War Diary June 1943 (All)
War Diary June 1943 (All)
War Diary June 1943 (All)
200M-S-40 (5185)
(H_Q. 1772-39-1658)
(S(rike out where not
. ,
t>--I / JU j' 7
-.......... ...................... .. .. .......... .... .. .. ....... ........ ............. .. ............... ....... ................................. .......................... .. .......... .. ......... ............ .............................. v. .... .................... .... .... . ... d.....t4/ I I
TO ...
FI .. n r ...i-i n.
- -V
VOLUME,................. -
it O! (,
APPENDICES .................. TO ................. .
InstructiollB regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
'day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
\ Title pages will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
June 1'4)
J 1'1, 2' 4
M.P.M. 11
iO/P & 6/8 I (11/4,2)
Original, duplicate and be
forwarded to O. ij c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Summary of Events and Information
The d.ay was for tne most part. Dut w1tn ocoaaional squalls.
A aDd Oooys. spont morn1llR w1th leotures. bayonet aad un-
armed oomnbat .Both !lad tne arternoon tree. 1Jl view or the nip)lt maroh
anead or them. Booy. dId SOlJ'le Plat firing, and nail d,emolition l.eotures
by the Plo11ears - Dcoy. k1t-tags, and spent tne arternoon on
lett the Bn. ror a oOlple oi' days on a
l!ll.sslun. MJR.H.P.BlaJ:..-IRVnm beoomes C.O. in n1s absence.
This morning troks oold and and -01 UUGO llours rain" bad 8ettled
dOVJD to a tseady downpour. At I500 boLl!'S 1t Ol.eared, and l.ert an unoertain
o loud.Y SKy.
0030 round A and C oays moVing otr on 'theU' D.1gnt maroh. With A 1n tn.
lead. The route l.ay tllroUCh .t1.A:.:ILTC),N to the first brldge orossing the C;L-YDE.
Once over tuat, they turned J.u1"l; and rollowed tne rJ_ver DbnlC. was
exoeptlon&lly good, and the cu1ng w,':s nut too d1i"rioult.,lhey rolMlWed the
l'iver to 'the nortn end or the RAaEClJURSE rAHt ... OI'osaed 1t, aDd returned to
billets at 0400 ho !X_s.
E and D cuy s. oarr11:Jd out normal 'tra1nine; during tne day, tne fnrmer
wlth .leot' \r(lB on Gerraan dorences. and tne l.a't'ter with r1rin.g on OADZOW RA1\lGE I
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
"day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. I.
Title pages will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
}\ '!1twilt n d&..V,-n1tb plant', ,r &t.Cl 1n the lnrn"ing,ru':d :p'!eorrty :ill
the artem-:xm..
coyn. -arri.en on 'r 0,VU.l,,). of f..1'ai'-! g,
1c(rI':"1!"e!!,et!;.Hlz;' fiold WE\. part1cut.m
y .b.,' '7'-.ant
e war eef-,'U! t.l.l roooi e r ven r.LG'e at t#JrLtj..:a in t.i18
I\ltt ....
The W dev')t,ed by aoet ,r tM to n f"'1r to-
M ..F,M,11
40/P & 8/37 (9/42)
) ,
Original, dlllplicate and tripllcate to be
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
flllS !If t:.a:: Be:'l rreDt :.".ll an.1o:'lUle in t.he . l.ocnl
l'l-:ncor dccia1..-cly {; :at the race be.s fine oensc
crf' t & -
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Vi8J.ies; (which will be kept from first
slay of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.
Title will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
" "
M.P.M'. 11
40/P & 8137
Original, duplicate and trilJlIcate to be
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for dIspOsal.
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
r o:r lnapeot 1 te
IJIUL.UII .., .:&0.0.,0&1::1.
The cia.Y .. oJl1arJ.y
by Qe D1 Y. C 0III'IIUl4ar,
in pouring r
ILILj .D.J!uRiU .lars un. ror 811 UD8ts\e4 dellttiet.1011.
A or re1l1toroement8 anl ved 1n tile ... a were
posteel 'to coya.
