Midterm Review

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Josue Aguilar

Intelligence and National Security

Notes for Exam Review

Definition of Intelligence: Intelligence refers to information that meets the stated or understood needs
of policy makers and has been collected, processed and narrowed to meet those needs. Intelligence is a
subset of the broader category of information. Intelligence and the entire process by which it is
identified, obtained, and analyzed responds to the needs of policy makers. All intelligence is information
not all information is intelligence.
Foreign Intelligence: product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation
and interpretation of available information concerning foreign entitiesTerm is also applied to the
activity which results in that product and to the organization engaged in such activity.

Why is the definition of intelligence even an issue
-Mark Lowenthal notes, intelligence is different from other govt functions (housing, transportation,
diplomacy, agriculture. ) in at least two respects
--much of what intelligence concerns is , by necessity, secret.
--The US is a liberal democracy and liberal democracies are supposedly built upon transparency,
accountability, limitations on govt and the rule of law and law of other states and international law,
national sovereignty.

States exist in an anarchic state unsure about one another:

Four main rationales for intelligence agencies
-Provide long term expertise
-support policy process
-avoid strategic surprise
-maintain secrecy of info. Needs and methods

A) Five Eyes: The "Five Eyes", often abbreviated as "FVEY", refer to an intelligence alliance comprising
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound
by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

* the most powerful espionage alliance in world history.

B) Counter Intelligence- efforts to stymy efforts of other states.

-CI can refer to efforts to protect ones own intelligence operations from penetration and disruption by
hostile actors (states and non-state actors) or their intelligence services.

a) CI is analytical discipline and operational discipline
b) CI should pervade all aspects of intelligence
-not just about catching spies or defending against or identifying security breaches
-not confined to HUMINT
-not simply a domestic law enforcement issue
*However, there is no single definition of CI
*1947 National Security Act, amended (50 USC 401a) defines CI as: Information gathered, and
activities conducted to protect against espionage, and other intelligence activities, sabotage, or
assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign
organization or terrorist activities.

Three constituent parts of Counter Intelligence:

-gain information about adversaries INT collection aimed at ones own state

-Thwart penetration by hostile intelligence services or other actors
-try to turn opponents agents in double agents, and or
-feed them false information
Known Known-everyone spies on each other, especially the US spying on everyone
Counterintelligence involves:
-Counter espionage
-Asset Validation: the credibility of the information being given, and the reliability of that particular
asset is being gauged and measured)
-Disinformation- the dissemination of false information or information to thwart the intelligence or
counterintelligence operations of an adversary.

One has to try to maximize the confusion (PsyOps)-Psychological operations knowing dissemination of
false information to deceive the public or foreign agency. (Denial. deception and strategic surprise).
-Operational Tradecraft: long, costly and time consuming process of recruiting foreign assets, its
important to protect your hardware to gather information, or HUMINT source, as well as your own ass.
-Preventing penetration of ones service
-confirm bona fides (Credibility and reliability of assets) of HUMINT sources
-put out false information to support penetrations
-Protect sources and methods -

C) *The US INTEL Com The national security act of 1947 created the basic institution of national
security state
a) but it did not establish any system for congressional oversight

Intelligence Gathering Disciplines

a) HUMINT- gathered from a person on the groun

b) GEOINT- gathered from satellite, aerial photography, mapping/terrain data
-IMINT- Imagery Intelligence: gathered from satellite and aerial photography.

c) MASINT- Measurement and Signature Intelligence
-Electro- optical MASINT (laser, infrared)
-Nuclear MASINT (Radiation, Space-based Nuclear Energy Detection)
-Geophysical MASINT
-Materials MASINT (chemical, biological materials, nuclear test analysis)
-Radiofrequency MASINT
d) OSINT Open Source Intelligence- gathered from open sources

e) TECHINT- Technical Intelligence- gathered from analysis of weapons and equipment used by the
armed forces of foreign nations, or environmental conditions
-MEDINT- Medical Intelligence: gathered from analysis of medical records and/or actual physiological
examinations to determine health and or particular ailments allergetic conditions for exploitation.

-Cyber Intelligence/ Digital Network Intelligence- gathered from Cyber Space

G) FININT- Financial Intelligence- gathered from analysis of monetary transactions


*VERY IMPORTANT THAT INTELLIGENCE PRODU***What Constitutes Politicization?***

A) No generally accepted definition of politicization
-Arises from line separating intelligence from policy
-Different institutional and personal investments that policymakers and intelligence analysts
invest in their work

B) Term commonly refers to either intentional biasing of intelligence to fit a
set of political goals or agendas:
-Negative connotation

C) Two Idealized Types of Politicization
-Top down
a) Policymakers dictate or at least try to influence intelligence assessments
b) Overt or subtle efforts to make intelligence assessments support preferred policies

-Bottom Up
a) Analysts recast intelligence to influence policymakers choice of strategies.

Trade Offs for Analysts
-Analysts want policymakers to take their assessments into account in making national security
-However, intelligence that is not read or discarded by policymakers is irrelevant
- How can intelligence analysts avoid twin dangers of being accused of politicization and
producing irrelevant reports

Two models of intelligence-policy interaction

Kent Model
: -Analysts should avoid getting too close to policymakers
-Objectivity of INT should take precedence over all else

Gates Model *very unique in staying through two different presidential transitions
: -Analysis must be sensitive to policy context and range of policy options
-Utility of INT should take precedence

Different forms of Politicization:

Type: Description

Ways to

Direct pressure from policymakers Policy makers intervene directly to affect
analytical conclusion
Rare, but can
subtle; logic is to insulate intelligence

House VIEW Analytic office has developed strong view over
time; heresy discouraged
Changed nature
of target helps, along with variety of methods and alternative analysis; NIE
like process can also help

Cherry picking Policymakers see a ranger of assessments and pick their
Better vetting
of sources; NIE- like process to confront views

Question asking How the question is framed, by intelligence officers or policymakers affects
the answer
Logic is closer
relations between intelligence and policy to define questions, along with contrarian question
, along with contrarian question asking by INT

Shared mindset INT and policymakers share strong presumptions
hard requires new evident or alternative arguments

*Effort to combat ISIS, look for articles that talk about Intel sharing/ especially about sharing
info and intel with SYRIA*** Intel Liaison

- what is D&D?
- principles and practices of denial
- principles an practice of deception
- counter d&d strategies (and their limitations)

- strategic denial and deception
- denial: activities and programs by targets of intel collection to eliminate, impair, degrade or
neutralize effectiveness of intel collection against it, within and across a range of human and technical
intel collection disciplines
- deception: manipulation of intel by introduction of false, misleading or even true but tailored
info into intel collection channels with intent of influencing analytical judgments and those who use
them for decision making
*Greatest D&D op in intel history :Operation Fortitude

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