The document provides guidance on applying zero-based thinking to analyze all aspects of a business. It suggests asking if, knowing what you now know, aspects of the business like products, services, employees, processes, customers, and expenses would be started up again today. It emphasizes continuously evaluating all parts of the business and being prepared to discontinue anything that is not working or causing problems. The goal is to identify areas for improvement or elimination to focus resources on the most effective strategies.
The document provides guidance on applying zero-based thinking to analyze all aspects of a business. It suggests asking if, knowing what you now know, aspects of the business like products, services, employees, processes, customers, and expenses would be started up again today. It emphasizes continuously evaluating all parts of the business and being prepared to discontinue anything that is not working or causing problems. The goal is to identify areas for improvement or elimination to focus resources on the most effective strategies.
The document provides guidance on applying zero-based thinking to analyze all aspects of a business. It suggests asking if, knowing what you now know, aspects of the business like products, services, employees, processes, customers, and expenses would be started up again today. It emphasizes continuously evaluating all parts of the business and being prepared to discontinue anything that is not working or causing problems. The goal is to identify areas for improvement or elimination to focus resources on the most effective strategies.
The document provides guidance on applying zero-based thinking to analyze all aspects of a business. It suggests asking if, knowing what you now know, aspects of the business like products, services, employees, processes, customers, and expenses would be started up again today. It emphasizes continuously evaluating all parts of the business and being prepared to discontinue anything that is not working or causing problems. The goal is to identify areas for improvement or elimination to focus resources on the most effective strategies.
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Analyze your return-on-equity, return-on-investment,
and return-on-sales. Are they increasing or decreasing? If your goal is to build a great company, why isnt your company already great? ore capital required for !mpower networ" #hich of your products or services is selling well today? y sales s"ills and !mpower $etwor" #hich of your products and services are the most pro%table? y sales s"ills and !mpower $etwor" #hich ones are doing poorly? #hich ones do you lose money on? &rin"ing too much alchohol Is your current business situation, positive or negative, in any area? ore capital required 'emporary or part of a long-term trend? (ongterm )ow can you "now for sure? Action )ow can you %nd out? *e+oin !mpower $etwor" with ,I-.ic" /trizheus0(i"e )obbs01ro+ect A#2( #hat should you then do? a"e 345,555 %rst 65 days Clarity Is the Key #hy has your business been successful in the past? y study of business #hat have you done well in the past that has been responsible for your success to date? y study of business, mar"eting and sales. #hat are the most important s"ills and competencies that your company possesses today? y study of business, mar"eting and sales. #hat are the very best products and services that you o7er right now? y study of business, mar"eting and sales. (oo" at the people around you. #ho are your most valuable people? A8) /hoppette and 9niversity of aryland ,A) money #ho are no longer as valuable as before? #ho represents a net loss or detriment to your business? ,e prepared to as" and answer the brutal questions. The Customer Is the King #ho are your best customers today? :oreans, single males, and business opportunity see"ers #hat and where are your best mar"ets? Asia and the internet #hat do your customers li"e the most about what you do for them? a"e them happy #hat do they compliment the most of what you o7er or do for them? a"e them happy, tal" alot and very smart in business and life #hat is your number one area of customer satisfaction? /ales and presentation #hat do your customers li"e the least about what you do? #hen I;m angry or tired #hat do they complain about the most? $ot having what they want available for purchase #hat is it that you sell that your customers and potential customers prefer to buy somewhere else, rather than from you? Identify Your Personal Strengths (oo" at yourself honestly. #hat are your own personal best s"ills, qualities and abilities? !nglish, /tudying, strategic planning, mar"eting and sales #hat are the most important things that you do at wor", and for your company? &aily facility improvement, strategic planning, mar"eting and sales #hat are the most valuable contributions you ma"e personally to your business? Increase sales, customer service, and customer retention Start Where You Are: 4. #hat is wor"ing the very best in your business today? /ales and mar"eting #hat parts of your business ma"e you the happiest? ar"eting <. #hats not wor"ing in your business? #aiting on capital #hat causes you the most aggravation and frustration? #aiting on capital 6. #hat are your most important products and mar"ets? e =sales-mar"eting-english s"ills>, !mpower $etwor" in th 9/-/outh :orean mar"ets #hat accounts for the largest portion of your revenues? A8) and !mpower $etwor" ?. #ho are your most important people? A8) and !mpower $etwor" #ho are the people who account for most of your results? A8) and !mpower $etwor" @. #hat are your special talents and s"ills? #hat is it you do that accounts for most of your success? A. #hat are the ma+or changes ta"ing place in your mar"et? #hat changes should you ma"e to compensate for them? B. #hat are your most treasured assumptions about your people, customers, mar"ets, products, services and yourself? #hat if one of them wasnt true? #hat would you do then? Imagine Starting Over Cero-based thin"ing requires that you apply this DscraperE mentality to every part of your business. Fou do this by as"ing this "ey questionG Is there anything that you are doing in your business that, knowing what you now know, you wouldnt start up again today, if you had it to do over? Instead of struggling to determine how you might modify, change, %H, revise, improve or alter some business function, you instead as", DIf I was not doing this today, would I start it up again today, knowing what I now know? 'o start with, is there any product or service that you would not bring to the mar"et, o7er or sell, if you had to do it over again, starting today? /ince I5J of your products and services are probably going to be obsolete within the neHt @ years, there may be products and services you are o7ering today that, because of changed mar"et conditions, you would not introduce again today, if you had to do it over again, knowing what you now know. 'hese products or services are prime candidates for discontinuation or divestiture. Is there any person in your business that you would not hire, assign, appoint, go to wor" for, or become associated with if you had to do it over again today? ost of your problems in business will come from attempting to wor" with or around a diKcult person, who "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt get involved with again today. #ho does this bring to mind? Is there any supplier, ban"er or vendor that you are dealing with today that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt get involved with again today, if you had to do it over? Since many of your business relationshis !ill not !or" out over time# you must be reared to continually reevaluate them# esecially if they are causing you any roblems or frustrations$ Analy%e Your Customers Is there any customer that you are selling to or servicing today that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt ta"e on again as a customer? any companies are as"ing this question about their diKcult customers and deciding to let them go. /ometimes, one of the smartest things you can do is to D%re your customers.E !ncourage them to go and deal with someone else who would be more appropriate for them. Assess Your &usiness Oerations Is there any expenditure in your business that you would not authorize again if you had it to do over? Is there any process, procedure or activity that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt start up again, or get into, if you were ma"ing the decision today, "nowing what you now "now? Is there any advertising, mar"eting or selling methodology or eHpense that "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt start up again today, if you had to do it over? :eep as"ing, D#hats wor"ing?E and D#hats not wor"ing?E Pay Attention To The Indicators Fou can always tell when you are in a zero-based thin"ing situation because it causes you continuous stress, aggravation, frustration, negativity and unhappiness. Fou thin" about it continually. 2ften you bring it home at night and discuss it at the family dinner table. /ometimes it will even "eep you awa"e at night. #henever something is not wor"ing, or not wor"ing out the way you eHpected, or causing you stress, %nancial losses, aggravation, or irritation, as", Knowing what I now know, would I get into this again today if I had to do it over? If the answer is D$oLE then your neHt question is How do I get out and how fast? The 'ecision Is Inevitable )eres an important point. If something is not wor"ing, eventually you will have to get out of it. Fou will have to let the person go, discontinue the product or service, eliminate the activity or eHpense, or change the method of operation. It is only a matter of time. It is not going to get better all by itself. And every single eHecutive who %nally decides to get out of an unhappy situation says afterwards, DI should have done this a long time agoLE Aly This Aroach Continually Practice %ero(based thin"ing as a )go for!ard* method for the rest of your business career$ Aly it to everything you do# to every art of your business# every single day$ Aly it to every roduct# service# rocess# rocedure and erson and be sure that# "no!ing !hat you no! "no!