Popular Culture Galore Part 4

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Popular Culture Galore Part 4

Now, it's time to expose more secrets relating to popular culture. This is my last Popular
culture work of the year of 2009. These works are popular and I want to leave 2009 with a
bang. I will create such Popular culture exposes until I'm dead. So, these works will exist for
decades more. That's the deal. This expose will deal with more movies and other forms of
propaganda that the establishment wants to impose on society in general. Clichés, slang,
catch phases, etc. permeate popular culture. One is the slick word of "game." "Game" in
my mind isn't about true independence plus free thought, but using slick acts (many
cases using deception & subterfuge) in order to be accepted among the crowd (which
is nothing more than an invented paradigm. It's an illusion of control). People in the
worldly crowd would tell you all of the time that the “game” is a cut throat arena where
people deceive and try to ruin your station in life. It’s as simple as that. Also, life
should not be compared to a game anyway since life is a dynamic experience with
serious plus joyful situations. I deal with reality. I don't succumb to "games"
emotionally, because I am a grown man. You can believe that.
The government is now hijacking kids TV to propagandize for swine flu shots. The federal
government has made its 16 million dollar PR campaign to try to brainwash America that taking the
swine flu vaccine by now mixing their propaganda into a popular pre-school show for children. It is
now airing on PBS Kids. Sid the Science Kid is a half hour series produced by Jim Henson
Productions and KCET in Los Angeles, California. The program was bankrolled in part by the
Boeing Company, which is a titan of the military industrial complex. One episode is set to air on
Monday weeks ago. The computer generated characters are shown dancing around and singing
about how their are taking their flu vaccine. The entire episode is devoted to pro-vaccine
propaganda and was created in association with Health and Human Services. The episode is
entitled, "Getting a Shot: You can do it!" According to a press release, “Health and
Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, and Lisa Henson,
CEO of the Jim Henson Company, will join Washington-area school children for a screening of the
new “Sid the Science Kid” special episode on the flu at the U.S. Department of Education
Auditorium.” The children will be directed to the Sid the Science Kid website to play games
focused around the issue of vaccines. In the cartoon, Sid wants to promote vaccines to
children and adults during the flu season. Big Pharma, Kathleen Sebelius, and Sid the
Science Kid don't want people to know that children have died after taking the H1N1 vaccine,
healthy young women have gotten brain disorder after the getting the vaccines, it has
dangerous substances (like mercury, which can cause autism), etc. A child is 40 times more
likely to be struck by lightning than have their life saved by a swine flu vaccine. Children shouldn't
be shoved down their throat this propaganda. According to the Times, it is also a myth that any of
the batches of H1N1 vaccine contain thimerosal, which is a mercury based preservative. This
comes despite of the fact that this again is openly admitted by the pharmaceutical companies
who produce the vaccines. That is why German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German leaders
(even soldiers) are having a vaccine without additives like thimersoal. Many parents are refusing to
get the vaccine in America as well. The toxic vaccines can make Big Pharma really rich.

Tiger Woods has the famous scandal in popular culture. Tiger Woods’ father was a known military
leader. Woods is famous in his youth for being in the Bob Hope show. Fritz Springmeier writes that
Bob Hope was a notorious MKULTRA programmer & sex slave handler. Hope definitely
had tons of elite titles and was an agent of the establishment to promote WWII and the
blatantly evil Vietnam War in the 1960’s-1970’s. In fact, back in the 1960‘s, the
government co-opted the anti-war movement (with fake hippies who promoted the pro-
mind control drug of LSD) in order further control society. That is why FBI programs like
Operation Choas & COINTELPRO existed to infiltrate various groups from across the
spectrum from civil rights organizations, college groups, and to other entities. Some of
these leading hippies and “stars” in the 1960’s were tied to the military, intelligence
agencies, etc. For example, Jim Morrison's father was an admiral involved w/ the fake Gulf
of Tonkin attack, and David Crosby was a blue-blood as were many other 60's stars. These
people were promoted as a means to promote a phony “Revolution” whose result was more
recreational drug usage, more prisons being built up, and less liberty existing in American
society. In other words, the 1960’s so-called Cultural Revolution brought more centralized
control by the elite upon the population (some of these same hippie leaders are now CEOs
of corporations). What Tiger Woods did with adultery was wrong. The majority of the sympathy
ought to be given unto Elin and her (plus Tiger's) children. I feel sympathy for Tiger, because he
should of known better to realize that tons of people in the establishment hated him for what
he is and his contributions in sports. He should of been more careful with his
actions. Tiger Woods acted very naïve. I don‘t act naïve. I know that some
people will like me and some don‘t. I don‘t put a front to suck up to folks. I
act what I am. Unlike others who want to slander the man and claim that he hates his own
ethnic background (when they offer no conclusive proof of this), I don't do it. I agree with not
being ashamed of what you are though. Even if Tiger Woods, has self hate issues with his
black or Asian heritage (that's wrong of course. No one should hate their own
heritage at all), he should be encouraged to learn about his culture (not be
scolded by these hypocrites). Instead, we should legitimately criticize him for his errors and
hope that in the future that he will be a better man than the past plus the present. See, the "don't
judge at any circumstance" crowd are more harsh toward Tiger than people like me
(who believes in accountability, yet forgiveness). The don’t judge crowd (which
make up heavily of the celebrity crowd since a lot of them accept moral
relativism) say look in mirror and that’s fine. On the other hand, they don’t
like Jesus’ word saying for us to Judge Righteous Judgment in John 7:24.
It’s freedom of speech to judge righteously and I will do it with absolutely no
regrets. Using their sick logic, I can’t judge Hitler as a murderer, I can’t
judge Mao as a killer, and I can’t judge the Nazis as extremists. So, the don’t
judge at any circumstance crowd are 100% wrong. So, they certainly want
morality to be manipulated. Hence, There is no shame in what I think on this
issue. Some of these hypocrites don't even want to forgive Tiger when forgiveness is required
among all Christians. This can be a turning point in Tiger's life to better his character. Also, we
shouldn't commit adultery, love your own self including all people plus God, and not mess around
with any whore. A man should go out with a real woman.

Proverbs 28:13 easily mentions that: “He that covereth his sins shall
not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall
have mercy.”

*The goal of this popular culture expose isn’t to demonize stars unfairly (or to
promote unnecessary agitation). It’s to educate people on the infiltration of the
corporate elite in popular culture, expose the new world order agenda, and help
people to not be swayed by the popular culture empire, but be renewed in their
minds to follow God’s will and God’s Word. I think independently with my
thoughts. Like technology, music can be utilized for good and evil purposes. I
will not suck up to the wicked people in this world. I will be honest with my
fellow human beings and express my views as part of the freedom of free
Famous movies are common in the world. "Minority Report" is such a famous movie. It was
directed by the famous film director Steven Spielberg in 2002. It was based loosely on the short
story called "The Minority Report" by the late pro-Gnostic author Philip K. Dick. The film was set
mostly in Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia in the year of 2054. The story talks about a
specialized police department called "Precrime." The police department gets criminals by using

foreknowledge, which is provided by psychics called "precogs." The cast has Tom
Cruise playing the Precrime officer John Anderton, Colin Farrell as the Department of Justice agent
Danny Witner, and Samantha Morton as the senior precog Agatha. Max von Sydow acts as
Anderton's superior Lamar Burgess. The film was innovative for its high contrast for dark colors and
shadows with a distinctive look. It was praised in 2002. It earned box office sucess as well.
John Anderton acts as a member of Precrime. The 3 precogs help stop murders with
their precognition abiliities. The precogs are mutated humans. The unit's actions in D.C.
has made Washington D.C. been murder free for six years. The chief of the force is
named Anderton. He's addicted to an illlegal psychoactive drug since the
disappearance of his son Sean (played by Dominic Scott Kay). Anderton's addiction
cause his wife to leave him. His wife is played by Karthryn Morris. The Precrime concept is
about to go nationwide. The system is audited by Colin Farrel (who plays Danny Witwer) as a
member of the Department of Justice. During the audit, the precogs predict that Anderton will
murder a man named Leo Crow (who is played by Mike Binder) in 36 hours. They believe that the
incident was a set up by Witwer, who is aware of Anderton's addiction (and given his own ignorance
of Leo Crow's existence prior to this point). Anderton tries to hide the case and leave the area
before Witwer begins a manhunt for him. Anderton wants the advise of Dr. Iris Hineman (who is
played by Lois Smith) Dr. Hineman is the lead researcher of Precrime technology. explains to
Anderton that the three precogs—the children of drug addicts using experimental drugs years ago—
may see different visions of the future.

When this happens, the system only provides data on the two reports which
agree; a "minority report", showing the futures where the perpetrators may not
have actually committed a murder, is discarded. According to Dr. Hineman, the
female precog Agatha (Samantha Morton) is likely the one who witnesses the minority
reports. Anderton had his eyes surgically replaced to avoid iris recognition scanners
because going back into Precrime. He kidnapped Agatha. This disables the precogs's
hive mind and prevents the system from being used. Anderton uses Agatha via a
hacker to get Agatha's vision of Crow's murder. It shows that John's case lacks a
minority report and it depicts the murder of a woman named Anne Lively (played by
Jessica Harper). Agatha showed to Anderton on the day before he was incriminated.
Anderton and Agatha run to an apartment building where Crow is to be killed.
Anderton finds Crow's room to have hundreds of pictures of children like his son on
Crow's bed. He believes that Crow is responsible for Sean's disappearance. Anderton
finds Crow and tries to arrest him at gunpoint. Crow admitted that he was hired to
plant the photos and be killed so his family would be paid handsomely; realizing
Anderton will no longer kill him, Crow grabs the officer's hand, making him fire at
point-blank range, and dies. After assessing Crow's "murder", Witwer doubts that
Anderton killed in cold blood, and approaches the Precrime division's director Lamar
Burgess (Max von Sydow). Witwer, who has also discovered Agatha's recording of the
Anne Lively murder, points out that it differs slightly from the original recording and
observes that someone must have manipulated the system to fake the murder.

Burgess did this by hiring a drifter to do the murder. This person was caught by the
precrime system. So, the precogs see it as 2 separate murder attempts, but the precrime
police see it as a leftover vision of the same murder. Burgess kills Witwer, because of the
precogs temporary not working right. Burgess frames Anderton for the murder. Anderton
finds his separated wife Lara for refuge. Lively is targeted as she was Agatha's mother.
Livevly was killed when she wanted to see her daughter again. The precrime unit captures
Anderton and returns Agatha to the system. Lara finds that Burgess knows more about
Lively's death than he implies. Lara uses this information to free Anderton. At a banquet to
show the success of the precrime unit and Burgess, Anderton plays Agatha's vision of the
Lively murder to the gathered crowd. It shows Burgess as the murder. Burgess confront
Anderton to try to silence him of Lively murder. Another precrime report shows Burgess
killing Anderton. Anderton tells Burgess that it's over (It's a no-win situation because if
Burgess kills Anderton, then the precrime system worked, but Burgess wil go to jail. If he
doesn't kill Anderton, the precrime system might cease). Anderton says that the problem
with the system is that if one knows his or her own future, he or she can change it. Burgess
kills himself by attempting to resolve the paradox. The Precrime system is later shut down.
Everyone jailed as a result of precrime are paroled and released. The precogs are given a chance
to lead a full life. Anderton and Lara reconcile. They begin a new family. The film ends with the
precogs living together in a remote cabin, far from anyone who would trouble them with visions. The
filming of the movie took place in Washington D.C, Virginia, and LA.
“Minority Report” envisions their scenes as experiencing a prison planet. The
movie takes Original Sin on its head by viewing people are guilty before any crime
has been done. Original Sin is about humans born in a sinful state due to the fall
of man from the Garden of Eden. This doesn’t mean that babies are going to Hell
for being sinners. Witwer tells Anderton, "I spent three years at Fuller Seminary
before I became a cop."

The philosophical or even esoteric questions of Minority report is the question of foreknowledge,
free, and determinism. In other words, does man have free will or does life exists as fixed fate
irrespective of what we do? Can man alter the future or can man can't alter the future? The
truth is that man can make choices, but Almighty God has foreknowledge and knows
everything irrespective of what we do. Some believe that Gnostic and Scientology themes are
placed inside of "Minority Report." Tom Cruise is a member of Scientology of course. Scientology
believes that an evil Creator god named Xenu created the matter, space, and time of the Universe.
They believe that man can use vitamins and exercise to achieve mental and spiritual tranquility.
They follow the teachings of its founder L. Ron Hubbard.
The notion of "pre-crime" in Minority Report is pro-Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard in a secret OT 8
document (according to an ex-Scientologist and Christian Joe Schimmel) believes that the coming
of Jesus Christ could be derailed. Hubbard was such a fraud that he admitted that he created the
cult of Scientology in order to make profit:

"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a

million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" (SOURCE: L. Ron
Hubbard, Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, page 1). Scientology claims that it
alone "brings man to total freedom and truth" (A Description of the Scientology
Religion, p. 57). The Word of God teaches that Jesus Christ shed His blood upon
the cross to set us free (Galatians 5:1; 1st Peter 1:18-19).

L. Ron Hubbard (who believed that he experienced past lives before) desired a man-made
utopia where society would be without criminals, and war. Minority Report tries to create
such an Utopia, but it doesn't occur because of the imperfections of human beigns. Philip K.
Dick's 1956 short novel of "Minority Report" promotes the idea that this attempted dictatorial
Utopia works to stop murder and other forms of crime. Dianetics is the famous book in
Scientology. It's a methodology developed by L. Ron Hubbard in trying to get rid of unwanted
emotions by using processes and the movie brainwash precogs in order to supports the state's
agenda. The movie promote genetic research going awry as influencing the development of human
psychic capabilities in some people. The precog psychics are placed in a pool of water appearing in
a dazed state. They are in a semi-conscious state when psychic influence is promoted by occultists
using drugs or mediation. This goes back to the Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt.

"The Minority Report" outlines some of what is occuring in the world at real life as well. The previous
Bush administration have used the federal government to lock up people immediately after 9/11
deemed "terrorists" or "illegal immigrants" without a trial (and they haven't committed a crime at all).
No charges were filed against them and they weren't given access to a lawyer. Some spent a year
in legal limbo. Some of the public was brainwashed to support this oppression. According to a
recent GATT Drudge leak of a New York Times story, Spielberg has declared himself "on the
president’s side" in Bush’s efforts to "root out those individuals who are a danger to our way of
living." (One of Spielberg’s fellow executives at Dreamworks, however, has
called Attorney General John Ashcroft "scary.") Spielberg is ironically a member of
the Bilderberg Group and now supports the Barack Obama administration (which supports some of
the same policies on civil liberties as George W. Bush did). Preemptive tactics and precrime is one
part of a fascist dictatorship plainly speaking. It was the same deceptive preemptive view that Iraq
had WMDs (which Iraq didn't) was used as a pretext to create Bush's preemptive Iraq war. The
state in the movie will send people into jail without trial or a release date. Foreign intelligence
services have issued their own reports, saying that it is doubtful that Iraq actually has nuclear
warheads, even though most concede its forces have chemical and biological warheads, just as he
did in 1990-1991, when possession of such warheads meant absolutely nothing in determining the
outcome of the war. Even Padilla was accused of being a dirty bomber, but he remains in jail without
charges, legal representation, and without recourse. This is exactly a representation of a
tyrannical form of government. "Minority Report" promotes a society without trial by jury,
retinal scans everywhere, using genetically altered people as clairvoyants, and other forms
of anti-liberty policies. Such an oppressive Big Brother society is occurring in Britain and in
many ways in America.
Fight Club has many meanings as many movies do. We live in a multifaceted and
complex world and this complexity reaches into numerous forms in our society. Fight
Club the movie was based on the 1996 novel under the same name by by Chuck
Palahniuk. Palahiniuk wanted to use his novel to be a metaphor. This metaphor
entials the conflict between a generation of young people and the value
system of adverstising. The movie didn't do well when it came out in 1999, but it
described political life in America now in 2009. Also, its visual style was ground
breaking. Overall production included about 300 scenes, about 200 locations, and
complex special effects. Fincher compared Fight Club to his succeeding and less complex film
Panic Room, "I felt like I was spending all my time watching trucks being loaded and unloaded so I
could shoot three lines of dialogue. There was far too much transportation going on." Kevin Tod
Haug worked on the visual effects using CG modeling, animation, compositing, and
scanning. The film shows the narrator's brain in a microscopic level. The camera pulls
back to the outside, starting at his fear center and following the thought processes
initiated by his fear impulse. The sequence, designed in part by Fincher, was budgeted
separately from the rest of the film at first, but the sequence was awarded by the studio in
January 1999. The film was directed by David Fincher. Its starring actors and one actress are
Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter. Pitts plays an unnamed narrator and the
protagonist in the film. He represents collectively folks who are specifically discontent with
his white collar job in American society. Some of these people in real life feel that this
lifestyle is boring and without diversity of value in their lives. Helena plays Marla Singer.
Brad Pitt plays Tyler Durden and rock and roller Meat Loaf plays Robert Paulson. Norton's
character joins with Tyler Durden (a soap salesman) to form a fight club group. This is
similar to an underground UFC group, yet the UFC is made up of trained professionals.
Norton in the movie is having a relationship with Marla Singer, who is dissolute.
In the beginning, Norton is a traveling automobile company employee. He suffers from insomia. His
doctor doesn't give him any medication. He pretends to so to a support group when he isn't a victim
of another condition. In one support group, he meeting Marla Singer. Norton or the narrator finds his
apartment destroyed by an explosion after he comes from a business trip. He calls Tyler Durden
(whom he befriended on the flight and meet at a bar). They fight each other about consumerism.
Both met at Tyler's dilapidated house. More fighting comes and this forms the fight club. The
narrator saves Marla from overdosing on pills. Tyler didn't want the narrator to talk to Marla about
him. Fight clubs are formed nationwide to promote the agenda of anti-materialism, and anti-
corporatism. They form an organization called "Project Mayhem" which causes terrorism all over
America. The narrator complains to Tyler that he wants to be more involved in the organization, but
Tyler suddenly disappears. When a member of Project Mayhem dies, the narrator tries to shut down
the project, and follows evidence of Tyler's national travels to track him down. In one city, a project
member greets the narrator as Tyler Durden. The narrator calls Marla from his hotel
room and discovers that Marla also believes him to be Tyler. The narrator
discovers that he and Tyler are dissociated personalities in the same body.
So, Tyler control the narrator's body when the narrator is asleep. Tyler wants to destroy some
building that contain credit companies' records to end debt. The narrator tries to stop him, but Tyler
subdues him and moves to a safe building to watch the destruction. Since both the narrator and
Tyler are connected by personalities, the narrator, shots at his neck (to not kill himself, while Tyler
dies with a gun shot wound in the head).

