This document contains a nursing assessment and care plan for a patient with ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in their right lower extremity due to obstructed blood flow. The plan includes short and long-term goals focused on improving circulation through exercise, ambulation with physical therapy, and monitoring vital signs. Nursing actions include collaborating on an exercise plan, assisting with ambulation, and evaluating circulation through pulse, capillary refill, and comparing extremities bilaterally. The goal of increased pedal pulse and circulation was not met due to a recommendation for an artery bypass to improve peripheral blood flow.
This document contains a nursing assessment and care plan for a patient with ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in their right lower extremity due to obstructed blood flow. The plan includes short and long-term goals focused on improving circulation through exercise, ambulation with physical therapy, and monitoring vital signs. Nursing actions include collaborating on an exercise plan, assisting with ambulation, and evaluating circulation through pulse, capillary refill, and comparing extremities bilaterally. The goal of increased pedal pulse and circulation was not met due to a recommendation for an artery bypass to improve peripheral blood flow.
This document contains a nursing assessment and care plan for a patient with ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in their right lower extremity due to obstructed blood flow. The plan includes short and long-term goals focused on improving circulation through exercise, ambulation with physical therapy, and monitoring vital signs. Nursing actions include collaborating on an exercise plan, assisting with ambulation, and evaluating circulation through pulse, capillary refill, and comparing extremities bilaterally. The goal of increased pedal pulse and circulation was not met due to a recommendation for an artery bypass to improve peripheral blood flow.
This document contains a nursing assessment and care plan for a patient with ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in their right lower extremity due to obstructed blood flow. The plan includes short and long-term goals focused on improving circulation through exercise, ambulation with physical therapy, and monitoring vital signs. Nursing actions include collaborating on an exercise plan, assisting with ambulation, and evaluating circulation through pulse, capillary refill, and comparing extremities bilaterally. The goal of increased pedal pulse and circulation was not met due to a recommendation for an artery bypass to improve peripheral blood flow.
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Stacie Smith
Assess/Analyze Plan Implement Evaluate
Data Base IR rotation Nursing Diagnosis based on Maslows Hierar!y o" Needs# $$$$$ _________ ___ %a"ety &ong'(erm )oal %!ort'(erm )oal Nursing Ations %ienti"i *ationale Evaluation %ub+etive -pt states pain in left calf of a 5 on a scale of 0- 10 -patient states pain while ambulating but fine while sitting ,b+etive 'extreme redness in lower left calf -delayed wound healing on left foot -pedal pulse absent in left foot Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion rt obstructed blood flow in peripheral arteries !"# patient history of intermittent claudication$ decreased sensation and healing in left lower extremity %atient will demonstrate increased peripheral perfusion by having pedal pulse strong and present by day of discharge -. %atient will verbali&e an understanding of his condition and therapy regimen by end of day one /. %atient will demonstrate behaviors of lifestyle changes to improve circulation such as regular exercise by the end of day one -. S' will collaborate with physical therapy and patient to help patient develop an appropriate exercise regimen /a. S' will help patient ambulate at least ( times per shift or according to physical therapies recommendations /b.S' will measure capillary refill /. S' will determine pulse e)uality as well as intensity and compare bilaterally -. *aving patient involved in planning helps ensure compliance with recommended therapy /a. Improves circulation of blood for tissue profusion /b. +etermines ade)uacy of systemic circulation /. "valuates distribution and )uality of blood flow and success or failure of therapy ,oals not met due to the recommendati on by IR to have an artery bypass to regain peripheral blood flow