13 Auxiliaries

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13 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives

114 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 255

Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith a suitable auxiliar! verb"
#$ve never seen a %on&on police'an( )
*ou +see, one- *ou$ve been in %on&on a eek alrea&!-
You must have seen one.
.ote that not place& before the verb in brackets refers to the auxiliar! verb"
# hear& their phone rin/in/( )
*ou +not hear, their phone rin/in/( 0he! haven$t /ot a phone(
You couldn 't have heard their phone ringing.
1 1ack" #$ve finishe&(
Ann" 2ut !ou ere onl! half a! throu/h hen # ent to be&( *ou 3U40 5A6E 2EE. 789:#.G all ni/ht-
2 0he instructions ere in ;rench( # translate& the' into En/lish for hi'( )
*ou .EE<.0 5A6E 09A.4%E0E< the'( 5e knos ;rench(
3 0o'" 7hat$s happene& to 1ack= 7e sai& >(3? an& no it$s @(?? an& there$s no si/n of hi'(
Ann" 5e 3A* 5A6E ;89G800E. that e invite& hi'( 5e is rather for/etful( # 458U%< 5A6E 0E%EP58.E<
hi' !ester&a! to re'in& hi'( (It was foolish of me not to telephone.)
4 0o'" 8r he 3A* 5A6E G80 lost( 5e hasn$t been to this house before( # 458U%< 5A6E G#6E. hi' &irections(
(I didn't give him directions, which was stupid of me.) Ann" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 5A< a break&on or a puncture(
0o'" A puncture 78U%<.0 5A6E <E%A*E< hi' so lon/(
5 Ann" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 408PPE< for a &rink an& G80 involve& in an ar/u'ent( 1ack$s ar/u'ents /o on for
0o'" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 9U. out of petrol( Perhaps e$& better /o an& look for hi'(
A *ou 458U%<.0 5A6E ;E< the bears- (It was foolish of you to feed them.) .o the!$ll be an/r! if the next
ca'pers &on$t fee& the' too(
> .obo&! has been in this house for a 'onth( B
.onsense- 5ere$s last 3on&a!$s paper in the astepaper basketC so'ebo&! 3U40 5A6E 2EE. here Duite recentl!(
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
@ 0o of the pla!ers spent the ni/ht before the bi/ 'atch at a part!( )
0hat as ver! foolish of the'( 0he! 458U%< 5A6E G8.E to be& earl!(
E 5e sa!s that hen alkin/ across :ensin/ton Gar&ens he as attacke& b! olves( F
5e G8U%<.0 5A6E 2EE. A00AG:E< b! olves( 0here aren$t an! olves in :ensin/ton( 5e 3U40 5A6E
4EE. so'e Alsatian &o/s an& 058UG50 the! ere olves(
1? # aite& fro' @(?? to @(3? un&er the clock an& he sa!s he aite& fro' @(?? to @(3? un&er the clockH an& e &i&n$t
see each other- ) *ou 3U40 5A6E 2EE. 7A#0#.G un&er &ifferent clocks- 0here are to in the stationH !ou
11 5e set off alone a 'onth a/o an& hasn$t been hear& of since( ) 5e 3A* 5A6E ;A%%E. into a river an& 2EE.
EA0E. b! croco&iles( )
8r 2EE. :#<.APPE< b! tribes'en( ) 8r G8UG50 fever an& <#E< of it(
12 7e 7E9E 08 5A6E 40A90E< !ester&a! (this was the plan); but the fli/ht as cancelle& because of the fo/H so
e$re still hereH as !ou see(
13 3ar! to AnnH ho has Iust toile& up six fli/hts of stairs" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E 7A%:E< up- *ou G8U%< 5A6E
G83E up in the lift( #t$s orkin/ no(
14 # left '! car here un&er the .o Parkin/ si/nC an& no it$s /one( #t 3U40 5A6E 2EE. stolen- )
.ot necessaril!( 0he police 3A* 5A6E <9#6E. it aa!(
15 5e ha& to bottles of Goke an& /ot fri/htfull! &runk( J 5e G8U%<.0 5A6E G80 &runk on Goke( 5e 3U40
5A6E <9U.: /in ith it(
1A 5e as ri&in/ a bic!cle alon/ the 'otora! hen he as hit b! the trailer of a lorr!( 0hese bi/ lorries are ver!
