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Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries. Table of Contents Index Safety and Notices Trademarks Start Diagnostics Edition: June 2003 The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the products or the programs described may be made at any time. 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P/N 12G9321 4038-001 iii 4038-001 Table of contents Laser notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Machine features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Print materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Cleaning the machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Cleaning the outside of the machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Cleaning the inside of the machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Cleaning the scan unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Cleaning the photoconductor drum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Maintenance approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Diagnostic information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Error message table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Symptom table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Paper feed problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Printing and copying problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Scanning problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Faxing problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Print quality checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Service checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30 Diagnostic aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Configuration modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Clear All Memory mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Dial mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Error Rate mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Modem Speed mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Park CCD module mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Print Properties mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Send Level mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 System Settings Report mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 iv Service Manual 4038-001 Machine tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8 DRAM Memory test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8 Modem Protocol Log test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9 Modem test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9 Motor, Fan, Solenoid test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-10 Operator Panel Button test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-11 Operator Panel test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-12 Printhead test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13 Print Quality Pages test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-14 ROM Memory test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-15 Scanner CCD Module and Motor test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-16 Sensor test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-16 Customizing settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-18 Content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-18 Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-19 Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-19 Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20 Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21 Repair information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 Removals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 Automatic document feed (ADF) removals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-16 CCD module assembly removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-18 Fan removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-30 Fuser removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-31 HVPS contact removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-32 LVPS / HVPS card removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-33 Main drive assembly removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-36 Main paper feed roller removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-38 Main feed roller solenoid removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-41 Manual paper feed sensor actuator removal . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-44 Modem card removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-46 Operator panel removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-49 Paper empty sensor actuator removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-51 Paper feed sensor actuator removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-53 Paper tray feed roller removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-55 Paper tray pick roller assembly removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-56 Paper tray solenoid removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-60 Printhead removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-62 Scanner assembly removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-63 Scanner card assembly removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-67 Scanner assembly cushion removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-70 v 4038-001 Scanner assembly hinge removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-71 System board removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-72 Transfer roll removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-75 Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Front view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Rear view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 EP rollers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Operator panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 HVPS / LVPS card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Modem card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Operator panel card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 Scanner card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 System board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 ADF paper path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 Printer engine paper path/paper jams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 Preventive maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Parts catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 How to use this parts catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Assembly 1: Scanner assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Assembly 2: Main assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Assembly 3: Frame assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 Part number index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-5 vi Service Manual 4038-001 Laser notices vii 4038-001 Laser notices The following laser notice labels may be affixed to this printer as shown. Laser advisory label With the middle cover removed, the laser advisory label is affixed to the top of the printhead. viii Service Manual 4038-001 Class 1 Laser Statement label The Class 1 laser label is located on the rear of the machine. Example: Laser notices ix 4038-001 Laser notice The printer is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1) laser products, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of IEC 60825-1. Class I laser products are not considered to be hazardous. The printer contains internally a Class IIIb (3b) laser that is nominally a 5 milliwatt gallium arsenide laser operating in the wavelength region of 770-795 nanometers. The laser system and printer are designed so there is never any human access to laser radiation above a Class I level during normal operation, user maintenance, or prescribed service condition. Laser Der Drucker erfllt gem amtlicher Besttigung der USA die Anforderungen der Bestimmung DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) 21 CFR Teil J fr Laserprodukte der Klasse I (1). In anderen Lndern gilt der Drucker als Laserprodukt der Klasse I, der die Anforderungen der IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 60825-1 gem amtlicher Besttigung erfllt. Laserprodukte der Klasse I gelten als unschdlich. Im Inneren des Druckers befindet sich ein Laser der Klasse IIIb (3b), bei dem es sich um einen Galliumarsenlaser mit 5 Milliwatt handelt, der Wellen der Lnge 770-795 Nanometer ausstrahlt. Das Lasersystem und der Drucker sind so konzipiert, da im Normalbetrieb, bei der Wartung durch den Benutzer oder bei ordnungsgemer Wartung durch den Kundendienst Laserbestrahlung, die die Klasse I bersteigen wrde, Menschen keinesfalls erreicht. x Service Manual 4038-001 Avis relatif lutilisation de laser Pour les Etats-Unis : cette imprimante est certifie conforme aux provisions DHHS 21 CFR alina J concernant les produits laser de Classe I (1). Pour les autres pays : cette imprimante rpond aux normes IEC 60825-1 relatives aux produits laser de Classe I. Les produits laser de Classe I sont considrs comme des produits non dangereux. Cette imprimante est quipe dun laser de Classe IIIb (3b) (arsniure de gallium dune puissance nominale de 5 milliwatts) mettant sur des longueurs donde comprises entre 770 et 795 nanomtres. Limprimante et son systme laser sont conus pour impossible, dans des conditions normales dutilisation, dentretien par lutilisateur ou de rvision, lexposition des rayonnements laser suprieurs des rayonnements de Classe I . Avvertenze sui prodotti laser Questa stampante certificata negli Stati Uniti per essere conforme ai requisiti del DHHS 21 CFR Sottocapitolo J per i prodotti laser di classe 1 ed certificata negli altri Paesi come prodotto laser di classe 1 conforme ai requisiti della norma CEI 60825-1. I prodotti laser di classe non sono considerati pericolosi. La stampante contiene al suo interno un laser di classe IIIb (3b) allarseniuro di gallio della potenza di 5mW che opera sulla lunghezza donda compresa tra 770 e 795 nanometri. Il sistema laser e la stampante sono stati progettati in modo tale che le persone a contatto con la stampante, durante il normale funzionamento, le operazioni di servizio o quelle di assistenza tecnica, non ricevano radiazioni laser superiori al livello della classe 1. Laser notices xi 4038-001 Avisos sobre el lser Se certifica que, en los EE.UU., esta impresora cumple los requisitos para los productos lser de Clase I (1) establecidos en el subcaptulo J de la norma CFR 21 del DHHS (Departamento de Sanidad y Servicios) y, en los dems pases, rene todas las condiciones expuestas en la norma IEC 60825-1 para productos lser de Clase I (1). Los productos lser de Clase I no se consideran peligrosos. La impresora contiene en su interior un lser de Clase IIIb (3b) de arseniuro de galio de funcionamiento nominal a 5 milivatios en una longitud de onda de 770 a 795 nanmetros. El sistema lser y la impresora estn diseados de forma que ninguna persona pueda verse afectada por ningn tipo de radiacin lser superior al nivel de la Clase I durante su uso normal, el mantenimiento realizado por el usuario o cualquier otra situacin de servicio tcnico. Declarao sobre Laser A impressora est certificada nos E.U.A. em conformidade com os requisitos da regulamentao DHHS 21 CFR Subcaptulo J para a Classe I (1) de produtos laser. Em outros locais, est certificada como um produto laser da Classe I, em conformidade com os requisitos da norma IEC 60825-1. Os produtos laser da Classe I no so considerados perigosos. Internamente, a impressora contm um produto laser da Classe IIIb (3b), designado laser de arseneto de potssio, de 5 milliwatts ,operando numa faixa de comprimento de onda entre 770 e 795 nanmetros. O sistema e a impressora laser foram concebidos de forma a nunca existir qualquer possiblidade de acesso humano a radiao laser superior a um nvel de Classe I durante a operao normal, a manuteno feita pelo utilizador ou condies de assistncia prescritas. xii Service Manual 4038-001 Laserinformatie De printer voldoet aan de eisen die gesteld worden aan een laserprodukt van klasse I. Voor