Amca 850-02 (R2011)
Amca 850-02 (R2011)
Amca 850-02 (R2011)
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
determined to be valid for a certain range of flow rate,
temperature and pressure. In the absence of a K
factor determined by test, the value of K is taken as
the appropriate value for a square-edged orifice for
the arithmetic average of the actual flow area.
The general pressure drop equation above is used to
determine only that loss due to the addition of the
damper into the duct system and does not include the
loss due to ductwork upstream or downstream of the
10.3 System effect on damper
The physical orientation of upstream and
downstream ductwork relative to the damper can
seriously affect the flow pattern into and out of the
damper. If the orientation of a system is not as
described under the assumptions made above, the
actual pressure drop across the damper can be much
greater than would normally be expected. Some of
the variations that can cause a magnification of
pressure drop include:
a. Sudden reduction or enlargement in cross-
section area
b. Duct turns immediately adjacent to the damper
c. Secondary flow of system gas into the ductwork
immediately adjacent to the damper
Again, these variations are not covered by the
pressure drop equation given in Section 10.2. See
also Section 11.2 for mechanical effects.
11. Damper Design Considerations
A custom-engineered damper is designed to meet
the parameters given in the equipment specification
according to design guidelines which may vary
slightly among manufacturers, but which are
generally as follows:
11.1 Mechanical / thermal stresses
11.1.1 Damper General. Damper components should be
designed so that no load-bearing component stress
calculated by conventional analysis shall exceed the
yield strength of the selected material, given an
appropriate factor of safety. Safety factors. Unless more conservative
values are specified, the appropriate safety factors to
be used are:
a. Bending: 60% of the material yield strength
b. Torsion: 35% of the material yield strength
c. Shear: 50% of the material yield strength Creep. The effects of creep shall be
considered in the design when operating temperature
exceeds 427C (800F). Distortion. Each component shall be
designed to avoid function-limiting distortion during
specified normal operating conditions or upset
condition. Specific function during upset. When the
equipment specification requires that the damper
perform a specific function during an upset condition,
the design of the damper shall accommodate the
requirement. Compressive loads. A component subject
to a compressive load shall be designed for the
capability to transmit that load without exceeding the
allowable buckling strength of the member using
appropriate safety factors.
11.1.2 Drive system. Basis of size. The drive system shall be
sized to operate at the normal operating conditions,
or at conditions as required in the equipment
specification. Actuator size. The drive system demand at
the specified normal operating condition shall be
specified by the damper manufacturer. The actuator
must be sized so that its rated output exceeds the
calculated damper demand by at least 50%. Drive train design. The drive train shall be
designed to accept the maximum actuator output stall
torque without component failure.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: There is the potential for field
operating personnel to apply input force on a hand
wheel such that components in the gear train and
other drive components can be permanently
damaged. Care must be exercised that the maximum
recommended input force recommended by the
damper manufacturer not be exceeded.
11.1.3 Allowable stress on material. The allowable
stress on a material shall be determined based on
material yield strength at the specified normal
operating temperature unless otherwise specified.
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
11.2 Stability
There is an additional result of System Effect when a
damper is involved. Uneven flow characteristics have
the potential to cause excessive localized loading on
damper components. Therefore, the location of the
damper in the system should be chosen carefully by
the system designer. If uneven flow characteristics
are anticipated, the location of a damper should be
reviewed with the damper manufacturer so that the
design of the equipment may account for potential
instability or allow the damper manufacturer to
recommend beneficial modifications to the duct
11.3 Deflection
The damper manufacturer shall determine limits of
deflection in damper components so as to ensure
reliable free operation of the assembled damper and
performance with respect to leakage.
11.4 Wind load
Unless otherwise agreed to or specified, the damper
design shall include and allowance for a wind load of
1.44 kPa/m
For horizontal projections, the live load shall be as
given in the equipment specifications.