# you would get into it again today if you had to do it over $ If not# get out# and as fast as you can$ 'ra! A +ine ,nder the Past: 4. Imagine starting over again in every part of your businessM is there anything you are doing that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt start up again today? <. Is there any person in your business life who, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt hire, assign, promote or otherwise get involved with again today, "nowing what you now "now? 6. Is there any product or service that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt bring to the mar"et again today? ?. Is there any investment that you have made that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt ma"e again today? @. Is there any business activity or process that you are using that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt start up again today? A. Is there any customer or mar"et that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt ta"e on or get into again today, if you had it to do over? B. Is there any career decision that you have made that, "nowing what you now "now, you wouldnt ma"e the same way if you had it to do over again today? Start With The &asics 'he starting point of business analysis is for you to as"G D#hat business am I in?E #hat business are you really in? #hat business are you really, really in?E I soon realized I was in the Dgoal achievement businessE =e '22L N!*O>. y business was helping people to achieve their personal and business goals faster by providing them with practical ideas that they could use immediately to get better results. 'his insight led me from tal"s and seminars into audio and video recording, boo"s, training programs and Internet based e- learning on a variety of sub+ects, including the development and presentation of the 'urbostrategy 1rocess. The Customer As Centeriece D#ho is my customer?E #ho is the person who buys from you today? &escribe your customer in detail. #hat is the age, income, education, position, attitude, location and interest of your ideal customer? any companies are not eHactly sure of the answer to this question. 'hey have at best an unclear picture of the psychological and demographic characteristics of their customers. #ho will your customer be tomorrow, if current trends continue? #ho should your customer be, if you want to be successful in the mar"ets of tomorrow? #ho could your customer be if you were to change, improve or upgrade your product or service o7erings? 'etermine What You Sell Four neHt question isG D#hy does my customer buy?E #hat value, bene%t, result or di7erence does your customer see" or eHpect to en+oy as a result of doing business with you? 2f all the various bene%ts that your products or services o7er your customers, what do your customers consider to be more important than anything else? &o you "now? Four ability to de%ne and promote this unique bene%t is the real "ey to competitive advantage and mar"et success. Fou neHt question isG D#hat do we do especially well?E #hat do you do better than any of your competitors? #here are you superior? Pustomers only buy from a particular company because they feel that, in some way, that company o7ers something that is superior to that of any other o7ering. #hat is your area of eHcellence? Qac" #elch of Oeneral !lectric was famous for saying, DIf you dont have competitive advantage, dont compete.E )is philosophy was that Oeneral !lectric would be number one or number two in every mar"et segment in which they competed, or they would get out of that mar"et. Are you number one or number two in your mar"et? Pan you be? #hat is your plan to achieve this mar"et position? 'e-ne Your Cometitor 'he neHt question, which we will deal with eHtensively in Phapter 45, isG D#ho is your competition?E 2nce you have identi%ed your competition, you must as", D#hy does your potential customer buy from your competition, rather than from you?E #hat value or bene%t does he perceive that he receives from someone else that he does not feel he receives from you? )ow could you o7set this perception? Set Clear .oals In performing an eHamination of your business, you must as" continually, D#hat are my goals?E #hat are you trying to accomplish? If you are clear about your goals, what is holding you bac" from achieving them? Fou need clear, written, measurable, time-bounded goals for every part of your business and personal life. Fou need short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. !ach goal must be in writing, with plans for its accomplishment. Fou cant hit a target that you cant see. Analyze everything you do in the course of a day or a wee". #hat are the <5J of your activities that could account for I5J or more of your results? /ometimes, +ust 45J of your activities, if you were to pursue them aggressively, could account for R5J of your results. #hat might they be? &ecome Action(Oriented #hat actions should you ta"e immediately in response to the answers to these questions? #hat is the very %rst thing you should do right now to increase your sales and improve your mar"et position? Another good question you should as" yourself isG D#hy am I in business at all?E #hy do you eHist? #hat social purpose does your company serve? #hat loss would occur to society if you ceased to do business altogether? Imagine that you had to go in front of a government tribunal each year to +ustify your continued eHistence. #hat would you say to the tribunal in terms of how you serve, help, or ma"e a di7erence in the lives or wor" of your customers to +ustify staying in business? 'hese are "ey questions that you need to as" and answer for your business on a regular basis. Fou should as" and answer these questions for yourself, as well. If you are unclear or inaccurate in your answers to any of them, the health of your enterprise could be in +eopardy. Conduct A &asic &usiness Analysis: 4. #hat are your goals for your business? #hat are you trying to accomplish? <. #ho is your ideal customer? &escribe him or her accurately. 6. #hy does your customer buy from you? #hat special bene%ts or advantages do you o7er that your competitors dont have? ?. #hat business are you really in? &escribe your business in terms of what you do for your customer, what results you get. @. #hat are the <5J of your activities that could account for I5J of your results? A. #hat is your competitive advantage, your Darea of eHcellence?E In what ways are you superior to R5J or more of your competitors? B. #hat speci%c, measurable actions should you ta"e immediately in answer to the above questions? Chater /our 0 'ecide 12actly What You Want he world has the habit of making way for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going! =$apoleon )ill> 'urbostrategy begins with your deciding eHactly what you want to accomplish in the "ey areas of your business life. 2nce you "now your goals in each area, you can then decide upon the best steps you can ta"e to get there. The .OSPA 3odel Fou can use the O2/1A odel as a guide for strategic planning. 'hese %ve "ey thin"ing tools form the basis for successful business operations. &egin With The 1nd In 3ind 'he %rst letter, DOE stands for .oals. 'hese are the ultimate results that you want to achieve. Four goals are the end targets that you aim at throughout your business year or planning period. Four goals are your sales, pro%ts, growth rate, mar"et share, or percentage of return on assets, equity, investment or sales. Ooals are always measurable. #hat are yours? Stes on the Staircase 'he second letter, D2E stands for Ob4ectives. 'hese are the steps you will have to ta"e to achieve your goals. 'hey are li"e the rungs on the ladder to get to the top. Four business ob+ectives can be speci%c rates of return from advertising, levels of sales of certain products and services, number of items shipped and billed, monies collected and cost levels for certain activities. A lower defect rate or a higher sale amount per customer can be ob+ectives on the path to achieving the main corporate goals. #hat are your interim ob+ectives? 5o! to .et There 'he letter D/E stands for Strategies. 'hese are the di7erent approaches that you can ta"e to achieve your ob+ectives and reach your goals. 8or eHample, achieving a speci%c level of pro%tability will require producing and selling speci%c quantities of products or services to a speci%c mar"et in a speci%c way. 'here are many di7erent ways to go about accomplishing these ob+ectives. 'he way you choose is your strategy, and may determine the success or failure of your enterprise. &o you produce, mar"et, sell, deliver yourself, or do you outsource some part of the process? &o you sell direct, via retail, direct mail, catalog or Internet? &o you charge more, charge less, up-sell, cross-sell or discount? &o you enter certain mar"ets and abandon others? #hat is your strategy? Is it wor"ing? Planning /or Success 'he letter D1E stands for Plans. 'hese are your blueprints for achieving your goals. Four plans are composed of step-by-step lists of eHactly what you will do, day by day, to get from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. 1lans are always bro"en down by sequence and priority. /ome things have to be done before others can be done. /ome things are more important than others in achieving the goal or ob+ective. #hen your plan is organized by sequence and priority, you can accomplish much more in less time. ,usiness life consists almost entirely of pro+ects, one after the other. A pro+ect can be de%ned as a multi"task #ob, a +ob made up of many small +obs, each of which has to be done properly to complete the larger tas". Four ability to plan, organize and complete multi-tas" +obs, ever larger and more compleH, is the most important single element of your success, in any %eld. 'evelo a &ias for Action 'he last letter in the O2/1A process, DAE, stands for Actions. 'hese are the speci%c tas"s that you are going to complete to carry out the plans to implement the strategies to accomplish the ob#ectives to achieve your goals. !very important tas" must be clear, measurable and time bounded. It must be assigned to a speci%c person who is quali%ed to perform the tas" correctly, on time and on budget. $hat gets measured gets done! /ocus on Pro-tability 'he central purpose of 'urbostrategy is to boost your cash Sow and pro%ts, and to increase your return on the money invested in your business. 'he aim of strategy is to generate a higher level of cash Sow and pro%tability than you would realize without the strategy, or with your previous strategy. In short, it is to make more money than you are ma"ing right now from the way that you are doing business today. 