Later, Project Mayhem brings a kidnapped Marla to the narrator believing him to be Tyler. They
leave him alone. The explosives detonate. This caused the buildings to fall. The narrator and Marla
watch the scene holding hands. The moves shows Tyler's extremism and the narrator rejecting
Tyler's plans. The movie has many meanings as well. The movie talks about everyman being
forced to confirm to the dictates of society that's very materialistic. The film tries to bash
many things in the narrator's world even good things. Other Christians like Joe Schimmel
have found Gnostic connections with the film. The Fight Club has Tyler Durden using a
Flight Club-like secret society to promote enlightenment from the confines of the physical
world. Tyler promotes violent and subversive Revolution to get his agenda across. He calls
himself the Liberator. He uses slides of pornography in a movie theater filled with children (who
are watching family films) to make the kids and others desensitized to pornography in general (and
it will corrupt youth as apart of forming Revolution). The terrorism done in Project Mayhem is similar
to the terrorism done by V in V for Vendetta. Tyler promotes arson and other forms of terrorism.
Tyler believes in destroying the material world and tries to turn against Almighty God. Tyler
falsely tells the narrator (played by Ed Norton) that God hates the narrator. Tyler in the film
hates God, loves damnation, and rejects redemption. This is Gnosticism and Satanism 101.
Gnosticism teaches that the Creator God is the enemy and man should be liberated into
spiritual enlightenment (while bashing the physical reality of the Universe). Tyler wants the
narrator to lose everything in order to do anything in life (which is a Crowyelian philosophy of do
what thou wilt or do what you want to do). The narrator and Tyler share the same person, but they
have different personalities. This is a representation of split personality. Destroying the present
reality via Project Mayhem in anarchy is supported by some Gnostics like the late Philip K. Dick.
There’s a scene where Jack narrates to the audience, “Every evening I died…and every evening
I was born again.” This is of course mocking Jesus Christ who said that all humans can be born
again by his grace through faith. Also, the Phoenix archetype mimic the concept of rising out of the
fire after dying in a multiple century interval. This relates to the death of oneself and the rebirth of a
new reality or persona in human existence. The narrator suffering from insomnia is common in mind
control techniques as well. The narrator destroys parts of his flesh to kill Tyler Durdin. The bashing
of the human flesh is pro-Gnosticism. The movie resonates among young men like myself. Its
slick overt message is that we should rebel against a society that emasculate males and
turning us into zombies (escaping a meaningless existence). Yet, it's true message is
programming society to embrace anarchy, nihilistic cynicism, destruction of
society, bashing God, and distracting people from finding solutions to improve
our world (instead of just breaking it down). The world does need change. Society
is terrible, but that doesn't excuse using an evil path of random violence as a means to find
"enlightenment." The movie claims to promote morality, but it harbor contradictions. Case in point,
in the original book Marla Singer’s idea of a romantic sentiment is to tell Tyler Durden that she
wants to have his abortion. (versus “I want to have your baby.”) The line was deemed too
provocative though and so in the movie it was changed to “I haven’t been (profane word) like that
since grade school.” Dark elements running amok, reshaping the human psyche indeed. Although,
abortion is murder and evil though. Other writers have compared Norton's character to a
representation of a mind control victim, which is very feasible. "Fight Club" promotes losing hope,
which I disagree with. "Losing all hope is freedom," says the Narrator. That's wrong since having
faith and hope consists of true freedom (among other things). I still have faith and hope in God
indeed. Many Hollywood people or those who work in the entertainment world
that I wouldn’t expect years ago know about the new world order and related
issues like Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen, etc. So, the
deal is that we should hope to God that many of them would literally come of
out of the closet and express their views publicly and wake up totally to follow
the commandments of the sole, living Almighty God.
Any Given Sunday is a famous football movie. It describes much of what happened in the National
Football League in real life. This 1999 film was directed by Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone is a
controversial director in his own right. It has many famous actors and actresses in the
film. Even legendary real life football players Jim Brown and Lawrence
Taylor were in the film. The movie came out in December 22, 1999 when I
was in the 11th grade of high school. The movie deals with the fictional
football team of the Miami Sharks. They were once a great team. Now, they are in turmoil
and struggle to make the playoffs. It outlines the many facets of American football like politicians,
the press, front office, players, staff, and they pressure football experience. The opening scene has
both the starting quarterback Jack "Cap" Ronney (played by Dennis Quad) and the 2nd string
quarterback Tyler Cherubini being injured and they are forced to leave the game. One of the
meanings for Any Given Sunday is that anything can happen on every Sunday during a football
game. The Miami Sharks are forced to call upon 3rd string quarterback and former 6th round draft
pick Willie Beaman to play (who is played by Jamie Foxx). Beaman is nervous at first and made
execution errors while he's on the field. He lacks knowledge of the team's playbook. He throws up in
the huddle. As he gain comfort for the game, he learns the playbook quickly. He dislikes the Shark's
conservative offense to the dismay of both the coach Tony D'Amato (who is played by Al
Pacino) and offensive coordinator Nick Crozier. Beamen who his athletic talent and run
plus pass extremely successful. Beamen develops an arrogance and narcissism . He is the image of
the fictional AFFA and receives numerous lucrative advertisement deals like a music video. The
Miami Sharks win the game from behind against the Dallas Knights. They win the 1st round of the
playoffs. Off-screen, Miami beats Minnesota in conference championship, but loses to San Francisco
in the Pantheon Cup Championship. Coach D'Amato said that all feuds are gone and wants to live
on a positive note. He is thanked by the owner named Christina Pagniacci (who is played by
Cameron Diaz) plus the media for his contribution to the team. Oliver Stone exploited football tension
and this caused fights among the actors in real life (like between LL Cool J and Jamie Foxx). Later,
Coach D'Amato drops a bombshell and announces that he has been hired as head coach and
general manager of the expansion Albuquerque Aztecs. Then he says he just signed Willie Beamen
as his starting quarterback and franchise player. Despite the initial hysteria among the media and
owners, the general consensus that this is the best solution because D'Amato and Crozier (Aaron
Eckhart) (backed by Christina) cannot co-exist. Christinia and the executives argue why they let
Deamen go without resigning him to a longer contract for the Sharks.

Occult or Masonic symbolism is throughout the movie. The quarterback in the movie wore
the number of 13 and the receiver had the number of 33. 13 has the meanings of rebellion,
evil, and a new age change according to the occult and numerology. 33 is the highest level
or degree of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the world. Also, All Seeing eyes were all over the
film. The Dallas Knight's team logo is a triangular "All Seeing Eye" and a Templar cross. The
Knights Templar cross is a cross with equal sides on it. The Dallas player's leg has the logo of the
Knights Templar. The Knight's Uniform is made up of an ancient Egyptian ankh image. The ankh
is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing life. It's also known as the crux
ansata. It was frequently accepted by the ancient Egyptian kings and queens.
It is also in reference to the masculine and feminine qualities of nature (that's
similar to the definition of generation). The ankh have been defined as an emblem of
fertility, immortality, and it's used in the occult. Regardless to this day, worshippers of Ra, New
Agers, and other utilize the ankh symbol. One man on the fields shows a cross hand sign as a code
to the football players. The cross is a well known ancient sun symbol. Jamie Foxx shows the symbol
of the Triangle with his hands (which is similar to the Rocafella hand sign that existed for years
before Rocafella's existence) and the X-sign, which relates to the depictions of Osiris. Aleister
Crowley is famous for show the X-hand sign while dressed in an ancient Egyptian pharaoh costume.
One the back of the Knights' helmet is the All Seeing Eye of Horus in a Triangle alone with red rays
proceeding from the All Seeing Eye. This is similar to the Eye of Providence or Horus from the U.S.
Great Seal. The same All Seeing Eye is found in the football field as well (transported with a Knight
of Malta or Knights Templar cross. The movie's obsession with eyes is further proven in a segment
of the movie wherefore one football's eye is gouged out of his face).

Knight Arthur archetypes exist in movies and film all of the time. Religious people
believe that Arthur is an archetype of the future Antichrist in the world. The reason is
that the legend of Arthur says that he will come back again to save the world. The
Antichrist in the Bible will come to appear to save the world, but chaos will
come in his wake. King Arthur was killed by a mortal head wound having his
skull crushed between 516-550 A.D. according to the supporters of his
existence. The Antichrist will have wound and became healed. King Arthur is a
legendary mythology. His existence has been disputed to this day. The major story
about King Arthur was that he was a Celtic general who led a defense of Britain
against Saxon invaders in the early 500's A.D. Sources talk about him like the the
Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas. In stories,
Arthur's father was Uther Pendragon and the wizard Merlin was his ally. His sword
called Excalibur assisted Arthur in battle and his had the Knights of Round Table. The
9th century author, Nennius, believed to be a more credible source of British history,
published 'The Historia Brittonum' where he mentions King Arthur's
twelve battles, and links the winning of the battle at Badon Hill to King Arthur "who
killed 940 Saxons in one day." In the tenth century 'the Annales Cambriae' cites King
Arthur dying at Camlann. The King Arthur archetype have been popularized in culture
with books like Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and Michael Baigent's Holy Blood, Holy
Grail. Michael is a Freemason. Holy Blood, Holy Grail believes in the heresy that the
Merovingians and the Stuarts of Scotland are descended from Jesus Christ. Yet, the
Holy Grail as an occult concept is very real. The Holy Grail to Kabbalists, Rosicrucians,
etc. represents to occultists secret knowledge. Some high level Illuminists are
involved in intermarriage with each other. One example is how Jacob Rothschild have
intermarried with the Sinclair family. According to David Livingstone's "The
Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline" from August 22, 2005:

"...In reality, they, like all the aristocratic bloodlines that form the core of the Illuminati,
are descended from Guillaume de Gellone of the eighth century AD. Guillaume's father
was Rabbi Makhir, among the Exilarchs who ruled the Jews in Baghdad, who was sent
West after a dispute over the successorship. In France, he took the name Theodoric,
married Alda, the aunt of Charlemagne, and was appointed “King of the Jews” in the
region of the Languedoc, with his capital the city of Narbonne. Narbonne then became the
heartland of the Medieval Kabbalah. The Kabbalists of Narbonne seem to have been
responsible for instigating the Crusades, in order to retrieve sacred texts that had been
buried there, but which had been unaccessible because of first the rule of the Romans, and
then the Muslims. Once Jerusalem was conquered, a Kabbalistic order of knights known
as the Templars conducted excavations, and discovered the text of the Sepher ha Bahir,
which revived the lost mystical tradition, and set off the cultural revolution of the
Medieval Kabbalah..."

The Sinclairs are descendants of Guillame de Gellone according to Livingstone. Today,

Royals like Prince Charles and Prince Philip have influence in the world. Both are
members of the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is a secret order that
some believe is similar to the Round table. The Order was formed by Edward III in
1348. The future King Prince William was the 1,000 Knight in the Register of the Order of
the Garter. Edward III ironically created the group under the inspiration of the legend of
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Cecil Rhodes was a Freemason and
created his Round Table group in order to form a global Anglo-British Empire to
rule the Earth in global government. Rhodes mentioned this explicitly being a white
racist supremacist. When William becomes King, he will be the first Monarch to descend
from King Charles II since Queen Anne. That is why Prince Williams is training in all
branches of the British military. As of 2008 he is with the Royal Air Force, training as a
pilot where he is known there as Flying Officer William Wales, next he is scheduled to join
the Royal Navy. William will have more "Kingly training" compared to Prince Charles and
is already exposed more to charities than his father. By 2010, according to reports from
Buckingham Palace, William will join the Foreign Ministry office. TV shows with King
Arthur themes are common like the 1998 miniseries called Merlin in NBC.
Iron Man is a famous movie. It was based on the fictional character from the comic
books, which was published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in the
"Tales of Suspense" #39 from March 1963.That comic was created by writer-editor
Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and artists of Don Heck plus Jack Kirby. Iron Man was
born as Anthony or Tony Edward Stark. He was an industrialist and a playboy.
He was a genius engineer too. He suffered a severe heart injury during a kidnapping,
so he was forced to build a destructive weapon to escape captivity. Later, he late
decides to use the suit to protect the world as Iron Man. He owns the multinational
corporation called Stark Industries that uses military weapons and his own metal suit
has technological devices that enable him to fight crime. Robert Downery Jr. was
famous for being the actor in the 2008 American film ironically caled "Iron Man."
Gwyneth Paltrow plays his personal assistant Pepper Potts, Terrence Howard plays military liaison
James Rhodes and Jeff Bridges plays Stark Industries executive Obadiah Stane. The film was in
development as early as 1990. Marvel Studios reacquirred the rights in 2006. Jon Favreau was the
director and Marvel financed the project. The film was shoot in California to escape from the East
Coast New York City motiff. During filming, the actors were free to create their own dialogue
because pre-production was focused on the story and action. Rubber and metal versions of the
armors, created by Stan Winston's company, were mixed with computer-generated imagery to
create the title character. In the film, Tony Stark finds an electromagnet embedded in his chest
placed there by fellow captive Dr. Yinsen. Starks leaves his deceased father's friend and business
man (named Obadiah Stone) in order to accept a prestigious award for him. Stark gambles at a Las
Vegas casino before that incident. When, Stark leaves the casino, a reporter named Christine
Everhart approaches him. He charms her into an one night stand at his Malibu house. He finds the
electromagnet is found in Afghanistan when he takes a trip to that country. Stark flies off to war-torn
Afghanistan with his friend and company military liaison, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, for a
demonstration of Stark Industries' new weapon, the "Jericho" cluster missile. On the way back,
however, his military convoy is attacked. In the firefight, his escort is wiped out and Stark himself is
critically wounded by one of his own company's bombs. Stark is captured by terrorists named Ten
Rings. Its reader Raza orders Stark to build a Jericho missile for him.

Yet, Stark and Yinsen in their 3 months of captivity build a crude suit of armor. It's powered by a
miniature "arc reactor" which also runs the electromagnet in his chest. The terrorists are impatient
and want to give Stark 24 hours to finish. The suit that Stark built is activated. The armor is ready,
but Yinsen makes a suicidal attack at the terrorists, so Stark can exist. Yinsen dies and Stark leave
the caves. Yinsen dying tells Stark to not waste his life. Forever grateful to Yinsen, Stark burns all
the munitions the terrorists have accumulated and then flies away, only to crash in the desert; Stark
survives, but his suit is destroyed. After being rescued by Rhodes, Stark announces at a press
conference that his company will no longer manufacture weapons. Stane tells him shortly
thereafter that his decision is being blocked by the board of directors of Stark Industries. On
the other hand, Stark focuses his energies on building a better version of his power suit. He
wants an improved arc reactor for his chest. This reactor runs the electromagnet in his
chest. Once the new reactor replaces the old one, Potts gives Stark a gift: his first miniature
reactor encased in glass and bearing the inscription, "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart."
During Stark's first public appearance since his return, he spots Potts wearing a dress he gave her,
and realizes that he has romantic feelings for his assistant. As they are about to share a kiss, Potts
interrupts by asking for a martini. Everhart wants pictures of Stark Industries weapons including
Jericho missiles that were recently sent into terrorists. Stark in his power suit to visit Afghanistan
and rescue Gulmira in Yinsen's village from the Ten Rings. The US Air Force accidentally attack
Iron Man thinking he's an undefined object. Iron Man saves the life of one Air Force pilot. Potts finds
out that Stane hired the Ten Rings to kill Stark. She finds out that Stane got pieces of the original
suit to reverse engineer his own version (to make the suit more powerful than Stark's power suit).
She talks with Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., a newly-established counter-terrorism government
agency, who has been accosting her and Stark about an interview concerning Stark's escape from
the Ten Rings. Iron man fights Stane and uses electricity from a surge to defeat Stane. Iron man
admits that he his Stark. Stark is visited by SHIELD Director Nick Fury. Nick said that Iron Man isn't
the only superhero in the world and they want to discuss the "Avenger Initiative." The Avengers are
a group of superheroes in the Marvel Comics. The team has featured humans, mutants, robots,
gods, aliens, supernatural beings, and even former villains.

Occult symbolism is all over the movie of "Iron Man." Some of it even relates to Luciferian
propaganda. Tony Stark wants to save the world (as he's praised in a fictional Rolling Stone cover).
This archetype is very similar to the Antichrist in biblical prophecies using deception. After Stark gets
the "Apogee" award, he said that he is a "prodigal son" who will usher in a "new era." The new era is
very similar to the concept of the new world order. The prodigal son is a story of the Bible where a
backslidden son is returned back to their father for guidance and insight on spiritual matters. An
apogee is the point at which a celestial body is farthest from the Earth in its orbit. After the
ceremony, Stark hands his award to a man in costume saying: "...Render unto
Ceasar that which is Ceasar's..." Stark's family crest is a double headed
egale. It represents authority, power, it's used in alchemy as man being like
unto God (which is a heresy), and equilibrium. It's used in the ancient Roman Empire,
Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and the old Holy Roman Empire. Starks using the Jericho missiles for
destructive purposes is similar to the destruction of the city of Jericho from the Book of Joshua.
Stark uses an arch to stay alive. Stark first emerge from Iron Man from a cave where he nearly died
(serving 3 months in the tube as similar to Jesus Christ being died in a cave and rising from the
death). . This is similar to Jesus Christ rising form the death from a cave. Stark or Iron man is a high
tech Gnostic version of Superman. Transhumanists believe that humans can live large expectancies
with the merging of human body parts and mechanical instruments. Obadiah Stane's name means
"servant of the Lord." Ironman 2 is coming out in May 7, 2010. This movie
has Tony refusing to divulge the secrets behind the Iran Man armor
since he’s afraid of the technology slipping into the wrong hands.
Iron fights new powerful forces when he allies with Pepper Potts
(played by Gwyneth Paltrow) and James “Rhodey” Rhodes (played by
Don Cheadle) at his side.

