DOE Software Risk Management

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Department of Energy Quality Managers

Software Quality Assurance Subcommittee

Reference Document SQAS21.01.00 - 1999

Software Risk Management
A Practical Guide

February, 2000

This document is a practical guide for integrating software risk management into a software project. The purpose of Risk
Management is to identify, assess and control project risks. Identified risks are analyzed to determine their potential impact
and likelihood of occurrence. Risk Management Plans are developed to document the projects approach to risk
management, risks, and decisions made about what should be done with each risk. Risks and risk actions are then tracked to

Software Risk Management: A Practical Guide SQAS21.01.00
This document was prepared for the Department of Energy (DOE) by a Working Group of the DOE
Quality Managers Software Quality Assurance Subcommittee (SQAS). At the time this document was
prepared, the Working Group had the following members:

Y. Faye Brown OR, Y-12
Kathleen Canal DOE-HQ
Ray Cullen SR
Mike Elliott UK AWE
J erry Faulkner KC
Michael Lackner KC
Carolyn Owens LLNL
Dave Peercy SNL/NM
Gerald Reisz LANL
Patricia Tempel SNL/NM
Patty Trellue SNL/NM

The current version of this document can be found on the Software Quality Assurance Subcommittee
website at

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the
United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors,
or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
favoring by the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of their contractors or subcontractors. The views and
opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof or
any of their contractors or subcontractors.
Software Risk Management: A Practical Guide SQAS21.01.00
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 What is risk?.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 What is software risk management?.............................................................................................. 4
1.3 What is the role of management?.................................................................................................. 4
2. Software Risk Management Process ................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Process Model ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Process Description....................................................................................................................... 6
3. Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Program Manager........................................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Project Manager........................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Risk Management (RM) Manager............................................................................................... 15
3.4 Software Risk Evaluation Team.................................................................................................. 15
3.5 SRE Facilitator ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.6 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Manager............................................................................. 15
3.7 Configuration Management (CM) Manager................................................................................ 15

Appendix A SEI Software Risk Taxonomy .......................................................................................... 16
Appendix B SEI Risk Taxonomy Questionnaire ................................................................................. 17
Appendix C Software Risk Factors....................................................................................................... 21
Appendix D Risk Aversion Techniques ................................................................................................ 23
Appendix E Risk Management Forms.................................................................................................. 24
Appendix F Risk Management Plan Template .................................................................................... 26
Appendix G References and Bibliography ........................................................................................... 30
Appendix H Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 31

Software Risk Management: A Practical Guide SQAS21.01.00
1. Introduction
This document is a practical guide for integrating risk management into a software project. The
appendices for this document provide additional information and references that can provide more depth
to a software risk management program.
1.1 What is risk?
Risk is the possibility of loss. It is a function of both the probability of an adverse event occurring and
its impact; the impact manifests itself in a combination of financial loss, time delay, and loss of
performance. A risk is the precursor to a problem; the probability that, at any given point in the software
life cycle, the predicted goals cannot be achieved within available resources. Risk can not be eliminated
from a software project, but it can be managed. Risk management is critical to the success of any
software effort and is a strategic aspect of all software projects.
1.2 What is software risk management?
Software risk management is a software engineering practice with processes, methods, and tools for
managing risks in a project. It provides a disciplined environment for proactive decision-making to
assess continuously what can go wrong; determine what risks are important to deal with; and implement
actions to deal with those risks. [SEIweb] Risk management planning addresses the strategy for risk
management, the risk management process, and the techniques, methods, and tools to be used to support
the risk management process. A template for software risk management planning is provided in
Appendix F.
1.3 What is the role of management?
Senior management support and commitment is critical to the success of any risk management initiative.
A formal risk management process requires corporate acceptance of risk as a major consideration for
software management. Senior management must support project risk management activities by:
(1) providing adequate personnel, budget, schedules, and other resources (e.g., tools and equipment);
(2) ensuring project management receives the required training in identifying, managing, and
communicating software risks; and (3) ensuring project personnel receive the required training in
conducting risk management tasks. Senior management reviews risk management activities on a
periodic and event-driven basis.
Introduction 4
Software Risk Management: A Practical Guide SQAS21.01.00
2. Software Risk Management Process
2.1 Process Model
There are several models available for risk management. The model recommended in this guide was
developed by the Software Engineering Institute [VanScoy92] [Carr93] and is shown in Figure 2-1
below. This model may be tailored to be consistent with existing site project management processes. In
all phases of a project, risks should be assessed continuously and used for decision-making.
This model identifies the fundamental risk management functions that must be taken to effectively
manage risk: identify, analyze, plan, track, control, and communicate. Each of these functions is defined
in more detail in section 2.2.

A continuous set of activities to
identify, confront, and resolve
technical risk.

Identify Search for and locate risks before they
become problems adversely affecting the
Process risk data into decision-making
Translate risk information into decisions
and actions (both present and future) and
implement those actions
Monitor the risk indicators and actions
taken against risks
Correct for deviations from planned risk
Provide visibility and feedback data
internal and external to your program on
current and emerging risk activities