&an/erous( ) PerhapsH but Paul 458U%<.0 5A6E 2EE. 9#<#.G a bic!cle alon/ the 'otora!C bic!cles are
not alloe&(
1> #$ve lost one of '! /loves- )
0he pupp! 3A* 5A6E 0A:E. it( # sa hi' runnin/ b! Iust no ith so'ethin/ in his 'outh( #t 3A* 5A6E
2EE. !our /love(
1@ 7e$ve run out of petrol- )
#$' not surprise&( # notice& that the tank as nearl! e'pt! hen e left ho'e( )
*ou 458U%< 5A6E 08%< 'e- 7e G8U%< 5A6E G80 petrol at the last villa/e( .o e$ve /ot a 1?B'ile alk-
1E #f the /roun& ha&n$t been so soft the horse # backe& 78U%< 5A6E 78. instea& of co'in/ in secon&( 5e never
&oes ver! ell on soft /roun&(
2? #$ve ritten to Paul( )
*ou .EE<.0 5A6E 79#00E.( 5e$s co'in/ here to'orro( *ou$ll see hi' before he /ets !our letter(
21 0he! 7E9E 08 5A6E 2U#%0 a toBstore! house (this was the original plan), but 'one! ran out so the! built a
bun/alo instea&(
22 #f the &o/ ha&n$t oken us e 78U%<.0 5A6E .80#6E< the fire for several hoursH an& b! that ti'e it
3#G50 5A6E 4P9EA< the house next &oor(
23 7h! &i&n$t !ou ait for 'e !ester&a!= B # aite& five 'inutes( F
*ou 458U%< 5A6E 7A#0E< a little lon/er-
24 5o &i& Peter /et here= )
5e 3A* 5A6E G83E on a 'otorc!cle( (This is a possibility.) 5e G8U%<.0 5A6E G83E on a 'otorc!cle(
5e &oesn$t ri&e one( ) 5e 3A* 5A6E G83E as a pillion passen/er(
25 +AliceH sta!in/ at a hotel for the first ti'eH carefull! ashes up the earl! 'ornin/ tea thin/s(,
3other" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E <8.E that( 0he hotel staff &o the ashin/ up(
2A 7h! are !ou so late= *ou 458U%< 5A6E 2EE. here to hours a/o-
2> 3rs 4'ith" #$ve cooke& scra'ble& e//s for 3r 1onesH because of his &ietH an& steak an& onions for ever!one else(
3r 1ones" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E G88:E< an!thin/ special for 'eH 3rs 4'ithC #$' not on a &iet an! lon/er(
2@ #f #$& knon e$& have to ait so lon/ # 78U%< 5A6E 298UG50 a book( ) #f #$& knon it as /oin/ to be so
col& # 78U%<.0 5A6E G83E at all-
2E 0o' +lookin/ out of the in&o," ;ortunatel! that teapot &i&n$t hit an!oneH but !ou 458U%<.0 5A6E
05987. it out of the in&oH Ann- *ou G8U%< 5A6E :#%%E< so'eone(
3? %ook at this beautiful paintin/- 8nl! a ver! /reat artist G8U%< 5A6E PA#.0E< such a
picture- )
.onsense- A chil& of five G8U%< 5A6E PA#.0E< it ith his e!es shut(
31 # on&er ho the fire starte&( F
8hH so'eone 3A* 5A6E <98PPE< a li/hte& ci/arette( 8r it 3A* 5A6E 2EE. an electrical
fault( )
32 *ou &on$t think it +be starte&, &eliberatel!=B
7ellH # suppose it +be,( (It is possible.) 2ut ho oul& &o a thin/ like that=
33 0here is onl! one set of footprintsH so the ki&napper +carr!, his prisoner out( 5e not +&o, it in &a!li/ht or he +be,
seen( 5e +ait, till &ark(
34 # ent ith hi' to sho hi' the a!( F
*ou +not &o, that( (That wasn't necessary.) 5e knos the a!(
35 0hen an enor'ous 'anH ten feet tallH ca'e into the rin/( ) 5e +not be, ten feet tall reall!( 5e +alk, on stilts(
3A 5e Iu'pe& out of a sixthBfloor in&o an& broke his neck( F *ou sa! $Iu'pe&$( #t +not be, an acci&ent= )
.o( 0he in&o as too s'all( #t +be, &eliberate(
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
115 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 255
Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith a suitable auxiliar! verb(
1 0o'" # ha& '! house painte& recentl!H but hen the! sent in the bill # as appalle&( #f #$& knon it as /oin/ to
cost so 'uch # +not have, it &one(
2 Peter" 2ut it$s !our on faultH 0o'( *ou +ask, for an esti'ate before lettin/ the' start(
3 3other +ver! anxious about her sonH a/e& ten," 7here is he= 5e +be, here an hour a/o= (It's now !.""and he is
usually home by #."".)
