People of The Phil. vs. Patricio Amigo
People of The Phil. vs. Patricio Amigo
People of The Phil. vs. Patricio Amigo
Patricio Amigo
[G.R. No. 116719. January 18, 1996]
AMIGO alias BEBOT, accused-appellant.
Initially, Patricio Amigo was charged with frustrated murder in an
Information reading as follows:
The undersigned accuses the above-named accused of the crime of FRUSTRATED
MURDER, under Art. 248, in relation to Art. 5 of the Revised Penal Code, committed
as follows:
That on or about December 29, 1989, in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-mentioned accused, armed with a
knife, with treachery and evident premeditation and with intent to kill wilfully,
unlawfully and feloniously attacked, assaulted and stab with said weapon one Benito
Ng Suy, thereby inflicting injuries upon the latter, the following injuries, to wit:
thus performing all the acts of execution which should have produced the
crime of murder as a consequence but nevertheless, did not produce it by
reason of causes independent of his will, that is, because of the timely and
able medical assistance immediately rendered to the said Benito Ng Suy.
(p.1, Rollo.)
to which he pleaded not guilty.
Subsequently, due to the death of the victim, an amended Information was
filed charging now the crime of murder, to wit:
That on or about December 29, 1989, in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-mentioned accused, armed with a
knife, with treachery and evident premeditation and with intent to kill wilfully,
unlawfully and feloniously attacked, assaulted and stabbed with said weapon one
Benito Ng Say, thereby inflicting upon the latter multiple wounds which caused his
death and the consequent loss and damage to the heirs of the victim.
(p. 3, Rollo.)
After trial on the merits, the court a quo rendered a decision, disposing:
WHEREFORE, finding the accused Patricio Amigo guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of the crime of MURDER punishable under Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code, with
no modifying circumstance present, the accused is hereby sentenced to the penalty
of reclusion perpetua, which is the medium period of the penalty of reclusion
temporal in its maximum to death and to pay the cost; to indemnify the offended party
the amount of P93,214.70 as actual damages and P50,000.00 as compensatory
damages and P50,000.00 as moral damages.
(p. 32, Rollo.)
Reversal thereof is now sought, with accused-appellant arguing that error
was committed by the trial court in imposing or meting out the penalty
of reclusion perpetua against him despite the fact that Sec. 19 (1), Article III of
the 1987 Constitution was already in effect when the offense was committed.
The facts of the case, as briefly summarized in the brief submitted by the
Office of the Solicitor General and as borne out by the evidence, are as
On December 29, 1989, at around 1:00 P.M., after having spent half-day at their store,
located at No. 166-A, Ramon Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City, Benito Ng Suy was
driving their gray Ford Fiera back home, situated at the back of Car Asia, Bajada,
Davao City. With him during that time were his daughters, Jocelyn Ng Suy and a
younger one together with his two year old son, who were all seated at the front seat
beside him while a five year old boy was also seated at the back of the said vehicle.
(TSN, April 29, 1991, pp. 3-5; TSN, March 31, 1992)
On their way home and while traversing the National Highway of Bajada,
Davao City, an orange Toyota Tamaraw driven by one Virgilio Abogada,
suddenly made a left turn in front of the Regional Hospital, Bajada, Davao
City, without noticing the Ford Fiera coming from the opposite direction. This
Tamaraw was heading for Sterlyn Kitchenette, which was situated at the
corner of the said hospital. (TSN, April 29, 1991, p. 4; TSN, March 31, 1992,
pp. 3 and 13)
With Virgilio was Patricio Amigo alias Bebot, a vulcanizer at Linglings
vulcanizing shop owned and operated by a certain Galadua. He was also
seated at the right front seat beside Virgilio.
Due to the unexpected veer made by Virgilio, an accidental head on
collision occurred between the Fiera and the Tamaraw, causing a slight
damage to the right bumper of the latter. (TSN, March 31, 1992, p. 4)
Right after the collision, Benito immediately alighted from the drivers seat
and confronted Virgilio Abogada who also went down from his vehicle. (TSN,
April 29, 1991, p. 5)
Benito, who was a big man with a loud voice told Virgilio, You were not
looking, to which Virgilio retorted, I did not see you. (TSN, April 29, 1991,
While the two drivers where having this verbal confrontation, Patricio who
was merely a passenger of Virgilio also alighted from the front seat of the
Tamaraw and instantaneously approached Benito and advised the latter to
leave since it was merely a small and minor accident. (TSN, April 29, 1991,
pp. 16-18)
A bit irritated with the actuation exhibit by Patricio, Benito rebuked the
former and told him not to interfere, since he had nothing to do with the
accident. (Ibid., p. 7)
Irked by the comment made by Benito, Patricio sarcastically asked; You
are Chinese, is it you? With a ready answer Benito said; Yes, I am a
Chinese and why? Patricio in turn replied; So, you are a Chinese, wait for a
while, then left. (Ibid., pp. 7 and 19)
Immediately thereafter, Benito ordered Jocelyn to call a policeman, but
after a lapse of about one minute, Patricio returned and arrogantly
approached Benito, asking the latter once again, You are a Chinese, is it
not? To this Benito calmly responded in the affirmative.
