SCIENCE Cambridge 4th Grade Test
SCIENCE Cambridge 4th Grade Test
SCIENCE Cambridge 4th Grade Test
1. A broken bone is a:
a) temperature
b) fever
c) fracture
d) skull
2. A drug that makes our body better when we are sick is:
a) illness
b) medicine
c) x-ray
d) prescribe
3. Which is NOT a way you can take medicine?
a) tobacco
b) drip
c) powder
d) inhaler
4. When a muscle lifts the arm, it shortens which means it:
a) becomes longer
b) contracts
c) relaxes
d) does nothing
5. Animals without skeletons are called:
a) penguins
b) fractures
c) invertebrates
d) vertebra
6. Which is NOT a bone in your leg:
a) thigh bone
b) knee cap
c) shin bone
d) wrist
7. A skeleton is:
a) to stop something from happening
b) an animal with no bones
c) high body temperature
d) a hard, strong frame that supports our body
8. Signs of illness are called:
a) symptoms
b) invertebrates
c) inhaler
d) prevent
9. The bones in our head together are called :
a) hip bone
b) rib
c) skull
d) thigh bone
10. A high body temperature is:
a) cure
b) prescribe
c) drug
d) fever
11. Which is NOT a part of the skeleton?
a) inhaler
b) collar bone
c) vertebra
d) rib
12. Which of these bones is longest?
a) finger bone
b) thigh bone
c) shoulder blade
d) knee cap
13. Very small living things that make us sick are called:
a) toe bones
b) cure
c) germs
d) injections
14. A photo that lets us see inside our bodies is:
a) selfie
b) jellyfish
c) x-ray
d) fracture
15. ____________ are attached to bones and allow us to move.
a) Hearts
b) Contracts
c) Inhalers
d) Muscles
16. The bones in our back together are called:
a) spine
b) toe bones
c) rib
d) invertebrate
17. To stop something from happening is :
a) germs
b) contract
c) spine
d) prevent
18. Who is the tallest person in the class?
a) Amina
b) Faris
c) Yusuf
d) Ayla
19. How tall is the shortest person in the class?
a) 145 cm
b) 150 cm
c) 135 cm
d) 138 cm
20. How tall is Yusuf?
a) 145 cm
b) 135 cm
c) 240 cm
d) 140 cm
Amina Faris Yusuf Ayla
Height of 4th graders in centimetres
21. A state of matter is called a:
a) phase
b) chlorine
c) vinegar
d) reaction
22. Juice is a:
a) solid
b) gas
c) orange
d) liquid
23. Which is NOT a phase of matter?
a) liquid
b) water
c) gas
d) solid
24. A very small part of something is called a:
a) gas
b) particle
c) solid
d) packed
25. Which is an example of a solid?
a) juice
b) milk
c) air
d) chair
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
6. d
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. d
11. a
12. b
13. c
14. c
15. d
17. d
18. b
19. c
20. d
21. a
22. d
23. b
25. b
26. d