Figure 2-1 SEI Software Risk Management Model

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2.2 Process Description
2.2.1 SRM Process: Overview
An overview of the risk management process, along with a mapping to the risk management model in Figure
2-1, is illustrated in Figure 2-2. This process description is based on the software risk management process
defined by the Software Engineering Process Office [SEPO97] and the Software Engineering Institute [Carr93].
Although Figure 2-2 indicates the process steps in a sequential manner, typically there are iterations among the
steps and, as shown in Figure 2-1, the process is repeated in a continuous manner, as needed.
2.2.2 SRM Process: Special Responsibilities
Personnel from the software engineering staff are selected to participate on a Software Risk Evaluation (SRE)
Team. An SRE Team should have from one to five participants. The following criteria should be used in
selecting participants:
knowledge and experience in the technology areas of the effort being assessed,
risk management experience or will receive risk management training,
mix of people with various applicable skills (e.g. development, test, quality assurance), and
representation for any functional areas considered critical to the project.
An individual is selected to serve as the facilitator for the risk management process. The SRE Facilitator should
be someone who does not have a vested interest in the results of the process and can effectively move the
process to closure. This person should meet the entrance criteria for this process; that is, they should have risk
management experience or receive training.
2.2.3 SRM Process: Inputs
Inputs are those items that must be available in order to start the risk management process. Inputs will be
used/transformed by the process steps into outputs. Examples of inputs are:
a. Risk Management Forms
b. Risk Management Plan Template
c. Software Project Plan
d. Software artifacts, e.g., system/software requirements
e. Organizational standards, practices, guidelines as tailored to this project
2.2.4 SRM Process: Entrance Criteria
Entrance criteria are those items that must be completed prior to starting the software risk management
activities in order to have the best chance of success. Examples of entrance criteria are:
a. Management has provided adequate resources for risk management activities. Resources include funding,
staffing, equipment, and tools as required.
b. Personnel have been assigned for all risk management roles and responsibilities, and they have been
trained in the risk management approach to be applied to the project.
c. All identified inputs exist and are available to the SRE Team.
Software Risk Management Process 6
Software Risk Management: A Practical Guide SQAS21.01.00
Activity Steps
Task Outputs
Identify Risks
Analyze Risks
Prioritize Risks
Identify Risk
Identify Risk
Define Risk
Track Risk
The SRE Team analyzes a taxonomy of potential risk areas to
identify a candidate list specific to the project.
Initial Risk
Updated Risk
List of
prioritized risks
Project Plan
Active risk
Project Plan
The SRE Team completes Risk Management Forms noting
impact on cost, schedule, product quality, and probability and
reaches a consensus on each risk.
A Risk Level is calculated for each risk serving as the means to
rank the project risks.
The SRE Team performs an analysis to determine what risk
aversion actions could be taken - risk avoidance, control,
assumption, or transfer.
The SRE Team analyzes each remaining risk and develops a
mitigation action to reduce the probability and/or severity of
impact of each risk event.
For each of the top N risks, the SRE Team documents the
contingency actions and determines the trigger for invocation of
a contingency action.
The SRE Team identifies and documents the metrics necessary
to determine if a risk is being averted or mitigated.
Activate appropriate contingency action on identification of
flagged risk metric value.
Project leads collect, analyze, and report metrics on both a
periodic and event driven basis to concerned management.
Management proactively proceeds to implement the identified
risk aversion and mitigation actions.
Identify Risk