de Verenigde Staten zijn deze eisen vastgelegd in DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J, voor andere landen in IEC 60825-1. Laserprodukten van klasse I worden niet als ongevaarlijk aangemerkt. De printer is voorzien van een laser van klasse IIIb (3b), dat wil zeggen een gallium arsenide-laser van 5 milliwatt met een golflengte van 770-795 nanometer. Het lasergedeelte en de printer zijn zo ontworpen dat bij normaal gebruik, bij onderhoud of reparatie conform de voorschriften, nooit blootstelling mogelijk is aan laserstraling boven een niveau zoals voorgeschreven is voor klasse 1. Lasermeddelelse Printeren er godkendt som et Klasse I-laserprodukt, i overenstemmelse med kravene i IEC 60825-1. Klasse I-laserprodukter betragtes ikke som farlige. Printeren indeholder internt en Klasse IIIB (3b)-laser, der nominelt er en 5 milliwatt galliumarsenid laser, som arbejder p blgelngdeomrdet 770-795 nanometer. Lasersystemet og printeren er udformet sledes, at mennesker aldrig udsttes for en laserstrling over Klasse I-niveau ved normal drift, brugervedligeholdelse eller obligatoriske servicebetingelser. Laser notices xiii 4038-001 Huomautus laserlaitteesta Tm kirjoitin on Yhdysvalloissa luokan I (1) laserlaitteiden DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J -mrityksen mukainen ja muualla luokan I laserlaitteiden IEC 60825-1 -mrityksen mukainen. Luokan I laserlaitteiden ei katsota olevan vaarallisia kyttjlle. Kirjoittimessa on sisinen luokan IIIb (3b) 5 milliwatin galliumarsenidilaser, joka toimii aaltoalueella 770 - 795 nanometri. Laserjrjestelm ja kirjoitin on suunniteltu siten, ett kyttj ei altistu luokan I mrityksi voimakkaammalle steilylle kirjoittimen normaalin toiminnan, kyttjn tekemien huoltotoimien tai muiden huoltotoimien yhteydess. VARO! Avattaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina nkymttmlle lasersteilylle. l katso steeseen. VARNING! Osynlig laserstrlning nr denna del r ppnad och sprren r urkopplad. Betrakta ej strlen. Laser-notis Denna skrivare r i USA certifierad att motsvara kraven i DHHS 21 CFR, underparagraf J fr laserprodukter av Klass I (1). I andra lnder uppfyller skrivaren kraven fr laserprodukter av Klass I enligt kraven i IEC 60825-1. Laserprodukter i Klass I anses ej hlsovdliga. Skrivaren har en inbyggd laser av Klass IIIb (3b) som bestr av en laserenhet av gallium-arsenid p 5 milliwatt som arbetar i vglngdsomrdet 770- 795 nanometer. Lasersystemet och skrivaren r utformade s att det aldrig finns risk fr att ngon person utstts fr laserstrlning ver Klass I-niv vid normal anvndning, underhll som utfrs av anvndaren eller annan freskriven servicetgrd. xiv Service Manual 4038-001 Laser-melding Skriveren er godkjent i USA etter kravene i DHHS 21 CFR, underkapittel J, for klasse I (1) laserprodukter, og er i andre land godkjent som et Klasse I-laserprodukt i samsvar med kravene i IEC 60825-1. Klasse I-laserprodukter er ikke betrakte som farlige. Skriveren inneholder internt en klasse IIIb (3b)-laser, som bestr av en gallium-arsenlaserenhet som avgir strling i blgelengdeomrdet 770-795 nanometer. Lasersystemet og skriveren er utformet slik at personer aldri utsettes for laserstrling ut over klasse I-niv under vanlig bruk, vedlikehold som utfres av brukeren, eller foreskrevne serviceoperasjoner. Avs sobre el Lser Segons ha estat certificat als Estats Units, aquesta impressora compleix els requisits de DHHS 21 CFR, apartat J, pels productes lser de classe I (1), i segons ha estat certificat en altres llocs, s un producte lser de classe I que compleix els requisits dIEC 60825-1. Els productes lser de classe I no es consideren perillosos. Aquesta impressora cont un lser de classe IIIb (3b) darsenir de gal.li, nominalment de 5 mil.liwats, i funciona a la regi de longitud dona de 770-795 nanmetres. El sistema lser i la impressora han sigut concebuts de manera que mai hi hagi exposici a la radiaci lser per sobre dun nivell de classe I durant una operaci normal, durant les tasques de manteniment dusuari ni durant els serveis que satisfacin les condicions prescrites. Laser notices xv 4038-001 Japanese Laser Notice Chinese Laser Notice xvi Service Manual 4038-001 Korean Laser Notice Safety information xvii 4038-001 Safety information The safety of this product is based on testing and approvals of the original design and specific components. The manufacturer is not responsible for safety in the event of use of unauthorized replacement parts. The maintenance information for this product has been prepared for use by a professional service person and is not intended to be used by others. There may be an increased risk of electric shock and personal injury during disassembly and servicing of this product. Professional service personnel should understand this and take necessary precautions. CAUTION: When you see this symbol, there is a danger from hazardous voltage in the area of the product where you are working. Unplug the product before you begin, or use caution if the product must receive power in order to perform the task. Consignes de scurit La scurit de ce produit repose sur des tests et des agrations portant sur sa conception d'origine et sur des composants particuliers. Le fabricant n'assume aucune responsabilit concernant la scurit en cas d'utilisation de pices de rechange non agres. Les consignes d'entretien et de rparation de ce produit s'adressent uniquement un personnel de maintenance qualifi. Le dmontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant prsenter certains risques lectriques, le personnel d'entretien qualifi devra prendre toutes les prcautions ncessaires. ATTENTION : Ce symbole indique la prsence d'une tension dangereuse dans la partie du produit sur laquelle vous travaillez. Dbranchez le produit avant de commencer ou faites preuve de vigilance si l'excution de la tche exige que le produit reste sous tension. xviii Service Manual 4038-001 Norme di sicurezza La sicurezza del prodotto si basa sui test e sull'approvazione del progetto originale e dei componenti specifici. Il produttore non responsabile per la sicurezza in caso di sostituzione non autorizzata delle parti. Le informazioni riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di assistenza autorizzato. Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto, il rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni alla persona pi elevato. Il personale di assistenza autorizzato deve, quindi, adottare le precauzioni necessarie. ATTENZIONE: Questo simbolo indica la presenza di tensione pericolosa nell'area del prodotto. Scollegare il prodotto prima di iniziare o usare cautela se il prodotto deve essere alimentato per eseguire l'intervento. Sicherheitshinweise Die Sicherheit dieses Produkts basiert auf Tests und Zulassungen des ursprnglichen Modells und bestimmter Bauteile. Bei Verwendung nicht genehmigter Ersatzteile wird vom Hersteller keine Verantwortung oder Haftung fr die Sicherheit bernommen. Die Wartungsinformationen fr dieses Produkt sind ausschlielich fr die Verwendung durch einen Wartungsfachmann bestimmt. Whrend des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des Gerts besteht ein zustzliches Risiko eines elektrischen Schlags und krperlicher Verletzung. Das zustndige Fachpersonal sollte entsprechende Vorsichtsmanahmen treffen. ACHTUNG: Dieses Symbol weist auf eine gefhrliche elektrische Spannung hin, die in diesem Bereich des Produkts auftreten kann. Ziehen Sie vor den Arbeiten am Gert den Netzstecker des Gerts, bzw. arbeiten Sie mit groer Vorsicht, wenn das Produkt fr die Ausfhrung der Arbeiten an den Strom angeschlossen sein mu. Safety information xix 4038-001 Pautas de Seguridad La seguridad de este producto se basa en pruebas y aprobaciones del diseo original y componentes especficos. El fabricante no es responsable de la seguridad en caso de uso de piezas de repuesto no autorizadas. La informacin sobre el mantenimiento de este producto est dirigida exclusivamente al personal cualificado de mantenimiento. Existe mayor riesgo de descarga elctrica y de daos personales durante el desmontaje y la reparacin de la mquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este peligro y tomar las precauciones necesarias. PRECAUCIN: este smbolo indica que el voltaje de la parte del equipo con la que est trabajando es peligroso. Antes de empezar, desenchufe el equipo o tenga cuidado si, para trabajar con l, debe conectarlo. Informaes de Segurana A segurana deste produto baseia-se em testes e aprovaes do modelo original e de componentes especficos. O fabricante no responsvel pela segunrana, no caso de uso de peas de substituio no autorizadas. As informaes de segurana relativas a este produto destinam-se a profissionais destes servios e no devem ser utilizadas por outras pessoas. Risco de choques elctricos e ferimentos graves durante a desmontagem e manuteno deste produto. Os profissionais destes servios devem estar avisados deste facto e tomar os cuidados necessrios. CUIDADO: Quando vir este smbolo, existe a possvel presena de uma potencial tenso perigosa na zona do produto em que est a trabalhar. Antes de comear, desligue o produto da tomada elctrica ou seja cuidadoso caso o produto tenha de estar ligado corrente elctrica para realizar a tarefa necessria. xx Service Manual 4038-001 Informaci de Seguretat La seguretat d'aquest producte es basa en l'avaluaci i aprovaci del disseny original i els components especfics. El fabricant no es fa responsable de les qestions de seguretat si s'utilitzen peces de recanvi no autoritzades. La informaci pel manteniment daquest producte est orientada exclusivament a professionals i no est destinada a ning que no ho sigui. El risc de xoc elctric i de danys personals pot augmentar durant el procs de desmuntatge i de servei daquest producte. El personal professional ha destar-ne assabentat i prendre les mesures convenients. PRECAUCI: aquest smbol indica que el voltatge de la part de l'equip amb la qual esteu treballant s perills. Abans de comenar, desendolleu l'equip o extremeu les precaucions si, per treballar amb l'equip, l'heu de connectar. Safety information xxi 4038-001
xxii Service Manual 4038-001 Preface This manual contains maintenance procedures for service personnel. It is divided into the following chapters: 1. General information contains a general description of the printer and the maintenance approach used to repair it. Special tools and test equipment are listed, as well as general environmental and safety instructions. 2. Diagnostic information contains an error indicator table, symptom tables, and service checks used to isolate failing field replaceable units (FRUs). 3. Diagnostic aids contains tests and checks used to locate or repeat symptoms of printer problems. 4. Repair information provides instructions for making printer adjustments and removing and installing FRUs. 5. Connector locations uses illustrations to identify the connector locations and test points on the printer. 6. Preventive maintenance contains the lubrication specifications and recommendations to prevent problems. 