpont rompuG &hich could be the
name of the to&n of Pontefract Cin Latin pons is bridge and fractus is bro'enD% ;he further states the
to&n of Pontefract &as famous for holding out for Charles 3 in t&o great sieges during the +nglish
Civil :ar%
C 1 < 00 1,#6 Le grand monar(ue (ue fera compagnie$
4uec deu> roys vnis par amitiMH
7 (uel souspir fera le grand mesgnie$
+nfans Narbon Z lAentour$ (uel pitiM%
The &rand Monarch +ho +ill -a0e co-pany,
#ith t+o "in/s united .y ,riendship1
Oh +hat a si/h the /rand household +ill -a0e,
!hildren around the environs o, Nar.onne, +hat a pity2
3n the Thirty Lear :ar in +urope$ 8rance entered in 1,59 as allies of ;&eden and *ermany% Louis
15 died before the Treaty of :estphalia &as signed by Cardinal 2azarin$ /egent for Louis 1#
CLouis 1# &as not yet of ageD% The terms of the treaty &ere very much in the favor of 8rance% This
caused a great sigh of relief in 8rance as &ell as all of +urope due to the end of the &ar and the
e>pense of the &ar% The last line is unclear as there &ere no problems in Narbonne at that time%
C , < !# 1,#6 2ars X le sceptre se trouuera conioinct$
=essoubz Cancer calamiteuse guerreH
Jn peu apres sera nouveau /oy oingt$
<ui par long temps pacifera la terre%
Mars and the sceptre +ill .e ,ound con5oined,
Under !ancer cala-itous +ar1
Shortly a,ter+ards a ne+ "in/ +ill .e anointed,
One +ho ,or a lon/ ti-e +ill paci,y the land2
This verse continues the theme above% Louis 15 entered the 5" Lear :ar &hich &as concluded under
Louis 1#% The *rand 2onarch$ &ho began his reign as sole ruler of 8rance on the death of 2azarin
in 1,,1$ 'ept his &ars out of 8rance% Cancer may be the sign of 8rance$ or Cancer may stand for the
month of 1uly%
C 6 < 5- 1,#0 La forteresse aupres de la Tamise
Cherra par lors le /oy dedans serrM$
4upres du pont sera veu en chemise
Jn deuant mort$ puis dans le fort barrM%
The ,ortress near the Tha-es
The "in/ enclosed +ithin shall then ,all,
Near the .rid/e he +ill .e seen in his shirt
One .e,ore death, then the ,ort .arred +ithin2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4fter his defeat and captivity$ Iing Charles 3 &as ta'en to :indsor Castle overloo'ing the Thames
and imprisoned there% 7n 1anuary 10$ 1,#0$ the 'ing$ &earing a &hite shirt$ &as beheaded% .e &as
buried in ;t% *eorgeAs Chapel at :indsor% Nostradamus gets an 4O on this (uatrain%
C 5 < 9- 1,#0 ;ept fois changer verrez gent Britanni(ue$
Taintz en sang en deu> cens nonante ansH
8ranche non point appuy *ermani(ue$
4ries doubte son pole Bastarnan%
Seven ti-es you +ill see the ritish nation chan/e,
Tainted in .lood in @8< years1
'ree not at all ,ro- &er-anic support,
Aries dou.ts his astarnan pole2
Counting seven rulers ma'es no sense% 4nd counting the !0" years is very puzzling% 3t depends on
&here you start counting% 3f you start at 1999 then !0" years later is 16#9% But then there is the
8ranco-Prussian :ar$ the Crimean :ar$ the Boar :ar$ :orld :ar 3 and 33%
The best bet is to count bac'&ards from the beginning of :orld :ar 33 or 1050$ giving you
the year of 1,#0$ the date the +nglish e>ecuted Iing Charles 3% The seven changes in British rule
&ould beH 1% the ;tuart$ Charles 3) !% the +nglish Common&ealth under Crom&ell) 5% the ;tuart$
1ames 33) #% the reign of :illiam and 2ary) 9% the ;tuart$ <ueen 4nne) ,% the .anover 'ings) and -%
finally the :indsors% The reason Britain is not free from *ermanic influence is because of the rule
of the *erman .anover Iings beginning &ith *eorge 3 in 1-1#% The family name &as later changed
to :indsor% Their successor still occupies the throne of +ngland%
4s 4ries is the symbol for +ngland$ the last sentence may read$ F+ngland doubts the
protector of Poland Cmeaning .itlerD%G Bastarnan refers to the inhabitants of southern Poland and the
C 0 < #0 1,#0 *and X Bruceles marcheront contre +nuers$
;enat de Londres mettront Z mort leur royH
Le sel X vin luy seront Z lAenuers$
Pour eu> auoir le regne en desarroy%
&hent and russels +ill -arch a/ainst Ant+erp,
The Senate at $ondon +ill put to death their 0in/1
The salt and +ine +ill not do hi- -uch /ood,
To have the- the real- put in disarray2
The year of 1,#0 sa& the =utch &rapping up their eighty year &ar of independence from ;pain%
This verse also foretells that Iing Charles 3 &ill be tried by the ;enate and &ill be found guilty and
put to death% .is &isdom CsaltD and e>perience in leadership C&ineD did not help him at all% The ne&
ruler of Britain &ould be Crom&ell &ho &ould put them in disarray%
C 6 < -, 1,91 Plus 2acelin (ue roy en 4ngleterre$
Lieu obscur nay par force aura lAempireH
Lasche sans foy$ sans loy saignera terre$
;on temps sAapproche si pres (ue ie souspire%
More .utcher than "in/ in %n/land,
orn o, o.scure place .y ,orce +ill have the e-pire1
ase +ithout ,aith, +ithout la+ the land +ill .leed,
)is ti-e approaches so near that I si/h2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7liver Crom&ell &as born of an obscure ran'% .e attained the title of Protector of Britain Che
refused to be called F'ingGD in 1,91 by rising from the military% Nostradamus holds him responsible
for the death of Iing Charles 3%
7?;= ( 7< P2M2
C 5 < 6- 1,99 Classe *auloise nAapproches de Corsegue$
2oins de ;ardaigne$ tu tAen repentirasH
Trestous mourrez frustrez de lAaide grogneH
;ang nagera$ captive ne me croiras%
&allic ,leet, do not approach !orsica,
$ess Sardinia, you +ill re/ret it1
%very one o, you +ill die ,rustrated o, help ,ro- the cape1
To s+i- in .lood, captive you +ill not .elieve -e2
Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier as interpreting this verse as the 8rench fleet under the command of de la
8erriere &hich &as sun' do&n to the last ship in a storm in 1,99 in the area Nostradamus
designated% The men &ere unable to reach nearby Cape de Porceau% FLe CaptifG &as 1ean de /ian$ a
former captive ta'en by the 4lgerian corsairs$ pilot of the fleet and &ho &as 'no&n as FThe
C ! < 95 1,,9 La grande peste de citM maritime$
Ne cessera (ue mort ne soit vengMe
=u iuste sang$ par pris damnM sans crime$
=e la grande dame par feincte nAoutragMe%
The /reat pla/ue o, the -ariti-e city,
Not to cease until there is ven/eance ,or the death
O, 5ust .lood ta0en and conde-ned +ithout cri-e,
O, the /reat lady un+ron/ed .y the pretense2
3n London$ in 1,#0$ the Iing of +ngland$ Charles 3$ &as sentenced and e>ecuted by his parliament%
Nostradamus is saying the terrible plague of 1,,9 &hich 'illed close to ,0$""" people in +ngland
&as retribution for their act of 'illing the 'ing% The great lady &ould be the Catholic Church$ &hich$
although un&ronged$ &ould be diminished in the Protestant country%
C ! < 91 1,,, Le sang du iuste Z Londres fera faulte$
BruslMs par fouldres de vint trois les si>H
La dame anti(ue cherra de place haute$
=e mesme secte plusieurs seront occis%
The .lood o, the 5ust at $ondon +ill .e the ,ault,
urnt .y li/htnin/ in t+enty three the si4es1
The ancient lady +ill ,all ,ro- her hi/h place,
Several o, the sa-e sect +ill .e 0illed2
This verse is often (uoted by Nostradamians as proof of the ProphetAs ability to foresee events% The
blood of the @ust refers to Charles 3 &ho &as e>ecuted by his parliament in 1,#0% Nostradamus
claims this &as the reason for the *reat 8ire of London in 1,,, Ct&enty three the si>es or ],,D%
Crom&ell had declared the country of +ngland to be Protestant$ &hich caused the ancient lady
CCatholicismD to fall from her high position%
C ! < 1! 1,,6 Leu> clos$ ouuerts dAanti(ue fantaisie$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
LAhabit des seulz seront mis Z neantH
Le grand monar(ue chastiera leur frenaisie$
/auir des temples le tresor par deuant%
%yes closed, opened .y anti6ue ,antasy,
The /ar. o, the solitary ones put to nau/ht1
The &rand Monarch +ill chastise their ,renzy,
Ravishin/ the treasure in ,ront o, the te-ples2
Louis 1# and his (uarrels &ith the pope are indicted here% 3n reprisal for the ill treatment of his
ambassador to /ome$ Louis 1# embar'ed on a policy of *allicanism$ a tradition of 8rench
resistance to papal authority% Pope 4le>ander J33 replied by refusing t&o royal nominations of
bishops that Louis 1# had presented% Louis 1# decreed that as Iing of 8rance$ he &as the proprietor
of the ChurchAs &ealth by virtue of the ma>im that there is no other proprietor in the 'ingdom but
the 'ing% The (uarrel &ith the papacy continued until the death of Pope Blessed 3nnocent Q3 in
C 6 < 9! 1,,6 Le roy de Bloys dans 4uignon regner$
=A4mboise X seme viendra le long de Lyndre
7ngle Z Poytiers sainctes aesles ruiner
=euant Boni%
The "in/ o, lois to rei/n in Avi/non,
'ro- A-.oise and +ea0 9Seine: he +ill co-e the len/th o, Indre
!la+ 9Talon: at Poitiers holy +in/s ruined
e,ore oni2
Iing .enry 33 &as from Blois$ the seat of the .ouse of Jalois% FBloisG may be an anagram of
FJalois%G 3t may also be an anagram of FLouisG if you change the FbG to a Fu%G 4mboise is about
!9 miles do&n the Loire /iver from Blois% The 3ndre flo&s into the Loire at about another !9
miles do&n$ belo& Tours% Poitiers is about -9 miles south% The &ord FsemeG is unsolved but it
may mean F&ea'%G The meaning of Fcla& at PoitiersG is also unsolved%
The last line seems unfinished as if Nostradamus never got bac' to the verse to complete
it% 3t might be that he &as ma'ing a note that this event happened before Pope 4le>ander J333 C6D
C1,60-01D &hose family name &as 7ttoboni% The (uarrel &ith Pope 4le>ander J33 C-D resulted in
the PopeAs loss of 4vignonin ;outheastern 8rance% 3n 1,,5 and again in 1,,6$ Iing Louis 1#
occupied the surrounding Comtat Jenaissin on the /hone /iver% 4vignon &as eventually
incorporated into 8rance during the 8rench /evolution in 1-01%
C 6 < 56 1,,6 Le /oy de Bloys dans 4uignon regner
Jne autre foys le peuple emonopolle$
=edans le /osne par murs fera baigner
3us(uAa cin( le dernier pres de Nolle%
The "in/ o, lois to rei/n in Avi/non
Another ti-e the people e-onopolle 9+ill -ur-ur:,
#ithin the Rhone .y the +alls he +ill .athe
As ,ar as ,ive the last near o, Nolle2
4vignon$ on the /hone$ &as part of the papal lands% The &ord FemonopolleG is puzzling%
*arencieres has translated this as$ Fanother time the people &ill murmur%G Leoni guesses using the
*ree' FaimaG to mean blood as comes up &ith either blood-drin'er or bloody% The &ord FNolleG
may be an anagram for the community of Lenole &hich is @ust south of /ome$ or Fde NolleG &ith
a stretch$ might be London% 3t may also be an anagram of FLeon%G
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This verse seems to connect to C 6 < 9! &here the first line is repeated% The (uarrel &ith
Pope 4le>ander J33 C-D resulted in the PopeAs loss of 4vignon% 1,,5 and again in 1,,6$ Iing
Louis 1# occupied the surrounding Comtat Jenaissin Cby the &allsD% 3t &asnAt until 1,0" that
Louis l# restored 4vignon to the peaceful ne& pope$ 4le>ander J333 C6D%
7?C@ ( 77 PM
C ! < ,- 1,66 Le blond au nez forche viendra commettre$
Par le duelle X hassera dehorsH
Les e>ilMs dedans fera remettre$
4u> lieu> marins commettant les plus forts CforsD%
The .lond and the ,or0Dnosed one +ill co-e to co--it,
y the duel and +ill chase hi- out1
The e4iles +ithin he +ill have restored,
!o--ittin/ the stron/est to the -arine places2
Cheetham has the blond as :illiam of 7range and the hoo'-nosed one as 1ames 33% Their sho&do&n
for the +nglish throne$ 'no&n as the *lorious /evolution$ &as settled primarily by sea battles &ith
8rance on the side of 1ames 33% 3t ended &ith 1ames 33 e>iled in and protected by 8rance$ and the rule
of :illiam and 2ary began in +ngland%
C 5 < 6" 1,66 =u regne 4nglois lAindigne dechassM$
Le conseiller par ire mis Z feuH
;es adherans iront si bas tracer
<ue le bastard sera demy receu%
The un+orthy 9indi/nant: one is chased ,ro- the %n/lish real-,
The counselor .y an/er put to the ,ire1
)is adherents +ill /o so lo+
That the .astard +ill .e hal,+ay received2
4 li'ely interpretation is for 1ames 33$ son of Charles 3 and brother to Charles 33% .e &as
cro&ned on 4pril !5$ 1,69% .e &as a Catholic 'ing in a Protestant country and &asnAt &ell
received% 4fter the birth of a male heir to the throne$ the Parliament$ fearing another Catholic 'ing$
re(uested 1ames 33As estranged daughter and her husband$ :illiam of 7range$ to ta'e the throne of
+ngland% ?pon the arrival of :illiam and 2ary$ the army deserted 1ames 33 and supported the
ne&comers &ho &ere Protestants% 1ames 33 still retained his 'ingship in 3reland$ but he had to leave
+ngland% .e chose e>ile in 8rance and became a political pa&n of Louis 1#%
The bastard in this case$ &ould the =u'e of 2onmouth$ an illegitimate son of Iing Charles
33 and a Protestant &ho arrived in +ngland on 1une 11$ 1,69% .e proclaimed himself 'ing and
attracted a follo&ing of /oyalists% .e &as defeated at the Battle of ;edgemoor on 1uly 9$ 1,69$ and
&as e>ecuted at the To&er of London a fe& days later%
3f this is for 1ames 33$ it is un'no&n &ho the counselor &as that &as put to the fire$ unless
this is a figurative statement% CClueH FemisaG unscrambles to 1ames - the 3 and 1 are
C # < 60 1,66 Trente de Londres secret coniureront$
Contre leur /oy$ sur le pont lAenterprinseH
Luy$ satallites la mort degousteront$
Jn /oy esleu blond$ natif de 8rize%
Thirty o, $ondon secretly conspire,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
A/ainst their "in/, on the .rid/e 9point: o, the enterprise1
)e and his satellites +ith a distaste ,or death,
A .lond 9,air: 0in/ elected, native o, 'riesland 9)olland:2
The +nglish Parliament &ished to fire their 'ing because he &as a Catholic and his ne&-born heir
&ould continue Catholicism in this Protestant country% They did not &ish to 'ill him% 3nstead$ they
arranged for :illiam 333$ &ho &as married to the daughter of 1ames 33$ to come from .olland to
assume the throne of +ngland% Iing :illiam 333 &as not a blond$ but had bro&n hair$ but the &ord
FblondG may be applied as he had a fair comple>ion and bro&n hair% The *lorious /evolution of
+ngland put :illiam and 2ary on the throne%
C 5 < 06 1,66 =eu> royalz freres si fort guerroyeront$
<uAentre eu> sera la guerre si mortelleH
<uAvn chacun places fortes occuperont$
=e regne X vie sera leur grande (uerelle%
The t+o royal .rothers +ill +a/e such a ,ierce +ar,
That .et+een the- the +ar +ill .e so -ortal1
That .oth +ill occupy stron/ places,
The real- and li,e +ill .e ,illed +ith their /reat 6uarrel2
The t&o royal brothers may be t&o royal countries) or t&o royals of the same country% This verse
fits the *lorious /evolution of 1,66$ the fight for the throne of +ngland bet&een 1ames 33 and
:illiam 333% ;ee also C 5 < 6"%
C 6 < 96 1,66 /egne en (uerelle au> freres diuisM$
Prendre les armes X le nom Britanni(ue
Tiltre 4nglican sera tard aduisM$
;urprins de nuict mener Z lAair *alli(ue%
Real- in 6uarrel divided .et+een .rothers,
To ta0e the ar-ies and the na-e o, ritain
The An/lican title +ill .e advised too late,
Surprised .y ni/ht led to the air o, 'rance2
This verse is a continuation of the *lorious /evolution of 1,66 of +ngland% Line 5 tells that 1ames
33 &as advised very late of the &ishes of his British sub@ects% .e fled to 8rance under the protection
of Louis 1# and :illiam and 2ary too' the throne of Britain% By saying FnightG Nostradamus is
giving us a clue this happened during the Cycle of the 2oon prior to 1666%
C ! < 1" 1-"" 4uant long temps le tout sera rangM$
Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestreH
LAestat des mas(ues X des seuls bien changM$
Peu trouueront (uAa son rang veuille estre%
e,ore lon/ everythin/ +ill .e put in order,
#e +ill e4pect a -ost sinister century1
The state o, the -as0ed and solitary ones very chan/ed,
'e+ +ill .e ,ound +ho +ish to stay in their class2
The most li'ely century this &ould fit &ould be the 16
&ith the revolution ahead for 8rance in
1-60$ the disrespect for 8rench nobility$ and the persecution of the clergy Csolitary onesD yet to
C 1 < #0 1-"" Beaucoup$ Cbeaucoup$ beaucoupD auant telles menMes$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Ceu> dA7rient par la vertu lunaireH
LAan mil sept cens feront grands emmenMes$
;ubiugant pres(ue le coing 4(uilonaire%
Iery -uch .e,ore such intri/ues,
Those o, the east .y virtue o, the Moon1
The year 7><< +ill cause the /reat ones to .e carried a+ay,
Nearly su.5u/atin/ the A6uilon corner2
Nostradamus is certainly correct on this verse% The *reat Northern :ar &as fought bet&een a
coalition of /ussia$ Prussia$ =enmar'-Nor&ay and ;a>ony on one side and ;&eden and Tur'ey on
the other side from 1-"" to 1-!1% 4fter some stunning victories$ Charles Q33 of ;&eden suffered
e(ually stunning defeats and spent some five years in e>ile in the 7ttoman +mpire$ his ally Cthe
2oonD$ &ho may have supplied resources for the side of ;&eden against /ussia% =uring those years
Peter the *reat of /ussia rebuilt his army and forced ;&eden to&ard a peace agreement in 1-!1% 4s
a result$ /ussia supplanted ;&eden as the leading po&er on the Baltic ;ea and became a ma@or
player in +uropean politics% This verse seems to indicate F4(uilonG Cnorth &ind in LatinD is a name
Nostradamus uses for the Baltic or ;candinavian countries$ but this &ord may also include /ussians%
C # < ! 1-""Par mort la 8rance prendra voyage Z faire$
Classe par mer$ marcher monts PyrenMes$
+spaigne en trouble$ marcher gent militaireH
=es plus grandes =ames en 8rance emmenMes%
ecause o, death, 'rance +ill -a0e a voya/e,
'leet .y sea, -archin/ over the Pyrenees Mountains,
Spain in trou.le, -ilitary people -archin/1
The /reatest ladies carried o,, in 'rance2
3n 1-""$ Charles 33 of ;pain died &ithout any heirs to the throne% 3n his &ill he re(uested Phillip J$
grandson of Louis 1#$ to succeed him to the throne of ;pain% The other +uropean countries feared a
union of ;pain and 8rance% 4ustria$ +ngland$ .olland$ Prussia$ Portugal and ;avoy formed a
coalition to support the pretensions of 4rchdu'e Charles% 8rance had a claim to the throne through
the marriages of t&o infantas of ;pain$ 4nne of 4ustria$ daughter of Phillip 333 of ;pain$ &ho
married Louis 15) and 2arie Therese$ daughter of Phillip 3J of ;pain$ &ho married Louis 1#% The
:ar of ;panish ;uccession &as eventually &on by 8rance$ but &ith the condition that the ;panish
Bourbon line could not succeed to the throne of 8rance%
C # < 9 1-""Croi>$ pai>$ soubz vn accomply diuin verbe$
LA+spaigne X *aule seront vnis ensembleH
*rand clade proche$ X combat tres acerbe$
C[ur si hardi ne sera (ui ne tremble%
!ross, peace, under one acco-plished the divine +ord,
Spain and &aul +ill .e united1
&reat disaster approaches, and very .itter,
No heart so hardy as not to tre-.le2
This verse continues the beginning of the :ar of ;panish ;uccession% Both 8rance and ;pain &ere
Catholic CcrossD nations and both &ere at peace &ith other nations at that time%
7>7@ ( 7@ PM
C 1 < 9, 1-1! Jous verrez tost X tard faire grand change$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
.orreurs e>tremes$ X vindicationsH
<ue si la lune conduicte par son ange$
Le ciel sAapproche des inclinations%
3ou +ill see, sooner and later, -ade /reat chan/es,
%4tre-e horrors and vindications1
'or as the -oon is led .y its an/el,
The heavens approach the inclinations2
The 'ey point in solving this (uatrain is to determine &hat Nostradamus means by Finclinations%G 3n
astrology the inclination is the angle bet&een the e(uatorial and orbital plane of a planet% The mid-
point of the moon cycle C1959 to 1666D is the year 1-1!$ 1-- years from 1959% Nostradamus may be
&arning of problems and changes to come during the 8rench /evolution in 1-60% 3n the year 1-1!$
the :ar of ;panish ;uccession &as dra&ing to a close and peace terms &ere being negotiated%
3f Nostradamus means Fapproach the inclinationsG to be the balance point bet&een the cycle
of the moon and the cycle of the sun$ then this verse belongs to the year 1666$ and the Prophet is
&arning of :orld :ar 3%
C 1" < # 1-1! ;us la minuict conducteur de lAarmee
;e sauuera$ subit esuanouy$
;ept ans apres la fame non blasmee$
4 son retour ne dira onc( ouy%
At -idni/ht co--ander o, the ar-y
#ill save hi-sel,, suddenly van6uished,
Seven years a,ter his ,a-e not .le-ished,
At his return they +ill say nothin/ .ut yes2
Leoni (uotes :ard &ho in 1601 applied this one to Charles 33 of +ngland and the Battle of
:orcester in 1,91% 4fter his defeat by Crom&ell he fled to 8rance in disguise% ;even years later
Crom&ell died and his incompetent son could not hold the reigns of the government% T&o years
later Charles 33 too' the +nglish throne% .is reputation &as unblemished%
.o&ever$ according to the cloc' theory$ midnight &ould be the year of 1-1! and thus may
need to be applied to the :ar of ;panish ;uccession &hich ended in 1-1#% 3f this is the case$ the best
application &ould be 2ar(uis and duc de Jillars$ 2arshall and Commander of the 8rench 4rmy% .e
&as defeated and gravely &ounded at the Battle of 2alpla(uet in 1-"0$ but came bac' to lead the
8rench to victories at Landau and 8rieburg% .e negotiated the Treaty of /astatt in 1-1# &hich$ along
&ith the treaty of ?trecht$ resolved the :ar of ;panish ;uccession%
C ! < -- 1-1! Par arcs feu> poi> X par feu> repoussMs$
Cris hurlements sur la minuit ouysH
=edans sont mis par les rempars cassMs$
Par cunicules les traditeurs fuys%
y .o+s, ,ires, pitch and .y ,ires repulsed,
!ries, ho+ls heard at -idni/ht1
Inside they are placed on the .ro0en ra-parts,
The traitors ,lee throu/h under/round passa/es2
Nostradamus is giving us a date if midnight is the year 1-1!% This could describe a final battle in
the :ar for ;panish ;uccession%

C ! < 6- 1-1# 4pres viendra des e>tremes contrMes$
Prince *ermain$ dessus le trosne dorMH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
La seruitude X eau> rencontrMes$
La dame serue$ son temps plus nAadorM%
A,ter there +ill co-e ,ro- a re-ote country,
A &er-an Prince, upon a /olden throne1
The servitude and +aters -et,
The lady serves, her ti-e no lon/er adored2
4 *erman prince$ *eorge of .anover$ succeeded <ueen 4nne on the throne of +ngland beginning
the .anover rule &hich continues to this day% .e &as a cousin of <ueen 4nne% Nostradamus usually
refers to Catholicism as FThe LadyG and *eorge 3 &as a Protestant%
C 9 < 56 1-19 Ce grand monar(ue (uAau mort succedera$
=onnera vie illicite X lubri(ue$
Par nonchalance Z tous concedera$
<uAZ la parfin faudra la loy ;ali(ue%
)e +ho +ill succeed the &rand Monarch on his death,
#ill lead an illicit and +anton li,e,
y nonchalance he +ill concede to all,
So that at the end the Salic la+ +ill ,ail2
Louis 19$ then a child$ succeeded his great grandfather$ Louis 1#$ the *rand 2onarch$ on his death
in 1-19% Louis 19 &as a playboy &ith many mistresses and the details of his illicit life are &ell
recorded% T&o of Louis 19As mistresses$ 2adame du Barry and 2adame de Pompadour$ more or
less managed the realm after the death of 8leury$ &ho handled the affairs of 8rance until his death in
1-#5% ;alic la& forbids &omen to rule$ but the influence of these ladies &as e>tremely great% 4t the
very end$ Louis 19 began to ta'e an interest in affairs of state$ but it &as too late for the economy to
recover from his earlier spendthrift &ays% The poor financial state of 8rance &as the leading cause
of the /evolution that his grandson$ Iing Louis 1,$ &ould inherit% 4ll commentators agree on the
interpretation of this verse$ so Nostradamus gets another 4O%
C 5 < 19 1-19 C[ur$ vigeur$ gloire le regne changera$
=e tous points contre ayant son aduersaire$
Lors 8rance enfance par mort subiuguera$
Jn grand regent sera lors plus contraire%
)eart, vi/or, /lory, the real- +ill chan/e,
In all points havin/ its adversary opposed,
Then throu/h death a child +ill su.5u/ate 'rance,
A /reat re/ent +ill then .e -ore contrary2
There &ere three 'ings &ho came to po&er at an early ageH Louis 15$ Louis 1# and Louis 19%
.o&ever$ the great regent seems to fit Philippe$ =uc dA7rleans the very best% 7n the death of Louis
1#$ his great-grandson$ a minor$ came to the throne as Louis 19% The contrary regent is Philippe$ =uc
dA7rleans$ &ho spread favoritism and corruption throughout 8rance% The du'e trusted the ;cottish
ban'er$ 1ohn La&$ &hich led to the financial ruin and the total ban'ruptcy of 8rance%
C ! < ,0 1-!, Le roy *aulois par la Celti(ue de>tre$
Joyant discorde de la grande 2onarchieH
;us les trois parts fera fleurir son sceptre$
Contre la cappe de la grande .ierarchie%
The &allic "in/ throu/h his !eltic ri/ht hand
Seein/ the discord o, the /reat Monarchy1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Over three parts +ill -a0e his scepter ,lourish,
A/ainst the cope 9cloa0: o, the /reat )ierarchy2
?nder the regency of Phillippe dA7rleans CLouis 19 came of age &ith his death in 1-!5D$ the
;cottish economist 1ohn La& introduced financial measures based on easy credit$ paper money$ and
a national ban'% 3nvestor overconfidence led to &ild speculation and eventually the bubble burst%
8rench finances &ere in dire straits Cthe discord of the *rand 2onarchy of Louis 1#D% Louis 19
brought in his -5 year old tutor$ Cardinal 4ndrM-.ercule de 8leury$ to serve as chief minister and
virtual ruler of 8rance%
8leury$ frugal and prudent$ put the economy in order &ith a surplus of funds t&elve years
later instead of the usual deficit% .e managed the domestic affairs of 8rance &ell and 'ept &ars out
of 8rance Cthe economy$ internal and foreign affairs being the three partsD% .e strove for peace$ but
in 1-55 he &as compelled to support the claims of Louis 19As father-in-la&$ ;tanislaus Leszczyns'i$
to the Polish throne% Through the peace negotiations after the :ar of the Polish ;uccession 8leury
secured the reversion of Lorraine to 8rance$ established a ;panish Bourbon on the throne of Naples$
and began the manipulations that landed Corsica in the arms of 8rance in 1-,6 all against the great
hierarchy of the thrones of +urope% .e died in 1-#5 &hen he &as 0"% CClueH fleuri underlinedD%
C 5 < -- 1-!- Le tiers climat sous 4ries comprins$
LAan mil sept cens vingt X sept en 7ctobre$
Le /oy de Perse par ceu> dA+gypte prinsH
Conflit$ mort$ perteH Z la croi> grand opprobre%
The third cli-ate included under Aries,
The year 7>@> in,
The "in/ o, Persia .y those o, %/ypt ta0en1
!on,lict, death, loss1 to the cross /reat sha-e2
2ost commentators give Nostradamus an 4O on this (uatrain% .e names the month and the year of a
ma@or peace agreement concluded bet&een the Tur's and the Persians C+gypt belonged to the
7ttoman +mpire at that timeD% The Iing of Persia C3ranD &as not physically captured$ but his army
&as ta'en by those of Tur'ey% The Tur'ish army may have included +gyptians% The 7ttoman po&er
increased in strength and there &ere no more crusades underta'en by the Christians%
C 9 < 5 1-5-Le successeur de la =uchM viendra$
Beaucoup plus outre (ue la mer de Tos(uaneH
*auloise branche la 8lorence tiendra$
=ans son giron dAaccord nauti(ue /ane%
The successor o, the Duchy +ill co-e,
Iery ,ar .eyond the sea o, Tuscany1
A &allic .ranch +ill hold 'lorence,
The nautical ,ro/ in its lap .y a/ree-ent2
Leoni$ in his e>cellent historical research$ found that in 1-5- the 2edici branch in 8lorence died
out$ &hereupon =u'e 8rancis of Lorraine Ca descendant of a 8rench branch of the 2erovingian and
the Bourbon lineD became the *rand =u'e% The reference to Fnautical frogG indicates the holy
bloodline of the 2erovingians in regard to the standard of the mythical 2erovingian Iing
Pharamond of three frogs of gold on a field of azure% The *rand =u'e of Tuscany$ 8rancis 3$ &ent
on to become co-regent of the .oly /oman +mpire &ith his &ife$ 2aria Theresia$ daughter of
Charles J3% This marriage strengthened the 2erovingian bloodlines of each%
C 9 < 50 1-5- =u vray rameau de fleur de lys issu$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2is X logM heritier dA.etrurieH
;on sang anti(ue de longue main tissu$
8era 8lorence florir en lAarmoirie%
Issued ,ro- a true .ranch o, the ,leurDdeDlys,
Placed and lod/ed as heir to %truria 9Tuscany:1
)is ancient .lood +oven .y a lon/ hand,
#ill -a0e the ar-orial .earin/s o, 'lorence to ,lourish2
8rancis 3$ the *rand =u'e of Tuscany$ only stayed a short time in 8lorence% 4fter the death of
Charles J33 of the .oly /oman +mpire$ the daughter of Charles J3$ 2aria Theresia$ secured the
election of her husband$ 8rancis 3$ to the .oly /oman +mpire in 1-#9 as co-regent of her hereditary
dominions% They had si>teen children$ the youngest of &hich &as 2arie 4ntoinette$ &ife of Louis
1, of 8rance% :hen 8rancis 3 became +mperor$ the .ouse of Lorraine became the .ouse of
.apsburg-Lorraine% Nostradamus states here his 2erovingian lineage reflects the true branch of the
7>K7 ( 7 AM
C 6 < 6! 1-,5 /onge long$ sec faisant du bon valet$
4 la par fin nAaura (ue son congie$
Poignant poyson$ X lettres au collet
;era saisi eschappe en dangie%
$ean, tall, dry, playin/ the /ood valet,
In the end he +ill have only his dis-issal1
Sharp poison, and letters in his collar
)e +ill .e seized escaped into dan/er2
.ogue credits Prieditis for proposing this (uatrain may be referencing 1ean-1ac(ues /ousseau
C1-1!-1--6D% .is biographers describe him as emotionally barren% Born in ;&itzerland$ he &as an
abandoned child% .e did hold a position as a butler at one time% .is o&n five children by a common
la& &ife &ere put in an orphanage% .is boo' F=iscourse on the 4rts and ;ciencesG criticized
religion and he &as forced to flee the hostile 8rench government% .e returned to 8rance under the
name of F/enouG Cperhaps F/ongeG in the first line is an anagramD and published his FConfessions%G
.is essays$ F=iscourse on 3ne(ualityG and F;ocial ContractG inspired the Cult of /eason in 8rance%
.is vie&s &ere adopted CseizedD by the 8rench /evolutionaries &hich led to the endangerment of
C 6 < 5! 1-,5 *arde toy roy *aulois de ton nepueu$
<ui fera tant (ue ton uni(ue filz
;era meurtry Z Jenus faisant v[u$
4ccompagnM de nuict (ue trois X si>%
&uard yoursel,, &allic "in/, o, your nephe+,
)e +ill do so -uch that your uni6ue son
#ill .e -urdered -a0in/ a vo+ to Ienus,
Acco-panied .y ni/ht +ith three and si42
The nephe& of a 8rench 'ing &ould be a person from a brother or sister country% The uni(ue son
&as Canada$ &hich &as ceded to Britain as part of the peace terms at the end of the ;even LearsA
:ar &hich involved most of the +uropean nations% By the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1-,5$
8rance gave up the Canadian colony and retained the Caribbean islands% Jenus &ould be 4ustria$
also involved in the negotiations% The nephe& &ould probably be a person from +ngland% The last
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
line sho&s this happened Fat nightG or prior to 1666$ and the three and si> designate the year A,5 or
7>>7 ( @ AM
C ! < 10 1--, Nouueau> venus$ lieu basty sans defence$
7ccuper la place par lors inhabitableH
Prez$ maisons$ champs$ villes prendre Z plaisance$
8aim$ Peste$ guerre$ arpen long labourable%
Ne+co-ers 9Ne+ Ienus:, place .uilt +ithout de,ense,
Place occupied until then uninha.ita.le1
Meado+s, houses, ,ields, to+ns to ta0e at pleasure,
'a-ine, pla/ue, +ar, e4tensive ara.le land2
The ?nited ;tates of 4merica is proclaimed by Nostradamus as the ne& Jenus$ ruler of Libra$ the
balance scales% .e sa& 4merica as a land of promise$ but predicts famine$ plague and &ar%
C # < 0, 1--, La soeur ainMe de lA3sle Britanni(ue$
<uinze ans deuant le frere aura naissanceH
Par son promis moyennant verifi(ue$
;uccedera au regne de balance%
The elder sister o, the ritish Isles,
#ill .e .orn ,i,teen years .e,ore her .rother1
ecause o, her pro-ise provin/ to .e true,
She +ill succeed to the 0in/do- o, the .alance2
The ?nited ;tates is recognized by Nostradamus as the elder sister of Britain% 7ur country &as born
in 1--,$ fifteen years before 8rance created its ne& constitution in1-01during the revolution% The
brother of both +ngland and the ?nited ;tates is 8rance% Nostradamus designates the sign of Libra$
the balance$ as the astrological ruler of the ?nited ;tates in accordance &ith mundane astrology% The
promise that has proven true throughout the years is that of a mutual alliance &ith 8rance%
C # < 9" 1--, Libra verra regner les .esperies$
=e ciel X terre tenir la monarchieH
=A4sie forces nul ne verra peries$
<ue sept ne tiennent par rang la hierarchie%
$i.ra +ill see the )esperias to /overn,
)oldin/ the -onarchy o, heaven and earth1
No one +ill see the ,orces o, Asia perish,
Until seven hold the hierarchy in succession2
Nostradamus sho&s the ?nited ;tates CLibraD &ill govern the :est% The forces of 4sia &ould be
/ussia% Counting seven leaders of ;oviet /ussia you haveH ;talin from 10!! until 1095$ Ihrushchev
until 10,#$ Brezhnef until 106!$ 4ndropov until 106#$ Chernen'o until 1069$ *orbachev until 1001$
and Leltsin until the ;oviet ?nion bro'e up into a smaller group of countries in 100!% NoteH Lenin
&as Chairman of the Council of PeopleAs Commissars Cthe Bolshevi'sD prior to the formation of the
;oviet ?nion in 10!! under ;talin%
C 1 < 5 1-60<uand la lictiere du tourbillon versMe$
+t seront faces de leurs manteau> couuers$
La /epubli(ue par gens nouueau> ve>MeH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Lors Blancs X /ouges iugeront Z lAenuers%
#hen the litter is overturned .y a +hirl+ind,
And the ,aces are covered .y cloa0s,
The repu.lic +ill .e ve4ed .y ne+ people1
Then +hites and reds +ill 5ud/e +ron/ly2
Litters &ere once used to carry /oyalty% The monarchy &as overturned by the &hirl&ind of the
8rench /evolution% The peopleAs faces are hidden symbolically Cthey donAt see affairs as they really
areD% :hite is the symbol of the Bourbon /oyalty and red is NostradamusA color of revolution% 3t is
interesting that Nostradamus foresa& 8rance becoming a /epublic$ completely unthought of in
C 1 < 1# 1-60 =e gent esclaue chansons$ chantz X re(uestes$
Captifz par Princes X ;eigneurs au> prisonsH
4 lAaduenir par idiotz sans testes$
;eront receuz par diuines oraisons%
'ro- the enslaved 9slavic: people son/s, chants and de-ands,
Princes and $ords are captive in prisons1
In the ,uture .y headless idiots,
#ill .e received as divine orations2
This (uatrain sounds so much more li'e the 8rench /evolution than the /ussian in spite of the &ord
FesclaveG &hich means enslaved or +sclovonia or ;lavonia$ an ancient name for /ussia% This sho&s
that Louis 1, and the royal family and those of the nobility are in prison% The headless idiots are
both symbolic and literal%
C - < 1# 1-60 8au> e>poser viendra topographie$
;eront les cruches des monumens ouuertesH
Pulluler secte$ saincte philosophie$
Pour blanches noires$ X pour anti(ues vertes%
They +ill co-e to e4pose the ,alse topo/raphy,
They +ill open the urns o, the -onu-ents1
Sects -ultiply, sacred philosophies,
'or +hite .lac0, and ,or ancient /reen2
Le Pelletier interprets this as$ F4 decree of the National 4ssembly of =ecember !!$ 1-60$ &ill
arbitrarily change$ under the name of departments$ the ancient provincial districts of 8rance) the
sepulchers of the Iings of 8rance$ at ;aint-=enis$ &ill be violated and their ashes scattered to the
&inds) the anti-Christian sects &ill multiply$ and an impious philosophy &ill ta'e the place of
religion) that &hich is blac' &ill pass for &hite and the novelties &ill prevail over the old national
:hile the crypt of ;aint-=enis did not actually see the amount of desecration mentioned
above$ it did see some desecration$ as &ell as other royal tombs over the &hole of 8rance% The
Bourbon color of &hite &as$ indeed$ changed for blac'$ and the ancient traditions did change for the
ne& novelties of self-rule Cfor ancient$ greenD%
C 1 < ,9 1-01 +nfant sans mains iamais veu si grand foudre$
LAenfant royal au ieu dA[steuf blessMH
4u puy brisesH fulgures allant mouldre$
Trois souz les chaines par le milieu troussMs%
!hild +ithout hands 9po+ers: never +as seen so /reat a thunder.olt,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The royal child, at a /a-e o, tennis +ounded1
On the hill ,ractures 9.ruises:1 li/htnin/ ,lashes,
Three under the chains trussed up around the -iddle2
/oberts suggests that &hen the F7ath of the Tennis CourtG &as ta'en by the 8rench revolutionaries$
the /oyal Three &ere struc' do&n% The meeting of the +states *eneral &as held at Jersailles% :hen
the Third +state Cthe commonersD found themselves loc'ed out of the meeting room$ they convened
at the indoor tennis court vo&ing not to disband until a ne& constitution &as dra&n up for 8rance%
The lightning stri'e is the symbol Nostradamus uses for a sudden event% The young =auphin$ Louis
1-$ &as ill treated and beaten CfracturesD and allegedly died in prison% ;ome historians claim he did
not die in prison$ but escaped% Nostradamus states here he &as &ounded Cnot 'illedD by this act% .is
parents$ Iing Louis 1, and <ueen 2arie 4ntoinette &ere sent to the guillotine%
C 0 < - 1-01<ui ouurira le monument trouuM$
+t ne viendra le serrer promptement$
2al luy viendra$ X ne pourra prouuM$
;i mieu> doit estre roy Breton ou Normand%
)e +ho +ill open the to-. ,ound,
And +ill not co-e to close it pro-ptly,
%vil +ill co-e, and no one +ill .e a.le to prove,
It +ould .e .etter to .e a ritish or Nor-an "in/2
=uring the 8rench /evolution$ some drun'en soldiers vandalized a church &ith pic's and shovels%
They bro'e into the tomb of Nostradamus% 4ccording to Leoni$ the mayor of ;alon hurried to
investigate the commotion% .e found a drun'en soldier drin'ing &ine from the s'ull of
Nostradamus$ believing he could obtain the great prophetAs po&ers% The mayor too' command of
the situation and soon had the soldiers pic'ing up the scattered bones of the prophet for reburial%
The story is told that on the follo&ing day$ as the party of soldiers returned to 2arseille$ they met an
ambush by /oyalists at LanBon and the sacrilegious soldier &as gruesomely 'illed%
C 0 < !" 1-01 =e nuit viendra par la forest de /eines$
=eu> pars vaultorte .erne la pierre blanche$
Le moine noir en gris dedans Jarennes
+sleu cap% cause tempeste$ feu$ sang tranche%
y ni/ht +ill co-e .y the ,orest o, Reines 9Hueens:,
T+o pairs devious route Hueen the +hite stone,
The .lac0 -on0 90in/: in /ray +ithin Iarennes
%lected !apet causes te-pest, ,ire, .lood, slicin/2
This is probably the most understood and one of the most remar'able of the (uatrains of
Nostradamus% 3n 1-01 the /oyal family made an escape from the Tuileries and &ith the help of Count
4>el 8ersen made it as far as Jarennes% <ueen 2arie 4ntoinette &as dressed in &hite) the Iing in
gray Cperhaps as a mon'D) young Louis-Charles$ aged seven$ &as dressed as a girl) and 2arie-
ThMrVse$ no& a young lady$ &as dressed as a servant$ as &as Princess +lisabeth$ the IingAs sister%
They &ere recognized in Jarennes and held there overnight for transport bac' to Paris% They &ere
very close to the border% 3f their escape had been secured$ 8rench history may have been (uite
different% Nostradamus sho&s correctly the fact that he &as at that time a constitutional CelectedD
monarch and that he &as referred to as Citizen Capet%
C 0 < 5# 1-0! Le part soluz mary sera mittrM$
/etour conflict passera sur la thuileH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Par cin( cens vn trahyr sera tiltrM$
Narbon X ;aulce par coutau> auons dAhuille%
The separated partner a,,licted +ill .e -itered,
Return ,ro- the con,lict passin/ over the tiles1
'or ,ive hundred one traitor +ill .e titled,
Nar.onne and Saulce +ill have oil ,or the .lades2
This is another remar'able (uatrain% The Tuileries$ &hen Nostradamus lived$ &as a place &here tiles
&ere made and ba'ed in 'ilns% Later a royal residence &as constructed on the site and named the
Tuileries% Iing Louis 1, and his family &ere returned bac' to this residence after the flight to
Jarennes% The storming of the Tuileries had the same mob frenzy as &as &itnessed during the
storming of the Bastille% The 'ing &as forced to &ear the mitre of the revolutionaries Cthe hat of the
sans-culottes &hich resembled the cap &orn by the ancient priests of 2ithrasD and to drin' a toast to
their victory% 8or their o&n safety$ the royal family &as transferred to the dar' and gloomy temple$
the former site of the Inights Templars% The 'ing &as separated from the rest of his family%
Line 5 indicates that out of five hundred traitors one &ould be titled and &ould @oin the
revolutionaries% Louis Philippe 1oseph$ =u'e of 7rleans and a member of the 'ingAs family$ &as
associated &ith the more moderate *ironists% .e &as later sent to the guillotine% 3n the last line$
according to .ogue$ FNarbonneG &as the moderate revolutionary &ho tried to persuade the national
assembly to pardon the 'ing$ and F;auceG &as a merchant &ho sold oil among other things and met
the same fate as the 'ing%
C , < ,0 1-0! La pitiM grande sera sans loing tarder$
Ceu> (ui donnaient seront contraints de prendreH
Nudz affamez de froit$ soif$ soy bander$
Les monts passer commettant grand esclandre%
The /reat pity +ill occur .e,ore lon/,
Those +ho had /iven +ill .e constrained to ta0e1
Na0ed, hun/ry, o, cold and thirst they +ill .and to/ether,
To pass over the -ountains to co--it a /reat scandal2
=uring the Cult of /eason$ to&ard the end of the 8rench /evolution$ church property &as
confiscated by the state% Priests and mon's &ere stripped of their &ealth and put out in the cold
&ithout food or shelter% 2any banded together and crossed over the mountains to /ome% The
tattered beggar priests &ere a scandal in /ome% Leoni credits Le Pelletier for solving this verse%
C 1 < ## 1-0! +n bref seront de retour sacrifices$
Contreuenans seront mys Z martireH
Plus ne seront moines$ abbMz$ ne nouices$
Le miel sera beaucoup plus cher (ue cire%
In .rie,, sacri,ices +ill .e returned,
Trans/ressors +ill .e put to -artyrdo-1
No lon/er +ill there .e -on0s, a..ots and novices,
)oney +ill .e -uch -ore e4pensive than +a42
This pertains to the Cult of /eason during the 8rench /evolution &hich disbanded Catholic
monasteries and confiscated church properties$ banished priests and nuns$ and caused &a> candles
to not be used as much Cno more massD%
C 1 < 95 1-0! Las (uAon verra grand peuple tourmentM$
+t la Loy saincte en totale ruineH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Par autres loi> toute ChrestientM$
<uand dAor$ dAargent trouue nouuelle mine%
Alas, one +ill see a /reat people tor-ented,
And the sacred la+ in total ruin1
y other la+s throu/hout all !hristendo-,
#hen a ne+ -ine o, /old and silver is ,ound2
This sounds li'e the Cult of /eason during the 8rench /evolution% 3n 1-0! the people &ere sorely
tormented in 8rance and Christianity &as most certainly ruined% Church property &as confiscated
and sold for needed funds in 8rance Ca ne& source of gold and silverD%
C # < ,# 1-0! Le defaillant en habit de bourgeois$
Jiendra le /oy tempter de son offenceH
<uinze soldartz la plupart Jstagois$
Jie derniere X chef de sa cheuance%
The de,aulter in .our/eois clothes,
#ill co-e to try the 0in/ ,or his o,,ense1
'i,teen soldiers, the -ost part .andits 9country -en:,
$ast o, his li,e and chie, o, his ,ortune2
The only 8rench 'ing to be tried by his citizens &as Louis 1,% Nostradamus must have been shoc'ed
by the proceedings as he &itnessed the future unfolding in this sham trial &here thirty-three false
charges &ere presented by the 1acobins to the National Convention against their 'ing% The attorneys
for the 'ing 'ne& he &ould be found guilty and only hoped they could convince the delegates at the
Convention that their body &as not legally able to try the 'ing% The ne&s of the guilty verdict &as
brought to the 'ing in 1anuary and Louis 1, &as ta'en to the guillotine%
C 6 < 10 1-05 4 soubstenir la grand cappe troublee$
Pour lAesclaircir les rouges marcheront$
=e mort famille sera pres(ue accablee$
Les rouges rouges le rouge assomeront%
To sustain the /reat trou.led cape 9capet:,
In order to clear it the reds +ill -arch,
A ,a-ily nearly overco-e .y death,
The red reds +ill 0noc0 do+n the reds2
:hen Nostradamus uses the &ord FcappeG he is usually referring to the Papacy% The reds &ould
then be the cardinals of the church and the red reds &ould be the rebellious cardinals% But if this
rebellion has ever occurred$ it &as not documented in history% Nor has any family been nearly
overcome by death because of a rebellion among the cardinals of the Catholic Church%
This is better applied to the 8rench /evolution and to Louis l,$ &ho &as referred to as
FCitizen Capet%G .is &as the family nearly overcome by death% .e &as e>ecuted along &ith his
sister$ Princess +lisabeth$ and his (ueen$ 2arie 4ntoinette% .is daughter$ 2arie-ThMrVse$ &as
released from the temple prison% .is son$ the lost Iing of 8rance$ Louis-Charles$ may have died in
1-09 or he may have escaped from the temple% The reds &ould be the *irondins &ho marched in
favor of releasing the 'ing and the red reds &ould have been the 1acobins &ho 'illed him%
C 9 < 1 1-0!4uant venue de ruine Celti(ue$
=edans le temple deu> parlementeront
Poignard c[ur$ dAvn montM au coursier X pic(ue$
;ans faire bruit le grand enterreront%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
e,ore the co-in/ o, the !elti6ue ruin,
Inside the te-ple t+o +ill parley
Da//er to the heart, o, one -ounted on a steed +ith lance,
#ithout -a0in/ noise they +ill .ury the /reat one2
Louis 1, &as found guilty of the charges against him% Nostradamus ma'es a point about ruin
coming to the 8rench people by the act of 'illing their 'ing$ &hich indeed it did% .e paints a valiant
picture of the 'ing as a noble 'night% 4fter the e>ecution of Iing Louis 1,$ he &as interred in a
common pine bo>% .is body &as sprin'led &ith (uic'lime and he &as buried &ithout fanfare%
C 1" < #5 1-05 Le trop bon temps trop de bontM royalleH
8ais X deffais prompt subit negligence$
Legier croira fau> dAespouse loyalle$
Luy mis Z mort par sa beneuolence%
Too -uch /ood ti-es too -uch royal /oodness1
Ones -ade and un-ade pro-pt sudden ne/li/ence,
$i/htly he +ill .elieve ,alsely o, his loyal +i,e,
)e is put to death ,or his .enevolence2
This verse fits Louis 1, perfectly% Leoni (uotes *arencieres &ho in 1,-! states$ FThis is concerning
another Iing$ &ho through his too much goodness$ simplicity and negligence$ shall ma'e and
unma'e those about him$ and being fic'le$ shall believe false reports made concerning his o&n &ife)
and at last by his too much goodness$ shall be put to death%G Louis 1,$ although full of good
intentions$ did not properly tend to affairs of state% .e failed to ta'e a firm stand during the
revolution$ &ishing only &hat &as good for 8rance%
C # < 69 1-05 Le charbon blanc du noir sera chassM$
Prisonnier faict menM au tombereauH
2ore Chameau sus piedz entrelassez$
Lors le puisne cillera lAhobereau%
C_Lors le puisne sillera lAaubereau%D
The +hite coal +ill .e driven out .y the .lac0,
Made prisoner and led to the tu-.rel1
In the ,ashion o, a ca-el 9a ro/ue: his ,eet are tied to/ether,
Then the youn/est .orn +ill .lind the ho..y ,alcon 9a s6uire:2
9MThen the youn/est .orn +ill let slip the ,alcon2:
_Jariant of Line #% Louis 1,$ the &hite coal Ccharbon may be an anagram for FBourbonGD &as ta'en
to the guillotine li'e a common criminal%
The fourth line is about Louis 1-$ the youngest child of Louis 1,$ then a seven year old
prisoner in the temple% Louis-Charles &as put under the supervision of ;imon the Cobbler to be
humbled and &as supposedly badly mistreated &hich led to his official death in 1-09% .o&ever$ the
&ife of ;imon$ &hen she &as very old$ told her nuns that ;imon substituted a dying$ deaf-mute child
for the boy 'ing &hen he C;imonD &as forced to leave the temple and leave the care of Louis-
Charles to others%
FChameauG may also mean camel$ ma'ing this verse pertain to the great 4rab Prince%
C 1 < 9- 1-05 Par grand discord la trombe CterreD tremblera
4ccord rompu dressant la teste au cielH
Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera$
4u sol la face ointe de laict X miel%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
y /reat discord the tru-pet 9land: +ill tre-.le
ro0en accord, li,tin/ the head to heaven1
loody -outh +ill s+i- +ith .lood,
On the soil the ,ace anointed +ith -il0 and honey2
The e>ecution of Louis 1, by guillotine in 1anuary$ 1-05$ is foretold% The land of 8rance indeed
trembled by the act of 'illing the 'ing%
C , < 0! 1-05 Prince CPrincesseD de beautM tant venuste$
4u chef menee$ le second faict trahyH
La citM au glaiue de poudre$ face aduste$
Par trop grand meurtre le chef du roy hay%
Prince 9Princess: o, e46uisite .eauty,
To the chie, led, the second deed .etrayed1
The city to s+ord, o, po+der the ,ace .urnt,
y too /reat -urder the head o, the 0in/ hated2
3n the first line$ the sub@ect may either be a Prince or a Princess Ca variantD% The e>tra syllable in
Princess ma'es a better rhyme% 2ost commentators apply this to the e>ecution of Iing Louis 1,$
but it may also be applied to his (ueen$ 2arie 4ntoinette% 7r this may apply to 2arie 4ntoinetteAs
close friend$ Princess Lamballe$ &ho$ in late 1-0!$ &as sent to the guillotine% ;he &as said to have
been e>(uisitely beautiful% The Paris mob$ &ith shouts and @eers$ put the head of the Princess on a
pi'e and sho&ed it to 2arie 4ntoinette through the temple &indo&% The heads and bodies of the
victims of the guillotine &ere covered &ith (uic'lime Cpo&der that burnsD to hasten decomposition%
C 1" < 1- 1-05 La royne +rgaste voiant sa fille blesme$
Par vn regret dans lAestomach encloz$
Crys lamentables seront lors dA4ngolesme$
+t au germain mariage fort clos CforclosD%
The i-prisoned 6ueen seein/ her dau/hter pale,
ecause o, re/ret closed up in the sto-ach,
$a-enta.le cries +ill co-e then ,ro- An/oulN-e,
And -arria/e to the cousin i-peded2
2arie 4ntoinette$ imprisoned and ill treated in the temple$ feared for her daughter$ pale &ith grief
over the misfortunes of her family% 2adame /oyale$ 2arie-ThMrVse$ &as to have been married to
her cousin$ Louis-4ntoine de Bourbon$ =u'e of 4ngoul`me% ;he &as finally released in a prisoner
e>change in 1-09 and married the =u'e in 1-00% But the marriage &as childless$ perhaps because
of grief over her personal losses Cclosed up in the stomachD%
C 0 < -- 1-05 Le regne prins le /oy coniurera CconvieraD$
La dame prinse Z mort iurez Z sortH
La vie Z /oyne fils on desniera$
+t la pelli> au fort de la consort%
The real- ta0en the "in/ +ill conspire 9invite:,
The lady ta0en to death, 5urors .y lot1
They +ill re,use li,e to Hueen and son,
And the -istress at the ,ort o, the consort2
2arie 4ntoinetteAs trial &as as much a farce as that of her husband$ Louis 1,% ;he &as ta'en to the
guillotine on 7ctober 1,$ 1-05% The mistress of Louis 19$ 2adame du Barry$ &as e>ecuted on
=ecember !!$ 1-05% The son of 2arie 4ntoinette$ young Louis-Charles$ &as not e>ecuted% The
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
strategy &as not to 'ill him$ but to let him die of neglect% .is death &as announced in 1-09$ but
there are many rumors that he escaped and a terminally ill deaf-mute &as substituted%
C 0 < ,6 1-05 =u mont 4ymar sera noble obscurcie$
Le mal viendra au ioinct de soone X rosne
=ans bois caches soldatz iour de Lucie$
<ui ne fut onc vn si horrible throsne%
The no.le o, Mont Ay-ar +ill .e -ade o.scure,
The evil +ill co-e at the 5unction o, the Saone and Rhone
In the +oods soldiers hidden on the day o, $ucy,
#hen never +as so horri.le a throne2
;t% LucyAs day is =ecember 15% The ;aone and the /hone rivers meet at Lyon% 3n 1-05 the city &as
pro-/oyalist% .ogue attributes the enigmatic F2ont 4ymarG to 1ean Baptist 4mar$ a member of the
2ontainards Cliterally the 2ountain$ the top spots of the National 4ssemblyD% .e &as the spea'er
of the bloodthirsty Committee of Public ;afety and so stirred the delegates into ordering a reprisal
for the City of Lyon%
The /oyalist guerrilla army in the Jendee &as defeated at the Battle of Le 2ans on =ecember
15$ 1-05 C;t% LucyAs =ayD% 4ccording to .ogue at least 19$""" /oyalists &ere shot by the sanction
of the 2ontainards%
C 9 < 55 1-05 =es principau> de citM rebellee$
<ui tiendront fort pour libertM rauoirH
=etrencher masles$ infelice meslee$
Crys$ hurlemens Z Nantes piteu> voir%
O, the principals o, the re.ellious city,
#ho +ill hold stron/ to recover their li.erty1
The -ales cut up, unhappy -i4ture,
!ries, /roans at Nantes, piti,ul to see2
Nantes allied &ith neighboring villages to form a FCentral 4ssembly of /esistance to 7ppressionG
&hich the National Convention soon bro'e up% 4ccording to Cheetham the atrocities at Nantes in
1-05 &ere 'no&n as the Noyades% The males$ even old men and young boys$ &ere sent to the
guillotine% The &omen and priests &ere forced to undress$ and then they &ere tied$ coupled together$
and put onto barges &hich &ere sun' into the Loire /iver%
C ! < 06 1-0# Celuy de sang resperse le visage$
=e la victime proche sacrifiMe$
Tonant en Leo augure par presaigeH
2is estre Z mort lors pour la fiancMe CfianceD%
)e +hose ,ace is splattered +ith the .lood,
O, the victi- ne+ly sacri,iced,
Thunderer in $eo au/ured .y presa/e1
Put to death then ,or the pro-ise 9con,idence:2
*eorges 1ac(ues =anton &as 'no&n for his thundering voice and his rousing speeches during the
8rench /evolution% :ith his &arm leonine personality$ he &as an e>tremely popular leader% .is
problems came &hen /obespierre thought his leniency &as too dangerous% =anton had rallied the
moderates in the Convention and called for an end to the Terror$ even though he had promoted the
e>ecutions the previous year% /obespierre dre& up a list of charges and had =anton arrested and he
&ent to the guillotine%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C ! < #! 1-0# Co($ chiens X chats de sang seront repeus$
+t de la plaie du tyran trouuM mort$
4u lict dAvn autre iambes X bras rompus$
<ui nAauait peur mourir de cruelle mort%
!oc0, do/s and cats +ill .e satiated +ith .lood,
And ,ro- the +ound o, the tyrant ,ound dead,
At the .ed o, another le/s and ar-s .ro0en,
)e +ho +as not a,raid +ill die a cruel death2
The 8rench Ccoc'D$ and the rabble Cdogs and catsD &ere &ell satiated &ith blood by /obespierre and
his /eign of Terror% .is support ClegsD had diminished and on 1uly 1,
$ /obespierre &as arrested$
but freed by the troops of the Commune &ho too' him to the City .all% The National *uard
recaptured him and his protectors Carms bro'enD at the City .all% 2any of /obespierreAs supporters
@umped to their death or &ere shot% /obespierre$ attempting suicide$ shot himself in the @a& before
capture% .e &as e>ecuted on 1uly !0$ 1-0#$ along &ith his supporters%
C 6 < 6- 1-0# 2ort conspiree viendra en plein effect$
Charge donnee X voiage de mort$
+sleu$ crMe$ receu par siens deffait$
;ang dAinnocence deuant soy par remort%
Death conspired +ill co-e to the ,ull e,,ect,
!har/e /iven and voya/e o, death,
%lected, created, received .y his o+n de,eated,
lood o, innocents .e,ore hi- in re-orse2
The best historical interpretation for this verse may be /obespierre% 4s head of the Committee of
Public ;afety$ he dre& up lists of those to be e>ecuted$ most of &hom &ere innocent of any crime
and included the clergy$ &omen$ and children% 4s the leader of the /eign of Terror he &as
supported and follo&ed by many 8rench /evolutionaries$ a great many of &hom soon had their fill
of blood% .is /eign of Terror soon came to its full effect &hen he himself faced the guillotine%
Perhaps he felt a type of remorse at that time%
C # < ,5 1-0# LAarmMe Celti(ue contre les montaignars$
<ui seront sceuz X prins Z la lipeeH
C_<ui seront sus X prins Z la pipMeHD
Paysants frais pouseront tost faugnars$
Precipitez tous au fil de lAespee%
The !eltic ar-y a/ainst the Monta/nards,
#ho +ill .e learned and ta0en .y a tric01
9MThose +ho +ill .e on /uard and ta0en .y .irdDcallin/1:
Peasants +ill soon push ,resh /rape presses,
All thro+n to the ed/e o, the .lade2
_Jariant% The 2ontagnards Cthose of the 2ountainD &ere the higher officials of the National
Convention and included /obespierre$ =anton$ and Couthon$ &ho led the Committee of Public ;afety
and chose the victims for the guillotine during the /eign of Terror% /obespierre incurred a lot of ill
&ill by e>ecuting =anton &ith trumped up charges% =uring a 1uly session of the Convention$
/obespierre &as shouted do&n and a demand &as made for his arrest% 4fter hurridly leaving$
/obespierre and his follo&ers met at City .all% ;tunned by the disaster and declared outla&s$ many
too' their o&n lives% /obespierre$ in a suicide attempt$ shattered his @a& &ith the ball from a pistol%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Convention recruited ,$""" men from loyal sections and placed them under the command of an
e>-army officer$ Barras% They marched on City .all and captured /obespierre and his supporters%
4fter a short deliberation by the Convention$ they &ere ta'en to the guillotine Cthro&n to the edge of
the bladeD% This ended the /eign of Terror% The people of 8rance &ould loo' to ne& people to lead
their government &ith fresh ideas Cfresh grape pressesD%
The second line in the 1,"9 edition$ as interpreted by Leoni$ is intriguing% The Language of
the Birds CZ la pipeeD$ or sometimes called the *reen Language$ &as used by those of the inner
alchemical circles to communicate by saying one thing and meaning something entirely different in
order to 'eep the uninitiated from learning their secrets% Nostradamus may have been one of the inner
circle and many of his terms may be better understood by those &ho understand this ;i>teenth
Century occult language%
C ! < ,, 1-09 Par grans dangiers le captif eschapM$
Peu de temps grand la fortune changMeH
=ans le palais le peuple est attrapM$
Par bon augure la citM assiegMe%
Throu/h /reat dan/ers the captive escapes,
In little ti-e his /reat ,ortune chan/es1
In the palace the people are trapped,
y /ood o-en the city .esie/ed2
;ome commentators apply this (uatrain to NapoleonAs escape from +lba and his one hundred day
return% This may be the correct application$ but &hy &as it a good omenK
4nother interpretation for this (uatrain is the escape from the temple prison in 1-09 of
Louis1-% 7fficial records claim the ten year old son of Louis 1, and 2arie 4ntoinette$ ill treated and
neglected$ died in prison of tuberculosis in 1-09% 7n the death of his father in 1-05$ the uncro&ned
'ing &as recognized by many countries$ including the ?nited ;tates$ to be the rightful 'ing of
8rance% 2any hundreds of boo's have been &ritten about the lost boy 'ing alleging the dauphin &as
smuggled out of his prison cell and a dying child &as substituted%
2any pretenders came for&ard claiming to be the lost Bourbon dauphin$ Louis-Charles$ duc
de Normandy% To put the story to rest$ =N4 tests &ere ta'en of the small dried up heart of the boy
&ho died in prison and compared the results to a loc' of 2arie 4ntoinetteAs hair &ith a successful
match% .o&ever$ this heart has an interesting story% 3t &as ta'en from the body at the time of the
autopsy and pic'led in alcohol% Then it &as stolen and returned$ sent to the 4rchbishop of Paris$ sent
to royalty in ;pain and 4ustria$ and finally ended up in the royal crypt of ;aint =enis Basilica &here
it stayed until the time of the =N4 tests% The heart removed from the Basilica may have been the
heart of the older brother$ Louis-1oseph$ &ho died right before the revolution and &hose preserved
heart &as lost during the revolution% The custom of the time &as to remove the hearts of royalty and
preserve them in herbs and store them separately from the body% :hether this &as the actual heart of
Louis-Charles or that of his brother cannot be determined one hundred percent%
;ome historians have alleged that 1ohn 1ames 4udubon$ the naturalist$ &as actually Louis
1-% .e &as supposedly born in .aiti and &as adopted by a Catholic family and educated in 8rance
Cor in other stories$ he &as ta'en to 8rance by his birth fatherD% 3n 16"5 he immigrated from 8rance
to the ?nited ;tates to oversee the family property near Philadelphia% 4lthough he never made a
claim to the throne$ in 16!6 4udubon visited 8rance and &rote an intriguing letter to his &ife% 3n it
he said$ FPatient$ silent$ bashful$ and yet po&erful of physi(ue and of mind$ dressed as a common
man$ 3 &al' the streetsE 3 bo&E 3 as' permission to do this or thatE 3%%P&ho should command allEG
FBon auguG could be unscrambled to F4udubon%G Perhaps Nostradamus is telling us the ans&er to
this !"" year old mystery%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < 9! 1-09 +n lieu du grand (ui sera condemnM$
=e prison hors$ son amy en sa placeH
LAespoir Troyen en si> mois ioint$ mort nay$
Le ;ol a lAvrne seront prins fleuues en glace%
In place o, the /reat one +ho +ill .e conde-ned,
Outside o, prison, his ,riend in his place1
The Tro5an hope in si4 -onths 5oined, .orn dead,
The sun in the urn, rivers +ill .e ,rozen2
4gain a most interesting verse suggesting the ten-year-old Louis 1- may have been smuggled out of
his prison &ith a dying boy put in his place% Louis-Charles &as 'ept in a cell under the care of
;imon the Cobbler in the temple prison% .is guards &ould never have recognized a different child
because of the isolation% ;imonAs &ife told the nuns that the dying deaf-mute child &ho &as
substituted &as brought inside the prison in the body of a hobby horse and the boy 'ing &as carried
out in a bas'et of clothes% The Tro@an hope of a return to monarchy in 8rance &ith Louis 1- as the
rightful 'ing may have been still-born due to conditions in 8rance% Line # suggests the sun &as in
4(uarius so the =auphin may have escaped the prison in 8ebruary% The official death of the boy in
the prison$ supposedly Louis-Charles$ occurred four months later on 1une 6$ 1-09% ;ee also C , <
C 0 < !- 1-09 =e bois la garde$ vent cloz rond pont sera$
.ault le receu frappera le =aulphin$
Le vieu> teccon bois vnis passera$
Passant plus oultre du duc le droit confin%
The /uardian o, the +oods, +ind +ill .e close around the .rid/e 9ponti,,:,
9MThe ,ence o, +ood, +ind +ill .e closed around the .rid/e:,
The hi/hly received +ill stri0e the Dauphin,
The old cra,ts-an, co-pany +ill pass the +oods,
9MThe old cra,ts-an o, +ood, co-pany +ill pass:,
To pass ,ar .eyond the ri/ht con,ines o, the Du0e2
_4lternate reading of lines% Leoni considers this as a (uatrain foretelling the escape of the =auphin$
Louis-Charles$ from the temple prison$ but adds the meaning of this verse is far from clear% The
symbol of &ind is used by Nostradamus to indicate public opinion% ;imon the CobblerAs &ife told
the nuns in her old age that ;imon Cpossibly the old craftsmanD helped to smuggle the ten-year-old
boy 'ing out of prison% 3f he did it &as most li'ely for monetary reasons% The highly received &ould
have been /obespierre &ho &ished the young boy to die$ but did not &ish to personally have him
'illed% .is plan &as to let him die of neglect% The =u'e may be the Comte de Provence$ later Iing
Louis 16$ &ho may or may not have aided his young nephe& as he &ished to be the 'ing in his o&n
right% The young son of Iing Louis 1, had fe& friends$ but he may have found safety &ith the help
of the Catholic Church%
C , < 50 1-09 LAenfant du regne par paternelle prinse$
+>poliM sera pour le deliurerH
4upres du lac Trasimen lAazur prinse CprisD$
La troupe hostaige pour trop fort sAenyurer%
The child o, the real- .y his ,athers capture,
#ill .e stripped 9deprived: ,or the deliverance1
Near $a0e Trasi-eno the azure captive 9prize:,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The hosta/e troop to .eco-e very drun02
La'e Trasimeno is @ust east of Perugia &hich may lin' this verse lin' &ith C , < 5,% The child of
the realm &hose father &as captured may have been Louis 1-$ &hose father &as Iing Louis 1,
&ho &as e>ecuted during the 8rench /evolution% 3f the ten year old 'ing &as spirited out of his
temple prison$ he may have been ta'en to 3taly% Perugia &as part of the Papal ;tates and the young
'ing may have been under the protection of the pope% FThe azure prizeG may refer to the young
'ingAs predecessors - the very early 8ran'ish 2erovingian 'ings &hose standard &as three frogs on
a field of azure% Nostradamus uses the metaphor of 2erovingian symbols to denote any rightful
'ing of /oyal birth% ;ee also C , < 9!%
C ! < 65 1-09 Le gros traffic dn grand Lyon changM$
La plupart tourne en pristine ruineH
Proye au> souldars par pille vendengMH
Par 3ura mont X ;ueue bruine%
The lar/e trade o, the /reat $yon chan/ed,
The -ost part turns to pristine ruin,
Prey to the soldiers .y a harvest o, pilla/e1
Throu/h the Aura -ountains and S+itzerland drizzle2
Leoni states that in 7ctober$ 1-09$ Cat harvest timeD troops of the /evolution put do&n a counter-
revolutionary uprising in Lyon% 4fter a t&o monthsA siege parts of the to&n &ere burned and a great
many of its citizens massacred% Bruine Cdrizzle in +nglishD is NostradamusA symbol for great
sadness &hich &as felt by the Protestant communities in the 1ura 2ountains and in ;&itzerland%
C 1 < ," 1-0, Jn +mpereur naistra pres dA3talie$
<ui Z lA+mpire sera vendu bien cherH
=iront auec (uelz gens il se ralie$
<uAon trouuera moins prince (ue boucher%
An %-peror +ill .e .orn near Italy,
)e +ill cost his %-pire very dearly1
They +ill say that ,ro- the sort o, people +ho surround hi-,
That he is less a prince than .utcher2
Napoleon Bonaparte C1-,0-16!1D &as born on the island of Corsica$ a 8rench possession%
Nostradamus &asnAt too fond of him$ referring to him as the first 4nti-Christ% .itler &as the second
and there is one more to come% :hen Nostradamus says a person is born$ he means &hen that
person is born to po&er$ not his actual birth date% 3t is interesting that Nostradamus recognizes
8rance &ill become an empire%
C ! < 0# 1-0, */4N= Pau grand mal pour *aulois receura$
Jaine terreur au maritin LyonH
Peuple infiny par la mer passera$
;ans echapper vn (uart dAvn milion%
&R%AT Pau, /reat evil the 'rench +ill receive,
Iain terror to the -ariti-e $ion1
In,inite people pass .y sea,
A 6uarter o, a -illion +ill not escape2
Nostradamus names Napoleon FPauG because of his early campaigns in 3taly along the Po /iver%
Napoleon Bonaparte brought a great deal of evil to the 8rench he ruled% +ngland maintained
superiority of the seas% 8rance &as a vain terror to the maritime lion% The 8rench fleet &as
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
thoroughly defeated at the battle of Trafalgar% NapoleonAs +gyptian campaign Cthe 8rench are the
infinite peopleD probably brought as many or more than !9"$""" deaths%
C # < 9# 1-0, =u nom (ui on(ues ne fut au /oy *aulois$
3amais ne fut vn fouldre si craintifH
Tremblant lA3talie$ lA+spaigne X les 4nglois$
=e femme estrangiers grandement attentif%
O, a na-e +hich no &allic "in/ ever had,
Never +as there so ,ear,ul a li/htnin/ stri0e1
Tre-.le Italy, Spain and the %n/lish,
To ,orei/n +o-en /reatly attentive2
Napoleon is described very &ell &ith the conflicts &ith 3taly and ;pain and +ngland% .e had several
foreign mistresses and$ after his divorce from 1osephine$ he too' the daughter of 8rancis 3 of 4ustria
as his second +mpress% 2arie-Louise bore him his first male heir%
C ! < 00 1-0, Terroir /omain (uAinterpretoit augure$
Par gent *auloyse par trop sera ve>MeH
2ais nation Celti(ue craindra lAheure$
Boreas$ classe trop loing lAauoir poussee%
Ro-an land as the au/ure interprets,
y the 'rench people +ill .e too -uch ve4ed1
ut the !eltic nation +ill ,ear the hour,
North #ind, the ar-y 9,leet: too ,ar +ill .e pushed2
This verse condenses the Napoleonic era sho&ing the 3talian campaigns through &hich Napoleon
&as successful in creating 8rench rule over nearly half of the 3talian peninsula% This ended &ith the
disastrous campaign to con(uer /ussia% .e simply pushed too far% The dismal retreat from an empty
2osco& in the freezing cold and sno& too' the lives of most of his men% NapoleonAs years of
dictatorship &ould soon be over%
C 6 < 1 1-0,P4J$ N4L$ L7/7N plus feu (uAZ sang sera%
Laude nager$ fuir grand au> surrez%
Les agassas entree refusera%
Pampon$ =urance les tiendra enserrez%
PAU, NA3, $ORON -ore ,ire than .lood +ill .e2
S+i--in/ in praise, the /reat ones ,lee to the con,luence2
The -a/pies 9Piuses: he +ill re,use entry2
Pa-pon, Durance +ill 0eep the- con,ined2
The names of the small to&ns of Pau$ Nay$ and 7loron combined ma'e an anagram for Napaulon
/oy$ or Napoleon Iing% .ogue also arranges these letters to a version of the *ree' horrorH
F4ppollyon$G the angel of the abyss from /evelations 0H11% Nostradamus sho&s he had absolutely
no blood ties to the throne of 8rance% This verse also presages the fact that Napoleon &ill ta'e the
Popes$ Pius J3 and Pius J33$ as prisoners%
The last line$ as in so many other (uatrains$ is enigmatic% F=uranceG may be an anagram for
8rance% The /iver =urance flo&s in Provence$ 8rance$ near ;alon% FPamponG is an unsolved place
or person$ but may stand for F+ngland$G the all po&erful one$ ma'ing the last line an accurate
forecast of the problems Napoleon had &ith +ngland%
C 6 < 9- 1-0, =e soldat simple paruiendra en empire$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=e robe courte paruiendra Z la longue
Jaillant au> armes en eglise ou plus pyre$
Je>er les prestres comme lAeau fait lAesponge%
'ro- si-ple soldier he +ill attain to an %-pire,
'ro- short ro.e he +ill attain to the lon/
Ialliant in ar-s, to the !hurch the very +orst,
)e +ill ve4 the priests as +ater does to the spon/e2
This is a very apt short description of NapoleonAs career and covers his military con(uests$ his
attainment to the +mperor of 8rance$ and his capture of the Catholic popes$ Pius J3 and Pius J33%
C 5 < 5- 1-0, 4uant lAassaut lAoraison prononcee$
2ilan prins dAaigle par embusches deceuzH
2uraille anti(ue par canons enfoncee$
Par feu X sang Z merci peu receuz%
e,ore the assault the speech delivered,
Milan ta0en .y the %a/le throu/h deceptive a-.ushes1
Ancient +all .y cannons .ro0en do+n,
Throu/h ,ire and .lood, ,e+ receive -ercy2
Napoleon too' 2ilan on 2ay 19$ 1-0,% Before the battle he delivered his famous speech to his
troops ac'no&ledging they &ere ill fed and not &ell provided for$ but promising them honor$ glory$
and &ealth in the form of plunder%
C ! < !, 1-0, Pour la faueur (ue la citM fera$
4u grand (ui tost perdra champ de bataille%
8uis le rang Pau$ Thesin versera%%
=e sang$ feu>$ mors$ noiMs de coup de taille%
ecause o, the ,avor that the city +ill sho+,
To the /reat one +ho +ill soon lose the ,ield o, .attle2
'leein/ the Pau position, the Ticino +ill over,lo+2
#ith .lood, ,ires, death, dro+ned .y lon/Ded/ed .lo+2
Nostradamus$ &hen using the &ord FPau$G may mean the /iver Po in 3taly$ the /iver Pau in 8rance$
the to&n of Pau$ or Napoleon% Nostradamus calls Napoleon FPauG because of his early 3talian
campaigns along the Po /iver% The city is 2ilan% The Ticino flo&s into the /iver Po% 4fter
s&eeping through northern 3taly and &inning the battle of Lodi$ he entered 2ilan and laid siege to
2antua% .e &on great victories at 4rcole and /ivoli and began to cross the 4lps to&ard Jienna% 3n
danger from 4ustrian troops$ he arranged the Treaty of Campo 8ormio in 4pril 1-0-%
C , < -0 1-0, Pres du Tesin les habitans de Loyre$
*aronne X ;aonne$ ;eine$ Tain X *irondeH
7utre les monts dresseront promontoire$
Conflict donnM Pau granci$ submergM onde%
Near the Ticino the inha.itants o, the $oire,
&aronne and Saone, Seine, Tain and &ironde1
eyond the -ountains +ill set up a pro-ontory,
!on,lict /iven Pau seized 9enlar/ed:, su.-er/ed in a +ave2
The Ticino /iver is in northern 3taly and the inhabitants of all the various rivers sho& the army &as
from every part of 8rance% 3n the Battle of Lodi$ Napoleon &as accidentally shoved off the bridge
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
over the /iver 4dda% 7ne of his 8rench army soldiers snatched him from the river and saved his life$
as foreseen by Nostradamus%
C ! < 55 1-0, Par le torrent (ui descent de Jerone$
Par lors (uAau Pau guidera son entrMeH
Jn grand nAaufrage$ X non moins en *aronne$
<uat ceu> de *enes marcheront leur contree%
y the torrent +hich descends ,ro- Ierona,
#hen .y Pau its entry +ill .e /uided1
A /reat +rec0, and no less in &aronne,
#hen those o, &enoa +ill -arch in their country2
Because the action is ta'ing place in 3taly$ this may be a continuance of the 3talian campaigns of
Napoleon% .o&ever it could also be &eather related in regard to future floods% There &ere no
historical events recorded in regard to the *aronne /iver at that time%
C 6 < 11 1-0, Peuple infiny paroistra Z Jicence$
;ans force$ feu brusler la Basili(ue
Pres de Lunage deffait grand de Jalence$
Lors (ue Jenise par more CmorteD prendra pi(ue%
In,inite people +ill appear at Iicenza,
#ithout ,orce, ,ire .urns the .asilica
Near $uni/ue the /reat one o, Ialenza de,eated,
#hen Ienice .y custo- 9death: +ill ta0e up the 6uarrel2
Jicenza is a city near Jenice% 3t &as occupied by Napoleon in 1-0, and came under 4ustrian
control according to the terms of the Treaty of Campo 8ormio% Lunigue is a small to&n in southern
8rance &est of the /hone /iver% Jalenza is another small to&n in the Piedmont area of northern
3taly$ but it is un'no&n &ho the great one &as of that city unless it &as a commander of the
4ustrian army% The infinite people are al&ays the 8rench% The death of Jenice came &hen it &as
occupied by Napoleon%
C # < 1 1-0-Cela du reste de sang non espandu$
Jenise (uiert secours estre donnM%
4pres auoir bien long temps attendu$
CitM liurMe$ au premier cornet sonnM%
That o, the re-ainin/ .lood +ill not .e shed,
Ienice de-ands relie, to .e /iven2
A,ter havin/ +aited a very lon/ ti-e,
!ity delivered up at the ,irst sound o, the horn2
4fter 1$"-" years Jenice lost its independence &hen it &as con(uered by Napoleon Bonaparte
in1-0-% Napoleon &as seen as a liberator by the cityAs 1e&ish population% .e removed the gates of
the *hetto and ended the restrictions on &here the 1e&s could live and &here they &ere allo&ed to
travel in the city% 3n 1-0-$ Napoleon signed the Treaty of Campo 8ormio &hich gave the 4ustrians
control of the city in 1anuary$ 1-06%
C 9 < 9- 1-06 3stra du mont *aulfier X 4uentin$
<ui par le trou aduertira lAarmMeH
+ntre deu> rocs prins le butin$
=e ;+QT% mansol faillir la renommMe%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
There +ill /o out ,ro- Mont/ol,ier 9Mont &aussier: and Aventine,
#ho +ill +arn the ar-y throu/h the hole1
et+een t+o roc0s ta0en the .ooty,
O, S%OT2 Mansol the reno+n to ,ail2
This is a difficult (uatrain and commentators have made various applications% The facts areH The
2ontgolfier brothers invented and fle& the hot air balloon in 1-05% 3t &as said to have been used in
the Battle of 8leurus Cin BelgiumD in 1-0# to scout the enemy% This gave the 8rench the edge to&ard
victory% 4ccording to Cheetham$ the 8rench then &ent on and sac'ed /ome &here 2ount 4ventine
is located and too' Pope Pius J3 prisoner$ ;+QT standing for ;i>th Cthe ;i>th PiusD and 2ansol
being derived from the Latin Fmanus solusG meaning Fhe &ho is celebate%G The t&o roc's &ould be
the roc' of Peter and 2ount 4ventine%
7n the other hand$ Leoni discounts all of this and places the (uatrain near the birthplace of
Nostradamus$ ;aint-/emy% .e states that F;+QT% 2ansolG refers to the famous mausoleum &hose
inscription begins &ith ;+Q% This mausoleum is at the foot of 2ont *aussier% FThe holeG then refers
to the Porte du Trou$ the gate of ;aint-/emy &hich is nearest the area% But he is unable to fit all of
this to /ome%
C 9 < 5" 1-06 Tout Z la entour de la grande citM$
;eront soldats logez par champs X villesH
=onner lAassaut Paris$ /ome incitM$
;ur le pont lors sera faicte grande pille%
All around the /reat city,
Soldiers +ill .e lod/ed throu/hout ,ields and to+ns1
Paris to /ive the assault, Ro-e incited,
Upon the ponti,, 9.rid/e: /reat pilla/e +ill .e -ade2
Napoleon too' /ome in 1-06 and again in 16"6% .e captured the Jatican and too' Pope Pius J3 as
his prisoner% .e forced the pope to cede part of the Papal ;tates to 8rench +mpire% Later he forced
Pope Pius J33 to cede the rest%
C 9 < 19 1-06 +n nauigant captif prins grand pontife$
*rans apretz faillir les clercz tumultuezH
;econd esleu absent son bien debife$
;on fauory bastard Z mort tuM CrouMD%
The /reat Ponti,, ta0en captive +hile navi/atin/,
The /reat one a,ter +ill ,ail the cler/y in tu-ult1
Second elected a.sent a,ter his health 9/ood: declines,
)is ,avorite .astard to death .ro0en on the +heel 9-urdered:2
The great Pope &ho &as ta'en captive &as Pius J3 &hile head of the Bar' of ;t% Peter% .e died in
captivity in 1-00 in Jalence% 4 second Pius CPope Pius J33D &as elected &ho &as also held in
captivity by Napoleon in 8ountainebleau from 16"0 to 161#% Cheetham states that F&hile
navigatingG may mean F&hile travelingG and in this case the verse pertains to Pius J33% Line # has
not been solved$ but many popes had bastard sons%
C 6 < 0! 1-00 Loin CL73ND hors du regne mis en hazard voiage
*rand ost duyra pour soy lAoccupera$
Le roy tiendra les siens captif ostage
4 son retour tout pays pillera%
'ar 9$ION: outside o, his real- set on a hazardous 5ourney
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)e +ill lead a /reat ar-y and 0eep it ,or hi-sel,,
The "in/ +ill hold his o+n captive and hosta/e
At his return he +ill pilla/e the country2
The only candidate for fulfillment of this (uatrain Cif FfarG is meantD &ould be Napoleon and his
+gyptian campaign% .e left his army in +gypt &hen things started going badly in order to get bac'
to 8rance to assume the office of 8irst Consul% 4s .ogue puts it$ F8or the ne>t 1# years he bleeds
the economy and the blood of t&o million 8renchmen in his &ars of con(uest%G 3f FLionG is meant$
this &ould pertain to an +nglish 'ing%
C # < !, 1-00 Lou grand eyssame se leuera dAabelhos$
<ue non sauran don te siegen venguddosH
=e nuech lAembous($ lou gach dessous las treilhos
Ciutad trahido per cin( lengos non nudos%
The /reat s+ar- o, .ees +ill arise,
Such that one +ill not 0no+ ,ro- +here they have co-eB
y ni/ht the a-.ush, the sentinel 95ay: under the vines
!ity delivered 9.etrayed: .y ,ive .a..lers not na0ed2
This (uatrain &as &ritten entirely in ProvenBal for some odd reason% The bees are a device
Napoleon used on his coat-of-arms as a symbol of his coming empire% 7n November 0$ 1-00
Napoleon led a coup dAMtat against the government% The five babblers are the members of the
=irectory$ &hich gave &ay to NapoleonAs Consulate% FNot na'edG sho&s they tried to disguise their
actions% Nostradamus sho&s this happens at night$ &hich means during the Cycle of the 2oon$
&hen it actually too' place during the afternoon% FThe sentinel under the vinesG may signify some
event not recorded by history$ but the rest is right on% 2ost commentators agree on this
C - < 15 1-00 =e la citM marine X tributaire
La teste raze prendra la satrapieH
Chasser sordide (ui puis sera contraire$
Par (uatorze ans tiendra la tyrannie%
'ro- the -arine and tri.utary city
The shaven head +ill hold the seat o, po+er1
!hasin/ a+ay the sordid one +ho +ill .e a/ainst hi-,
'or ,ourteen years he +ill hold the tyranny2
Leoni cites Le Pelletier &ho gives the application of this (uatrain to NapoleonH FBonaparte Cthe
shaven headD &ill reta'e Toulon Cmarine cityD from the +nglish &ho &ill have rendered it tributary%
They &ill overthro& the =irectory Cthe sordid oneD and &ill put an end to the /epublic$ &hose
partisans &ill thereupon become hostile to him% .e &ill en@oy absolute po&er for fourteen years
CNovember 0$ 1-00 to 4pril 15$ 161#D%G 3t is noted that some interpreters prefer to apply Fthe sordid
oneG to +ngland%
C ! < 0- 1-00 /omain Pontife garde de tAapprocher$
=e la citM (ue deu> fleuues arrouse$
Ton sang viendras aupres de la cracher%
Toy X les tiens (uand fleurira la rose%
Ro-an Ponti,, .e+are o, approachin/,
The city +here t+o rivers ,lo+,
In that place you +ill co-e to spit your .lood2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
3ou and yours +hen the rose +ill ,lourish2
Pope Pius J3 &as ta'en prisoner by Napoleon and held in the City of Jalence$ &hich is &atered by
the /hone and the 3sVre% .e died from an acute attac' of gastroenteritis Cspitting bloodD in 4ugust
C&hen the roses &ere in bloomD$ 1-00% 3n spite of being a prisoner of Napoleon$ he &as &ell treated
as a special guest% 2ost commentators also agree on this interpretation%
7C<< ( = AM
C # < 5, 16"" Les ieu> nouueau> en *aule redressMs$
4pres victoire de lA3nsubre champaigneH
2onts dA+sperie$ les grands liMs$ troussMsH
=e peur trembler la /omaigne X lA+spaigne%
The ne+ plays in 'rance set up a/ain,
A,ter victory o, the $o-.ardy 9Insu.ria: ca-pai/n1
Mountains o, the +est, the /reat ones tied and .ound1
Those o, Ro-e and Spain tre-.le +ith ,ear2
Napoleon in1-0,$ con(uered northern 3taly CLombardyD% .e also con(uered /ome and too' the
Popes$ Pius J3 and J33 captive Cgreat ones tied and boundD% .e put his brother on the throne of
;pain% +>actly &hat is meant by Fne& playsG is un'no&n unless it means ne& campaigns &ere
planned after the con(uest of northern 3taly$ &hich$ indeed$ did occur%
C # < 5- 16"" *aulois par saults$ monts viendra penetrerH
7ccupera le grand lieu de lA3nsubreH
4u plus profond son ost fera entrer$
*ennes$ 2onech pousseront classe rubre%
The 'rench .y leaps +ill co-e to penetrate the -ountains1
Occupyin/ the /reat place o, Insu.ria1
To the /reatest depth his ar-y +ill enter,
&enoa, Monaco +ill chase .ac0 the red ,leet2
Napoleon crossed over the 4lps at the ;t% Bernard Pass &ith #"$""" men and reoccupied 2ilan% The
seaports of *enoa and 2onaco at that time &ere fighting the British /ed Coats &ho &ere
commanded by 4dmiral Lord Nelson%
C 6 < 66 16"! =ans la ;ardeigne vn noble /oy viendra$
<ue ne tiendra (ue trois ans le royaume$
Plusieurs coulleurs auec soy conioindra$
Luy mesmes apres soin someil marrit scome%
Into Sardinia a no.le "in/ +ill co-e,
)e +ho +ill not hold the real- .ut only three years,
)e +ill 5oin several colors to/ether,
)e hi-sel,, a,ter care, sleep, +ill scorn taunts2
Leoni credits the solution of this verse to Le Pelletier &ho &rote$ FCharles +mmanuel 3J$ Iing of an
old line$ despoiled by the 8rench /epublic of his continental possessions$ &ill retire to the 3sle of
;ardinia$ &here he &ill reign three years C1-06 to 16"!D) then he &ill abdicate in favor of his
brother$ Jictor +mmanuel 3$ and after many cares$ he &ill go to live obscure$ sad and humiliated$ at
/ome$ &here he &ill die in 1610 as a 1esuit%G
C ! < -6 16"! Le grand Neptune du profond de la mer$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=e gent Puni(ue X sang *auloys meslMH
Le isles Z sang$ pour le tardif ramer$
Plus luy nuira (ue lAoccult mal celM%
The /reat Neptune o, the deep o, the sea,
O, -i4ed Punic and 'rench .lood1
The isles in .lood, .ecause o, the slo+ ro+in/,
It +ill do -ore har- than the .adly concealed secret2
The island of mi>ed 8rench and 4frican blood may be .aiti &ho revolted against 8rench rule in
1-01% The slave and mulatto rebellion for e(uality &as e>tremely bloody% .aiti$ under the leadership
of Toussaint$ set up its o&n constitutional government and became a self-ruling nation Cthe badly
concealed secretD% Napoleon sent *eneral Leclerc to .aiti &ho too' bac' the island for 8rance%
.o&ever$ Leclerc died of yello& fever in 16"! and Napoleon$ involved in his continental &ars$
failed to send replacements for the 8rench army in .aiti Cthe slo& ro&ingD$ thus the era of 8rench
colonial rule in .aiti ended%
;ome commentators have attributed this verse to the cold &ar sho&do&n bet&een Iennedy
and Iruschev over hidden missile silos in Cuba in 10,1$ but not ade(uately%
C 1 < ,1 16"5 La republi(ue miserable infelice$
;era vastMe du nouueau magistratH
Leur grand amas de lAe>il malefice
8era ;ueue rauir leur grand contract%
The -isera.le, unhappy repu.lic,
#ill .e ruined .y the ne+ -a/istrate1
Their /reat a-assin/ o, e4iles ill +ill 9+ic0ed e4iles:
#ill cause the S+iss to .rea0 their /reat contract2
The .elvetic /epublic &as formed in ;&itzerland &hen several e>iled ;&iss leaders in 8rance
formally petitioned the ne& 8rench /evolutionary government to help them liberate certain districts
of ;&itzerland from aristocratic cantonal leaders% The =irectory$ eager to secure the 4lpine passes as
&ell as the treasury of Bern$ ordered the invasion of ;&itzerland in 1anuary$ 1-06% /esistance &as
brief% The unified state Cthe unhappy republicD did not last but until 16"5 due to 8rench political
machinations and the military intervention of 8rench troops in ;&iss affairs% 3t engendered &ide
hostility of the ;&iss to centralization%
C , < #" 16"5 *rand de 2agonce pour grande soif estaindre$
;era priuM de sa grande dignitMH
Ceu> de Cologne si fort le viendront plaindre$
<ue la grande groppe au /yn sera gettM%
The /reat one o, Mainz to 6uench the /reat thirst,
#ill .e deprived o, his /reat di/nity1
Those o, !olo/ne +ill co-e to co-plain stron/ly,
That the /reat ru-p +ill .e thro+n into the Rhine2
2ainz$ *ermany$ is located on the /hine /iver south&est of 8ran'fort% Leoni thin's the great one of
2ainz &ould be the 4rchbishop of 2ainz as one of the +lectors of the .oly /oman +mpire% By a
secret clause of the Treaty of Campoformio in 1-0-$ 2ainz &as ceded to 8rance by the +mperor%
But the +lector continued to hold the territory on the right ban' of the /hine &here it remained so
until the formal end of the .oly /oman +mpire in 16",% The 4rchbishop of Cologne &ho
complained so loudly &as also an +lector% .is dignity &as abolished in 16"5$ three years before the
end of the .oly /oman +mpire in 16",%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < ,5 16"5 <uand lAadultere blessM sans coup aura
2eurdry la femme X le filz par despit$
8emme assoumee lAenfant estrangleraH
.uit captifz prins$ sAestouffer sans respit%
#hen the adulterer +ounded +ithout a .lo+ +ill have
Murdered the +o-an and the son out o, spite,
#o-an 0noc0ed do+n the child stran/led1
%i/ht captives ta0en, to cho0e +ithout respite2
3f you thin' of the sub@ects as being countries rather than people$ this verse ma'es more sense% The
FadultererG &ould be a country allied &ith t&o opposing countries% The &oman &ould be a female
country and the child &ould be her colony%
This may possibly be applied to the events of 16"5 &hen 8rance refused to &ithdra& troops
from the =utch territory and the City of .anover in *ermany% The ?nited Iingdom then declared
&ar on 8rance CNapoleon being the adultererD% Napoleon also sold the Louisiana Territory to the
?nited ;tates Che 'illed his sonD% Napoleon &as &ounded &ithout a blo& because he lost a vast
amount of territory C6"" s(uare milesD to the ?nited ;tates by the Louisiana Purchase for b19
million and he incurred the &rath of *reat Britain% 3n this case$ the &oman may also be applied to
the Country of 3taly$ or even to the Catholic Church$ &ho &as most certainly FmurderedG by
C 6 < 95 16"# =edans Bolongne vouldra lauer ses fautes$
3l ne pourra au temple du soleil$
3l volera faisant choses si haultes
+n hierarchie nAen fut onc( vn pareil%
#ithin oulo/ne 9olo/na: he +ill +ant to +ash a+ay his ,aults,
At the te-ple o, the sun .ut he +ill cannot,
)e +ill ,ly a+ay doin/ thin/s so -i/hty
In the hierarchy there +as never one parallel to hi-2
The city may be Bologna in 3taly$ part of the Papal ;tates$ or Boulogne-sur-2er$ south of Calais%This
sleepy port city in northern 8rance &as a flurry of activity in 16"#% .aving (uarreled &ith *reat
Britain$ Napoleon assembled a vast army at Boulogne-sur-2er for the con(uest of +ngland% The
temple of the sun &ould be :estminster 4bbey built on the former site of the temple to 4pollo$ the
;un *od% .e struc' a metal and erected a column at Boulogne to commemorate his coming triumph%
4t the same time his aggressions in south *ermany forced /ussia and 4ustria into a coalition &ith
Britain against him% Napoleon gathered up his army from Boulogne and rushed it across +urope and
defeated the 4ustrians at ?lm and 4usterlitz% .e never carried out his plan to invade Britain%
C 9 < -- 16"9 Tous les degrez dAhonneur +cclesiasti(ue$
;eront changez en dial% (uirinalH
+n 2artial (uirinal flamini(ue$
Puis vn /oy de 8rance le rendra vulcanal%
All the de/rees o, %cclesiastical honor,
#ill .e chan/ed to Aupiter Huirinus1
In Martial Huirinus 'la--as 9Priest o, Huirinus:,
Then a "in/ o, 'rance +ill render hi- 9it: to Iulcan2
.ogue applies this verse to Napoleon 3 &ho earlier too' /ome and made a captive of Pope Pius J3$
then arrested his successor$ Pope Pius J33$ &ho had e>communicated Napoleon% Pope Pius J33 &as
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
captive only for a short time$ but this seems to fit% 4ccording to .ogueAs definitions$G<uirinal
flamini(ueG is Latin F<uirinalis flamenG N priest of <uirinum$ the *od of the Classical /oman
;tate% <uirinal .ill &as the site of the summer vacation home of popes% Napoleon declared the
Palazzo <uirinale to be his imperial palace &hen he &as cro&ned Iing of 3taly in 16"9% 3t is no&
the official residence of the President of the 3talian /epublic% Nostradamus uses the symbol of
1upiter for the ruling po&er and 8rance &as the ruling po&er at that time%
C 1 < -- 16"9 +ntre deu> mers dressera promontoire$
<ue puis mourra par le mords du cheualH
Le sien Neptune pliera voille noire$
Par Calpre X classe aupres de /ocheual%
et+een t+o seas stands the pro-ontory,
A -an +ill later die .y the .ite o, a horse1
'or his o+n Neptune un,urls a .lac0 sail,
Throu/h &i.raltar and the ,leet near Rocheval2
2ost commentators agree this is a very e>act description of the naval Battle of Trafalgar near
/ocheval bet&een the 8rench and +nglish% The 4dmiral of the 8rench fleet$ Jilleneuve &as
captured$ and &hen he &as returned$ Napoleon ordered him to be strangled to death% The guard used
a horseAs bridle to do the deed%
4dmiral Lord Nelson died in the battle and blac' sails &ere unfurled on the @ourney home%
8urther clueH FLe sien NG unscrambles to FNelson%G This battle effectively ended the 8rench Navy
and reasserted +nglandAs superiority of the seas%
C 1 < 9! 16"- Les deu> malins de ;corpion conioinct$
Le grand seigneur meurtry dans sa salleH
Peste Z lA+glise par le nouueau roy ioinct$
LA+urope basse X ;eptentrionale%
T+o evils con5oined in Scorpio,
The /reat lord -urdered in his hall1
A pestilence to the !hurch, ,ro- the ne+ 0in/ united 95oined:,
%urope decadent and Septentrionale 9Russia:2
4ccording to .ogue$ the t&o evils may be ;aturn and 2ars con@unct in ;corpio% ;elim 333 of the
7ttoman +mpire &as overthro&n in 16"- and 'illed the follo&ing year% The pestilence to the
Church &as Napoleon &ho too' Pope Pius J33 a prisoner% ;eptrentrionale is ?rsa 2inor$ made up of
seven stars near the North Pole% This stands for the /ussian Bear% This con@unction has occurred 1#
times since the prophecies &ere published so this may &ell be for another year%
C , < 60 16"6 +ntre deu> cymbes piedz X mains estachMs%
=e miel face oingt$ X de laict substantMH
*uespes X mouches$ fitine amour fachMs%
Poccilateur faucer$ Cyphe temptM%
et+een t+o .oats hands and ,eet .ound2
'ace anointed +ith honey and +ith -il0 sustained1
#asps and ,lies, paternal love ve4ed2
!up .earer ,alsi,ies, !halice tested2
Napoleon 3 C&aspsD and Tsar 4le>ander 3 CfliesD met on a raft in the middle of the Nieman at Tilsit$
and there came to an understanding% Tsar 4le>ander 3 &as only thirty years old at the time% By
Fhands and feet boundG Nostradamus is saying the soldiers &ere held bac' and this &as a peaceful
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
meeting% Their discussions lasted for nine days% F:hat is +uropeKG as'ed 4le>ander% F:e are
+urope%G 4nd in that spirit$ they divided the continent bet&een them% 4cting on this premise$
Napoleon later put his brother on the throne of ;pain and e>panded his con(uests% .e had hoped to
marry a /ussian princess$ ho&ever 4le>ander &as not obliging% 3nstead$ Napoleon turned to 4ustria
and married the 4rchduchess 2arie Louise% Napoleon and 4le>ander soon had breaches of
agreements$ and in 161!$ Napoleon invaded /ussia% The cup-bearer &as the Tsar$ &ho falsified his
position$ and the Chalice symbolizes the rule of 8rance%
C # < 6! 161! 4mas sAapproche venant dA+sclauonie$
LA7lestant vieu> citM ruyneraH
8ort desolee verra sa /omanie$
Puis la grande flamme esteindre ne scaura%
A -ass approaches ,ro- the direction o, Slavonia,
The Destroyer +ill see the city ruined1
Iery desolated he +ill see his Ro-e,
)e +ill not 0no+ ho+ to e4tin/uish the /reat ,ire2
Napoleon$ &hose name in *ree' means FNe& =estroyerG is called simply the 7lestant$ meaning
F=estroyer%G :hen Napoleon reached 2osco&$ his dreams of con(uering the great city in the
fashion of a ne& Caesar Chis /omeD vanished% .e found 2osco& deserted and abandoned% The fe&
citizens left set fire to the &ooden buildings and burned most of the once great city% Napoleon &as
forced to turn around and ma'e his &ay bac' to +urope% 4gain$ most commentators agree on this
C # < -9 161! Prest Z combatre fera defection%
Chef aduersaire obtiendra la victoireH
LAarriere garde fera defension$
Les defaillans mort au blanc territoire%
Those ready to ,i/ht +ill -a0e a de,ection,
The chie, adversary +ill o.tain the victory1
The rear /uard +ill -a0e a de,ense,
Those +ho ,alter +ill die in the +hite country2
NapoleonAs dream of con(uering /ussia failed miserably% :inter came early that year and many of
the retreating troops struggling to reach +urope faltered and died% Napoleon left a rear guard and
rode on ahead to 8rance% 1ohn .ogue says it best$ FThe *rand 4rmy of !" nations and half a
million soldiers that had crossed into /ussia on a sunny 1une day in 161! returned si> months later
as !"$""" sic'$ frozen$ bro'en men%G
C # < -" 1615 Bien contigue des grans monts Pyrenees$
Jn contre lAaigle grand copie adresserH
7uuertes veines$ forces e>terminees$
<ue ius(uAZ Pau le chef viendra chasser%
Iery conti/uous to the /reat Pyrenees Mountains,
One to direct a /reat ar-y a/ainst the %a/le1
Ieins opened, ,orces e4ter-inated,
)e +ill co-e to chase the leader as ,ar as Pau2
The leader of the forces is the =u'e of :ellington &ho chased the 8rench forces out of ;pain after
Napoleon had put his brother on the throne% Per 1ohn .ogue$ :ellington of Britain then led an
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
army of more than #"$""" British$ Portuguese and ;panish troops over the Pyrenees through the
to&n of Pau clear to Toulouse% 4fter Napoleon abdicated$ :ellington &ithdre& his forces%
C ! < -, 161# 8oudre en Bourgongne fera cas portenteu>$
<ue par engin onc(ues ne pourroit faire$
=e leur senat sacriste fait boiteu>%
8era sBauoir au> ennemis lAaffaire%
$i/htnin/ in ur/andy +ill -a0e a portentous deed,
One +hich never could have .een done .y in/enuity,
Se4ton -ade la-e .y their senate2
#ill -a0e 0no+n the a,,airs o, the ene-ies2
Cheetham suggests the lame priest is Charles 2aurice de Talleyrand-PMrigord% 3n 16"-$ disagreeing
&ith NapoleonAs policies$ Tallyrand resigned his position as grand chamberlain% .e &as for the
restoration of monarchy as the only solution for stability in 8rance% .e became involved in intrigues
&ith the Tsar 4le>ander 3 of /ussia$ then convened the ;enate in 161# to reveal to them the plans of
4le>ander 3% The ;enate pronounced Napoleon to have forfeited his cro&n% Napoleon &as e>iled to
the island of +lba near 3taly%
C 1" < 1, 161# .eureu> au regne de 8rance$ heureu> de vie
3gnorant sang$ mort fureur X rapine$
Par non CnomD flateurs sera mys en enuie$
/oy disrobM trop de foy en cuisine%
)appy in the real- o, 'rance, happy in li,e
I/norant o, .lood, death, ,ury and plunder,
Not .y ,latterers +ill .e put in envy,
9M'or a ,latterin/ na-e +ill .e envied:,
"in/ unconcealed, too -uch ,aith in the 0itchen2
_4lternate reading of Line 5% .appy in life and happy in being Iing$ Louis 16 never 'ne& hardship
or &ant in his life% .is only problem &as &hen Napoleon returned for his one hundred day reign%
The 'ing (uietly left to&n and then returned after the problem &as solved% .e &as accused of not
occupying himself enough &ith public affairs and of eating too much in loving good cheer%
4ccording to .ogue$ LouisA less-than-flattering surname used by the common people$ a &ic'ed pun
in 7ld 8rench for Louis =i>-huit$ &as Louis de suette$ meaning Louis of 8everish ;&eats because
the corpulent 'ing used to gorge himself so passionately that he perspired heavily%
C 1" < !# 1619 Le captif prince au> 3talles vaincu
Passera *ennes par mer ius(uAZ 2arseille$
Par grand effort des forens suruaincu
;auf coup de feu barril li(ueur dAabeille%
The captive Prince in Italy 9%l.a: con6uered
#ill pass &enoa .y sea as ,ar as Marseille,
y /reat e,,ort o, ,orei/ners overco-e
Sa,e /unshot, .arrel o, .ees li6uor2
The &ord F3tallesG may either be F3talyG or the Latin F4ethaliaG meaning F+lba%G +ither &ay$ it most
li'ely describes NapoleonAs escape from the Tuscany island of +lba in 8ebruary$ 1619% Nostradamus
foresees his e>act route past 2arseille$ finally landing at Cannes% Line 5 sho&s he &as finally
overcome at :aterloo% The last line sho&s he did not die from gunshot during :aterloo$ or this may
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
refer to his coup &hen he too' bac' the +mpire% .is emblem of bees is referred to also in the last
C 1" < -, 1619 Le grand ;enat discernera la pompe$
4 lAvn (uAapres sera vaincu chasse$
;es adherans seront Z son de trompe$
Biens publiez ennemys deschassez%
The /reat Senate +ill discern the po-p,
O, the one +ho a,ter +ill .e van6uished, driven out,
)is adherents +ill .e there at sound o, tru-pet,
Pu.lic /oods, ene-ies e4pelled2
This verse may be successfully applied to NapoleonAs one hundred days% .e &as &elcomed &ith
open arms by the people of Paris and also by the e>isting government% 4fter he lost the battle at
:aterloo$ he &as again forced to abdicate%
C , < #, 1619 Jn iuste sera en e>il renuoyM$
Par pestilence au> confins de Nonseggle$
/eponce au rouge le fera desuoyM$
/oy retirant Z la /ane X Z lAaigle%
A 5ust one +ill .e sent a/ain into e4ile,
y pestilence to the con,ines o, Nonse//le,
)is response to the red one +ill -a0e hi- -isled,
"in/ retirin/ to the 'ro/ and the %a/le2
.ogue targets this verse for Louis 16 &ho came out of e>ile to reign over 8rance &hen Napoleon
&as deposed as +mperor of 8rance% Then after Napoleon escaped from +lba$ Louis 16 returned to
e>ile during the one hundred days% .ogue discovered FNonseggleG to be a compound name of
F2onsG in Belgium$ and F/iegelG in the *erman Confederation$ &here Louis 16 spent his time in
e>ile% 3n the last line the 8rog &ould be in reference to the early 8ran'ish Iings of the 2erovingian
line symbolizing the Bourbon rule$ and the +agle &as the symbol of Napoleon% This may be the
very best interpretation% There are (uite a lot of (uatrains &ith /ane CfrogD that may pertain either
to a person or a person of the 2erovingian bloodline%
C ! < ## 1619 LAaigle pousee entour de pauillons$
Par autres oyseau> dAentour sera chassMeH
<uand bruit des cymbres$ tube X sonnaillons
/endront le sens de la dame insensMe%
The %a/le driven .ac0 around the tents,
y other .irds in the area +ill .e chased1
#hen the noise o, cy-.als, tru-pets and .ells
#ill restore sense to the senseless lady2
2ost commentators attribute this to Napoleon at :aterloo$ the +agle being his standard$ and the
other birds are the alliesA standards% The senseless lady in this case &ould be 2arianne$ the symbol
of /epublican 8rance$ &ho$ brought to her senses$ &ould restore a Bourbon to the throne% .o&ever
this may fit a future application better$ the birds being airplanes and the +agle being the ?nited
C 1" < 5# 1619 *auloys (uAempire par guerre occupera
Par son beau frere mineur sera trahyH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Par cheual rude voltigeant trainera$
=u fait le frere long temps sera hay%
The &aul +ho +ill hold e-pire .y +ar
y his -inor .rotherDinDla+ +ill .e .etrayed1
y a rude, prancin/ horse he +ill .e dra+n,
The deed o, .rother ,or a lon/ ti-e +ill .e hated2
.ogue credits /obb C10#!D for applying this verse to Napoleon 3% .is brother-in-la&$ married to
NapoleonAs sister$ &as 1oachim 2urat$ Iing of Naples% .e &as the great cavalry leader of the
/evolutionary army% 4s the 8rench +mpire collapsed in 161#$ 2urat abandoned his post and
betrayed his leader% 2urat s&itched sides again and pledged loyalty to Napoleon in 1619 during his
hundred day reign% .e then s&itched bac' against Napoleon% .e returned to 8rance and &as shot on
7ctober 15$ 1619% Nostradamus gets an 4O on this verse%
C 1" < 0" 1619 Cent foys mourra le tyran inhumain%
2ys Z son lieu scauant X debonnaire$
Tout le senat sera dessoubz sa main$
8achM sera par malin themeraire%
A hundred ti-es the inhu-an tyrant +ill die2
Put in his place one +ise and de.onair,
All the senate +ill .e under his hand,
)e +ill .e ve4ed .y a -alicious scoundrel2
The best application for this (uatrain &ould be the final abdication of Napoleon% Le Pelletier &rites$
FThe +mperor$ &hose dictatorial po&ers &ill have caused$ through his long &ars$ a great shedding
of human blood$ &ill die a hundred times of grief at ;t% .elena$ &herein the +nglish &ill over&helm
him &ith abuses% .is title &ill be ta'en by Louis QJ333$ a &ise and 'indly Iing &ho &ill find$ in the
t&o Chambers set up by the Charter of 1619$ an absolute devotion to the person) but the audacious
murder of the =u'e of Berry by a scoundrel named Louvel on 8ebruary 15$ 16!"$ &ill plunge this
prince into grief%G
C 1 < 5! 161, Le grand +mpire sera tost translatM$
+n lieu petit (ui bien tost viendra croistreH
Lieu bien infime dAe>igue comtM$
7u au milieu viendra poser son sceptre%
The /reat %-pire +ill soon .e trans,erred,
Into a s-all place, +hich +ill soon co-e to /ro+1
A very lo+ place in a petty country,
In the -iddle o, +hich he +ill lay do+n his scepter2
Napoleon in 161# &as e>iled to the island of +lba$ but escaped and his empire began again to gro&
Cbut only for 1"" daysD% 4fter he lost at :aterloo he &as subse(uently sent to the smaller island of
;t% .elena in the south 4tlantic in 161, &here he lay do&n his scepter for good% .e died there in
C 5 < 0, 16!" Chef de 8ossan aura gorge coupee$
Par le ducteur du limier X leurierH
Le faict patrM par ceu> du mont Tarpee$
;aturne en Leo 15% de 8eurier%
The chie, o, 'ossano +ill have his throat cut,
y the leader o, the .loodhound and /reyhound1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The deed carried out .y those o, the Tarpeian Roc0,
Saturn in $eo 'e.ruary 7=2
7n 8ebruary 15$ 16!"$ as the =uc de Berry &as leaving the Paris 7pera &ith his &ife$ he &as
stabbed and 'illed by the fanatic$ Louvel% The =uc de Berry &as also the Prince of ;ardinia Cchief of
8ossanoD% The FTarpeian /oc'G is a phrase used by 2arat during the /evolution to stir up the
/epublicans% .e urged that the /oyalists should be thro&n off the Tarpeian /oc' to their deaths as
their /oman counterparts had done to their enemies% Louvel &as not the leader of the hunt$ but did
&or' as a saddler in the /oyal stables% .o&ever$ the verse indicates there &as more than one person
involved in this conspiracy%
7C=< ( K AM
C 5 < 01 165" LAarbre (uAestoit par long temps mort sechM$
=ans vne nuict viendra Z reuerdirH
Cron /oy malade$ Prince pied estachM$
Craint dAennemis fera voile bondir%
The tree +hich +as lon/ dead and +ithered,
In one ni/ht +ill co-e to /ro+ /reen a/ain1
!ronian 9old: "in/ sic0, Prince +ith da-a/ed ,oot,
'ear o, ene-ies, he +ill set sail2
The =uc de Bordeau> &as born seven months after his father$ the =uc de Berry$ ne>t in line for the
throne of 8rance$ &as assassinated% The =uc de Bordeau> in@ured his foot falling from a horse in
4ustria in 16#1 and had a permanent limp% .e &ent into e>ile in 165" &ith his grandfather$ Charles
Q$ the old CcronianD 'ing% Charles Q had been cro&ned 'ing upon the death of his brother$ Louis
16% .e abdicated after the 1uly /evolution in favor of his grandson$ the Comte de Chambord also
'no&n as the =uc de Bordeau>% .o&ever the 8rench Chamber of =eputies declared the throne
vacant and put Louis-Philippe of 7rleans on the throne as 'ing% Charles Q &as the last Bourbon
C 1 < 50 165" =e nuict dans lict le supresme estrangle$
Pour trop auoir seiournM blond esleuH
Par troys lAempire subroge e>ancle$
4 mort mettra carte$ X pa(uet ne leu%
At ni/ht in .ed the hi/hest one stran/led,
'or havin/ too -uch su.orned the .lond elect1
y three su.stitutes the e-pire is enslaved,
Put to death, card and pac0et unread2
The last of the Conde Bourbons$ a blonde$ Louis-.enry 33 of Bourbon-Conde &as found hanging by
his nec' in his bedroom% The three substitutes in line to rule 8rance are Louis-Philippe C165"-#6D$
the ;econd +mpire of Napoleon 333 C16#6--1D$ and the Third /epublic of Thiers and 2ac2ahon% Le
Pelletier states it &as rumored his &ill &as replaced and his original &ishes &ent unread%
C # < - 165!Le mineur filz du grand X hay prince$
=e lepre aura Z vingt ans grande tacheH
=e dueil sa mere mourra bien triste X mince$
+t il mourra lZ ou tombe cher lache%
The -inor son o, the /reat and hated Prince,
#ill have a /reat touch o, leprosy at t+enty years1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)is -other +ill die o, /rie,, very sad and thin,
And he +ill die +here loose ,lesh ,alls2
The great and hated Prince has to be Napoleon% .is son$ Napoleon 33$ Iing of /ome$ &as a sic'ly
child% 7fficially$ he died of tuberculosis at age t&enty in 165!% 3f he had a great touch of leprosy$ it
&as not recorded%
.is mother$ NapoleonAs second &ife$ 2arie Louise$ Princess and 4rchduchess of 4ustria$
died in 16#-% Napoleon himself died in e>ile on the island of ;t% .elena in 16!1 of cancer$ then
called the disease of loose flesh or the &asting a&ay disease%
C 9 < - 16#"=e Triumuir seront trouues les os$
Cherchant profond tresor Ynigmati(ueH
Ceu> dAalentour ne seront en repos$
Ce concauer marbre X plomb metalli(ue%
The .ones o, the Triu-vir +ill .e ,ound,
Seachin/ ,or a deep eni/-atic treasure1
Those around +ill not re-ain at rest,
This concave -ar.le and -etalli6ue lead2
4fter Napoleon 3 obtained po&er$ he &as made 8irst Consul of the three members of the =irectoire$
a Triumvir% .ogue states that Iing Louis-Philippe$ in a move designed to &in bac' his declining
popularity$ had the bones of Napoleon returned to 8rance from ;t% .elena amidst a @oyful
celebration% .is coffin of marble and lead &as interred at the .otel des 3nvalides% 3nstead of gaining
popularity$ Iing Louis-Phillippe found there &ere ne& sentiments in regard to restoring the
Napoleonic line%
C - < 56 16#! LAaisnM /oyal sur coursier voltigeant$
Pic(uer viendra si rudement courirH
*ueulle$ lipee$ pied dans lAestrein pleignant$
TrainM$ tirM$ horriblement mourir%
The eldest royal upon a prancin/ horse,
To spur so rudely it +ill co-e to run o,,1
Mouth, lips, ,oot sparin/ in the stirrup,
Dra//ed, pulled, to die horri.ly2
Le Pelletier applies this verse to the eldest son and heir of Louis-Philippe$ Cro&n Prince 8erdinand$
&ho in 16#! &as 'illed in a riding accident by his maddened horse% 2any historians consider that
the Iing became so depressed that he &as not able to tend to affairs of state and this led to his
do&nfall% Leoni reminds us to consider also another candidate for this verseH Prince de Bourbon-
/oche-sur-Lon &ho &as 'illed in 19," in the same manner%
C 9 < 9, 16#, Par le trepas du tresuieillard pontife$
;era esleu /omain de bon aageH
<uAil sera dict (ue le siege debiffe$
+t long tiendra X de pic(uant ouurage%
Throu/h the death o, a very old Ponti,,,
#ill .e elected a Ro-an o, /ood a/e1
)e +ill .e said to +ea0en the seat,
And lon/ he +ill hold it in .itin/ outra/e2
The pope &ho held the seat the longest length of time &as Blessed Pius 3Q from 16#, to 16-6 5!
years% .e succeeded an 61 year old *regory QJ3% .e &as outraged &hen Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
seized many of the Papal ;tates into his unified 'ingdom% Then in 16-" the 'ing anne>ed the rest$
plus the City of /ome itself$ leaving only the Jatican in the hands of the .oly ;ee% =isputes
bet&een the FprisonerG popes and 3taly &ere finally resolved in 10!0 by three Lateran Treaties
&hich established the independent state of Jatican City and granted /oman Catholicism special
status in 3taly%
C 6 < #! 16#6 Par auarice$ par force X violence
Jiendra ve>er les siens chiefz dA7rleans$
Pres saint 2emire assault X resistance%
2ort dans sa tante diront (uAil dort leans%
Throu/h avarice, .y ,orce and violence
The chie, o, Orleans +ill co-e to ve4 his ,ollo+ers,
Near Saint Me-ire assault and resistance2
Dead in his tent they +ill say he sleeps +ithin2
Le Pelletier again is given credit by Leoni for solving this verse% Louis-Philippe of 7rleans
alienated those &ho had carried him to the throne of 8rance$ and by 16#6 he &as disli'ed by all of
8rance% =uring the revolution there &as an assault and combat against the republicans$ near and in
the Church of ;aint-2eri% .e did not assist during the revolution and spent most of his time asleep
in bed% 4ccording to .ogue$ &itnesses describe him emerging from his bedroom loo'ing more
dead than alive% .e stood before members of his cabinet in a soiled nightshirt and nightcap &hen he
officially signed his resignation in 16#6%
C - < #1 16#6 Les oz des piedz X des mains enserrMs$
Par bruit maison long temps inhabiteeH
;eront par songes concauant deterrMs$
2aison salubre X sans bruyt habitee%
The .ones o, the ,eet and the hands shac0led,
ecause o, the noise the house uninha.ited ,or a lon/ ti-e1
Di//in/ in drea-s, they +ill .e unearthed,
)ouse healthy and inha.ited +ithout noise2
The advent of modern ;piritualism occurred at a cottage in .ydesville$ N%L% on 2arch 51$ 16#6%
;pirit communication &as established &ith a deceased /ussian peddler named Charles /osna% .e
said he &as slain because the &ife of the cottage$ 2rs% Bell$ &anted his goods% 4fter he &as 'illed
and buried in the basement$ strange une>plained phenomena began to happen and the Bells &ere
forced to move% 4nother family$ the :ee'mans$ moved in and they began e>periencing strange
rappings throughout the cottage% They also moved out% The house stayed vacant for a long time%
Then 1ohn and 2argaret 8o> &ith their t&o daughters moved in% The daughters$ Catherine
and 2argaretta 8o>$ &ho named the spirit 2r% ;plitfoot$ &or'ed out a means of communication by
rapping sounds and the spirit of Charles /osna told them he &ished to let his family 'no& &hat had
happened to him% The parents found the body buried in the basement and reinterred his bones to a
cemetery% The noises then stopped%
.o&ever$ the 8o> sisters$ &ishing to impress others$ learned to fa'e the rappings by crac'ing
their toes under the table% Thirty years later$ they finally admitted their fraud% 3n the meantime$ tens
of thousands of mediums sprang up and the Ne& 4ge of 2odern 4merican ;piritualism &as born%
4braham Lincoln$ in fact$ &as said to have held sMances in the :hite .ouse% The cottage in
.ydesville$ N% L% has been preserved by a ;piritualist organization as a museum%
C 0 < # 16#6LAan ensuyuant decouuertez par deluge$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=eu> chefs esleuz le premier ne tiendra
=e fuyr vmbre Z lAvn dAeu> le refuge$
;accagee case (ui premier maintiendra%
The ,ollo+in/ year discoveries throu/h a delu/e,
T+o chie,s elected, the ,irst +ill not hold
To ,ly ,ro- shado+ to the one +ho is a re,u/e,
Plunder the house +hich the ,irst had -aintained2
9MThe house +hich +ill -aintain the ,irst plundered:2
_4lternate reading of Line #% 8ebruary in the year of 16#6 sa& insurrections and discontent among
the people of 8rance% This &as basically a class struggle due to poor economic conditions and
ine(ualities bet&een classes% 3n Paris the barricades &ent up and street fighting resulted in three
days of blood% Iing Louis-Philippe$ indecisive about the situation$ &as deposed% 7verall command
&as in the hands of the =efence 2inister$ *eneral Louis +ugMne Cavaignac% 4 constitutional
assembly appointed Cavaignac as the Provisional head of the government% 4 national election &as
called for in November$ 16#6 to elect a President of the ;econd /epublic% Cavaignac only received
10S of the vote compared to -#S for Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte% The former emperorAs nephe&
&as able to ta'e advantage of the cult of the great soldier and political leader% Thus$ t&o leaders of
8rance &ere elected in 16#6% .ere Nostradamus also predicts the ne& Napoleon &ill plunder the
house of 8rance &hich had been maintained by Cavaignac%