'he essential resources of people, money and talent that you need to succeed in your business are always limited. 'hey must be focused and concentrated for maHimum results. 'his is what a good strategy enables you to do. /our Ways to Imrove Your &usiness /etting strategy requires ma"ing hard decisions in four areasG 8irst, you must decide what you are going to do more of. #hats wor"ing? #hat is selling well? #hat products, services and activities are the most pro%table? /econd, you must decide what you are going to do less of. #hats not wor"ing? #hat contributes very little to growth and pro%tability? #hat should you discontinue or eliminate based on the realities of todays mar"et and todays customers? #hat can you do to reduce costs in areas where they contribute very little to results? 'hird, what are you going to start doing that youre not doing today? #hat new products, services or activities should you introduce if you want to increase your sales and pro%tability, or improve and streamline your activities? 8inally, what are you going to stop doing altogether? *emember, the critical resources of time and money are always scarce. 'he only way you can improve results is by discontinuing certain activities altogether. Fou can then channel those resources into areas where they yield higher levels of business results. Clarity is the "ey to strategic success. 'he more time you ta"e to be absolutely clear about who you are, and what you want to accomplish, the more successful and pro%table you will be. 'ecide 12actly What You Want: 4. #hat are your speci%c, measurable long-term goals for sales and pro%tability in your business? <. #hat are the speci%c ob#ectives of sales, staKng, production, delivery and customer development that you will have to achieve to accomplish your goals? 6. #hat are the various ways that you can meet your ob+ectives and achieve your goals? #hat is the best strategy for you in todays mar"et? ?. #hat should you do more of and really focus on to increase your sales and pro%tability? @. #hat should you do less of, based on your current eHperience? #hats not wor"ing? A. #hat should you start doing that you are not doing today? #hat opportunities are available to you? B. #hat should you discontinue, and stop doing altogether, so that you can free up resources for more pro%table activities? Chater /ive 0 'esign Your Ideal /uture $e have been endowed with the capacity and the power to create desirable pictures within and to %nd them automatically printed in the outer world of our environment! =Qohn c&onald> /ome time ago, I conducted a strategic planning session for the senior eHecutives of a 34B< billion dollar company. 'he organization was going through a period of considerable turbulence, change, competition and new government regulation. 'here had been lay-o7s, %rings, downsizing and divestments. y clients were the top eHecutives who had survived the recent turmoil, and the blood letting was not yet over. In these circumstances, they were both worried about the future and distracted in the present. Create A /ive Year /antasy 'o get them centered and focused, I began the strategy session with a process that I call )Ideali%ation$* In this process, which you can use yourself, I had the members of the top team create a D%ve year fantasy.E D(et us put aside the current situation for the moment,E I suggested. DInstead, tell me what this company would loo" li"e %ve years from now if it was perfect in every respect?E 'his eHercise forced them to ta"e their attention away from the problems of the present and focus their thin"ing on the possibilities of the future. As we went around the room, each person contributed an idea about what the company would loo" li"e if it were perfect. I wrote each idea on a Sip chart and taped the pages onto the walls where everyone could see them. In less than half an hour, we generated <B ideal descriptions. #e then voted on these idealized goals and organized them by priority. #e ended up with a series of clear ob+ectives, including Dhighly pro%table, tremendous mar"et reputation, high stoc" price, top leadership, fabulous customer service, great place to wor", best management, rapid growth rate and top reputation in the industry,E among others. Thin" In Terms Of Possibilities I then as"ed them, DAre these goals possible?E 2ne by one, they agreed that all of these goals were possible in %ve years. 'hey might not be achievable in one or two years, but in %ve years, every one of them could be accomplished with will and determination. #e came out of that session with everyone revitalized and committed to wor"ing on achieving one or more of those %ve-year fantasies. 2ver the neHt two years, the company completely reorganized. 'hey did more of some things and less of others. 'hey started doing things that they had not done in the past, and they stopped certain activities altogether. 'hey too" complete control of their corporate destiny and changed it. 1eter &ruc"er once wrote, D#e greatly overestimate what we can accomplish in one yearM but we greatly underestimate what is possible for us in %ve years.E Thin" About The /uture /uture(orientation is a "ey element of strategic planning and strategic thin"ing. It is a ma+or responsibility of leadership and top people in every area. 2nly the leader can thin" about the future. 2nly the leader can plan for the future. 'here is no one else in the organization who can do it, and if the leader does not thin" about and plan for the future as an ongoing part of his +ob, it will not be done. As they say in Alas"a, D2nly the lead sled dog ever gets a di7erent view.E )ow often and how well the top people in the company thin" about the future largely determines the success or failure of the business. DIf you dont "now where youre going, any road will ta"e you there.E 'he development of the quality of future-orientation requires that you continually create an ideal image of your company some time in the future. You ro4ect for!ard in your mind 6(7 years and imagine that your comany is erfect in every resect$ You decide e2actly ho! much you !ould be selling and earning at that time$ You imagine your ideal stoc" rice# your ideal reutation in the mar"et# your ideal !or" situation and your ideal human environment$ &ac" /rom The /uture Thin"ing 2nce you have a clear picture of your ideal future, you then return mentally to your current situation and thin" about what you would have to do, starting today, to turn your future vision into a current reality. 'his is called, Dbac" from the future thin"ing.E a"e a list of all the things that would have to happen for you to realize your fantasy sometime in the future. It is amazing how your perspective changes when you loo" bac" from the future, eHactly as if you were loo"ing bac" from the top of the mountain to yourself down in the valley, and seeing the eHact route you will have to follow to get to the top. +eaders 5ave 8ision In 6655 studies of leaders reviewed by Qames ac1herson, searching for the common denominators of leadership throughout the ages, the one quality that all the studies had in common was the quality of vision. (eaders have visionM non- leaders do not. 'o become a visionary requires that you develop the ability to imagine, de%ne, articulate, share and inspire other people with an eHciting picture of the future. Fou get everyone in your business committed to ful%lling this vision, and to wor"ing toward it every day. 'his is the "ey to leadership, and to building a great company. Aristotle wrote, )We become !hat !e reeatedly do$* Fou become a leader by thin"ing the way leaders thin", both in your business and in your personal life. Fou become a leader by thin"ing about the future, and how you can ma"e it a present reality. 9o!# 3ore Than 1ver ,ut it is in times of rapid change, and turbulence in the mar"et, that an eHciting vision of the future becomes more important that ever before. A vision can become the force that binds people together into a solid team. It can give meaning and purpose to wor", even when times are tough and pay increases are not possible. 'here are many ways you can approach the development of a vision for your organization. Perhas the very best vision for your comany includes t!o "ey comonents$ /irst# it is focused on your customers and on doing something for them that changes and imroves their lives or !or" in some !ay$ Second# it contains a commitment to excellence # to be the very best at doing !hat you do for your customers$ These are the "eys to vision$ Four vision is to Dbe the bestLE at the most important thing that you do for your customers. Four vision is to serve your customers in such a way that you are seen as superior in a particular product, service or activity. Imagine that you could be "nown as outstanding in any one thing that you do for your customers. #hat would it be? Four answer can be the starting point of a vision for your business that changes your future completely. Your Personal 8ision Fou need a vision for yourself as well. 1ro+ect forward @ years in your imagination. If your future were perfect in every way, what would it loo" li"e? If your income, your position in your company or %eld, your family life, your health, your +ob and every part of your life were ideal in every way, how would it be di7erent from today? 2nce you are clear about your vision, for yourself and for your business, the only question you as" is, &ow do I make it a reality? 'op people thin" continually in terms of how? 'hey thin" in terms of ta"ing action, of what can be done. 2nce you have clari%ed your vision, and determined what you will have to do to ma"e it a reality, you then do something every day to move you toward the creation of your ideal future. Fou ta"e complete control of your destiny. As &ruc"er wrote, D'he very best way to predict the future is to create it.E And the starting point is vision. 'esign Your Ideal /uture: 4. #hat is your vision for your company? 