Investigation of Current Methods To Identify Helicopter Gear Health
Investigation of Current Methods To Identify Helicopter Gear Health
Investigation of Current Methods To Identify Helicopter Gear Health
David G. Lewicki
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio
Dy D. Le
Federal Aviation Administration, William J. Hughes Technical Center,
Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey
July 2007
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David G. Lewicki
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio
Dy D. Le
Federal Aviation Administration, William J. Hughes Technical Center,
Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey
July 2007
The authors would like to thank several experts in the Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) field for providing
valuable information via interviews and survey responses for this paper: Alan Duke and Eric Bechhoefer of Goodrich, Paul
Grabill of Intelligent Automation Corporation, Andy Heather of Smiths Aerospace, Bill Hardman and Eric Carney of the
Naval Air Warfare Center.
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This paper provides an overview of current vibration methods used to identify the health of helicopter
transmission gears. The gears are critical to the transmission system that provides propulsion, lift and
maneuvering of the helicopter. This paper reviews techniques used to process vibration data to calculate
conditions indicators (CI’s), guidelines used by the government aviation authorities in developing and
certifying the Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS), condition and health indicators used in
commercial HUMS, and different methods used to set thresholds to detect damage. Initial assessment of a
method to set thresholds for vibration based condition indicators applied to flight and test rig data by
evaluating differences in distributions between comparable transmissions are also discussed. Gear
condition indicator FM4 values are compared on an OH58 helicopter during 14 maneuvers and an OH58
transmission test stand during crack propagation tests. Preliminary results show the distributions between
healthy helicopter and rig data are comparable and distributions between healthy and damaged gears show
significant differences.
I. Introduction
Helicopter transmission integrity is important to helicopter safety because helicopters depend on the
power train for propulsion, lift, and flight maneuvering. A study of 1168 helicopter accidents from 1990
to 1996 found that after human-factors related causes of accidents, the next most frequent causes of
accidents were due to various system and structural failures (ref. 1). In 1999, of the world total of 192
turbine helicopter accidents, 28 were directly due to mechanical failures with the most common in the
drive train of the propulsion system (ref. 2). Liu and Pines (ref. 3) continued the study performed by
NASA from 1998 to 2004. Their study showed the number of accidents caused by vehicle factors
compared to the total number of accidents have been reduced by more than one half from earlier accident
data. Pilot error continues to be the major cause of all rotorcraft accidents and failure or malfunction of
the propulsion system remains the primary reason for vehicle factor related accidents. In order to reduce
helicopter accidents, the original study (ref. 1) recommended the design of HUMS capable of predicting
impending equipment failure for on-condition maintenance, and more advanced systems capable of
warning pilots of imminent equipment failure. In order to make these predictions, the system must
provide health monitoring of the transmission components and must also demonstrate a high level of
reliability to minimize false alarms.
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Figure 1 shows the potential economic and safety benefits of diagnostics and predictive maintenance
of critical mechanical systems. If usage is more severe than design life of a component, health monitoring
will provide a safety benefit. If usage is less severe, the service life of critical components may be
extended. Although commercially available HUMS provide safety benefits when installed on rotorcraft,
the damage detection rate of today’s helicopter health monitoring systems through vibration analysis can
be improved. HUMS experience documented by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in
1997, and informally updated in 2002, shows a success rate of 70 percent in detecting defects (ref. 4).
The following challenges still need to be addressed to achieve the safety and economic potential of an
integrated health monitoring system (ref. 5):
Figure 1.—Economic and safety benefits of diagnostics and prognostics (ref. 40).
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II. Gear Diagnostic Algorithms
Numerous diagnostic techniques have been developed from vibration data to detect damage and
abnormal conditions of the dynamic mechanical components in rotorcraft propulsion systems. A majority
of the technology developed focused on the gear health. Using vibration data collected from gearbox
accelerometers, algorithms are developed to detect when gear damage has occurred. Other areas
addressed include bearings and driveshafts of the main transmission system. This work will focus on
vibration algorithms available in commercial HUMS used to detect gear damage.
Gear damage produces changes in the vibration signatures measured by accelerometers installed on
the gearbox. Over the past 25 years, numerous vibration-based algorithms for mechanical component
damage detection in transmissions have been developed. The traditional methods of vibration based gear
feature detection and extraction methods in rotating equipment, discussed in detail by (ref. 6), are
typically based on some statistical measurement of vibration energy. The primary differences are based
on which of the characteristic frequencies are included, excluded, or used as a reference. Figure 2 is a
block diagram of the steps required to calculate FM4 (Figure of Merit 4), a common vibration algorithm
used in commercial HUMS.
