Study On The Impact of Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Learning Strategies of Faculty of Education Undergraduates Studying ICT Courses
Study On The Impact of Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Learning Strategies of Faculty of Education Undergraduates Studying ICT Courses
Study On The Impact of Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Learning Strategies of Faculty of Education Undergraduates Studying ICT Courses
International Postgraduate Research Colloquium
IPRC Proceedings
Study on the Impact of Motivation, Self-Efficacy and
Learning Strategies of Faculty of Education Undergraduates
Studying ICT Courses
Mahmud Bin Hj Abd Wahab
International Islamic University Malaysia
The purpose of the study is to validate the survey instrument on its reliability and
validity. The process is done through the use of statistical tool SPSS and the usage of
principal component analysis. The sample population consists of 150 in-service teachers
from Institute of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia. The analysis
further utilized advance statistical method structural equation modeling (SEM). The
use of SEM is done through the confirmatory factor analysis to validate the psychological
and learning strategy construct only. This study is a pilot study and will be used for
further research on computer-aided studies in a full causal analysis.
Keywords: ICT, self-efficacy, motivation, prior knowledge, learning strategy
The purpose of the study is mainly to validate the existing instrument using principal component
analysis. The predictors are motivation, self-efficacy, prior knowledge and learning strategies. These
predictors are the dimensions that influence the undergraduate when using ICT at university level. The
study manage to gather 150 sample who are the undergraduate students studying Bachelor in
Education under PKPG program in INSTEAD, IIUM. It is actually a pilot test done to validate the
dimensionality of the items typically in themes such as motivation, self-efficacy, learning strategies
and prior knowledge as they were self-constructed items questionnaires. The data were collected using
4 main themes, where some of the themes have sub-items/themes. All the items were constructed by
using 7 Likert Scales which indicates point 1 = Strongly Disagree; 2 = Somewhat Disagree; 3 =
Disagree; 4 = Neutral; 5 = Somewhat Agree; 6 = Agree and 7 = Strongly Agree respectively. The
method employed by this research is by way of a survey questionnaires of 45 items coupled with some
demographic data.
Theoretical Framework
The study is based on various theoretical assumptions to validate the factors that influence the use of
ICT and how these factors influence each other. Cognitive theorists recognize that much learning
involves associations established through contiguity and repetition. They also acknowledge the
cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive
Postgraduate student, Institute of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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importance of reinforcement, although they stress its role in providing feedback about the correctness
of responses over its role as a motivator. However, even while accepting such behavioristic concepts,
structures through which humans process and store information (Good & Brophy, 1990).
Constructivist believed that learning is intimately associated with others; it is a social activity.
Learning is also contextual where one cannot isolate facts and theories. We learn in relation to what
else we already know, believe, out prejudices, fears and at least the knowledge of the language. This
theory is built on the basis of assimilation of new knowledge from having some structure developed
and based from previous knowledge. Learning is not instantaneous; it takes time to ponder, revisit
ideas, play and use them. Thus, constructivist believed that motivation is a key component in learning.
Motivation is a crucial component in determining students achievement. Motivation refers to the
process whereby goal-directed behavior is instigated and sustained (Schunk, 1990). It could be
extrinsically (externally) or intrinsically enforced. Schunk and Zimmerman (2004) studied how
motivation particularly the self and learners attempt to manage their achievements. Bandura (1977)
studied the relationship between motivation and goals orientation. This lead to more research that
showed setting of achievement goals influence task persistence and problem-solving efforts. (Dweck &
Leggett, 1988; Elliot & Dweck, 1988; Meece, 1994; Graham & Golan, 1991; Nolen & Haladyna,
1990). The study adapted the ARCS Model of Motivation (Keller, 1984) and makes changes to suit the
focus of ICT/Computer Design specifically. The model focuses on the attention (A); relevance (R);
confidence (C) and satisfaction (S). Keller found that students motives together with expectation
influence the degree of attention and effort they will put in to a learning task. These in turn are being
translated into achievement.
