This document discusses the propagation of error in numerical integrations. It introduces matrix notation to represent linear difference equations that approximate differential equations in numerical integration. It derives expressions for the general solution of these difference equations. It then discusses how to determine the errors between the numerical solution and exact solution by establishing variational difference equations. The goal is to analyze the stability of different numerical integration methods and understand how errors grow over multiple steps of integration.
This document discusses the propagation of error in numerical integrations. It introduces matrix notation to represent linear difference equations that approximate differential equations in numerical integration. It derives expressions for the general solution of these difference equations. It then discusses how to determine the errors between the numerical solution and exact solution by establishing variational difference equations. The goal is to analyze the stability of different numerical integration methods and understand how errors grow over multiple steps of integration.
This document discusses the propagation of error in numerical integrations. It introduces matrix notation to represent linear difference equations that approximate differential equations in numerical integration. It derives expressions for the general solution of these difference equations. It then discusses how to determine the errors between the numerical solution and exact solution by establishing variational difference equations. The goal is to analyze the stability of different numerical integration methods and understand how errors grow over multiple steps of integration.
This document discusses the propagation of error in numerical integrations. It introduces matrix notation to represent linear difference equations that approximate differential equations in numerical integration. It derives expressions for the general solution of these difference equations. It then discusses how to determine the errors between the numerical solution and exact solution by establishing variational difference equations. The goal is to analyze the stability of different numerical integration methods and understand how errors grow over multiple steps of integration.
The Propagation of Error in Numerical Integrations
Author(s): Mark Lotkin
Source: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 5, No. 6 (Dec., 1954), pp. 869- 887 Published by: American Mathematical Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 07/10/2014 04:34 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . American Mathematical Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS MARK LOTKIN 1. Introduction. The numerical integration of differential equations is generally performed by replacing the differential equations by approximate difference equations whose solutions are expected to ap- proach those of the associated differential equations as the step size approaches zero. The replacement of differential by difference equa- tions may clearly be carried out in a variety of ways; the actual choice will depend on particular circumstances, accuracy require- ments, computational facilities, etc. It is now a well known fact that whenever the order of the differ- ence equations exceeds that of the original differential equations there are introduced certain numerical solutions that are extraneous to the original differential equations. The behavior of these extraneous solutions in general determines the usefulness of the integration method. For such a method to be effective it must be "stable" in the sense that the extraneous solutions always remain of negligible size as compared with the actual solutions. Thus it is of interest to distinguish first between stable and un- stable methods. In addition, it is also of interest to determine, in either case, the growth of error in the large, since the knowledge of this