Figure 2-2 Software Risk Management Process Overview
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2.2.5 SRM Process: Procedures
The risk management process consists of ten steps as described in the paragraphs that follow. Use of the
activities associated with these steps constitutes an acceptable risk management approach and could be
incorporated into a Risk Management Plan. The size, visibility, or consequences of the project drives
the complexity of the process. The process can be tailored to be consistent with existing site project
management processes.
Function 1: Identify
Before risks can be managed, they must be identified, and they must be identified before they become
problems adversely affecting the project. Establishing an environment that encourages people to raise
concerns and issues and conducting quality reviews throughout all phases of a project are common
techniques for identifying risks.
Step 1: Identify risks
The SRE Facilitator conducts a process overview briefing and provides a taxonomy of
potential risk areas to the SRE Team. The taxonomy is derived from a list of possible risks
such as found in Appendix A of this document and forms the basis for analysis of potential
risks to the project at hand.
The process overview briefing is held no less than one week prior to the risk identification
session. At this point in the process, the identification of risk is an individual responsibility;
it is important for each individual to prepare for the team risk identification session that
follows. Each member of the SRE Team, using the taxonomy as a guide, identifies risks
associated with the project and documents them using a Risk Management Form (see
Appendix E) or another method as appropriate.
Now, the identification of risk shifts from an individual effort to an SRE Team effort. The
SRE Facilitator conducts a risk identification session with the SRE Team to identify
potential programmatic risks. It can be beneficial to have a person serve as a recorder for
this session to ensure all identified risks are captured.
The Risk Management Forms are used to document all of the potential risks. All risks
identified at the meeting are recorded, even if they do not seem to fit the taxonomy
categories. During this session, only the Statement of Risk is completed on the Risk
Management Forms; follow-on steps in the risk management process will fill in other
Function 2: Analyze
Analysis is the conversion of risk data into risk decision-making information. It includes reviewing,
prioritizing, and selecting the most critical risks to address.
Step 2: Analyze risks
The SRE Team analyzes each identified risk in terms of its consequence on cost, schedule,
performance, and product quality. An individual risk may impact more than one of these
categories. For example, frequently changing requirements will impact all four.
The SRE Team will mark the Risk Management Form according to their determination. In
addition, they determine the severity of impact, rating each risk according to the criticality
levels found on the form.
Software Risk Management Process 8
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Second, each SRE Team estimates the probability that each risk will occur and its time
frame. Probability can be established by a percentage figure or by selection of an abstract
term (e.g., High, Medium, Low).
The SRE Facilitator then conducts a series of SRE Team meetings to elaborate on the
identified risks. The SRE Facilitator goes through the software development risk taxonomy,
presenting the risks identified prior to the meeting and soliciting any other risks from the
group. The SRE Facilitator presents possible risks to be combined and the SRE Team
reaches consensus on which ones to combine and on the wording of the risks.
After consensus has been reached, the SRE Facilitator leads a discussion to establish
consensus on consequence, severity, probability, and time frame for each risk. Again, it can
be beneficial to have a person serve as a recorder for this session.
Step 3: Prioritize risks
Using the data from step 2, Analyze Risks, the SRE Team determines a Risk Level for each
risk by mapping each risk onto a Risk Matrix, a sample of which is shown in Table 2-1. The
project and risk management personnel evaluating the Risk Level for each risk can
determine when appropriate mitigation action will be required. This decision making can be
facilitated by the use of risk levels agreed to by the SRE Team and project management.
Where the Risk Levels are defined as:
a. Tolerable Risk is a condition where risk is identified as having little or no effect or
consequence on project objectives; the probability of occurrence is low enough to
cause little or no concern.
b. Low Risk is a condition where risk is identified as having minor effects on project
objectives; the probability of occurrence is sufficiently low to cause only minor
c. Medium Risk is a condition where risk is identified as one that could possibly affect
project objectives, cost, or schedule. The probability of occurrence is high enough to
require close control of all contributing factors.
d. High Risk is the condition where risk is identified as having a high probability of
occurrence and the consequence would affect project objectives, cost, and schedule.
The probability of occurrence is high enough to require close control of all contributing
factors, the establishment of risk actions, and an acceptable fallback position.
e. INtolerable Risk is the condition where risk is identified as having a high probability
of occurrence and the consequence would have significant impact on cost, schedule,
and/or performance. These risks would constitute the Top N for the project.
At the conclusion of risk prioritization, a consolidated list of risks is created, and the
updated Risk Management Forms are placed under configuration management.
Software Risk Management Process 9
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Negligible impact on program Negligible
So unlikely that probability is close to zero
(Frequency per year 10
- 10
Less than 1 month slip in schedule; less than
2% cost overrun; less than 2% reduction
in product functionality
Unlikely though conceivable
(Frequence per year 10
- 10
Less than 3 month slip in schedule; less than
5% cost overrun; less than 5% reduction
in product functionality
Could occur some time
(Frequency per year 10
- 10
Less than 6 month slip in schedule; less than
10% cost overrun; less than 10% reduction
in product functionality
Occurs repeatedly/ an event to be expected
(Frequency per year 1-10
Greater than 6 month slip in schedule; greater
than 10% cost overrun; greater than 10%
reduction in product functionality
Not surprised, will occur several times
(Frequency per year >1)
Consequence Severity Description Probability
IN = Intolerable H = High M = Medium L = Low T = Tolerable LEGEND
Table 2-1 Sample Risk Matrix
Function 3: Plan
Planning turns risk information into decisions and actions for both the present and future. Planning
involves developing actions to address individual risks, prioritizing risk actions and creating a Risk
Management Plan. The key to risk action planning is to consider the future consequences of a decision
made today. The plan for a risk can be to:
a. Avert a risk by changing the design or the process or by taking no further action thus accepting
the consequences if the risk occurs
b. Mitigate the impact of the risk by reducing its Risk Level
c. Develop a contingency strategy should the risk occur
Step 4: Identify risk aversion methods
Having generated a ranked list of risks, the SRE Team performs an analysis to determine
what risk aversion actions (i.e., risk avoidance, control, assumption, or transfer) could be
taken or decisions could be made that would eliminate any of the identified risks. The SRE
Team assesses, rates, and decides on the possible consequences of inaction and if the
benefits of acting on a risk merits the expense in time and money expended. While a
Software Risk Management Process 10
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conscious decision to ignore a high risk may be a creditable option, an unconscious decision
to avoid risk is not.
This step could focus on constant process improvement by identifying those organizational
(or project) processes that would eliminate, or substantially reduce, a given risk. Employing
risk management in concert with metrics and process improvement can be used to measure,
track, and improve an organizations development process.
Step 5: Identify risk mitigation methods
Risks that make it to this step are considered contingent upon external events. An SRE
Team session is held to determine what actions or decisions can be made that would reduce
the probability and/or severity of impact of each risk event. The SRE Team documents and
details those that are practical and feasible and incorporates them into the project Risk
Management Plan.
For example, if contracting represents a significant part and risk for the project, then
defining management practices that include formal methods for monitoring, evaluating, and
controlling contractor performance would minimize that risk. To elaborate on risk
mitigation specifics for contracting, consider the following actions for the contractor
technical interface established by the project manager:
a. Design reviews, development progress, configuration audits, risk analysis, trade-offs,
and appropriate program requirement flowdowns should be under the cognizance of
the project manager. The technical leads are responsible to the project manager for
establishing the technical performance parameters that are tracked and correlated with
cost and schedule data.
b. The technical leads furnish technical direction that describes how the contractors will
meet their task requirements. The contractors provide plans detailing how they will
adhere to contract requirements and how they will establish and report their progress.
c. The contractors are required to supply information to the level of detail necessary to
assure the project manager that the cost and schedule reports provide accurate and
meaningful data. At monthly contractor reviews, nontechnical and technical risk
areas are highlighted.
This type of procedural specification would allow both the technical leads and the
contractors to foresee problem areas and take appropriate action to avoid or minimize risk.
Step 6: Identify risk recovery methods
For each of the top N risks, the SRE team conducts a session to validate the nature of the
event that would cause the invocation of a contingency action. Contingency actions for
risks are document in the project Risk Management Plan along with what measurable or
observable circumstances must occur to trigger the implementation of the contingency
A simple example could be based on variance tracking. When the actual cost of work
performed exceeds one standard deviation from the planned value, a working group is
formed to investigate the cause and make recommendations.
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Examples of contingency actions for risks impacting product quality would include, but not
be limited, to some combination of the following:
Redesign to correct the deficiency.
Reallocate requirements to maintain specified overall system performance.
Define reduced performance thresholds, still exceeding minimum acceptable requirements.
Step 7: Define risk metrics
For each risk, the SRE Team determines and documents what measurable or observable
event(s) can be tracked to know whether or not the risk is being averted, prevented, or
For example, if testing has been identified as a high risk function then tracking test coverage
analysis at unit test time and determining error removal rates for design review, unit testing,
and integration testing could serve as key metrics. Other possible test metrics could include
tracking of the delta between open and closed trouble reports and the tracking of error
density by trouble report priority.
In addition, the SRE Team defines and documents the risk management process
measurements to be collected and analyzed on the risk process itself. Examples are
provided in section 2.2.8.
Step 8: Implement mitigation/reduction actions
For each risk, the SRE Team conducts the activities necessary to implement the
mitigation/reduction actions addressed in step 5 above. These activities are documented in
the project Risk Management Plan for each risk reduction scenario. Examples of activities
that would address the risk levels defined in step 3 are:
a. Tolerable Risk. Good system engineering practices would serve to mitigate any
problems of this magnitude.
b. Low Risk. No special program emphasis is required other than normal software
engineering group monitoring and control.
c. Medium Risk. This risk level would qualify as an action item at status review
d. High Risk. This risk level qualifies as an action item at status review meetings.
e. Intolerable Risk. This level requires formal control and monitoring and development
of a risk contingency action. Each risk at this level has a definition of the event that
would invoke the contingency action. The deviation values are set narrow enough to
raise a risk flag in time to allow the project leadership time to respond yet open
enough to not create excessive raised flags. The deviation values are documented
with the metric description.
Function 4: Track
Tracking consists of monitoring the status of risks and the actions taken against risks to mitigate them.
This is done through appropriate risk metrics and serves as the watchdog function of risk
Software Risk Management Process 12
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Step 9: Track risks
Projects implement reporting procedures that raise attention flags whenever a reported
metric or parameter is beyond the pre-established monitor threshold or deviation value. The
method and time of collecting and reporting each metric are incorporated into the Risk
Management Plan.
The RM Manager ensures the reporting procedures of the Risk Management Plan are being
followed and derived metrics are computed; receives and analyzes the reports, and takes
appropriate corrective actions as required.
Function 5: Control
Risk control corrects deviations from planned risk actions. Risk control is a part of project management
and relies on project management processes to control risk action plans, correct for variations from
plans, respond to triggering events, and improve risk management processes. Risk control activities are
documented in the Risk Management Plan.
Step 10: Implement contingency actions
For each risk, if the data collected shows that the entrance criteria have been met, then:
the need for implementation of the contingency action should to be raised to the Program
Manager, and
project management needs to provide for the direction necessary to reallocate resources
required for the execution of that contingency action.
Function 6: Communicate
Communication lies at the center of the model in order to emphasize its pervasiveness and its criticality.
Communication happens throughout all the functions of risk management. Without effective
communication, no risk management approach can be viable. It is an integral part of all the other risk
management activities. Clearly, personnel associated with a project are the most qualified to identify
risk in their work on a daily basis. Project management provides a conducive environment for people to
share their concerns regarding potential risks. Effective communication provides both visibility and
feedback data, internal and external to your program, on current and emerging risk activities.
2.2.6 SRM Process: Exit Criteria
The results of the risk analysis and the Risk Management Plan are reviewed and the SRE Team reaches
consensus on the top N risks. The final activities in a risk analysis event are a presentation of the results
and a meeting with the program manager. The presentation is generally conducted as a formal
presentation to all program personnel who are involved in the management of the project. Key
considerations include having all participants attend the meeting and conducting the presentation such
that participants will know what happened to "their" risks. An example outline for the presentation is:
a. Review of the risk assessment processes
b. Review of the complete database of risks with attributes
c. Discussion of the top N risks
d. Identification of the contingency events and a synopsis of each associated plan of action
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2.2.7 SRM Process: Outputs
Outputs are those items that remain in the project files after the project is complete. Examples of
outputs are:
a. Risk Management Plan
b. Risk Management Forms
2.2.8 SRM Process: Metrics
To provide input for process improvement, metrics should be collected about the software risk
management process. SRM process metrics could include, but not be limited to, the following
measurement data:
Effort and funds expended in risk management activities
Date a risk assessment is performed
Number and breakdown of risks identified:
Number of new risks
Number of previously identified risks
Number and breakdown of previously identified risks that are no longer considered risks:
Number of risks that were avoided
Number of risks that occurred

