This document describes a Library Management System project. It includes an introduction explaining the need for automating library processes to reduce errors and save time compared to a manual system. It provides details of the current manual system and proposed computerized system. The proposed system aims to computerize all library transactions through a user-friendly interface. It lists hardware and software requirements and provides entity relationship and table designs for students, books, transactions, and magazines databases. Screenshots of sample forms like the login, main menu, student, books, and issue/return forms are also included.
This document describes a Library Management System project. It includes an introduction explaining the need for automating library processes to reduce errors and save time compared to a manual system. It provides details of the current manual system and proposed computerized system. The proposed system aims to computerize all library transactions through a user-friendly interface. It lists hardware and software requirements and provides entity relationship and table designs for students, books, transactions, and magazines databases. Screenshots of sample forms like the login, main menu, student, books, and issue/return forms are also included.
This document describes a Library Management System project. It includes an introduction explaining the need for automating library processes to reduce errors and save time compared to a manual system. It provides details of the current manual system and proposed computerized system. The proposed system aims to computerize all library transactions through a user-friendly interface. It lists hardware and software requirements and provides entity relationship and table designs for students, books, transactions, and magazines databases. Screenshots of sample forms like the login, main menu, student, books, and issue/return forms are also included.
This document describes a Library Management System project. It includes an introduction explaining the need for automating library processes to reduce errors and save time compared to a manual system. It provides details of the current manual system and proposed computerized system. The proposed system aims to computerize all library transactions through a user-friendly interface. It lists hardware and software requirements and provides entity relationship and table designs for students, books, transactions, and magazines databases. Screenshots of sample forms like the login, main menu, student, books, and issue/return forms are also included.
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SMT.KASHIBAI NAVALE COLLEGE OF ENGNEERING S.No.44/1,Vadgaon, Pune 411!4" CERTIFICATE T#$% $% &o 'e(&$)* &#a&, Arun More (42) Amrut Mahajan(36) Nilesh Padawal(44)
Class T.E..T+ ha!e "om#leted the #roje"t wor$ on L$,(a(* Manage-en& S*%&e- su""ess%ull& under the 'uidan"e o% P(o).L.V.Pa&$. $n the a"ademi" &ear /!!011! in de#artment o% In)o(-a&$on Te'#no.og* o% this nstitute. 2e3a(&-en& o) In)o(-a&$on Te'#no.og* /!!011! G4I2E2 B51 H O 2 1 P(o).L.V.Pa&$. P(o).S.B.P#a(6u&e
2 ACKNO7LE2GEMENT (e e)#ress our sin"ere than$s to all those who ha!e #ro!ided us !alua*le 'uidan"e towards the "om#letion o% this s&stem as #art o% the s&lla*us o% the Third +ear n%ormation Te"hnolo'& En'ineerin' "ourse. (e e)#ress our sin"ere 'ratitude towards our "o,o#erati!e de#artment whi"h has #ro!ided us with !alua*le assistan"e %or the s&stem de!elo#ment. (e here*& ta$e this o##ortunit& to e)#ress our sin"ere than$s and heart,%elt 'ratitude to MR.L.V.Patil -ir, our #roje"t 'uide, %or his use%ul 'uidan"e and ma$in' a!aila*le to us his intimate $nowled'e and e)#erien"e in ma$in' Training and placement cellt as a #roje"t and also in the #re#aration o% #roje"t re#ort in res#e"t thereo%. (e are also than$%ul to ../.0 o% our n%ormation Te"hnolo'& 0e#artment MR.S.B.Pharkute. The a"$nowled'ement will *e in"om#lete i% we do not re"ord our sense o% 'ratitude to our #rin"i#al MR.A.V.Deshpande who 'a!e us ne"essar& 'uidan"e and en"oura'ement *& #ro!idin' us with all the %a"ilities re1uired %or wor$in' on this #roje"t.