quantity permits an estimation of the accuracy obtained. This paper, then, deals with a number of standard methods of integration, and investigates their stability and propagation of error. Round-off is considered to a certain extent, but not completely; see footnote 1. While some of the results have been obtained previously, mainly by L. H. Thomas [1] and H. Rutishauser [2], others do not seem to be as well known. The propagation of error was already treated previously by Rademacher [3 ] and others. While the method of adjoint differential equations employed there seems to be capable of general application, it was used, in [3] especially, for Heun's method only. Finally there are carried out a few illustrative examples; they show that the theoretical expressions obtained frequently lead to good estimates. 2. Solutions of linear difference equations. Let us assume that the Presented to the Society, September 1, 1953; received by the editors November 11, 1953 and, in revised form, May 3, 1954. 869 This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 870 MARK LOTKIN [December integration of the nth order differential equation has proceeded from a starting point xo to a point Xk, and that the original differential equation has been replaced by a difference equation of order s: (2.1) aLkBVk+8 + ak,S-uVk+8-1 + * * * + aXk,OVk + (Xk = 0, where the coefficients akj, ak are known, with ak8PO for each k, and initial values vo, v1, * * *, v8,1 have been supplied. For our purposes it is now convenient to use matrix notation. Introducing, then, the column matrices Vk+s-1 rk Vs-1 Vk+8-2 O V8-2 Uk -, bk = Uo= L Vk _I, Vo _ and the square matrices of order s: r-aks 0 ...0 ak,s1 ak,8-2 akO] I 0 ... 0 Jk A[ , Ak = 0 1 *.* * 0 _ 0 . ._ . o 1 *... 1 0 O we may express (2.1) as a system of difference equations of the first order: (2.2) JkEUk = Akuk + bk, with E denoting the displacement operator Evi = vi+. Since Jk is nonsingular, (2.2) may be written as -1 -1 (2.3) Uk+1 = Jk AkUk + Jk bk = CkUk + dk, with -1 - Ck = Jk Ak, dk =Jk bk. The general solution of (2.3) is (2.4) Uk = Pk-1 0 + Pt dt twe where This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions '9541 PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 871 Pk =- CkPk-1, Po = Co, or k Pk-1 =H7 Ck-t. t=l In particular, if Ck is actually independent of k, then Pk-l= Ck and / k-1 (2.5) Uk = Ck to + E C-t-ldt) t=O The use of Sylvester's theorem [4] now permits us to express the solution Uk in slightly different form, as follows: let G(X) =XI- C, Ga(X) denote the adjoint of G(X), 3(X) the determinant of G(X), and &'(X) = dl/dX. If the characteristic roots Xrn, m- 1, 2, , s, of C are distinct, then (2.6) k ZXHM m=1 with Hm -H(Xm) = Ga(Xtn)/a3(Xm) Consequently, from (2.5), "IC = ?mHm o + E Amt)'dt ?n=1 t=O or, if u=O-, (2.7) Uk k Xk dt. rn=1 t=O If the distinct roots Xi, i= 1, 2, , q, of C have multiplicities pi, then (2.6) must be replaced by (2.8) Ck Z 1 F d"-1 (XG,(X) -] - di(X) - (X - X))ii(X). In particular, if the only multiple root of C has the value zero, then clearly (2.8) reverts to the form (2.6) with the summation to be ex- tended over all the nonvanishing roots. This observation will be put to use in the subsequent discussion. 3. The variational difference equations. The foregoing treatment This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 872 MARK LOTKIN [December of the difference equation will now be applied to the numerical inte- gration of the nth order differential equation (3.1) y(n) = fn(x, y y' * * , y(n-1)) subject to suitable boundary conditions. The exact solution y(x) of (3.1), assumed to exist uniquely, may be expressed in the form [2] y(Xk+l) = , aoiy(xk) + h 2 aljy'(xkj) + * j=O j=-l (3 . 