4 ;rien&" 5e +/o, to the pla!/roun& to atch a football 'atch( 3other" .oH if there$& been a 'atch to&a! he +tell,
'e( 5e ala!s tells 'e all the football nes(
5 ;rien&" 5is teacher +keep, hi' in as a punish'ent( 3other" 4he +not keep, hi' in for a hole hour(
A ;rien&" 0hen he +/o, to a frien&$s house(
3other" *esH or he +be, knocke& &on crossin/ the street( 5e 'a!
be l!in/ unconscious in hospital-
;rien&" #f that ha& happene& the hospital +rin/, !ou(
3other" 0he! +not rin/, 'e( 3! phone isn$t orkin/-
> 5e Iu'pe& out of the aeroplane an& lan&e& unhurt- ) *ou 'ean he parachute& &on=B
5e &i&n$t sa! an!thin/ about a parachute( ) 5e +have, a parachute( 8therise he +be, kille&(
@ # bou/ht a seater at 3arks an& 4pencer$s last 4un&a!( ) *ou +not bu!, it on 4un&a!( 3arks an& 4pencer$s is
shut on 4un&a!s(
E 0o'$s ha& another acci&ent( 5e ca'e out of a si&e roa& rather fast an& a lorr! crashe& into hi'( )
#t soun&s like 0o'$s fault( 5e +ait, till the 'ain roa& as clear( 1? # on&er ho carrie& the piano upstairs( #
suppose it as Paul( )
Paul +not carr!, it b! hi'self( 4o'eone +help, hi'( #ll as on the Gircle %ine an& e ere Iust leavin/ Picca&ill!F
0hen !ou +not be, on the Gircle %ine( #t &oesn$t /o throu/h
Picca&ill!( *ou +be, on the 2akerloo %ine or the Picca&ill! %ine(
12 0he plane &isappeare& to eeks a/o an& no one knos hat happene& to it( )
#t +crash, into the sea( #f it ha& crashe& on lan& so'eone +report, it b! no( )
13 2ut hat &o !ou think cause& the plane to crash=B
7ho knos= #t +blo, up( 4o'eone +plant, a bo'b on boar& before takeBoffH or one of the passen/ers +have,
explosives ith hi'(
14 8r so'eone +tr!, to hiIack the plane( An& there +be, a fi/ht &urin/ hich the plane crashe&(
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
15 8r so'ethin/ +/o, ron/ ith the en/inesH or it +be, a case of 'etal fati/ue( F
#t +not be, 'etal fati/ue because it as a bran& ne plane(
1A 0he pilot +collapse, at the controls( B
2ut if that ha& happene& the secon& pilot +take over,(
1> 3aria +ne to En/lish custo's," 5e sai&H $5o &o !ou &o=$ so # tol& hi' about '! 'i/raine(
Ann" *ou +not &o, that( (That wasn't the right thing to do.) *ou +sa!,H $5o &o !ou &o=$ too(
1@ #t as the &epths of inter an& e ha& to ait ei/hteen hours in an unheate& station( F
*ou +be, froKen b! the ti'e the train arrive&(
1E #$ve &one all the calculations( 5ere !ou areFsix pa/es( B
2ut !ou +not &o, all that ork- 7e have a co'puter to &o that sort of
thin/( )
*ou +tell, 'e- 0hen # +not aste, all '! ti'e-
2? 5e faile& the exa' but he +pass, it( ($e had the ability to pass it.) #t$s all his on faultC he +ork, 'uch har&er
&urin/ the ter'(
21 5e$s not here- *et # locke& hi' in an& bolte& the &oor tooH so he +not possibl! open, the &oor fro' insi&e( An& he
+not /et, out of the in&oC it$s too s'all( B
