A Project Proposal For The Inventory Control System FOR Calculation and Ordering of Available and Processed Resources
A Project Proposal For The Inventory Control System FOR Calculation and Ordering of Available and Processed Resources
A Project Proposal For The Inventory Control System FOR Calculation and Ordering of Available and Processed Resources
Executive Summary
Our proposed project is a real time implementation of an inventory control system for an on-site
corporate restaurant management and catering company. One such company is Guckenheimer
(www.guckenheimer.com) which builds, staffs, and upkeeps corporate kitchens as well as
provides catering services to corporate companies. This project is specific in that it applies to the
dining domain of restaurants, but is flexible enough to be applied to many different kitchens and
restaurants. In the case of Guckenheimer, they can use the software in their kitchens across the
nation. The scope of this project will primarily focus on Guckenheimers kitchen and inventory
located at the Groupon Chicago Office.
Currently at Groupons kitchen, and the food industry in general, restaurant staff and managers
are forced to keep track of inventory by hand. This means that they must count what they have
sold and what they have left at the end of each day. They must also fill out order forms to be sent
to vendors so that they can restock their inventory in preparation for the next week. This wastes
valuable man hours and is a rather simple task to automate using our software.
We propose a solution to this issue by developing software that keeps track of inventory in the
back of house, or kitchen, and updates it according to daily sales. Each food item is linked to
respective resources (or ingredients) and as each product is sold the ingredients utilized in
making that product are also utilized. These changes in inventory are kept track of through
utilizing a database.
We propose to keep track of each and every ingredient by dynamically linking it to the product
and as a result create a dependent relationship to that product. At a specific time period (typically
the end of the week); if the inventory is below the threshold level, order forms to the specific
vendors are generated in order to restock the required items for the next week. The project also
makes smart predictions on required inventory for the following week based upon the predicted
climate and possible occasions or events that may influence near future sales. At the end of the
week, the software takes into account all threshold levels, predictions, and other factors to
generate an order form, which after being verified by the manager is sent out to the vendors.
The Purpose of the Project
A case study at Guckenheimer (an on-site corporate restaurant management and catering
company) cited issues regarding a basic resources requirement list that has to be maintained
manually by the staff. To keep track of their inventory levels they have to calculate a list of the
groceries utilized during a course of time, calculate and analyze the requirements for the future,
and place their next order to the vendors if needed. This process takes up a lot of time and human
effort, and is also prone to human error.
This poses a problem of a situation that the staff at Guckenheimer, as well as many other
restaurants faces. It takes up a lot of time to manually keep track of sales and place correct orders
to vendors, wasting useful labor in trivial works. A product which would assist in tackling the
above mentioned problems would prove to be fruitful to clients such as Guckenheimer and
similar enterprises as this product would help convert the unproductive time to something more
useful, by removing the unnecessary error prone complications and efforts.
Goals of the Project
The project aims at providing an efficient interface to the restaurants for managing their grocery
inventory based on each item sold. The basic idea involved here is that each item is linked to its
atomic ingredients which are stored in a database. At the end of each day, the system analyzes
the total sale of menu items and proportionately deducts appropriate amount from the resource
database. Then it compares the current available resources with the threshold level of each
ingredient. If it finds that certain ingredients are below the threshold, it will generate a purchase
order for those item(s) and send it to the manager (admin) for approval.
We also propose to include a special feature Prediction. This feature keeps track of any
upcoming occasions, climatic changes and special events that may influence inventory needs for
the upcoming week. The system will then predict the required resources for these events based
on previously accumulated information/knowledge. It will now generate an updated purchase
order in accordance with the predictions.
The product also aims to keep track of the shelf life of resources. If any resource nears the end of
its shelf life, it would intimate to the manager (admin) the details of the quantity that is near its
expiration date. The restaurant must function efficiently, the groceries must be tracked correctly,
timely orders must be sent out to the vendors, and the inventory must be maintained and updated
at all times.
The Domain
This proposed project aims at inventory control in the restaurant and catering Industry. Such a
large domain would result in an equally as large scope of development. As a result we narrow
our software down to our case study of an outlet of Guckenheimer concentrating only on the
basic resources utilized in inventory control of the outlet. Although the software will be
developed keeping in mind the needs of Guckenheimer and available data at first, then applying
it to the larger domain of the entire restaurant industry can be achieved with ease.
Our target domain is full of software to track sales of food items, but lacks in this area of
inventory management. Our software can be scaled from large corporate dinings all the way to
small privately-owned restaurants. It is also fairly domain specific: the database runs off recipes
which generate the necessary ingredients. It also updates the inventory based off of the sale of
those recipes. This requirement focuses our product to our domain and makes it more appealing
to those looking for a solution to this specific problem.