7. Parts catalog contains illustrations and part numbers for individual FRUs. Definitions Note: A note provides additional information. Warning: A warning identifies something that might damage the product hardware or software. CAUTION: A caution identifies something that might cause a servicer harm. CAUTION: When you see this symbol, there is a danger from hazardous voltage in the area of the product where you are working. Unplug the product before you begin, or use caution if the product must receive power in order to perform the task. General information 1-1 4038-001 1. General information The Lexmark X215 MFP is a compact multifunction printer that offers scanning, printing, copying, and faxing. Machine features Print speeds up to 17 ppm Print resolution up to 600 x 600 dpi Paper tray capacity up to 250sheets Front output bin 150sheet capacity Manual bypass paper feeder one page at a time Automatic document feeder (ADF) 30sheet capacity Compatible with various operating systems Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP 1-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Print materials Always use print materials that meet the guidelines for use with this machine. Using print materials not recommended may cause paper jams or print quality problems. Selecting print materials Size (mm/in.) Input source/capacity 1 Paper tray Bypass feeder Plain paper Letter (215.9 x 279/8.5 x 11) A4 (210 x 297/8.27 x 11.69) Folio (215.9 x 330.2/8.5 x 13) Legal (215.9 x 355.6/8.5 x 14) Executive (184.2 x 266.7/7.25 x 10.5) B5 (182 x 257/7.2 x 10) Yes/250 Yes/1 A5 (148 x 210/5.83 x 8.27) A6 (105 x 148/4.13 x 5.88) No/0 Yes/1 Envelopes No.9 (98.4 x 225.4/3.88 x 8.88) No.10 (104.8 x 241.3/4.12 x 9.5) DL (110 x 220/4.33 x 8.66) C5 (162 x 229/6.38 x 9.02) C6 (114 x 162/4.49 x 6.38) B5 (176 x 250/6.93 x 9.84) No.7 3/4 (98.4 x 190.4/3.88 x 5.83) No/0 Yes/1 Labels 2 Letter (215.9 x 279/8.5 x 11) A4 (210 x 297/8.27 x 11.69) No/0 Yes/1 Transparency films 2 Letter (215.9 x 279/8.5 x 11) A4 (210 x 297/8.27 x 11.69) No/0 Yes/1 General information 1-3 4038-001 Paper and speciality media guidelines When selecting or loading paper, envelopes, transparencies, or other specialty media, keep these guidelines in mind: Attempting to print on damp, curled, wrinkled, or torn paper can cause paper jams and poor print quality. Use only high quality, copier grade paper. Avoid paper with embossed lettering, perforations, or texture that is too smooth or too rough. Store paper in its ream wrapper until ready to use. Place cartons on pallets or shelves, not on the floor. Do not place heavy objects on top of the paper, whether it is packaged or loose. Keep it away from moisture, or other conditions that could cause it to wrinkle or curl. During storage, you should use moisture-proof wrap, such as a plastic container or bag, to prevent dust and moisture from contaminating your paper. Always use paper and other materials that conform with those listed in Selecting print materials on page 1-2. Use only well-constructed envelopes with sharp, well creased folds. Do not use envelopes with clasps and snaps. Do not use envelopes with windows, coated lining, self- adhesive seals, or other synthetic materials. Do not use damaged or poorly made envelopes. Card stocks 2 A6 card (105 x 148/4.13 x 5.88) Post Card (101.6 x 152.4/4 x 6) Hagaki (100 x 148/3.94 x 5.83) No/0 Yes/1 1 Maximum capacity may be reduced depending on paper thickness. 2 Media must be fed one sheet at a time through manual bypass. Size (mm/in.) Input source/capacity 1 Paper tray Bypass feeder 1-4 Service Manual 4038-001 Load specialty media one sheet at a time. Use only materials recommended for use with laser printers. To prevent specialty media, such as transparencies and label sheets, from sticking together, remove each sheet from the output tray as it is printed. Place transparencies on a flat surface after removing them from the machine. Do not leave transparencies in the paper tray for long periods of time. Dust and dirt may accumulate on the film, resulting in spotty printing. To avoid smudging caused by fingerprints, handle transparencies and coated paper carefully. To avoid fading, do not expose the printed transparencies to prolonged sunlight. Store unused materials at temperatures between 59 o F and 86 o
F (15 o C to 30 o C). The relative humidity should be between 10% and 70%. The laser printing process heats paper to high temperatures of 180 C (356 F). Use only paper able to withstand these temperatures without discoloring, bleeding, or releasing hazardous emissions. Check with the manufacturer or vendor to determine whether the paper chosen is acceptable for laser printers. Verify that label adhesive materials can tolerate a fusing temperature of 180 o C (356 o F) for 0.1 second. Make sure there is no exposed adhesive material between labels. Exposed areas can cause labels to peel off during printing, which can cause paper jams. Exposed adhesive can also damage machine components. Do not load a sheet of labels through the machine more than once. The adhesive backing is designed for only one pass through the machine. Note: Do not use labels that are separating from the backing sheet or are wrinkled, bubbled, or damaged. General information 1-5 4038-001 Cleaning the machine To maintain print quality, follow these cleaning procedures each time the toner cartridge is replaced or if print quality problems occur. Do not put water directly onto any part of the machine. Do not use ammonia-based cleaners or volatile solvents, such as thinner, on the printer. While cleaning the inside of the machine, be careful not to touch the transfer roller located under the toner cartridge. Oil from your fingers can affect print quality. Cleaning the outside of the machine Wipe the outside surface of the machine with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth. If you dampen the cloth slightly with water, be careful not to let any water drip onto or inside the machine. 1-6 Service Manual 4038-001 Cleaning the inside of the machine During the printing process, paper, toner, and dust particles can accumulate inside the machine. This buildup can cause print quality problems, such as toner specks or smearing. 1. Turn the machine off, unplug the power cord, and then wait for the machine to cool down. 2. Open the front cover and remove the toner cartridge. CAUTION: Do not touch the photoconductor drum located on the bottom of the toner cartridge. 3. Place the toner cartridge on a clean, dry surface. General information 1-7 4038-001 4. With a dry, lint-free cloth, wipe away any dust and spilled toner from the toner cartridge area and the toner cartridge cavity. Warning: To prevent damage to the toner cartridge, do not expose it to light for more than a few minutes. Cover it with a piece of paper, if necessary. Do not touch the black transfer roller. 5. Reinsert the toner cartridge and close the cover. 6. Plug in the power cord and turn the machine on. 1-8 Service Manual 4038-001 Cleaning the scan unit Keeping the scan unit clean helps ensure the best possible copies. 1. Slightly dampen a soft, lint-free cloth or paper towel with water. 2. Open the document cover. 3. Wipe the surfaces of the document glass and ADF until they are clean and dry. 4. Wipe the underside of the white document cover and white sheet until it is clean and dry. 5. Close the document cover. General information 1-9 4038-001 Cleaning the photoconductor drum If there are streaks or spots on your print, the photoconductor drum may require cleaning. The operator panel menu includes a Clean Drum option that may help to improve the print quality. To clean the photoconductor drum: 1. Make sure paper is loaded. 2. Press Menu until MACHINE SETUP appears on the top line of the display, and then press Select. 3. Press the scroll button until CLEAN DRUM appears on the bottom line of the display, and then press Select. The machine prints out a cleaning page. Toner particles on the photoconductor surface are affixed to the paper. If the problem persists, repeat these steps. If the photoconductor drum has been cleaned several times and the problem is still unresolved, install a new toner cartridge. Maintenance approach The diagnostic information in this manual leads you to the correct field replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the error messages, and diagnostic aids to determine the printer problem and repair the failure. After you complete the repair, perform tests as needed to verify the repair. Tools The removal and adjustment procedures require the following tools and equipment: Analog or digital multimeter Pliers: diagonal and needle-nose Screwdrivers: #1 and #2 Phillips Cotton swab When you make voltage readings, always use frame ground unless another ground is specified. or 1-10 Service Manual 4038-001 Abbreviations ADF Automatic document feed BPS Bits per second CCD Charge-coupled device CCITT International consultative committee on telephone and telegraphy dB Decibel DPI Dots per inch DRAM Dynamic random access memory EP Electrophotographic process ESD Electrostatic discharge FRU Field replaceable unit HSYNC HVPS High voltage power supply Kbps Kilobits per second LCD Liquid crystal display LED Light-emitting diode LSU Laser scan unit LVPS Low voltage power supply OPC Optical photoconductor drum PC Photoconductor PTL Pretransfer LED RH Relative humidity ROM Read only memory USB Universal serial bus V ac Volts alternating current V dc Volts direct current Diagnostic information 2-1 4038-001 2. Diagnostic information Start CAUTION: NEVER manually actuate or disable the top cover interlock switch and the printhead shutter actuator at the same time. To perform some of the service checks and tests, such as troubleshooting paper feed problems, you need to actuate the top cover interlock switch with the covers opened or removed and power applied to the machine. It is important for personal safety that you DO NOT, FOR ANY REASON, disable the printhead shutter actuator when power is on. Remove power from the printer before you connect or disconnect any cable or electronic board or assembly for personal safety and to prevent damage to the printer. Use the error message table, and symptom table in this chapter to determine the corrective action necessary to repair a malfunctioning printer. The LCD on the operator panel can indicate an error message. See the Error message table on page 2-2 to determine the meaning of the message and what corrective action to take. If the printer does not have an error message, go to the Symptom table on page 2-10. Locate the symptom and take appropriate action to correct the problem. 2-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Error message table Clearing display messages: Display Meaning Solution Bypass Jam Paper was sensed at the manual bypass sensor, but not at the main paper feed/toner cartridge present sensor. Load paper in the manual bypass or remove the jam from the manual bypass. Make sure the main paper feed/toner cartridge present sensor actuator is not broken, improperly installed or stuck with paper debris. Perform the Sensor test on page 3-16 to check proper operation of the sensor. If the sensor works properly, the problem is likely associated with the system board. If the paper path and sensor actuator are clear and working properly, and the problem persists, replace the HVPS/ LVPS. Note: This sensor is a component of the HVPS/LVPS. Diagnostic information 2-3 4038-001 Document Jam Paper was sensed at the ADF registration sensor, but not at the ADF scan sensor. Make sure the ADF scan sensor actuator is not broken, improperly installed or stuck with paper debris. If the paper path and sensor actuator are clear and working properly, replace the scanner assembly. Door Open Front or rear cover is not securely latched. Close the front toner cartridge access cover until it locks. If the message does not clear, perform the Sensor test on page 3-16 to check proper operation of the switch. If the switch works properly, the problem is likely associated with the system board. If the switch does not work in the test, make sure the cover open actuator is working properly. When the cover closes, the cover should push the actuator, causing the cover open switch on the HVPS/LVPS to close. Note: This process is viewable with the right cover removed. If all moving parts appear to be working correctly, and the messages does not clear, replace the HVPS/LVPS. Display Meaning Solution 2-4 Service Manual 4038-001
Fuser Error Problem in the fuser unit. Make sure CN1 and CN7 on the HVPS/ LVPS are properly connected. Check CN1 on the HVPS/LVPS for proper voltage. If the voltage is correct, replace the fuser. Otherwise, replace the HVPS/LVPS. Load Bypass No document loaded in the manual bypass. Load print media into the manual bypass and try again. LSU Error A problem in the LSU (laser scanning unit). Make sure all cables are properly connected to the printhead. If correct, replace the printhead. Memory Full Collated copy is too large for memory. Reduce the number of pages in the job. No Cartridge Toner cartridge not installed. Install the toner cartridge. No Paper No paper in the paper tray. If paper exists in the paper tray but this message is displayed, make sure the paper empty sensor actuator is not broken or improperly installed. If the actuator is working properly, replace the HVPS/ LVPS. Display Meaning Solution Diagnostic information 2-5 4038-001
Open Heat Error The printer senses that the thermistor isnt connected or faulty. Make sure the thermistor is properly connected to CN7 on the HVPS/LVPS. If the problem persists replace the fuser.