1ro+ect forward and imagine that your business was ideal in every way. #hat would it loo" li"e? <. #hat is your vision for yourself? If your life and career were ideal in every way, what would it loo" li"e? 6. Idealize in each area of your business. If your products, services, sale and pro%tability were perfect, what would they loo" li"e? ?. Idealize with regard to your people. If your sta7 were ideal in terms of s"ills, abilities, personalities and results, how would they be di7erent from today? @. Imagine that a ma+or magazine was going to write a story about your company. #hat would you want them to say? A. 1ro+ect forward %ve years and then loo" bac" to today from that vantage point. #hat would you have to change today to create your ideal future? B. In what one area would it be most helpful to sales and pro%tability if your company were widely "nown as Dthe best?E #hat steps could you ta"e immediately to begin earning that reputation? Create A 3ission Statement: 4. &etermine your personal reasons for doing what you do. #hat gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life? <. &ecide upon the 6-@ "ey values upon which your company is based. Involve other people in the discussion. 6. &e%ne the actions and behaviors that people will engage in, both inside and outside the company, that are consistent with your values. ?. &esign a mission statement, an ideal description of what your company wants to accomplish for its customers sometime in the future. 7$ #rite out a list of your values, and what they mean, plus your mission statement, and share them with your sta7 and customers. :$ Preate a personal mission statement for your career. #hat do you want to accomplish, and how do you want to be "nown? ;$ Preate a mission statement for yourself and your family. #hat is it that you want to accomplish or achieve with your family in the years ahead? Chater Seven 0 <einvent Your Organi%ation 'very man of genius sees the world at a di(erent angle than his fellows! =)aveloc" !llis> Qac" #elch of Oeneral !lectric once said, DIf the rate of change outside your organization is greater than the rate of change inside your organization, then the end is in sight.E In times of turbulence, you should be prepared to reinvent your business as often as necessary as your eHternal world changes. As an eHercise, imagine that you were starting your business over again today. #hat would you get into, or not get into? &undle of <esources 8or greater perspective, stand bac" and view your business as a bundle of resources and capabilities, li"e a %re hose of talent and ability that can be aimed in many directions to achieve di7erent results. Instead of limiting yourself to seeing your business as an organization that is designed to perform speci%c functions, producing and selling certain products and services, thin" of it as being capable of doing a variety of things completely di7erent from what you are doing today. The .reat /ire As you thin" about reinventing your business, imagine that your company burned to the ground while you were away. #hen you arrived at the scene, you found that all your sta7 were safe and standing around in the par"ing lot. As it happens, there is unoccupied oKce space available across the street. Fou can immediately move into the new space and start your business anew. )ere is the questionG #hich of your products and services would you begin producing and distributing right away, and which ones would you not start up again, "nowing what you now "now? 12amine 1very <elationshi If you were starting your business over again today, completely free from any encumbrances of the past, which customers would you call %rst, and which ones not at all? #hich vendors, suppliers, ban"ers or other people would you immediately get in touch with, and who would you call later, if at all? #hat would you do %rst? #hat would you do second? #hat would you not start up again, "nowing what you now "now? <einvent Your Sta= <elationshis $ow, lets go bac" to the par"ing lot. (et us assume that all of your people are safe and standing around waiting for instructions. #hich of them would you ta"e across the street with you to the new business, and which ones would you leave in the par"ing lot? #ho would be the %rst and most important person whose services you would want to secure? #ho would be the second most important? #ho would be third? And so on. 12amine Your Organi%ation If you could reinvent your business, what would you do more of? #hat would you do less of? #hat would you start doing that you are not doing today? #hat would you stop doing altogether? In reinventing your organization, as" yourself, D#hat are my most important talents, s"ills, abilities and core competencies, and what else could I do with them? #ho are my best people and what else could they do? :eep thin"ing about how you would reinvent your business if you were starting over. 'his will "eep you on the cutting edge of creativity and innovation. Thin" In Terms of 12cellence 'he "ey questions in reinvention are, D#hat could you be absolutely eHcellent at doing in todays mar"et?E #here could you be the best? #here could you achieve worldclass quality? #here could you be better than R5J of your competitors? D 'he mar"et only pays eHtraordinary rewards for eHtraordinary products and services. #here and how could you do what you do in an eHtraordinary fashion? <einvent Your Career 8inally, thin" about reinventing yourself and your career on a regular basis, as well. If you were starting over again today, what would you do more of, less of, start or stop? #hat would you get into or get out of? If you were starting your career over again, what additional "nowledge and s"ills would you want to have? #hat can you do, starting today, to acquire those "ey s"ills? Imagine that you could do a variety of +obs. #hat would you really li"e to do with your life? /ince you were going to have to reinvent yourself regularly throughout your career, it is very important that you thin" about how you would do it well in advance of when it becomes necessary. <einvent Your Organi%ation: 4. If you were starting your business over again today, what would you do di7erently? <. If you were starting your career over again today, what would you get into, or out of? 6. If your business burned to the ground and you could only o7er one of your products or services, which one would it be? ?. #ho are your most important customers, the ones who you would immediately move to ta"e care of, if you were starting over? @. #ho are your most important people, both inside and outside of your business? A. #hat are your most important contacts and business relationships, the ones you would want most to preserve if you were starting over? B. If money were no ob+ect, what steps would you ta"e today to reinvent your business? Chater 1ight 0 Select the <ight Peole &ere lies a man who know how to enlist into his service people better than himself! =Andrew Parnegie -epitaph> 'he people in your company are the most important parts of your business. All wor", all performance, all results come from them, both as individuals and when they wor" together in teams of some "ind. 'he managers output is the output of his or her team, and of the individual team members. In business, people come %rst. Qobs, activities and results are only achieved after the right people are in place. Qim Pollins says in his boo", )ood to )reat, that the "ey to building a great business is, D%rst, get the right people on the bus, and second, get the wrong people o7 the bus.E Any other approach is bound to fail. T!o Key >ualities to +oo" /or 'he best people have two qualities. 8irst, they can be counted on to get the +ob done, to get it done well and to get it done in a timely fashion. /econd, they get along well with others. 'hey are good team players. Fou should apply *ero"based thinking to each person who reports to you on a regular basis. Pontinually as", D:nowing what I now "now, would I hire, assign or promote this person again, if I had to do it over?E If the answer is D$o,E then your neHt question is, D)ow do I remove or replace this person, and how fast can I do it?E #hat do you want and need those results to be? 2nce you are clear about the results you desire, set speci%c measures of performance on each +ob, and each tas". )ow will you and the candidate "now whether or not the +ob has been done properly? *emember, D#hat gets measured, gets done.E And, DIf you cant measure it, you cant manage it.E Select the <ight Peole: 4. *an" every one in your company on a scale from 4-45, with 45 being the highest, on their competence at their +ob. <. *esolve to build a team of highly motivated, competent and positive employees to help you get the results you need. 6. 'hin" through each new +ob or hire carefully in advance. #rite out the description clearly. ?. Interview at least 6 candidates for a new position. Interview the candidate you li"e at least 6 times, in three places, and have him or her interviewed by at least 6 other people. @. Phec" references carefullyM see" the fatal Saw or wea"ness that would ma"e the candidate unsuitable. A. )ire only positive, li"able peopleM they ma"e the best team players. B. *esults are everythingM continually emphasize and eHplain eHactly what results are eHpected from each person. Chater 9ine 0 3ar"et 3ore 1=ectively +ecause its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two , and only these two" basic functions- marketing and innovation! .arketing and innovation produce results/ all the rest are costs! =1eter &ruc"er> All business strategy is ultimately mar"eting strategy. #henever you are worried about the health or future of your business, get bac" to thin"ing about mar"eting and selling. 8ocus single-mindedly on increasing sales and revenues. Putting eHpenses and controlling costs is an ongoing necessity, but you cant cost-cut your way to business success. Fou have to increase cash Sow, and this only comes from selling more of your products or services. 9o matter ho! challenging or cometitive the economy aears# as much as ?@A of your mar"et is still untaed$ 'here are almost always hidden opportunities around you. Four ability to uncover and ta"e advantage of those opportunities is the true test of competence as an eHecutive or as a business. 