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3. Roles and Responsibilities
The paragraphs below identify the participating individuals and/or teams of the Software Risk
Management Process with their corresponding responsibilities.
3.1 Program Manager
The Program Manager has overall responsibility for several projects and provides the support and
funding for risk management activities.
3.2 Project Manager
The Project Manager has overall responsibility for managing the risks associated with the development
and maintenance of the system and ensuring that risk management is performed in consonance with the
process described herein.
3.3 Risk Management (RM) Manager
The Project Manager may choose to be the Risk Management Manager (RM Manager) depending upon
staff size and project complexity. Otherwise, this leadership responsibility is assigned as a collateral
duty to one of the technical leads on the project. The RM Manager is responsible for ensuring risk
management is preformed as described in the Software Risk Management Plan.
3.4 Software Risk Evaluation Team
Software engineers generally serve as members of Software Risk Evaluation (SRE) Teams. These SRE
Teams analyze and document any risks associated with the tasks the project is required to perform.
3.5 SRE Facilitator
The SRE Facilitator is a person who does not have a vested interest in the results of the process and can
effectively move the process to closure. This person could be the quality engineer assigned to the
3.6 Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Manager
The SQA Manager periodically reviews the risk management activities to ensure that the requirements
of the organizations Software Risk Management Process are being followed.
3.7 Configuration Management (CM) Manager
Depending upon project size, organizational structure, and assigned responsibilities, the CM Manager
may play a role in risk tracking (measurement and analysis of risks) and reporting the status of
designated risks to the RM Manager. For example, the CM Manager would be responsible for
maintaining the database of Risk Management Forms (See Appendix E) and for providing summary
information to the RM Manager to be used in developing project risk-related reports.

