Riki Utomo, a 13-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of worsening headache, fever, seizures, neck pain, cough, and a painful lump on his back. Upon examination, he displayed signs of malnutrition, anemia, and abnormalities in his chest, back, and lower extremities. Diagnostic tests showed destruction of vertebrae consistent with tuberculosis spondylitis, as well as pleural effusion. He was started on antibiotics and steroids and further evaluation showed a positive Mantoux test confirming TB infection.
Riki Utomo, a 13-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of worsening headache, fever, seizures, neck pain, cough, and a painful lump on his back. Upon examination, he displayed signs of malnutrition, anemia, and abnormalities in his chest, back, and lower extremities. Diagnostic tests showed destruction of vertebrae consistent with tuberculosis spondylitis, as well as pleural effusion. He was started on antibiotics and steroids and further evaluation showed a positive Mantoux test confirming TB infection.
Riki Utomo, a 13-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of worsening headache, fever, seizures, neck pain, cough, and a painful lump on his back. Upon examination, he displayed signs of malnutrition, anemia, and abnormalities in his chest, back, and lower extremities. Diagnostic tests showed destruction of vertebrae consistent with tuberculosis spondylitis, as well as pleural effusion. He was started on antibiotics and steroids and further evaluation showed a positive Mantoux test confirming TB infection.
Riki Utomo, a 13-year-old boy, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of worsening headache, fever, seizures, neck pain, cough, and a painful lump on his back. Upon examination, he displayed signs of malnutrition, anemia, and abnormalities in his chest, back, and lower extremities. Diagnostic tests showed destruction of vertebrae consistent with tuberculosis spondylitis, as well as pleural effusion. He was started on antibiotics and steroids and further evaluation showed a positive Mantoux test confirming TB infection.
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Name : Riki Utomo
Age : 13 year 9 months
Date of admission : June 15 th 2011 Address : Jl. Sei Sematang LK III Gender : Male RU, a thirteen-year-old boy was admitted to Adam Malik Hospital on june 15 th
2011 with chief complaint of headache 2 months ago which became worst 1 month ago. Fever was found 4 days ago and was characterised as high fever, which was relieved with fever relieving medication. 5 days ago, patient had seizures with frequency of 4 times, duration of seizure was around 5 minutes. During his seizure, the entire of body was involved. Patient also complaint of pain while moving his neck since one month ago, cough with yellowish phlegm was found 3 days ago. He had no history of contact with other patients with prolonged cough. In addition, he had a lump on his back bone since 6 months ago. The lump was painful and became larger each day. In the past day, the patient vomited after each and every meal with a frequency of up to 2-3 times daily, volume around 20cc-30cc/time, no blood was found. Urination and defecation were normal. Before this, patient was treated in Intensive Care Unit of Martha Friska Hospital for 4 days before transferred to Adam Malik Hospital. History of past medication is not clear.
Physical Examination Generalised Status : Body Weight (BW) : 28 kg Body Length (BL) : 142 cm BW/BL : 80% (moderate malnutrition) BW/Age : 56 % BL/Age : 88,2 % Presens Status : Consciousness : Alert Temperature : 37,8 C Anemic (-), icteric (-), cyanosis (-), oedema (-), dyspnea (+) Localized Status : Head : Eye : Light reflex (+/+), isochoric pupil (Right = Left) , paleness of conjunctiva palpebra inferior (+/+), sclera icteric (-/-) : Nose : Nasal flare (+) : Mouth: Mucous pale or cyanosis (-) : Ears : Secrete (-) Neck : Lymph node enlargement (-) Thorax : Symmetrical fusiform Retraction (+) intercostal HR: 132x/i, reguler, murmur (-) RR: 40x/i, reguler, rales (-) diminished of breath sound in left lower lung. Abdomen: Soepel, normal peristaltic, normal skin turgor, Liver/Spleen not palpable Back : Lump (+) on thoraco region. Extremities: Pulse 132x/i, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm, CRT < 3 Urogenital : male, within normal limit
