The document provides examples of using perfect infinitives with auxiliary verbs in English. It gives sentences with verbs in brackets and examples of filling in the blanks with suitable auxiliary verbs and perfect infinitives. This allows practicing forming sentences using the perfect tense in infinitive form.
The document provides examples of using perfect infinitives with auxiliary verbs in English. It gives sentences with verbs in brackets and examples of filling in the blanks with suitable auxiliary verbs and perfect infinitives. This allows practicing forming sentences using the perfect tense in infinitive form.
The document provides examples of using perfect infinitives with auxiliary verbs in English. It gives sentences with verbs in brackets and examples of filling in the blanks with suitable auxiliary verbs and perfect infinitives. This allows practicing forming sentences using the perfect tense in infinitive form.
The document provides examples of using perfect infinitives with auxiliary verbs in English. It gives sentences with verbs in brackets and examples of filling in the blanks with suitable auxiliary verbs and perfect infinitives. This allows practicing forming sentences using the perfect tense in infinitive form.
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13 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives
114 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 255
Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith a suitable auxiliar! verb" #$ve never seen a %on&on police'an( ) *ou +see, one- *ou$ve been in %on&on a eek alrea&!- You must have seen one. .ote that not place& before the verb in brackets refers to the auxiliar! verb" # hear& their phone rin/in/( ) *ou +not hear, their phone rin/in/( 0he! haven$t /ot a phone( You couldn 't have heard their phone ringing. 1 1ack" #$ve finishe&( Ann" 2ut !ou ere onl! half a! throu/h hen # ent to be&( *ou 3U40 5A6E 2EE. 789:#.G all ni/ht- 2 0he instructions ere in ;rench( # translate& the' into En/lish for hi'( ) *ou .EE<.0 5A6E 09A.4%E0E< the'( 5e knos ;rench( 3 0o'" 7hat$s happene& to 1ack= 7e sai& >(3? an& no it$s @(?? an& there$s no si/n of hi'( Ann" 5e 3A* 5A6E ;89G800E. that e invite& hi'( 5e is rather for/etful( # 458U%< 5A6E 0E%EP58.E< hi' !ester&a! to re'in& hi'( (It was foolish of me not to telephone.) 4 0o'" 8r he 3A* 5A6E G80 lost( 5e hasn$t been to this house before( # 458U%< 5A6E G#6E. hi' &irections( (I didn't give him directions, which was stupid of me.) Ann" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 5A< a break&on or a puncture( 0o'" A puncture 78U%<.0 5A6E <E%A*E< hi' so lon/( 5 Ann" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 408PPE< for a &rink an& G80 involve& in an ar/u'ent( 1ack$s ar/u'ents /o on for hours- 0o'" 8r he 3A* 5A6E 9U. out of petrol( Perhaps e$& better /o an& look for hi'( A *ou 458U%<.0 5A6E ;E< the bears- (It was foolish of you to feed them.) .o the!$ll be an/r! if the next ca'pers &on$t fee& the' too( > .obo&! has been in this house for a 'onth( B .onsense- 5ere$s last 3on&a!$s paper in the astepaper basketC so'ebo&! 3U40 5A6E 2EE. here Duite recentl!( 32 33 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives @ 0o of the pla!ers spent the ni/ht before the bi/ 'atch at a part!( ) 0hat as ver! foolish of the'( 0he! 458U%< 5A6E G8.E to be& earl!