Roles and Responsibilities 15
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Appendix A SEI Software Risk Taxonomy
A complete description of the SEI Software Risk Taxonomy is available in [Carr93].

A. Product Engineering
1. Requirements
a. Stability
b. Completeness
c. Clarity
d. Validity
e. Feasibility
f. Precedent
g. Scale
2. Design
a. Functionality
b. Difficulty
c. Interfaces
d. Performance
e. Testability
f. Hardware Constraints
g. Non-Developmental Software
3. Code and Unit Test
a. Feasibility
b. Testing
c. Coding/Implementation
4. Integration and Test
a. Environment
b. Product
c. System
5. Engineering Specialties
a. Maintainability
b. Reliability
c. Safety
d. Security
e. Human Factors
f. Specifications
B. Development
1. Development Process
a. Formality
b. Suitability
c. Process Control
d. Familiarity
e. Product Control
2. Development System
a. Capacity
b. Suitability
c. Usability
d. Familiarity
e. Reliability
f. System Support
g. Deliverability
3. Management Process
a. Planning
b. Project Organization
c. Management Experience
d. Program Interfaces
4. Management Methods
a. Monitoring
b. Personnel Management
c. Quality Assurance
d. Configuration Management
5. Work Environment
a. Quality Attitude
b. Cooperation
c. Communication
d. Morale
C. Program Constraints
1. Resources
a. Schedule
b. Staff
c. Budget
d. Facilities
2. Contract
a. Type of contract
b. Restrictions
c. Dependencies
3. Program Interfaces
a. Customer
b. Associate Contractors
c. Subcontractor
d. Prime Contractor
e. Corporate Management
f. Vendors
g. Politics

SEI Software Risk Taxonomy 16
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Appendix B SEI Risk Taxonomy Questionnaire
A complete version of the SEI Software Risk Taxonomy Questionnaire is available in [Carr93]. This
Questionnaire is meant to serve as a guide in the identification of software risks.

A. Product Engineering
Technical aspects of the work to be accomplished.

1. Requirements

a. Stability
Are requirements changing even as the product is being produced?

b. Completeness
Are requirements missing or incompletely specified?

c. Clarity
Are the requirements unclear or in need of interpretation?

d. Validity
Will the requirements lead to the product the customer has in mind?

e. Feasibility
Are there requirements that are technically difficult to implement?

f. Precedent
Do requirements specify something never done before or beyond the experience of program personnel?

g. Scale
Is the system size or complexity a concern?

2. Design

a. Functionality
Are there any potential problems in designing to meet functional requirements?

b. Difficulty
Will the design and/or implementation be difficult to achieve?
c. Interfaces
Are internal interfaces (hardware and software) well defined and controlled?
d. Performances
Are there stringent response time or throughput requirements?
e. Testability
Is the product difficult or impossible to test?
f. Hardware Constraints
Does the hardware limit the ability to meet any requirements?
g. Non-Developmental Software
Are there problems with software used in the program but not developed by the program?
3. Code and Unit Test
a. Feasibility
Is the implementation of the design difficult or impossible?
b. Testing
Is the specified level and time for unit testing adequate?
SEI Risk Taxonomy Questionnaire 17
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c. Coding/Implementation
Are the design specifications in sufficient detail to write code: Will the design be changing while coding
is being done?
4. Integration and Test
a. Environment
Is the integration and test environment adequate? Are there problems developing realistic scenarios and
test data to demonstrate any requirements?
b. Product
Is the interface definition inadequate, facilities inadequate, time insufficient? Are there requirements that
will be difficult to test?
c. System
Has adequate time been allocated for system integration and test? Is system integration uncoordinated?
Are interface definitions or test facilities inadequate?
5. Engineering Specialties
a. Maintainability
Will the implementation be difficult to understand or maintain?
b. Reliability
Are reliability or availability requirements allocated to the software? Will they be difficult to meet?
c. Safety
Are the safety requirements infeasible and not demonstrable?
d. Security
Are there unprecedented security requirements?
e. Human Factors
Is there any difficulty in meeting the human factor requirements?
f. Specifications
Is the documentation adequate to design, implement, and test the system?
B. Development Environment
Methods, procedures, and tools in the production of the software products.
1. Development Process
a. Formality
Will the implementation be difficult to understand or maintain?
b. Suitability
Is the process suited to the development mode, e.g., spiral, prototyping? Is the development process
supported by a compatible set of procedures, methods, and tools?
c. Process Control
Is the software development process enforced, monitored, and controlled using metrics?
d. Familiarity
Are the project members experienced in use of the process? Is the process understood by all project
e. Product Control
Are there mechanisms for controlling changes in the product?
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2. Development System
a. Capacity
Are there enough workstations and processing capacity for all the staff?
b. Suitability
Does the development system support all phases, activities, functions of the program?
c. Usability
Do project personnel find the development system easy to use?
d. Familiarity
Have project personnel used the development system before?
e. Reliability
Is the system considered reliable?
f. System Support
Is there timely expert or vendor support for the system?
g. Deliverability
Are the definition and acceptance requirements defined for delivering the system to the customer?
3. Management Process
a. Planning
Is the program managed according to a plan?
b. Project Organization
Is the program organized effectively; are the roles and reporting relationships well defined?
c. Management Experience
Are the managers experienced in software development, software management, the application domain,
and the development process?
d. Program Interfaces
Is there a good interface with the customer and is the customer involved in decisions regarding
functionality and operation?
4. Management Method
a. Monitoring
Are management metrics defined and is development progress tracked?
b. Personnel Management
Are project personnel trained and used appropriately?
c. Quality Assurance
Are there adequate procedures and resources to assure product quality?
d. Configuration Management