C 0 < 9 16#6Tiers doit du pied au premier semblera%
4 vn nouueau monar(ue de bas haut$
<ui Pyse X Luc(ues Tyran occupera
=u precedent corriger le deffaut%
The third toe o, the ,oot +ill rese-.le the ,irst2
To a ne+ -onarch o, lo+ hei/ht 9estate:,
)e +ho +ill occupy Pisa and $ucca as tyrant,
To correct the ,aults o, his predecessor2
Commentators have attributed this verse to the 8rench /evolution in 1-60 and the Third +state$ to
8ranceAs Third /epublic$ and to .itlerAs Third /eich% The third line is a problem for everyone%
The best interpretation might be Napoleon 333% Nostradamus puts him do&n as a toe$ the
lo&est part of the body% Li'e his famous uncle$ he achieved the top position of the 8rench government
only to subse(uently rise to dictator by a coup$ then to +mperor% Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte &as
active in the 3talian resistance movement and &as imprisoned in 3taly in 4ugust 16#" Cpossibly
e>plaining Line 5D% .e escaped prison and fled to the ?nited Iingdom in 16#,$ then traveled to
8rance during the 8ebruary revolution of 16#6% .e launched a massive campaign and &on the 8rench
election in =ecember of that year%
C 6 < 60 169! Pour ne tumber entre mains de son oncle$
<ui ses enfans par regner trucidez$
7rant au peuple mettant pied sur Peloncle
2ort X traisnM entre cheuaul> bardez%
So as not to ,all .et+een the hands o, his uncle,
#ho -urdered his children in order to rei/n,
Pleadin/ +ith the people puttin/ his ,eet on Peloncle
Dead and dra//ed .et+een ar-ored horses2
The tric' to solving this verse lies in determining &ho FPeloncleG is% 3f FPeloncleG is an anagram of
some type$ it may be an allusion to Napoleon 3$ the uncle of Napoleon 333$ or a combination of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
FuncleGConcle in 8renchD and FNapoleonG CNostradamus loves to combine meanings into one &ordD%
3n this case$ Napoleon 3 lost many 8rench soldiers in his many campaigns Cmurdered his children in
order to reignD% This verse may sho& that Napoleon 333 attempted to do better than his uncle by
'eeping the empire peaceful and F'illingG the &arrior image associated &ith his uncle%
C 9 < , 169! 4u roy lA4ugur sur le chef la main mettre$
Jiendra prier pour la pai> 3tali(ueH
4 la main gauche viendra changer le sceptre
=e /oy viendra +mpereur pacifi(ue%
The Au/ur puttin/ his hand on the head o, the "in/,
#ill co-e to pray ,or peace in Italy1
)e +ill -ove the scepter to his le,t hand
'ro- "in/ he +ill .eco-e a peace,ul %-peror2
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte &as elected President of the ;econd /epublic of 8rance in 16#6
and subse(uently &as cro&ned +mperor in 169!$ reigning as Napoleon 333% .e had been active
in the 3talian insurrection before coming to 8rance% The F4ugurG is most li'ely the pope$ &ho
cro&ns him% Napoleon 333 made the famous statement$ FLA+mpire$ cAest la pai>G meaning$ FThe
4rt of an +mpire is Peace%G 4nd he 'ept his &ars out of 8rance until 16-" &hen he &as caught
up in the 8ranco-Prussian :ar%
C - < - 169#;ur le combat des grans cheuaul> legiers$
7n criera le grand croissant confond%
=e nuict tuer monts habitz de bergiers$
C_=e nuict tuer 2outon$ Brebis$ BergersD$
4bismes rouges dans le fossM profond%
Upon the o, the /reat li/ht horses,
They +ill proclai- the /reat crescent con,ounded2
y ni/ht to 0ill -ountains dressed as shepherds,
9My ni/ht to 0ill Sheep, %+es, Shepherds:,
Red a.ysses in the deep trench 9valley:2
_Jariant from the 1,"9 edition% The crescent is 3slam$ or it may stand for the Tur's$ or the 7ttoman
+mpire% This verse may be about the Crimean :ar% The &ar &as immortalized by TennysonAs
poem$ FCharge of the Light Brigade%G The &ar began &hen /ussia invaded 2oldavia and
:allachia$ and then san' the 7ttoman fleet at ;inop on November 5"$ 169#% The 8rench and
British$ allied &ith the 7ttoman +mpire$ landed troops in the Crimea and besieged the city of
;evastopol% 4fter the occupation of ;evastopol and the /ussian accession of 4le>ander 33$ peace
negotiations began% The &ar ended &ith the Treaty of Paris in 169,% FBy nightG puts this (uatrain
prior to 1666%
C 1" < 6 169, 3nde> X poulse parfondera le front$
=e ;enegalia le Conte Z son filz properH
La 2yrnarmee par plusieurs de prinfront$
Trois dans sept iours blesses mors%
#ith ,ore,in/er and thu-. he +ill sprin0le the ,orehead,
The !ount o, Sene/allia to his o+n son1
The Myrnar-ee .y several o, thin ,orehead 9in short order:,
Three in seven days +ounded dead2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7n 1une 19$ 169,$ the Prince 3mperial$ son of Napoleon 333$ &as baptized% .is godfather &as Pope
Pius 3Q% The pope &as the son of Count 2astai-8erretti of ;enigallia% 2yrnarmee &as the surname
of Jenus and so may be referring to +mpress +ugMnie% The last line may be referencing the fact that
Napoleon 333 died in 16-5%
C - < !" 1696 4mbassadeurs de la Toscane langue$
4uril X 2ay 4lpes X mer passerH
Celuy de veau e>pousera lAharangue$
Jie *auloise ne venant effacer%
A-.assadors o, the Tuscan lan/ua/e,
April and May passin/ the Alps and the sea1
One o, the cal, +ill deliver the speech,
Not +ishin/ to do a+ay +ith 'rench custo-s2
The one of the calf is Conte di Camillo Benso Cavour &ho &ished to unify 3taly under Jictor
+mmanuel 33% 3n 1696 by an agreement reached at Plombieres$ Cavour &on the bac'ing of +mperor
Napoleon 333 of 8rance for a &ar against 4ustria$ promising in e>change to cede ;avoy and Nice to
8rance Cnot &ishing to do a&ay &ith 8rench customsD% 4ustria &as maneuvered into declaring &ar%
.o&ever$ 8rance refused to continue fighting and in 1690 signed the separate armistice of
Jillafranca di Jerona &ith 4ustria% Cavour finally sa& 3taly unified in 16,1 t&o months before he
7C;8 ( ; AM
C 9 < !" 1690 =ela les 4lpes grand armMe passera$
Jn peu deuant naistra monstre vapinH
Prodigieu> X subit tournera$
Le grand Tos(uan Z son lieu plus propin%
The /reat ar-y +ill pass the Alps,
Shortly .e,ore a -onster scoundrel is .orn1
Prodi/ious and sudden he +ill turn,
The /reat Tuscan to his nearest place2
Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier as solving this (uatrain pertaining to the 8rench invasion of 3taly by
Napoleon 333 in 1690 in their &ar against the 4ustrians% Leopold 33$ the *rand =u'e of
Tuscany$ &as driven bac' to his .apsburg place in 4ustria% The monster scoundrel &ould then
be *aribaldi &ho attempted to con(uer the Papal ;tates%
C # < ," 16," Les sept enfans en hostaige laissMs$
Le tiers viendra son enfant truciderH
=eu> par son filz seront dAestoc percMs$
*ennes$ 8lorence$ les viendra encunder CsecunderD%
The seven children le,t in hosta/e,
The third +ill co-e to slau/hter his child1
y his son, t+o +ill .e pierced .y the point,
&enoa, 'lorence, they +ill co-e to con,use 9second: the-2
This (uatrain is possibly in regard to the 3talian unification by Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33 in 16,"$
the children being the countries to be unified% The seven children left to be unified &ere Tuscany$
2odena$ Parma$ Bologna$ /omagna$ the Iingdom of the T&o ;icilies C;icily and NaplesD and
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
?mbria% Jenetia &as retained by 4ustria and /ome belonged to the Pope% The first five voted to
become part of unified 3taly% Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33 led his troops into ?mbria and that province
voted in favor of unification% *aribaldi Csymbolically his sonD &as dispatched to con(uer the
Iingdom of T&o ;icilies to bring them into the unification% Jenetia &as added in 16,, and /ome
in 16-"%
C 9 < ## 16," Par mer le rouge sera prins de pyrates$
La pai> sera par son moyen troubleeH
LAire X lAauare commettra par fainct acte$
4u grand Pontife sera lAarmee doublee%
y sea the red one +ill .e ta0en .y pirates,
ecause o, hi- peace +ill .e trou.led1
An/er and /reed co--itted .y a ,alse act,
The &rand Ponti,, +ill dou.le his ar-y2
*iuseppe *aribaldi participated in a failed republican uprising in Piedmont in 165#% ;entenced to
death$ he escaped and traveled to ;outh 4merica &here he &as commander of ?raguayAs navy in a
&ar &ith 4rgentina% .e returned to +urope in 169# to @oin a ne& &ar against 4ustria% 3n 16,"$
sailing &ith a thousand so-called redshirts Cred is the color Nostradamus used for those &ho rebelD$
he con(uered ;icily and the Iingdom of Naples for Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33% .is planned
e>pedition to con(uer the Papal ;tates Cthe false actD in 16,! resulted in his &ounding% .e tried
again in 16,- &ith an e>pedition against /ome$ but he &as halted by 8rench troops in support of
the pope% .e is a national hero in 3taly for his efforts at unification of the country for his 'ing%
C 9 < #! 16," 2ars esleuM en son plus haut befroy$
8era retraire les 4llobro> de 8ranceH
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy$
4 ceu> de lA4igle comprins souz la balance%
Mars elevated to his hi/hest .el,ry,
#ill cause the Savoyards to return to 'rance1
The people o, $o-.ardy put into /reat ,ear,
O, those o, the %a/le co-prised under the alance2
3n return for military aid in fighting the 4ustrians and helping to unify 3taly$ Iing Jictor +mmanuel
33 gave Napoleon 333 the Iingdom of ;avoy and the City of Nice% ;avoy &as originally a part of
8rance but &as given to .oly /oman +mpire under the Treaty of Cateau-CambrMsis in 1990% The
people of Lombardy in northern 3taly sa& a lot of &arfare in their country during the campaigns of
8rance against the 4ustrians$ &ho are those of the +agle under the symbol of Libra%
C - < 10 16," Le fort Nicene ne sera combatu$
Jaincu sera par rutilant metal
;on faict sera vn long temps debatu$
4u> citadins estrange espouuantal%
The ,ort o, Nice +ill not .e ,ou/ht a/ainst,
It shall .e con6uered .y shinin/ -etal
The deed +ill .e de.ated ,or a lon/ ti-e,
To the citizens stran/e and ,ear,ul2
Nice &as con(uered by the 8rench in 1,01 and 1-"9 and 1-0!% ?nder the Treaty of ?trecht in 1-15
Nice &as given to ;avoy% 3t &as a possession of ;ardinia in 161#% .o&ever$ after it became a 3talian
possession$ Nice and ;avoy &ere given to 8rance by Jictor +mmanuel 33 in e>change for assistance
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
from Napoleon 333 in helping to consolidate the various 3talian republics and duchies under 4ustrian
control% 3f by Fshining metalG Nostradamus is spea'ing of money$ there &as none e>changed that is
recorded in history%
C 6 < -6 16,! Jn Bragamas auec la langue torte
Jiendra des dieu> le sanctuaire$
4u> hereti(ues il ouurira la porte
+n suscitant lAeglise militaire%
A roads+ord 9Soldier o, 'ortune: +ith t+isted ton/ue
#ill co-e to the sanctuary o, the /ods,
To the heretics he +ill open the /ate
In stirrin/ up the !hurch -ilitant2
The best historical application of this verse &ould be to *iuseppe *aribaldi$ a soldier of fortune$
&ho con(uered the t&o ;icilies for Jictor +mmanuel 33As unification of 3taly%
3n 16,!$ only part of the Papal ;tates$ including /ome$ remained outside the ne& 'ingdom%
*aribaldi led a volunteer army against /ome$ but the 'ing$ fearing international intervention$ sent
an 3talian army that defeated *aribaldi at 4spromonte% *aribaldi &as given a pardon% 3n l6,-$ in the
4ustro-Prussian :ar of 16,,$ he attempted once again to capture /ome$ but he &as defeated by the
combined 8rench and Papal forces at 2entana%
C , < 6! 16,5 Par les desers de lieu$ libre$ X farouche$
Jiendra errer nepueu du grand PontifeH
4ssomM Z sept auec(ues lourde souche$
Par ceu> (uAapres occuperont le cyphe%
Throu/h the deserts o, the place ,ree and +ild,
#ill co-e to +ander the nephe+ o, the /reat Ponti,,1
eaten to death .y seven +ith a heavy clu.,
y those +ho a,ter+ards +ill occupy the !halice2
2ost commentators place this (uatrain in the future during the time of troubles for the Catholic
Church$ &hich may be correct%
7ne possible candidate for this verse is 2a>imilian 3$ +mperor of 2e>ico% .e &as born in
165! and named 8erdinand 2a>imilian 1oseph$ 4rchdu'e of 4ustria$ Prince of .ungary and
Bohemia% .e &as a member of 4ustriaAs 3mperial .apsburg family% :ith the bac'ing of Napoleon
333 and a group of 2e>ican conservatives$ he &as proclaimed +mperor of 2e>ico in 16,#% 8rom
the time he landed in Jeracruz he found himself involved in serious difficulties as the 2e>ican
liberals$ led by President Benito 1uarez$ refused to recognize his rule% 3n 16,, Napoleon 333
&ithdre& his troops in the face of 2e>ican resistance and 2a>imilian &as urged to return to
4ustria% .e refused to leave and &as subse(uently captured and e>ecuted by firing s(uad by 1uarez
in 16,-% 4lthough he &as not the nephe& of Pope Pius 3Q$ he may have had the pope for his
godfather$ as &as common practice &ith royal families% 4nd he &as not beaten to death$ he &as
e>ecuted by a firing s(uad% ;o this interpretation is problematical%
C 6 < -# 16,5 +n terre neufue bien auant /oy entrM
Pendant subges luy viendront faire acueil$
;a perfidie aura tel recontrM
<uAau> citadins lieu de feste X recueil%
Iery ,ar into the ne+ land a "in/ enters
#hile his su.5ects +ill co-e to +elco-e hi-,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)is per,idy +ill have such an e,,ect
That ,or the citizens a replacin/ o, ,east and reception2
2a>imilian 3$ +mperor of 2e>ico$ &as of the 4ustrian .ouse of .apsburg% .e &as supported by
Napoleon 333 and the 2e>ican monarchists% .e &as not &elcomed by those of his sub@ects &ho
supported the liberal President$ Benito 1uarez%
C 9 < -0 16,9 La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles$
Par la venue du grand legislateurH
.umble haulsera ve>era les rebelles$
Naistra sur terre aucun Ymulateur%
The sacred po-p +ill co-e to lo+er its +in/s,
At the co-in/ o, the /reat la+/iver1
)e +ill raise the hu-.le and ve4 the re.els,
None o, his li0e +ill .e .orn on this earth2
The best application for this (uatrain may be from /oberts &ho applies it to 4braham Lincoln &ho
freed the slaves and put do&n the rebels of the Civil :ar% 3t certainly seems to fit%
C 9 < 65 16,9 Ceu> (ui auront entreprins subuertir$
Nonpareil regne$ puissant X inuincibleH
8eront par fraude$ nuictz trois aduertir$
<uant le plus grand Z table lira Bible%
Those +ho have underta0en the enterprise to su.vert,
The unparalleled real-, po+er,ul and invinci.le1
They +ill act .y deceit, three ni/hts to +arn,
#hen the /reatest is readin/ his i.le at his ta.le2
This @ust sounds li'e 4braham Lincoln% Night is mentioned &hich puts this prior to 1666% Perhaps
Lincoln &as &arned of the assassination plans under&ay and this fact is not recorded in history%
C , < 05 16,9 Prelat auare dAambition trompM$
/ien ne sera (ue trop viendra cuiderH
;es messagiers$ X luy bien attrapM$
Tout au rebours voir$ (ui le bois fendroit%
Avaricious Prelate .y a-.ition deceived,
)e +ill .elieve nothin/ is too /ood ,or hi-1
)e and his -essen/ers very trapped,
The one +ho cuts +ood sees all in reverse2
The one &ho cuts &ood is 4braham Lincoln &ho split rails and &as humble% The only person at that
time in history &ho seems to fit the description of the Prelate &ould be Cardinal *iacomo
4ntonelli$ ;ecretary of ;tate for Pope Pius 3Q% .e &as charged &ith the care of public interests so
that the Pontiff might devote himself more e>clusively to spiritual matters% Catholic historians have
yet to form an estimate of the &or's of 4ntonelli$ or to reconcile the e>travagant praise of his
admirers &ith the vituperations of his enemies% .e vigorously defended the rights of the .oly ;ee
and sho&ed himself to be a fearless diplomat$ respected by princes and statesmen$ although there is
a charge that his aim &as to a large e>tent personal aggrandizement% Catholic historians remind us
that he &as primarily a statesman and not a priest$ although he did discharge his religious duties
most assiduously%
C 1 < 0! 16-" ;ouz vn la pai> partout sera clamMe%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2ais non long temps pillM X rebellion$
Par refus ville$ terre$ X mer entamMe$
2ort X captifz le tiers dAvn million%
Under one peace +ill every+here .e clai-ed2
ut not lon/ a,ter pilla/e and re.ellion,
ecause o, re,usal to+n, land and sea encroached,
Dead and captured, a third o, a -illion2
The F+mpire of PeaceG lasted until Napoleon 333 &as caught up in the (uarrel &ith Bismarc' in
*ermany &hich led to the 8ranco-Prussian :ar in 16-"% 3t &as provo'ed by 7tto von Bismarc' &ho
blamed 8rance as the aggressor as part of his plan to create a unified *erman +mpire% 3n the defeat at
;edan$ Napoleon 333 and 6!$""" of his men &ere captured% Louis-Napoleon 333$ +mperor of 8rance and
the ;econd +mpire$ &as imprisoned and later died in +ngland in 16-5% The 8rench losses of this &ar
C'illed and capturedD numbered about a third of a million%
C 5 < 95 16-" <uand le plus grand emportera le pris$
=e Nuremberg$ dA4uspourg$ X ceu> de Basle
Par 4grippine chef 8ran'fort reprisH
Trauerseront par 8lamant @us(uAen *ale%
#hen the /reatest +ill carry o,, the prize,
O,, o, Au/s.ur/, and those o, asel
Throu/h !olo/ne the chie, 'ran0,ort reta0en1
They +ill cross throu/h 'landers ri/ht into 'rance2
Bismarc' organized the North *erman Confederation C16,--16-1D containing t&enty-t&o states of
northern *ermany% Basel is a *erman spea'ing cityRstate in the part of ;&itzerland that lies on the
/hine directly bet&een 8rance and *ermany% 3t is (uite possible citizens of Basel @oined &ith
Bismarc'As army &hen he invaded 8rance$ through Belgium$ in the 8ranco-Prussian :ar% 3n 16-1 in
Jersailles$ 8rance$ a *erman +mpire &as proclaimed% 3n the Peace of 8ran'fort$ 4lsace-Lorraine Can
area along the /hine /iverD &as ceded to *ermany% 3t &as later returned to 8rance in 1010 under the
Treaty of Jersailles%
C 6 < #5 16-" Par le decide de deu> choses bastars
Nepueu du sang occupera le regne
=edans lectoyre seront les coups de dars
Nepueu par peur pliera lAenseigne%
Throu/h the ,all o, t+o .astard thin/s
Nephe+ .y .lood +ill occupy the real-
#ithin lectoyre 9Sedan $e Torcy: there +ill .e .lo+s .y lances
The Nephe+ in ,ear +ill ,old his .anner2
Leoni again gives credit to Le Pelletier for partially solving this verse in 16,-H the t&o bastard
things are the reign of Louis-Philippe of 7rleans and the National 4ssembly in 16#6% FNephe& by
bloodG can only mean Napoleon 333 as he &as the only 8rench ruler &ho &as a blood nephe& to
another 8rench ruler% The anagrams sho& the site of the battle in ;edan at the community of Le
Torcy Cno& a suburb of ;edanD% The militarily inept nephe& of the great Napoleon &ith his e(ually
inept army commanders raised the &hite flag and surrendered to the Prussians% Per .ogue the
official surrender of the emperor and the 6!$""" survivors too' place at the Castle of Bellevue in
Conchery$ about t&o miles &est of Le Torcy% CClueH dedans lectoyre N ;edan Le TorcyD%
C ! < !9 16-" La garde estrange trahira forteresse$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
+spoir X vmbre de plus hault mariageH
*arde deceue$ fort prinse dans la presse$
Loyre$ ;on$ /osne$ *ar% Z mort oultrage%
The ,orei/n /uard +ill .etray the ,ortress,
)ope and shado+ o, a hi/her -arria/e1
&uard deceived, ,ort ta0en in the press,
$oire, Saone, Rhone, &aronne, -ortal outra/e2
Cheetham and .ogue both have the guard of the fortress as Bazaine$ &ho in 16-" betrays his
country% .e may have been tric'ed Cguard deceivedD by the *ermans by the promise of a higher
post or more money% .e surrendered at 2etz &ith 16"$""" soldiers$ including three marshals and
1$,"" cannons% By Bazaine not continuing to fight the *ermans$ they confidently marched on to
Paris and in a three month siege$ captured the city% *eneral Bazaine &as later tried$ but the
accusation &as never proved% .e &as charged &ith dereliction of duty and sentenced to life in
C # < ,9 16-" 4u deserteur de la grand forteresse$
4pres (uAaura son lieu abandonnMH
;on aduersaire fera si grand prouesse$
LA+mpereur tost mort sera condamnM%
To the deserter o, the /reat ,ortress,
A,ter he +ill have a.andoned his place1
)is adversary +ill sho+ /reat pro+ess,
The %-peror soon to die +ill .e conde-ned2
The deserter of the great fort &ould be Bazaine% The adversary &ould be Bismarc' of *ermany
&ho &ent on to ta'e Paris% Napoleon 333 Cthe only one of the t&o emperors of 8rance this (uatrain
&ould fitD died in +ngland in 16-5%
C 5 < 9" 16-" La republi(ue de la grande citM$
4 grand rigueur ne voudra consentirH
/oy sortir hors par trompette citM$
LAeschelle au mur$ la citM repentir%
The repu.lic o, the /reat city,
#ill not +ant to consent to the /reat severity1
"in/ +ill co-e outside the city su--oned .y tru-pet,
The ladder at the +all, the city repents2
3n ;eptember$ 16-"$ Paris declared itself a republic and prepared to fight for e>istence against the
triumphant Prussianism% The 8rench army under Bazaine capitulated in 2etz in 7ctober% 4fter a
siege and bombardment by the *ermans$ Paris surrendered in 1anuary 16-1$ and 8rance sued for
terms of peace%
This verse has also been applied to the ;iege of Paris by .enry 3J &hich may be correct%
C # < 1"" 16-" =u feu celeste au /oyal edifice$
<uant la lumiere de 2ars defailliraH
;ept mois grande guerre$ mort gent de malefice$
/ouen$ +ureu> au /oy ne faillira%
'ro- the celestial ,ire on the Royal edi,ice,
#hen the lu-inary o, Mars +ea0ens1
Seven -onths /reat +ar, people dead throu/h evil,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Rouen, %vreu4 the "in/ +ill not ,ail2
4t the close of the 8ranco-Prussian &ar$ Bismarc' used long range cannons to reach over the &alls
of Paris% The Tuileries$ historically a royal residence$ &as set on fire% 2any 8renchmen lost their
lives through this &ar &hich lasted seven months in all and &hich put 8rance in the hands of the
Prussians% The last line may pertain to the t&o cities in Normandy that &ere still a royalist
stronghold% The light of 2ars C&arD &as failing and there &ould not be another great &ar for 8rance
until 101#%
C 1" < 91 16-" =es lieu> plus bas du pays de Lorraine$
;eront des basses 4llemaignes vnis$
Par ceu> du siege Picards$ Normans$ du 2aisne$
+t au> cantons ce seront reunis%
The lo+est places o, the land o, $orraine,
#ill .e united +ith lo+ &er-any,
y those o, sie/e, Picards, Nor-an, those o, Maine,
And +ith the cantons +ill .e reunited2
Lorraine &as given to *ermany by the peace provisions after the 8ranco-Prussian :ar in 16-"% This
changed the borders of 8rance% Lorraine &as given bac' to 8rance after :orld :ar 3% 3t &as *erman
occupied during :orld :ar 33% Picardy and Normandy are in northern 8rance$ but 2aine is in
south&estern 8rance% Line 5 may be simply stating that citizens of all of 8rance too' part in the
8ranco-Prussian :ar% The cantons of ;&itzerland have al&ays bordered 8rance$ so the last line is
C , < # 16-" Le Celti( fleuue changera de riuaie$
Plus ne tiendra la citM dA4gripineH
Tout transmuM ormis le vieil langaige$
;aturne$ Leo$ 2ars$ Cancer en rapine%
The !eltic river +ill chan/e its .an0s,
No lon/er +ill it hold the city o, !olo/ne1
All chan/ed e4cept the old lan/ua/e,
Saturn, $eo, Mars, !ancer in plunder2
The best fit for this verse &ould be the peace terms made after the 8ranco-Prussian :ar &hich
began under Cancer in 1uly of 16-"% 4lsace-Lorraine$ the rich /hine delta country$ &as ceded to
*ermany% No longer did the /hine /iver define the border of 8rance% The language &as 'ept by the
people living there% The 4lsace district had its o&n language and Lorraine &as then and still is
8rench spea'ing%
C 5 < -5 16-1 <uand dans le regne paruiendra le boiteu>
Competiteur aura proche bastardH
Luy X le regne viendront si fort roigneu>$
<uAains (uAil guerisse son faict sera bien tard%
#hen in the real- +ill co-e the cripple
'or his co-petitor he +ill have a near .astard1
)e and the real- +ill have .eco-e /reatly tri--ed 9-an/y:,
That .e,ore he recovers, it +ill .e too late2
8rance$ in trying to recover and set up a ne& government after the 8ranco-Prussian :ar$ loo'ed at
t&o potential monarchsH the Count of Chambord$ also 'no&n as the =uc de Bordeau>$ a grandson
of Charles Q &hose foot &as in@ured in a riding accident in 16#1) and the Count of Paris$ a
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
grandson of Louis-Phillippe% Li'e a good Bourbon$ the Count of Chambord &anted to reestablish
the ancient regime &ith the priviledges of royalty% .e had no heirs$ so the ideal solution &ould have
been to have given the monarchy to the much younger Count of Paris% The only problem &as the
young countAs insistence on the &hite fleur-de-lys flag instead of the tri-color of 8rance% This
caused a failure in the restoration of the monarchy% 3t &as not until 1661 that ne& la&s &ere made
and a ne& constitution dra&n up% The Third /epublic came into being in 166,%
C 1 < !9 1666 Perdu trouuM$ cachM de si long siecle$
;era pasteur demy =ieu honorMH
4ins (ue la Lune acheue son grand siecle$
Par autres ventz sera deshonorM%
$ost, ,ound, hidden -any lon/ centuries,
Pasteur +ill .e honored as a de-i/od1
This is .e,ore the -oon co-pletes her /reat cycle,
y other +inds 9ru-ors: he +ill .e dishonored2
Nostradamus names Pasteur% The 3nstitute Pasteur &as created in Paris in 1666 &ith Louis Pasteur
as its director% 3t is interesting that Nostradamus states the ne& discoveries of Pasteur$ inoculations
against disease$ the e>istence of bacteria$ and the pasteurization of mil'$ &ere 'no&n many
centuries before% 4though FpasteurG also means Fpastor of a churchG most commentators agree on
Louis Pasteur% This is to&ards the end of the cycle of the moon%
!3!$% O' T)% SUN ( 7CCC to @@K@
C , < ,1 1666 Le grand tappis pliM ne monstrera$
8ors (uAZ demy la plupart de lAhistoireH
ChassM du regne loing aspre apparoistra$
<uAau faict belli(ue chacun le viendra croire%
The /reat tapestry ,olded +ill not sho+,
ut .y hal, the -ost part o, the history1
!hased ,ar ,ro- the real- he +ill appear harsh,
So that all .elieve in his +arli0e deed2
The great tapestry symbolizes the Prophecies% This verse mar's the half&ay point of the
prophecies or 1666% This may be a split verse and the last t&o lines may be in reference to an
event on this date% This verse mar's the end of the Cycle of the 2oon and the beginning of the
Cycle of the ;un%
C 5 < !, =es /oys X Princes dresseront simulacres$
4ugures$ creuz esleuez aruspicesH
Corne$ victime doree$ X dAazur$ dacre$
3nterpretez seront les e>tipices%
I-itations +ill .e -ade o, 0in/s and princes,
Soothsayers and e-pty prophets elevated1
!ornucopia, victi- o, /old and o, azure, dazzlin/,
The entrails +ill .e interpreted2
3n the ;i>teenth Century$ all countries &ere governed by 'ings and princes% Nostradamus believed in
the divine right of royalty to rule% .e loo'ed through time and into the present era and sa&
presidents and dictators Cimitations of 'ings and princesD% .e sa& politicians &ho promise
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
prosperity$ abundance$ and a dazzling future$ if you &ill only give them your vote% 4nd then$ of
course$ they do &hat they &ish% .e advises to loo' at them closely%
C 5 < ## <uand lAanimal Z lAhomme domesti(ue$
4pres grands peines X saults viendra parler$
Le fouldre Z vierge sera si malefi(ue$
=e terre prinse X suspendue en lAair%
#hen the ani-al 9ani-a: is do-esticated .y -an,
A,ter /reat pains and leaps +ill co-e to spea0,
The li/htnin/ to the vir/in +ill .e so har-,ul,
Ta0en ,ro- earth and suspended in the air2
Nostradamus cleverly describes electricity as FanimaG or life force$ &hich$ after leaps and starts$ &as
used for our modern radio Cvirginal in &orld historyD% The electric lines &e still use are suspended
on poles because they &ould be harmful to us other&ise%
C ! < -# =e ;ens$ dA4utun viendront ius(ues au /osne$
Pour passer outre vers les monts PyrenMesH
La gent sortir de la 2arc(ue dA4nconneH
Par terre X mer suiura Z grans trainMes%
'ro- Sens, ,ro- Autun they +ill co-e as ,ar as the Rhone,
To pass .eyond the Pyrenees Mountains1
The people travel ,ro- the March o, Ancona1
y land and sea ,ollo+ed .y /reat trac0s2
The modern 8rench rail&ay system must have amazed Nostradamus as he peered into the future%
C 1" < -0 Les vieu> chemins seront tous embelys$
Lon passera Z 2emphis somentrMeH
Le grand 2ercure dA.ercules fleur de lys
8aisant trembler terre$ mer X contree%
The old roads +ill all .e e-.ellished,
One can pass to si-ilar to Me-phis,
The ,leurDdeDlys o, the /reat Mercury o, )ercules
#ill -a0e to tre-.le land, sea and country.
The modern high&ay system &as also amazing to Nostradamus% The second line compares the ne&
cities spread out in the manner of the +gyptian metropolis of 2emphis% The third line sho&s the
symbol of speed and po&er applied to modern road traffic%
C 1 < !" Tours$ 7rleans$ Blois$ 4ngers$ /eims$ X Nantes$
Cites ve>Mes par subit changementH
Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes$
8leuues$ dards /enes$ terre X mer tremblement%
Tours, Orleans, loys, An/iers, Rei-s, and Nantes,
!ities ve4ed .y sudden chan/e1
Tents +ill .e pitched .y those o, ,orei/n ton/ues,
Rivers, darts at Rennes, land and sea tre-.lin/2
4ll of the to&ns are along the Loire /iver e>cept /eims% .ogue notes they sa& a recurrence of &ars
and occupation first by the Prussians &hen Napoleon fell from po&er in 1619) then in 16-1 during
8ranceAs defeat in the 8ranco-Prussian :ar) then in :orld :ar 3 by *ermans and by friendly
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4merican and British forces$ and finally in 10## in :orld :ar 33 by the *ermans again and PattonAs
Third 4rmy%
C 1 < 51 Tant dAans les guerres en *aule dureront$
7ultre la course du Castulon monar(ueH
Jictoire incerte trois grands couronneront$
4igle$ co($ lune$ lyon$ soleil en mar(ue%
So -any years the +ars in 'rance +ill last,
eyond the course o, the !astulon -onarch1
Uncertain victory three /reat ones cro+n,
%a/le, coc0, -oon, lion, sun in its si/n2
4fter ;pain had overthro&n its monarchy$ there &ould still be more &arfare for 8rance% 3n :orld
:ar 33 the victorious &ere the ?;4 CeagleD$ 8rance Ccoc'D$ China or 3slam CmoonD$ and +ngland
ClionD% :orld :ar 33 ended on 4ugust 1!$ 10#9 &ith the sun in its sign of Leo%
Castulon is a blend of Castula Cthe sign of liberty reminiscent of the tunics &orn by the
8rench 4rmy during the first /epublicD and Castillion for ;pain% The ;panish /epublic lasted from
10!5 to 1050% 4lso Caftulon is a to&n in ;pain$ therefore a synecdoche for the &hole country of
C 6 < 90 Par deu> fois hault$ par deu> fois mis Z bas
LAorient aussi lAoccident foyblira
;on aduersaire apres plusieurs combats$
Par mer chassM au besoing faillira%
T+o ti-es placed hi/h, t+o ti-es lo+ered
The %ast also the #est +ill +ea0en
Its adversary a,ter several co-.ats,
Driven out .y sea to ,ail at ti-e o, need2
/oberts has the best interpretation for this (uatrain% .e states$ FThe role of *ermany in :orld :ars
3 and 33 is predicted% Both times the goal of that country &as &orld domination$ and both times she
&as defeated by the combined efforts of +ast and :est%G
C # < 1, 1600 La citM franche de libertM fait serue$
=es profligMs X resueurs faict asyleH
Le roy changM Z eul> non si proterueH
=e cent seront deuenus plus de mille%
The ,ree city o, li.erty -ade to serve,
Made the asylu- o, the dissolute and the drea-ers1
The "in/ chan/ed to the- not so vehe-ent1
'ro- one hundred they .eco-e -ore than a thousand2
Paris$ at the turn of the century became the home of artists$ &riters$ dreamers and those &ho &ere
ill content &ith life% The 8rench government had$ and still has$ a Flive and let liveG attitude to&ard
them so that today Paris is 'no&n as a cultural center% CClueH Fsi proG unscrambles to FParisGD
C 1 < - 1600Tard arriuM lAe>ecution faicte$
Le vent contraire$ lettres au chemin prinsesH
Les coniurez >iii@% C(uatorzeD dAvne secteH
Par le /ousseau senez CserontD les entreprinses%
Arrived too late, the deed already done,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The +ind contrary, letters intercepted on the +ay1
'ourteen conspirators o, a sect1
y +ise Rousseau 9redDhaired -an: the enterprise underta0en2
This is yet another (uatrain &hose interpretation is agreed upon by most commentators% 4 1e&ish
army officer$ 4lfred =reyfus$ &as accused of espionage by sending letters disclosing 8rench military
secrets to the *erman military attachM in Paris% .e &as tried and found guilty and sent to =evilAs
3sland% Public opinion C&ind contraireD forced the case to be reopened% The @udge$ :aldec'
/ousseau Can anti-;emiteD &as appointed to re-e>amine the case and =reyfus &as again found
guilty% .o&ever$ later it &as found that the letters &ere a forgery and =reyfus did not send them%
The true criminals &ere found and =reyfus &as set free%
C # < 1# 10"1 La mort subite du premier personnage
4ura change X mis vn autre au regneH
Tost$ tard venu a si haut X bas aage$
<ue terre X mer faudra (ue on le craigne%
The sudden death o, the ,irst persona/e
#ill cause a chan/e and put another to rei/n1
Soon, late to co-e so hi/h and o, a lo+ a/e,
y land and sea it +ill .e necessary to ,ear hi-2
The sudden death of a president or leader &ill put another in charge that is much younger% 3f
Nostradamus used this verse for the 'ings of 8rance$ he probably &ould have said F'ingG instead of
Fpremier personage%G 3f he is spea'ing of the ?nited ;tates C?;4 is underlinedD$ Theodore /oosevelt
&as the Jice President &hen President 2cIinley &as assassinated on ;eptember 1#$ 10"1$ ma'ing
Teddy /oosevelt at age #! the youngest President at that time ever to be s&orn in%
;ome commentators have applied this verse to the assassination of President 1ohn 8% Iennedy
and although he &as the youngest president$ he did not come to po&er through the death of another%
The verse can be read in several different &ays$ so this interpretation may be correct%
C , < , 10"54pparoistra vers le ;eptentrion$
Non loing de Cancer lAestoille cheuelueH
;uze$ ;ienne$ Boece$ +retrion$
2ourra de /ome grand$ la nuict disperue%
There +ill appear to+ards Septentrion 9Russia:,
Not ,ar ,ro- !ancer a .earded star 9a co-et:1
Susa, Siena, oeotia, %retria,
The /reat one o, Ro-e +ill die, the ni/ht over2
The cities named are in 3taly and *reece% The theory is that if Nostradamus divided his (uatrains
into Cycle of the 2oon and Cycle of the ;un$ then Fthe night overG &ould time this event soon after
1666% Pope Leo Q333 &as elected in 16-6 and died in 10"5% Cheetham reports that his familyAs coat
of arms contains a bearded star% .is family &as from a branch of the Pecci of ;iena% Pope Leo Q333
&as also called FLumen in CaeloG by the prophet ;aint 2alachy% Pope Leo Q333 negotiated &ith
Czar 4le>ander 33 of /ussia for more tolerance of the /uthenian Catholics% 4n agreement &as
finally reached &ith 4le>ander 333$ possibly e>plaining the /ussian connection%
C 1 < 9# 10"9 =eu> reuoltz faictz du maling falcigere$
=e regne X siecles faict permutationH
Le mobil signe Z son endroict se ingere$
4u> deu> egau> X dAinclination%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
T+o revolutions -ade .y the evil scytheD.earer,
Ma0in/ a chan/e in rei/n and centuries1
The -o.ile si/n in its place so -eddleso-e,
To the t+o e6uals in inclination2
The evil scythe-bearer is ;aturn$ so this verse &ould pertain to ;oviet /ussia% The /ussian
/evolution in 101- &as actually t&o revolutions in one% 4 peasant uprising in 10"9 demanded of the
Czar a parliament and a constitution% .e agreed to the demands$ but then disregarded that &hich he
had agreed to do% The communist party too' advantage of the peasant unrest and too' the reins of
po&er$ 'illing Czar Nicholas and his family% Libra Cthe mobile signD is the ?nited ;tates and the
balance is @ustice and democracy% The ?nited ;tates is meddlesome in foreign affairs% 3n fact$ during
the /ussian /evolution$ the ?nited ;tates sent t&o regiments of troops to help 'eep the peace%
Nostradamus states that both nations &ere e(ually on the &ay up to their height of po&er Ce(uals in
C 1" < -9 Tant attendu ne reuiendra iamais$
=edans lA+urope$ en 4sie apparoistra
Jn de la ligue yssu du grand .ermes$
+t sur tous roys des orientz croistra%
$on/ a+aited, he +ill never return,
Into %urope, in Asia he +ill appear
One o, the lea/ue issued ,ro- /reat )er-es,
And over all "in/s o, the Orient to /ro+2
4lthough the philosophy of communism &as developed in :estern +urope$ the political system
based on this philosophy C.ermesD did not ta'e hold in +urope% 3t found its home in /ussia and
spread to the 7riental countries%
C 1 < 6! 101# <uand les colomnes de bois grand tremblMe$
=A4uster conduicte$ couuerte de rubricheH
Tant vuidera dehors grande assemblMeH
Trembler Jienne X le Pays dA4ustriche%
#hen the /reat colu-ns o, +ood tre-.le,
$ed .y DAuster 9the South #ind: covered in red1
Such a /reat +ill .e dra+n o,,,
Iienna and the land o, Austria +ill tre-.le2
3n 10"-$ 8rance$ *reat Britain and /ussia formed the Triple +ntente to counter the Triple 4lliance of
*ermany$ 4ustria and 3taly% This laid the frame&or' of the alliances in :orld :ar 3% 3n 101#$
4rchdu'e 8erdinand$ heir to the throne of 4ustria$ &as assassinated in ;ara@evo by a ;erb% 4ustria
blamed ;erbia for the act% This triggered the &ar$ &ith /ussia @umping in (uic'ly as an ally &ith
;erbia against 4ustria$ and countries ta'ing sides against each other% 4 great multitude of people &ere
'illed as a result% /ed is a symbol Nostradamus uses for revolution%
C 9 < -" 101# =es regions sub@ectes Z la Balance$
8eront troubler les monts par grande guerre
Captifz tout se>e deu X tout Bisance$
<uAon criera Z lAaube terre Z terre%
O, the re/ions su.5ect to the alance,
#ill trou.le the -ountains +ith a /reat +ar
!aptives o, .oth se4es, inde.ted and all o, Tur0ey,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
So that at da+n they +ill cry out ,ro- land to land2
The regions sub@ect to the balance CLibraD &ould be either 4ustria or the ?nited ;tates% 3f 4ustria is
the country alluded to$ this verse may be regarding :orld :ar 3% F4t da&n$G if you use
NostradamusA scale of time$ &ould be around 101#% The countries did$ indeed$ cry out and each
country too' a side and :orld :ar 3 &as ignited% Tur'ey sided &ith *ermany and fought +nglish
troops on one front and the /ussian 4rmy on another% Tur'ey &as the loser in the peace terms that
C 0 < 59 1019 +t 8erdinand blonde sera descorte$
<uitter la fleur suyura le 2acedon%
4u grand besoing defaillira sa routte$
+t marchera contre le 2yrmidon%
And 'erdinand the ,air +ill .e stripped,
)e +ill 6uit the ,lo+er to ,ollo+ the Macedonian2
At his /reat need his route +ill ,ail hi-,
And he +ill -arch a/ainst the Myr-idon2
;te&art /obb and also 1ohn .ogue have the best interpretations of this verseH the 2yrmidons &ere
the ancient soldiers of Thrace &ho &ent to ;erbia% Iing 8erdinand of Bulgaria &as fair haired% .e
&as brought up in 8rance as he &as the grandson of Iing Louis Phillippe% .e &as a passionate
8rancophile% :orld :ar 3 forced him to abandon 8rance and @oin &ith *ermany% The Iaiser had
promised to help Bulgaria regain 2acedonia% .e had failed to achieve this dream during the 8irst
Bal'an :ar of 101! and the ;econd Bal'an :ar in 1015% The ;erbian treatment of Bulgarians in
2acedonia &as horrible% 8erdinandAs armies$ during :orld :ar 3$ attac'ed Thrace and ;erbia% 3n
1019 a 8rench e>peditionary force$ along &ith the British army$ landed in *reece and s&ept the
Bulgarian force out of the country% 8erdinand felt betrayed by the Iaiser% The Jersailles Treaty
stripped Bulgaria bare% /esentment &as so great among his sub@ects that 8erdinand fled Bulgaria in
1016 to be succeeded by his son$ Iing Boris 333%
C 5 < 16 101, 4pres la pluye laict assMs longuette$
+n plusieurs lieu> de /eims le ciel touchMH
7 (uel conflict de sang pres dAeu> sAappreste$
Peres X fils /oys nAoseront approcher%
A,ter the rather lon/ rain o, -il0,
In several places in Rei-s the s0y touched1
Alas +hat .loody con,lict is prepared near the-,
'athers and sons "in/s +ill not dare approach2
/eims &as on the front lines all through :orld :ar 3% The phrase$ Fthe s'y touched$G could refer to
aerial combat$ &hich &as a first in &orld history% The long rain of Fmil'G may stand either for a
time of peace and plenty or for a type of biological or chemical &eapon% Chemical &eapons &ere
first used in :orld :ar 3% 3n the last line F8athers and sons IingsG is reminiscent of :orld :ar 3
&ith Iaiser :ilhelm 33 and his son$ the Cro&n Prince$ on the *erman side) against Iing *eorge J
of +ngland and his sons$ the future +d&ard J333 and the future *eorge J3) and the Belgium Iing
4lbert 3 and his son$ the future Leopold 333%
C ! < 9, 101, <ue peste X glaiue nAa seu CsceuD definer$
2ort dans le puys sommet du ciel frappMH
LAabbM mourra (uand verra ruiner$
Ceu> du naufrage lAescueil voulant grapper%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
One +ho neither pla/ue nor +eapons 0ne+ ho+ to ,inish,
Death on the su--it o, a hill struc0 ,ro- the s0y1
The a..ey +ill die +hen he +ill see ruined
Those o, the +rec0 tryin/ to seize the roc02
3 agree &ith 1ohn .ogue this verse is about the :orld :ar 3 Battle of the ;omme /iver in
;eptember of 101, &hen the British forces succeeded in pushing bac' the advancing *ermans% The
British too' +aucourt lA4bbaye on 7ctober 5$ 101, and Le ;ars on 7ctober -$ 101,%
787> ( > AM
C 0 < #" 101- Pres de <uintin dans la forest bourlis$
=ans lAabbaye seront 8lammens ranches$
Les deu> puisnays de coups my estourdis
;uite oppressee X garde tous aches%
Near SaintDHuentin in the ,orest ourlis,
In the a..ey the 'le-ish +ill .e cut up,
The t+o youn/er .orn hal,Dstunned .y .lo+s
The ,ollo+ers crushed and /uard all cut to pieces2
These cities are all in northern 8rance% The 4bbey may be the 4bbey of 7rval in southern Belgium$
familiar to Nostradamus$ &hich &as heavily damaged during :orld :ar 3% ;aint-<uentin &as ta'en
by the ;panish in 199-$ but this verse is more indicative of :orld :ar 3% Both 8rance and Britain
had a great many casualties in :orld :ar 3% 3t &as the influ> of 4merican and Canadian forces Cthe
t&o younger bornD that turned the tide in favor of the 4llies in northern 8rance%
C 1 < !5 101- 4u moys troisiesme se leuant le ;oleil$
;anglier$ Liepard$ au champ 2ars pour ccbatreH
Liepard laissM$ au ciel e>tend son [il$
Jn 4igle autour du ;oleil voit sAesbattre%
In the third -onth, the sun risin/,
The oar and the $eopard -eet on the .attle,ield1
The $eopard +eary, loo0s up to heaven,
And sees an %a/le playin/ +ith the sun2
President :ilson announced in 4pril$ 101- that the ?nited ;tates &ould send troops to aid the
8rench and +nglish in the *reat :ar% By F+agle playing &ith the sunG a reference is made to aerial
combat by 4mericans% Nostradamus usually refers to *ermany as Boars and the +nglish as Lions or
Leopards% The first troops from the ?nited ;tates arrived in 1une$ 101- Cthe third month of the old
calendarD% The sun rising refers to the first part of the Cycle of the ;un%
C 6 < -9 1016 Le pere X filz seront meurdris ensemble$
Le prefecteur dedans son pauillon
La mere Z Tours du fils ventre aura enfle%
Caiche verdure de feuilles papillon%
The ,ather and son +ill .e -urdered to/ether,
The /overnor +ithin his pavilion
The -other at Tours .elly s+ollen +ith son2
)idden /reenness leaves o, .utter,lies 9.its o, paper:2
Iaiser :ilhelm 33 and his son$ the Cro&n Prince :ilhelm$ fled to the Netherlands after :orld :ar 3%
They &ere not murdered e>cept in the symbolic sense they &ere no longer the rulers of *ermany%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Treaty of Jersailles re(uired that &ar reparations be paid by *ermany to 8rance% This laid the
ground&or' that impoverished the *erman government and led to the rise of .itler% .ere
Nostradamus indicates the rebirth of the *erman nation by using a mother &ith belly s&ollen &ith
son$ hidden greenness$ and the symbol of rebirth$ butterflies% The FgovernorG in Line ! is unsolved
unless it pertains to the Treaty of Jersailles% 3t is also not understood &hy the mother is at Tours$ in
south&est 8rance$ unless FToursG is an anagram or perhaps indicates the &hole of 8rance%
C 1 < #- 10!" =u lac Leman les sermons fascheront$
=es iours seront reduictz par des sepmainesH
Puis moys$ puis an$ puis tous defailliront$
Les magistrats damneront leur loi> vaines%
The speeches o, $a0e $e-an .eco-e annoyin/,
The days +ill chan/e into +ee0s1
Then -onths, then years, then all +ill ,ail,
The -a/istrates +ill da-n their useless la+s2
The League of Nations in *eneva$ ;&itzerland$ begun after :orld :ar 3 and initiated at the
insistence of President :oodro& :ilson$ &as to be a diplomatic forum for settling affairs bet&een
nations% 3t &as disbanded in 10#, and ?nited Nations &as founded% The ?%N% &as initially
head(uartered both in *eneva and Ne& Lor'%
C 6 < 1" 10!5 Puanteur grande sortira de Lausanne$
<uAon ne saura lAorigine du fait$
Lon mettra hors toute la gent loingtaine$
8eu veu au ciel$ peuple estranger deffait%
A /reat stench +ill co-e out o, $ausanne,
Such that one +ill not 0no+ the source o, the ,act,
They +ill put out all the distant people,
'ire seen in the s0y, ,orei/n people de,eated2
Lausanne is in the Jaud Canton of ;&itzerland on the north shore of La'e *eneva% 2ost
commentators apply the FstenchG to Calvinism% The last line may put this into the future% The closest
historical application &ould be the Treaty of Lausanne in 10!5 that set the boundaries of modern
Tur'ey$ *reece$ and other countries after :orld :ar 3 and the :ar in 4sia 2inor C1010-10!!D%
There &ere many disagreements over the treaty$ but in the end it seemed to be the best plan that
could &or' out for all of the parties involved%
C # < 0 10!5Le chef du camp au milieu de la presse$
=Avn coup de fleche sera blessM au> cuisses$
Lors (ue *eneue en larmes X detresse$
;era trahie par Lozan X ;ouysses%
The chie, o, the ar-y in the -iddle o, the cro+d,
#ill .e +ounded .y an arro+ shot in the thi/hs,
#hen &eneva in tears and distress,
#ill .e .etrayed .y $ausanne and the S+iss2
:hen the League of Nations &as formed there &ere heated debates$ (uarrels$ tears$ and those chiefs
&ho lost their support Cshot in the thighsD% *eneva$ after :orld :ar 3$ &as in distress over terms of
peace% The treaty of Lausanne &as signed in ;&itzerland on 1uly !#$ 10!5$ by *reece$ Tur'ey$ and
the 4llied Po&ers% 3t set the boundaries of modern Tur'ey% .o&ever$ it proposed mass e>changes of
populations transferring the *ree's bac' to *reece and the Tur's bac' to Tur'ey% 2ore than a million
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
*ree's from 4natolia &ere e>pelled to *reece and about 9""$""" Tur's moved in the opposite
direction% 4fter the political violence ended$ and after the read@ustments &ere completed$ the
countries &ere ethnically more homogenous and$ e>cept for Cyprus$ it reduced the areas of conflict
bet&een the Tur'ey and *reece%
C ! < #" Jn peu apres non point longue interualle$
Par mer X terre sera faict grand tumulteH
Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne naualle$
8eu>$ animau>$ (ui plus feront dAinsulte%
Soon a,ter+ards, +ithout a lon/ interval,
y sea and land a /reat tu-ult +ill .e -ade1
Naval .attle +ill .e very -uch /reater,
'ires, ani-als, +ho +ill -a0e /reater assault2
This is a prediction of :orld :ar 33% The animals &ould be tan's and &ar machinery% The naval
battles of :orld :ar 33 &ere much greater than those seen in :orld :ar 3%
C 5 < 59 1055 =u plus profond de lA7ccident dA+urope$
=e pauures gens vn ieune enfant naistraH
<ui par sa langue seduira grande troupe$
;on bruit au regne dA7rient plus croistra%
'ro- the deepest part o, #estern %urope,
A youn/ child +ill .e .orn o, poor people1
)e +ho .y his ton/ue +ill seduce a /reat troop,
)is ,a-e +ill increase to+ards the real- o, the Orient2
4dolf .itler &as born in 4ustria of poor parentage% .e seduced great multitudes of the *erman
people% .e further persuaded the 1apanese to enter into a pact in 105, &hich brought them into the
4>is 4lliance of :orld :ar 33 along &ith 3taly% .o&ever the &estern part of +urope &ould be
+ngland$ ;pain$ or 8rance$ and this may be a prediction of a future personage%
C ! < 0 1055 Neuf ans le regne le maigre en pai> tiendra$
Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaireH
Pour luy grand peuple sans foy X loy mourra$
Tue par vn beaucoup plus debonnaire%
Nine years the lean one +ill hold the real- in peace,
Then he +ill ,all into a thirst so .loody1
ecause o, it 9hi-: a /reat people +ill die +ithout ,aith and la+,
"illed .y one -uch -ore de.onair2
The Nazi party came to po&er in *ermany in 105" as a strong second party% .itler &as elected its
leader and the leader of *ermany in 1055% *ermany Canagrammed as Fmaigre enGD &as
economically very lean from the reparations of :orld :ar 3% .itler brought the promise of
prosperity to the *erman people$ but the only &ay he could 'eep the economy rolling &as by &ar%
3n 1050 he invaded Poland% /oosevelt &as considered very debonair and the ;eer credits the ?nited
;tates for .itlerAs defeat%
C 1" < #, 1055 Jie sort mort de LA7/ vilaine indigne$
;era de ;a>e non nouueau electeurH
=e Brunsuic mandra dAamour signe$
8au> le rendant au peuple seducteur%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
$i,e, ,ate, death o, &O$D, Min,a-ous slut,
9MMIn li,e, ,ate, death, a sordid villain o, /old:,
#ill not .e the ne+ elector o, Sa4ony1
'ro- runs+ic0 +ill send ,or a si/n o, love,
'alse seducer deliverin/ to the people2
_Noting the feminine ending of villain$ *arencieres translated the last t&o &ords as$ Finfamous
slut%G __4lternate reading considering FvilaineG may be an erratum$ but ta'ing into account that the
feminine ending of villain may also refer to a &oman% .ogue effectively applies this verse to the
Thirty Lears :ar%
This may apply to the rise of .itler% The City of Bruns&ic' in lo&er ;a>ony in *ermany
achieved inglorious fame by ma'ing 4dolph .itler a *erman citizen% .e &as employed by the
Bruns&ic' ;tate *overnment in 105!% This allo&ed him to become a candidate for the *erman
/eichstag and to become a leader of the state% Later$ as a than' you gift$ .itler located the
Jol's&agen plant near Bruns&ic'% The last line may pertain to the many false$ seducing speeches
.itler made to the *erman people%
C 1 < 1! 1055 =ans peu dira faulce brute fragile$
=e bas en hault esleuM promptementH
Puis en instant desloyale X labile$
<ui de Jeronne aura gouuernement%
In a short ti-e a ,alse, ,rail .rute +ill spea0,
Huic0ly raised ,ro- lo+ to hi/h1
Then in an instant disloyal and slippery,
)e +ill have the /overn-ent o, Ierona2
2ussolini came from the poorest part of northern 3taly CJeronaD% .e changed loyalties many times
before he settled on the 8ascist Party% .e edited a paper and gathered allies to gain po&er before he
marched &ith his follo&ers on the 'ing$ demanding to become Prime 2inister% .e then too' control
of the government of 3taly%
C 1" < ,9 1055 7 vaste /omme ta ruyne sAapproche$
Non de tes murs de ton sang X substanceH
LAaspre par lettres fera si horrible coche$
8er poinctu mis Z tous ius(ues au manche%
Oh vast Ro-e your ruin approaches,
Not o, your +alls .ut o, your .lood and su.stance1
The harsh o, letters +ill -a0e so horri.le a notch,
Pointed iron driven in as ,ar as the hilt2
2ussolini Cthe harsh of lettersD came to the attention of the 3talians in 101# &hen he edited the F3l
Popolo dA3taliaG CThe 3talian PeopleD$ a ne&spaper in &hich he e>pressed his political idealogy% The
F8ascioG &as based on the ancient /oman symbol FfascesG meaning Fa bundle of rodsG Ca bundle of
rods is stronger than each rod separatelyD% .e gained political po&er as his 8ascist party gre&% .e
eventually applied strict censorship and altered methods of elections% .e had the la& codes re&ritten%
.e re(uired teachers to s&ear an oath to defend the 8ascist regime% .e became the sole dictator of
C 1 < 11 1055 Le mouuement de sens$ c[ur$ piedz$ X mains$
;eront dAaccord Naples$ Lyon CLeonD$ ;icilleH
*laifues$ feu>$ eau> puis au> nobles /omains$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
PlongMs tues mors par cerueau debile%
The -otion o, sense, heart, ,eet and hands,
#ill .e in accord, Naples, $eon, Sicily1
S+ords, ,ires, +aters, then the no.le Ro-ans,
Dro+ned, 0illed or dead .ecause o, a ,ee.le -ind2
2ussolini gathered support from all parts of 3taly and 8ranco in ;pain CLeonD to become the ruler in
every aspect of 3talian life$ leading 3taly into an alliance &ith .itler in :orld :ar 33%
C 6 < 55 1055 Le grand naistra de Jeronne X Jicence$
<ui portera vn surnom bien indigne%
<ui Z Jenise vouldra faire vengeance$
Luy mesme prins homme du guet X signe%
The /reat one +ill .e .orn o, Ierona and Iicenza,
)e +ho +ill carry a very un+orthy surna-e2
)e +ho at Ienice +ill +ant to ta0e ven/eance,
)e hi-sel, +ill .e ta0en .y the -an o, the +atch and si/n2
Benito 2ussolini &as born in northern 3taly% The name F2ussoliniG means muslin-ma'er$ &hich
may be considered un&orthy of a dictator% .e first met .itler in Jenice in 1055% 3n later meetings
they formed an alliance of the t&o countries$ &hich &as the undoing of 3taly Cta'en in by the man of
the &atch and signD%
C 9 < !0 105# La libertM ne sera recouuree$
LAoccupera noir fier vilain$ ini(ueH
<uand la matiere du pont sera ouuree$
=A.ister$ Jenise faschee la republi(ue%
The li.erty +ill not .e recovered,
Occupied .y a .lac0, ,ierce, ini6uitious villain1
#hen the -atter o, the pope 9.rid/e: +ill .e opened,
y )itler, the Repu.lic o, Ienice ve4ed2
Cheetham applies this (uatrain to the intrigues of 2ussolini to secure an alliance &ith .itler
bet&een 105# and 1056% ;he states that they met in Jenice to seal their alliance% Pope Pius Q3 and
Pope Pius Q33 &ere involved in securing a treaty &ith Nazi *ermany in 1055% The Catholic Church
remained on good terms &ith both .itler and 2ussolini% 2ussolini in turn$ confirmed the papal
grounds as a separate country under Jatican control%
C 1" < !! 105, Pour ne vouloir consentir au diuorce$
<ui puis apres sera cogneu indigne$
Le roy des 3sles sera chassM par force
2is Z son lieu (ue de roy nAaura signe%
'or not +ishin/ to consent to divorce,
#hich a,ter+ards +ill .e reco/nized un+orthy,
The "in/ o, the Isles +ill .e driven out .y ,orce
Put in his place one +ith no -ar0 o, 0in/2
7ne of the differences in the Catholic and Protestant religions is that the Protestants consent to
divorce% 8or this reason many commentators apply this verse to either Charles 3$ or 1ames 33 &here
FdivorceG must be ta'en figuratively%
This better fits +d&ard J333 of +ngland$ &ho in 105, abdicated the throne in order to marry
the &oman he loved% :allis ;impsonAs social position as a once-divorced and still-married lady &as
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
seen by Parliament as unsuitable for a Iing of +ngland and most commoners agreed% .o&ever$
many British citizens &ho sat around their radios had tears in their eyes as they listened to his
abdication speech%
.is brother$ Prince 4lbert$ =u'e of Lor' succeeded him to the throne as Iing *eorge J3%
:hile Iing *eorge J3 had every mar' of 'ingship$ he &as a reluctant 'ing having been in the
bac'ground &hile his brother &as groomed as the ne>t 'ing% *eorge J3$ it turned out$ &as an
e>cellent 'ing$ ta'ing control during &ar torn +ngland and leading the fight against Nazism% .is
&ife$ <ueen +lizabeth Ccalled the <ueen 2umD thought the 'ing &as unprepared for this stressful
@ob and that &as the reason &hy he suffered a premature death%
C 1" < !, 105, Le successeur vengera son beau frere$
7ccuper regne souz vmbre de vengeance$
7ccis ostacle son sang mort vitupere$
Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la 8rance%
The successor +ill aven/e his .eauti,ul .rother 9.rotherDinDla+:,
To occupy the real- under the shado+ o, ven/eance,
O.stacle slain, his death .lood .la-ed 9sha-ed:9repri-anded:,
'or a lon/ ti-e ritannia +ill hold +ith 'rance2
The last line gives us a 'ey to the dating% Throughout history 8rance and Britain have been
bic'ering &ith only brief intervals of peace% 7nly recently$ since :orld :ar 3 and 33$ have they been
allies for any length of time% This verse may pertain to the ascension of *eorge J3 after +d&ard
J333 abdicated the throne of +ngland% *eorge J3$ a reluctant 'ing$ &as determined to be a great
'ing) perhaps to reaffirm the honor of his family &hich he may have felt &as shamed by +d&ardAs
affair &ith :allis ;impson% .e personally visited 8rance before :orld :ar 33 on a good&ill mission
to cement their alliance%
C 5 < 9# 105, LAvn des plus grands fuira au> +spaignes$
<uAen longue playe apres viendra saignerH
Passant copies par les hautes montaignes$
=euastant tout X puis en pai> regner%
One o, the /reatest +ill ,ly to Spain,
#hich +ill therea,ter .leed in a lon/ +ound1
Ar-ies +ill pass over the hi/h -ountains,
Devastatin/ all, and then to rei/n in peace2
*eneral 8rancisco 8ranco came bac' into the country &hen the ;panish Civil :ar erupted in 105,%
4s leader of the Nationalist 3nsurrection Party he called for help from .itler and 2ussolini% 4fter a
long and bloody struggle$ 8ranco emerged as dictator of ;pain% 4s the long &ound of the &ar
healed$ he 'ept ;pain a peaceful nation% ;pain &as neutral in :orld :ar 33$ but mostly in name only%
8ranco &as e>tremely sympathetic and supportive of *ermany and 3taly%
C 5 < 6 105,Les Cimbres ioints auec leurs voisins$
=epopuler viendront pres(ue lA+spaigneH
*ens amassez$ *uienne X Limosins$
;eront en ligue$ X leur feront compaigne%
The !i-.rians allied +ith their nei/h.ors,
#ill co-e to depopulate -ost o, Spain1
People a-assed in &uienne and $i-ousin,
#ill .e in lea/ue, and +ill -a0e the- co-pany2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Cimbri &ere an early +uropean tribe that &ere eventually melded into the *ermanic Teutones$
thus Nostradamus is spea'ing of the *ermans as a &hole% The great ;panish Civil :ar of 105,-50
erupted against President 4lcala Tamora of the ne& second republic created in 1051 that deposed the
dictatorship of Primo de /ivera% The Nationalist Party$ under the leadership of *eneral 8rancisco
8ranco$ received military aid and manpo&er from *ermany and 3taly%
4lthough 8rance held the policy of non-intervention$ many 8renchmen$ perhaps from
south&est 8rance in the areas of *uienne and Limousin$ fought for the losing republic% The outcome
of this bloody revolution put ;pain in the hands of 8rancoAs dictatorship until 8rancoAs death and the
beginning of the reign of Iing 1uan Carlos 3 in 10-9%
C 0 < 1, 1056 =e Castel 8ranco sortira lAassemblee$
LAambassadeur non plaisant fera scismeH
Ceu> de /ibiere seront en la meslee$
+t au grand goulphre denieront lAentree%
'ro- !astile 'ranco +ill /o out the,
The a-.assador not a/reea.le +ill -a0e a schis-1
Those o, Rivera +ill .e in the -elee,
And +ill deny entry to the /reat /ul,2
This verse is an amazing e>ample of the prophetic po&ers of Nostradamus% This tells of the schism
bet&een 8ranco in ;pain and .itlerAs ambassador% 3n late 1056$ the ;panish Civil :ar C105,-1050D
&as nearly over% 8ranco &as no& concerned &ith healing the many &ounds and deep scars in his
country% 4lthough his Nationalist army had received assistance from .itler and 2ussolini$ he chose to
'eep his country out of :orld :ar 33 and so denied .itlerAs re(uest to use ;pain as a base of
operations in the 2editerranean ;ea% .e did this to pacify the /epublicans and the supporters of the
former dictator$ /ivera% The actual truth &as that the Nazis did covertly have a fe& strategically
located bases in ;pain%
C 0 < -6 1056 La dame *rec(ue de beautM laydi(ue$
.eureuse faicte de procs innumbrable$
.ors translatee au regne .ispani(ue$
Captiue prinse mourir mort miserable%
The &recian lady o, .eauty o, $aidis,
#ill .e -ade happy .y nu-erous suitors,
Trans,erred out to the Spanish real-,
Ta0en captive to die a -isera.le death2
Lais &as the most beautiful &oman of Corinth% Nostradamus compares democracy$ &hose birth
place &as *reece$ to this beautiful lady% =emocracy died a miserable death &hen 8ranco &as
victorious in the ;panish Civil :ar as foreseen by Nostradamus%
C 1 < 05 1056 Terre 3tali(ue pres des monts tremblera$
Lyon X Co( non trop confederMsH
+n lieu de peur lAvn lAautre sAaidera$
;eul Castulon X Celtes moderMs%
The Italian land near the -ountains +ill tre-.le,
$ion and !oc0 not too +ell con,ederated1
In place o, ,ear one to aid the other,
Only !astulon and !elts -oderate2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Castulon may refer to the classical tunic &orn as the /epublican ;ymbol of the 8rench /evolution
CCastulaD as suggested by .ogue% This is a typical Nostradamus blend of Castillian and Castula$
meaning the /epublicanRNationalist Parties of ;pain% +ngland ClionD and 8rance Ccoc'D &ere never
&ell united until :orld :ar 3 and :orld :ar 33% Celts in this case are the 8rench during the Jichy
regime% ;pain &as only a republic from 10!5 to 1050% 3n 1056$ Iing *eorge &ent to 8rance for a
good &ill visit% 3n 1050 the non-agression pact &as signed by .itler and ;talin$ and 8rance and
+ngland @ointly declared &ar on *ermany% This created a great fear among the 3talians%
C ! < 9 1056 <uAen dans poisson$ fer X lettre enfermMe$
.ors sortira (ui puis fera la guerre$
4ura par mer sa classe bien ramMe$
4pparaissant pres de Latine terre%
#hen inside a ,ish, iron 9+eapons: and letters enclosed,
Out +ill co-e one +ho +ill then -a0e +ar,
y sea, he +ill have his ,leet +ell ro+ed 9provided:,
Appearin/ near the $atin land2
The fish sounds a lot li'e a modern submarine% *ermany had a large fleet of submarines going into
:orld :ar 33% This verse suggests that .itler or one of his top aides may have traveled to 3taly by
submarine &ith &ar plans% .itler had told 2ussolini his &ar &ould begin in 10#!$ but later changed
his plans to 1050 in order to get a head start on the arms buildup in +ngland and 8rance% CClueH
3sfer may be an anagram for 3ster or .itlerD$ C4nother clueH fer$ or iron in +nglish$ is a symbol for
*ermany at &arD%
C ! < 50 1050 Jn an deuant le conflict 3tali(ue$
*ermains$ *aulois$ .espaignolz pour le fortH
Cherra lAescolle maison de republi(ue$
7u$ hors mis peu$ seront suffo(uM mors%
One year .e,ore the Italian con,lict,
&er-ans, &auls, Spaniards ,or the stron/ one1
The schoolhouse o, the repu.lic to ,all,
#here, e4cept ,or a ,e+, they +ill .e cho0ed to death2
3taly declared &ar on the 4llied Po&ers in 2ay$ 10#"$ and 2ussolini sent an army over the 8rench
4lps% Before the &ar the *ermans$ ;panish and a lot of 8rench people &ere supportive of .itler and
the Nazi party% 8rance &as the first country in +urope to become a republic$ so the third line reflects
this fact plus the fact that 8rance &ill fall% The *erman occupation in 8rance &as very repressive
Call &ill be cho'ed to deathD%
C ! < 56 1050 =es condamnMs sera fait vn grand nombre$
<uand les monar(ues seront conciliMsH
2ais Z lAvn deu> CdAeu>D viendra si mal encombre$
<ue gueres ensemble ne seront ralliMs%
A /reat +ill .e conde-ned,
#hen the -onarchs +ill .e reconciled1
ut ,or one o, t+o 9one o, the-: +ill arise such a .ad encu-.rance,
That they +ill not .e 5oined as allies2
2any commentators consider this verse to be regarding .itler and ;talin &ho signed a non-
agression pact in 1050 &here they both agreed to not invade the otherAs country% This allo&ed .itler
the time to invade Poland and .ungary% The pact &as bro'en by .itlerAs invasion of /ussia in 10#1%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < #0 1050 =e la partie de 2ammer grand Pontife$
;ubiuguera les confins du =annubeH
Chasser la croi> par fer raffe ne riffe$
Captifz$ or$ bagues plus de cent mille rubes%
The /reat Ponti,, o, the +arli0e party,
#ill su.5u/ate the con,ines o, the Danu.e1
!hasin/ the cross o, iron .y hoo0 or croo0,
!aptives, /old, 5e+els -ore than one hundred thousand ru.ies2
4lmost every commentator applies the Pontiff of the &arli'e party to Popes Pius Q3 and Pius Q33
because of their suspected sympathies to .itlerAs Nazi Party and to 2ussolini$ both of &hom &ere
Catholic% .o&ever$ the high priest$ so to spea'$ of the &arli'e party may be .itler himself &ho
sub@ugated the confines of the =anube% Please note in this (uatrain$ the modern &ord F=anubeG is
used by Nostradamus to indicate the river and not F3ster$G the old name for the =anube /iver% 3n the
other verses &here F3sterG is used$ the &ord pertains to .itler% The croo'ed cross &ould be the
s&asti'a and his soldiers &ere a&arded the 3ron Cross for bravery$ as he &as also a&arded the 3ron
Cross in :orld :ar 3% The last line &ould pertain to the many treasures the Nazis confiscated during
:orld :ar 33%
C ! < 1"" 10#" =edans les isles si horrible tumulte$
Bien on nAorra (uAvne belli(ue brigueH
Tant grand sera des predateurs lAinsulte$
<uAon se viendra ranger Z la grande ligue%
#ithin the isles so horri.le a tu-ult,
One +ill only hear the +arli0e party1
So /reat +ill .e the asasult o, the predators,
That they +ill co-e to .e classi,ied 95oined: in the /reat lea/ue2
7n the streets of London in 10#"$ you heard air raid sirens$ airplanes overhead$ and the sound of
bombs e>ploding% People rushed into the sub&ays and air raid shelters% +ngland called on the support
of all its allies Cthe great leagueD for help and promised all of its resources to defeating the *ermans%
3n the Battle of Britain$ .itler 'ept up a steady barrage in preparation for the invasion of Britain%
?nable to &in the air &ar$ .itler shelved plans for the invasion of Britain until he had con(uered
C 6 < ,# 10#" =edans les 3sles les enfans transportez$
Les deu> de sept seront en desespoir$
Ceu> du terrouer en seront supportez$
Nom pelle prins des ligues fuy lAespoir%
#ithin the Isles the children transported,
T+o out o, seven +ill .e in despair,
Those o, the soil +ill .e supported .y it,
The na-e shovel ta0en the hope o, the lea/ue ,ades2
.ogue has the best interpretation of this verse%.e applies it to the beginning of :orld :ar 33 &hen as
many as t&o million British children &ere moved from the city and coastal areas to the interior
regions &here they &ere much safer% This also freed the parents to concentrate on &ar efforts% Those
of the soil$ the farmers &ho gre& their o&n food$ &ere better off than those in the cities &ho relied on
supplies arriving from the ?nited ;tates% The league &hich failed &as the League of Nations &hose
main purpose &as to be a means of mitigating (uarrels bet&een nations%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < ,# 10#" =e nuict soleil penseront auoir veu$
<uand le pourceau demy homme on verraH
Bruict$ chant$ bataille$ au ciel battre aperceuH
+t bestes brutes Z parler lon orra%
They +ill thin0 they have seen the sun at ni/ht,
#hen the hal,Dpi/ -an is seen1
Noise, sin/in/, .attles seen ,ou/ht in the s0y1
And the .rute .easts +ill .e heard to spea02
:orld :ar 3 sa& the beginning of aerial combat$ but here Nostradamus is spea'ing of :orld :ar 33
&ith the half-pig man being a Nazi pilot% Nostradamus sees .itlerAs *ermany &ith the symbol of the
pig instead of the usual *erman boar% /adio communications became state of the art in :orld :ar 33
&hen the pilots &ere able to tal' &ith each other and &ith their ground units%
C # < 6" 10#" Pres du grand fleuue$ grande fosse$ terre egeste$
+n (uinze pars sera lAeau diuiseeH
La citM prinse$ feu$ sang cris conflict mettre
+t la pluspart concerne au collisee%
Near the /reat river, /reat ditch, earth dra+n out,
In ,i,teen parts shall the +ater .e divided1
The city ta0en, ,ire, .lood, cries and con,lict /iven
The -ost part concerns the collision2
The 2aginot Line &as built by the 8rench in 10!" to serve as a fortification along the northern border
and the northeastern border along the /hine to stop any invading army coming from the direction of
*ermany% Nostradamus describes the 2aginot Line e>actly$ including the fact that there &ere fifteen
parts of the fortification divided only by rivers% The fortification &as maintained by 8rench forces
concentrating on the pending advance of .itlerAs armies% The 8rench officials &ere confident that
8rance &as safe from invasion% To the north&est of the line$ Belgium had declared its neutrality%
.o&ever$ .itler &ent around the line and invaded Belgium and pushed on to&ards Paris$ &hich left
the main part of the 8rench forces far to the east of .itlerAs advancing army% 2ost commentators
agree on this interpretation%
C ! < !# 10#" Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner$
Plus part du champ encontre .ister seraH
+n caige de fer le grand fera treisner$
<uand rien enfant de *ermain obseruera%
easts ,erocious ,ro- hun/er +ill s+i- across rivers,
The /reater part o, the ,ield +ill .e a/ainst )itler1
The /reat one +ill .e dra+n into a ca/e o, iron,
#hen the child o, &er-any +ill o.serve nothin/2
The ferocious beasts &ere the *ermany infantry pouring into Belgium looting and pillaging their &ay
to Paris% Belgium had declared its neutrality$ but .itler invaded their country% Nostradamus &arns
that 8rance Cthe great oneD &ill be dra&n into a cage of iron$ iron being the symbol of *ermany at
&ar% The citizens CchildD of *ermany did not observe the atrocities against the 1e&s ta'ing place in
their o&n country$ or if they did$ they &ere afraid to spea'%
C 5 < ,0 10#" *rand e>ercite conduict par iouuenceau$
;e viendra rendre au> mains des ennemisH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2ais le viellard nay au demy pourceau$
8era Chalon X 2ascon estre amis%
&reat ar-y led .y a youn/ -an,
#ill co-e to surrender itsel, to the hands o, the ene-ies1
ut the old one .orn to the hal, pi/,
)e +ill cause !halons and Macon to .e ,riends2
The symbol for *ermany is the boar$ but Nostradamus uses the symbol of pig or s&ine for .itlerAs
*ermany% The old one &ho is the half pig is probably PMtain% 2acon$ 8rance$ is near the Belgium
border% Chalons is in Burgandy% The young man &ho surrendered to the *ermans is most li'ely to be
Iing Leopold 333 of the Belgians% =uring :orld :ar 33$ the *erman army invaded Belgium% Iing
Leopold and the greater part of his army &ere surrounded by the *ermans and (uic'ly surrendered%
.is action incurred violent disapproval from his Belgian people and they accused him of treason% .e
and his family &ere held prisoner by the *ermans in ;a>ony and 4ustria during the &ar% .e returned
to Belgium in 109" &here he &as met &ith stri'es and protests in spite of being e>onerated of the
charge of treason% To preserve the monarchy$ he abdicated in 1091 in favor of his son$ Baudouin%
C 1" < 1 10#" 4 lAennemy$ lAennemy foy promise
Ne se tiendra$ les captifs retenusH
Prins preme mort X le reste en chemise$
=amnM le reste pour estre soustenus%
To the ene-y, the ene-y ,aith pro-ised
#ill not .e 0ept the captives retained1
!aptured one near death and the rest in shirts,
Da-ned the rest ,or .ein/ supported2
3n 10#" the 8rench .igh Command &as ill-prepared to meet the *erman onslaught of tan's$
aircraft$ and artillery% Their leaders$ veterans of :orld :ar 3$ had assumed the 2aginot Line &ould
offer ade(uate defense% They did not e>pect the *ermans to come through Belgium as that &as a
neutral country% 3n five &ee's the *ermans too' 1$69"$""" prisoners% ;ome 0!$""" 8rench
servicemen &ere 'illed% 7rganized resistance came to an end% /eynaud resigned in favor of PMtain%
PMtainAs Jichy government of southern 8rance and *erman control throughout the rest of 8rance
too' over the reigns of government% The 8rench prisoners &ere retained by the *ermans and used as
slave labor until the final days of the &ar in spite of *erman assurances they &ould be returned% 3n
fact$ the Nazis promised a great many things in return for 8rench assistance and then never
C 5 < 55 10#" +n la citM o^ le loup entrera$
Bien pres de lZ les ennemis serontH
Copie estrange grand pays gastera$
4u> murs X 4lpes les amis passeront%
In the city +hich the +ol, +ill enter,
Iery near +here the ene-ies are1
'orei/n ar-y +ill despoil a /reat country,
The ,riends +ill pass at the +alls 9.orders: and Alps2
4dolph .itler &as 'no&n as the F:olf$G giving his favorite places such names as F:olfAs Lair%G The
city &hich he enters is Paris and the country despoiled by the foreign invaders is 8rance% The friends
are 4llied forces &hich enter the country at its borders to free 8rance$ then go over the 4lps in 3taly to
con(uer *ermany%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 9 < # 10#"Le gros mastin de citM dechassM$
;era faschM de lAestrange alliance$
4pres au> champs auoir le cerf chassM$
Le loup X lA7urs se donront defiance%
The lar/e -asti,, chased ,ro- the city,
#ill .e an/ered .y the ,orei/n alliance,
A,ter havin/ chased the sta/ to the ,ields,
The +ol, and the .ear +ill de,y each other2
The large mastiff &ould either be &ar or the country of +ngland% The city &ould most li'ely be Paris%
Britain &as angered by the *erman-;oviet non-agression pact% 4fter .itler invaded 8rance$ Britain
pulled all its diplomats from Paris% 4fter .itler Cthe &olfD and ;talin Cthe bearD divided up Poland Cthe
stagD and .ungary$ .itler invaded /ussia%
C 1 < -6 10#" =Avn chef vieillard naistra sens hebetM
=egenerant par sauoir X par armesH
Le chef de 8rance par sa s[ur redoutM$
Champs diuises$ concedes au> gendarmes%
An older chie, +ill .e/et one +ith dull senses
De/enerate .oth in learnin/ and in +ar,are1
The chie, o, 'rance dou.ted .y his sister,
'ields divided, conceded to the soldiers on horses 9/endar-es:2
The &ea' leader is 2arshal .enri Philippe PMtain &ho too' over the government of 8rance in 10#"
from /eynaud after the con(uest of 8rance by *ermany% 4 :orld :ar 3 hero$ he &as old and
doddering% The ?nited ;tates Csister of 8ranceD &as concerned about PMtain as he &as a figurehead
and a puppet of the *ermans% .e led the Jichy regime &hich too' control of southern 8rance &hile
the northern part of 8rance and the 4tlantic coastline of 8rance &as *erman occupied% PMtain sought
to improve the lot of 8rance and of 8rench prisoners of &ar by collaborating FhonorablyG &ith
*ermany$ but his popularity decreased as he yielded to harsh *erman demands and obtained little in
C 6 < ,9 10#" Le vieu> frustrM du principal espoir$
3l paruiendra au chef de son empireH
Jingt mois tiendra le regne Z grand pouuoir$
Tiran$ cruel en delaissant vn pire%
The old one ,rustrated in his principal hope,
)e +ill co-e to the head o, his e-pire1
T+enty -onths he +ill hold the real- o, /reat po+er,
Tyrant, cruel in /ivin/ +ay to one +orse2
2arshal PMtain$ the 65 year old hero of :orld :ar 3$ came to the head of the Jichy government in
1uly of 10#"% :idely despised as a Nazi collaborator$ his primary hope &as to bring to 8rance a
government that &ould &or' &ell under Nazi control% But his ideals &ere distorted by the actual
fact of Nazi control% 4fter !" months$ he handed over all of his po&ers to the tyrannical Laval in
4pril$ 10#!%
C # < ,1 10#1 Le vieul> moc(uM X priuM de sa place$
Par lAestrangier (ui le suborneraH
2ains de son filz mangMes deuant sa face$
Le frere Z Chartres$ 7rl% /ouan trahyra%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The old one -oc0ed and deprived o, his place,
y the ,orei/ner +ho +ill su.orn hi-1
)ands o, his son eaten .e,ore his ,ace,
)e +ill .etray his .rother at !hartres, Orleans and Rouen2
4fter serving .itlerAs interests in 8rance$ 2arshal PMtain Cthe old oneD &as stripped of his po&ers and
sent to *ermany% .ands Csymbolically po&ersD of his son Chis regimeD &ere lost and he is
considered historically to have betrayed the citizens of 8rance%
C ! < 5, 10#1 =u grand Prophete les lettres seront prinses$
+ntre les mains du tyrant deuiendrontH
8rauder son roy seront ses enterprinses$
2ais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront%
The letters o, the /reat Prophet +ill .e ta0en,
et+een the hands o, the tyrant they +ill ,all1
)is enterprises +ill .e to deceive his "in/,
ut his the,ts very soon trou.le hi-2
The best interpretation for the theft is Iarl Irafft &ho &or'ed for the Nazi propaganda ministry run
by *oebbels% .e slanted the prophecies of Nostradamus to sho& the Nazi Party as victorious and
leaflets &ere dropped over +ngland and parts of +urope% 3n .itlerAs purge of astrologers and occult
practitioners$ Irafft &as sent to prison &here he died in 10#9% 2ost commentators agree on this
C # < 19 10#1 =Aou pensera faire venir famine$
=e la viendra le ressasiementH
LA[il de la mer par auare canine
Pour de lAvn lAautre donra huyle$ froment%
'ro- +here they +ill thin0 to cause ,a-ine,
'ro- there +ill co-e sur,eit1
The eye o, the sea .y canine /reed
'or the one +ill /ive the other oil, +heat2
*erman submarines bloc'aded the British 3sles during :orld :ar 3 and 33 to 'eep out the relief
supplies arriving from the ?nited ;tates% FThe eye of the seaG ade(uately describes periscopes on ?-
boats$ &hile Fcanine greedG describes .itler &ho &as 'no&n as FThe :olf%G
C # < 9, 10#1 4pres victoire de rabieuse langue$
LAesprit tempte CtemprMD en tran(uil X reposH
Jicteur sanguin par conflict faict harangue$
/oustir la langue X la chair X les os%
A,ter the victory o, the ra/in/ ton/ue,
The spirit te-pted 9te-pered: .y tran6uility and repose1
Throu/hout the con,lict the .loody victor -a0es haran/ues,
Roastin/ the ton/ue and the ,lesh and the .ones2
4fter .itler con(uered 8rance and Poland and Belgium$ he may have been tempted to sit bac' and
en@oy his con(uests% 3nstead$ he planned the invasions of Britain and /ussia% 3n the meantime$ the
ovens in his concentration camps &ere burning the 1e&ish people and the Fundesirables%G The
holocaust &as the most horrible e>ample of genocide in history and Nostradamus is right to
ac'no&ledge this%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 0 < 1"" 10#1 Naualle pugne nuit sera superee$
Le feu au> naues Z lA7ccident ruineH
/ubriche neufue la grande nef coloree$
3re Z vaincu$ X victoire en bruine%
Naval .attle +hen ni/ht +ill .e overco-e,
'ire in the ships o, the #est ruin1
Ne+ly reddened, the /reat ship colored,
An/er to the van6uished, and victory in drizzle2
Nostradamus indicates this event &ill happen in the FmorningG and according to his time table this
&ould be bet&een 1666 and10#-% Pearl .arbor =ay is remembered annually in the ?nited ;tates%
=ecember -$ 10#1 sa& the surprise attac' on the :estern fleet at anchor at Pearl .arbor by the
1apanese on an early ;unday morning% Nostradamus uses the color red to indicate &ar and rebellion
so Fne&ly reddenedG means Fne&ly at &ar%G T&o days later$ *ermany and 3taly declared &ar on the
?nited ;tates$ and so &e fought :orld :ar 33 on t&o fronts% Nostradamus sho&s in the last line the
results of the attac'% This made the van(uished$ the ?nited ;tates$ very angry% The seer uses the term
FdrizzleG to indicate sadness% 2any 1apanese did not feel a surprise attac' &as honorable%

