1. The document discusses three cases related to employment termination and suspension of operations.
2. In the first case, the court ruled that an employee's dismissal for tuberculosis was unjustified since the employer did not provide certification from a public health authority as required.
3. In the second case, the court affirmed the grant of back wages when operations were suspended but invalidated the order to enter a new CBA since the employer permanently closed.
4. In the third case, the court found the employee was illegally dismissed, as there was no valid suspension of operations to justify putting the employee on a floating status for over six months.
1. The document discusses three cases related to employment termination and suspension of operations.
2. In the first case, the court ruled that an employee's dismissal for tuberculosis was unjustified since the employer did not provide certification from a public health authority as required.
3. In the second case, the court affirmed the grant of back wages when operations were suspended but invalidated the order to enter a new CBA since the employer permanently closed.
4. In the third case, the court found the employee was illegally dismissed, as there was no valid suspension of operations to justify putting the employee on a floating status for over six months.
1. The document discusses three cases related to employment termination and suspension of operations.
2. In the first case, the court ruled that an employee's dismissal for tuberculosis was unjustified since the employer did not provide certification from a public health authority as required.
3. In the second case, the court affirmed the grant of back wages when operations were suspended but invalidated the order to enter a new CBA since the employer permanently closed.
4. In the third case, the court found the employee was illegally dismissed, as there was no valid suspension of operations to justify putting the employee on a floating status for over six months.
1. The document discusses three cases related to employment termination and suspension of operations.
2. In the first case, the court ruled that an employee's dismissal for tuberculosis was unjustified since the employer did not provide certification from a public health authority as required.
3. In the second case, the court affirmed the grant of back wages when operations were suspended but invalidated the order to enter a new CBA since the employer permanently closed.
4. In the third case, the court found the employee was illegally dismissed, as there was no valid suspension of operations to justify putting the employee on a floating status for over six months.
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Cebu Royal Plant v DOLE
153 SCRA 38 Disease FACTS Private respondent, Ramon Pilones, was employed by petitioner Cebu Royal Plant. The public respondent held that Pilones was already a regular employee and so was entitled to security of tenure. Pilones was dismissed because he was diagnosed with pulmonary tubercolosis terminal in the medical exam conducted by the petitioners physician. Petitioner Cebu Royal Plant claims that his dismissal was not only in conformity with company policy but also necessary for the protection of the public health, as he was handling ingredients in the processing of soft drin!s which were being sold to the public. SS!E "#$ the termination was %ustified "ELD $#. &ection ', Rule (, )oo! *(, of the Rules and Regulations (mplementing the +abor Code reading as follows, &ec. '. Disease as a ground for dismissal. - "here the employee suffers from a disease and his continued employment is prohibited by law or pre%udicial to his health or to the health of his co.employees, the employer shall not terminate his employment unless there is a certification by a competent public health authority that the disease is of such nature or at such a stage that it cannot be cured within a period of six /01 months even with proper medical treatment. (f the disease or ailment can be cured within the period, the employer shall not terminate the employee but shall as! the employee to ta!e a leave. The employer shall reinstate such employee to his former position immediately upon the restoration of his normal health. The record does not contain the certification re2uired by the above rule. The medical certificate offered by the petitioner came from its own physician, who was not a 3competent public health authority,3 and merely stated the employee4s disease, without more. The Court granted Pilones bac!wages and reinstatement only upon certification by a competent public health authority that he is fit to return to wor!. 48# San Pe$%o "os&ital v Se'%eta%y o( Labo% )*3 SCRA 98 E+&loy+ent ,ot Dee+e$ Te%+inate$-Te+&o%a%y Sus&ension o( O&e%ations FACTS Petitioner &an Pedro 5ospital of 6igos and private respondent Nagkabiusang Mamumuo sa San Pedro Hospital of Digos National Federation of Labor /$787&7P.