Are the change procedures or version control, including installation site(s) adequate?
5. Work Environment
a. Quality Attitude
Does the project lack orientation toward quality work?
b. Cooperation
Does the project lack team spirit; does conflict resolution require management intervention?
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c. Communication

Does the project lack awareness of mission or goals, communication of technical information among peers
and managers?
d. Morale
Is there a non-productive, non-creative atmosphere? Does the project lack rewards or recognition for
superior work?
C. Program Constraints
Methods, procedures, and tools in the production of the software products.
1. Resources
a. Schedule
Is the project schedule inadequate or unstable?
b. Staff
Is the staff inexperienced, lack domain knowledge, lack skills, or is not inadequately sized?
c. Budget
Is the funding insufficient or unstable?
d. Facilities
Are the facilities inadequate for building and delivering the product?
2. Contract
a. Type of contract
Is the contract type a source of risk to the project?
b. Restrictions
Does the contract include any inappropriate restrictions?
c. Dependencies
Does the program have any critical dependencies on outside products or services?
3. Program Interfaces
a. Customer
Are there any customer problems such as a lengthy document-approval cycle, poor communication, or
inadequate domain expertise?
b. Associate Contractors
Are there any problems with associate contractors such as inadequately defined or unstable interfaces,
poor communication, or lack of cooperation?
c. Subcontractor
Is the program dependent on subcontractors for any critical areas?
d. Prime Contractor
Is the program facing difficulties with its prime contractor?
e. Corporate Management
Is there a lack of support or micro management from upper management?
f. Vendors
Are vendors unresponsive to program needs?
g. Politics
Are politics causing a problem for the program?
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Appendix C Software Risk Factors
This following list of Software Risk Factors was taken from Chapter 6 of the Guidelines for Successful
Acquisition and Management of Software Intensive Systems [STSC].
A risk is the precursor to a problem. It is the probability that, at any given point in the system life cycle,
its predicted goals (either operational or logistical) cannot be achieved with available resources. Trying
to totally eliminate risk is a futile endeavor however, managing risk is something you can and must do.
As a program manager, you risk failure in three ways and combinations thereof:
The product does not meet performance requirements (operationally or logistically),
Actual costs are higher than budgeted, and
Delivery of the product is too late
Software risk factors that impact a products performance, cost, and schedule can be further segmented
into five risk areas. However, any given risk may have an impact in more than one area. The five risk
areas are:
Technical risk (performance related)
Supportability risk (performance related)
Programmatic risk (environment related)
Cost risk
Schedule risk
Common risk factors. The Software Program Managers Network [Evans94] identifies common threads
among troubled software programs. These conclusions, based on risk assessments performed on 30
software programs since 1988, include:
Management. Management is inconsistent, inappropriately applied or not applied at all.
Management is reactionary.
Predictable risks ignored. When a problem arises, program personnel identify it but they often
ignore it because it is too much trouble to deal with it.
Disciplines not uniformly applied. Configuration management, product assurance, and
technical disciplines are not uniformly applied. Organizations throw away standards as they
go through the software development life cycle in order to buy more schedule time or save on
cost. This creates a rolling wave of disaster in the long-term.
Poor training. Managers do not know how to perform a specific task, do not understand how
to cost, schedule or track software development; do not know how to do the technical job, or
to plan. No training or resources are available to them.
Fallacy of easy solutions. Software programs often get in trouble when generic solutions are
applied to specific problems. One example, programs fail to scale the work to resources.
Inadequate work plans. Critical constraints and work plans include schedules, budgets, work
allocation, and limited, time-sensitive resources. Inadequate schedules, or schedules not
enforced, is often the problem.
Software Risk Factors 21
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Schedule reality. The schedule plan must be realistic. If schedule slips, the impact on delivery
must be assessed. Too often short cuts are taken to come up with a success-oriented schedule
and avoid announcing an end-date slip.
Delivery focus. Many programs focus on schedule and progress not on the delivery.
Successful programs focus on the incremental completion of an event.
Constraints. Successful programs use reasonable metrics to status and analyze the program,
assess product quality and process effectiveness, and to project the potential for success.
Customer responsibility. The customer should provide standards and documentation for the
software development phase in which they are interested.
Methods and tool selection. Tools selected are inappropriate for the job. Program staff has
too little or no experience with the methods used. Process is not integrated through
configuration management no effective information flow within the program is established.
Software Risk Factors 22
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Appendix D Risk Aversion Techniques
The following list was taken from Chapter 6 of the Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and
Management of Software Intensive Systems [STSC].
D.1 Risk Avoidance
Risk can be avoided by choosing an alternative approach with lower risk. This conscious choice avoids
the potentially higher risk; however it really results in reduction in risk not complete risk elimination.
While a conscious decision to ignore (or assume) a high risk may be a creditable option, an unconscious
decision to avoid risk is not. The possible consequences of inaction must be assessed, rated, and
decided on. Whether the benefits of acting on a risk merit the expense in time and money expended is
decided. All risk-handling actions are documented with supporting rationale. Risk management is
employed in concert with metrics and process improvements to measure, track, and improve the project
management process.
D.2 Risk Control
Risks can be controlled by continually monitoring and correcting risky conditions. This involves the
use of reviews, inspections, risk reduction milestones, development of contingency, and similar
management techniques. Controlling risk involves developing a risk reduction plan, then tracking to
that plan.
D.3 Risk Assumption
Risk can be assumed by making a conscious decision to accept the consequences should the event occur.
Some amount of risk assumption always occurs in software programs. The SRE team must determine
the appropriate level of risk that can be assumed in each situation as it occurs.
D.4 Risk Transference
Risk can be transferred when there is an opportunity to reduce risk by sharing it. Risk can be transferred
upward within the organization or to another organization.
Risk Aversion Techniques 23
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Appendix E Risk Management Forms
The Risk Accounting Form and the Risk Information Form are two examples of ways to document risks.
A consistent format or content for risk statements helps everyone understand the real risk.
E.1 Example 1: Risk Accounting Form
Risk Accounting Form
Identified by: Date:

