Literacy Wk2 Yr5
Literacy Wk2 Yr5
Literacy Wk2 Yr5
Group - A
Shared Reading text: THE SOLAR SYSTEM
Phrasing for meaning.
Identifying rhyme, first and last sounds in words, blending and segmentation.
Contractions (Identifies the correctly punctuated contraction in a complex sentence)- As Per
Naplan Data
Identifies the correct use of capital letters for proper nouns in a complex sentence
Clarifying I cant figure it out, so I , I dont understand the part about.. so I
Re read, read on for clues, check the parts of the word I know..
Makes an inference from a description in a narrative.
Re-reading and using knowledge of text so far to make logical guesses/predictions
When children are not involved in guided reading or readers circle activities, they are completing activities outlined in their reading
contracts. These contracts are stuck in their books and marked off by the teacher when completed. Children use their reader to
complete activities.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Circles Squares Diamonds Triangles
MODELLED/SHARED WRITING Explore what chn remember about suffixes. Discuss purpose and use. List some words on the board and have chn
jointly add the correct ending. Have chn verbalise sentences with correct suffix. Have chn start a list in which they record base words and
their suffix as a reference point for writing.
Personal Response
Predicting what may happen next in
their reader. Using clarifying
strategies to discuss some
understandings from their reader.
Free choice writing
Reading and Viewing Log using
Blog/Short answer response-using
MODELLED/SHARED WRITING Read a short story and make a list of things chn may discuss in a personal response about the story.
Reading and Viewing Log using
Blog/Short answer response-using
Personal Response
what may happen next in their
reader. Using clarifying strategies to
discuss some understandings from
their reader.
Free choice writing
MODELLED/SHARED WRITING Introduce the structure of a personal response. Read chn a personal response that has been written about
yesterdays short story. Have chn identify the parts that make up the response. Introduce learning intention and success criteria. Check the respionse
meets the expectations.
Free choice writing
Reading and Viewing Log using
Blog/Short answer response-using
Personal Response
what may happen next in their
reader. Using clarifying strategies to
discuss some understandings from
their reader.
MODELLED/SHARED WRITING Have chn jointly construct an extra paragraph to the body of the personal response. Focus on sentence structure
and fromng difficult words.
what may happen next in their
reader. Using clarifying strategies to
discuss some understandings from
their reader.
Free choice writing
Reading and Viewing Log using
Blog/Short answer response-using
Personal Response
MODELLED/SHARED WRITING Choose a post that has been uploaded to the blog and display it on A3 paper. Read aloud the piece and discuss
sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Jointly re-write the post making corrections and improvements. Discuss the
importance of rereading to self-monitor written work.
Chn choose a paragraph of their own writing from the week. They read it aloud with a
partner and both students work together to edit the piece. Chn repeat the above with
their partner before re-writing their paragraph with corrections and improvements.
As per other groups, however choose some children to publish on a lap top. Have them
print their work and paste in books.
Monday- 13
11.30am- Silent Reading- Chn read their reader or a book from around the room
11.45am- Shared Book Read the shared reader, The Solar System. The children will be able to tell you where they left off from Friday. Explain that you want the
chn to listen to the way the reading sounds. Focus on phrasing, grouping words together so that the reader makes sense when reading aloud. Explain how this helps
when trying to understand a text as when the reading is broken and slow meaning can be lost. Give examples of good and bad reading so chn understand the notion of
phrasing. Explain to chn that they can practice phrasing by rereading sentences to ensure reading like talking.
12pm- Guided Reading/Reading contract
Today you will be reading with Circles group. They are reading Gooby Goop. Listen for reading like talking. Have chn practice. Discuss use of contractions. Have chn
locate examples in reader. Discuss long and short versions of the word. Talk about why we use contractions. Have chn pick a character from their book and discuss
with you their impressions of the character. Make sure chn give examples for their opinions using their reader. Have chn discuss their impressions with the group.