C 9 < 0, 10#1 ;ur le milieu du grand monde la rose$
Pour nouueau> faicts sang public espanduH
4 dire vray on aura bouche close$
Lors au besoing viendra tard lAattendu%
Upon the -iddle o, the /reat +orld the rose,
'or ne+ deeds, pu.lic .lood shed1
To spea0 the truth, one +ill have a closed -outh,
Then at the ti-e o, need the a+aited one +ill co-e late2
/oberts ma'es a case for this to pertain to /oosevelt% /ose and &orld in *erman is FroseG and
F&elt$G pronounced Frosa veltG CNostradamus loved a play on &ordsD% The ne& deeds &ould be the
Ne& =eal Policy /oosevelt pursued to bring us out of the depression% .o&ever$ very little public
blood$ if any$ &as shed over this policy% But if Nostradamus is referring to ta>es$ he is correct%
Line 5 is most interesting% /oosevelt 'ne& &ar &as inevitable &ith both *ermany and
1apan% .e started gearing up for &ar as early as 1059% The long range bomber$ the B1-$ &as on the
dra&ing board in 1059 as &ell as the fighter plane$ the P#"% The P#6 fighter planes &ith four
machine guns on each side &ere produced in the 10#"s% Ieels &ere laid in the mid 105"As for
aircraft carriers &hich &ent into duty in 1050 and 10#"% .e engaged in secret meetings &ith
:inston Churchill years before .itler invaded Poland% Let /oosevelt never spo'e of this to the
4merican people% .e &ished to get re-elected to yet another term and &as afraid of scaring off the
voters &ith tal' of &ar% Nostradamus may be a&are of even more events that &ill never be brought
out publicly%
Line # may apply to the late entry by the ?nited ;tates into :orld :ar 33% 4merica declared
&ar on 1apan on =ecember -$ 10#1$ Pearl .arbor =ay$ and *ermany and its allies declared &ar on
the ?nited ;tates a fe& days later% The first ?%;% Troops sent east &ere sent to North 4frica in
November of 10#!% ;ee also C 9 < 51 &here /ose of the :orld is mentioned%
C 9 < 51 10#1 Par terre 4tti(ue chef de la sapience$
<ui de present est la rose du mondeH
Pont ruinM$ X sa grande preeminence$
;era subdite X naufrage des vndes%
y the land o, Attica, head o, the +isdo-,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#ho at present is the rose o, the +orld1
rid/e 9ocean or Ponti,,: ruined, and its /reat preDe-inence,
#ill .e su.5ected and +rec0ed .eneath the +aves2
4 good case may be made for this verse to pertain to Pearl .arbor% 4ttica is *reece$ the originator of
democracy) hence the 4ttica land &ould be the land of democracy$ or the ?nited ;tates% /oosevelt
&ould be the rose of the &orld% 7ther commentators apply this (uatrain to either *reece or to the
papacy &ith the rose of the &orld being the pope% ;ee also C 9 < 0,%
C 1 < 5# 10#! LAoyseau de proye volant Z la senestre$
4uant conflict faict au> 8rancoys pareureH
LAvn bon prendra$ lAvn ambigue sinistre%
La partie foyble tiendra par bon augure%
The .ird o, prey ,lyin/ to the le,t,
e,ore the con,lict preparation -ade .y the 'rench1
One +ill ta0e it ,or /ood, another as a-.i/uous,
The +ea0 party +ill hold it as a /ood o-en2
The ?nited ;tates and Britain became heavily involved in organizing$ supplying$ and training
8rench underground forces% The 8rench underground net&or' made preparations for the liberation
of 8rance and the landing at Normandy for the 4llied 8orces% +ngland CLAun bon N LondonD &as
optimistic% The &ea' party Cthe 8rench people under the Jichy regimeD considered it a good omen%
The Feagle flying to the leftG may indicate either that Nostradamus &as a&are of the socialist
policies of /oosevelt or he may be referring to the &ar in the Pacific C&est or left on the mapD%
C 9 < 0# 10#! Translatera en la grand *ermanie$
Brabant X 8landres$ *and$ Bruges$ X BolongneH
La traisue faincte$ le grand duc dA4rmenie$
4ssaillira Jienne X la Coloigne%
)e +ill translate into /reat &er-any,
ra.ant and 'landers, &hent, ru/es and oulo/ne1
The truce ,ei/ned, the /reat Du0e o, Ar-enia
#ill assail Iienne and !olo/ne2
The placement of this (uatrain fits :orld :ar 33 the very best% The cities are in Belgium$ 8landers
and northern 8rance &hich &ere con(uered by .itler and assimilated into *reater *ermanyAs Third
/eich% The truce bet&een .itler and ;talin &as false% .itler disregarded the non-agression pact he
signed &ith ;talin &hich 'ept /ussia at bay &hile he invaded Belgium) then he turned and invaded
/ussia% 3n return$ ;talin invaded *ermany% ;talin &as born in *eorgia$ but did spend a lot of time in
4rmenia$ so F=u'e of 4rmeniaG may or may not fit here%
C 5 < !0 10#! Les deu> nepueus en diuers lieu> nourrisH
Nauale pugne$ terre$ peres tombezH
Jiendront si haut esleuez enguerris$
Jenger lAiniure$ ennemis succombez%
The t+o nephe+s .rou/ht up in diverse places1
Naval .attle, land, ,athers ,allen1
They +ill co-e to .e elevated very hi/h in -a0in/ +ar,
To aven/e the in5ury, ene-ies succu-.ed2
The t&o nephe&s are most li'ely 4ustralia and Canada$ at that time colonies of +ngland$ &ho came
into :orld :ar 33 for the sa'e of aiding +ngland in her struggle against .itlerAs aggression%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Nostradamus$ in a fe& (uatrains$ spea's of certain leaders of the ?nited ;tates as being nephe&s of
8rance$ so that may also apply here%
C 5 < -1 10#! Ceu> dans les isles de long temps assiegez$
Prendront vigueur force contre ennemisH
Ceu> par dehors morts de faim profligez$
+n plus grand faim (ue iamais seront mis%
Those in the isles .esie/ed a lon/ ti-e,
#ill ta0e vi/or and ,orce a/ainst their ene-ies1
Those outside dead overco-e .y hun/er,
In a /reater hun/er they +ill never .e put2
=uring :orld :ar 3 and 33$ the *ermans bloc'aded the British 3sles by sea% The ?nited ;tates &as
able to 'eep the sea lanes open enough so food$ oil$ and &ar materials &ere available to the +nglish
citizens% Line t&o sounds li'e the invigorating radio addresses by Churchill that 'ept the +nglish
optimistic during the Battle of Britain% Britain retaliated by devastating bombing attac's on
*ermany% There &ere many people in :orld :ar 33 &ho died of starvation &hile those in the British
3sles &ere supplied &ith an ade(uate$ but minimal$ amount of food%
C 1 < 65 10#! La gent CLAagentD estrange diuisera butins$
;aturne en 2ars son regard furieu>H
.orrible estrange au> Tos(uans X Latins$
*recs (ui seront Z frapper curieu>%
The ,orei/n people 9a/ent: +ill divide the .ooty,
Saturn in ,urious aspect to Mars1
)orri.le stran/e to the Tuscans and $atins,
&ree0s +ill .e curious to stri0e2
The *ermans &ere noted for having stolen valuable treasures during :orld :ar 33% *reece &as
occupied by the Nazi army since 10#"% 4ccording to .ogue$ 2ussoliniAs 3talian and Tuscan forces
met the /ed 4rmy near the =on /iver and !!9$""" men from Tuscany and /ome &ere 'illed or
&ounded and ,"$""" survivors &ere captured% /ussia C;aturnD &as in furious aspect to *ermany
C2arsD due to .itlerAs betrayal of the non-aggression pact%
C 5 < 6! 10## 8reins$ 4ntibol$ villes autour de Nice$
;eront vastees fort$ par mer X par terreH
Les sauterelles terre X mer vent propice$
Prins$ morts$ troussez$ pillMs sans loy de guerre%
're5us,, to+ns around Nice,
#ill .e very devastated .y sea and .y land1
The locusts .y land and sea the +ind ,avora.le,
!aptured, dead, .ound, pilla/es +ithout la+ o, +ar2
4ccording to 1ohn .ogue$ in 4ugust of 10##$ the ?%;% ;eventh 4rmy landed in the *ulf of 8re@us
on the southern coast of 8rance and fought t&o retreating *erman divisions all the &ay up the coast
past Nice% The &ind favorable symbolizes favorable public opinion% The locusts may be ho&
Nostradamus describes the ground support aircraft% .o&ever$ the end of the fourth line states this all
occurs &ithout the la& of &ar &hich may put this verse in another time frame%

C 0 < 9! 10## La pai> sAapproche dAvn costM$ X la guerre
7nc(ues ne feut la poursuitte si grandeH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Plaindre homme$ femme sang innocent par terre
+t ce sera de 8rance Z toute bande%
Peace approaches ,ro- one side, and the +ar
Never +as the pursuit o, it so /reat1
To co-plain -en, +o-en innocent .lood on the land
And this +ill .e throu/hout the +hole o, 'rance2
2any commentators apply this verse to the nine :ars of /eligion that tore up 8rance% .o&ever$
there &as no FpeaceG approaching from one side% The best application may be :orld :ar 33% This
also affected the &hole of 8rance% Peace approached from the north&est of 8rance due to the allied
invasion% The landings at Normandy set off a chain reaction% The 8rench underground forces began
their sabotage of *erman supply lines$ rail&ays$ and bridges% 4llied forces continued bombing and
strafing of *erman airfields and *erman troop movements C&ar$ never &as the pursuit of it so
greatD% There &ere many 8rench civilian casualties caused both by the *ermans and the 4llied
C 1" < ," 10## 3e pleure Nisse$ 2annego$ Pize$ *ennes$
;auone$ ;ienne$ Capue$ 2odene$ 2alteH
Le dessus sang X glaiue par estrennes$
8eu$ trembler terre eau$ malheureuse nolte%
I +eep Nice, Monaco, Pisa, &enoa,
Savona, Siena, !apua, Modena, Malta1
'or a.ove .lood and s+ord ,or Ne+ 3ears /i,t,
'ire, earth to tre-.le, +ater, un,ortunate un+illin/ness2
The cities named above are in 3taly% .ogue applies this verse to the ne& year of 10## &hich began
&ith 4llied landings at 4nzio near /ome% The 3talians at that time did not support 2ussolini or the
occupying *erman forces Cunhappy un&illingnessD% 4ll of the cities named struggled in the &a'e of
battles fought during the latter stages of the 4llied 3talian campaign%
C 1 < -! 10## =u tout 2arseille des habitans changMe$
Course X poursuite ius(uAaupres de LyonH
Narbon$ Tholoze par Bourdeau> outragMe$
TuMs captifs pres(ue dAvn million%
All o, the inha.itants o, Marseille chan/ed,
'li/ht and pursuit nearly as ,ar as $yon1
Nar.onne, Toulouse outra/ed .y ordeau4,
"illed, captured al-ost a -illion2
2arseille$ on the southern sea coast of 8rance$ is the second largest city and the largest seaport in
8rance% 3t &as *erman occupied$ as &ell as all of the 8rench /iviera$ during :orld :ar 33% The
*ermans &ere chased out by 4llies clear to Lyon% 8rench casualty estimates for :orld :ar 33 totaled
6,5$1#9% This does not include 4llied and *erman losses for the &ar nor the number of men that
&ere captured%
C 1" < !5 10## 4u peuple ingrat faictes les remonstrances$
Par lors lAarmee se saisira dA4ntibe$
=ans lAarc 2onech feront les doleances$
+t Z 8reius lAvn lAautre prendra ribe%
To un/rate,ul people -ade the re-onstrations,
y then the ar-y +ill seize,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
In the arch 9ar0: Monaco +ill -a0e co-plaints,
And at 'rL5us one +ill ta0e the shore ,ro- the other2
.ogue applies this verse to 7peration =ragoon in :orld :ar 33% The main 4merican beach
landings &ere made in the *ulf of 8rV@us on the /iviera coastline% The ?%;% ;eventh 4rmy$
supported by 8rench commando units$ pushed the *erman 19-
and 1#6
=ivision up the coast
through 4ntibes and beyond 2onaco to 2enton% The *erman army rapidly retreated up the /hone
C 1 < !0 10## <uand le poisson terrestre X a(uati(ue$
Par forte vague au grauier sera misH
;a forme estrange suave X horrifi(ue$
Par mer au> murs bien tost les ennemis%
#hen the ,ish that is terrestrial and a6uatic,
#ill .e put upon the .each .y a stron/ +ave1
Its ,or- ,orei/n 9stran/e:, suave and horri,ic,
'ro- the sea to the +alls very soon the ene-y2
=-=ay in Normandy$ 8rance is foreseen% This very &ell describes the e>act &ay it &as% The
amphibian landing craft is described% The F&aveG is the &ave of ?%;% 4rmy personnel% CClueH The
&ord FsuaveG contains the letters ?;4%D Besides the 4mericans$ the =-=ay invasion also included
British$ Canadian$ and 4ustralian troops%
C 5 < 1"" 10## +ntre *aulois le dernier honnorM$
=Ahomme ennemy sera victorieu>H
8orce X terroir en moment e>plorM$
=Avn coup de traict (uand mourra lAenuieu>%
The last one honored a-on/ the &auls,
The -an +ho +ill .e victorious over his ene-y1
'orce and territory in a -o-ent e4plored,
#hen the envious one dies ,ro- an arro+ shot2
*eneral Charles de *aulle rode triumphantly into a Paris filled &ith @ubilant people &aving flags
and cheering the liberation of their city% The envious one may be .itler &ho shot himself in the final
battle for Berlin% *eneral Charles de *aulle &as made the provisional president of 8rance and he
oversa& the transition from &ar to peace for his country%
C 6 < ,1 10## 3amais par le descouurement du iour
Ne paruiendra au signe sceptrifere
<ue tous ses sieges ne soyent en seiour$
Portant au co( don du T4* armifere%
Never .y the discovery o, day,
)e +ill not attain the si/n o, the sceptre
Until all his sie/es are at rest,
!arryin/ to the coc0 the /i,t o, the ar-ed 9+arli0e: TA&2
The first line pinpoints this verse after 1666 &hich leaves out Napoleon% T4* may be the Tagus
/iver in ;pain$ or in *erman FTagG means Fday%G F=er TagG &as a rallying cry for the *ermans
signifying the day of final con(uest% This verse is best applied to *eneral Charles de *aulle$ &ho
&or'ed in Britain for a free 8rance during the *erman occupation% 4fter 8rench 8reedom 8ighters
and the 4llied 8orces liberated most of 8rance$ de *aulle rode triumphantly into Paris amid cro&ds
of cheering citizens% .e &as made the provisional President of 8rance and &or'ed to&ard the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
reconstruction of his &ar torn country% Nostradamus states in the first line this happens during the
first part of the day Cdiscovery of dayD &hich &ould place this around 101"-10#9%
C 5 < 0 10#9Bourdeau>$ /ouan$ X la /ochelle ioints$
Tiendront autour la grande mer 7cceane$
4nglois$ Bretons$ X les 8lamans conioints$
Les chasseront ius(ues aupres de /ouane%
ordeau4, Rouen and $a Rochelle 5oined,
#ill hold around the /reat Ocean sea,
%n/lish, retons and the 'le-ish allied,
#ill chase the- as ,ar as Roanne2
.ogue credits 8ontbrune as having an interesting interpretation of this verse the cities on the
south&estern coast of 8rance are part of .itlerAs *reat 4tlantic :all% Then the 4llied forces chased
the Nazi army out of the country% There is a /oanne$ Belgium$ and there is a /oanne$ 8rance$ on the
eastern side of the country% This is a very li'ely interpretation of this (uatrain%
C 0 < 09 10#9 Le nouueau faict conduyra lAe>ercite$
Proche apamM ius(uAaupres du riuage$
Tendant secour de 2ilannoile eslite$
=uc yeu> privM Z 2ilan fer de cage%
The ne+ deal +ill conduct the ar-y,
Al-ost cut o,, as ,ar as the river .an0,
)oldin/ out 9strainin/: assistance ,ro- Milanais elite,
The Du0e deprived on his eyes at Milan in an iron ca/e2
7n 1uly 6$ 10#5 Iing Jictor +mmanuel 333 stripped 2ussolini of his po&er% ?pon leaving the
palace he &as s&iftly arrested% .e &as rescued by the *ermans a fe& months later% .e set up the
3talian ;ocial /epublic$ but this &as merely a *erman front% 2ussolini &as deprived of his
'no&ledge of the &ar Chis eyesD and found himself caught in .itlerAs cage of iron% The FNe& =ealG
&ould stand for /oosevelt and the 4merican army% The 4llied forces reached 2ilan on 4pril !-$
10#9% 2ussolini and his mistress$ Clara Petacci$ &ere 'illed by 3talian partisans as they tried to
escape to ;&itzerland%
C 1 < 1"" 10#9 Long temps au ciel sera veu gris oiseau$
4upres de =ole X de Touscane terreH
Tenant au bec vn verdoyant rameau$
2ourra tost grand X finira la guerre%
'or a lon/ ti-e in the s0y a /ray .ird +ill .e seen,
Near Dole and the Tuscan land1
)oldin/ in its .ea0 a /reen .ranch,
The /reat one +ill soon die and the +ar +ill end2
The gray airplanes over the s'ies of Burgandy$ 8rance and over 3taly belonged to the ?nited ;tates of
4merica% /oosevelt died in 10#9 shortly before the end of the hostilities% Nostradamus is certainly
correct on this verse%
C 0 < 6 10#9Puisnay /oy fait son pere mettra Z mort$
4pres conflit de mort tres inhonesteH
+scrit trouuM soubson donra remort$
<uand loup chassM pose sus la couchette%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
3oun/er "in/ +ill cause his ,ather to .e put to death,
A,ter the con,lict o, death -ost dishonest1
#ritin/s ,ound, suspicion +ill /ive re-orse,
#hen the chased +ol, +ill lie on his .un0 9cot:2
.itler may not have been the youngest leader of *ermany Cor &as heKD$ but he did cause the death
of the fatherland% :ritings &ere found later that indicated his future plans included the invasion of
4merica and the establishment of a one &orld government under his dictatorship% The third line
ma'es one &onder if he did finally feel remorse% The /ussians &ere very secretive about .itlerAs
suicide in his bun'er &hich led many people around the &orld to &onder if he really died% CClueH
ister is anagrammedD
C ! < 1, 10#9 Naples$ Palerme$ ;icille$ ;yracuses$
Nouueau> tyrans$ fulgures feu> celestesH
8orce de Londres$ *and$ Bru>elles$ X ;uses$
*rand hecatombe$ triomphe faire festes%
Naples, Paler-o, Sicily, Syracuse,
Ne+ tyrants, celestial li/htnin/ ,ires1
'orce ,ro- $ondon, &hent, russels and Susa,
&reat slau/hter, triu-ph +ill -a0e ,estivities2
Jictory in 3taly and all of +urope is sho&n by Nostradamus% J+ =ay in 2ay 10#9 mar'ed the end
of :orld :ar 33 in +urope% The third line describes some of the members of the 4llied 4rmy$ the
;usa being 3talian 8reedom 8ighters%
C , < 19 10#9 =essoubs la tombe sera trouuM le Prince$
<uAaura le pris par dessus NurembergH
LA+spaignol /oy en Capricorne mince$
8ainct X trahy par le grand Jvitemberg%
Under the to-. +ill .e ,ound the Prince,
#ho +ill .e prized a.ove
The Spanish "in/ in !apricorn thin,
Deceived and .etrayed .y the /reat
7ne interpretation of this (uatrain might be that .itler is the prince found in his bun'er% The
/ussians discovered his body$ along &ith that of his mistress$ and found that he had shot himself%
But the /ussians 'ept this 'no&ledge to themselves leaving the &estern &orld &ondering &hat had
happened to .itler% +scape theories abounded and sightings &ere made of .itler in various parts of
the &orld% 4bove all other Nazi &ar criminals &anted for the Nuremberg trials$ .itler &as the prize%
3n line 5$ the ;panish Iing Carlos and his family$ &ere 'ept in their palace &ith the
understanding that the royal line &ould recover the rule of ;pain$ &hich did occur at the death of
8ranco% Nostradamus describes him as thin because he had lost the leadership to 8ranco% The great
:ittemberg &ould most li'ely be .itler$ &hose boo' F2ein IampfG &as most li'ely published at
the great publishing center of :ittemberg% .e betrayed 8ranco by not 'eeping his promise to supply
provisions for the people of ;pain after its civil &ar%
C 5 < -! 10#9 Le bon viellart tout vif enseuely$
Pres du grand fleuue par fausse souspeBonH
Le nouueau vieu> de richesse ennobly$
Prins Z CenDCauD chemin tout lAor de la ranBon%
The /ood old -an .uried .ut alive,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Near the /reat river throu/h ,alse suspicion1
The ne+ old -an .y riches enno.led,
!aptured on the road all his /old ,or ranso-2
This could be PMtain% 4fter the &ar he &as released from the *erman prison and set free% .e elected
to return to 8rance to set the record straight about his role in the Jichy government% The senile 60
year old &as tried and found guilty of treason by the 8rench% The great river &ould be the ;eine
that flo&s through Paris% The ne& old man &ould be Pierre Laval% .e fled the country and &as
captured in 4ustria in 10#9% .e &as found guilty of treason and e>ecuted by a firing s(uad% ;ee
also C 5 < 5, regarding one buried but alive%
C 5 < 5, 10#9 +nseuely non mort apopleti(ue$
;era trouuM auoir les mains mangeesH
<uand la citM damnera lAhereti(ue$
<uAauoit leur loi> se leur sembloit changees%
uried, not dead, co-atose,
)e +ill .e ,ound to have his hands 9po+ers: eaten1
#hen the city +ill conde-n the heretic2
)e +ho see-ed to have chan/ed their la+s2
Commentators have attributed this verse to PMtain$ /obespierre$ .itler$ and to Napoleon (uite
effectively% 3t could fit many other leaders &ho &ere put out of po&er% 3t seems to fit PMtain the very
best% PMtain died in 1091 &hile serving a life sentence for treason% ;ee C 5 < -!%
C 5 < ,5 10#9 /omain pouuoir sera du tout abas CZ basD$
;on grand voisin imiter les vestigesH
7ccultes haines ciuiles X debats
/etarderont au> bouffons leurs folies%
Ro-an po+er +ill .e thorou/hly lo+ered,
'ollo+in/ in the ,ootsteps o, its /reat nei/h.or1
)idden civil hatreds and de.ates
#ill delay the .u,,oons their ,ollies2
2any commentators apply this to 3taly before :orld :ar 33% .o&ever$ /oman po&er &as at its
lo&est after the &ar% 3n this case$ its great neighbor &ould be 8rance$ &hich &as also in the process
of re-establishing a ne& system of government%
C 1 < 96 10#9 TranchM le ventre$ naistra auec deu> testes$
+t (uatre brasH (uel(ues ans entiers viueraH
3our (ui 4(uiloye celebrera ses festes$
8ossen$ Turin$ chef 8errare suyura%
Slittin/ the .elly, it +ill .e .orn +ith t+o heads,
And ,our ar-s1 A ,e+ years it +ill live1
The day +hen A6uiloye cele.rates its ,easts,
'ossano, Turin, chie, o, 'errara +ill ,ollo+2
4fter :orld :ar 33$ *ermany Cand also BerlinD &as divided into t&o parts$ /ussians on the east and
the 4llied Po&ers on the &est Ct&o headsD% The four armies &ere 8rance$ +ngland$ ?nited ;tates and
/ussia% This &as initiated on Than'sgiving =ay$ 10#9% F4(uilaeG in Latin is FeagleG and FloyG is
Fla&G meaning the eagleAs la&$ or the la& of the ?nited ;tates% 4lthough the ;oviets bloc'aded the
lines bet&een +ast and :est *ermany$ it &asnAt until 4ugust$ 10,1 that the famous Berlin :all &as
erected% The last line pertaining to 3taly is unclear% =ivided *ermany lasted until 100"%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < 99 10#9 ;oubz lAopposite climat Babyloni(ue$
*rande sera de sang effusionH
<ue terre X mer$ air$ ciel sera ini(ue$
;ectes$ faim$ regnes$ pestes$ confusion%
Under the cli-ate opposite that o, a.ylon,
There +ill .e a /reat sheddin/ o, .lood1
On land and sea, air, heaven +ill .e un5ust,
Sects, ,a-ine, 0in/do-s, pla/ues, con,usion2
This has to be the ;outh Pacific% 3ts climate is e>actly opposite the dry$ arid climate of Babylon% 7ne
possibility for solving this verse isH in 1619 the volcano Tambora in 3ndonesia erupted and in 1665
in 3ndonesia the volcano Ira'atoa erupted% This caused climatic changes all around the globe% The
year of 1619 sa& Napoleon struggling in 1une through mur'y &eather and mud at :aterloo% The
&eather contributed to his inability to move e(uipment and men and he &as defeated% The year of
161,$ due to the effects of the volcano$ &as called the year &ithout a summer% But because of Fland$
sea$ and in the airG being mentioned$ it sounds more modern and fits the ;outh Pacific land$ sea$ and
air battles of :orld :ar 33%
C ! < , 10#94upres des portes X dedans deu> citMs$
;eront deu> fleau>$ X onc(ues nAaperceu vn telH
8aim dedans peste$ de fer hors gens boutMs$
Crier secours au grand =ieu immortel%
Near the ports and +ithin t+o cities,
There +ill happen t+o scour/es never seen until then1
'a-ine +ithin pestilence, people put out .y the s+ord,
!ryin/ ,or help to the /reat &od i--ortal2
This verse foresees the results of the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasa'i and .iroshima% 4 nuclear
e>plosion &as unprecedented in the history of &arfare Cnever seen until thenD% The morality of the
decision to use nuclear force has long since been debated) ho&ever it did hasten the decision of
1apan to surrender and thus ended the &ar%
C 1 < 56 10#9 Le ;ol X lAaigle au victeur paroistront$
/esponse vaine au vaincu lAon asseureH
Par cor ne crys harnois nAarresteront$
Jindicte pai> par mors si acheve Z lAheure%
The Sun, and the %a/le +ill appear as victor,
The van6uished reassured +ith a vain response1
y no -eans 9+ith horn and cries: ar-s are not stopped,
Peace vindicated .y death i, achieved on ti-e2
1apan is not very assured after losing the &ar$ but both countries &ere eventually victorious in the
long run% 1apan &as rebuilt &ith monetary and material aid from the ?nited ;tates% 4rms &ere not
stopped by the ?nited ;tates &ho 'ept on &ith its &eapons program to compete in the arms build-
up &ith /ussia%
78K> ( C AM
C 5 < 0- 10#6 Nouuelle loy terre neufue occuper$
Jers la ;yrie 3udee$ X PalestineH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Le grand empire barbare corruer$
4uant (ue PhebMs son siecle determine%
Ne+ la+ to occupy the ne+ land,
To+ards Syria, Audea, and Palestine1
The /reat .ar.arian e-pire +ill decay,
e,ore the !ycle o, the Sun is ,inished2
The nation of 3srael &as created in 10#6% The struggle of the 1e&s for a 1e&ish ;tate in Palestine had
begun in the late Nineteenth Century and had become (uite active in the 105"As% The militant
opposition of the 4rabs to such a state and the inability of the British occupiers to solve the
problem$ led to the ?nited Nations ;pecial Committee on Palestine$ &hich divided Palestine into a
1e&ish state$ an 4rab state$ and an internationally monitored neutral zone% The 1e&s accepted the
plan and the 4rabs re@ected it% 4s the British prepared to leave early in l0#6$ 4rabs and 1e&s
prepared for &ar% CClueH Fla ;yrieG can be unscrambled to F3sraelG if you disregard the e>tra FyG
&hich is allo&ed under the rules of anagram%D Nostradamus foresees the barbarian empire C3slamKD
&ill decay before !!#!%
C 1 < ,5 10#6 Les fleurs Cfleu>D passMs diminue le monde$
Long temps la pai> terres inhabitMesH
;eur marchera par ciel$ terre$ mer$ X ondeH
Puis de nouueau les guerres suscitMes%
The ,lo+ers 9scour/es: past, the +orld is -ade s-aller,
'or a lon/ ti-e the peace, uninha.ited lands1
All +ill travel sa,ely .y s0y, land, sea and ocean1
Then +ars +ill .e/in ane+2
4fter :orld :ar 33$ ne& advances &ere made in medicine and communications$ and air travel
caused the &orld to shrin'% Ne& &ars &ill be stirred up after a long time of peace% Nostradamus
predicts a &orld &ar yet to come%
Line 1$ FThe flo&ers passMG may mean that 8rench royalty is a thing of the past% 3n line !
FinhabitMesG means uninhabited$ but most commentators assume it means FpopulatedG because of
the conte>t% This verse may actually be placed far in the future &hen there is a long peace and lands
&hich cannot be inhabited%
C 5 < 1 10#64pres combat X bataille nauale$
Le grand Neptune Z son plus haut befroyH
/ouge auersaire de peur viendra pasle$
2ettant le grand 7cean en effroy%
A,ter and naval .attle,
The /reat Neptune in his hi/hest .el,ry1
The red adversary .eco-es pale +ith ,ear,
Puttin/ the /reat Ocean in terror2
=uring :orld :ar 33$ the ?nited ;tates became the ruling sea po&er of the &orld% The red
adversary is /ussia% The ;oviets &or'ed on building a modern$ technically advanced naval force to
compete in the cold &ar% The ocean &as indeed in terror &ith the nuclear submarines of both sides
playing cat and mouse%
C 6 < 19 Jers 4(uilon grands efforts par hommasse
Pres(ue lA+urope X lAvniuers ve>er$
Les deu> eclypses mettra en telle chasse$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
+t au> Pannons vie X mort renforcer%
To+ard A6uilon /reat e,,orts .y the -annish +o-an
To ve4 -ost o, %urope and the +orld,
She +ill put the t+o eclipses in utter rout,
And rein,orce li,e and death ,or the )un/arians2
2any commentators apply this verse to Catherine the *reat of /ussia% ;he did engage ;&eden and
the Baltic countries in &ar from 1--6 to 1-0"% 4nd she made /ussia a dominant po&er in the
2iddle +ast% ;he played an important role as mediator in the :ar of the Bavarian ;uccession
C1--6-1--0D bet&een Prussia and 4ustria%
This verse is more fitting for the ;oviets &ho turned F2other /ussiaG into an aggressive
country% 4s a leading po&er in the T&entieth Century$ they controlled the northern Baltic countries%
They ve>ed +urope and their influence &as truly universal% The .ungarian /evolution in 109,
&hich they suppressed$ did indeed$ reinforce life and death in that country% The Ft&o eclipsesG may
be a symbol for the t&o &orld &ars%
C 1 < 6# 10#6 Lune obscurcie au> profondes tenebres$
;on frere passe de couleur ferrugineH
Le grand cachM long temps soubz les tenebres$
Tiedira fer dans la plaie sanguine%
The Moon o.scured in pro,ound shado+s,
)is .rother .eco-es the color o, stained .lood 9,erru/ine:1
The /reat one hidden ,or a lon/ ti-e under the shado+s 9hidin/ place:,
#ill cool the iron in the .loody +ound2
The moon is China$ long obscured to :estern vie&% .is brother is /ussia$ its &ar implements
freshly stained by *erman blood Ciron &as *ermanyAs symbol and FferrugineG is rusty red coloredD%
This (uatrain may be about the coercion used to bring communism to China%
C 9 < !, 1095 La gent esclaue par vn heur martial$
Jiendra en haut degrM tant esleueeH
Changeront prince$ naistra vn prouincial$
Passer la mer copie au> monts leuee%
The Slavish people throu/h luc0 in +ar,
#ill co-e to .e elevated to a hi/h de/ree1
They +ill chan/e their prince to one .orn a provincial,
'orces raised in the -ountains +ill pass over the sea2
:orld :ar 33 brought ;oviet /ussia into prominence as a &orld leader% 3n 1095$ at the death of 1osef
;talin$ Ni'ita Irushchev$ born a provincial from the ?'raine$ &as elected as the head of the
C 9 < !# 1095 Le regne X loy souz Jenus esleuM$
;aturne aura sus 3upiter empireH
La loy X regne par le ;oleil leuM$
Par ;aturnins endurera le pire%
The real- and la+ under Ienus elevated,
Saturn +ill have do-inion over Aupiter1
The la+ and real- raised .y the Sun,
Those o, Saturn +ill endure the +orst2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This (uatrain may pertain to the cold &ar% Jenus is the symbol for the ?nited ;tates and ;aturn
pertains to ;oviet /ussia% 1upiter usually represents the ruling country$ and in this case$
Nostradamus may sho& /ussia as the leading country of the &orld% The sun may either stand for
Christianity$ /ome being the seat of the Catholic religion) or for the Century of the ;un$ the
T&entieth Century% Those of ;aturn Cthe /ussian citizensD did$ indeed$ receive the &orst during the
T&entieth Century%
C ! < 96 1099 ;ans pied ne main par dend aygud X forte$
Par globe au fort de port X lainM ClaisneD nayH
Pres du portail desloyal transporte$
;ilene luit$ petit grand emmenM%
#ithout ,eet nor hands nor sharp and stron/ teeth,
Across the /lo.e ,ro- the ,ort to the port, the +oolen 9elder: .orn1
Near the portal disloyal transport,
Moon shinin/, little /reat one led o,,2
:ithout a &ay to travel CfeetD nor any po&ers ChandsD or means of defense CteethD$ the =ahli Lama
&as &his'ed out of the 8orbidden City in Tibet in 1099 and ta'en to 3ndia by airplane% China Cthe
moonD &as glad to see him go as they &ere trying to repress religion - the Buddhist religion in
particular% The =ahli Lama &as 10 at the time% President Clinton$ on his visit to China in 1006$
implored China to negotiate &ith the =ahli Lama%
C , < 9# 109, 4u point du iour au second chant du co($
Ceul> de Tunes$ de 8ez$ X de BugieH
Par les 4rabes captif le /oy 2aro($
LAan mil si> cens X sept$ de Liturgie%
At day.rea0 at the second cro+in/ o, the coc0,
Those o, Tunis, o, 'ez, and o, ou/ie1
The "in/ o, Morocco captured .y the Ara.s,
In the year 7?<> .y the $itur/y2
F4t daybrea'G &ould put this (uatrain in the year 101# to 109" &hen 8rance &as given a special
position of protecting 2orocco% The Treaty of 8ez in 101! formally made 2orocco a protectorate
of 8rance% By this same treaty$ ;pain &as given the role of protectorate of the northern and southern
;aharan zones%
The clue to actually solving this (uatrain is to determine &hat is meant by the phrase Fby
the Liturgy%G FLiturgyG is the *ree' composite &ord FleitourgiaG meaning Fpublic dutyG or Fpublic
service%G 3n the Bible in Lu'e 1H!5$ Tachary goes home &hen the days of his liturgy Cpublic
serviceD are over% .o&ever$ the Catholic Church treats the &ord as if it &ere the same as ritual%G
;ome commentators add on 599 to 5-# years$ being the dates &hen 4u>entius$ &ho developed one
of the Liturgies$ &as Bishop of 2ilan% 3f 599 years are added to1,"- you have the year 10,!$ close
to the date of 2oroccan independence from 8rance in 109,% The independence of 2orocco &as
spar'ed by 8ranceAs e>ile of the Iing of 2orocco$ the much respected ;ultan 2ohammed J in
1095% Because of the unpopularity of his replacement$ 2ohammed ben 4arafa$ 8rance reinstated
the first Iing and allo&ed negotiations for independence%
C ! < !" 109, 8reres X s[urs en diuers lieu> captifz$
;e trouueront passer pres du monar(ueH
Les contempler ses rameau> ententifz$
=esplaisant voir menton$ front$ nez$ les mar(ues%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
rothers and sisters captive in diverse places,
#ill ,ind the-selves passin/ near the -onarch1
!onte-platin/ the- his .ranches attentive,
Unpleasant to see -ar0s on chin, ,orehead and nose2
The captive brothers and sisters &ould be countries$ and the mar's on their faces represent the
mistreatment these countries received by the ;oviets% 3n 109, the sensational F;ecret ;peechG
Iruschev gave to the T&entieth Party Congress led to great tension in all of +astern +urope$ to open
conflict &ith .ungary$ and to the split &ith China due to the misunderstandings of the policy of
F=ifferent /oads to ;ocialism%G By sho&ing the mar's &ere on their faces$ Nostradamus is saying$
in effect$ that the rule by fear &as made completely apparent% The captive countries &ere unable to
effect a policy change% Poland also rebelled$ then eased bac' due to fear of reprisals%
C ! < 0" 109, Par vie X mort changM regne dA7ngrie$
La loy sera plus aspre (ue seruiceH
Leur grande citM dAvrlemens plainctes X crie$
Castor X Pollu> ennemis dans la lice%
Throu/h li,e and death the real- o, )un/ary chan/ed,
The la+ +ill .e -ore .itter than servitude1
Their /reat city cries out +ith ho+ls and co-plaints,
!astor and Pollu4 ene-ies in the arena2
3n 109, President Nagy Canagrammed angeD of .ungary announced his country &ould be free from
the terms of the :arsa& Pact and thus free from ;oviet domination% 2a'ing an e>ample of
.ungary$ ;oviet tan's rolled into the streets of the t&in cities CCastor and Pollu>D of Buda and Pest
Cno& BudapestD and restored ;oviet authority% Blood flo&ed for ten days% Nagy &as arrested and he
and t&o thousand of his follo&ers &ere put to death% Thousands of refugees streamed into 4ustria
and parts &est before the ;oviets effectively bloc'ed the e>it of any more%
C 5 < 60 109, +n ce temps lZ sera frustrMe Cypres$
=e son secours de ceu> de mer +geeH
Jieu> trucidez$ mais par mesles X lyphres
;eduict leur /oy$ /oyne plus outragee%
At that ti-e !yprus +ill .e ,rustrated,
O, its relie, .y those o, the Ae/ean Sea1
Old slau/htered, .ut .y speeches and supplications
Their "in/ seduced, Hueen -ore outra/ed2
3n l099$ Cyprus &as a divided island$ part Tur'ish and part *ree' under British rule% The movement
among the *ree' Cypriot population for union &ith *reece$ +nosis Canagrammed as enosesD &as a
constant source of tension% 3n 109,$ the *ree' Cypriot organization +7I4 launched a campaign of
&idespread terrorism% British authorities deported 2a'arios 333$ the spo'esman for +7I4% The
conflict &as damaged further by Tur'ish citizens demanding a partition of the island% Negotiations
among the countries of Britain$ *reece and Tur'ey finally brought a settlement in 1090 providing
for Cypriot independence% 3n 10,1$ Cyprus @oined the Common&ealth of Nations and &as admitted
to the ?%N% =uring the revolution$ *reece &as unable to give aid to Cypress because it had its o&n
political problems% Iing Constantine 33 &as overturned by a coup in 10,-% .e and his family$
including his mother$ <ueen 8rederi'a$ &ent into e>ile%
C 1 < !, 10,5 Le grand du fouldre tombe dAheure diurne$
2al X predict par porteur postulaireH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;uiuant presaige tumbe de lAheure nocturne$
Conflit /eims$ Londres$ +trus(ue pestifere%
The /reat -an +ill .e struc0 do+n .y li/htnin/ in the dayti-e,
%vil and predicted .y the .earer o, a petition1
Accordin/ to the prediction another ,alls at ni/ht ti-e,
!on,lict Rei-s, $ondon, pestilence Tuscany2
The assassination of President 1ohn 8% Iennedy in 10,5 in =allas and Bobby Iennedy in 10,6 in
California &as foreseen% The bearer of a petition &as 1eane =i>on$ a seer &ho &as recognized as
having predicted 18IAs death% 4ssassinations are not uncommon in history and the last line ma'es
no sense% .o&ever one rumor &as that there &ere three professional assassins hired in from +urope
to plan and carry out the assassination% 3f so$ Nostradamus confirms this as fact%
This verse may also fit the accident that befell .enry 33 and led to his death% 7ther
astrologers$ besides Nostradamus himself$ predicted the event% By saying Fstruc' do&n by
lightningG he is saying it happens suddenly% The other &ho fell at night in this case is the Comte de
2ontgomery$ his opponent in the @oust%
C , < 5- 10,5 LA[uure ancienne se paracheuera$
=u toict cherra sur le grand mal ruyneH
3nnocent faict mort on accusera$
Nocent cachM tallis Z la bruyne%
The ancient +or0 +ill .e achieved,
%vil ruin +ill ,all on the /reat one ,ro- the roo,1
Dead they +ill accuse an innocent one o, the deed,
The /uilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle2
:hen President 1ohn 8% Iennedy &as shot in =allas$ a great number of bystanders pointed to&ard
the grassy 'noll% They believed the shots came from that direction and not from the school boo'
depository% 4 copse is a small thic'et of trees such as that found at the top of the grassy 'noll in
=ealy Plaza in =allas% Nostradamus verifies that Lee .arvey 7s&ald$ &ho &as shot and 'illed$
&as innocent% 7s&ald claimed he &as being set up% FBruineG CFdrizzleG in +nglishD denotes great
C 1" < -1 10,5 La terre X lAair geleront si grand eau$
Lors (uAon viendra pour ieudy venerer$
Ce (ui sera iamais ne feut si beau$
=es (uatre pars le viendront honnorer%
The earth and the air +ill ,reeze so -uch +ater,
#hen they co-e to venerate Thursday,
That +hich +ill .e, never +as so ,air,
'ro- the ,our 6uarters they +ill co-e to honor2
7n Than'sgiving =ay in 10,5 most citizens of the ?nited ;tates &ere chilled to the bone by the
senseless assassination of their popular president$ 1ohn 8% Iennedy% 8rom every (uarter of the nation
people too' time to honor his memory% .e &as a president opposed to &ar and he &as &illing to use
every resource to further peace% .e &as pulling military advisors out of Jietnam &hen he &as
gunned do&n% FThat &hich &ill beG &as the Jietnam :ar%
C 5 < !! 10,- ;i> iours lAassaut deuant citM donnMH
Liuree sera forte X aspre batailleH
Trois la rendront$ X Z eu> pardonnM$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
La reste Z feu X sang tranche traille%
Si4 days the attac0 -ade .e,ore the city1
'reed in a stron/ and ,ierce .attle1
Three +ill surrender, and to the- pardon,
The rest to ,ire and .loody slicin/ and slau/hter2
3n 2ay$ 10,-$ President Nasser of +gypt mobilized the +gyptian army in the ;inai% The ?%N%
acceded to his demand to &ithdra& from the 3sraeli-+gyptian border% +gypt ne>t bloc'aded the
3sraeli port of +lat by closing the ;trait of Tiran% 7n 1une 9$ 10,-$ 3srael struc' against +gypt and
;yria) then 1ordan attac'ed 3srael% 3n the ne>t si> days$ 3srael occupied the *aza ;trip and the ;inai
peninsula of +gypt$ the *olan .eights of ;yria$ and the :est Ban' and 4rab section of +ast
1erusalem Cboth under 1ordanian ruleD$ giving the conflict the name of FThe ;i>-=ay :ar%G 3srael
unified the 4rab and 3srael sectors of 1erusalem% The area has since seen many terrorist attac's from
3slamic insurgents and the Palestinian .amas organization% CClueH islare N 3sraelD
C 9 < #" 10,0 Le sang royal sera si tres meslM$
Contraint seront *aulois de lA.esperieH
7n attendra (ue terme soit coulM$
+t (ue memoire de la voi> soit perie%
The royal .lood +ill .e very -i4ed,
The 'rench +ill .e restrained .y the #est1
One +ill +ait until his ter- has e4pired,
And until the -e-ory o, his voice has perished2
Nostradamus brings this verse into the T&entieth Century &hen royal bloodlines are greatly mi>ed%
Cheetham has this one right% *eneral de *aulle &as the one 8renchman &ho interfered effectively
in :estern policies and N4T7 C&hich is anagrammedD and the +uropean Common 2ar'et% 7nce
the term of his office ended in his resignation in 10,0$ the echo of his FNonG to :estern policies
slo&ly faded a&ay%
C 0 < ,9 10,0 =edans le coing de luna viendra rendre$
7u sera prins X mys en terre estrange$
Les fruitz immeurs seront Z grand esclandre
*rand vitupere Z lAvn grande louange%
)e +ill co-e to /o into the corner o, the -oon,
#here he +ill .e ta0en and placed on a stran/e land,
The i--ature ,ruit +ill -a0e a /reat scandal
&reat .la-e, to one /reat praise2
The 4pollo moon landing in 10,0 is foreseen by Nostradamus% The Fimmature fruitG sho&s that
N4;4 may have acted prematurely% There &ere tragedies$ but also triumphs$ in manAs (uest of
'no&ledge from outer space% Nostradamus also foresees the space race bet&een /ussia Cgreat
blameD and the ?nited ;tates Cgreat praiseD in the last line%
C # < ,! 10,0 Jn coronnel machine ambition$
;e saisira de la plus grande armMe$
Contre son prince fainte inuention$
+t decouuert sera soubz sa ramMe%
A colonel +ith a-.itious -achinations,
)e +ill seize the /reatest ar-y,
A/ainst his Prince +ith ,alse invention,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
And he +ill .e discovered under his .ranches 9ar.or:2
3n 10,0$ Colonel 2ommar <adaffi of Libya$ in a secret coup$ captured the loyalty of the army of
Iing 3dris and too' the reins of government% .e has since been associated &ith terrorists and
3slamic fundamentalist groups% 3n 106,$ because of <adaffiAs protection of terrorists$ the ?nited
;tates bombers attac'ed terrorist targets in Libya% <uadaffi survived the attac'$ but his barrac's
&ere a shambles% .e has preserved his bombed room li'e a shrine as a reminder of the aggression of
the ?nited ;tates% CClueH sirad N 3drisD% 3n the &hole of history$ this may seem minor$ but <adaffi
may be more of a ma@or player later or Nostradamus may not have addressed this event%
78>? ( 8 AM
C 5 < ,9 10-6 <uand le sepulcre du grand /omain trouuM$
Le iour apres sera esleu PontifeH
=u ;enat gueres il ne sera prouuM$
+mpoisonnM son sang au sacrM scyphe%
#hen the sepulcher o, the /reat Ro-an is ,ound,
The day a,ter +ill .e elected a Ponti,,1
)e +ill hardly .e approved .y the Senate,
Poisoned, his .lood in the sacred chalice2
Cheetham relates this verse to the death of Pope 1ohn Paul 3% 3n 10-6$ archaeologists claimed to
have discovered the tomb of the first pope$ the 4postle Peter$ buried beneath the Jatican% That same
year$ Pope 1ohn Paul 3 &as elected by the Conclave of Cardinals by a secret vote% .o&ever$ the
Curia Cthe 1! cardinals &ho form the JaticanAs cabinet ministersD soon realized this pope &ould be
different% .is plans to investigate the financial dealings of the church &ith the 2afia and the group
of 8reemasons 'no&n as P!$ his liberal vie&points$ and his plans for reform (uic'ly lost him
support% The night before his death he had given Cardinal Jillot a list of the people he &ished to
have removed from po&er% .e died during the night$ unattended by the nuns$ &hich &as not
customary$ supposedly of a heart attac'% .e &as found dead the ne>t morning% .is death in 10-6
&as loo'ed at suspiciously during the ensuing Jatican Ban' financial scandals%
C # < 11 10-6 Celuy (uAaura gouuert de la grande cappe$
;era induict a (uel(ues cas patrerH
Les douze rouges viendront souiller la nappe$
;oubz meurtre$ meurtre se viendra perpetrer%
)e +ho +ill have the /overn-ent o, the /reat cloa0,
#ill .e led to per,or- several deeds1
The t+elve red ones +ill co-e to soil the cloth,
Under -urder, -urder +ill co-e to .e perpetrated2
This is another verse in reference to 1ohn Paul 3% .is reign only lasted for thirty-four days% 4fter his
death$ more &ould die in the Jatican Ban' scandals% Leoni calls the actions by the Curia Fa sort of
Papal Committee of Public ;afetyG Cnot unli'e /obespierreAs Committee of Public ;afetyD% Leoni$
&hose boo' &as published in 10,1$ may have called this one correctly%
C 1" < 65 10-6 =e batailler ne sera donnM signe$
=u parc seront contraint de sortir hors$
=e *and lentour sera cogneu lAensigne$
<ui fera mettre de tous les siens Z mors%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The si/n to ,i/ht +ill not .e /iven,
They +ill all .e to /o out o, the par0,
Around &and the .anner +ill .e reco/nized,
O, hi- +ho +ill put all his ,ollo+ers to death2
1onesto&n in 8rench *uyana in ;outh 4merica &as founded by 1im 1ones$ a self-proclaimed leader
of a large cult from ;an 8rancisco% 4t the urging of family members &ho feared for their loved ones
caught up in this cult$ ?%;% Congressman Leo /yan fle& to *uyana along &ith a team of media
personnel to investigate the allegation that human rights &ere being violated daily and the people
&ere being held against their &ill% 4s /yanAs investigative team left the par' and &ere boarding
their planes to leave$ gunmen opened fire 'illing /yan$ three @ournalists$ and a defector% 7ne plane
managed to fly a&ay from the shootings%
1ones 'ne& the authorities &ould be coming for him% .e had his members assemble in the
meeting hall% T&o metal buc'ets of grape flavored 4id laced &ith Jalium and cyanide &ere
dispensed in small paper cups% The drin's &ere given first to babies and children% Those &ho tried
to hide &ere trac'ed do&n and 'illed$ but some survivors did manage to escape% 7f the 1$11"
inhabitants$ 015 &ere 'illed either by bullets or the poison% The body of 1im 1ones &as found &ith a
bullet in his head%
C 1 < -" 10-0 Pluie$ faim$ guerre en Perse non cessMe$
La foy trop grande trahira le monar(ueH
Par la finie en *aule commencMe$
;ecret augure pour Z vn estre par(ue%
Rain, ,a-ine and +ar in Iran +ill not cease,
A ,aith too /reat +ill .etray the -onarch1
%nded there, it +as .e/un in 'rance,
A secret o-en ,or one to .e -ore -oderate2
The ;hah of 3ran$ 2ohammad /eza Pahlavi$ placed his trust in his 4merican allies &ho failed to
come to his aid &hen he &as ousted from government and the 4yatollah Ihomeini too' over as
head of the 3ranian government% Ihomeini planned the 3ranian fundamentalist movement from
Paris% 3n hindsight$ the subse(uent events in 3ran sho& that the ?nited ;tates may have follo&ed a
policy that proved inconclusive%
C ! < ! 10-0La teste bleu fera la teste blanche$
4utant de mal (ue 8rance Z faict leur bien$
2ort Z lAanthenne grand pendu sus la branche$
<uand prins des siens le /oy dira combien%
The .lue head +ill do to the +hite head,
As -uch evil as 'rance has done the- /ood,
Dead at the sailDyard 9antenna: /reat one hun/ on the .ranch,
#hen ta0en .y his o+n the 0in/ as0s ho+ -uch2
3n some parts of +urope$ television is 'no&n as Fantenna$G so this may relate to an event seen on a
television ne&s broadcast% This verse may also be a continuation of the verse regarding the ;hah of
3ran &ho &as ta'en by his o&n people and a ne& government implemented by the 4yatollah
C 1 < 1, 106, 8aul> Z lAestang @oinct vers le ;agitaire$
+n son hault 4J*+ de lAe>altation%
Peste$ famine$ mort de main militaire$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Le siecle approche de renouation%
Saturn 9the Scythe: 5oined +ith a pond transitin/ to+ard
At its hi/hest 9AU&%: ascendant2
Pestilence, ,a-ine, death throu/h -ilitary hands,
The cycle 9century: approaches rene+al2
Cannon attributes this verse to Chernobyl on 4pril !,$ 106,% ;aturn is the sign of ;oviet /ussia and
this happens to&ard the end of the T&entieth Century% /ussia &as at its height of po&er at that time
in terms of technology% The pond &ould be a &ater sign$ Cancer$ Pisces$ or ;corpio% Chernobyl is
located in the northern part of ?'raine$ formerly a part of the ?%;%;%/% The meaning of 4?*+ is
unclear% Leoni uses the Latin FaugereG meaning to increase$ ma'ing the second line read Fincreased
to itAs highest point%G
C ! < 01 106, ;oleil leuant vn grand feu lAon verra$
Bruit X clartM vers 4(uilon tendantsH
=edans le rond mort X cris lAon orra$
Par glaiue$ feu$ faim$ mort les attendants%
At sunrise one +ill see a /reat ,ire,
Noise and li/ht e4tendin/ to+ard A6uilon1
#ithin the circle death and cries one +ill hear,
Throu/h steel, ,ire, ,a-ine, death in attendance2
The first indication the outside &orld had of the nuclear po&er plant meltdo&n &as on 4pril !6$
106,$ &hen nuclear scientists in ;candinavia C4(uilonD recorded much higher than normal
radioactive readings% They traced the prevailing &inds to Chernobyl% 4s huge radioactive clouds
drifted over northern +urope$ /ussia 'ept silent% There &as a ne&s blac'out for ten days% Then
*orbachev appeared on /ussiaAs national ne&s to report there had been an accident% The e>plosion
that ripped through /eactor # &as the &orldAs &orst nuclear accident% The radiation remains today
in the soil$ in the animals$ and in the people% The e>posure to massive amounts of radiation
immediately 'illed 5! plant &or'ers and firefighters% Thousands more died later% +ven today$
hundreds of thousands of people in the ?'raine and in Belarus still suffer and die from Chernobyl
related illnesses%
C ! < 60 1060 Jn iour seront demis CdAamisD les deu> grands maistres$
Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmentMH
La terre neufue sera en ses hauts estres$
4u sanguinaire le nombre racomptM%
One day the t+o /reat -asters +ill .e ,riends 9hal,D,riends:,
Their /reat po+er +ill .e seen to increase1
The ne+ land +ill .e at its hi/hest pea0,
To the .loody one the reported 9recounted:2
3n a famous ne&s photo from 1069$ President /eagan is sho&n &ith *orbachev &ith their hands
together in the air announcing$ F:e are friends%G 3n the first line the &ord FdemisG has a variant in
other editions as FdAamis%G ;o in this conte>t &e can ta'e the &ord as meaning Fhalf friends%G 3n
1060 Bush and Leltsin signed a pact to end the cold &ar$ ma'ing the friendship official% Later that
year the Berlin :all &as torn do&n% The bloody one is un'no&n unless it refers to the birthmar' on
the head of *orbachev$ and the number meaning the nuclear arms capability of either the ?nited
;tates or /ussia% Line 5 states that the ?nited ;tates &as at its highest pea' at this time%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 5 < 09 1060 La loy 2oric(ue on verra defaillir$
4pres vn autre beaucoup plus seductiueH
Boristhenes premier viendra faillir$
Par dons X langue vne plus attractiue%
The la+ o, More +ill .e seen to decline,
A,ter another -uch -ore seductive1
oristhenes ,irst +ill co-e to /ive +ay,
Throu/h /i,ts and lan/ua/e -uch -ore attractive2
;ir Thomas 2oreAs F?topiaG &as published in 191,$ so Nostradamus may have been familiar &ith
the political vie&s of communism% The more seductive political system is probably democracy%
Nostradamus does t&o things &ith the &ords FBoristhenes premierG
1% Boris Leltsin$ the President of /ussia at that time$ espoused the idealogy of democracy$ and
!% Boristhenes is the ;i>teenth Century name for the =nepier /iver area and the ?'raine%
4s .ogue points out$ the Chernobyl disaster happened in the ?'raine region$ and this may have
contributed to the decline of communism% Nostradamus gets an 4O on this one%
C # < 5! 1060 +s lieu> X temps chair au poisson donra lieu$
La loy commune sera faicte au contraireH
Jieu> tiendra fort puis ostM du millieu$
La Panta chiona philon mis fort arriere%
In the places and ti-es -eat to ,ish +ill /ive +ay,
The co--une la+ +ill .e -ade in opposition1
The old +ill hold stron/ly, then re-oved ,ro- the -idst,
!o--unis- put ,ar .ehind2
The *ree' phrase FPanta Chiona PhilonG translates to Fall things held in common among friendsG -
communism in its most simplistic terms% The first line is puzzling% Perhaps Nostradamus is trying to
indicate /ussia in some manner% 4nother possibility on the first line &as the Catholic ChurchAs stand
on eating no meat on 8riday$ only fish &as allo&ed% This &as changed around 10,9 and no& those
of the Catholic religion are allo&ed to eat meat at any time% Perhaps at that time Communism began
to decline%
C ! < #6 100" La grande copie (ui passera les monts%
;aturne en lA4r( tournant du poisson 2arsH
Jenins cachMs soubz testes de saulmons CmoutonsD$
Leur chef pendu Z fil de polemars%
The /reat ar-y +hich +ill pass the -ountains2
Saturn in Sa/ittarius turnin/ to Piscean Mars1
Poison hidden under heads o, sal-on 9sheep:,
Their chie, hun/ +ith a cord2
3 agree &ith .ogue this verse is about the ;oviet forces at the time of the pullout from 4fghanistan%
Nostradamus uses the symbol of ;aturn to indicate the ;oviet ?nion% .e uses the &ord FsaulmonsG
for three things 1% F;aumonG means Fdon'ey headG in ProvenBal and the 4fghans &ere noted for
riding don'eys into battle in ancient times% !% The poison hidden under the heads of salmons
indicates biological &arheads Cthe slee' salmon being indicative of a missileD used for the first time
in modern &arfare by the /ussians against 4fghan forces% 5% F;aumonsG can be an anagram for
F2assoud$G a &arlord from a rebel faction% The chief that &as hung &as the former 4fghan
President$ Na@ibullah$ &ho &as hung by Taliban fundamentalist guerillas in 100, after the City of
Iabul &as captured% .e &as ta'en out of the ?nited Nations compound and hung from a traffic
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
light pole% This opened the &ay for the Taliban to ta'e control of the government of 4fghanistan
&hich led to terrorist training camps in their mountains% Nostradamus sees this as a pivotal event in
modern &orld history%
C 6 < -" 100" 3l entrera vilain$ meschant$ infame
Tyrannisant la 2esopotamie$
Tous amys fait dAadulterine dAame CdameD%
Terre horrible noir de physonomie%
)e +ill enter villainous, +ic0ed, in,a-ous
Tyrannizin/ the Mesopota-ia,
All ,riends -ade .y the adulterous o, spirit 9lady:2
$and horri.le .lac0 o, physio/no-y2
The Persian *ulf :ar of 100" &as started &hen the 2esopotamian tyrant$ ;addam .ussein$ invaded
Iu&ait% 8orces from the ?nited Nations drove the 3ra(i forces from Iu&ait and imposed trade
sanctions on 3ra(% The last line sho&s the results of ;addam .ussein setting the oil &ells ablaze as
his forces retreated bac' to Baghdad% Line 5$ Fthe adulterous of spiritG may read Fthe adulterous
ladyG and may refer to 3ra($ a female country) or the ?nited ;tates$ a female country) or 3srael$ a
female country$ depending on your point of vie&%
C 5 < - 1005Les fugitifs$ feu du ciel sus les pi(ues$
Conflict prochain des corbeau> sAesbatans$
=e terre on crie aide secours celi(ues$
<uand pres des murs seront les combatans%
The ,u/itives, ,ire ,ro- the s0y on the pi0es,
The ne4t con,lict o, ,rolic0in/ cro+s,
'ro- land they cry ,or aid and assistance ,ro- the s0y,
#hen the co-.atants +ill .e near the +alls2
3n 100!$ the ne&ly created Bosnia and .ercegovina$ formerly part of Lugoslavia$ &as recognized by
the +uropean Community Cno& the +uropean ?nionD and the ?nited ;tates$ and it entered the
?nited Nations% 2any Bosnian ;erbs opposed the ne& republic in &hich they &ere a minority% ;erb
troops$ both from ;erbia and Bosnia$ declared the ;erbian /epublic of Bosnia% Croats in Bosnia$
fearing 2uslim domination$ also declared their Croatian Community of .erceg-Bosnia% Thus the
battle began &ith all sides 'illing thousands as part of an Fethnic cleansing%G 8ighting intensified in
1005 &ith the balance of po&er constantly shifting% 7ne of the deciding battles &as at Iosovo
Cmeaning field of cro&sD% 4 peace 'eeping force &as sent in by the ?nited Nations and all sides
agreed to a cease fire in 100#% Peace terms &ere negotiated in late 1009 in =ayton$ 7hio%
C 1 < 91 1000 Chef dA4ries$ 3upiter X ;aturne$
=ieu eternal (uelles mutationsK
Puis par long siecle son maling temps retourne$
*aule$ X 3tale (uelles emotionsK
!hie, o, Aries, Aupiter and Saturn,
%ternal &od +hat chan/esJ
A,ter a lon/ century the .ad ti-es return
'rance and Italy, +hat tur-oilJ
The 1upiter-;aturn con@unction in 4ries happened in 8ebruary$ 1000% This con@unction has occurred
many times since 1999 but it fits our current era% ;ymbolically$ 4ries is +ngland$ 1upiter is the
?nited ;tates Cthe ruling po&erD$ and ;aturn is /ussia% The Big Three conference &as held t&ice
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
during :orld :ar 33 and once after% 4ll three countries &ere the significant po&ers of the T&entieth
Century% This century sa& a great many changes$ especially in terms of technology$ but bad times
are ahead of us%
C 1" < -! !""1 LAan mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
=u ciel viendra vn grand /oy dAeffraieur
/esusciter le grand /oy dA4ngolmois%
4uant apres 2ars regner par bon heur%
The year 7888 seventh -onth
'ro- the s0y +ill co-e a /reat "in/ o, Terror
)e +ill resuscitate the /reat "in/ o, the Mon/ols2
e,ore and a,ter Mars to rei/n .y /ood ,ortune2
Nostradamus &as off e>actly t&o years from ;eptember 11$ !""1$ &hen the great 'ing of terror$
7sama bin Ladin and his al <aeda terrorist net&or' became 'no&n to us% F4ngolmoisG is a good
anagram for F2ongoloisG &hich &ould give us *enghis Ihan$ a great historic symbol for a 'ing of
terror% 4fghanistan$ the head(uarters of bin Ladin$ &as part of the con(uered territory of *enghis
Ihan$ so this symbol can be ta'en (uite literally as &ell%
C 1 < 6- !""1 +nnosigMe feu du centre de terre$
8era trembler au tour de citM neufueH
=eu> grands rochiers long temps feront la guerre$
Puis 4rethuse rougira nouueau fleuue%
%arthsha0in/, ,ire ,ro- the center o, the earth,
#ill -a0e to tre-.le the to+er o, the Ne+ !ity1
T+o /reat roc0s +ill -a0e +ar ,or a lon/ ti-e,
Then Arethusa +ill redden a ne+ river2
4n earth sha'ing event is foreseen% 1et fuel Cfire from the center of the earthD caused the t&in
to&ers of the :orld Trade Center to sha'e and then fall on 0-11-!""1%
4rethusa is an overflo&ing spring e(uated &ith the river 4lpheus in 4rcadia in *reece
&hich flo&s underground and surfaces again at the 8ountain of 4rethusa in ;icily% This is a symbol
used by the Priory of ;ion to indicate the underground royal bloodline% By it turning red$ it may
mar' the emergence of a leader from the 2erovingian line% 4lso Cthan' you$ 1ohn .ogueD it is the
name of a to&n in the ancient /oman province of ;yria% C=id the terrorists plan this attac' thereKD
The event of the T&in To&ers of the :orld Trade Center Cthe t&o great roc'sKD or the t&o
superpo&ers$ the ?nited ;tates and Britain Cthe t&o great roc'sKD$ caused the ?nited ;tates and
Britain to declare &ar on terrorism$ leading to the &ar in 4fghanistan three months later and
subse(uently the &ar in 3ra( in !""5% The seer declares this a long &ar and a ne& river of blood%
C , < 0- !""1 Cin( X (uarante degrMs ciel bruslera$
8eu approcher de la grande citM neufue$
3nstant grand flamme esparse sautera$
<uant on voudra des Normans faire preuue%
At ,ortyD,ive de/rees the s0y +ill .urn,
'ire approaches the /reat ne+ city,
Instantly a /reat scattered ,la-e +ill rise up,
#hen one +ill +ant to de-and proo, o, the Nor-an2
This verse may or may not be predicting 0-11-!""1 in Ne& Lor'% The first three lines seem to
indicate the destruction of the t&in to&ers of the :orld Trade Center$ but the last line doesnAt fit%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2any recent commentators try to ma'e it fit by saying that the 8rench CNormansD &ere instrumental
in finding out the culprits &ere part of the al <aeda net&or' of terrorists%
C 5 < ,1 !""5 La grande bande X secte crucigere$
;e dressera en 2esopotamieH
=u proche fleuue compaignie legiere$
<ue telle loy tiendra pour ennemie%
The /reat .and and sect o, the crusaders,
#ill .e set up in Mesopota-ia1
$i/ht 9,ast: co-pany o, near.y river,
That such la+ +ill hold ,or the ene-y2
This sounds li'e the 3ra( conflict of !""5 &ith the ?nited ;tates and +ngland and their Christian
allies liberating the people of 3ra( and setting up a democratic system%
C , < 55 !""# ;a main derniere par 4lus sanguinaire$
Ne se pourra par la mer guarentirH
+ntre deu> fleuues craindre main militaire$
Le noir lAireu> le fera repentir%
)is last hand 9po+ers: .y Alus .loody,
)e +ill .e una.le to protect hi-sel, .y sea1
et+een t+o rivers he ,ears the -ilitary hand,
The .lac0 and irate one +ill .e -ade repentant2
3f you ta'e F4lusG to be FlAusaG then the first line might read$ last po&ers by the ?%;%4%
bloody%G ;addam .ussein sent everything he had against the ?nited ;tates in the second Persian
*ulf :ar to no avail% .e lost his attempt to gain seaports &hen his invasion of Iu&ait &as deterred
by the ?nited Nations forces in the first Persian *ulf :ar% 3n !""# ;addam .ussein &as run out of
Baghdad and he &as captured in a hiding hole in the ground beside a tiny shac' &here he had been
living% 4s of !""9 he is still on trial and he is still angry$ but may not yet be repentant%
C 9 < 0! !""9 4pres le siege tenu di>sept ans$
Cin( changeront en tel reuolu termeH
Puis sera lAvn esleu de mesme temps$
<ui des /omains ne sera trop conforme%
A,ter the seat has .een held ,or seventeen years,
'ive +ill chan/e in sa-e revolvin/ ter- 9century:1
Then one +ill .e elected at the sa-e ti-e,
#ho +ill not con,or- -uch to the Ro-ans2
The only Pope &ho held the .oly ;eat for seventeen years &as Pope Pius Q3 from 10!! to 1050%
The fifth pope after Pius Q3 is Pope 1ohn Paul 33% This verse &ould most li'ely be in regard to the
pope &ho succeeded him$ Pope Benedict QJ3 from Bavaria$ elected in !""9%