RevieJ.l.o marnlDg wna DOl maJ..
uUI.5 hOurs 'rut Bn. Uncd up ror 1.ilapHtl.Oft 1ft / rain, 1IIiIloil
18 t.zfWU.",1onaJ. 1I1'Ul u.0.C.' 8 inapeOltl;J1l8 - The pared.: .. neJ.d In the BAJL.
lLTOH caommslV1ot'ter 1#118 1upeot.1aa. ibe e ire .!.'lgacle car.ned 1)8 st
:.!JR. GEN. WJlo 'tOot: 'Ibe sa.LUw.
The da1 b8GBA dUll. 1n 't1lo morD.l.ng. WitJl ra1n. out .ol.eorod someWlbt
111 tne
A ,.t).O. par"ty t:rom no.l U-rcNp baa teen to
tihe na. J.1; 1Do.lud_ men or 'tn. R 1beJSn.
alsO naa 2) pdr. attaoned ",,0 it ror 1.- aaeaUit. J.8J1diDg.
A4d1't1oDaJ. t"J8r!tl.ngs DaY" Dean on tUt.-Oag e1Y1Dg them
&4 err", tba1;-11g!lt eu1J.y bo oa.u.a4 poat.-8urrea.l1 ... - 'th., oeiDg
rarwar4ed ::'QO por'& or e::maritatiou.
Remarks. reft-rences
to ApVt'ndll'!'S and
Instructions regarding preparation of
War lJi8.1ies; (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.
Title pages will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
"I' 4;
M .F.M. 11
40/P & 8 / a7
Original, duplicate and to be
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
(Erase heading not required)
Surrunary of Events and Information
A lall' &li.
TraiA1ne aoocr\l11lC to .:,S Qurried OlA -
.. _ve 1s S1,111 ("l'unt,-d ,Keep1f'.[,: a.love t..ne nope. or tnose whose
period 18 ncrl;; up -
tie neal' 0. au-one r aaollr to "tn. ertoot tnLlt L .',,1;;1.K.1'l'v1111:: is to be
l' C or the .' eoand .I.'ront iU-IIIY.
A S ual.J.y. uno
The ovys. carl'1ed on tral.rune - "' coy. Wl.tn lJri11.and in after-
noon. a S110rt rOUt;(, Jluroh.13 ftJ1d D OOYB. had .!.eotures; 8lId instruction on
tba Sl..X-J.,ounder. other trUt1F:a. t; .ooy. s::ent the entiro day ":1;
Thi" errt1.rc 'day wn:"i lid
'i won't 'jn &8 Uwal..St&r'tlDg nours, tb1a D co1.
did OK,. Bbort oonam.e on . oroas cdan'tory bS ni(,nt.W1th tne .aid
of J.'outo onrtls. H coy. :Jpont 'the day ali v 1)" Aj',; ;:AlIO!:S.
"t Ib,;O l1Our9 till. l!n. was by "CinO u .. c .t\.t;
the unexpec'todno8s or 'tile V1S1't O8.I.S1ng SQ",'48 <iiRurbrt!lOe or n'irmJ. rO'lt1ne.
to Appfmdl('l 's and
M.F.M. 11
40/P & 8i37
Instructions regarding preparation of
.\'al' Diaues; (which will be kept from first
,iay of mobilization, creation or ombodi-
'uent), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.
-b'" Title pages will be prepared.
Original, duplicate and 'to b('
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for dIsposal
Place Date Hom
- .... ----.-
(Erase heading not /equircd)
Summary of Events and Information
A w.J.try BY. l'J1t.n .J.i1Gtlt rain to'.) ltd
. ;k:a:.Leton 00;] ";'i. 'tooi.t part ..... D l;':,.ROCKE'l', today. r:ol.n: over onoe ar:a1n
tllO DeuOi\08 ant1, J.andl.ng aroQa or .:,... i ..El'.;llOj). 'il18 excroi,.e deaJ.t mn1nl.:7 with
irit.or-u:-t1 t OOmLlUn.l.Cations.an4 tnc (JO. DarO t.ile ortJ.llt of tnc wor.': l:O be
ciont: -- ... ero n:..ur was. at 1C4:> 11ourS, and ;:xerc1ze we.3 oy .L4'\
hoU2'S. ersonnel were DrO-tg1lt. 110:;. lJl unit 'ttrfUW )ort, and n:-rived in t.1 e
. Mea1lv'tlhl.J.e. A cuy. dld ' ... K :->ttlrt1ftg at Q.I}O hOlJrO,and
in tor i I.t (il;4} !lours.