$9+1 were negotiating on a new Collective )argaining 7greement /C)71. The union demands wage increases and a provision for a union shop. "hen both parties failed to reach an agreement, members of the union abandoned their respective department and conducted a stri!e. 6octors began leaving the hospital and number of patients dwindled to nothing. #n :une ;<, ;==;, petitioner hospital filed a $otice of Temporary &uspension of #peration> that it would temporarily suspend operations for six /01 months effective :une ;?, ;==;, or up to 6ecember ;?, ;==;. Private respondent union alleged that petitioner was not in serious financial condition and that petitioner acted in bad faith and circumvented the return.to.wor! order when it suspended operations. &ecretary of +abor $ieves held that suspension of operations was not for a valid or %ustifiable cause but was actually for the purpose of defeating the wor!ers4 right to self.organi@ation. )ut because the hospital had actually cease operations, he decided to grant, by way of penalty, bac!wages for the wor!ers from :une <;, ;==;, the date they were refused admittance by petitioner, until 6ecember ;?, ;==;, the expiration of the temporary suspension of the hospital4s operation. 5e also en%oined petitioner to enter in a new C)7 with respondent union. Petitioner hospital insists that the union members were not entitled to bac!wages because the temporary cessation of petitioner4s operation suspended the employer.employee relationship between the union members and petitioner. They also failed to negotiate on a new C)7. #n 6ecember ;?, ;==;, petitioner hospital formally ceased operations. SS!E "#$ the secretary gravely abused his discretion when he granted bac!wages to employee and en%oined petitioner to enter in a new C)7 with respondent union. "ELD $#. 7rticle <'0 of the +abor Code provides, 3The bona fide suspension of the operation of a business or underta!ing for a period not exceeding six /01 months . . . shall not terminate employment.3 &ection ;<, Rule ;, )oo! *( of the #mnibus Rules (mplementing the +abor Code provides that the employer-employee relationship shall be deemed suspended in case of the suspension of operation referred to above, it being implicitly assumed that once operations are resumed, the employer.employee relationship is revived and restored. (n the absence of any other information, the plain and natural presumption will be that petitioner would resume operations after six months, and therefore, it follows that a new C)7 will be needed to govern the employment relations of the parties, the old one having already expired. Clearly then, under the circumstances, the respondent &ecretary cannot be faulted nor considered to have gravely abused his discretion for ordering the parties to enter into a new C)7. The Court, however, cannot ignore the supervening event of permanent closure of the petitioner hospital. )usiness reverses or losses are recogni@ed by law as a %ust cause for terminating employment. Thus, despite the absence of grave abuse of discretion on the part of the respondent &ecretary, this Court cannot impose upon petitioner the directive to enter into a new C)7 with the union for the very simple reason that it had already decided to close shop. The court affirmed the grant of bac!wages from :une <; A 6ecember ;?. )ut set aside the order for the parties to enter into a new collective agreement for it being moot and academic. 481 De .u/+an v ,LRC 54# SCRA )1 E+&loy+ent ,ot Dee+e$ Te%+inate$-Te+&o%a%y Sus&ension o( O&e%ations FACTS Petitioner 6e Bu@man was employed as a bus conductor by private respondent Philippine Rabbit )us +ine Company. Petitioner filed an application for leave of absence alleging that he was experiencing chronic pain from the gunshot wounds he sustained in :anuary ;='C when he tried to defend the earnings of the company from 3brigands.3 Respondent company placed petitioner under preventive suspension for his absence without an approved leave of absence. Petitioner was directed to report to a certain 8r. T. Cunanan within three /D1 days from receipt of the notice at the companys 8ain #ffice to explain his side in a formal investigation. Petitioner tried to tal! to company president $isce and he was told that he would be allowed to report to wor! the next day. "hen he reported for wor!, however, he was not given any assignment. Petitioner filed a complaint against respondents for illegal dismissal, underpaymentEnonpayment of overtime pay, premium pay for holiday and