@<<? ( 7< AM
C 9 < #1 !"1! Nay souz les vmbres X iournee nocturne$
;era en regne X bontM souueraineH
8era renaistre son sang de lAanti(ue vrne$
/enouuellant siecle dAor pour lAYrain%
orn under the shado+s and a dar0 day,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)e +ill .e soverei/n in real- and /oodness1
)is .lood +ill .e re.orn in the ancient urn,
Rene+in/ the century o, /old ,or one o, .ronze 9.rass:2
The ancient urn &ould be 4(uarius% :e are to enter the 4ge of 4(uarius on =ecember !1$ !"1!%
The T&entieth Century is the century of the sun CgoldD% Brass Cor bronzeD is a symbol used by
alchemists as representative of psychic abilities and prophecy% Nostradamus may be predicting a
leader &ith paranormal abilities% ;ee also C 9 < 10 &hich also mentions the century of brass%
C 1" < 6" !"1! 4u reigne grand du grand regne regnant$
Par force dAarmes les grands portes dAarain
8era ouurir le roy X duc ioignant$
Port demoly nef Z fons iour serain%
In the /reat rei/n o, the /reat rei/n rei/nin/,
y ,orce o, ar-s the /reat /ates o, .rass 9.ronze:
)e +ill cause to open, "in/ and Du0e 5oinin/,
Port de-olished ship to the .otto- day serene2
The great gates of brass are opened &hen the &orld enters the 4ge of Bronze as mentioned in the
.indu Jedic literature% This &ill mar' a graduation from the 4ge of 3ron$ &hich represents gross
materialism$ to a path of higher evolution% Nostradamus states this &ill happen at the time of a great
reign &hen a port is demolished% This may occur in !"1! &hen &e enter the 4ge of 4(uarius%
C 1" < 00 La fin le loup$ le lyon$ beuf$ X lAasne$
Timide dama seront auec mastins$
Plus ne cherra Z eu> la douce manne$
Plus vigilance X custode au> mastins%
The end o, the +ol,, the lion, o4 and the ass,
Ti-id deer +ill .e +ith the -asti,,s,
No -ore +ill ,all upon the- the s+eet -anna,
More vi/ilance and /uardin/ ,or the -asti,,s2
.ogue has this (uatrain correct% Nostradamus uses symbols to indicate countries% The &olf &ould be
either /ome or *ermany under .itler% The lion is +ngland$ the o> Cor beefD is un'no&n$ and the ass
&ould be 4fghanistan Cin ancient times 4fghans rode don'eys into battleD% The deer represents
Poland and the mastiffs represent &ar% *arencieres interprets the last t&o lines as$ FThis signifieth
that the +uropeans shall be fed no more &ith 2anna$ as the 1e&s &ere in the desert$ but shall pass to
the Land of Promise$ that is of peace and (uietness%G The last line sho&s that &ar is not active$ but
there is a guarding against &ar%
C 5 < 0! Le monde proche du dernier periode$
;aturne encor tard sera de retourH
Translat empire deuers nation Brodde$
LA[il arrachM Z Narbon par 4utour%
The +orld approaches its last period,
Saturn a/ain +ill -a0e a late return1
The e-pire trans,erred to+ard the rodde nation,
The eye at Nar.onne pluc0ed out .y a )a+0 9'alcon:2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;aturn Cthe dar' aspectsD &ill return close to the last period$ &hich is @ust before the year of !!#!%
Nostradamus foresees in other places a great many problems before the thousand years of peace
begins% The &ord FbroddeG is 7ld 8rench FbrodeG for bro&n or blac'$ &hich may mean that the
8rench +mpire Can +mpire once againD or the +uropean +mpire C+uropean ?nionD &ill be
transferred to or to&ard ;pain% FBroddeG may also be 7ld 8rench for Ffeeble or decadant$G or
FBroddeG may be an anagram of a proper name% The FeyeG at Narbonne may be a type of radar%
C 6 < 09 !!#! Le seducteur sera mis en la fosse$
+t estachM @us(uAZ (uel(ue temps$
Le clerc vny le chef auec sa crosse$
Pycante droite attraira les contens%
The seducer +ill .e put in a dun/eon 9pit:9a.yss:,
And .ound ,or so-e ti-e,
The cler0 +ill .e united +ith the chie, +ith his crozier,
The sharp ri/ht +ill attract the contended ones2
The seducer &ould be ;atan &ho &ill be put into a pit and be bound for some time$ indicating a long
period of peace$ perhaps the thousand years as predicted in the Bible% The cler' Cor scholarD &ill be
united &ith the leader and his crozier Ca bishopAs staffD or cross$ &hich &ould indicate a time of the
spiritual combined &ith leadership% The sharp right &ould indicate a return to true conservative
policies promising an era of true peace and brotherhood%
C 6 < 00 Par la puissance des trois roys temporelz$
+n autre lieu sera mis le saint siegeH
7^ la substance de lAesprit corporel$
;era remys X receus pour vray siege%
Throu/h the po+er o, the three te-poral 0in/s,
In another place +ill .e placed the holy seat 9see:1
#here the su.stance o, the corporal spirit,
#ill .e restored and received as the true seat2
The three temporal 'ings may be past$ present$ and future% 7r Nostradamus may be referring to
body$ mind$ and spirit% Perhaps our seer is saying here that the true seat of the spirit lies not in
doctrines and rituals$ but in the soul of every self-realized person% Perhaps he is predicting the true
Christ ;pirit &ill be restored and received in every living human being% :hen every person is on
this higher evolutionary scale$ there &ill be peace$ concord$ and brotherhood throughout the &orld%
C 1" < -# !!#! 4n C4uD reuolu du grand nombre septiesme
4pparoistra au temps 3eu> dA.acatombe$
Non esloignM du grand eage milliesme$
<ue les entres sortiront de leur tombe%
3ear o, the 9To the: /reat seventh acco-plished,
Appearin/ at the ti-e o, /a-es o, slau/hter,
Not ,ar ,ro- the /reat -illennial a/e,
#hen the .uried +ill co-e out o, their to-.2
The end of the ;eventh 2illennium is the year !!#! and the end of the prophecies% This verse
spea's of the great 1udgment =ay &hen everyone &ho has ever lived &ill be @udged by *od% This
&ill be at the time of a great &ar$ perhaps the final 4rmageddon%
C 1" < -5 !!#! Le temps present auec(ues le passM$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;era iugM par grand 3ouialiste$
Le monde tard luy sera lassM$
+t desloial par le clergM iuriste$
The present ti-e to/ether +ith the past,
#ill .e 5ud/ed .y the /reat Aovialist,
The +orld too late +ill .e tired o, hi-,
And .y the oathDta0in/ cler/y disloyal2
The 1ovialist is one of 1upiter$ the royal sceptre of the heavens% This verse may state that *od &ill
@udge us all at the end of the millennium$ not only those from the past$ but also those of the present
time% Nostradamus seems saddened to find the &orld has fallen a&ay from the &orship of *od and
he finds disloyalty among those of the church%
C ! < !- !!#! Le diuin verbe sera du ciel frappM$
<ui ne pourra proceder plus auantH
=u reserant le secret estoupM$
<uAon marchera par dessus X deuant%
The divine +ord 9voice: +ill .e struc0 ,ro- heaven,
One +ho cannot proceed any ,urther1
The secret closed up inside the revelation,
So they +ill +al0 over and ahead2
Nostradamus tells us that he cannot go any further in time% The divine voice has become still% .e
also tells us the secret to unloc'ing the hidden order is closed up &ithin the prophecies in such a
manner that one passes right over it%
C 1 < #6 !!#! Jingt ans du regne de la Lune passMs$
;ept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchieH
<uand le ;oleil prendra ses iours lassMs$
Lors accomplit X mine ma prophetie%
T+enty years o, the Moons rei/n have passed,
Another +ill hold the -onarchy ,or >,<<< years1
#hen the e4hausted Sun /athers up its days,
Then is acco-plished and ,inished -y Prophecies2
3n 1999 Cafter !" years of 2oonAs reign passedD Nostradamus published his prophecies% :hen the
;un cycle is completed in !!#! Cthe sun is e>haustedD$ then a ne& -$""" year era &ill begin% This is
the last prophecy%
C 5 < # <uand seront proches le defaut des lunaires$
=e lAvn Z lAautre ne distant grandement$
8roid$ siccitM$ danger vers les frontieres$
2esme o^ lAoracle Z prins commencement%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#hen the ,ailure o, the lunar ones are close,
Not very ,ar ,ro- one another,
!old, dryness, dan/er to+ard the ,rontiers,
%ven +here the oracle had its co--ence-ent2
The message here is that the Cycle of the 2oon has its beginning in C 1 < 10 and has its end in C 1
< !9 very close to each other% The commencement of the prophecies and also the end of the Cycle
of the 2oon is in Century 1%
C 5 < 9 Pres loing defaut de deu> grands luminaries$
<ui suruiendra entre lA4uril X 2arsH
7 (uel chertME mais deu> grans debonnaires$
Par terre X mer secourront toutes pars%
Near, ,ar the ,ailure o, the t+o /reat lu-inaries,
#hich +ill occur .et+een April and March1
O +hat a lossJ ut t+o /reat de.onair ones,
y land and sea +ill assist all parts2
The t&o great luminaries Cthe sun and the moonD stand for the Cycle of the ;un and the Cycle of the
2oon% The failure occurs &hen both are lo& in declination in the year 1666% Both Cycles seem to
begin and end in Century l% 3f Nostradamus patterned his (uatrains after a cloc'$ then both &ould
start and end &hen the hour hand reaches , oAcloc'% The last t&o lines are probably telling us ho&
to further arrange the se(uence of the (uatrains%
C 5 < #6 ;ept cens captifz estachez rudement$
Pour la moitiM meurtrir$ donnM le sortH
Le proche espoir viendra si promptement$
2ais non si tost (uAvne (uinziesme mort%
Seven hundred captives rudely .ound,
$ots are dra+n ,or hal, to .e -urdered1
The hope at hand +ill co-e very pro-ptly,
ut not soon enou/h ,or ,i,teen dead2
.ere Nostradamus is tal'ing about his prophecies - seven hundred less fifteen$ or ,69 years of
prophetic visions% .alf&ay through the prophecies &ould be about the year 1666 &hen there is a
chance that the remaining half &ould not be fulfilled) perhaps by some unrecorded event in history%
7r Nostradamus may have debated &hether to publish only half or to continue on to the year of
C # < 5" Plus vnze fois Luna ;ol ne voudra$
Tous augmentM X baissez de degrMH
+t si bas mis (ue peu or on coudra$
<uAapres faim peste$ descouuert le secret%
%leven -ore ti-es the Moon the Sun +ill not +ant,
oth raised and lo+ered in de/ree1
Put so lo+ one +ill stitch little /old,
That a,ter ,a-ine and pla/ue the secret discovered2
This (uatrain suggests the (uatrains form a type of pattern% The path of the Cycle of the ;un and the
Cycle of the 2oon may intert&ine &hich may be translated to a spiral$ a circle$ or perhaps it follo&s
the pattern of a cloc'% This verse also tells us the secret hidden chronological order &ill be
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
discovered after famine and plague% 3f one times this verse as - 42 Ccorresponding to the year 101-
1R!D there &ould be eleven more divisions ChoursD to go until the end of the prophecies%
C # < 51 La Lune au plain de nuict sur le haut mont$
Le nouueau sophe dAvn seul cerueau lAa veuH
Par ses disciples estre immortel semond$
Leu> au midy$ en seins CenfinD mains$ corps au feu%
The ,ull -oon at ni/ht over the hi/h -ountain,
The ne+ sophe +ith only his .rain has seen it1
y his disciples invited to .eco-e i--ortal,
%yes to the south 9noon:2 )ands on holy relics 9.oso-:, .ody in ,ire2
9M%yes to the south 9noon:, conclusion, hands and .ody to the ,ire2:
_Jariant of last line% This verse tells of the ne& sage &ho discovers the hidden se(uence of the
(uatrains% The moon over the mountain may suggest a pattern spotted by the interaction bet&een the
sun cycle and the moon cycle% Perhaps the ne& sage see the complete Cycle of the 2oon% .e uses
only his brain$ not a computer$ to discover the chronological order of the (uatrains% The last line
may read$ F+yes to the south% .ands on heart$ body in the fire%G The &ord FmidiG &ould either be
the direction south or noon% 3f Nostradamus means FnoonG this &ould be e(uivalent to the year !",9
according to the cloc' theory$ #00 years after the death of Nostradamus%
C # < !6 Lors (ue Jenus du ;ol sera couuert$
;oubs la esplendeur sera forme occulteH
2ercure au feu les aura descouuert$
Par bruit belli(ue sera mis Z lAinsulte%
#hen Ienus +ill .e covered .y the Sun,
Under the splendor +ill .e a hidden ,or-1
Mercury .y ,ire +ill have the- uncovered,
9MMercury .y ,ire +ill discover the-:,
y +arli0e noise +ill .e -ade the assault2
Jenus is con@unct the sun t&ice a year% .ogue$ in his research$ has found the ne>t complete
occultation of Jenus &ith the ;un &ill occur on Ne& LearAs =ay in the year !"!,% 3f$ ho&ever$ the
first line reads$ F:hen by Jenus the ;un &ill be covered$G the last transit CeclipseD of the sun by
Jenus &as 1une 6$ !""#% Jenus is such a tiny planet compared to the sun the eclipse is only seen by
special telescopes% These very rare events only happen bet&een 1"9 and 1!" years apart$ and only
in 1une and =ecember &ith 6 years minus ! days bet&een the double events% The sun &as partially
eclipsed by Jenus in =ecember 16-#) =ecember 166!) 1une 6$ !""#) and the ne>t is scheduled for
1une ,$ !"1!% The third line might read$ F2ercury by fire$ the aura discovered$G signifying perhaps$
a ne& discovery in space or in the metaphysics or scientific field%
C # < !0 Le ;ol cachM eclipse par 2ercure$
Ne sera mis (ue pour le ciel secondH
=e Jlcan .ermes sera faicte pasture$
;ol sera veu pur rutilant X blond%
The hidden Sun eclipsed .y Mercury,
#ill .e placed only second in the s0y1
O, 9,ro-: Iulcan )er-es +ill .e -ade pastura/e,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Sun +ill .e seen pure, /lo+in/ red and /olden2
The sun may be hidden by clouds of intergalactic dust particles% 3n C ! < #1 Nostradamus spea's
of the cloud causing t&o suns to appear% 4ccording to =r% LaJioletteAs theory$ &hat &ould appear to
be a second sun &ould be a super ray burst from the center of the gala>y shining as a bright blue
light in the s'y%
Julcan stands for fire and .ermes is the symbol for the arts of alchemy or science or
philosophy% ;ome consider .ermes to be the *ree' e(uivalent of 2ercury and stand for
communications &hich may be disrupted by solar flaring%
The ne>t transit CeclipseD of the ;un by 2ercury &ill be 2ay !"1,$ follo&ed by November
!"10% The transits by 2ercury are more fre(uent than the transits by Jenus% 3n either case$ using a
telescope$ the planet loo's li'e a tiny spec against the sun%
These t&o verses$ #-!6 and #-!0$ may tell us ho& to separate the sun cycle from the moon
C # < 55 3upiter ioinct plus Jenus (uAZ la Lune$
4pparoissant de plenitude blancheH
Jenus cachMe souz la blancheur Neptune
=e 2ars frappMe par la grauMe branche CgravMe blancheD%
Aupiter 5oined -ore to Ienus than to the Moon,
Appearin/ in +hite ,ullness1
Ienus hidden under the +hiteness o, Neptune
O, Mars struc0 .y the /raven .ranch 9en/raved .ranch: 9+hite
3n the last line *aranciers interprets FgravMe brancheG as Fengraved branchG or this could be
Fengraved &and%G This is very interesting because the Iabbalah spea's of creation as being
Fengraved%G 4 super ray burst from the intergalactic center may$ in fact$ have creative abilities
pushing us onto a higher evolutionary path as so many anticipate% 3f 2ars is struc' by the engraved
&and Cor engraving &andD$ perhaps the dead planet &ill a&a'en in some manner%
The fact that Nostradamus recognized the planet Neptune$ is amazing% 3t &as discovered
and named in the year 16#,$ almost three hundred years after the time of Nostradamus% This verse
may be giving us an important astrological date% Jenus &ould be situated close to 1upiter at a time
of a full moon% The F&hite grainsG could be intergalactic dust particles &hich sho& up as &hite in
the s'y$ or the ;eer may be spea'ing of the 2il'y :ay% .ogue suggests the planet 2ars passes
through the star band of the 2il'y :ay t&ice every t&o years &hen it transits through
TaurusR*emini and again through ;corpioR;agittarius% This is reminiscent of the rare alignment our
;olar ;ystem &ill enter on =ecember !1$ !"1!%
4nother interpretation might be 1upiter as the leading &orld po&er is more attached to the
?nited ;tates CJenusD than to China Cfull moonD% 3n that case Neptune &ould stand for the nation
&ho rules the seas according to NostradamusA symbols Cbut &hy the color &hiteKD% 2ars &ould
then stand for &ar or the &arring nation%
Named F4lchemical <uatrainsG by Cheetham$ these three verses may be describing a series
of important events in the s'y$ or Nostradamus may be giving us an alchemical formula$ clues to
the hidden se(uence$ or perhaps an astrological date of a &orld altering event%
C 1 < !- =essouz le chaine *uien du ciel frappM$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Non loing de la est cachM le tresorH
<ui par longs siecles auoit estM grappM$
TrouuM mourra$ lA[il creuM de ressort%
eneath the -ountain chain 9oa0: o, &uienne struc0 ,ro- heaven,
Not ,ar ,ro- there a treasure is hidden1
)e +ho 9+hich: ,or lon/ centuries has .een /athered,
#hen ,ound, it 9he: +ill perish, the eye put out .y a sprin/ 9elasticity:2
*uienne is in southern 8rance% The &ord FchaineG may also mean Foa'G &hich changes the first
line to$ FBeneath an oa' tree struc' from the s'y%G Nostradamus uses the symbol of lightning to
indicate a sudden occurrence% 3n this case$ he said Fstruc' from the s'yG &hich may mean the same
thing% The verse may refer to the lost treasure of the Inights Templars$ said to be hidden in
southern 8rance% 3t may also refer to the discovery of the correct historical order of the prophecies%
C 9 < ,, ;oubz les anti(ues edifices vestaul>$
Non esloignez dAa(ueduct ruyneH
=e ;ol X Lune sont les luisans metaul>$
4rdente lampe Traian dAor burine%
Under the ancient vestal edi,ices,
Not ,ar ,ro- the ruined a6ueduct1
The shinin/ -etals are o, Sun and Moon2
Ardent Tra5an la-p o, /old .urnin/2
Leoni (uotes *arencieresA interesting 1,-! interpretation that the Convent of ;aint-;auveur-de- la-
8ontaine at Nimes &as built on the ruins of a temple of =iana% .e states that the ruins of a basilica
built by .adrian to the +mpress Plotina$ his stepmother$ &ere still to be found at Nimes$ and that a
gold and silver lamp may be dug up in the future% The vestals &ere virgins &ho served at the temple
of =iana% FTra@anG refers to the /oman +mperor$ 2arcus Tra@anus$ &ho ruled the /oman +mpire
from 06 to 11- 4%=%
This verse may also be a clue to the order of the (uatrains in your search for the sun cycle and
moon cycle and ho& all of this fits together% Nostradamus may be saying to search for a clue bet&een
a (uatrain that mentions an ancient vestal edifice$ a temple perhaps$ and one that mentions an
a(ueduct% The City of Nimes has both a temple and the ancient a(ueduct%
C 0 < 0 also references a lamp still burning% The symbol of the lamp may refer to 'no&ledge
or enlightenment%
C , < 06 /uynM au> Jols(ues de peur si fort terribles$
Leur grande citM taincte$ faict pestilentH
Piller ;ol$ Lune X violer leurs templesH
+t les due> fleuues rougir de sang coulant%
Ruin ,or the Iolcae +ith very terri.le ,ear,
Their /reat city tainted, pestilence -ade1
Pilla/e Sun, Moon and violate their te-ples1
And the t+o rivers ,lo+in/ red +ith .lood2
The Jolcae are the classical inhabitants of Languedoc in the south&est of 8rance% Leoni states they
&ere a great *allic nation &hose adventurous &arriors con(uered most of southern +urope and part
of 4sia into the late #
and early 5
Century B%C% 4ccording to legend they brought bac' enormous
treasure in gold CsunD and silver CmoonD to their temples at Toulouse%
Toulouse &as con(uered and plundered by a /oman army in 1", B%C% There are still a great
many legends$ including the lost treasure legends of the Inights Templars$ &hich hint that there is
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
much hidden treasure &aiting to be found% ;ee also C 6 < !6$ !0$ and 5"% The t&o rivers are the
*aronne and the Touch%
C 6 < !0 4u (uart pillier lon sacre Z ;aturne$
Par tremblant terre X deluge fendu
;oubz lAedifice ;aturnin trouuee vrne$
=Aor Capion rauy X puis rendu%
At the ,ourth pillar dedicated to Saturn,
y earth6ua0e and delu/e destroyed
Under the Saturnian edi,ice +ill .e ,ound an urn,
O, /old ravished .y !aepio and then restored2
The building is the Church of ;aint-;ernin Basilica &hich still stands in Toulouse in southern 8rance%
Nostradamus is saying that an urn C4(uariusKD &ill be found under the church after it is destroyed by
natural causes%
The gold of Tolosa has an interesting story% The Celtic tribe Jolcae Tectosages settled in the
*aronne valley and called their main city FTolosa%G 3n the third century B%C% Celtic armies had been
attac'ing *reece% The Celtic force defeated the army of the combined *ree' city-states at
Thermopylai% They raided the temple of =elphi &here immense riches had been collected for more
than a thousand years and made their &ay home &ith most of the treasure% The treasure &as
consecrated by the Cimbrian =ruids to their o&n gods and then hidden in a sacred &ell in the main
temple of Tolosa Cno& the Church of ;aint-;ernin Basilica in ToulouseD%
3n 1", B%C% Consul <uintus ;ervillus Caepio$ see'ing revenge for Cimbrian raids in 3taly$
marched &ith a fresh army to&ards Tolosa% :hen he arrived there he &as sidetrac'ed by the
discovery of the vast treasure of gold% 4fter a minor s'irmish he secured the treasure and prepared it
for transport to /ome% .o&ever$ he didnAt get far% Cimbrian and Teutonic armies engaged them in the
vicinity of /ennes-le-Chateau% Caepio &as defeated and 11!$""" /omans and allies &ere left dead on
the field% The treasure mysteriously vanished% The Caepio family$ &hile suddenly becoming &ealthy$
&as the target of suspicion and accusations from that point on% Nostradamus is saying the treasure &as
restored bac' to the sacred &ell at the temple site%
;ome people speculate that this may be the mysterious treasure that the priest$ ;aunier$ found
in the 160"s in /ennes-le-Chateau rather than that of the Inights Templars%
C 6 < 5" =edans Tholoze non loing de Beluezer
8aisant vn puits loing$ palais dAespectacle
Tresor trouuM vn chacun ira ve>er$
+t en deu> locz tout X pres del vasacle Cdes vesicleD%
#ithin Toulouse not ,ar ,ro- eluzer
Di//in/ a lon/ ditch, palace o, spectacle
Treasure ,ound +hich +ill ve4 everyone,
And in t+o locations all and near the asilica 9asacle:2
This is another (uatrain regarding the *old of Tolosa &hich Nostradamus foresees to be found%
FBeluzerG may be the ProvenBal FbeluzeG for a schist type of roc' formation% 3f FBasacleG is
intended$ this is the name of the castle that protected the bridge and main city gate of Toulouse% 3t is
also the name of the cityAs milling (uarter% The City of Toulouse is currently Cin 8ebruary !""9D
e>cavating for a sub&ay line% The line &ill come near the ;aint ;ernin Basilica% FPalace of
;pectacleG may be a ne& movie theatre that is possibly in the planning state% Perhaps the treasure
&ill soon be unearthed during the e>cavation%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 0 < 0 <uand lampe ardente de feu ine>tinguible
;era trouuM au temple des Jestales$
+nfant trouuM feu$ eau passant par trible CcribleDH
Perir eau Nymes$ Tholose cheoir les halles%
#hen the ardent la-p o, ine4tin/uisha.le ,ire
#ill .e ,ound at the te-ple o, the Iestals,
!hild ,ound ,ire, +ater passin/ throu/h a sieve1
Ni-es to perish .y +ater, Toulouse the -ar0ets to ,all2
The Jestals &ere virgins that tended the sacred fires at /ome% The ine>tinguishable fire may
indicate 'no&ledge$ or freedom$ or enlightenment% Nimes is on the southern coast of 8rance &hile
Toulouse is some 1#" miles to the north&est% The third line is full of symbols% F:ater passing
through a sieveG may indicate the 4(uarian 4ge symbolized by the &ater bearer%
C 0 < 1! Le tant dAargent de =iane X 2ercure
Les simulachres au lac seront trouuez$
Le figulier cherchant argille neufue
Luy X les siens dAor seront abbreuez%
So -uch silver o, Diane and Mercury
The i-a/es 9statues:9li0enesses: +ill .e ,ound in the la0e,
The sculptor 9potter: searchin/ ,or ne+ clay
)e and his ,ollo+ers +ill .e soa0ed in /old2
=iane is the *oddess of the 2oon CsilverD and 2ercuryAs symbol is (uic'silver% This (uatrain may
hold clues for separating the Cycle of the ;un CgoldD from the Cycle of the 2oon CsilverD%
C ! < !1 LAambassadeur enuoyM par biremes$
4 my chemin dAincogneuz repoulsezH
=e sel renfort viendront (uatre triremes$
Cordes X chaines en Negrepont troussMs%
The a-.assador sent .y the .ire-es,
)al,+ay repelled 9repulsed: .y un0no+n ones1
Rein,orced +ith salt, ,our trire-es +ill co-e,
y ropes and chaines in Ne/repont trussed2
Biremes are galleys &ith t&o ban's of oars$ so this &ould be a set of t&o (uatrains that go together
that are to be fastened to four sets of three (uatrains each Ca triremeD and then @oined to Century !
<uatrain 5 &hich mentions the &ord FNegrepont%G
C 9 < ! ;ept CsepsD coniurMs au ban(uet feront luire$
Contre les trois le fer$ hors de nauireH
LAvn les deu> classes au grand fera conduire$
<uant par le mail% Cmal%D =enier au front luy tire%
Seven conspirators at the .an6uet +ill cause to ,lash
The iron ,ro- the ship a/ainst the three1
The one +ill have t+o ,leets .rou/ht to the /reat one,
#hen throu/h the -ail 9throu/h evil: the latter shoots hi- in the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
F2ail%G could either mean chain mail$ a type of body armor) and there is a period after that$ or
Nostradamus may be saying Fthrough evilG or this may be part of an anagram%
C - < !, 8ustes X galees autour de sept nauires$
;era liuree vne mortelle guerreH
Chef de 2adric receura coup de vires$
=eu> echapees X cin( menees Z terre%
'oists and /alleys around seven ships,
They +ill ,i/ht a -ortal +ar1
The !hie, o, Madric 9MadridP: +ill receive a .lo+ ,ro- arro+s 9oars:,
T+o escape, and ,ive led to land2
This &ould be a series of (uatrains &here t&o &ould be set aside and five @oined to the rest of the
C - < 5- =i> enuoyMs$ chef de nef mettre Z mort$
=Avn aduerty$ en classe guerre ouuerteH
Confusion$ chef$ lAvn se pic(ue X mord$
Leryn$ stecades nefz$ cap dedans la nerte%
Ten envoys, captain o, the ship put to death,
#arned .y one open +ar in the ,leet1
!on,usion, the chie, and another pric0 and .ite,
$erins and Isles o, )yeres ships, pro+ into the .otto- 9dar0ness:2
The 3sles of Lerins are off the southern coast of 8rance bet&een Cannes and 4ntibes% The 3sles of
.yVres are off .yVres east of Toulon% This verse does not seem to pertain to a historical event$ so it
may indicate a sorting-out of the order of the (uatrains%
C 0 < -0 Le chef de classe par fraude stratageme$
8era timides sortir de leurs galleres$
;ortis murtris chef renieur de cresme$
Puis par lAembusche luy rendront la saleres%
The leader o, the ,leet .y ,raud and strate/y,
#ill -a0e the ti-id ones co-e out o, their /alleys,
!o-e out -urdered chie, renouncer o, chris- 9holy oil:,
Then .y a-.ush they +ill pay hi- his salary2
4gain$ this pertains to the order of the (uatrains% By FmurderedG Nostradamus is saying to set aside
that certain (uatrain%
C 0 < 0# 8oibles galleres seront vnies ensemble$
+nnemis fau> le plus fort en rempartH
8aible assaillies Jratislaue tremble$
Lubec( X 2ysne tiendront barbare part%
#ea0 /alleys +ill .e 5oined to/ether,
'alse ene-ies the stron/est on the ra-part1
#ea0 assailed ratislava tre-.les,
$u.ec0 and Meissen +ill ta0e .ar.arian side2
Li'e so many of the se(uence and galley (uatrains$ the last t&o lines may denote a split verse%
Bratislava is in ;lova'ia east of Jienna% Lubec'$ *ermany$ is northeast of .amburg% 2eissen Cif
this is the city Nostradamus meansD is south of Berlin%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1" < ! Joille gallere voil de nef cachera$
La grande classe viendra sortir la moindre
=i> naues proches le torneront pousser$
*rande vaincue vnies Z foy ioindre%
Ieil /allery sail o, ship +ill hide,
The /reat ,leet +ill co-e to leave the s-aller
Ten ships near +ill turn to repulse it,
&reat one con6uered united ones .y ,aith 5oined2
This verse tells &hat to do &ith the remaining (uatrains to put them in order%
C 1" < 0- Triremes pleines tout aage captif$
Temps bon Z mal$ les dou> pour amertumeH
Proye Z Barbares trop tost seront hastifs$
Cupid de veoir plaindre au vent la plume%
Trire-es ,ull o, captives o, all a/es,
&ood ti-es to .ad, the s+eet ,or the .itter1
Prey to ar.arians too soon +ill .e hasty,
Desirous to see the plu-e 9,eather: +ail in the +ind2
This may be a split (uatrain% The first t&o lines sho& the triremes Csets of three versesD to be full of
captives CyearsD from all the ages the prophecies cover% The third and fourth lines seem to indicate
the Barbarians are an>ious to see either a plume of smo'e or a feather in the &ind% :hen a ne&
pope is elected a fire is lit in a designated fireplace% The smo'e is a signal to the &orld a ne& pope
has been chosen% The fact that the Barbarians are an>ious over this is ominous%
C 1 < 1- Par (uarante ans lA3ris nAapparoistra$
Par (uarante ans tous les iours sera veuH
La terre aride en siccitM croistra$
+t grans deluges (uand sera aperceu%
'or ,orty years the rain.o+ +ill not appear,
'or ,orty years every day it +ill .e seen1
The parched earth +ill /ro+ -ore dry,
And /reat ,loods +hen it +ill .e seen2
=e 8ontbrune cleverly attributes this verse to the Belle +po(ue - #" years of peace from 16-1 to
101#% Nostradamus associates floods &ith floods of events or sadness) and dryness &ith peace
Cnothing going onD% 7r it may be this time the ;eer decided the rainbo& stands for peace% ;o this
may be a hit$ but &ith the possibility of coming climate changes$ it is still an uncertain verse%
C 1 < !! Ce (ue viura X nAayant aucun sens$
Jiendra leser Z mort son artificeH
4ustun$ Chalon$ Langres X les deu> ;ens$
La gresle X glace fera grand malefice%
That +hich +ill live +ithout any senses,
#ill co-e to in5ure itsel, to death throu/h arti,ice1
Autun, !halon, $an/res and the t+o Sens,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)ail and ice +ill cause /reat evil2
Nostradamus seems to be describing a type of &eather machine that brea's do&n% The to&ns are in
or close to Burgandy% 3f you ta'e the first letter of the names of these cities$ you have CL4;;$G
&hich may be a clue Nostradamus gives us concerning the event%
C 1 < #, Tout aupres dA4u>$ de Lestore X 2irande$
*rand feu du ciel en trois nuictz tumberaH
Cause aduiendra bien stupende X mirande$
Bien peu apres la terre tremblera%
Iery near to Auch, $ectoure and Mirande,
&reat ,ire in the s0y ,or three ni/hts +ill ,all1
A very stupendous and -arvelous event +ill occur,
Iery soon a,ter the earth +ill tre-.le2
4n event &hich occurs in south&est 8rance Cdepartment of *ersD is foreseen% The great fire &hich
falls may be meteors flaming to&ard the earth% Nostradamus predicts a &onderful occurrence soon
after&ard$ and then loo' for earth(ua'es%
C 1 < ,, Celuy (ui lors portera les nouuelles$
4pres vn peu il viendra respirer
Jiuiers$ Tournon$ 2ontferrant X Pradelles$
*resle X tempestes les fera soupirer%
)e +ho +ill then carry the ne+s,
A,ter a short +hile +ill co-e to rest 9.reathe a/ain:
Iiviers, Tournon, Mont,errand and Pradelles,
)ail and te-pests +ill -a0e the- si/h2
This$ as yet$ cannot be connected to a historical event% The 8rench to&ns located on or near the
/hone /iver$ seem to have no common tie at this time% The ne&sbearer may be on radio or
television% The ob@ect of the verse seems to be the &eather%
C 1 < ,- La grand famine (ue ie sens approcher$
;ouuent tourner$ puis estre vniuerselleH
;i grande X longue (uAon viendra arracher$
=u bois racine$ X lAenfant de mamelle%
The /reat ,a-ine +hich I sense approachin/,
O,ten to turn, then .eco-e universal1
So /reat and last so lon/ that one +ill tear out,
Roots ,ro- the trees and .a.ies ,ro- the .reast2
Coming climate changes due to global &arming and earth catastrophies could very &ell send us into
a &orld-&ide famine% Nostradamus &arns the famine &ill last a long time%
C 1 < ,0 La grande montaigne ronde de sept stades$
4pres pai>$ guerre$ faim$ inondationH
/oulera loing abismant grans contrades$
2esmes anti(ues$ X grande fondation%
The /reat -ountain seven stade round,
A,ter peace, +ar, ,a-ine, inundation1
#ill tu-.le a lon/ +ay sin0in/ /reat countries,
%ven anti6uities and their /rand ,oundations2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
3n our measurements seven stade is #$!#- feet 5 inches% By Frolling farG it sounds very much li'e an
asteroid or meteor hits into an ocean$ causing tsunamis and inundations of coastal areas% 2other
;hipton$ in her prophecies$ spea's of a fiery dragon that &ill cross the s'y si> different times before
the earth is struc'% 8or seven days and seven nights as man'ind &atches$ this fiery dragon causes
tidal &aves to &ash out coastal areas and causes volcanoes to erupt and earth(ua'es to occur% Then a
general la&lessness spreads &ith great fear and destruction on earth% 1ust &hen men are becoming
complacent again$ it &ill return to stri'e the earth%
C ! < 5 Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer$
=e Negrepont les poissons demi cuitsH
Les habitans les viendront entamer$
<uand /hod% X *ennes leur faudra le biscuit%
ecause o, solar heat on the sea,
Around Ne/repont the ,ish hal, coo0ed1
The inha.itants +ill co-e to slice the-,
#hen Rhodes and &enoa +ill ,ail the .iscuit2
Negrepont may be Negroponte$ the Jenetian name of +ubea$ their colony in *reece on the 4egean
;ea$ or it may stand for Blac' ;ea or Blac' Bridge% The heat from the sun may be a solar flare% This
&ill happen at the same time as famine in *reece and northern 3taly%
C ! < 16 Nouuelle X pluie subite impetueuse
+mpeschera subit deu> e>ercitesH
Pierre ciel$ feu> faire la mer pierreuse$
La mort de sept terre X marin subites%
Ne+ and sudden rain, i-petuous,
Suddenly +ill halt t+o ar-ies1
Stones ,ro- the s0y, ,iery, +ill -a0e a sea o, stones,
The death o, seven suddenly .y land and sea2
.ere again$ Nostradamus is predicting the death of Fthe sevenG &hether nations or people is
un'no&n% 2any verses spea' of stones from the s'y either from meteor sho&ers or perhaps
bombs falling% This &ill happen &hen t&o armies meet each other to &age battle%
C ! < 51 +n Campanie le Cassilin fera tant$
<uAon ne verra (ue dAau> les champs couuertsH
=euant apres la pluye de long temps$
.ors mis les arbres rien lAon verra de vert%
In !a-pania the Iolturno +ill do so -uch,
That one +ill see only ,ields covered .y +ater1
e,ore and a,ter the len/thy rain,
esides the trees one +ill see nothin/ /reen2
Cassilin$ no& 'no&n as Capua$ is a to&n on the Jolturno /iver north of Naples in the province of
Campania% The Jolturno flo&s into the Tyrrhenian ;ea% *aribaldi &on a decisive battle on the
Jolturno in his 16," con(uest of the Iingdom of the T&o ;icilies for Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33 to
help unify 3taly% This verse sounds much more li'e the inundations predicted by Nostradamus%
C ! < 5- =e ce grand nombre (ue lon enuoyera$
Pour secourir dans le fort assiegMs$
Peste X famine tous les deuorera$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
.ors mis septante (ui seront profligMs%
O, the /reat that one +ill send,
To relieve those in the .esie/ed ,ort,
Pla/ue and ,a-ine +ill devour the- all,
%4cept seventy +ho +ill .e overco-e2
This is a very general (uatrain probably to ta'e place in the future &ith a great plague and a great
famine yet to come%
C ! < #1 La grandA estoile par sept iours bruslera$
NuMe fera deu> soleils apparoirH
Le gros mastin toute nuict hurlera$
<uand grand pontife changera de terroir%
The /reat star ,or seven days +ill .urn,
The cloud +ill cause t+o suns to appear1
The .i/ -asti,, +ill ho+l all ni/ht,
#hen the /reat ponti,, +ill chan/e his territory2
This sounds very much li'e the super ray mentioned in the &or' of =r% Paul LaJiolette% .e predicts
that an outburst at the *alactic Center &ould loo' li'e a very bright star$ almost as if it &ere a
second sun% Cosmic dust &ould be pushed into our solar system% The big mastiff &ould be a symbol
for &ar% Nostradamus predicts the pope &ould move to another territory or country%
C ! < 9! =ans plusieurs nuits la terre trembleraH
;ur le printemps deu> effors suiteH
Corinthe$ +phese au> deu> mers nagera$
*uerre sAesmeut par deu> vaillans de luite%
'or several ni/hts the earth +ill tre-.le1
In the sprin/ t+o e,,orts in succession1
!orinth, %phesus in t+o seas +ill s+i-,
#ar stirred up .y t+o valiant in co-.at2
Corinth is in *reece and +phesus is in Tur'ey in 4sia 2inor% Both of these cities are on the 4egean
;ea% The t&o valiant in combat may represent fault lines or the earth(ua'es may trigger a &ar% ;ee
also C 5 < 5%
C ! < -9 La voi> ouye de lAinsolit oyseau$
;ur le canon du respiral estageH
;i hault viendra du froment le boisseau$
<ue lAhomme dAhomme sera 4nthropophage%
The voice o, the rare .ird is heard,
In the pipe 9canon: o, the airDvent 9.reathin/: ,loor1
So hi/h +ill the .ushel o, +heat rise,
That -an his ,ello+ -an +ill eat2
The little ice age that hit +urope in the early 1-""As destroyed crops causing the price of &heat to
rise% 3n the resulting famine of 1-"0$ Louis 1# sold some of his treasures to purchase food% :heat
and grains &ere very scarce%
4 &orld&ide famine is predicted by Nostradamus$ so this verse may instead be related to
that famine% 3f Nostradamus is describing a grain elevator operation &ith its blo&er$ the bird may be
building its nest in the air-vent tube because it has not been operational% By &hy is the bird rareK
7ne can only speculate% Perhaps the massive ecological problems that are to come &ill diminish the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
bird population% 7r perhaps the 4vian 8lu &ill ta'e its toll on the number of birds in the &orld% 7r
perhaps the rare bird is a stor' and Nostradamus is trying to describe a chimney$ indicating a
diminished human population%
C ! < 61 Par feu du ciel la citM pres(ue aduste$
LAvrne menace encor Ceucalion$
Je>Me ;ardaigne par la Puni(ue fuste$
4pres (ue Libra lairra son Phadton%
y ,ire ,ro- the s0y the city al-ost .urned,
The Urn -enaces another Deucalion,
Sardinia ve4ed .y the Punic ,oist,
A,ter that $i.ra +ill leave her Phaeton2
:o&$ there is a lot here to cover% 8irst$ the name of the city under aerial bombardment is not
mentioned% The ?rn may be a person or a place$ but itAs most li'ely to stand for the 4ge of
4(uarius &hich &e &ill enter on =ecember !1$ !"1!% =eucalion is the *ree' e(uivalent of Noah$
&ho &as told to build a ship and thus survived the deluge% The *ree's also associate 4(uarius$ &ho
pours &ater from his urn$ &ith =eucalion% This verse may portend a great flood% The North 4frican
foist that threatens ;ardinia may be a submarine or similar lo& drafted ship%
Libra is a symbol for the ?nited ;tates% 3n *ree' mythology$ Phaeton &as a youth &ho
persuaded 4pollo to allo& him to drive the chariot of the sun through the heavens for one day% 4ll
&ent &ell until Phaeton approached the scorpion in the s'y% ;eeing its stinger covered &ith blac'
venom$ Phaeton became frightened and dropped the reins and lost control of the chariot of the sun%
The horses &ent &ild and approached the earth$ setting it on fire% The people of +arth appealed to
Teus and he struc' Phaeton do&n &ith a thunderbolt% Then Teus sent floods to the +arth to put out
the fire% This verse may predict the ?nited ;tates losing or abandoning its &orld destroying
abilities% 7r perhaps the ?nited ;tates is threatened by fire from the s'y from solar flaring$ and then
great floods &ill come% Phaeton is also the name of an earth-crossing asteroid% This verse may
predict that &e have recovered from the aftermath of an asteroid hit%
C ! < 6# +ntre Campaigne$ ;ienne$ 8lora$ Tuscie$
;i> mois neuf iours ne ploura vne goutteH
LAestrange langue en terre =almatie$
Courira susH vastant la terre toute%
et+een !a-pania, Siena, 'lorence, Tuscany,
Si4 -onths nine days no rain, not a drop1
The ,orei/n ton/ue in the land o, Dal-atia,
#ill overrun1 devastatin/ the +hole land2
The predicted drought area e>tends along the coast of 3taly from 8lorence south&ard to Naples%
=almatia$ no& a part of Croatia$ lies on the east side of the 4driatic directly across from the
drought stric'en area%
C ! < 09 Les lieu> peuplMs seront inhabitablesH
Pour champs auoir grande diuisionH
/egnes liurMs Z prudents incapables$
Lors les grands freres mort X dissention%
The populous places +ill .e uninha.ita.le1
&reat division to o.tain ,ields1
Real-s delivered to prudent incapa.les,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Then the /reat .rothers death and dissension2
The great brothers could possibly be 8rance$ +ngland$ and the countries of the old .oly /oman
+mpire% 3n C ! < #5$ Nostradamus predicts three great princes &ill be made enemies and peace &ill
be struc' from the s'y% This &ill be during the time of the appearance of the bearded star CcometD
and &hen the Po and Tiber rivers overflo&%
C ! < 0, 8lambeau ardent au ciel soir sera veu$
Pres de la fin X principe du /osneH
8amine$ glaiueH tard le secours pourueu$
La Perse tourne enuahir 2acedoine%
'la-in/ torch +ill .e seen in the s0y,
Near the end and .e/innin/ o, the Rhone1
'a-ine, s+ord1 relie, is provided late,
The Persian +ill turn and invade Macedonia2
The flaming torch in the s'y may be a fireball or a missile or a comet% The /hone /iver empties into
the 2editerranean &est of 2arseille% 3t begins at the foot of 8ur'a Pass in ;&itzerland near the
beginning of the /hine% This &ill happen at the same time as the 3ranian invades 2acedonia Cnorth
of *reeceD%
C 5 < 5 2ars X 2ercure X lAargent ioint ensemble$
Jers le midy e>treme siccitMH
4u fond dA4sie on dira terre tremble$
Corinthe$ +phese lors en perple>itM%
Mars and Mercury, and the silver 5oined to/ether,
To+ards the south e4tre-e drou/ht1
In the depths o, Asia one +ill say the earth tre-.les,
!orinth, %phesus then in perple4ity2
2ars is &ar$ 2ercury is speed and communication and the silver is the moon% =rought in the south
and earth(ua'es in 4sia have something to do &ith this mi>ture of heavenly bodies% 3f this is an
astrological configuration$ it recurs (uite often% /oberts refers us to the boo's of the Bible$
Corinthians and +phesians) but donAt chuc'le$ there may be a clue there% ;ee also C ! < 9!%
4nother option for this (uatrain is an alchemical concoction of iron C2arsD$ (uic'silver
C2ercuryD and silver CmoonD%
C 5 < 1! Par la tumur de .eb% Po$ Tag% Timbre$ X /ome
+t par lAestang Leman X 4retinH
Les deu> grands chefs X citez de *aronne$
Prins mors noyez% Partir humain butin%
ecause o, the s+ellin/ o,, Po, Ta/us, and 9o,: Ro-e
And .ecause o, the pond o, &eneva and Arezzo1
The t+o /reat chie,s and cities o, the &aronne,
!aptured, dead, dro+ned2 )u-an .ooty divided2
There is a lot of geography to cover here% The /ivers +bro and Tagus are in ;pain) the Po and Tiber
are in 3taly) and the /hone empties in southeastern 8rance% *eneva is in ;&itzerland and 4rezzo is
north of /ome and south of Bologna in 3taly% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus spea's of *eneva being
a seaport$ so there may be a complete inundation of the lo& lying areas in 3taly e>tending all the
&ay to ;&itzerland% The 8rench =epartment of .aute-*aronne includes the City of Toulouse% There
is also a *aronne /iver that flo&s from the Pyrenees into 8rance%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 5 < #" Le grand theatre se viendra redresser$
Les dez iettez X les rets ia tendusH
Trop le premier en glaz viendra lasser$
Par arcs prostrais de long temps ia fendus%
The /reat theater +ill co-e to .e set up a/ain,
The dice thro+n and the net is stretched1
The leader too -uch tires o, tollin/ the death 0nell,
Prostrated .y arches a lon/ ti-e split2
The Fgreat theaterG is the &orld% 3n another verse CC 0 < 65D$ Nostradamus spea's of the great
theater filled to capacity$ meaning &orld population at its pea'$ &hich &ould be ruined% ;o this verse
&ould be about the recovery after a great disaster for the &orld% The last line can be phrased several
different &ays$ none of &hich ma'e a lot of sense in this timeframe%
C 5 < 9! +n la Campaigne sera si longue pluye$
+t en la Pouille si grande siccitMH
Co( verra lA4igle$ lAYsle mal accomplie$
Par Lyon mis sera en e>tremitM%
In !a-pania there +ill .e a very lon/ rain,
And in Apulia a very /reat drou/ht1
The !oc0 +ill see the %a/le, its +in/ poorly ,inished,
y the $ion +ill .e put into e4tre-ity2
Campania is a province in south&estern 3taly and 4pulia is in the eastern part$ sho&ing the crazy
&eather patterns &e may see in the future% 8rance CCoc'D &ill see the ?nited ;tates C+agleD &ith its
air po&er not yet reconstructed and +ngland &ill be in need of aerial support% This has happened%
4t the start of :orld :ar 33 &hen *ermany &as bombing +ngland$ 4merica &as busy in an arms
buildup% The cities in 3taly may stand for symbols of conflict - rain being conflict) and drought
being the absence of conflict% But there &ere no problems in Campania at that time%
C 5 < -9 Pau$ Jerone$ Jicence$ ;arragousse$
=e glaiues loing terroirs de sang humidesH
Peste si grande viendra Z la grand gousse$
Proche secours$ X bien loing les remedes%
Pau, Ierona, Iicenza, Sara/ossa,
S+ords ,ro- distant lands +et +ith .lood1
Iery /reat pla/ue +ill co-e +ith the /reat shell,
Relie, near, and very ,ar a+ay the re-edies2
Nostradamus may be referencing Pau$ a city in 8rench Navarre$ or the /iver Po in 3taly% Jerona and
Jicenza are in the Jenitian /epublic$ and the ;aragossa is in ;pain% ;everal commentators have
tied this (uatrain in to the 43=; epidemic because the disease is spread through blood and semen%
The great shell may refer to a biological or chemical &arhead &hich spreads the plague on the
lands indicated% 4nother option is that the disease &ill cause scabs CshellsD on the body such as
occurs &ith smallpo>% This verse may indicate the starting point of the great plague to s&eep the
2editerranean area in the future%
C # < 0# =eu> grans freres seront chassez dA+spaigne$
LAaisnM vaincu sous les monts PyreneesH
/ougir mer$ rosne$ sang lemam dA4lemaigne$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Narbon$ Blyterre$ dA4gath% contaminees%
T+o /reat .rothers are driven out o, Spain,
The elder con6uered under the Pyrenees Mountains1
The sea reddened, the Rhone, &eneva .loodied .y the &er-ans
9MThe sea reddened, the Rhone, .lood $e-an o, &er-any:,
Nar.onne, eziers conta-inated .y A/de2
_4lternate interpretation% /oberts suggests the t&o great brothers are Nazism and 8ascism$ but
8ranco &as friendly &ith 3taly and *ermany% 3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of political doctrines$ the
most li'ely is =emocracy and Communism% 3t is doubtful this is about :orld :ar 33 as *eneva &as
not bloodied Cif this is indeed &hat Nostradamus is sayingD by the *ermans and the south&estern
part of 8rance did not see many battles%
C 6 < !1 &arns of pestilence and infection being carried into the port of 4gde &hich is near
Beziers% Narbonne is further south%
C 9 < 5! 7^ tout bon est$ tout bien ;oleil X Lune$
+st abondant$ sa ruine sAapprocheH
=u ciel sAaduance vaner CchangerD ta fortune$
+n mesme estat (ue la septiesme roche%
#here all is /ood, all .ene,icial Sun and Moon,
Is a.undant, its ruin approaches1
'ro- s0y it advances as you .oast o, 9to chan/e: your ,ortune,
In the sa-e state as the seventh roc02
4t a time of peace and plenty there is an ob@ect coming from the s'y that &ill stri'e earth% The last
line is unclear as no commentator has been able to determine the location of the seventh roc'% This
may be one of the ;even .ills of /ome or this may pertain to the desolation of the seventh roc' of
the 4pocalypse as Laver suggests%
C 9 < 0" =ans les cyclades$ en perinthe X larisse$
=edans ;parte tout le PelloponnesseH
;i grande famine$ peste par fau> connisse$
Neuf mois tiendra X tout le cherronesse%
In the !yclades, in Perinthus and $arissa,
In Sparta and the entire Peloponnesus1
Iery /reat ,a-ine, pla/ue .y ,alse dust 9ashes:,
Nine -onths it +ill last and throu/hout the +hole peninsula2
This verse covers the southern portion of the Bal'ans and almost all of *reece% The Ffalse dustG is
interesting as this may imply a man-made source% Perhaps this is a biological &eapon$ or as .ogue
suggests$ another nuclear meltdo&n or a terrorist attac' on a nuclear facility% Nostradamus sees the
2editerranean ;ea area in deep trouble in the future by famine$ plague and &ar$ as &ell as by earth
C 9 < 06 4 (uarante huict degrM climateri(ue$
4 fin de Cancer si grande seicheresseH
Poisson en mer$ fleuue$ lac cuit hecti(ue$
Bearn$ Bigorre par feu ciel en destresse%
At the ,ortyDei/hth cli-acteric de/ree,
At the end o, !ancer very /reat dryness1
'ish in sea, river, la0e .oiled hectic,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
earn, i/orre in distress throu/h ,ire ,ro- the s0y2
The #6
degree of latitude &ould be Paris$ Jienna$ 2unich$ and Jictoria$ British Columbia in
Canada% The end of Cancer &ould be 1uly !!
% Coming climate changes from global &arming may
produce abnormal heat and dryness$ possibly due to solar flaring% Bearn and Bigorre are provinces
in southern 8rance% The fire from the s'y may be meteor sho&ers$ a rain of fiery stones$ solar flares$
or &eaponry from a &ar% There is also a reference to fish coo'ing in the sea in C ! < 5%
C , < 9 ;i grande famine par vnde pestifere$
Par pluye longue le long du polle arcti(ueH
;amarobryn cent lieue> de lAhemispere$
Jiuront sans loy$ e>empt de polliti(ue%
Iery /reat ,a-ine .y a pestilent +ave,
y a lon/ rain the len/th o, the arctic pole1
Sa-aro.ryn one hundred lea/ues a.ove the he-isphere,
They +ill live +ithout la+, e4e-pt ,ro- politics2
Not until recently did any Nostradamus commentator 'no& &hat to ma'e of the &ord
F;amarobryn%G Leoni in 10,1$ &ith great foresight$ interpreted this as being an ob@ect Cperhaps a
space shipD !-" miles up&ard into space$ &hich incidentally$ is an ideal orbiting path above the
earth% .ogue states that in Latin FsamaraG is a seed pod such as the elm or maple seed &ith its t&o
pro@ecting &ings Cli'e a satellite &ith solar panelsD) and the verb FobireG means to encircle% :ithout
access to modern terms$ Nostradamus does a great @ob in describing a satellite or a manned space
station% .o&ever$ this may not be an ordinary satellite as this one &ill carry a payload of pestilence
to be disbursed above the arctic pole and carried by rainfall over the earth$ either by accident or on
purpose$ e>empt from la&%
C , < 59 Pres de /ion$ X proche Z blanche laine$
4ries$ Taurus$ Cancer$ Leo$ la Jierge$
2ars$ 3upiter$ le ;ol ardra grand plaine$
Bois X citez$ lettres cachez au cierge%
Near the Rion and to+ard the +hite +ool,
April, May, Auly, Au/ust, and,
Mars, Aupiter, the Sun +ill .urn the /reat plain,
#oods and cities letters hidden in a candle2
F/ionG may be FnoirG meaning blac'% 3t may stand for 7rion$ a constellation near the *alactic 4nti-
Center% 3t could also be FTrionG from the Latin FtrionsG meaning the bear constellations of ?rsa
2a@or and 2inor near the *alactic Center% The &hite &ool is the 2il'y :ay% 2ars is the symbol for
&ar or the &arring country% 1upiter is the leading &orld po&er% .ogueAs astrological timetable states
that a 2ars-1upiter-;un con@unction &ill ne>t ta'e place in 4ries in 4pril !"11% 4 candle is also
mentioned in C 6 < 9 along &ith a lamp%
C 6 < 1, 4u lieu (ue .3+/7N C.3+;7ND feit sa nef fabri(uer$
;i grand deluge sera X si subite$
<uAon nAaura lieu ni terres sAatac(uer
LAonde monter 8esulan 7lympi(ue%
In the place +here AASON .uilt his ship,
There +ill .e a delu/e so /reat and so sudden,
That one +ill not have a place nor land to ,all upon
The +aves +ill -ount the Oly-pic 'esulan2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
1ason of the 4rgonauts set out for his voyage from 3olcos near the Bay of Jolo in *reece% The great
deluge in *reece and the 4driatic ;ea is mentioned in other (uatrains% 2ount 7lympus is 0$9-" feet
above sea level and lies close to the 4egean ;ea% .o&ever$ 8esulae is the city of 8iesole in Central
3taly% 3t lies &ell inland from the 4driatic ;ea% 3t stands 0-" feet above sea level% Nostradamus may
be saying 3taly &ill be inundated by this occurrence as &ell as *reece%
C 6 < !1 4u port de 4gde trois fustes entreront
Portant lAinfect$ non foy X pestilence
Passant le pont mil milles embleront$
+t le pont romper Z tierce resistance%
At the port o, A/de three ,oists +ill enter
!arryin/ the in,ection, pestilence not ,aith
Passin/ the .rid/e 9sea: a thousand thousands carried o,,,
And to .rea0 the .rid/e 9sea: a third resistance2
4gde is a seaport in southern 8rance near Beziers% Narbonne is further south% This verse fore&arns
this port not to allo& the three ships into its harbor because they are carrying the plague% 4 million
people &ill be carried off% ;ee also C # < 0# &hich sho&s Narbonne and Beziers to be
contaminated by 4gde%
C 6 < 59 =edans lAentree de *aronne X Bayse
+t la forest non loing de =amazan
=u marsaues gelees$ puis gresle X bize
=ordonnois gelle par erreur de mezan%
#ithin the entry o, the &aronne and aise
And the ,orest not ,ar ,ro- Da-azan
O, sea discoveries ,rosts, then hail and cold
Dordo/nes ,rost throu/h the error o, the -onth2
The *aronne /iver meets the stream of Baise at the small to&n of =amazan &hich lies half&ay
bet&een Bordeau> and Toulouse% This is in the =ordogne district of 8rance% The &ord FmarsavesG is
not really solved% This may be a blend of FmarG meaning sea and FsaveG meaning FdiscoveryG in
7ld 8rench$ &hich together may mean Fsea discoveries%G Nostradamus may be telling us about
coming climate changes) or this may refer to the Little 3ce 4ge &hich hit +urope in 1-""$ only
diminishing in the year 1-"0% 4nother option is the year of 161,$ the year &ithout a summer due to
the effects of the 3ndonesian volcano$ Tambora$ &hich eruped in 1619% 3n 1une of 161, unseasonable
cold hit the ?nited ;tates and +urope ruining crops and 'illing livestoc'%
C 6 < ,! Lors (uAon verra e>piler le saint temple$
Plus grand du rosne leurs sacrez profaner
Par eu> naistra pestilence si ample$
/oy fuit CfaitD iniuste ne fera condamner%
#hen the holy te-ple is seen to .e pilla/ed,
The /reatest o, the Rhone pro,ane their sacred thin/s
Throu/h 9.y: the- .orn a pestilence so +idespread,
"in/ ,lees un5ustly he +ill not conde-n2
9M"in/ -ade un5ust he +ill not conde-n:2
_4lternate reading of line #% Nostradamus sometimes uses Fholy templesG to refer to Fhuman
bodies%G 7r he may be spea'ing of the Jatican% This verse$ again$ refers to a &idespread plague%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < ,0 4upres du ieune le vieu> ange baisser$
+t le viendra surmonter Z la finH
=i> ans egau> au> plus vieu> rebaisser$
=e trois deu> lAvn lAhuitiesme ChuitiesmeD seraphin%
A,ter the youn/ the old an/el to ,all,
And the old +ill sur-ount hi- at the end1
Ten years e6ual to -ost the old to ,all a/ain,
O, three t+o the one the ei/hth seraphin2
9MO, three t+o the one ei/hth seraphin:2
2any commentators apply this verse to Cardinal /ichelieu and his protMgM$ Cardinal 2azarin$ &ho
because they &ere cardinals$ may be considered to be Fangels%G 2any of the elements do not come
together &ell in this interpretation%
Los 4ngeles$ the City of the 4ngels$ situated on the ;an 4ndreas 8ault may be the sub@ect of
this verse% Nostradamus may be predicting the fall of one side of the fault line and the rising up of
the other through the action of an earth(ua'e% .ere he may be predicting a large earth(ua'e to hit
this area% The last line may give a date% The mon's of the ;eraphim 7rder are better 'no&n as the
8ranciscans$ &hich may be an allusion to ;an 8rancisco% F;an 4ndreasG is underlined%
C 6 < 6# Paterne orra de la ;icile crie$
Tous les aprests du goulphre de Trieste$
<ui sAentendra ius(ue Z la trinacrie%
=e tant de voiles fuy$ fuy lAhorrible peste%
Paterno +ill hear the cry o, Sicily,
All the preparations in the &ul, o, Trieste,
#hich +ill e4tend as ,ar as Sicily 9Italy:2
'ro- so -any sails ,lee, ,lee the horri.le pestilence2
There is a Paterno in ;icily and there is a Paterno near 4ncona in 3taly$ a seaport on the 4driatic
;ea% The *ulf of Trieste is in the very northern part of the 4driatic ;ea%
C 0 < 51 Le tremblement de terre Z 2ortara$
Cassich sainct *eorge Z demy perfondrez$
Pai> assoupie$ la guerre esueillera$
=ans temple Z Pas(ues abismes enfondrez%
The tre-.lin/ o, land at Mortara,
Tin island o, Saint &eor/e hal, sun0,
Dro+sy +ith peace the +ar +ill a+a0en,
In the te-ple at %aster a.ysses torn open2
The trembling of land at 2ortara$ 3taly$ can either be from an earth(ua'e or this may signify a &ar
in the Lombardy region of northern 3taly% This &ill happen at the same time &hen +ngland$ the tin
island of ;aint *eorge$ is half sun' by a natural catastrophe% The mining of tin actually &as located
at the ;cilly 3sland off Corn&all% The temple &ould be :estminster 4bby$ built on the former site of
a temple to 4pollo$ the sun god% 3t &as destroyed in 19# 4%= by an earth(ua'e% Nostradamus
predicts in other verses a general submersion of many parts of +urope% *lobal &arming is resulting
in the melting of our polar regions &hich &ill raise the sea levels &hich in turn &ill result in tidal
surges and inundations along coastal areas in much of the &orld%
C 0 < #6 La grande citM dAoccean maritime$
+nuironnee de maretz en cristalH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=ans le solstice hyemal X la prime$
;era temptee de vent espouuental%
The /reat -ariti-e city o, the Ocean,
Surrounded .y a crystalline s+a-p1
In the +inter solstice and in the sprin/,
#ill .e tested .y a ,ri/ht,ul +ind2
The great maritime city &ould be London &hich &ill be surrounded by a frozen s&amp due to
previous flooding and freezing temperatures% Climatologists predict that &ith global &arming$ the
melting of the earthAs polar regions &ill cause inundations of coastal areas% They also predict the
influ> of fresh &ater &ill alter the balmy *ulf ;tream current and the result &ill be a much colder
North 4tlantic% Lahoo Ne&s$ =ecember 5$ !""#$ reported that the last time this happened &as 6$!""
years ago &hen the fresh &ater flood into the *ulf ;tream current resulted in a deep freeze in the
Northern 4tlantic that lasted for centuries%
C 0 < 99 LAhorrible guerre (uAen lAoccident sAapreste
LAan ensuiuant viendra la pestilence$
;i fort horrible (ue ieune$ vieul>$ ne beste$
;ang$ feu 2ercure$ 2ars$ 3upiter en 8rance%
The horri.le +ar +hich is prepared in the #est,
The ,ollo+in/ year +ill co-e the pestilence
So very horri.le that youn/, old, nor .east,
lood, ,ire Mercury, Mars, Aupiter in 'rance2
This verse may be about the outbrea' of the ;panish 8lu &hich too' so very many lives to&ard the
end of :orld :ar 3% .o&ever$ animals &ere not affected by that strain of influenza% The horrible
&ar prepared in the &est may be the second Persian *ulf :ar in !""5 in 3ra(% The Center for
=isease Control in =ecember of !""# issued &orld-&ide &arnings about a possible pandemic
outbrea' of 4vian 8lu% This strain originated in 4sia and affected the poultry industry% =espite
precautions$ the flu is spreading% 3t has already caused the deaths of humans &ho handled the
infected birds% The fear is that it &ill spread from human to human% The C=C is currently &or'ing
on a vaccine% 4lso &e have 2ad Co& =isease &hich may become more serious in the future%
1upiter$ the ruling country$ is said to be situated in 8rance$ along &ith 2ercury CcommunicationsD
and 2ars C&arD%
C 0 < ,1 La pille faite Z la coste marine$
+n cita noua X parenz amenez
Plusieurs de 2alte par le fait de 2essine$
+stroit serrez seront mal guerdonnez%
The pilla/e -ade on the -arine coast,
In the ne+ city 9!ittanova: and ,a-ily 9,riends: .rou/ht up
Many o, Malta throu/h the deed o, Messina,
#ill .e closely con,ined ill /uarded2
Cittanova Cif this is the place Nostradamus meansD is about t&enty-five miles northeast of the ;traits
of 2essina in the FtoeG of 3taly% 2alta &as the seat of the Inights of ;t% 1ohn since 195"% 2essina is
a large city in ;icily located on the ;traits of 2essina% The Iingdom of the T&o ;icilies and 2alta
and Cittanova &as$ at one time$ under the protection of the .apsburg +mpire%
2essina &as the site in 15#- &here$ along &ith a cargo from the Crimea$ the Blac' =eath &as
brought into port from *enoese sailors% The cre& suffered from a ghastly illness$ dar' and painful
s&ellings under their armpits and groins &hich turned into oozing boils and blac' blotches all over
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
the body &hich resulted in death a fe& days later% 3t (uic'ly spread throughout ;icily and then to the
mainland of +urope% 3t ravaged +urope and caused the deaths of one third of the population% Periodic
outbrea's of the disease$ spread by rodents and their fleas$ continued until the early 16
Nostradamus &as a plague doctor$ going in &hen other doctors left to treat the victims and halt the
spread of the disease% The Prophet may be predicting a repeat of a horrible plague$ only this time it
&ill begin at a ne& city$ maybe Cittanova in 3taly%
C 0 < 6! Par le deluge X pestilence forte
La citM grande de long temps assiegee$
La sentinelle X garde de main morte$
;ubite prinse$ mais de nul oultragee%
y the delu/e and ,ierce pestilence
The /reat city ,or a lon/ ti-e .esie/ed,
The sentry and /uard o, the hand o, death,
Suddenly ta0en, .ut none outra/ed2
Nostradamus sometimes calls Paris the great city$ but this could also be any other city% .e is
predicting this great city &ill be besieged by deluge and pestilence for a long time%
C 0 < 65 ;ol vingt de taurus si fort terre trembler%
Le grand theatre rempli ruinera$
LAair$ ciel X terre obscurcir X troubler$
Lors lAinfidelle =ieu X sainctz voguera%
Sun t+entieth o, Taurus the earth +ill tre-.le very stron/ly2
The /reat theater ,illed up +ill .e ruined,
The air, s0y and land o.scured and trou.led,
#hen the in,idel +ill call upon &od and saints2
The t&entieth degree of Taurus &ould be near 2ay 1"
% FThe great theater filled upG &ould be the
earth &ith its population at its highest pea'% NostradamusA use of FtheaterG to describe the &orld is
reminiscent of ;ha'espeareAs Fthe &orld is a stage%G 2any commentators apply this verse to
California but Nostradamus seems to indicate this is a &orld&ide event%
;aint .ildegard of Bingen C1"06-11-0D &rote$ FBefore the Comet comes$ many nations$ the
good e>cepted$ &ill be scourged &ith &ant and famine% The great nation in the ocean that is
inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earth(ua'e$ storm and tidal &aves &ill be
devastated% 3t &ill be divided$ and in great part submerged% That nation &ill also have many
misfortunes at sea$ and lose its colonies in the east C%erha%s the original )* coloniesKD through a
Tiger and a Lion%G ;aint .ildegard &rote this before the 4merican continent had been discovered
and before there &as a ?nited ;tates of 4merica% This echoes the prophecies of +dgar Cayce &ho
predicted$ along &ith many other earth changes$ the great la'es &ould empty into the 2ississippi
/iver valley and the nation &ould be divided by &ater%
C 0 < 01 LAhorrible peste Perynte X Nicopolle$
Le Chersonnez tiendra X 2arceloyne$
La Thessalie vastera lA4mphipolle$
2al inconnu$ X le refus dA4nthoine%
The horri.le pla/ue at Perinthus and Nicopolis,
The Peninsula +ill hold and Marceloyne,
The Thessaly to devastate A-phipolis,
Un0no+n evil, and the re,usal o, Anthony2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4ll of these places are in *reece and 2acedonia% F2arceloyneG is an un'no&n person or place
name$ but it may be F2acedonia%G 4 future leader by the name of F4nthonyG is mentioned%
C 1" < ,- Le tremblement si fort au mois de 2ay$
;aturne$ Caper$ 3upiter$ 2ercure au beufH
Jenus aussi Cancer$ 2ars$ en Nonnay$
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse (uAvn euf%
A very stron/ tre-.lin/ in the -onth o, May,
Saturn, !apricorn, Aupiter, Mercury in Taurus1
Ienus also !ancer, Mars, in Iir/o,
Then hail +ill ,all lar/er than an e//2
4ccording to Leoni$ :ollner calculated the astrological configuration given and said this &ould
happen in 2ay 5-99% But :ollner has never been correct on a single (uatrain he has tried to date
by the astrological configurations Nostradamus gives% 3t may be that Nostradamus is using
astrological symbols to spea' of countries% This (uatrain may connect &ith C 0 < 65 &hich spea's
of a great &orld&ide earth(ua'e in 2ay%
C 1" < -" LA[il par obiect fera telle e>croissance$
Tant X ardante (ue tombera la neige$
Champ arrousM viendra en descroissance$
<ue le primat succombera Z /ege%
The eye o, an o.5ect +ill s+ell so /reatly,
So -uch and .urnin/ the sno+ +ill ,all,
'ields +atered +ill co-e to shrin0,
#hen the pri-ate succu-.s at Re/e2
This verse$ as in C 1 < !!$ seems to be describing a type of &eather machine that goes hay&ire%
The primate &ould be an 4rchbishop of the Catholic Church% There are many cities in 3taly that
begin &ith /eg and /egg such as the t&o /eggios%
C 5 < -" La grand Bretaigne comprinse dA4ngleterre$
Jiendra par eau> si haut Z inonder
La ligue neufue dA4usonne fera guerre$
<ue contre eu> ils se viendront bander%
The &reat ritain includin/ %n/land,
#ill co-e to .e inundated very hi/h +ith +aters
The ne+ $ea/ue o, Ausonia +ill -a0e +ar,
So that they +ill co-e to .and a/ainst the-2
3n NostradamusA ;i>teenth Century$ +ngland &as part of a small island &ith very little clout in
+urope% ?pon assuming the throne in 1,"#$ 1ames 3 consolidated the lands of +ngland and ;cotland%
.e too' the title of Iing of *reat Britain$ as foreseen by Nostradamus in 1999% .ere again$ great
inundations by &ater are predicted for *reat Britain% 4usonia is the old name for the Iingdom of
Naples$ but this may be a synecdoche for the southern part of 3taly in general%
C # < #6 Planure 4usonne fertile$ spacieuse$
Produira taons si tant de sauterellesH
ClartM solaire deuiendra nubileuse$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
/onger le tout$ grande peste venir dAelles%
The plains o, Ausonia, ,ertile, spacious,
#ill produce so -any /ad,lies and locusts1
$i/ht ,ro- the sun +ill .eco-e clouded,
All devoured, a /reat pla/ue +ill co-e ,ro- the-2
The plains of 4usonia in southern 3taly &ill become a battlefield% The gadflies and the locusts may
be our ;eerAs &ay of describing helicopters and airplanes% This happens at the same time as the sun
becomes clouded over and the inundations occur% .e predicts a great plague to come from one of
the armies$ possibly through a biological &eapon%
C - < !! Les citoyens de 2esopotamie$
LrMs encontre amis de Tarraconne$
3eu>$ rites$ ban(uetz$ toute gent endormieH
Jicaire au rosne CproneD$ prins citM$ ceu> dA4usone%
The citizens o, Mesopota-ia,
Irate a/ainst the ,riends o, Tarraconne,
Plays, rites, .an6uets, everyone asleep1
Iicar at the Rhone 9pulpit:, city ta0en, those o, Ausonia2
The 'ey to solving this (uatrain is to determine the meaning of FTarraconne%G Leoni uses the Latin
FTarragonaG to come up &ith Catalonia$ a province in northeastern ;pain &hose principal city is
Barcelona% This is not very far a&ay from the Languedoc region of 8rance$ separated by the
Pyrenees% There is an herb FTarragonG &hose botanical name is 4rtemisia dracunculus$ &hich is
used for seasoning% 3t is a variety of 4rtemisia$ &hich is also called 2ug&ort or :orm&ood% 3n the
?'rainian language the herb is 'no&n as Chernobyl% 3s Nostradamus ta'ing us on the bac' door
approach to the name of F/ussiaGK 3f so$ then &ho are the friends of TarraconneK 4nd &hy is 3ra(
irate against themK
C 1 < -# 4pres seiournM vogueront en +pire$
Le grand secours viendra vers 4ntiocheH
Le noir poil crespe tendra fort Z lA+mpire$
Barbe dAYrain le roustira en broche%
A,ter a rest, they +ill travel to+ard %pirus,
The /reat assistance +ill .e to+ard Antioch1
The .lac0 ,rizzled haired one +ill strive stron/ly ,or the %-pire,
razen ar. 9ar.arian:9eard: +ill .e roasted on a spit2
+pirus is in north&est *reece% The person &ith the blac' frizzled hair is spo'en of in other
(uatrains% The verse does not seem to fit &ith any historical event in regard to the 7ttoman +mpire$
or even the .oly /oman +mpire$ or the first or second empires in 8rance% This is the only instance
in &hich Nostradamus mentions the red haired person unless the reference is also to the mysterious
C 1 < 0# 4u port ;elin le tyran mis Z mort$
La libertM non pourtant recouurMeH
Le nouueau 2ars par vindicte X remort$
=ame par force de frayeur honnorMe%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
At port Selin the tyrant is put to death,
3et, li.erty is not recovered1
The ne+ Mars .ecause o, reven/e and re-orse,
$ady throu/h ,orce o, ,ear is honored2
2any commentators consider that F;elinG is F;eleneG *oddess of the 2oon$ also 'no&n as =iana$
and is used as a symbol for a crescent shaped port such as *enoa) or it may stand for ;elim of the
7ttoman +mpire &ith the port being 3stanbul% F;elinG and FChyrenG are contemporaries Csee C ! <
-0D$ so it is more li'ely that Nostradamus is spea'ing of a person &ith the port being his base of
operations$ rather than referring to a geographical port% The ne& 2ars is a ne& &arring country% The
lady may be the Catholic religion or a female country such as the ?nited ;tates%
C ! < 1 Jers 4(uitaine par insults Britani(ues$
=e par eu> mesmes grades incursionsH
Pluyes gelMes ferct terroirs ini(ues$
Port ;elyn fortes fera inuasions%
To+ard A6uitaine .y ritish insults 9assaults:,
y these the-selves /reat incursions1
Rains, ,rosts +ill -a0e soil uneven,
Port Selyn +ill -a0e stron/ invasions2
4(uataine is in the south&estern part of 8rance% The &ord FinsulsG may mean incursions$ or insults or
assaults or isles% This verse may be attributed to the Peninsula :ars very easily e>cept for FPort
;elynG being referenced%
C ! < -0 La barbe crespe X noire par engin$
;ubiuguera la gent cruelle X fiereH
Le grand C.3/+N ostera du longin$
Tous les captifs par ;eline baniere%
The .eard ,rizzled and .lac0 .y in/enuity,
#ill su.5u/ate the cruel and proud people1
The /reat !)IR%N +ill re-ove ,ro- a,ar,
All those captives .y the Seline .anner2
This verse sho&s Chyren and ;eline Cor ;elyn or ;elinD to be contemporaries or perhaps the same
person% The blac'$ frizzled beard person sho&s up in other (uatrains% The ;eline banner may also
be a flag of an 3slamic country &ith the crescent moon% The identity of FChyrenG is a mystery%
There is a planetary body named FChironG &hich &as discovered in 10-- by Charles
Io&al% 3t is very small$ about !"" 'm in diameter$ and may be an asteroid or a comet% 3t has the
coma typical of comets$ but it is far bigger than the biggest 'no&n comet and is more typical of the
size of asteroids% The name FCentaurG has been coined to classify such ob@ects% 3t has a highly
elliptical orbit around the ;un$ ta'ing 9" years to return%
Charon in *ree' mythology is the ferryman &ho transports the dead over the /iver
4cheron% ;ouls are brought to him by .ermes for transport%
3n *ree' mythology$ Chiron &as a centaur Chalf man half horseD &ho &as &ise and had an
e>tensive 'no&ledge of the healing arts% .e lived on 2ount Pilion and tutored 4sclepius$ Theseus$
4chilles$ 1ason and .eracles% .eracles accidentally shot him &ith a poison arro&% Chiron &illingly
gave up his immortality to escape the pain% .e &as placed in the s'y as the constellation
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2ost commentators apply FChyrenG to a great leader$ .enry J$ yet to come% The Latinized
.enry is F.enrycG ma'ing FChyrenG a perfect anagram% They predict he &ill be from the Bourbon
line represented by the fleur-de-lys%
;aint .ildegard of Bingen C1"06-11-0D &as a Christian saint &ho had mystical visions% ;he
predicted a time of trouble to come% ;he &rote$ FThe Comet by its tremendous pressure$ &ill force
much out of the ocean and flood many countries$ causing much &ant and many plagues% The great
nation &ill be devastated by earth(ua'es$ storms$ and great &aves of &ater% The ocean &ill also
flood many other countries$ so that all coastal cities &ill live in fear$ &ith many destroyed% 4ll sea
coast cities &ill be fearful and many of them &ill be destroyed by tidal &aves$ and most living
creatures &ill be 'illed and even those &ho escape &ill die from a horrible disease%
FPeace &ill return to +urope &hen the &hite flo&er again ta'es possession of the throne of
8rance% =uring this time of peace the people &ill be forbidden to carry &eapons and iron &ill be
used solely for ma'ing agricultural implements and tools% 4lso during this period the soil &ill be
very productive and many 1e&s$ heathens and heretics &ill @oin the Church%
FPeace &ill return &hen the Lily ascends the Throne again% The throne of the last Catholic
+mpire &ill crumble and the sceptre &ill fall out of the hand of him &ho sits on the throne% The
*reat 2onarch by this time &ill be a very old man% 4ll @ustice &ill cease and &ill be trodden under
foot% The latter times &ill be more evil and corrupt in the eyes of *od% Children of *od &ill be
persecuted by the most hateful means in the eyes of *od% 4lmost immediately after the death of the
2onarch comes the 4nti-Christ%G
C 5 < #5 *ens dAalentour de Tarn$ Loth$ X *aronne$
*ardez le monts 4pennines passerH
Jostre tombeau pres de /ome$ X dA4nccne$
Le noir poil crespe fera trophee dresser%
People ,ro- around Tarn, $ot and &aronne,
e+are o, passin/ the Apennine -ountains1
3our to-. near Ro-e and Ancona,
The .lac0 ,rizzled .eard +ill have you as a trophy2
The Lot and the Tarn are tributaries of the *aronne /iver in southern 8rance% The 8rench force in
central 3taly may portend the fate of the Papal Touaves Cclaimed by La Pelletier to have been
recruited from 8ranceD &ho &ere almost annihilated ;eptember 16$ 16,"$ at the Battle of
Castelfidardo by the troops of Jictor +mmanuel 33 near 4ncona% .o&ever$ the mysterious
FBlac'beardG appears in other (uatrains that lin' his time &ith that of the great Chyren%
C # < !5 La legion dans la marine classe$
Calcine$ 2agnes$ soulphre$ X poi> brusleraH
Le long repos de lAasseuree place$
Port ;elyn$ .ercle feu les consumera%
The le/ion in the -arine ,leet,
#ill .urn li-e, -a/nesia, sul,ur and pitch1
The lon/ rest in a secured place,
Port Selyn, Monaco, ,ire +ill consu-e the-2
Nostradamus has given us the formula for *ree' fire$ the great secret &eapon of the Byzantines and
*ree's% This combination of minerals gives rise to heat on contact &ith &ater$ thus it ta'es fire
spontaneously% 3t &as used successfully in sea battles% Leoni connects Port ;elyn &ith *enoa
because of its crescent shape so F;eleneG may mean FmoonG in this case% 2onaco CPorte .erculis
2onoeci in LatinD is nearby% The city of Nimes in southern 8rance &as named after the son of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
.ercules$ Nemausios% This verse cannot be placed &ith a historical event$ so it is most li'ely in our
C # < 5# Le grand menM captif dAestrange terre$
=Aor enchainM au /oy C.L/+N offertH
<ui dans 4usone$ 2ilan perdra la guerre$
+t tout son ost mis Z feu X Z fer%
The /reat one ,ro- a ,orei/n land led captive,
In /olden chains o,,ered to "in/ !)3R%N1
)e +ho +ill lose the +ar in Ausonia and Milan,
And all his ar-y 9host: put to ,ire and to s+ord2
FChyrenG may be the Latinized F.enryc%G 4usonia is the Iingdom of Naples located from south of
/ome to the end of the peninsula% This verse indicates the :ar in 4usonia happens either at the
same time or before Chyren comes to po&er%
C # < -- ;+L3N monar(ue lA3talie pacifi(ue$
/egnes vnis par /oy chrestien du mondeH
2ourant voudra coucher en terre blesi(ue$
4pres pyrates auoir chassM de lAonde%
S%$IN -onarch, Italy peace,ul,
"in/do-s united .y the !hristian "in/ o, the #orld1
Dyin/ he +ill +ant to lie in lois 9liss,ul: land,
A,ter havin/ chased the pirates ,ro- the sea2
This verse seems to indicate a happy ending to the difficulties predicted for ;elin%
C 9 < 59 Par citM franche de la grand mer ;eline$
<ui porte encores Z lAestomac la pierreH
4ngloise classe viendra soubs la bruine
Jn rameau prendre$ du grand ouuerte guerre%
'or the ,ree city o, the /reat Seline Sea,
#hich still carries a stone in its sto-ach1
%n/lish ,leet +ill co-e under the drizzle 9sadness:
To seize a .ranch, +ar opened .y the /reat one2
The great ;eline ;ea is un'no&n% 3t may be a crescent shaped sea &hich &as formed by a meteor
stri'e Cthe stone still in its stomachD such as the Bay of Biscay in south&est 8rance$ or even the *ulf
of 2e>ico% 3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of the *ulf of 2e>ico$ this verse &ould pertain to the :ar of
161! &hen the +nglish 8leet and the ?nited ;tates fought the Battle of Ne& 7rleans% The +nglish
&ere trying to recover their colonies Ca branchD% 3f this is the case$ then all references to F;elineG
&ould need to be applied to the ?nited ;tates% 2any commentators have ta'en the &ord F;elineG to
be F;eleneG and thus referencing the moon or a crescent shape$ the port of ;elin &ould then be
applied to a crescent shaped bay such as *enoa or to a port in Tur'ey &ith 3slamAs sign of the
crescent moon%
C 9 < #9 Le grand +mpire sera tost desolM$
+t translatM pres dAarduenne silueH
Les deu> bastards par lAaisne decollM$
+t regnera 4enobarbe% nez de milue%
The /reat %-pire +ill soon .e desolate,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
And trans,erred near the Ardenne ,orest1
The t+o .astards .eheaded .y the eldest,
And +ill rei/n, nose o, a ha+02
Leoni states F4enobarbeG is Latin F4enobarbusG or F/edbeard%G 4enobarbe is also the family name
of the /oman +mperor$ Nero% There have been only t&o 8rench empires$ and this does not fit either
one unless you consider that Napoleon 333 surrendered to Bismarc' at ;edan in the 4rdennes%
Neither had red hair or a ha&'-nose% The 4rdenne forest also sa& a lot of combat during :orld :ar
3 and :orld :ar 33% 3n a search through the history boo's$ only Charles de *aulle stands out as
having had a ha&'-nosed profile% This verse seems to continue into C 9 < 90%
C 9 < 90 4u chef 4nglois Z Nymes trop seiour$
=euers lA+spaigne au secours 4enobarbeH
Plusieurs mourront par 2ars ouuert ce iour$
<uand en 4rtois faillir estoille en barbe%
Too lon/ a stay ,or the %n/lish chie, at Ni-es,
To+ards Spain 9Red.eard: +ill assist1
Many +ill die in the +ar opened that day,
#hen in Artois a .earded star +ill ,all2
Nimes is located in southern 8rance and 4rtois is a province in northern 8rance% Nostradamus may
be using 4enobarbe as a reference to .itler being a second Nero$ and he did come to the assistance
of 8ranco in ;pain% This verse and C 9 < #9 may pertain to :orld :ar 33$ but not very &ell%

C , < !- =edans les isles de cin( fleuues Z vn$
Par le croissant du grand Chyren ;elinH
Par les bruynes de laer ClAairD fureau de lAvn$
;i> eschapMs$ cachMs fardeau> de lyn%
#ithin the isles o, ,ive rivers to one,
y the e4pansion 9crescent: o, the /reat !hyren Selin1
y the drizzles 9sadness: in the air the ,ury o, one,
Si4 escaped, hidden .undles o, ,la42
The isles &ith five rivers to one may be the British 3sles in the future% This verse seems to indicate
that Chyren and ;elin are one person%
C , < 96 +ntre le deu> monar(ues esloignez$
Lors (ue le ;ol par ;elin clair perdueH
;imulte grande entre deu> indignez$
<uAau> 3sles X ;ienne la libertM rendue%
et+een the t+o distant -onarchs,
#hen the Sun .y Selin clearly lost1
&reat rivalry 9en-ity: .et+een the indi/nant t+o,
So that in the Isles and Siena li.erty is restored2
The second line may also read$ F:hen the clear ;un is lost by ;elin%G 2ost commentators ta'e the
;un to be the device of Charles J and his son$ Philip 33$ of the .oly /oman +mpire) and F;elinG to
stand for the moon C;eleneD$ the device of .enry 33 of 8rance$ thus ma'ing this verse pertain to the
rivalry bet&een the t&o countries% The isles may be the British 3sles or the *ree' isles% ;iena is in
3taly north of /ome% This verse seems to pertain to the future &ar in 3taly%
C , < -" 4u chef du monde le grand Chyren sera$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Plus oultre apres aymM craint redoubtMH
;on bruit X loz les cieu> surpassera$
+t du seul tiltre victeur fort contentM%
!hie, o, the +orld the /reat !hyren +ill .e,
'urther .eyond a,ter 9.ehind: loved, ,eared, dreaded1
)is ,a-e and praise +ill surpass the heavens,
And the sole title o, victor +ill -a0e hi- very content2
2any commentators apply FPlus 7utreG meaning Ffurther beyondG to the device of Charles J$
+mperor of the .oly /oman +mpire$ FPlvs Jltra Carol <uint%G The meaning Nostradamus may
intend is that the +mpire of Chyren &ill surpass that of Charles JAs .oly /oman +mpire%
C , < -6 Crier victoire du grand ;elin croissant$
Par les /omains sera lA4igle clamM$
Ticcin$ 2ilan$ X *ennes nAy consent$
Puis par eu> mesmes Basil grand reclamM%
!ry o, victory .y the /reat Selin /ro+in/,
The %a/le +ill .e de-anded .y the Ro-ans,
Pavia, Milan, and &enoa +ill not consent,
Then .y the-selves /reat asil reclai-ed2
The action here ta'es place in 3taly% The &ord FBasilG is the *ree' FBasileusG &hich means 'ing or
lord% This &ord may also signify a proper name or a city% The eagle &ould possibly be a symbol of
4ustria or the ?nited ;tates%
C 6 < 51 Premier grand fruit le prince de Pes(uiere
2ais puis viendra bien X cruel malin$
=edans Jenise perdra sa gloire fiere
+t mys Z mal par plus ioyue Celin%
The ,irst /reat ,ruit the Prince o, Peschiera
ut then +ill co-e the very cruel and evil,
#ithin Ienice he +ill lose his proud /lory
And put to evil .y the youn/er !elin2
Peschiera del *arda is a small city in Lombardy east of 2ilan% 3t has never had a prince% 3t belonged
to Jenice and may have some connections to the .apsburgs% This (uatrain may fit an occurrence in
the future in the early career of ;elin%
C 6 < 9# ;oubz la colleur du traicte mariage$
8ait magnanime par grand Chyren felin C;elinD$
<uintin$ 4rras recouurez au voyage
=Aespaignolz fait second banc macelin%
Under the color o, the -arria/e treaty,
Ma/nani-ous deed .y the /reat !hyren ,eline 9Selin:,
SaintDHuentin and Arras recovered in the trip
O, the Spaniards -ade a second .utchers .ench2
4ccording to the symbols used by Nostradamus$ a marriage treaty may be either @ust that or it could
be a formal alliance% The Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1,90 ended the &ar bet&een 8rance and ;pain
that had begun in 1,59 during the 5" yearsA :ar% This treaty also arranged for a marriage bet&een
Louis 1# of 8rance and 2aria Theresa of 4ustria$ the daughter of Philip 3J of ;pain% 2aria Theresa
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
renounced her claim to the ;panish throne in return for a monetary settlement to be paid to Louis 1#
as part of her do&ry% This &as never paid leading to the :ar of =evolution in 1,,6%
;aint-<uentin and 4rras are in northern 8rance% 4 Battle of 4rras &as fought in 1,9# and
&on by the 8rench over the ;panish during the 8ranco-;panish &ar at the end of the 8ronde$ the
8rench civil insurrection during the reign of Louis 1#% Louis 1# may be FChyrenG due to this verse
and others$ but itAs unclear ho& Nostradamus gets the name of FChyrenG for him and the F;elinG
connection does not historically fit%
C 0 < #1 Le grand Chyren soy saisir dA4uignon$
=e /omme letres en miel plein dAamertume
Letre ambassade partir de Chanignon$
Carpentras pris par duc noir rouge plume%
The /reat !hyren +ill seize Avi/non,
'ro- Ro-e letters o, honey ,ull o, .itterness
$etter and e-.assy 9a-.assador: departs ,ro- !hani/non,
!arpentras ta0en 9prized: .y a .lac0 du0e +ith red ,eather2
4vignon$ on the ban's of the /hone$ &as once papal territory% Louis 1# claimed 4vignon during his
(uarrels &ith the papacy and this (uatrain seems to fit that event% 4vignon became part of 8rance in
1-01% Carpentras is northeast of 4vignon in the Comtat Jenaissin area &hich &as occupied by Louis
1# during his (uarrels &ith the pope% 3t is tempting to apply all of the Chyren (uatrains to Louis 1#$
but the F;elinG connection cannot be e>plained and other verses do not seem to fit% FChanignonG is
an unsolved person or place name% This name may also be related to the enigmatic FChaldondon%G
C 1" < 95 Le trois pellices de loing sAentrebatron$
La plus grand moindre demeurera Z lAescouteH
Le grand ;elin nAen sera plus patron$
Le nommera feu pelte blanche routte%
The three concu.ines +ill 6uarrel ,or a lon/ ti-e,
The /reatest +ill re-ain the least to +atch 9listen:1
The /reat Selin +ill no lon/er .e their patron,
She +ill call hi- ,ire, shield, +hite route2
4 concubine might be a country captured by ;elin$ &ho &ould then be this countryAs patron%

C 1 < # Par lAvniuers sera faict vn monar(ue$
<uAen pai> X vie ne sera longuementH
Lors se perdra la piscature bar(ue$
;era regie en plus grand detriment%
'or the +orld there +ill .e -ade one -onarch,
#hose peace and li,e +ill not .e ,or lon/1
Then +ill .e lost the ,ishin/ .ar0,
It +ill .e /overned to its +orse detri-ent2
Nostradamus calls the Catholic Church the Ffishing bar'G or FBar' of ;t% Peter%G This is both about
the /uler of the :orld yet to come and also the end of the Catholic Church yet to come% ;aint
2alachy of 3reland predicted the last Pope &ould be FPeter of /omeG &ho &ould feed the sheep
amid great tribulations$ and &hen these have passed$ the City of ;even .ills shall be utterly
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
destroyed and the a&ful 1udge &ill @udge the people% Nostradamus echoes this theme even though
;t% 2alachyAs prophecies C&ritten in 115"D &ere not 'no&n in the time of Nostradamus% They &ere
discovered in the Jatican after Nostradamus had published his prophecies% 4ccording to ;aint
2alachy there is only one pope left after Pope Benedict QJ3%
C ! < 6 Temples sacrMs prime faBon /omaine$
/eieteront les goffes fondements
Prenant leur loi> premieres X humaines$
Chassant$ non tout des sainctz les cultements%
Te-ples consecrated in ,irst Ro-an ,ashion,
Re5ectin/ the rude ,oundations
Ta0in/ their ,irst and hu-ane la+s,
!hasin/, .ut not all, the cults o, the saints2
This may relate to the Cult of /eason during the 8rench /evolution beginning in 1-0!% The ne&
republic re@ected all religious authorities% This verse is reminiscent of the &eird festival /obespierre
staged in honor of the ;upreme Being in 1une$ 1-0#%
C ! < 05 Bien pres du Tymbre presse la LibitineH
Jn peu deuant grande inondationH
Le chef du nef prins$ mis Z la sentine$
Chasteau$ palais en conflagration%
Iery near the presses the &oddess o, Death1
Shortly .e,ore the /reat inundation1
The chie, o, the ship ta0en, put into the .il/e,
!astle, palace in con,la/ration2
The Jatican is located very near the Tiber /iver% The chief of the ship &ould be the pope &ho is
predicted to be captured and thro&n into the se&er% .opefully this is not meant literally% The castle
is ;an 4ngelo and the palace is the Jatican$ &hich are predicted to be burned% This is predicted to
happen before a great flood and inundation ta'es place%
C 5 < ,- Jne nouuelle secte de Philosophes$
2esprisant mort$ or$ honneurs X richessesH
=es monts *ermains ne seront limitrophes$
4 les ensuyure auront appuy X presses%
A ne+ sect o, Philosophers,
Despisin/ death, /old, honors and riches1
They +ill not .e li-ited .y the &er-an -ountains,
They +ill have support and cro+ds o, ,ollo+ers2
The 1esuits organized their religious philosophy in *ermany and ;pain in 195#$ but they are
primarily a religious order% This may be a type of a religious order or it may be strictly philosophical
or even political%

C 5 < -, +n *ermanie naistront diuerses sectes$
;Aapprochant fort de lAheureu> paganisme$
Le c[ur captif X petites receptes$
8eront retour Z payer le vray disme%
In &er-any +ill .e .orn diverse sects,
!o-in/ close to happy pa/anis-,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The heart captive and returns s-all,
They +ill return to pay the true price2
This verse loo's li'e a continuation of the one above it CC 5 < ,-D regarding a ne& type of either
religious or philosophical order%
C # < !# 7uy soubs terre sainte dame voi> fainte$
.umaine flamme pour diuine voir luireH
8era des seulz de leur sang terre tainte$
+t les saincts temples pour les impurs destruire%
)eard under the earth the ,aint voice o, the )oly $ady,
)u-an ,la-e ,or the divine +ill shine1
It +ill cause the .lood o, -on0s to stain the earth,
And destroy the )oly Te-ples ,or the i-pure2
The .oly Lady may be 2other +arth or the Catholic Church% The first line may not be correct and
could be read Fthe faint voice of a lady is heard under holy ground%G +ither &ay$ it is a most
interesting (uatrain that cannot be placed &ith a historical event% .oly temples may$ besides being
churches$ be human bodies%