2) + hN G aNjy(N)(xk-J) + Tk, y (Xk+1) = ? ai( y (XkJ) + h E ai+l,iy (Xk-;) + j=0 -1 + h f aNy ( (Xk- ) + Tk;i for i= 1, 2,2, n n-1. Here h =xk+l-xk is the step used in the inte- gration, the a(> are constants that will in general depend on r, where r itself indicates a certain range of points Xk_j to the left of Xk; to each numerical method of integration there is associated a fixed value of r. The functions Tk, Tki are truncation errors of orders hN+1, hN-i+l, re- spectively, with N>n denoting a positive integer. In case N exceeds the order n of the equation (3.1) the derivatives of orders n+l, n+2, * * -, N occurring in (3.2) may be obtained by N-n successive differentiations of (3.1): (3.3) y(i)(x) = fi(X, y(X), y'(X), * y(i-)(X)), i=n+1, , N. The coefficients a( are not arbitrary but normally depend on certain conditions (4.5) derived below. Insolving the integration problem numerically (3.1) is actually replaced by *y (n) = *fn(Xf *yf *yf *y. n-1y)) where the asterisks indicate rounded values, and the method of inte- gration actually employed may be of the form *) *) () N-i ' (5) * (N) (3.2a) *yk+1 E Laj D *Yk-j D .. . i E *aN (0 Yk-j j=0 j=-1 for i=O, 1, 2, , n-1, and (3 . 3a) *Yk+= *fi(xk+l, *yk+l... *yk+l) n ? i < N. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions '9541 PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 873 In (3.2a) the circled symbols indicate pseudo-addition and pseudo- multiplication, i.e. certain digital operations by which the cor- responding arithmetical operations must be replaced whenever nu- merical calculations (which of necessity involve rounding) are carried out.' In practice the numerical solution of the sets (3.2a) and (3.3a) is obtained iteratively in the following manner: Extrapolation, or some other means, permits the determination of a first set of values for *Yk+Q, n_i?N. Then (3.2a), with i=n-1, n-2, 0, , lead to a first set of values for *y QF1, 0<i<? n-1. Next an improved set *yk+, n < i!<N, is computed by means of (3.3a), etc., this cycle being repeated until duplication occurs. Our main interest is now the determination of the errors Ui) * -i (i) 77P =yp- y ( x), and of the associated property of "numerical stability" in the sense that all the 77(f)v remain small throughout the entire region of integra- tion. By (3.2a) and (3.2), ) E [*afi) (D - aii y (Xk-j) + * Tk,. i=o However, *a O *y =a*y+(*aO3*y-*a*y) +(*a-a)*y, and *aO *y -*a*y=p, *a-a==a, with p P|< ug, 1 1<,u u=2-'-3Y denoting the basic rounding error of a computation carried out to y places in a number system of base 3. Consequently (.) r (i (X) r (i) (Z+ 1) flk+l - E ai2 flk-j + ai E , a, j?1fk- + N-i r (i) (N) 3 . 4) + h aNjlk-j - Tki + Tki, (3.4)+IN$f )() Tki = >(Piik + ?i j(Yk-i)v Further, by (3.3) and (3.3a), 1 Note that there is no provision in formula (3.2a) for rounding the product in- volving hN-i. Thus the formula and later special cases of it in ?4 are based on the assumption that the independent variable x and the step size h may be chosen exactly, and that multiplication by powers of h does not necessitate rounding. These assump- tions could be dropped at the expense of including additional rounding items. As written, however, the conclusions of the paper may not be precisely applicable to numerical integrations in which the term in question is rounded. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 874 MARK LOTKIN [December 7k+l= *fi(Xk+l *yk+l, . . . fi(xk+l, y(Xk+l), ) for i = n, n + 1,** ,N. But *fi(x, *y, ) = f(x, *y, ) + ci, with qi denoting certain quantities that depend on the procedure employed in calculating fi from its arguments x, *y, . Thus, correct to terms of the first order in 7, (3.5) n7+l= (afl/ay )flk+l + 'i, n < i < N, the partial derivatives to be evaluated at Xk+1, *yk+1, . . ., Y(+1 The system (3.4) and (3.5) of difference equations is transformed into the form (2.2) by the introduction of the column matrix Uk, where T (N) (N) Uk = [ ?fk, 7fk-1, * * 7k-r; 1k, * * 7k-r; * 7k , * * 7k-r], the superscript T denoting transposition. Then our system becomes (3.6) JkEUk = AUk + bk, where Jk, A are square matrices of order s=(r+l)(N+1), and bk is a column matrix of the same order. These matrices are composed as follows: (i) The elements Jij of Jk are square matrices of order r+1, Jii=I for i=O, 1, * * *, N, Jij=O for O<i<n-1,j<i, and for n<i<N,j>i, = ] = for O < i _ n-1, 1 < j _ N, i < j, L_ O . O_.