11.5 Seismic loading
Most dampers are analyzed as part of the duct
system in which they are installed. Where seismic
analysis is required, upon award of the damper
contract the damper manufacturer shall supply detail
drawings and bills of material to the purchaser to aid
in seismic analysis of the damper by others.
11.6 Connection to ductwork
11.6.1 Dimensional requirements. The damper
shall be designed to mate with ductwork that is
square within 1/1000 of the diagonal and flat within
the allowable compression range of the selected
damper/ductwork gasket.
It should be noted that a racked (distorted) duct will
cause the damper frame to be non-planar when
attached to the ductwork with the possible result of
excessive leakage or binding during operation. Out-
of-square ductwork may also produce the same
results. Ductwork quality should ensure alignment
such that no forces are imposed on the damper as
the result of attachment.
11.6.2 Transmitted loads and damper support.
Where possible, no external loads should be
transmitted through the damper. Any external load to
be imposed on the damper shall be given in the
equipment specifications.
A guillotine damper requires special consideration, as
the damper flanges adjacent to the blade entry side
are non-load bearing. Moment loads are of the
greatest concern.
It is preferable that a damper be supported from a
duct flange on or near a duct support, with expansion
joints installed to minimize wind load, thermal
expansion loading, and vibration.
When a damper is to be installed at the base of a
stack, the design shall account for the stack load and
bending moment as given in the equipment
11.6.3 Blade protrusion. The purchaser shall
specify when it is or is not allowable for the damper
blade(s) to extend beyond the damper frame.
12. Actuators
The type of actuator to be supplied with the damper
is defined in the equipment specification by the type
of power source the actuator shall utilize. The three
types of power source most commonly used are:
manual, electric, or pneumatic. The choice of power
source should take into consideration the operating
time, failure mode, frequency of damper operation,
availability of the power source at the damper
location, the size of actuator required, and the
amount of force and/or speed required. The choice of
power source may require the trading off of some
features for others which are more desirable in the
specific application.
Selection of an actuator may depend on the failure
mode requirements (the desired reaction of the
damper upon loss of control signal or power):
a. Damper to stop in last position on loss of control
signal or loss of power to actuator;
b. Damper to open (or close) on loss of power to
c. Damper to open (or close) on loss of control
signal to actuator.
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
12.1 Pneumatic
12.1.1 Rotary. Rotary vane actuators provide
double-acting motion and are directly coupled to the
main drive shaft of the damper for operation at a 90
Cylindrical actuators are directly coupled to the main
drive shaft of the damper and provide double-acting
motion through a lever crank, a Scotch yoke, or a
rack-and-pinion connection.
12.1.2 Linear. Suitable for quarter-turn dampers, a
double-acting linear actuator may be used to operate
at a 90 angle via a crank and clevis.
Guillotine or slide-gate dampers may use a direct
cylinder drive or a rotary actuator with a screw drive
or an intermediate chain drive.
12.2 Electric
An electric actuator consists of a reversible electric
motor that applies actuation force through a drive
12.2.1 Rotary. Rotary actuation force is applied
through the drive system's self-locking gears. When
used with a quarter-turn damper, the actuator is
ordinarily shaft mounted. On a guillotine damper, the
actuator delivers actuation force through a screw or
chain drive.
12.2.2 Linear. Linear actuation force is supplied
through a drive system consisting of a screw,
intermediate chain drive, or gears.
The output is self-locking. The output can be direct-
coupled to the main drive shaft of the damper, or at a
90 angle through a crank or clevis.
12.3 Manual
A manual actuator may be either the hand lever type
or the hand lever-geared type. Frequently used with
a guillotine or slide gate damper, actuation force is
applied through arrangements of winch-and-chain,
winch-and-wire rope, rack-and-pinion, or revolving
screw with captive nut.
12.4 Options and accessories
12.4.1 Electric actuator. Options include the
Limit switch(es), located outside the damper or
inside the actuator, to indicate the position of the
blade(s) or to control power.
