The Connex system is a mortarless masonry block system that can be used for load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls when reinforced and core-filled. It has advantages such as being quick to install and achieving high fire resistance.
The main components of the Connex system are the stretcher unit, end and corner unit, and half unit. These units key together eliminating the need for mortar above the first course.
Some advantages of the Connex system include it being quick and easy to install, able to be laid quicker than standard block walls, minimal need for mortar, and reduced wet waste on site.
Mortarless Masonry Block System
Innovative dry stack system BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 3 100 300 100 300 200 or 400 as per engineer 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
o r
4 0 0 Chip lug away to fit against corner unit Connex Mortarless Masonry Block System Connex is a drystack masonry system W hen reinforced and core-filled, C onnex is ideal for load-bearing basem ent w alls, blade w alls and boundary retaining w alls. C onnex can also be used for non load-bearing m asonry w hen partially reinforced and surface bonded. Fire The C onnex system can achieve the highest Fire Resistance Level (FR L) required by the B uilding C ode of Australia (B C A ): 240/240/240 The B C A allow s FR Ls for building elem ents of m asonry to be determ ined through accordance w ith AS3700, the M asonry Structures code. W hen reinforced and core-filled, C onnex system achieves a 240 (Srf < 36) / 240 / 240 FR L from the follow ing: The 240-m inute Structural Adequacy FR L is achieved w hen these blocks are reinforced and the Slenderness ratio (Srf) of the w all is less than or equal to 36 as per Table 6.1 A typical basem ent w all of 3.6m high has an Srf of 15 from Form ula w hich is less than half the m axim um allow ed. The 240-m inute Integrity FR L is achieved as per C lause 6.4.2 w hich requires the other 2 FR Ls to reach 240-m inutes. The 240-m inute Insulation FR L is as per AS3700:2001, Table 6.3 w hich requires 180m m of concrete m asonry m aterial. The C onnex block has 200m m of m aterial. Strength The m inim um characteristic unconfined com pressive strength ( uc) of C onnex m asonry units is 15M Pa w hen tested as per AS4456.4:2003. Sound Rating The highest sound rating required by the B C A is R w + C tr 50. This is for party w alls betw een hom e units. M ass Law calculations and sim ilar tests show this can be achieved w ith the addition of 10m m of render to each face of the C onnex block. If the party w all divides a w et area from a habitable room in the other unit, a stud w all, (no w all ties) around the w et area, w ith plum bing betw een studs can be added to achieve the required im pact rating. Planning C heck w ith your local council before com m encem ent. G enerally, they require reinforced w alls and footings to be designed by a suitably qualified engineer. Design W all heights and lengths should be in m ultiples of 200m m to avoid cutting. Estimating There are 12.5 full C onnex blocks per m 2 There are 5 courses per vertical m etre. There are 2.5 H alf units per vertical m etre at ends and openings. There are 2.5 Full end units per vertical m etre of ends and openings. There are 5 C orner units per vertical m etre at corners. O ne cubic m etre of concrete grout fills 93 C onnex blocks (7.44m 2 ) Construction W here starter bars are required (retaining w alls), the first starter bar is 100m m in from all ends and corners. The 2nd starter bar is 300m m from the 1st bar. See fig 1. O ther starter bars are spaced at 400m m or 200m m as required by the engineer. A clean-out course is not required as there w ill be no m ortar droppings, how ever the cores m ust be kept clear of rubbish. The first course of C onnex is laid w ith nibs on top, in a bed of conventional m ortar as footings and floor slabs are seldom perfectly level. The follow ing courses are dry-stacked. C heck each course is plum b and level. U se tile w edges to adjust, inserting them from inside the core. G rout-fill C onnex blocks w ith 20M Pa concrete w ith a m axim um aggregate size of 7m m and a m inim um quantity of 300kg cem ent per cubic m etre. W alls over 1.5m high should be filled to half w ay, allow ing half an hour before returning to start to fill the rem ainder. This is to give the first part of the pour enough tim e to firm , reducing the am ount of hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the cores. Fig 1. Starter bar spacing from ends and corners BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 4 Connex Mortarless Masonry Block System Construction Steps 01 Starter bars W here starter bars are required (retaining w alls) the first starter bar is 100m m in from all ends and corners. The second starter bar is 300m m from the first bar. O ther starter bars are spaced at 400m m or 200m m as required by the engineer. Please see Fig 1. A clean out course is not required as there w ill be no m ortar droppings, how ever the cores m ust be kept clear of rubbish. 05 Half units and corner/end units H alf units and corner/end units are laid to alternate courses to form an end or opening. 