This document outlines an organization's privacy and confidentiality policy for handling clients' personal and sensitive information. It discusses how the organization only collects information directly related to providing its services. Clients are informed of what information is collected and how it will be used. Staff are required to protect the information from misuse, loss or unauthorized access. Clients have a right to access their own information, and it will not be disclosed without consent except as required by law. The document also briefly describes grievance, client consent, and hazard report forms used by the organization.
This document outlines an organization's privacy and confidentiality policy for handling clients' personal and sensitive information. It discusses how the organization only collects information directly related to providing its services. Clients are informed of what information is collected and how it will be used. Staff are required to protect the information from misuse, loss or unauthorized access. Clients have a right to access their own information, and it will not be disclosed without consent except as required by law. The document also briefly describes grievance, client consent, and hazard report forms used by the organization.
Original Description:
Aged Care Client Privacy & Confidentiality Protocol
This document outlines an organization's privacy and confidentiality policy for handling clients' personal and sensitive information. It discusses how the organization only collects information directly related to providing its services. Clients are informed of what information is collected and how it will be used. Staff are required to protect the information from misuse, loss or unauthorized access. Clients have a right to access their own information, and it will not be disclosed without consent except as required by law. The document also briefly describes grievance, client consent, and hazard report forms used by the organization.
This document outlines an organization's privacy and confidentiality policy for handling clients' personal and sensitive information. It discusses how the organization only collects information directly related to providing its services. Clients are informed of what information is collected and how it will be used. Staff are required to protect the information from misuse, loss or unauthorized access. Clients have a right to access their own information, and it will not be disclosed without consent except as required by law. The document also briefly describes grievance, client consent, and hazard report forms used by the organization.
We recognise that we hold a position of trust in holding personal and sensitive information. MNC Community Care Options has a strong commitment to maintaining the privacy and condentiality of clients of our service. In compliance with the following legislation Australian Privacy Act 2001, NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 our service adheres to the following privacy principles - our service only collects personal/sensitive information which is directly related to a function or activity of our service we will only use fair and lawful means to collect information we will collect personal information directly from an individual if it is reasonably practicable to do so. If information is collected from a third party, we will advise the client of the information collected our staff, prior to collection or as soon as practicable, inform clients from whom they seek personal/sensitive information the purpose of the collection of the information, any third; party to whom information will be given personal/sensitive information is only used for the purposes which are relevant our service strives to ensure the information collected is of good quality, objective, accurate, up to date, relevant and not too intrusive our service takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modication or disclosure clients have a right to access their personal information our service does not disclose personal information to anyone else except- with the consent of the person to prevent a serious and imminent threat to a persons life or health as required or authorised by law where reasonably necessary for the enforcement of criminal or revenue law.
Grievance form - A grievance is dened as a formal written complaint. The complaint alleges a wrong doing, inequity or injustice committed by a person or company against another.
Client consent form - written documents in order for clients to receive services provided by an organisation. This means that the client agree adhere to the rules and regulations of the organisation. It is also means for the organisation to nd out their preferences. It also protects the rights of client and organisation.
Hazard Report form - hazard information identied by any employee through observations, categories of the hazard and concern information are maintained in hazard report form, it is very important for the company that the employee / workmen to identies, monitor and help to secure regular activity by appointing hazard identication reporting to management.