Torque overload device, to disconnect power if an
excessive motor demand occurs.
Positioner, to provide control of the drive shaft in
response to a signal from a remote control device.
Manual override for emergency operation of
12.4.2 Pneumatic actuator. Options include the
Limit switches, to indicate the position of the
damper blade(s) or to activate/deactivate indicator
Positioner, to satisfy which require that the drive
shaft be moved to a position called for by a remote
control device. The control signal may be 2.068 to
10.342 kPa (3 to 15 psi) instrument air, or a
conventional electric control signal of 4 to 20 ma, or
1 to 5 V dc converted to 2.068 to 10.342 kPa (3 to 15
psi) by a transducer.
Fail-safe features, to return the damper to a position
upon loss of power air or control signal. This feature
may be accomplished via a spring return to create
resistance inside an air cylinder, or by providing an
accumulator tank to store enough air pressure for
one additional cycle of operation.
Manual override for emergency stop of actuator; not
available on all pneumatic actuators.
13. Testing
Tests of prototype or production units may be
requested for design proof or product acceptance.
The nature of the tests, location of tests, test
procedures to be followed, remedies, and
acceptance criteria should all be established
beforehand with the damper manufacturer in order to
ensure that tests are satisfactory. It should be noted
at the outset that tests that involve the simulation of
service conditions are expensive. Since these tests
are conducted at the customer's expense, they
should be carried out on a selective basis.
13.1 Location of and schedule for testing
A damper test is normally conducted at the damper
manufacturer's premises, and scheduling is usually
optimized to minimize delays between damper
production and shipment. The manufacturer has the
necessary test facility and test personnel. No
shipment cost or time is involved, all of which
minimize the cost to the purchaser. Testing at another
location or to a schedule that involves delays usually
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
result in additional cost to the purchaser.
When the physical size of the equipment precludes
testing at the manufacturer's facility, a mutually
acceptable test location should be agreed upon.
13.2 Functional tests
These tests are normally conducted by the
manufacturer as a standard procedure. Since there is
wide variation in the information obtained, the
damper manufacturer should be consulted to
determine whether the manufacturer's standard tests
provide sufficient information for the job, or whether
additional tests are required.
Functional tests are usually performed on a
simulation basis, wherein the equipment is positioned
with respect to flow and gravity just as it will be
installed, or with those factors taken into
Functional tests are intended to prove satisfactory
operation of a damper in the "as-built" condition
unless special arrangements are made to subject the
damper to simulated temperature, pressure,
contamination, or other special conditions during the
Satisfactory functional testing does not relieve the
damper manufacturer of responsibility for satisfactory
operation when it is installed and subjected to service
13.3 Simulation test
If it is determined that a simulation test is required,
such testing should be discussed with the damper
manufacturer. The results of most of such tests, if
performed, require interpretation because they do not
duplicate all the conditions to which the damper is to
be subjected in service. The following is a list of
damper candidates for simulation testing, and the
performance parameters that may be included in
such testing:
13.3.1 Louver damper without seal air system.
a) Leakage
b) Pressure Drop at design flow
c) Operating Time (Cycle time, open-to-close, or
d) Loose Material Obstruction
e) Rigid Material Obstruction
f) Deflection ______ mm (in.)
13.3.2 Louver damper with seal air system.
a) Leakage
b) Pressure Drop at design flow
c) Operating Time (Cycle time, open-to-close, or
d) Loose Material Obstruction
e) Rigid Material Obstruction
f) Deflection ______ mm (in.)
g) Seal Air Cavity Required?
h) Seal Air Cavity Pressure
13.3.3 Guillotine damper with seal air system.
a) Leakage
b) Pressure Drop at 100% open
c) Operating Time (Cycle time, open-to-close, or
d) Loose Material Obstruction
e) Rigid Material Obstruction
f) Deflection
g) Seal Air Cavity Required?
h) Seal Air Cavity Pressure
13.4 Test detail
The details for testing the performance parameters
listed above should be in accordance with the
outlines given below. The data to be recorded during
the test, the presentation of results, and criteria for
acceptance should be agreed upon before any test
13.4.1 Leakage. Leakage volume through the
damper shall be measured when subjected to the
operating pressure differential and the damper is
closed by the actuator mechanism. The observed
leakage volume shall be adjusted for service
conditions of temperature and pressure.