rest day and service incentive leave pay, as well as moral and exemplary damages. Private respondents /company1 contend that petitioner was validly dismissed for abandonment of wor!. The +abor 7rbiter stated that 3FaGn unacted application for leave has the effect of abandonment if an employee begins to en%oy a leave of absence even before its approval.3 SS!E "#$ Petitioner 6e Bu@man was illegally dismissed from employment "ELD HI&. To constitute abandonment, two elements must concur, /;1 the failure to report for wor! or absence without valid or %ustifiable reason, and /<1 a clear intention to sever the employer.employee relationship, with the second element as the more determinative factor and being manifested by some overt acts. 8ere absence is not sufficient. The burden of proof is on the employer to show an une2uivocal intent on the part of the employee to discontinue employment. (n this case, the respondent company failed to discharge this burden. Certain facts dissuade the Court from believing that petitioner intended to sever his employment relations with respondent company. $otably, petitioner commenced this suit on 8ay <C, ;==0 or more than six /01 months after respondent company stopped giving him any wor! assignment. Jnder 7rticle <'0 of the +abor Code, the bona fide suspension of the operation of a business or underta!ing for a period not exceeding six months shall not terminate employment. Conse2uently, when the bona fide suspension of the operation of a business or underta!ing exceeds six months, then the employment of the employee shall be deemed terminated. )y the same to!en and applying said rule by analogy, if the employee was forced to remain without wor! or assignment for a period exceeding six months, then he is in effect constructively dismissed. Petitioners dismissal by reason of abandonment has not been convincingly established. The Court granted the petitioner separation pay> full bac!wages> unpaid overtime pay, premium pay for holiday and rest day, and service incentive leave pay> moral and exemplary damages. 48) Sentinel Se'u%ity v ,LRC )95 SCRA 1)3 Te+&o%a%y 0O(( Detail1 o% 0Floatin2 Status1 FACTS The complainants were employees of &entinel &ecurity 7gency /&&71 and were assigned as guards at the premises of Philippine 7merican +ife (nsurance /P7+(1. P7+( as!ed for the replacement of all the security guards in certain offices including the complainants. Complainants reported to &&7 but instead of being reassigned to other clients, they were told that they were replaced because they are already old. The decision of the Court declared that complainants were illegally dismissed by the agency and was ordered to pay bac! wages. SS!E /;1 "#$ respondents employees were illegally dismissed. /<1 "#$ Petitioner.Client is liable for bac! wages. "ELD /;1 HI&. There was no suspension of operation, business or underta!ing, bona fide or not, that would have %ustified placing the complainants off.detail and ma!ing them wait for a period of six months. The only logical conclusion from the foregoing discussion is that the 7gency illegally dismissed the complainants. /<1 $#. The Court held that Client /P7+(1 was not responsible for the illegal dismissal of the complainants. Thus, it should not be held liable for bac! wages. 5owever, the court did not absolve P7+( which, as an indirect employer, is solidarily liable with Petitioner 7gency for complainants unpaid service incentive leave. 483 ,a+a3u v 4a%'o&&e% 57# SCRA *37 Sto&&a2e o( O&e%ations by .ove%n+ent FACTS 6epartment of Invironment and $atural Resources /DEN1 ordered the indefinite suspension of 87RC#PPIR4s operations for causing damage to the environment of the Province of 8arindu2ue by spilling the company4s mine waste or tailings from an old underground impounding area into the )oac River, in violation of its Invironmental Compliance Certificate /E!!1. &ubse2uently, 6I$R &ecretary ordered the cancellation of 87RC#PPIRs ICC. $7T(#$7+ 8($I& and 7++(I6 "#RKIR& J$(#$ /$787"J1, petitioner, claimed that due to the indefinite suspension of 87RC#PPIR4s operations, its members were not paid the wages due them and separation pay. Prior to the case arising from the suspension of operations, there is already a pending case between the same parties of an illegal stri!e. Three /D1 employees in the present case did not participate in the illegal stri!e case to which 0;? $787"J members were parties. The Court of 7ppeals, in deciding the illegal stri!e case, decided in favour of the company and denied the separation pay award. The $+RC, on the other hand, decided on the suspension of operation case granting the employees separation pay. The respondent company claim that C7 had already confirmed the dismissal of the 