12.30pm- Writing Groups
You will need 3 I-pads from Kindergarten and 3 Laptops from Yr 6. We did this process last week and it worked well. Isaac in yr 6 helped to organize the collection
and return of equipment. Make sure all equipment is logged in (Username- kknight3, password- 12345) Do not have chn type this in themselves. Please organise to do
this before the lesson.
Triangles Are using the equipment to complete a short answer question on the yr5 blog website (chn know about this and have been using it for writing since last
week). If too difficult or troublesome this group can do free writing in their English books.
Diamonds- Free Choice writing
Squares- Are using their reader to write a paragraph or more about what may happen next in their reader using examples of why they think this may be so. If it is a
non fiction reader then chn can write a list of words they may not know or understand and beside each one, write what they think it means based on what they have
read in the text. They could then check their understanding by using a dictionary to record meaning.
Circles- Are completing a guided writing session with you. They are to write a paragraph about their first impressions of Jonathan, the main character from the class
book we are reading Star Jumper. Their focus to write with correct sentence structure. Their paragraph has to make sense when they read it aloud. Model the
structure of the paragraph 1/2 sentences about whether they like/dislike Jonathan. 3/4 sentences on examples from the book, which support their impression. 1/2
sentences on if they know anyone like Jonathon, can they connect with the character and how?. 1/2 sentences to conclude the paragraph that reiterates their
impression of the character.
Personal Response Writing Task Week 2
Learning Intention:
To understand and write in the form of a personal response.
Success Criteria:
I can include an opening paragraph that gives the reader an idea of what the response will be about, states my
overall opinion about the topic and gives information about who, when, why, where etc, about the topic.
I can include paragraphs that give details about the text or topic or event. It includes examples from the
text, topic or event that support my thoughts and opinions. I may also include personal experiences in my
writing and I can explain how these experiences link to the text, event, and topic.
I can include a conclusion to sum up my opinions.
Read the short story Bill and the Boom Box Rocket. Write a personal response that answers whether you liked/disliked
the short story.
Red Group Focus:
In guided writing chn in this group will focus on writing with correct sentence structure. There will be lots of oral
language work and discussion before chn write to build on confidence and give chn a starting place for writing. Chn will
work on re-reading to see if their writing makes sense, reading aloud to a partner, and self-editing as strategies to
improve sentence structure. Chn will also be given planning time to record some thoughts and ideas as a reference
point to maintain writing throughout the duration of writing time.
Orange Group Focus:
In guided writing chn in this group will also focus on the above but will be encouraged to attempt all parts of a personal
Blue Group Focus:
In guided writing chn in this group will focus on writing all parts of a personal response with correct sentence
structure and detail. Their responses will show how they can use examples from the text to support opinions. They will
attempt to include personal experiences that further explain their connections to text, topic, event.
Yellow Group Focus:
In guided writing chn in this group will focus on writing all parts of a personal response with correct sentence
structure and detail. They will include personal experiences that further explain their connections to text, topic,
event. There may be evidence of more sophisticated language and description in their writing.
by Artie S.
Once upon a time there lived a boy named Bill, who always dreamed of flying to the moon.
One summer evening when Bill was trying to go to sleep, he was bothered by his big brother Ron. Ron was playing his new boom box
too loud. The only way Bill could go to sleep was to put on some headphones and play a tape. His favorite tape had the sound of the
ocean waves splashing up on shore.
As he lay there in bed with his eyes closed pretending he was lying on the beach under a full moon, he began to daydream about flying
to the moon in a rocket ship.
The rocket ship was not very big--just big enough for two astronauts. He and his brother Ron were co-astronauts.
Bill called out to Ron, "Navigator ready?" Ron called back in the headset, "Yes, navigator ready."
"Mission control ready?" Bill asked into the headset. "Mission control ready. We will begin countdown in T minus ten seconds, nine
seconds, eight seconds" . . . Bill's heart began to race . . . "two seconds, one . . . BLASTOFF!"