13.4.2 Pressure drop. Pressure drop tests shall be
conducted on the damper, size permitting. When
equipment size precludes such a test, a model test
per AMCA Standard 500-D shall be the preferred
alternate test.
13.4.3 Operating time. The damper shall be cycled
from open-to-close, and close-to-open, and the time
in seconds for each recorded.
13.4.4 Loose material obstruction. A material shall
be selected which resembles the anticipated duct
deposit conditions. The material shall be placed in
the damper and the damper shall be cycled.
13.4.5 Rigid obstruction. A mutually acceptable,
reasonably solid obstruction shall be selected for the
test. The obstruction shall be placed in the path of the
damper blades and the damper shall then be cycled
from open to closed in advance of pre-set shutoff
switches to confirm the capacity of the drive
mechanism and the strength of damper components
when subjected to a solid obstruction.
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
13.4.6 Seal air cavity pressure. The seal air cavity
pressure test shall be conducted with the damper in
the "as-built" condition and without differential
pressure across the damper.
13.4.7 Seal air cavity volume. The manufacturer
shall provide calculations to seal air volume and
pressure tests to actual operating conditions.
13.4.8 Deflection. The damper shall be subjected to
loading to simulate loading as given in the equipment
specification. The load shall be applied to the damper
blade(s) or other damper components (as applicable)
designated, and the deflection measured and recorded.
14. Recommended Specifications
A clear and detailed specification of the damper
equipment to be supplied is an important first step in
ensuring that the desired equipment can be properly
quoted, built, tested, installed and operated to the
satisfaction of all concerned. The specification should
ensure that the responses received will be from
companies with sufficient resources and experience
to manufacture, test and deliver equipment which will
meet the equipment specifications.
14.1 Louver damper specification
This recommended specification is intended to serve
as a guide for the design and manufacture of heavy
duty louver dampers for industrial process or power
generation applications.
14.1.1 Scope This specification covers the supply of a
heavy duty louver damper for the Specified Service
Conditions. The damper shall be manufactured as
specified under Construction and shall be supplied
with an actuator and necessary limit switches and
other components as required. Unless otherwise
specified, the damper shall undergo functional testing
by the manufacturer prior to shipment.
14.1.2 Quality program All work, including design engineering,
material procurement, fabrication and shipment shall
be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the
manufacturer. The supplier's plant shall be accessible
during all phases of manufacture of the equipment.
The purchaser shall be notified at least ten (10) days
prior to the manufacturer's final inspection and
cycling of the equipment.
14.1.3 Submittal drawings. Upon award of the
contract, complete detailed submittal drawings shall
be prepared and submitted by the manufacturer, per
an agreed upon schedule, to the purchaser for
approval. Submittal drawings must be approved
before the start of fabrication. The drawings shall
exhibit system design parameters, interface
dimensions, and performance data on accessories
such as limit switches and actuators, et al. The
submittal drawings shall include or have attached a
bill of materials identifying the major components of
the equipment.
14.1.4 Welding. All welding to be done shall be
based on applicable sections of the American
Welding Society codes or the ASME Section IX
welding code.
