Rice Today Vol. 13, No. 4 News

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5 Rice Today October-December 2014

he Bank of Industry is currently
in talks with the Federal Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural
Development to provide a $79 million
intervention fund to boost rice
production in the country. The fund
is aimed at establishing 10 integrated
rice mills and six cassava mills across
esearchers have sequenced
the complete genome of Oryza
glaberrima, which will enhance
the understanding of scientists
and agriculturists of the growing
paterns of African rice. This will
also help develop new rice varieties
that can beter cope with increasing
environmental stresses such as
drought, fooding, and soil salinity.
In analyzing the 33,000 genes
that make up the African rice
genome, researchers discovered that
during the process of domestication,
Africans and Asians independently
selected for many of the same genetic
traits in the two species (the Asian
species being Oryza sativa), such as
higher nutrition and traits that make
harvesting the crop easier.
"Rice feeds half the world, making
it the most important food crop," said
he SNV Netherlands Develop-
ment Organisation has secured
$75 million from the USAIDs
Financing Ghanaian Agriculture
Project to boost the capacity of
local rice producers in the three
northern regions.
The facility is expected to
allow rice farmers access the
necessary funds and logistics
to increase yields and produce
quality grain that will meet
international standards in order to
atract investors, and improve the
economic lives of farmers.
Source: www.ghanaweb.com
African rice sequenced
Rod Wing, director of the
Arizona Genomics Institute at
the University of Arizona and
AXA-endowed scientist at the
International Rice Research
Institute, who led the efort.
Rice will play a key role in
helping solve what we call the
9 billion-people question.
The 9 billion-people ques-
tion refers to predictions that
the worlds population will increase to
more than 9 billion people by the year
2050 and concerns that have existed
since the 1960s that food will become
a luxury for the rich. America alone
can feed the world but not at a reason-
able cost so the question lies in how to
scientifcally optimize plants so local
people can control their own food.
With the completely sequenced
African rice genome, scientists and
Nigeria to receive US$79 million to help
boost rice production
US$75 million
facility to boost
rice production in
agriculturists can search for ways to
cross Asian and African species to
develop new varieties of rice with the
high-yield traits of Asian rice and the
hardiness of African rice.
African rice already has been
crossed with Asian rice to produce
new varieties under a group known
as NERICA, which stands for New
Rice for Africa.
Source: www.science20.com
Nigeria and provide fve-year loans
at an interest rate of 9% per annum to
farmers to establish small scale plants
or mini mills to process rice.
The fund is useful for Nigeria,
which is a net importer of rice
and imports nearly half of its
rice consumption demand. The
government has been
aiming to increase
the countrys rice
production and ban
imports by 2015. The
government has also
been encouraging
farmers to increase
rice production and
thereby contribute to
food security in the

Source: www.thisdaylive.



6 Rice Today October-December 2014


Course title Date Venue
Basics of Rice Production (2nd ofering) 21-23 October IRRI, Philippines
Basic Scientifc Writing Course 10-14 November IRRI, Philippines
Advanced Applications of ORYZA V3 in Rice Research 10-14 November IRRI, Philippines
Research Data Management 18-20 November IRRI, Philippines
For inquiries, contact IRRITraining@irri.org, m.maghuyop@irri.org, or a.aquino@irri.org. Phone: (63-2) 580-5600 ext 2538 or +639178639317; fax: (63-2) 580-5699, 891-1292, or
845-0606; mailing address: The IRRI Training Center, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines (Attention: TC Course Coordinator); Web site: www.training.irri.org.
Note: Fees and schedules are subject to change without prior notice.
ASEAN photo contest
To celebrate the opening of the ASEAN Economic
Community in 2015, the Thai Rice Foundation under Royal
Patronage, the Royal Photographic Society of Thailand,
and others are sponsoring a photo contest. The organizers
are looking for striking and meaningful digital images that
depict people and events representing key rice-based
cultural aspects in ASEAN countries: Brunei Darussalam,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and
Thailand. Entry deadline is 10 January 2015. For more information, go to
www.asiariceusa.org/asean-photo-contest.html or contact rpst.info@gmail.com.
Kellogg pledges support
for 15,000 smallholder
farmers worldwide
ellogg Company announced
its commitment to support the
livelihoods of 15,000 smallholder
growers around the world at the
UN Climate Summit held in New
York in September. The commitment
will enable smallholder farmers in
Kelloggs agricultural supply chain,
with a focus on rice, to improve their
productivity and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions.
Climate change threatens
agriculture and food systems in
many regions, making it more
difcult to achieve food security,
said John Bryant, chairman and
CEO, Kellogg Company. As a food
company, its our responsibility
to help ensure the long-term
sustainability of key grains,
including rice, and enable those who
help grow and supply it.
Source: http://money.cnn.com
early 25% of Californias US$5
billion rice crop will be lost this
year due to lack of water, experts say.
And while analysts say the loss is
not a crisis just yet, at least one rice
producer is ready to
call it a day.
With surface
water sources drying
up from lack of rain,
the problem for rice
producers is having
enough water available
to fll rice paddies,
said Jim Morris,
manager for
the California Rice
Commission. Its not
a case of the crop being damaged, he
said, so much as its been reduced as
farmers cut back on planting.

Source: www.nbcnews.com
California drought could claim quarter of rice crop
xpanded farming of food-tolerant
rice varieties could increase rice
production substantially and ensure
national food security despite
adverse impacts of climate change
according to speakers at the Climate
change and cultivation of food-tolerant
rice for food security workshop
held in Lalmonirhat district town,
The speakers said farmers of
Lalmonirhat have been successfully
cultivating food-tolerant rice with
assistance of the Stress-tolerant Rice
for Africa and South Asia project
(STRASA). They have had good yield
even after foods in recent years.
A number of farmers testifed
that their yields from food-tolerant
Flood-tolerant rice for food security
rice were between 4.5 and 5 tons per
hectare last cropping season despite
15-18 days of submergence.
Source: www.thenancialexpress-bd.com

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