Bill and Ron were thrown back into their seats. They could feel the skin on their faces being stretched back towards their ears. Then
they felt like they weighed 100 pounds apiece. Their rocket ship zoomed up into the sky so fast everything out the window was just a
blur. It seemed like just a couple of minutes had gone by when everything got really smooth and quiet. They were now in outer space!
Bill was sitting in the front seat and Ron was in the back. Bill asked Ron, "What does it look like out the back?" "It looks like earth is
just a blue and white ball. You can see the clouds and oceans, but you cannot see any cities or trees."
Ron asked Bill, "Can you see the moon coming up?" "Yes, I see it," Bill said. "I think we will be there in about 30 minutes if my
calculations are correct. We're going 25,000 miles per hour and it is about 50,000 miles to the moon." "Cool," said Ron. "I think I will
play my GameBoy and listen to some music on my boom box." "You brought your boom box?" Bill was obviously annoyed. "You know
I don't go anywhere without my boom box," said Ron. He turned on the music and the boys listened. The time quickly passed.
"Mission control to Bill," came over the headsets. "Bill here." "You will need to prepare for landing in two minutes," said the voice.
"Roger, we'll be ready," said Bill. "Here we go. Hold on, it looks like it might be a rough landing." The rocket ship came in very rough.
So rough that both Bill and Ron's airbags deployed. Finally, they came to rest. "Bill, are you O.K.?" asked Ron. "Yes, I'm O.K., but that
airbag hit me in the face like a rock-hard pillow. I think my nose would be bleeding if I didn't have on this helmet. Let's take a look
around and see if the rocket ship is O.K." "Good idea," said Ron.
They put on their moon walk suits. The moon walk suits were big and heavy. They had built in air conditioners to cool them when the
sun was on them and a heater to warm them up when they were in the shade. Since they were in outer space, it would go way below
freezing in the shade and get so hot you could get burned in the sun. When they stepped outside, they felt like they were floating on air.
They only weighed about six pounds each. So when they walked, it was as if they bounced. They bounced up about ten feet with each
step. They quickly gathered up some moon rocks as souvenirs. Then they began to inspect the rocket to make sure it was flyable for the
return trip. Things did not look good. The portion of the ship that housed the rocket starter was heavily damaged. The batteries that
turned the starter were completely destroyed. They began to fear that they might be trapped on the moon. "What are we going to do?"
asked Ron. He looked scared. "I don't know," Bill answered. "Let's call Mission Control and see if they have any suggestions."
They went back inside and tossed the moon rocks aside. They called Mission Control. "We will get back to you" was the answer. They
needed time to think. "We only have enough food and water for one more day," Ron reminded Bill. "Yeah, we will really need to
conserve it." They nervously sat in their seats and waited for Mission Control. No reply. After awhile, Bill jumped up and said, "I've got
it! Give me your boom box." Ron said, "What? Are you crazy?" "No just give it to me," said Bill. Ron surrendered his boom box. Bill
took it and turned it on real loud and smiled. Ron looked sad. He just knew that Bill was losing his mind.
Then Bill turned off the music and flipped the boom box upside down. He opened the battery compartment and took out the eight large
batteries. "I think we can tape these together and make one big battery that will start the rocket," said Bill. "Hand me that duct take
from the tool kit." "Sounds like a good idea to me," said Ron. Bill lined up the batteries in two rows of four and taped them together in a
bundle. He took a piece of tape and connected a wire to the batteries on each end. He hooked one up to the starter. He took the other
wire and ran it back up to his seat in the front. Bill told Ron to get in his seat. "If I touch the wire to the metal on the dashboard, the
starter should work and we can blast-off." Ron hoped that he was right. "Are you ready?" Bill asked Ron without waiting for an answer.
"Here goes!" As he touched the wire to the dashboard, they could hear the roar of the rocket. Before they knew it, they were zooming
back through space towards earth. "Yippee!" how they both yelled.