( E 5e sa!s that hen alkin/ across :ensin/ton Gar&ens he as attacke& b! olves( F 5e G8U%<.0 5A6E 2EE. A00AG:E< b! olves( 0here aren$t an! olves in :ensin/ton( 5e 3U40 5A6E 4EE. so'e Alsatian &o/s an& 058UG50 the! ere olves( 1? # aite& fro' @(?? to @(3? un&er the clock an& he sa!s he aite& fro' @(?? to @(3? un&er the clockH an& e &i&n$t see each other- ) *ou 3U40 5A6E 2EE. 7A#0#.G un&er &ifferent clocks- 0here are to in the stationH !ou kno( 11 5e set off alone a 'onth a/o an& hasn$t been hear& of since( ) 5e 3A* 5A6E ;A%%E. into a river an& 2EE. EA0E. b! croco&iles( ) 8r 2EE. :#<.APPE< b! tribes'en( ) 8r G8UG50 fever an& <#E< of it( 12 7e 7E9E 08 5A6E 40A90E< !ester&a! (this was the plan); but the fli/ht as cancelle& because of the fo/H so e$re still hereH as !ou see( 13 3ar! to AnnH ho has Iust toile& up six fli/hts of stairs" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E 7A%:E< up- *ou G8U%< 5A6E G83E up in the lift( #t$s orkin/ no( 14 # left '! car here un&er the .o Parkin/ si/nC an& no it$s /one( #t 3U40 5A6E 2EE. stolen- ) .ot necessaril!( 0he police 3A* 5A6E <9#6E. it aa!( 15 5e ha& to bottles of Goke an& /ot fri/htfull! &runk( J 5e G8U%<.0 5A6E G80 &runk on Goke( 5e 3U40 5A6E <9U.: /in ith it( 1A 5e as ri&in/ a bic!cle alon/ the 'otora! hen he as hit b! the trailer of a lorr!( 0hese bi/ lorries are ver! &an/erous( ) PerhapsH but Paul 458U%<.0 5A6E 2EE. 9#<#.G a bic!cle alon/ the 'otora!C bic!cles are not alloe&( 1> #$ve lost one of '! /loves- ) 0he pupp! 3A* 5A6E 0A:E. it( # sa hi' runnin/ b! Iust no ith so'ethin/ in his 'outh( #t 3A* 5A6E 2EE. !our /love( 1@ 7e$ve run out of petrol- ) #$' not surprise&( # notice& that the tank as nearl! e'pt! hen e left ho'e( ) *ou 458U%< 5A6E 08%< 'e- 7e G8U%< 5A6E G80 petrol at the last villa/e( .o e$ve /ot a 1?B'ile alk- 1E #f the /roun& ha&n$t been so soft the horse # backe& 78U%< 5A6E 78. instea& of co'in/ in secon&( 5e never &oes ver! ell on soft /roun&( 2? #$ve ritten to Paul( ) *ou .EE<.0 5A6E 79#00E.( 5e$s co'in/ here to'orro( *ou$ll see hi' before he /ets !our letter( 21 0he! 7E9E 08 5A6E 2U#%0 a toBstore! house (this was the original plan), but 'one! ran out so the! built a bun/alo instea&( 22 #f the &o/ ha&n$t oken us e 78U%<.0 5A6E .80#6E< the fire for several hoursH an& b! that ti'e it 3#G50 5A6E 4P9EA< the house next &oor( 23 7h! &i&n$t !ou ait for 'e !ester&a!= B # aite& five 'inutes( F *ou 458U%< 5A6E 7A#0E< a little lon/er- 24 5o &i& Peter /et here= ) 5e 3A* 5A6E G83E on a 'otorc!cle( (This is a possibility.) 5e G8U%<.0 5A6E G83E on a 'otorc!cle( 5e &oesn$t ri&e one( ) 5e 3A* 5A6E G83E as a pillion passen/er( 25 +AliceH sta!in/ at a hotel for the first ti'eH carefull! ashes up the earl! 'ornin/ tea thin/s(, 3other" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E <8.E that( 0he hotel staff &o the ashin/ up( 2A 7h! are !ou so late= *ou 458U%< 5A6E 2EE. here to hours a/o- 2> 3rs 4'ith" #$ve cooke& scra'ble& e//s for 3r 1onesH because of his &ietH an& steak an& onions for ever!one else( 3r 1ones" *ou .EE<.0 5A6E G88:E< an!thin/ special for 'eH 3rs 4'ithC #$' not on a &iet an! lon/er( 2@ #f #$& knon e$& have to ait so lon/ # 78U%< 5A6E 298UG50 a book( ) #f #$& knon it as /oin/ to be so col& # 78U%<.0 5A6E G83E at all- 2E 0o' +lookin/ out of the in&o," ;ortunatel! that teapot &i&n$t hit an!oneH but !ou 458U%<.0 5A6E 05987. it out of the in&oH Ann- *ou G8U%< 5A6E :#%%E< so'eone( 3? %ook at this beautiful paintin/- 8nl! a ver! /reat artist G8U%< 5A6E PA#.0E< such a picture- ) .onsense- A chil& of five G8U%< 5A6E PA#.0E< it ith his e!es shut( 31 # on&er ho the fire starte&( F 8hH so'eone 3A* 5A6E <98PPE< a li/hte& ci/arette( 8r it 3A* 5A6E 2EE. an electrical fault( ) 32 *ou &on$t think it +be starte&, &eliberatel!