14.1.5 Construction The louver damper shall be constructed of
materials which meet the minimum requirements
given in the Specified Service Conditions. The stress level in any component subjected
to structural design loads shall not exceed the
following percentage values of the yield strength of
the selected material at the temperature given in the
Specified Service Conditions:
a) Bending: 60%
b) Torsion: 35%
c) Shear: 50% Creep shall be considered in the design of
the damper when operating temperature exceeds
427C (800F). Creep rate shall be based upon 1%
at 100,000 hours. The allowable percentage of stress
based on creep shall not exceed the allowable
percentages given for yield strength. The damper frame shall be rolled/formed
structural channel. The frame shall be designed to
meet the mechanical requirements resulting from the
Specified Service Conditions and also for
transportation and installation. The unit shall be self-
supporting, with no external support or bracing
required. The damper frame shall be designed with
sufficient stiffness to preclude binding in induced-
draft applications and to prevent excessive leakage
across the damper under the pressure/temperature
given in the Specified Service Conditions. The blade structure shall not be permanently
distorted by exposure to the maximum temperature
given in the Specified Service Conditions. Allowances
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
shall be made for thermal expansion/contraction of
the blade/axle assembly. Thermal expansion/contraction
shall be controlled and directed away from the side of
the damper where the drive system is located. The damper blades shall be linked external
to the damper frame. Linkage between blades shall
be designed so that no blade may operate
independently of the others. The linkage shall be
completed, tested and fixed in position at the
manufacturer's facility. Bearings used in the damper shall be
(ball/sleeve/roller) type. Bearing selection shall take
into account jobsite ambient conditions and also heat
conduction from the damper shaft to the bearing. Stuffing boxes are (required/preferred/
optional) shall be secured to the damper frame at
each shaft clearance hole in the frame and shall be
filled with material which is stable under exposure to
both the system gas and to the ambient conditions.
The stuffing box shall be designed and constructed
so that packing may be renewed without the removal
of linkage or other drive system components. Seals at the blade edges and the blade ends
are (required/not required/optional). The material
shall be suitable to withstand the Specified Service
Conditions. The actuator and all drive system
components shall be sized with a minimum safety
factor of 50%, based upon the Power required to
operate the damper under the normal operating
conditions given in the Specified Service Conditions. The actuator mounts shall be furnished and
installed on the damper frame by the damper
14.2 Guillotine damper specification
This recommended specification is intended to serve
as a guide for the design and manufacture of heavy
duty (personnel-safe) guillotine dampers for industrial
process and power generation applications.
14.2.1 Scope This specification covers the supply of a
heavy duty (personnel-safe) guillotine damper for the
Specified Service Conditions.
Note: If the personnel-safe features are not required,
the [bracketed] phrases may be omitted. They are
included to provide the most comprehensive sample
specification. The damper shall be manufactured as
specified under Construction and shall be supplied
with an actuator and blade drive mechanism [and
complete seal air system] as required. Unless
otherwise specified, the damper shall undergo
functional testing by the manufacturer prior to
14.2.2 Quality Program All work, including design engineering,
material procurement, fabrication and shipment shall
be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the
manufacturer. The supplier's plant shall be accessible
during all phases of manufacture of the equipment.
The purchaser shall be notified at least ten (10) days
prior to the manufacturer's final inspection and
cycling of the equipment.
14.2.3 Submittal drawings. Upon award of the
contract, complete detailed submittal drawings shall
be prepared and submitted by the manufacturer, per
an agreed upon schedule, to the purchaser for
approval. Submittal drawings must be approved
before the start of fabrication. The drawings shall
exhibit system design parameters, interface
dimensions, and performance data on accessories
such as limit switches and actuators, et al. The
submittal drawings shall include or have attached a
bill of materials identifying the major components of
the equipment.
14.2.4 Welding. All welding to be done shall be
based on applicable sections of the American
Welding Society codes or the ASME Section IX
welding code.
