The Golf GTE
The Golf GTE
The Golf GTE
June 2014
The best of both worlds
Interview with 2
Dr. Heinz-Jakob Neuer
Strong Duo 4
Energy Source 6
Gran Turismo 7
Hybrid Variety 8
Glossary 9
Smart Highlights 1 0
The optimal
solution towards
Dr. Heinz-Jakob Neuer on the new Golf GTE
Why are there so many different types
of engine for the Golf?
Because our customers want them.
We can full those wishes using our mod-
ular transverse matrix (MQB). With this
technical innovation, we are able to of-
fer our customers all the different types
of engine that are available today; from
TSI, TDI and CNG drives, to plug-in hy-
brids and pure electric drives. The Golf
is one of our most popular cars in Eu-
rope. With this extensive offering, Volks-
wagen can now meet the individual mo-
bility requirements of customers all over
the world. At the same time, we are in
an excellent position to react to chang-
es in emission standards or the need
for emission-free mobility in mega-cit-
ies. This has been our goal right from
the start. Even during our rst strategic
deliberations about modular and drive
strategy, we primarily wanted to keep
as many operational options available
to Volkswagen Group as possible in
order to react quickly and flexibly to
change. This plan has come to fruition.
We can, to give an example, install al-
ternative drives in up to 4o different car
models using our modular transverse
With it our customers are given the
option to congure their favourite car
with their favourite engine. In order to
make this possible during car manu-
facturing, we have taken this exibility
into consideration in the development
of our factories, and have optimised and
adapted manufacturing processes with
Dr. Heinz-Jakob Neuer, Board Member of Management for the Volkswagen Brand and
Head of Powertrain Development.
Edited by
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June 2014 GOLF GTE
regard to it. This allows us to produce
vehicles with different drives on the
same production line.
Most of all, alternative drives are about
reducing fuel consumption and con-
sequently CO
emissions. Why has
Volks wagen decided to equip the Golf
GTE with such a sporty engine con-
cept nonetheless?
It is not quite right to think that a
sporty, dynamic vehicle necessarily has
high consumption. Our plug-in hybrid
is an alternative drive that enables very
low consumption and dynamic driving.
We have combined these qualities in
the Golf GTE. The fun of driving does
not fall by the wayside with this car. The
Golf GTE has a standardised consump-
tion of 1.5 litres per 1oo kilometres and
emissions of 35 grams per kilome-
tre. These numbers show that we have
created a very economical car. A total
range of 939 kilometres more than ful-
ls the need for long-range mobility. The
car really offers perfect stats in every
The Golf GTE can drive electrically,
but still needs the combustion engine
for long distances. Does the Golf GTE
herald a new kind of mobility?
The Golf GTE is an optimal solution
on the way towards pure electro-mobil-
ity. In this car, we have combined the
best of both worlds: a highly efcient
combustion engine and a modern elec-
tric engine that represents the emission-
free mobility of the future. Currently,
combustion engines are indispensable
for long-distance vehicles while electric
engines offer a highly efcient, econom-
ical and environmentally-friendly trans-
port option for short journeys. With its
highly efcient TSI-1.4 litre engine and
its newly developed dual-clutch trans-
mission in combination with an elec-
tric engine installed between the com-
bustion engine and the transmission,
the Golf GTE fulls the requirements of
a modern drive concept.
Why is Volkswagen constructing the
Golf GTE as a plug-in hybrid and not
as a full hybrid?
The decision to build the Golf as a
plug-in hybrid has really added a new
concept to our portfolio that answers
the requirements of urban, emission-
free mobility as well as our customers
demands concerning long-distance mo-
Shorter distances can be driven
purely electrically with our plug-in hy-
brid, just as in an e-car. This is why we
have kept a pure electrical range of 5o
kilometres in the Golf GTE. This would
not be possible with a full hybrid. The
driving prole of the majority of our cus-
tomers is covered by this range. During
weekend trips, the efcient TSI engine
provides the necessary range.
Does it make sense to develop the Golf
GTE in addition to the e-Golf?
Due to different emission standards
around the world, it is absolutely vital to
keep both drive concepts in the portfo-
lio. Although both e-Golf and Golf GTE
have an electric engine on board, they
are nevertheless very different concepts.
The e-Golf is a purely electric car with a
maximum range of up to 19o kilometres
and is thus more suited to emission-
free use in urban and nearby areas.
The Golf GTE on the other hand has an
electrical range of 5o kilometres and
thus, for example, enables emission-free
driving in areas where this is required
by law. Combining the two types of drive,
the Golf GTE becomes an environmen-
tally-friendly car that answers every
Why has Volkswagen decided to mass
produce the plug-in hybrid Golf in-
stead of the Twin up!?
The Twin up! was a study that we
presented at the car show in Tokyo in
order to test the response to such a car.