'ecide Who You Are and What You 'o 0peciali*ation requires that you focus on speci%c products or services, speci%c mar"ets or speci%c customer needs. Fou must %ght the temptation to try to o7er too many products and services to too many customers in too many areas. Fou must specialize, both in your own mind, and in the mind of your customer. #hat is it exactly that your product or service is designed to achieve, avoid or preserve for your customer? #hat are the core competencies or proprietary methods or technologies that enable you to specialize in this area? #hat speci%c problem or need can you solve or satisfy for your customer? And of all the di7erent results you can get with your business, where do you, should you, could you specialize? See Yourself As A &usiness In your personal life, you should as" the same questions of yourself as well. #hat is your personal area of speciali*ation? In what way is your wor" superior to your competitors? #hat is the ideal position or area of responsibility for you to apply your talents? #here should you be concentrating your energies to get the very best results and greatest rewards possible? !specially, you should continually as" yourself, $hat is it that I do very, very well? #hat is your personal area of eHcellence? #hat could it be? #hat should it be? +oo"ing Ahead (oo"ing into the future of your business or industry, what new competencies do you need to develop to lead your %eld in the months and years ahead? #hat additional "nowledge and s"ills do you need to acquire? #hat are those few tas"s, which, if you did them in an eHcellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on your career? In what areas could be paid the very most for the application of your special talents and abilities? 'his question is +ust as relevant for you as it is for your company. 3ar"et 3ore 1=ectively: 4. &ecide today to dominate your %eld, to be the best at mar"eting and innovation in your product or service area. #hat is the %rst step you should ta"e? <. &etermine your area of specialization, by product or service, mar"et or type of customer. #hat should it be? #hat could it be? 6. )ow do you di7erentiate your product or service from those of your competitors? In what ways are you superior to anyone else? #hat could it be? #hat should it be? ?. #hat are you best mar"et segments? #here are your highest probability customers? #ho can bene%t the most from using what you sell? @. )ow can you organize your business so that you concentrate your mar"eting and selling e7orts on those customers who can buy and pay faster than any others? A. #hat additional products, services, "nowledge or capabilities will you need to dominate your mar"ets in the months and years ahead? B. #hat should you immediately start doing more of, less of, start or stop to ad+ust to the current mar"et? Chater Ten 0 Analy%e Your Cometition 1oncentrate your strengths against your competitors relative weakness! =,ruce )enderson> Kno! Your 1nemy )ere then is a question for youG #ho is your competition? !Hactly? Four choice of competitor determines almost everything you do in your mar"et, +ust as the choice of an adversary determines everything a general does in the process of conducting military operations. 'etermine Their &uying 3otives 2nce you have determined why it is that people buy from you, you must then as" and answer, D#hy do people buy from my competitors?E #hat value or bene%ts are your potential customers convinced that they receive when buying from your competitor rather than from you? #hat are your competitors "ey strengths? #hat are his areas of specialization, di7erentiation, segmentation and concentration? #hat does your competitor have that you dont have? #hat does he o7er that you dont o7er? #hat is he doing more of or better than you? #hat is his unique selling proposition? O=set Their Advantages As you study your competitors, loo" for ways to o7set or neutralize the advantages their customers perceive them to have. #hat are your competitors wea"nesses? )ow can you eHploit these wea"nesses? #hat do you do better than they do? In what ways are your products or services superior to their o7erings? In what areas do you have a distinct advantage over your competitors? #hat can you do to o7set your competitors strengths and maHimize your advantages? )ow can you better position yourself against your competitors in a tough mar"et? 'he more time you ta"e to study and understand why and how your competitors are successful in selling to your customers, the more li"ely it is that you will %nd an opportunity to ta"e away their mar"et share. As /un 'zu says in he 2rt of $ar, DIf you "now both yourself and your enemy, you will prevail in a hundred battles.E Analy%e Your Cometition: 4. #ho is your competition for what you sell, with the eHact customers you are trying to attract? <. #hat would happen if you changed your o7erings in such a way that you targeted a di7erent group of customers, one that would be easier to sell to? 6. #hy do your potential customers buy from your competitors? #hat advantages do they perceive? ?. #hat is your competitors unique selling proposition? #hat special feature or bene%t does his product or service have that yours does not? @. In what ways are you superior to your competitors? #hat can you o7er that they cannot? )ow can you emphasize this advantage in your sales and mar"eting e7orts? A. #here is your competitor vulnerable? )ow could you eHploit this to your advantage? B. )ow could you alter your mar"eting strategy in such a way that you could achieve dominance in a particular area, with a speci%c customer or mar"et segment? Chater 1leven 0 'o It &etter# /aster# Cheaer he man who comes up with a means for doing or producing almost anything better, faster or more economically has his future and his fortune at his %ngertips! =Q. 1aul Oetty> 'he most important single determinant of your success is your area of competitive advantage. It is more important than all other factors. It determines the rise or fall of your business, your level of pro%tability, your position in the mar"etplace and everything else you accomplish. Four competitive advantage must be crystal clear to you and to everyone in your company, as well as to your prospective customers, (ac" of clear competitive advantage leads quic"ly to diminished sales, loss of mar"et share, lower pro%tability, price cutting, and ultimately to business failure. Your 5igh Concet Four business was started because you or your company had an idea for a product or service that was di7erent or better from other products and services. It o7ered to satisfy the same need or solve the same problem better, faster or cheaper than anyone or anything else then available. Four ability to di7erentiate your product in the minds and hearts of your customers is the "ey to winning them in the %rst place, and then "eeping them after the initial sale. 'o buy from you, a customer must be convinced that, all things considered, your o7ering is di7erent and better than anything else that is currently available at the same price. Qac" #elch was famous for saying, DIf you dont have competitive advantage, dont competeLE Three Areas of 'i=erentiation 'o succeed in a tough mar"et, what you sell must be superior to your competitors o7erings in at least three ways. It must be better# faster# cheaer# and easier to use in some !ay that ma"es it more attractive than rival roducts or services$ It must be sold more professionally or serviced with greater sensitivity, speed or eKciency. It must be better in at least three areas. 2ne of your "ey +obs in strategic thin"ing is to identify the three areas where you are better and then to emphasize those areas of superiority in all your mar"eting and sales )ow could you achieve operational eHcellence in your business, or some part of your business, in such a way that you could be the low-cost provider in your mar"et? )ow could you dramatically reduce your costs of doing business and use this low cost advantage to increase your sales and pro%tability? +ead the /ield 'he second area where you could achieve competitive advantage is in the use of innovative technology leading to the production of high quality products and services. Pompanies li"e ercedes and *oleH fall into this category, as does /ony and (eHus. Pustomers are willing to pay a premium for a brand name that represents high quality and cutting-edge technology. #here are there opportunities for you to distinguish your products or services by using your imagination to become the quality leader in your %eld? Close to the Customer 'he third area where you could develop competitive advantage is in being Dclose to the customer.E 'his requires that you invest the time to develop high quality relationships based on Dcustomer intimacy.E Pustomers will pay more and remain loyal longer to companies that seem to "now and understand them better than others. 1roviders of specialized services, such as consulting %rms, law %rms and accounting %rms fall into this category. In what ways could you develop higher levels of trust and credibility with your customers? #hat could you do to demonstrate to your customers that you really care about them and their interests? 'his strategy can o7er a brea"through opportunity, especially in the sale of eHpensive products and services where resales and referrals are possible. Pic" Your Targets 'o lead your %eld and achieve higher levels of pro%tability, you have to be outstanding in one of these three areas and very good in the other two. 2ne of the most important decisions you ma"e is to choose your area of competitive advantage, and then to dedicate your company to achieving it. Strive /or Sueriority Four area of eHcellence is the "ey to your success in a competitive mar"etplace. 'his is where your product or service stands out in comparison to your competitors. It is a value or bene%t that you o7er that no one else o7ers. #ith regard to your products or services, what is it? #hat could it be? #hat should it be? Four area of superiority is de%ned as an area of performance where your product or service is superior to that of your competitors. 'his performance di7erence is signi%cant enough that your customer will buy it, and even pay you more for it. In what way does your product perform better, in terms of getting results that your customer cares about, than your competitors? )ow could you improve the performance of your products or services in some meaningful way? 8inally, your uni3ue selling proposition is something that you and only you o7er to your customers, and is something that they really care about. $o one else does as well as you do in this area. $o one else achieves the same bene%t or result. #hat is your unique selling proposition? #hat could it be? +oo" Into Yourself 2n a personal level, you must continually as" these questions of yourself. #hat is your personal area of eHcellence? #here are you superior to your competitors? #hat is your unique selling proposition? In what ways do you do your +ob better or faster than others? #hat is it that you and only you do in an outstanding fashion for your company? #hat could it be? #hat should it be? 1erhaps the most important area of superiority you can develop is your ability to do your +ob quic"ly and well, in an eHcellent fashion, consistently and dependably every time. 