14.2.5 Construction. The guillotine damper shall be constructed
of materials which meet the minimum requirements
given in the Specified Service Conditions. The stress level in any component subjected
to structural loads shall not exceed the following
percentage values of the yield strength of the
selected material at the temperature given in the
specified service conditions:
a) Bending: 60%
b) Torsion: 35% The damper frame shall be rolled or formed
structural steel. The frame shall be designed to meet
the mechanical requirements resulting from the
Specified Service Conditions and also for transport
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
and installation. The unit shall be self-supporting,
with no external bracing or support required. The
damper frame shall be designed to support the
extended blade, and to withstand the loads of the
drive system, and wind/snow loads. If blade support(s) is(are) required to
restrain the closed blade, it(they) shall be designed to
minimize pressure drop through the damper. The blade shall be of single-thickness plate
or an equivalent thermally-compatible structure.
Blade deflection under any specified operating
condition (blade extended, retracted, or partially
open) shall not exceed the lesser of one-half the
thickness of the blade material or 1/360th of the
blade width. The damper blade shall withdraw clear of
the duct when in the open position. The bonnet shall be of the (open/closed)
type. Seals shall be designed and located on the
damper to allow replacement without the need for
removing the damper from the duct. Flexible seals shall be of such design and
material to ensure proper spring retention and
memory through the entire operating range from
ambient to Specified Service Conditions. A seal air blower shall be provided and
sized to provide 500 Pa (2 in. wg) pressure more than
the differential pressure across the closed damper at
the Specified Service Conditions. A shut-off device with a suitable actuator
shall be located between the seal air blower and the
damper to prevent reverse flow of flue gas through an
idle blower. The damper blade shall be operated either
by chain-and-sprocket(s), lifting screws, or rack-and-
pinion. The damper operating drive system shall
consist of a suitable power drive motor, sized for a
minimum safety factor or 50% based on the
maximum power required to operate the damper
under the Specified Service Conditions. Each component in the drive system shall
accept the running-stall output of the power drive
motor without failure.
15. Sample Specification Checklist
The final purchase specifications for a damper are
often an accumulation of diverse sets of documents.
The accumulation will consist of purchase order
forms and related contractual papers. Each
purchaser has its own set of special forms,
standards, and operating procedures that might be
included as contractual papers.
The information in these documents will include a
technical description of the damper and details of the
specific requirements of the installation. The
information developed should be the result of a
dialogue between the purchaser and the damper
manufacturer, initiated by a Request for Proposal or
Invitation to Bid (see sample form Section 15.1). The
manufacturer will respond (see sample form Section
15.2), often with comments and suggestions for
alternative equipment or options.
This section is intended to assist in that dialogue.
Form Section 15.1 may be copied and filled in, or
may be used as a checklist against a form preferred
by the purchaser.
When completing form Section 15.1, the purchaser
should refer to and include copies of any proprietary
specifications covering motors, actuators, surface
preparation, painting, and accessories, as applicable.
Providing a completed form Section 15.1 (or its
equivalent) together with all the applicable data will
give the manufacturer the information he needs to
develop a complete, competitive and responsive
Form Section 15.2 may be used as a checklist to
ensure that the manufacturer's proposal is complete
and responsive to the user's requirements.
16. Installation Instructions
To ensure that industrial process / power generation
dampers operate satisfactorily it is essential that they
be properly installed. Before starting work on ANY
installation, the manufacturer's instructions should be
carefully reviewed and thoroughly understood. The
manufacturer should be contacted and any difficulties
resolved before the installation work is started.