The Dark Knight has been one of the most popular movies of all time. The movie harbored a
new chapter in the Batman movie series. It was a 2008 superhero crime thriller film. It was
directed and co-written by Christopher Nolan being based on DC Comics' Batman. This
movie was a sequel to 2005's Batman Begins. Batman in the Dark Knight is played by
Christian Bale. His controversial history fixes the controversial storyline of Batman. Harvey
Dent played by Aaron Eckhart, Assistant D.A. Rachel Dawes is played by
Maggie Gyllenhaal,, and the Police Commissioner James Gordon is played Gary
Oldman. The whole film relates to the rise of the criminal of the Joker. The Joker is played
by the late Health Ledger. The Joker image came about in its own comic book from 1940.
January 22, 2008 passed away after he had completed filming "The Dark Knight." He died
from an accidental mix of a combination of prescription drugs. This caused the popularity of
the Dark Knight to ascend into bigger height. "The Dark Knight" came out in North America
in July 18, 2008. It came about in Australia in July 16, 2008 and in the UK on July 24, 2008. It
earned more than $500 million in the North American box office records later on. It was the 4th
highest grossing film worldwide and it was the 4th film to earn more than $1 billion. It won 2
Academy Awards for Best Sound Editing and Best Supporting Actor for Ledger's performance. The
film starting with Batman trying to find and capture the Joker. Harvey Dent is the new district
attorney, who tries to fight the mob, but transforms into Two-Face in a bad accident. Batman fights
crime in Hong Kong and Gotham City. Batman's true identity is the billionaire Bruce Wayne. Bale
trains in Batman to do the Keysi Fighting Method and doing some of his own stunts. Dent or Two
Face fight and Dent dies form a fall. Batman saves the life of the boy. Gordon allows Batman to be
responsible for the murders in the city, so Gordon smash the Bat Signal. The end of the movie show
Batman fleeing from a building, while Gordon and his son watch. The film deals with terrorism,
moral relativism, crime, anarchy and list of other concepts concretely. They aren't described in
conjecture at all. Ledger's distinct Joke voice from Jack Nicholson's character in Tim Burton's 1989
Batman film is highly praised. The Dark Knight grossed $67,165,092 on its opening day, beating the
previous record of $59.8 million held by Spider-Man 3 in 2007. However, the record was broken by
New Moon which grossed close to $73 million. New Moon came about in 2009.

Symbolism is throughout the film of the Dark Knight. There is dualism and moral relativism as it
pertains to lawlessness and law enforcement. The Batman tries to do the right thing, but rebels
against the law at times in order in his mind to achieve some "good." Also, the Joker is a force of
chaos (or the thesis of Organized Crime), which causes the Batman to exist (or the antithesis) to
flourish in Gotham city. The synthesis is the Batman working with the police in trying to cause a
stable order. Yet, the Joker causes even more chaos. Therefore, Gotham is more totalitarian or a
panoptic state as a result in the end of the film.

This is evident on the cover of the Dark Knight movie showing the words of "...Welcome to a
world without rules..." An anarchy is a state of society where there are no governmental rules.
This synthesis of realities and contradiction of morality is expressed in the character of Two Face
himself as well. For example, D.A. Harvey Dent was once a lawyer and then he transformed into a
criminal (his face outlines the diametric forces of Law and Lawlessness). Dent
even once
argues for draconian ways to stop organized crime. He mentions how, in times
of war, the Roman Republic would give full control to a trustworthy general,
who would then succeed power when the war was over. In ancient Roman history, the
Republic was destroyed by the Roman generals in Hegelian Dialetic to form the Roman Empire
(whose famous first Emperor was Augustus Caesar, which form the Pax Romana. The Pax
Romana was a pre-New World Order system). Dent's face is similar to the Roman two faced
false god of Janus (describing the deity of opposites and the beginnings and endings).
During the time of war, the Temple of Janus were left open. Two Face constantly shows a
coin to outline the choices of good and evil in how he conducts his decisions. America itself
is a form of a modern Roman Republic in its history. The Founding Fathers used Greco-Roman
architecture in Washington, D.C. (plus cities all of the United States of America). The Latin motto
"Novus Ordo seclorum" is from the line in the Fourth Ecolgue of the Roman poet
Virgil meaning the new order of the ages. Virgil meant the phrase of promoting a savior to bring
peace in the world (as a pagan, Virgil certainly won't promote Jesus Christ as the real Messiah).
America's government have been heavily based on Enlightenment revolutionaries and other
esoterics. Today, President Barack Obama in America is dealing with America with tons of anti-civil
liberty laws existing in the American Empire. Glen Beck said some ignorant comments about the
Dark Knight move. In his mind, the movie outlines conservative values. What does this "The
Dark Knight" move have do with being conservative? Nothing is the answer. Glen Beck is
living in fantasy. Rendition, torture, and wiretapping people without a warrant has nothing to
do with being aligned with conservative values at all. It has nothing to do with liberal or any
real American values for that matter. Using a comic book or a movie to justify bad policies is
not only a sign of desperation, but a fraudulent way in getting real accurate points of view

Pedophiles are still a threat in the world. In 1977, Roman Polanski sexually abused a 13 year
old girl. He escaped justice in the late 1970's by traveling into Europe. French Minister of
Culture and Communication Frederic Mitterrand admitted that he was a pedophile in his
autobiography called "The Bad Life" from 2005. In that book, he wrote the sick words of: "All
these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excited me enormously ... the
abundance of very attractive and immediately available young boys put me in a state of
desire." Frédéric Mitterrand is a TV showman, film producer, writer, gay activist and nephew
of the last socialist president” was named France’s new Minister for Culture and
Communication. The Art Newspaper on September 1, 2009 still supported Mitterrand. On
September 27, 2009, the escaped fugitive Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police for
possible extradition to America. The reason was for Polanski's rape of a 13 year old
girl back in 1977. He's denied bail. Still, some support Polanski including some
in Hollywood. Mitterrand is one of those people calling it an ordeal for
Polanski. The sicko Mitterrand bragged about victimizing young boys in Bangkok,
Thailand. Mitterand's crimes were knew about by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The
Independent Online reports Sarkozy had read The Bad Life and called Mitterrand’s “sex
tourism book 'courageous.’” That's a lie since it's cowardice and evil to abuse young
children. Polanski posed for French magazines with young girls. Some in the French
opposition party wanted Mitterrand's resignation since he supported Polanski. Even Daniel
the co-President of European Greens,
Marc Chon-Bendit (

European Free Alliance, and of the European Parliament of

the European Union
Union) admitted to abuse kids (in his 1975 literature of "Le Grand
Bazar"). Cohn admits to abusing kids in the French TV literaty show on channel Antenne 2
(now France 2) on April 23, 1982 as "eroticomaniac." In America, he wouldn't of gotten
arrested for saying that in national TV then and now. British artists at Tate Modern forced to
remove a naked photo of a 10 year old Brooke Shields from its pornography "museum
exhibit." Pedophilia didn't die off years ago. Times Online on November 27, 2009 report that
Sarkzoy get Polanski released from the Swiss prison. Roman Polanski's family yesterday
praised the role by Nicolas Sarkozy in securing the film director's release on bail after 2
months in a Swiss prison. This is wild and evil since Polanski hasn't been given justice for
his evil acts on underaged children. Now, Polanski is expected to move from a cell to house
arrest in his luxury chalet in the exclusive Alpine village of Gstaad. Sarkozy's wife Carla
Bruni's own connection to the Parisian artists may have caused Polanski to be released. He
was bailed out for 4.5 million Swiss Francs. Mr Polanski must turn in his passport and have
a surveillance system installed at his chalet, where he will wear electronic tagging, the Swiss
Federal Office of Justice said in a statement. “He must not leave this house,” the ministry
said. Should he violate the terms of release, the bail, raised against the director’s apartment
in Paris, will be forfeited to the Swiss Government. “He will be under house arrest and has
also committed to wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet,” it added. Polanski's U.S.
lawyers want the case to be thrown out by December 10. The United States wants him to be
extradited to America, but Swiss authorities have yet to say if the would accept the request.
The good news is that people from across the political spectrum oppose
pedophilia strongly. Yet, we still have a long way to go in ending it
completely and punishing those who do it.
Shakira is a famous Latin American musician. She sings with intensity. Her total name is Shakira
Isabel Mebrak Ripoll and she was born plus raised in Barranquilla, Colombia. Colombia is known
place where much of the origin of the drug trade, especially of cocaine (intelligence agenices
like the MI6 and the CIA have been caught being involved in drug smuggling. Shakira is also
known like Beyonce for shaking her body. Like many other artists, Shakira is certainly a
puppet of the mainstream music industry unfortunately. In one of her photos, she wears an
eye of Horus necklace on her neck. She wears a Skulls and Bones shirt in another modeling
photo. The skulls and bones motiff in fashion is very commonplace in the 21st century. Shakira is
known for performing in a number of musical genre from pop, rock, hip hop, etc. Her very first single
was in 1991 called "Magia." This means Magic in Spanish. She was only 13 years with a strong IQ.
The video sings about magic and romance (romance is used as a covert guise to talk about ghosts
and magic). The video after Magia was set in a zoo when she was barely 16 (dressed in a sexual
bikinki shoot). Shakira claimed that age 4, she moved her hips instantly without much effort. Today,
Shakira is one of the most popular musicians in the world. She made an
album called "Peligro" or Danger. It had occult themes in it like a single called "Brujeria" or
Witchcraft. Some lyrics in the album are like: "It's like a coven by hiding, between my fantasies in
the skin that encourages not. No-yes. I met a gypsy of a cat. The feathers of an owl and the tree of
cilantro, yes. Yes-no. He tells me my emotions not deny me today, your broom and climb and
became. What kind of witchcraft dominates my heart?..."
Occult themes are found in her photos and even the She-Wolf album.
Ironically, she was raised Roman Catholic when Catholicism embrace many
Mystery teaching like calling Mary God's Mother (which is blasphemy),
calling a man like the Pope Holy Father which ought not to occur, having
Rosary beads, have chants in the mass rituals, etc. Shakira wears an ancient
Egyptian ankh necklace (representing eternal life, etc.). She wears the cross and the Celtic cross.
The cross is a known sun symbol. Of course, Shakira wore a Black Sabbath occult T-Shirt and she
is seen in another picture showing the horned Il Canuto handsign. One of Shakira's early videos
showing programming and other occult themes is called Pies Descalzos Sue Blancos (or Bare Feet,
White Dreams). The album cover of Shakira looked tranced. The song is social commentary about
the elite manipulation of society for centuries. There is a masquerade ball (which is common elite
occurrence). Shakira sings in a couple of black and white outfits (representing dualism) and there
are mannequins. Shakira sings in she is playing in a toilet with the masked elite watching her.
Masked people are there, which is similar to the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Her other early songs deal
with control, being blindfolded, and being confused in life (with the overt mask of talking about love
or romance). One of her occult videos is called "Ojos Asi" or Eyes Like Yours. This
video has the All Seeing Eye with a green neon light. The video has a Bacchic like
frenzy of celebration. Shakira has a snake tattoo in the video and the video shows
Sacred Geometry symbolism. A snake is promoted in the video. There is a burning
of an object at the end of the video acting like a ritual. She loves the butterfly
imagery. Her famous video for America was in "Hips Don't Lie" with Wyclef Jean
(who is a black American man & famous musician of Haitian descent). Shakira like
Beyonce do a lot of ritualized, symbolic videos. The friendly competition between Beyonce
and Shakira is expressed in their song together called "Beautiful Liar." In the video, there is a rising
and setting sun. Both act in dualism in terms of them being popular in pop culture. Each mirror each
other movements to friendly see who is the best dancer, etc. They do this in a room with neon strip
of light with apparently 'Avestan' language written on the walls, during occult rituals writing
invocations on the walls in ancient scripture is a common occult practice. In the lightning storm, they
dance the exact same way. These strange occurrences among Shakira and Beyonce have some
people believe that both women might be influenced by MK-Ultra or another specialized
programming. Shakira even admits that she's controlled in life in an authoritarian type
of way. She admits that: “I think I felt trapped in a golden cage for many years,” she
said. “The culture, the education, the upbringing, what society expects from
you…“Over the past year, I’ve been asking myself the question: ‘What does Shakira
really want? What are her desires and how do I fulfill them?’” Of her new music
video called “She Wolf,” the singer adds, “It was an improvisation. “I went crazy.
They said: ‘Action!’ and I just started hanging from the bars. I felt so inspired,
maybe because I felt like I was a living metaphor trapped inside the cage. “The she-
wolf is that individual who satisfies the desires inside of all of us and sets them
free.” She-wolf deals with transformation as well that goes back to the old werewolf fictional stories
from American including European stories. Shakira is known in politics as being involved in
children's charities like her "Bare Feet Foundation." She shook hands with the elite puppet Bill
Clinton. Sheis a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador like other media puppets when
the UN has been involved in population control policies, sexual scandals,
and other neo-Malthusian evils since its inception in 1945. She wears a T-
Shirt with a skulls and bones image and the message of "Love Kills Slowly."
She is even pictured with British Royal Prince Charles, who is another globalist. She
sang in the Obama inauguration with Usher, Beyonce, and Steve Wonder.
V is a new Television series on ABC. It relates to the themes of alien invasion, Big Brother,
and other subjects. The plot shows that some aliens overtly want to act friendly among the
human population. Covertly, these aliens desire to rule over humanity on the confines of the
planet Earth. The series promotes the aliens as Saviors in a false way, which is
similar to the Bible shows the Antichrist as a false savior in deceptively appealing to
people. The V spaceships are globally. It shakes the buildings below. Inside a Catholic Church
this shaking dislodges a huge crucifix of Jesus high up the wall. When it falls, it nearly crushes
a handicapped man in a wheelchair. He is saved only by the quick action of the priest.
This symbolism appeared to me to be very clear: Jesus is no longer the "Savior of the
World"; minutes later, one of the humans remarked that the world badly needed a
'savior'. The V aliens heal a crippled man mocking what Jesus did (which was healing
the sick and the crippled). The aliens try to convince people that they are their friends in the
best interest to help humans. The leader of the alien group is Anna, who comes from her
mother spaceship. Her message is spoken to all people in their own language, which is similar
to the Antichrist lying to people about healing the Earth. Some people worship the V creatures
after they set up healing centers in the world to heal those afflicted with illness and diseases.
These healing centers are called National Health care (which President Barack Obama
desires). Ann wants humans to support an one world government that have been established
on their planet. Anna has technologically advanced technology. The truth is that the V
creatures are really Reptilians who take on human form order to deceive. These beings want
to kill the whole human race. Reptilian conditioning is apart of show. Testimonies from
occultists praise the reptilian and demons (and Satan) are depicted in a reptile fashion.
Biblically, the Antichrist want to condition people to accept evil under the guise of tranquility
and fake tolerance. The V reptilians try to infiltrate the human race. Ironically, some
reptilians unite with some humans to fight against the V reptilians. In fact, this
reptilian is planning to marry a human girl. Their offspring would thus be part
human and part reptile, which would be similar to the Nephilim of Genesis 6. V is
a new, slick show that is trying to condition people to love a Big Brother society, shape
shifting (which is found in the occult), and a globalized system in the world. Ironically,
in real life, globalists desire global depopulation of most of the people on planet Earth
just like the V aliens want.
Here is the Muslim rapper Mos Def showing the horned hand sign in his
new video called "Supermagic." He became popular in the late 1990’s. The
song is about promoting Islam and their god Allah mix with words about
talking about magic. In the video, the graphics transform Mos Def's face into a
human showing a skull face with other internal body parts showing. This song
is found on his album called "Ecstatic." The video has Muslim/Arabic
sounding music. Artists are showing the horned sign everywhere nowadays.
Some of these artists don't realize what that sign means including the fact that
this sign existed for thousands of years.
With the racist legacy of Disney in its early years , they now want to promote a black Princess called
Princess and the Frog." I wonder what Disney really
Tiana. The film is called "The
means by the Frog? Akina Noni Rose will play the Princess. Disney is silly to try
to brainwash people with this propaganda when they are one of the most
slickest establishment instruments of the global elite in human history. Now,
Disney overtly wants to promote the Princess to give girls inspiration to fulfill
their dreams. Tyra Banks certainly loves this concept and believes in this Disney
endeavor. The covert essence of the film shows occult symbolism and New Age ideas. One
example of that is when one poster of the "Princess and the Frog" shows the Voodoo
witchdoctor/programmer in his Worshipful Master's Top Hat, marked by a Master Mason's
Skull and Bones motif (in the original poster he can be seen sprinkling magic dust over Princess
Tiana). The man has exaggerated facial features and he hold tarot card with the hamsa (or All
Seeing Eye in the hand) imagery. This has been called the evil eye. Light comes from the eye
representing illumination. The occult nature of Disney has come out of the closet in recent years.
Magical mirrors are in the film. Now, Disney has a history of promoting the occult, having scandals,
and utilizing pedophiles plus other nefarious characters in their movies (including its company, etc.).
The fruit of Disney include a lot of these evil things. It's certainly time for people to reject this
establishment, sick programming in our land plus the world. The witchdoctor shows cards looking
like Tarot Cards, which are common in the occult. Tarot cards have been used in divination
cartomancy, and fortune telling. The tarot was modernized by a French Huguenot
named pastor Antoine Court de Gebelin. He wasn’t a true Huguenot obviously
for his embrace of the occult. He lived from 1719 to 1784. He was in Parisian
Freemasonry circles and joined the Philalethes (which is a French Masonic
occult group that followed the teachings of Martines de Pasqually. De Gebelin
believed that the occult Tarot came from ancient Egypt, and spread into Rome
plus the Papacy (with Pope using them). He wanted 22 cards to be based on the
22 alphabets of the Hebrew language. 22 is an important number in Kabbalic
tradition. De Gebelin wanted the Tarot cards to be based on divination. This idea
was adopted by the fortune teller Etteilla. She formed a book on the tarot being used for contumacy
in 1783. Etteilla’s students passed this practice of fortune telling cards to Alphonse Louis Constant
or Eliphas Levi. Levi wrote about ritualized magic and he was a Freemason. The Golden Dawn
follows the Tarot to this very day.