Overheat The fuser unit has overheated. Replace the fuser. Display Meaning Solution 2-6 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper Jam 0 Paper was sensed at the paper tray empty sensor, but not at the manual bypass. Go to the paper path diagram Printer engine paper path/ paper jams on page 5-15 to see the region where a paper jam may occur. Remove any obstructions and other paper debris. Make sure the manual bypass sensor actuator is not broken, improperly installed or stuck with paper debris. Perform the Sensor test on page 3-16 to check proper operation of the sensor. If the sensor works properly, the problem is likely associated with the system board. If the paper path and sensor actuator are clear and working properly, and the problem persists, replace the HVPS/ LVPS. Note: This sensor is a component of the HVPS/LVPS. Display Meaning Solution Diagnostic information 2-7 4038-001 Paper Jam 1 The fuser exit sensor sensed the leading edge of the page but never sensed the trailing edge. Go to the paper path diagram Printer engine paper path/ paper jams on page 5-15 to see the region where a paper jam may occur. Remove any obstructions and other paper debris. Perform the Sensor test on page 3-16 to check proper operation of the sensor. If the sensor works properly, the problem is likely associated with the system board. Make sure the fuser exit sensor isnt stuck with debris or improperly installed. If the paper path and sensor actuator are clear and working properly, replace the HVPS/LVPS. Note: This sensor is a component of the HVPS/LVPS. Display Meaning Solution 2-8 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper Jam 2 Paper was sensed at the main paper feed/ toner cartridge present sensor, but not at the fuser exit sensor. Go to the paper path diagram Printer engine paper path/ paper jams on page 5-15 to see the region where a paper jam may occur. Remove any obstructions and other paper debris. Perform the Sensor test on page 3-16 to check proper operation of the sensor. If the sensor works properly, the problem is likely associated with the system board. Make sure the fuser exit sensor actuator is not broken, improperly installed or stuck with paper debris. If the paper path and sensor actuator are clear and working properly, and the problem persists, replace the HVPS/ LVPS. Note: This sensor is a component of the HVPS/LVPS. Power Failure Power interruption and the machines memory is not saved. Restart the print job. Display Meaning Solution Diagnostic information 2-9 4038-001 Time/Date prompt Prompt appears when the machine is powered on. Use the numeric keypad to enter the two-digit month and day, and the four-digit year. For example, 01-23-2003. Enter the current time. The default clock setting is 12- hour. Press the asterisk (*) to select AM or PM, and then press Select. Note: If the machine is unplugged for longer than 15 minutes, or turned off for longer than an hour, when the power is turned back on, the machine prompts you to reset the correct date and time. Toner Empty Toner cartridge has run out. Install a new toner cartridge. Toner Low Toner is nearly empty. Remove the toner cartridge and gently shake it. This temporarily reestablishes printing. Display Meaning Solution 2-10 Service Manual 4038-001 Symptom table Symptom Reference Paper feed problems See Paper feed problems on page 2-11. Printing and copying problems See Printing and copying problems on page 2-13. Scanning problems See Scanning problems on page 2-18. Faxing problems See Faxing problems on page 2-19. Print quality problems See Print quality checks on page 2-21. Dead machine (no power) See Dead machine on page 2-32. Fan noisy or not working See Cooling fan on page 2-30. Main motor noisy or does not move See Main drive motor on page 2-31. Diagnostic information 2-11 4038-001 Paper feed problems Symptom Possible cause and solution Paper jam Clear the paper jam. Paper sticks together Ensure that there is not too much paper in the paper tray. Depending on the thickness of your paper, the paper tray can hold up to 250sheets of paper. Make sure the correct type of paper is used. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Remove paper from the paper tray and flex or fan the paper. Humid conditions may cause some paper to stick together. Multiple sheets do not feed Different types of paper may be stacked in the paper tray. Load paper of only one type, size, and weight. When loading paper, do not force the paper down into the machine. If multiple sheets have caused a paper jam, clear the paper jam. Paper skews or buckles Ensure there is not too much paper in the paper tray. Depending on the thickness of your paper, the paper tray can hold up to 250sheets. Make sure the paper guide lightly touches the paper and does not cause the paper to bow in the paper tray. Make sure you are using the correct type of paper. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. 2-12 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper does not feed. Paper is not loaded correctly. Remove paper from the tray and reload it correctly. There is too much paper loaded. Remove excess paper from the tray. The paper is too thick. Use only paper that meets specifications. Remove any obstructions. If the problem persists in the ADF, replace the ADF pick roller/separator pad assembly. If the problem persists in the paper tray, replace the paper tray pick roller assembly. Paper keeps jamming. There is too much paper loaded. Remove excess paper from the tray. If printing on special materials, use the manual bypass. An incorrect type of paper is being used. Use only paper that meets specifications. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. There may be debris inside the machine. Open the front cover and remove the debris. If the problem persists in the ADF, replace the ADF pick roller/separator pad assembly. If the problem persists in the paper tray, replace the paper tray pick roller assembly. Transparencies stick together in the paper exit. Use only transparencies specially designed for a laser printer. Remove each transparency as it exits the machine. Envelopes skew or fail to feed correctly. Ensure that the manual bypass guides are against both sides of the envelopes. Symptom Possible cause and solution Diagnostic information 2-13 4038-001 Printing and copying problems Problem Possible cause Solution
Machine does not print Machine is not receiving power. Check the power cord connections. Check the power switch and the power source. Machine is busy scanning. Wait until scanning is complete before using the printer. Machine is not selected as the default printer. Select Lexmark X215 as your default printer in Windows. Front or rear covers are not closed. Close the covers. Paper jam. Clear the paper jam. No paper loaded. Load paper. Toner cartridge is not installed. Install the toner cartridge. Connection cable between the computer and the machine is not connected properly. Disconnect the printer cable, and then reconnect it. Connection cable between the computer and the machine is defective. If possible, attach the cable to another computer that is working properly and print a job. Try a new printer cable. Port setting is incorrect. Check the Windows printer setting to make sure that the print job is sent to the correct port, for example, LPT1. If the computer has more than one port, make sure that the machine is attached to the correct one. 2-14 Service Manual 4038-001 Configuration incorrect. Ensure the printer settings are correct. Machine is malfunctioning. Check the message on the operator panel to determine if the machine is indicating a system error. Print job is extremely slow Job may be very complex. Reduce the complexity of the page. Adjust the print quality settings. If using Windows 98/Me, the spool setting may be set incorrectly. 1. Click Start Settings Printers. 2. Right-click the Lexmark X215 printer icon. 3. Click Properties. 4. From the Details tab, click Spool Settings. 5. Select the spool setting you want. Half the page is blank Page orientation setting may be incorrect. Change the page orientation in your program. Paper size and the paper size settings do not match. Ensure that the paper size in the printer driver settings matches the paper in the tray. Machine prints, but the text is wrong, garbled, or incomplete Printer cable is loose or defective. Disconnect the printer cable, and then reconnect it. Try a print job that you have already printed successfully. If possible, attach the cable and the machine to another computer and try another print job. Try a new printer cable. Wrong printer driver selected. Check the programs printer selection menu to ensure that your machine is selected. Problem Possible cause Solution Diagnostic information 2-15 4038-001 Software program is malfunctioning. Try printing a job from another program. Operating system is malfunctioning. Exit Windows and restart the computer. Turn the machine off and then back on again. Illustrations print incorrectly in Adobe Illustrator The setting in the software program is wrong. Print the document with Download as Bit Image selected in the Advanced Options window of the graphic properties. Error occurs repeatedly when printing with the USB connection When the USB mode is set to FAST, some users may experience poor USB communication. Change the USB mode to SLOW. 1. Press Menu. 2. Press the scroll button ( ) until MACHINE SETUP appears on the top line of the display, and then press Select. 3. Press the scroll button until USB appears on the bottom line of the display, and press Select. 4. Press the scroll button until SLOW appears on the bottom line of the display, and press Select. 5. To return to the Ready prompt, press Stop/Clear. LCD does not turn on Machine is not receiving power. Check that the machine is plugged into a properly grounded electrical outlet. Ensure that there is power to the outlet and that the machine power switch is in the On position. Go to Dead machine on page 2-32 for more information. Problem Possible cause Solution or 2-16 Service Manual 4038-001 Copies are too light or too dark If the original is light, press Darkness to darken the background of the copies. If the original is dark, press Darkness to lighten the background of the copies. Smears, lines, marks, or spots on copies Document glass or document cover is dirty. If defects appear on the original, press Darkness to lighten the background of your copies. If no defects appear on the original, clean the document glass and underside of the document cover. Copy image is skewed Original document not positioned correctly. Ensure the original is positioned correctly on document glass or that ADF paper guides are aligned. Check that paper is loaded correctly. Blank copies Original document not positioned correctly. Ensure that the original is facedown on the document glass or faceup in the ADF. Image rubs off the copy easily. Ensure the correct media type is selected. Replace paper with a fresh supply. In high humidity areas, do not leave paper in the machine for extended periods of time. Problem Possible cause Solution Diagnostic information 2-17 4038-001 Frequent jams Check/adjust paper guides. Fan the stack of paper, and then turn it over in the paper tray. Replace paper with a fresh supply. Ensure the paper is the proper paper weight. 20 lb. (75 g/m 2 ) bond paper is recommended. Check for paper or pieces of paper remaining in the machine after a jam is cleared. Fewer copies from the toner cartridge than expected. Originals contain pictures, solids, or heavy lines. Originals are forms, newsletters, books, and so on. The machine is turned on and off frequently. The document cover is left open while copies are made. Ensure document cover is closed when making copies. Problem Possible cause Solution 2-18 Service Manual 4038-001 Scanning problems Problem Possible cause and solution Scanner does not work. Machine may be busy printing. Wait until printing completes before using the scanner. Make sure the document to be scanned is facedown on the document glass, or faceup in the Automatic Document Feeder. Check that the USB or parallel cable is connected properly. Check that the USB or parallel cable is not defective. Swap the cable with a known good cable. If necessary, replace the cable. If using a parallel cable, ensure that it is compliant with the IEEE-1284 standard. Make sure that the scanner job is sent to the correct port (for example, LPT1 or USB). Scans very slowly. Check if the machine is printing receiving data. Scan the document after the current job is completed. Graphics are scanned more slowly than text. Communication speed becomes slow in scan mode because of the large amount of memory required to analyze and reproduce the scanned image. Set your computer to ECP printer mode through BIOS setting. It helps to increase the speed. For details on how to set BIOS, refer to your computer user documentation. Diagnostic information 2-19 4038-001 Faxing problems Problem Possible cause and solution
