This document presents several optimization problems involving chemical processes and utility systems. Problem 1 involves determining the optimal selection and production levels of three processes (I, II, III) to maximize profit for manufacturing chemical C from raw materials A and B. Problem 2 involves selecting the optimal reactor from three options to produce B from A with minimum costs. Problem 3 formulates a heat exchanger network problem as a linear program to minimize annual utility costs.
This document presents several optimization problems involving chemical processes and utility systems. Problem 1 involves determining the optimal selection and production levels of three processes (I, II, III) to maximize profit for manufacturing chemical C from raw materials A and B. Problem 2 involves selecting the optimal reactor from three options to produce B from A with minimum costs. Problem 3 formulates a heat exchanger network problem as a linear program to minimize annual utility costs.
This document presents several optimization problems involving chemical processes and utility systems. Problem 1 involves determining the optimal selection and production levels of three processes (I, II, III) to maximize profit for manufacturing chemical C from raw materials A and B. Problem 2 involves selecting the optimal reactor from three options to produce B from A with minimum costs. Problem 3 formulates a heat exchanger network problem as a linear program to minimize annual utility costs.
This document presents several optimization problems involving chemical processes and utility systems. Problem 1 involves determining the optimal selection and production levels of three processes (I, II, III) to maximize profit for manufacturing chemical C from raw materials A and B. Problem 2 involves selecting the optimal reactor from three options to produce B from A with minimum costs. Problem 3 formulates a heat exchanger network problem as a linear program to minimize annual utility costs.
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Exercises Synthesis
1 It is proposed to manufacture a chemical C with a process I that uses
raw material B. B can either be purchased or manufactured with either of two processes, II or III, which use chemical A as a raw material. In order to decide the optimal selection of processes and levels of production that maximize profit formulate the MIN! problem and solve with the au"mented penalt#$outer%approximation$e&ualit#%relaxation al"orithm in 'IC(!)**. 'ata+ Conversion+ !rocess I C , -..B !rocess II B , ln/1 * A0 Maximum capacit#+ 1 ton prod$hr !rocess III B , 1.2 ln /1 * A0 /A, B, C, in ton$hr0 !rices+ A 3 1,4--$ton B 3 5,---$ton C 316,---$ton /maximum demand+ 1 ton$hr0 Investment cost 7ixed /1- 6 3$hr0 8ariable /1- 6 3$ton product0 !rocess I 6.1 2 !rocess II 1 1 !rocess III 1.1 1.2 Note+ Minimize ne"ative of profit. 2. Given are 3 candidate reactors for the reaction A -> B, where one would like to produce 10 kgmol/hr of B. Up to 15 kgmol/hr of reactant A are available at a price of $2/kgmol. The data on the three reactors is as follows: Conversion Linear costs Fixed-charge cost Reactor I 0.8 2.2feed8.0 + 1.5feed Reactor II 0.667 1.5feed5.4 + 1.0feed Reactor III 0.555 0.73feed 2.7 + 0.5feed a) Develop a network representation for this problem. b) Determine an LP formulation for linear reactor costs and solve. c) Determine an MILP formulation using the fixed-charge cost models and solve. d) Compare the solutions in b) and c) and explain qualitatively why differences exist in the two solutions. 3. Given is a process that involves the following hot and cold streams: Stream Fcp(KW/K) Tin(K) Tout(K)
H1 20 700 420 H2 40 620 330 H3 70 480 330 H4 94 380 330 C1 50 300 650 C2 720 375 400 The following utilities are available for satisfying heating and cooling requirements: Fuel @ 750K. $150/kw HP stream @ 510K $120/kw max. available = 6000 kW LP stream @ 410K $ 80/kw max. available = 4000 kW Cooling water 300-325K $ 20/kw a) Formulate and solve the LP transshipment that will predict the minimum annual utility cost for HRAT = 10K (without and with constraints on availability of HP and LP steam). b) Indicate the loads predicted for the different utilities (in KW) and the location of pinch point(s). 4. Show that the expanded form of the LP transshipment model can be reduced to the compact LP transshipment model if there are no constraints on the heat loads of the individual matches. 5. Given the two hot and two cold streams below, determine a selection of matches that feature minimum utility consumption and fewest number of units, and which does not involve a match between hot stream H1 and cold stream C1. Formulate and solve the corresponding LP and MILP transshipment models. Stream Fcp(KW/ o C) Tin(C ) Tout(C)