22 4o'ebo&! +let, hi' out( 8ne of his frien&s +follo, !ou here an& +slip, in hen !our back as turne&(
23 Passen/er" ;ares are aful- # ha& to pa! L2 for '! ticket an& L1 for the bab!(
Another passen/er" 2ut !ou +not bu!, a ticket for the bab!( 2abies travel free(
24 #''e&iatel! after &rinkin/ the coffee # felt ver! sleep! an& the next thin/ # re'e'ber is fin&in/ '!self l!in/ in
the 'i&&le of the roa&( B 0he! +&ru/, !our coffee an& +&u'p, !ou there( B
#f # ha&n$t oken up hen # &i& # +be run, over( B
0hat +be, part of their plan( (It is possible that it was part of their
25 # foun& he kne all '! 'ove'ents for the past eek( 5e +bribe, one of the other stu&ents to /ive hi' the
infor'ation( F
8r he +follo, !ou hi'self( F
.oH he +not &o, that( (That is not possible.) # +see, hi'(
2A # sta'pe& it an& poste& it( F
*ou +not sta'p, it( #t as a repl!Bpai& envelope(
2> 5e alke& fro' %on&on to Ga'bri&/e in three hours( B 5e +not &o, it in that ti'e- 4o'eone +/ive, hi' a lift(
2@ # foun& that ever!thin/ # sai& on the phone ha& been reporte& to the police( B
*our phone +be, tappe&(
2E 3! rin/$s /one- #t as on the table b! the in&o onl! a 'inute a/o- 7ho +take, it= )
#t +be, a 'a/pie( 0here are so'e roun& here an& the! like shinin/
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
things. A magpie (hop) in through the window and (snatch) it when you were out of the room. (This is
3? # ha& to alk ho'e !ester&a!" # ha& no 'one! for '! fare( ) *ou +tell, 'e- # +len&, !ou the 'one!-
31 # +not take, a taxi( # +alk,C it as onl! a hun&re& 'etres( +M too% a ta&i but it wasn 't necessary.,
32 0he shoplifter thou/ht she as unobserve& but hen she /ot to the &oor a store &etective stoppe& her( 0he!
+atch, her on close&B circuit television(
33 7hen # ran/ the exchan/e an& aske& for the nu'ber the operator sai&H $*ou +not rin/, the exchan/e- *ou +&ial,
the nu'ber &irect-$ 5oeverH he put 'e throu/h(
34 8ne 'o'ent the conIurer$s han&kerchief as e'pt! an& the next 'o'ent it as full of e//s- B
5e +have, the e//s up his sleeve- )
35 7ellH # suppose he +have, e//s up his sleeve" but for his next trick he pro&uce& a bol of /ol&fish out of the air(
5e +not have, a bol of /ol&fish up his sleeveH noH coul& he=
3A 3ar!" 3! /ran&'other kne a /irl hose fiance$ as sent to prison for tent! !ears( 0his /irl +'arr!, an! one
of a &oKen 'en because she as a real beaut!H but she aite& till her fianceN ca'e out of Iail- 1ack" 4he +love,
hi' ver! 'uch(
Ann" 4he +be, an i&iot-
11A Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 114 2H 255
Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith the appropriate auxiliar!( Phrases in bol& t!pe shoul& not be
repeate& but their 'eanin/ shoul& be expresse& b! auxiliar! + perfect infinitive(
*ou +bou/ht, brea&H which was not necessary.
You needn't have bought bread.