Machine is not working, no display, and buttons are not working Unplug the power cord and plug it in again. Ensure that there is power to the electrical outlet. No dial tone Check that the phone line is connected properly. Check that the phone socket in the wall is working by plugging in another phone. Numbers stored in the memory do not dial correctly Make sure that the numbers are stored in the memory correctly. Print a phonebook list. Document does not feed Make sure that the document is not wrinkled and you are putting it in correctly. Check that the document is the correct size, not too thick or too thin. Make sure that the ADF cover is firmly closed. Faxes are not received automatically Make sure Receive mode is set to Automatic on the FAX SETUP menu. Make sure that there is paper loaded. Check that the display does not show MEMORY FULL. Machine does not send Make sure that the document is loaded in the ADF or on the document glass. Make sure the fax machine you are sending to can receive faxes. 2-20 Service Manual 4038-001 Incoming fax has blank spaces or is received with a poor quality Fax machine sending the fax may be faulty. Fax machine sending the fax may have a dirty document glass. Clean the document glass. Noisy phone line can cause line errors. Check machine by making a copy. Toner cartridge may be empty. Replace the toner cartridge. Some of the words on a incoming fax are stretched Fax machine sending the fax had a temporary jam. There are lines on documents sent Check your scan glass for marks and clean it. Machine dials a number, but fails to make a connection with another fax machine The other fax machine may be turned off, out of paper, or cannot answer incoming calls. Ask the receiving fax recipient to solve the problem. Documents are not stored in memory There may not be enough memory to store the document. If the display shows a MEMORY FULL message, delete any documents you no longer need from the memory, and then restore the document. Blank areas appear at the bottom of each page or on other pages, with only a small strip of text printed at the top The wrong paper settings may have been chosen. Problem Possible cause and solution Diagnostic information 2-21 4038-001 Print quality checks Problem Possible causes Straight thin black vertical line and band Dark black vertical bands The drum inside the toner cartridge has probably been scratched. Toner cartridge failure. Foreign material between transfer/charge/ development rollers. Deformed transfer roller. Vertical white streak Faded areas The toner supply is low. Before changing the cartridge, try redistributing the toner or cleaning the photoconductor drum first. Toner cartridge failure. Note: If dense paper is used or processing a lot of graphics, the cartridge may need changing more often. Paper may not meet specifications (too moist or too rough). See Paper and speciality media guidelines on page 1-3 for more information. If the entire page is light, adjust the darkness and content. See Customizing settings on page 3-18 for more information. A combination of faded or smeared defects may indicate that the toner cartridge needs cleaning. See Cleaning the photoconductor drum on page 1-9 for more information. Printhead failure. Fuser failure. Foreign material on printhead lens. AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc 2-22 Service Manual 4038-001 Dark or blurry horizontal stripes Check the toner cartridge installation. Toner cartridge may be defective. Toner cartridge failure. Bad or dirty voltage contacts. Toner smear Clean inside printer. See Cleaning the inside of the machine on page 1-6 for more information. Check paper type and quality. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Toner cartridge failure. Fuser failure. Dark or blurry black spots occur periodically White spots occur periodically Paper may not meet specifications (too moist or too rough). See Paper and speciality media guidelines on page 1-3 for more information. Check paper path for debris. See Cleaning the inside of the machine on page 1-6 for more information. Toner cartridge failure. Transfer roller failure. Problem Possible causes AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc Diagnostic information 2-23 4038-001 Background scatter Paper may be damp. Try printing with a different batch of paper. Note: Paper does absorb moisture. Open paper packages when ready for use. If background scatter occurs on an envelope, change printing layout to avoid printing over areas with overlapping seams on the reverse side. If background scatter covers the entire surface area of a printed page, adjust the print resolution through a software program or the printer properties. Misformed characters Paper stock may be too slick causing characters to be improperly formed and producing hollow images. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Scanner unit may be defective causing characters to be improperly formed and producing a wavy effect. Inspect the CCD unit for proper operation and movement. Ensure the belt, which moves the CCD unit, is properly installed. Page skew Check paper type and quality. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Ensure paper or other material is loaded correctly. Ensure the guides are not too tight or too loose against the paper stack. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Problem Possible causes A A a B b C c A a B b C c A a B b C c A a B b C c A a B b C c 2-24 Service Manual 4038-001 Curl or wave Check paper type and quality. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Note: High temperature and humidity can cause paper curl. Turn over the stack of paper and rotate 180 in the tray. Wrinkles and creases Ensure the paper is loaded properly. Check the paper type and quality. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Turn over the stack of paper and rotate 180 in the tray. Back of printout is dirty Clean transfer roller. See Cleaning the machine on page 1-5 for more information. Check for leaking toner. Clean inside the printer. See Cleaning the inside of the machine on page 1-6 for more information. Fuser failure (dirty). Printed image is light, with no residual image Toner save mode on. Toner cartridge failure. Transfer roller failure. Bad or dirty voltage contacts. HVPS failure. Problem Possible causes AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc Diagnostic information 2-25 4038-001 Black or dark image Check that toner cartridge is installed properly. Toner cartridge failure. Bad or dirty high voltage contacts. HVPS failure. Loose toner Clean the inside of the printer. See Cleaning the inside of the machine on page 1-6 for more information. Check paper type and quality. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Toner cartridge failure. Check that correct media type is selected. Fuser failure. Character voids White areas, within the parts of characters, that should be solid black. If transparencies are used, try another type of transparency. Check that the printing is on the correct surface. Remove the paper and turn over in tray. Check that paper meets paper specifications. See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Print density is uneven from left to right Toner cartridge failure. Improper transfer roller installation. Transfer roller failure. Problem Possible causes A a b c C B A a b c C B A a b c C B A a b c C B A a b c C B A 2-26 Service Manual 4038-001 Background appears in print area Gray background Check for recommended paper weight (recycled or poor quality paper). See Selecting print materials on page 1-2 for more information. Check machine environment. Toner cartridge failure. Note: Very dry (low humidity) or humid (higher than 80% relative humidity (RH)) conditions can increase background shading. Dirty transfer roll. Transfer roll failure or improperly installed. HVPS failure. Residual image occurs at 75 mm intervals Toner cartridge failure. Bad or dirty high voltage contacts. Transfer roller failure. Engine board failure. Residual image occurs at 75 mm intervals when printing card stock or transparencies Software not set to card stock or transparency mode. Problem Possible causes AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc 7 5 m m AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc 7 5 m m Diagnostic information 2-27 4038-001 Residual image occurs in the black image printing at 37 mm intervals Toner cartridge failure. Bad or dirty high voltage contacts. Residual image occurs at 64 mm intervals Fuser temperature maintained too high. Check for toner buildup on hot roller and thermistor surface. Clean or replace fuser if necessary. Problem Possible causes AaBbCc AaBbCc 3 7 m m AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbCc 6 4 m m 2-28 Service Manual 4038-001 Blank page prints Redistribute the toner. If necessary, replace the toner cartridge. Ensure the printed file doesnt have blank pages. Bad or dirty high voltage contacts; inspect and clean contacts. Replace the LVPS/HVPS. Replace the system board. Blank page prints One or several blank pages print When printer is powered on, several blank pages print Bad or dirty high voltage contacts. Pick roller solenoid failure. System board failure. Problem Possible causes Diagnostic information 2-29 4038-001 If an abnormal image prints periodically, check the following parts: No. Distance between repeated marks Related printer components Type of abnormal image Replace 1 75.5 mm OPC drum White or black spots/voids Toner cartridge 2 37.7 mm Charge roller Black spots Toner cartridge 3 37.0 mm Supply roller Horizontal shock lines Toner cartridge 4 35.2 mm Developer roller Horizontal shock lines Toner cartridge 5 45.3 mm Transfer roller Back side contamination Transfer roller 6 64.1 mm Hot roll White or black spots/voids Fuser 7 75.5 mm Back-up roller Back side contamination Fuser Toner Cartridge Fuser 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-30 Service Manual 4038-001 Service checks Cooling fan FRU Action
Cooling fan, LVPS/HVPS, system board Perform the Motor, Fan, Solenoid test on page 3-10 to see if the fan turns on. If the fan turns on, the problem is likely associated with the system board. If the fan does not turn on, make sure the cooling fan cable is properly seated in CN3 on the LVPS/HVPS. Disconnect the fan, and check CN31 for +24 V dc. If the voltage is present, replace the cooling fan. If the voltage is not present, replace the LVPS/HVPS. Diagnostic information 2-31 4038-001 Main drive motor Document cover open switch FRU Action
