The International Weekly Heralding The Coming of Moshiach: Long Live The Rebbe Melech Ha'Moshiach Forever and Ever!
The International Weekly Heralding The Coming of Moshiach: Long Live The Rebbe Melech Ha'Moshiach Forever and Ever!
The International Weekly Heralding The Coming of Moshiach: Long Live The Rebbe Melech Ha'Moshiach Forever and Ever!
00 Part 2 of 2
3 Dvar Malchus
21 Parsha Thought
34 Tzivos Hashem
12 THE
Nosson Avrohom
28 THE
Michoel Leib Dobry
744 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213-3409
M.M. Hendel
Rabbi S.Y. Chazan
Boruch Merkur
Translated by Boruch Merkur
Issue 945
Radio Host: We are now
between two brothers, each one
on a different continent. I will
say hello now to Shneur in India.
Good morning, Shneur?
Shneur: Good morning!
Host: Where are you in India?
Shneur: Delhi
Host: I will say good morning
also to your brother Itzik in
Bolivia. Good morning or is it
good evening?
Itzik: Over here its good
afternoon or good evening.
Host: What time is it there?
Itzik: 5:20pm.
4 30 Tishrei 5775
Two brothers, at two ends of the world, both shluchim of the Rebbe and both marking a
special celebration. Shneur Kupchik, the shliach in Delhi, celebrated a last minute Hachnasas
Seifer Torah, and Yosef Yitzchok Kupchik, the shliach in La Paz, Bolivia celebrated the bris
of his son. * Channel 2 of Kol Yisroel had the brothers meet over the airwaves, and aside
from being able to wish one another mazal tov, they told the thousands of listeners about
their work. * In addition, the shliach in Delhi, who was the only other shliach to see the
terrible destruction of the Chabad house in Bombay with the massacre perpetrated there,
was present at the inauguration of the renovated Chabad house.
who was there at its destruction
too. I was there at the time of the
attack with my wife. For me to
enter this building now and see
it again They preserved some
of the walls, and the upper floors
are not yet renovated. For me, it
wasnt an easy visit.
Host: Thats in Bombay
right? How far is that from you
by car?
Shneur: 49 hours. Its a two
hour flight.
Host: So you were at the
building in Bombay where the
child Moishy remained crying
and his parents were murdered.
Perhaps this is an opportunity to
6 30 Tishrei 5775
Issue 945
8 30 Tishrei 5775
the donors and guests for the Friday night meal, and the
next day there would be a minyan for Krias haTorah in
our new Torah. The family has connections with local
government people and so they invited dignitaries, Jews
and non-Jews, to the event.
I wont get into the story of the visa and how we
managed the passports, shopping, and packing the
entire night before the flight.
After sleeping four hours, we left Tzfas. There was
a siren on the way. We passed through customs with all
the meat.
We left the airport in Delhi and experienced humidity
that is unworldly. Our glasses fogged up. A minute of
walking and we were dripping with sweat. The driver
was actually happy with the weather. It was more
pleasant than the previous days. Its enough to make a
grown person cry.
It was a more pleasant welcome when we arrived
home (sarcastic). The dust that filled every corner of
the house (a month in the filthiest city in the world)
was okay as compared to the unpleasant surprise. We
had left one freezer out of three running. The smell of
rotting meat reached the street.
Mendush, who was deeply asleep, woke up from
the odor and began to cry. All that we wanted after two
sleepless nights was to collapse into bed but the bedroom
air conditioner did not work. Ditto for another one in
the living room.
In another twelve hours they would all be here in our
house. It was four in the morning. I began to cry. The
new ambassador who arrived just two days ago and the
new attach and other people, more and less important,
for some of whom this would be their first visit to us
and there would be no second chance to make a first
In the morning, Shneur went to the market, built a
chuppa (out of bamboo and fabric from the market),
and ordered a group of musicians for the procession
(and it wasnt just a simple phone call). To our dismay,
we found out that the Chabad house at Main Bazaar
had not prepared anything, which meant we had no
refreshments for the event. The donor suddenly told us
that she had also invited the new ambassador and his
wife to our home for the Shabbos meal. Another four
couples from the embassy, the military attach (and we
continued to hear about more and more).
Issue 945
oxygen tank I dont think weve
ever heard of anything like this
Host: No we havent. And the
baby is adjusting to oxygen at
this height, 3600 meters, we wish
him a speedy adjustment without
any complications.