C 9 < #, Par chapeau> rouges (uerelles X noueau> scismes
<uant on aura esleu le ;abinoisH
7n produira contre luy grans sophismes$
+t sera /ome lesee par 4lbanois%
y the red hats 6uarrels and ne+ schis-s
#hen +ill .e elected the Sa.ine1
They +ill produce /reat sophis-s a/ainst hi-,
And Ro-e +ill .e in5ured .y those o, Al.ania 9Al.a:2
The clue to solving this is to determine &hich of the popes &as the ;abine from an area northeast of
/ome% The red hats &ould be cardinals% Nostradamus predicts /ome &ill be in@ured by the
4lbanois$ but this could either be by those of the =u'e of 4lba &ho served Philip 33 of ;pain or by
those of the country of 4lbania &est of 2acedonia on the 4driatic ;ea% There is also the City of
4lbani$ 3taly$ southeast of /ome) there is an 4lbani$ 4lgeria) and the City of 4lbanella$ 3taly$ south
of Campania%
7ne possibility is Pope Clement Q3 &ho served from 1-"" until his death in 1-!1% The
conclave in the year of 1-"" &ould have elected Cardinal 2ariscott$ but the veto of 8rance rendered
the choice impossible% The ;acred College deliberated for forty-si> days$ then united in selecting
Cardinal 4lbani% .e &as born in ?rbino$ part of the Papal ;tates in the 2arche$ so he could not be
considered a ;abine unless Nostradamus has another definition in mind% 4s Cardinal 4lbani$ he had
been entrusted &ith the case of the succession to the ;panish throne &hich the late Iing Charles 33
and the last of the ;panish .apsburgs$ had &illed to the grandson of Louis 1#% :hen the Bourbon$
Philip J$ &as cro&ned in ;pain$ +mperor Leopold of 4ustria became embittered as he had claimed
the throne of ;pain for his o&n second son% 3t is un'no&n ho& this hurt /ome$ e>cept to further
strained relations &ith heads of state$ although Pope Clement Q3 had tried to 'eep a neutral policy%
C 9 < #0 Nul de lA+spaigne mais de lAanti(ue 8rance
Ne sera esleu pour la tremblant nacelle$
4 lAennemy sera faicte fiance$
<ui dans son regne fera peste cruelle%
Not ,ro- Spain, .ut ,ro- ancient 'rance
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Shall not .e elected ,or the tre-.lin/ .ar0,
To the ene-y a pro-ise +ill .e -ade,
)e +ho +ill cause a cruel pla/ue in his real-2
.ogue attributes this verse to 1ohn Paul 33$ elected in 10-6$ as Poland &as once a part of the empire
of Charlemagne Cancient 8ranceD% .o&ever$ this verse may also continue C 9 < #, and be in regard
in Pope Clement Q3$ &ho &as elected in 1-"" instead of Cardinal 2ariscotti due to the veto of
8rance% .o&ever$ it is un'no&n &hether Cardinal 2ariscotti &as from ;pain% Pope Clement Q3 &as
a beneficial pope and did not cause any type of plague in his realm$ nor did Pope 1ohn Paul 33$ so
this may better fit another application%
C 9 < 95 La loy du ;ol$ X Jenus contendens$
4ppropriant lAesprit de prophetieH
Ne lAvn ne lAautre ne seront entendus$
Par ;ol tiendra la loy du grand 2essie%
The la+ o, the Sun and Ienus in contention,
Appropriatin/ the spirit o, prophecy1
Neither one nor the other +ill .e understood,
y the Sun the la+ o, the &reat Messiah +ill hold2
;ome commentators apply the la& of the ;un to Christianity and the la& of Jenus to 3slam%
.o&ever$ Nostradamus uses the symbol of Jenus for the ?nited ;tates or 4ustria% The sun may be
a symbol of /ome$ the center of Christianity$ and Nostradamus may be saying Christianity &ill
hold strong%
C 9 < -5 Persecutee sera de =ieu lA+glise$
+t les sainctz temples seront e>poliezH
LAenfant la mere mettra nud en chemise$
;eront 4rabes au> Pollons raliez%
The !hurch o, &od +ill .e persecuted,
And the holy te-ples +ill .e e4ploited1
The child +ill put the -other out nude in che-ise,
#hen the Ara.s +ill unite +ith the Poles2
This (uatrain pertains to a time &hen the Christian churches &ill be prosecuted% .oly temples may
be NostradamusA &ay of saying human bodies$ &hich at the present time are e>ploited in
advertising$ movies$ and our very &ay of life% The third line references children &ho do not respect
their parents and thus feel no obligation for their long term care% The 4rabs have not been allied
&ith Poland$ so this fact &ould place the verse in the future%
C 9 < -9 2ontera haut sur le bien plus Z de>tre$
=emourra assis sur la pierre (uarreeH
Jers le midy posM Z la senestre CfenestreD$
Baston tortu en main$ bouche serree%
Mounted hi/h over the /ood, -ore to the ri/ht,
)e +ill re-ain seated on the s6uare stone1
To+ard the south ,acin/ the le,t 9+indo+:,
!roo0ed sta,, in hand, -outh sealed2
This &ould be a Pope seated on the stone of Peter &ith a bishopAs croo' in his hand% C.ogue points
out the PopeAs apartment faces the southern and eastern &alls of the Palazzo Jaticano overloo'ing
;t% PeterAs ;(uare%D .is mouth is sealed$ meaning he cannot spea' out% This verse may be in regard
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
to Blessed Pius 3Q C16#,-16-6D$ &ho lost the Papal ;tates and /ome &hen the churchAs property
&as anne>ed to the ne& confederated country of 3taly under Jictor +mmanuel 33 in 16-"% .e &as
allo&ed to 'eep the Jatican property%
C , < !9 Par 2ars contraire sera la monarchie$
=u grand pescheur en trouble ruyneu>H
3eune noir rouge prendra la hierarchie$
Les proditeurs iront iour bruyneu>%
y a contrary Mars +ill .e the -onarchy,
O, the /reat ,isher-an in ruinous trou.le1
3oun/ .lac0 red +ill ta0e the hierarchy,
The traitors act on a day o, drizzle 9sadness:2
The monarchy of the fisherman &ould be the Papal ;ee$ &hich in a time of &ar Ccontrary 2arsD is
ta'en by a young cardinal CredD% The color blac' may be an indication of the dar'ness of the deed or
FnoirG meaning blac' could be an anagram of FroiG meaning 'ing% This verse may refer to the
Napoleonic era &hen Pope Pius J3 &as ta'en captive by Napoleon in 1-06 after NapoleonAs army
had captured /ome% The young blac' red &ould then be Napoleon$ red being the color of revolution
according to the symbols Nostradamus uses%
4nother time of severe problems &as in 16-" &hen Jictor +mmanuel 33 consolidated all of
3taly and too' /ome and the papal states from Pope Blessed Pius 3Q%
C , < !, <uatre ans le siege (uel(ue peu bien tiendra$
Jn suruiendra libidineu> de vieH
/auenne X Pyse$ Jeronne soustiendront$
Pour esleuer la croi> de Pape enuie%
'our years the seat +ill .e held ,or so-e little /ood,
One li.idinous in li,e +ill succeed to it1
Ravenna and Pisa, Ierona +ill /ive support,
$on/in/ to elevate the papal cross2
The only pope &ho held the seat for e>actly four years &as Pope Paul 3J C1999-90D% .is &as a
controversial papacy% .e &as succeeded by Pope Pius 3J C1990-,9D$ *iovanni 4ngelo 2edici from
4nother pope &ho held the seat for four and a half years &as Pope Blessed 1ohn QQ333 from
7ctober 1096 to 1une 10,5% .is successor &as Pope Paul J3 C10,5--6D$ a much &orldlier pope than
his more humble predecessor%
C , < 9- Celuy (uAestoit bien auant dans le regne$
4yant chef rouge proche Z la hierarchieH
4spre X cruel$ X se fera tant craindre$
;uccedera Z sacrM monarchie%
)e +ho +as very advanced in the real-,
)avin/ a red chie, near the hierarchy1
)arsh and cruel, and he +ill .e -uch ,eared,
)e +ill succeed to the sacred -onarchy2
The sacred monarchy &ould pertain to the Papacy% Let us hope this is a pope in the past and not in
the future% 4 harsh and cruel pope hasnAt been documented by Catholic historians%
C , < ,, 4u fondement de la nouuelle secte$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;eront les oz du grand /omain trouuMs$
;epulcre en marbre apparoistra couuerte$
Terre trembler en 4uril$ mal enfouetz%
At the ,oundin/ o, the ne+ sect,
The .ones o, the /reat Ro-an +ill .e ,ound,
Sepulcher covered in -ar.le +ill appear,
The earth tre-.les in April, .adly .uried2
The great /omanAs sepulcher may be the tomb of 4postle Peter$ said to have been discovered by
archeologists in 10-6% .o&ever$ there &as no ne& sect founded at that time$ so this verse may
apply to a future event%
C , < 6, Le grand Prelat vn iour apres son songe$
3nterpretM au rebours de son sensH
=e la *ascoigne luy suruiendra vn monge$
<ui fera eslire le grand Prelat de sens%
The /reat Prelate one day a,ter his drea-,
Interpreted opposite to its -eanin/1
'ro- &ascony une4pectedly a -on0 +ill co-e,
)e +ho +ill cause the /reat prelate o, Sens to .e elected2
;ens is located southeast of Paris% The great Prelate &ould probably be the 4rchbishop of ;ens% 3f
Nostradamus is spea'ing of him being elected Pope$ this hasnAt yet happened$ but he does spea' in
other verses of a 8rench Pope%
C 6 < 05 ;ept moys sans plus obtiendra prelature
Par son deces grand scisme fera naistreH
;ept moys tiendra vn autre la preture
Pres de Jenise pai> vnion renaistre%
Seven -onths no -ore he +ill o.tain the prelature
Throu/h his death a /reat schis- +ill arise1
Seven -onths another +ill hold the prelacy
Near Ienice peace, union re.orn2
The Catholic Church records sho& several popes &ho served for less than seven months$ but none
&ho served e>actly seven months% .o&ever$ the first line indicates a pope &ho too' seven months
to obtain his position$ but he may have served much longer%
C 1" < 1! +sleu en Pape$ dAesleu sera moc(uM$
;ubit soudain esmeu prompt X timide$
Par trop bon doul> Z mourir prouoc(uM$
Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide%
%lected Pope, as elected he +ill .e -oc0ed,
Suddenly une4pected -oved pro-pt and ti-id,
y too -uch /oodness and 0indness provo0ed,
'ear e4tin/uished /uides the ni/ht o, his death2
*arencieres applies this (uatrain to Cardinal ;anta ;everina &ho died of grief t&o months after his
election in 1901 &as declared illegal% .is successor$ 3nnocent 3Q$ also died in t&o months% This
(uatrain might also be applied to 4lbino Luciani &ho became Pope 1ohn Paul 3 in 10-6% .e died
under mysterious circumstances thirty-four days after obtaining the Papacy%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1" < 01 ClergM /omain lAan mil si> cens X neuf$
4u chef de lAan feras election
=Avn gris X noir de la Compagne yssu$
<ui onc ne feut si maling%
Ro-an cler/y in the year o, 7?<8,
At .e/innin/ o, year +ill hold an election
O, one /ray and .lac0 issued ,ro- !a-pania,
Never +as there one so +ic0ed as he2
Pope Paul J &as elected pope in 1,"9 and served until his death in 1,!1% 4ccording to Cheetham$ he
fell ill in 1,"0 but did not die% Perhaps *odAs intervention saved the Catholic Church from the
&ic'ed pope seen by Nostradamus% This (uatrain is possibly a failed prophecy%
C 1" < 0, /eligion du nom des mers vaincra CviendraD$
Contre le secte fils 4daluncatif$
;ecte obstinee deploree craindra$
=es deu> blessez par 4leph X 4leph%
Reli/ion o, na-e o, seas +ill overco-e 9+ill co-e:,
A/ainst the sect son Adaluncati,,
O.stinate deplora.le sect +ill .e ,ear,ul,
O, t+o +ounded .y Aleph and Aleph2
The closest religion &e have right no& that has anything to do &ith the sea may be the Catholic
faith% FPontosG in *ree' means FoceanG and Nostradamus often uses FPontG as a shortcut for either
FbridgeG or FseaG or FPontiff%G .e also refers to the Papacy as a fishing bar'% The second line may
read F4gainst the son of the sect of 4daluncatifG or F4gainst the sonAs sect of 4daluncatif%G
4daluncatif is an unsolved name that has puzzled Nostradamus scholars since the prophecies &ere
first published% F4lephG is the first letter of the .ebre& alphabet% 3t also has a numerical absolute
value of either one or one thousand%
/abbi 4braham Ben ;amuel 4bulafia C1!#"-1!01D &as one of the early Iabbalists% .e &as
born in 4ragon in ;pain% .is family moved to Navarre in 8rance% 4fter his father died$ 4braham
began a life of ceaseless &andering to study ancient te>ts and to consult &ith the &ise% 4bulafia
developed a system he called FProphetical IabbalahG based on ancient te>ts and the Iabbalah%
/abbi 4bulafia interprets the verse of =euteronomy 5!H5"$ F.o& can one pursue one thousandEG to
meanH 7ne$ C4lephD the first number$ follo&s after one thousand C4lephD in a complete and perfect
Nostradamus may have studied the &ritings and manuscripts of this noted .ebre& scholar
and he may have modeled his one thousand (uatrains Cas he statesD after an e>ample he noted% There
may actually be 0"1 (uatrains &ith a certain verse standing for the one and also one thousand%
F4daluncatifG may also be a compound name containing the 4rabic name of F<atif%G To put
a modern slant on this$ there is a community of *ush <atif &hich is an 3sraeli occupied settlement%
The Persian *ulf &as called F;ea of +l <atifG during the 2iddle 4ges and there is a to&n of <atif
in ;audi 4rabia near the Persian *ulf%
C 1 < , LA[il de /auenne sera destituM$
<uand Z ses piedz les Ylles faillirontH
Les deu> de Bresse auront constituM$
Turin$ =erseil CJerseilD (ue *aulois fouleront%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The eye o, Ravenna +ill .e destitute,
#hen at his ,eet his +in/s +ill ,ail1
The t+o o, resse +ill -a0e a constitution,
Turin, Iercelli, +hich the 'rench +ill tra-ple2
The 'ey here is Feye of /avennaG sounding very modern such as a /adar or ;atellite device%
F:ingsG probably means airplanes or an air force% 4ll the to&ns mentioned are in 3taly% /avenna is
in northern 3taly near the 4driatic ;ea%
C ! < 5! Laict$ sang grenoilles escoudre en =almatie$
Conflict donnM$ peste pres de BalenneH
Cry sera grand par toute +sclauonie$
Lors naistra monstre pres X dedans /auenne%
Mil0, .lood o, ,ro/s prepared in Dal-atia,
!on,lict /iven, pla/ue near Tre/lia1
A /reat cry throu/hout all Slavonia,
Then a -onster +ill .e .orn near and +ithin Ravenna2
2il' is mentioned in many (uatrains% 3n some verses Nostradamus mentions a rain of mil'% This
may be a ne& type of &eapon that resembles mil' or it may simply stand for peace and plenty%
F8rogsG is a symbol of 8rance pertaining to the device of the 2erovingian or Bourbon rulers% This
verse may occur in the future &hen there is a ruler of the 2erovingian or Bourbon bloodline%
=almatia is no& part of Croatia along the eastern side of the 4driatic ;ea%
C 6 < #- Lac Trasmenien portera tesmoignage$
=es coniurez sarez dedans Perouse$
Jn despolle contrefera le sage$
Tuant Tedes( sterne X minuse%
$a0e Trasi-eno +ill .ear +itness,
O, the conspirators enclosed +ithin Peru/ia,
A ,ool +ill i-itate the sa/e,
"illin/ Teutons 9&er-ans: overco-e and cut to pieces2
La'e Trasimeno is @ust &est of Perugia in central 3taly% .ogue gives a :orld :ar 33 slant on this
(uatrain% *ermans occupied 3taly in 10#5 and defended the Trasimene Line in 1une$ 10##% The final
outcome is sho&n in line #% This interpretation is the best that can be found at this time% This verse
may be continued in C 6 < -!%
C 6 < -! Champ Perusin o lAenorme deffaite
+t le conflit tout au pres de /auenne$
Passage sacre lors (uAon sera CferaD la feste$
Jain(ueur vaincu cheual manger la venne Cl]avenneD%
In the Peru/ian ,ields Oh the enor-ous de,eat
And the con,lict all near to Ravenna,
Sacred passa/e +hen they +ill cele.rate the ,east,
Iictor van6uished horse +ill eat the oats2
9MIictor van6uished +ill eat horse ,lesh:2
_Jariant% This (uatrain may hoo' up &ith C 6 < #-% Perugia is @ust east of La'e Trasimeno in central
3taly% /avenna is about 1"" miles north%
C 0 < 9# 4rriuera au port de Corsibonne$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Pres de /auenne (ui pillera la dame$
+n mer profonde legat de la Jlisbonne
;ouz roc cachez rauiront septante ames%
There +ill arrive at the port o, !orsi.onne,
Near Ravenna, one +ho +ill pilla/e the lady,
In the deep sea envoy ,ro- $is.on
)idden under roc0 +ill carry o,, seventy souls2
Leoni has FCorsibonneG as Porto Corsini$ the port of the city of /avenna on the 4driatic ;ea% The
FladyG may stand for 3taly$ a female country) or the lady may be the Catholic Church% The envoy
from Lisbon Cif this is the correct cityD may be traveling by submarine% The last line is enigmatic%
C ! < 5" Jn (ui les dieu> dA4nnibal infernaul>$
8era renaistre$ effrayeur des humainsH
7nc(A plus dAhorreur ne plus dire CpireD iournaul>$
<uAauint viendra par Babel au> /omains%
One +ho the in,ernal /ods o, ),
#ill cause to .e re.orn, terror o, -an0ind1
Never -ore horror nor +orse in the ne+spapers 95ournals:,
Than +ill co-e to Ro-ans throu/h a.el2
F=A4nnibalG unscrambles to FBin LadinG e>cept for one letter &hich is allo&ed under the rules of
anagram% Li'e .annibal$ &ho crossed the 4lps to sac' /ome$ Bin Ladin and the al <aeda
organization may be planning a terrorist attac' in the near future on the center of Christianity% Babel
may be 3ra( CBabylonD or possibly the terrorists cross through 3ra(% .annibal Barca C!#--165 BCD
lived in a pre-3slam era% .e &as a Carthaginian from the area of northern 4frica% .e &ent through
;pain over the Pyrenees and over the 4lps &ith his elephants to battle the /omans% Nostradamus has
many (uatrains about the Pyrenees 2ountains%
C 5 < 05 =ans 4uignon tout le chef de lAempire$
8era arrest pour Paris desolMH
Tricast tiendra lA4nnibali(ue ire$
Lyon par change sera mal consolM%
In Avi/non the chie, o, the +hole e-pire,
#ill -a0e a stop .ecause Paris is desolate1
Tricast +ill hold the Anni.ali6ue ire,
$yon .y the chan/e +ill .e ill consoled2
4vignon$ once the seat of Papal government C15"---,D$ is in southeastern 8rance on the /hone
/iver% The city belonged to the Catholic Church until 1-01% The chief of the &hole empire may be
the head of the +uropean ?nion% Paris$ being desolate$ may tie this verse in to C 5 < 6# &hich
sho&s a great city destroyed by &arfare% Lyon may be the city of Lyon$ further north$ or it may stand
for +ngland% 4gain .annibal is mentioned%
C 1 < 6 Combien de foys prinse citM solaire
;eras$ changeant les loys barbares X vainesH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Ton mal sAapprocheH Plus seras tributaire$
Le grand .adrie reourira tes veines%
)o+ -any ti-es +ill you .e captured, !ity o, the Sun
3ou +ill chan/e the la+s .ar.aric and vain1
3our evil approaches1 3ou +ill .e -ore tri.utary,
The /reat )adrie +ill revive your veins2
2any commentators ascribe this verse to the ;iege of Paris by .enry 3J in 190"% .o&ever$ Paris
&as not 'no&n as the City of the ;un until nearly 1"" years later% The ruins of .eliopolis northeast
of Cairo may be the City referred to$ thus reminiscent of NapoleonAs campaign in +gypt% 4nother
option for the City of the ;un is /ome as the center of Christianity &hich is the most li'ely and ties
in &ith other verses%
The secret to this verse and the follo&ing is to pinpoint F.adrie%G 3t is a stretch to ma'e
.adrie into an anagram for .enri$ even by Nostradamus standards unless you consider F.adrieG to
be a shortcut for F.enry dANavarre%G There is a city in northern 3taly by the name of .adria% F4drieG
may refer to the 4driatic ;ea$ or to the early /oman +mperor$ .adrian$ or to a future leader% The
/oman .adrian &as 'no&n as a great la& ma'er and a patron of the arts%
C 1 < 0 =e lA7rient viendra le c[ur Puni(ue
8ascher .adrie X les hoirs /omulides
4ccompagnM de la classe Liby(ue
Temples CTremblerD 2ellitesH X proches isles vuides%
'ro- the %ast +ill co-e the Punic heart
To ve4 )adrie and the heirs o, Ro-ulus
Acco-panied .y the $i.yan ,leet 9or ar-y:
Maltese te-ples 9tre-.lin/: and near.y islands e-ptied2
Punic refers to the North 4frican area% The heirs of /omulus &ould be the /omans% Leoni &onders
if the last t&o lines might fit in &ith the siege of 2alta in 19,9 by the 7ttoman +mpire% 2alta is a
small island south of ;icily% Napoleon con(uered 2alta in 1-06% This verse and the one above CC 1
< 6D seem to fit together% Because of these t&o verses$ the F.adrieG tie to .enry 3J is very &ea'%
C ! < 99 =ans le conflict le grand (ui peu valloit$
4 son dernier fera cas merueilleu>H
Pendant (uA.adrie verra ce (uAil falloit$
=ans le ban(uet pongnale lAorgueilleu>%
In the con,lict the /reat +ho +as o, little +orth,
At his end +ill do a -arvelous deed1
#hile )adrie +ill see +hat he +as lac0in/,
Durin/ the .an6uet the proud is sta..ed2
2any commentators apply this (uatrain to =uc de 2ayenne$ .enry de NavarreAs rival% The du'e
invited Protestant leaders to a ban(uet and then 'illed them% .o&ever$ because the other F.adrieG
verses donAt fit &ith this theory$ itAs (uestionable%
C 5 < 11 Les armes battre au ciel longue saison$
LAarbre au milieu de la citM tombMH
Jerbine$ rongne$ glaiue$ en face tyson$
Lors le monar(ue dA.adrie succombM%
The +eapons ,i/ht in the s0y a lon/ season,
The tree in the -iddle o, the city ,alls1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The sacred .ou/h cut, s+ord, ,ace in ,ire.rand,
Then the -onarch )adrie dies2
2ost commentators tie this verse to the assassination of .enry 3J% The mad man$ /availlac$
stabbed him not far from the /ue Tison in 1,1"% .o&ever$ the phrase F&eapons fighting in the s'y
a long seasonG puts this into more modern times%
C 1" < 56 4mour alegre non loing pose le siege$
4u sainct barbar seront les garnisons$
Jrsins .adrie pour *aulois feront plaige CpleigeD$
Pour peur rendus de lAarmee au> *risons%
F!heer,ul $oveG not ,ar +ill pose the sie/e,
At Saint ar.are +ill .e the /arrisons,
Ursins 9Orsini: )adrie ,or 'rance +ill -a0e a /uarantee,
'or ,ear rendered .y the ar-y o, the &risons2
2ost commentators try again to ma'e this verse apply to .enry 3J% .e is considered a barbarian
saint because he &as Protestant% They apply it to the *risons Canton in southeastern ;&itzerland
&here the Jaltellin Pass is located% 3t &as vital to the .apsburgs$ lin'ing their *erman and 3talian
possessions% .enry 3J signed the 8ranco-;&iss treaty granting the 8rench the right of passage in
1,"! causing the ;panish to seize the pass in 1,"0%
Not everything comes together &ell for this interpretation% There are t&o to&ns by the name
of ;anta Barbara in ;pain$ one in the southeast and one in the northeast%
C 9 < 6" Logmion CLA7gmionD grande Bisance approchera$
Chassee sera la barbari(ue ligne CligueDH
=es deu> loi> lAvne lAestini(ue lachera$
Barbare X franche en perpetuelle brigue%
$o/-ion 9The O/-ion: to approach /reat yzantiu-,
The ar.aric line 9lea/ue: +ill .e driven out1
O, the t+o la+s the one pa/an la+ +ill ,ail,
ar.arian and 'ran0 9,ree: in perpetual stri,e2
7gmios is the Celtic .ercules% .e is the god of scholars and the personification of elo(uence and
persuasiveness% .e is pictured as &earing animal s'ins and carrying a club% There are strings sho&n
coming out of his mouth connecting to other people to sho& he is controlling them li'e puppets by
his &ords% .e &as &orshipped in *aul C8ranceD% Byzantium is Tur'ey and the 7ttoman +mpire but
Nostradamus uses FBisanceG to also indicate pagan beliefs%
C , < #! 4 logmyon sera laissM le regne$
=u grand ;elin (ui plus fera de faictH
Par les 3talies estendra son enseigne$
/egi sera par prudent contrefaict%
To $o/-yon +ill .e le,t the real-,
O, the /reat Selin +ho +ill do even -ore1
Throu/hout Italy he +ill e4tend his .anner,
)e +ill .e ruled .y prudent counter,eit 9de,or-ed one:2
7gmios &as the Celtic e(uivalent of .ercules% .is rule &ill follo& that of ;elin%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < ## Le procreM naturel dogmion CdA7gmionD$
=e sept Z neuf du chemin destorner
4 roy de longue X amy au mi hom$
=oit Z Nauarre fort de P4J prosterner%
The natural o,,sprin/ o, O/-ion,
'ro- seven to nine to turn ,ro- the road
To the 0in/ o, lon/ and ,riend to hal,D-an,
O+ed to Navarre the ,ort o, PAU to lay lo+2
This (uatrain places 7gmios in southern 8rance at the site of the Iingdom of Navarre near the
Pyrenees 2ountains% .enry 3J &as born in the fort of Pau% .e &ould be a li'ely candidate for
7gmios e>cept for the F;elinG connection in C , < #! and the Fhalf-manG connection in this verse%
C 0 < 60 ;ept ans sera Philip% fortune prospere$
/ebaissera des 4rabes lAeffaict CeffortD$
Puis son mydi perple> rebours affaire
3eune ognyon C7gmionD abysmera son fort%
Seven years ,ortune +ill ,avor Philip,
)e +ill .rin/ lo+ a/ain the e,,orts o, the Ara.s,
Then at his noon 9-iddle:9south: perple4in/ contrary a,,air
3oun/ O/-ion +ill destroy his ,ort 9stren/th:2
4gain$ 7gmios &as the Celtic e(uivalent of .ercules$ 'no&n for his silver-tongued speech that
dre& and held people to his &ay of thin'ing% Nostradamus has added a Philip to this mi>ture along
&ith the 4rabs%
C 1 < 15 Les e>ilez par ire$ haine intestine$
8eront au /oy grande coniurationH
;ecret mettront ennemis par la mine$
+t ses vieu> siens contre eu> sedition%
The e4iles .ecause o, an/er, internal hatred,
#ill -a0e a /reat conspiracy a/ainst the "in/1
Secretly they +ill place ene-ies as a threat,
And his o+n old ones, a/ainst the- sedition2
Cheetham and .ogue both have this as the Conspiracy of 4mboise% 3n 19,"$ the *uises$ the
Bourbons$ the Iing of Navarre$ and the Prince de Conde attempted to overthro& the heir to the
throne and ta'e the throne of 8rance from 8rancis 33% The plot &as discovered and the throne saved
by the .ouse of Jalois% These noblemen &ere not e>iled in any &ay$ but this is an idea &ell &orth
considering% There are more e>ile verses$ all &ith a future theme this verse &ill fit%
C 1 < 90 Les e>ilMs deportMs dans les isles$
4u changement dAvn plus cruel monar(ue
;eront meurtrysH X mis deu> les scintiles$
<ui de parler ne seront estMs par(ues%
The e4iles deported to the isles,
At the chan/e o, an even crueler -onarch
#ill .e -urdered1 and t+o put to the spar0s,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#ho had not .een -oderate +ith their speech2
The small coastal islands off 8rance served as penal colonies for many long years% Napoleon 333
e>iled many of his citizens &ho spo'e against him to these islands% .o&ever$ the e>iles &ere not
murdered% These isles may again be used as places for refugees% Perhaps &ith geographical
changes$ the FislesG may be the partly submerged British 3sles%
C ! < - +ntre plusieurs au> isles deportMs$
LAvn estre nay Z deu> dents en la gorgeH
2ourront de faim les arbres esbrotMs$
Pour eu> neuf /oy nouuel edict leur forge%
A-on/ several deported to the isles,
One is .orn +ith t+o teeth in his -outh1
Dyin/ o, ,a-ine, the trees stripped,
'or the- the ne+ "in/, ne+ edict +ill ,or/e2
By FteethG Nostradamus usually means a form of defense% 3n this case the one born &ill have t&o
means of defense% By FbornG Nostradamus usually means Fto come to po&er$G he is not actually
referring to a baby% ;ee also C 5 < #! regarding one born &ith t&o teeth in his mouth%
C ! < -1 Les e>ilMs en ;icile viendront$
Pour deliurer de faim la gent estrangeH
4u point du iour les Celtes luy faudront
La vie demeure Z raisonH /oy se range%
The e4iles +ill co-e into Sicily,
To deliver the ,orei/n nation ,ro- ,a-ine1
At day.rea0 the 'rench +ill ,ail the-
$i,e de-ures to reason1 the "in/ 5oins2
+vidently the e>iles are neither from 8rance nor ;icily% They may$ in fact$ be from several +uropean
countries$ perhaps people displaced by geographical changes% 3f &e use the Fcloc'G timescale$
daybrea' &ould be around 101#% This$ ho&ever$ does not seem to fit a historical event%
C 5 < #! LAenfant naistra Z deu> dents en la gorge$
Pierres en Tuscie par pluye tomberontH
Peu dAans apres ne sera ble ny orge$
Pour saouler ceu> (ui de faim failliront%
The child +ill .e .orn +ith t+o teeth in his -outh,
Stones +ill ,all li0e rain in Tuscany1
A ,e+ years a,ter there +ill .e neither +heat nor .arley,
To satis,y those +ho ,aint ,ro- hun/er2
4s in C ! < -$ the child &ith t&o teeth is one &ho comes to po&er &ith t&o forms of defense% This
&ill happen &hen there is a rain of stones in 3taly Cperhaps bombsD and @ust before a great famine%
C # < 95 Les fugitifs X bannis reuo(uez$
Peres X fils grand garnissant les hauts puitsH
Le cruel pere X les siens suffo(uez%
;on fils plus pire submergM dans le puits%
The ,u/itives and .anished recalled,
'athers and sons /reat /arnishin/ o, hi/h +ells1
The cruel ,ather and his people cho0ed2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)is son, ,ar +orse, su.-er/ed in the +ells2
This is the last verse of the original Bonhomme edition of 1999 as reprinted by Bareste in 16#"%
.o&ever$ it may be that the 4lchemical (uatrain of C # < 55 is the actually stopping point in the
first third of the prophecies for a total of 555 (uatrains% The Fhigh &ellsG may be referring to oil
C # < ,0 La citM grande les e>ilMs tiendront$
Les citadins morts$ meurtris X chassMs$
Ceul> dA4(uilee Z Parme promettront$
2onstrer lAentree par les lieu> non trassMs%
The e4iles +ill hold the /reat city,
The citizens dead, -urdered and chased out,
Those o, the %a/le at Par-a +ill pro-ise,
To sho+ the- the entrance to the place +ithout trac0s2
There are several (uatrains that mention Ftrac's%G This curious &ord may be referencing a ne& type
of military &eapon% Those of the eagle CF4(uilaG being Latin for +agleD may be those of the ?nited
;tates% The city of Parma is in 3taly%
C 9 < 9! Jn /oy sera (ui donra lAopposite$
Les e>ilez esleuez sur le regneH
=e sang nager la gent caste hyppolite$
+t florira long temps soubs telle enseigne%
There +ill .e a 0in/ +ho +ill /ive opposition,
The e4iles elevated over the real-1
The chaste poor people to s+i- in .lood,
And ,or a lon/ ti-e +ill ,lourish under his .anner2
The Fcaste hypoliteG comes from Latin$ castus N chaste) and *ree'$ hypolite N poor$ or small
C , < !6 Le grand Celti(ue entrera dedans /ome$
2enant amas dAe>ilMs X bannisH
Le grand pasteur mettra Z mort tout homme$
<ui pour le co( estoient au> 4lpes vnys%
The /reat !elt +ill enter into Ro-e,
$eadin/ a /atherin/ o, the e4iled and .anished1
The /reat pastor +ill put to death every -an,
#ho +as united at the Alps ,or the coc02
The great Celt &ould be 8rench% 3t is hard to imagine a man of the church putting people to death%
+vidently they &ere fighting against him%
C 0 < 15 Les e>ilez autour de la ;oulongne
Conduis de nuit pour marcher Z Lau>ois Cen lA4u>oisD$
=eu> de 2odene truculent de Bologne$
2ys decouuers par feu de BuranBoys%
The e4iles around Solo/ne
$ed .y ni/ht to -arch to $au4ois 9in the Au4ois:,
T+o o, Modena ,or olo/na ,erocious,
Placed discovered .y the ,ire o, uzanQais2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
;ologne is a large region south of Paris% 4u>ois Cor Lau>oisD is an unsolved place name% 2odena
and Bologna are both in central 3taly% BuzanBais a small to&n in the ;ologne area%
T)% T)R%% ROT)%RS
C 6 < 1- Les bien aisez subit seront desmis
Par les trois freres le monde mis en trouble$
CitM marine saisiront ennemis$
8aim$ feu$ sang$ peste$ X de toA mau> le double%
Those at ease +ill suddenly .e di-inished
y the three .rothers the +orld is put in trou.le,
The -arine city +ill .e seized .y ene-ies,
'a-ine, ,ire, .lood, pestilence, and all evils dou.led2
The three brothers may be the 8rance$ +ngland$ and the countries of the old .oly /oman +mpire
&hich includes *ermany% The three brothers may also be the 4>is po&ers of :orld :ar 33 -
*ermany$ 3taly$ and 1apan% .o&ever$ the famine and plague sho&n in the last line &ould probably
place this verse in the future%
C 6 < #, Pol mensolee mourra trois lieuds du rosne$
8uis les deu> prochains tarasc destroisH
Car 2ars fera le plus horrible trosne$
=e co( X dAaigle de 8rance freres trois%
Paul 9Pol: cele.ate +ill die three lea/ues ,ro- the Rhone,
'lee the ne4t t+o oppressed Tarascon 9Tarascon -onster:1
'or Mars +ill -a0e a -ost horri.le throne,
O, the !oc0 and the ea/le o, 'rance .rothers three2
The first line is stating the death of a celebate$ such as a priest$ cardinal$ or pope% FPolG may stand
for Paul or even Pole$ and many commentators thought this (uatrain could be targeting the death of
Pope 1ohn Paul 33$ originally from Poland$ but he died at the Jatican in !""9% Pope Paul J3 died at
his villa three miles Csi> leaguesD from /ome is 10-6%
There are t&o Tarascons in 8rance% 7ne is south of Toulouse near the Pyrenees and the other
is on the /hone near the sea% The eagle of 8rance could possibly be Napoleon and the pope then
&ould have been Pope Pius J3 &ho died at Jalence$ a prisoner of Napoleon%
The fourth line may be saying the three brothers are 8rench$ or it may mean that 8rance is
allied &ith the three brothers% The F+agleG in this case may be the ?nited ;tates%
C 0 < 5, Jn grand /oy prins entre les mains dAvn 3oyne$
Non loing de Pas(ue confusion coup cultreH
Perpet% captifs temps (ue fouldre en la husne$
Lors (ue trois freres se blesseront X murtre%
A /reat "in/ ta0en .y the hands o, a youn/ -an,
Not ,ar ,ro- %aster con,usion thrust o, 0ni,e1
Perpetual captive ti-es +hen li/htnin/ is on the top,
#hen three .rothers +ill .e +ounded and -urdered2
3f the three brothers stand for three countries$ they may be allies of 8rance% They could also be three
famous men% Nostradamus uses the symbol of lightning to portray sudden events%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 9 < !9 Le prince 4rabe 2ars$ ;ol$ Jenus$ Lyon$
/egne dA+glise par mer succomberaH
=euers la Perse bien pres dAvn million$
Bisance$ +gypte ver% serp% inuadera%
The Ara. Prince Mars, Sun, Ienus, $ion,
The real- o, the church +ill succu-. .y sea1
To+ard Persia 9Iran: very near 9nearly: one -illion,
The true serpent to invade Tur0ey and %/ypt2
3n other verses$ Nostradamus spea's of an 4rab Prince% 2ars &ould be &ar or the &arring country$
and the sun &ould be either 3taly or Christianity% Jenus &ould be the ?nited ;tates or 4ustria and
the Lion &ould be Britain% The invader from 3ran is mentioned in other (uatrains% .ogueAs
astrological time &indo& sho&s the ;un &ill be con@unct &ith Jenus and 2ars in Leo in 4ugust of
!"10$ and 4ugust of !"5!%
C 9 < #- Le grand 4rabe marchera bien auant$
Trahy sera par les BisantinoisH
LAanti(ue /odes luy viendra au deuant%
+t plus grand mal par austre Pannonois%
The /reat Ara. +ill travel +ell ,or+ard,
)e +ill .e .etrayed .y those o, Tur0ey1
Ancient Rhodes +ill co-e to -eet hi-2
And /reater evil .y the austere 9Austrian: )un/arians2
This verse may pertain to the time &hen 4ustria and .ungary &ere @oined as an +mpire% .o&ever$
the name of the great 4rab &as un'no&n during the years from 16,- to 1016% 4 small strip of the
4driatic around 8iume$ no& /i@e'a$ &as left to 4ustria-.ungary after the Tur'ish con(uest and it
may be in this area that the greater evil is perpetrated$ giving this verse a more modern
C 9 < 99 =e la felice 4rabie contrade$
Naistra puissant de loy 2ahometi(ueH
Je>er lA+spaigne con(uester la *renade$
+t plus par mer Z la gent Lygusti(ue%
In the /ood country o, Ara.ia,
9MIn the country o, Ara.ia 'eli4:,
#ill .e .orn one po+er,ul in the la+ o, Moha--ed1
To ve4 Spain and con6uer &renada,
And -ore .y sea to the $i/urian people2
4rabia 8eli> is the southern part of the 4rabian peninsula according to maps from the ;i>teenth
Century% Nostradamus sees this person as an 3slamic 4rab leader &ho &ill try to con(uer ;pain and
the people of the *enoa area in 3taly%
C 0 < ," Conflict Barbar en la Cornere noire%
;ang espandu trembler la =A4lmatie C=almatieD$
*rand 3smadl mettra son promontoire$
/anes trembler secours Lusitanie%
!on,lict ar.arian in the .lac0 corner 9headdress:2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
lood is spilled, Dal-atia +ill tre-.le,
The &reat Ara. +ill set up his pro-ontory,
'ro/s tre-.le assistance Portu/al2
The frogs are a symbol Nostradamus uses to denote the 2erovingian bloodline% 3f a great person of
this bloodline comes to the leadership of 8rance then this symbol might be used to denote all the
8rench people% =almatia is on the eastern coast of the 4driatic ;ea%
C 6 < -- LAantechrist trois bien tost annichilez$
Jingt X sept ans sang durera sa guerre$
Les hereti(ues mortz$ captifs$ e>ilez$
;ang corps humain eau rogie gresler terre%
The AntiD!hrist Three very soon annihilated,
9MThe AntiD!hrist very soon annihilates the three:,
T+enty and seven years o, .lood his +ar +ill last,
The heretics dead, captives, e4iles,
lood hu-an .odies in the +ater, red hail on the land2
_4lternate reading of Line 1% Nostradamus predicts three 4nti-Christs Napoleon 3$ .itler$ and a
third to come in the future% .o&ever$ he never actually called either Napoleon 3 or .itler an 4nti-
Christ in the (uatrains% 3t may be that he reserved the name of F4nti-ChristG for the very &orst to be
seen in the future% 3n the alternate reading the FthreeG may be the inegimatic Fthree brothers%G :orld
:ar 333 may be the 4rmageddon predicted by Bible Prophets% Nostradamus is saying this &ar &ill
last t&enty-seven years%
C 0 < 1- Le tiers premier pys (ue ne feit Neron$
Juide> vaillant (ue sang humain respandreH
/Aedifier fera le forneron$
;iecle dAor$ mort$ nouueau roy grand esclandre%
The third ,irst 9pre-ier: does +orse than Nero,
Iacatin/ the valiant, ho+ -uch hu-an .lood ,lo+s1
)e +ill cause the ,urnace to .e re.uilt,
!ycle o, &old dead 9&olden A/e dead:, ne+ "in/ /reat scandal2
;ome commentators have designed Fthe thirdG as the Third +state during the 8rench /evolution%
.o&ever$ it is more li'ely this verse spea's of the third 4nti-Christ% Nostradamus states the furnaces
Cor ovensD are to be rebuilt and the atrocities of .itlerAs Third /eich are to be repeated%
C 0 < 95 Le Neron ieune dans les trois cheminees$
8era de paiges vifz pour ardoir getter$
.eureu> (ui loing sera de telz menees$
Trois de son sang le feront mort guetter%
The youn/ Nero in the three chi-neys,
#ill cause the livin/ pa/es to .e thro+n to .urn,
)appy he +ho +ill .e ,ar a+ay ,ro- such happenin/s,
Three o, his o+n .lood +ill have hi- a-.ushed to death2
The young Nero C4nti-ChristKD &ill build his furnaces in three places% The Fliving pagesG may be
actual young pages of a court or this may be referring to boo' burning and the burning of movies or
=J= documentaries Cliving pagesD% Nostradamus is predicting an early death for the young Nero by
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
his o&n people% 3n C 6 < -- he predicts the 4nti-Christ &ill die early$ but his &ar &ill last for
t&enty-seven years%
C 0 < -, 4uec le noir /apa> X sanguinaire$
Lssu du peaultre de lAinhumain Neron$
+mmy deu> fleuues main gauche militaire$
;era murtry par 3oyne chaulueron%
#ith the .lac0 90in/: rapacious and .loody,
Issued ,ro- the pallet 9.rothel: o, the inhu-an Nero,
et+een t+o rivers le,t -ilitary hand 9po+er:,
#ill .e -urdered .y youn/ .ald one2
3n the first line F/apa>G &hich means rapacious in Latin$ may also be an anagram of a name% 3n the
second line the &ord FpeaultreG may mean Fbrothel%G The land of the t&o rivers is probably 3ra($
and by the FleftG military hand$ he may be stating the liberal side of an issue or left on the map
&ould be &est% This verse concerns the illegitimate son of &homever Nostradamus has designated
as FNero%G
C 1" < 1" Tasche de murdre enormes adulteres$
*rand ennemy de tout le genre humain
<ue sera pire (uAayeul>$ oncles$ ne peres
+n fer C+nferD$ feu$ eau$ sanguin X inhumain%
Stained .y -urder enor-ous adulteries,
&reat ene-y o, all -an0ind
One +ho +ill do +orse than his ancestors, uncles, or ,athers
In iron 9)ell:, ,ire, +ater, .loody and inhu-an2
Nostradamus is issuing a stern &arning about this future 4nti-Christ% Leoni considers this verse
may go &ith C 1" < 0 and < 11 about the posthumous one%
C 1 < #5 4uant (uAaduienne le changement dAempire$
3l aduiendra vn cas bien merueilleu>H
Le champ muM$ le pillier de porphire$
2is$ translatM sus le rocher nouilleu>%
e,ore occurs the chan/e o, e-pire,
There +ill occur one -ost -arvelous event1
The ,ield -oved, the pillar o, porphyry,
Placed, trans,erred onto the chal0y 9/narled: roc02
The clue to solving this (uatrain is the &ord Fporphyre%G :e haveH 1% Porphyry 2alchus C!55 to 5"#
4%=%D a philosopher &ho &rote$ among other things$ about the life of Pythagoras% !% The mineral$
porphyry$ &hich is a very hard roc'$ purplish in color$ containing small crystals of feldspar%
Porphyry &as often used for monuments% 5% Porphyry is the *ree' &ord for the color purple$ a color
once used for royalty% 3f this is for 8rance$ the (uestion is &hich is empire changed$ the first under
Napoleon or the second under Napoleon 333% This may also be the .oly /oman +mpire% 7r this
verse may be a prediction for a ne& empire yet to appear%
C 0 < 5! =e fin porphire profond collon trouuee
=essoubz la laze escriptz capitolinH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7s poil retors /omain force prouuee$
Classe agiter au port de 2ethelin%
The end o, a deep colu-n o, porphyry ,ound
9MA deep colu-n o, ,ine porphyry ,ound:
Under the .ase inscriptions o, the capitol1
ones t+isted hair Ro-an ,orce tried,
'leet a/itates at port o, Mytilene2
_4lternate interpretation% 2ytilene Cif this is the correct interpretationD is another name for Lesbos
off the coast of 4sia 2inor% Leoni (uotes Lamor &ho states that in 1966 an enormous obelis' of
rose granite &as found by &or'men in the Basilica of ;t% Peter in /ome% 4nd at that time a Jenetian
s(uadron invaded the isle of Lesbos and its capitol%
C 1" < 05 La bar(ue neufue receura les voyages$
LZ X aupres transfereront lAempire$
Beaucaire$ 4rles retiendront les hostages$
Pres deu> colomnes trouuees de prophire%
The ne+ .ar0 +ill receive the travels 9voya/es:,
There and near.y they +ill trans,er the e-pire,
eaucaire, Arles +ill retain the hosta/es,
Near t+o colu-ns ,ound o, porphyry2
This verse$ li'e C 1 < #5$ mentions an empire being changed or moved% This might refer to the
empire of the Catholic Church$ or it may also be a ne& empire created in the future% Beaucaire is a
fe& miles up the /hone from 4rles% The ne& bar' &ould be a ne& pope% 4n empire being changed
is also mentioned in C 1 < 5! and C 9 < #9%
C 0 < 56 LAentree de Blaye par /ochelle X lA4nglois$
Passera outre le grand 4emathien$
Non loing dA4gen attendra le *aulois$
;ecours Narbonne deceu par entretien%
The entry o, laye ,or $a Rochelle and the %n/lish,
#ill pass .eyond the /reat Ae-athien 9Macedonian:,
Not ,ar ,ro- A/en 9Ae/ean: a+aits 9+ill +ait: the 'rench,
Assistance Nar.onne deceived .y conversation2
Le Pelletier states F4emathienG is the name of the mythological character$ son of Cephalus and
4urora$ &ho opened the gates of morning to the sun$ and thus considers the verse to refer to the ;un
Iing$ Louis 1#%
The great 2acedonian may also be Philip 33 of ;pain$ so named by Nostradamus for Philip 33
of 2acedonia$ the father of 4le>ander the *reat% Philip 33 of ;pain &as a fanatic Catholic activist
&ho &as allied &ith +ngland during the :ars of /eligion in 8rance%
3n Latin F+mathiaG is a certain district of 2acedonia%
3n mythology$ +mathion &as the son of +os and Tithones% .e &as an 4rabian Iing 'illed by
Blaye is near the mouth of the *ironde north of Bordeau>% La /ochelle is about forty miles
north and 4gen is about one hundred miles up the *aronne% La /ochelle$ as a protestant stronghold$
&as besieged by Cardinal /ichelieu$ Chief 2inister of 8rance$ in 1,!-% Narbonne is on the
2editerranean coast about t&o hundred miles southeast of 4gen% ;ee also C 0 < ,#%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 0 < ,# LA4emathion passer montz Pyrennees$
+n 2ars Narbon ne fera resistance$
Par mer X terre fera si grand menee%
Cap% nAayant terre seure pour demeurance%
The Ae-athion +ill pass the Pyrenees -ountains,
In +ar 9March: Nar.onne +ill not -a0e a resistance,
y sea and land +ill -a0e a /reat entan/le-ent2
!ap2 havin/ no land sa,e ,or residence2
;ee also C 0 < 56 &here the 4emathion is mentioned% This name may indicate Louis 1# or Philip 33
of ;pain or a future leader% 3f this applies to Louis 1#$ this verse may be in reference to the :ar of
;panish ;uccession% FCap%G may either be FCapetG the name given to Louis 1, or it may stand for
the Pope% Narbonne is on the 2editerranean coast near the Pyrenees%
C 0 < 05 Les ennemis du fort bien eslongnez$
Par chariots conduict les bastion$
Par sur les murs de Bourges esgrongnez$
<uand .ercules battra lA.Ymathion%
The ene-ies o, the ,ort very ,ar a+ay,
The .astion .rou/ht .y chariots,
A.ove the cru-.led +alls o, our/es,
#hen )ercules +ill .atter the Ae-athion2
.ercules may be the *allic 7gmios or this may pertain to another leader entirely &ho stri'es
C 1" < - Le grand conflit (uAon appreste Z Nancy$
LAYmethien dira tout ie soubmetz$
LAisle Britanne par vin$ sel en solcy$
.em% mi% deu> Phi% long temps ne tiendra 2etz%
The /reat con,lict they are preparin/ at Nancy,
The Ae-ethien +ill say I su.5u/ate all,
The ritish Isles .y +ine, salt in an4iety,
)e-2 -i2 t+o Phi2 ,or lon/ ti-e +ill not hold Metz2
9M)e-2 -i2 t+o Phil2 +ill not hold Metz ,or a lon/ ti-e:2
_4lternate reading of Line #% 2etz is in the Lorraine district in northeastern 8rance% 3t has gone
bac' and forth bet&een *ermany and 8rance &ith the &hole of Lorraine$ but it &as never under
;panish domination%
Le Pelletier again tries to &or' this out for Louis 1# and the Treaty of :estphalia$
concluded in 1,#6% Philip 3J$ Iing of ;pain before the :ar of the ;panish ;uccession ceded 2etz
to 8rance Ct&o PhilipsD%
4t the time +ngland &as e>ecuting its legitimate 'ing$ Charles 3$ and therefore lac'ed
&isdom and e>perience in leadership%
Nancy &as ta'en in 1,," by the 8rench &ho drove out its =u'e$ Charles 3J$ razed its
fortifications$ and incorporated it into 8rance%
3n 1,,1 at the death of Cardinal 2azarin$ Iing Louis 1# began his o&n rule% .e is noted for
his famous ma>im at that time$ FThe ;tate$ thatAs me%G
The closest historical date to solving this (uatrain is 4pril 5$ 1990$ &hen under the terms of
the Peace of Cateau-CambrMsis 2etz &as retained by 8rance rather than being ceded to ;pain
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
&hose ruler &as Philip 33% 3n this case 4emathien may be either Philip 33 of ;pain or .enry 33 of
C 1" < 96 4u temps du dueil (ue le felin C;elinD monar(ue$
*uerroyera le ieune 4emathienH
*aule bransler$ perecliter la bar(ue$
Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien%
At a ti-e o, -ournin/ the ,eline 9Selin: -onarch,
#ill -a0e +ar upon the youn/ Ae-athien1
'rance to sta//er 96ua0e:, the .ar0 in 5eopardy,
Marseilles to .e tried in the #est entreaty2
Le Pelletier again tries to ma'e this verse apply to Louis 1#% The court of 8rance &as in mourning at
the death of Louis 15 in 1,#5% The feline monarch CKD is Philip 3J of ;pain &ho ma'es &ar on
8rance to profit from the confusion% 8rance &as sha'en by a civil &ar from 1,#6 to 1,95$ called the
8ronde and the Catholic Church Cthe bar'D &as sha'en by 1ansenism% 3n 1,"" 8rance &ould enter by
a breach into 2arseille &hich &ill then return to his allegiance% Louis 1# then traveled to the 3sle of
Conference on the Bidassoa to conclude &ith ;pain the Peace of the Pyrenees%
3t is more li'ely FfelinG is an erratum for FselinG as the letters FfG and FsG appeared very
similar in &riting at that time% The manner in &hich Le Pelletier connects FfelineG &ith Philip 3J
cannot be determined%
!%NTUR3 7
C 1 < 19 2ars nous menasse par sa force belli(ue$
;eptante foys fera le sang espandreH
4uge X ruyne de lA+cclesiasti(ue$
+t plus ceu> (ui dAeu> rien voudront entendre%
Mars you -enace .y your +arli0e ,orce,
Seventy ti-es +ill he cause .loodshed1
Increase and ruin ,or the !ler/y,
And -ore ,or those +ho hear nothin/ ,ro- the-2
Cheetham thin's this may be the Napoleonic era and its many &ars$ &hen the clergy &as both
e>alted and reviled during the early days of the =irectoire% The 'ey is F-" times%G
C 1 < 16 Par la discorde negligence *auloise$
;era passaige Z 2ahommet ouuertH
=e sang trempM la terre X mer ;enoise$
Le port Phocen de voilles X nefz couuert%
Throu/h 'rench discord and ne/li/ence,
A passa/e to Moha--ed opened1
The land and sea o, Siena +ill .e soa0ed in .lood,
The port o, Marseille covered +ith sails o, ships2
Besides 2arseille Cfounded by the Phocaeans from *reeceD$ Nostradamus may be referencing a
Phoenician CLebanon areaD port% The old 'ingdom of ;iena is north of /ome% 2arseille is the
second largest city in 8rance and its largest port% ;iena is also mentioned in C 1 < -9%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < !1 Profonde argille blanche nourrit rochier$
<ui dAvn abisme istra lacticineuseH
+n vain troublez ne lAoseront toucher$
3gnorans estre au fond terre argilleuse%
Deep +hite clay nourishes the roc0,
#hich ,ro- the deep +ill /o out -il0y1
In vain perple4ed they +ill not dare to touch it,
I/norant that the earth at the .otto- is o, clay2
3n some verses$ Nostradamus spea's of a rain of mil'$ hopefully allegorically meaning a time of
plenty and nourishment% 3f he is spea'ing of the rain of mil' being a ne& type of &eapon$ perhaps
this verse spea's of its discovery%
C 1 < !# 4 citM neufue pensif pour condemner$
LAoisel de proye au ciel se vient offrirH
4pres victorie Z captifz pardonner$
Cremone X 2atoue gras maul> aura souffert%
The ne+ city considerin/ a conde-nation,
The .ird o, prey o,,ers itsel, to the heavens1
A,ter victory to captives pardon,
!re-ona and Mantua have su,,ered /reat evils2
This may be attributed to NapoleonAs 3talian campaign in 1-0,% .e laid siege to the 4ustrian
garrison of 1,$""" at 2antua% The 4ustrians &ere disarmed and pardoned% ;ome of NapoleonAs
army &ere garrisoned at Cremona$ but the city suffered no evil% The solution to this verse may lie in
the future% The Fne& cityG is unsolved% Perhaps Ne& Lor' City is the ne& city% 4nd perhaps also the
bird of prey is the ?nited ;tates rather than Napoleon%
C 1 < !6 La tour de Bouc( craindra fuste Barbare$
Jn temps$ long temps apres bar(ue hesperi(ueH
Bestail$ gens$ meubles tous deu> feront grant tare$
Taurus X Libra (uelle mortelle pic(ueK
The To+er o, ouc6 +ill ,ear the lo+Ddra,ted ar.arian ship,
'or a ti-e, lon/ ti-e a,ter .y the #estern ,leet 9ship:1
!attle, people, /oods, .oth +ill -a0e /reat +aste,
Taurus and $i.ra, +hat a deadly 6uarrelJ
Nostradamus may be referencing the To&er of Bou'$ a fortified place at the mouth of the /hone
CLa tour de Bouc(D or the Libyan Port of Tobru'% F8usteG may refer to a ?-Boat% =uring :orld :ar
33$ the Port of Tobru' sa& a deadly (uarrel in #-5"-#1 CTaurusD 4ustralians vs *ermans and again
on 1"-!5-#! Cnear LibraD by the British% The :estern 8leet could be the ?;4 or ;panish or
4ustralians% This may also refer to a future conflict% Libra is the ?nited ;tates and Taurus may be
3ra($ &ith the bull of Taurus being the 4ssyrian bull of Babylon and ;yria% ;ee also C 1 < -1%
Taurus may also be Tur'ey &here the Taurus mountain range is located%
C 1 < 5" La nef estrange par le tourment marin$
4bourdera pres de port incongneuH
Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin$
4pres mort$ pille bon auis tard venu%
The ,orei/n ship .ecause o, the tor-ented seas,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#ill approach the un0no+n port 9+ill arrive inco/nito:1
Not+ithstandin/ the si/nals o, the .ranches o, pal-,
A,ter death, pilla/e, /ood advice arrivin/ late2
Palm branches &ere used as signals of peace% This verse sho&s that by tric'ery an advantage is
gained and devastation follo&s%
C 1 < 55 PrMs dAvn grand pont de plaine spatieuse$
Le grand lyon par forces CesarMesH
8era abattre hors citM rigoureuse$
Par effroy portes luy seront reserMes%
A /reat .rid/e 9sea: near a spacious plain,
The /reat $ion +ith I-perial ,orces1
#ill cause to .e .attered outside the austere city,
ecause o, ,ear the /ates +ill .e unloc0ed to hi-2
The great lion is probably +ngland and the 3mperial forces may be /oman Cor 3talianD forces% The
austere city is probably *eneva% ;&itzerland is &ell 'no&n for its policy of neutrality$ so this
cannot be either &orld &ar% This prediction is more li'ely to ta'e place in the future%
C 1 < 5- Jn peu deuant (ue le soleil sAesconse$
Conflict donnM grand peuple dubieu>H
ProfligMs$ port marin ne faict responce$
Pont X sepulchre en deu> estranges lieu>%
A little .e,ore the sun sets,
attle is /iven, a /reat people in dou.t1
Overco-e, the sea port -a0es no ans+er,
Sea 9.rid/e: and to-. in t+o ,orei/n places2
This may possibly have ta'en place in 10#9 &hen 1apan CsunD considered surrender and the ?nited
;tates considered dropping the 4-Bombs in order to end the &ar% .iroshima and Nagasa'i$ both sea
ports$ &ere entombed by the blasts% 3f Nostradamus is using the sun setting as an indication of the
end of the 1apanese &ar Cland of the rising sunD$ then this is 10#9% 3f$ ho&ever$ he is using the sun
setting as a time indicator$ then this &ould be to&ard the last part of the Cycle of the ;un and this
&ill ta'e place in our distant future%
C 1 < #" La trompe fausse dissimulant folie$
8era Bisance vn changement de loi>H
.ystra dA+gypte (ui veut (ue lAon deslie$
+dict changeant monnoyes X aloys%
The ,alse tru-pet concealin/ ,olly,
#ill cause yzantiu- a chan/e o, la+s1
'ro- %/ypt +ill /o ,orth one +ho +ants +ithdra+n
9+ho +ill have united:,
The %dict that chan/es -oneys and -etal standards 9alloys:2
.ogue considers a false trumpet may be a loudspea'er% =e 8ontbrune &onders if this may relate to
the early T&entieth Century after the collapse of the 7ttoman +mpire &hen Tur'ey lost its +gyptian
province and gained a ne& republic through the Tur'ish /evolution of 10!"% 4nother possibility is
NapoleonAs +gyptian campaign since +gypt &as a province of Tur'ey at that time% Byzantium is
older name for 3stanbul% Nostradamus sometimes uses FByzantiumG as a symbol of the pagan%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < #1 ;iege en citM est de nuict assaillie$
Peu eschapMH non loin de mer conflictH
8emme de ioye$ retours filz defaillie$
Poison X lettres cachMes dans le plic%
!ity .esie/ed in a ni/ht assault,
'e+ escape1 con,lict not ,ar ,ro- the sea1
A +o-an ,aints ,or 5oy, on the return o, her son,
Poison and letters hidden in the ,old2
The femme de @oy Calso meaning prostituteD may be one of the 8rench /epublics or even 8rance
during the *erman :orld :ar 33 occupation Ca prostitute governmentD$ or the @oyous maiden may be
2arianne$ a name given to the Third /epublic% The last line may read$ FPoison hidden in the fold of
the letters%G By using FnightG Nostradamus may be saying this happens before 1666% 3n 16,"$ ;avoy
&as returned to 8rance in return for the help of Napoleon 333 &hen Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33 &as
forming the nation of 3taly from the many provinces$ 'ingdoms$ and states%
C 1 < #! Le di> Ialende dA4uril de faict *oti(ue$
/esuscitM encor par gens malinsH
Le feu estainct$ assemblMe diaboli(ue$
Cherchant les os du dA4mant C=amantD X Pselin%
The tenth o, the !alends o, April, .y &othic account 9o, &othic ,ashion:,
Revived a/ain .y evil people1
The ,ire e4tin/uished, dia.olical,
See0in/ the .ones o, the Dae-on 9dA-ant: and Psellus 9Psellin:2
The last line has t&o variants in different editions of the prophecies% The first day of each month of
the 1ulian calendar &as called the Calends% Pope *regory Q333 corrected the calendar by subtracting
1" days% The &ords F*othic accountG are puzzling% 3t could be that Nostradamus foresa& the
calendar correction and is referring to the old style calendar$ therefore meaning 4pril 1% This verse
may be about the calendar devised by the /evolutionaries in 8rance in 1-0!% The last sentence may
refer to the boo'$ F=e =aemonibusG by 2ichael Psellus &hich Nostramus may have possessed%
C 1 < ,6 7 (uel horrible X malheureu> tourment$
Trois innocens (uAon viendra Z liurerH
Poyson suspecte$ mal gardM tradiment$
2is en horreur par bourreau> enyurMs%
Oh +hat horri.le and unhappy tor-ent,
Three innocents +ho- one +ill co-e to deliver1
Poison suspected, poorly /uarded treason,
Put in horror .y drun0en e4ecutioners2
This could easily be about the e>ecution of the /omanovs in 101-% Czar Nicholas and his family
&ere put in the basement and shot by the /ed *uards% .o&ever$ there &ere more than three
C 1 < -1 La tour marine trois fois prise X reprise$
Par .espaignolz$ Barbares$ LigurinsH
2arseille X 4i>$ 4rles par ceul> de Pise$
Jast$ feu$ fer$ pillM 4uignon des Thurins%
The -arine to+er three ti-es ta0en and reta0en,
y Spaniards, ar.arians and $i/urians 9Italians:1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Marseille and Ai4, Arles .y those o, Pisa,
Devastation, ,ire, iron, Avi/non pilla/ed .y the Turinese2
The scene of the verse seems to be the 8rench /iviera% ;o far this invasion by any of the parties
named has not happened% .o&ever$ in :orld :ar 33$ the 4llies made landings in the 8rench /iviera$
but they did not include the 3talians or the ;panish$ nor &as the city of 4vignon involved in any
pillaging% ;ee also C 1 < !6% The to&er may be the fortification at the mouth of the /hone%
C 1 < -5 8rance Z cin( pars par neglect assaillie$
Tunys$ 4rgel esmeuz par PersiensH
Leon$ ;euille$ Barcelonne faillie$
NAaura la classe par les Jenitiens%
'rance .y ne/lect on ,ive ,ronts assaulted,
Tunis, Al/eria stirred up .y Persians 9Iran:1
$eon, Seville, arcelona havin/ ,ailed,
#ill not have the ,leet ,or the Ienetians2
.ogue proposes 199- &hen the military disaster happened at ;aint-<uentin% The ;panish threatened
8rance on three sides$ +nglish on another$ and 3taly on another% North 4frica &as stirred up by pirate
raids% Cheetham proposes 10,0 &hen 8rance &as under pressure by her partners in the Common
2ar'et and Iing 3dris &as overturned by <adaffi in Libya% This sounds more li'e the 7ttoman
+mpireAs &ars and intrigues &ith ;pain and 3ran%
C 1 < -9 Le tyran ;ienne occupera ;auone$
Le fort gaignM tiendra classe marineH
Le deu> armMes par la mar(ue dA4nconne$
Par effrayeur le chef sAen e>amine%
The tyrant o, Siena +ill occupy Savona,
The ,ort /ained he +ill hold the -arine ,leet1
The t+o ar-ies .y the -ar0 o, Ancona2
Throu/h ,ear the chie, e4a-ines hi-sel,2
;iena &as a free city% 3ts tyrant has not been recorded in history% 4ncona$ on the other side of the
4pennine 2ountains and on the east coast of 3taly$ belonged to the Papal ;tates% ;avona is &est of
*enoa on the Ligurian ;ea% This (uatrain may be in regard to *aribaldi$ but it is difficult to place in
history% The to&n of ;iena is also mentioned in C 1 < 16%
C 1 < -, =Avn nom farouche tel proferM sera$
<ue les trois seurs auront fato le nomH
Puis grand peuple par langue X faict dira CduiraD$
Plus (ue nul autre aura bruit X renom%
O, a ,erocious 9+ild: na-e he +ill .e proclai-ed,
That the three sisters 9,ates: +ill possess ,or destiny his na-e1
Then a /reat people .y +ords and deeds +ill say 9/overn:,
More than any other -an, ,a-e and reno+n2
Le Pelletier suggests FNeapolio% 3mp% 4ug%G CNapoleonD to be a combination of the *ree' &ord
FneoG for ne& and FapolluonG for destroyer or FneapolluonG for ne& destroyer% F4dolphG means
FNoble :olfG so our ;eer may have had .itler in mind because he mentions .itler (uite often as the
:olf% But this may also be a (uatrain for a future name because Nostradamus did not especially li'e
either .itler or Napoleon and this verse seems favorable to the person he references% The Fgreat
peopleG are probably the 8rench%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1 < -0 Bazaz$ Lestore$ Condon$ 4usch$ 4gine$
+smeus par loi> (uerelle X monopoleH
Car Bourd Toulouze Bay% mettra en ruine
/enouueler voulant leur tauropole%
asas, $ectoure, !ondo-, Auch and A/en,
Moved .y la+s, 6uarrel and -onopoly1
!arcassonne, ordeau4, Toulouse, ayonne put in ruin
#ishin/ to revive their 0illin/ o, .ulls 9tauropole:2
These to&ns are in southern 8rance% No commentator has been able to place this verse very &ell in
history% 3f Taurus Cthe bullD is a 2iddle +astern country$ this may be for a future &ar in 8rance%
C 1 < 6" =e la si>iesme claire splendeur celeste$
Jiendra tonner si fort en la BourgongneH
Puis naistra monstre de tres hideuse beste$
2ars$ 4uril$ 2ay$ 3uin grand charpin X rongne%
'ro- the si4th .ri/ht celestial splendor,
There +ill co-e stron/ thunder in ur/andy1
Then a -onster o, a hideous .east +ill .e .orn,
March, April, May, Aune, /reat .anda/in/ and clippin/ 96uarrelin/
and -utterin/:2
The astrology used in the ;i>teenth Century included in this orderH 2oon$ 2ercury$ Jenus$ ;un$
2ars$ 1upiter$ and ;aturn% This &ould ma'e 1upiter the si>th celestial body% +arth &as not included
in the lineup because it &as considered to be the center of the universe% 1upiter is a symbol for the
ruling po&er$ no& the ?nited ;tates of 4merica% The area of Burgandy is on the eastern side of
8rance north of Lyon%
C 1 < 61 =Ahumain trouppeau neuf seront mis Z part$
=e iugement X conseil separMsH
Leur sort sera diuisM en depart$
Iappa$ Thita$ Lambda mors bannis esgarMs%
Nine +ill .e set apart ,ro- the hu-an ,loc0,
Separated ,ro- 5ud/-ent and counsel1
Their ,ate to .e deter-ined on departure,
"appa, Thita, $a-.da, dead, .anished and scattered2
The nine members of the ?%;% ;upreme Court have been suggested as the sub@ect of this verse%
4nother idea is nine cre& members of a space flight or a s'y lab% 4stronauts &ith the last names of
I$ Th and L have not yet been on the same flight% .o&ever$ the space cre&s are usually &ell in
touch &ith their ground control unless they become isolated in some manner by mechanical error%
C 1 < 60 Tous ceu> de 3lerde seront dans CdedansD 2oselle$
2ettant Z mort tous ceu> de Loire X ;eineH
Le cours C;ecoursD marin viendra pres dAhaute velle$
<uant .espagnolz ouurira toute veine%
%veryone ,ro- $erida 9Ilerde: +ill .e in Moselle,
Puttin/ to death all those o, the $oire and Seine1
The -arine current 9-arine relie,: +ill co-e up to the hi/h +all
9valley:, #hen the Spanish +ill open every vein2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Lerida C3lerdeD is a city in ;pain% The Loire and ;eine are 8rench rivers% 2oselle is a province in
northeast 8rance bordering *ermany% The 2oselle /iver is further north in *ermany% The ;panish$
so far$ have not invaded the interior of 8rance in this manner%
C 1 < 0" Bourdeau> Poitiers au son de la campane$
4 grande classe ira ius(ues Z lA4ngonH
Contre *auloys sera leur tramontane$
<uand monstre hydeu> naistra pres de 7rgon%
ordeau4, Poitiers at the sound o, the alar-,
A /reat ar-y 9,leet: +ill /o as ,ar as $an/on1
The north +ind +ill .e a/ainst the 'rench,
#hen a hideous -onster +ill .e .orn near Or/on2
The alarm sounded in southern 8rance and across Provence &hen Napoleon escaped from +lba to
begin his &ars ane&% Per .ogue$ in 7rgon$ &hich is north of ;alon-de-Provence$ Napoleon &as
hung in effigy to protest his return% Nostradamus uses the 3talian &ord FtramontaneG meaning
Fnorth &ind%G +ngland and Prussia Cpublic opinion from north of 8ranceD sent the =u'e of
:ellingtonAs forces and the Prussian army to put an end to NapoleonAs advance% The armies met at
:aterloo in Belgium% .o&ever$ there &ere no armies on the march near Langon$ or Bordeau> or
Poitiers$ near the Bay of Biscay at that time% Nostradamus predicts future conflict in southern
8rance$ so this verse may be in reference to that situation%
C 1 < 01 Les dieu> feront au> humains apparence
Ce (uAilz feront CserontD auteurs de grand conflict
4uant ciel veu serain espMe X lance$
<ue vers main gauche sera plus grad afflit%
The /ods +ill -a0e it appear to hu-ans
That they +ill .e the authors o, a /reat con,lict
e,ore, the heavens seen serene, s+ord and lance,
So that on the le,t +ill .e the /reatest a,,liction2
This verse seems to say that &hen the &orld is at peace$ a natural catastrophe occurs% The &ea'
country is preyed upon by another po&er creating a ne& &ar% The left side on a map &ould be &est%
The political FleftG is the liberal vie&point%
C 1 < 0, Celuy (uAaura la charge de destruire$
Temples$ X sectes$ changMs par fantasieH
Plus au> rochiers (uAau> viuans viendra nuire$
Par langue ornMe dAoreilles ressasie%
)e +ho +ill have char/e o, destroyin/,
Te-ples and sects, chan/ed .y ,antasy1
)e +ill har- the roc0s -ore than the livin/,
y ornate lan/ua/e dinnin/ the ears2
This verse references a person &ho must destroy Protestants or some type of a religious order$ but
tries to do so by ornate speeches% This verse may be in reference to the :ars of /eligion &hen
Calvinists &ere trying to spread the &ord of the Protestant belief systems and the Catholics &ere
renouncing the Calvinists%
C 1 < 06 Le chef (uAaura conduit peuple infiny$
Loing de son ciel$ de meurs X langue estrangeH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Cin( mil en Crete X Thessalie finy$
Le chef fuyant sauuM en marine grange%
The chie, +ill conduct the in,inite people,
'ar ,ro- their s0ies, -anners and lan/ua/e ,orei/n1
'ive thousand in !rete and Thessaly ,inished,
The chie, ,leein/, saved in a -arine .arn2
3n 1-06 Napoleon &as sent to +gypt to establish a base of operations to destroy the +nglish fleet%
:hen things started going badly$ he fled bac' to 8rance leaving his army behind% But the action did
not ta'e place in *reece in the 4egean ;ea area% The Finfinite peopleG &ould be the 8rench%
!%NTUR3 @
C ! < # =epuis 2onech ius(ue aupres de ;icile$
Toute la plage demourra desolMeH
3l nAy aura fau>bourg$ citM$ ne ville$
<ue par Barbares pillMe soit X vollMe
'ro- Monaco as ,ar as to near Sicily,
The entire coast +ill re-ain desolated1
There +ill re-ain no su.ur., city or to+n,
That the ar.arians have not pilla/ed and violated2
The Barbary pirates pillaged coastal to&ns and villages all through the 2editerranean area in the
19""As and 1,""As and even in the 1-""As) but they did not leave the entire &estern coast of 3taly
desolated% Nostradamus must be spea'ing of a greater event to come in the future%
C ! < 1# 4 Tours$ *ien$ gardM seront yeul> penetrans$
=escouriront de loing la grande sereineH
+lle X sa suitte au port seront entrans$
Combat$ poulsMz$ puissance souueraine%
At Tours, &ien, /uarded +ill .e searchin/ eyes,
Discoverin/ ,ro- a,ar the /reat serene 9lady:1
She and her suite +ill enter the port,
!, thrusts, soverei/n po+er2
This sounds li'e the Fsearching eyesG may be describing a type of modern radar or *P; trac'ing
system% ;ome commentators have this pertaining to Catherine deA 2edici on her pacification tour
of 8rance% Both of these to&ns are on the Loire /iver%
C ! < 19 Jn peu deuant monar(ue trucidMK
Castor$ Pollu> en nef$ astre criniteH
LAerain public par terre X mer vuidM$
Pise$ 4st$ 8errare$ Turin terre interdicte$
A little +hile .e,ore a Monarch is slau/hteredJ
!astor, Pollu4 in the ship, .earded star1
Pu.lic ,unds .y land and sea e-ptied,
Pisa, Asti, 'errara, Turin, lands prohi.ited 9under interdict:2
1ohn .ogue suggests the t&ins CCastor and Pollu>D in the ship may be 1ohn Paul 3 and 33% 7r this
may possibly stand for *emini in 4rgo giving an astrological date% The prohibited lands in 3taly may
be due to the coming plague or to a nuclear accident% 4ll of this &ill happen during the appearance
of the comet%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C ! < 1- Le camp CchampD du temple de la vierge vestale$
Non esloignM dA+thne X monts PyrenMesH
Le grand conduict est cachM dans la male$
North getMs fleuues X vignes mastinMes%
The ar-y ca-p 9,ield: o, the te-ple o, the vestal vir/in 9Iir/o:,
Not ,ar ,ro- %lne and the Pyrenees Mountains1
The /reat conduit 9tu.e: is hidden in the trun0 9cloc0D.a/:,
9MThe /reat conducted is hidden in the evil:,
North, rivers over,lo+ and vines .attered2
_4lternate reading of Line 5% +lne CdA+thneD is ten miles north of the ;panish border and ten miles
south of Perpignan in 8rance% The great may be a person or Nostradamus may be referencing a
great tube or canal CconduitD% The third line may also read$ FThe great is conducted hidden in the
trun'%G The unusual use of the +nglish &ord FNorthG may be either a direction or a proper name%
FJines batteredG may pertain to the 2erovingian bloodline%
C ! < !! Le camp 4sop C4scopD dA+urope partira$
;Aadioignant proche de lAisle submergMeH
=A4rton classe phalange pliera CpartiraD$
Nombril du monde plus grand voi> subrogMe%
The Asop 9Ascop: ar-y o, %urope +ill depart,
!ollectin/ itsel, near the su.-er/ed isle1
DArton ,leet +ill .end 9leave: the phalan4,
Navel o, the +orld a /reater voice su.stituted2
The clue to solving this (uatrain is in the &ords F4sopG Cvariant F4scopGD and F=A4rtonG &hich
may be an anagram of N4T7% There are almost sure to be anagrams here% The submerged isle may
&ell be +ngland in the future% The &ords FNavel of the &orldG may indicate the 2esopotanian area
C3ra(D$ the birthplace of man'ind) or it may be indicative of the Catholic religion in /ome%
C ! < !6 Le penultiesme du surnom du prophete$
Prendra =iane pour son iour X reposH
Loing vaguera par freneti(ue teste$
+t deliurant vn grand peuple dAimpos%
The ne4t to the last 9penulti-ate: o, surna-e o, Prophet,
#ill ta0e Monday ,or his day and rest1
#anderin/ ,ar .y his ,renetic head,
And deliverin/ a /reat people ,ro- i-position.
The surname of the ne>t to the last prophet may be 2ohammed% The great people are probably the
8rench that he delivers from sub@ugation or over ta>ation% ;o far there are no religions that ta'e
2onday as their ;abbath%
C ! < !0 LA7riental sortira de son siege$
Passer les monts 4pennins voir la *auleH
Transpercera le ciel les eau> X neige$
+t vn chascun frappera de sa gaule%
The Oriental +ill leave his seat,
Passin/ the Apennine Mountains to see 'rance1
Transpiercin/ the s0y, the +aters and sno+,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
And everyone struc0 .y his rod2
3t has been suggested this verse pertains to the Jietnam peace tal's in Paris$ but not very
convincingly% 4nother thought for an interpretation of this verse is the 4yatollah Ihomeini &ho
fle& to 8rance and then bac' to 3ran% The 4pennine 2ountains are in northern 3taly &hich the
7riental Cor +asternerD crosses over by airplane% .is FrodG may be a ne& type of &eapon% 3t is
interesting that Nostradamus refers to air travel as Ftranspiercing the s'y%G This same verse is
repeated in C 9 < 9# e>cept that the 7riental &ill leave his bloody rod in Tur'ey%
C ! < 5# LAire insensMe du combat furieu>$
8era Z table par freres le fer luireH
Les departir$ blessM X curieu>$
Le fier duelle viendra en 8rance nuire%
The senseless ire o, the ,urious,
#ill cause +eapons to .e ,lashed at the ta.le .y .rothers1
To part the-, +ound and curiously,
The proud duel +ill co-e to hurt 'rance2
This has been attributed to every civil &ar in many countries - the civil &ar in the ?nited ;tates$ the
Jietnam &ar$ and internal strife in 8rance$ including the :ars of /eligion% The brothers could be
male countries$ so this may be a &ar bet&een ;pain and +ngland% There are many &ars to choose
from$ including the more modern &ars of Bosnia and Croatia%
C ! < 59 =ans deu> logis de nuict le feu prendra$
Plusieurs dedans estoufMs X rostisH
Pres de deu> fleuues pour seul il auiendra
;ol$ LA4r($ X Caper tous seront amortis%
In t+o lod/es .y ni/ht the ,ire +ill ta0e hold,
Several inside su,,ocated and roasted1
Near t+o rivers as one it +ill happen
Sun, Sa/ittarius, and !apricorn all +ill .e di-inished2
This verse &ould pertain to t&o countries that suddenly go to &ar% The astrological dating &ould be
=ecember !1
&hen the ;un is diminished and the solstice cusp of ;agittarius and Capricorn ta'es
place% There are many to&ns in +urope and the &orld &here t&o rivers meet as one$ including Paris
and the 2esopotamian area of 3ra(% FBy nightG may symbolize this happens during the Cycle of the
2oon prior to 1666%
C ! < #5 =urant lAestoille cheuelue apparente$
Les trois grans princes seront faits ennemisH
8rappMs du ciel pai> terre tremulente$
Pau$ Timbre vndas$ serpent sus le bort mis%
Durin/ the appearance o, the .earded star,
The three /reat princes +ill .e -ade ene-ies1
Struc0 ,ro- the s0y, peace on earth tre-.lin/,
Po, over,lo+in/, serpent placed on the shore2
This is yet another prediction for the time of a comet% Because of the third line$ this may be in the
future because the stri'e from the s'y may be interpreted literally$ either by an act of nature or by an
act of &ar% The Po /iver is in northeast 3taly and the Tiber flo&s near /ome% This verse may also
pertain to Napoleon &ith FPauG being the symbol Nostradamus uses% There &as a comet that fle& by
in 1611%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C ! < #9 Trop le ciel pleure lA4ndrogyn procrMe$
Pres du ciel sang humain respanduH
Par mort trop tard grand peuple recrMe$
Tard X tost vient le secours attendu%
Too -uch the heavens +eep ,or the Andro/yne procreation,
Near the heavens hu-an .lood shed1
Throu/h death too late a /reat people reDcreated,
$ate and soon the a+aited help co-es2
This verse may refer to a country that is female Cin the opinion of NostradamusD that ta'es on an
aggressive male persona such as 3taly or /ussia during :orld :ar 33% This (uatrain sounds modern
because of human blood being shed near the heavens% The &eeping of the heavens may be in the
form of a flood-producing rain% 4nother thought is that modern robotics or genetic manipulation
&ill create an androgyne Cboth male and female or some type of a combinationD that is capable of
e>isting in deep space% C 6 < ## references the offspring of 7gmion &ho is a friend to the half-man$
possibly the 4ndrogyne spo'en of here%
C ! < #, 4pres grat CgrandD troche humain plus grad sAappreste$
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelleH
Pluye$ sang$ laict$ famine$ fer X peste$
4u ciel vu feu$ courant longue estincelle%
A,ter /reat trou.le 9-isery: to hu-ans, a /reater one prepared,
The /reat -otor the centuries rene+1
Rain, .lood, -il0, ,a-ine, +eapons and pla/ue,
In the heavens ,ire is seen, a lon/ spar0 runnin/2
This is either for the !1
or !!
or !5
century &hen the comet runs% Nostradamus again spea's of
mil' very puzzling% The Columbia disaster happened very near the start of the T&enty-8irst
Century &hich may be the long spar' running in the heavens%
C ! < #- LAennemy grand vieil deuil meurt de poison$
Les souuerains par infiniz subiuguezH
Pierres plouuoir$ cachMz soubz la toison$
Par mort articles en vain sont alleguez%
The /reat old ene-y -ournin/ dies o, poison,
The soverei/ns .y the in,inites su.5u/ated1
Stones rainin/, hidden under the ,leece,
Thou/h death articles in vain are alle/ed2
3t is possible this verse pertains to China$ the great old enemy being communism% The Tieneman
;(uare incident in 1060 may have been a prelude to the death of communism in China% The infinite
number of sub@ects in China demand more representation in governmental affairs and a more
democratic lifestyle than they presently have under the repression of totalitarian communism% 4 rain
of stones puts this in the future%
C ! < #0 Les conseilliers du premier monopole$
Les con(uerants seduits par la 2eliteH
/odes$ Bisance pour leurs e>posant pole$
Terre faudra les poursuiuants de fuite%
The councilors o, the ,irst -onopoly,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The con6uerors seduced .y those o, Malta1
Rhodes, Tur0ey ,or the- e4posin/ their pole,
$and +ill ,ail the pursurers in ,li/ht2
This may be referring to the siege of 2alta or an incident during the time of the 7ttoman +mpire$
but it sounds more modern% The phrase Fland failing the pursurers in flightG may mean the run&ays
are destroyed$ perhaps by aerial bombardment$ for the ta'eoffs and landings of an air force% 2alta is
a small island south of ;icily%
C ! < 9# Par gent estrange$ X de /omains loingtaine$
Leur grande citM apres eaue fort troublMeH
8ille sans trop different domaine$
Prins chef$ ferreure nAauoir estM riblMe%
y ,orei/n people and ,ar ,ro- the Ro-ans,
Their /reat city near the +ater very trou.led1
Dau/hter +ithout too di,,erent do-ain,
!hie, ta0en, loc0 not havin/ .een pic0ed2
The daughter may be a colony of 3taly% This verse seems very general in spite of the details%
C ! < 9- 4uant conflict le grand tombera$
C_4uant conflict le grand mur tomberaD$
Le grand Z mort$ mort trop subite X plainteH
Nay miparfaictH la plus part nagera$
4upres du fleuue de sang la terre tainte%
e,ore the con,lict the /reat ,alls,
9Me,ore the con,lict the /reat +all ,alls:,
The /reat to death, death too sudden and -ourned1
orn i-per,ect1 the /reater part +ill s+i-,
Near the river the land tainted +ith .lood2
_Jariant from the original C1999D edition &hich sho&s a great &all falling% This verse foresees the
death of a public figure% ;ee C ! < ,5 and C 9 < 16 as they both spea' of a great &all and the death
of a public figure%
C ! < 90 Classe *auloise par apuy de grande garde$
=u grand Neptune$ X ses tridens souldarsH
/ougMe Prouence pour soustenir grand bande$
Plus 2ars Narbon par iauelotz X dards%
'rench ,leet throu/h support o, the /reat /uard,
O, the /reat Neptune and its trident soldiers1
Provence reddened to sustain the /reat .and,
Also Mars Nar.onne .y 5avelins and darts2
The 8rench fleet is supported by the *reat Neptune$ the ruling sea po&er$ no& 4merica and its
Trident submarines% Provence in southeast 8rance is unable to sustain the great number of men$
&hile Narbonne$ further south&est$ is hit by missiles% This sounds li'e the trouble bre&ing in the
future for the southern coastline of 8rance% 2ars is the symbol for &ar%
C ! < ," La foy Punic(ue en 7rient rompue$
*rand C*ang%D 3ud% X /osne$ Loyre$ X Tag changerontH
<uand du mulet la faim sera repue$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Classe espargie$ sang X corps nageront%
The Punic ,aith .ro0en in the %ast,
&reat 9&an/es: Aordan, and Rhone, $oire, and Ta/us +ill chan/e1
#hen the hun/er o, the little -ule +ill .e satis,ied,
'leet 9ar-y: sprin0led 9scattered: .lood and .odies +ill s+i-2
FPunicG refers to North 4frica% The rivers are the *anges in 3ndia$ the 1ordan in the 2iddle +ast$ the
/hone and the Loire in 8rance$ and the Tagus in ;pain% This covers a lot of geography% The little
mule$ or don'ey$ may refer to 4fghanistan because the 4fghans &ere noted for riding don'eys into
battles% The =emocratic Party has the mule as its mascot$ but hopefully this verse does not pertain to
the ?nited ;tates%
C ! < ,! 2abus puis tost alors mourra$ viendra$
=e gens X bestes vne horrible defaiteH
Puis tout Z coup la vengeance on verra$
Cent C;angD$ main$ soif$ faim$ (uand courra la comete% +ill soon die, then +ill co-e,
O, people and .easts a horri.le rout1
Then suddenly one +ill see ven/eance,
)undred 9.lood:, hand, thirst, ,a-ine, +hen the co-et runs2
The 'ey to solving this verse is F2abus$G certain to be an anagram% 3t contains the letters F?;4%G
F4bbasG is a common 3slamic name% The President of Palestine is 2ahmoud 4bbas and this verse
may refer to him% This verse may mar' the escalation of :orld :ar 333% The reference to the comet
more than li'ely puts this in the future at the time of the great famine%
C ! < ,# ;eicher de faim$ de soif$ gent *eneuoise$
+spoir prochain viendra au defaillirH
;ur point tremblant sera loy *ebenoise$
Classe au grand port ne se peut acuillir%
The people o, &eneva dryin/ up +ith hun/er and thirst,
The ne4t hope +ill co-e to ,ail1
At point o, tre-.lin/ +ill .e the la+ o, the !evennes,
'leet at the /reat port cannot .e received2
*eneva is located in ;&itzerland on the La'e of *eneva$ so it is not 'no&n &hy they are thirsty%
The la& of the Cevennes may refer to Calvinism% Cheetham puts the date at 1,69 &hen the +dict of
Nantes &as revo'ed by Louis 1# and the people of the Cevennes revolted% The +dict of Nantes$
&hen it &as enacted$ gave Protestants e(ual legal status to the Catholics% The revocation penalized
Protestants% But hunger and thirst may be in our future and it may be that *eneva &ill be a port on
an inland sea someday% The people of *eneva &ould then be &ithout fresh &ater to (uench their
thirst% This verse could be applied to ;&iss ban'ing &hich dries up in an economic crisis% 3n this
case$ F*ebenoiseG may be an anagram for 1ohn 2aynard Ieynes$ the economist%
C ! < ,9 Le parc enclin grande calamitM$
Par lA.esperie X 3nsubre feraH
Le feu en nef peste X captiuitM$
2ercure en lA4rc ;aturne fenera%
The par0 inclines /reat cala-ity,
y the #est and $o-.ardy to .e done1
The ,ire in the ship pla/ue and captivity,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Mercury in Sa/ittarius Saturn ,ades 9to cut:2
FThe par'G has not yet been identified and it is un'no&n &hy it slopes up&ard% .esperia Cthe :estD
can mean ;pain or 4merica% Lombardy is in northern 3taly around 2ilan% The Ffire in the shipG
&ould pertain to the Catholic Church% ;aturn &ould be ;oviet /ussia either fading$ or$ as .ogue
suggests$ the &ord FfeneraG means Fto cutG &hich ma'es the meaning F;aturnAs scythe &ill cut%G
2ercury$ as the messenger of the gods$ &ould be a symbol for communication% 7r Nostradamus
may be giving us an astrological configuration for dating purposes%
C ! < ,6 =e lAa(uilon les efforts seront grands$
;us lA7ccean sera la porte ouuerteH
Le regne en lAisle sera reintegrand$
Tremblera Londres par voille descouuerte%
The e,,orts o, A6uilon +ill .e /reat,
The /ate 9+indo+: on the ocean +ill .e opened1
The 0in/do- in the isle +ill .e restored,
$ondon tre-.les .y sail discovered2
The 'ey to solving this (uatrain lies in the &ord F4(uilon$G in Latin FNorth :ind%G 3n another
verse$ 4(uilon is a symbol Nostradamus uses for the Baltic ;ea area or possibly &estern /ussia%
The FisleG may be the British 3sles &here the government is restored%
C ! < -" Le dard du ciel fera son estendue$
2ors en parlantH grande e>ecutionH
La pierre en lAarbre la fiere gent rendue$
Bruit humain monstre purge e>piation%
The dart ,ro- heaven +ill -a0e its e4tension,
Deaths in spea0in/1 /reat e4ecution1
The stone in the tree, the proud people surrender 9hu-.led:,
Noise, hu-an -onster, pur/e, e4piation2
The dart from heaven is probably a missile or a comet &hich places this event in the future%
C ! < -! 4rmMe Celti(ue en 3talie ve>Me$
=e toutes pars conflict X grande perteH
/omains fuis$ e *aule repoulsMe$
Pres du Thesin$ /ubicon pugne incerte%
The 'rench ar-y in Italy ve4ed,
On all sides con,lict and /reat loss1
Ro-ans ,lee, Oh 'rance repulsed,
Near the Ticino, Ru.icon uncertain .attle2
8rance has fought many &ars in 3taly$ most notably against the 4ustrians$ but those battles &ere
mostly in northern 3taly in the Po /iver valley% The Ticino flo&s into the Po @ust belo& Pavia% The
/ubicon is a small stream south of /avenna near /imini% 7ther than Caesar crossing it in #9 BC$
there are no records of battles there%
C ! < -5 4u lac 8ucin de Benac le riuaige$
Prins de Leman au port de lA7rguionH
Nay de trois bras predict belli(ue image$
Par trois couronnes au grand +ndymion%
The shores o, $a0e &arda to $a0e 'ucino,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Ta0en ,ro- the $a0e o, &eneva to port o, $Or/uion1
orn +ith three ar-s predicted +arli0e i-a/e,
Throu/h three cro+ns to the /reat %ndy-ion2
La'e 8ucino$ drained in 16-,$ &as ,9 miles east of /ome% La'e *arda is in northeastern 3taly% La'e
*eneva is north in ;&itzerland% The coming inundations may ma'e this a large inland sea% The &ord
FLA7rguionG remains unsolved$ but it may be a port on this future sea% This &ord may also reference
the enigmatic F7gmion%G Three armies$ or perhaps three arms of this sea$ are predicted for a &arli'e
country% The three cro&ns could be the popeAs triple tiara% ;ee also C ! < ,# regarding La'e *eneva
being a ma@or port%
3n classical mythology$ the goddess of the moon$ ;elene$ cast a spell upon +ndymion$ a
young human$ &hich put him into a perpetual slumber so that she might caress him at her leisure%
C ! < 6! Par faim la proye fera loup prisonnier$
LAassaillant lors en e>treme detresse$
Le nay aiant au deuant le dernier$
Le grand nAeschappe au milieu de la presse%
Throu/h hun/er the prey +ill -a0e the +ol, prisoner,
The a//ressor then in e4tre-e distress,
The .orn 9the elder: havin/ the last one .e,ore hi-,
The /reat does not escape in the -iddle o, the press 9cro+d:2
.ogue ma'es a good case for this verse being about the 8rench 2arshall$ 2ichel Ney Cle nayD at
the Battle of :aterloo in 1619%
Nostradamus pic's up on the F&olfG as 4dolph .itler$ so this may be regarding a battle in
:orld :ar 33% The elder$ and also the aggressor$ may be .itler in the final battle of Berlin% .e did
not escape$ but committed suicide%
C ! < 69 Le vieu> plain barbe soubs le statut seuere$
4 Lyon faict dessus lA4igle Celti(ueH
Le petit grant trop outre perseuere$
Bruit dAarme au cielH mer rouge Lygusti(ue%
The old ,ull .eard under the severe statute,
Made at $yon over the !eltic %a/le1
The little /reat one perseveres too ,ar,
Noise o, ar-s in the s0y1 $i/urian Sea red2
The noise of arms in the s'y may place this at :orld :ar 33 or beyond% The severe la& may have
been made during the Napoleonic era% The Celtic +agle and also the little great one may be
Napoleon% The *ulf of *enoa CLigurian ;eaD sa& fighting in :orld :ar 33% The person &ith the full
beard that deals &ith a severe la& eludes a definite time frame%
.ogue applies this verse to 2arshal PMtain$ president of the Jichy government during
:orld :ar 33% .e may be correct$ but not everything fits &ell%
C ! < 6, Naufrage Z classe pres dAonde .adriati(ue$
La terre tremble esmeud sus lAair en terre misH
+gypte tremble augment 2ahometi(ue$
LA.erault soy render Z crier est commis%
Ship+rec0 ,or the ,leet near the Adriatic Sea,
The land tre-.les li,ted onto the air placed on land1
%/ypt tre-.les Isla- increased,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The )erald co--issioned to cry out surrenders hi-sel,2
3n the future there &ill be conflicts in the 4driatic ;ea area% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus &arns
8rance not to get involved in this conflict% This &ill also be a time of great earth(ua'es% +gypt is an
3slamic nation so it is un'no&n &hy there is a fear of 3slamic increase unless it pertains to 3slamic
fundamentalists &ho threaten the government &ith terrorism% President .osni 2ubara' has 'ept a
tight grip on the reins of his government%
C ! < 0! 8eu couleur dAor du ciel en terre veu$
8rappM du haut nay$ faict cas merueilleu>H
*rand meurtre humainH prinse du grad le nepueu$
2orts de espectacles eschappe lAorgueilleu>%
'ire the color o, /old ,ro- s0y seen on earth,
Struc0 ,ro- the hi/h .orn, -arvelous deed done1
&reat hu-an -urder1 ta0en nephe+ o, the /reat,
Death o, the spectators, escapes the proud one2
This may not be about a nuclear blast because all you see is smo'e &ithout seeing the fire% .o&ever$
the high born one may be an airplane% This could pertain to the 4-bomb attac' on 1apan$ &ith the
proud one being the ?nited ;tates &ho escaped this action &ith no reprisals% The nephe& of the
great may be the ?;4 &ith 8rance being the great one% 3f this is in the future$ it may mean some
country$ as the nephe& of 8rance$ is attac'ed by another country%
!%NTUR3 =
C 5 < , =ans temple clos le fouldre y entrera$
Les citadins dedans leur fort greuezH
Cheuau>$ b[ufs$ hommes$ lAonde mur touchera$
Par faim$ soif$ soubs les plus foibles armez%
Inside the closed te-ple the li/htnin/ +ill enter,
The citizens inside their ,ort /rieved 9in5ured:1
)orses, cattle, -en, the +ater +ill touch the +all,
y hun/er, thirst, under the +ea0est ar-ed2
The lightning may be electricity or even a ne& type of &eapon$ perhaps laser driven$ that has the
capability of penetrating inside a building% Nostradamus also uses lightning to symbolize sudden
C 5 < 1" =e sang X faim plus grande calamitM$
;ept fois sAappreste Z la marine plageH
2onech de faim$ lieu pris$ captiuitM$
Le grand menM croc ferree caige%
&reater cala-ity o, .lood and ,a-ine,
Seven ti-es it approaches the -arine shore1
Monaco .y ,a-ine, place 9prize: ta0en, captivity,
The /reat led in a /oldenDyello+ -etaled ca/e2
2onaco is a 8rench principality &ith a prince as an absolute ruler% The ruling Prince is the son of
/ainier 333 and *race Ielly$ an 4merican actress% .e &as born in 1096 as the *rimaldi heir to the
throne% The casino at 2onte Carlo ma'es 2onaco a popular resort% The &ord FcrocG may mean
either Fgolden-yello&G or Fto crunch%G There are no previous &ars for this locality &hich may
pertain to this sad event%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 5 < 15 Par fouldre en lAarche or X argent fondu$
=e deu> captifs lAvn lAautre mangeraH
=e la citM le plus grand estendu$
<uand submergee la classe nagera%
y li/htnin/ in the arch, /old and silver -elted,
O, t+o captives, one +ill eat the other1
The /reatest o, the city e4tended 9stretched out:,
#hen the su.-er/ed ,leet +ill s+i-2
Nostradamus may be trying to describe a nuclear submarine% .ogue gives an interesting
interpretation of the &ord FarcheG as possibly being the 7ld 8rench Farchee$G &hich means the
principle of life from ancient physiology CalchemyD) the central fire% The &ord could also mean
Fbo>G or Far'%G Nuclear submarines have e>ploded% The ?%;%;% ;corpion in 10,6 &as on its &ay
home from an assignment in the 2editerranean ;ea &hen it mysteriously e>ploded in the 4tlantic
7cean% 3f a similar fate occurred &hile in port$ this could be a disaster%
C 5 < 1# Par le rameau du vaillant personnage$
=e 8rance infime% par le pere infeliceH
.onneurs$ richesses$ trauail en son vieil aage$
Pour auoir creu le conseil dAhomme nice%
Throu/h the .ranch o, the valiant persona/e,
O, +ea0ened 'rance1 throu/h the unhappy ,ather1
)onors, riches, travail in his old a/e,
'or havin/ .elieved the council o, an ine4perienced -an2
The 'ey to solving this may be F&ea'ened 8rance%G The country &as at lo& ebb after NapoleonAs
reign &hen Louis Philippe came to po&er as Louis 16% 3t &as also at lo& ebb financially &hen Louis
19 came of age% Louis 19 &as the great-grandson of Louis 1# Cbranch of the valiant personageD% The
ine>perienced Cor foolish or simpleD man may have been Cardinal 4ndrM-.ercule de 8leury$ the
tutor of Louis 19 &ho too' the reins of 8rance and handled the countryAs affairs so &ell% Both Louis
19 and Louis16 lived to an old age% Louis 19As father died during a small po> epidemic in 1-1!%
Louis 16

&as the brother of Louis 1, and their father$ the son of Louis 19$ died in 1-,9% Not much is
'no&n about his state of happiness%
C 5 < 1, Jn prince 4nglois 2ars Z son c[ur de ciel$
Joudra poursuiure la fortune prospereH
=es deu> duelles lAvn percera le fiel$
.ay de luy$ bien-aymM de sa mere%
An %n/lish prince Mars in his heavenly heart,
#ill +ish to pursue his prosperous ,ortune1
O, t+o duels, one +ill pierce his /all,
)ated .y hi-, +ell loved .y his -other2
;ome commentators have Prince Charles as the +nglish prince &ith his unhappy marriage to
Princess =iana$ and some have Iing +d&ard J333 before he abdicated to follo& his heart$ but it is
still an uncertain verse that may belong to the future% Perhaps the prince is either Prince :illiam or
Prince .arry% The t&o duels could be &ars his country pursues%
C 5 < 1- 2ont 4uentine brusler nuict sera veu$
Le ciel obscur tout Z vn coup en 8landresH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
<uand le monar(ue chassera son nepueu$
Leurs gens dA+glise commettront les esclandres%
Mount Aventine +ill .e seen to .urn at ni/ht,
The s0y very suddenly o.scured in 'landers1
#hen the -onarch +ill chase his nephe+,
Then !hurch people +ill co--it the scandals2
2ount 4ventine is one of the ;even .ills of /ome% The s'y in 8landers &ould be obscured by
something other than an eclipse$ &hich happens more slo&ly% The monarch &ould be chasing
another country or a colony &hich belongs to a brother or sister country% Church people have
committed scandals since the da&n of recorded history - popes have been murdered$ church finances
have been mishandled$ and some Catholic priests have been found guilty of molesting young boys%
Nostradamus is most li'ely seeing something more unusual%
C 5 < 10 +n Lu(ues sang X laict viendra plouuoir$
Jn peu deuant changement de preteurH
*rand peste X guerre$ faim X soif fera voir
Loing ou mourra leur Prince recteur%
In $ucca it +ill co-e to rain .lood and -il0,
Shortly .e,ore the chan/e o, /overnor1
&reat pla/ue and +ar, ,a-ine and drou/ht +ill .e seen
'ar ,ro- +here their prince rector +ill die2
Lucca is a small to&n in 3taly to the &est of 8lorence and @ust north of Pisa% 4 rain of mil' andRor a
rain of blood may indicate a biological or chemical &eapon of the future% 4 rain of mil' may be a
symbol of prosperity$ but this (uatrain sho&s other&ise% 3t is un'no&n &hat position a prince
rector may hold%
C 5 < !1 4u Crustamin par mer .adriati(ue$
4pparoistra vn horrible poissonH
=e face humaine$ X la fin a(uati(ue$
<ui se prendra dehors de lAameBon%
In the !onca .y the Adriatic Sea,
#ill appear a horri.le ,ish1
The ,ace hu-an and its end a6uati6ue,
#hich +ill .e ta0en +ithout a hoo02
The Conca /iver flo&s into the 4driatic ;ea in 3taly near /imini% The half-human$ half-fish could
be a diver or a frog-man or a ?%;% Navy ;eal% Nostradamus predicts the 4driatic ;ea area &ill see a
lot of conflict in the ne>t &ar%
C 5 < !5 ;i 8rance passMs outre mer lygusti(ue$
Tu te verras en isles X mers enclosH
2ohammet contraire$ plus mer .adriati(ueH
Chevau> X dAasnes tu rongeras les os%
I,, 'rance, you pass .eyond the $i/urian Sea,
3ou +ill see yoursel, closed up in islands and seas1
Moha--ed contrary, -ore so the Adriatic1
)orses and asses you +ill /na+ the .ones2
The Ligurian ;ea lies south of *enoa$ 3taly$ to the 3sland of Corsica% Beyond that point$
Nostradamus &arns geographical changes have been made to the 2editerranean ;ea by the coming
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
global catastrophe$ and even more changes have been made to the 4driatic ;ea% The &ord FhorsesG
may stand for a country% The &ord FassesG are probably symbolic for an 4fghan army Cthey &ere
noted for riding don'eys into battleD%
C 5 < !# =e lAentreprinse grande confusion$
Perte de gens$ thresor innumberbleH
Tu nAy dois faire encore tension%
8rance Z mon dire fais (ue sois recordable%
O, the enterprise /reat con,usion,
$oss o, people, countless treasure1
3ou should never a/ain e4pand there2
'rance, let +hat I say .e re-e-.ered2
This verse may be lin'ed to the above verse$ C 5 < !5% The colony or country being considered for
e>pansion may be Jiet Nam and parts of 3ndochina C&hich &as a disaster in 109#D$ or 3taly or
4lgeria or even .aiti in the Caribbean ;ea% This verse may also caution against a repeat of
NapoleonAs failed +gyptian campaign%
C 5 < !- Prince libini(ue CLibi(ueD puissant en 7ccident$
8ranBois dA4rabe viendra tant enflammer$
;Bauans au> lettres fera condescendent$
La langue 4rabe en 8ranBois translater%
$i.yan Prince po+er,ul in the #est,
#ill co-e to in,la-e the 'rench +ith Ara.ian,
$earned in letters, condescendin/, he +ill,
Translate the Ara.ian lan/ua/e into 'rench2
Nostradamus designates the &hole of northern 4frica as FLibya%G 4s of the present date$ there has
not been a North 4frican prince that fits this (uatrain% The 4rabian language &as translated to
8rench long before the time of Nostradamus$ so this means more than @ust a language translation%
C 5 < 51 4u> champs de 2ede$ dA4rabe X dA4rmenie$
=eu> grans copies trois fois sAassemblerontH
Pres du riuage dA4ra>es la mesgnie$
=u grand ;oliman en terre tomberont%
In the ,ields o, Media, o, Ara.ia and o, Ar-enia,
T+o /reat ar-ies +ill three ti-es asse-.le1
Near the .an0 o, the Ara4os the ,ollo+ers,
They +ill ,all in the land o, the /reat Suli-an 9Solo-on:2
4rmenia is east of the Blac' ;ea$ 2edia is southeast of 4rmenia and 4rabia further south of both%
4ra>os is an 3onian seaport on the &est coast of *reece% There is also a river 4>ios$ no& the
Jardar$ in 2acedonia% 4s of this date$ there have not been t&o great armies assembled three times
in this area% .o&ever there &as a lot of military action during :orld :ar 3 and :orld :ar 33 in this
general area% The land of the great ;uliman$ ruler of the 7ttoman +mpire$ is Tur'ey% F;olimanG
may also be F;olomon$G ma'ing this verse pertain to 3srael%
C 5 < 5! Le grand sepulcre du peuple 4(uitani(ue%
;Aapprochera aupres de la ToscaneH
<uand 2ars sera pres du coing *ermani(ue$
+t au terroir de la gent 2antuane%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The /reat to-. o, the people o, A6uitaine,
#ill approach near Tuscany1
#hen Mars +ill .e in the corner o, &er-any,
And in the land o, the Mantuan people2
The people of 4(uitaine are in the south&estern portion of 8rance &hile Tuscany is the area north
of /ome and 2antua is in the northern part of 3taly &est of 2ilan% This verse could be applied to
the Napoleonic &ars$ but not ade(uately%
C 5 < 5# <uand le deffaut du ;oleil lors sera
;ur le plain iour le monstre sera veuH
Tout autrement on lAinterpretera$
ChertM nAa garde nul nAy aura pourueu%
#hen the eclipse o, the Sun +ill .e then
The -onster +ill .e seen in ,ull o, day1
Huite other+ise one +ill interpret it,
)i/h price un/uarded none +ill have ,oreseen it2
=uring an eclipse$ the monster that &ill be seen may be a comet headed to&ard earth$ or an asteroid
that has not as yet been spotted by astronomers% 3t &asnAt during the total eclipse in +urope in 1000$
so this &ould be for a future eclipse% 3n 2e>ico City during the total solar eclipse in 1001 many
vie&ers captured unidentified flying ob@ects on their video cameras% Their videos have been
broadcast on television around the &orld &ith no comment from authorities%
C 5 < 50 Les sept en trois mois en concorde$
Pour subiuguer des 4lpes 4penninesH
2ais la tempeste X Ligure couarde$
Les profligent en subites ruines%
The seven in three -onths in concord,
To su.5u/ate the Apennine Alps1
ut the te-pest and co+ardly $i/urian,
The destroyers in sudden ruins2
3n another verse$ Nostradamus spea's of the death of the seven suddenly by land and sea% Perhaps
this is a part of their destruction &hen they &ish to con(uer 3taly%
The Ligurians &ould be those of the seaport of *enoa &hich lies on the Ligurian ;ea% ;ee
also C ! < 16 &hich spea's of the death of the seven%
C 5 < #9 Les cin( estranges entrez dedans le temple
Leur sang viendra la terre prophanerH
4u> Tholousains sera bien dur e>emple$
=Avn (ui viendra ses loi> e>terminer%
The ,ive ,orei/ners entered into the te-ple
Their .lood +ill co-e to pro,ane the land1
To those o, Toulouse it +ill .e a very hard e4a-ple,
O, one +ho +ill co-e to e4ter-inate their la+s2
This may have happened during the :ars of /eligion or the 8rench /evolution$ or even :orld :ar
3 or 33$ but the incident has not been recorded in history%
C 5 < #, Le ciel Cde Plancus la citMD nous presaige$
Par clers insignes X par estoilles fi>es%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
<ue de son change subit sAaproche lAaage$
Ne pour son bien ne pour ses malefices%
The s0y 9o, $yon the city: ,ore.odes .y presa/e,
Throu/h clear si/ns and .y ,i4ed stars2
That the a/e o, its sudden chan/e is approachin/,
Neither ,or its /ood, nor its detre-ent2
This is the only e>ample &here Nostradamus uses a parenthesis in the (uatrains% 4 sudden change is
predicted for the City of Lyon in 8rance that &ill neither be good nor harmful% The changes for Lyon
in the past &ere the harmful siege of their city by 8rench /evolutionists suppressing a /oyalist
rebellion and the beneficial invention of the 1ac(uard loom &hich increased their te>tile trade%
C 5 < #- Les vieu> monar(ue dechassM de son regne
4u> 7rients son secours ira (uerreH
Pour peur des croi> ploiera son enseigne$
+n 2ytilene ira par port X par terre%
The old -onarch chased ,ro- his real-
#ill as0 ,or assistance ,ro- the %ast1
'or ,ear o, crosses he +ill ,old his .anner,
To Mitylene he +ill /o throu/h port and .y land2
2itylene is also 'no&n as the 3sland of Lesbos in the 4egean ;ea% The monarch is presumably other
than Christian$ possibly being a 2uslim &ho fears Christians% 4n event such as this has not been
recorded in history% The closest historical figure is the ;hah of 3ran$ 2ohammad /eza Pahlavi% The
e>iled monarch$ &ith a history of repressive violence$ had become unpopular in much of the &orld
and traveled from country to country see'ing temporary residence% But he never feared Christianity
and he did later see' assistance from the ?nited ;tates to undergo medical treatment in a cancer
center in the ?%;% .e found asylum in +gypt &here he later died%
C 5 < 9, 2ontauban$ Nismes$ 4uignon$ X Besier$
Peste tonnerre$ X gresle Z fin de 2arsH
=e Paris pont$ Lyon mur$ 2ontpellier$
=epuis si> cens X sept vingts trois pars%, Ni-es, Avi/non and eziers,
Pla/ue, thunder and hail at the end o, Mars 9March:1
O, Paris .rid/e, $yon +all 9.order:, Montpellier,
A,ter si4 hundreds and seven t+enties three pairs 9parts:2
The cities named in the first line are all in southern 8rance$ as is 2ontpellier% 2ars could be a
symbol for &ar$ or it may mean the month of 2arch$ or the planet itself% The last line may give you
a date if you can figure it out% Leoni suggests 1-#,$ !5"1$ or ,95 years after 1999 to give you the
year of !!"6% This may also be ,"- O ," C5 times !"D or ,,- years after 199- giving you a date of
!!!#% There can be all sorts of combinations out of this%
4lso this may be a clue as to the se(uence of the (uatrains% 3n fact$ if seven t&enties is
actually !- and three pairs of !" is ," and you add this to ,""$ you &ould have ,6- the number of
days for the planet 2ars to travel around the sun% This verse may mar' the end of the 2ars cycle
or ,6- of the (uatrains%
C 5 < 96 4upres du /in des montaignes Nori(ues$
Naistra vn grand de gens trop tard venuH
<ui defendra ;aurome X Pannoni(ues$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
<uAon ne sBaura (uAil sera deuenu%
Near the Rhine o, the Noric -ountains,
orn a /reat one o, the people co-e too late1
)e +ill de,end Sar-atia and the Pannonians,
One +ill not 0no+ +hat .eca-e o, hi-2
;ome commentators have .itler as the great one of the people because he &as born in 4ustria%
Nostradamus considers .itler as the second 4nti-Christ$ so it is hard to believe he is so favorable to
him in this verse% ;armatia is no& part of southern /ussia and Pannonia is .ungary%
Cheetham has Lech :alesa$ the founder of the &orld-famous ;olidarity movement in
Poland% :alesa &as born in Poland on the other side of the 4ustrian mountains% .e &as born far
a&ay from the /hine% 3t is much more li'ely this verse is regarding a leader yet to come%
C 5 < ," Par toute 4sie grande proscription$
2esme en 2ysie$ Lysie$ X PamphylieH
;ang versera par absolution$
=Avn ieune noir remply de felonnie%
Throu/hout all Asia /reat proscription,
%ven in Mysia, $ycia, and Pa-philia1
lood spilled .y the a.solution,
O, the youn/ dar0 one ,illed +ith ,elony2
Nostradamus sees a large military callup in the provinces of 4sia and in 4sia 2inor% The young
dar' one may be a terrorist &ith a large follo&ing of 3slamic e>tremists much li'e Bin Ladin and
his al <aeda net&or'%
C 5 < ,! Proche del duero par mer Cyrrene CTyrreneD close$
Jiendra percer CperserDCperferD les grands monts PyreneesH
La main plus courte X sa percee gloze$
4 Carcassonne conduira ses menees%
Near the Douro .y the closed !yrrene 9Tyrian: sea,
)e +ill co-e to pierce 9to /o over: the /reat Pyrenees -ountains1
A shorter hand 9po+ers: and his openin/ /losses 9piercin/ notes:,
At !arcassonne he +ill conduct his plots2
This is a very difficult (uatrain to interpret% Leoni suggests$ based on the Bas(ue language$ the
Tyrian ;ea is the Bay of Biscay on the &est coast of 8rance% 3f so$ .ogue suggests the Peninsula
:ars C16"0-1#D &ith forces from +ngland led by :ellesly% The =ouro /iver mar's the northern
border of Portugal &ith ;pain% The actual Tyrrhenian ;ea lies off the &est coast of 3taly% FCyrrenian
;eaG is an older name for the 2editerranean ;ea% The third line ma'es this verse very unclear% ;ee
also C 5 < 0"%
C 5 < ,# Le chef de Perse remplira grande 7lchade$
Classe Trireme contre gens 2ahometi(ueH
=e Parthe$ X 2ede$ X piller les Cyclades$
/epos long temps au grand port 3oni(ue%
The chie, o, Persia +ill occupy /reat Olchades,
The trire-e ,leet a/ainst Moha--edan people1
'ro- Parthia, and Media, and the !yclades pilla/ed,
$on/ rest at the /reat Ionian port2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Persia is no& 3ran% The 7lchades &ere the people living in southeastern ;pain$ or the ;panish
2oors% Parthia and 2edia are in 3ran% The Cyclades are islands bet&een *reece and Crete% The
3onian ;ea lies bet&een ;icily and *reece% This may be a *alley <uatrain that tells you ho& to
further arrange the verses% 3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of a historical incident$ it covers a lot of
C 5 < ,, Le grand Baillif dA7rleans mis Z mort$
;era par vn sang vindicatifH
=e mort merite ne mourra$ ne par sort$
=es pieds X mains mal le faisoit captif%
The /reat aili,, o, Orleans put to death,
y one o, .lood +ill .e vindictive1
O, death deserved he +ill not die, nor .y chance,
y ,eet and hands -ade poorly captive2
4ccording to Leoni$ the post of Bailiff of 7rleans &as hereditary in the *roslot family since 195"%
.e (uotes Le Pelletier &ho relates the tale of a 1erome *roslot &ho &as arrested in 19,1 and
sentenced to die% .o&ever$ this cannot be confirmed in history% .ogue applies this to the 7rleans
line of the Bourbons$ &hich may be correct$ but if so$ &here does the &ord FBailiffG come inK
C 5 < ,6 Peuple sans chef dA+spaigne$ X dA3talie$
2orts$ profligez dedans le CherroneseH
Leur dict trahi par legiere folie$
Le sang nager par tout Z la trauerse%
People +ithout a leader in Spain, and in Italy,
Dead, overco-e +ithin the peninsula 9!herronese:1
Their dictator .etrayed .y li/ht ,olly,
S+i--in/ in .lood every+here in the traverse 9latitude:2
Both ;pain and 3taly &ithout a leader has not yet happened in history% Both nations are peninsulas
and they both had dictators in :orld :ar 33% 2ussolini in 3taly &as 'illed and hung by his feet$ but
8ranco &as the dictator of ;pain until his death in 10-9% This verse may be predicting a future
C 5 < -# Naples$ 8lorence$ 8auence$ X 3mole$
;eront en termes de telle fascherieH
<ue pour complaire au> malheureu> de Nolle$
Plainct dAauoir faict Z son chef mo(uerie%
Naples, 'lorence, 'aenza, and I-ola,
#ill co-e to ter-s o, such disa/ree-ent1
As to co-ply +ith the unhappy ones o, Nola,
They +ill co-plain o, havin/ -oc0ed their chie,2
This verse may be in reference to the organization of the country of 3taly under one 'ing &hich
occurred in 16,"%
C 5 < -6 Le chef dA+scosse auec si> dA4lemaigne$
Par gens de mer 7rientau> captifH
Trauerseront le Calpre X +spaigne$
Present en Perse au nouueau /oy craintif%
The chie, o, Scotland +ith si4 o, &er-any,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
!aptured .y people o, the Oriental sea1
They +ill pass &i.raltar and Spain,
Present in Persia 9Iran: ,or the ne+ ,ear,ul 0in/2
;o many of the verses that &ill affect us in the future deal &ith the fearful leader of 3ran and his
aggression% This is one country to &atch closely%
C 5 < -0 LAordre fatal sempiternel par chaisne$
Jiendra tourner par ordre conse(uentH
=u port Phocen sera rompue la chaisne$
La citM prinse$ lAennemi (uant X (uant%
The ,atal everlastin/ order throu/h the chain,
#ill co-e to turn throu/h consistent order1
The chain o, Marseille +ill .e .ro0en,
The city ta0en and the ene-y at the sa-e ti-e2
The Phocaean port &ould be 2arseille as the city &as founded by Phocaeans% This may or may not
be referencing a turn of centuries%
C 5 < 65 Les longs cheueu> de la *aule Celti(ue$
4ccompaignez dAestranges nationsH
2ettront captif la gent ClAagentD 4(uitani(ue$
Pour succomber Z internitions%
The lon/ hairs o, !eltic &aul,
Acco-panied .y ,orei/n nations1
#ill -a0e captive the people 9the a/ent: o, A6uitaine,
'or to intentions2
4(uataine is a province in south&estern 8rance% ;ome commentators have attributed the long hairs
to Louis 16$ others to the Catholics during the :ars of /eligion% Nostradamus has other (uatrains
sho&ing conflict in south&estern area of 8rance%
C 5 < 6# La grand citM sera bien desolee$
=es habitans vn seul nAy demouraH
2ur$ se>e$ temple$ X vierge violee$
Par fer$ feu$ peste$ canon peuple mourra%
The /reat city +ill .e very desolate,
Not a sin/le one o, the inha.itants +ill re-ain1
#all, se4, te-ple and vir/in violated,
y +eapons, ,ire, pla/ue, cannon, people +ill die2
2ost commentators attribute the great city to Paris$ but it could be any great city in the &orld% This
may perhaps fit the City of Lyon in 1-09 after the siege by 8rench /evolutionists% .o&ever$ in C 5
< 05 Nostradamus spea's of Paris desolated%
C 5 < 69 La citM prinse par tromperie X fraude$
Par le moyen dAvn beau ieune attrappMH
4ssaut donnM /aubine pres de L4J=+$
Luy X tous morts pour auoir bien trompM%
The city ta0en .y tric0ery and ,raud,
Ta0en in .y -eans o, a handso-e youth1
Assault /iven .y the Ro.ine near the AUD%,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)e and all dead ,or havin/ .een 6uite deceived2
The /obine is a tributary of the 4ude /iver &hich flo&s into the Canal du 2idi near Carcassonne in
southern 8rance% 3t continues to&ard the 2editerranean coastal city of Narbonne% Neither the
handsome youth nor the city that &as captured by tric'ery has been identified%
C 5 < 6, Jn chef dA4usonne au> +spaignes ira$
Par mer fera arrest dedans 2arseilleH
4uant sa mort vn long temps languira$
4pres sa mort on verra grand merueille%
A chie, o, Ausonia +ill /o to Spain,
y sea, he +ill -a0e a stop in Marseille1
e,ore his death he +ill lin/er a lon/ ti-e,
A,ter his death one +ill see a /reat -arvel2
2arseille is a large seaport on the southeastern coast of 8rance% 4usonia is the old name for the
Iingdom of Naples in southern 3taly%
C 5 < 0" Le grand ;atyre X Tigre de .yrcanie$
=on presentM Z ceu> de lA7cceanH
Jn chef de classe itra CistraD de Carmanie$
<ui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean%
The /reat Satyr and Ti/er o, )yrcania,
&i,t presented to those o, the Ocean1
The chie, o, the ,leet 9ar-y: +ill set out ,ro- !ar-ania,
#ho +ill ta0e land at the Tyrren Phocean2
.yrcania is on the Caspian ;ea coast of 3ran% Carmania is a province of 3ran located along the ;trait
of .ormuz by the Persian *ulf% The Tyrrhenian ;ea lies off the &estern coast of 3taly framed by
;ardinia and ;icily% FPhoceanG is un'no&n as 2arseille$ founded by the Phocaeans$ is further north%
Phocaea is the ancient *ree' colony of &estern 4natolia$ Tur'ey% 7r Nostradamus may be spea'ing
of the Bay of Biscay again%
C 5 < 00 4u> champs herbeu> dA4lein X du Jarneigne$
=u mont Lebron proche de la =urance$
Camps de deu> parts conflict sera si aigre$
2esopotamie defaillira en la 8rance%
In the /rassy ,ields o, Alleins and Ierne/ues,
O, the $u.eron -ountains near the Durance,
The con,lict +ill .e very sharp ,or t+o ar-ies,
Mesopota-ia +ill ,ail in 'rance2
4leins and Jernegues are t&o villages northeast of ;alon &here Nostradamus lived% The Luberon
2ountains are on the north side of the =urance /iver% The t&o armies may have been the *ermans
and 4llied forces in :orld :ar 33% .o&ever$ in other verses$ Nostradamus sees the destruction of
Paris$ a city &atered by the ;eine and 2arne C&here t&o rivers flo& as in the 3ra(i 2esopotamiaD$ so
the events of this verse may ta'e place in the future%
C # < 5 =A4rras X Bourges$ de Brodes grans enseignes$
Jn plus grand nombre de *ascons batre Z pied$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Ceu> long du /osne saigneront les +spaignesH
Proche du mont ou ;agonte sAassied%
'ro- Arras and our/es -any .anners o, the rodes,
A /reater o, &ascons .attle on ,oot,
Those alon/ the Rhone +ill cause the Spanish to .leed1
Near the -ountain +here Sa/unto sits2
4rras is in northern 8rance and the city of Bourges is in central 8rance% There &as a Battle of 4rras
&here 8rench soldiers from *ascony held off the siege by the ;panish in 1,9#% But there &as no
corresponding battle in Bourges or near ;agunto$ &hich is on the eastern coast of ;pain% The
FBrodesG may be the dar'er s'inned people of the ;panish 2oors$ FBroddeG in 7ld 8rench meaning
bro&n or dar'%
C # < # LAimpotent prince fachM$ plaincts X (uerelles$
=e rapts X pillM$ par co(z X par Liby(uesH
*rand est par terre par mer infinies voilles$
;eule 3talie sera chassant Celti(ues%
The po+erless prince an/ry, co-plaints and 6uarrels,
Rape and pilla/e .y coc0s and .y $i.yans1
&reatest .y land, .y sea in,inite sails,
Only Italy +ill .e chasin/ !elts2
This is a very general (uatrain and could be applied to almost any 8rench ruler e>cept for the
reference to the Libyans% 3f by FimpotentG Nostradamus is saying he could not father a child$ the
best candidate &ould be Louis 15$ but there is still a problem &ith the second line%
C # < , =Ahabits nouueau> apres faicte la treuue$
2alice tramme X machinationH
Premier mourra (ui en fera la preuue$
Couleur venise insidiation%
Ne+ clothes a,ter the discovery is -ade,
Malicious plot and -achination1
'irst 9Pre-ier: +ill die +ho +ill prove it,
!olor Ienetian trap2
This verse may be in reference to court politics% Prior to the 16""As Jenetian ambassadors sent
secret reports to heads of states about the politics and rumors and ne&s of +uropean courts% 3t is
(uite li'ely they &ere slanted in a &ay favorable to the /epublic of Jenice% These documents have
supplied modern historians &ith a treasure trove of information% This verse may be in connection
&ith one of JeniceAs slanted secret ne&s reports that had dire conse(uences for the 'ingdom
C # < 1" Le ieune prince accusM faulsement$
2ettra en trouble le camp X en (uerellesH
2eurtry le chef pour le soustenement$
;ceptre appaiserH puis guerir escrouelles%
The youn/ prince ,alsely accused,
#ill put the ar-y in trou.le and in 6uarrels1
!hie, -urdered ,or his support,
Sceptre to paci,y1 then to cure scro,ula2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The young prince may be Louis 15$ Louis 1#$ or Louis 19% They all came to po&er at a young age$
or this may be in reference to an +nglish prince% Louis 15$ ho&ever$ &as especially close to the
army$ ta'ing part in their e>ercises% This &ould all ta'e place prior to the princeAs coronation day%
4ll 8rench and +nglish 'ings &ere supposed to have the ability to cure scrofula by their touch on
their coronation day% C;crofula is a form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph glands and causing
inflammation of @oints%D
C # < 1! Le camp plus grand de route mis en fuite$
*uaires plus oultre ne sera pourchassMH
7st recampM$ X legion reduicte$
Puis hors des *aules du tout sera chassM%
The /reatest ar-y put to ,li/ht in disorder,
Scarcely any ,urther +ill it .e chased1
Ar-y reasse-.led, and the le/ion reduced,
Then they +ill all .e chased out o, 'rance2
7f all the &arfare seen by 8rance$ this verse can leave you &ondering &hich armyK This verse
may apply to the 8ranco-Prussian :ar as &ell as :orld :ar 3 and 33%
.ogue has a novel idea that the army is the 8rench army in :orld :ar 33 put to flight by
the *ermans% They regrouped$ but they &ere not able to stop the *erman march to Paris% They
@oined *eneral Charles de *aulleAs 8ree 8rench forces in +ngland$ &hich eventually @oined &ith the
4llied 8orces to chase the *ermans from 8rance%
C # < 15 =e plus grande perte nouuelles raportMes$
Le raport fait le camp sAestonneraH
Bandes vnies encontre reuoltMes$
=ouble phalange grand abandonnera%
Ne+s report o, a /reater loss,
The report +ill astonish the ar-y1
ands united a/ainst the revolters,
Dou.le phalan4 /reat a.andon-ent2
*arenciVres interprets this for the 196"As &hen a rumor spread through the army of the =u'e of
Parma telling of a great defeat% This left them so demoralized that the =utch succeeded in capturing
4nt&erp for a short time% The classical 2acedonian phalan> is 6"" men$ so a double phalan> &ould
be 1$,"" men%
C # < 1- Changer Z Beaune$ Nuy$ Chalons X =i@on$
Le duc voulant amander la BarrMe
2archant pres fleuue$ poisson$ bec de plongeon
Jerra la (ueueH porte sera serrMe%
To chan/e at eaune, Nuits, !halons and Di5on,
The du0e +ishin/ to i-prove the .arrios
Marchin/ 9Merchant: near the river, ,ish, .ea0 o, divin/ .ird
#ill see the tail1 the port +ill .e loc0ed2
None of the to&ns named in the first line are any&here near the sea or near a ma@or river% Beaune$
Nuits and =i@on are east of the 1ura 2ountains in eastern 8rance and Chalons is further south and
&est% Nostradamus does not mention the manner in &hich these cities are changed%
The storyline seems to be that the du'e is &ishing to do some remodeling on his rental
properties CbarriosD and sees a strange loo'ing enemy ship in the river% .e calls the authorities and
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
they close the port% Loo' for an anagram in Fla Barree%G 3n fact$ loo' for an anagram anytime
Nostradamus uses an unusual &ord%
Leoni lin's the &ord FBarreeG to the name applied to the Carmelite mon's% ;t% Theresa had
a vision in &hich she sa& the sister order of the Carmelite mon's reformed% .er vision &as realized
in 19,! after a long fight and many setbac's%