Laboratory Findings : (Adam Malik Hospital / 15/6/2011) Complete Blood Count : Hb : 9,86g% PLT : 333.000/mm3 Ht : 31,1% MCV : 80,80 fL WBC : 2,590/mm3 MCH : 25,00 pg MCHC : 31,1 g % Liver Function Test SGOT : 10 U/L SGPT : 7 U/L Kidney Function Test Ureum : 15,3 mg/dL Creatinine : 0,34 mg/dL Blood Glucose level ad random : 102,70 mg/dL Electrolite Sodium : 122 mEq/l Potassium : 3,6 mEq/l Chloride : 100 mEq/l Blood Gas Analysis
pH : 7,498 pCO 2 : 32,6 mmHg pO 2 : 137,4 mmHg HCO 3 : 24,7 mmHg Total CO 2 : 25,7 mmol/L BE : 1,7 Saturasi O 2 : 99,3%
Chest X-ray
Diagnosis : Suspect Space Occupying Lesion + Suspect Spondilitis TB + Pleura Effusion Treatment: Regular Food 1650kcal with 56gr of protein IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 70gtt/i (micro) for 24 hours to correct hyponatremia Inj Cefotaxim 1gr/ 12 hours/ iv Inj Ketorolac 15mg /8 hours/ iv Inj Ranitidine 25mg/ 8 hours/ iv Paracetamol 3x500mg Further Plan Mantoux test AFB direct smear Head CT-Scan with contrast Refer to Neurology division Refer to Respirology division
FOLLOW UP June 16 th -21 th , 2011 S Headache (+)
O Sens: CM, Temp: 36,3-36, 9 o C. Body weight: 28 kg, Body length: 142 cm. Head Paleness of onjunctiva palpebra inferior ( - / - ).Light reflex ( - / - ). Isochoric pupil. Neck Jugular vein pressure R-2cm H 2 O. Lymph node enlargement (-). Thorax Simetris fusiformis. Retraction (+). HR: 96-100 bpm, reguler. Murmur (-). RR:28- 30 x/i, regular. Breath sound: vesicular. Additional sound: (-). Abdomen Back Soepel, Peristaltic (+) normal. Liver and spleen unpalpable. Lump (+) on thoraco region. Extremities Pulse 96-100 x/i, regular, adequate p/v, warm, CRT < 3. BP: 140- 110/70-100 mmHg (normal: 104-117 / 60-75). Hypertrophy (+) lower extremities. Genital Male, within normal limit
A Suspect SOL + Suspect Spondilitis TB + Pleura Effusion + Anemia ec DD : - Chronic disease -Iron deficiency P Management: - Regular Food 1650kcal with 56gr of protein - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 70gtt/i (micro) for 24 hours to correct hyponatremia (15 th -16 th ) - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 20gtt/i (micro) 17 th -21 th
- Inj Cefotaxim 1gr/ 12 hours/ iv in 50cc of NaCl 0,9% for 20mins - Inj Ketorolac 15mg /8 hours/ iv - Inj Ranitidine 25mg/ 8 hours/ iv - Inj Methylprednisone 750mg/24 hours for 3 days (18 th 20 th ) - Paracetamol 3x500mg Further plan: - Mantoux test (16/6/2011) - AFB direct smear - Head CT-Scan with contrast(16/8/2011) - Right lateral decubitis chest x-ray - Blood culture and sensitivity test (16/6/2011) - Refer to Neurology division - Refer to Respirology division - X-ray cervical spine AP-Lateral - X-ray thoracic-lumbar spine AP- Lateral - Lumbar puncture (17/6/2011) - CSF analysis (17/6/2011) - CSF culture and sensitivity test (17/6/2011) Results - Mantoux test (18/7/2011) indurasion 12mm, hyperemis (+) - Blood culture : (16/7/2011) no microorganism was found. - CSF analysis : (17/6/2011) Colour : clear LDH : 120 U/L Total Protein : 24mg/dL Total Cell : 0 mm 3 Glucose : 51 mg/dL pH : 9 PMN : undetermine MN : undetermined - CSF culture & sensitivity test (21/6/2011) Culture : Growth of staphylococcus epidermidis Sensitivity test : resistance to Amoxycillin/ Clavulanic acid, Ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol,cotrimoxazole, erythromycin, gentamycin, penicillin. - AFB Smear : (17/6/2011) Negative - Head CT Scan with contrast : (18/6/2011) No sign of SOL, bleeding or meningitis - X-ray thoracic-lumbar spine AP- Lateral Destruction of vertebra T11 and T12. Destruction of vertebra L1,2 and 5 17 th June , 2011 S Headache (+) O Sens: CM, Temp: 37, 3 o C. Body weight: 28 kg, Body length: 142 cm. Head Paleness of onjunctiva palpebra inferior ( - / - ).Light reflex ( - / - ). Isochoric pupil. Neck Jugular vein pressure R-2cm H 2 O. Lymph node enlargement (-). Thorax Simetris fusiformis. Retraction (+). HR: 96 bpm, reguler. Murmur (-). RR: 28 x/i, regular. Breath sound: vesicular. Additional sound: (-). Abdomen Back Soepel, Peristaltic (+) normal. Liver and spleen unpalpable. Lump (+) on thoraco region. Extremities Pulse 96 x/i, regular, adequate p/v, warm, CRT < 3. BP: 100/70 mmHg (normal: 104-117 / 60-75). Hypertrophy (+) lower extremities. Genital Male, within normal limit
