This document discusses seismic analysis for structures. It describes calculating forces on a structure due to earthquake ground motion. Key steps in seismic analysis are determining the structure's geometry and foundation soil model, generating a psi input file, performing dynamic analysis to obtain mode shapes and frequencies, and using the response spectra or time history method to calculate dynamic response. Accepted standards for earthquake design criteria like the strength level earthquake, ductility level earthquake, and maximum considered earthquake are presented. Methods of seismic analysis discussed include the seismic coefficient, time history, and response spectra methods. Direction combination of seismic loads is also addressed.
This document discusses seismic analysis for structures. It describes calculating forces on a structure due to earthquake ground motion. Key steps in seismic analysis are determining the structure's geometry and foundation soil model, generating a psi input file, performing dynamic analysis to obtain mode shapes and frequencies, and using the response spectra or time history method to calculate dynamic response. Accepted standards for earthquake design criteria like the strength level earthquake, ductility level earthquake, and maximum considered earthquake are presented. Methods of seismic analysis discussed include the seismic coefficient, time history, and response spectra methods. Direction combination of seismic loads is also addressed.
This document discusses seismic analysis for structures. It describes calculating forces on a structure due to earthquake ground motion. Key steps in seismic analysis are determining the structure's geometry and foundation soil model, generating a psi input file, performing dynamic analysis to obtain mode shapes and frequencies, and using the response spectra or time history method to calculate dynamic response. Accepted standards for earthquake design criteria like the strength level earthquake, ductility level earthquake, and maximum considered earthquake are presented. Methods of seismic analysis discussed include the seismic coefficient, time history, and response spectra methods. Direction combination of seismic loads is also addressed.
This document discusses seismic analysis for structures. It describes calculating forces on a structure due to earthquake ground motion. Key steps in seismic analysis are determining the structure's geometry and foundation soil model, generating a psi input file, performing dynamic analysis to obtain mode shapes and frequencies, and using the response spectra or time history method to calculate dynamic response. Accepted standards for earthquake design criteria like the strength level earthquake, ductility level earthquake, and maximum considered earthquake are presented. Methods of seismic analysis discussed include the seismic coefficient, time history, and response spectra methods. Direction combination of seismic loads is also addressed.
To generate forces on the structure due to base motion arising from earthquake. Structural response H i t l Vertical motion Horizontal motion 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 1 SEISMIC ANALYSIS API RP 2A IS 1893 STRENGTH LEVEL EQ (200 YEARS) DESIGN BASIS EQ (DBE) DUCTILITY LEVEL EQ (2000 YEARS) MAXIMUM CONSIDERED EQ (MCE) (MCE) 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 2 SEISMIC ANALYSIS GEOMETRY AND Seismic Analysis Steps AND SEASTATE LINEARISE FOUNDATION SOIL MODEL PSI INPUT FILE Seismic Analysis Steps FOUNDATION SUPERELEMENT DYNAMIC ANALYSIS MODE SHAPES DYNINP MODE SHAPES & FREQUENCIES DYNAMIC RESPONSE RESPONSE SPECTRA METHOD DYNINP SEISMIC SPECTRA API / IS 1893 SPECTRA METHOD API / IS 1893 LOAD COMBINATION MODEL: CQC DIRECTIONAL: SRSS DIRECTIONAL: SRSS NUMBER CHECK PRST 1.0 PRSC 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 3 PRSC SEISMIC ANALYSIS Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) Indication of Strength of earthquake PGA = 0.3 X Spectral average between period 0.1 to 0.3 sec. Structure PGA 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 4 SEISMIC ANALYSIS CALCULATED PGA FOR ZONE I TO IV CALCULATED PGA FOR ZONE I TO IV AS PER IS: 1893-2000 ZONE SEISMIC ZONE ZONE SEISMIC INTENSITY ZONE FACTOR II Low 0 10 II Low 0.10 III Moderate 0.16 IV Severe 0 24 IV Severe 0.24 V Very 0.36 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 5 SEISMIC ANALYSIS E th k D i C it i Earthquake Design Criteria Specific design criteria depends on the country, location and type of soil stratum etc. yp IS 1893 Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) Design Basis Earthquake. (DBE) Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) API RP 2A API RP 2A Strength Level Earthquake (SLE) Ductility Level Earthquake (DLE) Ductility Level Earthquake (DLE) 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 6 SEISMIC ANALYSIS E th k D i C it i Earthquake Design Criteria OPERATIONAL EARTHWUAKE (200 YEARS RETURN PERIOD) No damage to structure No damage to structure conventional structural design Allowable stresses can be increased EXTREME EARTHQUAKE (2000 YEARS RETURN PERIOD) structure to be stable Redundant framing Ductile failure expected Ductile failure expected 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 7 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Th k d l ti f ti l it d d The peak ground acceleration of a particular site depends on the following parameters. Soil stratum Distance from epicenter It is specified in terms of G values as a relative significance It is specified in terms of G values as a relative significance. IS 1893 defines PGA as ( ) ( ) Sa Sa + ( ) ( ) 0.1 0.3 0.4 2 Sa Sa G G s s PGA + =
14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 8 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Response SpectraSpectra Normalized to 1.0 Gravity (API RP 2A) p p p y ( ) 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 9 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Response spectra for rock and soil sites for 5% damping (IS 1893) 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 10 SEISMIC ANALYSIS M th d f A l i Methods of Analysis Seismic co-efficient method Time series method Response spectra method R id ti Response consideration Horizontal acceleration both orthogonal directions Vertical acceleration e t ca acce e at o Number of modes to be combined by complete quadratic combination (CQC) Directional combination to be combined using SRSS Directional combination to be combined using SRSS. (Square Root of Sum of Sequences) e.g. ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 X Y Z ER ER ER ER = + + 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 11 SEISMIC ANALYSIS S i i C ffi i t th d Seismic Co-efficient method Design horizontal co-efficient 2 h ZISa A Rg = Where Z =zone factor I =importance factor Sa =average response acceleration co-efficient R =response reduction factor Sa g 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 12 SEISMIC ANALYSIS Design of Design Forces Design of Design Forces Total base shear can be calculated as V B =A h .W V B A h .W Where A h =design horizontal seismic co-efficient W=total weight of structure Distribution of Design Forces Design seismic force at each floor is to be calculated by 2 i i i B n Wh Q V =
2 1 j j j W h =
n=number of storage or points of mass located along the height.
W i i i ht f fl i 14 June 2009 Dr. S. Nallayarasu Department of Ocean Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-36 13 W i =seismic weight of floor, i