Itzik: Amen!
Host: Shneur, lets go back to
India, to Delhi, the big city. What
were people saying there about
the war we were fighting with
10 30 Tishrei 5775
Issue 945
The fascinating life story of R Noam Yisroel Harpaz
can fill several books, from his childhood when
he swam against the tide until today, when he is a
maggid shiur and a mashpia. * About the yechidus
which he did not know how to end. * The Av Beis
Din who suddenly recognized him and said, I
am your student. * The work he did on yoga
and meditation with the help of
rabbanim and mashpiim until
the Rebbe stopped him with his
ruach hakodesh.
Interview by Nosson Avrohom
12 30 Tishrei 5775
and most importantly, clear and
illuminating to the broad array of
listeners who flock to his shiurim.
R Harpaz does not limit
himself to one sector; his shiurim
are successful with those who
grew up in religious homes as
well as with those who are recent
Before Rosh HaShana, we
went to the Maaleh Zeitim
neighborhood of Yerushalayim to
personally meet the mashpia who
is responsible for hundreds of
baalei tshuva over the years. The
conversation was fascinating and
could have continued for many
more hours if he hadnt had to
attend another farbrengen in a
yeshiva in Tel Aviv.
R Harpazs life story is no
less fascinating. It was a long and
Issue 945
same again the next day.
My search began in the
enormous investment I made in
reading and acquiring knowledge.
I read all kinds of literature,
science, history, biographies, but
I was mainly drawn to reading
about mysticism.
When he turned fourteen he
felt that reading alone was not
satisfying his hunger for some
as-yet undefined dimension and
he joined a group of youths who
were also searching. They would
meet and listen to psychedelic
music and smoke various
Then he discovered the world
of vegetarianism and natural
healing. He avidly read books on
14 30 Tishrei 5775
was almost bar mitzva. The
preparations for his bar mitzva
Issue 945
16 30 Tishrei 5775
During the first three years of
their marriage, the couple lived
in Kfar Chabad and R Harpaz
learned in the local kollel.
At the same time, he took a
job teaching in the yeshiva for
baalei tshuva founded by R
Zimroni Tzik of Bat Yam.
That was my first attempt at
giving classes. In the morning I
continued learning in the kollel
and in the evening I would give
shiurim in Chassidus in yeshiva.
When I returned home every
evening, I would visit R Gopin
and repeat the shiur that I gave
in Derech Mitzvosecha and he
would make his comments. I
had the privilege of his investing
hundreds of hours of guidance
in me and teaching me how to
prepare a shiur properly.
Since then, its all history. R
Harpaz is one of the top lecturers
in Chabad today. His students,
who learned Chassidus from him
over the years, number in the
many thousands, especially since
his shiurim were put online and
Issue 945
18 30 Tishrei 5775
All this teaching of Chassidus
apparently disturbed the sitra
achra, for one day, R Harpaz
found himself under criminal
investigation because of his
There is a wonderful fellow
by the name of Eliyahu Peretz. He
started a pirate radio station and
looked for material to broadcast.
Back then, Heichal Menachem
20 30 Tishrei 5775
By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg
A survey of Midrashic
literature yields at least three
additional views on the source of
the gallows upon which Haman
was hanged.
According to Pirkei dR
Eliezer, the lumber for the 50
cubit tall gallows was taken from
the Holy of Holies, the innermost
and most holy section of the Beis
Midrash, the gallows were
prepared by G-d in the Six Days
of Creation.
According to the Talmud,
Hamans name is hinted in
the verse which quotes G-ds
admonition to Adam: Have you
eaten of the tree from which I
commanded you not to eat?
The phrase Hamin-havefrom
shares the consonants of the
name Haman. Hence Hamans
Issue 945
22 30 Tishrei 5775
The gallows that abruptly
ended Hamans attempt to
destroy the very people chosen
to implement G-ds plan for
Creation, originated in the very
act of Creation. When G-d
created the world, He did it so
that the world would eventually
become a dwelling-place for G-d.
It stands to reason that every
major event associated with His
Master Plan was already implicit
in the very first week of Creation.
This is similar to a human
builder who sets forth the goal
of his project at the very outset.
In addition, he plans at the start
for any contingent elements
necessary for the projects
ultimate success.
During the first week of
Creation G-d established that
the purpose of Creation was
BReishis. Rashi translates this
opening word to mean Because
of the two primary entities,
Torah and Israel, G-d created
the world. The purpose of
Creation will be fulfilled when
Israel receives and then fully
implements the Torah, the Master
Plan for existence.