0;? $787"J members and had already decided on the grant of the separation pay. SS!E "#$ the employees are to be granted their separation pay. "ELD Regarding the 0;? $787"J members who participated in the illegal stri!e case, the Court held that $+RC cannot reverse the decision of a higher tribunal in a case with the same claim already decided. The Court dismissed the petition with respect to the 0;? $787"J members for they are no longer employees at the time 87RC#PPIR suspended its operations. Regarding the D non.participating employees, the Court granted them separation pay. 7s of the day the companys ICC was cancelled, the temporary suspension of operations became permanent so that 87RC#PPIR did not have to wait for the end of the six.month suspension of operations before the services of the three employees were deemed terminated. (n +abor Code terms, the cancellation of the ICC amounted to a company closure governed by 7rticle <'D of the +abor Code . the provision that governs the relationship of employers and employees in closure situations. Pursuant to 7rticle <'D of the +abor Code, 87RC#PPIR is ordered to pay the D non.participating employees their separation pay. 484 P%es5 De'%ee ,o5 183 4ay *6 1973 Ful(ill+ent o( 4ilita%y Duty o% Civil Duty PRO7D,. FOR T"E A,,!AL RE.STRATO, OF RESER7STS OF T"E AR4ED FORCES OF T"E P"LPP,ES8 .RA,T,. SEC!RT9 OF TE,!RE TO RESER7STS E4PLO9ED , PR7ATE FR4S :"LE !,DER.O,. REFRES"ER TRA,,.6 4O;L<ATO, OR ASSE4;L9 TESTS OR A,,!AL ACT7E D!T9 TRA,,. , F!LFLL4E,T OF T"ER 4LTAR9 O;L.ATO,S8 A,D FOR OT"ER P!RPOSES "5IRI7&, to provide for a more effective reserve training and defense build.up program, it is further necessary to grant security of tenure for reservists employed in private firms and establishment during periods of absence while fulfilling their military obligations to the Republic, sub%ect to certain conditions. $#", T5IRI9#RI, (, 9IR6($7$6 I. 87RC#&, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as Commander.in.Chief of all the 7rmed 9orces of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation $o. ;L';, dated &eptember <;, ;=M<, continued in Proclamation $o. ;;LC, dated :anuary ;M, ;=MD, and Beneral #rder $o. ;, dated &eptember <<, ;=M<, as amended, do hereby order and decree that henceforth, /f1 7ny employee of any private commercial, industrial, or agricultural firm, with an annual gross volume of business of not less than two hundred and fifty thousand pesos and with a personnel force of at least twenty employees, who is called to undergo refresher training, or a mobili@ation or assembly test, or annual active duty training in the 7rmed 9orces of the Philippines, shall not loss his position or suffer any loss of pay due to his absence in the fulfillment of his military obligation, Provided, That said firm shall be entitled to claim the salaries paid to such employee during such training period as a deductible item in its income tax return 485 Llo%a v D%ilon 179 SCRA 175 RA 7*41 Reti%e+ent Pay La3 De' 96 199) FACTS Primitivo *. 7lviar was a truc! driver of petitioner. 7t the time he stopped wor!ing, he was 0? years of age. 5e filed a complaint and was as!ing for his retirement benefits. Petitioners opposed the complaint and alleged that all of the employment benefits claimed by private respondent 7lviar had already been fully paid. #n the matter of retirement benefits, it was contended that 8r. 7lviar had not been dismissed by +lora 8otors, it was complainant who abandoned his wor! since the last wee! of 7pril ;='? and never reported since then. $either had 8r. 7lviar been retired for the simple reason that respondent corporation does not have any retirement plan or any collective bargaining agreement with the employees for no union exists within the company because the employees, drivers included, received more than the standard benefits for their labor. +abor 7rbiter granted 7lviar a total of P;0, ;0C.'M money claims including the P=,='?.'L retirement benefits. SS!E "#$ 7lviar is legally entitled to receive retirement benefits from petitioners. "ELD $#. #ur +abor Code has only one article that deals with the sub%ect of 3retirement from the service.3 7rticle <'M of the Code reads as follows, 7rticle <'M. etirement. - 7ny employee may be retired upon reaching the retirement age established in the !olle"ti#e $argaining %greement or other appli"able employment "ontra"t& (n case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to receive such retirement benefits as he may have earned under existing laws and any collective bargaining or other agreement. 