Why Is Sex Fun
Why Is Sex Fun
Why Is Sex Fun
Orgasm one of the most intense pleasures we can experience. But what are orgasms
actually for? In men, the answers simple reproduction. But women dont need an
orgasm to get pregnant. So why have them? With cutting edge science and research.
Normal sexuality for the approximately 4,300 species of mammals in the world, of which
we are one people. Thus, for most species, both males and females live a solitary life
just running through the act of breeding. Males provide no parental care then nor give
any sign of recognition of certain followers of his chicken with exclusive dedication over
other puppies in the pack or herd. In general, the sociable species of mammals,
intercourse takes place in public, to other members of the group in fertile female during
mating by a majority group. Finally, in most populations of wild mammals is not clearly
established the existence of menopause as a regular phenomenon, most wild mammals
are still fertile at death.
In comparison, human sexual behavior is different:
In human societies women and men end up in a relationship lasting that other
members of society consider a contract with mutual obligations.
The two partners have sex often and often, if not exclusively, to each other.
In addition to being a sexual relation, marriage is a partnership to increase the share of
children resulting from it.
In spite of living in a couple, a husband and wife do not live in isolation, but in the
midst of a society made up of other couples that have economic relations with that
share access to a common territory.
Married partners make love in private, and concealed ovulation in women is not only to
potential sexual partners but even for most women. Thus, a womans sexual
responsiveness extends beyond this period and most mating takes place in bad
moments of conception.
Consequently, human intercourse is maintained for the sake of getting more pleasure
than to insemination.
All characteristics of human sexuality: long-term relationships, sharing parental care,
sex in private, concealed ovulation, extended female receptivity, sex for pleasure and
menopausal women is what we consider a normal sexuala.Suntem amused or
disgusted to read about the habits sex of the elephants, rats, orangutans, whose lives
seem at least strange, but in terms of the other 4,300 species of mammals in the world,
says Diamond, we are the weirdos.
First, the biological, human sexual activity seems to be an enormous waste of energy.
Why do not women ovulate clear signals, as most other female animals, so we restrict
sex to moments when we can serve something really good, procreation of offspring?
Answer that human sex is fun unfortunately does not satisfy scientists: there are other
animals feel pleasure: marsupial mice, which seem to be much better fun than us if we
take during a sexual act (up to 12 hours), dogs and many other animals, who feel
pleasure only when the female can be fertilized a fact recognized as a natural
consequence of natural selection. Since we humans are an exception to the concealed
ovulation, continuous receptivity and sex for pleasure, this most likely, says the author,
it is because we evolved. The key to understanding human sexuality lies in recognizing
that it is a question of evolutionary biology.
The first scientific speculation to explain this evolution is that different helpless status of
children after birth triggers the need for parental care more complex and long periods of
time. Remain helpless human baby after birth, at least in the first 10 years being able to
make its own food, so to survive. Even in our time is difficult for a single mother to raise
a child, but was more difficult in prehistoric times: so she had to develop solutions to
make him the man to stay by her side to assist in increasing child: the solution was to
remain sexually receptive of and after ovulation, so making love whenever he wants
cock not to leave to seek other sexual partners and to share her daily ration of game.
Thus, it was determined that sex is a pleasure for us because it was developed by the
fact that women have concealed ovulation and are always responsive.
Sexual pleasure is among the most prized, most meaningful and richest experiences
known to man. But the orgasm is a true scientific puzzle. In men, it helps expel sperm.
But in women, its role is unknown. Some feel its just a bonus but others think that it
may help play a role in conception. Maggie Gyllenhaal hosts this revealing investigation
a true scientific first.