Sensor Data (accelerometers, tachometer)
∑ (d )
1 4
n −d
N n =1
⎡1 N ⎤
⎣⎢ N
n =1
(d n − d ) ⎥2
Condition Indicator FM4
NASA/TM—2007-214664 3
Referring to figure 2, once the vibration time series data is collected from the accelerometers, the first
step to define the gear vibration algorithm is to calculate the time synchronous average (TSA) of the data.
Gears produce vibration signals synchronous with speed. Noise in the vibration signal is reduced using
time synchronous averaging. Synchronous averaging refers to techniques for extracting periodic
waveforms from additive noise by averaging vibration signals over several revolutions of the shaft
(ref. 7). The typical signal time synchronous average is obtained by taking the average of the signal in the
time domain. Using the once per revolution signal, the vibration signal is interpolated into a fixed number
of points per shaft revolution. The number of interpolated points are typically a power of two (512, 1024,
etc.). This makes implementing frequency domain signal processing techniques significantly easier. The
desired signal, which is synchronous with the shaft speed, will intensify relative to the non-periodic
signals. It should be noted that sample rates of the vibration time series data determines the number of
averages that can be obtained for the time synchronous averaging. The vibration data is also filtered with
a low band pass anti-aliasing filter prior to data acquisition to prevent aliasing caused when the sample
rate is less than twice the bandwidth of the input signal.
After the accelerometer data is sampled and time synchronous averaged to shaft speed, the time
domain data is converted to frequency domain data using a fast Fourier transform. The amount of filtering
is defined by the algorithm. FM4 (Figure of Merit 4) was developed to detect changes in the vibration
pattern due to damage (pitting, small, cracks) on a limited number of teeth (ref. 7). For FM4, gear
meshing frequency, harmonics, and 1st order sidebands are removed from the original signal. This signal
is converted back to the time domain. Then a statistical parameter, the fourth normalized statistical
moment (normalized kurtosis) of the difference signal, is calculated from this data, where d is the
difference signal, d is the mean value of the difference signal and N is the total number of interpolated
points per reading. The kurtosis of a normal distribution equals 3. In theory, for healthy gears, the
difference signal would be Gaussian noise, resulting in a value of 3. When one or two teeth develop a
defect (such as a crack or pitting) a peak or series of peaks appears in the difference signal and FM4
reacts by increasing above this nominal value of 3.
NASA/TM—2007-214664 4
signal values, number of standard deviations above the mean fleet value, or other means. Trends for
indicators that require trend monitoring must also be defined. In the threshold changes section it states
that changing the limits requires an understanding of the relationship between the algorithm values and
the increase in the severity of the fault detected based on the history of the component (ref. 9).
In 2006, the Civil Aviation Authority came out with CAP 753, to provide additional guidance for
Operators using vibration health monitoring (VHM) in helicopter rotor and drive systems. In this
document they define VHM as, “the monitoring of vibration data and characteristics that can provide
advance information relating to the development of incipient failures in the engine(s) rotor drive systems”
(ref. 10). Gear tooth indicators that can detect gear tooth damage and cracks are identified as required
indicators. The signal acquisition and processing section of this document discusses the importance of
sampling rate and signal averaging for VHM. Thresholds, discussed in the alert generation and management
section of this document, may be set at absolute vibration levels based on fleet experience or learned for an
individual helicopter. Thresholds can be set as alerts, to indicate inspections, or as alarm to indicate that
flights should be avoided until maintenance has been performed. The thresholds are dependent on different
flight regimes. The VHM system is required to detect 70 percent of the failure modes it is designed to
monitor. Data must be capable of being downloaded within a 10 hour time period. System performance
should be evaluated for alert/false alarm rates and success/failure rates to detect component damage.
NASA/TM—2007-214664 5
Intelligent Automation Corporation developed a HUMS system with the U.S. Army under the Vibration
Management Enhancement Program (VMEP) to monitor the health of drive system dynamic components.
The system consists of an on-board computer to collect and processes vibration information in flight, ground
based software for displaying information to maintenance personnel, and web–based infrastructure tools for
data archiving and analysis (ref. 15). Data acquisition can be triggered at a specific time or during a specific
flight regime. FM4 is one of several algorithms used as a condition indicator to threshold or trend for fault
diagnostics. Keller (ref. 16) provides and overview of the drive train faults, 4 bearings and 1 shaft,
discovered to date in over 70 aircraft equipped with the VMEP system. A database of drive train condition
indicators has been developed from the data collected to date.