A Suspect SOL + Suspect Spondilitis TB + Pleura Effusion + Anemia ec DD : - Chronic disease -Iron deficiency P Management: - Regular Food 1650kcal with 56gr of protein - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 20gtt/i (micro) - Inj Cefotaxim 1gr/ 12 hours/ iv in 50cc of NaCl 0,9% for 20mins - Inj Ketorolac 15mg /8 hours/ iv - Inj Ranitidine 25mg/ 8 hours/ iv - Inj Methylprednison 750mg/24 hours - Paracetamol 3x500mg Further plan: - AFB direct smear - CSF analysis - Head CT-Scan with contrast - CSF culture and sensitivity test - Right lateral decubitis chest x-ray - Blood culture and sentivity test - X-ray cervical spine AP-Lateral - X-ray thoracic-lumbar spine AP- Lateral - Lumbar Puncture - Mantoux Test result on 18/6/2011
18 th June , 2011 S Headache (+)
O Sens: CM, Temp: 36, 9 o C. Body weight: 28 kg, Body length: 142 cm. Head Paleness of onjunctiva palpebra inferior ( - / - ).Light reflex ( - / - ). Isochoric pupil. Neck Jugular vein pressure R-2cm H 2 O. Lymph node enlargement (-). Thorax Simetris fusiformis. Retraction (+). HR: 100 bpm, reguler. Murmur (-). RR: 30 x/i, regular. Breath sound: vesicular. Additional sound: (-). Abdomen Back Soepel, Peristaltic (+) normal. Liver and spleen unpalpable. Lump (+) on thoraco region. Extremities Pulse 100 x/i, regular, adequate p/v, warm, CRT < 3. BP: 110/70 mmHg (normal: 104-117 / 60-75). Hypertrophy (+) lower extremities. Genital Male, within normal limit
A Suspect SOL + Suspect Spondilitis TB + Pleura Effusion + Anemia ec DD : - Chronic disease -Iron deficiency P Management: - Regular Food 1650kcal with 56gr of protein - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 70gtt/i (micro) for 24 hours to correct hyponatremia - Inj Cefotaxim 1gr/ 12 hours/ iv - Inj Ketorolac 15mg /8 hours/ iv - Inj Ranitidine 25mg/ 8 hours/ iv - Paracetamol 3x500mg Further plan: - Mantoux test - AFB direct smear - Head CT-Scan with contrast - Right lateral decubitis chest x-ray - Blood culture and sentivity test - Refer to Neurology division - Refer to Respirology division
19 th June , 2011 S Headache (+) O Sens: CM, Temp: 37, 3 o C. Body weight: 28 kg, Body length: 142 cm. Head Paleness of onjunctiva palpebra inferior ( - / - ).Light reflex ( - / - ). Isochoric pupil. Neck Jugular vein pressure R-2cm H 2 O. Lymph node enlargement (-). Thorax Simetris fusiformis. Retraction (+). HR: 96 bpm, reguler. Murmur (-). RR: 28 x/i, regular. Breath sound: vesicular. Additional sound: (-). Abdomen Back Soepel, Peristaltic (+) normal. Liver and spleen unpalpable. Lump (+) on thoraco region. Extremities Pulse 96 x/i, regular, adequate p/v, warm, CRT < 3. BP: 100/70 mmHg (normal: 104-117 / 60-75). Hypertrophy (+) lower extremities. Genital Male, within normal limit
A Suspect SOL + Suspect Spondilitis TB + Pleura Effusion + Anemia ec DD : - Chronic disease -Iron deficiency P Management: - Regular Food 1650kcal with 56gr of protein - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 20gtt/i (micro) - Inj Cefotaxim 1gr/ 12 hours/ iv in 50cc of NaCl 0,9% for 20mins - Inj Ketorolac 15mg /8 hours/ iv - Inj Ranitidine 25mg/ 8 hours/ iv - Inj Methylprednison 750mg/24 hours - Paracetamol 3x500mg Further plan: - AFB direct smear - CSF analysis - Head CT-Scan with contrast - CSF culture and sensitivity test - Right lateral decubitis chest x-ray - Blood culture and sentivity test - X-ray cervical spine AP-Lateral - X-ray thoracic-lumbar spine AP- Lateral - Lumbar Puncture - Mantoux Test result on 18/6/2011