The book tries to prove that Walt Disney preached a religious message through his cartoon
characters. This message according to Mark Pinksy's “Finding faith in the house of the
mouse,” The Washington Post, Aug. 14, p. B7 is that: "...faith is an essential element--
faith in yourself and, even more, faith in something greater than yourself, even if it is
some vague, nonsectarian higher power..." This is wrong since faith in yourself can lead
into disaster because of the imperfections of man. Faith in God is great leading into
personal and spiritual development. Also, God is more than a higher power. He's the
Creator of the Universe and the sustainer of existence. It's easy to witness that Disney's
animated classics are filled with pagan images and things. These things include witches,
demons, sorcerers, spells, genies, and goblins. All of these things are strongly denounced by
the Scriptures, yet Disney present many of these characters in a positive light. Disney for
example believe in good and bad magic (including they depict witches and sorcerers as
likeable heroes like in Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings). Pinocchio was a Disney
1940 animated movie. It depicts a man who brings a puppet to life by wishing on a star.
The puppet is visited by a blue fairy who said that: "...Let your conscience be your
guide.” I will let God to be my guide. The Disney fairy also preaches the false works
gospel that “the gift of life” is attained by “choosing right from wrong.” The fairy is
depicted as cute and likeable, but a false gospel is cursed of God (Galatians 1:6-9). The
Bible warns that the Devil appears as an angel of light in order to deceive people (2 Cor.
12). Walt Disney didn't attend church. There are no churches on Main Street in Disneyland
or Disney World. Disney has influenced many kids back then and now. Even back in 1954,
Time Magazine called Walt Disney as the poet of the new American humanism. Indeed, he
is. Even the Southern Baptist Convention boycott of Disney ignored Disney's occult earlier
There is a video game out now that players gets to massacre civilians. This is revelant since it
describes what's going on in this age's world on terrorism. This game allows players to act as
Russian ultranationalist terrorists. They can kill civilians with assault weapons in an airport.
The video game is called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It's released in November 10. Its
predecessor sold 14 million copies and earrned numerous "game of the year"
awards. Some folks are criticiing the game as players posing as terrorists and the play in
first person view (which engages in violence against non-combat actors). GameSpot said
the scene where players shoot bystanders is “reminiscent of last year’s mass killings in
Mumbai.” Australia rated the game MA15+, or suitable for children 15 years of age or
older. “Australia is one of the only Western democracies without an adult (R18+) rating
for video games,” the Sydney Morning Herald notes. One critic (who runs the Australian
Council on Children and the Media) believe that children as young as 15 will be able to slaughter
civilians in a realistic fashion. Of course, the government shouldn't censor video games and video
games aren't the cause of all crimes in the world. Yet, individuals should be careful to not let video
games desensitize their social mores. Individuals can voluntarily not play the game if they want to. In
the scene, Australian reviewers wrote, “Several civilians are shot with blood burst bullet wounds;
civilian corpses are strewn across the airport floor, often in stylised pools of blood; injured civilians
crawl away with lengthy blood trails behind them.”
"Saved" was one of the most slickest anti-Christian films in history. Ted Baehr of the Christian film
and Television Commission described Saved! as "a sad, bigoted, anti-Christian movie that
mocks the Christian faith. The movie's insane conclusion is that sinners are better people
and have stronger bonds." The pop singer Mandy Moore stars in the film as Hilary Faye. Mandy
Moore says that when Hilary Faye doubts God, she becomes human. So, you're not even human if
you are a Bible-Believing Christian. I don't agree with this. She throws a Bible at Mary in the film
screaming "I'm filled with the love of Christ!" That scene is a lie since real conservative
Christians would never throw a Bible to assault a person at all. It certainly blasphemes God by
the cover of the movie having young people looking up in the air in a mocking fashion. Mandy plays
the role of someone who is a "stereotypical Christian" calling people losers, etc. when real Christian
would never disrespect a human being in a personal level at all. Eva Amurri who plays Cassandra
in the cover of "Saved" blasphemes God by looking in the air showing the Satan horned
hand sign (which existed for thousands of years representing the occult, paganism,
rebellion, and some use to praise Lucifer/Satan). The movie from beginning to end mocks
Christianity. At one sick point in the movie, Cassandra looks at the crotch of Jesus on a cross and
makes the statement “Now, that's what I call being hung on a cross.” Cassandra plays a Jewish
teen who mocks Christians, when tons of Jewish people believe in the Messiah. You couldn't make
this up. Cassandra acts vulgar and disrespectful. Jena Malaone plays Mary in the film. She states
that she was born again when she was 3 mocking those who profess salvation at an early age. It
attacks the Baptist Church of course since many Baptists (and other groups of Christians)
are some of the few people trying to show the truth about spirituality. The SAVED writer and
director is Brian Dannelly. He is a homosexual. Macaulay Culkin has a role in the film. HIlary Faye
in the movie acts as a stereotypical fundamental Christian. Jena Malone (or Mary in the movie)
enters high school and they question their beliefs by the end of the film (under the guise of
tolerance). Mary has sex with Dean (after Mary in the movie had a vision where Jesus told her to
have sex with her boyfriend to save him from homosexuality. That's blasphemy of course) in order
to restore his heterosexuality (this is shown to mock people who decide to leave previous a sexual
orientation voluntarily, which people have a right to do without harassment). Christians in the movie,
especially leaders, are depicted as devious liars, adulterers, hypocrites, and notorious gossips who
pry into the private lives of all others. That's
Hollywood for you. Hollywood has always
been involved in the twisting of the truth when they have been made up of
gossips, occultists, and globalists for decades. At the end, Mary learns that her only
true friends are Cassandra, an irreverent Jewish girl who claims to have been a stripper, and the
villain's brother, who denies being a Christian and lusts after the stripper. The people in the movie
even claim that the film doesn't mock Christians or religion but promotes inclusion, which is a lie. If it
didn't attack Christianity why does it portray Christians as hypocrites and in the most negative
connotations. The film Saved's credits give special thanks to George H. Smith for his book,
"Atheism: The case against God." Being saved meaning to receive Jesus
Christ as your Savior. The movie doesn't promote the salvation of souls and
it mocks the Word of God completely. What more proof do these doubters
need of the evil of that film. Even the Golden Compass was created by atheist Philip
Pullman who said in a 2001 interview with the Washington Post that: "...“I’m trying to
undermine the basis of Christian belief.” What more proof do
the skeptics need? The Golden Compass refer to demons as
the good guys. The little girl who stars in the movie, Lyra, vows to
find and return the boy's demon. Mandy Moore and other Hollywood
puppets souled out. All of this has been predicted since Christians will be attacked worse
and worse before the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 24:3, the disciples asked the Lord
Jesus, ". . .Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of
the end of the world?" The Lord Jesus Christ describes today’s world with more precision than the
evening newscast. There shall be "false Christs (vs 5). . . wars and rumours of war (vs 3). . .
famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places" (vs 7) .
And in verse 9, the Lord Jesus says:

"...Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of
all nations for my name's sake..."
-Matthew 24:9

So, the persecution will get worse and worse until the coming of God of course.
Legion is a new film set to be released in January 22, 2010. It is an apocalypse themed
fantasy thriller film directed by Scott Stewart. It was written by Stewart and Peter Schink.
Scott Stewart admitted that he wanted to use the Book of Revelation as a template for his
film project (according to Joe Schimmel, a person working in the movie admitted that
Stewart would invert parts of the Book of Revelation to falsely protray God as evil and Satan
or Michael as the good guy. He makes Christians as evil extremists and the Antichrist as a
legitimate leader), which disrespect the real holy Archangel Michael. It is one of the most
blasphemous films around. This is hard to believe even for me. I guess the 21st century is going to
be wild. The movie begins to talks about the end of days in prophetic terms where a woman
predicted that the end times will have the world covered with darkness (and God will judge humanity
for its sin. The movie blames God for his wrath by saying that God has changed). . The film says
that God loses faith in humanity, so the archangel Michael (played by Paul Bettany) is the only one
standing between mankind and the apocalypse. In other words, Michael is trying to fight God.
Michael get rids of his collar, which Stewart portrays as our "Heavenly Lojack." Michael cuts off his
angel in an act of defying God as he screams into the heavens. Michael steals weapons, kill people,
etc. Michael in the film refuses to submit to God's orders. The truth is that
Scripturally, the archangel Michael doesn't fight God. He does as the book of
Revelation says will cast Satan and his angels into Earth. "Paradise Falls" in the
movie is a location signifying the destruction going on in the movie. The pregnant woman in the film
is similar to a woman being pregnant with the Antichrist form the film called “Rosemary‘s Baby.” The
film shows God using angels to permit his wrath on Earth. This wrath is used to exterminate the
world's population (which isn't biblical at all). Michael leads a group of strangers to a small, New
Mexico diner to protect a young waitress who may be pregnant with Jesus Christ in his 2nd coming.
Michael tells the pregnant woman that: "...you child is the only hope humanity has of surviving..."
That's blasphemy since Jesus Christ's 2nd won't exist via pregnancy. It will exist as he comes from
the clouds in victory. Bob Hanson is played by Dennis Quaid. Tyrese plays Kyle Williams. Charles S.
Dutton (who is famous from the TV show "Roc" plays Percy walker. Kate Walsh plays Sandra
Anderson, Adrianne Palicki palys Charlie, Kevin Durand plays the archangel Gabriel, Willa Holland
plays Audrey Anderson, and Jon Tennery plays Mr. Anderson or the husband of Sandra. One
person is the movie is on an upside cross while his body is destroyed. This film is very deceptive
too. This movie is trying to transpose or mix darkness with light and light for darkness. The film also
portray Christians as evil like an older woman being possessed (plus acting as a murderer). Jesus
Christ will return as a Judge of the world too. The film has other blasphemous scenes in it. One is a
scene when they show a picture mocking the Holy Communion of Jesus Christ with the apostles
(with Christ rejecting Bob Dylan signing. Dylan admitted to Ed Bradley that he soul his soul to the
high commander of the world you can’t see for fulfilling Destiny). They mock Christians with a
Hustler magazine with the words Christian on them. The film talks about Moloch when Moloch was
a false god worshipped in the days of the OT. Legion ironically in the New Testament is the name of

“…And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because
many devils were entered into him. And they besought him that he would not command
them to go out into the deep. And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the
mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he
suffered them. Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the
herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked. When they that fed
them saw what was done, they fled, and went and told it in the city and in the country…”
-Luke 8:30-34

This is no doubt in my mind that we live in the last days.

Credo is an actual film that deals with Satanism. It came about in 2008 being low budget. It was
directed and produced by Toni Harman. It was written by Alex Wakeford. It's also called "The Devil's
Curse" in its American release. The film is about 5 college students find themselves trapped in an
abandoned seminary with a demon. The logo of the movie has the inverted Pentagram, which
relates to Nature, black magic, Satan, the microcosm, etc. It stars MyAnna Buring (who plays Alice),
Clayton Watson (he is Jock), and Nathalie Pownall (or Timmy in the movie), Rhea Bailey (she is
Jazz in the film), and Mark Joseph (He is Scott in the movie). These sudents experience a party and
they are evicted the next morning. Seth (Chris Jamba), obsessed with the nature and existence of
evil, joined forces with four other students in an attempt to summon a demon called Belial. At the
last moment, Seth backed out, broke the pentagram binding the demon, and released the demon
into the world. All four were found the next day dead by their own hands. The movie is blatantly
occultic with the showing of an Ouija board. Ironically, the cast and crew thought the buildings used
in the film were haunted. They heard strange sounds and voices. The director used the cast's fear in
order to make the film more efficient in its fear-based quality. One person in the movie named
Stephen Gately died in October 10, 2009 at the age of 33. Stephen was one of the 5 students who
want to summon the demon Belial in the Pentagram invocation ritual. Stephen was one member of
the five-piece Boyzone, whose logo is quite evidently duality symbolism (they have since toned
down the duality a lot. Their logo is black and white). Boyzone version 2.0 Westlife (created by
Simon Cowell and also managed by Louis Walsh like Boyzone). The music group of Boyzone even
recorded a music video even recorded a music video inside Freemasons Hall in London.
"The Men who stare At Goats" came out in November 6, 2009. The movie stars George
Clooney, who plays Lyn Cassidy. Cassidy claims to be a former secret U.S. military
psychic solider who was re-activated after 9/11. He claims to be involved in
cloud creation with his mind and making goats unconscious by staring at
them. This movie was based in on the book of the same title. The film
has a story of his lifetime by meeting up with Cassidy. The founder of the
psychic soldier program is played by actor Bridges (under the name of Bill
Django). Kevin Spacey plays Larry Hooper, who is a former psychic soldier who
running a prison camp in Iraq. One movie cover of this film shows the All Seeing Eye
of Horus and the Pyramid image. The movie cover reads "No Goats, No Glory." The
Pyramid and the Eye is shown in the movie as well. Cassidy where an All Seeing Eye
emblem on his shirt, which he called "It's the ajna chakra, the Third Eye....It's the Jedi
in human senses..." Bridges' character deny using prostitutes and there is an All
Seeing Eye image in the film (under the banner of the New Earth Army, which is
similar to a global army). The people in the movie mediate to New Age sayings. The
people want to thrink blue water and eat a person's green skin. Horus' father in
ancient Egyptian mythology was Osiris. He was the judge of the dead and he granted
life including vegetation to make the Nile River fertile (according to ancient
Egyptians). Osiris is pictured with green skin. The Illuminati has been mentioned in
film even recently. Back in 2008, the film Tropic Thunder came out. Lazarus
(played by Robert Downey Jr.) tells a character that "...Stop Looking at me with
them Illuminati Eyes..." In real life, remote viewing projects plus sleep deprivation
experiments by the CIA and intelligence agencies have been going on for decades in
America alone. Scientology has infiltrated popular culture on many levels. McLyte
(who is a rapper) is now a Scientology. So, Scientology has brainwashed tons of

Drake and others like him are the new generation of artists in this popular culture paradigm. Some
of these people are born in the later 1980’s and the early 1990’s now. They are years young than
me and some are apart of Generation Z. I’m from Generation Y of course. Drake is from
Canada being in the TV show called Degrassi. InfamousJBlack99 is a person from Youtube that
detailed research about the artist Drake (who is apart of Lil Wayne's Young Money group). He
shows the triangle hand sign (similar to the Roc hand sign). He's very famous know being featured
on songs with Lil Wayne, Jay Z, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, and Eminem. His real name is Aubrey
Drake Graham. He's related to musicians in the past. He has an African American father and a
Jewish Canadian mother. Some folks believe he sold out to the industry. InfamousJBlack99 is
correct to point out in his videos about Drake that he acts in a certain demeanor, but he still brags
about materialism, recreational sex (Remember his song where he talks about he wishes to have
sex with all of the women in the world), etc. It's nothing new just like others of many genres of
music. Drake admits in a conversation that: "...Somebody said something, to
me the other day that was crazy that you can get to do a million things that
other people never get to do but in order to those million things you have to
Sacrifice the 3 or 4 things that everybody get's to do..." He uses the OK sign when
he says it. This means he has to sacrifice something to get to where he is at in the industry. His
song "Black Magic." He raps that he has a habit of flaunting his wealth while the rest of us act like
were in the Sabbath (or meaning that people are resting like it's the Sabbath while he's working). He
continues to say that:

"...Cause Success we never had it,

many came close but never manage to grab it,
It must be a OMEN the curse so
tragic until they give me a
grmmy poof BLACK MAGIC..."

So, he compares his success to power of black magic. An omen is a potent about the future. Black
magic is using magic for evil purposes. People do it to benefit themselves irrespective if folks are
harmed in the process. He's slick, but he doesn't fool me. Now, InfamousJBlack99 found a video
of Drake before his performance calling women the H word before performing his music. In the
concert, he throw the horned hand sign to the crowd. Drake of course works with the Ecumenical
and occult inspired clothing supporter rapper Jay Z. Jay Z’s new video with Swizz Beats called “On
the Next One” show a crucifix with bullets next to it plus Rosary beads, a halo next to him, a goat
image, and other strange imagery. Jay Z needs to come out of the closet as a puppet of the occult-
influence music industry. This worldly culture is something else.