AR4N MORE84/9 NILESH PA27AL8449 AMR4T MAHA:AN8";9 3 LIST OF FIG4ER< S( no Na-e o) )$g Page no 2 3o'in 4orm 25 2 Main 4orm 25 3 -tudent 4orm 26 4 7oo$s 4orm 26 8 0is#la&sre"ord 4orm 29 6 7oo$issue 4orm 29 5 7oo$return 4orm 2: 6 Ma'a;ine 4orm 2: 9 Ma'issue 4orm 22 2: Ma'return 4orm 22 4 LIST OF TABLE< -r no Ta*le name Pa'e no 2 -tudnt 28 2 7oo$s 28 3 Tra" 28 4 Ma'a;ine 26 8 Mtra" 26 IN2E = S(.no To3$' Page no. 2 NT</0=CT/N
6 TA73E 0E-@NE 28 9 -C<EEN -./T- 25 2: 3MTAT/N- AN0 A0AANTA@E- 22 22 C/NC3=-/N 23 22 <E4E<ENCE 23 8 PRO:ECT STATEMENT 6 To de>e.o3 &#e %o)&?a(e o) &#e L$,(a(* -anage-en& %*%&e- &o o3e(a&e >a($ou% )un'&$on% %u'# a% $%%ue ,oo6%, (e&u(n ,oo6, %&o(e -e-,e( $n)o(-a&$on e&' )o( %?$)& a'&$on. 5 1.INTRO24CTION (e see the e)isten"e o% the li*rar& is !er& essential. These institutions attra"t a lar'e num*er o% #eo#le. There%ore it is essential to maintain these li*raries e%%i"ientl&. The #resent li*rar& whi"h #ro!ides readin' ser!i"es to its mem*ers on the mem*ershi# *asis de#endin' u#on the su*s"ri#tion the& "hoose. This mem*ershi# is !alid until a s#an o% time "hosen *& the mem*er itsel% while re'isterin'. 0urin' this #eriod o% time he "an read or issue *oo$s %rom the li*rar&. n order to #ro!ide these ser!i"es, the li*rarian $ee#s the re"ord o% all the *oo$s in a re'ister. A%ter this, the *oo$s "an *e 'i!en to the lendin' and <eadin' se"tions. /.NEE2 FOR THE S5STEM 6 -tone A'e is re#la"ed with %a*ulous a"hie!ements with s"ien"e. Toda&Bs world is "om#uter a'e. .umans are tr&in' to *e"ome automated in ea"h and e!er& o%%i"e need. 7asi"all& automation is an a"t o% re#la"in' human la*or *& ma"hines. Automation is use%ul *e"ause when there are ma"hines in #la"e o% humans then the #ro*a*ilit& o% errors is minimi;ed and time is sa!ed.
The #roje"t we ha!e done "omes due to need o% automation. n a 3i*rar& Mana'ement -&stem, there is a need o% hu'e #a#er wor$. 3ot o% time is s#ent in its #ro"essin'. Alon' with time, there is a su*stantial "ost in doin' so. .en"e "omes the need o% automation. Thus due to this #a"$a'e we "an redu"e the wor$ load whi"h will result in #lain and e%%i"ient wor$ en!ironment. This #roje"t is %or #rodu"t #ur"hase whi"h "an *e done throu'h a "om#uter itsel%. t will #ro!ide e%%i"ient stora'e and mana'ement o% lar'e amount o% data. ".7H5 LIBRAR5 MANAGENT S5STEM@ 9 The #roje"t ALIBRAR5 MANAGEMENT S5STEMB aims at "om#uteri;in' all the transa"tions that ta$e #la"e in the li*rar&. The users are #ro!ided with a user,%riendl& en!ironment to "arr& out these a"ti!ities. 4.PRESENT S5STEM (hen a mem*er re1uests an item, the li*rarian sear"hes it in the li*rar&. % it is a!aila*le then it is issued to the mem*er and the details o% the issue are noted down in a re'ister. A%ter readin' the *oo$, mem*ers return it to the li*rarian. At the time o% return, the li*rarian "he"$s it the *oo$ is *ein' returned within due date. % &es, no %ine will *e "har'ed else he "har'es %ine. % these o#erations are done manuall& then there ma& *e mista$es while doin' entries in to the di%%erent led'ers and also it "onsumes more time, whi"h is more !alua*le these da&s. C.PROPOSE2 S5STEM 2: n order to o!er"ome the #ro*lems s#e"i%ied in the CP<E-ENT -+-TEMD and to #ro!ide an e%%i"ient ser!i"e to the users we are "om#uteri;in' these #ro"esses. The "om#uteri;ation #ro"ess is more e%%i"ient and time sa!in' than the manual o#eratin' s&stem. A##li"ations o% "om#uters in li*rar& will im#ro!e the ran'e, 1ualit& and ser!i"es that user "an a""ess. Moreo!er, a "om#uteri;ed in%ormation s&stem o%%ers a "on!enient, more %le)i*le and "om#rehensi!e stora'e and retrie!al o% data, than, the manual s&stem. The wor$%low in the li*rar& ma& *e made