ID #:
CM Tracking #
Statement of Risk (with context):

Consequence: (Cost , Schedule, Performance, Quality) Risk Magnitude Rm
Severity: (Critical, Serious, Moderate, Minor)
Probability of occurrence? (High, Medium , Low, %)
Timeframe of risk? (Near-term, Far-term)
Mitigation Strategy:
Different strategies to mitigate this risk. When it must be mitigated.
Contingency Action and Trigger:

Risk Grouping:
Other risks (by ID) that will impact this risk or are impacted by this risk

This form is a modification of the form provided in[Dorofee96].
Risk Management Forms 24
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E.2 Example 2: Risk Information Sheet

Risk Information Sheet
Priority: Statement of Risk:
Timeframe: Origin: Class: Assigned To:

Mitigation Strategy:
Contingency Action and Trigger:
Status: Status Date:
Approval: Closing Date: Closing Rationale:

This form is from [Dorofee96].
Risk Management Forms 25
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Appendix F Risk Management Plan Template
A Risk Management Plan is a controlling document that incorporates the goals, strategy, and methods
for performing risk management on a project. The plan describes all aspects of the risk identification,
estimation, evaluation, and control processes.
The purpose of developing such a plan is to determine the approach for performing risk management
cost-effectively on the project. The plan should be long enough to convey this information to all project
participants and be commensurate with the level of consequences for failure of the software product.
The plan may be a separate document or part of a larger plan (e.g., project management plan or software
development plan). Appendix F contains a Risk Management Plan template that can be used as is or
tailored to fit the requirements of a specific project.
The Risk Management Plan should be documented in an easily understood format. It should be
approved through the appropriate management levels to promote support and commitment, then be
distributed to the project team to provide common goals, strategy, and methods for performing risk

Risk Management Plan Template
1. Goals
Explain why the project needs risk management (purpose), what the project expects to gain from the use
of risk management (objectives), and how the Risk Management Plan responds to risk management
requirements (scope). Goals should provide direction and focus for the project team members.
1.1 Purpose
Describe what the project team hopes to achieve by following the Risk Management Plan. The statement
of purpose provides the motivation and expectation for risk management results.
1.2 Objectives
Describe the specific actions that will help to achieve the goals. The objectives may be listed in order of
priority and may be written as quantitative targets, such as 100 percent award fee or zero defects.
1.3 Scope
Provide an overview of the major sections of the Risk Management Plan. A few sentences for each major
section are sufficient to provide a synopsis of the contents of the plan.
2. Strategy
Describe the philosophy and guiding principles of the organizations risk management process, as well as
how projects are organized to manage risk. The risk management strategy determines the manner in
which the project team will implement the plan.
2.1 Policy
The Risk Management Plan should comply with an organizations risk management policy. The policy can
be referenced without duplicating its contents in the Risk Management Plan. If an organizational policy
does not exist, an industry standard can be identified as the policy.
2.2 Approach
Define the principles by which the project will manage risks. Projects may share a similar process, but
have a diverse approach, which yields different results. A successful risk management approach is
proactive, integrated, systematic, and disciplined.
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2.3 Project Roles
Describe how responsibility and authority for managing the project risks will be delegated. Identify the
Software Risk Evaluation Team and clearly define their roles and responsibilities, how the team fits into
the total program, and the person to be assigned the Risk Management Manager. Each role should
identify the internal and external interfaces where known risk must be communicated.
3. Process
The risk management process is a systematic and structured way to manage risks that include the
activities and mechanisms used to transform project knowledge into decision-making information. This
section should contain a description of the risk management process that will be used for the project. A
standard risk management process or an existing organizational process can be tailored for each project.
4. Verification
Risk management verification is the method used to ensure that project practices adhere to the
documented Risk Management Plan. In this section, describe the verification methods that will be used on
the project. Reviews and audits are common methods used for verification.
Review Criteria - The purpose of a review is to understand the activities, agents, and artifacts of the Risk
Management Plan to prepare for a compliance audit. Specify the review criteria that set the
expectations for compliance.
Audit Procedure - An audit procedure verifies whether planned activities are conducted and participants
are trained, and whether there is adherence to the Risk Management Plan.
Audit Report - The audit report is generated to summarize implementation performance and detail any
discrepancies against the plan. The report shows if requirements have been achieved and the nature
of any nonconformance.
5. Mechanisms
The risk management mechanisms are the techniques and tools used during the risk management
process to transform inputs into outputs. Mechanisms such as taxonomys, forms, and databases can be
included in the Risk Management Plan to help the project team visualize the organization of risk
information. In this section, describe the methods and tools the project team will use to execute the risk
management process.
Risk Taxonomy - A risk taxonomy organizes areas of concern into categories to understand the nature of
the risk. Risk taxonomys help us to completely identify risks in a given area.