-- -ofi/'ayi O * ..O 0* Jii = forn ? i< N,O < j< N-1, i> j; _ O * -O (ii) the elements A ij of A are square matrices of order r+1, This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions '9541 PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 875 (i) (i) (i) aio ail ... air 1 0 0 Aii 0 0 for 0 ? i < n-1, _0 0 1 0 _j 1 0 ...0 Aii =0 for n < i < N, _0 0 1 0_ (i) (i) (i) ajo ail ai, 0 0 Ais= h~i for 0 < i < -1, 1 < j < N, i < j, LO *..O _ Ai1 = 0 for n < i < N, j 7 i, and also for 0 < i < n-1, j < i; (iii) the column matrix bk has the transpose T bk = -T7, + 7r, 0, * 0, *** -Tk,n-1 + 0T,n1 I0** ; f ny 01 * * 0; * ON * o} f I} 01* .? Clearly the determinant D(J) of J is of the form D(J) = 1 + Clh + C2 h2 + ** i.e. D(J) XO for sufficiently small h. Let us now assume that the partial derivatives (9fi/ay(i)) have the property that there exist points ao, O(J) in a suitably defined space Ix-xoj ?a, Iy)(- y(J)I < 0(i), j=O, 1, * * , N, such that ofil/oy(i is approximately equal to a constant fij (ao, i%, f, * * 1)). In such a case let Jo denote the matrix J whose elements are evaluated at ao, 0(j). If the characteristic roots X of Co = JO 'A are distinct, then by (2.7) k-i k - 1 (3.7) Uk = Z Hm XM n o J0bt. m t=O Now A has at least N - n + 1 rows of zeros. There are thus This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 876 MARK LOTKIN [December (N-n + 1) (r + 1) artificial characteristic roots of CO of value zero. There must be, further, the n roots associated with the n independent solutions of the variational equations; these roots are of the form XM= 1 +7mIh + , m = 1, 2, , n. Thus there remain (r + 1)(N + 1)- (r + 1)(N-n + 1)-n = nr ad'ditional roots. These are "extraneous," introduced by the method of integration. "Extraneous" solutions of the integration problem are, consequently, solutions belonging to extraneous roots of CO. Now in the solution vector Uk the only components of interest are those of 9k, where T w ~~~~(N) Qk = [qk, 'q k, . . . X 7k ] These may be calculated obviously from (3.7) by simply replacing bk in (3.7) by Ck where Ck = [- T + r, - Tkl + 7rkl, Tk,n-1 + 7rk,n-l; O)n, * *XN], accompanied by a similar contraction of the matrices H(X) and JO1. The determination of the characteristic values )X of CO = JO 'A and the construction of the error vector may be simplified somewhat, as follows: Let us define (3.8) r(A) = Al - JaA, where J, A are square matrices of orders s, and Ja denotes the adjoint of J. Similarly, let Ga denote the adjoint of G(X) =XI-J-1A. Let, further, A(A) = det r(A), and, as before, 8 (X) = det G (X). Then we have the following LEMMA. Ga/l' = ra/A'. PROOF. Clearly (3.9) r1(A) = D [AD-' - J-'A] = DG(A/D), where again D = det J, G (X) =X I- J-'A. Consequently, A(A) = D85(A/D). This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1954] PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 877 To each root A of A (A) = 0 there is then associated a root X = A/D of (X) =O0. Further, (3.10) However, by (3.9), (3.11) Pa(A) = D8lGa(X) which, together with (3.9), proves the lemma. We have thus obtained the following general PROPAGATION THEOREM. (3.12) J,= > [Pa(A)Ja/DA'(A,) ]Z E > Ct. m A In this theorem the index m is to be extended over all distinct non- zero characteristic roots Am of A (A) =0, Xm= Am/D(J), and the ele- ments of the vector Ck are due to truncation error and rounding. The theorem shows again that for a method to be stable for sufficiently small h it is sufficient that all characteristic roots Xm be of absolute value not exceeding unity. The actual computation of Qk would then proceed in obvious fashion from the construction of JaA and A(A) to the calculation of D(J), Am, and Pa(tAm) Ja, and could be carried out concurrently with the integration. 