7rticle <'M above shows that entitlement to retirement benefits may accrue either /a1 under existing laws or /b1 under a collective bargaining agreement or other employment contract. (t is at once apparent that 7rticle <'M does not itself purport to impose any obligation upon employers to set up a retirement s"heme for their employees o#er and abo#e that already established under e'isting la(s& 7rticle <'M recogni@es that existing laws already provide for a scheme by which retirement benefits may be earned or accrue in favor of employees, as part of a broader social security system that provides for retirement benefits. (t is not disputed that 7lviar already received his retirement benefits as provided in the &ocial &ecurity 7ct. 7rticle <'M of the +abor Code also recogni@es that employers and employees may, by a collective bargaining or other agreement, set up a retirement plan in addition to that established by the So"ial Se"urity la() but prescribes at the same time that such consensual additional retirement plan cannot be substituted for or reduce the retirement benefits available under the compulsory scheme established by the &ocial &ecurity law. 7s been reiterated by petitioners, there is no collective bargaining between them and employees nor was there an agreement about retirement benefits. There being no contractual or statutory basis on the payment of retirement by the petitioners to private respondent 7lviar, the decision of the +abor 7rbiter regarding the retirement is set aside. 48* Aba=uin v Atien/a 19# SCRA 4*# RA 7*41 Reti%e+ent Pay La3 De' 96 199) FACTS Petitioner security agency employed private respondent 7ntonio ). :ose as a security guard. 7lmost twenty.five /<?1 years later, :ose voluntarily resigned in view of his failing health and his desire to withdraw his cash deposits with petitioner. 5e was then sixty.one /0;1 years old. The petitioner company, relying on the absence of any management policy or agreement between them regarding retirement or termination benefits, paid :ose only his cash deposits. 9eeling aggrieved, :ose filed a complaint against petitioner for separation pay. +abor 7rbiter dismissed :ose4s complaint on the ground that an employee4s en%oyment of retirement benefits or separation pay under 7rticle <'' of the +abor Code and &ections ;D and ;C /a1, Rule (, )oo! *( of the Rules and Regulations (mplementing the +abor Code is sub%ect to the existence of a retirement plan, individual or collective agreement or established management policy. $+RC set aside +abor 7rbiters decision and held that :ose be paid his retirement or termination pay e2uivalent to N month salary for every year of service SS!E "#$ :ose is entitled to retirement or termination pay. "ELD Hes, he is entitled to termination pay but not retirement pay. The legal provisions involved in this petition provide as follows, 7rt, <''. > etirement. - 7ny employee may be retired upon reaching the retirement age established in the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable employment contract. (n case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to receive such retirement benefits as he may have earned under existing laws and any collective bargaining or other agreement. /+abor Code1 &ec. ;C. etirement benefits& 7n employee who is retired pursuant to a bona.fide retirement plan or in accordance with the applicable individual or collective agreement or established employer policy shall be entitled to all the retirement benefits provided therein or to termination pay e2uivalent at least to one.half month salary for every year of service, whichever is higher, a fraction of at least six /01 months being considered as one whole year. There being no individual or collective agreement between the parties or established employer4s policy regarding retirement benefits, petitioner4s resistance to private respondent4s claim therefore is legally defensible. )e that as it may, the Court is not prepared to altogether set aside the award of termination pay, considering that there exists another legal basis. The Court applied 7rticle <'?, which considers disease as a ground for termination, in %ustifying the grant for termination pay. The Court also reiterated the distinction made in the +lora case between retirement benefits and termination pay, Termination pay or separation pay is re2uired to be paid by an employer in particular situations (dentified by the +abor Code itself or by (mplementing Rule (. Termination pay where properly due and payable under some applicable provision of the +abor Code or under &ection C /b1 of (mplementing Rule (, must be paid whether or not an additional retirement plan has been set up under an agreement with the employer or under an 3established employer policy.3 The Court dismissed the petition and granted the monetary award. The monetary award in favor of private respondent 7ntonio ). :ose is understood to be in the concept of termination pay, rather than retirement benefits. 