This document discusses principled interfaces like monads, comonads, and applicative functors. It explains that these are just interfaces with laws, instances, and derived operations that provide utility through abstraction. The document aims to dispel myths about these concepts and emphasize that they arise from principled reasoning about practical problems. Their goal is maximizing instances and derived operations for applications, requiring careful use of reasoning.
This document discusses principled interfaces like monads, comonads, and applicative functors. It explains that these are just interfaces with laws, instances, and derived operations that provide utility through abstraction. The document aims to dispel myths about these concepts and emphasize that they arise from principled reasoning about practical problems. Their goal is maximizing instances and derived operations for applications, requiring careful use of reasoning.
This document discusses principled interfaces like monads, comonads, and applicative functors. It explains that these are just interfaces with laws, instances, and derived operations that provide utility through abstraction. The document aims to dispel myths about these concepts and emphasize that they arise from principled reasoning about practical problems. Their goal is maximizing instances and derived operations for applications, requiring careful use of reasoning.
This document discusses principled interfaces like monads, comonads, and applicative functors. It explains that these are just interfaces with laws, instances, and derived operations that provide utility through abstraction. The document aims to dispel myths about these concepts and emphasize that they arise from principled reasoning about practical problems. Their goal is maximizing instances and derived operations for applications, requiring careful use of reasoning.
Tony Morris April 29, 2014 If youve ever googled any of these. . . You probably got an answer as sensible as this Goals Emphasis on the practical motivations for the specic structures. This is not about the details of concepts like monads. This is about the process of reasoning that leads to their discovery. Goals Emphasis on the practical motivations for the specic structures. This is not about the details of concepts like monads. This is about the process of reasoning that leads to their discovery. Goals Emphasis on the practical motivations for the specic structures. This is not about the details of concepts like monads. This is about the process of reasoning that leads to their discovery. Goals Nothing I tell you pertains to any specic programming language. Java Python JavaScript doesnt matter, it still applies Goals There is no emphasis on a specic type of programming. Functional Dysfunctional Object-disoriented Dynamically-typed Hacking it out like a drunk dog mun its all the same Principled Things What do we mean by a principled thing? Principled reasoning gives rise to useful inferences. p p q q Principled Things What do we mean by a principled thing? Principled reasoning gives rise to useful inferences. p p q q Principled reasoning is already familiar using Java/C# syntax enum Order { LT , EQ , GT } interface Compare <A> { Order compare(A a1, A a2); } We dene this interface because We can produce data structures to satisfy the interface. We can dene operations that function on all instances of the interface. Principled Reasoning Data structures such as integers strings list of elements where the elements can be compared Principled Reasoning Operations such as List#sort Tree#insert List#maximum Principled Things Laws We might also dene constraints required of instances. For example if compare(x, y) == LT then compare(y, x) == GT if compare(x, y) == EQ then compare(y, x) == EQ if compare(x, y) == GT then compare(y, x) == LT We will call these laws. Laws enable reasoning on abstract code. Summary a principled interface law-abiding instances derived operations Principled Reasoning for Practical Application We try to maximise instances and derived operations, however, these two objectives often trade against each other. For example, all things that can compare can also be tested for equality, but not always the other way around 1 . Obtaining the best practical outcome requires careful application of principled reasoning. 1 such as complex numbers Some boring syntax issues Java enum Order { LT , EQ , GT } interface Compare <A> { Order compare(A a1, A a2); } Haskell data Order = LT | EQ | GT class Compare a where compare :: a -> a -> Order Mappable The interface Java 8/C# with the addition of higher-kinded polymorphism interface Mappable <T> { <A, B> T<B> map(Function <A, B> f, T<A> a); } Haskell class Mappable t where map :: (a -> b) -> t a -> t b Mappable The laws Identity -> z) == x map (\z -> z) x == x Composition -> f(g(z))) == map (\z -> f (g z)) x == map f (map g x) Mappable Instances of things that map 2 List [] map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] Reader (e ->) map :: (a -> b) -> (e -> a) -> (e -> b) There are an enormous number of instances. 2 map is called Select in C#/LINQ. Mappable The derived operations Map a constant value mapConstant :: Mappable t => a -> t b -> t a mapConstant a b = fmap (\_ -> a) b Map function application mapApply :: Mappable t => t (a -> b) -> a -> t b mapApply f a = fmap (\g -> g a) f The set of derived operations is relatively small. Mappable Summary The more common name for Mappable is a functor. We have seen: The interface for a functor The laws that the functor instances must satisfy The instances of the functor interface The operations derived from functor ? Make sure we understand Mappable! Monad The interface Java 8/C# with the addition of higher-kinded polymorphism interface Monad <T> { <A> T<A> join(T<T<A>> a); <X> T<X> unit(X x); } Haskell class Monad t where join :: t (t a) -> t a unit :: x -> t x Monad The monad interface has laws too. The monad interface has strictly stronger requirements than functor. In other words, all structures that are monads, are also functors. However, not all structures that are functors, are also monads. Therefore, there are fewer monad instances than functor instances. Monad The instances But still a very large amount List Reader ((->) e) State s Continuation r Maybe/Nullable Exception Writer w Free f Monad The operations and lots of operations too sequence :: [t a] -> t [a] filterM :: (a -> t Bool) -> [a] -> t [a] findM :: (a -> t Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe [a] Monad Some mythbusting This is what monad is for. A lawful interface. Satised by lots of instances. Gives rise to lots of useful operations. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Monad Some mythbusting Monad for controlling side-eects. make my program impure. something blah something IO. blah blah in $SPECIFIC_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. blah blah relating to $SPECIFIC_MONAD_INSTANCE. Monads Might Not Matter, so use Actors instead a Too much bullshizzles to continue enumerating. a yes, seriously, this is a thing. Comonad The interface Java 8 with the addition of higher-kinded polymorphism interface Comonad <T> { <A> T<T<A>> duplicate(T<A> a); <X> X extract(T<X> x); } Haskell class Comonad t where duplicate :: t a -> t (t a) extract :: t x -> x Comonad Like monad, comonad is Another interface, with laws, instances and operations. The co prex denotes categorical dual. Like monad, is strictly stronger than functor. All comonads are functors. Applicative Functor The interface Java 8/C# with the addition of higher-kinded polymorphism interface Applicative <T> { <A, B> T<B> apply(T<Function <A, B>> f, T<A> a); <X> T<X> unit(X x); } Haskell class Applicative t where apply :: t (a -> b) -> t a -> t b unit :: x -> t x Applicative Functor Well blimey mate. Guess what? Its just another interface, with laws, instances and operations. An applicative functor is strictly stronger than functor. All applicatives are functors. strictly weaker than monad. All monads are applicative. Lets take a step back Summary Monads, Comonads, Applicative Functors . . . All just the names of common interfaces. with many distinct and disparate instances. with many derived operations. Each making dierent trade-os for dierences in utility. Utility When might I use any of these interfaces? The same reason we already use interfaces. Begin with a simple principle and exploit its diversity to abstract away code repetition. Ubiquity If these interfaces are so useful, why arent they used everywhere? familiarity expressibility Familiarity Identifying the pattern Turning a list of potentially null into a potentially null list args(list) result = new List; foreach el in list if(el == null) return null; else result.add(el); return result; Familiarity Identifying the pattern Applying a list of functions to a single value args(list , t) result = new List; foreach el in list result.add(el(t)); return result; Familiarity Identifying the pattern These expressions share structure List (MaybeNull a) -> MaybeNull (List a) List ((t ->) a) -> (t ->) (List a) List (m a) -> m (List a) Commonly called sequence. Familiarity Identifying the pattern again Keep elements of a list matching a predicate with potential null args(pred , list) result = new List; foreach el in list ans = pred(el); if(ans == null) return null; else if(ans) result.add(el); return result; Familiarity Identifying the pattern again Keep elements of a list matching a predicate with argument passing args(pred , list , t) result = new List; foreach el in list if(pred(el , t)) result.add(el); return result; Familiarity Identifying the pattern again These expressions share structure (a -> MaybeNull Bool) -> List a -> MaybeNull (List a) (a -> (t ->) Bool) -> List a -> (t ->) (List a) (a -> m Bool) -> List a -> m (List a) Commonly called filter. Familiarity Identifying the pattern, once again Find the rst element matching a predicate with potential null args(pred , list) result = new List; foreach el in list ans = pred(el); if(ans == null) return null; else if(ans) return a; return null; Familiarity Identifying the pattern, once again Find the rst element matching a predicate with argument passing args(pred , list , t) foreach el in list ans = pred(el , t); if(ans) return true; return false; Familiarity Identifying the pattern, once again These expressions share structure (a -> MaybeNull Bool) -> List a -> MaybeNull Bool (a -> (t ->) Bool) -> List a -> (t ->) Bool (a -> m Bool) -> List a -> m Bool Commonly called find. Familiarity Identifying the pattern, last time Turn a list of lists into a list args(list) result = new List; foreach el in list result.append(el); return result; Familiarity Identifying the pattern, last time Turn a potential null of potential null into a potential null args(value) if(value == null) return null; else return value.get; Familiarity Identifying the pattern, last time Apply to the argument, then apply to the argument args(f, t) return f(t, t); Familiarity Identifying the pattern These expressions share structure List (List a) -> List a MaybeNull (MaybeNull a) -> MaybeNull a (t ->) ((t ->) a) -> (t ->) a m (m a) -> m a Commonly called join. Type systems and Expressibility Limits Some type systems limit expression of abstraction. Java C# F# Type systems and Expressibility Limits These type systems are limited in the kinds of interfaces that they can describe. The missing type system feature is called higher-kinded polymorphism. Type systems and Expressibility Limits Some type systems render abstraction humanly intractable a JavaScript Ruby Python a though some brave souls have tried Type systems and Expressibility Limits The likelihood of correctly utilising abstraction at the level of these interfaces approaches zero very quickly. Type systems and Expressibility Limits So we enter this feedback loop The programmer is limited by tools, and then the tools limit the creative potential of the programmer. The Parable of the listreverse project Imagine, for a minute, a programming language that did not allow the programmer to generalise on list element types . . . The Parable of the listreverse project . . . and if you wanted to reverse a list of bananas, you would solve that problem specic to bananas. The Parable of the listreverse project But what if we then had to also reverse a list of oranges? Well, we would copy and paste the previous code :) The Parable of the listreverse project But what if we then had to also reverse a list of oranges? Well, we would copy and paste the previous code :) The Parable of the listreverse project Soon enough, there would be a listreverse project and contributors, with all the dierent list reversals. The Parable of the listreverse project So, you asked. . . Why dont we use a programming environment that supports reversal on any element type? The Parable of the listreverse project and you were told. . . The listreverse project is doing just ne and is used in many enterprise projects and has many contributors successfully incorporating it into their solutions. The Parable of the listreverse project The reason These interfaces are not exploited is due to unfamiliarity and tool support that discourages exploitation providing the perception of progress. Mission It is my mission is to change this and to help others exploit useful programming concepts, so please ask me more about it!