The next component which attracted many researchers is self efficacy. Since self-efficacy is a
contextual in nature and one cannot assumed efficacy to be true in all situation, the ICT or computer
self-efficacy would narrow down the scope. Self-efficacy is a state of system of belief and confidence
level of oneself that he or she is able to perform a specific task (Bandura, 1977). This general
understanding is rooted by Banduras social cognitive learning theory. It has its root of self-esteem,
motivation and self-regulation (Bandura, 1992). Self-efficacious learners feel confident about solving
problem as they have developed an approach to problem solving that worked in the past. They
attributed from their own effort, strategies and believe of their own ability to improve and recognize
error as part of learning process.
The development of learners self-efficacy in successfully completing a task is closely related to the
effective use of learning strategies (Zimmerman, 1990). Zimmerman and his associates have been
instrumental in tracing the relationships among self-efficacy perceptions, self-efficacy for self-
regulation, academic self-regulatory processes, and academic achievement (Risemberg & Zimmerman,
1992; Zimmerman & Ringle, 1981; Zimmerman, 1989, 1990, 1994, 1995; Zimmerman &
Bandura,1994; Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons,1990). Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons (1992)
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found that academic self-efficacy mediated the influence of self-efficacy for self-regulated learning on
academic achievement. Academic self-efficacy influenced achievement directly as well as indirectly by
raising students' grade goals. Other researchers have found that self-efficacy is related to self-regulated
learning variables (e.g., Feather, 1988; Fincham & Cain, 1986; Paris & Oka, 1986; Pintrich &
Schrauben, 1992; Pokay & Blumenfeld, 1990; Schunk, 1982b, 1985). Findings in this area suggest that
students who believe they are capable of performing academic tasks use more cognitive and meta-
cognitive strategies and persist longer than those who do not (see Pintrich & Garcia, 1991).
Having the right learning strategy will help students to higher expectations of learning success and
students with greater meta-cognitive awareness understand the similarity between new learning task
and precious task. They will know how to adapt the best strategies required for problem solving or
learning thus employ appropriate strategies that will lead to success (Paris & Winograd, 1990).
Literature on learning strategies explores different ways of learning (Pintrich & Johnson, 1990; Cross
& Steadman, 1996; Weinstein & Meyer, 1991). Literature on learning strategy assumes that students
motivation and use of learning strategies can be controlled by learners and changed through teaching.
According to Cross and Steadman (1996), cognitive learning strategies are behavioral skills learners
can use to improve their understanding, integration, and retention of new information. Learning
strategies include a wide variety of cognitive processes and behavioral skills (Weinstein & Meyer,
1991). General learning strategy components include rehearsal, elaboration, organization,
comprehension, meta-cognition, and resource management (Cross & Steadman, 1996; Weinstein &
Meyer, 1991).
Miller (1997b) identified 12 learning strategies used by the students studying agriculture through
videotapes. By pausing the tape while viewing and taking notes was the learning strategy that the
students used most. Miller (1997b) defined learning strategies as the techniques or skills used by an
individual in accomplishing a learning task (p. 21). His definition is different and not as broad as the
definition in Mayers study (1988). Mayer (1988) defined learning strategies as behaviors of a learner
that are intended to manipulate a persons cognitive processes during learning (p.11).
Chamot et al. (1999) argues that two domains of current learning theory and research provide a
rationale for learning strategies instruction. These are cognitive learning models, which focus on
learners mental processes, and social or social-cognitive models, which investigate the roles of
interaction between individuals and group processes in learning. Weinstein and Mayer (1986) argue
that an interest in learning strategies is the natural outgrowth of a change in orientation from
behaviorist theories to cognitive theories of learning. The behaviorist approach to learning focuses on
how presentation of material influences behavior. The cognitive approach to learning seeks to
understand how incoming information is processed and structured in memory.
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In Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), three different instruments are used to
measure learning strategies; Memorisation, Elaboration and Control strategies. According to
Wienstein and Mayers (1986) typology as previously presented, the first construct can be classified in
the category Basic Rehearsal Strategiesor Memorization Strategy. The second construct is
classified in the category Complex Elaboration Strategies or Relational strategy according to
Weinstein and Mayers (1986) typology. The third construct is called Control strategies. The construct
Control strategies has elements that belong in several of the six categories of learning strategies as
outlined by Nisbet and Shucksmith: Monitoring, Checking, Revising and Self-testing. All these
categories are related to the concept Macro-strategies in the hierarchical system. The construct could
be classified in the category Comprehension Monitoring Strategies according to Weinstein and
Mayers typology. The construct Control strategies is strongly related to the concept of meta-cognition
(Flavell, 1976, 1979; White, 1988).