Certainly, this is rather overt stuff being presented. Vigilantcitizen.com once again has done
excellent research on this video, so they should be congratulated in this affair. This video came
on TV ironically on 01/01/10. The numbers of this day equal to 3. Ironically, there are 3 bars
in the Blueprint 3, because Jay Z said that ancient man used 3 bars to outline the concept of the
number 3. The same occult, Masonic symbolism found in other videos are found in this video called
“On to the Next One Video.” The skeptics have no excuse now, because overtly, the music
industry is promoting occult propaganda all over the place in 2010. The elite (as found in the
Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, high level occultists or Illuminists, etc.)
promote this modus operandi unto their artists. This video proves that Jay Z is approved of by the
elite. The meaning of the video is describing how Jay Z talks about how he’s a step above his
competitors. The lights looking like a halo near Jay Z beckons back to the effeminate depictions of
Jesus Christ (used by the Catholic Church. The Catholic “Jesus“ has halos next to him). Halos
refers back to sun worship as admitted even by Papal sources. Halos aren’t Biblical. Jay Z shows
the horned hand sign in front of the halo, so this isn’t godly. The video shows the black skull and a
silver skull with liquid pouring on them. The occult skull has been used in Secret Societies like
Freemasonry. The Knights Templars were accused of drinking wine from a skull in their rituals. The
Gnostic Templars today believe that the Knights Templar revere the human skull as representative
of John the Baptist. Freemasons like Ed Decker admit in the excellent “Riddles
and Stone” documentary that high level Masons drink wine out of a human
skull in a transubstantiation-like ritual (that praises the bodies of Confucius,
Buddha, and what Masons call “the great teachers of history”). Some people in
the video show a 2 people in masks similar to Brandon Lee’s character in the Crow and Heath
Ledgef’s Joker character in the “Dark Knight.” Ironically, both men died in controversial
circumstances. The music video mocks Christianity again by showing a crucifix of Jesus
(which disrespects Jesus since Jesus Christ is no longer on the cross, but in the right hand
of God the Father) with bullets next to the crucifix. I don’t need a crucifix to prove I respect
Jesus Christ. A dice shows 3 6. There is a blindfolded person in the video that reflects the
blindfolded feature in Masonic rituals. Even the inkblot in the video shows an image. The goat
image (in the video) looks similar to the Baphomet image. There are different meanings for the
Baphomet. Also, Satanists & occultists adopted it as their own symbol. The music industry seems to
not hide their occult heritage. Some musicians know about this stuff and embrace the symbolism
(like Madonna, Jay Z, Lady Gaga, etc.). Also, there are those who don’t know about the occultism or
are like puppets (like Rihanna & possibly Beyonce). Jay Z likes the controversy and publicity about
the symbolism in his music videos and clothing empire. The occult is evil, because it restricts
information from common people and the occult readily deals with ungodly plus evil practices.
video promotes materialism. Jay Z supports the United Nations when they
promote globalism, forced abortions, their members had sex scandals
against innocent people in the Third World, and it was founded by the corporate
elite (on their land owned by the Rockefellers. That should tell you something
about the United Nations). So, we don’t need to fear these globalists. We are victors already
since people like us have something that the elite don’t have. That’s our independent thinking, our
true resilience, and our faith in the one true God that created the Universe. We should change our
lives and be more moral to do the right things and respect our fellow human being without strife or

*Jay z recently talked to the radio personality from Hot97 Angie Martinez (in
January 13, 2010) about the allegations that he’s apart of the Secret Society,
Freemasonry, etc. in these words: “…I don't know where it came from, I don't know
where it started,” Jay-Z told Angie Martinez today. "No, not me. Never done that before.
Why win the world would I do that? That’s retarded.” He said that: “…"I believe in God, I
believe in one God,” Jay-Z said of his religious background today. “I don't believe in
religion. I think that separates people…I can't even get in a golf club in palms springs,‘ Jay-
Z joked. “I'm from Marcy…” The interview presents the questions as she agrees with Jay Z
and believes that the rumors are false (via sarcasm). So, he denies that he’s in the
Illuminati. You can believe him or not. One thing is certainly true. Jay Z is certainly a big
puppet of the establishment through his music, his Masonic/occult symbolism in his
clothing line, and he rejects religion (as he rejects Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as he
admitted in his interview with Angie Martinez) in favor of karma. Come to think of it, he’s
still a liar since true religion is the essence of believing in one God. Also, how can Jay Z
believe in one God truly when you mock God in your lyrics (like saying that Jesus can‘t
save you in “New York Empire State of Mind” song with Alicia Keys). Sam Brown is the
director of “On to the Next One” music video.
There has been tons of hype about the 2009 film of "Avatar." The film cost about 500 million dollar.
It was a film directed and written by James Cameron in a 3-D fashion. It was co-produced by
Lightstorm Entertainment. The film is aobut the battle in Pandora, which is an inhabited Earth-sized
satellite of Polyphemus. Polyphemus is ne of the fictioanl gas giants orbiting Alpha Centauri A.
Alpha Centuari A is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus and an established
binary star system of Alpha Centauri AB. In Pandora, there are humanoid alien inhabitants of the
place called the Na'vi. The Na'vi have a war over the planet's resources and the planet's existence.
The word Avatar comes from the Sanskrit word Avatāra, which means
"descent." One reason for the hype in the film is because it will be released in 2D format, 3D
format, and it will have IMAX 3D releases in select threatres. It breaks technology ground by using
3D viewing and stereoscopic filmmaking with cameras that were specially designed for the film's
production. The film takes places in 2154 A.D. The film starts with Jake Sully played by actor Sam
Worthington. Jake is a human and is in love with a young Na'vi female named Neytiri played by Zoe
Saldaña). Neytriir is the princess of the local Na’vi Omaticaya Clan. Michelle Rodriguez plays Trudy
Chacon, a retired Marine pilot. Cameron had wanted to work with Rodriguez since seeing her in
Girlfight. James Cameron is a person who believes in human induced global warming. Jake was an
U.S. Marine who was wounded then paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. He's
chosen to be apart of the Avatar program that allows him to walk. Dr. Max Patel (who is played by
Dileep Rao) is involved in the Avatar program. Even C. C. H. Pounder play Mo'at or the Na'vi queen.
He walks by becoming an Avatar or a genetically bred human Na'vi hybrid. Jake later intergrates
himself with the Na'vi clan. He travels 4.3 light years from Earth into Pandora. Many terrifying and
some beautiful life forms exist in Pandora. Later, Jake has to pick a side between the
military industrial forces of Earth who wants to rule Pandora and the Na'vi
forces. Jake tries to save the Omaticaya clan from destruction among the
U.S. military. Jake sends messengers to other Na’vi tribes and asks them to help them fight the
“evil humans” who want to destroy a sacred tree that the Na’vi adore (This relates to Gaia worship
or the worship of Nature). This tree is called the Tree of Souls. The other tribes join the Bible and
defeat the RDA (or the U.S. forces). The RDA leaves Pandora. At the Tree of Souls, a ritual occurs.
This caused Jake Sully’s spirit to lave his body and enter his avatar permanently. A few good
scientists that were friends with Jake Sully stayed behind on Pandora. Jake is the new leader of the
Omaticaya clan after its chief or Neytiri’s father dies. The symbolism in the film is plenty. There are
questions about genetic engineering, space travel, the discussion about life in other worlds, etc.
There has been debates about how far do you go in terms of genetically engineering life or
organism. Also, Cameron admitted the movie pertains to issues of imperialism and biodiversity. The
word itself of the Avatar deals with the occult, especially reincarnation.

As you can see, the graphics in this 3-D film is very advanced. The creation of the
Avatar being in the film represents man's intention to try to more perfect his or her
inner being. Some have criticized the film as promoting environmental
extremism and an anti-capitalist mindset. It has shaman rituals and the
horned god male and the goddess female. Avatar is used in Hinduism to
describe the incarnation of a Hindu deity, usually the god Vishnu. In Hinduism,
Vishnu or an avatar visits earth to help humanity at a crisis point. Vishnu has
allegedly appeared nine times in various guises (including as the Buddha)
throughout history, and will come again. However, the term "avatar" has migrated into
popular alternative spiritualities and usually describes a spiritually advanced being that comes to
earth to guide people, sometimes without the need for birth and the Avatar merely incarnates at
will as an adult. New Agers view an Avatar as a spiritual teacher or teachers in the
ages from Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Saint Germain, etc. So, the film Avatar and
New Age interpretation of an Avatar are similar since the movie portrays Avatar
Jake as a cosmic hero of the planet Pandara. The film is very pro-global
government and claims that the Earth is dead (it blames humans totally for
damaging the environment in the Pandora planet in order to steal a valuable
mineral resource). The military in the movie wants to kill people if necessary to get
that resource. Pandoara is named after the ancient Greek mythological person
who opened a box and released evil for themselves. The avatars are human/Na’vi
hybrid made up of human and Na’vi DNA. There real environmental issues, but
the big corporations (that rule the mainstream environmental movement)
want depopulation that can stop industrialization (people giving up
resources to the banks) and kill many people in the world. It has an anti-
imperialist message and I oppose imperialism. The Avatar film have the end
of the “good scientists” to kick out the military from the Planet. This movie
can stir people to the eco-extremist environmental movement (with taxpayers
funds sent to the IMF and World Bank) to embrace more of anthropogenic global
warming. The Third World is readily refused exploited by globalists in not getting
the modern technology necessary to improve their conditions. Even 31,000
scientists who disagree with man-made global warming by them signing a
petition. This was sent out by the director of the Oregon Institute for
Science and Medicine named Dr. Arthur Robinson. In the film, some
people worship a god called “Awaiss.” In the occult, Aleister Crowley
claimed that the writings he received was from an entity called “Aiwass.”
This is mentioned in his book entitled, “Equinox of the Gods” as he sat at
his desk in Cairo. Crowley claimed that the voice of Aiwass came over his
left shoulder in the furthest corner of the room. He called Aiwass as tall
person in his thirties and had other characteristics. Covers for the film
show one eye being left or right (which is similar to the Eye of Horus). The
agenda of the movie is the same robotic/Transhumanist/stargate agenda. Jake at
his "death" goes into the portal to presumably have his conscious transferred permanently
in his Avatar body. James Cameron in his script outlined anti-gun messages also by
stereotyping gun owners.

Is he a crusading hero or a deluded puppet? U2 is based in Ireland and they

were formed as far back as 1978. So,they’vebeenamusicalgroupforover3
isAdamClaytoninU2,andLarryMullenisanothermemberofU2. They are
a worldly group. Bill Flanagan is an U2 friend. He admits in his book called
“U2 at the End of the World” that they are heavy drinkers and constant
visitors to bars, brothels, and nightclubs. There are other things mentioned in
that book that are very shocking as well. Some say that Bono has changed,
but as recently as 2003, he used profanity in the Golden Globe Awards
broadcast that was shown by NBC Television. In October 2008, Fox News
reported that Bono and rocker friend Simon Carmody partied with teenager
girls on a yacht in St. Tropez.

Bono with the U2 band is one of the most popular bands in the 20th and 21st centuries. Many
Christians love their music since back in the 1980’s, they sprinkled crumbs of spiritually when
a lot of rock bands in that time were showing blatantly satanic or evil lyrics. U2 guitarist Dave
Evans admits that it’s a contradiction for Christians to play in a rock and roll band by his own
words. He said that: “…It was reconciling two things that seemed for us at that
moment to be mutually exclusive. We never did resolve the contradictions.
That’s the truth. ... Because we were getting a lot of people in our ear saying,
‘This is impossible, you guys are Christians, you can’t be in a band. It’s a
contradiction and you have to go one way or the other.’ They said a lot worse
things than that as well…We were the band. Okay, it’s a contradiction for
some, but it’s a contradiction that I’m able to live with. I just decided that I was
going to live with it. I wasn’t going to try to explain it because I can’t…” (Bill
Flanagan, U2 at the End of the World, pp. 47,48). Sprinkling spirituality doesn’t mean that
a band is pro-Christian like the CCM Magazine says. Bono never explicitly publicly shown the
Gospel message or even shown a testimony of his new birth in Jesus Christ. Like usually, he
isn’t a conservative Christian, which he condemns orthodox Christianity as being composed of
thumpers, etc. One church Bono does attend from time to time is Glide Memorial United
Methodist in San Francisco (which is known for having a pastor denying Heaven like Cecil
Williams back in 1972, having apostasy, vulgarity, and other forms of false doctrines).
Edge of U2 doesn’t believe in following rules or regulations in Christianity:

“…I’m really interested in and influenced by the spiritual side of

Christianity, rather than the legislative side, the rules and
regulations” (Edge, U2: The Rolling Stone Files, p. 21).

The Lord Jesus Christ said those who love Him would keep His commandments (John
14:15, 23, 15:10). The Apostle John said, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his
commandments: and his commandments are not grievous” (1 John 5:3). In other words, we
are saved by grace without works, but after salvation, we ought to follow God’s
Commandments though. Bono claims to not have the answers to spiritual problems
constantly (as plainly expressed in his song “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking
for”) when the true answer is found in the Word of the Living God. He promotes
Universalism. At U2’s Madison Square Garden concert in 2005 Bono led the
crowd in the chant “Jesus, Jew, Mohammed--all true. Jesus, Jew, Mohammed-
-all true.” The Bible says that we shouldn’t worship false gods. Ironically, Bono speaks
great of Roman Catholicism, which is a tell tell sign.U2 and especially Bono support
environmental, political, and humanist causes. Bono supported the pro-abortion/globalist
Bill Clinton for the 1992 Presidency. Bono believes that the Lord Jesus Christ was a
pacifist when he wasn’t. Jesus encouraged the apostles to carry swords and when he comes
the 2nd time, he will fight the enemies of God in battle. There is more to him than meets the
eye of course. Another tactic from some eco-extremists believe that if you don't agree with
man made global warming, then you are anti-environment. Nothing can be further from the
truth. The reality is that I'm for helping the environment. I oppose deforestation, I disagree
with the poisoning of our waters, I oppose air pollution, I disagree with genetic cross
species manipulation in an evil way, I disagree with ocean pollution, and other evils. I just
believe that people's private property rights shouldn't be stolen in the process of ending
environmental problems nor should internationalists dictate on how we should conduct
our lives like the IMF (or the United Nations. The macroeconomic actions of the
IMF and World Bank contributed to the poverty of the Third World). Bono wants
an United States of Africa. AFP from Tuesday, on June 3, 2008 just showed information about
this story. Bono is a known pro-globalist activist celebrating Live 8. Although, Live 8 was
sponsored by the corporate elite (via sponsors like AOL Time Warner, Volvo, Nokia, etc.). Live
8 specifically gave money to the corrupt leadership in the Third World without massive
improvements of the people in those nations. It's a globalization bonanza to put it bluntly.
Smaller charities were banned from participating in Live 8 and after the event it emerged that
establishment charities like American Red Cross, World Vision and Oxfam had secretly met
and divvied up a huge slice of the booty between themselves and kept it - as happened after
the OKC bombing and September 11. He was part of the music group named U2. Bono was
knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Bono while in Japan called a USA of Africa a long term dream
of his. Bono believes in global warming hysteria. Meanwhile, Bono shifts his assets to offshore
tax havens to avoid paying the very taxes that he campaigns for - this is he height of hypocrisy
and exposes the beast that the U2 singer fronts for. The World Bank and the IMF historically
have placed enormous debts among the Third World along with their allies promoting
population control & forced vaccination policies in that region of the world. Bono desires a
broader African identity to solve the tribal tensions in Africa. Bono may be right to oppose the
genocide going on in Sudan, but he's definitely incorrect on this issue. Why? The reason is
that there is nothing wrong with nationalities and distinct tribal identities. That is why we have
such a diverse world. Nations working together in improving themselves ought to be a real
prescription for better harmony in the world. The problem is how tribes use violence as a
means to earn economic development and political control. The solution to tribal issues isn't
more globalism. It's more nationalism, more free plus fair trade, and giving the Third World
real tools of modernization to enable these nations to have a chance to compete in the
Western world.
Symbolism in Videos is common to be exposed. http://vigilantcitizen.com/ is a website that
recently expose the esoteric parts of the Black Eyed Peas video called "Meet Me Halfway."
Black Eyed Peas used to be an underground rap group in the late 1990's and turned more
pop in the 21st century with the addition of Fergie, who is a singer. The website showed the
truth that the video was about a journey from Earth into illumination. Illumination is the
occult concept of humanity ascending into godhood and perfection basically. The video has
occult influences from Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry , Theosophy, and even some
Eastern religions. The video starts with Fergie lying in a lush, green jungle. She is on the
Earth plane in the physical world. Vigilant citizen.com believes that she represents the Eve
archetype in the Garden of Eden. Fergielooksintotheskytoseekmorethanwhat
the terrestrial world cangiveher(asherbiggestwish).She wants to divine
nature of the Universe in her spiritual quest. Apl.de.ap is another artist of Black Eye Peas.
Apl.de.ap assists Fergie in her higher consciouness journey to achieve spiritual
enlightenment. He is dressed as sage or mystic found in Eastern religion. He is mediated. He
acts like he has an aura and an ethereal non human presence. Apl.de.ap wants Fergie to
come to him in order to be spiritual. The dualism of Apl.de.ap being spiritual and Fergie
being physical is found in the 2 souls concept in Kabbalah and Rosicurcianism (even in
alchemy, there is Mercury being female and Sulfur being male). Apl.de.ap uses a Torah
Point to consult his map. The torah pointer is found in Kabbalah studies to
find enlightenment (The Kabbalah like Gnosticism teach 2 Adams being one
was a divine being and an Earthly Adam. Hall wrote about this). The rapper
Will.I.Am acts as the vehicle or the liaison between the spiritual and the terrestrial world. He
allows Fergie and Apl.de.ap to unite again. Will.I.Am raps about traveling. The elephant that
Will.I.Am travels on has the image of the double headed eagle. This symbol is found in the
Vatican, Byzantine Empire, Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the 33rd Degree, etc. This image
represents the union of dual forces, equilibrium in nature, authority, power, etc. Apl.de.ap
uses the pine cone staff. Apl.de.ap is the active principle and Fergie is the passive principle
in the music video. When they merge together, they are complete and one. This is done in
the cosmic desert. Pine cones have many meanings in the occult. The pine cone links the
physical and spiritual worlds. It can relate to the third eye of the pineal grand that in the
occult opens man's mind into the spiritual world (after you're awakened your 7 chakra field
in your body). When
the 7 chakras are activitated, you receive spiritual
perception according to esoteric thought. The cone has been found in
Vatican imagery and the staff of the 2 serpent kundalini image. The staff
represents the spine and the pine cone represents the pineal gland.
Kundalini is the serpent power in Hinduism and Illuminists. Manly P. Hall
wrote that the pine cone has been caused the thyrsus of bacchus and used in the crown of a
deceased person meeting Osiris in his Judgment Hall. The pineal gland is the sacred pine
cone in man – the eye single according to Hall in the following words:

"...Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of
Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may be considered a symbol
also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the spinal column. The
exact science of human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit
Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column,
and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the
pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred
Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process
by which the Eye of Horus is opened. E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that in some of
the papyri illustrating the entrance of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of
Osiris the deceased person has a pine cone attached to the crown of his head. The
Greek mystics also carried a symbolic staff, the upper end being in the form of a
pine cone, which was called the thyrsus of Bacchus. In the human brain there is a
tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and
corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops. Little is known concerning the function
of the pineal body, which Descartes suggested (more wisely than he knew) might be
the abode of the spirit of man. As its name signifies, the pineal gland is the sacred
pine cone in man – the eye single, which cannot be opened until CHiram (the Spirit
Fire) is raised through the sacred seals which are called the Seven Churches in
Asia.”-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
Rapper Taboo sees the light represents enlightenment and divinity. He raps about going into the
other side. Will.I.Am opens the portal so Fergie and Apl.de.ap can meet. The pyramid shaped
gateway outlines the spiritual world and people coming into divnity. The lower shaped cube gateway
is representative of planet Earth or the material plane in the video. So, Black Eyed Peas' Meet Me
Halfway has many symbols from Buddhism, Alchemy, Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, etc. The video
shows the simple goal of esoterics to go from the material plane into spiritual enlightenment. This is
the same goal of alchemy, Freemasonry, and other Secret Societies. The video proves that occult
symbolism is common in the world of mainstream music. It's find to have a connection with God and
help others. It's certainly wrong to exploit symbolism to promote evil, wars, and distractions.