Main drive motor, system board, LVPS/HVPS Perform the Motor, Fan, Solenoid test on page 3-10 to see if the main drive motor turns on. If the motor works but is noisy, replace the main drive assembly. If the motor works correctly in this test but not during normal printing, the problem may be associated with a faulty system board. If the motor does not work at all during this test, make sure the motor cable is properly connected. If connections are correct and the problem persists, replace the main drive assembly. If the problem persists, replace the LVPS/HVPS. FRU Action Document cover switch, operator panel First, make sure the document cover open switch cable is properly seated in CN1 on the operator panel. Disconnect the cable from CN1 on the operator panel and check CN11 for +5 V dc. If the voltage is present, the document cover switch is faulty. If the voltage is not present, replace the operator panel. 2-32 Service Manual 4038-001 Dead machine FRU Action Line voltage Check the AC line voltage to make sure it is correct. LVPS/HVPS to system board cable Ensure the cable connecting the LVPS/HVPS to the system board is properly seated. LVPS/HVPS Check the following voltages on CN2 of the LVPS/HVPS: pin 3, +5 V dc pin 4, +5 V dc pin 5, Ground pin 6, Ground pin 7, +12 V dc pin 8,9,10,11, Ground pin 12, +24 V dc If any of the voltage measurements are not correct, replace the LVPS/ HVPS. Diagnostic information 2-33 4038-001 Operator panel, scanner card assembly FRU Action Operator panel scanner card assembly Perform the Operator Panel test on page 3-12 to check for proper operation of the LCD screen, LED(s) and key buttons. If the operator panel does not work at all, check the following on the scanner card: CN21, Ground CN22, +5 V dc If the voltage is not present, replace the scanner card. If the voltage is present, check for continuity of the operator panel cable. If continuity is missing in any part of the cable, replace the cable. Otherwise, replace the operator panel. 2-34 Service Manual 4038-001 Diagnostic aids 3-1 4038-001 3. Diagnostic aids Configuration modes Clear All Memory mode The Clear All Memory setting is used to reset all settings back to factory defaults. Note: Page counts are not reset when Clear All Memory is performed. To adjust Clear All Memory: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Data Setup. 4. Select Clear All Memory. 5. Select the country where the machine is located and press Select to save the setting. 6. Press Return to go back to TECH screen. 7. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Dial mode The Dial mode setting allows the modem card to be changed between pulse or tone dial modes. To adjust Dial mode: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Data Setup. 4. Select Dial mode. 5. Use the arrow keys to select the desired dial mode. 6. Press Select to save the setting. 7. Press Return to go back to TECH screen. 8. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. Error Rate mode The Error Rate setting is a level used to automatically lower the modem speed when errors occur. Whenever the error rate exceeds this setting the baud rate of the modem card automatically drops to 2400 bps.This setting can be set at 5% or 10%. To adjust the Error Rate: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Data Setup. 4. Select Error Rate. 5. Select the desired error rate value (5% or 10%) and press Select to save the setting. 6. Press Return to go back to TECH screen. 7. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. Diagnostic aids 3-3 4038-001 Modem Speed mode The Modem Speed setting is used to select the modem speed. The possible choices are: 4.8 9.6 12.0 14.4 28.8 33.6 Kbps. To adjust the Modem Speed: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Data Setup. 4. Select Modem Speed. 5. Select the desired modem speed value and press Select to save the setting. 6. Press Return to go back to TECH screen. 7. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-4 Service Manual 4038-001 Park CCD module mode This function parks the CCD module in the middle of the flatbed to prevent damage to the CCD module during shipping. Perform this function whenever the printer is to be shipped. To park the CCD module: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select Move CCD. The CCD module parks in the shipping position. 5. At this point, the printer can be powered off and packaged for shipping. Note: Once the power is turned back on, the CCD module returns to a normal position. 6. To return the CCD module without powering off the machine, lift the document cover and then lower document cover. Diagnostic aids 3-5 4038-001 Print Properties mode Settings to adjust for a print job include: Orientation - the direction information is printed on a page. 2-UP or 4-UP - multiple pages printed on one sheet. Scale - the size information is printed on a page. Fit to Page - used to fit a document to a selected paper size. Watermark - text printed over an existing document. Overlay - specific text or images printed on multiple documents, such as the text or images that make up a letterhead. Odd/Even pages and Manual feed - used to print on both sides of the paper. Access Print Properties using the program or the Printers folder. Note: Accessing Print Properties from the program, any settings changed are in effect only while using the current program. Accessing Print Properties from the Printers folder, any settings changed are permanent. 3-6 Service Manual 4038-001 Print settings description From this tab: Change these settings: Layout Orientation - select how the document is oriented on the printed page. Layout - select the type of layout for the document. Paper Copies - select the number of copies to print. Type - select the type of paper to use. Make sure that Type is set to Printer Default. If you load specialty media, select the corresponding paper type. For more information see the Users Guide. Source - select the paper input source (front input tray or manual bypass). The Manual Feed source is used when printing specialty media. Load one sheet at a time into the manual bypass. If the paper source is set to Auto Select, the machine automatically picks up print materials from the manual bypass first, and then the paper tray. Size - select the size of paper to use. Graphics Resolution - select the quality of the output (600 dots per inch (dpi) for normal quality or 300 dpi for draft quality). Extras Watermark - select the text to print over an existing document. Overlay- select a one-page document containing text or graphics to print over another document. Diagnostic aids 3-7 4038-001 Send Level mode The Send Level setting adjusts the transmission signal level of the modem card. Typically, this level should be under 12dB. Note: The Send Level is set at the factory at an optimal setting. Do not arbitrarily adjust. To adjust Send Level: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Data Setup. 4. Select Send Level. 5. Key in desired send level (915) and press Select. 6. Press Return to go back to TECH screen. 7. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. System Settings Report mode This function prints a listing of all configuration settings, code version levels, and page counts. To print a System Settings report: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Report. 4. Select System Data. 5. A system settings page prints. 6. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-8 Service Manual 4038-001 Machine tests DRAM Memory test The DRAM Memory test checks all DRAM memory on the system board. To enter the DRAM Memory test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select DRAM Test. The test runs automatically. If the test passes, the LCD screen displays OK. If the test fails, an error message displays. Replace the system board if the DRAM Memory test fails. 5. Press Return to exit the test. 6. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. Diagnostic aids 3-9 4038-001 Modem Protocol Log test The Modem Protocol log prints the sequence of the CCITT group 3 T.30 protocol during the most recent sending or receiving operation. This report is used to check for send and receive errors. To perform the Modem Protocol log: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select Report. 5. Select Protocol. A Modem Protocol log page prints. 6. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. Modem test The Modem test causes the modem to send various transmit signals on the telephone line. The signals are audible through the speaker. To enter the Modem test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select Modem Test. 5. Select the baud rate to test. 6. Press Select to begin the test. 7. Press Return to end the test. 8. Press Stop/Clear twice to exit the test. 9. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-10 Service Manual 4038-001 Motor, Fan, Solenoid test This test checks the following components: Main drive motor Paper tray pickup solenoid Cooling fan Main feed roller/bypass solenoid Pretransfer LED To enter the Motor, Fan, Solenoid test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 1. 2. Select Diagnostic. 3. Press Select for Mtr Fan Sol. Each component is listed one at a time. The first component is the main drive motor. 4. To test the component, press 1. 5. To turn off the component test and proceed to the next component test, press 2. The test can be exited at any time by pressing Return. Note: If a component was activated when Return is pressed, that component remains activated while another test can run concurrently. 6. Press Stop/Clear to exit the Diagnostic Test mode. Diagnostic aids 3-11 4038-001 Operator Panel Button test The Operator Panel Button test checks all key buttons on the operator panel. To enter the Operator Panel Button test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select Switch Test. 5. Press the desired key button(s), one at a time, to perform the test. As a key button is pressed, the LCD screen displays the name of the key button. 6. Press Stop/Clear twice to exit the test. 7. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-12 Service Manual 4038-001 Operator Panel test To perform the Operator Panel test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 8. 2. Press, Select 3. Select LCD LED Key. 4. Press any key to begin the LCD test. Each pel of the LCD panel is illuminated, starting from left to right. Once all pels have been illuminated, press any key. All LEDs now illuminate. 5. Press Menu to perform the LED test. The light contrast LED turns off. By continuing to press any key, each LED turns off. When the last LED is turned off, the Key Button test begins. 6. Press each key button prompted by the LCD screen to verify that each button is working. Note: If you press a button other than the one prompted, a series of beeps is audible. After each key button has been pressed, the LCD screen indicates that the test is complete. If any of the LCD pels do not illuminate, any of the LEDs do not illuminate, or any of the key buttons do not work, replace the operator panel. Diagnostic aids 3-13 4038-001 Printhead test The Printhead test checks the following components: Printhead motor Printhead HSYNC Laser diode To enter the Printhead test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 1. 2. Select Diagnostic. 3. Press Menu, and then select LSU test. 4. Press Select. Each component is listed one at a time. The first component is the printhead (LSU) motor. 5. To test the component, press 1. The LCD screen displays Ready once the component passes the test. 6. To turn off the component test and proceed to the next component test press 2. The test can be exited at any time by pressing Return. Note: If a component was activated when Return is pressed, that component remains activated while another test can run concurrently. 7. Press Stop/Clear to exit the Diagnostic test mode. 3-14 Service Manual 4038-001 Print Quality Pages test This function prints a variety of test pages used to verify print quality. There are seven different test patterns. To perform the Print Quality Pages test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select Pattern Test. 5. Select the pattern to print, or select All to print all test patterns. Select the number of pages to be printed per test at the print no. prompt. 6. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. Pattern Description 1 Graphics / image quality 2 Graphics / image quality 3 Horizontal lines 4 White page 5 Dot array (fine) 6 Dot array (coarse) 7 Vertical lines Diagnostic aids 3-15 4038-001 ROM Memory test The ROM Memory test checks the ROM memory in the printer. To enter the ROM Memory test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4. The LCD screen displays TECH. 2. Press Menu, and then Select. 3. Select Machine Test. 4. Select ROM Test. The test runs automatically. If the test passes, the flash and engine code levels are displayed on the LCD screen. If the test fails, replace the system board. 5. Press Return to exit the test. 6. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 4 to exit TECH mode. 3-16 Service Manual 4038-001 Scanner CCD Module and Motor test This test is used to check for proper movement of the CCD module from one side of the flatbed scanner to the other. To perform the scanner CCD tests: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 8. 2. Press the right arrow key to select scanner. 3. Press Select. 4. Press Start to begin the test. During this test the CCD module moves continuously from side to side. If the CCD does not move smoothly, or not at all, check that the belt is properly installed between the motor pulley and CCD module. Ensure the CCD module is installed correctly. If the CCD module strikes the left side of the scanner, the CCD module is not sensing its home position. This can be caused by a faulty CCD module cable, or the home position sensor which is part of the CCD module assembly. 5. Press Stop, at any time, to stop the test. Sensor test The Sensor test checks the following components: Main paper feed/toner cartridge present sensor Fuser exit sensor Toner cartridge access cover open sensor Paper tray empty sensor Manual bypass sensor Diagnostic aids 3-17 4038-001 To enter the Sensor test: 1. Press Menu, #, 1, 9, 3, 1. 2. Select Diagnostic. 3. Press Menu, and then select Sensor Test. 4. Press Select. 