One of the most common factor that existed within all the three main learning theories; behaviorism,
cognitivism and constructivism is prior knowledge. Behaviorist Skinner called it operant
conditioning where prior experience and knowledge of reinforcement determines ones behavior.
Cognitivist such as Bruners Discovery Learning theory, Ausubels Subsumption theory, and Garnes
Theory of learning hierarchies; all of them mentioned the impact and role of prior learning.
Constructivist such as Dewey, Piaget, and Vigotsky noticed the importance of prior knowledge in
learning environment and they believed that learning is a process through which ones experience is
translated into constructing meaning or constructing system of meaning. Studies on prior knowledge
and its impact on achievement were done by Schwarm (2003); prior knowledge and concept
construction, Weibelsahl (2002) Adapting prior knowledge approach to learning; Pazzzani (1992)
found that prior knowledge can hinders learning if the initial prior knowledge was established to be
wrong; Chen (2002) studies self-regulated learning strategies and achievement, and finally, Taboada
(2006) examine the impact of prior knowledge, students questioning and knowledge construction.
Research Questions
The study therefore aims at address the following research questions:
1. Does motivation influence the engineering undergraduates learning outcome?
2. Does the students confidence level (self-efficacy) of using computers have any impact to their
3. Does learning strategy has any impact of students achievement? If so, which learning strategy has
the highest impact when learning CAD courses?
4. Have prior knowledge influence the engineering students achievement?
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5. Do motivation, self-efficacy and learning strategy have indirect impact on learning outcome?
Based on the literature, this study hypothesized a model including the observed variables such as
motivation, IT efficacy, learning strategies and readiness. The methodology section outline the
participants, instrument, the data analysis procedure and presents the stages necessary to obtain a
model compatible with the hypothesized model.
This study involved the use of four instruments for collecting data from the respondents. Three of
the instrument the Students Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
Questionnaire (IEMQ), ICT and Design Prior Knowledge Questionnaire (IPKQ)) was self-developed
while the other one instrument (Students Learning Strategies Questionnaire (SLSQ) was adapted form
research literature.
The instrument is divided into two sections. The first section is questionnaire containing 45 items
and a seven-point Likert scale. The table below shows the breakdown of the number of items and the
themes they purportedly measure. The researcher decided to use a 7-point Likert scale so as to allow
the respondents to have more choices in their responses towards the items.
Table 1
Breakdown of Items according to Themes Investigated
Item numbers Themes measured
1 to 10 IT-efficacy
11 to 17 Readiness
18 to 24 Learning strategy 1 Memorization
25 to 29 Learning strategy 2 Elaboration
30 to 34 Learning strategy 3 Control
35 to 45 Motivation
A detailed description of the purposes, contents, response categories, and number of items for each
instrument, and evidence of the psychometric properties of the instruments are presented as follows:
Students Self - Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ)
The SSEQ is a 10-item instrument which was developed by the researcher in order to examine the
students level of self confidence toward ICT and the study of CAD application software. The SSEQ
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contain items assessing expectancy of success and self-appraisal of ones ability to master a task.
Although self-efficacy does has a linkage to motivation, the study would like to see the impact of self-
efficacy directly to the learning outcome. The SSEQ will undergo content, internal and items validity
which will be conducted through pilot study.
Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation Questionnaire (IEMQ)
The IEMQ is a 11-item instrument which was developed by the researcher in order to examine the
students motivation towards studying CAD application software. The IEMQ is sub-divided into
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic sub-division will have 6-items questions whereas the
extrinsic sub-division will have 5-item questions. The intrinsic motivation will yield result on the
internal enforcements like self-gratitude and sense of achievement whereas the extrinsic motivation
will yield result on the external enforcement in learning CAD application software such as rewards or
threat of a punishment. The IEMQ will undergo the content, internal and items validity which will be
conducted through pilot study.
ICT and Design Prior Knowledge Questionnaire (IPKQ)
The IPKQ is a 7-item instrument which was developed by the researcher in order to examine the
students prior knowledge in ICT and designing using drawing/designing software prior from taking
the course. Studying this course requires student to fully utilize the usage of computers and no prior
training was introduced on the basic utilization of computers. The CAD application software is
sophisticated software with 2-D and 3-D graphic requirement. The computer must have the minimum
specification which is o the high-end of the personal computing capabilities. The assumption that all
engineering undergraduate students have the prior knowledge in basic computer operations can be
deceiving. The researcher is being approach to study this dimension by the Deputy Dean of the faculty.