The Client
The client can vary from private restaurant owners to corporate restaurant management
companies, such as Guckenheimer (www.guckenheimer.com). A corporate restaurant
management company that starts up, staffs, and oversees the everyday workings of a corporate
restaurant, such as the one in the Groupon Chicago office. As stated above, while our product
can be applied to the entire domain of the restaurant and catering business, focusing on a specific
business provides us with more precise and consistent data. A company such as Guckenheimer
would be an ideal client, as they staff multiple corporate kitchens across the nation, including
kitchens for Groupon and even Google. A large scale company such as this this can apply our
software to each and every kitchen, cutting down costs on a very large scale.
Our software will allow our client to customize the database to suit the needs of each kitchen
individually. They can vary in recipes, vendors from which they order their products, and
threshold levels. This provides a uniform product that can be customized at a smaller scale. Our
client would need to purchase multiple licenses, or more likely a corporate subscription that
would allow them to use the software in multiple kitchens. We would also offer single use
licenses to appeal to restaurants that only need to manage a single inventory of goods.
User of the product
The main users of the product would be kitchen management and staff. The management would
approve the orders that would be sent out, provide vendor information, upload recipes, and set
threshold levels. Many of these tasks, such as the information regarding vendors, recipes, and
threshold levels would need to be set only once. Of course, the option to add, remove, or update
this data would be implemented as well. Once this initial step has been taken, our software will
require nothing more than a weekly approval for the orders being sent out, minimizing the work
that management has to complete in order to insure the correct amount of inventory is available.
Kitchen staff would be responsible for updating the amount of product sold at the end of the day.
Each day, the register prints out the products sold and the quantity of each product sold. Instead
of manually subtracting that amount from the inventory, they input the amounts sold into our
software which will do the number crunching for them. This data is also stored into the
predictions feature for future use.
Domain Expert
Ms. Kimberly Harmon, employee of Guckenheimer, chef at Groupon Chicago Office
Phone: 801.361.6597
Email: kharmon128@hotmail.com
Hardware Requirements
Processor - Intel Dual-core processor, 2.0 GHz or higher
RAM - Minimum 2 GB of RAM
Network interface chip
Hard Drive - 500 GB
Software Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP or higher.
Front End: VB.NET (Visual Studio 2010)
Back End: Microsoft Access 2010
Overall UML Diagram
Typical Use Cases
1) Update resource database
Use case name UpdateResourceDatabase
Initiated by Manager(admin) or Chef
Flow of events 1. The Manager or Chef activates the update resource database function
2. The Manager or Chef inputs the amount of each item sold.
3. The System reads the sold food data and then further reads, from the
ingredients database, the ingredients that were used in making of the food items
that were sold. The System now calculates the amount of resources used and
will deduct the amount of ingredients that were used up from the resource
The Manager(admin) or Chef is logged on to the System
Exit condition If the process was successful, the Manager/Chef receives an acknowledgement
that the process was completed successfully.
If the process was not successful, the Manager will receive an explanation of
what error had occurred during the process.
The update process must complete successfully and without errors.
2) Check inventory
Use case name CheckInventory
Initiated by Manager(admin) or Chef
Flow of events 1. The Manager/Chef activates the Check Inventory function on his/her
2. The System displays the current estimated inventory of ingredients to the
4. The System will compare the current levels of ingredients with the pre-set
threshold levels.
5. If the levels of ingredients are found to be below threshold, it will create
orders for purchase and sends it to the Manager for approval.
6. The Manager/Chef is notified of the process completion
Entry condition The Manager/Chef is logged into System.
Exit condition Successful Acknowledgement.
The function accurately calculates the inventory that should be left when all
of the orders have been calculated
3) Add Recipe
Use case name AddRecipe
Initiated by Chef/Manager
Flow of events 1. The Chef/Manager activates the Create New Recipe function on his/her
2. The System responds by presenting a form to the Chef/Manager
3. The Chef/Manager completes the form by inserting ingredients to be used in
the new recipe. The Chef also inputs the amount of ingredients to be used in a
single order of the recipe. After the form has been completed the Chef submits
the form to the System.
4. The System acknowledges that the new recipe has been created. It also adds
it to the recipe database.
Entry condition The Chef/Manager is logged into System
Exit condition The Chef/Manager has received an acknowledgment from the System.
The Chef/Manager has received an explanation of why the process couldnt be
The process must complete successfully with the new recipe added to the
recipe database without any errors.
4) Update recipe
Use case name UpdateRecipe
Initiated by Chef/Manager
Flow of events 1. The Chef/Manager activates Update Recipe on system
2.System responds by bringing up list of recipes
3. The Chef/Manager chooses a recipe to change
4. System updates by showing list of ingredients in chosen recipe
5. The Chef/Manager changes the recipe by choosing new ingredients or
updating the amount of ingredients used in the recipe. The Chef then finishes
the update by selecting the finished command on the system.
6. The System confirms that the change has been made and updates the
Entry condition The Chef/Manager is logged into System
Exit condition The Chef/Manager receives an acknowledgment from the System,
The Chef/Manager has received an explanation of why the process couldnt be
The update process must be complete successfully without any errors.