Smiths Aerospace developed the GenHUMS (Generic HUMS). GenHUMS has been in operational
service in the UK Chinook fleet since 2000. The GenHUMS also includes powertrain and gearbox
diagnostics in their health monitoring system. Smiths Aerospace and Bristow Helicopters are also
developing a HUMS anomaly detection system under support from the CAA because HUMS data has
shown that not all defect related trends or changes in HUMS data are detected with current threshold
setting methods. They provided an example of large crack in a bevel pinion of a main gearbox that did not
generate alerts from the vibration indicators. The objective of their work is to develop a method to
identify abnormal behavior by comparing it to a data set of “normal” behavior (ref. 17).
Preliminary work was done by Boeing to investigate a method to evaluate diagnostic algorithms and
define criteria for threshold settings and compiled into a report, “Monitor the Monitors, RITA Metrics
Document.” A conceptual design of a Graphical User Interface was developed for a tool, but
implementation procedures were not defined and the tool was never validated due to the limited amount
of transmission seeded fault data available for assessment of vibration algorithm performance (ref. 18).
NASA/TM—2007-214664 6
available to assess performance. Published CI and HI threshold setting methods currently under
development by the three manufacturers will be discussed in the next two paragraphs.
Intelligent Automation Corporation created a tool for developing a standard dataset of CI’s (ref. 22).
New CI data is compared to the standard dataset to determine if the new data fits within the standard data
set as normal or a specific fault class. Then data is accepted or rejected based on a rejection threshold. If
the data is accepted it can be added to the standard data set after review by qualified personnel.
Goodrich is developing proprietary statistical procedures to define sets of threshold for each aircraft
type and component by modeling the effect of variance across aircraft and torque on transmission
components (ref. 23). Thresholds use a “healthy” data set that spans a subset of the fleet and the operating
conditions. Variance for different helicopters and torque levels is estimated using a least square estimator,
then corrected for small sample by using Student’s t-distribution to test for statistical significance between
two sample means. Their system is also capable of integrating several CI’s into one health indicator (HI)
that can be used to identify when a component requires additional analysis or a component is faulted
(refs. 23 to 25). Fusing CI’s sensitive to a specific failure can minimize the amount of information used
by end user to make a decision on system health.
Smiths is currently developing and fielding health indicators (HI) for the end user to easily interpret
the system health (ref. 21). In the past, simple thresholds were identified for condition indicators. More
work was performed on statistical analysis of CI data distributions. Rule based systems have also been
used. Smiths has found that the mentioned threshold setting tools may identify classic faults, but cannot
identify novel faults that can occur 50 percent of the time. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) reasoners,
Bayesian statistics, data mining, clustering and failure modes and effects analysis models, they have been
successful identifying novel, unanticipated faults such as sensor failures. They have rerun 6 years of
archived data using their anomaly detector HI with promising results. This anomaly detection technique
will not replace the current HUMS threshold setting methods. Rather, it will provide additional
capabilities to the current HUMS threshold setting methods.
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Figure 3.—Probability of no damage/false alarms and damage
detected/missed hits.
Based on the CI value and the health of the component, table 1 provides the results of the decisions
made on a given CI. Interpreting the overlapping region illustrated in figure 3 is the challenge to setting
reliable thresholds based on the CI.
Health of component
No gear damage Gear damage
Decision Indicate no damage Correct decision Missed hit
Indicate damage False alarm Correct decision
A. Hypothesis Tests
Figure 3 and table 1 are related to hypothesis tests used in statistical analysis. A hypothesis test is
defined by testing the value of a population parameter, the null hypothesis, Ho. The alternative hypothesis,
H1, is the statement that must be true if the null hypothesis is false.
Table 2 represents the hypothesis parameters for the decisions listed in table 1. The hypothesis is
defined to test that the mean of the CI from the undamaged gear looks significantly different than the
mean of the CI of the damaged gear. A test statistic is used to make the decision to reject the null
hypothesis based on the probability of acceptable error. Referring to table 2, if the null hypothesis is
rejected when it is true, this results in Type I error (false positive) If you fail to reject the null hypothesis
when it is false, this results in Type II error (false negative). An earlier analysis of flight data found the
mean could vary 3 standard deviations within a healthy set of CI data (ref. 29). The variance within the
data must be considered when defining a test statistic to set thresholds to minimize the occurrence of false
True state of system
Ho is true Ho is false
Ho: μ < CI H1: μ > CI
Gear is healthy Gear is damaged
Decision Reject Ho False alarm Correct decision
(Type I error)
Fail to reject Ho Correct decision Missed hit
Healthy component (Type II error)
B. Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian inference is another statistical analysis technique that can be used for setting thresholds to
make a decision on component health. Bayesian inference updates the likelihood of a hypothesis
(probability a hypothesis is true) given a previous likelihood estimate and additional evidence
(observations). Bayesian inference can be used to determine the probability that a diagnosis of gear
damage is correct given a priori information. An example of an equation for Bayesian inference to set
damage detection thresholds is:
NASA/TM—2007-214664 8
P(O / f i ) ⋅ P( f i )
P( f i / O ) = (1)
∑P(O / f i ) ⋅ P( f i )
where P(fi /O) equals the probability of fault (fi) given diagnostic output (O), P(O/fi) equals the probability
that a diagnostic output (O) is observed with fault (fi), and P(fi) is the a priori probability of (fi) occurring
(refs. 30 and 31).