Students Learning Strategies Questionnaire (SLSQ)
The SLSQ is a 17-item instrument which was adopted by the researcher in order to examine various
students learning strategies when studying CAD application software. The research would like to
adapt the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey. In PISA, three different
instruments are used to measure learning strategies; Memorization, Elaboration and Control strategies.
Questions in the student questionnaire are used to measure the three concepts.
The first sub-construct is Memorization, which has 7 item questions. The reliabilities, as measured
by Cronbachs alpha, a method based on item co-variances (Crocker & Algina, 1986), are above 0.7 in
most of the countries in PISA.
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The second construct is named Elaboration (5 item questions) and the third construct is Control
Strategies (5 item questions). Like the other strategies, all the three strategies; Memorization,
Elaboration and Control Strategies have been tested and yield a reliability of 0.7 by Cronbachs Alpha.
Validation of the Survey Instrument Questionnaires
Prior to its use for the main study, the psychometric properties (i.e., validity and reliability) of the
Survey Instrument Questionnaires which consists of four main sub-constructs namely Students Self
Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), ICT and Design Prior Knowledge Questionnaire (IPKQ) and Students
Learning Strategies Questionnaire (SLSQ) were examined. More precisely, the content and construct-
related validity and measures of reliability estimates were established in a pilot study.
Validity refers to degree to which a measures what it is intended to measure (Gay, 1987, p.128).
In this study, only two types of validation were undertaken. These are (1) content validity, and (2)
construct validity. Gay (1987) also defines content validity as the degree to which a test measures the
intended area (p.129). This process involved the selection and solicitation of expert judgments of 5
lecturers and 5 PhD students of Institute of Education and Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of
Islamic Reveal Knowledge were sought on whether the items represent instrumental values. For
construct-related validity, item analysis and the technique of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
were employed. To estimate reliability measures, alpha reliability was run on the items comprising the
hypothesized dimensions.
The participants in this study were the undergraduates studying at Institute of Education,
International Islamic University Malaysia. All of them were from Teaching of English as Second
Language (TESL). Reasons for this selection are as follows:
i. all of them are homogeneous undergraduates taking IT courses;
ii. they are easily available in responding to the survey instrument;
iii. similarity in taking ICT courses will validate the instrument better.;
iv. adequate sample size to run principle component analysis.
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Data Analysis Procedure
Principal component analysis is a statistical approach that can be used to analyze inter-relationships
among a large number of variables and to explain these variables in term of their common underlying
dimensions or factors (Hair et al., 1998). The aim of this procedure is to find a way of condensing the
information contained in a number of original variables into a smaller set of variates (factors) with a
minimum loss of information. By providing the empirical estimates of the structure of the variables
considered, this analysis becomes an objective basis for creating summated scales. With factor
analysis, the researcher can first identify the separate dimensions of the structure and then determine
the extent to which each variable are determined. Once the dimensions and the explanation of each
variable are determined, summarization and data reduction is achieved.
Once the dimensions/factors are identified, the next step in the analysis is to test the reliability of
each of the construct. This is done by analyzing the data using data reliability analysis; Cronbach alpha
(). The cut-off of 0.70 of the alpha reading is considered to be a good and reliable factor (Hair et al.,
In order to analyze the hypothesized model, multivariate data analysis is employed. Hair, Anderson,
Thatham and Black (1998) explained that multivariate data analysis seems to be the prominent too in
todays educational research. Statistician Hardyick and Petronovich (1976) affirmed this to be the
future trend coupled with other advance modeling techniques. In arriving to the conclusion, the study
undertook a confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS Analysis of Moment Structure a model-
fitting program (Arbuckle, 1989, 1999). The program could assess a full structural equation modeling
(SEM) that serves as a tool to validate the underlying structures of the hypothesized model. In other
words, SEM is a technique that combines both the features of multiple regressions and factor analysis,
which enable the study not only to assess the complex interrelated dependent relationships but
simultaneously incorporates the effects of measurement error on the structural variables. The
advantages of using SEM to answer the given research questions were multiple.