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
Figure 15.1 - Request for Quotation or Invitation to Bid (Page 1)
Request prepared by: Project Name or Code: Date:
____________________ ________________________ ______________________
Reqd submittal date: _______________________ Plant location: ______________________________
Proposal valid until: ________________________ Designated FOB point: _______________________
Return proposal to: Est. date of contract award: ___________________
________________________________________ Est. shipping start date: ______________________
________________________________________ Est. shipping end date: _______________________
________________________________________ Est. date for completion: ______________________
Available specifications (motor, accessory & paint specs, etc.): _____________________________________
Barometric pressure: ______ (Pa/in. Hg) Maximum temperature: ______ (C/F) Wind load: ______ (N/m
or altitude: ______________ (m/ft) Minimum temperature: ______ (C/F) _______________(lbf/ft
Item identification: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Quantity reqd: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Type of damper: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Width inside frame: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Height inside frame: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Maximum frame,
face-to-face: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
DAMPER ORIENTATION (Horizontal, vertical or stated angle from horizontal)
Width orientation: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Height orientation: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
Figure 15.1 - Request for Quotation or Invitation to Bid (Page 2)
DAMPER ORIENTATION (Horizontal, vertical or stated angle from horizontal) (continued)
Top or bottom entry
for non-horizontal
guillotines: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Item identification: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Sealing direction
(same as or opposite
to flow direction): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Frame: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Bonnet: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Blade: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Shaft: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Seals: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Type of bearings: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Maximum flow rate,
ACMS or kg/hr;
ACFM or lbm/hr: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Allowed gas leakage,
normal differential
pressure and temp: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Allowed gas leakage,
atmosphere at normal
operating temperature
and pressure: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Maximum operating
temperature, (C/F) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Normal operating
temperature, (C/F) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Upset transient
temperature, (C/F) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
Figure 15.1 - Request for Quotation or Invitation to Bid (Page 3)
Duration and frequency
of upset transient: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Normal operating
pressure, (Pa/in. wg) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Normal closed differen-
tial pressure, (Pa/in. wg)_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Item identification: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Gas analysis: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Gas dew point temp-
erature, (C/F) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Gas dust load,
) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Estimated depth of
duct deposit: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Estimated tensile
strength of duct
deposit: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Estimated shear
strength of duct
deposit: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Type of actuator: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Required operating
time (max or min): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Limit switches (Y/N): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Torque overload
protection: _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Manual override (Y/N): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Heaters in motors or
Limit switch housing
(Y/N): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
Remote position
Indicator (Y/M): _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Volts, Phase, Hz. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Plant air: (Pa/psi) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Instrument air, (Pa, psi) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Modulating control _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Figure 15.1 - Request for Quotation or Invitation to Bid (Page 4)
AMCA 850-02 (R2011)
Damper manufacturer Reference to quotation request Quotation submitted by
Quote sent to attention of: Issue date Validity date limit of quote
Manufacturers job reference Purchasers reference FOB point & shipping terms
Surface finishes & paint specs Contract terms Price per item
Statement of manufacturers compliance to quote request / invitation to bid
Frame Bonnet Actuator make & model
Motor power
Blade Shaft Maximum stall torque
Maximum stall torque
Seals Type of drive Required torque including safety factors
Operating times, seconds, from full closed
Type of bearings to full open
SEAL AIR SYSTEM (if required) ACCESSORY ITEMS (if required)
Fan make & model Installed power Limit switches:
--- Number & type
Operating power: damper open, --- External mount or in actuator
damper closed and sealed Motor heaters
Seal air isolation device Remote position indicators
Seal air parameters:
--- Pressure at fan outlet
--- Required volume, including safety factor
Dimensions inside frame Pressure drop (Pa/in. wg) added to system by
full-open damper at maximum flow rate
Estimated overall dimensions
including accessories: Guaranteed leakage rate at operating
--- Across closed damper
Assembled weight --- To (or from) atmosphere
Number of shipping pieces per damper,
including accessories
Figure 15.2 - Quotation Response Checklist
30 West University Drive
Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1893 U.S.A.
E-Mail : Web:
Tel: (847) 394-0150 Fax: (847) 253-0088
The Air Movement and control Association International, Inc. is a not-for-profit international association of the
worlds manufacturers of related air system equipment primarily, but limited to: fans, louvers, dampers, air
curtains, airflow measurement stations, acoustic attenuators, and other air system components for the industrial,
commercial and residential markets.