Sherlock Holmes is a movie that came out in 2009 with blatant occult/Secret Society
references. The film is based on the Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional character by the
same name. Guy Ritchie directed the film. Ritchie is the ex-husband of Kabbalist
Madonna. The film was produced by Joel Silver, Lionel Wigram, Susan Downey, and
Dan Lin. The film starts in 1891 London. Robert Downey Jr. played Holmes and Watson is
played by Jude Law. Both men try to stop a human sacrifice ritual attempted by Lord
Blackwood (who is played by Mark Strong). Blackwood is stopped by them including the
police (led by Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade is played by Marsan). He’s hung 3 months later.
Holmes become bored without a new case. Watson wants to wed Mary Morstan (who is
played by Kelly Reilly). Blackwood has occult symbolism in his prison cell and told
Holmes that there will be 3 more deaths after his execution (changing the
nature of the world. Blackwood is killed and Watson declared him dead).
Yet, Blackwood seems to escape death from his coffin. Holmes is re-acquainted with Irene
Adler (Rachel McAdams), the only person who has managed to outwit him. Holmes is later
bailed out and to be brought before the Temple of the Four Orders, an occult-dabbling
secret society, and reveal that Blackwood was once part of their order, asking him to stop
Blackwood (who kills more people of the Order by mystic means). Holmes tries to use
symbols from the secret society (this group is involved in magic) to stop Blackwood. There
is an All Seeing Eye in the movie and a Baphomet like image. Much of the film was
ironically filmed in Masonic halls. This movie is rather overtly showing the occultism that
exists in the world. The good news is that in the end, God will eliminate the occult
propaganda in his future Kingdom.

Vigilant citizen.com made another excellent commentary about the movie Sherlock
Holmes. Others have made different commentaries before the esoteric components
of the film. Yet, that website outlined more connected to understand the plot more
succinctly. The movie of course deals with occult murders and world conspiracies. It
has tons of occult symbols and alludes to a "New Order." Arthur Conan Doyle
inspired the movie "Sherlock Holmes." Doyle's work deal with secret societies and
political conspiracies. Doyle have vague references to Freemasonry and occultism.
The movie discusses these themes as well and mix them in today's world. The movie
has symbolism and references to Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and the Illuminati.
These scenes have these thing that the original author of Sherlock Holmes by the
name of Arthur Conan Doyle embrace. Doye was born in 1859 in Edinburgh,
Scotland to an Irish Catholic family. He was educated in the Jesuit Stonyhurst
College, so Doyle is Jesuit-trained. He achieved his Bachelor of Medicine and Master
of Surgery from Edinburgh University. He was interested in spiritualism, so he
became a Freemason. He was initiated into Freemasonry at the Phoenix Lodge No.
257 in Southsea, Hampshire. He was 27 years old in January 26th, 1887. In that
Lodge, Doyle met Dr. James Waston, who became the inspiration for Sherlock
Holmes' sidekick Waston. On February 23, 1887 he was passed to the second degree
and a month later, on 23 March he was made a full-fledged Master Mason. He left
Freemasonry via resignation and rejoined it many time in his life. He mentioned
Freemasonry in the book called "The Land of Mist," which was published in 1926.
The character Weatherby in the book worked to love Masonry, the Mysteries, and
Scottish rite figures. He wrote that Eliphas Levi was Weatherby's prophet. Levi is a
real French Mason, magician, and occultist. He wrote book sympathetic to
ceremonial magic. Albert Pike and Crowley are influenced by Eliphas Levi. Sherlock
Holmes in the book spotted Masonic rings and clue easily since he's knowledgeable
of Masonry. The movie shows a black magic ritual. Lord Blackwood is the hooded
man reciting incantations in front of a woman being laid on a sacrificial altar. The
occult theme is shown throughout the movie. Sherlock in the film plays the violin.
He sees flies in a tube. He tells Watson of his discovery when he plays atonal clusters
to the flies. Sherlock Holmes meets Lord Blackwood's prison cell.
He sees strange engraving on the wall. They show a crucified rose that represents the
Rosicrucian Order, which is a hermetic brotherhood that came about in the late
Middle Ages. Manly P. Hall writes that: “The original symbol of the Rosicrucian
Fraternity was a hieroglyphic rose crucified upon a cross. The cross was often raised
upon a three-stepped Calvary.” Blackwood could be a Rosicrucian. There are letters
in the engraving as well. Some Rosicrucians wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone,
some use medicine, some used science, and they embraced the occult. The
Rosicrucians and Masonry are similar in their cosmology. Sherlock and Watson finds
the All Seeing Eye in a Triangle when they inspect the Dwarf's lab for clues. The lab
uses high tech science and occultism. The wall in the lab shows the 10 circles Qabbalic
tree of Life or the Sephiroth. The Kabbalah teaches that secret codes from the Torah
can create godhood. The tree of Sephiroth is made up of 22 paths or channels
connected. The Sephiroth is assigned with the numbers of 1 to 10. It's used in Tarot as
well. Sherlock is summoned by the Order. Blackwood's spell book is the movie is how
Sherlock is told to stop him. Blackwood's spell book has intense occult symbolism
with Hebrew letter, an image looking like a Baphomet, 2 skull-headed demonic
creatures, the All Seeing Eye in a Pentagram, etc. The other place in the spell book
shows the Pentagram of Baphomet (with Hebrew letters on it). It's similar to the
engraving of French occultist Stanislas de Guaita, which can be found in the 1897
book La Clef de la Magie Noire (The Key to Black Magic). De Gaita created the
Cabalistic Order of the Rosicrucians back in 1888, which is related to the Rosicrucian
references in the film.

The Order is a Secret society in the Sherlock Holmes film. The movie say that they are
the secret order doing nefarious acts and "good things." This is an oxymoron since
you can’t mix good and evil at all. They have members in government and the police.
Blackwood goes Black Magic and takes over the Order by force. He wants to create
the new order of the future ruled by the Brotherhood. This is similar to the new world
order plans promoted by Secret societies and Illuminists today. In one scene of the
movie, Blackwood is seating at the Throne of the Order. There is the pyramid in the
background with an lighted capstone. This is similar to the Great Seal image. Some
believe that Blackwood's take over of the Order is related to new occult Masonic
groups developing like German Illuminism and Rosicrucianism during the 18th
century. The film explains the Sherlock Holmes explained occult, magical stuff by
logic and science. So, the film portrays these things as fiction and ridiculous. The
director ironically is Guy Richie. He used to be married to the Qabbalist Madonna.
Richie supports Masonry and has read Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma book. This
film omits that occultism is very real in the world, especially in Hollywood. Hollywood
is known for using disinformation in order to brainwash people to accept moral
relativism (instead of separating good from evil. We should embrace the good). In a
rather ominous final scene, Sherlock describes a machine that could exist in 2010 :
“Imagine a device able to control anybody simply by saying a command using radio
waves … it’s the future." This is similar to radio waves and HAARP. Overtly, the film
says that these occult themes are fictional, yet these symbols really exist from actual
occult works. Some research has been taken to make this film transpire in this format.
Exposing these things is good to educate people and to not be swayed by the agenda of
the occult.
Appendix A: The OK hand signal & Other signals

There has been a lot of discussion about the OK hand signal in the popular
culture world. There are many interpretations for the OK hand sign. In the overt
level, it means everything is fine or A-OK. In some countries it can be offensive
like in Brazil or represent the number zero like in Japan. This hand gesture is
typically done with the thumb is connect to the forefinger into circle
looking like the letter O. The other fingers are relaxed and hang in the air in
an upward position. Popular culture people use it for approval, appreciation, or
approbation. Some of them use for more than just appreciation or approval,
because of these artists show the sign in occult & Masonic imagery. Lady
Gaga is the very famous musician for using the Ok signal all over the
place in the world (in one case, she shows it near a banner of the All Seeing
Eye of Horus in a triangle. How blatant can be puppets get in their promotion
of occult symbolism). All of the uses of the signal can’t be apart of coincidence.
Texe Marrs’ Codex Magica book believes that the OK image was used by
ancient Sumerians and Persians (representing fertility), it’s a representation
of infinity or perfection in Hinduism. Marrs writes in the book about his belief
that the OK sign is a representation of 666 in the following words:

“…In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the
circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity — horned God, Goddess,
and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent
three fingers are shaped as three number six’s, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the
sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots),
and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Oh what a web of evil
wicked men can weave around something seemingly so ordinary and mundane. In
the Illuminist philosophy, the OK sign becomes a sign indicating approval of the
Divine King, their coming Lord of Light, whom we as Christians know as antichrist.
To them it means, “He approves our undertaking.” This meaning is roughly
equivalent to the words in Latin atop the all-seeing eye of Osiris on our U.S.
one dollar bill—Annuit Coeptus…”

This hand image is found in the book entitled, “Phallic Worship: An Outline of
the Worship of the Generative Organs” which was written by Robert Allen
Campbell on pg. 112. So, this image represents the masculine triad or the
opening types of the Yoni. This is similar to the handsign of the Golden Dawn
and the Roc-a-Wear image. So, that image has been around for a very long
This is the Apollo 8 crewman Frank Borman and a top NASA manager in a
Masonic hand grip. This is found in the left image. History proves that NASA
has been involved in Freemasonry and the occult. NASA agent Jack Parsons
was apart of the OTO (an innovator of jet propulsion) and wanted to create
an Antichrist child in a ritual. He died in an explosion. The Scottish Rite used
their double headed eagle emblem to praise mankind traveling into the Moon
back in 1969. The image on the right is when 33rd Degree Freemason Robert
Schuller gives a clearly Masonic handshake to Gorbachev. Gorbachev is a key
figure in ending the Cold war contrived hoax. Gorbachev is a key advocate of
the new world order and the man-made global warming hysteria
movement. Schuller believes that multiple religions are valid ways to find God
and he supports the Ecumenicalism of the Papacy wholeheartedly. He praised
John Paul II very strongly in his own words.

The image on the left is the then Catholic Cardinal who stood with Greek
Orthodox prelate on official visit to Greece. This Catholic Cardinal became the
Jesuit Augustin Cardinal Bea, who was the confessor to Pope Pius XII. Bea hold the
Roman salute (that Nazis and fascists copied) and the left-handed path penal sign
of the Fellow Craft degree. The image on the right shows a person named Georges
Darboy, who was the Archbishop of Paris in 1870. You can observe the
crossed hands (in an X pattern) and the Il Cornuto horned devil sign given
with the left hand as it olds the prelate's hat. The picture on the right is
found in the book entitled, “How The Pope Became Infallible,” by August
Bernhard Hasler, from 1981. It was published by Doubleday & Co., Garden
City, from New York.

It’s clear to see that these Masonic/occult signals didn’t originate from the
early 1700’s or even the 1600’s. They transpired from the ancient cultures of
Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, Babylon, and as far back as ancient Sumeria. One
example is how Freemasonry’s sign of admiration came form ancient Egypt
when their papyrus show the ancient Egyptians praising false gods when using
that sign. This sign today is expressing in praising official leaders in
governments and other forms of genuflecting. The hand of the claw was
shown by Prince Wep-em-nefret of Ancient Egypt in the 4th Dynasty, Sir
Francis Dashwood, Aleister Crowley, and even Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson
has gone totally of the elite, especially with his promotion of George W. Bush
and Barack Obama even on some issues. Pat Robertson strongly criticized Islam,
but he won’t cross that link and expose real Secret Societies or the new world
order agenda (which was supported by Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was a Freemason
and imperialist) that’s ever present in the world. That is why Pat Robertson
praise biometric systems years ago as pro-Christian when biometrics is
related to the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast. He supports the evil
forced abortion policy in China along with its population control agenda
over there. Rhodes’ mentor was John Ruskin, who was into Plato and Plato’s
plan for a global Utopian system under select rulership. The Rhodes Scholar
group was formed to promote an Anglo-American world governmental system.
Robertson’s power base has been impacted heavily by the late Vatican
Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta (or the SMOM) member
William Casey. With Casey, you probably won’t see Pat Robertson that
much on television.
One of the most common gestures is the Masonic sign of the Master of the 2nd
veil. This sign has been described in the literature of 1866’s “Duncan’s Masonic
Ritual and Monitor” book. The foot pattern in the above image is apart from
each other. Tons of leaders, world politicians, etc. have used this sign before.
Simon Bolívar is the Freemason in the center. Bolivar has been called the
“George Washington of South America.” He used various
tactics (which his critics called genocidal terror tactics) to achieve his aims. He
joined Freemasonry in Cadiz, Spain and gotten Scottish Rite degrees in Paris.
He was even Knighted in a Commandery of the Knights Templar in France in
1807. Bolivia is named after him. He founded & served as master of the
Protectora de las Vertudes Lodge No. 1 in Venezuela. Simon Bolivar belonged to the
Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2, in Peru. James Garfield is the Freemason on the
far right. Garfield was a Scottish Rite Freemason and he was a famous President
of the United States of America. Freemasonry believes that man can find
salvation on his own irrespective of what creed a person accepts: "Freemasonry
has taught each man can, by himself work out his own conception of God
and thereby achieve salvation" (J. S. M. Ward, 'Freemasonry: Its Aims and
Ideals' pg. 187). Crimes have been covered up by Masons for generations as

"…You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons, except murder
and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be
summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield
him. Prevaricate [falsify], don't tell the whole truth in his case, keep his
secrets, forget the most important points. It may be perjury to do this, it is
true, but you're keeping your obligations, and remember if you live up to
your obligation strictly, you'll be free from sin…" (Edmond Ronayne,
"Masonic Handbook," page 183)

All 3 men are famous personages in human history showing various hand
signals to the world. The person in the far left is named Robert Fludd, who
is showing the triad claw hand sign. Fludd was a suspected Rosicrucian and
he’s a famous occultist & pro-spiritual alchemist in English history. Fludd is
suspected of writing an apology for the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross,
which was first issued in 1616. Fludd was a famous pro-Illuminist who
followed astrology, he studied chemistry, he was a mystic, and was a
famous mathematician. He lived from 1574 to 1634 being a commentary of
Sir Francis Bacon. The image of him shows sun rays. He studied the
circulaton of the human blood and believed that the the microcosm (man)
are influenced by the macrocosm (the heavens). His theory was that the blood
must circulate because the heart is like the sun and the blood like the planets
and, by this time, it was known that the planets orbit around the sun. William
Harvey later explained the circulation of blood in more modern and
experimental terms, though still referring to the macrocosm-microcosm
analogy of Fludd. Fludd is famous for his rendition of the Kabbalic Tree of
Life, which promotes Christian mysticism. Back in those days in the late
1500’s, doing these concepts of mysticism was considered heresy. People
could become killed by the state if they were found guilty of “heresy” in
late Medieval Europe. Fludd believed that there is the interconnectedness of
the spiritual and physical worlds. The person in the Middle is the Pope
Adrian VI (who lived from 1459-1523) showing the cosmos sign of the 2
fingers shooting upward. He was only a Pope for 18 months. The image on
the far right is Winston Churchill. He’s famous for his role in developing
English politics and his participation in the Allied effort during World War
II. Churchill was a Freemason, an inductee into the Ancient Order of the
Druids, and was praised by the global elite. Overt interpretation of this
hand signal means V for Victory, but that V sign has much more occult
meanings spanning centuries. It has been called a peace sign and according
to Dr. Cathy Burns’ research, it’s the satanic benediction as well.

There is also the Sigma Nu using strange hand signs as well that is found above. There
are also hand signs done by Fraternities and sororoties in the world. One example is
how Sigma Lambda Beta. Their hand sign looks similar to a thumb stick behind with
2 fingers shooting out (in a fist formation). Alpha Theta Phi has a finger shooting up
in a vertical fashion. For years, I knew something was strange and creepy about
fraterinities and sororities. I’m an independent man, so I don’t like to bound in
centralized groups and stuff like that. People realized that this culture is worldly, etc.
Appendix B: More Information on the Symbolism, etc. in the Music Industry

I knew a little about the video “Video Phone.” TheForerunner777 is the Youtube account of a man
with a video on this “Video Phone” video made by Beyonce featuring the young woman Lady Gaga.
He realized some information about this video that even I didn’t realize until recently. So, that
information ought to be revealed to everyone really. He made a multiple part series on
Beyonce, Lady Gaga, the media, the New Age Movement, and the homosexual movement.
“Video Phone” is easily a video about people promoting lusting after Beyonce and Lady Gaga if they
want to see a picture of them (yet, they can’t go out with them). There are underlying parts of it that
TheForerunner777 revealed about it as well. The first scene has Beyonce being followed by a male
group of people. The scene change from black and white into color. TheForerunner777 believes
that the black and white scene into color is about being closed to God’s law in darkness and the red
represents Revolution or breaking God’s commandments. That’s an interesting point of view. The
first scene is about the transition of the real world into a fantasy world of video phones on top of
men’s heads (in my opinion). The first scene has Beyonce being blindfolded and in
the fantasy world, Beyonce isn‘t blindfolded anymore. Beyonce soon wears a
black and white costume (when her eyes are wide open). One symbol
Beyonce wears in her bikini is the Ying and Yang symbol. In the video,
Beyonce throws the hand gestures of the Rocafella Pyramid hand sign and
the Ok sign. Yin and Yang represents dualism and the heresy that you got to
merge good and evil to create authentic balance in the Universe. The Bible says
that we can’t merge good and evil into one: “…Woe unto them that call evil good, and good
evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet
for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20). Yin and Yang is found in the occult, Taoism, and the New Age
Movement. There is also a mask on her bikini. This mask is from the comedy and tragedy
motif. It’s used for the symbol of drama and represents the false Greek god of Dionysus.
Dionysus was the god of wine. It’s not a secret that many of these worldly stars drink wine
and other alcoholic beverages) at extremely frequent levels. James Hillman’s “Myth of
Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology” wrote that Nazi-inspired philosopher
Nietzsche wrote that Dionysus was against Jesus Christ. Dionysus had been called by
Hillman as phallic, bisexual, and one of his appellation is man and woman. Ironically,
Beyonce acts as a cupid to shoot arrows and laser bullets at men. Cupid was an Roman god
of love who used a bow and arrow to hit people to make people fall in love (in order to get
rid of their sexual inhibitions). The ancient Greeks called Cupid Eros and it’s found in the
Dionysus mysteries (They are found in sexual rituals). Beyonce therefore acts as a New Age
Cupid or Eros. Beyonce use futuristic weapons at people to make people sexually aroused.
Sexual looseness is apart of the New Age Movement. Beyonce wears a shirt with an
Alien on it (along with the symbols for male and female as earrings. The male logo
looks similar to the alchemical symbol of Mars. It can mean Iron. The female emblem
relates to Venus). The Alien T-Shirt has the word “Peace” on it. The video made by
TheForerunner777 (who used to be in the music industry, wrote story lines in the music
industry, etc. before he left it. So, his views have merit) believes that “Video Phone”
promotes sexually looseness and sexual immorality (in some cases subliminally),
which is easily shown in the video. Researchers believe that the video covertly promotes
lesbianism. The flashing lights in the video look similar to hypnosis. The "All seeing eye"
on Beyonce's 2 piece white and black costume is in the beginning of the video. Its actually
located on one of her breast. That is why Lady Gaga is in league with the pro-homosexual
movement. Lady Gaga recently wore an Anubis suit. Lady Gaga’s real name is Stefani
Germanotta. Homosexuals deserve the same rights as found in the Bill of Rights and
Constitution as any other human being, but not special rights (Also, people have a right to
agree or disagree with the homosexual lifestyle. The Scriptures call homosexuality a sin, so
there‘s no escaping that truth). Lady Gaga recently shown a whole bunch of Masonic Royal
Arch imagery and other occult symbolism in her videos, performances, artwork, poses, etc.
Lady Gaga admitted that: "I embrace pop culture; everything that people say
is poisonous, ostentatious and shallow." I don’t agree with TheForerunner777’s
promotion of 7th Day Adventist doctrine though, but much of his information is great to