5. Each sensor is tested one at a time. The first sensor checked is the main paper feed/toner cartridge present. 6. Manually actuate the sensor flag while pressing 1 on the operator panel. The LCD screen briefly posts On or Off depending on the position of the sensor actuator when 1 is pressed. 7. Press 2 to move to the next sensor to be tested. The test can be exited at any time by pressing Return. Note: If a component was activated when Return is pressed, that component remains activated while another test can run concurrently. 8. Press Stop/Clear to exit the Diagnostic test mode. Note: While the toner cartridge is removed, the main paper feed/ toner cartridge present sensor posts an On message when the actuator is fully up or down. With the cartridge installed, an Off message is posted. This sensor detects both paper jams and cartridge present. Note: There are two tests on the Lexmark X215 MFP LCD that are not used in servicing this printer. Heat test HVPS test 3-18 Service Manual 4038-001 Customizing settings All the copy options (content, darkness, number, scale, and advanced) using the operator panel buttons can be temporarily modified. Settings remain in effect until a predefined time-out period is expired. Note: Make all of your selections before pressing Start. Press Stop/Clear while modifying the copy settings cancels all settings for the current job and returns them to their default status. Content The content setting is used to improve copy quality. Choose from the following settings: Text - use for documents containing mostly text. Mixed - use for documents with mixed text and graphics. Photo - use when the originals are photographs. To select, press Content repeatedly. Each time you press Content, the LED labeled with the selected mode lights up. Note: When you copy a document with color in the background using the Mixed mode, the machine automatically removes the background color. If you want to include the background color in your copy, load the document about 5 mm away from the edges of the scanning bed, or change the darkness setting. Diagnostic aids 3-19 4038-001 Darkness The darkness setting is used for an original document containing paint markings or dark images: Light - works well with dark print. Normal - works well with standard typed or printed documents. Dark - works well with light print or faint pencil markings. To adjust the darkness, press Darkness repeatedly. Each time you press the button, the LED labeled with the selected mode lights up. Number Select number of copies from 1 to 99. 1. Press Number. 2. Enter the number of copies to print using the numeric keypad. 3. Press Select. The selected number appears on the display. 3-20 Service Manual 4038-001 Scale Original documents copied from the document glass, can be reduced or enlarged from 25% to 400%. Original documents copied from the ADF, can be reduced or enlarged from 25% to 100%. To scale a document to a predefined copy size: 1. Press Scale. The default setting appears on the bottom line of the display. 2. Press a scroll button ( ) repeatedly until the copy size is displayed. 3. Press Select. To customize the copy size: 1. Press Scale. 2. Press a scroll button ( ) until CUSTOM:25400% (or CUSTOM:25100%) appears on the bottom line of the display. 3. Press Select. 4. Enter the size using the numeric keypad. 5. Press Select. The selected number appears on the display. or or Diagnostic aids 3-21 4038-001 Advanced The advanced option, copies images onto a page in a variety of layouts. The advanced settings available when a document is loaded in the ADF include: Off - turns off the advanced copy features. Collation - controls the sequence in which multiple page documents are printed. 2Up - prints two copied documents on a single page. 4Up - prints four copied documents on a single page. The advanced settings available when a document is loaded in the scanner bed include: Off - turns off the advanced copy features. Auto Fit - automatically reduces or enlarges the original image so the resulting copy fits on the paper. 2Side - prints two copied documents on a single page. When using the scanner bed, the 2Side feature is especially useful when copying both sides of an original document. Note: Auto Fit and 2Side can be selected only when the paper size is letter, legal, or A4. To select the advanced setting: 1. Press Advanced repeatedly until the desired setting appears. 2. Press Select. 3-22 Service Manual 4038-001 Repair information 4-1 4038-001 4. Repair information CAUTION: When you see this symbol, there is a danger from hazardous voltage in the area of the product where you are working. Unplug the product before you begin, or use caution if the product must receive power in order to perform the task. Removals Covers Cartridge access cover removal 1. Remove the paper tray. 2. Open the access cover. 4-2 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Press in on one side of the access cover to release it. 4. Release the other side of the access cover and remove. Repair information 4-3 4038-001 Middle cover removal 1. Remove the scanner and scanner card assembly. See Scanner assembly removal on page 4-64, and Scanner card assembly removal on page 4-68 for more information. 2. Slip the cables out of the middle cover (A) (scanner to system board). 3. Remove six screws (A) in the middle cover. 4-4 Service Manual 4038-001 4. From the front of the printer, pull both the middle cover legs away from the printer to release tabs. 5. Lift up to remove the middle cover. Repair information 4-5 4038-001 Rear cover removal 1.Remove four screws (A). 4-6 Service Manual 4038-001 2. Pull the rear cover to remove. Repair information 4-7 4038-001 Scanner assembly document cover removal 1. Remove the left side cover. See Left side on page 4-12 for more information. 2. Remove the ground screw on the drive assembly. See Scanner assembly removal on page 4-64 for more information. 3. Disconnect the scanner assembly cable (A) (CN3). 4-8 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Unthread the cable (A) from the scanner document cover. Repair information 4-9 4038-001 5. Open the document cover. 4-10 Service Manual 4038-001 6. Lift the document cover until the hinges catch (A). Repair information 4-11 4038-001 7. Tilt back and lift off the scanner document cover. 4-12 Service Manual 4038-001 Side cover removals Left side 1. Remove the rear cover. See Rear cover removal on page 4-5 for more information. 2. Disconnect the speaker cable (A). A Repair information 4-13 4038-001 3. Slide the cover toward the rear of the printer to release. 4-14 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Tilt away from printer. 5. Lift to remove the left side cover. Repair information 4-15 4038-001 Right side 1. Remove the rear cover. See Rear cover removal on page 4-5 for more information. 2. Slide the cover toward the rear of the printer to release. 4-16 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Tilt away from printer. 4. Lift to remove the right side cover. Repair information 4-17 4038-001 Automatic document feed (ADF) removals ADF Pick roller 1. Open ADF access cover. 2. Rotate the pick roller bearing (A) to release from the ADF housing. 4-18 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Lift the pick roller and slide out. ADF Pad 1. Remove the ADF pick roller. See Automatic document feed (ADF) removals on page 4-17 for more information. 2. Grab both sides of the ADF pad and lift. Repair information 4-19 4038-001 CCD module assembly removal 1. Remove the scanner assembly and operator panel. See Scanner assembly removal on page 4-64, and Operator panel removal on page 4-50 for more information. 2. Remove four screws (A). 3. Slip a flat blade screwdriver under one side then the other to release the tabs. 4-20 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Lift off glass housing to remove. Repair information 4-21 4038-001 5. Use a flat blade screwdriver to gently pry open the CCD module assembly housing to release the belt. 4-22 Service Manual 4038-001 6. Pry the shaft loose on both ends and slide out. Repair information 4-23 4038-001 7. Release the ribbon cable from slots (A). 4-24 Service Manual 4038-001 8. Disconnect the ribbon cable (A) from the CCD. 9. Remove the CCD assembly. Repair information 4-25 4038-001 Card cage removal 1. Remove the left, right and rear covers. See Left side on page 4-12, Right side on page 4-15, and Rear cover removal on page 4-5 for more information. 2. Remove two screws (A) at the rear of the printer. 3. Place the printer front side down on a flat surface 4-26 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Remove 10 screws (A) in card cage. Repair information 4-27 4038-001 Note: Hold the card cage as you remove the last screw; as the cage can fall. 4-28 Service Manual 4038-001 5. Lift the card cage to remove. Repair information 4-29 4038-001 6. Disconnect all cables on the system board. See reinstallation note. 4-30 Service Manual 4038-001 Reinstallation note: Make note of the cable locations (A) for the cartridge fuse (CN4) and main paper feed cable (CN6) as these pin connectors can be interchanged. This reversal could cause the printer to malfunction. Repair information 4-31 4038-001 Fan removal 1. Remove the right side cover. See Right side on page 4-15 for more information. 2. Disconnect the fan cable from the LVPS/HVPS. 3. Pull the fan straight out to remove. 4-32 Service Manual 4038-001 Fuser removal 1. Remove the card cage. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 for more information. 2. Remove four screws (A). 3. Pull the fuser straight out to remove. Repair information 4-33 4038-001 HVPS contact removal 1. Remove the right side cover. See Right side on page 4-15 for more information. 2. Remove the screw in the cover to the HVPS contacts. 3. Remove the cover. 4. Using needle nose pliers, remove the HVPS contact(s). 4-34 Service Manual 4038-001 LVPS / HVPS card removal 1. Remove the card cage. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 for more information. 2. Disconnect the cable (CN2) on the LVPS/HVPS card. Repair information 4-35 4038-001 3. Remove seven screws (A). Note: The bracket securing the LVPS/HVPS card must be removed to reveal the last screw holding the LVPS/HVPS card. 4-36 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Remove the LVPS/HVPS card. Repair information 4-37 4038-001 Main drive assembly removal 1. With the left side cover removed. See Left side on page 4-12 for more information. 2. Remove six screws (A) across the top and bottom of the main drive assembly. 4-38 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Pull the main drive assembly out a little and disconnect the drive motor cable (A). 4. Lift out the main drive assembly to remove. Repair information 4-39 4038-001 Main paper feed roller removal 1. Remove the middle cover and main drive assemblies. See Middle cover removal on page 4-3 and Main drive assembly removal on page 4-37 for information. 2. Remove the three screws (A) and the gear plate. 3. Remove the four gears. 4-40 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Remove the two screws (A). 5. Lift the metal plate and remove. Repair information 4-41 4038-001 6. Lift the metal shaft (registration roller) with both bearings attached. Reinstallation note: When installing the four gears, make sure the arms of the solenoids are in the correct position. 7. Pry up the main paper feed roller and remove. 4-42 Service Manual 4038-001 Main feed roller solenoid removal 1. With the card cage and main drive assembly removed. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 and Main drive assembly removal on page 4-37 for more information. 2. Remove the gear plate (A). Repair information 4-43 4038-001 3. Remove the pick roller gear. 4. Remove one screw. 4-44 Service Manual 4038-001 5. Remove the main feed roller solenoid. Repair information 4-45 4038-001 Manual paper feed sensor actuator removal 1. With the paper tray feed roller removed. See Paper tray feed roller removal on page 4-56 for more information. 2. Flex the tab with your thumb and pry up the end of the actuator. 4-46 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Lift and remove from the printer. Note: Ensure the spring remains on the actuator. Reinstallation note: Verify the spring is in the correct orientation and flexes the actuator. Repair information 4-47 4038-001 Modem card removal 1. With the card cage removed. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 for more information. 2. Disconnect the modem ribbon cable (CN3). 4-48 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Remove two screws (A). 