C # < !" Pai> vbertM long temps lieu loueraH
Par tout son regne desert la fleur de lysH
Corps morts dAeau$ terre la lAon aportera$
;perants vain heur dAestre la enseuelis%
Peace, a.undance ,or a lon/ ti-e the place +ill praise1
Throu/hout all his rei/n deserted the ,leurDdeDlys1
odies dead .y +ater, +ill .e .rou/ht to land,
Iainly a+aitin/ the hour to .e .uried there2
Times of peace for 8rance have been very fe&% The Belle +po(ue celebrated over #" years of peace
from 16-1 to 101#% Currently the longest time of peace 8rance has seen is from 10#9 on&ard% This
verse may be sho&ing the aftermath of :orld :ar 33 and Nostradamus is predicting a long time of
peace and abundance for his country%
The fleur-de-lys is the &hite banner used by 8rench /oyalty$ so this verse &ould be placed
after 16-1 &hen the hopes of the /oyalists &ere dashed for good% The last t&o lines cannot be
placed &ith a historical event%
C # < !1 Le changement sera fort difficile$
CitM$ prouince au change gain feraH
C[ur haut$ prudent mis$ chasM luy habile$
2er$ terre$ peuple son estat changera%
The chan/e +ill .e very di,,icult,
!ity and province +ill /ain .y the chan/e1
)eart hi/h, prudence placed, chased out the cunnin/ one,
Sea, land, people +ill chan/e their estate2
F.eart highG may be a name Nostradamus gives to someone% This verse does not seem to fit any one
historical event$ but it could be referencing any of the times of ad@ustment for 8rance% 4gain$ this
(uatrain may pertain to the condition of 8rance after :orld :ar 33% The cunning one &ould then be
C # < !! La grand copie (ui sera deschassMe$
=ans vn moment fera besoing au /oy$
La foy promise de loing sera faulcMe$
Nud se verra en piteu> desarroy%
The /reat ar-y +hich +as chased out,
In one -o-ent +ill .e needed .y the "in/,
The ,aith pro-ised ,ro- a,ar +ill .e ,alsi,ied,
)e +ill .e seen na0ed in piti,ul disarray2
This verse may be in regard to the 8ranco-Prussian :ar% The army Bazaine commanded &as far to
the east &hen it &as needed by Napoleon 333 in ;edan% This verse may also pertain to an allied army
that &as promised$ but never sent$ to assist a Iing or /uler in his &ar%
C # < !- ;alon$ 2ansol$ Tarascon de ;+Q% lAarc$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
7^ est debout encor la piramideH
Jiendront liurer le Prince =annemarc$
/achat honny au temple dA4rtemide%
Salon, Mausol, Tarascon the arch o, S%O2,
#here the pyra-id is still standin/1
They +ill co-e to deliver the Prince o, Danne-arc,
Rede-ption dishonored in the te-ple o, Arte-is2
The rich /hone delta area of southern 8rance is the setting% This is &here our ;eer &as born and
gre& up and died% .e names three placesH ;alon-de-Provence) Tarascon$ the one time capitol city of
Provence) and the enigmatic F2ansol%G 2ost commentators ta'e F2ansolG to be an erratum for
2ausol% ;aint-Paul-de-2ausole$ is a cloister at NostradamusA birth place at ;aint-/emy% Located at
;aint-/emy are t&o /oman monuments$ side by side% 7ne is called a mausoleum$ but according to
archeologists it is actually a monument shaped li'e a pyramid% The other monument is an arch of
triumph upon &hich is an inscription in Latin$ F;e> L%2% 1uliei C%8% Parentibus ;ueis%G .ogue
transcribes this as commemorating 1ulius CaesarAs victory over the *allic chieftain$Jercingetori> at
the siege of 4lesia in 9! B%C%
Leoni suggests that F4nnemarcG stands for the 'ingdoms of Bohemia and .ungary because
they &ere part of the do&ry of Princess 4nne$ &ife of the heir to the .oly /oman +mpire% .e
continues &ith the possibility that the Prince of 4nnemarc is the son of 8erdinand and 4nne$
2a>imilian$ &ho &as elected Iing of Bohemia in 19,! and Iing of .ungary in 19,5%
;ome commentators ta'e F=annemarcG to be F=enmar'%G
4rtemis is the *ree' e(uivalent of the /oman goddess of the moon$ =iana% There are many
temples in +urope and 4sia 2inor so dedicated%
C # < 59 Le feu estaint les vierges trahiront
La plus grand part de la bande nouuelleH
8ouldre Z fer$ lance les seulz /oys garderont
+trus(ue X Corse$ de nuict gorge allumelle%
The ,ire put out the vir/ins +ill .etray
The /reatest part o, the ne+ .and1
$i/htnin/ ,ro- +eapon, lance the lone "in/s +ill /uard
Tuscany and !orsica, .y ni/ht throat cut2
Line three probably describes a rifle% The virgins may be the vestal virgins that &ere given the tas'
of eternal vigilance in guarding the sacred flame of Jesta$ *oddess of the .earth$ suggesting ancient
/ome% This (uatrain may be referencing the problems that Jictor +mmanuel 33 had in 16," &ith the
Papal ;tates &hen uniting 3taly as one country under one 'ing$ e>cept that Corsica &as a 8rench
possession at that time%
C # < 56 Pendant (ue =uc$ /oy$ /oyne occupera$
Chef Bizant du captif en ;amothraceH
4uant lAassault lAvn lAautre mangera$
/ebours ferrM suyura du sang la trasse%
#hile the du0e 0eeps the "in/ and Hueen occupied,
The yzantine chie, captive in Sa-othrace1
e,ore the assault one +ill eat the other,
The -etaled reverse +ill ,ollo+ the trail o, .lood2
Nostradamus spea's in another verse of a &eapon &hose ingredients &ill eat one another Cperhaps
nuclearKD% The Fmetaled reverseG may also be a future &eapon% The Byzantine +mpire &as
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
composed of Tur'ey$ *reece$ Thrace$ ;icily$ Crete$ and ;ardinia$ but it usually thought of as
Tur'ey% ;amothrace is an island located in the 4egean ;ea south of *reece%
C # < 50 Les /odiens demanderont secours$
Par le neglet de ses hoyrs delaissMeH
LAempire 4rabe reualera son cours$
Par .esperies la cause redressMe%
Those o, Rhodes +ill de-and assistance,
y the ne/lect o, its heirs a.andoned1
The Ara. e-pire +ill reveal 9reassess: its course,
y the #est the cause readdressed2
/hodes is a *ree' 3sland located south of Tur'ey in the 4egean ;ea% Nostradamus predicts the
4egean ;ea area &ill see a lot of geographical changes &ith earth upheavals and then conflict in the
ne>t &ar% The 4rabian empire may be that of the *reat 4rab spo'en of in other (uatrains%
C # < #" Les forteresses des assiegMs serrMs$
Par poudre Z feu profondMs en abysmeH
Les proditeurs seront touts vifs serrMs
7nc au> sacristes nAaduint si piteu> scisme%
The ,ortresses o, the .esie/ed closed up,
y /unpo+der sun0 into the a.yss1
The traitors +ill all .e closed up alive
Never did such a piti,ul schis- happen to the sacristes 9se4tons:2
The ;acristans are the scribes and careta'ers of the boo's of the Catholic Church% 4 sacristy is a
room in a church &here sacred vessels and vestments are 'ept% The 7ld 8rench interpretation is
Fse>tons%G Nostradamus predicts a coming time of trauma for the Catholic Church$ and this verse
may fit a future application%
C # < #1 *ymni(ue se>e captiue par hostage$
Jiendra de nuit custodes deceuoirH
Le chef du camp deceu par son langageH
Lairra Z la gente$ fera piteu> Z voyr%
'e-ale 9/y-nastic: se4 captive as hosta/e,
#ill co-e .y ni/ht to deceive her /uards1
The chie, o, the ca-p deceived .y her lan/ua/e1
#ill a.andon her to the people, it +ill .e piti,ul to vie+2
The &ord Fgymni(ueG may be a blend of the *ree' FgyneG meaning female and the Latin
FgymnicusG meaning gymnastic% By Nostradamus saying this ta'es place at night$ loo' for the
historical event bet&een 199- and 1666% This may possibly be placed in *reece during the times of
the 7ttoman +mpire%
C # < #! *eneue X Langres par ceu> de Chartres X =ole$
+t par *renoble captif au 2ontlimardH
;eysset$ Losanne par fraudulente dole$
Les trahiront par or soy>ante marc%
&eneva and $an/res throu/h those o, !hartres and Dole,
And .y &reno.le captive at Monteli-ar1
Seyssel, $ausanne, throu/h ,raudulent deceit,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
They +ill .etray the- ,or /old si4ty -ar0s2
*eneva and Lausanne &ere Calvinist centers in ;&itzerland$ Langres is in Burgandy$ =ole is in
8ranch-Comte$ Chartres is in the 7rleanais$ and 2ontelimar is in =auphiny% Leoni states there &ere
t&in to&ns on opposite sides of the /hone$ belo& *eneva$ named ;eyssel% 3t is not clear &hy the
to&ns are being betrayed% This verse may be referencing a Calvinist intrigue% 4 mar' &as then
&orth a little over 6 ounces of gold%
C # < ## =eu> gros de 2ende$ de /oudMs X 2ilhau$
Cahours$ Limoges$ Castres malo sepmano
=e nuech lAintrado$ de Bourdeau> vn cailhau$
Par Perigort au toc de la campano%
The t+o lar/e ones o, Mende, o, Rodez and Milhau,
!ahors, $i-o/es, !astres .ad +ee0
y ni/ht the entry, o, ordeau4 an insult,
y Peri/ord at the peal o, the .ell2
4ll of the cities named are in south&est 8rance% Nostradamus uses a blend of ;panish$ 8rench$ and
ProvenBal &ords% The &ords Fby nightG may reference a historical event bet&een 199- and 1666%
This verse may be in reference to the :ars of /eligion%
C # < #9 Par conflit roy$ regne abandonnera$
Le plus grand chef faillira au besoingH
2ors profligMs peu en rechapera$
Tous destranchMs$ vn en sera tesmoing%
Throu/h con,lict "in/ his real- +ill a.andon,
The /reatest chie, +ill ,ail in ti-e o, need1
Deaths, overco-e ,e+ +ill escape,
All cut up, one +ill .e a +itness to it2
The 'ings that have lost on the field of battle leaving their realms &ithout a leader are fe&%
Napoleon 333 at ;edan in 16-" &as ta'en prisoner along &ith his men$ so this may or may not apply%
Nostradamus may have felt he should not have ta'en on the command of the army personally% Iing
;ebastian 3 of Portugal left to fight the 2oors in 19-6$ and his army &as over&helmed and totally
anhiliated$ along &ith the 'ing$ on the 2oroccan coast$ but no &itnesses% Iing Leopold 333 of
Belgium &as overcome by and surrendered to the *ermans in :orld :ar 33 and left his country &ith
no leader at a time of great need% There &as more than one &itness in this case%
C # < #, Bien defendu le faict par e>cellence$
*arde toy Tours de ta proche ruineH
Londres X Nantes par /eims fera defense
Ne passe outre au temps de la bruine%
The ,act +ell de,ended .y e4cellence,
&uard yoursel, Tours ,ro- your approachin/ ruin1
$ondon and Nantes throu/h Rei-s +ill -a0e a de,ense
Not passin/ .eyond in the ti-e o, drizzle 9sadness:2
?nless Nostradamus is using these cities as a synecdoche$ this cannot be applied to any &ar yet
fought on 8rench soil% Tours is south&est of Paris half&ay bet&een Paris and the Bay of Biscay%
Nantes is close to the bay% /eims is northeast of Paris$ far a&ay from these t&o cities% +nglish
involvement &ould ma'e this an international cause% The verse does not mention the name of the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C # < #- Le noir farouche (uand aura essayM
;a main sanguine par feu$ fer$ arcs tendusH
Trestout le peuple sera tant effraiM$
Joyr les plus grans par col X pieds pendus%
The sava/e .lac0 90in/: +hen he +ill have tried
)is .loody hand .y ,ire, +eapons, dra+n .o+s1
All his people +ill .e very ,ri/htened,
Seein/ the /reatest hun/ .y the nec0 and ,eet2
This verse has been applied to Charles 3Q &ho delighted in the 'illing of Protestants during the ;t%
Bartholome&As =ay 2assacre in 19-!% 4lso it has been applied to 2ussolini &ho &as 'illed and
hung upside do&n in 10#5% .o&ever$ the 3talians &ere not frightened by this event) they thre&
rotten vegetables at his body%
The verse has also been applied to ;talin and to 3van the Terrible of /ussia% Currently$ it
may be applied to ;addam .ussein if he is sentenced to death by hanging by the 3ra(i courts%
C # < #0 =euant le peuple sang sera respandu$
<ue du haut ciel ne viendra esloignerH
2ais dAvn long temps ne sera entendu$
LAesprit dAvn seul le viendra tesmoigner%
e,ore the people .lood +ill .e spilled,
Only ,ro- the hi/h heavens it +ill not co-e ,ar1
ut o, one ,or a lon/ ti-e nothin/ +ill .e heard,
The spirit o, one soul +ill co-e to .ear +itness2
This verse ma'es one thin' of the Challenger and Columbia space disasters% Both &ere seen on
television by millions of vie&ers% This may also be applied to the ;eptember 11$ !""1$ disaster in
Ne& Lor'% 3t &ill be interesting to see &ho this one soul is that bears &itness to a disaster of some
C # < 91 Jn =uc cupide son ennemy ensuyure$
=ans entrera empeschant la phalangeH
.astez Z pied si pres viendront poursuyure$
<ue la iournee conflite pres de *ange%
A Du0e ea/er to pursue his ene-y,
#ill enter inside to i-pede the phalan41
)urried on ,oot they +ill co-e to pursue so closely,
That the day +ill see a con,lict near &an/es2
*anges is a small to&n in Languedoc$ about t&enty-five miles north of 2ontpellier% 3t &as a
.uguenot center during the :ars of /eligion$ but no battle &as fought there% There &ere battles
fought near the *anges in 3ndia$ but that &ould be pretty far afield for Nostradamus%
C # < 99 <uant la corneille sur tour de bri(ue ioincte$
=urant sept heures ne fera (ue crierH
2ort presagee de sang statue taincte$
Tyran meurtri$ au> =ieu> peuple prier%
#hen the cro+ on the to+er o, 5oined .ric0,
'or seven hours +ill do nothin/ .ut cry1
Death presa/ed, the statue tainted +ith .lood,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Tyrant -urdered, people pray to their /ods2
The Fcro&G may be the ne&s media% .o&ever$ the to&er of @oined bric' is puzzling because all
bric' is @oined and there are many bric' to&ers% The statue may be the ;tatue of Liberty of the
?nited ;tates$ &hich is ominous%
C # < 96 ;oleil ardent dans le gosier coller$
=e sang humain arrouser terre +trus(ueH
Chef seille dAeaue$ mener son fils filer$
Captiue dame conduicte en terre Tur(ue%
To s+allo+ the ardent sun in the throat,
Tuscan land sprin0led +ith hu-an .lood1
!hie, pail o, +ater, to lead his son a+ay,
!aptive lady conducted into Tur0ish land2
The chief pail of &ater may be the beginning of the 4(uarian 4ge$ chief being the head Cor
beginningD of the cycle and the pail of &ater may stand for the &ater bearer$ 4(uarius% This may
also be a symbol for a country &ith the chief being the leader of this country% This &ould ta'e place
during a time of e>treme heat and the ne>t &ar in 3taly%
C # < 90 =eu> assiegez en ardente ferueur$
=e soif estaincts pour deu> plaines tassesH
Le fort limM$ X vn viellart resueur$
4u> *eneuois de Nira monstra trasse%
T+o .eset +ith ardent ,ervor,
y t+o ,ull cups thirst e4tin/uished1
The ,ort ,iled 9polished:, and an old drea-er,
To &enevans he +ill sho+ the trac0 o, Iran 9Nira:2
The *enevans$ in this case$ &ould most li'ely be either the ?nited Nations or the League of
Nations% ;ome commentators have applied this verse to President /eagan and the 3ranian arms for
hostages scandal%
C # < ,, ;oubz couleur faincte de sept testes rasees$
;eront semMs diuers e>plorateursH
Puys CpuitsD X fontaines de poysons arrosMes$
4u fort de *ennes humains deuorateurs%
Under the ,alse color o, seven shaven heads,
#ill .e diverse spies scattered1
)ills 9+ells: and ,ountains sprin0led +ith poison,
At the ,ort o, &enoa hu-an devourers2
The seven shaven heads may be priests or cardinals$ ma'ing this (uatrain possibly pertaining to the
&ars of religion in 8rance in the late 19""As% The &ells and fountains sprin'led &ith poison may
refer to &ritten propaganda$ or the &ells and fountains may be sources of 'no&ledge sprin'led &ith
poison% The port of *enoa sa& a great deal of conflict at that time%
C # < ,- LAan (ue ;aturne X 2ars esgaul> combust$
LAair fort seichM longue traiectionH
Par feu> secretz$ dAardeur grand lieu adust
Peu pluye$ vent chault CchauldD$ guerres$ incursions%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
In the year +hen Saturn and Mars are e6ually co-.usti.le,
The air very dry 9the air ,orce dry: lon/ tra5ection1
y secret ,ires, .y heat /reat place turned to dust 9scorched:
$ittle rain, hot +inds, +ars, incursions2
;aturn stands for dar' aspects and it is also the sign Nostradamus uses for ;oviet /ussia% 2ars is
the symbol for &ar or a &arring country% The long tra@ection may be missile or a comet% 3n the last
line$ the hot &inds could be angry public opinion%
C # < ,6 +n lAan bien proche non esloignM de Jenus$
Les deu> plus grans de lA4sie X dA4ffri(ue
=u /yn X .ister (uAon dira sont venus$
Crys$ pleurs Z 2alte X costM ligusti(ue%
In the year very near not ,ar ,ro- Ienus,
The t+o /reatest o, Asia and A,rica
They +ill .e said to have co-e ,ro- the Rhine and )itler,
!ries, tears at Malta and the $i/urian coast2
.ogue and Cheetham both agree this is about the 4>is allies of Nazi *ermany$ 3taly and 1apan and
the signing of the Tripartite pact in 10#1% But this doesnAt e>actly fit the (uatrain% Jenus &ould be
the ?nited ;tates% This (uatrain may be placed further along in :orld :ar 33%
C # < -1 +n lieu dAespouse les filles trucidMes$
2eurtre Z grand faulte ne sera superstileH
=edans le puys vestules inondMes$
LAespouse estaincte par hauste dA4conile%
In place o, the +i,e 9.ride: the -aids 9dau/hters: 0illed,
Murder .y /reat error there +ill .e no survivors1
Inside the +ells the vestals inundated 9dro+ned:,
The +i,e 9.ride: e4tin/uished .y a drin0 o, Aconite2
.ogue suggests this verse is regarding the /omanov murders in /ussia in 1016 &hen Tsar Nicholas
33 and his &ife and daughters and son &here shot in a basement and their bodies dumped into a
flooded mine shaft% This is a good possibility$ ho&ever$ there are many (uatrains that mention &ells$
so this may pertain to a future event% 4conite is a poison made of &olfsbane or mon'shood%
C # < -! Les 4rtomi(ues par 4gen X lA+store CLectoureD$
4 sainct 8eli> feront leur parlementH
Ceul> de Basas viendront Z la malAheure$
;aisir Condon X 2arsan promptement%
The Arto-i6ues .y A/en and $ectoure,
At SaintD'eli4 +ill hold their parlia-ent1
Those o, azas +ill co-e at the un,ortunate hour,
To pro-ptly seize !ondo- and Marsan2
The clue to solving this (uatrain is the &ord F4rtomi(ues%G The *ree' &ord F4rtosG means Fbread$G
so a possible meaning may be the Protestants Chaving communion &ith unleavened breadD ma'ing
this verse refer to the &ars of religion% ;aint-8Mli> is a village about t&enty-five miles southeast of
Toulouse% 3t &as once the seat of an assembly of the 4lbigensians in 11,-%
The &ord F4rtomi(uesG may be a reference to the supporters of the Comte =A4rtois$ brother
to Louis 1, and Louis 16$ &ho succeeded to the throne of 8rance as Charles Q in 16!#%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Leoni suggests the &ord is a misprint for F4recomiciG derived from the name of one of the
t&o tribes forming the great Jolcae nation in ancient *aul &ith their chief city being Nimes) thus the
&ord &ould pertain to those of Nimes%
The &ord F4rtomi(uesG is also reminiscent of F4tomic ones%G
C # < -5 Le nepueu grand par force prouuera$
Le pache fait du c[ur pusillanimeH
8errare X 4st le =uc esprouuera$
Par lors (uAau soir sera le pantomime%
The /reat nephe+ .y ,orce +ill prove,
The pact 9a/ree-ent: -ade .y the co+ardly heart1
The du0e +ill test 'errara and Asti,
#hen the co-edy ta0es place in the evenin/2
2ost commentators apply this verse to the assassination of =u'e de Berry$ nephe& of Louis 1,% .e
&as stabbed as he &as leaving the Paris 7pera by the /evolutionary e>tremist$ Lavel% The to&ns of
8errara and 4sti are in 3taly% 8errara is north of Bologna and 4sti is in Piedmont% 4nother possible
interpretation is that the Fgreat nephe&G is the ?nited ;tates and this verse may refer to the
assassination of 4braham Lincoln &hich too' place at the 8ord Theater during a play Ca comedyD%
.o&ever$ the third line still cannot be e>plained%
C # < -# =u lac lyman ClemanD X ceu> de Brannonices$
Tous assemblez contre ceu> dA4(uitaine
*ermains beaucoup encor plus ;ouisses$
;eront defaictz auec ceu> dA.umaine Cdu 2aineD%
Those o, &eneva and Macon,
All asse-.led a/ainst those o, A6uitaine
Many &er-ans and also -ore S+iss,
#ill .e de,eated +ith those o, )u-aine 9o, Maine:2
There are several (uatrains that point to&ard a conflict in 4(uataine$ the large province in south&est
8rance% 2acon is on the ;aone /iver in Burgandy in eastern 8rance% This verse predicts a defeat for
the 8rench$ ;&iss and *ermans by un'no&n forces in 4(uataine% The &ord F.umaineG may stand
for the department of 2aine or it may pertain to the name of a future organization%
C # < -, Les Nictobriges par ceu> de Perigort$
;eront ve>ez tenant ius(ues au /osneH
LAassociM de *ascons X Begorne$
Trahir le temple$ le prebstre estant au prosne%
The Ni.o.ri/es 9people o, A/en: .y those o, Peri/ord,
#ill .e ve4ed holdin/ as ,ar as the Rhone1
The association o, &ascons and i/orre,
etrayal to the te-ple, the priest /ivin/ his ser-on2
This verse probably relates to an unrecorded event in the &ars of religion% *ascony and Bigorre &ere
Protestant strongholds and belonged to .enry of Navarre$ later Iing .enry 3J of 8rance%
C # < -6 La grand armee de la pugne ciuile$
Pour de nuict Parme Z lAestrange trouuMe
;eptante neuf meurtris dedans la ville$
Les estrangiers passez tous Z lAespee%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The /reat ar-y o, the civil +ar,
y ni/ht Par-a +ill ,ind the ,orei/n one
SeventyDnine -urdered in the to+n,
The ,orei/ners all put to the s+ord2
By saying this event occurs Fat nightG Nostradamus means prior to 1666% This (uatrain most li'ely
pertains to the ;panish =u'e of Parma &ho fought the =utch sub@ects in their bloody &ar for
independence$ but this is a very general (uatrain and does not seem to indicate a specific event% The
verse may also be referencing the city of Parma in 3taly%
C # < -0 ;ang /oyal fuis$ 2onhurt$ 2as$ +sguillon$
/emplis seront de Bourdelois les landes$
Nauarre$ Bygorre poinctes X eguillons$
Profondz de faim vorer de liege glandes%
'lee Royal lood, Monheurt, Mas 9$eDMasDdA/enais:, Ai/uillon,
#ill .e ,ull o, ourdelois the $andes,
Navarre, i/orre points and spurs,
Deep in hun/er to devour acorns o, the cor0 oa02
4ll of the cities named are in south&estern 8rance and they &ere inclined to the Protestant faith%
Iing .enry of Navarre$ soon to be Iing .enry 3J of 8rance$ returned to this area during the &ars of
religion% 4s Cheetham points out$ FBigorreG &as the rallying cry for .uguenots Cthose of the
Protestant faithD% .ogue attributes this verse to the ;eventh :ar of /eligion in 196"%
C # < 61 Pont on fera promptement de nacelles$
Passer lAarmee du grand prince Belgi(ueH
=ans profondrMs X non loing de Brucelles$
7utre passMs$ detrenchMs sept Z pic(ue%
A .rid/e o, .oats is pro-ptly .uilt,
To pass the ar-y o, the /reat el/ian Prince1
Pourin/ ,orth inside and not ,ar ,ro- russels,
Passed .eyond, seven cut in pieces .y the pi0e2
This verse &ould either pertain to :orld :ar 3 or :orld :ar 33% 3n both cases$ the *ermany army
did not respect the neutrality of Belgium and invaded the nation$ &hich incidentally$ did not e>ist at
the time Nostradamus &rote the verse% The great prince during :orld :ar 3 &as Iing 4lbert 3
&hose forces fought the *ermans throughout the &ar% 3n :orld :ar 33$ Iing Leopold 333 &as forced
to surrender unconditionally in 2ay of 10#"% .ogue attributes this verse to Phillip 33 of ;pain &ho
possessed the ;panish Netherlands and attac'ed northern 8rance$ possibly after crossing the /iver
C # < 65 Combat nocturne le vaillant capitaine$
Jaincu fuyra peu de gens profligMH
;on peuple esmeu$ sedition non vaine$
;on propre filz le tiendra assiegM%
Nocturnal, the valiant captain,
!on6uered ,lees, .y a ,e+ people overco-e1
)is people stirred up, sedition not in vain,
)is o+n son +ill hold hi- .esie/ed2
There is no historical record of the son of a captain holding his father besieged% .o&ever$ if you
consider the ;panish Netherlands as the son CcolonyD of ;pain$ then this may apply to an incident in
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
the =utch revolution for independence from ;pain% ;ince they eventually$ after 6" years$ became
independent$ their sedition &as not in vain%
C # < 6# Jn grand dA4u>erre mourra bien miserable$
ChassM de ceu> (ui soubz luy ont estMH
;errM de chaines$ apres dAvn rude cable$
+n lAan (ue 2ars$ Jenus$ X ;ol mis en estM%
A /reat one o, Au4erre +ill die,
!hased out .y those +ho +ere under hi-1
Put in chains, a,ter o, one rude ca.le,
In the year +hen Mars, Ienus and Sun are placed in su--er2
The 'ey to solving this (uatrain &ould be to figure out &ho the great one is from 4u>erre$ a city in
Burgandy% Leoni &as unable to find a notable from 4u>erre% .ogue gives an astrological date
potential of 4ugust !"10$ &hen the ;un$ Jenus$ and 2ars pass through Leo% .o&ever$ this may also
be con@unction ta'ing place in Cancer or Jirgo% 7r 2ars could be a &arring party &ith the ?nited
;tates CJenusD and 1apan or /ome C;unD as its allies%
C # < 6, LAan (ue ;aturne en eau sera conioinct$
4uec(ues ;ol$ le /oy fort X puissantH
4 /eims X 4i> sera receu X oingt$
4pres con(uestes meurtrira innocens%
The year that Saturn is con5oined +ith a +ater si/n,
#ith the Sun, the stron/ and po+er,ul "in/1
#ill .e received and anointed at Rei-s and Ai4,
A,ter con6uests he +ill -urder innocents2
This verse &ould pertain to a po&erful 'ing &ho &as cro&ned at both /eims$ the coronation site for
8rench 'ings$ and 4i>% 4i> may be 4i>-la-Chapelle Cthe modern 4achen in *ermanyD &hich &as the
coronation site for +mperors of the .oly /oman +mpire% 4i> may also be a city in 8rance as there
are many that start &ith F4i>$G including the capital city of Provence%
The only 'ing of 8rance to be cro&ned in t&o separate places &as .enry of Navarre% The
Iing of Navarre$ so cro&ned in 19-!$ became .enry 3J of 8rance in 1960% But F*ood Iing
.enryG &as not 'no&n for murdering innocents and his reign &as (uite beneficial for 8rance%
.ogue gives an astrological time table for November !"1# and 8ebruary !0$ !"!# &hen ;aturn &ill
be con@unct a &ater sign CCancer$ Pisces$ or ;corpioD%
C # < 6- Jn filz du /oy tant de langues aprins$
4 son aisnM au regne differentH
;on pere beau au plus grand filz comprins
8era perir principal adherent%
The son o, a "in/, learned in -any lan/ua/es,
Di,,erent ,ro- his elder in the rei/n1
)is handso-e ,ather understood .y the /reater son
#ill cause his principal adherent to perish2
.ogue ma'es a good guess at placing the sub@ect of this verse as Iing .enry 333 &ho &as s'illed at
languages and murdered the *uise brothers$ his principal adherents%
C # < 66 Le grand 4ntoine du nom de faict sordide
=e Phthyriase Z son dernier rongMH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
?n (ui de plomb voudra estre cupide$
Passant le port dAesleu sera plongM%
Anthony, /reat .y na-e .ut .y deed sordid
!onsu-ed .y lice to his +asted end1
One +ho +ill .e desirous o, lead,
Passin/ the port .y the elected ones he +ill .e i--ersed2
This is a difficult prophecy to translate and does not fit a historical event% The problem of lice
infestation CphthyriaseD &as common during the early years of +urope% +ven Philip 33 of ;pain had a
serious problem% Line three is curious as to &hy one &ould &ant lead$ ma'ing you thin' he &as
either suicidal or needed lead for shielding from radioactivity%
C # < 0" Les deu> copies au> murs ne pourront ioindre
=ans cest instant trembler 2ilan$ TicinH
8aim$ soif$ doubtance si fort les viendra poindre$
Chair$ pain$ ne viures nAauront vn seul boucin%
The t+o ar-ies at the +alls 9.orders: +ill not .e 5oined
In that instant Milan and Pavia +ill tre-.le1
)un/er, thirst, stron/ dou.t +ill a,,ect the-,
Meat, .read, supplies, they +ill not have a sin/le -outh,ul2
Napoleon occupied 2ilan and Pavia in the 1-0"As but there &as no ma@or siege$ nor &as there t&o
armies &ishing to @oin that is documented in history% Pavia is about !9 miles south of 2ilan%
C # < 01 4u duc *aulois contrainct battre au duelle$
La nef 2ellele monech nAapprochera$
Tort accusM$ prison perpetuelle$
;on fils regner auant mort taschera%
The 'rench du0e +ill .e co-pelled to ,i/ht a duel,
The ship Mellele +ill not approach Monaco,
#ron/ly accused, perpetual prison,
)is son +ill strive to rei/n .e,ore his death2
There is no historical incident this verse &ould fit$ certainly none regarding the 'ings of 8rance%
C # < 0! Teste tranchee du vaillant capitaine$
;era gettee deuant son aduersaireH
;ons corps pendu de la classe Z lAantenne$
Confus fuira par rames Z vent contraire%
The head o, the valiant captain cut o,,,
It +ill .e thro+n .e,ore his adversary1
)is .ody hun/ on the ships yardar- 9antenna:,
!on,used, he +ill ro+ a/ainst the +ind2
3n the last line$ Fro&ing against the &indG &ould mean going against public opinion% There have
probably been many incidents &here the head of the captain of a ship &as lopped off% Nostradamus
usually &rites of pivotal events in +uropean history% .o&ever$ .ogue &rites that in the Battle of
Lepanto$ a Christian sailor lopped off the head of a dead Tur'ish captain and displayed it to frighten
the Tur'ish fighters%
C # < 09 Le regne Z deu> laissM bien peu tiendront$
Trois ans sept mois passMs feront la guerre
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Les deu> vestales contre rebelleront$
Jictor puis nay en armoni(ue terre%
The rei/n le,t to t+o they +ill hold it ,or a short ti-e,
Three years seven -onths .e,ore they +ill -a0e +ar
The t+o Iestals 9Iir/ins:9Iir/o: +ill re.el a/ainst the-,
The victor is .orn on A-erican 9Ar-oni6ue: soil2
3t is amazing that Nostradamus recognized 4merica as this continent had only been discovered
shortly C9- yearsD before he &rote and it did not have a name other than the :est 3ndies% The Jestals
could be ne& countries CJirginD or a country under the domain of Jirgo% 2undane astrology$ as used
by Nostradamus$ gave each country an astrological ruler%
C # < 0- LAan (ue 2ercure$ 2ars$ Jenus$ retrograde$
=u grand 2onar(ue la ligne ne faillirH
+sleu du peuple lAvsitant pres de *agdole CPactoleD$
<uAen pai> X regne viendra fort enuiellir%
The year +hen Mercury, Mars and Ienus are retro/rade,
The line o, the &rand Monarch +ill not ,ail1
%lected .y the people $usitania near &a/dole,
One +ho +ill co-e to /ro+ very old in peace and rei/n2
The people of Lusitania are the Portuguese% *audole or *agdole or *andole may be the ;panish
city of Cadiz$ south of Portugal% The *rand 2onarch &as Louis 1# &ho &as able to place his
grandson on the throne of ;pain as Philip J% .is successors to the throne of ;pain included Louis$
8erdinand J3$ and Charles 333% Philip J reigned until his death in 1-#, at age ,5% The Portuguese
royal line may have included the Bourbon blood by marriage% .ogue (uotes Prieditis &ho claimed
2ercury$ 2ars and Jenus &ere retrograde &hen 1oao &as elected 'ing in 1,#"$ the year &hen
Portugal gained its independence from ;pain$ but he &as not of the Louis 1# Bourbon line unless by
marriage% The 'ey to solving the (uatrain is to locate an elected ruler or president of Portugal from
the Bourbon line%
C # < 06 Les 4lbanois passeront dedans /ome$
2oyennant Langres demipler_ affublMs_$
2ar(uis X =uc ne pardonnes Z homme$
8eu$ sang$ morbilles point dAeau faillir les bledz%
The Al.anians 9those o, Al.a: +ill pass into Ro-e,
y -eans o, $an/res de-ipler -u,,led up 9or +ea0ened:,
Mar6uis and Du0e +ill pardon no -an,
'ire, .lood, s-allpo4, al-ost no +ater, the /rain crops ,ail2
_un'no&n &ord% Leoni gives a possible meaning to FdemiplerG of Fmob-full or multitudeG and
*arencieres translated it as Fhalf helmets%G 4nother thought is that FdemiplerG may be demi ChalfD
pleur C&eepingD or half crying% The &ord FaffublesG may mean either muffled up or &ea'ened or
something else entirely% This is a very difficult line to translate%
C # < 00 LAaisnM vaillant de la fille du /oy$
/epoussera si profond les Celti(uesH
<uAil mettra foudres$ combien en tel arroy
Peu X loing puis profond Ms .esperi(ues%
The valiant eldest son o, the "in/s dau/hter,
#ill repulse the 'rench very ,ar1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)e +ill thro+ thunder.olts, so -any in such an array
Near and ,ar, then deep into the #est2
The thunderbolts thro&n by the son may be missiles ma'ing this verse sound very modern%
!%NTUR3 ;
C 9 < 9 ;ouz ombre faincte dAoster de seruitude$
Peuple X citM lAvsurpera luy mesmeH
Pire fera par frau> de ieune pute$
LiurM au champ lisant le fau> poesme%
Under the shado+y pretense o, re-ovin/ servitude,
)e +ill usurp ,or hi-sel, the people and city1
'ar +orse he +ill do .y the deceipt o, a youn/ prostitute,
Delivered in the ,ield readin/ the ,alse poe-2
2any commentators assign this verse to .itler$ &ho too' Paris% The young prostitute may be the
ne&ly formed Jichy government &hich gave false assurances to the 8rench citizens% .o&ever$ this
verse could also pertain to other leaders &ho ta'e cities under the pretense of removing servitude%
C 9 < 6 ;era laissM feu vif$ mort cachM$
=edans les globes horrible espouuentable$
=e nuict Z classe citM en poudre laschM$
La citM Z feu$ lAennemy fauorable%
There +ill .e let loose livin/ ,ire, hidden death,
Inside the / horri.le ,ri/ht,ulness,
y ni/ht the city -ade into dust .y the ,leet 9ar-y:,
The city on ,ire, the ene-y ,avora.le2
The FglobesG could be bombs$ or missiles$ or even a ne& form of &eapon% By saying Fliving fire
&ith hidden deathG this could mean nuclear bombs Cliving fireD &ith hidden death through radiation
4nother thought is this may be Bismarc'As assault on the City of Paris in 16-1 Cat nightD% .e
used long range cannons and leveled many parts of the city before it surrendered%
C 9 < 0 3us(ues au fonds le grand ar( demolue$
Par chef captif$ lAamy anticipMH
Naistra de dame front face cheuelue$
Lors par astuce =uc Z mort attrapM%
The /rand arch 9arc: de-olished as ,ar as the ,oundation,
The ,riend anticipated .y chie, captive1
orn to the lady +ith ,orehead and ,ace covered .y hair,
Then .y cunnin/, the du0e trapped .y death2
2ost commentators believe this (uatrain pertains to the assassination attempt on the life of
Napoleon 333 in 1696% .e &as involved in the 3talian revolutionary movement$ &hich he abandoned
to become involved in 8rench politics% 8our 3talians$ feeling betrayed because of the failure of the
revolution$ tried to assassinate him as he left the 7pera% 4lthough Napoleon 333 &as the son of the
@oint rulers of the Iingdom of .olland$ the lady &ho gave him birth politically &ould be 3taly$ a
female country under the rulership of Leo Ca lion has forehead and face covered by hairD$ according
to the symbols Nostradamus uses% 8elice 7rsini$ the leader Cthe du'eD$ &as e>ecuted for the act
&hich &as designed to arouse &orld interest in the 3talian cause% Parado>ically$ Napoleon 333
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
decided to intervene in favor of 3talian unification% .o&ever$ the first line does not fit @ust right and
the female lion may be a female British citizen%
C 9 < 1" Jn chef Celti(ue dans le conflict blessM
4upres de caue voyant siens mort abbatreH
=e sang X playes X dAennemis pressM$
+t secourus par incognus de (uatre%
A !eltic chie, +ounded in the con,lict,
Seein/ the death o, his o+n near a cave1
y .lood and +ounds and .y ene-ies pressed,
And assistance .y ,our un0no+n ones2
2any thin' this verse continues the assassination attempt on the life of Napoleon 333 by four
3talians in 1696% .o&ever$ it @ust does not fit e>actly right%
C 9 < 11 2er par solaires seure ne passera$
Ceu> de Jenus tiendront toute lA4ffri(ueH
Leur regne plus ;ol$ ;aturne nAoccupera$
+t changera la part 4siati(ue%
The sea +ill not .e passed sa,ely .y those o, the Sun,
Those o, Ienus +ill hold all o, A,rica1
Their real- -ore Sun, Saturn +ill no lon/er occupy,
And the Asiatic part +ill chan/e2
Those of the ;un may be 3talians$ being designated by Nostradamus as Leo) or they may be the
1apanese Cthe land of the rising sunD% Jenus &ould be the ?nited ;tates% ;aturn may stand for bad
aspects or for /ussia% This could be a (uatrain sho&ing a peaceful state of affairs in the &orld
e>cept for the problems at sea for one country%
C 9 < 1! 4upres du lac Leman sera conduite$
Par garse estrange citM voulant trahirH
4uant son meurtre Z 4uspourg la grand suite
+t ceu> du /hyn la viendront inuahir%
Near $a0e &eneva +ill .e conducted,
y a ,orei/n -aiden 9,orei/n prostitute: +ishin/ to .etray the city1
e,ore its 9her: -urder at Au/s.ur/ the /rand suite 9,ollo+in/:
And those o, the Rhine +ill co-e to invade2
This verse may be about the Thirty Lears :ar from 1,16 to 1,#6 &hich &as fought bet&een the
Lutherans in *ermany and the Catholics over the treaty of the Peace of 4ugsburg in 1999 &hich
allo&ed *erman Princes to choose bet&een the Lutheran /eligion and Catholicism% The &ar
eventually spread to most of +urope &ith 8rance entering in 1,5, allied against the Catholic
C 9 < 15 Par grande fureur le /oy /omain Belgi(ue
Je>er vouldra par phalange barbareH
8ureur grinsseant$ chassera gent Lybi(ue
=espuis Pannons ius(ues .ercules la hare%
y /reat ,ury the Ro-an el/ian "in/
#ill +ant to ve4 .y the .ar.arian phalan41
&nashin/ ,ury, he +ill chase out the $i.yans
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
'ro- )un/ary as ,ar as the Pillars o, )ercules2
The verse may be about .itler Cthe ruler of *ermany &hich &as part of the old /oman +mpire and
also he &as the con(ueror of BelgiumD% .is North 4frican campaigns failed because of the
superiority of +nglish and 4merican forces% But not everything fits here as &ell as it should%
C 9 < 1# ;aturne X 2ars en leo +spagne captifue$
Par chef Lybi(ue au conflict attrapM$
Proche de 2althe$ .eredde C.erodeD prinse viue$
+t /omain sceptre sera par co( frappM%
Saturn and Mars in $eo Spain captive,
y the chie, o, $i.ya trapped in the con,lict,
Near Malta, )eredde 9)erodde: ta0en alive,
And Ro-an scepter +ill .e struc0 .y the !oc02
;aturn Cbad aspectsD and 2ars C&arD in Leo C3talyD &ith ;pain captive may pertain to the Napoleonic
era &hen Napoleon con(uered 3taly and put his brother on the throne of ;pain% NapoleonAs 8rench
forces occupied much of ;pain until the general ;panish insurrection$ assisted by British forces$
drove them out of the country in 161#% North 4frica may be representative of NapoleonAs +gyptian
campaigns and he did capture 2alta in 1-06% 3n 3taly$ the Pope$ Pius J3 C/oman scepterD &as ta'en
captive by Napoleon%
The enigmatic F.eroddeG or F.ereddeG is unsolved% This may be a feminine aspect of the
biblical Iing .erod$ enemy of Christ% :atch for a future event this verse may fit%
C 9 < 1, 4 son hault pris plus la larme sabee$
=Ahumaine chair par mort en cendre mettre$
4 lAisle Pharos par croisars perturbee$
4lors (uAa /odes paroistra dur espectre%
The Sa.ine tear at its hi/hest price,
)u-an ,lesh turned to ashes .y death,
At the isle o, Pharos distur.ance .y crusaders,
#hen at Rhodes appears a hard phanto-2
Leoni translates FsabeeG as the 4rabian city of ;aba famed for fran'incense% 8ran'incense is the
mil'y-&hite resin of the 8ran'incense Tree% 3t is used for religious rites% Perhaps some day it &ill be
the ingredient for the rain of mil' Nostradamus predicts for our future%
F;abeeG could also be translated as F;abine%G The ;abines &ere inhabitants of Latium$ 3taly$
northeast of /ome% Their &omen &ere abducted by the /omans to populate their city% The isle of
Pharos is at the harbor of 4le>andria$ +gypt%
C 9 < 1- =e nuict passant le roy pres dAvne 4ndronne$
Celuy de Cipres X principal guetteH
Le roy failli la main fuict long du /osne$
Les coniurMs lAiront Z mort mettre%
The 0in/ at ni/ht passin/ near an alley 9Andro/yn:,
)e +ho o, !yprus and principal /uard1
The 0in/ ,ails the hand ,lees the len/th o, the Rhone,
The conspirators to put hi- to death there2
F4ndroneG may be translated as FalleyG in 7ld 8rench% 7r Nostradamus may have intended the
&ord to relate to F4ndrogyne%G The *ree' island of Cyprus is rather far a&ay from the /hone /iver$
so in spite of FnightG mentioned$ this action may be placed in the modern era%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 9 < 16 =e deuil mourra lAinfeli> profligM$
Celebrera son vitri> lAhecatombeH
Pristine loy franc edict redigM$
Le mur X Prince au septiesme iour tombe%
Overco-e, the unhappy one +ill die o, /rie,,
The con6ueress +ill cele.rate the hecato-.1
'or-er la+, 'rench 9,ree: edict dra+n up,
The +all 9.order: and the prince ,alls on the seventh day2
The victorious &ould be a female country that celebrates the victory of the slaughter% The unhappy
one &ould be a country or a ruler that has been con(uered% This verse again spea's of a &all falling
and a prince Cor famous personD dying% C ! < 9- and C ! < ,5 both spea' of a &all and a person
&ho dies% C ! < ,5 seems to be in regard to the Battle of 3vry &here Iing .enry of Navarre
CProtestantD &on over the =uc de 2ayenne CCatholicD in 190"%
C 9 < 10 Le grand /oyal dAor$ dAYrain augmentM$
/ompu la pache$ par ieune ouuerte guerreH
Peuple affligM par vn chef lamentM$
=e sang barbare sera couuerte terre%
The /reat royal o, /old, au/-ented .y .rass 9.ronze:,
The pact .ro0en, +ar opened .y a youn/ -an1
People a,,licted .y a la-ented chie,,
ar.arian .lood covers the land2
Brass Cor bronzeD is the metal ascribed by alchemists as representative of prophecy and paranormal
po&ers% This verse may relate to the T&enty-8irst Century$ the T&entieth Century being the Century
of the ;un C*oldD no& augmented by the 4ge of 4(uarius Cbrass or bronzeD% ;ee also C 9 < #1% The
timing of this verse &ould be after !"1! &hen$ according to .indu Jedic lore$ &e enter the 4ge of
C 9 < !1 Par le trepas du monar(ue latin$
Ceu> (uAil aura par regne secouruzH
Le feu luyra$ diuisM le butin$
La mort publi(ue au> hardis incoruz%
y the trespass 9death: o, the $atin -onarch,
Those +ho- he +ill have assisted in his rei/n1
The ,ire shines, dividin/ the .ooty,
The pu.lic death ,or the .old ones +ho incurred it2
The secret to solving this (uatrain is to determine &hich Latin 2onarch% Leoni ma'es a point that
FLatiumG or FLatinG means the Pope% There are several rulers of 3taly &ho met a public death
through assassinations such as Iing ?mberto 3$ &ho &as shot by Bresci$ an unemployed 4merican
&eaver% .e &as remembered as a good 'ing &ho assisted many of his sub@ects% The more modern
commentators attribute this verse to the public death of 2ussolini and his follo&ers in 10#9%
C 9 < !! 4uant (uAZ /ome grand aye rendu lAame
+ffrayeur grande Z lAarmMe estrangereH
Par +sc(uandrons lAembusche pres de Parme$
Puis les deu> rouges ensemble feront chere%
e,ore the /reat one o, Ro-e has /iven up his soul
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
&reat ,ear ,or the ,orei/n ar-y1
y S6uadrons the a-.ush near Par-a,
Then the t+o red ones 5oin to/ether in /ood cheer2
The great one of /ome is more than li'ely a pope$ but &hich oneK The t&o red ones may be
cardinals or they may be t&o revolutionary leaders%
C 9 < !5 Les deu> contens seront vnis ensemble$
<uant la pluspart Z 2ars seront conioinctH
Le grand dA4ffri(ue en effrayeur X trembleH
=JJ2J3/4T par la classe desioinct%
The t+o contented ones +ill .e 5oined to/ether,
#hen ,or the -ost part they are con5oined to Mars1
The /reat one o, A,rica tre-.les in ,ear1
DUUMIIRAT dis5oined .y the ,leet 9,orces, ar-y, .rea0s:2
The &ord F=uumvirateG means a t&in alliance or t&o heads of state% This happened in 8rance in
10#" &hen the Jichy government held the southern part of 8rance and the *ermans controlled the
rest of the country%
4nother t&in alliance &as the dual monarchy of 4ustria-.ungary from 16,- to 1016% Both
nations en@oyed their o&n self-government and representation in @oint affairs$ principally in foreign
relations and defence Cthe t&o contented onesD% 3t &as a multi-national +mpire and its political life
&as dominated by disputes bet&een the eleven principal national groups Cmostly con@oined to
2arsD% The territory of Bosnia and .erzegovina$ occupied by 4ustro-.ungarian forces since 16-6$
&as anne>ed in 7ctober 10"6% The threat to ;erbian ;lavs of losing their territory led to the
assassination of 8ranz 8erdinand$ 4rchdu'e of 4ustria$ in 101# by a ;erbian nationalist$ &hich in
turn triggered :orld :ar 3% The end of the &ar mar'ed the end of 4ustria-.ungary in 1016% The
follo&ing countries &ere created out of the former .apsburg landsH 4ustria$ .ungary$
Czechoslova'ia$ Lugoslavia$ and Poland$ &ith some of the remaining territory being given to
/omania and 3taly%
3n Line 5$ the great one of 4frica &ho trembles is un'no&n and may not fit either of the
above applications%
C 9 < !- Par feu X armes non loing de la marnegro$
Jiendra de Perse occuper TrebisondeH
Trembler Pharos CPhatosD 2ethelin$ ;ol alegro$
=e sang 4rabe dA4drie couuert onde%
y ,ire and ar-s not ,ar ,ro- the lac0 Sea,
#ill co-e the Persian to occupy Tra.izon1
Pharos, Mytilen to tre-.le, the Sun cheer,ul,
The Adriatic Sea covered +ith Ara. .lood2
9M #ith Ara. .lood )adrie covers the sea:2
_4lternate reading of Line #% Trabizon is in northern Tur'ey on the Blac' ;ea% Pharos forms part of
the harbor at 4le>andria$ +gypt$ and 2ytilen is on the 3sland of Lesbos in the 4egean ;ea belonging
to *reece$ but close to Tur'ey% The 4driatic ;ea is bet&een 3taly and Bosnia%
C 9 < !6 Le bras pendu X la iambe liMe$
Jisaige pasle au seing poignard cachMH
Trois (ui seront iurez de la meslee$
4u grand de *ennes sera le fer laschM%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The ar-s 9ar-y: han/in/ and the le/ 9support: .ound,
'ace pale, da//er hidden in his .oso-1
Three +ho +ill .e s+orn in the -elee,
The /reat one o, &enoa +ill .e struc0 .y the +eapon2
The arms hanging &ould be armies not active and the leg bound &ould be support bound up in
some manner% ;ome commentators apply this verse to the assassination of Iing ?mberto of 3taly
&ho &as shot% The unemployed 4merican &eaver$ Bresci$ &as later tried and convicted to a life
sentence% 3t &as found that he acted alone% The only &ay to solve this verse is to unravel the name
of the great one of *enoa%
C 9 < 5# =u plus profond de lAoccident 4nglois$
7^ est le chef de lAisle Britanni(ueH
+ntrera classe dans *yronde par Blois$
Par vin X sel$ feu> cachez au> barri(ues%
O, the deepest part o, the %n/lish +est,
#here the head o, the ritish Isles is1
A ,leet 9,orces: +ill enter the &ironde throu/h lois,
y +ine and salt, ,ires hidden in the .arrels2
The deepest part of the British :est may be either :ales$ or perhaps Canada$ or even the ?nited
;tates% The *ironde is an estuary in the 4tlantic near Bordeau>% Blois is much further north%
Nostradamus has other verses &hich predict problems for this general area% :ine and salt &ould be
e>perience in leadership and &isdom% The fires hidden in barrels may be a minefield laid in the
&aters of the *ironde%
C 9 < 5, =e s[ur le frere par simulte faintise$
Jiendra mesler rosee en myneralH
;ur la placente donne Z vieille tardifue$
2eurt$ le goustant sera simple X rural%
The .rother o, the sister throu/h a ,ei/ned 6uarrel,
#ill co-e to -i4 rosee in the -ineral1
On the placente 9ca0e: /iven to the old, slo+ +o-an,
Death tastin/ itB she +ill .e si-ple and rural2
The sister &ould be the ?nited ;tates or 3taly or even /ussia$ female countries$ and the brother
could be any other country$ but most li'ely 8rance% /osee is a poison made of the laurel rose% The
ob@ect of this verse may be a third &orld country that is given nuclear &aste materials disguised as
something much better%
C 9 < 5- Trois cents seront dAvn vouloir X accord$
<ue pour venir au bout de leur attaincteH
Jingt mois apres tous X records$
Leur /oy trahi simulant haine faincte%
Three hundred +ill .e o, one desire and accord,
To arrive at the e4ecution o, their .lo+1
T+enty -onths a,ter all and -e-ory 9records:,
Their 0in/ .etrayed si-ulatin/ ,ei/ned hatred2
*arencieres &as the first to comment that finding three hundred men of one accord &ould be
difficult at best Che decided they must be +nglishD% But the three hundred may be countries and this
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
may refer to the ?nited Nations if more countries are added in the future% This verse may be
translated any number of &ays that donAt ma'e sense%
C 9 < #5 La grande ruine des sacrez ne sAesloigne$
Prouence$ Naples$ ;icille$ ;eez X PonceH
+n *ermanie$ au /hin X la Cologne$
Je>ez Z mort par tous ceu> de 2agonce%
The /reat ruin o, the sacred is not ,ar o,,,
Provence, Naples, Sicily, Sees and Pons1
In &er-any, at the Rhine and !olo/ne,
Ie4ed to death .y all those o, Mainz 9Mayen:2
This verse covers a great deal of geography% Provence is in southern 8rance$ ;ees is in Normandy$
Pons is in &estern 8rance about ," miles north of Bordeau>$ Naples is in southern 3taly$ and ;icily
is an island near Naples% 2ogance could be the Latin 2aguntiacum for 2ainz or Nostradamus may
mean 2ayen in *ermany% This verse may be in reference to :orld :ar 33 if you can figure it out%
The great ruin of the sacred may be the Cult of /eason during the 8rench revolution%
C 9 < #6 4pres la grande affliction du sceptre$
=eu> ennemis par eu> seront defaictzH
Classe dA4ffri(ue au> Pannons viendra naistre$
Par mer X terre seront horribles faictz%
A,ter the /reat a,,liction o, the scepter,
T+o ene-ies +ill .e de,eated .y the-1
'leet 9,orces: o, A,rica +ill appear to the )un/arians,
y sea and land +ill .e horri.le deeds2
This verse &ould definitely be placed in the future% 8orces from 4frica have not yet invaded .ungary
unless Nostradamus is spea'ing of the 7ttoman +mpire%
C 9 < 9" LAan (ue les freres du lys seront en aage$
LAvn dAeu> tiendra la grande /omanieH
Trembler les monts$ ouuert Latin passage
Pache marcher$ contre fort dA4rmenie%
The year the .rothers o, the lily co-e o, a/e,
One o, the- +ill hold the /reat Ro-ania 9Ro-e:1
The -ountains tre-.le, $atin passa/e opened
Pact to -arch a/ainst the ,ort o, Ar-enia2
The brothers of the lily &ould be t&o Bourbon countries$ such as 8rance and ;pain from 1-1! to
1-0!% .o&ever$ neither held /omania or /ome% The small country of 4rmenia in the former ;oviet
?nion may be a synechdoch for the ?%;%;%/% &ith this verse then pertaining to :orld :ar 33$ but
that is a large stretch% The country of /omania &as a part of the 7ttoman +mpire$ then a part of the
4ustro-.ungarian +mpire$ achieving independence in 1661 &ith 'ings from the .ouse of
.ohenzollern and no lin' to be found to the Bourbons%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 9 < 91 La gent de =ace$ dA4ngleterre$ X Polonne
+t de Boesme feront nouuelle ligueH
Pour passer outre dA.ercules la colonne$
Barcin$ Tyrrens dresser cruelle brigue%
The people o, Dacia 9Ro-ania:, %n/land, Poland
And ohe-ia +ill -a0e a ne+ lea/ue1
To pass .eyond the pillars o, )ercules,
arcelona, Tuscany +ill -a0e a cruel plot2
Cheetham has an interesting application on this (uatrain% Prior to :orld :ar 33 in 2arch$ 1050$
+ngland allied &ith the Bal'an nations and Poland% 3n fact$ it &as because of the British support of
Poland that ignited :orld :ar 33% The ;panish CBarcelonaD &ere neutral in the &ar$ but 8ranco
supported 2ussolini in 3taly CTuscanyD% The British sa& it as essential that the sea lanes in the
2editerranean &ere 'ept open for supplying troops%
C 9 < 9# =u Pont +u>ine$ X la grande Tartarie$
Jn roy sera (ui viendra voir la *aule
Transpercera 4lane X lA4rmenie$
+t dans Bisance lairra sanglante *aule%
'ro- the lac0 Sea and the /rand Tartary,
There +ill .e a 0in/ +ho +ill co-e to see 'rance
Transpiercin/ Alania and Ar-enia,
And +ithin Tur0ey he +ill leave his .loody rod2
FPont +u>ineG is Latin for Pontus +u>inus$ the Blac' ;ea% Tartary is an ancient name for Central
4sia and includes 2ongolia% F4laniaG is the /epublic of North 7ssetia-4lania in central 4sia%
Nostradamus states else&here the third 4nti-Christ &ill come from this region% 3n C ! < !0
Nostradamus again repeats this verse &ith the e>ception that everyone is struc' &ith his rod% .ere
he states his bloody rod &ill be left in Tur'ey%
C 9 < 96 =e la(ueduct dAJticense$ *ardoing$
Par la forest X mont inaccessibleH
+n my du pont sera taschM au poing$
Le chef nemans (ui tant sera terrible%
y the a6ueduct o, Uzes over the &ard,
Throu/h the ,orest and -ountain inaccessi.le1
In the -iddle o, the .rid/e he +ill .e cut 9tied: in the ,ist 9+rist:,
The chie, o, Ni-es +ho +ill .e very terri.le2
The Fa(ueductG refers to the most famous ruins of a /oman a(ueduct in 8rance$ going from ?zes to
Nimes% Leoni (uotes Larmor in 10!9 and Bos&ell in 10#! as applying the (uatrain to an e>ploit of
the =u'e of /ohan in ;eptember$ 1,!-$ &hen a religious revolt had ta'en place% The =u'eAs
Calvinist follo&ing at Nimes &as besieged$ so to get support to them$ /ohan moved artillery over
the a(ueduct% Line 5 is applied to his pioneers having cut part of the supports of the bridge over the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
*ard to &iden the path for the cannon% Line # is applied to the fact that /ohan &as made general of
the party upon his arrival at Nimes%
C 9 < ," Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire$
Plus (ue sa charge ne porte passeraH
;i grande fureur X rage fera dire$
<uAZ feu X sang tout se>e tranchera%
y the shaven head +ill co-e a very .ad choice,
urdened +ith a load he can not carry1
)e +ill .e -ade to spea0 +ith /reat ,ury and ra/e,
That .y ,ire and .lood he +ill cut do+n all se4es2
Commentators have assigned this verse to the :ars of /eligion in 8rance$ to Crom&ell$ to
Napoleon and to .itler% ;haven head$ Fteste rase$G may also refer to a Protestant clergyman%
C 9 < ,1 LAenfant du grand nAestant Z sa naissance$
;ubiuguera les hauts monts 4pennisH
8era trembler tous ceu> de la balance
+t des monts feu> ius(uAZ mont ;enis%
The child o, the /reat +ho +as not at his .irth,
#ill su.5u/ate the hi/h Apennine -ountains1
)e +ill -a0e tre-.le all those o, the .alance
And ,ires ,ro- the -ountains as ,ar as Mount !enis2
This verse may apply to +ugene de Beauharnais$ the son of 1osephine and stepson of Napoleon &ho
made him the Jiceroy of 3taly% The 4pennine 2ountains run do&n the bac'bone of 3taly% Those of
the balance &ould be either 4ustria or the ?nited ;tates% Beauharnais did do battle &ith the
4ustrians% Leoni states 2ount Cenis is in ;avoy% There is also a 2ount Cenis on the 3sland of
*renada in the Caribbean ;ea%
C 9 < ,! ;ur les rouchers sang on les verra plouuoir$
;ol 7rient$ ;aturne 7ccidentalH
Pres dA7rgon guerre$ Z /ome grand mal voir$
Nefs parfondrees$ X prins le Tridental%
It +ill .e seen to rain .lood on the roc0s,
Sun in the %ast, Saturn in the #est1
Near Or/on +ar, at Ro-e /reat evil seen,
Ships sun0, and ta0en the Trident2
The trident is the three pronged symbol of Neptune$ *od of the ;ea% The ruling sea po&er in the
days of Nostradamus &as Tur'ey$ then +ngland gained the trident$ and finally 4merica &as the
ruling sea po&er after :orld :ar 33% The ;un in the +ast may refer to 1apan$ the land of the rising
sun$ as sho&n on its flag% ;aturn &ould be bad aspects for the &est% 7rgon is a small to&n in 8rance
north of ;alon-de-Provence% 7ne could ma'e a case for this applying to :orld :ar 33%
C 9 < ,5 =e vaine emprise lAhonneur indue plaincte$
*aliotz errans par latins froids$ faim$ vagues
Non loing du Tymbre de sang la terre taincte
+t sur humains seront diuerses plagues%
O, the useless enterprise o, honor, undue co-plaint,
&alleys +ander throu/h the $atins cold, ,a-ine, stor-s
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Not ,ar ,ro- the the land stained +ith .lood
And upon hu-ans +ill .e diverse pla/ues2
The /iver Tiber &inds through /ome% The setting of this verse is the 2editerranean ;ea area near
3taly &hich Nostradamus predicts &ill see hunger$ famine$ &ar and plagues in the future%
C 9 < ,# Les assemblMs par repoz du grand nombre$
Par terre X mer conseil contremandMH
Pres de lA4utonne C4utomneD$ *ennes$ Nice de lAombre
Par champs X villes le chef contrebandM%
Those asse-.led .y the repose o, the /reat,
y land and sea counsel counter-anded1
Near the Autonne 9Autu-n:, &enoa, Nice in the shado+
y ,ields and to+ns the chie, contra.and2
FContrebanderG is 7ld 8rench &ord meaning to rebel against the la& or ban$ ma'ing Line # read$
F4gainst the chief$ fields and to&ns rebel%G This may also mean contraband as &e use the term
today% 4 clue to solving this (uatrain may be the &ord F4utonneG &hich may also be the variant
F4utomneG &ith a meaning of F4utumn%G This &ord may contain an anagram% There is an 4nton$
Bulgaria$ and an 4ntonianes in 8rance along the /hone delta and an 4ntony in 8rance south of
C 9 < ,9 ;ubit venu lAeffrayeur sera grande$
=es principau> de lAaffaire cachMsH
+t dame en braise plus ne sera en veue$
Ce peu Z peu seront les grans fachMs%
Suddenly co-e, the terror +ill .e /reat,
The principals o, the a,,air hidden1
And lady in charcoal 9,iery lady: no lon/er in vie+,
$ittle .y little +ill co-e the /reat an/er2
This (uatrain has not been applied to any historical event by any commentator% This verse may be
in regard to a comet or an asteroid that passes close by$ and then goes out of vie&%
C 9 < ,- <uand chef Perouse nAosera sa tuni(ue
;ens au couuert tout nud sAe>polierH
;eront prins sept faict 4rtistocrati(ue$
Le pere X filz mors par poincte au colier%
#hen the chie, o, Peru/ia +ill not ris0 his tunic
Sense to .e covered e4pose hi-sel, na0ed1
The seven +ill .e ta0en .y an Aristocratic deed,
The ,ather and sons dead .y point in the throat2
The chief of Perugia$ a city in the middle of 3taly$ &ould be the pope prior to 16-" as Perugia &as a
part of the Papal ;tates% 4fter that date the chief &ould be the 'ing of 3taly% .ere again &e have Fthe
sevenG possibly being seven nations allied &ith each other% 2any commentators assign this verse to
;i>tus J &ho did not dare e>communicate .enry 333 for fear that the Church of /ome &ould be
rendered na'ed by a 8rench schism% The last line &ould then pertain to the deaths of .enry 33 and
.enry 333% .o&ever this does not fit @ust e>actly right%
C 9 < ,6 =ans le =anube X du /hin viendra boire$
Le grand Chameau$ ne sAen repentiraH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Trembler du /osne$ X plus fort ceu> de Loire
+t pres des 4lpes co( le ruinera%
In the Danu.e and the Rhine +ill co-e to drin0,
The /reat ca-el 9ro/ue:, not repentin/ o, it1
The Rhone to tre-.le, and -ore so those o, the $oire
And near the Alps !oc0 +ill ruin2
The 'ey to solving this (uatrain is the identity of the great FCamelG sounding very much li'e the
great 4rab Prince% FChameauG can also mean scoundrel or rogue% This may pertain to :orld :ar 33
and .itler e>cept for the fourth line%
C 9 < ,0 Plus ne sera le grand en fau> sommeil$
LAin(uietude viendra prendre repozH
=resser phalange dAor$ azur X vermeil$
;ubiuguer 4ffri(ue la ronger ius(ues oz%
No lon/er +ill the /reat one re-ain in ,alse,
Uneasiness +ill ta0e the place o, repose1
Preparin/ a phalan4 o, /old, .lue and red,
To su.5u/ate A,rica and /na+ it to the .one2
The great one in slumber may be China% 3ts flag is red &ith gold stars$ but no blue% Loo' for a
country &ith red$ gold and blue in its standards%
C 9 < -1 Par la fureur dAvn (ui attendra lAeau$
Par la grand raige tout lAe>ercite esmeuH
ChargM des nobles Z di>sept bateaul>$
4u long du /osne$ tard messagier venu%
y the ,ury o, one +ho +aits .y the +ater,
y the /reat ra/e the entire ar-y -oved1
Seventeen .oats loaded +ith no.les,
Alon/ the Rhone the -essen/er arrives late2
.itler moved his army by fury and rage$ so this verse could apply to :orld :ar 33% :hen the allies
invaded 3taly and the southern coast of 8rance$ .itler moved his army into a defensive position$ but
too late% The seventeen boats loaded &ith nobles$ ho&ever$ does not fit this interpretation% F8ureurG
may be an anagram for F8uhrer%G
C 9 < -# =e sang Troyen naistra c[ur *ermani(ue
<uAil deuiendra en si haute puissanceH
.ors chassera gent estrange 4rabi(ue$
Tournant lA+glise en pristine preeminence%
O, Tro5an .lood, .orn +ith a &er-anic heart
#ho +ill rise to a very hi/h po+er1
)e +ill drive out all the ,orei/n Ara.ian people,
And return the church to its pristine preDe-inence2
The closest historical application &ould be 8rancis 3$ .oly /oman +mperor$ &ho attained the
throne in 1-#9% .e &as descended from the .ouse of Lorraine in 8rance% .e &as a Catholic% But he
had no dealings &ith the 4rabian people% FTro@an bloodG refers to a legend of the descent of the
'ings of 8rance from 8rancus$ son of Priam of Troy% FTro@an bloodG also refers to the 2erovingian
dynasty% Nostradamus foresees a descendant of a 8rench branch Cperhaps one of the .apsburgsD as
a future &orld leader &ho &ill unite all of Christianity%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 9 < -, +n lieu libere tendra son pauillon$
+t ne voudra en citez prendre placeH
4i>$ Carpen lAisle volce$ mont Cauaillon$
Par tous ses lieu> abolira sa trasse%
In a ,ree place he +ill pitch his tent,
)e +ill not +ant to stay in the cities1
Ai4, !arpentras, $Isle, Iaucluse, Mont, !availlon,
Throu/h all these places he +ill a.olish his trace2
4ll of the to&ns mentioned are near ;alon-de-Provence &here Nostradamus lived% 3f this verse is
regarding a historical event$ the traces &ere abolished (uite &ell% This verse may @oin C ! < !6
regarding the one &ith the surname of the ne>t to the last prophet%
C 9 < -6 Les deu> vnis ne tiendront longuement$
+t dans treze ans au Barbare ;atrappeH
4u> deu> costez feront tel perdement$
<uAvn benyra la Bar(ue X sa cappe%
The t+o +ill not .e united very lon/,
And in thirteen years they /ive in to ar.arian po+er1
There +ill .e such a loss on .oth sides,
That one +ill co-e to .less the ar6ue 9o, St2 Peter: and its cape2
This verse portrays a historical event &ith a 15 year alliance bet&een t&o countries$ one of &hich
may be a 2uslim country that converts to Christianity%
C 9 < 61 LAoiseau royal sur la citM solaire$
;ept moys deuant fera nocturne augureH
2ur dA7rient cherra tonnerre esclaire$
;ept iours au> portes les ennemis Z lAheure%
The royal .ird over the !ity o, the Sun,
Seven -onths in advance it +ill /ive a ni/htly o-en1
#all o, the %ast +ill ,all, thunder and li/htnin/,
In seven days the ene-ies directly at the /ates2
The City of the ;un may be Paris or /ome$ the center of Christianity% The royal bird is an eagle$ so
this may be planes from the ?nited ;tates giving the &arning% The &all of the east may either be
the Berlin :all &hich fell in 100" or the :all of China% The &ord F&allG may also pertain to the
borders of a country% Thunder and lightning may refer to the modern &eapons of &arfare% .ogue
attributes this verse to :orld :ar 33 &ith the &all of the east being the 2aginot Line% The *ermans
reached Paris in seven days in 1une of 10#"$ so he may be on trac' here%
C 9 < 6! 4u conclud pache hors de la forteresse$
Ne sortira celuy en desespoir misH
<uant ceu> dA4rbois$ de Langres$ contre Bresse$
4uront monts =olle$ bouscade dAennemis%
At the conclusion o, the treaty outside the ,ortress,
)e +ho +as placed in despair +ill not /o1
#hen those o, Ar.ois, o, $an/res a/ainst resse
#ill have the -ountains o, Dole, an ene-y a-.ush2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This (uatrain has not yet found its historical home% 3t may have something to do &ith the :ars of
C 9 < 6# Naistra du gouphre X citM immesuree$
Nay de parents obscurs X tenebreu>H
<ui la puissance du grand roy reueree$
Joudra destruire par /ouan X +ureu>%
orn o, the /ul, and i--easura.le city,
orn o, parents o.scure and dar01
)e +ho the revered po+er o, the /reat 0in/,
#ill +ant to destroy throu/h Rouen and %vreu42
/ouen and +vreu> are both in Normandy% This may fit a future event% ;ee also C # < 1"" &here
these t&o cities are paired together in connection &ith the 8ranco-Prussian :ar in 16-"% These cities
&ere 'no&n as royalist strongholds% The immeasurably city sounds modern% This verse may also
pertain to the coming 4nti-Christ%
C 9 < 69 Par les ;ueues X lieu> circonuoisins$
;eront en guerre pour cause des nueesH
*amp CCampD marins locusts X cousins$
=u Leman fautes seront bien desnuees%
y the S+iss and their nei/h.ors,
They +ill .e at +ar .ecause o, clouds1
S+ar- o, -arine 9Marine !a-p: locusts and /nats,
The ,aults o, &eneva +ill .e laid very .are2
This verse may be in regard to the League of Nations or the ?nited Nations% The ;&iss have been
neutral for many years$ so this may be in regard to a future &ar or the thrashing out of the terms of
peace after :orld :ar 3%
C 9 < 6, Par les deu> testes$ X trois bras separMs$
La citM grande par eau> sera ve>eeH
=es grands dAentre eu> par e>il esgarMs$
Par teste perse Bisance fort presse%
Divided .y the t+o heads and three ar-s,
The /reat city +ill .e ve4ed .y +aters1
So-e /reat ones a-on/ the- led astray in e4ile,
yzantiu- hard pressed .y the head o, Persia 9Iran:2
Line 1 describes a country or a city &ith t&o heads of government and three armies% The
last line &here Tur'ey is hard pressed by the head of the 3ranian government may put this in the
future% 3f FPerseG refers to the color blue$ this may be the blue head spo'en of in C ! < !%
C 9 < 6- LAan (ue ;aturne hors de seruage$
4u franc terroir sera dAeau inundMH
=e sang Troyen sera son mariage$
+t sera seur dA+spaignols circundM%
The year that Saturn is out o, servitude,
The ,ree land 9'ran0ish land: +ill .e .y +ater inundated1
)is -arria/e +ill .e o, Tro5an .lood,
And he +ill .e encircled closely .y the Spanish2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The term FmarriageG may be an alliance bet&een t&o countries% 2any royal families sealed
alliances &ith other countries by the actual marriages of their sons and daughters% Louis 1# married
a ;panish enfanta$ as did Louis 15% 7ne of .enry 33As daughters married Philip 33 of ;pain% This
&ould be a time &hen the bad aspects are over C;aturn out of servitudeD% .ogue attributes this verse
to the marriage of the sister of .enry 33 to the =u'e of ;avoy and the betrothal of .enry 33As
daughter to Phillip 33 &hich &as celebrated by the famous @oust% This verse may also pertain to the
future &hen inundations of &ater occur due to global &arming%
C 9 < 66 ;ur le sablon par vn hideu> deluge$
=es autres mers trouuM monstre marinH
Proche du lieu sera faict vn refuge$
Tenant ;auone esclaue de Turin%
y a hideous ,lood upon the sand,
A -arine -onster ,ro- other seas is ,ound1
Near the place +ill .e -ade a re,u/e,
)oldin/ Savona the slave o, Turin2
Leoni states that ;avona$ &est of *enoa$ belonged to the /epublic of *enoa% 3t later &as given to
the .ouse of ;avoy and became the Fslave of TurinG in 1619% The rest of the (uatrain is unclear%
C 9 < 01 4u grand marchM (uAon dict des mensongiers$
=u tout Torrent X champ 4thenienH
;eront surprins par les cheuau> legiers$
Par 4lbanois 2ars$ Leo$ ;at% vn versien%
At the /reat -ar0et +hich they call that o, liars,
All o, Torrent and the Athenian ,ield1
#ill .e surprised .y the li/ht horses,
y Al.anians Mars, $eo, Saturn in A6uarius2
The great mar'et of liars is most li'ely the +uropean Common 2ar'et% Torrent is a city in 8rance
due &est of Lyon% The 4thenian field may refer to *reece% .ogue attributes this verse to the Bal'an
conflict in 1005 and ma'es it fit very &ell% .o&ever$ Nostradamus has other verses referencing
4lbania$ &ar$ 3taly and bad aspects$ so this verse may have a future application%
C 9 < 05 ;oubs le terroir du rond globe lunaire$
Lors (ue sera dominateur 2ercureH
LA3sle dA+scosse fera vn luminaire$
<ui les 4nglois mettra Z deconfiture%
Under the land o, the round lunar /lo.e,
#hen Mercury +ill .e do-inatin/1
The isle o, Scotland +ill -a0e a lu-inary,
One +ho +ill put the %n/lish in con,usion2
/ight no&$ ;cotland is not an island% But it may become one &ith the coming global changes and
inundations% The land of the round lunar globe may be China% Nostradamus uses the full moon as
the symbol for China and the crescent moon for 3slam% There may be a future event that &ill tie
China and ;cotland together% By F2ercury dominatingG this may mean anything in the domain of
.ermes communications$ politics$ science$ etc%$ such as in our present era%
C 9 < 09 Nauti(ue rame CraneD inuitera les umbres$
=u grand +mpire lors viendra conciterH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
La mer 4egee des lignes les encombres
+mpeschant lAonde Tirrenne defflottez%
The nautical oar 9,ro/: +ill invite the shado+s,
It +ill co-e to provo0e the /reat %-pire1
The Ae/ean Sea the i-pedi-ents o, +ood
O.structin/ the ,lo+in/ o, the Tyrrhenian Sea2
The nautical frog is mentioned in C 9 < 5 in connection &ith the standard of the *rand =u'e of
Tuscany being descended from the 2erovingian 'ings% Perhaps a similar application may be made
here as &ell% Nostradamus has other (uatrains that sho& obstructions in the 2editerranean area% The
obstructions may be debris from battles or from catastrophes such as flooding or earth(ua'es%
C 9 < 0- Le nay difforme par horreur suffo(uM$
=ans la citM du grand /oy habitableH
LAedict seuere$ des captifs reuo(uM$
*resle X tonnerre$ Condon CCondomD inestimable%
The one .orn de,or-ed throu/h horror su,,ocated,
In the ha.ita.le city o, the /reat "in/1
The severe edict o, the captives revo0ed,
)ail and thunder, !ondo- inesti-a.le2
4 good case may be made for this verse to pertain to the man in the iron mas'$ possibly the son of
Cardinal 2azarin and <ueen 4nne and half-brother to Louis 1# or even the t&in of Louis 1#% .e
&as believed to have either been deformed or to have had such a similar resemblance to Louis 1#
that his face &as covered at all times$ or both$ but the mas' &as actually blac' velvet% .e &as 'ept a
prisoner a&ay from public vie& Csuffocated through horrorD but he &as given preferential treatment%
.e died in 1-"5 at the Bastille and &as buried under the name of 2archioly% 4fter his death all his
furniture and clothing &ere destroyed%
Line ! &ould pertain to the City of Paris and Line 5 &ould be in reference to the revocation
of the +dict of Nantes in 1,69 by Louis 1# &hich mar'ed the end of Protestant tolerance% 3n Line #$
Condom is a small to&n in *uienne in the south&estern part of 8rance &hich$ as Leoni puts it$ gives
its name to a &ell-'no&n rubber product%
C 9 < 00 2ilan$ 8errare$ Turin$ X 4(uilleye$
Capne$ Brundis ve>Ms par gent Celti(ueH
Par le Lyon X phalange a(uilee
<uant /ome aura le chef vieu> Britanni(ue%
Milan, 'errara, Turin and Ienice,
!apua, rindisi ve4ed .y the !eltic people1
y the $ion and ea/les phalan4
#hen Ro-e +ill have the old ritish chie,2
The cities named cover virtually all of 3taly% Cheetham places this in the Napoleonic era &hen most
of 3taly had been con(uered% Thus$ the old British chief &as Cardinal Lor'$ the last of the ;tuarts$
&ho died in /ome in 16"-%
.ogue applies this better to the :orld :ar 33 campaigns in 3taly at the cities so named$ &ith
the British chief being Prime 2inister :inston Churchill ClionD along &ith the ?%;% 4rmy CeagleD in
control of 3taly%
C 9 < 1"" Le boutefeu par son feu atrapM$
=e feu du ciel Z Carcas X ComingeH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
8oi>$ 4u>$ 2azeres$ haut viellart eschappM$
Par ceu> de .asse$ des ;a>ons X Turinge%
The incendiary trapped in his o+n ,ire,
O, ,ire ,ro- the s0y at !arcassonne and the !o--in/es1
'oi4, Auch, Mazeres, the hi/h old -an escaped,
y those o, )esse and Thurin/ia, and so-e Sa4ons2
The arsonists may be .itlerAs Nazi Party &ho &ere responsible for :orld :ar 33 &hich they started%
This may be in regard to the trials of the Nazi &ar criminals at Nuremberg% .o&ever$ the cities
named are in south&estern 8rance and there &as not a great deal of action there in the &ar%
/udolf .ess$ .itlerAs private secretary and third in leadership of the Nazi Party$ fle& to
Britain in 2ay$ 10#1$ parachuting do&n and landing near +aglesham$ south of *lasgo&% .e
proposed a meeting &ith the =u'e of .amilton to outline a peace proposal% .e &as 'ept in prison
and later &as found guilty of &ar crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment% .e died of suicide in
4nother thoughtH this may be about the attempted assassination of .itler in 10##% 3t &as
attempted by *ermans C.essians$ ;a>ons and those of ThuringiaD$ some of &hom had been
stationed in 8rance such as /ommel% This theory does not e>plain the fire from the s'y in south&est
!%NTUR3 ?
C , < 1 4vtour des monts Pyrenees gras amas
=e gent estrange secourir roy nouueauH
Pres de *aronne du grand temple du 2as$
Jn /omain chef le craindra dedans lAeau%
Around the Pyrenees Mountains a /reat /atherin/
O, ,orei/n people to aid the ne+ 0in/1
Near the &aronne o, the /reat te-ple o, $e Mas,
A Ro-an chie, +ill ,ear hi- in the +ater2
Leoni finds that the to&n of Le-2as-dA4genais on the *aronne /iver has a great many /oman ruins$
some of &hich may have once been a temple%
.ogue has an interesting thought on FamasG possibly meaning .amas$ the e>tremist
Palestinian terrorist organization% This &ord F2asG may also be a shortened version of the mysterious
2abus of C ! < ,!% Nostradamus loves to combine meanings into one &ord%
C , < 5 8leuue (uAesprouue le nouueau nay Celti(ue$
;era en grande de lA+mpire discordeH
Le ieune prince par gent ecclesiasti(ue$
7stera le sceptre coronal de concorde%
The river that tests the ne+ .orn !eltic,
#ill .e in /reat discord +ith the %-pire1
The youn/ prince throu/h the ecclesiastical people,
#ill re-ove the scepter o, the cro+n o, concord2
4ccording to *arencieres$ the ancient 8renchmen$ &hen they had a 'ing ne&ly born$ &ould put
him upon a target to ma'e him s&im upon the river$ to try &hether by his s&imming that he &as
la&fully begotten% There &ere only t&o empires in 8rance &ith Napoleon 3$ +mperor of the 8irst
+mpire$ and Napoleon 333$ +mperor of the second% Nostradamus may be spea'ing of Napoleon 3
here and ma'ing the statement that the ne& +mperor is not a la&fully begotten Iing% Napoleon did
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
remove peace from the realm &ith his many &ars% .o&ever$ line 5 does not seem to fit$ so this
verse may be in regard to another 'ing%
C , < - Norneigre X =ace$ X lAisle Britanni(ue$
Par les vnis freres seront ve>MesH
Le chef /omain issu de sang *alli(ue
+t les copies au> forestz repoulsMes%
Nor+ay and Ro-ania and the ritish Isles,
#ill .e ve4ed .y the .rothers united1
The Ro-an chie, issued ,ro- &allic 9'rench: .lood
And his ,orces repulsed to the ,orests2
4ll of the three countries &ere involved in :orld :ar 33 and they &ere ve>ed by 3taly and
*ermany$ but it is difficult to find a /oman chief of 8rench blood%
C , < 6 Ceu> (ui estoyent en regne pour scauoir$
4u /oyal change deuiendront apouurisH
Jns e>ilez sans appuy$ or nAauoir$
Lettrez X lettres ne seront Z grand pris%
Those +ho +ere in the real- ,or 0no+led/e,
At the chan/e o, the "in/ +ill .eco-e poor1
So-e e4iles +ithout support or any /old,
$earnin/ and the learned are not held at a hi/h value2
4fter the Nazi party came into po&er in *ermany$ scholarship &as no longer held in high esteem%
;cientists &ere e>pected to have practical 'no&ledge% The *erman 1e&ish community of
academics &as especially hit hard% 4fter Fthe night of bro'en glassG &hen .itler turned his bro&n
shirts loose to demolish 1e&ish establishments in the mid 105"As$ many 1e&ish citizens pac'ed up
and left$ some &ith little funds%
Problems &ith scholarship occurred during the 8rench /evolution &hen those of nobility
&ho supported scholars$ artists$ and artisans$ &ere forced into e>ile% :ithout the help of their
patrons$ scholarship and academia came close to a complete halt% The Catholic Church &as
persecuted$ thus Catholic universities &ere forced to close and church property &as confiscated%
4cademia &as at its lo&est ebb in 8rance during the /evolutionary +ra%
C , < 0 4u> sacrez temples seront faicts escandales$
Comptez seront par honneurs X louanges
=Avn (ue on grave dAargent dAor les medalles$
La fin sera en tourmens bien etranges%
In the sacred te-ples scandals +ill occur,
Reco/nized as honors and praise+orthy
O, one o, +ho- they +ill en/rave -edals o, silver and /old,
The end +ill .e in very stran/e tor-ents2
;acred temples may be a symbol Nostradamus uses to indicate human bodies% ;ome young athletes
&ho competed in the 7lympics &ere appreciated for their s'ills and abilities until they &ere found
to have used performance enhancing drugs% The first athlete to test positive for drugs &as a
;&edish pentathlete at the 10,6 ;ummer 7lympics% ;ince$ many athletes &ere found to have used
drugs and anabolic steroids to give them an edge on their competitors% The :orld 4nti-=oping
4gency &as formed in 1000 and even then some athletes in the !""" and !""! competitions &ere
tested and dis(ualified due to drug usage%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
.ogue has an interesting interpretation of this (uatrain as referencing the Jatican Ban'
scandals in the late 10-"As and the 106"As &hich may be correct%
C , < 1" Jn peu de temps les temples des couleurs
=e blanc X noir des deu> entremeslMesH
/ouges X iaunes leur embleront les leurs$
;ang$ terre$ peste$ faim$ feu$ dAeau affollMe%
In a short ti-e the colors o, the te-ples
O, .lac0 and +hite the t+o +ill .e inter-in/led1
Red and yello+ ones +ill carry o,, their possessions,
lood, earth, pla/ue, ,a-ine, ,ire, .y +ater e4tin/uished2
3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of human bodies as sacred temples$ this verse &ould be in regard to
racial integration and mi>ed marriages% The red race &ould be Native 4mericans and the yello&
race &ould be 7rientals% The flag of China is red &ith yello& stars &hich may be the red and
yello& mentioned% Line # &ould place this (uatrain in the future%
4nother possibility for placement of this (uatrain is that .itlerAs flag &as &hite &ith a blac'
s&asti'a and the ;oviet ?nionAs flag &as red &ith a gold hammer and sic'le% The red and yello&
did carry off the possessions of the blac' and &hite &hen they con(uered *ermany% 7ne &ould
then place the (uatrain at the time of :orld :ar 33%
C , < 1! =resser copies pour monter Z lA+mpire$
=u Jatican le sang /oyal tiendraH
8lamans$ 4nglois$ +spaigne auec 4spire$
Contre lA3talie X 8rance contendra%
To raise ,orces to ascend to the %-pire,
O, the Iatican the royal .lood holds1
'le-ish, %n/lish, Spanish +ith Aspire,
A/ainst Italy and 'rance he +ill contend2
Cheetham points out that Nostradamus sees +urope in modern terms &ith the names of countries as
they are today% .ogue places this verse in regard to Napoleon$ but it doesnAt seem to fit e>actly
right$ in fact the verse does not seem to fit any historical event% F4spireG may be referencing a
proper name% 3n Latin FaspiroG means to aspire to or to breathe out% The &ord may also be an
anagram of Paris &ith an e>tra FeG &hich is allo&ed%
C , < 15 Jn dubieu> ne viendra loing du regne$
La plus grand part le voudra soustenir%
Jn Capitole ne voudra point (uAil regne$
;a grande charge ne pourra maintenir%
A du.ious one +ill not co-e ,ar ,ro- the real-,
The /reater part +ill +ant to sustain hi-2
A !apitol +ill not +ish hi- to rei/n at all,
)e +ill .e una.le to .ear the /reat .urden2
This verse may possibly refer to Louis 1,% .e &as a hesitant$ doubtful Iing &ho &as brought do&n
by the National Convention% 4lthough he &as not popular &ith the people$ it &as the 1acobins &ho
pushed for his e>ecution% .e &as all too &illing to comply &ith the apparent &ishes of his people
as presented by the delegates of the National Convention in 1-05 as he only &ished for peace in
8rance% .ogue applies this verse to President /ichard Ni>on and Leoni favors Iing Jictor
+mmanuel 33 of 3taly%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < 1, Ce (ue rauy sera du ieune 2ilue$
Par les Normans de 8rance X PicardieH
Les noirs du temple du lieu de Negrisilue
8eront aulberge X feu de Lombardie%
That +hich +ill .e carried o,, .y a youn/ )a+0,
y the Nor-ans o, 'rance and Picardy1
The .lac0 ones o, the te-ple o, the place o, lac0 'orest
#ill -a0e an inn and ,ire o, $o-.ardy2
This verse ta'es us from Normandy$ 8rance$ to the Blac' 8orest in *ermany$ and finally to northern
3taly% The Fyoung ha&'G is unsolved%
C , < 1- 4pres les limes ClivresD bruslez les asiniers$
Contraints seront changer habits diuersH
Les ;aturnins bruslez par les meusniers$
.ors la pluspart (ui ne sera couuers%
A,ter the ,iles 9.oo0s:9penances: the assDdrivers .urned,
9MA,ter the ,iles 9.oo0s:9penances: .urned, the assDdrivers:,
#ill .e constrained to chan/e into di,,erent clothes1
Those o, Saturn .urned .y the -illers,
%4cept the /reater part +ho 9+hich: +ill not .e covered2
_Jariant of Line 1% The 4fghans &ere noted for riding don'eys into battle% Perhaps they are the ass-
drivers referenced here% 4fghanistan is one country to &atch closely%
C , < 16 Par les phisi(ues le grand /oy delaissM$
Par sort non art de lA+brieu est en vie$
Luy X son genre au regne hault pousM$
*race donnee Z gent (ui Christ enuie%
The /reat "in/ a.andoned .y the physicians,
y ,ate, not .y the ) art, he lives,
)e and his /enre pushed hi/h in the real-,
Pardon /iven to the people +ho deny !hrist2
3t is (uite possible this has occurred in the last #9" years not everything is recorded in history
boo's% But it probably did not occur in 8rance or there &ould be some mention of this incident% 4n
option for dating this verse is the flight of 1e&s to Tur'ey c% l99"-19,, as stated by Cheetham%
Because of the persecution they &ere suffering in Christian countries$ the ;ultan of Tur'ey$
;uleiman the 2agnificent$ offered hospitality to 1e&s &ho settled in Constantinople% 7ne of them$
=on 1oseph Nassi$ &as created =u'e of Na>os in 19,, and became the principal adviser to ;elim
33% .o&ever$ there is no indication that he &as a physician%
C , < 10 La vraye flamme engloutira la dame$
<ue voudra mettre les 3nnocens Z feuH
Pres de lAassaut lAe>ercite sAenflamme$
<uant dans ;euille monstre en b[uf sera veu%
The true ,la-e en/ul,s the lady,
#ho +ill +ish to put the Innocents to ,ire1
Near the assault the ar-y is in,la-ed,
#hen in Seville a -onster .ull +ill .e seen2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
There are a number of (uatrains that lin' ;pain &ith an invasion by those of Taurus$ &hich may be
a 2iddle +astern country% The true flame$ as used by Nostradamus$ usually denotes religious zeal%
The lady may be a country such as 3taly or the ?nited ;tates$ or the Catholic Church$ or an actual
C , < !" LAvnion faincte sera peu de durMe$
=es vns changMs reformMs la pluspartH
=ans les vaisseau> sera gent endurMe$
Lors aura /ome vn nouueau liepart%
The ,ei/ned union +ill .e o, short duration,
So-e chan/ed, the -ost part re,or-ed1
In the vessels people +ill endure,
#hen Ro-e +ill have a ne+ leopard2
This verse may pertain to Pope 1ohn QQ333 C1096-10,5D &hose family coat of arms featured a
leopard% 3t may also possibly apply to Pope Leo Q3 C1,"9D or Pope Leo Q33 C16!5-16!0D or to Pope
Leo Q333 C16-6-10"5D%
C , < !1 <uant ceu> du polle arti( vnis ensemble$
+n 7rient grand effrayeur X crainteH
+sleu nouueau$ soustenu le grand tremble$
/odes$ Bisance de sang Barbare taincte%
#hen those o, the Arctic Pole are united to/ether,
In the %ast /reat ,ear and terror1
Ne+ly elected, the /reat tre-.lin/ supported,
Rhodes, yzantiu- stained +ith ar.arian .lood2
Those of the 4rctic Pole may be the ?nited ;tates and /ussia &ho &ere allied together in :orld
:ar 3 and :orld :ar 33% This may apply to either &ar or to a future event% Line # may be indicative
of the events of 101! &hen /hodes &as seized from the Tur's by the 3talians% 3t may also pertain to
the Triple +ntente$ &hich &as an alliance formed in 10"6 bet&een the ?nited Iingdom$ 8rance and
/ussia$ to counter the Triple 4lliance of *ermany$ 4ustria-.ungary$ and 3taly% The ?nited ;tates
@oined the alliance in 101- during :orld :ar 3 as allies of 8rance$ /ussia$ and Britain%