=B 7ellH # suppose it +be,( (It is possible.) 2ut ho oul& &o a thin/ like that= 33 0here is onl! one set of footprintsH so the ki&napper +carr!, his prisoner out( 5e not +&o, it in &a!li/ht or he +be, seen( 5e +ait, till &ark( 34 # ent ith hi' to sho hi' the a!( F *ou +not &o, that( (That wasn't necessary.) 5e knos the a!( 35 0hen an enor'ous 'anH ten feet tallH ca'e into the rin/( ) 5e +not be, ten feet tall reall!( 5e +alk, on stilts( 3A 5e Iu'pe& out of a sixthBfloor in&o an& broke his neck( F *ou sa! $Iu'pe&$( #t +not be, an acci&ent= ) .o( 0he in&o as too s'all( #t +be, &eliberate( 34 35 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives 115 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 255 Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith a suitable auxiliar! verb( 1 0o'" # ha& '! house painte& recentl!H but hen the! sent in the bill # as appalle&( #f #$& knon it as /oin/ to cost so 'uch # +not have, it &one( 2 Peter" 2ut it$s !our on faultH 0o'( *ou +ask, for an esti'ate before lettin/ the' start( 3 3other +ver! anxious about her sonH a/e& ten," 7here is he= 5e +be, here an hour a/o= (It's now !.""and he is usually home by #."".) 4 ;rien&" 5e +/o, to the pla!/roun& to atch a football 'atch( 3other" .oH if there$& been a 'atch to&a! he +tell, 'e( 5e ala!s tells 'e all the football nes( 5 ;rien&" 5is teacher +keep, hi' in as a punish'ent( 3other" 4he +not keep, hi' in for a hole hour( A ;rien&" 0hen he +/o, to a frien&$s house( 3other" *esH or he +be, knocke& &on crossin/ the street( 5e 'a! be l!in/ unconscious in hospital- ;rien&" #f that ha& happene& the hospital +rin/, !ou( 3other" 0he! +not rin/, 'e( 3! phone isn$t orkin/- > 5e Iu'pe& out of the aeroplane an& lan&e& unhurt- ) *ou 'ean he parachute& &on=B 5e &i&n$t sa! an!thin/ about a parachute( ) 5e +have, a parachute( 8therise he +be, kille&( @ # bou/ht a seater at 3arks an& 4pencer$s last 4un&a!( ) *ou +not bu!, it on 4un&a!( 3arks an& 4pencer$s is shut on 4un&a!s( E 0o'$s ha& another acci&ent( 5e ca'e out of a si&e roa& rather fast an& a lorr! crashe& into hi'( ) #t soun&s like 0o'$s fault( 5e +ait, till the 'ain roa& as clear( 1? # on&er ho carrie& the piano upstairs( # suppose it as Paul( ) Paul +not carr!, it b! hi'self( 4o'eone +help, hi'( #ll as on the Gircle %ine an& e ere Iust leavin/ Picca&ill!F ) 0hen !ou +not be, on the Gircle %ine( #t &oesn$t /o throu/h Picca&ill!( *ou +be, on the 2akerloo %ine or the Picca&ill! %ine( 12 0he plane &isappeare& to eeks a/o an& no one knos hat happene& to it( ) #t +crash, into the sea( #f it ha& crashe& on lan& so'eone +report, it b! no( ) 13 2ut hat &o !ou think cause& the plane to crash=B 7ho knos= #t +blo, up( 4o'eone +plant, a bo'b on boar& before takeBoffH or one of the passen/ers +have, explosives ith hi'( 14 8r so'eone +tr!, to hiIack the plane( An& there +be, a fi/ht &urin/ hich the plane crashe&( Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives 15 8r so'ethin/ +/o, ron/ ith the en/inesH or it +be, a case of 'etal fati/ue( F #t +not be, 'etal fati/ue because it as a bran& ne plane( 1A 0he pilot +collapse, at the controls( B 2ut if that ha& happene& the secon& pilot +take over,( 1> 3aria +ne to En/lish custo's," 5e sai&H $5o &o !ou &o=$ so # tol& hi' about '! 