Due to limited fault data, it is challenging to apply Bayesian inference to identifying component
health. Bayesian inference requires knowledge about the diagnostic system to generate the a priori
distributions and a priori probabilities of the hypotheses. The complexity of the data due to multiple
hypotheses (several vibration algorithms and damage levels) and multiple conditional dependent events
(maneuvers, time dependent data) also make it difficult to define levels of probability for each scenario.
Bayesian statistics may be useful when applied to fault classification, where a large amount of fault data
is acquired on different types of faults (ref. 32).
C. Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic has been successfully used to set thresholds to identify gear damage and to make a
decision on the health of the system (refs. 28 and 33). Earlier studies found fuzzy logic, as compared to
production rules and neural networks, the most robust when monitoring transitional failure data on a
gearbox (ref. 34). Another study comparing automated reasoning techniques for condition-based
maintenance found fuzzy logic more flexible than standard logic by making allowances for unanticipated
behavior (ref. 35). Fuzzy logic applies fuzzy set theory to data, where fuzzy set theory is a theory of
classes with unsharp boundaries. The data belongs in a fuzzy set based on its degree of membership
(ref. 36).
Fuzzy logic starts with a fuzzy set, extending boolean set theory to a continuous valued logic via the
concept of membership functions valued between 0 and 1. A membership function is a curve that defines
how each point in the input space is mapped to a membership value or degree of membership between 0
and 1. The only condition a membership function must satisfy is that it is a continuous function that varies
between 0 and 1. Once membership functions are defined for a fuzzy set, fuzzy rules must be defined.
Fuzzy rules are defined by experts in the field. Experts express their field knowledge in rules with an IF-
THEN format. An example of a fuzzy if-then rule is, “if x is A then y is B.” The final step is to convert
the fuzzy membership information and rules into a crisp output using defuzzification methods.
Figure 4 is an example of using fuzzy logic to define health indicators from gear condition indicators.
Gear condition indicators are calculated from sensor data. Membership functions are then developed for
the CI’s. Defining membership functions that accurately reflect the CI data is the challenge when using
fuzzy logic to set thresholds. In this example, trapezoidal shaped membership functions were used. A
certain amount of overlap is required or no rules will fire for values in the gap between the membership
functions. The x-axis of the membership function refers to the CI values and the y-axis refers to the
degree of membership. DL refers to Damage Low (Gear O.K), DM refers to Damage Medium (Inspect
Gear) and DH refers to Damage High (Shutdown System). The basic rules are defined based on the level
of damage indicated by the CI and experience with the CI to detect specific faults in certain
environmental conditions. Membership functions and rules can be added for additional CI’s. The degree
of membership for the output of the fuzzy model provides the status of gear health. For this example O.K
indicates no gear damage, Inspect indicates initial pitting and Shutdown (due to damage) indicates
destructive pitting. The output was defined to give the end user a simple function based on the state of the
gear. A value of 0 to 0.33 indicates the gear is O.K., 0.33 to 0.66 indicates the gear should be inspected,
and 0.66 to 1.0 indicates shutdown the system, the gear is damaged.
NASA/TM—2007-214664 9
CI’s: FM4, NA4, Debris
Membership Functions
Gear Health
NASA/TM—2007-214664 10
Figure 5.—OH58 helicopter.
Figure 6 shows the relative frequency plots for condition indicator FM4 from an accelerometer
installed on the transmission housing during NASA Ames OH58 Flight Tests. For this data, histograms
were created from the FM4 CI data for each maneuver with a bin width of 0.05 and a range of 1 to 8.5.
The histogram data was then rescaled so the area under the curve (integral under the estimated
distribution) is equal to 1 by dividing the counts by the bin size and total number of readings
(counts/(readings*bin size). Although the minimum FM4 value for this accelerometer across all
maneuvers was 1.87 and the maximum was 4.92, the majority of values fall within 2 and 3. The
distributions varied for each maneuver and the tails of the distributions shift to the right for higher torque
levels, with the maximum FM4 value observed during maneuver B, 80 percent torque. The changes in the
distribution for each maneuver shows that FM4 is effected by operational conditions.
