This document provides information about pseudocode, including:
1) Pseudocode uses structured English to describe algorithms without language syntax details, allowing designers to focus on logic.
2) Pseudocode should use problem domain vocabulary, not implementation details. It provides a narrative for understanding a solution.
3) There is no standard pseudocode syntax, but it is not meant to be executable code. Guidelines are provided for writing clear pseudocode using conventions like single statements per line and indentation.
This document provides information about pseudocode, including:
1) Pseudocode uses structured English to describe algorithms without language syntax details, allowing designers to focus on logic.
2) Pseudocode should use problem domain vocabulary, not implementation details. It provides a narrative for understanding a solution.
3) There is no standard pseudocode syntax, but it is not meant to be executable code. Guidelines are provided for writing clear pseudocode using conventions like single statements per line and indentation.
This document provides information about pseudocode, including:
1) Pseudocode uses structured English to describe algorithms without language syntax details, allowing designers to focus on logic.
2) Pseudocode should use problem domain vocabulary, not implementation details. It provides a narrative for understanding a solution.
3) There is no standard pseudocode syntax, but it is not meant to be executable code. Guidelines are provided for writing clear pseudocode using conventions like single statements per line and indentation.
This document provides information about pseudocode, including:
1) Pseudocode uses structured English to describe algorithms without language syntax details, allowing designers to focus on logic.
2) Pseudocode should use problem domain vocabulary, not implementation details. It provides a narrative for understanding a solution.
3) There is no standard pseudocode syntax, but it is not meant to be executable code. Guidelines are provided for writing clear pseudocode using conventions like single statements per line and indentation.
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Pseudocode is a kind of structured english for describing algorithms.
It allows the designer to focus
on the logic of the algorithm without being distracted by details of language syntax. It describe the entire logic of the algorithm so that implementation becomes a rote mechanical task of translating line by line into source code. In general the vocabulary used in the pseudocode should be the vocabulary of the problem domain, not of the implementation domain. The pseudocode is a narrative for someone who knows the requirements (problem domain and is trying to learn how the solution is organi!ed. ".g., "xtract the next word from the line (good set word to get next token (poor #ppend the file extension to the name (good name $ name % extension (poor &'( all the characters in the name (good &'( character $ first to last (ok )o standard for pseudocode syntax exists, as a program in pseudocode is not an executable program. (*+", &'( P,"*-'.'-" /. 0rite only one stmt per line "ach stmt in your pseudocode should express 1ust one action for the com puter. If the task list is properly drawn, then in most cases each task will correspond to one line of pseudocode. "23 T#,4 +I,T3 (ead name, hourly rate, hours worked, deduction rate Perform calculations gross $ hourly(ate 5 hours0orked deduction $ g rossPay 5 deduction(ate net pay $ grossPay 6 deduction 0rite name, gross, deduction, net pay P,"*-'.'-"3 ("#- name, hourly(ate, hours0orked, deduction(ate grossPay $ hourly(ate 5 hours0orked deduction $ grossPay 5 deduction(ate netPay $ grossPay 6 d eduction 0(IT" name, grossPay, deduction, netPay 7..apitali!e initial keyword In the example above, ("#- and 0(IT" are in caps. There are 1ust a few keywords we will use3 ("#-, 0(IT", I&, "+,", ")-I&, 08I+", ")-08I+", ("P"#T, *)TI+ 9.Indent to show hier archy 0e will use a particular indentation pattern in each of the design structures3 ,":*")." 