However, in order for the
Jewish people to execute G-ds
plan they must survive. We
recite in the Hagada, In every
generation they stand up against
us to destroy us. However, the
conclusion of that refrain is,
and G-d saves us from their
hands. The instrument of G-ds
salvation of the Jewish people
and continuation of His plan
for the world must be present in
the very genesis of the Creation.
And, indeed, it was present in
the creation of the gallows upon
which Haman, the scion of
Amalek, would be hanged. This
outcome demonstrated that all
the other Hamans of the world
would fail too. The power that
guarantees this salvation has been
present since the very beginning
of existence. This powerful fact
drives the Midrashs statement
that the Ark board came into
existence during the Six Days of
completed by the creation
of Adam and Eve, G-d gave
humanity, to whom he would
eventually entrust His Master
Plan, a test commandment: Do
not eat of the fruit of the Tree
of Knowledge. The disobedience
of Adam and Eve set back the
timetable for implementation of
G-ds Master Plan. Indeed, from
The next stage in G-ds
Master Plan was the Flood. On
one hand, it destroyed the evil
that had permeated the Earth up
to then and prepared the world
for its rehabilitation. Towards
that end, G-d gave Noach the
so called Seven Noachide
Commandments, which are
geared to making this a civilized
and habitable world. This set of
basic commandments served as
preparation for Sinai, when G-d
would give Israel His Master
Plan: the Torah. And, as stated,
the Ark was a model of what
the entire world would look like
when the Master Plan is finally
implemented in the Messianic
Hence, the hanging of Haman
who represented the greatest
threat of his age to the Master
Plan, with his diabolical plan to
hang Mordechai and annihilate
the entire Jewish people can
be traced back to Noachs Ark.
The Ark and the gallows both
Issue 945
With the start of the school year, we
visited a teachers room to ask teachers
how to teach our girls to love tznius.
* Those who were interviewed were:
Mrs. Elisheva Schwartz, an educational
advisor and psychodrama therapist; Mrs.
Diamant Berger of Petach Tikva and
Mrs. Yaffa Spinner of Kfar Chabad who
are experienced preschool teachers;
and Mrs. Miriam S, a veteran seminary
By Menucha R.
24 30 Tishrei 5775
Mrs. Berger: Boruch Hashem, we have many
options today with which to create a love for tznius
in preschool and at home.
First, when I sit facing the girls, I always double
check to make sure my skirt is covering my knees
fully. The girls see this and it has a direct impact on
We expect of our girls/students to dress and
behave modestly, so we need to do the same. A child
is mature enough to understand when its genuine
and when you have to dress like that in school
what can you do ... When she sees a teacher that
she admires dressing modestly, it makes her want to
associate with her in dress too.
In general, I am not in favor of focusing on
those who are not careful about tznius (because
that is what sometimes happens by pointing things
out). Rather, it is preferable to praise, encourage,
and promote those who are careful about it. This
creates a desire and even a good competitive spirit
among other girls to adopt and behave in modest
ways, because its great and worthwhile to dress
We start the morning with a nice song in which
we mention the rules of tznius and what a privilege
it is for us. You can actually see how, while singing
the song, the girls straighten out their skirts and sit
modestly without my having to say anything. There
is an additional benefit in that the girls love to sing
and be happy and that there is also an emphasis on
the rules of tznius in an experiential way.
Stressing the rules of tznius is also done in other
ways; for example, in touching up picture books.
Sometimes we get books in which the girls are not
always depicted modestly. The girls absorb the
pictures. Of course, we want them to absorb only
good things, so I fix them. Sometimes this is done
near the girls who watch and ask why Im drawing
Issue 945
Terrific. As a preschool teacher, do you
have a message for mothers?
Definitely! We need to remember that girls
of this age are so impressionable. The way we
shape them today is the way, with Hashems
help, they will be at age 17. This is the age
that is so uncomplicated in which they accept
everything with innocent kabbalas ol and a
genuine desire to do what is expected of them.
The more they internalize tznius with joy and
love, the easier it will be when they are older.
Now is the time to influence them in the short
and long run. Dont say, When she gets
older, Ill teach her.