C , < !! =edans la terre du grand temple celi(ue$
Nepueu Z Londres par pai> faincte meurtryH
La bar(ue alors deuiendra scismati(ue$
LibertM faincte sera au corn X cry%
#ithin the land o, the /reat heavenly te-ple,
Nephe+ at $ondon -urdered .y ,ei/ned peace1
The .ar0 +ill then .eco-e schis-atic,
'alse li.erty +ill .e +ith horn and cry2
The land of the great heavenly temple &ould be Britain% The great heavenly temple &ould be
:estminster 4bbey% The nephe& could be a person or a colony of a sister or brother% There &ere
(uite a lot of treaties made in London% The Treaty of London in 1015 &as made at the conclusion of
the 8irst Bal'an :ar bet&een the Bal'an League C;erbia$ *reece$ Bulgaria and 2ontenegroD &ho
defeated Tur'ey% 4lbania &as declared independent and the terms of the treaty set borders% This
verse &ould then connect to C , < !1% Liberty is called feigned because the ;econd Bal'an :ar
bro'e out and a final peace treaty$ the Treaty of Bucharest$ &as made the follo&ing year% 4t that
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
time the Pope &as ;t% Pius Q C10"5-1015D and the bar' &as schismatic due to problems &ith the
Church of 8rance$ the Bal'an ;tates$ and the 3talians%
There &as also the Treaty of :estminster in 1,-# &hich ended the Third 4nglo-=utch :ar
and gave Ne& Lor' and Ne& 1ersey Cnephe&sD bac' to +ngland% Pope Clement Q 'ept the Catholic
Church steady and there &ere no schisms in the papacy%
4nother Treaty of :estminster in 1051 created a common&ealth of the ne&ly independent
countries of Canada$ 4ustralia$ Ne& Tealand$ ;outh 4frica and the ?nited Iingdom% The pope at
that time &as Pius Q3%
C , < !5 =Aesprit de regne numismes descriMes$
+t seront peuples esmeuz contre leur /oyH
Pai> faict nouueau$ sainctes loi> empirMes$
/apis onc fut en si tresdur arroy%
In the spirit o, the real-, coins devalued,
And people +ill .e stirred up a/ainst their "in/1
Ne+ peace -ade, holy la+s -ade +orse,
Paris +as never in such severe an array2
There &ere many occasions in 8rance &hen moneys &ere devalued in order to raise funds to meet
debts in fact$ under @ust about every 'ing e>cept Louis 1#% .o&ever$ Paris &as in its &orst
financial state during the 8rench /evolutionary era% The lac' of food and the lac' of funds &ere the
leading causes of the overthro& of the monarchy%
C , < 5" Par lAapparence de faincte sainctetM$
;era trahy au> ennemis le siegeH
Nuict (uAon cuidoit dormir en seuretM$
Pres de Braban marcheront ceu> du Liege%
y the appearance o, ,ei/ned sanctity,
The sie/e +ill .e .etrayed to the ene-ies1
At ni/ht +hen they trust to sleep in sa,ety,
Near ra.ant +ill -arch those o, $ie/e2
Liege is east of Brabant in the Netherlands% This verse may pertain to an incident in the eighty year
&ar for =utch independence from ;pain% F4t nightG indicates this event happens prior to 1666%
C , < 51 /oy trouuera ce (uAil desiroit tant$
<uand le Prelat sera reprins Z tortH
/esponce au duc le rendra mal content$
<ui dans 2ilan mettre plusieurs Z mort%
The "in/ +ill ,ind that +hich he desired very -uch,
#hen the Prelate +ill .e .la-ed +ron/ly1
The reponse to the Du0e +ill leave hi- discontent,
)e +ho in Milan +ill put several to death2
Cheetham sees F=uc leG as a possible anagram for 3l =uce$ 2ussolini$ &hich is a good possibility%
The Iing &ould then be Jictor +mmanuel 333$ &ho dismissed 2ussolini in 10#5% The Prelate
&ould be Pope Pius Q33%
4nother possible solution to the (uatrain &ould be Jictor +mmanuel 33$ &ho in 16,"
consolidated the 3talian states and 'ingdoms and duchies to become the nation of 3taly% .e also
consolidated /ome and the Papal ;tates into the nation in 16-" leaving the pope only the Jatican%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < 5! Par trahysons de verges Z mort battu$
Prins surmontM sera par son desordreH
Conseil friuole au grand captif sentu$
Nez par fureur (uant Berich viendra mordre%
eaten to death .y rods ,or treason,
!aptured, overco-e throu/h his disorder1
'rivolous counsel /iven to the /reat captive,
#hen throu/h an/er erich +ill .ite his nose2
The clue to solving this (uatrain is to figure out the correct name of FBerich%G .ogue ta'es it for an
anagram of F/eichG and applies it to the assassination of :allenstein in 1,5#% :allenstein &as the
highly successful commander of the 3mperial 8orces in the Thirty Lear :ar% +mperor 8erdinand
issued a secret order to capture him for (uestioning because he had been ignoring orders% .e &as
captured and his men &ere murdered$ then an 3rish mercenary 'illed :allenstein later in his
bedchamber &ith a pi'e%
4nother possibility is /ichelieu &ho conducted the affairs of 8rance under Louis 15%
FBerichG &ould be a shortened version of /ichelieu% 7r a third possibility is that the verse pertains
to the =u'e of Berry$ FberrichonG meaning man from Berry%
4n interesting observationH FNoseG may be a symbol of a spy net&or' or intelligence
gathering agency Csmelling the &indD% To bite this off &ould have the effect of shutting do&n the
enemyAs ability to 'no& &hat you are doing%
C , < 5# =e feu volant la machination$
Jiendra troubler vn grand chef assiegezH
=edans sera telle sedition$
<uAen desespoir seront les profligez%
The -achine o, ,lyin/ 9intended: ,ire,
#ill co-e to trou.le the /reat chie, .esie/ed1
#ithin +ill .e such sedition,
That those overco-e +ill .e in despair2
The device of flying fire may be a missile launcher$ or a machine gun$ or a flame thro&er% 3t may
even be a ne&er type of &eapon% This verse could be about @ust about any &ar from 101# on&ard$
but it may continue C , < 55 regarding the ;econd Persian *ulf :ar%
C , < 5, Ne bien ne mal par bataille terrestre$
Ne paruiendra au> confins de PerouseH
/ebeller Pise$ 8lorence voir mal estre$
/oy nuict blessM sur mulet Z noire house%
Neither /ood nor evil .y the terrestrial .attle,
#ill co-e to the con,ines o, Peru/ia1
Pisa to re.el, 'lorence to see .ad e4istence,
"in/ at ni/ht +ounded on little -ule +ith a .lac0 coverin/2
The three cities are in 3taly% Pisa is &est of 8lorence and Perugia is southeast of 8lorence% This
(uatrain may be in regard to Jictor +mmanuel 33As endeavors to consolidate the separate cities and
states into the Country of 3taly% The FmuletG or Flittle muleG is also found in C ! < ,"% 4gain Fat
nightG &ould be prior to 1666%
C , < 56 4u> profligez de pai> les ennemis$
4pres auoir lA3talie supereeH
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Noir sanguinaire$ rouge sera commis$
8eu$ sang verser$ eau de sang couloree%
The ene-ies o, peace to those overco-e,
A,ter havin/ con6uered Italy1
lac0 .loody one, red +ill .e co--itted 9co--issioned:,
'ire, .loodshed, +ater colored .y .lood2
Nostradamus uses the color FredG to indicate a &ar$ a revolution or a revolutionary) or a cardinal of
the church% This verse sho&s 3taly as being con(uered$ perhaps by Napoleon%
C , < #1 Le second chef du regne dA4nnemarc$
Par ceu> de 8rise X lAisle Britanni(ue$
8era despendre plus de cent mille marc$
Jain e>ploicter voyage en 3tali(ue%
The second head o, the real- o, Anne-arc,
y those o, 'risia and the ritish Isles,
#ill spend -ore than one hundred thousand -ar0s,
%4ploitin/ in vain a voya/e to Italy2
The enigmatic F4nnemarcG is also mentioned in C # < !-% Cheetham &onders if =enmar' is the
F4nnemarcG referenced here% Leoni applies the name to 2a>imilian$ Iing of .ungary and
Bohemia through the do&ry of <ueen 4nne C4nneAs landsD% 8risia is a northern province in the
Netherlands and is therefore$ a synecdoche for .olland%
C , < #5 Long temps sera sans estre habitMe$
7u ;igne X 2arne autour vient arrouserH
=e la Tamise X martiau> tentMe$
=eceuz les gardes en cuidant repouser%
'or a lon/ ti-e +ill .e +ithout any inha.itants,
Around +here the Seine and Marne co-e to .e +atered1
O, the Tha-es and -artial people tried,
The /uards deceived in trustin/ it repulsed2
There are other (uatrains that spea' of Paris as being deserted% .ere Nostradamus indicates the
British CThames /iverD are connected in some &ay%
C , < ## =e nuict par Nantes Lyris apparoistra$
=es artz marins susciteront la pluyeH
4rabi( goulfre grand classe parfondra$
?n monstre en ;a>e naistra dAours X truye%
y ni/ht the rain.o+ +ill appear in Nantes,
The -arine arts +ill raise up the rain1
A /reat ,leet in the Ara.ian &ul, +ill sin0,
A -onster +ill .e .orn in Sa4ony o, a .ear and a so+2
FBy nightG may mean before 1666$ but this verse sounds more modern &ith the marine arts able to
ma'e rain$ unless Nostradamus is referring to the rainbo& as being a time of peace and the rain as
being a maritime &ar% The 4rabian *ulf may be either the /ed ;ea or the 4rabian ;ea &hich lies
south of ;audi 4rabia% Nantes is in south&estern 8rance inland from the Bay of Biscay%
Line # may reference an evil person &ho is born Ccome to po&erD in *ermany of /ussian
and *erman ancestry%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < #9 Le gouueneur du regne bien scauant$
Ne consentir voulant au faict /oyalH
2ellile classe par le contraire vent$
Le remettre Z son plus desloyal%
The /overnor o, the real- very +ise,
Not +ishin/ to consent to the royal deed1
The ,leet at Mellile .y a contrary +ind,
#ill deliver hi- to the -ost disloyal2
2ellila is a city in 2orocco southeast of Casablanca% The fleet &ould have to be in the 4tlantic% 4
contrary &ind &ould be an action ta'en that &ould be against public opinion% This verse may
pertain to either the country of 2orocco coming under 8rench protection by the 10", 4lgeciras
Conference$ or the Treaty of 8ez in 101! &hich again made 2orocco a protectorate of 8rance%
There is also a 2elilla in Nador ne>t to 2orocco on the 4lboran ;ea on the North 4frican
coast &hich has belonged to ;pain since 1#0"% There is also a city named 2ellili in ;icily and
another city of 2elilla in Cuba%
C , < #- +ntre deu> monts les deu> grans assemblMs
=elaisseront leur simulate secretteH
Brucelle X =olle par Langres acablMs$
Pour Z 2alignes e>ecuter leur peste%
et+een t+o -ountains the t+o /reat ones asse-.led
#ill a.andon their secret ani-osity1
russels and Dole overco-e .y $an/res,
In order to e4ecute their pestilence at Malines2
Brussels and 2alines are both in Brabant in the old ;panish Netherlands% Langres &as in
Champagne and =ole in 8ranche-Comte &hich &as ;panish until 1,-#% .ogue applies this to the
last part of the Thirty Lear :ar in 1,5!$ but the (uatrain is too vague for certainty%
C , < #6 La sainctetM trop faincte X seductiue$
4ccompagnM dAvne langue diserteH
La citM vieille$ X Parme trop hastiue$
8lorence X ;ienne rendront plus desertes%
The sanctity too ,alse and seductive,
Acco-panied .y an elo6uent ton/ue1
The old city, and Par-a too hasty,
'lorence and Siena +ill .e rendered -ore deserted2
The action in this (uatrain all ta'es place in 3taly% This verse could be applied to many minor
historical events%
C , < 91 Peuple assemblM$ voir nouueau e>pectacle$
Princes X /oys par plusieurs assistansH
Pilliers faillir$ mursH mais comme miracle$
Le /oy sauuM X trente des instans%
People asse-.led, to see ne+ spectacle,
Princes and "in/s a-on/ -any in attendance1
Pillars ,all, +alls1 .ut as i, .y a -iracle,
The 0in/ saved and thirty o, those present2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2any commentators assign this verse to the assassination attempt of 4dolf .itler in 10##% .itler
and some of his party left une>pectedly early missing the e>plosion of the bomb hidden under the
table% .o&ever$ 3 doubt that Nostradamus &ould call those of the Nazi party princes and 'ings%
This probably pertains to another incident%
C , < 95 Le grand Prelat Celti(ue Z /oy suspect$
=e nuict par cours sortira hors du regneH
Par duc fertile Z son grand /oy$ Bretaigne$
Bisance Z Cipres X Tunes insuspect%
The /rand !eltic Prelate suspected .y the "in/,
y ni/ht in ,li/ht he +ill /o outside the real-1
y a du0e ,ruit,ul to his /reat "in/, ritish,
yzantiu- to !yprus and Tunis unsuspected2
By saying Fby nightG Nostradamus may be referring to this happening prior to 1666% The great
8rench Prelate may be Cardinal /ichelieu &ho fell out of favor &ith Iing Louis 15% Lines ! and 5 do
not fit this interpretation%
C , < 99 4u chalmM =uc$ en arrachant lAesponce$
Joile 4rabes(ue voir$ subit descouuerteH
Tripolis Chio$ X ceu> Trapesonce$
=uc prins$ 2arnegro X la citM deserte%
The appeased Du0e in dra+in/ up the contract,
Ara.ian sail seen, sudden discovery1
Tripoli, !hios, and those o, Tra.zon,
Du0e captured, the lac0 Sea and the city deserted2
Tripoli is in Libya$ Chios is on a *ree' island @ust off the coast of Tur'ey$ and Trabzon is in
northern Tur'ey on the Blac' ;ea% There is also a city of Tripoli in Lebanon% Leoni gives the old
name of FTripolisG to the city of Tirebolu$ on the Blac' ;ea about 9" miles &est of Trabzon in
Tur'ey% This verse may be in regard to intrigues of the 7ttoman +mpire$ or this verse may be
regarding a future conflict%
C , < 9, La crainte armee de lAennemy Narbon$
+ffrayera si fort les .esperi(uesH
Parpignan vuide par lAaueugle darbon$
Lors Barcelon par mer donra les pi(ues%
The ,eared ar-y o, the Nar.onne ene-y,
#ill /reatly ,ri/hten the #esterners1
Perpi/nan e-pty .y the .lind one o, Ar.on,
Then arcelona .y sea +ill /ive the 6uarrels 9+eapons:2
Perpignan is about #" miles south of Narbonne% 3t &as a ;panish possession until 1,90% There &as
a minor siege of Perpignan in 190- by the 8rench from the north% Barcelona$ in ;pain$ is about 1""
miles further south% There is a to&n of 4rbon on La'e Constance in ;&itzerland and t&o tiny
villages of 4rbon in 8rance% The :esterners are probably ;panish$ but may be 4mericans if this
prediction is for the future%
C , < 90 =ame en fureur par rage dAadultere$
Jiendra Z son Prince coniurer non de direH
2ais bref cogneu le vitupere$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
<ue seront mis di>sept Z martire%
The lady in a ,ury throu/h ra/e o, adultery,
She +ill co-e to conspire not to tell her Prince1
ut soon the .la-e +ill .e 0no+n,
So that seventeen +ill .e put to -artyrdo-2
This verse may apply to court intrigues and scandals$ but there is no specific historical event this
seems to fit% This verse may instead apply to a female country such as the ?;4 or 3taly%
C , < ," Le Prince hors de son terroir Celti(ue%
;era trahy$ deceu par interpreteH
/ouan$ /ochelle par ceul> de lA4rmori(ue
4u port de Blaue deceus par moyne X prebstre%
The Prince outside his !eltic territory2
#ill .e .etrayed, deceived .y an interpreter1
Rouen, $a Rochelle .y those o, rittany
At the port o, laye deceived .y a -on0 and priest2
3n the third line F4rmori(ueG may be 4merica$ but it most li'ely is the Latin F4rmoricaG meaning
Brittany% The port of Blaye lies on the *aronde$ far to the south of Brittany &hich lies on the Bay of
Biscay% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus predicts a great many problems in this area%
C , < ,# 7n ne tiendra pache aucune arrestM$
Tous receuants iront par tromperieH
=e pai> X trefue$ terre X mer protestM$
Par Barcelonne classe prins dAindustrie%
They +ill not hold the pact a/reed upon,
All the recipients +ill act throu/h deceit1
In peace and truce, land and sea in protest,
y arcelona ,leet 9,orces: captured .y in/enuity2
This verse may hoo' up &ith C , < 9, that mentions Barcelona% This$ again$ may be about the
:ars of /eligion that tore 8rance apart%
C , < ,9 *ris X bureau$ demi ouuerte guerre$
=e nuict seront assailis X pillezH
Le bureau prins passera par la serre$
;on temple ouuert deu> au plastre grillez%
&ray and .ureau hal, open +ar,
y ni/ht they +ill .e assaulted and pilla/ed1
The .ureau captured +ill pass throu/h 9.y: the loc0 9prison:,
)is te-ple opened, t+o slipped in plaster2
*arencieres in 1,-! translated the &ord FbureauG as Fgovernment%G 7ther commentators use the
7ld 8rench &ord FburelG for Fbro&n%G The grays may be the mon's &ho &ere persecuted during
the 8rench /evolutionAs /eign of Terror$ but the government &as not captured by them% Leoni
&onders if this verse might apply to (uarrels bet&een t&o monastic orders% The last t&o lines are
especially confusing%
C , < ,6 Lors (ue souldartz fureur seditieuse$
Contre leur chef feront de nuict fer luireH
+nnemy dA4lbe soit par main furieuse$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Lors ve>er /ome X principau> seduire%
#hen the soldiers in a seditious ,ury,
#ill cause +eapons to ,lash .y ni/ht a/ainst their chie,1
The ene-y o, Al.a acts +ith ,urious hand,
Then to ve4 Ro-e and seduce the principal ones2
The =u'e of 4lba Cor 4lvaD &as entrusted &ith command of the army under Philip 33 of ;pain% .e
had subdued Campagna and &as at the gates of /ome$ &hen he &as restrained by Philip 33 and had
to negotiate for peace% 3n 19,- the =u'e of 4lba &as sent to the Netherlands to overcome the
rebellion% =uring the si> years of his governorship no less than 16$""" citizens &ere e>ecuted% 3t is
(uite possible some of his soldiers rebelled during the campaign% The enemies of 4lba &ere the
citizens of the ;panish Netherlands and 8rance%
C , < -! Par fureur faincte dAesmotion diuine$
;era la femme du grand fort violeeH
3uges voulans damner telle doctrine$
Jictime au peuple ignorant imolee%
y ,ei/ned ,ury o, the e-otion divine,
The +i,e o, the /reat one +ill .e /reatly violated1
The 5ud/es +ishin/ to conde-n such a doctrine,
Iicti- o, the i/norant people slain2
;ome commentators apply this verse to the Czarina 4le>andra and /asputin from 101! to 101-%
/asputin &as alleged to have been able to stop the hemophilia attac's of her young son$ 4le>is%
.o&ever$ the rumors that fle& stated she had been seduced by his strange po&ers% The relationship
soon incurred the &rath of the aristocrats &ho murdered him%
4nother possibility is 2arie 4ntoinette &ho &as the victim of the scandalous gossip of the
8rench people &ho &ished her harm% 2alicious charges &ere levied against her during her sham
trial in 1-05%
C , < -5 +n citM grande vn moyne X artisan$
Pres de la porte logMs X au> muraillesH
Contre 2odene C2oderneD secret$ caue disant$
Trahis pour faire souz couleur dAespousailles%
In the /reat city a -on0 and artisan,
$od/ed near the /ates and the +alls1
Secret a/ainst Modene 9Moderne: e-pty spea0in/,
etrayed ,or actin/ under the color o, -arria/e2
The great city may be Paris% F2odeneG variant F2oderne$G is an unsolved place or person name%
F2arriageG may refer to an alliance% F2odeneG may be 2odena$ 3taly% Line 5 is very tangled%
C , < -# La dechassee au regne tournera$
;es ennemis trouuMs des coniurMsH
Plus (ue iamais son temps triomphera$
Trois X septante Z mort trop asseurMs%
Driven ,ro- the real- +ill return,
)er ene-ies ,ound a-on/ the conspirators1
More than ever her ti-e +ill triu-ph,
Three and seventy to death ,or sure2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This may be applied to <ueen +lizabeth 3 &ho died in 1,"5 at the age of -"% But she &as never
driven from +ngland Cthree and seventyD% .ogue applies this to +mpress +ugenie$ &ife of Napoleon
333 &ho died in 16-5% ;he &ent into e>ile &ith her husband in 16-" &hen he fell from po&er after
the 8ranco-Prussian &ar% ;he returned to 8rance after his death% There is most li'ely another ans&er
to this (uatrain% F;heG may also be the Catholic Church &ho &as driven from 8rance during the
Cult of /eason in 1--5 during the 8rench /evolution%
C , < -, La citM anti(ue dAantenoree forge$
Plus ne pouuant le tyran supporterH
Le manchet fainct au temple couper gorge$
Les siens le peuple Z mort viendra bouter%
The old city ,ounded .y Antenor,
#ill no lon/er support the tyrant1
The ,alse one ar-ed one 9handle: in te-ple to cut the throat,
)is ,ollo+ers the people +ill co-e to put to death2
The city is Padua in northern 3taly &est of Jenice &hose legendary founder &as the Tro@an Prince
4ntenor% The &ritten history of the city$ ho&ever$ does not record the tyrant nor this incident%
C , < -- Par la victoire du deceu fraudulente$
=eu> classes vne$ la reuolte *ermaineH
Le chef meurtry$ X son filz dans la tente$
8lorence$ 3mole pour chassMs dans /omaine%
y the victory o, the ,raudulent deception,
T+o .rea0s 9ar-ies:9,leets:9,orces: in one, the &er-an revolt1
The chie, and his son -urdered in the tent,
'lorence, I-ola pursued into Ro-e 9Ro-ania:2
There &ere a great number of *erman revolts through history% This verse may be about the end of
:orld :ar 3 &hen there &as a revolt in *ermany and the Iaiser abdicated% .is son$ the cro&n
prince$ also &as re(uired to forfeit his right of succession% This event &ould ta'e place at a time of
unrest in 3taly%
C , < 6" =e 8ez le regne paruiendra Z ceu> dA+urope$
8eu leur citM$ X lame trencheraH
Le grand dA4sie terre X mer Z grande troupe$
<ue bleu>$ pers$ croi>$ Z mort dechassera%
'ro- 'ez the real- +ill co-e to those o, %urope,
Their city on ,ire, and the .lade +ill cut1
The /reat one o, Asia .y land and sea a /reat troop,
So that .lues, perses 9Persians:, the cross, to death driven2
The city of 8ez is in 2orocco% The great one of 4sia may be the 4nti-Christ &ho is yet to come
&ho &ill persecute Christians%
C , < 61 Pleurs$ crys X plaincts$ hurlement effraieur$
C[ur inhumain$ cruel noir$ X transyH
Leman$ les 3sles de *ennes les maieurs$
;ang espancher$ frofaim CtochsainD Z nul mercy%
Tears, cries and co-plaints, ho+lin/ in terror,
Inhu-an heart, cruel, .lac0 and cold1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
$a0e o, &eneva, the Isles o, &enoa the principal ones,
lood to spill, hun/er ,or +heat 9.ells to rin/:, to none -ercy2
This verse may continue C , < 6" and be in regard to the 4nti-Christ% The &ord FfrofaimG may be
a combination &ord of froment-faim meaning hunger for &heat% *arenciers uses the variant
FtochsainG translated as Fbells to ring%G
C , < 6# Celuy (uAen ;parte Claude ne peut regner$
3l fera tant par voye seductiveH
<ue du court$ long$ le fera araigner$
<ue contre /oy fera sa perspectiue%
)e +ho, .ein/ la-e, could not rule in Sparta,
)e +ill do so -uch throu/h seductive -eans1
So that .y the short, lon/, he +ill .e accused,
O, -a0in/ his perspective a/ainst the "in/2
4ncient ;parta$ in *reece$ being very &arrior oriented$ did not allo& a lame person to rule% 3n fact$
children &ith imperfections &ere 'illed% The ob@ect of the verse &ould be someone &ho is lame and
&ho is a ruler$ or close to a ruler% The candidates might be 8ran'lin =% /oosevelt or$ as .ogue
suggests$ 1osef *oebbels$ .itlerAs propaganda minister% .o&ever$ the =uc de Bordeau>$ grandson
of Charles Q$ may be the person to &hom Nostradamus is referring% .e had a permanent limp from
a riding accident in 4ustria and he &as considered by the /oyalists as a candidate for Iing of
4nother good candidate is Talleyrand$ as suggested by Cheetham% .e &as lame from a foot
in@ury in childhood% .is continuous intriguing and plotting brought about the do&nfall of Napoleon
3 and the restoration of the Bourbons in 161#% :e 'no& Napoleon 3 &as very short) and if
Talleyrand$ properly Charles 2aurice de Talleyrand-Perigord$ &as tall$ or if one of his accusers &as
tall$ then this may fit the clue of the short and long Nostradamus gave to us%
C , < 69 La grande citM de Tharse par *aulois
;era destruite$ captifz tous Z TurbanH
;ecours par mer du grand Portugalois$
Premier dAestM le iour du sacre Jrban%
The /reat city o, Tarsus 9Tharsis: .y the &auls
#ill .e destroyed, all those o, the captured1
Assistance .y sea ,ro- the /reat Portu/al,
'irst o, su--er the day o, sacred Ur.an2
The great city may be Tarsus in Tur'ey$ birthplace of ;aint Paul) or it may be Tharsis in ;pain near
the 4tlantic coast% Neither city has been destroyed by the 8rench% There are many different ?rban
days$ but the closest to summer to place the day of sacred ?rban is 2ay !9 &hen Pope ?rban 3 is
commemorated% Pope ?rban J33 and Pope ?rban J333 &ere both elected later in the year%
C , < 66 Jn regne grand demourra desolM$
4upres del .ebro se feront assembleesH
2onts Pyrenees le rendront consolM$
Lors (ue dans 2ay seront terres tremblees%
A /reat real- +ill .e le,t desolated,
Near the they +ill ,or- an asse-.ly1
The Pyrenees Mountains +ill render co-,ort,
#hen in May lands +ill .e tre-.lin/2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The +bro /iver is in Northern ;pain% .ogue ma'es a try at solving this verse &ith a ;panish Civil
:ar slant% .o&ever$ not everything fits e>actly right% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus predicts a great
&orld&ide earth(ua'e in 2ay%
C , < 0" LAhonnissement puant abhominable
4pres le faict sera felicitMH
*rand e>cusM$ pour nAestre fauorable$
<uAZ pai> Neptune ne sera incitM%
The stin0in/ and a.o-ina.le dis/race
A,ter the deed he +ill .e happy1
&reat e4cuse ,or not .ein/ ,avora.le,
That Neptune +ill not .e persuaded to peace2
3n the time of Nostradamus$ Tur'ey &as the leading sea po&er CNeptuneD% Then the British &ere the
rulers of the &aves$ and after :orld :ar 33$ the honor &ent to the ?nited ;tates%
C , < 01 =u conducteur de la guerre nauale$
/ouge effrenM$ seuere$ horrible grippe$
Captif eschappM de lAaisnM dans la baste CbasleDCbafleDH
<uant il naistra du grand vn filz 4grippe%
The leader o, the naval +ar,
Red one un.ridled, severe, horri.le 6uarrel,
!aptive escapes ,ro- the elder in the harness 9.all:9.ale:1
#hen a son +ill .e .orn to the /reat A/rippa2
2arcus Jipsanius 4grippa C5!-1! B%C%D &as a /oman statesman in charge of the navy and
&ater&or's% .e cut e>isting land into a ne& harbor for the /omans% 4grippina$ his granddaughter$
&as the mother of Nero% 3n many (uatrains Nostradamus uses the symbol of Nero as an 4nti-Christ%
This (uatrain may pertain to :orld :ar 3$ after &hich$ .itler came to po&er%
3n the City of Nimes in Languedoc$ a small /oman temple is dedicated to the sons of
4grippa% 3t &as built ca% 10 B%C% The nearby Pont du *ard$ also built by 4grippa$ is a &ell-
preserved a(ueduct that used to carry &ater across the small *ardon river valley% Nearby is 2ont
Cavalier$ cro&ned by the Tour 2agne$ a ruined /oman to&er% The verse may indicate a great leader
&ill be born here% ;ee also C , < 1""-d%
.enry Cornelius 4grippa C1#6,-1959D &as a great hermetic magician 'no&n for his &or'$
F=e occulta philosophia%G There &as also an 4grippa &ho &as an astrologer c% 0! 4%=%
C , < 0# Jn /oy ire sera au> sedifragues$
<uant interdicts seront harnois de guerreH
Le poison taincte au succre par les fragues
Par eau> meurtris$ mors$ disant serre serre Cterre terreD%
A "in/ +ill .e an/ry +ith the seatD.rea0ers 9treaty .rea0ers:,
#hen +eapons o, +ar +ill .e ,or.idden1
The su/ar tainted +ith poison ,or the stra+.erries
y +aters -urdered, dyin/, sayin/ loc0, loc0 9or close, close: 9land,
Nostradamus is spea'ing of a time &hen &eapons of &ar are forbidden perhaps by the Nuclear
4rms Limitations Treaties of the present era% :hile nuclear arms &ere reduced by the ?nited ;tates
and /ussia and many &estern countries$ there are rogue countries and terrorist groups &ho have
turned to suppliers on the blac' mar'et%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C , < 09 Par detracteur calumnie Z puis nay$
<uant istront faicts enormes X martiau>H
La moindre part dubieuse Z lAaisnay$
+t tost au regne seront faicts partiau>%
Slander a/ainst the youn/er one .y a detractor,
#hen enor-ous and +arli0e deeds ta0e place1
The least part du.ious ,or the elder,
And soon in the real- +ill .e partisan deeds2
This is a very general (uatrain that may apply to internal affairs in 8rance or to problems bet&een
t&o countries$ a young one and an elder one%
C , < 0, *rande citM Z soldartz abandonnMe$
7n(ues ny eust mortel tumult si proche$
7 (uel hideuse calamitM sAapproche$
8ors vne offence ny sera pardonnMe%
&reat city a.andoned to the soldiers,
Never +as such a -ortal tu-ult so close,
Oh, +hat a hideous cala-ity approaches,
%4cept ,or one o,,ense, nothin/ +ill .e pardoned2
.ogue chooses the Battle for Berlin after :orld :ar 33 as the sub@ect of this verse% The one offense
that &as pardoned &as .itlerAs suicide% Cheetham &onders if Line 5 may pertain to an approach of
a comet% 1aubert applies the verse to the sac' of ;aint-<uentin% Le Pelletier sees this happening in
the future to Paris% Nostradamus uses FnyG t&ice so perhaps the city is Ne& Lor' in a future
C , < 00 LAennemy docte se tournera confus$
*rand camp malade$ X defaict par embusches$
2onts Pyrenees X Poenus luy seront faicts refus$
Proche du fleuue decouurat anti(ues oruches CruchesD%
The learned ene-y +ill turn around con,used,
&reat ar-y sic0 and de,eated .y a-.ushes,
The Pyrenees and the Pennine Alps +ill .e denied hi-,
Near the river discoverin/ ancient urns 9hives:2
Line 1 may be a clue to the se(uence$ that instead of turning around and going bac' to&ards the
beginning$ you should continue straight ahead% .ogue applies this verse to Napoleon% 4ll other
commentators pretty much give up on this (uatrain% The ancient urns may be an indication of the
4(uarian 4ge &e &ill soon enter%
!%NTUR3 >
C - < ! Par 2ars ouuert 4rles ne donra guerre$
=e nuict seront les soldartz estonnMsH
Noir$ blanc Z lAinde dissimulMs en terre$
;ouz la faincte vmbre traistres verez X sonnMs%
Opened .y Mars, Arles +ill not -a0e +ar,
y ni/ht the soldiers astonished1
lac0, +hite to the indi/o concealed on land,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Under the ,ei/ned shado+ traitors s+ept and sounded2
4rles is in Provence near the mouth of the /hone% This &ould happen prior to 1666 Cat nightD$
ho&ever there is no other indication as to the sub@ect of this verse%
C - < 5 4pres de 8rance la victoire nauale$
Les Barchinons$ ;aillinons$ les Phocens$
Lierre dAor$ lAenclume serrM dedans la basle$
Ceu> de Ptolon CToulonD au fraud seront consensH
A,ter the naval victory o, 'rance,
Those o, arcelona, the Saillinons, those o, Marseille, o, /old, the anvil 9incus: closed +ithin the .all,
Those o, Ptolon 9Toulon: +ill /ive consent to the ,raud2
Line 1 indicates this event occurs after a naval victory% The &ord F;aillinonsG has not been
identified$ but it may be the ancient term F;aillienG &hich represents the classical Ligurian tribe%
The variants in other editions areH ;alinons and ;allimons% Li'e&ise$ the &ord FPtolonG may either
stand for the city of Toulon$ or for Ptolemy$ representing alchemy% Toulon is a city in southern
8rance &ith a large military harbor on the 2editerranian ;ea% There &as a battle of Toulon in 1-##%
Napoleon rose to fame after his decisive victory over the British at the ;iege of Toulon in 1-05%
This verse may be in regard to that event in regard to the advent of Napoleon%
C - < # Le =uc de Langres assiegM dedans =olle$
4ccompagnM dA7stun CdA4uthunD X LyonnoisH
*eneue$ 4uspour$ ioinct ceu> de 2irandole$
Passer les monts contre les 4nconnois%
The Du0e o, $an/res under sie/e in Dole,
Acco-panied .y those o, Ostun 9Autun: and $yon1
&eneva, Au/s.ur/, allied +ith those o, Mirandola,
To pass over the -ountains a/ainst those o, Ancona2
Langres is in Champagne on the eastern side of 8rance% 3t had no du'e$ but it did have a bishop% =ole
is further south) as is 4utun$ in Burgandy) and Lyon$ even further south% *eneva is in ;&itzerland$
4ugsburg is in *ermany$ and 2irandola is in 3taly north of Bologna% 4ncona is an 3talian seaport on
the 4driatic ;ea%
C - < 9 Jin sur la table en sera respandu$
Le tiers nAaura celle (uAil pretendoitH
=eu> fois du noir de Parme descendu$
Perouse Z Pize fera ce (uAil cuidoit%
#ine +ill .e spilled on the ta.le,
The third +ill not have that 9her: +hich he clai-ed1
T+ice descended ,ro- the .lac0 one o, Par-a,
Peru/ia +ill do to Pisa that +hich he .elieved2
:ine is the symbol Nostradamus uses for e>perience in leadership% By it being spilled on the table$
Nostradamus is saying that e>perience or &isdom is being discarded% The table may be peace tal's
or a bargaining table% Parma is in northern 3taly% There have been many =u'es of Parma$ one of
&hom may have been the blac' one referenced here%
C - < , Naples$ Palerme$ X toute la ;ecille$
Par main barbare sera inhabitee$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Corsi(ue$ ;alerne X de ;ardeigne lAisle$
8aim$ peste$ guerre fin de mau> intemptee%
Naples, Paler-o and all o, Sicily,
y .ar.arian hands +ill .e -ade uninha.ited,
!orsica, Salerno and the Isle o, Sardinia,
'a-ine, pla/ue, +ar, and endless evils 9end o, e4tended evils:2
There &ere many raids by corsairs from the Barbary Coast in this area in the 1,
Century% .o&ever$
it &as not as dire as &hat Nostradamus predicts for the future of these areas of 3taly%
C - < 6 8lora$ fuis$ fuis le plus proche /omain$
4u fesulan sera conflict donnMH
;ang espandu les plus grans prins Z main$
Temple ne se>e ne sera pardonnM%
'lorence, ,lee, ,lee the approachin/ Ro-ans,
At 'iesole the .attle +ill .e /iven1
lood +ill spill, the /reatest ta0en .y hand,
Neither te-ple nor se4 +ill .e pardoned 9spared:2
8lorence is in Tuscany$ 3taly$ and 8iesole is @ust north of 8lorence% The verse seems to predict a
siege of 8lorence after the battle at 8iesole against those of /ome%
C - < 0 =ame Z lAabsence de son grand capitaine$
;era priee dAamours du Jiceroy$
8aincte promesse X malheureuse estreine$
+ntre les mains du grand prince Barroys%
The lady in the a.sence o, her /reat captain,
#ill .e entreated o, love .y the viceroy,
'alse pro-ise and un,ortunate Ne+ 3ears /i,t,
In the hands o, the Prince o, ar2
The nearest candidate for the Prince of Bar &ould be the =u'e de *uise% Leoni &onders if this
might apply to the =u'e of *uise trying to seduce =iane de Poitiers$ the mistress of .enry 33%
.ogue applies this as a seduction of 2arguerite de Jalois$ &ife of .enry of Navarre$ Iing .enry
3J of 8rance% FNe& yearAs giftG is also mentioned in C 1" < ## and C 1" < ,"% These verses may
all fit together%
C - < 1" Par le grand prince limitrophe du 2ans$
Preu> X vaillant chef de grand e>erciteH
Par mer X terre de *allotz X Normans$
Caspre passer Barcelone pillM lAisle%
y the /reat prince .orderin/ $eMans,
rave and valiant chie, o, the /reat ar-y1
y sea and land o, those o, rittany and Nor-andy,
Passin/ &i.raltar and arcelona to pilla/e the isle2
Le 2ans is bet&een Brittany$ in the far &estern part of 8rance$ and Paris% Normandy is in the
north&estern part of 8rance% :hile there is no country bordering Le 2ans$ there are provinces
&hich border the province of 2aine &here Le 2ans is located% There is no historical evidence for
the sub@ect matter in this verse% 3n other verses Nostradamus predicts problems for this area of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C - < 1! Le grand puisnM fera fin de la guerre$
4u> dieu> assemble les e>cusMsH
Cahors$ 2oissac iront long de la serre CferreD$
/effus C/efucD$ Lestore$ les 4genois razMs%
The /reat youn/er one +ill -a0e an end o, the +ar,
e,ore the /ods those pardoned +ill asse-.le1
!ahors, Moissac +ill /o ,ar ,ro- the enclosure 9prison:,
Re,used 9Ru,,ec:, $ectoure, those o, A/en shaved2
Lectoure is in the southern part of 8rance% /uffec is north of Lectoure% Cahors is northeast of
Lectoure as is 2oissac% 4gen is due north of Lectoure% 4ll of these to&ns are in the southern
portion of 8rance% This may be about the &ars of religion that tore 8rance apart for many years% The
one &ho made an end to these &ars &as .enry 3J &ho changed his faith from Protestant to
Catholic in order to consolidate 8rance% .e &as cro&ned Iing of a consolidated 8rance in 190#%
C - < 19 =euant citM de lA3nsubre contree$
;ept ans sera le siege deuant misH
Le tresgrand /oy y fera son entree$
CitM$ puis libre hors de ses ennemis%
e,ore the city o, the Insu.ria re/ion,
Seven years +ill the sie/e .e laid1
The -ost /rand "in/ +ill -a0e his entry,
!ity then ,ree its ene-ies outside2
3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of 2ilan$ there &as never a seven year siege for the city% 3f
Nostradamus is using 2ilan as a synecdoche$ NapoleonAs campaigns in the area of 3nsubria did last
almost seven years% 3 do not believe Nostradamus &ould refer to Napoleon as the Fmost grand
C - < 16 Les assiegMs couloureront leurs paches$
;ept iours apres feront cruelle issue
=ans repoulsMs feu$ sang% ;ept mis Z lAhache
=ame captiue (uAauoit la pai> tissue%
The .esie/ed +ill color their pacts,
Seven days a,ter they +ill -a0e cruel sortie
Repulsed inside, ,ire, .lood2 Seven put to the a4e
$ady captive +ho tried to +eave peace2
This is a very general (uatrain and may apply to any city or country under siege% FThe ladyG may
be a female country as seen by Nostradamus$ such as the ?nited ;tates or 3taly% FThe ladyG may
also indicate the Catholic Church trying to negotiate peace terms bet&een t&o countries%
C - < !1 Par pestilente inimitiM Jolsic(ue$
=issimulee chassera le tyrantH
4u pont de ;orgues se fera le traffic(ue$
=e mettre Z mort luy X son adherent%
y the pestilent en-ity o, $an/uedoc,
Dissi-ulated the tyrant chased out1
At the .rid/e o, Sor/ues +ill .e -ade the trade,
)e and his adherent put to death2
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FJolsi(ueG from FJolcaeG are the classical inhabitants of the area no& 'no&n as Languedoc$ the
region inhabited by the Cathars in southern 8rance% ;ee also C , < 06% The small to&n of ;orgues
and the ;orgues /iverR;tream is north of Languedoc% The name of the tyrant is un'no&n%
C - < !5 Le /oyal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre$
Ce (ue ses predecesseurs auoient engaigMH
Puis (ue lAaneau CLaigneauD on fera mal entendre$
Lors (uAon viendra le palays saccager%
The Royal sceptre +ill .e constrained to ta0e,
That +hich his predecessors had pled/ed1
Then they +ill pretend not to understand a.out the rin/,
9MThen they +ill -isin,or- the $a-.:,
#hen they co-e to plunder the palace2
_4lternate reading of Line 5% This verse may have something to do &ith Napoleon &hen he too'
Pope Pius J3 prisoner and sac'ed the Jatican$ but this one is very vague%
C - < !# LAenseuely sortyra du tombeau$
8era de chaines lier le fort du pontH
+mpoysonnM auec [ufz de barbeau$
*rand de Lorraine par le 2ar(uis du Pont%
The .uried +ill co-e out o, the to-.,
Tied +ith chains he +ill ,ree the ,ort 9stron/ one: o, the .rid/e1
Poisoned +ith the roe o, a .ar.el,
The /reat one o, $orraine .y the Mar6uis du Pont2
4 barbel is a fresh &ater fish &ith barbels in its upper @a&% The =uchy of Lorraine &as an
independent state until 1-50% This area &as the focus of disputes bet&een 8rance and *ermany% The
.ouse of *uise$ a @unior branch of the .ouse of Lorraine$ played an important role in the :ars of
/eligion in ;i>teenth Century 8rance% The =u'e of Lorraine$ 8rancis 333$ became the +mperor of the
.oly /oman +mpire by his marriage to 2aria Theresia of 4ustria% .e died suddenly in his carriage
upon returning from the opera in 1-,9% 4nother =u'e of Lorraine &as ;tanislaus Leszczyns'i$ Iing
of Poland% 7n his death$ the area of Lorraine reverted to Iing Louis 19 of 8rance$ his son in la&%
+leuthere 3renee du Pont de Nemours C1--1-165#D &as born in Paris% .e &as initially a
supporter of the 8rench /evolution$ but he &as among those &ho physically defended Louis 1, from
the mob besieging the Tuileries Palace in 1-0! during the 8rench /evolution% .e and his father
narro&ly escaped the guillotine% 4fter the family house &as sac'ed by a mob in 1-0-$ the entire
family immigrated to the ?nited ;tates% Because of the poor (uality of gunpo&der being made in
4merica$ in 16"! he founded &hat &ould become one of the largest and most successful 4merican
corporations$ the =uPont Corporation$ at first specializing in gunpo&der and then branching out into
Cheetham states that the younger son of the .ouse of Lorraine had the title of 2ar(uis du
Pont a 2ousson$ ma'ing this an in-family prediction% There is the Pont commune in the Cete-dA7r
department of 8rance$ and there is the ;&iss hamlet of du Pont that is part of the commune of
LA4bbaye% The house of Lorraine is said to carry the holy bloodline of the 2erovingians% There is no
historical record of a great one of Lorraine being poisoned% This verse is probably allegorical%
C - < !9 Par guerre longue tout lAe>ercite e>puiser$
<ue pour souldartz ne trouueront pecuneH
Lieu dAor$ dAargent$ cuir on viendra cuser$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
*aulois Yrain$ signe croissant de Lune%
y the lon/ +ar the entire ar-y e4hausted,
They +ill not ,ind the -oney ,or the soldiers1
In place o, /old or silver, they +ill coin -oney,
&allic .rass, si/n crescent o, the -oon2
.ogue has the best interpretation of this (uatrain% 3n the economic depression after :orld :ar 3
ne& coins &ere minted% 3n an illustration in the F+>trait du 1ourG the 8rench coins that &ere minted
in 101# &ere in the form of a full moon% Those of 1016 &ere a half moon) those of 105, shran' to a
(uarter moon) and finally in 105- they had shrun' to thin crescents% .o&ever$ 8rance had many
economic &oes throughout its history% There &ere other times &hen brass or copper coins &ere
issued in lieu of gold or silver%
C - < !- 4u cainct de Jast la grand caualerie$
Proche Z 8errage C8errareD empeschee au bagaigeH
Prompt CPompeD Z Turin feront tel volerie$
<ue dans le fort rauiront leur hostaige%
At the .elt 9encirclin/:9corner: o, Iast the /reat cavalry,
Near 'errara i-peded .y the .a//a/e1
Suddenly 9po-p: at Turin +ill -a0e such ro..ery,
That in the ,ort they +ill ravish their hosta/e2
Turin is in 3taly north&est of *enoa &hile 8errara is much further east% The *ulf of Jasto is in the
eastern part of 3taly on the 4driatic ;ea% The city of Jasto is a seaport on the *ulf of Jasto%
Nostradamus predicts a great many problems for this general area%
C - < !6 Le capitaine conduira grande proye$
;ur la montaigne des ennemis plus proche$
+nuironnM par feu fera tel voye$
Tous eschappez$ or ChorsD trente mis en broche%
The captain +ill conduct a /reat herd,
Upon the -ountain nearest to his ene-ies,
Surrounded .y ,ire he +ill -a0e a path,
All escape, /old 9e4cept ,or: thirty put on the spit2
2ost commentators ta'e ForG &hich means FgoldG as a misprint of FhorsG Fe>cept forG &hich may
or may not be correct%
C - < !0 Le grand duc dA4lbe se viendra rebeller
4 ses grans peres fera le tradimentH
Le grand de *uise le viendra debeller$
Captif menM X dressM monument%
The /reat Du0e o, Al.a +ill co-e to re.el
)e +ill .etray his /reat ,ore.ears1
The /reat one o, &uise +ill co-e to van6uish hi-,
!aptive led and a -onu-ent erected2
The =u'e of 4lba$ head of the ;panish army$ and the =u'e of *uise$ head of the 8rench army$ met
only during the &ars in the Piedmont area of north 3taly% The =u'e of *uise &as more successful$
and after several attempts to invade 8rance$ the =u'e of 4lba retired to &inter (uarters% 4lba had
subdued the &hole of Campagna and &as at the gates of /ome &hen he &as compelled by Philip
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
33As orders to negotiate a peace% This happened bet&een 1999 and 1990% .o&ever$ there &as no
monument erected that is recorded in history%

C - < 5" Le sac sAapproche$ feu$ grand sang espandu
Po$ grands fleuues$ au> bouuiers lAentreprinse$
=e *ennes$ Nice$ apres long attendu$
8oussan$ Turin$ Z ;auillan la prinse%
The sac0 approaches, ,ire /reat spillin/ o, .lood
Po, /reat rivers, enterprise ,or the clo+ns 9co+Dherders:,
O, &enoa, Nice, a,ter a lon/ +ait,
'ossano, Turin, at Savi/liano the capture2
The action in this (uatrain all ta'es place in the Piedmont area of 3taly% This may be a continuation
of C - < !0% 7r this may be pertaining to Napoleon CPau or PoD relating to his 3talian campaigns%
.o&ever$ the Po /iver is further to the east from the Piedmont region of 3taly%
C - < 51 =e Languedoc$ X *uienne plus de di>$
2ille voudront les 4lpes repasserH
*rans 4llobroges marcher contre Brundis
4(uin X Bresse les viendront recasser%
'ro- $an/uedoc and &uienne -ore than ten,
Thousand +ill +ish to a/ain pass the Alps1
The &reat Savoyards to -arch a/ainst rindisi
A6uino and resse +ill co-e to drive the- .ac02
There is a lot of geography covered here% Languedoc and *uienne are provinces in southern
8rance% ;avoy is farther east% Brindisi$ if this is the city Nostradamus intends$ is a seaport &ay
do&n in the FheelG of 3taly% 4(uino is southeast of /ome and Bresse is a province north of Lyon$
C - < 5! =u mont /oyal naistra dAvne casane$
<ui caue CducD$ X compte viendra tyranniser
=resser copie de la marche 2illane$
8auene$ 8lorence dAor X gents espuiser%
O, the Royal -ountain +ill .e .orn one o, a .an0 9cotta/e:,
One calculatin/ and .orin/ +ill co-e to tyrannize
9M#ill co-e to tyrannize over du0e and earl:1
#ill raise an ar-y in the area o, Milan,
To drain 'aenza and 'lorence o, /old and -en2
_4lternate reading of line !% Leoni suggests of Line 1$ this may be one born in 2ontreale$ a section
of 8lorence$ 3taly% 8aenza is east of 8lorence in 3taly% 2ilan is in northern 3taly% This verse may
possibly pertain to one of the 2edicis$ a ban'ing family from the 8lorence area%
.ogue suggests this may pertain to 2ussolini &ho &as born poor and rose to the tyrant of
3taly% .e did raise an army in 2ilan as he &as head(uartered there% The resulting losses of :orld
:ar 33 did$ indeed$ drain the &hole of 3taly of resources and men%
C - < 55 Par fraude regne$ forces e>polier$
La classe obsesse$ passages Z lAespieH
=eu> fainctz amys se viendront rallier$
+sueiller hayne de long temps assoupie%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
y ,raud the real- stripped o, its ,orces,
The ,leet .loc0aded, passa/es to the spy1
T+o ,alse ,riends +ill co-e to rally,
A+a0enin/ hatred a lon/ ti-e dor-ant2
This verse could possibly be applied to :orld :ar 33 &ith the t&o false friends &ho ally together
being /ussia and *ermany% .o&ever$ this verse is e>tremely vague%
C - < 5# +n grand regret sera la gent *auloise$
C[ur vain$ legier$ croira temeritMH
Pain$ sel$ ne vin$ eaueH venin ne ceruoise$
Plus grand captif$ faim$ froid$ necessitM%
In /reat sadness +ill .e the &allic people,
Iain heart, li/htly trustin/ rashness1
No .read, salt, +ine, +ater1 veno- nor .eer,
The /reatest captive, hun/er, cold, necessities2
There are t&o events in 8rench history &hich this very general verse may fit% The first is the 8rench
/evolution &hen Iing Louis 1, Cthe greatestD &as ta'en captive% The issue of having no bread and
the prevailing hunger &as a ma@or cause of the insurrection% ;alt refers to &isdom and &ine refers
to the e>perience of the leaders%
4nother event this verse &ould fit &ould be during :orld :ar 33 &hen 8rance Cthe greatestD
&as occupied by the *ermans%
C - < 50 Le conducteur de lAarmMe 8ranBoise$
Cuidant perdre le principal phalangeH
Par sus pauM de lAauaigne ClauaigneDClA4vaigneD X dAardoise$
;oy parfondra par *ennes gent estrange%
The leader o, the 'rench ar-y,
Thin0in/ to ruin the principal phalan41
Upon the pave-ent o, the oats 9Avi/nonP: and o, slate,
#ill .e under-ined .y &enoa ,orei/n people2
9M&enoa +ill .e under-ined .y the ,orei/n people:2
_4lternate reading of last line% 4 phalan> is a force of 19$""" men% .ogue cites 8ontbrune &ho
believes it may stand for NapoleonAs army at *enoa in 16""% Napoleon sacrificed his garrison led
by 2assena under siege at *enoa so that he could gain the advantage over the 4ustrians during the
battle of 2arengo% The Foats and slateG in the second line is so very odd that there may be an
anagram lur'ing%
C - < #" =edans tonneau> hors oingz dAhuille X gresse$
;eront vingt vn deuant le port fermMs$
4u second guet par mort feront prouesseH
*aigner les portes X du guet assommMs%
Inside tuns anointed outside .y oil and /rease,
#ill -a0e t+entyDone closed up .e,ore the port,
At second +atch .y death they +ill -a0e pro+ess1
&ainin/ the ports 9/ates: and ,elled .y the +atch2
The second line might read$ FT&enty-one ports &ill be closed up before him%G Perhaps those that
&ish to sac' the gates are the t&enty-one people enclosed in the barrels% 3t loo's li'e they succeed
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
and then are captured or 'illed% 3n the future$ an offer of barrels of oil may be tempting to a port
C - < #! =eu> de poison saisiz nouueau venuz$
=ans la cuisine du grand Prince verserH
Par le souillard tous deu> au faict congneuz$
Prins (ui cuidoit de mort lAaisne ve>er%
T+o ne+co-ers possessin/ poison,
9MT+o o, poison possessin/ Ne+ Ienus:,
In the 0itchen o, the /reat Prince +ill pour out1
y the scullion the deed +ill .e 0no+n o, .oth,
Ta0en he +ho thou/ht to ve4 the elder +ith death2
_4lternate reading of Line l% FNe& JenusG may pertain to the ?nited ;tates% 7ther than the old
familiar &ays of poisoning a leader$ the poison may be nuclear &aste or a biological agent%
This is the last verse of Century - in the 19,6 Benoist /igaud edition% Li'e&ise$ it is the last
verse in the 199- ?trech edition by du /osne% Both are mar'ed F8inG or FThe +ndG after <uatrain
#!% The remaining (uatrains of Century - are found in the 1,"9 and other early editions%
C 6 < ! Condon X 4u> X autour de 2irande$
3e voy du ciel feu (ui les enuironne%
;ol 2ars conioint au Lyon puis marmande
8ouldre$ grande gresle CguerreD$ mur tombe dans *aronne%
!ondo- and Auch and around Mirande,
I see ,ire ,ro- the s0y surroundin/ the-2
Sun Mars con5unct in $eo, then Mar-ande
$i/htnin/, /reat hail 9+ar:, the +all ,alls into the &aronne2
4ll of these to&ns$ as &ell as the *aronne /iver$ are in southern 8rance in the =epartment of *ers%
2odern commentators state there is no &all along the *aronne &hich might plop into its &aters%
.o&ever$ the &all may be the 8rench border &hich falls bac' to the *aronne% Nostradamus
indicates future &arfare in this region%
C 6 < 5 4u fort chasteau de Jigilanne X /esuiers
;era serrM le puisnay de NancyH
=edans Turin seront ards les premiers$
Lors (ue de deuil Lyon sera transy
In the stron/ castle o, Ii/ilanne and Resuiers 9Resviers:
The youn/est o, Nancy +ill .e con,ined1
#ithin Turin the ,irst +ill .e .urned,
#hen $yon +ill .y /rie, .e nu-.
2ost commentators try to place this verse some&here in 3taly$ and the most promising are ;an
Jigilio and the /iviera% FJigilanne and /esuiersG may simply be FJigilance and /eserveG &ith the
youngest of Nancy$ a city in northeastern 8rance$ being the *uise or Lorraine branches% The
meaning &ould then be that this certain person &ould be confined in a state of &ariness% Turin is in
the Piedmont area of 3taly% Lyon is further &est of the Piedmont in 8rance% Note there is no period
after the last line as sho&n in the Benoist /igaud edition of 19,6%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < 9 4pparoistra temple luisant ornM$
La lampe X cierge Z Borne X BretueilH
Pour la lucerne le canton destournM$
<uand on verra le grand co( au cercueil%
A shinin/, ornate te-ple +ill appear,
The la-p and candle at orne and reteuil1
'or $ucerne the canton overturned,
#hen one +ill see the /reat !oc0 in his shroud2
The Borne is a stream in .aute-Loire &est of the /hone% There is a city named Breteuil north of
Paris and a city of Breteuil-sur-lton &est of Paris% Lucerne is in ;&itzerland% This verse does not
seem to fit a historical event in spite of all the detail%
C 6 < , ClartM fulgure Z Lyon apparente
Luysant$ print 2alte subit sera estainte$
;ardon$ 2auris traitera decepuante$
*eneue Z Londes Z co( trahyson fainte%
ri/ht li/htnin/ at $yon visi.le
Shinin/, Malta ta0en, suddenly +ill .e e4tin/uished,
Sardon, Mauris +ill treat deceit,ully,
&eneva to 9at: $ondon to !oc0 ,ei/ned treason2
The small island of 2alta &as ta'en by Napoleon in 1-06% F;ardonG may be short for F;ardiniaG or
this &ord may be an anagram% 3t may also stand for F*ardonG a riverRstream in southern 8rance%
F2aurisG is li'e&ise an unsolved &ord and may be an anagram%
C 6 < - Jerceil$ 2ilan donra intelligence$
=edans Tycin sera faite la paye%
Courir par ;eine eau$ sang$ feu par 8lorence$
Jni(ue choir dAhault en bas faisant maye%
Iercelli, Milan +ill /ive intelli/ence 9ne+s:,
#ithin Pavia the +ound +ill .e -ade2
To run throu/h Seine +aters, .lood, ,ire .y 'lorence,
Uni6ue one hi/h to lo+ callin/ 9-a0in/: help -e 90neadin/Dtrou/h:2
Jercelli is in the Piedmont area &est of 2ilan and Pavia is south of 2ilan% This verse might be
applied to Napoleon e>cept for the mention of the ;eine and 8lorence% This may have a :orld :ar
33 application$ but not all of the elements fit &ell% The last line is difficult to translate and to
C 6 < 6 Pres de linterne dans de tonnes fermez$
Chiuaz fera pour lAaigle la menee$
LAesleu cassM luy ses gens enfermez$
=edans Turin rapt espouse emmenee%
Near $interne 9'ocia: enclosed in tuns,
!hivaz 9!hivasso: +ill plot ,or the %a/le,
The elected driven out he and his people shut up,
#ithin Turin rape .ride led a+ay2
Leoni pinpoints Linterne as the ancient /oman to&n north&est of Naples% The small village of
8oce di Patria or 8ocia no& occupies its site% 3t is also possible that FLinterneG is an anagram% The
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
village of Chivasso is northeast of Turin in the Piedmont area of northern 3taly% The eagle may
stand for Napoleon$ 4ustria$ or the ?nited ;tates%
C 6 < 0 Pendant (ue lAaigle X le co( Z ;auone
;eront vnis 2er Levant X 7ngrie$
LAarmee Z Naples$ Palerne$ 2ar(ue dA4ncone
/ome$ Jenise par Barbe horrible crie%
#hile the %a/le and the !oc0 at Savona
#ill .e united, Sea, $evant, and )un/ary,
The ar-y at Naples, Paler-o, March o, Ancona
Ro-e, Ienice .y the ar.e horri.le cry2
;avona is a seaport &est of *enoa% The island of Levant lies further &est and south close to the city
of Toulon% Naples is in southern 3taly$ Palermo is a city on the northern coast of ;icily$ and 4ncona
is a seaport on the 4driatic% This (uatrain covers most of 3taly and the country of .ungary% This
verse may have something to do &ith *aribaldi% The +agle &ould be Napoleon$ 4ustria$ or the
?nited ;tates%
C 6 < 1! 4pparoistra aupres de Buffalore
LAhault X procere entrM dedans 2ilan
LAabbM de 8oi> auec ceu> de saint 2orre
8eront la forbe abillez en vilan%
To appear near u,,alora
The hi/h and the tall enter into Milan
The A..ey o, 'oi4 +ith those o, SaintDMorre
#ill -a0e -ischie, dressed as ro/ues2
Leoni states the tiny village of Buffalora is near 2ilan% .e further states those of ;aint 2orre
&ould be the Benedictine mon's &hose founder of the order in *aul &as ;aint 2aurice%
C 6 < 15 Le croisM frere par amour effrenee
8era par Praytus Bellerophon mourir$
Classe Z mil ans la femme forcenee
Beu le breuuage$ tous deu> apres perir%
The crusader 9crossed: .rother throu/h passionate love
#ill cause ellerophon to die throu/h Proetus,
'leet o, a thousand years the lady /one -ad
The .evera/e drun0, .oth a,ter +ill perish2
The classical myth of Bellerophon is that he resisted the advances of <ueen 4ntea$ &ife of Proetus$
Iing of 4rgos$ &hich inflamed the (ueen so greatly she had her husband send him on a mortal
mission% .e &as to carry a sealed message to 3obates$ Iing of Lycia% The message as'ed 3obates to
have Bellerophon 'illed% ;o 3obates sent him off to 'ill a monster called the Chimaera% Bellerophon
prayed to 4thena for assistance and &as given the &inged horse$ Pegasus$ and he succeeded in
'illing the monster%
.ogue ma'es a good case for the myth to fit Napoleon and 1osephine% The +nglish ship$
.2; Bellerophon$ transported Napoleon to his final e>ile on the island of ;t% .elena% 1osephine
died t&o and a half months after Napoleon% .o&ever$ Nostradamus &ould probably not call
Napoleon a crusader brother or even a crossed brother% This verse may be layered and contain a
prophecy specifically for the Priory of ;ion and therefore remains unsolved%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < 1# Le grand credit dAor$ dAargent lAabondance
8era aueugler par libide lAhonneur
;era cogneu dAadultere lAoffense$
<ui paruiendra Z son grand deshonneur%
The /reat credit o, /old, silver in a.undance
#ill cause honor to .e .linded .y lust
"no+n +ill .e the o,,ense o, the adulterer 9adulteress:,
#hich +ill co-e to his 9her: /reat dishonor2
;ome modern commentators have assigned the sub@ect of this verse to President Bill Clinton in
1006% .o&ever$ it is more li'ely it &ould be applied to an economic condition%
This may also fit a number of historic figures% 2arie 4ntoinetteAs e>cesses in @e&elry$ attire$
and amusements led to a discontent among the people and she &as accused of adultery and sordid
acts% The Iing &as in love &ith his <ueen and &anted only to please her% The 8rench people at that
time &ere unable to provide food and necessities for themselves and the (ueen &as an easy target%
The tragically poor economic conditions &ere one of the main reasons &hy the 8rench &anted to
do a&ay &ith monarchy%
This verse may tie into C 6 < !6 and C 1" < 61$ both of &hich imply a change in economic
C 6 < 16 =e 8lora issue de sa mort sera cause$
Jn temps deuant par ieusne X vieille bueyre
Par CCarD les trois lys luy feront telle pause$
Par son fruit sauue comme chair crue mueyre CmoirMD%
Issued ,ro- the 'lo+er 9'lorence: the cause o, her death,
Once .e,ore .y youn/ and old to drin0 9.y ,astin/ and old drin0:
'or the three lilies +ill -a0e her 6uite a pause,
Saved .y her ,ruit 9o,,sprin/: as ra+ -eat is -oistened 9dead:2
4 good case for this verse applying to Catherine deA 2edici is made by .ogue% ;he &as from
8lorence and it &as rumored that she used poison to eliminate the enemies &ho may have harmed
her children% The 2edici line died out in 8lorence in 1-5-% +>cept for the mention of the Bourbon
fleur-de-lys Cthe three liliesD this is a good interpretation
The three lilies pertain to the Bourbon line% 3f the variant CCarD is correct$ this may be an
anagram for FCar les troisG or the Bourbon Charles 333 of ;pain &ho succeeded his half brother to
the throne in 1-90% There &as also a Bourbon Charles 333$ =u'e of Parma from 16#6 to 169#% 3t is
un'no&n &hether either of these Bourbons poisoned anyone%
C 6 < !! *orsan$ Narbonne$ par le sel aduerter
Tucham$ la grace Parpignam trahye$
La ville rouge nAy vouldra consentir%
Par haulte vol drap gris vie faillie%
!oursan, Nar.onne, throu/h the salt to +arn
Tucha-, the /race Perpi/nan .etrayed,
The red to+n +ill not +ant to consent2
y hi/h ,li/ht /ray cloth 9Ioldrap: li,e ,ails2
Coursan$ Narbonne$ and Perpignan are all coastal cities in southern 8rance% Perpignan is the most
southern$ near the Pyrenees% Tucham is further inland north of Perpignan% The last line may
symbolize a person%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 6 < !# Le lieutenant Z lAentree de lAhuys$
4ssommera le grand de Perpignan$
+n se cuidant sauluer Z 2ontpertuis%
;era deceu bastard de Lusignan%
The lieutenant in the door+ay o, the house,
#ill 0noc0 do+n the /reat o, Perpi/nan,
In thin0in/ to save hi-sel, at Montpertuis2
#ill .e deceived the .astard o, $usi/nan2
Perpignan$ as mentioned in C 6 < !!$ is at the southern border of 8rance near the Pyrenees%
2ontpertuis may be the small to&n of 2ontpeyrou> &est of 2ontpellier and &est of the /hone%
Lusignan is small to&n north of Bordeau> in south&estern 8rance% There is also a Lusignan family
&hich originated from Poitou$ 8rance$ and in the late 1!
Century came to rule the Iingdom of
1erusalem and the Iingdom of Cypress The family line is connected to the Crusades% The Lusignan
male line is alleged to have died out in 15"-%
C 6 < !9 C[ur de lAamant ouuert dAamour fertiue
=ans le ruysseau fera rauyr la =ame$
Le demy mal contrefera lassiue$
La pere Z deu> priuera corps de lAame%
)eart o, the lover opened .y ,urtive love
In the .roo0 +ill ravish the lady,
The lascivious +ill pretend to .e hal, hurt,
The ,ather +ill deprive .oth o, their .odies o, their souls2
:hile this sounds li'e a tragic love story$ Nostradamus may be using this analogy in regard to
countries or colonies and the politics involved in their relationships%
C 6 < !, =e Caton CCaronMsD es trouues en Barcelonne$
2ys decouuerts lieu terreuers CterroursD X ruine$
Le grad (ui tient ne tient vouldra Pamplonne%
Par lAabbage CabbayeD de 2ontserrat bruyne%
The .oards o, !ato 9!arones: ,ound in arcelona,
Placed, discovered in place o, soil and ruin,
The /reat one +ho holds, not hold +ill +ant Pa-plona2
y the A..ey o, Montserrat, drizzle2
Cato the younger &as a /oman ;toic philosopher Cc% 09-#, B%C%D and Cato the elder$ the
grandfather of the younger C!5#-1#0 B%C%D$ &as a /oman statesman 'no&n for his literary
contributions% Neither had any dealings &ith ;pain% Pamplona is the capitol of the Iingdom of
Navarre in ;pain &hich$ according to Leoni$ lost connections &ith the 8rench Iingdom of Navarre
in 191!% The Benedictine 4bbey of 7ur Lady of 2ontserrat is about t&enty-five miles &est of
Barcelona% Nostradamus uses the symbol of drizzle for sadness% This verse may connect to the
?rnel Jaucel CvacillatingD (uatrains%
C 6 < !- La voye au>elle lAvne sur lAautre forni>
=u muy deser hor mis braue X genest$
LAescript dAempereur le feni>
Jeu en celuy ce (uAZ nul autre nAest%
The au4iliary +ay one arch 9.rothel: upon the other
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
O, Muy 9o, the -uy: deserted e4cept ,or the .rave and his
5ennet 9-ule:9iron vessel:,
9MPut out o, the iron vessel .ein/ .rave and /ro+in/:,
The +ritin/s o, the Phoeni4 %-peror
Seen in hi- that +hich .y none other is2
9MIn it shall .e seen, +hat no+here else is:2
_Jariations% The only +mperor of 8rance that rose again from the ashes CPhoeni>D &as Napoleon$
and then only for one hundred days% Le 2uy is a to&n in southeastern 8rance on the coast north of
Toulon &here Napoleon may have landed after he escaped from +lba% 3t is not 'no&n &hat is to be
seen in his &ritings that no one else has seen%
C 6 < !6 Les simulacres dAor X dAargent enflez$
<uAapres le rapt au lac Clac au feuD furent gettez
4u descouuert estaincts tous X troublez%
4u marbre escript prescripz intergetez%
The i-itations 9i-a/es: o, /old and silver in,lated,
#hich a,ter the rape +ere thro+n into the la0e 9la0e o, ,ire:
At the discovery all e4hausted 9dulled: and trou.led2
On the -ar.le inscription, prescripts inserted2
The imitations of gold and silver &ould be paper money$ &hich didnAt e>ist during the time of
Nostradamus% .ere he states they are &orthless &hich may indicate a time of economic depression
either for 8rance or the &orld% This happened in 10!0 and may happen again in the future%
;ome commentators lin' this verse to the gold ta'en by Caepio from Toulouse as mentioned
in C 6 < !0 and C 6 < 5" &hich are located in the treasure (uatrain section% This verse may also tie
into C 1" < 61 and C 6 < 1# &hich may apply to economic conditions%
C 6 < 5# 4pres victoire du Lyon au Lyon
;us la montaigne de 3J/4 ;ecatombe
=elues X brodes septieme million
Lyon$ Jlme Z 2ausol mort X tombe%
A,ter the victory o, $ion over $ion
On the -ountain o, AURA, Secato-.e
Delu/es and dar0 s0inned ones seventh -illion
$yon, Ul-, at Mausol death and the to-.2
There has not been any definite victory of the Lion of Britain over another Lion e>cept possibly
that of 3ndia% The 1ura 2ountains are in the 8ranche-Comte section of 8rance% The &ord
F;ecatombeG may be a blend of FhecatombeG and FsectG meaning a slaughter according to religious
sect% 4 seventh of a million is 1#!$69-% The city of ?lm is in southern *ermany$ or this may be a
variant of the &ord FelmG or Fulmus%G The City of Lyon$ 8rance$ is south&est of the 1ura
2ountains% The mausoleum$ if ;aint-Pol-de-2ausole is meant$ is at ;aint-/emy in Provence%
C 6 < 50 <uAaura estM par prince Bizantin$
;era tollu par prince de Tholoze%
La foy de 8oi> par le chef Tholentin$
Luy faillira ne refusant lAespouse
)e +ho +as ,or the yzantine Prince,
#ill .e ta0en a+ay .y the Prince o, Toulouse2
The ,aith o, 'oi4 .y the leader o, Tolentino,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#ill ,ail hi-, not re,usin/ the .ride
The Byzantine Prince &ould have been from the 7ttoman +mpire in Tur'ey% The 8rench often
allied &ith the 7ttomans in their &ars against 4ustria% Nostradamus also uses the symbol of
FByzantineG for anyone not of the Catholic faith% The Prince of Toulouse may have been from the
.ouse of 2ontmorency%
This (uatrain may be about .enry 3J C.enry of NavarreD% 8oi> &as in Navarre and
head(uarters of the Protestant .uguenots% Tolentino is a city south of 4ncona in 3taly$ once part of
papal lands% 3ts leader &ould have been the pope% The bride may symbolize an alliance bet&een the
Pope and Iing .enry 3J &ho renounced the Protestant faith in order to unite 8rance%
C 6 < #" Le sang du 3uste par Taurer CTaurD X la daurade$
Pour se venger contre les ;aturnins
4u nouueau lac plongeront la maynade$
Puis marcheront contre les 4lbanins%
The .lood o, Aust ,or Taurer 9Taur: and the 9$a: Dorade,
To aven/e itsel, 9the-selves: a/ainst those o, Saturn
At the ne+ la0e, +ill .e i--ersed the .and 9,ollo+ers:,
Then -arch a/ainst the Al.anians 9those o, Al.a:2
Leoni places this (uatrain in Toulouse in southern 8rance &ith its churches of ;aint-;aturnin-du-
Taur and ;ainte-2arie-de-la-=aurade% This &as true in the past%
.ogue suggests the :ars of /eligion$ but the ;panish Cand CatholicD =u'e of 4lba did not
get into this part of southern 8rance% There are to&ns in southern 8rance by the names of Le Tourne
and Le =orat% :ith this in mind$ those of ;aturn may be Protestants because they &ore blac'$ the
color used to denote ;aturn%
The =u'e of 4lba &as appointed to the supreme command in Portugal in 1961 to defeat
=on 4ntonio &ho had assumed the cro&n% 4lba drove him out of the 'ingdom and sac'ed Lisbon%
There is a city in central Portugal by the name of 1ustes and the names of FTaurG and la =oradeG
may relate to villages in the area%
This verse may better fit a future application &ith the 4lbanins being those of 4lbania%