487 Es'o "ale S?oe Co+&any v ,LRC 193 SCRA *78 RA 7*41 Reti%e+ent Pay La3 De' 96 199) FACTS Private respondent Casimira Pedrosa was employed by petitioner Isco 5ale &hoe Company as a shoebox ma!er, then as a heel pad attacher. 5aving reached 0?, Pedrosa applied for retirement with the &ocial &ecurity Commission and received retirement benefits therefrom. 5owever, Pedrosa continued wor!ing for petitioner until years after when petitioner excluded her from the regular wor! schedule. Private respondent filed a complaint and as!ed for the payment of retirement benefits or separation pay. Petitioner argued that it has neither separate retirement nor private benefit plan and all its employees, including the private respondent, are reported to the &&& for coverage> that private respondent had effectively retired from the petitioner in ;='< when she received retirement benefits from the &&&. SS!E "#$ private respondent Casimira Pedrosa be granted retirement benfits. "ELD HI&. 7rt <'M states, 7rt. <'M. etirement. AA any employee may be retired upon reaching the retirement age established in the collective bargaining agreement or other applicable employment contract. (n case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to receive such retirement benefits as he may have earned under existing laws and any collective bargaining or other agreement. /&ection <'M, +abor Code, as amended1 5owever, since private respondent had wor!ed with the petitioner for such a long time, "e deem it %ust and e2uitable to grant her separation pay as she is retiring from the service of the petitioner ten /;L1 years beyond the statutory age of sixty 0L1. (n computing the separation or retirement benefits of complainants, we have to consider the period when the country was at war with :apan and also the occupation years which started in 6ecember, ;=C; up to ;=C?. The separation benefits, therefore, have to be based on forty.five /C?1 years instead of forty.nine years as claimed and computed on the basis of the minimum wage rate in ;='0 at PDM.LL a day when complainant was separated from wor!. 7nd being a daily paid employee, the computation has to be computed at ;D days per year of service, as follows, PDM.LL x ;DEdays O PC';.LLEmo. PC';.LL x C? years O P<;,0C?.LL 488 O@ales v !nite$ Labo%ato%ies 559 SCRA )* Reti%e+ent Plan FACTS J$(+7) established the Jnited Retirement Plan /JRP1. The plan is a comprehensive retirement program aimed at providing for retirement, resignation, disability, and death benefits of its members. 7n employee of J$(+7) becomes a member of the JRP upon his regulari@ation in the company. The JRP mandates the compulsory retirement of any member.employee who reaches the age of 0L. 7s retirement benefits, the employee receives /;1 from Trust 9und 7 a lump sum of ;N months pay per year of service 3based on the members last or terminal basic monthly salary,3 ? and /<1 whatever the employee has contributed to Trust 9und ), together with the income minus any losses incurred. The JRP excludes commissions, overtime, bonuses, or extra compensations in the computation of the basic salary for purposes of retirement. Petitioner #xales was the 6irector of 8anufacturing &ervices Broup when he retired from Jnilab after more than <? years of service. 5e received a total amount of P<,;MD,<DL.D= as retirement benefits. #xales claimed that he shouldve received more than a million more for his retirement benefits. 5e insisted that his bonuses, allowances, and ;D th month pay should have been factored in the computation of his retirement benefits. J$(+7) disagreeing, reminded #xales about the provision of the JRP excluding any commissions, overtime, bonuses or extra compensations in the computation of the basic salary of the retiring employee. SS!E "#$ petitioners bonuses, allowances and ;D th month pay should be included in the computation of retirement benefits. "ELD $#. The clear language of the JRP should be respected. A %eti%e+ent &lan in a company parta!es the nature of a contract, with the employer and the employee as the contracting parties. (t creates a contractual obligation in which the promise to pay retirement benefits is made in consideration of the continued faithful service of the employee for the re2uisite period. The Court ruled that #xales is not entitled to the additional retirement benefits he is as!ing. The JRP is very clear, 3basic monthly salary3 for purposes of computing the retirement pay is 3the basic monthly salary, or if dailyF,G means the basic rate of pay converted to basic monthly salary of the employee e@'lu$in2 any commissions, overtime, bonuses, or extra compensations.3 R.7. $o. M0C; also does not apply to this case because the JRP grants to the retiring employee more than what the law gives. Jnder the JRP, the employee receives a lump sum of ;N pay per year of service, compared to the minimum N month salary for every year of service set forth by R.7. $o. M0C;. 