Also, a mother benefits when she teaches
her daughter tznius because it gives her an
opportunity and a boost to advance in her own
Every mother needs to remember that she
has the ability to endear tznius to her daughter
at this age, because this is what symbolizes her
being a Jewish girl and in the future, a Jewish
woman. When a little girl plays the role she
wants to be when she grows up, she is training
herself, as the Rebbe said. The same is true for
tznius. When, from a young age, she dresses
according to the rules of tznius, she is actually
taking a step toward being a woman!
Another message Id like to convey is, let
a child be a child! Little girls love to run and
slide down the slide. Doing so with a tight
skirt is difficult and uncomfortable. Even from
the standpoint of hygiene, tights and long
skirts protect the girls from germs. So, for
their good, let us enable them to enjoy their
age as pure Jewish girls and, with Hashems
help, we will have much Chassidishe nachas
from them.
When a girl is in the presence of an
admired teacher, she has more of a desire
to be careful about tznius. How can we
accustom a girl to tznius wherever she is,
not just at school?
Mrs. Schwartz: Habits begin from
seemingly trivial things. These seemingly
insignificant things are what accustom and
train a girl to tznius even when she is with her
cousins or her own family.
An example of habituation to tznius from
a young age is dressing her after a bath.
Sometimes, mothers feel that when the girl is
three or four, its not a big deal to take her
in a towel to the bedroom and to dress her
26 30 Tishrei 5775
It is easier to manage with younger
children because they are desirous of
earning our approval with good behavior.
But what about adolescent girls? Can you
give mothers some tips about how to handle
tznius then?
Mrs. Schwartz: Adolescent girls are
influenced by their peers who are the ones
to set the standard. So it is much harder for
parents. At this stage, parents need to be alert
to early indications for a desire to change.
These indications can include speaking
differently than usual, a different style of
behavior, and at a certain stage, a change in
dress. There are a number of reasons that can
lead to a desire to change and we will address
some of them (there are crises that can lead
to these behaviors which need professional
intervention MR).
There is the desire to belong to the group in
ones way of talking, behaving, and dressing.
Dealing with it is complicated and needs to
be done gently and warmly. The girls feelings
and experiences need to be understood and
she has to be told that her conduct is natural
and results from the transition from childhood
to adulthood. A parent can also share struggles
she had when she was an adolescent.
The way that has been proven to be most
effective is assertiveness training or, more
correctly, Jewish assertiveness. When a
parent teaches her child assertiveness from a
young age, the child will take pride in being an
How can we convey the message of tznius to
an adolescent girl so she will be receptive?
Mrs. Miriam S: We are in a generation in which
real commitment is required in order to live with
kabbalas ol. When we want to transmit a message
to girls that to dress modestly is smart, good,
beautiful and useful to them, we need to speak to
their hearts and not just focus on what they have
to do, on what their obligations are. They we can
have an impact.
Every Bas Chabad wants to establish a
Chassidic home and to merit a husband with good
middos, a yerei Shamayim and yes, someone who
is also modest. The key to all this is tznius. When
we explain to a girl, nicely, kindly, how much her
Our veteran correspondent, R Nosson Avraham,
who also works as an experienced practitioner
in the field of education, recently hosted his
friend, Rabbi Avraham Tzatzik, for a one-onone discussion. Rabbi Tzatzik is a prominent
educator in the Chassidic-Chareidi community
and the developer of the Cycles in Gemara
approach. They spoke about the main emphasis
in education, the correct way to help a child,
the dangers of modern-day technology, and the
objectives we must set for ourselves.
Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry
28 30 Tishrei 5775
Issue 945
30 30 Tishrei 5775
Rabbi Tzatzik: I would
like to speak about technology
and multimedia, which in my
opinion is the great illness of this
generation. No Jewish child or
youth can claim immunity from
these modern tools. Even the
Gentiles have already understood
they cause. As a teacher and in
Chabad in general, how do you
deal with this matter?
come out clearly against
cellular devices with unscreened
Internet and unlimited home
Internet usage. While Chabad
yeshivos have forbidden the use
Issue 945
of any Internet devices, in truth,
there is a great deal of work
to do on this matter. Todays
students have undoubtedly been
exposed to things that children
of their age never would have
seen or heard before.
In the past, there were those
who attacked Chabad when it
taught Chassidus over the radio,
and the Rebbe replied that the
radio is a tool and it depends
upon how we use it. With regard
to Internet, Chabads approach
is that the tool is neither kosher
nor un-kosher, since it can
be used to spread the path of
Yiddishkait. However, most
regrettably, the potential for
damage is very great. There can
be no doubt that we must limit
and filter its use more and more.