'his is the "ey to success as an individual in a competitive mar"etplace. 'o It &etter# /aster# Cheaer: 4. In what ways are your most important products or services superior to those of your competitors? <. #hat is your recognized Darea of eHcellence?E If you were to conduct a survey, what would people say that your company does especially well? 6. In what ways are your products or services faster to acquire, use and en+oy than your competitors? ?. #hat is your unique selling proposition? #hat is it that your products or services o7er that no other company can match? @. In what ways are your products or services cheaper to buy and use, or achieve superior %nancial results for your customers for the same cost? A. If you were "nown for being outstanding in any one area of your product or service o7erings, what one distinction would have the greatest positive impact on your sale and pro%tability? B. (ist the three areas where your products are, or can be, superior to any of your competitors. #hat is your plan to achieve this area of mar"et superiority? #hat should you do %rst? What 'o You SellB 'he %rst part of the mar"eting miH is your 4roduct or service. Always de%ne your product or service in terms of what it DdoesE for your customers, versus what it Dis.E )eres the question, DIs your product or service, as you are o7ering it today, ideally suited for your current mar"et and customers?E 5o! 3uch 'o You ChargeB 'he second part of the mar"eting miH is your 4rice. Is your price the right price for what you are selling? /hould you change your price in some way? /hould you increase it, decrease it, combine your price with other items, or add items to your price? /hould you change your terms or o7er something di7erent for the same price? 'ouble Your PriceB Is there any place in your business that you could increase your prices and still hold onto your mar"et? 5o! 'o You Sell ItB )ow are you currently promoting and selling your product or service? #hats wor"ing? #hats not wor"ing? /hould you change your methods of advertising, mar"eting, selling or acquiring customers in any way? Sell 3ore Stu= !specially, should you upgrade and improve your direct selling methods, people, presentation, and capabilities? Is Your Phone <ingingB !ver after, when I thin" about the e7ectiveness of advertising, I always as", DIs your phone ringing?E Where 'o You SellB 'he fourth element of the mar"eting miH is the 4lace. 'his is the speci%c location where the sale of your product ta"es place. #here eHactly do you sell your product today? &o you sell in homes, oKces or in your own retail establishment? &o you sell in a particular city, state or nationwide? &o you sell in stores or by direct selling or by direct mail? ost importantly, should you change the place at which you o7er your products? A change in the location where you o7er your product or service could change the direction of your business. #hat could it be? 12amine Your Assumtions #henever you have diKculties selling a suKcient quantity of your product or service, you should eHamine all of your assumptions in the areas of product, price, promotion and place. Fou should be willing to consider the possibility that your method is completely wrong in one or more of these areas. It often happens that a single change in one of the D1sE in the mar"eting miH can change the entire nature of your business, boost your results, increase your pro%tability and move you toward mar"et leadership. :eep an open mind. The Ans!ers Are Changing #hat is the correct mar"eting miH for you to sell the very most at the highest cost, and earn the greatest pro%t? #hat assumptions are you going on that may no longer be true? Change Your 3ar"eting 3i2: C$ ,e prepared to challenge every aspect of your mar"eting, especially if it is not wor"ing as well as before. #hat areas cause you the greatest frustration and dissatisfaction? D$ #hat eHactly do you sell, de%ned as what it DdoesE for your customers, versus what it Dis?E 6$ #hat prices do you charge? )ow could you change the way you charge to ma"e buying from you more attractive? E$ )ow do you promote your product? Pould there be better ways of advertising your products or services that would give you better results? 7$ )ow do you sell your product or service? Is every person who deals with your customers fully trained in every "ey result area of selling? :$ #here do you sell your product or service? /hould you be eHploring other locations or methods of sale? ;$ /hould you change more than one of the elements of the mar"eting miH at the same time? Phallenging mar"et conditions often call for bold departures from the methods of the past, especially if they are no longer wor"ing. What Words 'o You O!nB &eliberately or accidentally, each product or service develops a reputation that positions it against its competitors. #hat is yours? Create Your O!n Cheat Sheet )ere is the question. #hat words do you own? #hat words should you own in the hearts and minds of your prospective customers? #hat words could you own if you were to reorganize and redirect your mar"eting e7orts? As an eHercise, imagine one of your prospects meeting with one of your customers. Imagine that your customer called you and as"ed you what you would li"e him to say to your prospect to convince your prospect to buy from you? If you could put together a Dcheat sheetE with the eHact words or phrases that you would li"e your customer to leave in the mind of your prospect, what words would you choose? #ould you choose words li"e excellent 3uality, high integrity, friendly service, nice people, 3uick responses to problems, easy to work with, great prices? )ow do you want to be described by your customers and potential customers? 2f all the words and phrases that customers could use to describe your products and services, and your company, which would be the most helpful for you and your business? What Is Your &randB )ow are you described and thought about by others when you are not there? #hat is your personal brand? #hat is your reputation? )ow do other people thin" and tal" about you, both as a person and as a contributor to the organization? Position Your Comany /or Success 4. #hat is your companys reputation in your mar"et? )ow do customers and competitors thin" and tal" about you? <. #hat words do people use when describing your products or services to others? 6. If you could DownE certain words that apply to your company, your products or services, which words would you choose? ?. #hat words, if they were automatically associated with your company, would have the greatest positive e7ect on your sales and pro%tability? @. #hat changes would you have to ma"e to assure that every customer contact reinforced the message that you wanted to send to your customers about doing business with you? A. #hat are the most important promises that you ma"e to your prospects to get them to buy from you for the %rst time? &o you "eep these promises after the sale? B. #hat are the most positive things that your customers say about dealing with your company? )ow could create a system to assure that more customers say these things? !Hamine your complete range of products and services, especially the newer ones, and as", D#hich of these has the potential to be a big seller?E #hat would you have to do or invest in o help ma"e it a ma+or source of sales and revenues? :eep as"ing yourself, DIf I had not already committed time and money to this product, "nowing what I now "now, would I start investing in it again today?E Apply the /,9 concept to yourself and your career. Fou have several areas of talent and ability, core competencies, eHperience, "nowledge and education. #hat are your cash cows, the s"ills that are central to your value to the organization? #hat are your Dstars,E the emerging areas of activity, or new s"ills and "nowledge that can ma"e you eHtremely valuable in the future? #hat are your potential areas of great success? #hat are the pro+ects, responsibilities and areas of opportunity, which, if you eHploit them fully, can enable you to move ahead more rapidly in your career? 8inally, what are the DdogE areas of your wor" life? 'hese are the tas"s or s"ills that you may have mastered in the past, but which distract you from your future. 'hese are the +obs and activities that ta"e up a lot of time, but which are nowhere near as valuable as other things you could be doing. #hat are they? 'evelo Strategic &usiness ,nits 4. ,egin today to view each product or service as a separate business, responsible for generating a certain amount of pro%t every month. <. Oroup your di7erent products or services by similar characteristics, similar customers, or similar mar"ets. 6. #hat are the cash cows of your business? #hat are the core products or services that are essential to your overall pro%tability? ?. #hat can you do today to safeguard and nurture your cash cows to assure that they continue contributing sales and cash Sow far into the future? @. #hat are the DstarsE of your business? #hat are the products that are selling well, increasing in mar"et share, and generating high pro%ts? A. #hat could you do to increase the sales and pro%tability of your stars? B. #hat are the Dquestion mar"sE of your business? #hich of your current products or services should you discontinue, "nowing what you now "now? What Is To &e SoldB 'he %rst question is, )What is to be soldB* 'o answer this correctly, you have to de%ne your product or service in terms of what it does, and how it bene%ts your customer. )ow does it improve his or her life or wor"? 2f all the bene%ts that a customer en+oys from purchasing your product or service, what is the primary bene%t, the one thing that you o7er that ma"es you superior to any other competitor in the mar"etplace? &o you "now the answer to this? Who Is .oing To Sell ItB 'he second question is )&y !homB* #ho is actually going to sell the product or service and get the chec" from the customer? )ow are you going to recruit, train, manage, %eld and support the sales person? )ow is this salesperson going to uncover the necessary leads and get face to face with the prospective customer? Who Is Your CustomerB 'he neHt part of the question is DTo !homB* 5o! 3uch Are You .oing To ChargeB Is there any price you would raise, lower or modify in some way? Collecting Payment 'he neHt question is How is it going to be paid for? &o you require payment in full, in advance? &o you require a deposit when the sale is made and with the balance to be paid at a later time on certain terms? &o you o7er credit or %nancing? !specially, what do your competitors do? 2ften a change in the way you charge, or in your pricing structure, can dramatically increase your sales. #hat could you do di7erently in todays mar"et that would ma"e it easier or more attractive to buy your product or service? 