(Ibid., pp. 7, 19-20)
Upon hearing the response, Patricio mumbled Ah, so you are a Chinese,
and suddenly took a five inch knife from his waist and simultaneously stabbed
Benito hitting him twice on the chest. (ibid., p. 20)
After being hit, Benito wounded and sensing that his life was in peril, tried
to evade his assailant by pushing Patricio away and run around the Tamaraw
but Patricio wielding the same knife and not content with the injuries he had
already inflicted, still chased Benito and upon overtaking the latter embraced
him and thrusted his knife on the victim several times, the last of which hit
Benito on the left side of his body. (Ibid., pp. 8, 10, 22)
It was at this juncture that Jocelyn who was still inside the Ford Fiera,
pleading for mercy to spare her father tried to get out of the vehicle but it was
very unfortunate that she could not open its door. (Ibid., p. 10)
Knowing that Patricio was really determined to kill her father by refusing to
heed her pleas, Joselyn shouted for help, since there were already several
people around witnessing that fatal incident, but to her consternation nobody
lifted a single finger to help them. (Ibid., pp. 6, 10, 18, 21-22) Only after her
father lay seated on the floor of their Ford Fiera after being hit on the left side
of his body that she was able to open the door of the said vehicle. (Ibid., p. 12)
After this precise moment, her younger sister, upon seeing their father
bathing with his own blood, embraced him, causing Patricio to cease from his
ferocious assault and noticing the presence of several people, he
fled. (Ibid., p. 22)
Thereafter, an enraged Jocelyn chased him, but since the assailant ran
faster than her, she was not able to overtake him, thus, she instead decided to
go back to where her father was and carried him inside the Tamaraw who
bumped them and consequently brought him to San Pedro Hospital where he
was attended to at the Emergency Room. (Ibid., p. 13)
While at the Emergency Room, Benito who was on a very critical
condition, due to multiple (13) stabbed wounds, was operated by Dr. Rolando
Chiu. After the operation, he was subsequently brought to the ICU and stayed
there for three (3) weeks. (July 12, 1991, pp. 3 and 4)
In a last ditch effort to save his life, having only 10 to 20 percent survival,
Benito was airlifted to Manila and was directly confined at the Chinese
General Hospital. After three (3) weeks of confinement, Benito expired.
CAUSE OF DEATH - SEPSIS (an overwhelming infection). This means that
the infection has already circulated in the blood all over the body. (Ibid., pp.6-
(pp. 59-65, Rollo.)
Accused-appellant contends that under the 1987 Constitution and prior to
the promulgation of Republic Act No. 7659, the death penalty had been
abolished and hence, the penalty that should have been imposed for the
crime of murder committed by accused-appellant without the attendance of
any modifying circumstances, should be reclusion temporal in its medium
period or 17 years, 4 months and 1 day, to 20 years of reclusion temporal.
Reasons out accused-appellant:
. . . Since the death penalty (or capital punishment) is not imposable when
the stabbing and killing happened, the computation of the penalty should be
regarded from reclusion perpetua down and not from death penalty. Indeed,
the appropriate penalty is deducible from reclusion perpetua down to reclusion
temporal in its medium period. Hence, there being no modifying
circumstances present (p. 5 Decision, ibid.), the correct penalty should be in
the medium period (Art. 64, par. 1, Revised Penal Code) which is 17 years, 4
months and 1 day to 20 years of reclusion temporal.
(p. 10, Appellants Brief, ff. p. 50, Rollo.)
The question raised by accused-appellant was settled by this Court
in People vs. Muoz (170 SCRA 107 [1989]) thusly:
In People vs. Gavarra, Justice Pedro L. Yap declared for the Court that in
view of the abolition of the death penalty under Section 19, Article III of the
1987 Constitution, the penalty that may be imposed for murder is reclusion
temporal in its maximum period to reclusion perpetua, thereby eliminating
death as the original maximum period. Later, without categorically saying so,
the Court, through Justice Ameurfina A. Melencio-Herrera in
People vs. Masangkay and through Justice Andres R. Narvasa in
People vs. Atencio, divided the modified penalty into three new periods, the
limits of which were specified by Justice Edgardo L. Paras in
People vs. Intino, as follows: the lower half of reclusion temporal maximum as
the minimum; the upper half ofreclusion temporal maximum as the medium;
and reclusion perpetua as the maximum.
The Court has reconsidered the above cases and, after extended
discussion, come to the conclusion that the doctrine announced therein does
not reflect the intention of the framers as embodied in Article III, Section 19(1)
of the Constitution. This conclusion is not unanimous, to be sure. Indeed,
there is much to be said of the opposite view, which was in fact shared by
many of those now voting for its reversal. The majority of the Court, however,
is of the belief that the original interpretation should be restored as the more
acceptable reading of the constitutional provision in question.