First, it facilitated a simultaneous estimation of dependence relationships among the exogenous (the
language of the learning-cycle text, students English language proficiency and prior achievements in
Science and UPSR) and endogenous (students meaningful understanding) variables in the proposed
model. Second, it enabled the identification of underlying non-observable constructs, the latent
variables which were not measured directly in the study. This capability would substantially contribute
to theory building because a theory, in general, aims at describing relationships among latent variables.
Finally, the ability of the SEM to extract latent variables on the basis of the observed covariance among
the measured (manifest) variables allowed the researcher to estimate the measurement error; hence, the
reliability of the data.
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Model Specification and Assessment
The hypothesized model was estimated using the covariance matrix derived from the data. To
evaluate the adequacy of the estimated models, the analysis used the conventionally accepted criteria
for assessing its goodness of fit (MacCallum & Austin, 2000). Given that the model was substantially
and methodologically fit, it was revised when the need arose.
To assess the fit of the 45-item measurement model the analysis relied on a number of descriptive fit
indices, which includes the 1) minimum value of the discrepancy between the observed data and the
hypothesized model divided by degrees of freedom (CMIN/df); 2) comparative fit index (CFI); 3)
Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) and 4) root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA). Arbuckle and
Wothke (1999) point out that CMIN/df with the value of less than 5 is considered acceptable. Second,
the possible value of CFI, TLI ranges from zero to 1, with the value close to one demonstrating a good
fit. Finally, a value of RMSEA of 0.8 or less shows a reasonable error of estimation.
On the basis of the preceding framework, the study identified a model of interrelated dependence
relationships. It contained the 5 manifest or observed variables. One measurement model which
attempted to extract a latent variable, labeled prior achievement was established in the specification.
To estimate the hypothesized models, the study used AMOS data-fitting program (Arbuckle &
Wothke, 1999). The program adopted maximum likelihood estimation in generating estimates of the
full-fledged model. In addition, since the program analyzed covariance matrices, the estimation
procedure satisfied the underlying statistical distribution theory, and thereby yielding estimates of
desirable properties.
Once the model was estimated, the study applied a set of measures to evaluate its goodness of fit.
The measures, guided by the conventionally accepted criteria for deciding what constitutes good fit,
assessed (i) the consistency of the hypothesized model with the empirical data, and (ii) the
reasonableness of the estimates. The consistency of the model with the data was determined using four
measures that reflected the overall model fit. The first measure was the minimum value of the
discrepancy between the observed data and the hypothesized model (
). An insignificant
represented the reasonableness of the hypothesized model. The second index was the root mean square
error of approximation (RMSEA). A value of RMSEA, approximating the discrepancy that could be
expected in the population, of less than .08 was judged reasonable for a fitting model. Third, the study
examined the AGFI which is an index for assessing the adjusted goodness of fit of the model. The
measure of AGFI is analogous to the adjusted coefficient of determination in multiple regression. The
AGFI index should range from approximately zero to 1, with the value of at least .90 reflecting good fit
of the model to the data. A value higher than .90 would thus be more desirable.
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The study also examined the magnitude and direction of individual parameter estimate to determine
its usefulness. This examination sought for offending estimates, such as negative error variances and
theoretically inconsistent coefficients, which could undermine the validity of the model.
The analysis used is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where varimax rotation was conducted
to determine the construct validity of the data collected from both undergraduate and postgraduate
students. The analysis adopted an exploratory approach where no assumed structure is to be
In identify the underlying dimensions by the variables, the factors analysis was conducted on the
inter-variable correlations matrix. This is a data reduction technique used to determine if there is a
smaller number of underlying dimensions which account for the major sources of variation in the
students responses.
Prior to assessing assumptions, a visual inspection was done by looking at the Correlation Matrix to
see patterns of relationship among the items. The table shows that a considerable number of
correlations were greater than 0.3, which means that the matrix was suitable for factoring and
suggested the appropriateness of the principal component analysis for the data.
In assessing assumptions for correlated variables in the initial solution, three tests were conducted.
First, for Bartletts Test for Sphericity, it was found that (150) = 4654.13, p =.001. The result shows
statistically significant correlation among items.