489 PAL v ALPAP 373 SCRA 3#) Reti%e+ent Plan FACTS The case stemmed from the unilateral act of petitioner to retire airline pilot Captain 7lbino Collantes under &ection <, 7rticle *((, of the ;=0M P7+.7+P7P Retirement Plan. Contending, inter alia, that the retirement of Captain Collantes constituted illegal dismissal and union busting, 7+P7P filed a $otice of &tri!e with the 6epartment of +abor and Imployment /6#+I1. Pursuant of 7rticle <0D /g1 of the +abor Code, the &ecretary of the 6#+I /hereafter referred to as &ecretary1 assumed %urisdiction over the labor dispute. The retirement plan between P7+ and 7+P7P stated two types of retirement, /;1 $ormal Retirement A after <L years of service or <L,LLL hours as pilot for P7+, a retired employee shall receive P;LL,LLL lumpsum or legally entitled benefits whichever is higher /<1 +ate Retirement A any member who remains in the service after his normal retirement date may retire either at his option or at the option of the Company and when so retired he shall be entitled either to a lump sum payment of P?,LLL.LL for each completed year of service rendered as a pilot, or to such termination pay benefits to which he may be entitled under existing laws, whichever is the greater amount. 7rticle <'M provides that employees, may retire and shall be entitled to retirement pay e2uivalent to at least one.half /;E<1 month salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least six /01 months being considered as one whole year. SS!E "hether the C)7 or 7rt. <'M of the +abor Code should be the basis for computation of retirement pay in this case. "ELD C)7. 7n employees retirement benefits under any collective bargaining agreement shall not be less than those provided in the +abor Code. Jnder the C)7, an employee upon retirement gets an amount e2uivalent to <CLP of his gross monthly income for every year of service he rendered to petitioner. This is in addition to the amount of not less than P;LL,LLL.LL that he shall receive under the ;=0M Retirement Plan. The benefits from C)7 is clearly higher than those he would receive under 7rticle <'M of the Civil Code. 49# Easte%n S?i&&in2 v Se$an 48* SCRA 5*5 O&tion FACTS Petitioners hired on a per.voyage basis private respondent 6ioscoro &edan as Drd marine engineer and oiler in one of the vessels owned by petitioners. 5is last voyage was on :uly <M, ;==M on board the vessel M*+ Eastern ,ni#erse. 5e said he was disembar!ing because he was going to ta!e the board examinations for marine engineers. Two months later, on &eptember <M, ;==M, &edan sent a letter to petitioners applying for optional retirement, citing as reason the death of his only daughter, hence the retirement benefits he would receive would ease his financial burden. 5owever, petitioners deferred action on his application for optional retirement since his services on board ship were still needed. SS!E "#$ private respondent &edan may exercise the option to retire. "ELD $#. The age of retirement is primarily determined by the existing agreement between the employer and the employees. 5owever, in the absence of such agreement, the retirement age shall be fixed by law. Jnder 7rt <'M of the +abor Code, the legally mandated age for compulsory retirement is 0? years, while the set minimum age for optional retirement is 0L years. (n the instant case, there is an agreement between petitioner shipping company and its employees. The agreement states, C. #ptional Retirement, (t will be the exclusive prerogative and sole option of this company to retire any covered employee who shall have rendered at least fifteen /;?1 years of credited service for land based employees and D,0?L days actually on board vessel for shipboard personnel. Clearly, the eligibility age for optional retirement is set at 0L years. 5owever, employees of herein petitioners who are under the age of 0L years, but have rendered at least D0?L days /;L years1 on board ship or fifteen /;?1 years of service for land.based employees may also avail of optional retirement, sub%ect to the exclusive prerogative and sole option of petitioner company. Records show that private respondent was only C' years old when he applied for optional retirement. Thus he cannot claim optional retirement benefits as a matter of right. 5is application for optional retirement was sub%ect to the exclusive prerogative and sole option of the shipping company pursuant to the above cited agreement between the wor!ers and the company.