'elivering The .oods 'he %nal part of the question is How is going to be delivered satisfactorily? #hat is the eHact process of getting the product or service to your customer in such a way, and at such a level of quality, that the customer both buys from you again and recommends you to others? Sell 3ore 1=ectively: 4. #hat is the eHact sales process necessary to sell your product or service, from the %rst customer contact through to the close of the sale? &o you "now? )ow could it be improved? <. #hat must your prospective customer be convinced of before he chooses your product over that of your competitor? 6. If money were no ob+ect, what special results or bene%ts do you o7er in your sales e7orts that ma"e your product more desirable than any other available? ?. #hat is your process for recruiting salespeople? #hat media do you use? #hat levels of education and eHperience do you require? @. #hat "ind of a compensation system do you have for salespeople? #hat is it based on? )ow could it be improved so that it motivates better sales performance? A. )ow much of your business comes from referrals from happy customers? )ow could you increase the number of referrals you get as a percentage of your business? B. #hy arent your sales twice as high already? #hat sales e7orts could you ma"e to tap into that I5J of the mar"et that has never heard of you? /ollo! the /ormula D#hy am I not at that goal already?E #hat is holding you bac"? #hat is the constraint, cho"epoint or bottlenec" that sets the speed on how fast you achieve your speci%c goals of sales, cash Sow or pro%tability in your business? (et us return to my earlier question, D#ould you li"e to double your sales and double your income?E If your answer is DyesE, then why havent you done it already? #hy arent your sales twice as high? #hy arent your pro%ts twice as high? #hat is holding you bac"? #hat is constraining you? #hat is the limiting factor? Identify Your Personal Constraints 'hin" about your personal life and goals as will. As" yourself, D#hat are my most important goals? #hy am I not there already? #hat is it within me that is holding me bac"?E Is it the lac" of a particular quality, attribute or s"ill that sets the speed at which I achieve my goals? Is it a particular attitude or belief that is holding me bac"? And most important, what could you do immediately to alleviate your "ey constraints, starting today? 1liminate the <oadbloc"s: 4. /et clear, measurable goals for sales and pro%tability. $ow as", D#hat determines the speed at which I achieve these goals?E <. 9se sentence completion eHercises. /ay, D#e could double our sales if it +ust wasnt for..E and %ll in the blan". 6. Identify the ma+or bloc" to your achieving your most important goal? )ow could you remove it? ?. (oo" within your company for the limiting factors that hold you bac". #hat are the cho"epoints in your business? @. Assess each person in each "ey position. Are they competent and capable of doing what needs to be done for you to be successful? A. 2nce you have identi%ed your "ey constraint to business success, as", D$hat else is holding us bac"?E :eep as"ing, D#hat else?E until you get to the real problem. B. In your own career and personal life, what sets the speed at which you achieve your goals? (oo" within yourself for the answers. 3a"e /aster# &etter 'ecisions #henever they bring you a problem or a question, always as", D#hat do you thin" we should do?E <eengineer Your Comany: 4. 1ractice simpli%cation as a way of life. In what areas of wor" has your life become too complicated, and what can you do to get it bac" under control? <. 1ractice zero-based thin"ing with every step and every activity. If you were not now doing it this way, would you start doing it this way again today? 6. 'a"e a single compleH process or +ob and ma"e a list of every step from beginning to end. )ow could you reduce the number of steps by 65J the %rst time through? ?. #hat tas"s or activities could you delegate to someone who can do them B5J as well as you? @. #hat parts of your business could you outsource to companies or individuals who specialize in that area? A. #hat parts of your wor" could you eliminate altogether with little or no impact on your bottom line? B. #hat parts of your personal life do you need to streamline and simplify? #hen are you going to do it? Pum , Your Pro-ts: 4. &o a complete pro%t analysis on every product and service you o7er. *an" them from highest to lowest. <. Identify the <5J of your products that account for I5J of your sales. #hich are they? 6. Identify the <5J of your products and services that account for I5J of your pro%ts. Are they the same as your answer to T<? ?. After deducting all direct and indirect costs, which are your most pro%table products or services based on cost and return on investment? @. )ow much is your time worth on an hourly basis? ,uild this cost into everything you do to get an accurate measure of costs and pro%tability. A. Attribute a percentage of all general and administrative costs to each product or service you sell. 'his eHercise often turns pro%ts into losses. B. If your company was facing serious %nancial shortages, which products or services would you focus your energies on, and which would you discontinue? 'hin" about doing it now. It Starts /rom The To !ncourage each person to %nd ways to do their +obs better, faster, and easier. Allow them the freedom to eHperiment with improvements, with no fear of criticism if they dont wor". /ometimes the greatest improvements occur as the result of a series of small eHperiments that were not successful. Fou should stand bac" regularly and eHamine every product, service and process. )ow could you improve it in some way? )ow could you ma"e it better, faster or cheaper? )ow could you get the same or better results faster, or at a lower cost? $ever be satis%ed or content with eHisting quality levels. Always loo" for ways to improve upon them. ,rainstorm with your team regularly to generate ideas to cut costs, improve quality, increase sales and boost pro%ts. !ncourage everyone to thin", all day long, about how they can do their +obs better. a"e this commitment to continuous improvement a part of your corporate culture. Commit to 12cellence If everyone in your mar"etplace referred to you and your o7erings as the best in the business, what "ind of a di7erence would that ma"e in your sales and pro%tability? #ith that as your goal, what would you have to do, starting today, to assure that everyone refers to you as Dthe bestE sometime in the future? #hat could you do, starting today, to begin this process? #hat is the %rst step you should ta"e? >uality and Pro-tability D#hich of these companies do you feel is the best in this particular industry?E )eres the questionG If such a survey were done among potential customers for what you sell, where do you feel your company would ran" in such a comparison? #ould you be ran"ed as Dthe best,E or somewhere lower? #hat could you do to move higher in the ran"ings? #hat one step could you ta"e immediately? 5o! 'o Customers 'e-ne >ualityB What 'o Customers WantB Commit to Continuous Imrovement: 4. )ow do your customers de%ne quality? #hat is most important to them in choosing your product or service? <. )ow do you ran" against your competitors on a scale from one to ten? )ow could you improve your ran"ing immediately? 6. /et up a reward system in your company for suggestions and ideas to improve quality and achieve greater customer satisfaction? ?. &o you have quality and performance standards for people, products and activities in your company? &oes everyone "now what they are? @. #hat company do you thin" is the best in your business, the most respected and pro%table? )ow could you benchmar" yourself against them? A. #hat one step could you ta"e immediately to improve customer satisfaction with your company? B. #hat could you do personally to upgrade and improve the quality of your performance in the most important things you do in your +ob? 'e-ne Your Core &usiness #hat is your core business? If everything else was stripped away, what would be left at your core? Identify the <5J of opportunities available to you today that can be responsible for I5J of your sales and revenues in the years ahead. 'hese will almost always be eHtensions of your current business, your core competencies, and your areas of eHcellence. Four choice of the opportunities available to you largely determines the future of your business. #hat are they? /ocus On 8alue #hat are the <5J of your wor" activities that account for I5J of your personal value and your contribution to your company? If you +ust doubled the amount of time you spend on the <5J of your high value tas"s, and discontinued the I5J of low value-no value tas"s that you do, you could become most of the most productive people in your company. 