Secondly, the overall Keiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy was 0.883,
demonstrating that the sample was sufficient to support PCA and since it is greater than 0.7, it shows
that there was good correlation among the items.
Table 2
KMO and Bartletts Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .883
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square
Thirdly, the Anti-Image Correlation Matrices were analyzed to measure individual variables
Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA). The results demonstrates that all individual items were greater
than 0.5. They ranged from 0.67 and 0.92. This shows that all or most of the items were clearly
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constructed and proved that the items does not confuse to the respondents (students) or found to be
double-barrel questions.
Next, the measure of Communality of items indicates that a majority of scores are 0.50 and greater.
All the items are between 0.562 to 0.857 therefore, it can be stated that the results of all the statistically
test above pointed to the appropriateness of using PCA in the study.
There are seven factors with eigenvalues greater than or equal to one were derived which accounted
fro about 73.7% of the total variance. Out of seven factors generated, only five factors were retained for
further analysis as the other factors wither have weak loading less than 0.40 or do not comprise of four
or more items.
The first factor is labeled as Motivation, while the second factor is labeled Self-efficacy. The third
factor was named Learning Strategy 1 Elaboration and the forth factor was labeled as Learning
Strategy 2 Memorization. The fifth factor was labeled as Learning Strategy 3 - Conceptualization.
These five factors consist of 33 items altogether which retained for further analysis which accounted
for modest 64.2% from the total variance explained.
The first rotated factor comprises of eleven items, which accounts for 19.4% of the variance
explained. This variable was intended to draw information about the students level of motivation when
studying ICT courses at IIUM. The items in this factor were focused on what the intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation that helps the student to develop and broaden their learning, experience and ICT skills. The
items in this factor are as follows:
Factor 1 Motivation - The student believe that; Loading
1. I study ICT courses because I enjoy the subject. .57
2. I learn and practice ICT subject because I enjoy the challenge. .52
3. I do my assigned work because the subject I learn is really interesting. .41
4. Studying ICT gives me opportunity to expand my personal and .72
professional knowledge.
5. Learning ICT can improve and initiate change in the way I do everyday .74
6. I learn ICT as it gives me satisfaction in accomplishing my assignment. .68
7. I like learning new knowledge found in ICT course. .73
8. I learn ICT as it gives me the career that I wish for. .58
9. Leaning ICT has positive impact on my education and career. .80
10. I learn ICT to improve my academic and professional skills. .90
11. Recognition for ICT skills at the work place, encourages me to acquire it. .79
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The second factor also consists of seven items, which accounts for 14.5% of the variance. This
variable was intended to draw information about the significant of students perception and believe on
their level of competencies in using ICT at IIUM. The items in this factor were focused on what the
students confidence level in using ICT which could develop and broaden their learning, experience
and skills. The items in this factor are as follows:
Factor 2 Self-Efficacy - The student believe that; Loading
1. I believe that I can understand the difficult material presented in .69
IT courses.
2. I am certain that I will receive excellent grades in the IT courses. .78
3. I am confident I can understand the complex material presented by .78
my lecturer in the IT courses.
4. I am certain that I can master the IT skills taught in the university. .77
5. Considering the difficulty of the IT courses, I think I will do well in .66
the courses.
6. The complexity/difficulty of IT courses is challenges that I can face. .76
7. For the IT courses, I have a strong commitment to do well. .69
The third factor is Learning Strategy 1 Elaboration. In this factor there were five items
altogether which constitute the learning strategies of students when studying using computers. The
items showed that the students tend to relate their experiences to computer lessons and application of
those elaboration with the software used. The amount of variance is 11.3%. These items refer to how
student relate, connects and elaborate the materials with what they already have known. The items in
this strategy are as follows:
Factor 3 Learning Strategies 1 - Elaboration Loading
1. I try to relate new materials to things I have learned in other subjects. .74
2. I figure out how the information might be useful in the real world. .64
3. I try to understand the material better by relating it to things I already .81
4. I figure out how the material fits in what I have already learnt. .84
5. When studying, I start to figure out what I need to learn. .53
The fourth factor is students learning strategies 2 - Memorization which comprises of six items.