J.n liM L;orniIlG, !I.,;.:j and ; f1"1c(;r8 or arul1) ClOyS. attoode-i a
nnd u<.:.:. .l .ns'tr/;ltl0" or J.flfid
A rail" -_.- --
r-.'by held the epot1 i.:'?ht to.l8.,.v. wao ny nal, ani wel(YlIlB
arter tbs dra.m ')U reo-;urcos r>()OUi()JDl by t.he ty ,r ':lr:r a a .... (1,'1 We pe.. t
f":"<%"t ight.
.d.. e'r'. {lid f"1 thro\Jgb:nt ii.lIiIIt of' the .':'%:r - the ')' ,el" eY.6 "3r!'i.:-d. ().
wi th tlle U8UIiU tn.:; hr::.
agairi .'nt tn '\."!>i :' on 81' p1t
ti">n rJt ,::x. '(;V.;,'.
to ApIX'nchl"'S and
M.1I'.M.11 .
4.O/P & 8/87 (9/'2)
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. if c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Title pages will be prepared.
Place Da.te Hour
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
:'0\., M
"'- 21/e.U.".,.H.l'.'1.'BLU-r-VUrG .",t pand .. tItia tilt ..
alit JJa tIIa .... tIIit.Tt.wU1 Wbr tbt '.
C 007- 41d S'i. tar' JIll at 0"'1.) Jnara.
mt IT! eaeeat1al 4utie8 hod tIIa attennOll ....... 8114 an _ wild
te,.aU In eat
,.. I . '.,UETr .. l.rt ... .tt toiIq .. P'ri tI..-..:au0!l--
'118 t"Snet:t ....., _ baw W 1D ower Do
A ftI. W}-ecticn OGiP'lf*l t .. main p'rMe .. dar- u.r it the troor- ....
rz... t111 ' I . , C .. D. eAt;. 1n.to A 1JI_t;er parade WD8 t.l4
1fT t
!h, O .. as. tor 1min' ....
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
Title pages will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
M.P.M. 11 .
40IP &6/37 (11/42)
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. if c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
the s.rt .f'IJ'O"ni11r.
ttodq M1 '_tle r:r ..
RDvJ.elJa and w-re at tY,.'1O- .. 050;) .,..
". nn. t\r in t.wo ......sz. em trt. .J1N"eNDt r,tatiDne. '-.ormel
rfllt' floaW5 ur'4ar 1l.3 . .i1.;:LAn left t'ro. It Jllnrolf QrliTR&L 8D4 uir!',ed at the
part two h:-Q"II ].a:er. cord tr-d.n.No.Y4II ........ !tA3.Jt'.;.o.W-U.-IP'VDm lett
tU:"'W!l.. STATi\Y.f at 09" Jauoealt wu late Sa ani.ftr. a;-.d got l.'"lW COfJR:>rnt at 1215 hmrae
Ita' N' eat, d 1De acrtiontl of tJJdr predeoesil .,01 aboar4 tM titV'
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
little OtIamel IItetIIIer GE'lHGE 'f ..a. Sfttetully 41wstSnp t .-.el ..... flit u.fr w1et'.ht)-
'I'bf-y IOfl _ttlecl "'m .. oomtortabl\y _ poed.bbtsa '0'.'1 ften aa1eehan4
" the trip up U. OI.YD!: .. rot > 00 lorctJvo -
at J4,:10 houn U. l;rew alt'WLlde OU!" &hi! u abe la3 at .. in
8IId it ... pleuent to noognhe __ as 0'.]1" 014 the IA. I500 h ...
the t.roor- had all aboar'tl,to t1 d tIaa pet'8Gfl!Iel tbe pr8'ri.nu.8 rlli''8lId7' red aDd
comrwta"!1.7 tlrAllft.
'rile .'4 a JY1IIg Sa on - me __ ta'hlea"'" up.l:j,te to 1Jc - -
at 19t}.') hot... .. the h1.-h point cI till day I () Il8'l ., W. r..ot tdDae ",500 bour8
that .)I'IIIzw.
trtoe 11 .-.:l ... t-.Jl'M4 1n .a _l8pt ",.U
Instructions regarding preparation of War
Diaries; (which will be kept from first day of
mobiliz,ation, creation or embodiment), are con-
tained 'in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.