06 Following courses The follow ing courses are dry-stacked. C heck each course is plum b and level. U se tile w edges to adjust, inserting them from inside the core. 07 Horizontal reinforcing H orizontal reinforcing steel bars can be easily positioned into the block recess. A fter chipping aw ay a recess betw een the knock-out grooves in the side of C onnex 92 block. 08 Grout fill G rout fill C onnex blocks w ith 20M Pa concrete w ith a m axim um aggregate size of 7m m and a m inim um quantity of 300kg cem ent per cubic m etre. 02 The first course The first course of C onnex is laid w ith nibs on top, in a bed of conventional m ortar as footings and floor slabs are seldom level. 03 90 corners To form a 90 0 corner, lay one C onnex C orner/End unit. 04 Remove nib C hip the vertical nib off the end of a C onnex Stretcher unit to fit flush w ith the side of the C onnex C orner/End unit. BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 5 Connex Mortarless Masonry Block System Typical Details Section through Retaining Wall Connex Design Guidelines Fully Propped Wall Base dimensions Wall height Steel details Level backfill Sloping Backfill max 1:4 Total Reinforcem ent H eel Base H eel Base H eel height V-bars w idth w idth depth w idth depth (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) H W B D B D 800 N 12 at 400 450 600 500 800 500 1400 N 16 at 400 450 1200 500 1400 600 1600 N 16 at 400 450 1400 600 1600 700 1800 N 16 at 400 450 1600 700 1800 800 2000 N 16 at 400 600 1800 700 2000 800 Locate the continuous drain at the bottom of the base Free draining granular material Filter fabric to keep silt out of drainage material Surcharge or sloping backfill (1 in 4 max.) Backfill Dish drain 200 W B D 250 600 minimum lap H SL72 Fabric N16@400 N12@400 Optional capping Longitudinal reinforcement: N12@400 cts. Omit on top of clean-out course N16 in top course only V bars N12 at 400 cts 200 55mm cover 1000 N16 @400 cts or N12 at 200 cts N12 @400 cts 2700 max. Floor slab reinforcement Floor slab reinforcement N12 at 200 cts Ag. drain Vertical reinforcement: N16 @400 cts, central Tanking to back face of wall e.g. Bituminous coating Connex blocks Horizontal reinforcement, N12 at 400 cts For higher w alls please refer to the Boral M asonry D esign G uide. BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 6 Connex Mortarless Masonry Block System 16kg (approx) The C onnex Stretcher is the m ain unit. It is called a stretcheras it stretches betw een end blocks and corner blocks. 200 400 200 Stretcher Unit 16kg (approx) The C onnex End and C orner unit can be used for either left or right hand corners as w ell as a full end block. 200 400 200 End and Corner Unit Components 9kg (approx) The C onnex H alf unit, used as an end block allow s w all lengths to be built in m ultiples of 200m m . It is also used on each 2nd course at w indow and door openings, alternating w ith the C onnex End and C orner units. 200 200 200 Half Unit Introducing Connex The Boral C onnex B lock System introduces a dry m ortarless w all system that w hen core-filled and reinforced is suitable for load bearing, blade and retaining w alls. The Boral C onnex B lock can also be used for non-loadbearing w alls w hen partially core-filled and reinforced. The Boral C onnex B lock System com prises of three m odular com ponents w hich key together elim inating the need for m ortared joints above the first course. Advantages The system is quick and easy to install C an be laid quicker than a standard block w all M inim al need for m ortar Reduced w et w aste on site A D IY alternative Sim ple m odular system only three com ponents required Four hour fire rated (240/240/240) H igh acoustic perform ance BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 1 Sizes Contact your nearest Boral Masonry sales office for the full range of Connex sizes available in your state. Not all sizes are available in all regions. Custom Connex sizes are available, however minimum order quantities apply. Colour and Texture Variations The supply of raw materials can vary over time. In addition, variation can occur between product types and production batches. We reserve the right to change the details in this publication without notice. For a full set of Terms and Conditions of Sale please contact your nearest Boral Masonry sales office. Front Cover Banks Road, Castle Hill NSW Connex is a registered trademark of Boral Masonry Limited. Boral Masonry All Rights Reserved 2006. Boral Masonry LimitedABN 13 000 223 718 Connex Mortarless Masonry Block System Connex Blocks Additional Information For technical assistance: C allSpecifier Line on1300 360 255 Visit SYDNEY Clunies Ross Street, Prospect NSW 2148 Tel (02) 9840 2333 Fax (02) 9840 2344 SOUTH QLD 62 Industrial Ave, Wacol QLD 4076 Tel (07) 3271 9292 Fax (07) 3271 1815 CANBERRA 16 Whyalla Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Tel (02) 6230 1029 Fax (02) 6280 6262 ADELAIDE Main North Road, Pooraka SA 5095 Tel (08) 8262 3529 Fax (08) 8260 3011 MELBOURNE 17-47 Turner Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel (03) 9681 9722 Fax (03) 9681 9766 Orders, product samples andsales enquiries 02/06 BOR12404_Connex_AW 30/5/07 5:21 PM Page 2