C 6 < #1 +sleu sera /enad ne sonant mot$
8aisant le saint public viuant pain dAorge$
Tyrannizer apres tant Z vn cop$
2ettant Z pied des plus grans sur la gorge%
A ,o4 +ill .e elected +ithout sayin/ a +ord,
Actin/ the saint in pu.lic, livin/ on .arley .read,
A,ter+ards he +ill suddenly tyrannize,
Puttin/ his ,oot on the throats o, the /reatest2
+very Nostradamus commentator has his o&n ideas about the sub@ect of this verse% LePelletier and
also Leoni$ thin' Napoleon 333 is the fo>y tyrant% .ogue thin's this verse may refer to /obespierre$
the =irector of Public ;afety during the 8rench /evolution$ &ho caused the beheading of Louis 1,
and instigated the /eign of Terror% .e did play the role of a saint in public%
7liver Crom&ell &as offered a 'ingship$ but instead assumed the role of Lord Protector
follo&ing the overthro& of the British 2onarchy and e>ecution of Iing Charles 3% .e ruled
+ngland$ ;cotland$ and 3reland from 1,95 until his death in 1,96% 4 Puritan$ he maintained a frugal
lifestyle% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus$ a monarchist$ lets us 'no& his displeasure &ith Crom&ell%
C 6 < #9 La main escharpe X la iambe bandee$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Longs CLouisD puis nay CpuisnMeD de Calais portera
4u mot due guet la mort sera tardee$
Puis dans le temple Z Pas(ues saignera%
)is hand in a slin/ and his le/ .ound,
'ar youn/er .orn o, !alais carried
9Mthe youn/er $ouis carried ,ro- Palace:
At the +ord o, the +atch the death +ill .e delayed,
Then in the te-ple he +ill .leed at %aster2
_alternate reading by *arenciers in 1,-!% .is translation e>actly fits Louis 1-$ the ten year old son
of Louis 1, &ho &as said to have died in the temple prison in the 1une of 1-09% The northern
8rench seaport of FCalaisG &ould then be FPalace%G :ith this spin on this prophecy$ it loo's as if
Nostradamus is saying he may have died in the temple prison at +aster% The hand Cpo&ersD in a
sling may be a personAs inability to have as much po&er or support Cleg boundD%
C 6 < #6 ;aturne en Cancer$ 3upiter auec 2ars$
=edans 8eurier Chaldondon saluaterre$
;ault Castallon assailly de trois pars$
Pres de Jerbies(ue conflit mortelle guerre%
Saturn in !ancer, Aupiter +ith Mars,
In 'e.ruary !haldondon Salvaterre,
The Sierra Morena assailed ,ro- three sides,
Near the Ier.ies6ue con,lict -ortal +ar2
This (uatrain is a real head-scratcher% The first line may not be an astrological configuration% 3t may
mean ;aturn C/ussiaD in Cancer C8ranceK or ;painKD and the leading po&er of the &orld C?%;%4%KD at
&ar% ;aturn may also symbolize bad aspects% Leoni figured out the Latin F;altus CastulonesisG is the
;ierra 2oreno mountain range at the very tip of ;pain% ;alvatierra de los Barros is a to&n north of
the ;ierra 2orenos% F;alvaterraG may also mean Fsave the landG or Fsave the earth%G
FChaldondonG is still an unsolved name$ but many commentators believe it may relate to
FChaldean%G The &ord FJerbies(ueG may be the to&n of FJerbieslesG southeast of Paris near the
;&iss border% This &ord may also stand for being &ordy$ i%e% a &ar of &ords%
C 6 < #0 ;atur% au beuf ioue en lAeau$ 2ars en fleiche$
;i> de 8eurier mortalitM donra$
Ceu> de Tardaigne Z Bruge si grand breche$
<uAZ Ponteroso chef Barbarin mourra%
Saturn in Taurus, Aupiter in a +ater si/n, Mars in Sa/ittarius,
The si4th o, 'e.ruary +ill .rin/ -ortality,
Those o, Tardai/ne at ru/es so /reat a .reach,
That at Ponteroso the ar.arian leader +ill die2
Bruges is in 8landers in Belgium% Those of FTardaigneG are un'no&n% There is a Ponterotto in
northern 3taly &est of Jenice% FPonterosoG may also stand for Fred bridgeG or F/ed ;ea%G Taurus
may stand for Tur'ey as the Taurus 2ountains are located in southern Tur'ey%
C 6 < 91 Le Bizantin faisant oblation$
4pres auoir Cordube Z soy reprinseH
;on chemin long repos pamplation$
2er passant proy par la Colongna prinse%
The yzantine -a0in/ an o.lation,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
A,ter havin/ reta0en !ordo.a ,or hi-sel,1
)is road lon/, rest conte-plation 9vines cut do+n:,
y sea passin/ prey ta0en .y !olo/ne 9the Pillars o, )ercules:2
Cordoba is in ;pain @ust north of *ibraltar% Cologne is in *ermany% The Byzantine &ould be from
Tur'ey or Nostradamus may be indicating a pagan% 4n oblation is a religious offering% The &ord
FpamplationG is translated by *arencieres as FcontemplationG and by Leoni as being from the Latin
FpampinatioG meaning the lopping of vines% 3f the latter is the correct interpretation$ it may refer to
the 'illing of people from the 2erovingian bloodline%
C 6 < 99 +ntre deu> fleuues se verra enserrM$
Tonneau> X ca(ues vnis Z passer outre$
.uict pontz rompus chef Z tant enferrM$
+nfants parfaictz sont iugulez en coultre%
et+een t+o rivers he +ill see hi-sel, enclosed,
Tuns and cas0s 5oined to pass .eyond,
%i/ht .rid/es .ro0en leader at last run throu/h 9in prison:,
Per,ect children +ill have their throats cut2
Line ! describes a pontoon bridge of barrels and cas's% .ogue ta'es a good guess by attributing this
verse to NapoleonAs retreating army in /ussia after the Battle of Berezina% 3n the history of &arfare$
it is (uite conceivable this has happened%
C 6 < 9, La bande foible la terre occupera
Ceu> du hault lieu feront horribles crys$
Le gros troppeau dAestre coin troublera$
Tombe pres =% nebro C=inebroD decouuers les escris CescritsD
The +ea0 .and +ill occupy the land
Those o, the hi/h place +ill -a0e horri.le cries,
The lar/e troop o, the outer 9ri/ht: corner trou.led,
'all near D2 discoverin/ the cries 9+ritin/s:
;ome commentators have translated F=inebroG as +dinbro$ or +dinborough$ and apply this verse to
+nglish history% 7thers used =% Cfor 9""D and +bro as the river in northern ;pain &ith the high place
being the Pyrenees% 4s Nostradamus predicts a future &ar in this area$ this may be the best
interpretation% This verse in the Benoist /igaud edition lac's a period after the last &ord as if it
may be continued in another verse%
C 6 < ," Premier en *aule$ premier en /omanie$
Par mer X terre au> 4ngloys X Parys
2erueilleu> faitz par celle grand mesnie
Jiolant tera> perdra le N7/L4/3;%
'irst in 'rance, ,irst in Ro-e 9Ro-ania:,
y sea and land in %n/land and Paris
Marvelous deeds .y that /reat troop
Iiolent 9Iiolatin/: -onster +ill lose the $ORRAIN% 9NO$ARIS:2
The (uatrains &ith the all capital letters are e>tra tough to interpret% Possibly because they are the
beginning of a ne& section$ Nostradamus hid the meanings &ell% The area of Lorraine$ a possible
anagram of N7L4/3;$ has been the ob@ect of a tug of &ar bet&een *ermany and 8rance% Lost to
8rance after the 8ranco-Prussian :ar in 16-"$ Lorraine &as given bac' to 8rance by the Treaty of
Jersailles after :orld :ar 3% 3t &as anne>ed by .itler in :orld :ar 33% 4fter :orld :ar 33$ the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
citizens of Lorraine elected to be a part of 8rance% The first line is the puzzler here% 3t may be
applied to Napoleon &ho &as the head of 8rance and /ome$ but the rest of the lines do not fit%
;ome of the modern commentators reference this verse to the P7L4/3; submarines%
The best application seems to be :orld :ar 3 &hen the heads of 8rance and /omania &ere
allied &ith the British% Lorraine &as returned to 8rance &ith the peace terms after the &ar%
C 6 < ,, <uand lAescriture =%2% trouuee$
+t caue anti(ue Z lampe descouuerte$
Loy$ /oy$ X Prince Jlpian esprouuee$
Pauillon /oyne X =uc sous la couuerte%
#hen the inscription D2M2 is ,ound,
And ancient cave a la-p discovered,
$a+, "in/, and Prince Ulpian tried 9tested:,
In a pavilion Hueen and Du0e under cover2
Leoni suggests the inscription of =%2% is Latin for =iis 2anibus$ Fin the hands of the *odsG &hich
&as commonly put on /oman tombs% The lamp is a symbol for the light of 'no&ledge and the
ancient cave is a means of sho&ing this ancient 'no&ledge has been hidden from man'ind for a
long time%
3n line 5 FPrince ?lpianG is unsolved% F?lpianG may be an anagram &ith the F?G possibly
being a FJ%G The Legio QQQ ?lpia Jictri> &as a /oman legion levied by the /oman +mperor
Tra@an in 1"9 4%=% F?lpiaG is derived from Tra@anAs family name of F?lpius%G 4 part of the legion
&as assigned to *aul C8ranceD for public construction and police affairs% Line # has not been
C 6 < ,- P4/% C4/% N+/;48$ Z ruine CtuineD grand discorde$
Ne lAvn ne lAautre nAaura election$
Nersaf du peuple aura amour X concorde$
8errare$ Collonne grande protection%
PARIS, !AR!ASSONN%, 'RAN!% to ruin in /reat discord,
Neither one nor the other +ill .e elected,
Nersa, +ill have the love and concord o, the people,
'errara, !olonna 9!olo/ne: /reat protection2
FNersafG is not a very good anagram for F8ranceG and FPar%G and FCar%G may also symbolize
something other than cities% Leoni states that 8errara &as a duchy belonging to the .ouse of +ste$
&hose du'e &as the father-in-la& of *uise and nominal commander-in-chief of the 8ranco-Papal
forces fighting the ;panish in 199-% The great Colonna clan of /ome &as firmly on the ;panish
side at that time% FCollonneG may also stand for the City of Cologne in *ermany% There are certain
to be anagrams in this verse%
C 6 < -5 ;oldat Barbare le grand /oy frappera$
3niustment non eslongnM de mort$
LAauare mere du fait cause sera
Coniurateur X regne en grand remort%
The ar.arian soldier +ill stri0e the /reat "in/,
Un5ustly not ,ar ,ro- death,
The avaricious -other +ill .e the cause o, the deed
!onspirator and real- in /reat re-orse2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
This did not happen in 8rance% There is no historical record of this happening any&here in +urope$
although it may have happened and @ust &as not recorded$ especially if the 'ing lived through his
in@ury% Ta'ing an overvie&$ the people referenced may be countries%
C 6 < -0 <ui par fer pere perdra nay de Nonnaire$
=e *orgon sur la sera sang perfetant
+n terre estrange fera si tout de taire$
<ui bruslera luy mesme X son entant CenfantD%
)e +ho +ill lose his ,ather .y iron, .orn o, a nunnery 9Iir/o:,
#ill -a0e the .lood o, &or/on conceive ane+
In a ,orei/n land +ill do all to 0eep silent,
)e +ho +ill .urn hi-sel, and his intent 9child:2
The *orgons &ere three sisters% 4nyone &ho loo'ed upon them &as turned to stone% This verse
may go &ith the posthumous one verses$ C 1" < 0 and C 1" < 11%
C 6 < 6" =es innocens le sang de vefue X vierge%
Tant de maul> faitz par moyen se grand /oge
;aintz simulachres trempez en ardent cierge
=e frayeur crainte ne verra nul (ue boge%
The .lood o, innocents o, +ido+ and vir/in2
So -any evils .y -eans o, the /reat Red One 9Ro/e:
)oly i-a/es dipped in .urnin/ +a4
'ri/htened in ,ear none +ill .e seen to -ove2
;ome commentators attribute the big red one to the 8rench /evolutionary$ /obespierre$ and his
reign of terror that sent innocents to the guillotine% .is Cult of /eason closed all churches and
attempted to suppress religion%
.o&ever$ the *reat /ed 7ne$ may be 1osef ;talin C10!!-1095D% 3t is estimated that ;talin
li(uidated 1, million of his o&n people% .is communist regime suppressed religion% .e enforced
his policies &ith an iron hand$ an iron &ill$ and created the greatest reign of fear and terror in the
T&entieth Century%
C 6 < 61 Le neuf empire en desolation$
;era changM du pole a(uilonaire%
=e la ;icile viendra lAesmotion
Troubler lAemprise Z Philip tributaire%
The ne+ e-pire in desolation,
#ill .e chan/ed ,ro- the northern pole2
'ro- Sicily +ill co-e the co--otion
To trou.le the tri.utary enterprise o, Philip2
The secret to interpreting this (uatrain is to figure out &hich ne& empire and &hich Philip% This
doesnAt seem to apply to Philip 33 of ;pain nor any other historical Philip% The changes from the
North Pole may signify earth changes &ith the ne& empire Cyet to comeD in desolation%
C 6 < 65 Le plus grand voile hors du port de Tara$
Pres de Bisance fera son entreprinse$
=Aennemy perte X lAamy ne sera
Le tiers Z deu> fera grand pille X prinse%
The /reatest sail out o, the port o, Du.rouni0,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Near yzantiu- he +ill carry out his enterprise,
O, ene-y lost and no ,riend +ill .e -ade
The third o, t+o +ill in,lict /reat pilla/e and capture2
=ubrouni' is the modern name of Tara$ a port city located on the 4driatic ;ea in Croatia%
Byzantium is Tur'ey% This (uatrain may signal the beginning of the future &ar in the 4driatic
involving Tur'ey$ *reece$ =almatia$ and 3taly$ moving to ;pain and then throughout +urope and
the 2iddle +ast% The last line may also indicate the third 4nti-Christ%
C 6 < 69 +ntre Bayonne X Z saint 3ean de Lu>
;era posM de 2ars la promottoire
4u> .ani> dA4(uilon Nanar hostera lu>$
Puis suffoc(uM au lict sans adiutoire%
et+een ayonne and at SaintDAeanDdeD$uz
#ill .e placed the pro-ontory o, Mars
'or )ani4 o, A6uilon Nanar +ill re-ove the li/ht,
Then su,,ocated in .ed +ithout assistance2
Bayonne is in the south&esternmost part of 8rance on the Bay of Biscay% ;aint-1ean-de-Luz is
further south near the border of ;pain% This is the Bas(ue region of 8rance% There has not been a
ma@or battle in this area$ so this (uatrain &ould most li'ely pertain to a future event% F.ani>G has
not been solved nor has FNanar%G 4(uilon &ould pertain to ;&eden$ or a Baltic or ;candinavian
country% ;ee also C 6 < 6,
C 6 < 6, Par 4rnani tholoser ville fran(ue$
Bande infinie par le mont 4drian$
Passe riuiere$ .utin par pont la plan(ue
Bayonne entrer tous Bihoro criant%
Throu/h Arnao, Tolosa and Iilla,ranca,
In,inite .and throu/h the -ountain o, Adrian,
Past river, .y .rid/e the plan0
ayonne to enter all cryin/ Fihoro2G
4rnao and Tolosa are ;panish seaports on the Bay of Biscay% Jillafranca lies further south% This
verse may hoo' up &ith C 6 < 69 &hich mentions 8rench to&ns on the Bay of Biscay$ such as
Bayonne &hich is also mentioned here% FBigoreeG &as the battle cry of the .uguenots during the
8rench :ars of /eligion$ but no battles too' place in ;pain or in this area of 8rance% FBihoroG may
be the ne& battle cry of these soldiers%
C 6 < 0" <uand des croisez vn trouuM de sens trouble
+n lieu du sacre verra vn b[uf cornu
Par vierge porc son lieu lors sera comble CdoubleD$
Par roy plus ordre ne sera soustenu%
#hen the crusader is ,ound +ith his senses trou.led
In place o, the sacred is seen a horned .ull
Throu/h the vir/in pi/ its place +ill .e -ade trou.led
9My Iir/in the pi/s place +ill .e ,illed:,
y the 0in/ -ost order +ill not .e sustained2
_4lternate translation% The FcrusaderG may be a reference to the Priory of ;ion% This may be a
secret prophecy for only those &ho can recognize the symbols% The horned bull may be those of
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Taurus as mentioned by Nostradamus in other (uatrains% The Jirgin may represent a country &hose
symbol is Jirgo% Nostradamus may be saying a country under Jirgo may ta'e the place of Nazi
*ermany Cthe pig according to the symbols Nostradamus usesD%
C 6 < 01 8rymy les champs des /odanes entrees
7u les croysez seront pres(ue vnys$
Les deu> brassieres en pisces rencontrees
+t vn grand nombre par deluge punis%
%nterin/ .eside the ,ields o, the Rhone d+ellers 9those o, Rhodes:
#here the crosses 9crusaders: +ill .e nearly united,
The t+o straps 9lands:9leadDstrin/s: in Pisces -et
And a /reat punished .y a delu/e2
The first line starts off &ith the enigmatic F/odanesG &hich may be an anagram% 3f not an anagram$
the &ord may stand for those of /hodes in *reece$ or for those of the /hone valley% This verse may
connect &ith C 6 < 0"% Both (uatrains may be understood by those &ho &ould understand the
symbols involved% The &ord FbrassieresG may be lands$ straps$ or lead-strings Cliterally$ the t&o
leading-stringsD% Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier as citing a mythological legend of Jenus having been
bound to her husband$ 2ars$ by a thread produced by Julcan% The last line is the only line clearly
C 6 < 0# =euant le lac ou plus cher fut gettM
=e sept mois$ X son host desconfit
;eront .yspans par 4lbannois gastez
Par delay perte en donnant le conflict%
e,ore the la0e +here the dearest +as thro+n
O, seven -onths, and his ar-y routed
There +ill .e Spaniards .y those o, Al.a 9.y Al.anians: destroyed
$oss throu/h delay in /ivin/ .attle2
The third line may refer to the =u'e of 4lba or to a future conflict &ith the 4lbanians involved%
C 6 < 0, La synagogue sterile sans nul fruit
;era receu entre les infideles
=e Babylon la fille du porsuit
2isere X triste luy tranchera les aisles%
The syna/o/ue sterile +ithout any ,ruit
#ill .e received .y the in,idels
O, a.ylon, the dau/hter o, the persecuted 9pursuit:
Misera.le and sad her +in/s +ill .e clipped2
The synagogue &ould symbolize 3srael% By sho&ing her &ithout fruit$ Nostradamus is saying the
&orshipers have left and the country is occupied by 2uslims% Perhaps the third line continues by
sho&ing the people of 3srael have been captured by those of Babylon in 3ra( Chistory does tend to
repeat itselfD% 7r this may be saying those of 3ra( &ill suffer the same fate% The last line sho&s the
destruction of either the 3ra(i or the 3sraeli air force%
C 6 < 0- 4u> fins du J4/ changer les pompotans$
Pres du riuage les trois beau> enfans naistre%
/uyne au peuple par aage competans
/egne au pays changer plus voir croistre%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
At the ends o, IAR +ill chan/e the allDpo+er,ul,
Near the .an0s three .eauti,ul children to .e .orn2
Ruin to the people +hen they are o, a co-petent a/e
Real- and country to chan/e and /ro+2
The /iver Jar empties into the 2editerranean ;ea @ust belo& Nice% The =epartment of Jar covers
the territory to the south$ as far as the sea$ and to the &est% The &ord FpompotansG may be the same
&ord Nostradamus uses in C 1" < 1"" FpempotansG &hich pertains to Britain as being all-
po&erful% By saying the Fall po&erfulG changes$ perhaps a ne& country$ maybe the ?nited ;tates$
becomes the all-po&erful one% This occurred after :orld :ar 33%
;ome commentators have decided the &ord FJarG is F:arG and if this is correct$ then the
three children may be ne& countries created by the peace terms of a &ar$ such as happened after
:orld :ar 3 and :orld :ar 33% 3f so$ the three countries may be the ne& Bal'an states of Bosnia$
Lugoslavia$ and .erzegovina% Tur'ey and *reece may also be the ne& countries as their borders
&ere set by the peace terms after :orld :ar 3%
C 6 < 06 =es gens dAeglise sang sera espandu CespanchMD$
Comme de lAeau en si grande abondanceH
+t dAvn long temps ne sera restanchM
Je ve au clerc ruyne X doleance%
The .lood o, the church people +ill .e poured out,
In as /reat an a.undance as +ater1
And ,or a lon/ ti-e it +ill not .e stayed
#oe, +oe ,or the cler/y ruin and +ailin/2
/eligion$ the spiritual belief systems that attempt to govern man'indAs behavior$ has a long history
of &arfare% The :ars of /eligion in 8rance lasted many long bloody years$ but not to the e>tent
Nostradamus spea's of here% Church people &ere also persecuted during the 8rench /evolution%
This &ould more than li'ely pertain to the bloodshed during the reign of the 4nti-Christ yet to
C 6 < 1"" Pour lAabondance de larme respandue
=u hault en bas par le bas au plus hault
Trop grande foy par ieu vie perdue$
=e soif mourir par habondant deffault%
'or the a.undance o, tears shed
'ro- hi/h to lo+ .y the lo+est to the -ost hi/h
Too /reat a ,aith throu/h play li,e lost,
To die throu/h an a.undant de,iciency o, thirst2
This verse sounds as though it may refer to a person &ho goes from one e>treme to another% To die
by an abundant deficiency of thirst &ould be to dro&n) or even$ as Leoni suggests$ pertain to one
&ho &ould drin' himself to death% This may apply to a great number of historical figures%
!%NTUR3 8
C 0 < 1 =ans la maison du traducteur de Bourc
;eront les lettres trouuees sur la table$
Bourgne$ rou>$ blanc$ chanu tiendra de cours$
<ui changera au nouueau connestable%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
In the house o, the translator o, our/
The letters +ill .e ,ound on the ta.le,
OneDeyed, red, +hite, hoary, +ill hold the course,
#hich +ill chan/e ,or the ne+ !onsta.le2
2ost commentators apply this verse to the ;i>teenth Century scholar engaged in translation of the
classics$ +tienne de la BoMtie C195"-19,5D% .e &as an intimate friend of 2ontaigne &ho &as in a
fracas &ith 4nne de 2ontmorency$ Constable of 8rance% This caused BoMtie to &rite his classic on
democracy$ FLa ;ervitude Jolontaire%G :hen 2ontmorency died$ his son and successor$ .enri de
2ontmorency$ also holding the title of Constable$ sustained the feud%
4nother thought is Charles de Luynes$ &ho$ under Louis 15$ held the title of Constable until
he died in 1,!1% 3n this case$ the first t&o lines cannot be tied to a historical event%
C 0 < ! =u hault du mont 4uentin voi> ouye$
Juydez vuydez de tous les deu> costez$
=u sang des rouges sera lAire assomye$
=A4rimin Prato$ Columna debotez%
'ro- the top o, Mount Aventine a voice heard,
$eave, leave all o, you o, .oth sides,
The an/er +ill .e appeased .y the .lood o, the red ones,
'ro- Ri-ini 9Ari-in:, Prato, the !olonnas driven out2
2ount 4ventine is one of the ;even .ills of /ome% /imini Cpossibly an anagram of 4riminD is a
seaport on the 4driatic south of /avenna &hile Prato is north of 8lorence% The Colonna family &as
a po&erful noble family in renaissance /ome% This family has supplied leadership to the state as
&ell as several cardinals and one pope% 4s far as is 'no&n$ this family has never been driven out of
any city in 3taly%
C 0 < 5 La magna va(ua Z /auenne grand trouble$
Conduictz par (uinze enserrez Z 8ornase
4 /ome naistre deu> monstres Z teste double
;ang$ feu$ deluge$ les plus grands Z lAespase%
The /reat co+ 9/reat nothin/: at Ravenna /reat trou.le,
$ed .y ,i,teen enclosed at 'ornase
At Ro-e .orn t+o -onsters +ith a dou.le head
lood, ,ire, delu/e, the /reatest ones in the air 9in space:9escaped:2
2agnavacca Cgreat co&D is a city on the 4driatic ;ea @ust south of &here the Po /iver empties into
the sea% 3ts modern name is Porto *aribaldi% 4ccording to .ogue$ it &as here that *aribaldi and his
follo&ers made a daring escape by boat from the 4ustrians and a papal police dragnet% The
survivors of this party retreated to /avenna%
This verse spea's of t&o monsters at /ome &ith a double head possibly meaning t&o evil
leaders% F2agnavaccaG may also mean F*reat Nothing%G Nostradamus spea's of future problems
in /avenna$ 3taly$ and the 4driatic ;ea area%
C 0 < , Par la *uyenne infinitM deA4nglois
7ccuperont par nom dA4ngla(uitaine
=u Languedoc 3spalme C3% palmeD Bourdeloys%
<uAilz nommeront apres Barbo>itaine%
An in,inity o, %n/lish throu/h the &uienne
They +ill occupy under the na-e o, An/la6uitaine
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
O, $an/uedoc Ispal-e, ourdelois2
9Mo, $an/uedoc, I2 .y the land o, ordelois:2
#hich +ill .e na-ed a,ter ar.o4itaine2
4(uitaine$ or *uienne$ is a region in south&estern 8rance along the 4tlantic 7cean and the
Pyrenees mountain range on the border &ith ;pain% Nostradamus foresees a great influ> of +nglish%
This may possibly be due to the earth changes and submersions predicted for the British 3sles% The
&ord F4ngla(uitaineG &ould mean FThe +nglish 4(uitaine%G
The Languedoc region of 8rance is to the east of 4(uitaine reaching the 2editerranean ;ea%
Nostradamus predicts this area &ill be named after Barbe Cmeaning beardD and 7>itane Cmeaning
7ccitanie$ the medieval name for LanguedocD% FBarbeG may refer to the enigmatic F4enobarbeG Cor
BronzebeardD mentioned in other (uatrains%
C 0 < 1" 2oyne moynesse dAenfant mort e>posM$
2ourir par ourse X rauy par verrier%
Par 8ois X Pamyes le camp sera posM
Contre Tholose Carcas dresser forrier%
!hild o, -on0 and nun to death e4posed,
To die throu/h a sheD.ear, and ravished .y a .oar2
At 'oi4 and Pa-iers the ar-y +ill .e ca-ped
A/ainst Toulouse and !arcasonne +ill -a0e a ,ora/e
4 child of a mon' and a nun is not unusual% The Catholic Church al&ays overloo'ed the
&ea'nesses of their o&n and too' the illegitimate children to raise% This &ould mean something
very different% 4 she-bear &ould be /ussia and the boar is a symbol of *ermany% The action ta'es
place in southern 8rance% 3f one could decipher the symbols$ this may pertain to a historical event%
C 0 < 11 Le iuste Z tort Z mort lAon viendra mettre
Publi(uement$ X du milieu estaintH
;i grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre$
<ue les iugeans fouyr seront constraint%
The 5ust one +ron/ly they +ill co-e to put to death
In pu.lic and in their -idst e4tin/uished1
Such a very /reat pla/ue +ill co-e to .e .orn in this place,
That the 5ud/es +ill .e ,orced to ,lee2
There are t&o historical applications for this (uatrain and both &or' e(ually &ell% The first is the
public e>ecution of Louis 1, in 1-05% The great plague in this case &ould be the /eign of Terror
&hich ended &hen /obespierre and ;aint-1ust$ both @udges &ho tried the Iing$ &ere also e>ecuted%
The second application &ould be the beheading of Iing Charles 3 of +ngland in 1,90%
Nostradamus states in another verse that the great plague &hich hit London in 1,,9 &as retribution
for the blood of the @ust%
C 0 < 1# 2ys en planure chauderons dAinfecteurs$
Jin$ miel X huyle$ X bastis sur forneaul>
;eront plongez sans mal dit malfacteurs
;ept% fum e>taint au canon des borneau>%
Put on the plain, cauldrons o, the in,ectors 9dyers:,
#ine, honey and oil, and .uilt over ,urnaces
They +ill .e plun/ed +ithout evil called -ale,actors
Seven s-o0e still in the la+ 9canon:9cannon: o, .orneau4 9ordeau4P:2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Latin FinfectorG is FdyerG &ith the usuage to dye cloth$ but Nostradamus may actually mean
FinfectorsG or those &ho &ill infect others$ possibly through the terrible plague to appear in the
future% The &ine &ould be a symbol of e>perience in leadership% .oney &ould stand for an
anointed one such as a monarch% 7il may also stand for an anointed one or this may pertain to an
actual oil crisis% The last line is full of symbols and not easily understood% FCanonG may be a
church la& or this may refer to an actual cannon or similar type of artillery% Bordeau> is a city in
south&est 8rance on the Bay of Biscay if this is &hat Nostradamus means% The FNeroG (uatrains
pertain to the furnaces being rebuilt%
C 0 < 19 Pres de Parpan les rouges detenus$
Ceu> du milieu parfondrez menez loingH
Trois mis en pieces$ X cin( mal soustenus$
Pour le ;eigneur X Prelat de Bourgoing%
Near Parpan 9Perpi/nan: the red ones detained,
Those in the -iddle ruined led ,ar a+ay1
Three cut in pieces, and ,ive .adly sustained,
'or the $ord and Prelate o, our/oin/2
The &ord FParpanG probably stands for FPerpignanG but it may also be an anagram% Perpignan is in
southern 8rance near the Pyrenees very near the 2editerranean ;ea% The ancient province of
Burgandy &as 'no&n as Bourgogne$ if this is &hat Nostradamus means% Burgandy is a historical
district bet&een Lyon and ;ens in eastern 8rance% There is a small to&n of FBourgeonG in Belgium
near the 8rench border% The lord and prelate may refer to either Cardinal /ichelieu or Cardinal
2azarin% The red ones may be those rebelling$ or cardinals$ or the ;panish%
C 0 < 10 =ans le millieu de la forest 2ayenne$
;ol au lyon la fouldre tombera$
Le grand bastard yssu du gran du 2aine$
Ce iour fougeres pointe en sang entrera%
In the -iddle o, the ,orest o, Mayenne,
Sun in $eo 9$ion:9ritain:, the li/htnin/ +ill ,all,
The /reat .astard issued o, the /reat one o, Maine,
On this day a point +ill enter in the .lood o, 'ou/eres2
2ayenne is a city in the region of 2aine$ south&est of Paris$ and is heavily forested% The to&n of
8ougeres lies south of 2aine% The sun in Leo may be the month of 4ugust$ or the lion may be *reat
Britain% 4s .ogue states in his boo'$ F;o many intimate events of history are lost to us that could
ma'e hundreds of Nostradamus (uatrains lucid%G 4nd such is the case on this verse%
C 0 < !! /oy X sa court au lieu de langue halbe$
=edans le temple vis Z vis du palais
=ans le iardin =uc de 2antor X dA4lbe$
4lbe X 2antor poignard langue X palais%
The "in/ and his court at the place o, clever ton/ue,
#ithin the te-ple ,ace to ,ace +ith the palace
In the /arden Du0e o, Mantua and o, Al.a,
Al.a and Mantua sharp ton/ue and palace2
The =u'e of 4lba led the army for Philip 33 of ;pain% .e &as the ;panish general and governor of
the ;panish Netherlands bet&een 19,- and 19-5% Before that$ he &as entrusted &ith the command
of the army intended to invade 8rance$ an unsuccessful campaign% 4lba is also a to&n in the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Piedmont area% 2antua is a city in the Lombardy region of 3taly% The un'no&ns in the verse
include Fthe place of clever tongueG and Fthe =u'e of 2antorG and &hich temple in +urope faces a
palace% This verse may be unraveled if the un'no&ns &ere solved%
C 0 < !# ;ur le palais au rochier des fenestres
;eront rauis les deu> petits royau>$
Passer aurelle Luthece =enis cloistres$
Nonain$ mallods aualler verts noyaul>%
On the palace at .alcony 9roc0: o, +indo+s
T+o little royals +ill .e carried o,,,
Passin/ Orleans, Paris, SaintDDenis cloisters,
Nun, +ic0ed ones 9,lies: to s+allo+ /reen 0ernels o, ,ruit
9cores or seeds:2
There has not been a 'idnapping of t&o royal children in 8rance% This may someho& symbolize the
children of Louis 1,% 2arie-ThMrVse &as released during a prisoner e>change in 1-09% ;he later
married the =uc dA4ngoul`me$ her cousin$ the son of Charles Q% The =auphin$ Louis-Charles$ the
ten year old Iing Louis 1-$ said to have died in prison in 1-09$ may instead have escaped% .e may
have been sheltered by priests and nuns in the convents sho&n% ;t% =enis is five miles north of Paris
and 7rleans is -9 miles south&est of Paris% 3n the last line$ Nostradamus may be using symbols to
sho& the Catholic Church s(uelched any attempt for a restoration of Louis 1- to the throne of
C 0 < !9 Passant les pontz venir pres des rosiers$
Tard arriuM plustost (uAil cuydera$
Jiendront les noues espaignolz Z Besiers$
<ui icelle chasse emprinse cassera%
Passin/ the .rid/es to co-e near the rose.ushes 9Rosier:,
$ate arrival sooner than he +ill .elieve,
The ne+ Spaniards +ill co-e to eziers,
So that this chase +ill .rea0 the enterprise2
There is a /osier in 8rance south of Paris &hich ma'es more sense than rosebushes$ but you never
'no&% There are three other small to&ns in 8rance that begin &ith F/osier%G The to&n of Beziers is
north of Narbonne on the 2editerranean ;ea% The Fne& ;paniardsG is interesting and may indicate
a ne& faction in ;pain in the future%
C 0 < !, Nice sortie sur nom des letres aspres$
La grande cappe fera present non sien$
Proche de vultry au> murs de vertes capres
4pres plombin le vent Z bon essien%
Departin/ ,ro- Nice under the na-e 9surna-e: o, harsh letters,
The /reat cape 9!apet: +ill -a0e a present not his o+n,
Near Ioltri at the +all o, /reen capers
A,ter leaden 9Pio-.ino: the +ind in /ood earnest2
The first line can read several different &ays% The second line may refer to the Pope or possibly to
Louis 1,% Joltri is on the 2editerranean bet&een *enoa and ;avona% 3f Piombino is the FplombinG
mentioned in Line #$ it lies further do&n the coast opposite the 3sland of +lba% FPlombinG meaning
Fmade of leadG may also be an anagram% :hen Nostradamus says F&indG he is spea'ing of public
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
opinion% .ogue attributes this verse to the escape of Napoleon from +lba% The third lineAs F&all of
green capersG is puzzling% *reen is the color Nostradamus uses for ne& gro&th%
C 0 < !6 Joille ;ymacle port 2assilioli(ue$
=ans Jenise port marcher au> PannonsH
Partir du goulfre X sinus 3lliri(ue$
Jast Z ;ocile$ Ligurs coups de canons%
Allied 9au4illary: sail port o, Marseille 9Massilioli6ue:,
In port o, Ienice -arch to the Pannonias 9)un/aryDeastern Austria:1
$eavin/ ,ro- the /ul, and .ay o, Illyria,
Devastation at Sicily, $i/urians cannon shots2
FThe gulf and bay of 3llyriaG is a fancy &ay of stating the 4driatic ;ea% The Ligurian ;ea lies south
of *enoa and 2arseille% Ligurians are those of *enoa and 2arseille%
C 0 < 5" 4u port de PJ7L4 X de saint Nicolas$
Perir Normande au goulfre Phanati(ue$
Cap% de Bisance raues crier helas$
;ecors de *addes X du grand Philipi(ue%
At port o, PUO$A and o, Saint Nicolas,
Perish Nor-andy at &ul, o, Phanati6ue 9HuarneroP:,
!apet 9!ape: at Tur0ey in streets cryin/ alas,
Assistance ,ro- !adiz and the /reat Philip2
Leoni puts all the place names in Line one in the former Lugoslavia% These names may also be
anagrams% There are many cities named Polo and ;t% Nicholas in +urope% The last line ma'es more
sense% Cadiz is an 4tlantic seaport in ;pain% The great Philip may be Philip 33 of ;pain%
C 0 < 55 .ercules /oy de /omme X dA4nnemarc$
=e *aule trois *uion surnommM$
Trembler lA3tale X lAvnde sainct 2arc$
Premier sur tous monar(ue renommM%
)ercules, "in/ o, Ro-e and o, Anne-arc,
O, &aul three /uides +ith the surna-e,
Tre-.lin/ Italy and the one o, Saint Mar0,
'irst a.ove all reno+ned -onarchs2
Leoni attributes the &ord F4nnemarcG to .ungary and Bohemia$ the lands of <ueen 4nne% The
country of =enmar' has been suggested% This may also be a separate country in the future% ;aint
2ar' &as the patron saint of Jenice and so this verse may refer to that city%
The leader of 8rance is foreseen to have the surname of 8rance three times% *eneral Charles
de *aulle &as the leader of 8rance three separate times$ but he does not fit the description above%
.e may be one of the three% This verse may portend a future leader of 8rance &ith a surname that
signifies F8rance%G
C 0 < 5- Pont X molins en =ecembre versez$
+n si haut lieu montera la *aronneH
2urs$ edifices$ Tholose renuersez$
<uAon ne sBaura son lieu autant CcoutantD matronne%
rid/es and -ills overturned in,
The &aronne +ill rise to a very hi/h place1
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#alls, edi,ices, Toulouse overturned,
So that none +ill 0no+ his place, so -uch -atrone2
The last &ord in Line # FmatroneG may mean Fmid&ifeG or FmatronG or this may be an anagram%
The floods in the *aronne /iver area may happen during the inundations or this may be a symbol
used by Nostradamus to indicate a &ar%
C 0 < 50 +n 4rbissel Z Jeront X Carcari CCrevariD$
=e nuict conduitz pour ;auonne atraper$
Le vifz *ascon Turbi$ X la ;cerry
=errier mur vieu> X neuf palais gripper%
In Al.isola to Ieront and !arcara,
y ni/ht led to seize Savona,
The 6uic0 &ascon $a and $%scarene 9Scerry:
ehind old +alls and ne+ palace to /rapple2
Nostradamus may be referring here to the troublesome younger brother of Louis 15$ 1ean-Baptiste
*aston$ =u'e of 7rleans% .e &as nominally in command of the army &hich besieged La /ochelle
in 1,!6% .e intrigued against his mother$ the regent 2arie de 2edici Cas did Louis 15D% 4fter
&aging an unsuccessful &ar in Languedoc$ he too' refuge in 8landers% /econciled &ith his brother$
Louis 15$ *aston plotted against /ichelieu in 1,59% ;oon after&ards$ *aston stirred up Cin(-2ars
to attempt the murder of /ichelieu$ then deserted his accomplice% 3n 1,#5$ on the death of Louis 15$
*aston became lieutenant-general of the 'ingdom and fought against ;pain on the northern
frontiers of 8rance% =uring the 8ronde he passed from one party to the other% .e &as e>iled by
Cardinal 2azarin to Blois in 1,9! and he remained there until his death% The cities named are in
the /iviera region so this interpretation may not apply unless these are anagrams for names
associated &ith *aston%
C 0 < #5 Proche Z descendre lAarmee Crucigere
;era guettee par les 3smadlites
=e tous cottez CcostezD batus par nef /auiere$
Prompt assaillis de di> galeres eslites%
Near the point o, landin/ the crusader ar-y
#ill .e a-.ushed .y the Is-aelites
'ro- all sides 9coats: struc0 .y the ship Raviere,
Rapidly assailed .y ten elite /alleys2
This verse may continue C 0 < #! regarding the Battle of Lepanto in 19-1 &on by a Christian
coalition over Tur'eyAs 7ttoman +mpire%
C 0 < ## 2igres migre de *enesue trestous$
;aturne dAor en fer se changera$
Le contre /4LP7T e>terminera tous$
4uant lAa ruent ClAadventD le ciel signes fera$
$eave, leave &eneva every last one o, you,
Saturn +ill chan/e the /old to iron 9+eapons:,
The opposite o, the positive ray +ill e4ter-inate all,
9MThose a/ainst RA3PO* +ill e4ter-inate all:,
e,ore the rush 9the advent: the s0y +ill sho+ si/ns,
_Jariant% ;implified$ the opposite of the positive ray CprotonD &ould be the neutron% 2any nuclear
energy po&er plants are aging and the threat of meltdo&ns pose an ever increasing problem% 4
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
much larger threat e>ists from terror organizations that have managed to obtain nuclear components
on the blac' mar'et% .ere$ Nostradamus is &arning everyone to leave *eneva% The gold there &ill
be changed into iron% ;o forget the ;&iss ban' account and get out of to&n%
C 0 < #, Juydez$ fuyez de Tholose les rouges
=u sacrifice faire e>piation$
Le chef du mal dessouz lAvmbre des courges
2ort estrangler carne omination%
Iacate, ,lee Toulouse the reds
'or the sacri,ice to -a0e e4piation,
The chie, o, evil under the shado+ o, /ourds
Dead to stran/le carnal pro/nostication2
Toulouse is in southern 8rance% The reds are probably cardinals$ but they may also be the ;panish
&hose standard is red$ or FredG may stand for those &ho are rebelling% The Fshado& of gourdsG is
intriguing% The .opi 3ndians say that during the ne>t &ar there &ill be gourds dropped on 4merica$
the gourds being nuclear &eapons% ;o perhaps the shado& of gourds means the threat of nuclear
&eapons in southern 8rance%
C 0 < 91 Contre les rouges sectes se banderont$
8eu$ eau$ fer$ corde par pai> se minera$
4u point mourir ceu> (ui machineront$
8ors vn (ue monde sur tout ruynera%
A/ainst the reds sects +ill .and to/ether,
'ire, +ater, iron, cord o, peace +ill +ea0en,
At point o, death those +ho +ill intri/ue,
%4cept one +ho a.ove all +ill ruin the +orld2
The FredsG may stand for those &ho rebel$ the cardinals of the Catholic Church$ or a country &hose
color is red such as ;pain% 3n the modern era FredG may stand for Communism%
C 0 < 9, Camp pres de Noudam passera *oussanville$
+t Z 2aiotes laissera son enseigne$
Conuertira en instant plus de mille$
Cherchant les deu> remettre en chaine X legne%
Ar-y near )oudan to pass &oussainville,
And at Maiotes +ill leave its 9his: .anner,
In an instant -ore than a thousand converted,
Searchin/ ,or t+o to put in chain and ,ire+ood2
.oudan is &est of Paris and *oussainville is north of Paris% F2aiotesG or F2a@otesG is an unsolved
place name% Line 5 sounds as if this is an evangelistic mission% The Fchain and fire&oodG of Line #
is interesting%
C 0 < 9- 4u lieu de =/JQ vn /oy reposera$
+t cherchera loy changeant dA4natheme$
Pendant le ciel si tresfort tonnera$
Portee neufue /oy tuera soymesme%
In place o, DR%UO a "in/ +ill rest,
And +ill search ,or a la+ chan/in/ Anathe-a,
#hile the s0y +ill thunder so very loudly,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Ne+ entry 9/ate: "in/ +ill 0ill hi-sel,2
4n anathema is a person or thing detested or condemned to damnation% This may be a formal
ecclesiastical curse involving e>communication% =reu> is &est of Paris% By saying Fthe s'y
thundering loudly$G Nostradamus is indicating there is a &ar going on% 3n Line #$ there has never
been a 8rench 'ing &ho committed suicide that is 'no&n% 3f this is symbolic$ there have been many
'ings &ho have gotten themselves into situations that led to their death or to abdication%
C 0 < 96 4u costM gauche Z lAendroit de Jitry
;eront guettez les trois rouges de 8rance$
Tous assoumez rouge$ noir non murdry$
Par les Bretons remis en asseurence%
On the le,t side at the site o, Iitry
The three red ones o, 'rance +ill .e overthro+n,
The red all ,elled, .lac0 not -urdered,
y the retons restored to sa,ety2
Brittany$ the peninsula that separates the +nglish Channel from the Bay of Biscay$ &as a site of
resistance to the 8rench /evolutionaries and to the anti-clericalism of the revolution% There are
many small to&ns in 8rance that begin &ith FJitryG including Jitry-au>-loges south of Paris% The
FredG in this case &ould be the revolutionaries% The blac' may symbolize those of the Catholic
Church such as mon's and nuns% 3f this verse is about the 8rench /evolution$ the three red ones of
8rance may be /obespierre$ =anton$ and ;aint-1ust &ho &ere overthro&n%
C 0 < 90 4 la 8ertM prendra la Jidame
Nicol tenu rouge (uAauoit produit la vie$
La grand Loyse naistra (ue fera clame%
=onnant Bourgongne Z Bretons par enuie%
At $a 'ertDIida-e he +ill ta0e
Nicholas held red +ho had produced the li,e,
The /reat $ouise 9$ouis: +ho +ill .e .orn secretly2
&ivin/ our/o/ne to retons throu/h envy2
La 8ert-Jidame is south&est of Paris% Bourgogne is the ancient province of Burgandy% The to&n of
Bourgon Cif this is &hat Nostradamus meansD is further south&est$ @ust east of Brittany% Those of
Brittany &ould be Bretons% There &as a Louise$ daughter of Nicholas of Lorraine$ &ho married
.enry 333$ but their union &as childless% 3f the variant FLouisG is applicable$ there &ere none born
secretly that is recorded in history% This (uatrain is full of details$ none of &hich can be tied to a
specific event%
C 0 < ,! 4u grand de Cheramon agora
;eront croisez par ranc tous attachez$
Le pertina> 7ppi$ X 2andragora$
/augon dA7ctobre le tiers seront laschez%
To the /reat one o, !hera-onDa/ora
#ill -a0e crusaders 9those o, the cross: all .e attached .y ran0,
The lon/Dlastin/ Opiu- and Mandra0e,
Rau/on +ill .e unleashed on the third o, Octo.er2
Leoni states that FCeramon-agoraG &as an ancient city in 4sia 2inor$ no& thought to be occupied
by the to&n of ?sa'% F/augonG is unsolved% This &ord resembles the name of President /eagan% 3t
may also be an anagram for F=ragon%G 7pium is a drug derived from poppies% 7pium and
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
2andra'e$ an herb$ &ere used both in medicinal remedies and in occult practices in the ;i>teenth
Century% This verse may someho& be related to the drug &ars of the modern era%
C 0 < ,5 Plainctes X pleurs$ crys X grands vrlemens
Pres de Narbon Z Bayonne X en 8oi>
7 (uel horrible calamitz changemens$
4uant (ue 2ars reuolu (uel(ues foys%
!o-plaints and tears, cries and /reat ho+ls
Near Nar.onne at ayonne and in 'oi4
Oh, +hat horri.le cala-ities and chan/es,
e,ore Mars has -ade several revolutions2
2ars ma'es a revolution in ,6- days$ so this verse$ set in the &hole of southern 8rance from the
4tlantic to the 2editerranean$ &ould cover a time period of over three years%
C 0 < ,, Pai>$ vnion sera X changement$
+statz$ offices bas hault$ X hault bien bas$
=resser voiage le fruict premier torment$
*uerre cesser$ ciuil proces debatz%
There +ill .e peace, union and chan/es,
%states, o,,ices, the lo+ hi/h and the hi/h very lo+,
Preparin/ ,or travel, the ,irst o,,sprin/ in tor-ent,
#ar to cease, civil processes, de.ates2
This could &ell describe any period after a great &ar such as from 16-1 to :orld :ar 3$ then after
:orld :ar 33 to the present day% Perhaps this describes a ?topian time in the future &hen &ar &ill
cease altogether%
C 0 < ,- =u hault des montz Z lAentour de Lizer
Port Z la roche Jalen% cent assemblez
=e chasteau neuf pierre late en donzere$
Contre le crest /omans foy assemblez%
'ro- the top o, the -ountains around Isere
At the entrance o, the Ialence roc0 one hundred asse-.led
9MPort o, the roc0 Ialence one hundred asse-.led:
'ro- !hateauneu,, Pierrelatte, in Donzere,
A/ainst the !rest, Ro-ans asse-.led in ,aith2
_Jariant% The area of 3sere lies southeast of Lyon and northeast of Jalence% Pierrelatte and =onzere
lie further south along the /hone valley &hile Chateauneuf is north of Jalence% Nostradamus may
be saying that the /omans$ driven out of 3taly$ &ill congregate in this area to observe their faith%
C 0 < ,0 ;ur le mont de Bailly X la Bresle
;eront caichez de *renoble les fiers$
7ultre Lyon$ Jien% eul> si grande gresle$
Langoult en terre nAen restera vn tiers%
On the -ountain o, ailleul and the resle
#ill .e hidden the proud ones o, &reno.le,
eyond $yon, Iienna upon the- a /reat hail,
$an/oult 9locust:9lo.ster: on land not a third o, the- re-ain2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Baillleul is on the ;omme /iver in northern 8rance% The Bresle /iver is south of Bailleul% The
second line sho&s this as the location &here those of *renoble are hidden% FLangousteG is FlocustG
in 7ld 8rench$ not FcrayfishG as in 2odern 8rench% Nostradamus may be trying to indicate tan's or
modern machines of &arfare%
C 0 < -" .arnois trenchant dans les flambeau> cachez
=edans Lyon le iour du ;acrement$
Ceu> de Jienne seront trestous hachez
Par les cantons Latins 2ascon ne ment%
Sharp +eapons hidden in the .urnin/ torches
#ithin $yon, the day o, Sacra-ent,
Those o, Iienna +ill all .e cut to pieces
y the $atin cantons Mascon does not lie2
Leoni considers the day of sacrament to be Corpus Christi$ the first Thursday after Trinity ;unday$
eight ;undays after +aster% .ogue attributes this to the end of :orld :ar 33 in +urope on 2ay 0$
10#9% The last line is puzzling% There is a city of 2\con north of Lyon% 3t is not 'no&n &hat
Nostradamus means by the Latin cantons%
C 0 < -1 4u> lieu> sacrez animau> veu Z tri>e$
4uec celuy (ui nAosera le iourH
4 Carcassonne pour disgrace propice$
;era posM pour plus ample seiour%
At holy places ani-als seen +ith hair 9+ool:,
#ith hi- +ho +ill not dare the day1
At !arcassonne propitious ,or dis/race,
#ill .e set ,or a lon/er stay2
4bout all that is 'no&n for sure on this (uatrain is the location of Carcassonne in southern 8rance%
The fact that farm animals are seen at holy places may mean that because the holy sites are
deserted$ the farmers graze their sheep and cattle there%
C 0 < -! +ncor seront les saincts temples pollus$
+t e>pillez par ;enat Tholossain$
;aturne deu> trois cicles reuollus$
=ans 4uril$ 2ay$ gens de nouueau leuain%
)oly te-ples +ill a/ain .e polluted,
And plundered .y the Senate o, Toulouse,
Saturn t+o three cycles revolved,
In April, May, people o, a ne+ leaven2
.oly temples may be human bodies that &ill be polluted$ perhaps by the environment or the use of
drugs% 7r Nostradamus may be referring to actual churches% Toulouse is in southern 8rance% 4 cycle
of ;aturn is !0%9 years% Three cycles &ould be 66%9 years% 3f Nostradamus means ! times 5 cycles$
this &ould be 1-- years% 3f so$ then this verse may mar' the half&ay point of the ;un Cycle$ or the
year !",9%
C 0 < -5 =ans 8ois entrez /oy ceiulee CceruleeD Turban$
+t regnera moins reuolu ;aturne$
/oy Turban blanc Bizance c[ur ban$
;ol$ 2ars$ 2ercure pres la hurne%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
In 'oi4 +ill enter a "in/ +ith a lue,
And +ill rei/n less than a revolution o, Saturn,
The "in/ +ith a #hite heart .anished to izance,
Sun, Mars, Mercury near the urn2
8oi> and most of southern 8rance is mentioned as an area of future &arfare% 4 revolution of ;aturn is
!0%9 years% .ogue suggests this verse pertains to the overthro& of the ;hah of 3ran in 10-0 &hen the
;un$ 2ars$ and 2ercury &ere in 4(uarius% The 4yatollah Ihomeini &ore a blac' turban% .e held the
reins of po&er in 3ran for much less than !0 years%
This verse may be indicative of the ne& 3ranian leader &ho &ill invade Tur'ey% The blue head
is also mentioned in C ! < !% FNear the urnG may also mean this event occurs shortly before the
beginning of the 4(uarian 4ge%
C 0 < -# =ans la citM de 8ertsod homicide$
8ait X fait multe beuf arant ne macter$
/etour encores au> honneurs dA4rtemide$
+t Z Julcan corps morts sepulturer%
In the city o, 'ertsod ho-icide,
Deed and deed -any o4en plo+in/, not sacri,iced,
Return a/ain to the honors o, Arte-is,
And to Iulcan dead .odies to .ury2
The city of F8ertsodG may be a combination of the Latin FfertusG meaning fertile and FsodG
meaning soil$ ma'ing this the city of fertile soil% 3t may also mean the 7ld 8rench FferteG meaning
FstrongholdG and perhaps F;odomG the evil city of the Bible% There are many cities in 8rance &hich
begin &ith FLa 8ert%G The Fdeed and deedG is puzzling in Line !%
This verse may sho& a return bac' to the soil &ith farming and hunting C4rtemis is the
*ree' goddess of the hunt as &ell as the moonD% This &ould be after a &ar or a natural disaster
&hen the bodies to be buried are so numerous they are consigned to the fire%
C 0 < -9 =e lA4mbra>ie X du pays de Thrace$
Peuple par mer mal X secours *aulois$
Perpetuelle en Prouence la trace$
4uec vestiges de leur coustume X loi>%
'ro- A-.racia and the country o, Thrace,
People .y sea evil and assistance ,ro- 'rance,
Perpetually in Provence the trace,
#ith vesti/es o, their custo- and la+s2
4mbracia Cno& 4rtaD is in *reece and Thrace is in Tur'ey% Nostradamus is foreseeing a time &hen
these countries &ill need assistance from 8rance% Perhaps their refugees &ill form a colony in
Provence and leave perpetual traces%
C 0 < 6" Le =uc voudra les siens e>terminer$
+nuoyera les plus forts lieu> estranges$
Par tyrannie Pize CBizeD X Luc ruiner$
Puis les Barbares sans vin feront vendanges%
The Du0e +ill +ish to e4ter-inate his o+n,
)e +ill send the stron/est to ,orei/n places,
y tyranny to ruin Pisa 9ize: and $uc,
Then the ar.arians +ill /ather the /rapes +ithout +ine2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The to&n of Bize is in the .auts Pyrenees near the ;panish border% Luc is farther north% Pisa$ if this
is &hat Nostradamus means$ is in 3taly% F*athering the grapesG indicates the events in this verse
&ill occur at harvest time% F:ithout &ineG sho&s ine>perience in leadership%
C 0 < 61 Le /oy rusM entendra ses embusches
=e trois (uartiers ennemis assaillir$
Jn nombre estrange larmes de co(ueluches
Jiendra Lemprin du traducteur faillir%
The "in/ .y ruse +ill understand his a-.ushes
%ne-ies to assail ,ro- three sides,
A o, stran/e tears ,ro- hooded
The $e-prin 9.rillianceP: o, the translator +ill co-e to ,ail2
3n the last line FLemprinG may be from the *ree' FlamprosG meaning brilliance or this might be an
anagram for a proper name%
C 0 < 6# /oy e>posM parfaira LAhecatombe$
4pres auoir trouuM son origine$
Torrent ouurir de marbre X plomb la tombe
=Avn grand /omain dAenseigne 2edusine%
"in/ e4posed +ill co-plete the slau/hter,
A,ter havin/ discovered his ori/in,
Torrent to open the to-. o, -ar.le and lead
O, a /reat Ro-an o, Medusine .anner 9device:2
Leoni (uotes Laver as suggesting the 2edusine device is an anagram of F=eus in meG suggesting
;aint PeterAs tomb% This &ould also tie in &ith C 6 < ,,As F=%2%G The mythological 2edusa$ one
of the three *orgon sisters$ had a head full of serpents and turned all onloo'ers to stone% The great
/oman may have used this fearsome symbol% F*orgonG is also mentioned in C 6 < -0%
C 0 < 69 Passer *uienne$ Languedoc X le /osne$
=A4gen tenens de 2armande X la /oole$
=Aouurir par foy par roy CparroyD PhocM tiendra son trosne
Conflit aupres saint Pol de 2auseole%
To pass &uienne, $an/uedoc and the Rhone,
O, A/en holdin/ Mar-ande and $a Reole,
To open .y ,aith .y 0in/ 9the +all:, Marseille +ill hold his throne
!on,lict near Saint Paul de Mausole2
;aint-Paul-de-2ausole &as a convent$ subse(uently an insane asylum$ outside NostradamusA
birthplace$ ;aint-/emy% ;ome commentators consider F;aint Pol de 2ausoleG to apply to Pope
1ohn Paul 33$ &hose motto$ given to him by ;t% 2alachy$ &as Flabor of the sun%G
*uienne is a large province in southern 8rance$ as is Languedoc% The /hone lies further
east% 4gen is in southern 8rance and 2armande and La /eole are further &est of 4gen%
C 0 < 6, =u bourg Lareyne paruiMdront droit Z Chartres
+t feront pres du pont 4nthoni panse$
;ept pour la pai> cautelleu> comme martres
8eront entree dAarmee Z Paris clause%
'ro- our/DlaDReine they +ill co-e strai/ht to !hartres
And near Pont dAnthony +ill -a0e a pause,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Seven cra,ty as -artins ,or the peace
#ill -a0e an entry o, ar-y at Paris closed 9condition:2
Bourg-la-/eine is in southern 8rance north of Bordeau% 3f this army leaves Bourg it &ill pass
Chartres on its &ay to Paris% Leoni states Pont dA4nthony is three miles further en route%
Nostradamus spea's in other verses of Paris being a closed city but does not elaborate as to the
reason &hy%
The best historical application may be from Le Pelletier &ho states that after the second
capitulation of Paris in 1619$ the generals of the seven nation coalition &ho defeated Napoleon at
:aterloo entered Paris to arrange for peace terms% Their armies departed Paris in the direction of
the places so named%
C 0 < 6- Par la forest du Touphon essartee$
Par hermitaige sera posM le temple$
Le duc dA+stampes par sa ruse inuentee$
=u mont Lehori prelat donra e>emple%
Throu/h the ,orest o, Touphon 9Tor,ou: cleared,
y the her-ita/e +ill .e placed the te-ple,
The Du0e o, %ta-pes throu/h her 9his: ruse invented,
#ill teach a lesson to the prelate o, Montlhery2
The cleared forest of Touphon is un'no&n$ but *arencieres mentions a 8orest du Torfou some
thirty miles from Paris% 2ontlhery is @ust south of Paris and +tampes is further south% The
hermitage is un'no&n% The list of the =u'es of +tampes include =iane de Poitiers Cmistress of
Iing .enry 33D and 2arguerite of Jalois Cfirst &ife of Iing .enry 3JD%
C 0 < 66 Calais$ 4rras secours Z Theroanne$
Pai> X semblant simulera lAescoutte$
;oulde dA4lobro> descendre par /oane
=estournay peuple (ui deffera la routte%
!alais, Arras assistance to Therouanne,
Peace and se-.lance the spy 9scout: +ill si-ulate,
The soldiery o, Savoy descended .y Roanne
Turn aside people +ho +ill end the rout2
Leoni considers this verse to relate to the Truce of Jaucelles bet&een 8rance and ;pain in 199,%
Line 5 may also be applied to the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 199- &hich set the &estern
borders of ;avoy%
C 0 < 0" Jn capitaine de la grand *ermanie
;e viendra rendre par simulM secours
Jn /oy des roys ayde de Pannonie$
<ue sa reuolte fera de sang grand cours%
A captain o, the /reat &er-any
#ill co-e to deliver ,alse assistance
The "in/ o, 0in/s support o, )un/ary,
So that his revolt +ill cause o, /reat ,lo+ o, .lood2
This terrible captain of *ermany may be .itler$ the second 4nti-Christ% 3f this is the case the Iing
of Iings is un'no&n% This verse may also be spea'ing of the far &orse 4nti-Christ to come in the
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 0 < 0! Le /oy vouldra dans citM neufue entrer
Par ennemys e>puger lon viendra
Captif libere faul> dire X perpetrer$
/oy dehors estre$ loin dAennemys tiendra%
The "in/ +ill +ant to enter the ne+ city
y ene-ies the one +ill co-e to su.due 9e4pun/e:
!aptive ,ree ,alsely to spea0 and act,
"in/ +ill .e outside, 0ept ,ar a+ay ,ro- ene-ies2
The city may be an actual ne& city or it may be a city &hose name means that it is ne& such as
Jillanova% ;ome commentators relate this verse to Ne& Lor' City%
C 0 < 0, =ans citM entrer e>ercit desniee$
=uc entrera par persuasion$
4u> foibles portes clam armee amenee$
2ettront feu$ mort de sang effusion%
The ar-y denied entry in the city,
The du0e +ill enter .y persuasion,
The ar-y led secretly to the +ea0 /ates,
They +ill put it to ,ire, death e,,usion o, .lood2
:hile there are a lot of details$ it &ould be great to have the name of the city or the name of the
du'e% 7nce all of the (uatrains are in historical order$ this may be made clearer%
C 0 < 0- =e mer copies en trois parts diuisees$
4 la seconde les viures failleront$
=esesperez cherchant champs .elisees$
Premiers en breche entrez victoire auront%
The sea ,orces divided into three parts,
The second the supplies +ill co-e to ,ail,
Desperately see0in/ the %lysian 'ields,
The ,irst ones to enter the .reach +ill have the victory.
3n *ree' mythology the +lysian 8ields &ere the final resting place of the souls of the virtuous% This
verse may be saying the prophecies are divided into three parts%
C 0 < 06 Les affligez par faute dAvn seul taint$
Contremenant Z partie opposite$
4u> Lygonnois mandera (ue contraint
;eront de rendre le grand chef de 2olite%
The a,,licted .y the ,ault o, one tainted soul 9-on0:,
The trans/ressor 9contravenant: in the opposite party,
)e +ill send +ord to those o, $yon 9$an/res: that co-pelled
#ill -a0e delivery the /reat leader o, Molite2
The unsolved place names of FLygonnoisG and F2oliteG ma'e this verse most obscure% Line 5 can
be read several different &ays%
C 0 < 00 Jent 4(uilon fera partir le siege$
Par murs geter cendres$ chauls$ X pousiereH
Par pluye apres (ui leur fera bien piege$
=ernier secours encontre leur frontiere%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The A6uilon +ind +ill cause the sie/e to .e raised,
y the +alls to thro+ ashes, li-e and dust1
Throu/h rain a,ter, +hich +ill do the- -uch +orse,
$ast help a/ainst their ,rontier2
There &ere t&o famous sieges in northern +urope% The siege of Leningrad lasted for t&enty-nine
months from ;eptember 10#1 to 1anuary$ 10##% The *erman :ehrmacht &anted to ma'e
Leningrad$ no& ;t% Petersburg$ its cro&n @e&el in &hich .itler might celebrate his victory% The
people of Leningrad$ especially the first &inter$ endured carnage and starvation in the siege% 3t is
not recorded &hether or not it rained after&ards% 3t is estimated that -""$""" ;oviet citizens died of
starvation and e>posure% But they &ere able to hold the to&n%
The 19-5 siege of 4l'maar in the ;panish Netherlands &as &on by the =utch% 2en$
&omen$ and the young &ere at the &alls thro&ing cinders$ ashes$ lime$ and anything they could
find do&n on the ;paniards% :ater &as let out of the di'es and the fields around the ;paniards
became splashy and uncomfortable% The =u'e of 4lba finally retreated% 4l'maar &as the first city
to be freed from ;panish control%
FThe 4(uilon &indG may only refer to public opinion from the north$ and this verse may
apply to any great siege &here public opinion &as a factor%
!%NTUR3 7<
C 1" < 5 +n apres cin( troupeau ne mettra hors vn
8uytif pour Penelon lAaschera$
8aul> murmurer secours venir par lors$
Le chef le siege lors habandonnera%
In a,ter ,ive +ill not put out ,loc0 9herd:
A ,u/itive ,or Penelon he +ill turn loose,
To -ur-ur ,alsely, assistance .y then +ill co-e,
The leader +ill then a.andon the sie/e2
The first line could read$ F4fter the fifthG meaning after the fifth ruler of the same name$ possibly
Louis 16% The person or place name of FPenelonG has not yet been solved% 3t may be a shortened
version of Napoleon$ possibly referring to the second 1"" day rule &hich follo&ed that of Louis 16%
3n 1619 Napoleon returned as +mperor of 8rance and Louis 16 (uietly left to&n for the one
hundred day reign of Napoleon% .e returned as Iing of 8rance once Napoleon &as again e>iled%
C 1" < 9 4lbi X Castres feront nouuelle ligue$
Neuf 4rriens Lisbon X Portugues$
Carcas$ Tholosse consumeront leur bri(ue
<uand chef neuf monstre de Lauragues%
Al.i and !astres +ill ,or- a ne+ lea/ue,
Ne+ 9nine: Aryans, $is.on and Portu/uese,
!arcassonne, Toulouse +ill end their intri/ue
#hen the leader ne+ -onster ,ro- $aura/ues2
4ll of the places named are in southern 8rance in the Languedoc area% The Fne& 4ryansG are
interesting% Perhaps a Neo Nazi party is being formed in connection &ith Portugal someho&%
C 1" < , ;ardon Nemans si hault desborderont$
<uAon cuidera =eucalion renaistre$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=ans le colosse la plus part fuyront$
Jesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre%
The &ardon +ill ,lood Ni-es so hi/h,
That they +ill .elieve Deucalion re.orn,
In the colossus the -ost part +ill ,lee,
Iestas sepulcher ,ire to appear e4tin/uished2
F;ardonG is probably the *ardon /iver five miles from Nimes &hose Latin name &as Nemausus%
=eucalion is the *ree' e(uivalent of Noah% The colossus &ould be the ancient /oman amphitheater
at Nimes% Jesta &as a /oman goddess of home and hearth and promoted family harmony% 4 sacred
flame &as her numinous presence% The vestal virgins lived together in a house near the 8orum and
tended the sacred fire% The fire &as rene&ed on the /omanAs Ne& LearAs =ay of 2arch 1st every
year and it &as not allo&ed to go out% The vestal virgins too' a thirty year vo& of absolute chastity%
Nostradamus is saying that it loo's as if JestaAs fire appears to be e>tinguished$ perhaps signifying
a lac' of harmony in 8rance%
C 1" < 0 =e Castillon figuieres iour de brune$
=e feme infame naistra souuerain princeH
;urnon de chausses perhume luy posthume$
7nc /oy ne feut si pire en sa prouince%
In the !astle o, 'i/ueras on a day o, drizzle 9dar0ness:,
9MO, !astillion 'i/ueras on a day o, drizzle 9dar0ness::,
O, an in,a-ous +o-an .orn a soverei/n prince1
Surna-e o, pants on the /round 9pants do+n: +ill -a0e hi-
Never +as a "in/ so very .ad in his province2
8igueras is on the ;panish side of the Pyrenees near the 2editerranean ;ea% The only type of castle
there Cif this is meantD is the 16
Century citadel of ;an 8ernando$ no& a prison according to Leoni%
Leoni also considers this verse may portend the birth of the 4nti-Christ$ &hich is possible as this
does not seem to fit a historical event% The third line is puzzling as the 'iller of the father of this
Prince$ &hich occurred before he &as born$ has a surname of Fpants$ breeches$ or stoc'ings on the
groundG or Fat the ground pants do&n%G ;ee also C 1" < 11%
C 1" < 11 =essoubz 3onchere du dangereu> passage
8era passer le posthume sa bande$
Les monts Pyrens passer hors son bagaige
=e Parpignam courira duc Z tende%
At the dan/erous passa/e .elo+ Aon6uera
The posthu-ous one +ill have his .and pass,
To pass the Pyrenees Mountains +ithout his .a//a/e
'ro- Perpi/nan the Du0e +ill rush to Tende2
La 1on(uera is on the ;panish side of the Perthus Pass about t&elve miles north of 8igueras% 8rom
Perpignan$ on the north side of the Pyrenees in 8rance$ the =u'e CleaderD &ill hasten to Tende$ about
thirty-five miles northeast of Nice near the 3talian border% This (uatrain @oins &ith C 1" < 0%
C 1" < 15 ;oulz las pasture dAanimau> ruminant
Par eu> conduicts au ventre herbipoli(ue
;oldatz caichez les armes bruit menant$
Non loing temptez de citM 4ntipoli(ue%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Under the ,ood o, the ru-inatin/ ani-als
y the- led to the .elly o, her.Dsellin/ 9her.D/ro+in/: city
Soldiers hidden the +eapons causin/ noise,
Tried not ,ar ,ro- the city o, Anti.es2
4ntibes is on the Ligurian ;ea @ust south of Nice% The food of ruminating animals is hay% 3f you can
figure out &hat is symbolized here$ this verse may ma'e more sense%
C 1" < 1# Jrnel Jaucile sans conseil de soy mesmes
.ardit timide par crainte prins vaincu$
4ccompaignM de plusieurs putains blesmes
4 Barcellonne au> chartreu> conuaincu%
Urnel Iaucile +ithout counsel 9advice: o, his o+n
old ti-id throu/h ,ear captured overco-e,
Acco-panied .y several pale +hores
!onvinced 9convicted: in !arthusian convent at arcelona2
Chartreau> means Carthusian mon'$ &hile Chartreuse refers to a Carthusian convent% 4ccording to
Leoni$ this seems to be set in the Catalunya area of northeastern ;pain$ 'no&n as the Llanos de
?rgel$ ad@acent to the to&n of Le seu dA?rgell% F?rnelG may be an anagram of F?rgel%G F?rnelG
may also be an anagram for FlAurneG as a symbol for 4(uarius% The Latin FvacilloG means Fto
hesitate$ to s&ay%G This verse$ &hile it sounds li'e the Christian conversion of a sinner$ is sure to
have a much deeper meaning% 3t may also pertain to C 0 < 0 and < 11 as 8igueras is north of
Barcelona on the southern side of the Pyrenees%
C 1" < 19 Pere duc vieu> dAans X de soif chargM$
4u iour e>treme filz desniant les guiere ClAesguiereD
=edans le puis vif mort viendra plongM$
;enat au fil la mort longue X legiere%
'ather du0e old in years and o, thirst .urdened,
On his last day son denyin/ the 5u/
Into the +ell plun/ed alive +ill co-e up dead,
Senate to son the death lon/ and li/ht2
This story of crime and punishment seems li'e some you hear of every day on the ne&s$ but this
verse may have more significance in the future% 3n other verses$ Nostradamus predicts long
droughts ahead% This verse also uses the symbol of 4(uarius$ the urn$ or &ater bearer%
C 1" < 10 3our (ue sera par royne saluee$
Le iour apres le salut$ la priere$
Le compte fait raison X valbuee$
Par auant humble onc(ues ne feut si fiere%
The day +hen she +ill .e saluted as Hueen,
The day a,ter the .enediction, the prayer,
The rec0onin/ is ri/ht and reasona.le,
e,ore hu-.le never +as one so proud2
This verse &as probably intended for <ueen +lizabeth 3 of +ngland$ but it may also be applied to
many other (ueens%
C 1" < !" Tous les amys (uAauront tenu party$
Pour rude en lettres mys mort X saccagM$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Biens publiez par fi>e Csi>eD grand neanty$
7nc /omain peuple ne feut tant outragV%
All the ,riends +ho +ill have .elon/ed to the party,
'or rude in learnin/ put to death and sac0ed,
Pu.lic /oods .y ,i4ed 9si4: /reat annihilation,
Never +ere Ro-an people so outra/ed2
The best historical application &ould be post-8ascist 3taly% Their economy &as in shambles and the
poor &ere further reduced in poverty by price fi>ing% This verse may also be applied to any of the
many post-&ar traumas that the 3talians faced%
C 1" < !1 Par le despit du /oy soustenant moindre$
;era meurdry luy presentant les bagues$
Le pere au filz voulant noblesse poindre
8ait comme Z Perse iadis feirent les 2agues%
Throu/h the spite o, "in/ sustainin/ the lesser,
#ill .e -urdered presentin/ the 5e+els to hi-,
The ,ather +ishin/ to i-press no.ility on his son
Does as the Ma/i did in Persia o, old2
The tric' to solving this (uatrain is to determine e>actly &hat the 2agi did in Persia to impress the
nobility% The 2agi &ere the Toroastrian astrologer-priests &ho organized Persian society after the
fall of Babylon and 4ssyria% The best 'no&n 2agi appear in our Ne& Testament as the three &ise
men &ho attended the birth of Christ%
C 1" < !9 Par Nebro ouurir de Brisanne passage$
Bien eslongnez el tago fara muestra$
=ans Pelligou>e sera commis lAoutrage
=e la grand dame assise sur lAorchestra%
Throu/h 9.y Nero: to open the passa/e o, risanne,
Iery ,ar a+ay the Ta/us +ill -a0e de-onstration,
In Peli/ou4e +ill .e co--itted the outra/e
O, the /reat lady seated in the orchestra2
Nostradamus thre& in some ;panish in the second line indicating this verse pertains to ;pain%
FBrisanneG and FPeligou>eG are unsolved place names% There is a small to&n of Peligros in
southern ;pain% The Tagus /iver runs through central ;pain and Portugal &hile the +bro is in
northeastern ;pain% FNebroG may be an anagram for FNeroG &ho may be a fearful future leader or
the 4nti-Christ and it may also be a combination &ord of F+broG and FNeroG ma'ing FNebro%G The
great lady seated in the orchestra may be the Catholic Church &atching the events described$
perhaps having a sta'e in the outcome%
C 1" < !- Par le CCharleD cin(uieme X vn grand .ercules
Jiendront le temple ouurir de main belli(ue$
Jn Clement$ 3ule X 4scans recules$
C_Jne Colonne$ 3ules X 4scans reculezD$
Lespe CLA+spagneD$ clef$ aigle nAeurent onc si grand pic(ue%
y the ,i,th 9!harles the 'i,th: and a /reat )ercules
#ill co-e to open the te-ple .y a +arli0e ,orce,
One !le-ent 9!olonne:, Aule and Ascans put .ac0,
S+ord 9The Spanish:, 0ey, ea/le never once so /reat a 6uarrel2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Leoni believes this is a retroactive prophecy going bac' to 19!- &hen Charles J$ 'ing of the .oly
/oman +mpire &as at &ar &ith Pope Clement J33% 3nstead$ Nostradamus may be using that
historical incident to illustrate a similar incident to occur after 199-%
.ogue applies this verse to .enry 333 as the fifth Jalois child of .enry 33 and .ercules &as
the name of .enry 333As younger brother% But the rest of the verse does not apply &ith this
2any Nostradamus scholars anticipate the coming Christian 'ing of the &orld and$ based
on the Chyren verses$ believe he &ill be named Iing .enry J$ anagrammed as Chyren CLatinized
.enry is .enrycD &ho &ill be the great .ercules Nostradamus mentions% .o&ever$ many of the
FChyrenG verses seem to relate to Iing Louis 1#%
C 1" < !6 ;econd X tiers (ui font prime music(ue
;era par /oy en honneur sublimee$
Par grasse X maigre pres(ue demy etic(ue
/aport de Jenus faul> randra deprimee%
Second and third +ill -a0e ,irst -usic
y "in/ +ill .e in honor,
y ,at and thin nearly hal,De-aciated
'alse report o, Ienus considered de.ased2
/oberts ascribes this verse to three of the people involved in the 8rench /evolution% 2irabeau &as
fat$ =anton &as thin$ and 2arat &as the emaciated one% :ith this application the second and third
&ould be the estates represented at the +states *eneral constitutional convention% The false report
of Jenus &ould then be the degrading rumors spread regarding 2arie 4ntoinette% 3t is a thought% No
other commentator has been able to solve this one%
C 1" < !0 =e Pol 24N;7L dans cauerne caprine
CachV X prins e>trait hors par la barbe$
Captif menM comme beste mastine
Par Begourdans amenee pres de Tarbe%
O, Pol MANSO$ in cavern o, /oats
)idden and captured pulled out .y the .eard,
!aptive led li0e a -asti,, .east
y i/orre people .rou/ht near to Tar.es2
FPol 2ansolG may refer to ;t% Paul-de-2ausole$ the convent near ;aint-/Mmy$ the boyhood home
of Nostradamus% The Bigorre people lived in southern 8rance north of the Pyrenees% Tarbes &as the
capital of Navarre$ the 'ingdom of .enry 3J before he ascended the 8rench throne% The location of
the goat cavern is un'no&n%
C 1" < 5" Nepueu X sang du sainct nouueau venu$
Par le surnom soustient arcs X couuert
;eront chassez mis Z mort chassez nu$
+n rouge X noir conuertiront leur vert%
Nephe+ and .lood o, ne+ly created saint,
y the surna-e sustain arches and roo,
#ill .e driven out put to death chased nude,
In red and .lac0 +ill .e converted their /reen2
2ost commentators have decided the nephe& is Napoleon 333 &hose uncle$ Napoleon 3$ came to be
revered in 8rance as much as any saint% Napoleon 333 &as driven out in 16-" after he &as captured
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
in the 8ranco-Prussian &ar% By FnudeG Nostradamus means leaving &ithout ta'ing all of their
4nother thought is the Colonna family in 3taly% The original name of FColomnaG is similar
to Fcolumn$G the vertical support of arches and the roofs of buildings% The Colonna &ere an ancient
3talian family that contributed much to the Catholic Church% Their chief rivals &ere the 7rsini clan%
The most illustrious lay prince of the Colonna &as 2arcantonio$ &ho at the sea battle of Lepanto in
19-1 commanded the papal galleys% 7n his return to /ome he &as a&arded a memorable triumph%
To cement the friendship bet&een the houses of Colonna and 7rsini$ Pope ;i>tus J married their
family chiefs to his nieces and ordained that they and their descendants should en@oy the dignity of
4ssistant Princes at the Pontifical Throne%
C 1" < 51 Le saint empire viendra en *ermanie$
3smadlites trouueront lieu> ouuerts%
4nes vouldront aussi la Carmanie$
Les soustenens de terre tous couuerts%
The holy e-pire +ill co-e into &er-any,
The Ara.s +ill ,ind open places2
Asses +ill also +ant !ar-ania,
The supporters 9resistance: all covered .y earth2
:hen Nostradamus &rote$ the .oly /oman +mpire included *ermany% +vidently this is a ne&
empire yet to come% Nostradamus refers to 4fghans as asses because they used to ride don'eys into
battle% Carmania is in 3ran on the northern shore of the ;trait of .ormuz that separates the Persian
*ulf from the *ulf of 7man%
C 1" < 5! Le grand empire chacun an CenD deuoir CdevoitD estre
Jn sur les autres le viendra obtenir$
2ais peu de temps sera son regne X estre$
=eu> ans au> naues se pourra soustenir%
The e-pire every year -ust .e /reat
9MThe /reat e-pire everyone +ould .e o, it:
One over the others +ill co-e to o.tain it,
ut only a short ti-e his real- and state,
T+o years in ships 9navies: he +ill sustain hi-sel,2
This verse does not seem to apply to either of the t&o 8rench empires or to the original .oly
/oman +mpire% 3t may apply to the +uropean ?nion at some time in the future%
3f Nostradamus is spea'ing of the Bar' of ;t% Peter Cthe Catholic ChurchD he may be
referring to Pope *regory QJ &ho obtained the papacy in 1,!1 and died in 1,!5% Nostradamus
often compares the Catholic Church to a ship%
C 1" < 55 La faction cruelle Z robbe longue$
Jiendra cacher souz les pointus poignars
;aisir 8lorence le duc X lieu diphlongue
;a descouuerte par immeurs X flangnards%
The cruel ,action o, the lon/ ro.e,
#ill co-e to hide under the sharp da//ers
The Du0e to seize 'lorence and place o, dou.leDtal0 9dou.leD+ord:
Its discovery .y i--ature 9la+less: and ,latterers2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Long robes &ere &orn by rulers and by those of the church% 8lorence$ 3taly$ in Tuscany$ has many
ancient structures and churches% The place of double-tal' may be the palace$ ;an Lorenzo$ no& a
monument to the 2edici family% Leoni suggests the place of t&o syllables might be the nearby City
of 8iesole%
C 1" < 59 Puysnay royal flagrand dAardant libide$
Pour se iouyr de cousine germaine$
.abit de femme au temple dA4rthemideH
4llant murdry par incognu du 2arne%
3oun/er royal son ,la/rant +ith .urnin/ lust,
'or to en5oy his ,irst cousin,
9M'or to en5oy his &er-an cousin:,
In a +o-ans attire in te-ple o, Arte-is1
&oin/ to .e -urdered .y un0no+n o, Marne2
3f you loo' at this verse as if countries &ere involved$ it ma'es more sense than a story of a royal
scandal% 4rtemis is the *ree' version of =iana$ goddess of the moon and the hunt%
2arne is a department east of Paris% The 2arne /iver flo&s from the east and meets the
;eine /iver near Paris%
This verse may apply in some &ay to the assassination of Iing .enry 333$ a 'no&n
homose>ual$ &ho &as murdered by a Catholic friar% 3t is un'no&n if the friar &as from the area of
2arne% 3f so$ this verse may be predicting the death of .enry 333%
C 1" < 5, 4pres le /oy du souc( CsoucheDCsudD guerres parlant$
LAisle .armoti(ue le tiendra Z mespris$
<uel(ues ans bons rongeant vn X pillant
Par tyrannie Z lAisle changeant pris%
A,ter the "in/ o, stu-p 9-ar0et place:9Saudi: tal0s o, +ar,
The )ar-oti6ue Isle +ill hold hi- in conte-pt,
Several /ood years one /na+in/ and pilla/in/
y tyranny in the isle prices 9estee-: chan/in/2
The e>act name of the .armoti(ue 3sle has not yet been solved% Leoni suggests F?nited 3sleG
ma'ing this verse about Britain% 3n Latin FharmoniaG means FharmonyG and this might be any
peaceful island country%
C 1" < #" 105, Le ieune nay au regne Britanni(ue$
<uAaura le pere mourant recommandM$
3celuy mort L7N7L+ ClondreD donra topi(ue$
+t Z son fils le regne demandM%
The youn/ heir to the ritish real-,
#hich his dyin/ ,ather reco--ended,
The latter dead $ONO$% 9$ondon: +ill /ive dispute,
And o, his son the real- de-anded2
There are actually t&o 'ings of Britain of &hom this verse might fit% Le Pelletier states$ F4fter the
death of 1ames J3$ Iing of ;cotland$ &ho &as the son of 2ary ;tuart$ <ueen of ;cots$ C&ill have
recommended to the loyalty of the ;cottish lords$ and &ho in 1,"5 &ill have mounted the throne of
+ngland under the name of 1ames 3D$ the usurper Crom&ell &ill seduce the +nglish people through
his cunning speeches$ and he &ill cause his son Cthe son of 1ames 3D Charles 3$ to lose his cro&n and
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
4nother candidate is +d&ard J333 &ho$ in 105,$ abdicated the throne of +ngland to marry
the &oman he loved% The tric' is to determine the anagram of FLonole%G 2ost commentators ta'e
this as FLondonG although it is not a good anagram% The edition used by *arenciers sho&s FlondreG
in small letters%
C 1" < #1 +n las frontiere de Caussade X Charlus$
Non guieres loing du fonds de la vallee$
=e ville 8ranche music(ue Z son de luths$
+nuironnez combouls X grand myttee CmyrteeD%
On the ,rontier 9.oundary: o, !aussade and !aylus 9!harlus:,
Not very ,ar ,ro- the .otto- o, the valley,
'ro- Iille,ranche -usic to sound o, lutes,
Surrounded cy-.als and /reat strin/ed instru-ents 9-erri-ent:2
4ll of the places are in the area of the to&n of 4gen on the Canal du 2idi$ southeast of Bordeau>%
Jillefranche is to the northeast of 4gen% Caussade and Caylus are to&ns in-bet&een 4gen and
Jillefranche% This verse may signify a victory celebration%
C 1" < #! Le regne humain dA4ngli(ue C4ngeli(ueD geniture$
8era son regne pai> union tenir$
Captiue guerre demy de sa closture$
Long temps la pai> leur fera maintenir%
The hu-ain rei/n o, the An/lican 9An/elic: o,,sprin/,
#ill cause his 9its: real- to hold in peace and union,
#ar hal,+ay captive in its enclosure,
$on/ ti-e the peace +ill .e -aintained there2
2any commentators apply this verse to the Pa> Brittanica$ the peaceful period of British
imperialism after the Battle of :aterloo and the :ar of 161!% =uring this period the British +mpire
controlled most 'ey naval trade routes and en@oyed unchallenged sea po&er% This led to the spread
of the +nglish language$ the British system of measure and rules for commodity mar'ets$ and the
British legal system based on precedent%
The 4nglican offspring may be the ?nited ;tates of 4merica% :ars &ere 'ept inside the
boundaries of the 4mericas prior to 101-% The history of our country has sho&n the ?nited ;tates
to be determined to 'eep peace and to halt the spread of aggression%
C 1" < ## Par lors (uAvn /oy sera contre les siens$
Natif de Bloys subiuguera LiguresH
2ammel$ Cordube X les =almatiens$
=es sept puis lAombre Z /oy estrennes X lemurs%
#hen a "in/ +ill .e a/ainst his o+n people,
Native o, lois +ill su.5u/ate the $i/urians1
Ma--el, !ordo.a and the Dal-atians,
O, the seven then the shado+ to "in/, Ne+ 3ears -oney and /hosts2
The &ord FestrennesG is also found in C 1" < ," and C - < 0 &hich may tie these verses together%
C 1" < ," seems to apply to 3taly in 10##$ but this application may be misplaced% The &ord
FestrennesG means a gift$ usually of money$ given to another at the beginning of a ne& year as a
gesture of good &ishes%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The Ligurians are those of the Ligurian ;ea near *enoa$ 3taly% Cordoba is in ;pain$
=almatia is on the east coast of the 4driatic ;ea$ and F2ammelG is unsolved$ but may be the to&n
of 2ammola in the southernmost part of 3taly%
Because of the mention of Blois$ some commentators consider the sub@ect of this verse to be
.enry 333 because of his country residence$ Chateau Blois$ &here he had the *uise brothers
murdered% The last line &ould then reference the seven children of .enry 33 and the undead spirits
of his family% :ith this application$ the second and third lines do not fit as .enry 333 did not
sub@ugate the Ligurians%
C 1" < #- =e Bourze ville Z la dame *uyrlande$
LAon mettra sus par la trahison faicte$
Le grand prelat de Leon par 8ormande$
8au> pellerins X rauisseurs defaicte%
'ro- to+n o, ur/os to the lady o, the &arland,
They +ill i-pose ,or the treason co--itted,
The /reat prelate o, $eon throu/h 'or-ande,
'alse pil/ri-s and ravishers undone2
The to&n of Burgos$ ;pain$ lies in the Castilla L Lefn province% F8ormandeG is an unsolved person
or place name$ but may be 8ormentera$ the fourth-largest of the Balearic 3slands$ east of ;pain%
There is an 4rchbishop of Burgos &ho may be the treasonous sub@ect of this verse%
C 1" < #6 =u plus profond de lA+spaigne enseigne CancienneD$
;ortant du bout X des fins de lA+urope$
Troubles passant aupres du pont de Laigne$
;era deffaicte par bande sa grand troupe%
'ro- the depths o, Spain .anners 9ancient Spain:,
!o-in/ out ,ro- the tip and ,ro- the ends o, %urope,
Trou.le passin/ near the .rid/e o, $ai/ne,
Its /reat troop +ill .e de,eated .y .ands2
FLaigneG is an unsolved place or person name% 3t may stand for FlA4isneG a province and a stream
northeast of Paris% There is a to&n of Laignes in eastern 8rance% The tip of +urope &ould be
southern ;pain% The ends of +urope &ould be the eastern and &estern portions and &ould include
the British 3sles% Nostradamus foresees a future &ar that &ill include an invasion through ;pain to
southern 8rance%
C 1" < #0 3ardin du monde au pres du citM neufue$
=ans le chemin des montaignes cauees$
;era saisi X plongM dans la Cuue$
Beuuant par force eau> soulfre enuenimees%
&arden o, the +orld near the ne+ city,
In the path o, hollo+ -ountains,
#ill .e seized and plun/ed into the Iat,
Drin0in/ .y ,orce +aters conta-inated .y sul,ur2
+very commentator has their o&n ideas about the site of this famous verse% 2ost attribute the
phrase$ F*arden of the :orldG to Ne& 1ersey$ the *arden ;tate% The hollo& mountains &ould then
be the s'yscrapers of a large city% ;ome consider this verse to indicate the poisoning of the &ater
supply of Ne& Lor' City%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
.ogue considers that this verse may pertain to the attempted bombing of the :orld Trade
Center in 1005 from its underground par'ing lot%
Leoni considers the ne& city might be Naples Cneo-polis N ne& cityD near the lava-rich
fertile fields of Campania bet&een Naples and Jesuvius% The poisoning &ould then be applied to a
future eruption of 2ount Jesuvius%
The ne& city might also be Chernobyl$ in northern ?'raine$ a &heat gro&ing area 'no&n as
the bread bas'et of /ussia% :hile it is an older to&n$ it &as modernized and e>panded in 10,#
&hen the nuclear po&er plant &as built% 3ts tainted &ater supply caused the deaths of many citizens
before they &ere evacuated to safety% 3t is still an evacuated area but the tainted ground &ater &ill
be there for centuries%
There are many cities and to&ns in 8rance$ 3taly and ;&itzerland that begin &ith
FJilleneuveG or Fne& cityG and this verse may be especially for one of them$ especially if they have
a nuclear facility nearby%
C 1" < 9" La 2euse au iour terre de Lu>embourg$
=escouurira ;aturne X trois en lurne ClAurneD$
2ontaigne X pleine$ ville$ citM X bourg$
Lorrain deluge trahison par grand hurne%
The Meuse .y day land o, $u4e-.ur/,
#ill discover Saturn and three in the urn,
Mountain and plain, to+n, city and .orou/h,
Delu/e in $orraine, .etrayal .y the /reat urn 9hurne:2
The 2euse /iver meanders through northern 8rance near the border of Lu>emburg% The event that
is the sub@ect of the verse happens by day$ or during the Cycle of the ;un% .ogue attempts a dating
in Line ! as the 2oon$ 1upiter$ and ?ranus &ere in 4(uarius Cthe urnD in ;eptember of 101# &hen
the 8rench and British forces started their great retreat off the 2euse front to regroup around Paris
for the 8irst Battle of the 2arne% The deluge &ould have been the flood of *ermans occupying the
province of Lorraine% This area also sa& a great deal of turmoil during :orld :ar 33%
This verse may also be applied to a time in the future &hen &e &ill see actual deluges of
&ater during the 4(uarian 4ge% The F?rnG may also be a country Nostradamus designates as
having the sign of 4(uarius%
C 1" < 9# Nee en ce monde par concubine fertiue$
4 deu> hault mise par les tristes nouuelles$
+ntre ennemis sera prinse captiue$
+t amenM Z 2alings X Bru>elles%
orn in this +orld o, ,urtive concu.ine,
At t+o placed hi/h .y the sad ne+s,
#ill .e ta0en captive .et+een her ene-ies,
And .rou/ht to Malines and russels2
2alines is about fifteen miles north of Brussels in Belgium% By being born of a concubine$
Nostradamus may be saying she &as born in an illegitimate country Cone con(uered by a ruler and
thus$ having a government that does not reflect the &ill of the peopleD% This verse may connect &ith
C 1" < 95 regarding ;elin%
C 1" < 9, Prelat royal son baissant trop tirM$
*rand fleu> de sang sortira par sa bouche$
Le regne 4nglic(ue C4ngeli(ueD par regne respirM$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Long temps mort vif en Tunys comme souche%
Royal prelate his .o+in/ so lo+,
&reat ,lu4 o, .lood +ill co-e out o, his -outh,
The An/lican real- .y real- pulled ,ro- dan/er 9to .reathe a/ain:,
$on/ ti-e dead alive in Tunis li0e a stu-p2
This verse probably pertains to +ngland C4nglicanD but this &ord may also be Fthe 4ngelic /ealm%G
This (uatrain may someho& be applied to :illiam Laud$ 4rchbishop of Canterbury$ &ho totally
supported Iing Charles 3% Laud became increasingly intolerant of the Presbyterians in ;cotland
&hich led to the Bishops :ars% 3n order to teach Charles 3 a lesson$ Laud &as imprisoned in the
To&er of London in 1,#"% .e remained there during the civil &ar and &as finally beheaded in
1,#9% The last line is (uite puzzling and does not fit this application%
C 1" < 9- Le subleuM ne cognoistra son sceptre$
Les enfans ieunes des plus grands honniraH
7nc(ues ne fut vn plus ord cruel estre$
Pour leurs espouses Z mort noir bannira%
The upli,ted +ill not 0no+ his scepter,
The youn/ children o, the /reatest dishonored1
Never +as there a -ore ,ilthy and cruel .ein/,
'or their +ives the .lac0 +ill .anish the- to death2
Leoni states$ FThis villainous 'ing is probably one of the 4nti-Christs%G 4nd he may be correct%
.ogue applies this verse to ;addam .ussein &hose son-in-la&s defected along &ith their &ives%
The &ives pleaded to return to 3ra(% Their husbands finally conceded only to be shot to death after
their return% This verse may find a home &ith the yet-to-come 4nti-Christ%
C 1" < 90 =edans Lyon vingtcin( dAvne alaine$
Cin( citoyens *ermains$ Bressans$ Latins$
Par dessous noble conduiront longue traine$
+t descouuers par abbois de mastins%
#ithin $yon t+entyD,ive o, one .reath,
'ive citizens &er-ans, ressans, $atins,
Under a no.le they +ill lead a lon/ train,
And discovered .y .ar0s o, -asti,,s2
Cheetham has the best application for this (uatrain% 3n ;eptember 19,"$ five citizens from Lyon and
t&enty others$ including some *erman Protestants$ entered into a conspiracy to hand over the city
to the .uguenots% 3t &as suspected at the time that the main people behind the plot &ere the Prince
de CondM and the Jidame de Chartres% 3t &as discovered in time by the guards% .o&ever$ no
verification for this interpretation can be easily found%
C 1" < ,1 Betta$ Jienne$ +morte$ ;acarbance$
Joudront liurer au> Barbares PannoneH
Par pic(ue X feu$ enorme violance$
Les coniurez descouuers par matrone%
etta, Iienna, %-orte, Sopron,
They +ill +ant to deliver Pannonia 9)un/ary: to ar.arians1
y pi0e and ,ire, enor-ous violence,
The conspirators discovered .y a -atron2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Betta$ besides being the second letter of the *ree' alphabet CbetaD may stand for the Latin FBaetisG
the *uadal(uivir /iver in southern ;pain% 7r this may be FBudaG no& Budapeste in .ungary%
Jienna is in 4ustria% The Latin F;carbantiaG is no& the city of ;opron in .ungary% The Latin
F4ugusta +meritaG is no& the city of 2erida in southern ;pain% This verse may indicate battles
both in southern ;pain and in .ungary%
.ogue applies this verse to the 4ustro-Tur'ish :ar of 1,65-00$ but he thro&s out the
reference to ;pain in order to do this% F2atroneG is also mentioned in C 0 < 5- and may mean
something other than Fmatron%G
C 1" < ,! Pres de ;orbin pour assaillir 7ngrie$
LAherault de Bude les viendra aduertir%
Chef Bisantin$ ;allon de ;clauonie$
4 loy dA4rabes les viendra conuertir%
Near 9Sor.ia: in order to assail )un/ary,
The herald o, udapeste +ill co-e to +arn2
yzantine chie,, Salona o, Slavonia,
)e +ill co-e to convert the- to the la+ o, the Ara.s2
Leoni applies F;orbinG to F;orbiaG &hich corresponds to ;a>ony in *ermany% FBudeG &ould be
FBudapesteG in .ungary% .e also considers the name of the Tur'ish chief to be F;alona of
;lavoniaG and refers to ;olin in =almatia% .ogue again considers this verse to refer to the 4ustro-
Tur'ish :ar of 1,65-00%
3f this verse does refer to the 4ustro-7ttoman :ar$ the 7ttoman +mpire &as on one side
against 4ustria-.ungary$ Poland$ Jenice$ and /ussia% The 7ttoman +mpire lost% 3n the Treaty of
Iarlo&itz of 1,00$ the 7ttomans ceded .ungary$ Transylvania and ;lovonia to 4ustria% Poland
received Podolia$ and Jienna C4ustriaD received =almatia%
C 1" < ,5 Cydron$ /aguse$ la citM au ;ainct .ieron$
/euerdira le medicant secours$
2orts fils de /oy par mort de deu> heron$
LA4rabe 7ngrie feront vn mesme coursH
!ydron, Ra/usa, the city o, Saint )ieron,
To /ro+ /reen a/ain +ith healin/ help,
Death o, the "in/s son .y death o, t+o heroes,
Ara.ia )un/ary +ill ta0e the sa-e course1
/aguse is no& the modern =ubrouni' in southern Croatia% FCydronG is an unsolved place name%
The city of ;aint .ieron has been determined to be ;t% .eiron$ no& ;triden in Bosnia% This verse
may be a continuation of the above verseH C 1" < ,!$ or this may apply to a future conflict%
C 1" < ,# Pleure 2ilan$ pleure Lu(ues$ 8lorance$
<ue ton grand =uc sur le char montera$
Changer le siege pres de Jenise sAaduance$
Lors (ue Colomne Z /ome changera%
#eep Milan, +eep $ucca, 'lorence,
#hen your /reat Du0e +ill -ount his chariot,
The sie/e 9see:9seat: chan/es to advance near Ienice,
#hen at Ro-e the !olonna 9!olu-n: +ill chan/e2
.ogue considers the great du'e may be 3l =uce$ 2ussolini% .is head(uarters &ere in 2ilan% The
see changed in 1050 &hen Pope Pius Q33 &as elected% The ne& pope may have been related in
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
some &ay to the Colonna family% There are many references in the (uatrains to this great family of
/ome% 3f all of this is correct$ the dating of this verse &ould be 1050%
Cheetham assigns this verse to 16," &hen the *rand =u'e left 3taly% 4ustria abandoned
Jenita to Napoleon 333 &ho in turn gave it to Iing Jictor +mmanuel 33 of 3taly% 8lorence &as the
seat of the 3talian government until it &as later moved to /ome%
C 1" < ,, Le chef de Londres par regne lA4merich$
LAisle dA+scosse tempiera par gelleeH
/oy /eb auront vn si fau> antichrist$
<ue les mettra trestous dans la meslee%
The chie, o, $ondon throu/h the A-erican rei/n,
The isle o, Scotland te-pered 9.urdened:9-oderated: .y ,rost1
"in/ Re. +ill have so ,alse an AntiD!hrist,
That he +ill .rin/ the- all into the con,lict2
This famous (uatrain has been interpreted in various &ays$ each &ay reflecting the frame of mind
of the interpreter% Ta'ing this line by line$ &e find in Line 1 that the chief of London is not a 'ing or
Nostradamus &ould have said so% /ather he may be spea'ing of the Prime 2inister of Britain% By
saying Fthrough the 4merican reignG Nostradamus is not saying that the British government &ill be
based in 4merica% /ather he is illustrating that the t&o governments are allied$ such as happened in
the ;econd Persian *ulf :ar in !""5 &hen Prime 2inister Tony Blair and President *eorge :%
Bush agreed to invade 3ra( in spite of not having ?%N% approval%
The thing that stands out in Line ! is that ;cotland is an island% 3f Nostradamus is not
spea'ing figuratively$ this means the verse should be applied to an event after the inundations of
&ater ta'e place in the future% The &ord FgeleeG means a hard frost% 3f the *ulf ;tream is altered by
an influ> of fresh &ater from polar melt$ this &ould decrease temperatures in the northern 4tlantic
countries% Nostradamus also uses Fcold and frostG to denote cold actions so FgeleeG may also be
symbolic and many commentators have interpreted it this &ay%
The Iing /eb in Line 5 may refer to the ?nited ;tates as a country that rebelled and gained
independence from +ngland% 3t may also refer to a 'ing or leader of a rebelling country% 4 false
4nti-Christ may be a leader &ho acts falsely% .e &ould not be T.+ 4nti-Christ$ but a leader &ho
may be mista'en for one because of his leadership such as ;addam .ussein% There &ill be many
countries in this conflict% +>cept for Line !$ this verse could easily be applied to the ;econd Persian
*ulf :ar%
C 1" < ,6 LAarmee de mer deuant citM tiendra$
Puis partira sans faire longue alee$
Citoyens grande proye en terre prendra$
/etourner classe reprendre grande emblee%
The ar-y o, the sea +ill stand .e,ore the city,
Then +ill leave +ithout -a0in/ a lon/ passa/e1
&reat troop 9,loc0: o, citizens ta0en in the land,
The ,leet 9ar-y: returns, reta0es it /reat ro..ery2
The army of the sea may be a fleet of ships bloc'ading a harbor$ or the army of the sea may be the
C 1" < ,0 Le fait luysant de neuf vieu> esleuM
;eront si grand par midi a(uilon$
=e sa seur propre grande alles leuM%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
8uyant murdry au buysson dAambellon%
The lu-inous deed o, ne+ 9nine: old e4alted
#ill .e very /reat throu/h south and north 9southern A6uilon:,
y his o+n sister /reat cro+ds raised2
'leein/ -urdered in thic0et o, A-.ellon2
4mbelon is in Thesalia in *reece% The ;candinavian countries are referred to by Nostradamus as
4(uilon$ but Fmidy a(uilonG may also mean Fsouth and north%G The rest of this verse is e>tremely
vague% The sister country may be the ?nited ;tates or 3taly%
C 1" < -- Trente adherans de lAordre des (uyretres
Bannys leurs biens donnez ses aduersaires$
Tous leurs bienfaits seront pour desmerites
Classe espargie deliurez au> corsaires%
Thirty adherents o, the order o, Huirites
anished, their /oods /iven their adversaries,
All their /ood deeds +ill .e as de-erits
'leet 9ar-y: sprin0led 9scattered: delivered to corsairs2
4fter the ;abines and /omans united under /omulus$ the name of <uirites &as ta'en by those &ho
acted in their civil capacity% Those &ho acted in a military and political capacity &ere 'no&n as
/omani% The Corsairs &ere the Barbary pirates% 3f you apply this verse literally$ this incident cannot
be found in the history of 3taly% 4ll of these details may have a symbolic meaning%
C 1" < -6 ;ubite ioye en subite tristesse
;era Z /omme au> graces embrassees
=ueil$ cris$ pleurs$ larm% ClarmD$ sang e>cellant liesse
Contraires bandes surprinses X trousses%
Sudden 5oy into sudden sadness
#ill .e at Ro-e ,or /races e-.raced
&rie,, cries, tears, +eepin/, .lood e4cellent -irth
!ontrary .ands surprised and trussed up2
This verse may connect to C 1" < -- as they both have a setting at /ome% The contrary emotions
may indicate a surprise attac' on the city at a time of great @oy%
C 1" < 61 2ys tresor temple citadins .esperi(ues
=ans iceluy retirM en secret lieu$
Le temple ouurir les liens fameli(ues%
/eprens rauys proye horrible au milieu%
Treasure placed in a te-ple .y #estern citizens
Therein +ithdra+n to secret place,
The te-ple opened .y hun/ry .onds2
Recaptured, ravished horri.le prey in the -idst2
Nostradamus may be describing the :estern 10!0 crash of :all ;treet &hich affected the &orld
economy or he may be describing a similar event in the future% The currency of the ?nited ;tates is
no longer based on the gold standard Ctreasure of gold &ithdra&n to a secret placeD% The temple
&here this treasure is placed &ould then be 8ort Ino>% .opefully$ this verse is symbolic and the
gold is still there% This verse may hoo' up &ith C 6 < 1# and C 6 < !6 &hich spea' of economic
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1" < 6! Cris$ pleurs$ larmes viendront auec coteau>
;emblant fouyr donront dernier assault
Lentour CLAentourD par(ues planter profons plateau>$
Jifs repoulsez X meurdrys de prinsault%
!ries, tears, +eepin/ to co-e +ith 0nives
See-in/ to ,lee they +ill deliver a ,inal assault
Around the par0s set up deep 9vast: plat,or-s,
$ivin/ pushed .ac0 and -urdered instantly2
This verse may continue C 1" < 65 regarding the 1onesto&n mass murderRsuicide in 10-6%
C 1" < 6# La naturelle Z si hault hault non bas
Le tard retour fera martis contens$
Le /ecloing ne sera sans debatz
+n empliant CemployantD X perdant tout son temps%
The natural /irl so hi/h hi/h not lo+
The late return +ill -a0e /rieved ones content,
The Recloyin/ +ill not .e +ithout de.ates
In e-ployin/ 9,illin/ up: and losin/ all his ti-e2
The 'ey to solving this (uatrain &ould be to understand the reference to F/ecloying%G ;ome
commentators have assumed this &ord is F/econciliationG &hich may be correct% F/ecloyingG may
also refer to Fcloning$G the morality of &hich is no& being debated in the scientific and political
C 1" < 69 Le vieil tribung au point de la trehemide
;era presse captif ne desliurer$
Le veuil non veuil la mal parlant timide
Par legitime Z ses amys liurer%
The old tri.ute at point o, rou/hness 9tre-.lin/:
#ill .e pressed not to deliver captive,
The +ill, not +ill, spea0in/ ti-idly o, evil
O, le/iti-ate delivery to his ,riends2
This verse is much li'e the ?rnel Jaucile (uatrain of C 1" < 1#% The t&o verses may @oin each
other to ma'e more sense%
C 1" < 6, Comme vn gryphon viendra le /oi dA+urope$
4ccompaignM de ceu> dA4(uilon$
=e rouges X blancz conduira grand troppe$
+t iront contre le roy de Babilon%
$i0e a /ri,,in +ill co-e the "in/ o, %urope,
Acco-panied .y those o, A6uilon,
O, reds and +hites led in a /reat troop,
And they +ill /o a/ainst the "in/ o, a.ylon2
3f the Iing of +urope may be li'ened to the ?nited Nations$ this verse may refer to either the first
or second Persian *ulf :ar% The mythical griffin is a beast &ith &ings of an eagle Cthe ?nited
;tatesD and the body of a lion CBritainD% Those of 4(uilon &ould be the ;candinavian countries of
northern +urope% 7r this verse may refer to a future &ar against 3ra( Ca third Persian *ulf :arD
&hen the +uropean ?nion &ill create a fighting force to subdue rene&ed friction and terrorists
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
groups% 3n that case$ their colors &ould be red and &hite% The +? has a flag of blue &ith a circle of
stars and the ?nited NationsA color is blue% The Freds and &hitesG are un'no&n at this time%
C 1" < 6- *rand /oy viendra prendre port pres de Nisse
Le grand empire de la mort si enfera
4u> 4ntipolles posera son genisse$
Par mer la Pille tout esuanoira%
The /reat 0in/ +ill co-e to ta0e port near Nice
The death o, the /reat e-pire +ill .e -ade
In 9Antipolles: +ill place his horse 9hei,er:,
y sea the pilla/e 9Pillars: all +ill vanish2
This verse spea's of the end of a great empire% Nice is a Ligurian seaport% 4ntibes Cif this is &hat
Nostradamus meantD is a little further south of Nice% F4ntipodesG &as a 2edieval +uropean term
used to signify an opposite point% Thus the opposite point on the globe from Nice &ould be the
south Pacific% 3n the last line it seems that all pillage &ould end$ but Nostradamus sho&s Pille &ith
a capital letter as if it &ere a place$ perhaps being the Pillars of .ercules C*ibraltarD% The t&o
empires of 8rance did not end this &ay nor did the .oly /oman +mpire%
C 1" < 66 Pieds X Cheual Z la seconde veille
8eront entree vastient tout par la mer$
=edans le poil CportD entrera de 2arseille$
Pleurs$ crys$ X sang$ onc nul temps si amer%
'eet and horse at the second +atch
#ill -a0e entry devastatin/ all .y sea,
Inside the hair 9or .eard:9port: o, Marseille +ill enter,
Tears, cries and .lood, never ti-es so .itter2
.ogue effectively applied this verse to the 4llied landings on the 8rench /iviera in :orld :ar 33%
C 1" < 0! =euant le pere lAenfant sera tuMH
Le pere apres entre cordes de ionc$
*eneuois peuple sera esuertuM$
*isant le chief au milieu comme vn tronc%
e,ore the ,ather the child +ill .e 0illed1
The ,ather a,ter .et+een ropes o, rushes,
People o, &eneva +ill have e4erted the-selves,
The chie, lyin/ in the -iddle li0e a lo/ 9li0e a trun0:2
This (uatrain ma'es more sense if you see the father and the child as countries% This might possibly
be applied to the peace terms after :orld :ar 3 &hen the borders of countries &ere changed and
ne& countries &ere created$ especially the ne& Bal'an countries% *ermany$ headless after the
Iaiser abdicated$ may be sho&n here as truncated &ith the loss of its branches andRor con(uered
territory% The ropes of rushes may refer to the fact that the Iaiser abdicated and left for the
Netherlands CrushesD and had to stay there as he &as protected by that country CropedD% .is son &as
forced to abdicate all his rights to the throne as &ell% The League of Nations C*enevaD ratified the
Peace of Jersailles%
This verse also may be in reference to the final collapse of the 7ttoman +mpire% The
League of Nations defined its borders and created separate countries out of its former territory% The
truncated ne& country of Tur'ey &as proclaimed in 10!1%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
C 1" < 0# =e Nismes$ dA4rles$ X Jienne contemner$
NAobey tout Z lAedict .esperic(ueH
4u> labouriez pour le grand condamner$
;i> eschappez en habit seraphic(ue%
'ro- Ni-es, ,ro- Arles and Iienne scorn,
Not to o.ey at all the #estern edict1
To the tor-ented ,or the /reat conde-nation,
Si4 escaped in seraphic 9'ranciscan: /ar.2
Nimes is in Languedoc and 4rles is on the /hone in Provence% Jienna is in 4ustria% 7r if
Nostradamus is spea'ing of Jienne in 8rance$ this to&n is located about 1#" miles up the /hone
from 4rles% The remainder of the verse has never been solved%
C 1" < 09 =ans les +spaignes viendra /oy trespuissant$
Par mer X terre subiugant or CauD midy$
Ce mal fera rabaissant le croissant$
Baisser les Ysles Z ceu> du vendredy%
Into Spain +ill co-e a -ost po+er,ul "in/,
y sea and land su.5u/ate /old 9+ith: south,
This evil +ill cause the lo+erin/ a/ain o, the crescent,
$o+erin/ 9clippin/: the +in/s o, those o, 'riday2
This verse may be spea'ing of Iing Philip 33 of ;pain &ho persecuted the ;panish 2uslim 2oors
&hose ;abbath is observed on 8ridays% .ogue attributes this verse to the +gyptian campaign of
Napoleon 3$ &ho after&ards put his brother on the throne of ;pain% The last line seems to indicate a
destruction of air po&er$ so this verse may find a better fit in a future event%
C 1" < 06 La splendeur claire Z pucelle ioyeuse$
Ne luyra plus$ long temps sera sans selH
4uec marchans$ ruffiens$ loups odieuse$
Tous pesle mesle monstre vniuersel%
The .ri/ht splendor o, the 5oyous -aiden,
#ill shine no lon/er, lon/ ti-e +ill .e +ithout salt1
#ith -erchants 9-ercenaries:, ru,,ians, odious +olves,
All pellD-ell universal -onster2
The Third /epublic of 8rance &as personified as F2arianneG and so this verse may concern the
*erman occupation of 10#"-## C&olvesD% But this e>planation is less than satisfactory because the
four year span of time is not very long% 4 longer length of time &hen 8rance lac'ed &isdom CsaltD
&as from the 8rench /evolution of 1-60 to the end of NapoleonAs empire in 161#% The Funiversal
monsterG is un'no&n%
C , < 1""d 8ille de lA4ure$ asile du mal sain$
7^ ius(uAau ciel se voit lAamphitheatreH
Prodige veu$ ton mal est fort prochain$
;eras captiue$ X des fois plus de (uatre%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
Dau/hter o, the reeze, asylu- o, the sic0,
#here on the horizon is seen the a-phitheatre1
Prodi/y seen, your evil is very near,
3ou +ill .e captured, and -ore than ,our ti-es2
This is the first of the duplicate (uatrains% Nostradamus may have sho&n these as duplicates to
'eep his numbering system in order% .o&ever$ there is also a chance that these are fraudulent%
Leoni believes they are genuine$ but perhaps over-edited% 3 also believe they are from the pen of
Nostradamus$ but 3 donAt believe they go &ith this boo'$ but are part of his almanac predictions%
These (uatrains are presented here @ust in case you decide it ties in to the hidden order of the
Leoni (uotes Le Pelletier &ho believes the sub@ect of this verse is 7range$ &here there is a
ruined amphitheatre% 7range &as the property of :illiam the ;ilent$ leader of the revolting
Netherlands% 3n 19,1 the Calvinists too' it% 3n 19,! the Catholics too' it% 3n 19-5 it fell to an
adventurer named *landage% 3n 2arch$ 1,,"$ Louis 1# demolished its fortifications% 3n 1-"1$ &ith
the death of :illiam 333 and the e>tinction of the .ouse of 7range$ Louis 1# settled a disputed
claim and gave it to 8rancis Louis of Bourbon-Conti$ &ho later be(ueathed it to 8rance% 7ther
to&ns &hich have ruins of amphitheaters are Nimes$ 4rles$ 8re@us$ and Tours%
*arencieres translates Line l as$ F=aughter of Laura$ sanctuary of the sic'%G .e applies the
verse to the City of Nimes in Languedoc$ famous for its amphitheatre and for being the birthplace
of Laura$ mistress of the poet Petrarch% ;ee also C , < 01% :hen the FprodigyG is seen here$ its evil
&ill be very near%
C - < #5 Lors(uAon verra les deu> licornes$
LAvne baissant$ lAautre abaissant$
2onde au milieu$ plier au> bornes
;Aenfuyra le neveu riant%
#hen one +ill see the t+o unicorns,
The one li,tin/, the other lo+erin/,
#orld in the -iddle, .endin/ to the .orders,
The nephe+ +ill ,lee lau/hin/2
This is the first of the suspect (uatrains in the ;eventh Century published in the 1,"9 edition% 2any
scholars believe they are part of the missing verses and the manner in &hich they &ere &ritten
certainly sound li'e Nostradamus%
The t&o unicorns &ere a common device found on many coats-of-arms in the middle ages%
.o&ever$ the phrase$ Fthe &orld in the middle bending to&ards the edgesG may pertain to a logo to
be found in the future% The nephe& &ould be a colony or a famous person of a sister or brother
C - < ## 1-01 4lors (uAun bour sera fort bon$
Portant en soy les mar(ues de iustice$
=e son sang lors portant long nom
Par fuite in@uste receura son supplice%
#hen a our.on is very /ood,
earin/ in his person the -ar0 o, 5ustice,
O, his .lood he carries the lon/est na-e
y ,li/ht un5ustly he +ill receive his punish-ent2
Nostradamus recognizes Louis 1, as a @ust and honorable man% .e carried the longest name by the
fact that he &as the 1,
ruler of 8rance by the name of Louis% 3mprisoned in the Tuileries$ Louis
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
tried to escape &ith his family to Jarennes in northeastern 8rance% .e may have made a good
escape e>cept for the fact that he and his family traveled in a very large$ very opulent coach &hich
attracted attention% .e &as recognized and returned to the Tuileries% Later he and his family &ere
transferred to the temple prison%
This is a verse that &as added to the 1,"9 edition as so$ even though true$ may not belong in
the prophecies%
C - < -5 /enfort de sieges manubis X maniples
Change le sacre X passe sur le prosne$
Prins X captifs nAarreste les preztriples Cpriz triplesD
Plus par fond mis esleue$ mis au trosne%
Rein,orce-ent o, sie/es plunder and platoons
!han/ed the sacred and passed over the ser-on,
!aptured and captives +ill not stop the priesthood 9triple ,ield:
Put into the depths then elevated and put on the throne2
This verse may portray the depths of the priesthood in 8rance during the 8rench /evolution &hen
the church more or less &ent underground% They did ma'e a comebac' after Napoleonic era% This
verse also mar's the irregular numbers of the remaining (uatrains in the ;eventh Century% There are
variations on the numbers bet&een the different editions of the prophecies%
C - < 6" 1--0 LA7ccident libre les 3sles Britanni(ues
Le recognu passer le bas$ puis hault
Ne content triste /ebel corss% +scoti(ues
Puis rebeller par plus X par nuict chaud%
The #est ,ree o, the ritish Isles
The reco/nized one to pass lo+, then hi/h
Discontented Scottish Re.el corsairs
Then to re.el -uch -ore and .y +ar- ni/ht2
The :est is 4merica &ho gained her independence from Britain% 4mericaAs esteem in the eyes of
the rest of the &orld &ould be lo& and then high% 1ohn Paul 1ones$ the discontented ;cottish /ebel
corsair$ is famous for his immortal &ords in a naval battle% :hen as'ed to surrender his ship$ he
remar'ed$ F3 have not yet begun to fightG and he &ent on to capture the British &arship$ ;erapis%
This is one of the suspect (uatrains and so$ even if true$ this (uatrain may not a part of the puzzle%
C - < 6! Le strategesme simulate sera rare
La mort en voye rebelle par contrMeH
Par le retour du voyage Barbare
+>alteront la protestante entrMe%
The strate/y in the 6uarrel +ill .e rare
The death en route in the re.ellious country1
Throu/h the return ,ro- the ar.arian voya/e
They +ill e4alt the Protestant entry2
Nostradamus uses the &ord FProtestantG this one time only% This verse may have something to do
&ith the 8rench :ars of /eligion from 19,! to 1906% .o&ever$ the barbarians are un'no&n unless
it references the Protestant religion as being Cin his vie&D barbaric% This is the last suspect (uatrain
in the seventh century%
C - < 65 19-! Jent chaud$ conseils pleurs$ timidite$
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
=e nuict au lict assaillie sans les armesH
=Aoppression grande calamite$
LAepithalame converti pleurs X larms%
)ot +ind, counsels, tears, ti-idity,
y ni/ht in .ed assailed +ithout ar-s1
&reat cala-ity throu/h oppression,
The +eddin/ son/ converted, tears, +eepin/2
The ;t% Bartholome&As =ay 2assacre occurred si> days after the &edding of .enry of Navarre and
2arguerite of Jalois% The massacre of Protestants throughout Paris by Catholic militants (uic'ly
spread to the countryside and continued for several months% 4s a Protestant$ .enry of Navarre &as
in danger of attac' from Catholic forces% .e and his ne& bride &ere captured% .e &as forced to
s&itch to the Catholic faith$ and he did so$ but later recanted% F.ot &indsG are a symbol used by
Nostradamus to indicate overheated emotions by the populace$ and by saying Fby nightG he places
this event during the Cycle of the 2oon%
This (uatrain is suspect$ even if true$ because this may have been &ritten for the 4lmanacs
and may not be considered as part of the prophecies%
C 6 < 1d ;eront confus plusieurs de leur attente$
4u> habitants ne sera pardonnMH
<ui bien pensaient perseuerer lAattente$
2ais grand loisir ne leur sera donnM%
Several +ill .e con,used in their +aitin/,
The inha.itants +ill not .e pardoned1
Those +ho +ere thou/ht very persistent in the +aitin/,
ut not -uch spare ti-e +ill .e /iven the-2
This is the first of the si> duplicate (uatrains of Century 6% They are mar'ed by a FdG after the
number% :hile they sound li'e the &ritings of the other (uatrains$ they are rather bland and lac' the
FflavorG of the rest of the prophecies in the boo'%
C 6 < !d Plusieurs viendront$ X parleront de pai>$
+ntre 2onar(ues X seigneurs bien puissansH
2ais ne sera accordM de si pres$
<ue ne se rendent plus (uAautres obeissans%
Several +ill co-e and tal0 o, peace,
et+een Monarchs and very po+er,ul lords1
ut they +ill not .e accorded so soon,
They +ho are rendered .y others as not so o.edient2
This verse seems to be a post&ar scenario &hen terms of peace are being proposed%
C 6 < 5d Las (uelle fureurE helas (uelle pitie$
3l y aura entre beaucoup de gensH
7n ne vit onc une telle amitie$
<uAauront les loups a courir diligents%
Alas +hat ,uryJ Alas +hat a pity,
#ill there .e .et+een -any people1
Never did one see such a ,riendship,
As the +olves +ill have dili/ent in runnin/2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The &olves are .itlerAs army and 2ussoliniAs army CF&olvesG are indicative of /ome founded by the
t&ins$ /omulus and /emis &ho &ere nourished by a mother &olfD% .o&ever$ this duplicate (uatrain$
li'e the other duplicates in Century 6$ is very general and may &ell be suspect%
C 6 < #d Beaucoup de gens voudront parlementer$
4u> grands seigneurs (ui leur feront la guerreH
7n ne voudra en rien les edcouter$
.elasE si =ieu nAenuoy pai> en terre%
Many o, the people +ill +ant to tal0 ter-s
#ith the /reat lords +ho +ill .rin/ +ar upon the-1
They +ill not +ant to hear anythin/ ,ro- the-,
AlasJ i, &od does not send peace to earth2
2ore and more$ the people of earth are trying to tell their leaders that &ar should not be an option%
=iplomatic channels must be pursued to their fullest e>tent to bring disagreements bet&een
countries to terms of peace and cooperation% The leaders are not listening to the &ill of the people%
4nd$ alas$ Nostradamus does predict a third &orld &ar%
C 6 < 9d Plusieurs secours viendront de tous costez$
=e gens loingtains (ui voudront resisterH
3ls seront tout Z coup bien hastez$
2ais ne pourront pour cette heure assister%
Iarieties o, assistance +ill co-e ,ro- all coasts 9sides:,
The distant people +ill +ant to resist1
Suddenly they +ill .e very hasty,
ut they +ill .e una.le to assist at that hour2
The very closest event in history to this verse &ould be during :orld :ar 33 &hen so many
countries &ished to come to the aid of 8rance after .itlerAs invasion$ but they &ere unable to do so%
The ?nited ;tates Cthe distant peopleD only came into the &ar after Pearl .arbor and$ &ith a &ar
raging in the Pacific$ assistance to 8rance &as delayed%
C 6 < ,d Las (uel dMsir ont Princes estrangers$
*arde toy bien (uAen ton pays ne vienneH
3l y aurait de terribles dangers
+t en maintes contrees$ mesme en la Jienne%
Alas, +hat a-.ition ,orei/n Princes have,
&uard yoursel, +ell lest they co-e into your country1
There +ill .e terri.le dan/ers
And in -any countries, even in Iienna2
This (uatrain is very general$ as are all of the prior duplicate verses in Century 6% 3t may be applied
to :orld :ar 33 as Jienna &as con(uered by the Nazi Party in 1056$ but it is still rather vague%
C 1" < 1""d 1,," <uand le fourche sera soustenu de deu> pau>$
4uec si> demiycorps X si> sizeau> ouuertsH
Le tres puissant ;eigneur$ heritier des crapauds$
4lors subiugera$ sous soy tout lA?niuers%
#hen the ,or0 +ill .e supported .y t+o poles,
#ith si4 hal,.odies and si4 open scissors1
A -ost po+er,ul $ord, heir o, the toads,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
#ill su.5u/ate, under hi-sel, the +hole universe2
The first t&o lines give us the date of 2CCCCCCQQQQQQ or 1,,"% Louis 1# of 8rance became
sole ruler of 8rance in 1,,1 after the death of Cardinal 2azarin% By saying Fheir of the toadsG
Nostradamus is indicating his 2erovingian bloodline% Louis 1# &as a po&erful 'ing and 8rance
en@oyed its status as the foremost po&er in +urope%
4lthough true$ this duplicate (uatrain &as certainly &ritten by$ and this event &as predicted
by Nostradamus$ but may or may not actually belong in his boo' of prophecies%
C 11 < 01 2eysnier$ 2anthi$ X le tiers (ui viendra
Peste X nouueau insult$ enclos troublerH
4i> X les lieu> fureur dedans mordra%
Puis les Phocens viendront leur mal doubler%
Meysnier, Manthi, and the third +ho +ill co-e
Pla/ue and ne+ a,,ront, trou.le enclosure1
Ai4 and the t+o places ,ury inside +ill .ite2
Then those o, Marseille +ill co-e there dou.le evil2
The original numbers of the t&o (uatrains in Century 11 have been carefully retained% .o&ever$ the
Presages for the F4lmanacsG &ere also numbered and the (uatrains in Centuries 11 and 1! may
have been meant for a particular year of an 4lmanac rather than to have been included in the
Prophecies% Nostradamus &rote the Presages ahead of time% 2eysnier and 2anthi are unsolved
people or place names% 4i> is in Provence and 2arseille is on the coast to the east of Provence%
C 11 < 0- Par Jillefranche 2ascon en desarroyH
=ans les fagots seront soldats cachMz%
Changer de temps en prime pour le /oy%
Par de Chalon X 2oulins tous hachMz%
Throu/h Iille,ranche, MRcon in disarray1
In the .undles o, stic0s the soldiers +ill .e hidden2
Ti-es to chan/e ,or the 0in/ in the sprin/2
In !halon and Moulins all cut to pieces2
Jillefranche$ 2\con$ and Chalon-sur-;aone are on the ;aone /iver north of Lyon% 2oulins is about
-" miles &est of 2\con%
C 1! < # 8eu$ flamme$ faim$ furt$ farouche$ fumMe
8era faillir$ froissant fort$ foy faucher%
8lis de =entM toute Prouence humMe%
Chasse de regne$ enragM sans cracher%
'ire, ,la-e, ,a-ine, ,urtive, ,erocious, ,u-es
It +ill ,ail, stri0in/ hard, to destroy ,aith2
Arro+ o, DentL all Provence suc0ed in2
Driven ,ro- real-, enra/ed +ithout spittin/2
:here did Nostradamus get all those 8As in Lines 1 and !K .e Cor someoneD may be @ust having
some fun &ith this% F4rro& of =entMG is an unsolved place or person name%
C 1! < !# Le grand secours venu de la *uienne
;Aarrestera tout aupres de Poitiers%
Lyon rendu par 2ontluel X Jienne$
+t saccagez par tour gens de mestiers%
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
The /reat assistance +ill co-e ,ro- &uienne
It +ill all stop near Poitiers2
$yon surrendered throu/h Montluel and Iienne,
And -erchants +ill .e plundered every+here2
*uienne is a large province in southern 8rance% Poitiers is to&ard the north% The City of Lyon is on
the /hone% 2ontluel is about 1" miles east and Jienne is do&nstream from Lyon%
C 1! < 5, 4ssault farouche en Cypre se prepare$
La larme Z lA[il$ de ta ruine procheH
Byzance classe$ 2oris(ue C2ortis(ueD si grande tare%
=eu> differents$ le grand vast par la roche%
'erocious assault in !ypress is prepared,
The tear in -y eye, ,or your approachin/ ruin1
yzantine ,leet, Moors such /reat loss2
9Myzantine and Moorish ,leet, such /reat loss2:
T+o di,,erent ones, the /reat devastation .y the roc02
Leoni assigns this verse to the invasion of Cypress by the Tur's in 19-1% T&o cities in Cypress fell
to the Tur'ish invaders% That same year the Tur'ish naval forces &ere overthro&n in the Battle of
Lepanto in the *ulf of Corinth by a Christian coalition%
C 1! < 9! =eu> corps$ vn chef$ champs diuisez en deu>H
+t puis respondre Z (uatre non ouys$
Petis pour *rands% Z Pertuis mal pour eu>%
Tour dA4igues foudre$ pire pour +ussouis%
T+o .odies, one leader, ,ields divided in t+o1
And then reply to ,our not heard,
$ittle ,or /reats, clear evil ,or the-2
To+er o, Ai/ues-ortes li/htnin/, +orse ,or %ussouis2
4iguesmortes is a once-great seaport located on the &estern mouth of the /hone% F+ussouisG is an
unsolved person or place name%
C 1! < 99 Tristes conseils$ desloyau>$ cauteleu>$
4duis meschant$ la loy sera trahie%
Le peuple esmeu$ farouche$ (uerelleu>H
Tant bourg (ue ville$ toute la pai> haie%
Sad counsels, disloyal, cunnin/,
#ic0ed advice, the la+ +ill .e .etrayed2
The people stirred, ,erocious, 6uarrelso-e1
In .orou/h as in to+n, the entire peace hated2
Leoni notes this (uatrain reads much li'e a Presage from the F4lmanacs%G The verses in Centuries
11 and 1! &ere in print by 1,"9 and$ &hile they seem to be &ritten by Nostradamus$ may have
been intended for the F4lmanacsG rather than the FCenturies%G
C 1! < 9, /oy contre /oy X le =uc contre Prince$
.aine entre iceu>$ dissension horrible%
/age X fureur sera toute prouinceH
8rance grande guerre X changement terrible%
"in/ a/ainst "in/ and Du0e a/ainst Prince,
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
)atred .et+een the-, horri.le dissension2
Ra/e and ,ury +ill .e throu/hout all provinces1
'rance /reat +ar and terri.le chan/es2
This verse is definitely about the :ar of the three .enrys Iing .enry 333 of 8rance$ Iing .enry
of Navarre$ and the .enry$ the =u'e of *uise% The one left standing &as Iing .enry of Navarre
&ho too' the 8rench Throne as Iing .enry 3J%
C 1! < 90 LAaccord X pache fera CseraD du tout rompuH
Les amitiez pollues par discorde%
LAhaine enneillie$ toute foy corrompue$
+t lAesperance$ 2arseille sans concorde%
The accord and peace +ill .e co-pletely .ro0en1
The ,riendships polluted .y discord2
The hatred aroused, all ,aith corrupted,
And the hope, Marseille +ithout concord2
This verse signifies internal strife &ithin 8rance% Nostradamus sho&s faith &as corrupted possibly
because some people chose the Protestant faith and that created factions%
C 1! < ,! *uerres$ debats$ Z Bloys guerre X tumulte%
=iuers aguets$ adueu> inopinables%
+ntrer dedans chasteau Trompette$ insulteH
Chasteau de .a$ (ui en seront coulpables%
#ars, de.ates, at lois +ar and tu-ult2
Diverse +atches, un,oreseen avo+als2
To enter into !hateau Tro-pette, a,,ront1
!hateau du )a, those +ho +ill .e to .la-e ,or it2
The Chateau Trompete and Chateau du .a are both at Bordeau>% Blois is !1" miles northeast of
Bordeau>% Blois &as the chief residence of the Jalois 'ings during the :ars of /eligion%
C 1! < ,9 4 tenir fort par fureur contraindra%
Tout c[ur trembler% Langon aduent terrible%
Le coup de pied mille pieds se rendra%
*yrond% *uaron$ ne furent plus horribles%
To hold stron/ .y ,ury +ill .e constrained2
%very heart tre-.les2 $an/on terri.le arrival2
The 0ic0 +ill return a thousand 0ic0s2
&ironde2 &aronne, never -ore ,urious or horri.le2
4s .ogue notes$ this continues the :ars of /eligion theme% The *ironde is the estuary of the
*aronne /iver% Langon is about t&enty-five miles up the *aronne from Bordeau>%
C 1! < ,0 +37J4; proche$ esloigner lac LemanH
8ort grands aprest$ retour$ confusion%
Loin des nepueu>$ du feu grand ;upelman%
Tous de leur suite
SAIO3 near, to /o ,ar $a0e &eneva1
Iery /reat preparations, return, con,usion2
'ar ,ro- nephe+s, o, ,ire /reat Supel-an2
All o, their suite
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
There &ere attempts made by the =u'e of ;avoy to regain *eneva% The last attempt &as made in
1,"!% F;upelmanG is an un'no&n name% .ogue interprets this as$ F;avoy the *reat ;uperman%G
The last line is incomplete%
C 1! < -1 8leuues$ riuieres de mal seront obstacles%
La vielle flamme dAire non apaisMe
Courir en 8rance% ceci comme dAoraclesH
2aisons$ manoirs$ palais$ secte rasMe%
Rivers, strea-s o, evil +ill .e o.stacles2
The old ,la-e o, an/er not appeased
To run in 'rance2 this as o, oracles1
)ouses, -anors, palace, shaven sect2
This last verse can also be seen to spea' of the :ars of /eligion in 8rance%
! @ H 7< e,ore lon/ everythin/ +ill .e put in order,
#e +ill e4pect a -ost sinister century1
The state o, the -as0ed and solitary ones very chan/ed,
'e+ +ill .e ,ound +ho +ish to stay in their class2
! 7 H ;K T+o revolutions caused .y the evil scytheD.earer,
Ma0in/ a co-plete chan/e in rei/n and centuries1
The -o.ile si/n 9$i.ra: in its place so -eddleso-e,
T+o e6uals in inclination2
! 7 H ;7 )ead o, Aries, Aupiter and Saturn,
%ternal &od, +hat chan/esJ
Then the .ad ti-es return a,ter a lon/ century
'rance and Italy, +hat tur-oilJ
! @ H K? A,ter /reat trou.le to hu-ans, a /reater one prepared
The /reat -otor the centuries rene+1
Rain, .lood, -il0, ,a-ine, +eapons and pla/ue,
In the heavens ,ire is seen, a lon/ spar0 runnin/2
! = H >8 The ,atal everlastin/ order throu/h the chain
#ill co-e to turn throu/h consistent order1
The chain o, Marseille +ill .e .ro0en1
The city ta0en and the ene-y at the sa-e ti-e2
! ; H K7 orn under the shado+s and a dar0 day,
)e +ill .e soverei/n in real- and /oodness1
)is .lood +ill .e re.orn in the ancient urn,
Rene+in/ the century o, /old ,or one o, .rass2
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
1,-! Theodore *arencieres$ Nostradamus, +is ,orks and #ro%hecies, ;tandard Publications$
?rbana$ 3llinois$ !""1
10#- .enry C% /oberts$ -he .om%lete #ro%hecies of Nostradamus, Nostradamus Co%$ Ne&
Lor'$ 10,0 +dition
10,1 +dgar Leoni$ Nostradamus and +is #ro%hecies, =over Publications$ 3nc%$ 2ineola$ Ne&
Lor'$ !""" edition$ originally published in 10,1 by +>position Press$ Ne& Lor'%
10-5 +ri'a Cheetham$ -he #ro%hecies of Nostradamus, Perigee Boo's published by *%P
PutnamAs ;ons 10-5$ -he Further #ro%hecies of Nostradamus, Perigee Boo's
published by The Putnam Publishing *roup$ -he Final #ro%hecies of Nostradamus, 4
Perigee Boo' published by The Ber'ley Publishing *roup$ Ne& Lor'
100- 1ohn .ogue$ Nostradamus, -he .om%lete #ro%hecies, +lement Boo's$ 3nc%$ first
published in *reat Britain in 100- by +lement Boo's Limited%
106! 1ean-Charles de 8ontbrune$ Nostradamus / into -he -'ent01First .entur0,
.enry .olt and Company$ 3nc%$ Ne& Lor'
100# Peter Lemesurier$ Nostradamus, -he Ne2t 34 5ears, 4 Ber'ley Boo' published by
arrangement &ith Piat'us Boo's$ 100#$ Ne& Lor'
1060 =olores Cannon$ .on6ersations 'ith Nostradamus, 7olumes 8ne and -'o,
4merican :est Publishers$ 1060$ and .on6ersations 'ith Nostradamus,
7olume -hree, 7zar' 2ountain Publishers$ 100# edition%
100- ;tefan Paulus$ )999 Nostradamus, ,ho ,ill Sur6i6e? Lle&ellyn Publications$ ;t% Paul$
2innesota$ 100-
10,1 ;te&art /obb$ #ro%hecies on ,orld E6ents 0 Nostradamus, Liveright Publishing
Corporation$ Ne& Lor'%
.%*% :ells$ -he 8utline of +istor0, *arden City Boo's$ Ne& Lor'$ 10,1
8erdinand ;chevill$ $ +istor0 of Euro%e, .arcourt$ Brace and Company$ 10#-
/oger Price$ $ .oncise +istor0 of France, Cambridge ?niversity Press$ ?%I% 1005
Claudius Ptolemaus CPtolemyD$ -etrailos, Loeb Classical Library$ ;t% +dmundsbury Press Ltd$
Bury ;t% +dmonds$ ;uffol'$ !""1
4lbert Pi'e$ Morals and Dogma of the $ncient and $cce%ted Scottish :ite of Freemasonr0,
Published by the ;upreme Council of the Thirty-Third =egree for the ;outhern 1urisdiction of
the ?nited ;tates$ &ritten in 16-1 and published in 10",%
4ryeh Iaplan$ Sefer 5et;irah, -he "ook of .reation, /evised edition$ /ed :heelR:eiser$ LLC$
Lor' Beach$ 2+ 100-
1ac(ues Crovisier and Therese +ncrenaz , .omet Science, Cambridge ?niversity Press$ ?nited
Iingdom$ !"""%
1ohn ;% Le&is$ :ain of <ron and <ce, Perseus Publishing$ 100- edition%
Pierre *oubert$ -he .ourse of French +istor0, /outledge$ a division of /outledge$ Chapman$
and .all$ 3nc%$ Ne& Lor' 1066
Norman =avies$ Euro%e, $ +istor0, .arper Perennial$ 4 =ivision of .arperCollins Publishers$
1006 edition$ originally published in 100, by 7>ford ?niversity Press
Taylor Nostradamus Puzzle
1ose 4rguelles$ -he Ma0an Factor, Bear X Company$ ;anta 8e$ Ne& 2e>ico 106-
1%/% 1ochmans$ :olling -hunder, the .oming Earth .hanges, ;un Publishing Company$
;anta 8e$ Ne& 2e>ico 106"
Paul 4% LaJiolette$ Ph%=%$ Earth =nder Fire, ;tarburst Publications$ Ne& Lor' 100-
1ay :eidner and Jincent Bridges$ Monument to the End of -ime, 4cthrea Boo's$ LLC$
North Carolina 1000
1ohn 2a@or 1en'ins$ !alactic $lignment, Bear X Company$ Ne& Lor' !""!
=eborah Cadbury$ -he >ost ?ing of France, ;t% 2artinAs Press$ Ne& Lor' !""!
2ichael Baigent$ /ichard Leigh$ and .enry Lincoln$ +ol0 "lood, +ol0 !rail, =ell Publishing$ a
division of Bantam =oubleday =ell Publishing *roup$ 3nc%$ Ne& Lor' 1065
Numerous Latin dictionaries$ +ncyclopedias$ 8rench dictionaries$ atlases$ internet sites$ etc%
&&&%etheric%comRLaJioletteRLaJiolette%html =r% LaJioletteAs site
httpHRR&&&%tmgno&%comRrepositoryRglobalRplanetophysical%html a /ussian scientistAs report on
observed changes in the solar system
&&&%sacred-te>ts%com ancient te>ts
&&&%hogueprophecy%com 1ohn .ogueAs site
httpHRR&&&%unitypublishing%comRprophecyR.ildigard;aint%htm C;t% .ildegardAs propheciesD
&&&%ne&scientist%comRarticle%nsKidNdn#"!1 earth changes
&&&%ascension!"""%com earth changes
&&&%levity%comRalchemyRte>ts%html alchemy te>ts
&&&%ne&advent%orgRcathenR1!!-!b%htm Clist of Catholic PopesD

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