H1 1 400 120 H2 2 340 120 C1 1.5 160 400 C2 1.3 100 250 Heating utility at 500 o C, Cooling utility at 30 o C, HRAT = 20 o C 9. :se the pro"ram ;<N=>A) to s#nthesize a heat exchan"er networ? for the followin" problem+ 7cp/?@$A0 ) in /A0 ) out /A0 =1 1- 91- 65- =2 2- 1.- 65- C1 11 B1- 91- C2 16 61- 1-- =eatin" utilit# at 94-A, cost , 34-$?@#r Coolin" utilit# at 6--%62-A, cost , 311$?@#r Individual heat transfer coefficients are 1 ?@$m 2 A. Cost exchan"er , 31--- * 11-A 'etermine also how the followin" items chan"e for settin" >MA) , 1A, 1 and 11A and draw the correspondin" networ? structures+ a0 )otal area b0 )otal investment cost c0 )otal utilit# cost d0 )otal cost 5 Civen is the four component mixture which is to be separated into pure componentsD A -.11 B -.6 7 , 1--- A"mol$hr C -.61 ' -.2 Assumin" sharp splits with hi"h recoveries and identical loads for condenser and reboiler, determine the optimal se&uence of distillation columns with an MI! formulation. Also find the second and third best solutions. 'ata 7ixed 8ariable =eat dut# coefficientsE ;#stem/1- 6 3$#r0 /1- 6 3$hr$?"mol #r0 /1- 9 ?F$?"mol0 A$BC' 1B1 -.B2 -.-24 AB$C' 12 -.12 -.-B2 ABC$' 59 -.21 -.-1B A$BC 121 -.54 -.-2B AB$C BB -.11 -.-6. B$C' 64 -.1B -.-B- BC$' 99 -.21 -.-B5 A$B 112 -.6. -.-22 B$C 65 -.-4 -.-69 C$' 14 -.1. -.-BB EBased on feed flowrate Cost of utilities+ C@+ 32-$?@#r ;team+ 3.-$?@#r 4. 'evelop a state%e&uipment networ? superstructure for the sharp separation of a mixture of B components /A,B,C,'0. (utline the main lo"ic constraints that appl# in that problem. .. Civen are two streams, each of B- ton$hr, containin" two pollutants, A and B. ;tream 1 contains 1-- ppm of A and 2- ppm of B. ;tream 2 contains 11 ppm of A and 2-- ppm of B. It is desired to reduce the concentration of both A and B down to 1- ppm each. Assume that there are two treatment units that can be used+ :nit )1 which recovers 1G of A and essentill# all of B, and unit )2 which recovers 2.BG of B and essentiall# all of A. a0 'evelop a superstructure that contains all the alternatives for mixin" and splittin" the two streams with the two treatment units. b0 Model the problem as an N! and solve to minimize the sum of total flow "oin" throu"h the units. c0 Heplace the N! b# an ! usin" the McCormic? underestimators for the bilinear terms. ;olve the ! and use its solution as startin" point for the N!. B. A utilit# plant must suppl# the followin" demands+ a0 !ower 1 , 51-- ?@ b0 !ower 2 , B1-- ?@ c0 Medium pressure steam , 21 ton$hr /minimum0 d0 ow pressure steam , 41 ton$hr /minimum0 'evelop a superstructure that contains the alternatives described below. 7ormulate and solve as an MI! to s#nthesize a utilit# s#stem that re&uires minimum annual cost. Also find the second and third best solutions. ;team+ =i"h pressure B.46 M!a, 514 A Medium pressure 2.-5 M!a, 126 A ow pressure -.6B M!a, B12 A ;team can be raised with hi"h pressure and$or medium pressure boilers. et down valves can be used. )urbines+ Medium to low are bac? pressure turbines. =i"h pressure turbines can be expanded down to medium or to low pressure, and also have extractions to medium pressure. !ower demands can be satisfied with an# of these turbines, but onl# one turbine can be assi"ned to each demand. >fficienc# turbines+ 91G )hermod#namic data+ = /hi"h to medium0 , 51 ?@hr$ton = /medium to low0 , 112 ?@hr$ton Cost data+ 7ixed 8ariable Boiler =! .-,--- 3$#r .,9-- 3hr$#r ton steam Boiler M! B-,--- 3$#r 4,1-- 3hr$#r ton steam M! turbine 21,--- 3$#r 1B.1 3$?@#r =! turbine B1,--- 3$#r 21 3$?@#r If extraction is used in =! turbine, an additional fixed char"e of 2-,--- 3$#r is re&uired. N()>+ 'o not consider dearator and return of steam condensate.