With this car, we have shown that the
drive of the XL1 can be installed in other
vehicles too. One of the goals that we
kept our eyes on during the develop-
ment of the XL1 technology carrier was
the subsequent transfer from this to
projects for mass production. This is
why today we do not want to rule any-
thing out for the future. For now, the
Twin up! remains an interesting study
that has caused a lot of interest from the
In March 2oo8, we introduced a Golf
study of a hybrid at the Geneva Motor
Show and this year the Golf GTE is com-
ing to market. It is not impossible for a
study to become a mass produced ve-
Strong Duo
These drives power the Golf GTE
The powertrain of the Golf GTE is a parallel hybrid: with its electric motor and its internal combustion engine, the GTE
features two sources of drive that are connected to each other in the hybrid mode. With a system output of 15o kilowatts,
the GTE is not only very economical but also very dynamic. In addition, its maximum range is 939 kilometres.
Motion in the electric motor is caused by the alternating attrac-
tion and repulsion of opposing and same polarity magnets. The
Golf GTE is equipped with a permanently excited synchronous
machine with a maximum output of 75 kilowatts. The perma-
nent magnets in the rotor, the movable part of the motor, are
alternating south and north poled magnets. The stator, the
xed part of the motor, generates a rotating magnetic eld,
created by applying current to the three-phase copper coils. As
a result of the interaction with the permanent magnets, the ro-
tor turns at a speed synchronous to the rotating magnetic eld
of the stator. The compact e-machine in the Golf GTE is in-
stalled between the engine clutch and the drive clutches.
The power electronics are responsible for the conversion of electric cur-
rent. To do this, it is connected to the electric motor and the battery. In
electric motor mode, six high-power transistors convert the direct
current of the high-voltage battery into a three-phase alternating cur-
rent that powers the electric motor. In generator mode, the power elec-
tronics rectify the alternating current generated. This supplies the elec-
trical system and charges the high-voltage battery.
Power Electronics
June 2014 GOLF GTE
Technical data
Combustion engine: 110 kilowatts/150 hp
Electric motor: 75 kilowatts/102 hp
System: 150 kilowatts/204 hp
Maximum torque,
combustion engine:
250 newton metres
Maximum torque,
electric motor:
330 newton metres
Maximum torque, system: 350 newton metres
Electric range: 50 kilometres
Electric consumption:
11.4 kilowatt hours
per 100 kilometres
Acceleration 0-100 km
per hour:
7.6 seconds
Maximum speed:
217 km per hour
222 km per hour
with boost function
Fuel consumption (NEDC): 1.5 litres per 100 kilometres
emissions: 35 grams per kilometre
Unladen weight: 1,540 kg
A 1.4-litre four-cylinder TSI engine with an output of 11o kilowatts is
part of the drivetrain. The power is transmitted via a six-speed dual
clutch transmission. The unit is part of the modular transverse ma-
trix. When the Golf GTE is driven purely electrically, the engine re-
mains switched off. It was constructed specically in order to provide
full power instantly.
Combustion Engine
Parallel hybrid: two fully-fledged drives
are available in the GTE.
The newly developed six-speed dual-clutch transmission facilitates
the combination of a transversely mounted internal combustion en-
gine with an e-machine. The power ow is transferred over the input
shaft into two separate transmissions, each with an upstream drive
clutch. Except for the mechanical parking lock, this is controlled by
an electro-hydraulic control module.
Dual Clutch Gearbox
Energy Source
The battery in the Golf GTE
The hybrid vehicle is mainly characterised by the fact that it has two types of engine. Next to the traditional internal com-
bustion engine, the electric motor enables zero-emission driving. The energy for the electric motor comes from a 12o
kilogram battery that needs to meet very high requirements concerning crash safety or extreme temperature in the ve-
hicle. A lithium-ion high-voltage battery is installed in the Golf GTE. A conventional 12 volt starter battery is installed in
the Golf GTE for the conventional electrical system.
The lithium-ion high-voltage battery is
installed in the underbody of the car
and connected to the power electron-
ics. The battery management system,
consisting of Battery Junction Box and
Battery Management Controller, moni-
tors and controls the battery and its
energy flow.
Data sheet
710 x 948 x 267
Weight: 120 kilograms
Cell modules:
8, each with
12 cells
8.8 kilowatt
Voltage: 352 volts
Energy Boost
The battery must be charged in advance in order to provide en-
ergy for the drive. The high-voltage battery in the Golf GTE is
fully charged within 3.5 hours, using a normal domestic 23o volt
outlet with a charging power of 2.3 kilowatts. This only takes 2.5
hours if a Wallbox or a public charging station with a charging
power of 3.6 kilowatts is used. The battery charges using alter-
nating current in both cases; the plug employed is standard-
ised. It is planned to equip all electric cars in Europe with these
in the future.
