This large print health form collects personal information including name, address, phone number, emergency contact, and how the client heard about the business. It asks whether the client has received massage before and what areas they do not want massaged. It also requests information on any surgeries, accidents, allergies, diseases, and medications. The client signs to acknowledge providing accurate medical information and agreeing to update the therapist of any changes.
This large print health form collects personal information including name, address, phone number, emergency contact, and how the client heard about the business. It asks whether the client has received massage before and what areas they do not want massaged. It also requests information on any surgeries, accidents, allergies, diseases, and medications. The client signs to acknowledge providing accurate medical information and agreeing to update the therapist of any changes.
This large print health form collects personal information including name, address, phone number, emergency contact, and how the client heard about the business. It asks whether the client has received massage before and what areas they do not want massaged. It also requests information on any surgeries, accidents, allergies, diseases, and medications. The client signs to acknowledge providing accurate medical information and agreeing to update the therapist of any changes.
This large print health form collects personal information including name, address, phone number, emergency contact, and how the client heard about the business. It asks whether the client has received massage before and what areas they do not want massaged. It also requests information on any surgeries, accidents, allergies, diseases, and medications. The client signs to acknowledge providing accurate medical information and agreeing to update the therapist of any changes.
Address: ______________________State: _______ Zip: _________ Phone: (Home) ______________________ (Work) ________________ Emergency Contact: ______________ Phone: ____________________ How did you hear about this place: ____________________________ *Have you received a professional massage before? _____
*Are there any areas of your body
that you do not want massaged: (Face) (Scalp) (Neck) (Upper Chest) (Shoulders) (Stomach) (Upper back) (Mid back) (Lower back) (Arms) (Hands) (Gluteals) (Legs) (Feet)
*Please list any surgeries you have had in
the past________________________ ______________________________ *Please list any accidents you have had in the past_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ *Please list any allergies you have_______________________________ *Please list any diseases you have_______________________________ *List any medications you are currently on? ________________________ ________________________________________________________ *Is there anything else I should know about________________________ ________________________________________________________ I have stated all conditions that I am aware of and that this information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to inform my massage therapist immediately of any change in conditions as stated above. I acknowledge that this information is confidential and intended for review by fellow massage therapists; that a medical referral may be requested of me; and that This place of business is not held liable for the management or arising of conditions.