3 keep statements that are ;stacked< in sequence all starting in the same column. ,"+".TI') 3 indent the statements that fall inside the selection structure, bu t not the keywords that form the selection +''PI)= 3 indent the statements that fall inside the loop, but not the keywords that form the loop "23 In the example above, employees whose grossPay is less than />> do not have any deduction. T#,4 +I,T3 (ead name, hourly rate, hours worked, deduction rate .ompute gross, deduction, net pay Is gross ?$ />>@ A",3 calculate deduction )'3 no deduction 0rite name, gross, deduction, net pay P,"*-'.'-"3 ("#- name, hourly(ate, hours0orked grossPay $ h ourly(ate 5 hours0orked I& grossPay ?$ />> deduction $ grossPay 5 deduction(ate "+," deduction $ > ")-I& netPay $ grossPay 6 deduction 0(IT" name, grossPay, deduction, netPay B."nd multiline structures ,ee how the I&C"+,"C")-I& is constructed abo ve. The ")-I& (or ")- whatever always is in line with the I& (or whatever starts the structure. D.4eep stmts language independent ,"+".TI') ,T(*.T*(" 0e looked at this in .hap 73 The pseudocode for this would be3 I& amount E />>> interest(ate $ .>F CC the ;yes< or ;true< action "+," interest(ate $ ./> CC the ;no< or ;false< action ")-I& ,ome selections are of the ;do it or donGt< (one sided variety. &or example3 The pseudocode for this is3 I& average E F> -' ,end0arning ")-I& amount E />>> interest(ate $ .>F interest(ate $ ./> yes no average E F> @ -' ,end0arning yes no It is considered poor form to have a / H sided I& stmt where the action is on the ;no< or "+," side. .onsider this code3 I& average E F> )*++ "+," -' =ivePassing=rade ")-I& This could ( and should be rewritten to eliminate the )*++ ;yes< part. To do that, we change the E to its opposite3 ?$ as follows3 I& average ?$ F> -' =ivePassing=rade ")-I& )",TI)= I& ,T#T"I")T, 0hat if we wanted to put a little menu up on the screen3 /.,olitaire 7.-oom 9.Ionopoly and have the user select which game to play. 8ow would we activate the correct game@ ("#- game)umber I& game)umber $ / -' ,olitaire "+," I& game)umber $ 7 -' -o om "+," -' Ionopoly ")-I& ")-I& 0e must pay particular attention to where the I&s end. The nested I& must be completely contained in either the I& or the "+," part of the containing I&. 0atch for and line up the matc hing ")-I&. ("#- game)umber game)umber $ / @ game)umber $ 7 @ no -' ,olitaire -' -oom -' Io nopoly no yes yes +''PI)= ,T(*.T*(", 'ne of the most confusing things for students first seeing a flowchart is telling the loops apart from the selections. This is because both use the diamond shape as their control symbol. In pseudocode this confusion is eli minated. To mark our loops we will use these pairs3 08I+" C ")-08I+" ("P"#T C *)TI+ The loop shown here (from the last chapter will have the following pseudocode3 count $ > 08I+" count E /> #-- / to count 0(IT" count ")-08I+" 0(IT" ;The end< )otice that the connector and test at the top of the loop in the flowchart become the 08I+" stmt in pseudocode. The end of the loop is marked by ")-08I+". 0hat statement do we execute when the loop is over@ The one that follows the ")-08 I+". ,ometimes it is desirable to put the steps that are inside the loop into a separate module. Then the pseudocode might be this3 Iainline 0e often use this name for the first module. count $ > Initiali!ation comes first 08I+" count E /> -' Proce ss The processing loop uses this module ")-08I+" 0(IT" ;The end< Termination does clean H up Process =o thru these steps and then return to the #-- / to count module that sent you here (Iainline 0(IT" count ,T#(T .ount $ > .ount E /> #dd / to count ,T'P 0rite count no yes 0rite ;The end< This time we will see how to write pseudocode for an *)TI+ loop3 count $ > ("P"#T #-- / to count 0(IT" count *)TI+ count ?$ /> 0(IT" ;The end< )otice how the connector at the top of the loop corresponds to the ("P"#T keyword, while the test at the bottom corresponds the the *)TI + stmt. 0hen the loop is over, control goes to the stmt following the *)TI+. ,T#(T .ount $ > #dd / to count 0rite count .ount ?$ /> ,T'P no yes 0rite ;The end< #-J#)T#=", #)- -I,#-J#)T#=", Pseudocode -isadvantages
ItGs not visual
There is no accepted standard, so it varies widely from company to company