5) Remove recipe
Use case name RemoveRecipe
Initiated by Chef/Manager
Flow of events 1. The Chef/Manager activates the Remove Recipe function on his/her
2. The System responds by showing the current list of recipes saved on the
3. The Chef/Manager chooses which recipe(s) to remove and removes them by
selecting a delete button through the terminal window.
4. The System confirms with each deletion with the Chef/Manager if he/she
wants to delete the recipe.
5. The Chef/Manager confirms his/her decision with a yes/no
6. The System acknowledges the decision by either removing the recipe if
responded with yes or by canceling the delete if responded with no. It then
displays an acknowledgment of the decision by displaying a delete successful
or a canceled request.
7. The System notifies the Chef/Manager about the change and requests new
threshold levels for ingredients from deleted recipes.
The Chef/Manager is logged in System
Exit condition The Chef/Manager has received an acknowledgment that the recipe has been
The Chef/Manager has received an acknowledgment that the recipe has not
been deleted.
The Chef/Manager has received an explanation of why the process couldnt be
The removed recipe should not reflect in any other list or connected database.
6) Adding an occasion/busy days/weekends etc.
Use case name AddOccasion
Initiated by Manager
Flow of events 1. The Manager activates the Add Occasion or Event function on his/her
2. The System displays a form to be filled out by the manager.
3. The Manager fills out the form by adding a name
of the event or occasion and selecting the date(s) the event is to be held.
4. The System takes the data from the form and calculates the amount of
ingredients that may be used up for the given dates.
5. The Manager is notified of the calculations and accordingly orders
requests are initiated.
6. On successful completion of this process, an acknowledgement is sent to
the Manager.
Entry condition The Manager is logged into System.
Exit condition The Manager receives a notification of successful completion of the project
The Manager is notified that the process was not complete with a valid
explanation of the error that had occurred during the process.
The Occasion is accurately added to the database.
7) Approve Purchase Order
Use case name ApprovePurchaseOrder
Initiated by Manager
Flow of events 1. The Manager reviews the purchase order created by the System.
2. After successful review, the manager either approves the purchase order
right away or makes changes to the order and then provides approval.
3. After receiving approval from the Manager, the System will send out
purchase orders to respective Vendors.
4. Manager receives an acknowledgment of the process completion.
Entry condition Manager is logged on to the System
Exit condition Orders are sent successfully
The purchase orders are sent successfully to designated vendors.
8) Updating inventory once order is received
Use case name UpdateInventory
Initiated by Manager
Flow of events 1. The Manager activates the Update Stock inventory function on his/her
2. The System updates the inventory database based on the amount ordered
from the vendors. The System then displays the amount that it calculated to
the vendor and waits for approval from the Manager.
3. The Manager either approves the amount calculated or updates amounts in
the inventory.
4. If the Manager updates the inventory, the System updates its values of the
Entry condition The Manager is logged into the System
Exit condition The Inventory levels are successfully updated
The number shown to the manager accurately shows the actual amount of
ingredients stored
9) Add vendor
Use case name AddVendor
Initiated by Manager
Flow of events 1. The Manager activates the Add Vendor function on his/her terminal
2. The System responds by displaying a form to be completed by the Manager
of the vendor to be created.
3. The Manager completes the form by filling the information of the vendor to
be created and also the ingredients that will be ordered from that vendor. After
all of the information has been filled in, the Manager then submits the form.
3. The System takes the information from the form and adds the vendor the
database of vendors. It then displays an acknowledgment to the Manager that
the Vendor has been created.
Entry condition The Manager is logged in System.
Exit condition The Manager has received an acknowledgment that the vendor has been
The Manager has received an explanation of why the process couldnt be
The Vendor has been accurately stored into the database
10) Remove Vendor
Use case name RemoveVendor
Initiated by Manager
Flow of events 1. The Manager activates the Remove Vendor function on his/her terminal
2. The System responds by showing the current list of Vendors saved to the
3. The Manager chooses which vendor(s) to remove and removes them by
selecting a delete button through the terminal window.
4. The System confirms with each deletion with the Manager if he/she wants to
remove the vendor.
5. The Manager confirms his/her decision with a yes/no
6. The System acknowledges the decision by either removing the vendor if
responded with yes or by canceling the delete if responded with no. It then
displays an acknowledgment of the decision by displaying a delete successful
or a canceled request.
Entry condition The Manager is logged into the System
Exit condition The Manager has received an acknowledgment that the vendor has been
The Manager has received an acknowledgment that the vendor has not been
The Manager has received an explanation of why the process couldnt be
The Vendor should not appear in the list of active vendors or any other
Architecture Breakdown
Front End:-
Back End:-
GUI Design
Database Modelling
Control Design
Visual Basic 2010 - Front End
Design Tables
Recipe Table
Ingredients Table
Vendors Table
Design Forms
Sales report form
Basic Database Relationship Diagram
Assignment of responsibilities
-Available Resources
Basic 2010
GUI Design Akshay
Modelling Bart
MS Access
Project Work Plan (Gantt Chart)