Just then, Bill's mom pulled the headphones off of his head and told him to go on to sleep. It was easy for Bill to get back to sleep,
because he hoped he could pick up his rocket ship dream right where he left off.
The end
Personal Response
Learning Intention:
To understand and write in the form of a personal
Success Criteria:
I can include an opening paragraph that gives the reader an idea of what the
response will be about, states my overall opinion about the topic and gives
information about who, when, why, where etc, about the topic.
I can include paragraphs that give details about the text or topic or event. It
includes examples from the text, topic or event that support my thoughts
and opinions. I may also include personal experiences in my writing and I can
explain how these experiences link to the text, event, and topic.
I can include a conclusion to sum up my opinions.
Lenny the Flying Inventor
By Jeff Smith
Once upon a time there was a funny guy named Lenny. Lenny was an inventor. He invented all kinds of contraptions. His house
looked like a mess, but he had some really cool things.
One day Lenny decided he wanted to fly.
"I am going to invent some wings and fly," Lenny told his friend Rudy.
"Now I really know you're crazy. You won't even get off the ground," said Rudy.
"You'll see," said Lenny.
So he went down to his workshop and began working. Day and night, he worked. No one saw Lenny for weeks. Then one day he came
out of his workshop with a great big grin on his face.
He called Rudy on the phone. "Rudy, tomorrow I will fly, but I need your help," said Lenny.
"Did you really build some wings?" asked Rudy.
"Yeah and they are really beautiful," said Lenny. "They're a little heavy though. I need you to help me drag them up to the top of Kill
Devil Hill."
"What did you make them out of?" asked Rudy.
"I made them out of some scrap metal I had laying around from when I built my helicopter last year," said Lenny.
"Metal! Don't you think that will be too heavy to use for wings?" asked Rudy.
"No, I calculated all of the angles. I will be like a human airplane," said Lenny.
Rudy just rolled his eyes. "Ok, I will be over first thing in the morning and we'll try them out," said Rudy.
"See you then," said Lenny.
The next morning they dragged the wings up to the top of Kill Devil Hill and Lenny strapped them on.
"Are you sure those are not too heavy? asked Rudy again.
"No, the faster I run, the lighter they will get. The wind will lift me up and I will be flying," said Lenny, quite confidently.
"All right, I am going to get a running start and take off," said Lenny. So, Lenny backed up about fifty feet and started running. As he
ran, the weight of the wings started to wear out his legs and he got lower and lower to the ground. Just as he got to the crest of the hill,
his legs gave out and he skidded across the ground on his face.
After Rudy rolled around on the ground laughing for about a minute, he got up and asked Lenny if he was Ok.
"Yeah, Yeah, real funny," said Lenny. "I guess you may be right they are a little heavy, but I know the shape is just right. I will just go
back to the workshop and make them out of another material. Something lighter"
A couple of weeks later Lenny called up Rudy.
"I've done it," said Lenny.
"You've done what?" asked Rudy.
"I reworked the wings. I made them out of wood and tissue paper. These things are so light I may get going by simply jumping off the
roof. Come on over, I need a witness," said Lenny.
"I'm on the way," said Rudy.
When Rudy arrived, Lenny was already up on the roof with these hilarious looking pink wings.
"Pink wings!" laughed Rudy.
"Yeah, this is the stuff I had left over from when I invented that giant Pig robot we used on Halloween last year," said Lenny.
"So you think you're just going to jump off and fly?" asked Rudy.
"Yeah. Here goes," said Lenny.
He backed up a little and took a quick dash and a jump.
Aaaaaaaaaaagh, SMACK! The wings broke right off and Lenny landed on his head in the middle of some bushes next to the house.
After Rudy rolled around on the ground laughing for about a minute, he got up and asked Lenny if he was Ok.