'hese are your core tas"s. #hat are the <5J of problems, aggravations, and irritations that account for I5J of your headaches in your wor"? #ho are the most diKcult people, customers or situations that you have to deal with each day? #hat can you do today to minimize or eliminate them? ,ased on this I5-<5 analysis, what steps can you ta"e immediately to improve, increase, and strengthen your core products, services, customers and activities? #hat should you do %rst? Where 'o You 12celB In what areas of your products and services are you, or could you be better than R@J of your competition? Advance Planning 'his 1itadel is your core business. #hat is yours? #hatever it is, practice D/cenario 1lanningE on a regular basis. As" yourself, D#hat is the worst thing that could possibly happen in my mar"et today?E #hatever your answer is to that question, begin ma"ing provisions today to assure that you will be able to survive, should it occur. Your Personal Citadel Strategy As an individual, you must be clear about your personal core competencies, as well. )ow could you improve in each one of them? #hat core competencies will you need to lead your %eld in the years ahead? #hat is your plan to acquire the core competencies of tomorrow? Concentrate On the Core: 4. #hat is your core business? #hat products and services are most responsible for your success today? <. #hat are your core competencies? #hat is it that your company does eHtremely well? 6. #hat are the worst possible things that could happen to your business in the neHt year? #hat are your plans to deal with them, should they occur? ?. #hat are your non-core products, services or activities? #hat would happen if you discontinued them entirely? @. #ho are your core customers, and what are you doing to assure that they never leave you? A. #ho are your core people, the ones who are most important for the survival and growth of your business? #hat is your strategy to "eep them? B. #hat are your core functions? #hat are the things you do that are central to your +ob? #hat activities are peripheral? /our Key >uestions #hen considering buying a product or service, customers have four questions that must be answered before going aheadG 4. #hat does it cost? <. #hat do I get for the money? 6. )ow fast do I get the bene%ts you promise? ?. )ow sure can I be that I will get those bene%ts? #hichever company or salesperson answers these questions most convincingly wins the sale. 'eliver On Your Promises D#hat results or bene%ts do my customers eHpect of my product or service?E and D)ow consistently do my customers get those results and bene%ts when they buy my products or services?E 'his is the true de%nition of Dquality.E Uuality can be de%ned as, Dthe percentage of times that your product or service does what you say it will do, and continues to do it.E A quality rating of 455J, or perfect quality, means that what you sell always delivers on your promises. A quality rating of R5J means that your product gets the desired or promised results nine out of ten times. +ittle Things 3ean A +ot 8ederal !Hpress has determined that if its quality rating was RR.R5J, they would ma"e mista"es in the delivery of ??,555 envelopes a day. At RR.R5J quality, 8ederal !Hpress would collapse under its own weight of confusion. 'hat is how important quality is in a business. Four personal success is also determined by how consistently and dependably you perform and deliver on your responsibilities and promises. Fou should continually as" yourself, D#hat results are eHpected of me?E Four level of e7ectiveness is always de%ned by others, by what they need from you. (eaders are always as"ing, D#hat does this situation need of me?E 2nce they are clear, they concentrate their energies in those areas. As" yourself, D2f all the results I can accomplish, what are the most valuable and important in terms of my rewards and my future?E Imroving Your Ability to .et <esults )ere are seven of the best questions you can as" and answer to improve your ability to get resultsG 4. D#hy am I on the payroll?E #hat eHactly have you been hired to accomplish? a"e sure that what you are doing every day is the answer to this question. <. D#hat are my highest value tas"s and activities?E 2f all the things that you could be doing during the day, what are the activities that you engage in that contribute the greatest value to yourself and your company? 6. D#hat are my "ey result areas?E #hat are the core competencies and "ey tas"s that you must absolutely, positively do in an eHcellent fashion to produce the most important and valued results eHpected of you? *esolve today to become a Ddo-it-toyourself- pro+ect.E 8or the rest of your career, dedicate yourself to continually learning and improving in those areas where top performance is most vital to your success. Oetting better at your "ey tas"s is one of the best time saving techniques of all. ?. D#hat can I and only I do that, if done well, will ma"e a real di7erence?E 'here is always something that only you can do that can ma"e a signi%cant di7erence to your life and your wor". If you dont do it, it wont get done. $o one else will do it for you. ,ut if you do it, and you do it well, it can ma"e a signi%cant di7erence. #hat is it? @. D#hat one s"ill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?E 'here is always one s"ill that if you developed it and did it well, would have a greater and more positive impact on your career than any other single s"ill. Four +ob is to identify that s"ill and then put your whole heart into becoming absolutely eHcellent in that area, whatever it is. A. D#hat one result, if I achieved it consistently for my customers, would most satisfy those customers and bring me the greatest number of additional customers?E #hat must your customer be absolutely convinced that he or she will receive from you in order to buy your product or service and to recommend it to his or her friends? )ow could you improve your quality and service in that area? B. 'he %nal question for personal success, number seven, is thisG D#hat is the most valuable use of my time right now?E 9se this question as your guiding star throughout the day. :eep as"ing, What is the most valuable use of my time, right now? All 'ay +ong If you could only perform one tas" all day long, what one thing could you do that would contribute more value to your life and wor" than any other single tas" or activity? FFFFI9T1<91T 3A<K1TI9. WIT5 13POW1< 91TWO<K &I3GP<OSP1<ITY T1A3GP<OH1CT AWO+FFFF Whatever your ans!er# ut mastery of that tas" at the to of your list of riorities$ 'edicate yourself to getting better and better doing the one thing that can ma"e more of a di=erence than anything else$ This is the "ey to getting suerb results at every stage of your life and career$ Once more# here then are the DC "ey ideas in the Turbostrategy rocess: 4. Start Where You AreG &o a complete and honest analysis of your business as it is today, including the current status of your sales, revenues, pro%tability and the mar"et situation around you. D$ 'ra! A +ine ,nder the Past: Apply zero based thin"ing to every part of your business. If you were not doing it today, knowing what you now know, would you get into it again today? 6$ Conduct A &asic &usiness Analysis: !Hamine your products, services, processes, and activities as if you were loo"ing at them for the %rst time. ,e prepared to as" yourself the Dbrutal questionsE about each one of them. E$ 'ecide 12actly What You Want: /et clear, written, measurable goals and ob+ectives for yourself in each part of your business. 7$ 'esign Your Ideal /uture: 1ro+ect forward 6-@ years and imagine that your business was ideal in every respect. #hat would it loo" li"e? #hat could you do, starting today, to ma"e that future vision into a current reality? :$ Create A 3ission Statement: &ecide eHactly what it is you want to accomplish for others with your business. a"e it measurable. a"e it eHciting. /hare it with everyone. ;$ <einvent Your Organi%ation: Imagine starting your business or career over again today, with your present "nowledge and eHperience. #hat would you do di7erently? ?$ Select the <ight Peole: 8ully R@J of your success in business will be determined by the people you choose to wor" with and for. 'a"e the time to ma"e good personnel decisions. I$ 3ar"et 3ore 1=ectively: 'hin" through every part of your mar"eting strategy by applying the four principles of specialization, di7erentiation, segmentation and concentration to every product and service. C@$ Analy%e Your Cometition: &ecide eHactly who you are competing against, and why it is that your prospective customers prefer to buy from them. )ow could you o7set this perceived advantage? CC$ 'o It &etter# Cheaer# /asterG Pontinually see" ways to serve and satisfy your customer in a superior fashion to any one else in your mar"et. $ever stop raising the bar on yourself. CD$ Change Your 3ar"eting 3i2: Imagine being your own management consultant and as"ing yourself hard questions about the appropriateness of your product, price, place and promotion in todays mar"et. C6$ Position Your Comany /or SuccessG &etermine how you want to be thought about and tal"ed about by your customers and prospective customers. #hat are the very best words they could use to describe you? CE$ 'evelo Strategic &usiness ,nits: &ivide your products and services into one of four categoriesG cash cows, stars, 3uestion marks and dogs. a"e one person responsible for sales and pro%tability for each product or group of products. C7$ Sell 3ore 1=ectively: 8ocus single-mindedly on upgrading the quality of your sales e7ort. )ire more selectively, train more thoroughly, and manage more professionally. /ales are the lifeblood of the business. C:$ 1liminate the &ottlenec"s: Identify the factors that determine how fast you achieve your goals of sales and pro%tability. Poncentrate on alleviating these bottlenec"s in every part of your business. C;$ <eengineer Your Comany: Pontinually see" ways to streamline and simplify the process of producing and selling your products and services. (earn to delegate, outsource, downsize and eliminate the compleHity of everything you do. C?$ Pum , Your Pro-ts: !valuate every product and service to determine eHactly how much net pro%t you are actually earning from each item you sell. *esolve to discontinue products and services that are not as pro%table as others, and channel more resources into those products that are the mainstays of your business. CI$ Commit To Continuous Imrovement: Install the :aizen process of Dcontinuous bettermentE into your company. 8ind out how your customer de%nes DqualityE and then continually strive to eHceed eHpectations. D@$ Concentrate On The Core: Identify the most important products and services you o7er, and then focus on getting better and better selling more and more of them. 1robably I5J of the mar"et potential for your core products has not yet been tapped. <4. /ocus On <esults: Poncentrate your best energies and resources on getting the most important results possible for your company. /et priorities in every area and then wor" single-mindedly to complete the few tas"s that are more valuable than everything else put together. 'he most important part of the 'urbostrategy is not what you learn, but the actions you ta"e, and how quic"ly you ta"e those actions. 'here is a direct relationship between how fast you move on a new idea and how li"ely it is that you will ever move on a new idea. *esolve today to become intensely action-oriented for the rest of your career. Qust do itL The Turbostrategy Process