The advocates of the Masangkay ruling argue that the Constitution
abolished the death penalty and thereby limited the penalty for murder to the
remaining periods, to wit, the minimum and the medium. These should now be
divided into three new periods in keeping with the three-grade scheme
intended by the legislature. Those who disagree feel that Article III, Section
19(1) merely prohibits the imposition of the death penalty and has not, by
reducing it to reclusion perpetua, also correspondingly reduced the remaining
penalties. These should be maintained intact.
A reading of Section 19(1) of Article III will readily show that there is really
nothing therein which expressly declares the abolition of the death penalty.
The provision merely says that the death penalty shall not be imposed unless
for compelling reasons involving heinous crimes the Congress hereafter
provides for it and, if already imposed, shall be reduced to reclusion
perpetua. The language, while rather awkward, is still plain enough. And it is a
settled rule of legal hermeneutics that if the language under consideration is
plain, it is neither necessary nor permissible to resort to extrinsic aids, like the
records of the constitutional convention, for its interpretation.
xxx xxx xxx
The question as we see it is not whether the framers intended to abolish
the death penalty or merely to prevent its imposition. Whatever the intention
was, what we should determine is whether or not they also meant to require a
corresponding modification in the other periods as a result of the prohibition
against the death penalty.
It is definite that such a requirement, if there really was one, is not at all
expressed in Article III, Section 19(1) of the Constitution or indicated therein
by at least clear and unmistakable implication. It would have been so easy,
assuming such intention, to state it categorically and plainly, leaving no doubts
as to its meaning. One searches in vain for such a statement, express or even
implied. The writer of this opinion makes the personal observation that this
might be still another instance where the framers meant one thing and said
another or - strangely, considering their loquacity elsewhere - did not say
The original ruling as applied in the Gavarra, Masangkay, Atencio and
Intino cases represented the unanimous thinking of the Court as it was then
constituted. All but two members at that time still sit on the Court today. If we
have seen fit to take a second look at the doctrine on which we were all
agreed before, it is not because of a change in the composition of this body. It
is virtually the same Court that is changing its mind after reflecting on the
question again in the light of new perspectives. And well it might, and tan, for
the tenets it lays down are not immutable. The decisions of this Court are not
petrified rules grown rigid once pronounced but vital, growing things subject to
change as all life is. While we are told that the trodden path is best, this
should not prevent us from opening a fresh trial or exploring the other side or
testing a new idea in a spirit of continuing inquiry.
Accordingly, with the hope that as judges, (we) will be equal to (our)
tasks, whatever that means, we hereby reverse the current doctrine providing
for three new periods for the penalty for murder as reduced by the
Constitution. Instead, we return to our original interpretation and hold that
Article III, Section 19(1) does not change the periods of the penalty prescribed
by Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code except only insofar as it prohibits
the imposition of the death penalty and reduces it to reclusion perpetua. The
range of the medium and minimum penalties remains unchanged.
The Court realizes that this interpretation may lead to certain inequities
that would not have arisen under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code
before its modification. Thus, a person originally subject to the death penalty
and another who committed the murder without the attendance of any
modifying circumstance will now be both punishable with the same medium
period although the former is concededly more guilty than the latter. True
enough. But that is the will not of this Court but of the Constitution. That is a
question of wisdom, not construction. Of some relevance perhaps is the
parable in the Bible of the workman who was paid the stipulated daily wage of
one penny although he had worked longer than others hired later in the day
also paid the same amount. When he complained because he felt unjustly
treated by the householder, the latter replied: Friend, I do you no wrong. Did
you not agree with me for a penny?
The problem in any event is addressed not to this Court but to the
Congress. Penalties are prescribed by statute and are essentially and
exclusively legislative. As judges, we can only interpret and apply them and
have no authority to modify them or revise their range as determined
exclusively by the legislature. We should not encroach on this prerogative of
the lawmaking body.
Coming back to the case at bar, we find that there being no generic
aggravating or mitigating circumstance attending the commission of the
offenses, the applicable sentence is the medium period of the penalty
prescribed by Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code which, conformably to
the new doctrine here adopted and announced, is still reclusion perpetua. This
is the penalty we imposed on all the accused-appellants for each of the three
murders they have committed in conspiracy with the others. The award of civil
indemnity for the heirs of each of the victims is affirmed but the amount
thereof is hereby increased to P30,000.00 in line with the present policy.
(at pp. 120-125.)
The above ruling was reiterated in People vs. Parojinog (203 SCRA 673
[1991]) and in People vs. De la Cruz (216 SCRA 476 [1992]).
Finally, accused-appellant claims that the penalty of reclusion perpetua is
too cruel and harsh a penalty and pleads for sympathy. Courts are not the
forum to plead for sympathy. The duty of courts is to apply the law,
disregarding their feeling of sympathy or pity for an accused. DURA LEX SED
LEX. The remedy is elsewhere - clemency from the executive or an
amendment of the law by the legislative, but surely, at this point, this Court
can but apply the law.
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is hereby AFFIRMED.
Narvasa, C.J. (Chairman), Davide, Jr., Francisco, and Panganiban,
JJ., concur.