Risk Management Form - A risk management form documents risk information essential for managing
risk. The form is used to record risk information systematically and to track it to closure.
Risk Database Structure - The risk database structure shows the organization of identified risks and
associated information. It organizes risk information to support queries, status tracking, and report
6. Risk Resolution
Risk resolution is the process that is implemented after the general risk analysis process has been
conducted. Risk resolution occurs at four levels of increasing severity as follows:
Aversion/Avoidance Alternatives
Mitigation/Reduction Techniques
Contingency Planning
Crisis Management
See Appendix A of this guide.
See Appendix E of this guide.
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6.1 Risk Aversion Alternatives
For each identified risk, risk aversion determines what actions (i.e., risk avoidance, control, assumption, or
transfer) will be taken for its mitigation. The risk aversion section of the plan addresses the following
information [Charette89]

A breakdown of all program risk areas and representative risk factors in each area
Identification of priority risk items with a ranking of importance in relation to program objectives
Tracking, decision, feedback points, and monthly reports, including when the priority risk item list
and plans are to be updated
Identified risk aversion alternatives and their costs
Integration strategy for individual risk aversion plans (with attention to combining action plans for
more than one risk item)
Assignment of resources needed to implement the risk aversion strategy which includes costs,
schedule and technical considerations
6.2 Risk Mitigation Techniques
Recommended mitigation strategy for each risk item including action plans for each (risk items
requiring no action should also be noted)
Mitigation implementation start date, schedule, and key milestones
Criteria for success (i.e., when will the risk be considered mitigated) and the monitoring approach
to be used
6.3 Contingency Planning
Contingency planning addresses those risks that require monitoring for some future response should the
need arise. Develop contingency plans for each prioritized risk that exceeds the predefined threshold.
With proper contingency planning, the project team establishes a drop-dead date, and sets aside funds
and personnel to implement the plan, while still staying within the preplanned project delivery schedule.
Contingency planning involves the following
Specifying the nature of the potential risk
Considering alternative approaches
Specifying constraints
Analyzing alternatives
Selecting an approach
6.4 Crisis Management
Crisis management is used if the contingency plan fails to resolve the risk within a specified time. A crisis
occurs when your contingency plan fails to resolve an unforeseen event. A crisis is an overall show-
stopper! You must act quickly to manage a major unforeseen negative event. All program effort and
resources must be focused on resolving the crisis situation. Once in crisis, you must muster your forces,
go on the offensive, and attack! If you do not attack this type of risk, it will attack you and win.
See Appendix D of this guide.
Risk Management Plan Template 28
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Before a crisis materialized, the project team may be able to define some elements of crisis management,
such as the responsible parties and drop-dead date, but the team may be hard pressed to plan the exact
details until the crisis occurs. [Fairley94] explains what you must do in such a situation:
Announce and publicize the problem
Assign responsibilities and authorities
Update status frequently
Relax resource constraints (fly in experts, bring on emergency personnel, provide meals and
sleeping facilities to keep people onsite until the crisis is resolved, etc.)
Have program personnel operate in burnout mode
Establish a drop-dead date
Clear out unessential personnel
A crisis recovery procedure should be invoked when the crisis is over, whether it had a positive or
negative outcome. The project team examines what went wrong, evaluates how the budget and schedule
have been affected, and rewards key crisis management personnel. During crisis recovery, perform the
Conduct a crisis postmortem
Fix any systematic problems that caused the crisis
Document lessons learned
Recalculate cost and time to complete the program or project
Update the project schedule and cost estimates to reflect these new projections.

Risk Management Plan Template 29
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Appendix G References and Bibliography

[AWE70197] United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Establishment, Hunting-Brae Ltd., Workplace Risk Assessment, CSP
701, Issue 2, Feb. 1997.
[Boehm91] Boehm, Barry W., Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software, J anuary 1991.
[Carr93] Carr, Marvin et al, Taxonomy-Based Risk Identification, CMU/SEI-93-TR-006. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software
Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, J une 1993.
[Charette89] Charette, Robert N., Software Engineering Risk Analysis and Management. New York: McGraw-Hill,
[DOECIO] Department of Energy, Chief Information Office Software Management Program website:
[Dorofee96] Dorofee, Audrey, Continuous Risk Management Guidebook. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.
[Dorofee97] Dorofee, Audrey, Risk Management in Practice, Crosstalk, April 1997.
[Evans94] Evans, Thread of Failure: Project Trends That Impact Success and Productivity, NewFocus, Number
203, Software Program Managers Network, Naval Information System Management Center,
March 1994.
[Fairley94] Fairley, Richard, Risk Management for Software Projects, IEEE Software, May 1994.
[Hall98] Hall, Elaine M., Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development, ISBN 0-201-25592-8.
Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998.
[Higuera94] Higuera, Ronald et. Al., Team Risk Management: A New Model for Customer-Supplier Relationships,
CMU/SEI-94-SR-005. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon
University, J uly 1994.
[ISO1502698] ISO/IEC 15026, Information technology -- System and software integrity levels, International
Organization for Standardization, 1998.
[Pressman92] Pressman, Roger S., Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, Third Edition, 1992.
[SEIweb] Software Engineering Institute Web site:
[SEPO97] Software Engineering Process Office (SEPO), Risk Management Process V2.0, Naval Command, Control
and Ocean Surveillance Center, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Division, May
[Sisti94] Sisti, Francis J . and Sujoe, J oseph, Software Risk Evaluation Method Version 1.0, CMU/SEI-94-TR-019.
Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994.
[STSC] Software Technology Support Center. Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and Management of
Software Intensive Systems version 2.0 : Chapter 6, Risk Management. Hill AFB, Utah, U.S.
Air Force, 1996.
[STSCWeb] Software Technology Support Center website:
[USAF88] Air Force Systems Command and Air Force Logistics Command, Acquisition Management Software
Risk Abatement, AFSC/AFLC pamphlet 800-45, Sept. 1988.
[VanScoy92] Van Scoy, Roger L. Software Development Risk: Opportunity, Not Problem, CMU/SEI-92-TR-030,
ADA258743. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,

References and Bibliography 30
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Appendix H Acronyms

CM Configuration Management
CMM Capability Maturity Model
RM Risk Management
SEI Software Engineering Institute
SQA Software Quality Assurance
SRE Software Risk Evaluation
SRM Software Risk Management

Acronyms 31

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