The Wallbox increases the
charging power in a do-
mestic garage to 3.6 kilo-
watts, reducing charging
time by up to one hour.
Storage medium
Case faceplate
Battery Junction Box
Battery Management Controller
Cooling system
Case shell
Cell modules
June 2014 GOLF GTE
Recuperation in a car means the recovery of motion energy, also called kinetic energy. Electric energy is generated, as a side
effect, during the propulsion and braking phases. Therefore, when the car is meant to decelerate anyway, the cars battery
is charged using this energy. The drive motor in an electric car functions temporarily as a generator to charge the battery of
the hybrid system. This way, the energy already invested into driving can be used as fully as possible thanks to recuperation.
Gran Turismo
The Golfs GT philosophy
GT is short for Gran Turismo and synonymous with sportiness. The Golf GTE expands Volkswagens product range by a
third GT model.
The GTE is the newest GT extension of the Golf range a hybrid car of the sporty kind. Here, the E stands for the additional electric drive.
The GTE is the logical development of sportiness and economy.
The first Golf GTI was became available in 1976, here the I stands
for injection. This refers to the engines electronic fuel injection.
Since market launch, the GTI has constantly been improved upon.
The current version was presented in 2013 and produces up to 169
kilowatts from a displacement of 2.0 litres. However, the consump-
tion is only 6.4 litres per 100 kilometres.
A sporty type of Golf with diesel injection was introduced in 1982
with the GTD. This car too was brought up to the latest standards
of design and technology in 2013. The 2.0 litre TDI of the GTD pro-
duces 135 kilowatts and the average consumption is just 4.2 litres
per 100 kilometres.
Hybrid Variety
The different types of hybrid
A hybrid vehicle combines the advantages of an internal combustion engine with those of an electric drive. This solves
the system related problems of electromobility, such as range or the capacity of the battery systems. However, hybrid
does not equal hybrid there are differences both in the range of possible functions as well as in the construction.
The electric motor creates additional torque for the boost function on the same shaft as the internal combustion engine.
The same applies to the recuperation for battery charging. The engine can be decoupled from the drive for electric driv-
ing or recuperation, and be started again during electric driving. The performance of the internal combustion engine
and electric motor is introduced directly into the transmission. This requires a downstream automated multi-speed
transmission, such as Volkswagens dual clutch gearbox.
Parallel Hybrid
Mild hybrids have a higher performance and voltage level,
and can recover signicantly more energy during braking,
through recuperation, compared to a micro hybrid. The inter-
nal combustion engine and e-motor are seated on the same
shaft. Additional power (Boost function) can be provided by
the simultaneous use of electric and combustion engine dur-
ing acceleration.
Mild Hybrids
Boost function
The plug-in hybrid electric drive has a higher per-
formance and range during pure electric driving
than a full hybrid. A special feature of these systems
is their ability to recharge the battery via the power
grid. Their electric range depends on the energy
content of the battery systems used.
Boost function
Plug-in hybrid
Pure electric drive
External charging
Micro hybrids are start-stop systems which are op-
erated in the range of 12 to a maximum of 48 volts
and have a purely recuperative function. Due to the
low voltage level and the generator technology used,
the performance of the system is limited.
Micro Hybrid
Full hybrids, with a system voltage greater than 1oo volts, have
better performance than mild hybrids. Pure electric driving
is possible over a limited range and with limited speed. In or-
der to reduce consumption, and to avoid drag losses, the com-
bustion engine is disconnected by a decoupler, or its speed is
set to zero with an electronic, continuously variable trans-
mission when driving electrically and during recuperation.
Full Hybrid
Boost function
Pure electric drive
June 2014 GOLF GTE
Series hybrids have two electric motors, with one electric motor operating on the same shaft as the internal combustion
engine and converting mechanical energy into electric power. The second electric motor is supplied with the energy gen-
erated and propels the vehicle. Due to the performance and torque characteristics of electric motors, a multistage trans-
mission is not required for a drive that is in continuous operation.
Series Hybrid
The series-parallel hybrid, also called a power-split hybrid, is a combination of parallel hybrid and serial hybrid with two
electric motors. The electric motors and the combustion engine are connected to each other with a planetary gear unit
(see Glossary). The engine output is split through the transmission. A part of the power ows directly to the wheels. An-
other, larger proportion is transformed into electric energy in the electric motor. This is in turn fed to the second electric
motor and, depending on driving conditions and load requirements, to the high-voltage battery.
Series-parallel Hybrid
The plug-in hybrid combines the advantages of emission-free short-distance mobility with
unlimited long-distance mobility.
Range Comparison:
Golf GTE versus e-Golf
Planetary gear:
The planetary gear mechanism consists
of an outer ring gear, a centre wheel
the so-called sun gear and a group of
planetary gears. The planet gears mesh
between the ring gear and sun gear.