4. The propagation of error in the case n =-N= 1. The deductions of the previous sections will be applied now to a number of well known methods of numerical integration. We shall start by consider- ing the general first order differential equation Y' = f(X, y). In this case the associated homogeneous variational equation is '7 = AUn; it has the fundamental solution ,q(x) = exp (fyd) Among the solutions X of the characteristic equation 8(X) =0 in- herent in any useful method of integration there must be one,X=Xl, that approaches this fundamental solution 71(x) as the step size h This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 878 MARK LOTKIN [December goes to zero. It will be seen that this root '1 is of the form X1 = 1 + hJvf + * exp hf-exp p, p= hf,,; it gives rise in (3.12) to the principal term of the form Qk(l) = Mi1x Ml exp( ffdt). xt+1 In order to prevent the error in the large from increasing rapidly it is thus sufficient to carry out the integration in the direction A\x in which f,Ax is nonpositive. Let us consider first the important case n =N= 1. Here we have A Ao h [0 I 0 ... 0] =~Io 1ioii /~T --JO *- Daoo ao-a- aor -Aoo Aol- I 0 ..O L K A J011 __ ho K O 0 1 0 haio han .. hair- -0 ..* O0- O *I*0 1 0 0 Ao,= All= _0 * * . . _._ 1 0_ It follows that D = 1-Pa-, a,ai,,-,, 1 . 0 * A0 [Jlo K] (4.1) 0 0 ** D r (A) = Al1 JaA = [r? ]Pl] X ~A aoo -ao, * -ao,,r-i -aOr- -D At * O r'oo = This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions '9541 PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 879 -haio -hall -hair] (4.1) = - L a1 D0 0 0 The = LAi-alo -pai.*.*. -pai,r-i -palTj _ 0 . -D . . Techaracteristic equation A\(A) =0O may be expressed in the form (4.2) A(A) = Ar+lA0(A) = 0 A -() - AiT+l - eo alr r-1 - where (4.3) ep= DP(ao + pa1), p = 0, 1, , r. The equation for the extraneous roots Atm, if any, is now quite easily obtained from (4.2). It is convenient to write the characteristic expression in the form 42c =(A) = Ar+ - AcO(A) - c where (4.4) Aep(A) = A DaPO + ArolDai + p+ Drair, = = 0, 1. Since A1=DX1-(1+p)D is a solution of A,(A) =0, there are ob- tained for the coefficients am1 the relationships Z aor - 1, (4.5) a4 + Z i =- a (j)aol = 1. One may show, after some lengthy calculations, that the con- tracted adjoint of fe(A) may be expressed as This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 880 MARK LOTKIN [December ra(A) = AF Aco(A) hAci(A) L f4Aco(A) PAci(A)J or ra(A) = Ar[ ] [AcO Aci] [ j Therefore, ra(A)Ja = Ar [Ar+l, h(alAco(A) + Ac1(A)) 1, and, finally, (4.6) F1 ] 1 [Ain, h(al\eo + Acl)] Z c. Lf7ik D m AmA' (Am) The error ?q may thus be obtained quite simply from -lk by multi- plication with f,. The contribution of the root A1,= (1 +p)D to the error tk may now be written down at once; it is f7k(Al) =Al) [1 + p(r - (r - l)al), h a, + E at l * exp( ffdx) c It is of interest to apply above deductions to some specific cases. I. Case r =0. As was pointed out above no extraneous solutions arise in this case, so that the methods are stable in the direction in which p <0. Techniques falling into this class are due to Euler, Heun, Runge-Kutta, Milne, and others. Since now vc(A) = A - (aoo + paio), there is obtained from (4.7) and (4.5) k = [1 + pal, h] E exp ( f vdx) Ct [- Tt +,t] Ct = or This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1954] PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 881 (4.8) tlk [(-Tt + rg)/h + alrjfv + cp] exp( fydx) dt. xo t?1 1, 1. Euler's method. Yk+i = yk + hMyk, (aoo a1 alo) = (1, 0, 1), T = (h2/2)y". flk ~f [-(h/2)y7 + Tg/h + i] exp( fvdx) di. I, 2. Heun's (modified Euler) method. yk+l = Yk + (h/2)(*yk + *y'+), (aoo a, aio) = (1, 1/2, 1/2), T = - (h3/12)y"'. b k [-1 + p/2, h] exp ( ffdx) ct. II. Case r = 1. There is one extraneous root A2; it satisfies the equation (4.9) Ac(A) = A2-Aco-pAcl = O where Aco((A) = Aaoo + Daol, Ae1(A) = Aa1o + Dall. Since A, +A2=aoo+Pajo, and ai1 satisfy (4.5), it follows that (4.10) A2 =- aoi + p(aoi - all). Further Ac(Al) = (2 - aoo) + p[2(1 - a,) - alo], AC(A2) = -A(Al). II, 1. Simple central