While it seems that there is a
tremendous awakening on this
subject, it is clear to everyone
that it is far from satisfactory.
was a time in the past when I
would make many computer
presentations as a means of
explaining the methods of
Gemara study to my students.
This had a most impressive
effect, and the students truly
enjoyed them. However, at a
certain point, it became clear to
me that together with Gemara
study, I was exposing them to the
wealth of possibilities proposed
by the media, and I feared that
I was connecting them to the
computer and its gimmickry,
not their learning. Therefore, I
moved from computer aids to
more traditional illustrations. In
the final analysis, I not only think
that the Internet, but everything
connected with the computer is a
disgusting form of muktzeh.
Without question, there must
be balance. The educational
visual aids can create external
32 30 Tishrei 5775
I would like to talk about
obedience and setting limits.
This has also become a matter
of much concern in our
generation. In the past, there
was a clear distance between
parent and child. Today, it
seems that in many homes its
the children, not their parents,
who set the agenda.
Rabbi Tzatzik: As someone
who teaches children, I can tell
you that its very easy to identify
these youngsters based on their
conduct, and this is indeed a
serious problem. Parents must
establish a clear system of rules
and regulations, which above
all must be clear to the parents
themselves. There are some
parents who tell their child: Tatty
doesnt let, right?, and then wait
for the childs approval...
From my perspective, the
father doesnt ask, he lays down
the law. After the parents decide,
they must logically choose which
issues to emphasize and on which
they are prepared to be more
flexible, since you obviously cant
forbid everything.
Chassidus clearly explains
the role of the father at home,
the role of the mother, and the
role of the child. This threefold
connection usually remains
unbroken, provided that it
functions the way it should.
When one of the three doesnt
work properly, this has a
negative effect upon the child. A
child who feels that his parents
are a crutch grows up with
a serious lack of confidence,
Rabbi Tzatzik: I would like
to salute Chabad education for
the interaction provided in its
educational institutions between
excelling and weaker students,
Chassidim and those raised in
other sectors. If were talking
about unity within Chabad, I
think that first and foremost,
it begins there, and it is easy to
In the class that I teach,
there are twelve students, only
two of whom are from Chabad
homes. The Chabad ideal is that
we dont leave a single Jewish
child behind, even if he is not
academically or intellectually
successful. There is no
such thing as a second-class
Jew. I personally received my
education in Kfar Chabad, and
naturally, all my classmates
had come only from Chabad
homes. In contrast, my wife
had been raised in Tzfas, and
she told me that most of the
girls in her class came from
non-Chabad homes. Yet, not
only did this not prove to be
a harmful phenomenon; they
even considered it a shlichus to
influence their classmates about
the spirit of Chabad. Every Jew
is an entire world, and we dont
look at a persons external garb.
Rabbi Tzatzik: Since you
mention Chabad, Ill tell you
about an incident that Im sure
youll like. I have pictures of
animals and scenic views on my
computer. When my students
are particularly engrossed with
their learning, I show them these
Its no secret that the main
emphasis in Chabad education
is how everything must be
infused with the subject of
Moshiach and the Redemption.
We see clearly when a child who
lives in great anticipation for
the coming of Moshiach, each
of his actions takes on a unique
vitality. How does the issue
of Moshiach appear in other
Rabbi Tzatzik: I want
to reveal an open secret:
Moshiach doesnt just belong to
Chabad. I recently distributed
a questionnaire to non-Chabad
Issue 945
By D Chaim
On Friday, I noticed that
Shmuely was going around the
classroom and giving out a note to
each boy. Here, this is for you,
he said when he came to me and
he stuck a paper into my hand. I
opened the folded note curiously
and read what it said in Shmuelys
curly handwriting:
This Motzaei Shabbos, at
the Hoshia es Amecha shul, 14
Rechov HaGeula, please come
dressed nicely.
How interesting. What did he
plan on doing there? I wondered.
How odd that he did not include
me. Is it a surprise party for
someone? I tried to guess. No,
nobody has a birthday coming up.
I came to the conclusion that the
best way to find out what Shmuely
had prepared for us was to ask
As you surely remember, he
is my best friend and we always
solved mysteries together. As far
as I knew, there was no reason for
us not to work together this time
too. I went over to Shmuely at the
end of class and asked him, What
event is taking place at the shul?
34 30 Tishrei 5775