"Yeah, Yeah, real funny," said Lenny. "I guess they may have been a little weak, but I know the shape is just right. I will just go back to
the workshop and make them out of another material. Something not as heavy as the scrap metal and not as light as the tissue paper."
"Sounds like a good idea to me," said Rudy as he rolled his eyes.
A couple of weeks later Lenny called up Rudy.
"I've really done it this time," said Lenny.
"You've done what?" asked Rudy.
"I reworked the wings. I made them out of wax and balsa wood. These things look just like bird's wings. Meet me at Kill Devil Hill, I
need a witness," said Lenny.
"I'm on the way," said Rudy.
When Rudy arrived, he saw the wings. They did look good!
"I need you to help me strap them on," said Lenny.
Rudy helped him strap on the wings. They fit real snug. There was a handle under each wing out near the tip for Lenny to use to move
the wings up and down and a belt that went around his waste so that they would not fall off.
"Here we go," yelled Lenny as he backed up and began running towards the crest of the hill.
He didn't slow down and just as he got to the edge of the hill, he started to lift up into the air. He was flying!
YAHOOO! Yelled Lenny.
He flew and flew just laughing and hooting. He flew higher and higher. He was really getting high now, and he started to worry. "How
do I land these things?" he asked himself.
That question was about to be answered. All of a sudden, he noticed that his wings were starting to melt. He had risen so high, that
the sun was starting to melt the wax he used to make the wings. Pretty soon he had little tiny wings and he was flying about a hundred
miles an hour down towards the woods.
"Boy this is going hurt again," said Lenny to himself.
He crashed into the trees.
Rudy ran up, "Are you all right?" he asked.
"Yeah, I think so, but I am definitely going to quit trying to fly. This is too rough on the body," said Lenny.
To this day, no one believes Rudy when he tells the story of how Lenny flew like a bird. It may be good that they do not believe him,
because others would probably get hurt, as did Lenny.
Lenny also made a commitment not to invent anything that cannot be used while standing firmly on the ground.
He often tells people, "If people were meant to fly, they would have wings!"
The end.
Personal Response- Lenny the Flying Inventor
I thought Lenny the Flying Inventor was a clever short story. I enjoyed how Lenny the main character was persistent
in trying to achieve his goal of being able to fly. I believe that the story, although fictional had a good lesson to teach
people about thinking sensibly.
This short story is about a character called Lenny. He loves to invent things. He had an extreme desire to be able to
fly. So he set out to design and build the best contraption to be able to do so. His friend Rudy was a true friend. Each
time Lenny was ready to test his machines Rudy would be right there to humour his friends crazy ideas. After a
number of attempts Lenny creates an invention that enables him to fly, at least for a little bit. In the end he decides
that inventing things that remain firmly on the ground is less harmful to the body.
I love the way Lenny didnt give up on his crazy idea of being able to fly. The fact that he made so many attempts
proves that he is a determined character. He worked long and hard on his creations and even though it must have been
tough to fail so many times he kept a positive attitude. It reminds me of the time when I was learning to ride my bike.
I fell off so many times and kept grazing my knee. If it werent for my dad encouraging and believing me I might not
have been able to do it. But I was determined just like Lenny.
When I read the story I noticed how Rudy reminded me of my dad during the time I was learning to ride a bike. In the
story Rudy was Lennys best friend. "Now I really know you're crazy. You won't even get off the ground," said Rudy.
He always seemed astonished about his friends unreal inventions and the above quote shows how he really didnt think
any of these ideas were going to work. But when his friend Lenny asked him to be there and help get his ideas off the
ground, Rudy always showed up. He was a great support. Just like my dad supported me to get back up on my bike and
keep trying.
I feel this story teaches you that you can achieve what you want to when you put your mind to it, no matter how crazy
your ideas may be. But, make sure what youre determined to do may not cause you harm otherwise you wont be able to
follow through on your plans ! I recommend you read this short story before you attempt what might be impossible !