difference method. Yk+1 = yk-1 + 2lh*yk, (aoo aoi a1 aio a1l) = (0, 1, 0, 2, O), T (h13/3)y"'. Thus D(J) = 1, Am= + I + P m = 1, 2, This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 882 MARK LOTKIN [December Ac(A1) = 2, and, consequently, k= { [1 + p, 2h] E exp (f adx) (4.11) 2 + [- 1+ P, 2h] (-1)k-t exp( fhdx)} c. The extraneous root A2 may thus give rise to an oscillating term of increasing magnitude whenever the integration is applied in a direction in which hf, <0. However, it is entirely possible that the actual increase of this tierm is choked off by the rounding procedure itself. See footnote 1. Used for integrations in the opposite direction, over short ranges, the method may give useful results. II, 2. Simpson's method. Here Yk+1 = yk-1 + (h/3) (*yk+ + 4*y' + *y' ), whence (aoo aoi a1 alo a1l) = (0, 1, 1/3, 4/3, 1/3), T = - (15/90)yV. It follows that D(J) = 1 - p13, Am = ? 1 + 2p/3, A (A1) = 2. Therefore, k I{[1 + p, 2h] exp f Adx) (4.12) + [-1 + p/3, 2h/3] (_1)k-t *exp (- f fdx/3)} Ct. The second root A2 may thus again make this integration method unsuitable. III. Case r=2. The three roots Am, m=1, 2, 3, satisfy the char- acteristic equation Ac(A) As - Ao(A) - PAc1(A) = 0, with Aci (A) = A2aio + ADail + D2ai2, i = 0, 1. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions '9541 PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 883 The 2 extraneous roots A2, A3 may thus be obtained from A2 - A[(ao0 - 1) + P(a, + alo - 1)] -D[- aO2 + P(ao 2- a2)] 0-. III, 1. Adams method. 1k+l= yk + hk[*y' + (1/2)V*y' + (5/12)V "* y] + with V(i+l)qk = V(i)qk - V()qk_-* Thus, alternately, Y*+i yk + (h/12) [23*y' - 16*yi ? 5*yk-2] + Then, (aoo, aol, ao2, a,, alo, a1l, a12) = (1/12)(12, 0, 0, 0, 23, -16, 5). The 2 extraneous roots A2, A3 satisfy A2 -(11p/12)A + (5p/12) = 0. Therefore, Am = + (- 5p/12)1"2 + llp/24, m = 2, 3. For sufficiently small h this method, then, is stable, and the propa- gation of error depends essentially on A1. Since A (Al)= 1 + 3p/2, it is found that (4.14) Xk = [1 + p/2, h]Zexp(ffdx )ct. III, 2. Gregory's method. Here yk = *yk + ?t [*yk?l - (1/2)V'*yk?l - (1/12)V"*y?k+ - (1/24)V . *y'i] + - yk + (h/24) [9*yf+ + 19*y' - 5*yk-' + Yk-2I +? . Thus (aoo ao, ao2 a1 aio a11 a12) = (1/24)(24, 0, 0, 9, 19, -5, 1), T - - (19/720)h5yv. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 884 MARK LOTKIN [December By (4.13), then, D = 1-3p/8, A2 - (p/6)A + p/24 = 0, so that Am = ? (-p/24)112 + p/12, m = 2, 3. The method thus has the same stability properties as Adams' method. Since again AI(Al) = 1 + 3p/2, one obtains from (4.7) (4.15) 77k = [I + p/8, h] Eexp( fAdx) ct. 5. Numerical example. To test the propagation theorem let us integrate the differential equation (5.1) yI =y-2x/y by means of Simpson's method II, 2. Taking h = 0.5 and starting at x=O with values computed from the exact solution y(x) = (2x + 1)1/2, there are obtained the "solutions" shown in columns (2) and (3) of Table I. At each step a sufficient number of iterations is carried out in order to achieve agreement to five decimals (column (2)), or four decimals (column (3)). Due to the instability of the method the five-decimal "solution" diverges more and more from the four- decimal "solution." The fourth column (4) contains the exact solution y(x), and the fifth column (5) the error q=*y-y(x), the solution *y taken from column (3). The growth of error may be inferred from (4.12), or, somewhat more accurately, from ?lk = k(Xl) + fk(X2), 1 k-i - (5.2) 27k(Xl) - E [(1 + p)((hz/90)y" + Tt) + 2hq]l X 2 t-=o 1 k-1 27lk(X2) - - E [(-1 + p/3) ((I1/90)Ay + rt) (5.3) 2 (-o h + (2/3)Izc]X2"1 This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1954] PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 885 TABLE I. INTEGRATION OF y' =y - 2x/y, h=0.5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) x y y y(x) X 0 1.00000 1.0000 1.0000 0 .5 1.41421 1.4142 1.4142 0 1.0 1.73516 1.7352 1.7320 .0032 1.5 2.00529 2.0053 2.0000 .0053 2.0 2.25064 2.2507 2.2361 .0146 2.5 2.48438 2.4845 2.4495 .0350 3.0 2.73397 2.7342 2.6458 .0884 3.5 3.04775 3.0483 2.8284 .220 4.0 3.53706 3.5383 3.0000 .538 4.5 4.42054 4.4232 3.1623 1.26 5.0 6.07815 6.0834 3.3166 2.77 5.5 9.08576 9.0953 3.4641 5.63 6.0 14.31274 14.3292 3.6056 10.7 6.5 23.14506 23.1727 3.7417 19.4 7.0 37.86292 37.9089 3.8730 34.0 7.5 62.23708 62.3131 4.0000 58.3 8.0 102.49977 102.6253 4.1231 98.5 8.5 168.93852 169.1431 4.2426 165 9.0 278.52584 278.8552 4.3589 274 9.5 459.25450 459.8020 4.4721 455 10.0 757.28847 758.1877 4.5826 754 For our example, k = 20, h = 1/2, p5 hf = 1- [2(2x + 1)]-1, yV = 105(2x + 1)-91/2 = c10-5, C1 < 10, and X = 1 + p. Now p increases from 0.5 at x=0 to 0.98 at x=20, so that p-0.7 could be taken as average value. Furthermore, for the terms cor- responding to the low values of x, which contribute most to nk(X1), r and 4 are negligible. Thus, by (5.2), 1 19 20- t (5.4) ?7k(Xl) - - E (1/2880)yt(l. 7) 2 t-o One obtains This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 886 MARK LOTKIN [December 7k(Xi) - 762. Since X2 -1 +p/3, so that 1 19 20-t ?lk(X2) t - - E (1/2880)yg(-O. 77) X 2 t=O and consequently negligible, we get 11k 'qk(Xl) - 762, which compares very favorable indeed with the actual value of 754 for the total error. In order to examine the oscillating term nk(X2), let us integrate again (5.1), this time starting at x=60, and taking h= -1. The "solution" is shown in column (2) of Table 2. Now, k =34, h=-1, p =-2 + (2x + 1)-l -2, | T, I j | = c2- 10-, C2 2 2= - 1 + p/3 - 1.66. Since for low values of t the term (h1/90)yv, is less then 1.10-7, in absolute value, there is obtained the expression 33 (5.5) | 7k(X2) 10-6 E (- 1 + p/3)34-t. t=O This formula leads to I nk(X2) 19 . 0, which is very close indeed to the exact error given in Table 2. The exhibited expressions, then, lead to quite useful estimates of the error. REFERENCES 1. L. H. Thomas, Stability of solution of partial differential equations, Symposium on Theoretical Compressible Flow, U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 1949, pp. 83-94. 2. H. Rutishauser, Ober die Instabilitdt von Methoden zur Integration von Differ- entialgleichungen, ZAMP vol. 3 (1952) pp. 65-74. 3. H. Rademacher, On the accumulation of errors in processes of integration, Pro- ceedings, Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machines, Harvard Compu- tation Laboratory, 1948, pp. 176-185. 4. R. A. Frazer, W. J. Duncan, A. R. Collar, Elementary matrices, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1950, p. 78. This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions I954] PROPAGATION OF ERROR IN NUMERICAL INTEGRATIONS 887 TABLE 2. INTEGRATION OF y'=y - 2x/y, h= -1 (1) (2) (3) (4) x *Y Y(X) 105X 60 11.00000 11.00000 0 59 10.90871 10.90871 0 58 10.81665 10.81665 0 57 10.72381 10.72381 0 56 10.63014 10.63015 -1 55 10.53566 10.53565 1 54 10.44030 10.44031 -1 53 10.34409 10.34408 1 52 10.24694 10.24695 -1 51 10.14891 10.14889 2 50 10.04984 10.04988 -4 49 9.94994 9.94987 7 48 9.84875 9.84886 -11 47 9.74698 9.74679 19 46 9.64333 9.64365 -32 45 9.53994 9.53939 55 44 9.43304 9.43398 -94 43 9.32899 9.32738 161 42 9.21679 9.21954 -275 41 9.11515 9.11043 472 40 8.99193 9.00000 - 807 39 8.90203 8.88819 1384 38 8.75130 8.77496 -2366 37 8.70087 8.66025 4062 36 8.47474 8.54400 -6926 35 8.54560 8.42615 11945 34 8.10464 8.30662 -20198 33 8.53865 8.18535 35330 32 7.47987 8.06226 -58239 31 9.00031 7.93725 106306 30 6.19044 7.81025 -161981 29 11.03789 7.68115 335674 28 3.61153 7.54983 -393830 27 19.42204 7.41620 1200584 26 -12.03925 7.28011 -1931936 RCA SERVICE COMPANY, PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE This content downloaded from on Tue, 7 Oct 2014 04:34:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
Logical progression of twelve double binary tables of physical-mathematical elements correlated with scientific-philosophical as well as metaphysical key concepts evidencing the dually four-dimensional basic structure of the universe