Years ago, MTV played a video about Christmas for the holiday season. It showed many
events that had dark, occult themes in them. It’s a commercial with people celebrating
Christmas. A woman kicks a candle, a fire starts, and chaos insures in the house. A goat
head is in the head of an old man. MTV wishes a Merry Christmas. Some have criticized
the commercial as promoting evil themes. The salt is placed in a jar. There is a little girl
with stains of juice. The goat’s head looks similar to the Baphomet, which is Levi Eliphas’
rendition of Lucifer/Satan. He is praised by witches and occultists too. There is a flame
near the goat headed old man in the commercial. The Christmas tree is later
destroyed. MTV was probably sarcastic with wishing people a merry Christmas.
MTV is known for having commercials showing the All Seeing Eye as well like a
commercial in Australia for their April 29, 2007 video music awards in Australia
(This All Seeing Eye has arms showing the as above so below hand sign and other
Masonic hand signs). Now, Christmas is easily exposed as a holiday that existed from the
Mystery Schools. Christmas isn’t biblical, but it refers to the Romanist Mass (which isn’t
found in the Scriptures at all since Jesus said that communion was done in
remembrance of him. The mass is the heresy that Jesus‘ physical presence
is in a wafer circular disk that we must eat and drink wine being his literal
blood during Communion to be saved. There is no evidence that Jesus‘s
blood and body is in those things at all). Christmas was adopted after the Roman
celebration of Saturnalia (which occurred from December 17-24. December 25 is on the
pagan Brumalia). There is no evidence that Jesus Christ was born in December 25. The
mistletoe customs come from pagans using it at the festival of the winter solstice being
sacred to the sun. The pagan custom of kissing under the mistletoe was an early step in the
night of revelry and drunken debauchery — celebrating the death of the "old sun" and the
birth of the new at the winter solstice.

Jeremiah 10:2-6 describe a custom similar to Christmas tree declarations: "Thus

saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen . . . For the customs of the
people are vain: for one cutteth a TREE out of the forest, the work of the
hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold;
they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." So, cutting off a
tree and putting designs on it for a celebration existed from pagan customs.
Santa Claus is a mythological figure from the occult itself. Coca Cola promoted
this bearded man. Santa Claus is depicted as an illegal trespasser going into
people’s homes to give gifts. Santa isn’t necessary in reference to “Saint
Nicholas,” but to Satan in code. Old St. Nick is another code name for Satan:
“…Nicholas is one of the most common devil’s names in German, a name that remains
today when Satan is referred as Old Nick. (Siefker, Phyllis. Santa Claus, Last of the Wild
Men: The Origins and Evolution of Saint Nicholas. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc.,
1997, p. 69). So, Santa is a piece of work. He doesn’t really know who’s been naughty or
nice. Only God knows. Santa Claus is a fraudulent role model. Even when I was a child, I
knew something was up with the trashy, materialistic unholy day called Christmas. Now, I

This is apart of Shakira’s new song called “Give It Up to Me” featuring the rapper Lil
Wayne and Timbaland (a famous producer from near where I‘m from in Virginia. He
was born in Norfolk, but was raised in Virginia Beach. Virginia Beach is know for its
strict laws and such. It‘s the headquarters of Pat Robertson‘s religious organization. I
don‘t live in Virginia Beach, but I‘ve been there before to visit places and to see my
relatives. Timbaland‘s video of “Morning After Dark“ has tons of symbolism in it
referring to possession, vampirism, etc.). I’ve shown this video, because it not only has
occult symbolism, but it outlines the mainstream music of today in the beginning of the
new decade of the 2010’s. I can’t believe it’s 2010 now. Now, in the video, there is
specialized paintings on her left arm. There is a circular imagery like a bulls eye in the
video. Shakira wears a belt buckle looking like the sun. The video is about relationships
and sex typically. Shakira and dancers dance in the video. Shakira sings that you can
anything you want to have in the world in her lyrics:
"You can have it all
Anything you want you can make it yours
Anything you want in the world
Anything you want in the world
Give it up to me"

In the video and the image above, she looks like the Statue of Liberty or the Goddess
archetype. The Statue of Liberty is a Masonic structure whose major architect was a
Freemason and experienced a Masonic cornerstone ceremony. It was finished in the late
1800’s as sign of promoting immigration and outlines Masonic influence in America’s
society (that covertly isn’t known by a lot of people). In this Statue of Liberty scene, fake
arms spread similar to Hindu religious tradition or the Eastern religious iconography (as
evidence on Indian sounding music playing in that scene with stars showing. Shakira and
the dancers dance in a triangular or pyramidal formation. There is a building looking
similar to the Empire State building there). So, research into these things is very interesting.

The artists in the above images are Kylie Minogue, Draft Punk, Janelle
Monae from the Midwest, Kanye West, and the Gwen Stacy band. Kanye
West recently freestyled that he sold his soul to the Devil. I don’t know if he
was serious or not. Either way that was strange and wrong to say. Many of
these image mimic the old Metropolis film archetype. The Metropolis film
describes a Big Brother society and the dancing of a robotic golem that was
formed under an Inverted Pentagram.

Pop music embracing the Transhumanist agenda is common presently in 2010.

Some even use the Transhumanist agenda as a means to promote the police state
archetype in performances, etc. One example is how Beyonce in her 2010 Grammy
awards performance has her walking on stage with men dressed in riot gear. These
riot gear are common among authoritarian cops that have harassed innocent
people for decades in the West and throughout the Earth. Even Daddy Yankee
(who supported John McCain for the 2008 Presidential election) have his
performance at the Premio Lo Nuestro awards in Miami dressed with cyber police
soldiers. The Black Eyed Peas’ Imma Be Rocking that Body is another video on this topic.
It starts with Fergie saying “we are not robots!” … only to see her become a half-
robot shooting a gun that causes an irresistible need to breakdance. Will.I.Am and
his friends dance in the robot fantasy video. He is pictured in a triangle image. The
Black Eyed Peas’ Imma Be Rocking that Body is about merging humans and robots,
which is a key tenet of Transhumanism completely. Transhumanism has been
nicknamed H+ or human enhancement. It usage has been dated in 1957 and has
been popularized in the 1980’s. Its supporters believe that this technology can
improve human mental and physical characteristics plus capacities. They claim to
fight against disease, aging, but its agenda could be another control mechanism
against human diversity. Not to mention that must of this advanced technological
advancement will be mainly controlled by the elite and not given unto the
common man. A slick police state and Transhumanism are goals among the global
elite. These things are promoted in video games, TV, music, and other media. One
of the directors of these new, occult filled symbolism videos is a man named
Anthony Mandler. Anthony Mandler directed Amerie's video and he's the same
director that directed "Disturbia", "Run This Town" and "Rehab.” So, my eyes are
on this man’s intensions.
The original Stepford wives movie was created in 1975. The modern one starred Nicole Kidman that
was created in 2004. The story is set in the fictional location of the town of Stepford, Connecticut.
The married men in Stepford all have submissive, so-called beautiful, and seemingly
“perfect” wives. Joanna is played by Nicole Kidman in the remake. Joanna Ebehart become
more disturbed by the Stepford wives acting like zombies. She seen her once independently
minded friends turn into brainwashed, docile housewives overnight. Her husband, who seems
to be spending more and more time at the local men's club, mocks her fears. As the story
professes, Joanna believes that the wives of Stepford, CT are actually look alike gynoids being
manufactured in secret at the men‘s club. Gynoids are robots designed to look like a female human.
She visit’s the library and reads up on the past lives of Stepford’s husbands and wives. She found
out that some of the women were once high achievers, while some of the men were brilliant
engineers and scientists, capable of creating such life-like robots. Joanna find out that the Stepford
wives are cyborgs or the original human beings remained. Yet, they were put under the
control of brain-implanted microchips. Walter destroys the software that
controls the microchips, whereupon all the Stepford wives revert to their
original personalities. When Walter returns to the ball, a crisis has broken out between the
baffled husbands and their vengeful wives. The end of the movie have the wives forcing the
husbands to do subject to the women's wills, placing them under house arrest, and making them
complete many of the same banal domestic tasks they had forced the women to do previously. The
film has propaganda. The film mocks women in real life who stay home to cook and taking
care of children. There is nothing wrong with that. A woman has a right to do that without
being a brainwashed, docile woman. There is nothing wrong with a woman working in
earning her own income independently as well. The film talks about cloning, which has been
going on in the world for a long time. Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler wrote about the cloning
(which they believe that human clones exist now. We do know that animal clones have been formed
for over a decade ago at least), robotics, look alikes, and technical advancements made by the elite
in their book entitled, “Deeper insights into the Illuminati Formula.” There is no doubt that
clones will be more common in the 21st century if nothing is done about it. A Stepford wife
is a person being docile and influenced by mind control. A real woman shouldn’t be
Stepforded in society at all. Women like men ought to have independent thinking,
compassion, a God-given moral code (of embracing moral absolutes), etc.

Appendix C: Updates on Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol” book

Dan Brown's the Lost Symbol has more information that should be exposed. The book
praises the Masonic Lodge as we all realize. It mixes truth with errors that promotes
disinformation instead of the real truth of what going on in Secret Societies plus
related subject matter. Brown even admitted that his novel was intended to be a
Masonic recruiting tool. That‘s ironic since Masonry have death oaths: “…When
a brother reveals any of our great secrets; whenever, for instance, he tells anything
about Boaz, or Tubalcain , or Jachin, or that awful Mah-hah-bone, or even
whenever a minister prays in the name of Christ in any of our assemblies, you must
always hold yourself in readiness, if called upon, to cut his throat from ear to ear, pull
out his tongue by the roots, and bury his body at the bottom of some lake or pond. Of
course, all this must be done in secret, as it was in the case of that notorious man
Morgan, for both law and civilization are opposed to such barbarous crimes, but then,
you know you must live up to your obligation, and so long as you have sworn to do it,
by being very strict and obedient in the matter, you'll be free from sin." (Edmond
Ronayne, "Masonic Handbook," page 74). Masons until the 1980‘s would try to kill people
who tried to reveal secrets of Masonry in America. William Morgan was an ex-Mason who
got killed for revealing secrets about Freemasonry. The Lost Symbol is referring to the
Riddles in Stone DVD since it criticizes what they call an anti-Masonic work that's popular in
the Internet. Dan Brown's book admits the truth that Masonry have bloody evil oaths in its first
3 degrees of the Blue Lodge. The fictional book even tells the truth that Benjamin Franklin had
links to Freemasonry as found in pg. 128. Also, Franklin was tied to the occult Hell Fire Club
and he was involved in French Freemasonry. The Hermetic maxim of "as above, so below" is
found in the book on pgs. 29, 87, and 320. This is the belief that what is in the Heavens ought
to be reflected on the Earth in building, etc. (or that the Universe is a large version of the
human race). Hermetic doctrine relates to Neo-Platonic philosophy. The architect
L'Enfant, Franklin, along with George Washington was involved in the street
design plan of Washington D.C. (he promoted a 10 square mile pattern
surrounding D.C.). L'Enfants' Masonic membership has been disputed to this
day with the Masonic establishment denying that L’Enfant was a Freemason.
Freemason David Ovason confirms that Washington D.C.'s design and buildings were
influenced by the movements of the stars. "Circles within circles, brotherhoods within
brotherhoods" is a quote from the Lost Symbol on p. 11. This Confirms our teaching that
Masonry has its secrets hidden within layers of deceptive meanings (as said by 33rd Degree
Freemason Manly P. Hall). In ‘Riddles In Stone", the film's crew interviewed Dr. Bob
Hieronimus, a life-long Mason and whose wife is a Co-Mason. Dr. Bob quite frankly tells us
that every symbol in Freemasonry has at least three levels of meaning. The initiated are told a
blatant lie, the Initiate is told another lie, while only the lifelong Adept is told the real truth.
The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's latest book includes a dialogue between Robert Langdon
(the friendly protagonist) and Peter Solomon (his older friend and mentor, a respected
professor, a 33rd degree Mason and the Supreme Worshipful Master). The two men are
exploring the Masonic signs, symbols, and secrets hidden in the Washington Monument,
an Egyptian obelisk. Notice how God's Word is twisted into a mystical icon of all religions.
The Book lies and says that the Bible and the ancient Mysteries are the same thing
according to Peter. Solomon says in the book that the Bible and the Mysteries are
opposites in that the Mysteries teach that man is God and the Bible teach that God is
above man. Freemasonry teach that the Word was lost and various religious texts talk
about it from the Bible to the Bhagavad-Gita. The book pretty much promotes the idea
that man is God. This is similar to Satan's lie form Genesis 3 saying to Eve that ye shall be
as gods after eating the fruit from the tree. One of the first public celebrities to
proclaim this arrogant lie was New Age movie star Shirley MacLaine. "I am God,"
she shouted to the world back in the 1980s. Shirley believes that her deeds are raising
consciousness. The Lost Symbol book omitted the swastikas from the House of the
Temple buidling in Washington, D.C. Why did the book mention Masonic
philosopher Manly P. Hall who wrote that: “..the seething energies of Lucifer are in
his [the Mason’s] hands.” Hall’s books can be found in Masonic libraries around the
world, as can Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike who revised the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. Pike in this book also praised Lucifer, as he likewise did in his Indo-Aryan
Deities and Worship (remember there’s a connection between the Aryans and swastikas).
In addition, Freemasons often say they seek “more light,” and Pike said Lucifer is the
“Light-Bearer.” Most Masons are unaware of its true intentions or meanings of its terms, as
Pike in Morals and Dogma revealed that those in the blue (lower) degrees are
“intentionally misled.”]. Some of these New Agers are hypocrites. Shirley claims to love the
poor, yet some of the speakers in the meeting eat gourmet meats and elegant desserts
(while denying the Third World these items by the elite). With collectivism, communism,
and socialism, it builds up entitlement that forced by the government (in exchanged for
centralized control by the elite). We should help others without forgetting that we should
thank God for our life and his undeserved grace he sent unto his children.
I don't agree with Thomas R. Horn on every issue, but he has written much accurate
information on the secret history of America. In understanding America's secret past, you
get to understand domes, obelisks, and magic squares. Now, even co-Mason Robert
Hieronomius (an United States official of records and authors) admitted that Washington
D.C. was formed as a Rosicrucian dream to form the New Atlantis (and bring into existence
the restored Golden Age of Osiris). Freemason Manly P. Hall outlined the secret destiny of
America as forming a global commonwealth of the world as a New Atlantis as well. This is
a plan that is found in the street design of Washington D.C, signs, paintings, and other
buildings in that city. The Great Seal promoted the phrase of Novus ordo Seclorum or the
new order of the ages in Latin. In his second inaugural address, George W. Bush said of
this phrase that when the founders of America placed it on the Great Seal, "They were
acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled." Novus ordo seclorum came
from the words of Virgil and the prophecies of Cumaean Sibyl. Cumaean Sibyl was a
prophetess of Apollo (or the Greek version of the Egyptian false god Osiris). This person
made a prophecies of a deity returning to Earth where man would be rejoined by the gods
(which some believe is about the Antichrist and his followers). Freemasons admitted to
Thomas Horn about the a ritual called the Raising Ceremony (the raising of Osiris from the
dead—a.k.a. Hiram Abiff), which is conducted in the Temple Room on the third floor of the
building. The Masons became uncomfortable when Horn told them about this ritual.
This ritual of the Raising Ceremony was done when members reach the 33rd Degree of
Scottish Rite Freemasonry. This ritual was done in the Temple Room secretly at the
inauguration of every U.S. President. Some believe that this is about spiritual resurrection
of the spirit of Osiris from the underworld into the Earth. The U.S. Capitol Dome is laid to
face the Obelisk. The Dome in the occult is the womb of Isis or the Goddess archetype and
the obelisk is the phallic image of Osiris. The merging of the 2 creates Horus, or the
“Divine” Child, the Perfected Man, etc. The 13-stepped, uncapped pyramid (like the one on
the Great Seal and the pyramid on top of the Washington Obelisk made of 13-rows of
marble hidden beneath aluminum sheeting) that rests atop the House of the Temple, and
Thomas Horn believes that a Magic Binding Square with the same numerical values as the
Washington Obelisk exists as well. An image looking similar to a Magic Square can be seen
in the skylight above the Temple Room, which intentionally hovers over where the Raising
of Osiris Ceremony is performed. The street design of D.C. has been influenced from the
Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism, Roman & Greek architecture, etc. The magic square has been
used in girmories like the Solomon Key and the Lesser Key of Solomon. There are 72
pentagrams in the base of the Apotheosis of Washington in the Capitol Dome (which
picture George Washington as ascending into godhood). 72 relates to the Zodiac and the
72 kosmokratos (or the demon “spirits” in esoteric thought). By the Lodge’s own
admission, their 36-cubed skylight symbolizes the Vault of Heaven and is a stylized Magic
Square of the Sun God [I.e. Apollo/Osiris] used for binding and loosing the supernatural
presence. The skylight Magic Square represents the celestial influences, while Horn
believes that the possible square pattern at the Washington Obelisk represents the earthly
or under worldly powers. When these two counts of 36 are joined, the complete 72
supernatural agents (36+36=72) within their occult system are recognized. The Pyramid in
the Great Seal design according to Freemason David Ovason has 72 stones. 72 is an
interesting number. It takes 72 years for the equinox to achieve one degree in precision.
Therefore, 72 represents the number of years in one degree of a zodiacal age. David
Ovason said that he was only scratching the surface of the symbolism in Washington D.C.
(as many Freemasons were involved in D.C.'s construction plus laying the cornerstone of
many Buildings in Washington D.C. like the Smithsonian. There are 72 columns in the
National Archives Building of Washington, D.C. ). Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Destiny of
America has an interesting interpretation of the 72 stones in the Great Seal. Here are Hall's
words on it:

"..The 72 stones are the 72 arrangements of the Tetragrammaton, or the four­lettered nam
e of God, in Hebrew. These four letters can be combined in 72 combinations, resulting in w
hat is called the Shemhamforesh, which represents, in turn, the laws, powers, and energies
of Nature by which the perfection of man is achieved. The Pyramid then is the Universal ho
use, and above its unfinished apex is the radiant emblem of the Great Architect of the Univ
erse..." Now, this quote is similar to the Kabbala belief that God's name has 72 letters.
Kabbalists believe that when this name is mentioned, folks can receive illumination. This is
of course unbiblical. The Kabbalah teaches that Hebrews letters have numerical values and
learning these things and doing rituals can make man to into having a mystical state. This
heresy is taught in their books called the Book of Splendor (Sepher Ha Zohar) and the
Book of Creation (Sepher Ha-Yetzira). An extension of the supposed codes in the
Hebrew alphabet is the promotion of the Bible codes, which are promoted in the
Kabbalah. Even Gail Raplinger made the error of claiming that God’s name was originally
Jehovah when God’s more ancient name was Yahveh. Gail Raplinger made doctrinal errors
in her book entitled, “New Age Bible Versions.” Gail was divorced 2 times and tried to hide
it from people asking her about it. She is allied with the racist bigot, pro-abortion
advocate, & heretic Peter Ruckman (which I will expose further in the near future).
Ruckman teaches the lie that the KJV is superior to the original translations of the Old and
New Testaments of the Bible. The truth is that the King James Bible is an excellent
translation from the Greek Textus Receptus line, but it isn’t superior to the original
translations of the Bible (The KJV is an accurate translation and preservation of the
Scriptures instead). Gail Riplinger's stance that the letters of the English
alphabet have meanings (beyond the phonetic) is definitely incorrect.
Gail in her books promotes sound symbolism and researching letters plus sounds to prove
that the KJV is a real English Bible, which is occult activities. We don’t need hidden
meanings to understand the Word of God since the Holy Spirit is sufficient to aid in our
understanding of God’s words: “…The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we
are the children of God..” (Romans 8:16). Easily, Gail can wake up from her errors and
correct it.

Researchers & occultists like Rosicrucian HP Blavatsky have found that Jehovah was roots
from the pagan false god Jove: According to H.P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Glossary:
“...the Divine name Jah, the male side, or aspect, of the hermaphrodite being, or the
male-female Adam, of which hovah (Jah-hovah) is the female aspect. It is symbolized
by a hand with bent fore-finger, to show its phallic signification…” (Theosophical
Glossary, p. 148). Jupiter or Jove was the highest false god of the Romans. He was
omnisexual and a pederast (or a pedophile liking boys) whose Greek counterpart was
Zeus. Jove is symbolized as an eagle and a Phoenix. According to Dr. Cathy Burns, the
Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who cast down into flames and the eagle is a big symbols of
Freemasonry. This disinformation about Jehovah has been promoted by Astrotheology or
the movement to end Christianity by promoting the lie that Christianity is a revival of
ancient sun worship. The author
Mike Hoggard believes that one outer angle of the Pentagon has 72 degrees. The
symbolism in D.C. and America in general is very complex indeed.

Albert Pike admits that low level Masons are told deceptions and lies until they reach
into the upper echelon of the organization. Dr. Robert Hieronimus is a New Ager who of
course mocks conservative Christianity. The Statue of Freedom is found in the top of
the Capitol Dome on pg. 25. The statue is actually a representation of the Goddess
Athena (which is a patron deity of Sir Francis Bacon). A proponent of the New Age
and the Secret Brotherhood's plan for a New World Order is Robert
Hieronimus. In his book America's Secret Destiny, he traced the spiritual
vision of America's founding fathers and the plan's eventual fruition in
what we call the New World Order and the New Age Movement (both of
which are synonymous). So, Robert wants a New Age in the world and he
promotes the existence of Gurus. Researchers have found that the Lost
Symbol is a work out of many trying to throw some truthful information
about Freemasonry, etc. Yet, it's overt goal is to show the Mysteries in a
favorable way in order to get the public to accept the Mysteries (This has
been talked about by New Agers like Alice Bailey and Benjamin Crème for
decades). The Lost Symbol distorts the true history of the Illuminati as
well. The book even describes about Aleister Crowley being called the
“wickedest man in the world.” Crowley modernized much of modern
Satanism and has been a “role model” among numerous musicians in the
past including even the present in 2010. The Knights Templar is famously
mentioned in the literature of Dan Brown. Many of the Templars were
house in the chateau at Domme in 1307. William Henry and other
researchers believe that at that location, the Templars manufactured
graffiti pertaining to Jesus and the crucifixion. This replica is ironically
found in the Templar Museum at Domme. The image shows a person
holding a rod or wand. There is a cross and fish image. Some of the images
according to Henry look similar to the Kabbalic tree of life. I don’t agree
with William Henry’s New Age views though. So, I want to make that clear.
The images on the graffiti do look complex and further investigation.

Appendix D: 2010 Updates in Popular Culture

Sirius satellite radio is named after the star Sirius of course. Now, the logo has a dog with
the 5 Point star on it. It’s well known that Sirius relates to the Dog Star high in the sky in
the Northern Hemisphere among the summer season. Sirius is known for some
controversial radio shows since they rarely censor their broadcast being in satellite. Rick
Warren's conference is to figure Mark Driscoll (the person above to the right). He is
called "Ultra cool," which is a worldly false paradigm phrase. He is scheduled to speak at
Rick Warren's Radicals conference in February. They want to teach people how to develop
emotional, healthy leadership. The conference features Pete Scazzero. He's the founder of
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. This ministry promotes emotional health via Catholic
contemplative mysticism. Driscoll is the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle,
CULTURALLY LIBERAL” (“Pastor Provocateur,” Christianity Today, Sept. 21, 2007).
That's an oxymoron. Typically, he calls Fundamental Christianity as hardcore
fundamentalism that throws rocks at culture. We don't throw rocks at the culture, we just
shine the light on how wicked worldly culture is, so people won't be brainwashed by it. He
wants to be called relevant, contextual, and cool like the world. His church set up a
champagne bar at its New Year's Eve parties. This is unheard off even 10 years. They
have beer lessons for men, R-rated movies, and host secular rock concerts in their Paradox
Theatre at the church. Even a secular man would have issues with this in in a “church”
in 2010. Scott Thomas, who is the director of Acts 29, a church planting network
associated with Driscoll, says, “We won’t water down our theology to reach more people
and we won’t attack the culture in the name of Christianity”
(http://www.acts29network.org/about/welcome/). These are contradictory statements. You
can’t be faithful to the Bible (having rock-solid theology) if you “contextualize the gospel”
and refuse to attack the sinful and satanic side of culture, which is a very large side of it in a
world in which some people falsely embrace Satan as their god. God’s Word
commands, “And have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
BUT RATHER REPROVE THEM” (Eph. 5:11). This compromise agenda is apart of the
Ecumenical/Emerging movement. If John the Baptist was killed for just criticizing a
political leader like Herod, then a similar person criticizing the wicked culture would be
called wrong and politically incorrect by Driscoll.

theindustryexposed's You tube account explained an interesting view about Lady Gaga
and her agenda recently. Lady Gaga of course had occult/Masonic symbolism in her
videos, clothing, etc. Lady Gaga in a concert said that: "...Now I want you to remember
that tonight you will not be a human being anymore. Tonight you became a
monster..." A definition of a monster is in an evil connotation. It's usually grotesque
looking and sadistic being that seeks to harm the norms of society. It's a person that’s
sociopathic and without moral control. So, Lady Gaga calls her fans monsters. She also
mentions that: "...Kings write the history of there people, It's the prolific nature that
both creates and procures that will be later perceived as the Kingdom, so, The real
truth about Lady Gaga fans, my little monsters, Lies in this sentence: They are the
kings, They are the queens, They write the history of the kingdom. It is in the theory of
perception that we have established our bond or the lie I should say, for which we kill.
We are nothing without our image, without our projection, without the spiritual
hologram of who we perceive ourselves to be rather to become in the future.. When
your lonely, I'll be lonely too and this is the fame. Love and heart, 12-18-1974, Lady
Gaga..." This is a strange message to say the least. All of the numerals of 12181974
equals to 33 in its sum (33 is the highest degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry). These
words come from the interlude from Lady Gaga's monster ball. In that ball, Lady Gaga
wear bondage masks and tribal clothing. What she means by the Kings writing history
is that the elite or monarchs writing the history of their people. It's not a secret that
mainstream history (unlike true independent history) has been manipulated by the
globalists (who are Rockefeller-funded) in other to protect themselves from exposure
(and control societies). The people she describes are us whom the elite consider cattle
or the masses. Numerous History books lie. She talks about the kingdom ruled by the
King, which is a representation of the new world order or the new age system in the
world (since she calls this Kingdom as under development in her monologue). She
wants to people know that they (or the Kings being the elite) are the Kings, Queen,
and they write the history of the Kingdom. Lady Gaga further comments that:
"...The Kingdom of the devoted jester….” A jester is a person who puts on a front
as an entertainer amuse the Monarch and the masses. Could it be that Lady Gaga is
acting as a jester to distract from the truth that occultism still influences the
mainstream popular culture. Lady Gaga showed the hand near her eye and shows
other secretive symbolism. She said that: "...It was a thousand years before that the
monster first entered the city for our heats and for our brains...But it wasn't until the
year 3009 that we realize we could all coexist with this monster...with our music..." The
monster seems to represents the evil in human existence also. This is typical since Lady
gaga promotes the robotic agenda (or the dehumanization of humans and the
humanization of robots). She lies and that we are nothing without our projection or
image or the spiritual hologram of who we think we are. This is New Age jargon since
by conception, all human beings have value. We aren't nothing. It's ironic that she
wore a mask in the skit since mainstream entertainers hid the mask of their false
persona along with using fake names (with makeup, clothing, cars, houses, acting a
certain way, jewelry, etc.) in order to hide their true self (which is usually a human
being that’s depressed and is a tortured soul). Some pictures of entertainers are edited
to not show their true image. Fame Monster is apart of Lady Gaga’s persona indeed.

The Industry Exposed part 55 found new information about Lady gaga or Stefani
Germanotta. In a concert, she said that: "..Take your money. I don’t want it. I want your
soul Singapore..." Some feel like she isn't talking literally wanting your soul, but
metaphorically using a subliminal storyline that she's playing out. This series believes
that Lady Gaga is using a subliminal storyline that is made up of alchemic, heremetic,
and esoteric symbolism. In other concert, there is a stage called Fame Factory where a
man talks about wanting a Lady gaga that's real. She said that the real Lady Gaga has
no soul and Lady gaga comes out to perform. So, the man is describing a factory that
Lady Gaga is being made. He compares Lady gaga to a product of fame hence the
Fame Factory stage. The man acts an unsatisfied customer of the fame factory. He
wants to return his Lady Gaga, because it's a fake. He continues to say that the real
Lady Gaga has a polo/pogo stick. This is in reference to the rumors that Lady Gaga is a
hermaphrodite and he said that she has no soul. Having no soul is similar to Lady
Gaga's persona of the Fame Monster (monsters don't have souls and Lady gaga
wanting to symbolically have souls is apart of a symbolic storyline). Lady Gaga is caged
and freed in the concert (after the man says "I'll take her. " This means that she is
being brought and sold). It isn't a secret that numerous pop musicians are victims of
manipulation, fame, sin, and mind control. Many of them are caged in motiffs and
images. Lady Gaga's Grammy performance has fake lady gaga impersonators fake
attack her. One man says: "...Everyone’s going gogo for gaga. Her mind controlling
pop music is ruining my business. Take her away. She's a monster. She's a monster.
And she's turning all of you into monsters. Later she performs with Elton John and says
that she wants to be a star. Lady Gaga wears the sphere imagery. Lady Gaga wants
fame for people to have for themselves. She said that: "...Apocalyptic rebirth when I
appear in the orbit..." as defining the meaning of her recent tour. She said that: "...My
evolution is from the beginning of time, so I start as a cell, and then I become a
vertebrate, and then I become a full animal, and there's the birth of the economy, and
trade and war, then it's the Apocalypse. Because we as a society are taught
politically and religiously that the Apocalypse is coming on its way. But what
I'm saying with my show is, 'We're there right now: this is the Apocalypse.' The
fact that we're surrounded by cement and we've already killed everything means
the Apocalypse has happened."

I want to make this point. Lady Gaga is obviously angry at people like us with the
Internet, videos, etc. exposing her. She went on a profanity-laced tirade saying that
Music has no religion, no color, no genre, no politics, no money, and it’s free. These
words sound similar to the agenda of world government where there is no
religious freedom, no political differences, no national sovereignty, and a cashless
society. This isn’t freedom. That’s oppression.

There has been a lot of exposure of the music industry in the past 3 years in a high level.
It’s easy to prove that Masonic, occult, and satanic symbolism in promoted by the industry
in pictures, concerts, and music videos. Some of these videos act almost like rituals to the
world. Rumors and facts have occurred as well. The truth is coming out so fast now that
even mainstream radio hosts are asking people like Jay Z and Rihanna about these issues in
various interviews. Artists usually pay to be on the radio to give interviews as well in order
to promote their movie, music, or concert. Some of these artists use this symbolism as a
means to promote recreational drug and alcohol usage, recreational sex, crime, New Age
doctrines, etc. which many of them want people to follow.
The Island was a 2005 science fiction movie. It was directed by Michael Bay. Its starring cast
included Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. It was released on July 11, 1005 in Ameirca. It
describes a dystopiac science fiction film of escape. Ewan plays Lincoln Six Echo. Scarlett plays
Jordan Two Delta. Lincoln lives in an isolated compound where people’s lives are strictly regulated
and everyone waits for a chance to go the Island. They are told that this place is not contaminated
by a deadly pathogen. Lincoln Six doesn’t agree with the strict social controls and with the plain
white clothes everywhere on people. Lincoln Six found out that the poison is coming outside of the
Island. He tried to Jordan Two Delta. Jordan just won the lottery. Dr. Merrick discovers that Lincoln
Six knows about the truth. Upon escaping, Lincoln Six and Jordan Two discover that both the
deadly pathogen and the Island are myths, and that each of them is a clone of a wealthy
"sponsor" who intended to use them for spare parts. Technology developed by Dr. Merrick
allows clones to be incubated into adulthood. Merrick claims that the clones can’t get
consciousness, though when her the African paramilitary mercenary Albert Laurent (who is played
by Djimon Honunsou) to kill the escaped clones (he confides that unconscious clones’ organ
inevitably fail making them useless). The 2 clones or Lincoln Six and Jordan Six escape to Los
Angeles to find their sponsors. The clones want to destroy the holographic projections in the
compound and expose the truth to his fellow clones. With help from Laurent (who finds
moral qualms with treating the clones as if they are less than human) and Jordan Six,
Merrick is killed, the projectors are destroyed, and the clones are saved. The last
scenes of the film shows a man and a woman (presumably Lincoln Six and Jordan
Two) together on the deck of a specially designed boat which had always appeared in
Lincoln Six's memory. 111TRUTH111 have found excellent symbolisms in this film and in the
movie the Hangover (which is based in the city of Las Vegas with the Pyramid shaped Occult
influence Luxor building. Fritz Springmeier believes that the Luxor is major programming base).
“The Island” deals with mind control since it has clones being manipulated by their
controllers into doing certain actions. The movie constantly shows the butterfly in relation to
the clones and Big Brother. Ironically, the butterfly is a hidden symbol of Monarch Mind
control programming according to Fritz Springmeier plus other researchers. The film shows
a man using a Pyramid to accept data. There is All Seeing Eye (including one that is
specialized) imagery throughout the film including solar light. The All Seeing Eye relates to
Horus. There is a statue of an angle in the film to. A serpent is in the film relating to the
satanic imagery. The number of 33 is found in a Silo. One scene in the film has a painting of
Picasso (he‘s a famous Spanish painter who was an expert in natural art being he went into the
abstract art realm. He experienced the Spanish Civil War and other events), 2 images of pillars
(relating to Jachin and Boaz of Solomon’s Temple), a globe, and a Pyramid. There are numbers 6
plus 8 in the film and the letter R. Some view these things as subliminals. The film blatantly shows
mind control that’s trauma based with the words of lucky, obedient, etc. in them. “The Islands” goes
and shows an Ace of Spaces (which images have comes from the cards). The Hangover came out
in 2009. In that film, there is the sun image of course. The film glamorizes hedonism, laziness, and
unfullfilment of responsibilities.

Goodbye for now and there is certainly more

information yet to be shown about these
topics. The truth is coming out more than ever.
Also, more facts are coming out the
Constantianian Order, the Equestrian Order of
the Holy Sepulcher, the Pilgrim Society, etc.
These groups are above in power than the
Bilderberg Group. I want to make this point
about Freemasons. You Masons have been
exposed and don’t tell me that people like us
are lying since I’ve sources, witnesses, books,
and other evidence to prove that you yolk with
unbelievers, you drink wine out of a human
skull, numerous old Bavarian Illuminati
members were Masons, and Masonry has
other occult ceremonies. It’s out in the open.
So, in 2010, I will mention them & other
groups more in future writings. My eyes are
open. Hence, we shouldn’t be intimidated by
this world and never be ashamed of what we
believe in.

By Timothy

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