'i/raine( Ann" *ou +not &o, that( (That wasn't the right thing to do.) *ou +sa!,H $5o &o !ou &o=$ too( 1@ #t as the &epths of inter an& e ha& to ait ei/hteen hours in an unheate& station( F *ou +be, froKen b! the ti'e the train arrive&( 1E #$ve &one all the calculations( 5ere !ou areFsix pa/es( B 2ut !ou +not &o, all that ork- 7e have a co'puter to &o that sort of thin/( ) *ou +tell, 'e- 0hen # +not aste, all '! ti'e- 2? 5e faile& the exa' but he +pass, it( ($e had the ability to pass it.) #t$s all his on faultC he +ork, 'uch har&er &urin/ the ter'( 21 5e$s not here- *et # locke& hi' in an& bolte& the &oor tooH so he +not possibl! open, the &oor fro' insi&e( An& he +not /et, out of the in&oC it$s too s'all( B 22 4o'ebo&! +let, hi' out( 8ne of his frien&s +follo, !ou here an& +slip, in hen !our back as turne&( 23 Passen/er" ;ares are aful- # ha& to pa! L2 for '! ticket an& L1 for the bab!( Another passen/er" 2ut !ou +not bu!, a ticket for the bab!( 2abies travel free( 24 #''e&iatel! after &rinkin/ the coffee # felt ver! sleep! an& the next thin/ # re'e'ber is fin&in/ '!self l!in/ in the 'i&&le of the roa&( B 0he! +&ru/, !our coffee an& +&u'p, !ou there( B #f # ha&n$t oken up hen # &i& # +be run, over( B 0hat +be, part of their plan( (It is possible that it was part of their plan.) 25 # foun& he kne all '! 'ove'ents for the past eek( 5e +bribe, one of the other stu&ents to /ive hi' the infor'ation( F 8r he +follo, !ou hi'self( F .oH he +not &o, that( (That is not possible.) # +see, hi'( 2A # sta'pe& it an& poste& it( F *ou +not sta'p, it( #t as a repl!Bpai& envelope( 2> 5e alke& fro' %on&on to Ga'bri&/e in three hours( B 5e +not &o, it in that ti'e- 4o'eone +/ive, hi' a lift( 2@ # foun& that ever!thin/ # sai& on the phone ha& been reporte& to the police( B *our phone +be, tappe&( 2E 3! rin/$s /one- #t as on the table b! the in&o onl! a 'inute a/o- 7ho +take, it= ) #t +be, a 'a/pie( 0here are so'e roun& here an& the! like shinin/ 3A 37 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives things. A magpie (hop) in through the window and (snatch) it when you were out of the room. (This is possible.) 3? # ha& to alk ho'e !ester&a!" # ha& no 'one! for '! fare( ) *ou +tell, 'e- # +len&, !ou the 'one!- 31 # +not take, a taxi( # +alk,C it as onl! a hun&re& 'etres( +M too% a ta&i but it wasn 't necessary., 32 0he shoplifter thou/ht she as unobserve& but hen she /ot to the &oor a store &etective stoppe& her( 0he! +atch, her on close&B circuit television( 33 7hen # ran/ the exchan/e an& aske& for the nu'ber the operator sai&H $*ou +not rin/, the exchan/e- *ou +&ial, the nu'ber &irect-$ 5oeverH he put 'e throu/h( 34 8ne 'o'ent the conIurer$s han&kerchief as e'pt! an& the next 'o'ent it as full of e//s- B 5e +have, the e//s up his sleeve- ) 35 7ellH # suppose he +have, e//s up his sleeve" but for his next trick he pro&uce& a bol of /ol&fish out of the air( 5e +not have, a bol of /ol&fish up his sleeveH noH coul& he= 3A 3ar!" 3! /ran&'other kne a /irl hose fiance$ as sent to prison for tent! !ears( 0his /irl +'arr!, an! one of a &oKen 'en because she as a real beaut!H but she aite& till her fianceN ca'e out of Iail- 1ack" 4he +love, hi' ver! 'uch( Ann" 4he +be, an i&iot- 11A Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives PEG 114 2H 255 Use the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets ith the appropriate auxiliar!