Figure 7 illustrates the NASA GRC OH58 Helicopter Transmission Test Stand used to collect healthy
and damaged CI data from accelerometers located on the transmission housing during a matrix of pinion
crack propagation tests (ref. 39). The main transmission 19 tooth spiral bevel pinion gear, like the
helicopter, was monitored for health. And, for this preliminary analysis, only one accelerometer mounted
horizontally and radial to the transmission will be discussed. For these tests, a pinion tooth was notched
and run several hours to facilitate a tooth fracture. In addition to vibration, torque and speed were also
measured. The pinion was run at design speed of 6060 rpm for all tests. Torque values ranged from 80 to
150 percent torques. Vibration data was sampled at a rate of 150 kHz with an anti-aliasing filter set at
56 kHz. Data was sampled every 15 sec for a 1.5 sec duration. Time synchronous averages were
calculated with 150 rotations in each average.
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Figure 6.—OH58 Relative frequency plots of FM4 from NASA Ames OH58 flight tests.
Figure 8 shows the relative frequency plots for condition indicator FM4 from an accelerometer
installed on the transmission housing of the NASA GRC OH58 Test Stand. The pinion was run for
60.5 hr at 150 percent torque with an initial notch fabricated on one tooth of the pinion. The notch was
then deepened and the pinion ran an additional 5.5 hr at 120 percent torque, 1.34 hr at 140 percent torque,
then 0.2 hr at 150 percent torque and inspected several times within each torque cycle. A 60X microscope
was used for visually inspecting the gear. It was known that no crack initiation occurred prior to the
deepening of the notch. Crack initiation was also not observed after running at 140 percent torque. At
completion of the test at 150 percent torque a tooth was found to be fractured. A picture of the tooth is
shown in figure 9. For this data, histograms were created from the FM4 CI data at different torque levels
(120, 140, and 150 percent) with a bin width of 0.05 and a range of 1 to 8.5. The histogram data was also
rescaled so the area under the curve is equal to 1 by dividing the counts by the bin size and total number
of readings (counts/(readings*bin size). Note that the majority of values fall within 2.5 and 4.5 for the data
sets with the healthy pinion. The distribution of the data shifts to 4.5 to 6.0 for the data set with the damaged
NASA/TM—2007-214664 12
150 % torque,
2 original notch
120% torque,
Frequency deepened notch
140% torque,
deepened notch
1 150% torque,
deepened notch
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
Figure 8.—Relative frequency plots of FM4 from NASA GRC OH58 Transmission test stand.
Additional work is required applying threshold setting methods discussed in the previous section to
this data set and additional data from both the helicopter and the transmission test stand.
IX. Summary
This paper provided an overview of guidelines used by the FAA and CAA in developing and
certifying HUMS, the techniques used to process vibration data to calculate conditions indicators (CI’s),
condition and health indicators used in commercial HUMS, and different methods used to set thresholds
to detect damage. Initial assessment of a method to set thresholds applied to flight and test rig data was
presented. Gear condition indicator FM4 distribution values on a healthy OH58 helicopter and a health
OH58 transmission test rig were comparable. On the helicopter, distributions varied for each maneuver
and the tails of the distributions shifted to the right (FM4 values increased) for higher torque levels.
Distributions between healthy and damaged gears on the test rig showed significant differences, shifting
to the right (FM4 values increased) with increased damage.
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20-07-2007 Technical Memorandum
Investigation of Current Methods to Identify Helicopter Gear Health
This paper provides an overview of current vibration methods used to identify the health of helicopter transmission gears. The gears are
critical to the transmission system that provides propulsion, lift and maneuvering of the helicopter. This paper reviews techniques used to
process vibration data to calculate conditions indicators (CI’s), guidelines used by the government aviation authorities in developing and
certifying the Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS), condition and health indicators used in commercial HUMS, and different
methods used to set thresholds to detect damage. Initial assessment of a method to set thresholds for vibration based condition indicators
applied to flight and test rig data by evaluating differences in distributions between comparable transmissions are also discussed. Gear
condition indicator FM4 values are compared on an OH58 helicopter during 14 maneuvers and an OH58 transmission test stand during
crack propagation tests. Preliminary results show the distributions between healthy helicopter and rig data are comparable and distributions
between healthy and damaged gears show significant differences.
Gears; Transmissions; Health monitoring; Diagnostics
ABSTRACT OF Paula J. Dempsey
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