Case Study Danial Latifi v. UOI

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Danial Latifi Vs. Union of India, AIR 2001 SC 3958

In this case, the constitutional validity of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce)
Act, 1986 was challenged before the Supreme Court. The Act was passed to appease a particular
section of the society and with the intention of making the decision in case of Mohd. Ahmed
Khan v. ShahBano Begumin effective. In the Shahbanos case, the husband had appealed against
the judgment of the Madhya Pradesh High Court which had directed him to pay to his divorced
wife Rs. 179/- per month, enhancing the paltry sum of Rs. 25 per month originally granted by the
Magistrate. The parties had been married for 43 years before the ill and elderly wife had been
thrown out of her husband's residence. For about two years the husband paid maintenance to his
wife at the rate of Rs. 200/- per month. When these payments ceased she petitioned under
Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.). The husband immediately dissolved
the marriage by pronouncing a triple talaq. He paid Rs.3000/- as deferred mahr and a further
sum to cover arrears of maintenance and maintenance for the iddat period and he sought
thereafter to have the petition dismissed on the ground that she had received the amount due to
her on divorce under the Musilm law applicable to the parties. The important feature of the case
was that wife had managed the matrimonial home for more than 40 years and had borne and
reared five children and was in capable of taking up any career or independently supporting
herself at that late state of her life - remarriage was impossibility in that case. The husband, a
successful Advocate with an approximate income of Rs. 5,000/-per month provided Rs. 200/- per
month to the divorced wife, who had shared his life for half a century and mothered his five
children and was in desperate need of money to survive.
The petitioner argued-
(a) that the rationale of Section 125 Cr.P.C. was to offset or meet a situation wherein a divorced
wife was likely to be led into destitution or vagrancy. It was urged that Section 125 Cr.P.C. was
enacted to prevent such a situation in furtherance of the concept of social justice embodied in
Article 21 of the Constitution.
(b) That the object of Section 125 Cr.P.C. being to avoid vagrancy, the remedy there under could
not be denied to a Muslim woman otherwise it would amount to violation of not only equality
before law but also equal protection of laws (Article 14) and inherent infringement of Article 21
as well as basic human values.
(c) That the Act was un-Islamic, unconstitutional and had the potential of suffocating the Muslim
women while also undermining the secular character, which was the basic feature of the
Constitution. And thus there was no rhyme or reason to deprive the Muslim women from the
applicability of the provisions of Section 125 Cr.P.C.
Defending the validity of the enactment, it was argued on behalf of the respondents that
(a) if the legislature, as a matter of policy, wanted to apply Section 125 Cr.P.C. to Muslims, it
also meant that the same legislature could, by necessary implication, withdraw such an
application of the Act and make some other provision in that regard.
(b) Parliament could amend Section 125 Cr.P.C. so as to exclude it application and apply
personal law instead.
(c) That the policy of Section 125 Cr.P.C. was not to create a right of maintenance dehors the
personal law and therefore could not stand in the way of the Act.
Upholding the validity of the Act, the Supreme Court held as follows
A Muslim husband is liable to make reasonable and fair provision for the future of the
divorced wife which obviously includes her maintenance as well. Such a reasonable and
fair provision extending beyond the iddat period must be made by the husband within
the iddat period in terms of Section 3(1)(a) of the Act,
Liability of Muslim husband to his divorced wife arising under Section 3(1)(a) of the Act
to pay maintenance is not confined to iddat period,
A divorced Muslim woman who has not remarried and who is not able to maintain
herself after iddat period can proceed as provided under Section 4 of the Act against her
relatives who are liable to maintain her in proportion to the properties which they inherit
on her death according to Muslim law from such divorced woman including her children
and parents. If any of the relatives being unable to pay maintenance, the Magistrate may
direct the State Wakf Board established under the Act to pay such maintenance.
The provisions of the Act do not offend Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution of
It is unfortunate to note that the Court did not strike down the Act which purports to exclude
Muslim women in particular from the beneficial treatment of Section 125. The legislature to
appease the Muslim gentry may have passed the Act on political consideration but that same has
rendered an indirect classification of people of the basis of religion, which is against the
fundamental aspect of Secularism which we have adopted in our Constitution.

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