These items are amount of 11.1% of variance explained. The items were primarily focus on students
learning strategies which is memorization. Undoubtedly, memorization is still the popular learning
strategy used by the students even at university level. The six items of prior knowledge and skills are:
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Factor 4 Learning Strategies 2 - Memorization Loading
1. I try to memorize everything that might be covered .85
2. I memorize as mush as possible .89
3. I memorize all new material so that I can recite it .87
4. I practice by saying the material to myself over and over again .57
5. When I memorize, I also write it down. .60
6. I read again and again so that I can remember the exact words of .74
phrases in that chapter
The fifth factor which is the final factor is students learning strategies 3 Control/Conceptualized
which comprises of four items. These items are amount of 7.9% of variance explained. The items were
primarily focus on students learning strategies which is conceptualization of lessons taught.
Conceptualization is the final learning strategy whereby student are able to conceptualized the
application and getting a bigger overall picture and ability to control the situation given. The four
items of learning strategy conceptualization and control are:
Factor 5 Learning Strategies 3 - Conceptualization and control Loading
1. I try to identify the concepts that I have not understood .55
2. To see if I remember what I have learnt, I always try to recall it .78
3. I make sure that I remember the most important things .56
4. I look for additional information whenever I dont understand .83
Table 3
Total Variance Explained
sum sq.
loading %
1 12.482 37.823 19.362 19.362
2 3.650 11.060 14.539 33.901
3 2.480 7.514 11.344 45.246
4 2.195 6.652 11.092 56.338
5 1.399 4.240 7.870 64.208
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
In order to test the validity of those factors Cronbach alpha were tested for all the items contained in
a particular factor. Cronbach's alpha is the most common form of internal consistency reliability
coefficient. By convention, a lenient cut-off of .60 is common in exploratory research. The first factor
which was labeled named as Motivation has alpha reading of 0.94, the second which is labeled as Self-
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efficacy has alpha reading of 0.89, the third factor labeled Learning Strategy - Elaboration & Relate
has alpha reading of 0.89 and the fourth factor labeled as Learning Strategy 2 - Memorization has alpha
reading of 0.88. Finally the fifth sixth factor labeled Learning Strategy 3 - Conceptualization and
Control has alpha reading of 0.80. Based on the convention, all 5 factors are statistically reliable to be
named as factors to be considered in this research.
The research are able to gather information on motivation, self-efficacy, prior knowledge and
various learning strategies used by undergraduate when studying ICT courses in IIUM especially
Bachelor in Education (TESL). Since the aim of this study is to test the dimensionality of the
underlying factors which is priori in nature before the final research is executed, the result has been
satisfactory. The analysis using Principal Component Analysis is able of produce 5 main
predictor/factors that contributed to the study of ICT utilization in IIUM settings. A further analysis
was performed to determine the relationships of the 5 factors to determine the correlation between the
underlying factors. Pearsons Correlation Matrix was produced as list below:
Table 4
Motivate Self-efficacy
Motivate Pearson
1 .560** .593** .221** .47**
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .007 .000
150 150 150 150 150
Self-efficacy Pearson
.560** 1 .529** .224** .390**
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .006 .000
150 150 150 150 150
LS1 Elaboration Pearson
.593** .529** 1 .310** .620**
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .000 .000
150 150 150 150 150
LS2 Memorization Pearson
.221** .224** . 310** 1 .298**
Sig. (2-tailed)
.007 .006 .000 .000
150 150 150 150 150
.478** .390** .620** .298** 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .000 .000
150 150 150 150 150
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
It is noted that all the factors the learning strategies (elaboration, memorization, and
conceptualization) and psychological dimension (self-efficacy and motivation) are highly correlated to
each other.
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IPRC Proceedings
Structural Equation Modeling
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical methodology that takes confirmatory (i.e.,
hypothesis testing) approach to the analysis of a structural theory bearing in some phenomenon. It
conveys two important aspects of the procedure:
a. the causal processes under study are represented by a series of structural (i.e., regression
equations); and
b. these structural relations can be modeled pictorially to enable a clearer conceptualization of the
theory under study.
The result extracted from the factor analysis gives us some indication on how the model would look
like. The path analysis is used by using AMOS data-fitting program (Arbuckle & Wothke, 1999), to
support the relationships. The study takes the approach of Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirming
the Principal Component Analysis.
The hypothesized model (CFA model) is shown below:
Figure 1. The relationship between learning strategies and psychological factors influencing
the undergraduates learning while taking ICT courses in university.