4. Using needle nose pliers, squeeze the standoff to release the modem card. Repair information 4-49 4038-001 5. Remove the modem card. 4-50 Service Manual 4038-001 Operator panel removal 1. Remove three screws (A) on the underside of the operator panel. 2. Rotate the top portion of the operator panel up. Repair information 4-51 4038-001 3. Disconnect the operator panel cables (CN1 and CN2). 4. Remove the operator panel. 4-52 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper empty sensor actuator removal 1. Remove the card cage. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 for more information. 2. Deflect the tab to the side of the actuator to release. Repair information 4-53 4038-001 3. Remove the paper empty sensor actuator. 4-54 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper feed sensor actuator removal 1. Remove the paper tray pick roller assembly and paper empty sensor actuator. See Paper tray pick roller assembly removal on page 4-57 and Paper empty sensor actuator removal on page 4-52 for more information. 2. Deflect the right side of the actuator to release. Repair information 4-55 4038-001 3. Lift and remove the paper feed sensor actuator. 4-56 Service Manual 4038-001 Paper tray feed roller removal 1. Remove the paper tray pick roller. See Paper tray pick roller assembly removal on page 4-57 for more information. 2. Pull down to release from bushings (A). 3. Remove the paper tray feed roller. Repair information 4-57 4038-001 Paper tray pick roller assembly removal 1. Remove the main drive assembly. See Main drive assembly removal on page 4-37 for more information. 2. Remove the paper tray. 3. Remove the three screws (A) securing the gear plate and remove the plate. 4-58 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Remove the pick roller gear. 5. With the card cage removed. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 for more information. Repair information 4-59 4038-001 6. With a flat blade screwdriver, lift the tab (A) on the right bushing. 4-60 Service Manual 4038-001 7. While holding the tab up, push the pick roller to the right until the shaft (A) is released on the left side. 8. Remove the pick roller. Repair information 4-61 4038-001 Paper tray solenoid removal 1. Remove the card cage and main drive assembly. See Card cage removal on page 4-25 and Main drive assembly removal on page 4-37 for more information. 2. Remove the screw from the solenoid. 4-62 Service Manual 4038-001 3. Remove the paper tray solenoid. Repair information 4-63 4038-001 Printhead removal 1. Remove the middle cover. See Middle cover removal on page 4-3 for more information. 2. Remove four screws (A) from the printhead. 3. Lift the printhead. 4. Disconnect two connectors. 5. Remove the printhead. 4-64 Service Manual 4038-001 Scanner assembly removal 1. Remove the left, right and rear covers. See Left side on page 4-12, Right side on page 4-15, and Rear cover removal on page 4-5 for more information. 2. Remove the ground screw from the main drive assembly. 3. Disconnect the following cables from the scanner card: Repair information 4-65 4038-001 cable (A) (CN3) cable (A) with toroid (CN6) 4-66 Service Manual 4038-001 cable (A) (CN2) Repair information 4-67 4038-001 ribbon cable (A) (CN1) 4. Remove two screws in rear of printer. 4-68 Service Manual 4038-001 5. Remove the scanner assembly. Scanner card assembly removal 1. Remove the left side cover. See Left side on page 4-12 for more information. 2. Disconnect all cables from the scanner card. Repair information 4-69 4038-001 3. Remove two screws (A) from the card. 4-70 Service Manual 4038-001 4. Lift out the scanner card to remove. Repair information 4-71 4038-001 Scanner assembly cushion removal Pull the scanner cushion away to release from adhesive. 4-72 Service Manual 4038-001 Scanner assembly hinge removal 1. With the scanner document cover removed. See Scanner assembly document cover removal on page 4-7 for more information. 2. Lay the scanner document cover upside down. 3. Remove three screws (A) from the hinge. 4. Tilt back through catches and lift out. Repair information 4-73 4038-001 System board removal 1. Remove the modem card. See Modem card removal on page 4-47 for more information. 2. Disconnect the LVPS/HVPS cable (CN14). 3. Remove the modem card ribbon cable (CN1). 4-74 Service Manual 4038-001 Note: See reinstallation note. 4. Remove five screws (A). Repair information 4-75 4038-001 5. Remove the system board. 6. Remove the modem card standoff from the system board. Reinstallation note: Reinstall the modem card standoff and ribbon cable on the new system board. 4-76 Service Manual 4038-001 Transfer roll removal 1. Open the cartridge access cover. 2. Remove the toner cartridge. Note: Place toner cartridge on a flat surface and cover with paper to prevent light getting to the developer. Prolonged exposure of light to the green PC drum can damage the cartridge. 3. Pry up the transfer roll (A) on the right end. Repair information 4-77 4038-001 4. Using a pair of needle nose pliers, grab the right end of the shaft and move to the right. Note: Touching the roller may cause print quality problems. 5. Once the left side of the transfer roll is released, still holding with pliers, remove from the printer. 4-78 Service Manual 4038-001 Locations 5-1 4038-001 5. Locations Front view ADF release knob Scanning bed Document output tray Document cover Paper output extension Document guide Automatic Document feeder (ADF) Document input tray Operator panel Front output tray Front cover Paper tray Manual bypass 5-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Rear view Telephone line connector USB connector Parallel connector Rear cover Power switch AC power cord connector Locations 5-3 4038-001 EP rollers 1 OPC drum 2 Charge roller 3 Supply roller 4 Developing roller 5 Transfer roller 6 Heat roller 7 Pressure roller Toner Cartridge Fuser 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5-4 Service Manual 4038-001 Operator panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 0 # R e t u r n M e n u S e l e c t C o p y F a x N u m b e r R e s o l u t i o n P h o n e b o o k R e d i a l / P a u s e L i g h t T e x t S c a l e A d v a n c e d M i x e d P h o t o D a r k N o r m a l F a x C o p y D a r k n e s s C o n t e n t 1 2 3 4 9 5 8 7 6 Locations 5-5 4038-001 C o p y Content Selects the output type for the current copy job. Select from Text, Mixed, or Photo quality. Darkness Adjusts the brightness of the current copy job to the selected value. Number Selects the number of copies that you want to make. Scale Adjusts the size of content on the page. Advanced Accesses special copy features such as Collate, 2-Up, and 4-Up. Resolution Adjusts the resolution of a faxed document. F a x Phonebook Accesses and stores fax numbers as shortcuts and groups. Redial/Pause Redials the most recently used fax number. Also used to enter programmed delays when entering shortcuts. Telephone icon Starts a dial tone (used to send a fax manually). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Display Displays the current status and prompts during an operation. Toner Low indicator Turns on when the toner cartridge is near empty. Numeric keypad Used to enter a menu number, to dial a fax number, or to enter alphanumeric characters. Stop/Clear Stops an operation at any time. Menu Enters menu functions and scrolls through menu items. Scroll buttons Scrolls through the options available for the selected menu item. Select Confirms the selection on the display. Return Sends you back to the previous menu level or exits the menu. Start Starts a job. 5-6 Service Manual 4038-001 HVPS / LVPS card C N 2 1 OP104 OP103 OP101 OP102 CN3 CN1 C/O Switch 1 Locations 5-7 4038-001 Function name Name on card # of pins Pin # Signal Fuser CN1 2 1 2 110 / 220 / 240 V ac Neutral System board CN2 26 3, 4 7 12 5,6,8,9,10, 11 +5 V dc +12 V dc +24 V dc Ground Cooling fan CN3 3 1 +24 V dc Cover open switch C/O Switch Manual bypass sensor OP101 Main paper feed / toner cartridge present sensor OP103 Fuser exit sensor OP102 Paper tray empty OP104 5-8 Service Manual 4038-001 Modem card Function name Name on card # of pins Pin # Signal System board CN3 14 10 2, 12 +5 V dc Ground 1 CN3 CN1 Locations 5-9 4038-001 Operator panel card Function name Name on card # of pins Pin # Signal Document cover sensor CN1 3 1 3 +5 V dc Ground Scanner card CN2 6 2 1 +5 V dc Ground CN2 1 CN1 CN3 1 1 5-10 Service Manual 4038-001 Scanner card 1 CN2 1 CN6 1 CN1 CN4 1 CN5 CN3 1 1 Locations 5-11 4038-001 Function name Name on card # of pins Pin # Signal CCD module CN1 24 19 22 1,3,5,7,12, 20,24 +5 V dc +24 V dc Ground Operator panel CN2 6 2 1 +5 V dc Ground ADF CN3 16 3 2,4 1,11,13,15 +5 V dc +24 V dc Ground System board CN4 26 1,2,3 8,9,10,18, 19,20,22, 24,26 +5 V dc Ground System board CN5 26 1,2,3,4,5 8,9,10,18, 19,20,22, 24,26 +24 V dc Ground CCD module motor CN6 4 5-12 Service Manual 4038-001 System board CN13 1 CN20 C156 CN10 CN8 CN9 CN7 1 1 1 1 CN14 1 CN4 CN12 CN6 CN5 CN2 CN1 1 1 1 1 CN3 1 1 1 Locations 5-13 4038-001 Function name Name on card # of pins Pin # Signal HVPS/LVPS CN1 26 3,4 7 12 5,6,8,9,10, 11 +5 V dc +12 V dc +24 V dc Ground Paper tray solenoid CN2 3 3 +24 V dc Pre-transfer LED CN3 2 1 +3.3 V dc Toner cartridge fuse CN4 2 Main drive motor CN5 4 Main paper feed / bypass solenoid CN6 2 1 +24 V dc Fuser thermistor CN7 2 Scanner card CN8 26 1,2,3,4,5 10,15,16, 17,18,20, 21,22,24,26 +24 V dc Ground Speaker CN9 2 Scanner card CN10 26 1,2,3, 8,9,10,18, 19,20,22, 24,26 +5 V dc Ground Printhead CN12 11 5 7 4,8,9,11 +24 V dc +5 V dc Ground Not used CN13 Modem card CN14 14 10 2,12 +5 V dc Ground 5-14 Service Manual 4038-001 ADF paper path CCD-Module Exit roller Document sensor Pickup roller ADF roller ADF-Idle roller Scan sensor Registration sensor Feed roller White-sheet Locations 5-15 4038-001 Printer engine paper path/paper jams PTL P I C K / R CR DR SR TR FR OPC Bypass jam BR Fuser Printhead Paper jam 0 Paper jam 2 Paper jam 1 Main paper feed/toner cartridge present sensor Manual bypass sensor Empty sensor Fuser exit sensor 5-16 Service Manual 4038-001 Preventive maintenance 6-1 4038-001 6. Preventive maintenance The Lexmark X215 MFP does not require preventive maintenance. 6-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Parts catalog 7-1 4038-001 7. Parts catalog How to use this parts catalog SIMILAR ASSEMBLIES: If two assemblies contain a majority of identical parts, they are shown on the same list. Common parts are shown by one index number. Parts peculiar to one or the other of the assemblies are listed separately and identified by description. NS: (Not Shown) in the Asm-Index column indicates that the part is procurable but is not pictured in the illustration. PP: (Parts Packet) in the Description column indicates the part is contained in a parts packet. 7-2 Service Manual 4038-001 Assembly 1: Scanner assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Parts catalog 7-3 4038-001 Assembly 1: Scanner assembly Index P/N Units Description 11 56P1931 1 Cover asm, ADF access 2 56P1923 1 Kit asm, ADF pick roll/pad 3 56P1922 1 Roller, ADF idler 4 56P1983 1 Scanner, complete 5 56P1936 1 Overlay, main 6 56P1935 1 Overlay, menu/select/return 7 56P1934 1 Panel asm, operator 8 56P1932 1 Cushion, document cover 9 56P1933 2 Hinge, document cover 10 56P1941 1 Cable, CCD 11 56P1940 1 Module asm, CCD 7-4 Service Manual 4038-001 Assembly 2: Main assembly 1 2 4 5 12 15 14 6 7 9 13 18 16 17 19 21 8 10 11 20 3 Parts catalog 7-5 4038-001 * Note: Whenever a part is replaced in a machine with serial number below S8374290, all three parts must be replaced at the same time. Assembly 2: Main assembly Index P/N Units Description 21 56P1914 1 Cover asm, rear 2 56P1902 1 Printhead, complete 3 56P1916 1 Cable, main drive motor 4 56P1915 1 Fan, cooling 5 56P1913 1 Cover, right 6 56P1904 1 Card asm, LVPS/HVPS - 110 V 6 56P1905 1 Card asm, LVPS/HVPS - 220 V 6 56P2028 1 Card asm, LVPS/HVPS - 240 V 7 56P1906 1 Cable, system to power supply 8 56P1918 1 Card asm, modem (Americas) 8 56P1986 1 Card asm, modem (West Europe) 8 56P1987 1 Card asm, modem (S. Africa) 8 56P1988 1 Card asm, modem (Asia) 8 56P1989 1 Card asm, modem (Australia) 9 56P1984 1 Cable, modem card to system 10 56P1919 1 Standoff, modem card 11 *56P2416 1 Card asm, system 12 56P1908 1 Cover asm, middle 13 56P1911 1 Tray asm, paper 14 56P1910 1 Cover asm, cartridge access 15 56P1909 1 Extender, output bin 16 *56P2418 1 Cable, scanner to system 17 *56P2417 1 Card asm, scanner 18 56P1901 1 Drive asm, main 19 56P1912 1 Cover, left, w/speaker 20 56P1985 1 Cable, main drive ground 21 56P1903 1 Cable, printhead 7-6 Service Manual 4038-001 Assembly 3: Frame assembly