IJJ Title pages will be prepared.
Date Hour
., ,
OR .
M.F.M 11.
40/P& S/37
Original, duplicate and tripli( to be, forwarded
to O. i/c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Summary O'f and Information
fair day ell day - ______ _
!he troops an eaR,. day :iettllng down i.-l1o thei" nem (}uarters
-Ln tlle n. lY1!"e Dmdo .:'or "p,'1ro':es to
the 1 'Ilg dnys :lheal'1 ."
- nlr
() C
ot ran 8 cl :)90 second -----
The "T '.,'-';iII\. lay fit allclJour in n all the 8 YAFClR'7":;' on board
her carrier. on m ;ch 8!,' uSlwl -- '!'he tlrst d,ltt ioul ties over messing en:-' ecco:ro"?.tion
were being srro,:>tll!.:rl Gut, tho day wos r"' ,b',gLni g [if ulre his
. rms inst)octi;)ns Vlere held by th coys. in tl,e rr.oTning,and . ';". '8 a1 tor
all ra ', :9 in tb8 at'1,ernonn.
C'1tflo!Jing f)"dars wo:'e rend,Bnd milch thA SRme 83 of nur prevl:Jus trtp,
thDugh r:o-'j t e(1 smev:hat in view ot the consl,tArably "reater ' umber of men aboard.
-n tlon to. the "n. are nwnerous detr;CL;;:e<ts of special is t.r1, l;lclu<:l it1. embers
or' th,'" '1 ci,):,lrso,the indisp, ' nsible R.U.!1eacil pr.:.r .1ea/- and enou;.t)l
F.';.'.pnrties to \ i ll11d think,the tire of the entlrA ::oma Fleet --
and trO(A swing in adJ[1cent h' :rnr.locks,end '\ crm'lded
sajf'! cuch tor the Io()rj-/iu;',ollr of 011 concernn,1 that relntlans arp nmloable ---
night sa'. -, th8 of loa:ll: .g ot tlHl r, 1;'(; """P, .Ton after ton ot morta
. \.nre In:!icet.iona that t.he i:l g "exerciH8"will,at
be tIl ,' n'lsiest that the nn. h n:i yet experi: cod ----
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
Instructions regarding preparation of War
Diaries; (which will be kept from first day of
mebilization, creation or embodiment), are con-
tained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1.
Title pages will be prepared.
Date Hour
M.F.M 11.
Original, duplicate and ,,1 be forwarded
to O. ilc 2nd E<:helon for disposal.
(Emse heading not requi1'ed)
Summary of Events and Information
A sunny. alInost cloudl 481.
""hl'1 ,",ornlng at T030 hours the mad: her way out of LOCH
lnto the GL','Tl? and anehoured.At T430 hour. she cmu ay ' agni.n,an4 with
the 0" hor tran!'l.porta 8l1d 8 ,stmlmr-,d ("oWnstream tovrar,i the aea.
The day was perfeot, th8 8conery interesting, and the troops were not at all
disooncerted ;;:y the prospect ot I. which \'i8S t. tek:e pi.ace . in the
Otficers theIr serlals at 2
basicnlly the SBme r s the sam t ..
this waR to be a rehe,:rs"ll. rather thr,n 1
the first tI:te we know det l i t
and the outline or it.
Now the quest on only remains -"whon;and T,Vhere"
Remarks. references
to Appendices and
Instructiollil regarding preparation of
, War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
J 0 Title pages will be prepared.
Place Date Hour
4.O/P & B/87 (11/42)
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. if c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
A wt.
Per:iaJs t or II a.t 21. ''() hlJUl'lf.R h ar ..... nt bonnI.
Tmite \...-e .. t:,. O!l their 'Ileachca tile OObect t:iJe .sm ,laae.
ooat;aoooot 60 thI .. a tIJD
.. lMldirC te,"1e WfI aln'>6t
Mitt .. tb3 iI11t1el1leadlbeltd had. i;.oon fOl'Tal the 1ft. pmmd a' tit the u.. or tha
.. at Q5;'n :;oare it t.:>ak lip ;oeit ,,01". tn r,." ID'1'\I'A:JW on
1ntu the th1rJ at tt .. pi,nt -18Paf.led Nt !DJ;-;r.::t 1 1!30 hourII.
dirstng in in tM mean tiat.