1 0o so'eone ho as not at the part!" $7e ha& a on&erful ti'eC !ou +be, there($
2 It is possible that 4hakespeare +rite, it( )
4hakespeare +not rite, it because events are 'entione& that &i&n$t occur till after 4hakespeare$s ti'e(
3 # foun& this bab! bir& at the foot of a tree( #t +fall, fro' a nest(
4 # use& to visit her an& # ala!s on&ere& h! she ha& those &rea&ful pictures on the alls( )
It is possible that she +like, the'(
5 <urin/ the /aleH the captain as on the bri&/e the hole ti'e( 5e +be, exhauste& afterar&s(
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
A *ou +sen&, a tele/ra'H hich as Duite unnecessar!C a letter oul& have &one(
> *ou +leave, a note( +#t as ver! inconsi&erate of !ou not to &o so(,
@ 4o'ebo&! phone& at lunchti'e but # coul&n$t catch the na'e( B #t +be, '! brother( 5e so'eti'es rin/s 'e up
E 0he lecturer as a tall thin 'an ith hite hair( )
0hen it +not be, <r ;ell because he is short an& fat( #t +be, <r 1onesC
# think he is thin( 1? *ou +not /o, out !ester&a! ithout a coat( .o on&er !ou cau/ht
col&( #ll sa the' in the street but the! &i&n$t stop to speak to 'e( )
#t is possible that the! +be, in a hurr!(
12 0he! +be, 'arrie& next eek but no the! have Duarrelle& an& the e&&in/ has been cancelle&(
13 #f e ha&n$t ha& this puncture e certainl! +be, ho'e b! no(
14 *ou +carr!, the &o/H hich as unnecessar!( 5e can alk ver! ell(
15 People ere aitin/ but the bus &i&n$t stop( B #t is possible that it +be, full(
1A 7e ent sailin/ on a lake in a %on&on park( # think it as the 9oun& Pon&( )
#t +not be, the 9oun& Pon&( 0here are onl! to! boats there( #t +be, the 4erpentine(
1> %ookH there$s a tree ri/ht across the roa&- B
4o there is( #t +be, blon &on b! the /ale last ni/ht(
1@ 0his buil&in/ +be, finishe& b! the en& of last !ear +this as the plan,H but there have been so 'an! strikes that it
isn$t finishe& !et(
1E 2ut for the fo/ the! +reach, the top next &a!(
2? *ou +cross, the roa& b! the suba!H (but !ou didn't)
21 It is a pity !ou +not brin/, !our kite( #t is Iust the &a! for kites(
22 #t is possible that # +be, 'istaken(
23 # sat on a seat in the park an& no '! coat is covere& in /reen stripes( F
0he paint +be, et(
24 # suppose it as Gharles ho left the kitchen in such a 'ess( B .oH it +not be, Gharles( 5e never has a 'eal in( #t
+be, 2ill(
25 # kno she as in because # hear& her ra&ioH but she &i&n$t open the &oor( B
Possibl! she +not hear, the bell(
2A #f !ou ha& tol& 'e that !ou ere in %on&on # +put, !ou up( +0his oul& have been possible(,
2> #f the! ha& /one an! further the! +fall, over a precipice(
2@ 5e +check, that his brakes ere orkin/ properl!H (but he didn't)
2E *ou +apolo/iKe,H hich as not necessar!(
3? # can$t think h! the! &i&n$t tr! to help hi'( )
#t is possible that the! +not realiKe, that he as &ronin/(
31 5e +thank, us( +7e are offended that he didn't.)
32 # +/o, on 0ues&a! (this was the plan). 2ut on 0ues&a! # ha& a terrible col& so # &eci&e& to ait till 7e&nes&a!(
Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
33 *ou +arn, hi' that the ice as &an/erousH (but you didn't)
34 #f !ou ha& kept Duiet nobo&! +kno, an!thin/ about it(
35 *ou +bou/ht, a ne oneH which wasn't necessary. # coul& have lent !ou 'ine(
3A As soon as # sitche& on '! ne electric cooker there as an explosion( )
0here +be, so'ethin/ ron/ ith it(

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