As seen from the model and the path coefficient, two dominant predictors namely psychological
factor and the learning strategies. While examining the learning strategy, the study found that the path
coefficient of relating learning strategy is the highest at 0.83, followed by conceptual learning strategy
(0.58) and memorization learning strategy (0.37) consecutively.
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IPRC Proceedings
The path coefficient of the psychological factor shows that motivation plays an important role in
the study of ICT courses. The path coefficient of motivation is at 0.80 whereas the self-efficacy path
coefficient is 0.61. The double-headed arrow in the hypothesized model shows the covariance between
the learning strategies factor and psychological factors.
Specifically, the analysis found statistically significant path coefficients, implying the following
causal links:
1. Administrators/Teachers self-efficacy and motivation shows a contributing factor of
psychological variable and has a direct impact on the learning process of ICT at university level.
2. The three main learning strategy namely, elaboration; memorization and conceptualization strategy
have a positive contributing factor under the latent variable; learning strategies.
3. The study takes into account the relationship between psychological factor and learning strategies
and found that they are positively co-related and statistically significant covariance coefficient at
4. The model has to undergo certain overall fit indices and the model can only be considered as
acceptable when Root Mean Square Error Approximation (RMSEA) and Normal fit Index Index is
higher than 0.9. (Bentler & Bonett, 1980) The other measure for acceptable path model is the
Adjusted Goodness of Fix Indexes (AGFI) is considered significant when the reading shows less
than 0.10 (Kelloway, 1998; Rigdon, 1996).
Fit Measures Default Model Recommended Index
Adjusted GFI 0.98 > 0.90
Normal Fit Index 0.99 > 0.90
RMSEA 0.01 < 0.05
The result of the analysis clearly established the hypothesis set forth for the study. The first
research question is the relationship between motivation, self-efficacy, prior-knowledge and learning
strategies. The analysis affirms that the said predictors positively influence the usage of the in-service
teachers. Motivation and self-efficacy as psychological factor influence the teachers ICT usage. This
result is in-line with other research done by Rogers (2002) that links motivation with teachers
expectation and self-efficacy. Other studies clarify the interest and motivation such as the importance
of interest (Lore, Krapp, & Baumert, 1998), intrinsic motivation (Csikszentimihalyi et al., 1993),
teachers efficacy (Datnow & Castellano, 2000; Goddardn Hoy & Hoy, 2000; Tschannen-Moran,
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The second main research question deals with the learning strategy and the analysis affirm that
teachers have various learning strategy when learning and use of ICT. The CFA depict that
elaboration/relation strategy is the highest among other construct, which mean that teachers try to relate
to the outside world when using ICT. This strategy is followed by conceptualization strategy (58%)
and memorization strategy (37%). In the use of ICT these teachers did not use memorization strategy
and would rather do it practically. The use of learning specific learning strategy are found to facilitate
self-management(which in this case the use of ICT) in order to achieve desired outcomes. (Weinstein
& Mayer, 1986) Here, the use of relation/elaboration strategy by teachers is found to solve certain
practical problems encountered or trying to relate with real life problem. (Amiran & Katims, 1985;
Nisbet & Shucksmith, 1986) Consequently, a specific learning strategy one formulates consists of
cognitive process, behavioral activities, and emotions to facilitate their achievement. (Derry, 1990)
Another caution from the researcher is that the present study does not meant to establish any causal
effect although SEM has the capability to do so. This is because the study is meant for pilot study to
verify and validate the instrument. That is why the statistical tool utilized is principal component
analysis as well as measurement model which is the proper tool for the exercise. Further analysis
using full structural modeling technique should be employed to extend the full potential of SEM.
The results of the study offered adequate representation of a commonality in meaning shared by
the items; there are ample supports for construct-related validity of students learning strategies are
significantly related to the psychological construct when it comes to the learning of ICT courses. The
calibrated items would be useful as it gives a explanation on which strategies that students are familiar
and which one contributed highly when it comes to learning ICT. Finally the findings contribute to the
explanation of students self-efficacy and motivation does have an impact when it comes to their
learning process especially when it comes to state-of-the-art technology i.e. computers. It clearly
validates the instrument as well shed some light to the in-service undergraduate teachers when they
utilized ICT in their learning environment.
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