more ra#id, s&stemati" and e%%i"ient with the hel# o% "om#uter. The re"ord in the "om#uteri;ed store are more a""urate more relia*le and a""essi*le than the manuall& #re#ared re"ords. All sorts o% in%ormation ser!i"es "an *e #er%ormed with more s#eed, a""ura"& and 'reater e%%i"ien"&. ;.S5STEM RED4IRMENT AN2 SPECIFICATION 22 ;.1 HAR27ARE RED4IREMENTS Pro"essor Pentium A and mother*oard <AM 286M7 or a*o!e .arddis$ 4: @7 or a*o!e Printer 4or <e#orts Ee&*oard,Mouse Monitor ;./ SOFT7ARE RED4IREMENTS 4ront End,Aisual 7asi" 6.: 7a"$end,/ra"le(-?3 Plus 6.:) /#eratin' s&stem ,(indows FPG2::: E.ENTIT5 RELATIONSHIP MO2EL E.1 ASS4MPTION 5.2.2 There are no multi#le *ran"hes 5.2.2 (e are not "onsidered ta*le o% li*rar& or li*rarian 5.2.3 (e are "onsider onl& administrator #oint o% !iew 22 E./ ENTITIES 5.2.2 -T=0ENT 5.2.2 7//E 5.2.3 MA@AHNE 5.2.4 3A7<A<AN((EAE) 5.2.8 -=P3E<((EAE) 5.2.6 37<A<+((EAE)
E.".ENTIT51RELATIONAL 2IAGRAM 23 2 F. TABLE 2ESIGN< 1.ST42ENT TABLE81NF9 S( No Na-e O) T#e F$e.d 2a&a&*3e 2e%'($3&$on 2 -Iid Aar"har2 Primar& $e& 24 3i*rar& s u # # l i e s su#lier su##l&Idat e -Iid -Inam e addres s
h a s 3i*rarian s t r a n s a " t i o n -tudent Class &ear *ran" h *ran" h name -tIid addre ss # r o ! i d e 3Iname 3Iaddress 3Iid 7oo$s Ma'a;ine 7Inam e authe r NoIo%I*oo* s 7I"od e statu s title NoIo%I"o# & status "ode 7oo$ t&#e I 3i*Inam e 3i*I"ode M 2 2 M M M 2 2 *orrow 7Iid -Iid 0ate o% *orro w %ine 2 4irstIname Aar"har2 Not null 3 MiddleIname Aar"har2 Not null 4 3astIname Aar"har2 Not null 8 Address Aar"har2 Not null 6 <ollIno Num*er Not null 5 +ear Aar"har2 Not null /.BOOKS TABLE81NF9 S( No Na-e O) T#e F$e.d 2a&a&*3e 2e%'($3&$on 2 7Iid Aar"har2 Primar& $e& 2 7Ititle Aar"har2 3 7Iauther Aar"har2 4 -7N Aar"har2 8 Pu*lisher Aar"har2 6 Cate'ar& Aar"har2 5 7orrow Aar"har2 ".TRAC TABLE<8"NF9 S( No Na-e O) T#e F$e.d 2a&a&*3e 2e%'($3&$on 2 7Iid Aar"har2 %orei'n $e& 2 -Iid Aar"har2 4orei'n $e& 3 0ateIo%I*orrow Aar"har2 4 4ine Num*er 8 <eturn Aar"har2 4.MAGAGINE TABLE<81NF9 S( No Na-e O) T#e F$e.d 2a&a&*3e 2e%'($3&$on 2 MIid Aar"har2 Primar& $e& 2 MItitle Aar"har2 3 MI#u*li"ation Aar"har2 28 4 -7N Aar"har2 8 Editor Aar"har2 6 7orrow Aar"har2 0.SCREEN SHOTS 1.LOGINE FORM 26 /.MAIN FORM ".ST42ENT FORM 25 4.BOOKS FORM C.2ISPLA5 RECOR2 FORM 26 ;.BOOKSISS4E FORM E.BOOKRET4RN FORM 29 F.MAGAGINE FORM 0.MAGISS4E FORM 2: 1!.MAGRET4RN FORM 22 1!.LIMITATION AN2 A2VANTAGES 1!.1 LIMITATION (e are not "onsiderin' multi#le *ran"hes o% li*r li*rar& (e are not "onsiderin' multi#le li*rar& (e are "onsiderin' onl& *oo$s and ma'a;ine (e are not "onsiderin' "d or other 1!./ A2VANTAGES 0ata*ase is stored e%%i"ientl& than #a#er wor$ %ine is "al"ulated automati"all& -#eed is in"reased and time is sa!ed -ear"hin' o% student in%ormation is !ar& eas& 22 11.Con'.u%$on
n toda&Bs e!er e)#andin' and demandin' world there is alwa&s a need as well as s"o#e to enhan"e the "a#a*ilit& o% an indi!idual, with the hel# o% te"hnolo'&. n toda&Bs world where "om#uters are used e)tensi!el& so as to s#eedu# !arious #ro"esses. .en"e this #roje"t o% ours tries to "on%ront some #ro*lems %a"ed in Time Ta*le -"hedulin', this #roje"t #ro!ides with an enhan"ed alternati!e whi"h is %ar "hea#er then the "on!entional methods o% re"ord $ee#in', a#art %rom *ein' "hea# it is also !er& sim#le to im#lement. 0ue to this #roje"t we were a*le to learn man& thin's in Mi"roso%t Aisual 7asi" J -?3KK. This #roje"t also 'a!e us an e)#erien"e o% wor$in' in a 'rou# and se"urin' a ni"e "o,ordination *etween all o% the #artners. 1/Re)e(en'e% Aisual 7asi" 6.: *& -te!en .ol;ner 0ata*ase -&stem "on"e#ts *& -il*ers"hat;, Eorth, and -udarshan. Master in A7 *& E!an'elos Peterousto www.a2!*"ode."om