( Phrases in bol& t!pe shoul& not be repeate& but their 'eanin/ shoul& be expresse& b! auxiliar! + perfect infinitive( *ou +bou/ht, brea&H which was not necessary. You needn't have bought bread. 1 0o so'eone ho as not at the part!" $7e ha& a on&erful ti'eC !ou +be, there($ 2 It is possible that 4hakespeare +rite, it( ) 4hakespeare +not rite, it because events are 'entione& that &i&n$t occur till after 4hakespeare$s ti'e( 3 # foun& this bab! bir& at the foot of a tree( #t +fall, fro' a nest( 4 # use& to visit her an& # ala!s on&ere& h! she ha& those &rea&ful pictures on the alls( ) It is possible that she +like, the'( 5 <urin/ the /aleH the captain as on the bri&/e the hole ti'e( 5e +be, exhauste& afterar&s( 38 Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives A *ou +sen&, a tele/ra'H hich as Duite unnecessar!C a letter oul& have &one( > *ou +leave, a note( +#t as ver! inconsi&erate of !ou not to &o so(, @ 4o'ebo&! phone& at lunchti'e but # coul&n$t catch the na'e( B #t +be, '! brother( 5e so'eti'es rin/s 'e up then( E 0he lecturer as a tall thin 'an ith hite hair( ) 0hen it +not be, <r ;ell because he is short an& fat( #t +be, <r 1onesC # think he is thin( 1? *ou +not /o, out !ester&a! ithout a coat( .o on&er !ou cau/ht col&( #ll sa the' in the street but the! &i&n$t stop to speak to 'e( ) #t is possible that the! +be, in a hurr!( 12 0he! +be, 'arrie& next eek but no the! have Duarrelle& an& the e&&in/ has been cancelle&( 13 #f e ha&n$t ha& this puncture e certainl! +be, ho'e b! no( 14 *ou +carr!, the &o/H hich as unnecessar!( 5e can alk ver! ell( 15 People ere aitin/ but the bus &i&n$t stop( B #t is possible that it +be, full( 1A 7e ent sailin/ on a lake in a %on&on park( # think it as the 9oun& Pon&( ) #t +not be, the 9oun& Pon&( 0here are onl! to! boats there( #t +be, the 4erpentine( 1> %ookH there$s a tree ri/ht across the roa&- B 4o there is( #t +be, blon &on b! the /ale last ni/ht( 1@ 0his buil&in/ +be, finishe& b! the en& of last !ear +this as the plan,H but there have been so 'an! strikes that it isn$t finishe& !et( 1E 2ut for the fo/ the! +reach, the top next &a!( 2? *ou +cross, the roa& b! the suba!H (but !ou didn't) 21 It is a pity !ou +not brin/, !our kite( #t is Iust the &a! for kites( 22 #t is possible that # +be, 'istaken( 23 # sat on a seat in the park an& no '! coat is covere& in /reen stripes( F 0he paint +be, et( 24 # suppose it as Gharles ho left the kitchen in such a 'ess( B .oH it +not be, Gharles( 5e never has a 'eal in( #t +be, 2ill( 25 # kno she as in because # hear& her ra&ioH but she &i&n$t open the &oor( B Possibl! she +not hear, the bell( 2A #f !ou ha& tol& 'e that !ou ere in %on&on # +put, !ou up( +0his oul& have been possible(, 2> #f the! ha& /one an! further the! +fall, over a precipice( 2@ 5e +check, that his brakes ere orkin/ properl!H (but he didn't) 2E *ou +apolo/iKe,H hich as not necessar!( 3? # can$t think h! the! &i&n$t tr! to help hi'( ) #t is possible that the! +not realiKe, that he as &ronin/( 31 5e +thank, us( +7e are offended that he didn't.) 32 # +/o, on 0ues&a! (this was the plan). 2ut on 0ues&a! # ha& a terrible col& so # &eci&e& to ait till 7e&nes&a!( 3E Auxiliaries + perfect infinitives 33 *ou +arn, hi' that the ice as &an/erousH (but you didn't) 34 #f !ou ha& kept Duiet nobo&! +kno, an!thin/ about it( 35 *ou +bou/ht, a ne oneH which wasn't necessary. # coul& have lent !ou 'ine( 3A As soon as # sitche& on '! ne electric cooker there as an explosion( ) 0here +be, so'ethin/ ron/ ith it(