This document compares plug flow and concentrate recirculation systems for reverse osmosis desalination. Plug flow systems pass the feed through once, gradually concentrating it, while recirculation systems reuse a portion of the concentrate. Recirculation allows higher recovery rates but has higher salt passage. A multi-stage system can use either approach, with recirculation providing more uniform pressures and easier fouling control. Key differences are summarized in a table.
This document compares plug flow and concentrate recirculation systems for reverse osmosis desalination. Plug flow systems pass the feed through once, gradually concentrating it, while recirculation systems reuse a portion of the concentrate. Recirculation allows higher recovery rates but has higher salt passage. A multi-stage system can use either approach, with recirculation providing more uniform pressures and easier fouling control. Key differences are summarized in a table.
This document compares plug flow and concentrate recirculation systems for reverse osmosis desalination. Plug flow systems pass the feed through once, gradually concentrating it, while recirculation systems reuse a portion of the concentrate. Recirculation allows higher recovery rates but has higher salt passage. A multi-stage system can use either approach, with recirculation providing more uniform pressures and easier fouling control. Key differences are summarized in a table.
This document compares plug flow and concentrate recirculation systems for reverse osmosis desalination. Plug flow systems pass the feed through once, gradually concentrating it, while recirculation systems reuse a portion of the concentrate. Recirculation allows higher recovery rates but has higher salt passage. A multi-stage system can use either approach, with recirculation providing more uniform pressures and easier fouling control. Key differences are summarized in a table.
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FI LMTEC Membr anes System Design: Plug Flow vs. Concentrate Recirculation
Pl ug Fl ow vs. Conc ent r at e Rec i r c ul at i on The standard RO system design for water desalination applications is the plug flow concept. In a plug flow system, the feed volume is passed once through the system. A certain fraction Y of the feed passes across the membrane to produce permeate. The feed is gradually concentrated and leaves the system at a higher concentration.
Concentrate recirculation is employed when the number of elements is too small to achieve a sufficiently high system recovery with plug flow. Concentrate recirculation systems can also be found in special applications like process liquids and waste waters. In systems with internal concentrate recirculation, a fraction of the concentrate stream out of the module (or stage) is directed back to the feed side of the module (or stage) and mixed with the feed stream.
Multi-stage systems can also be designed with internal concentrate recirculation for each stage, using a separate recirculation pump. For example, the system shown in Figure 3.5 can be designed with concentrate recirculation instead of plug flow, see Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6 Two-stage system with internal concentrate recirculation
The main advantage of the recirculation concept is the defined feed flow rate to the modules regardless of the degree of fouling of preceding modules and the changes in feed water composition. Further aspects of the recirculation concept are mentioned in Batch vs. Continuous Process (Section 3.2), and Single-Module System (Section 3.3). A comparative summary is given in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Comparison of plug flow and recirculation systems
Pl ug Fl ow vs. Conc ent r at e ec i r c ul at i on (c ont .) R
Parameter Plug flow Recirculation Feed composition Must be constant Can vary System recovery Must be constant Can vary Cleaning circuit More complicated Simple Compensating fouling More difficult Easy Membrane pressure from feed inlet to concentrate end Decreasing Uniform Power consumption Lower Higher (15 - 20%) Number of pumps (investment, maintenance) Lower Higher Extension, varying the membrane area More difficult Easy Taking individual stages of multi-stage systems in/out of service Not possible Possible System salt passage Lower Higher
The apparent salt passage of the system, SP s , also called system salt passage, is defined as the concentration of a compound (may be a certain ion, an organic compound or TDS) in the permeate (C p ) related to its concentration in the feed water (C f ): f p s C C = SP Eq. 1
In plug flow systems, SP s is a function of the system recovery Y and the membrane salt passage SP M : ( ) Y Y M s SP 1 1 SP
= Eq. 2
where the membrane salt passage is defined as the concentration of a compound in the permeate (C p ) related to its average concentration on the feed-concentrate side (C fc ): fc p M C C = SP Eq. 3
In systems with internal concentrate recirculation, however, there is an additional dependence on the Beta number , which is defined as module the leaving flow e concentrat module the leaving flow permeate = Eq. 4
For systems with the concentrate being partly recycled to the feed stream, the system salt passage is ( ) ( ) ( ) + + + + = 1 1 1 1 SP SP SP Y Y M M s Eq. 5
For high system recoveries, the system salt passage of a recirculation system is much higher than that of a plug flow system. This is demonstrated by a sample calculation, see Figure 3.7. The difference is less, however, for multi-stage systems with recirculation loops for each stage. The system salt passage of such a system (for an example, see Figure 3.6) has to be calculated by application of Eq. 5 to each stage.
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Page 3 of 4 * Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company Form No. 609-02051-1004 Pl ug Fl ow vs. Conc ent r at e Rec i r c ul at i on (c ont .) Figure 3.7 System salt passage for a plug flow and a concentrate recirculation system
( = 0.3) S y s t e m
S a l t
P a s s a g e
( F r a c t i o n ) System Recovery Y (Fraction)
When the recirculated concentrate stream approaches zero, the number approaches 1/[(1/Y) 1], and the recirculation system becomes a plug flow system. A compromise between plug flow and recirculation systems is the tapered recirculation system with a declining number of parallel modules per stage when viewed in feed flow direction (see Figure 3.8).
The recirculation pumps can be tailored in such a way that only a minor part of the concentrate leaving the stage is recycled while the major part is flowing to the next stage (or to the concentrate outlet, for the last stage). Then, there are almost plug flow conditions, but the advantages of the recirculation concept are still present.
Figure 3.8 Tapered recirculation system
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FILMTEC TM Membranes For more information about FILMTEC membranes, call the Dow Liquid Separations business: North America: 1-800-447-4369 Latin America: (+55) 11-5188-9222 Europe: (+32) 3-450-2240 Pacific (ex. China): +800-7776-7776 China: +10-800-600-0015 Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water. Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.
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