The planetary gear facilitates the trans-
mission of high torques in a compact
design, because the load is distributed
to multiple planet gears.
Boost function:
The boost function combines the inter-
nal combustion engines, and electric
motors, power on the wheels, achiev-
ing higher torque and performance val-
ues than a single motor. This noticea-
bly increases the acceleration capability
of the vehicle.
Permanently excited
synchronous machine:
A permanently excited three-phase syn-
chronous machine is an electric motor,
which is called synchronous because its
rotor rotates at a speed synchronous to
the circular moving magnetic field of
the stator and therefore runs smoothly
even at low speed. The magnets of the
rotor are permanently of north or south
polarity. A current consisting of the in-
dividual alternating currents, called a
three-phase alternating current, flows
through the coils of the stator.
50 kilometres
Plug-in hybrid
(Golf GTE)
190 kilometres
Battery vehicle
939 kilometres
long-distance mobility/
Emission-free short-
distance mobility
Emission-free short-
distance mobility
Hamburg Berlin Kln Mnchen
Smart Highlights
The GTE has even more to offer
It is also the little features that make the Golf GTE an innovative vehicle. Innovations from the elds of information tech-
nology and user friendliness allow for comfortable and economic driving. The solid-borne sound sensor that triggers
the airbag even faster in an accident provides additional safety.
Technology in the field of view
Given the large number of technical innovations, one thing is essential to the driver: maintaining an overview of the vehicles
technology. To ensure this happens intuitively, the Golf GTE is equipped with a touch screen, which always keeps the driver
up-to-date during driving. In addition, owners can access a range of information from a distance on their smartphone using a
special app.
Thanks to the E-Manager, three different departure and charging
times can be pre-set. The Golf GTE sets the required interior tem-
perature as well as the batterys state of charge ready for these
A map of the environment shows the current possible radius of
action when driving purely electrically. Nearby charging stations
as well as the remaining range can be displayed.
The range monitor shows the driver how far he can drive purely
electrically. This function also explains how to increase the range
by switching off auxiliary energy consumers, such as climate con-
trol or heated seats.
Range Monitor
The power meter supplements the rev counter on the left side of
the instrument panel. It indicates if the high-voltage battery is
currently charging via recuperation or if energy is being dis-
Power Meter
360 Range
June 2014 GOLF GTE
Safety on call
The Golf GTE is also up-to-date in terms of safety. The so-called solid-borne sound sensor facilitates an earlier and more accu-
rate deployment of the airbag. Airbags and other restraint systems such as seat belt pretensioners must be triggered within a
few milliseconds to protect the vehicle occupants in the event of a severe frontal collision. However, if it is a lighter accident, for
example, a parking bump, triggering the restraint systems should be avoided. The protective effect is not required in this case,
and repair costs can be saved. Conventionally, the deceleration of the car is detected by the vehicles sensor system. Whether
the airbag needs deploying is calculated using this data. Additional acoustic deceleration signals are measured and evaluated
by the solid-borne sound sensor. These signals originate from structure-borne sounds during the rapid deformation of the
supporting structures in the front of the vehicle. The signals propagate rapidly in the vehicle structure and very quickly supply
accurate information about the severity of an accident.
Driving fun at the push of a button
The Golf GTE can be driven in three different modes pure electric, with the combustion engine or as a hybrid. If the driver
activates the E -mode button, the Golf GTE drives purely electrically. The maximum range in this mode is 5o kilometres, the
maximum speed is limited to 13o kilometres per hour. If the driver pushes the GTE button, the GTE mode is activated. Now the
driver can reach a top speed of 217 kilometres per hour. A top speed of 222 kilometres per hour can be reached for a short time
using the boost function. The car now accelerates from standstill to 1oo kilometres per hour in 7.6 seconds.
If the driver changes from one mode to another, a pop-up in the display indicates the current mode. In hybrid mode, the driver can also
choose if the battery should be charged, kept in its current state of charge, or be in operation until it is discharged.
The Volkswagen Car-Net e-remote smartphone app can pre-set
the climate control, the departure time and control battery charg-
ing. In addition, parking spaces can be located remotely and it also
checks if the doors are closed. Vehicle data and statistics, such as
kilometres driven, driving time and fuel consumption data are
available on demand.
The energy flow display shows the flow of power during accel-
eration and braking, or rather recuperation, in animated form.
The energy of the electric motor is illustrated with blue arrows,
that of the internal combustion engine with yellow arrows.
Car-Net E-Remote Energy Flow Display
June 2014
The best of both worlds
The Golf GTE accelerates to
100 kilometres per hour in 7.6
The pure electric range of the
Golf GTE is 50 kilometres