A ::'a!.n 1 .... beg,m to rau ear-17 L, the cr:mt1.nue6 to tIIl"GIIl::::kJQi
the d -7- t t.bII TJ. up ant II&Z"abe4 DCIi"t4l t::1 the oub1d.rta
.:L n a f'1eld lIetd.c'le Ii .. "niU .. 1i: Wtdted 1n tht .. ala
"bout! ') U. 0'40.f.Il'.ca!_' ... anr1 the '2J/c ... ... Drmc cMetlle\
&:818 !'18 loea! f!' genwal. It'" hr.tl,pw. to t.hIS tfIJNII"&l
tM le a .. __ 4'tl8lptu nn ttJe rawaent.tt. 1oea1 hwMIri..,..
bt"aed to-os. rr:e the ftt1Gn1 _ the api,.i_ to 8_
Mj1rlaeed lone.
!1!r.c11,y bl'tl:'la{,crt; .. fJGIt. N, and tire troopa iakeD to
"I'n aJ IThRtllt1R ... an Lee.',. Md t1na.ll;r IJWU1 ed to p-rt :bl,:in I1Ij.te the g)lhlt .. 2,::0
"";II."!!> bef-:lr8 li)eJ'"i.liJa 1N!"e i.:, tbe Arter & aDllllUOh t,-r<:..._t'er
f'xun the L.G.7.'.
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
M.F.M.11 '
"O/P &; 5/87 (9/42)
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
\ , Title pages will be prepared.
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. if c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Place Date Hour
eIRe t,SSIA rUn
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
, 'i'he weather t:.)'j,: its
cue trol1l y sterd8JsI a d rl.iln and mt t alosed
visibility down to 1/2 ::.116.
'This tr.:)rnlng 0.1' the m&n aiJventage ot the conoession granted
lost nlght,snd in !lammoaks till ';945 hourf).':, raw or the earl3"
ers get breakf'st, and their enjoyed the luxury
ot w rl;/ morning tea -- in bed.
Ak1430 hours tbe convoy wloghed anc:,o'!r. and 8 courle ot letfr
la, to in familiar BROD'. Te!: TiA';-,oft t\R!tMI,
';rOOP8 turned in et\rls, Btill tire' 1':'0;', ----
'odey, W8('; ::l,,-ak.wet.. ruin ,ar.!i "-" to"")'--u11a-?,n-h:>ur blew all
deya 1130 hoars t..'le nall"8" It/GAF"r'.R.C.E.D:")?nr'-:R'1,held tl:e f: r'st of tv;o
9'oltmtsry oarvic9R 1n the !1.enf4 '10'11lge a.midshlps. trOo;"l8 ":hc conl,1 not
bn spf.mt the mornin...": laz1ly ------
The !'o go 8!'1hor" on T":\ .. II l'ff:lre wa"'ne'; to be
til emb,rk by hO'1rs.By I430 hou1"s.ho',;evor,an L.C.T.oQ;"Lrnnd'::"' was
still tr lug unsuccerlfltully to 'b"'iJIg hts cr!'ft. 1530
bf3tore he finally 1600 hours before he IllO"1eO ott tor TttQ1N
clear of r he the craft be to 'ehave lUte a canoe,
and while tho t::-oc}:'s to',md its' anticn arousing,the cf)mr.ander took 8 ;aore
sober vie\.aad !Jutting about,made buck tor the s:,i.'Toone
disapPOinted at ttds ciev'!lor:ment and hot COo_ ,on-boe.rd helped t:) console
the wetted
I Remarks, references
to Appendices and
'MoP.III.11 '
40/P &8/37 (9/42)
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
.. Title pages will be prepared.
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Place Date Hour
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
I Remarks, references
to Appendices and
C!llC:,g'':tA A pleEisant oontrast to yesterd3Y. with ot sun and a brisk
breeze stIll blowing.
The \"JE'nt 'uletly.l"or R briet period t e held the
spotlli:,ht when several otficers and members 0' the rip.Bend put on 8. spirit-
ed nertormanoe ot Highland danoing on thp. promenBde deck. to ''lJO'1 ES'.I
Qer1als wer,;' ap,aiD warn!]d to pre;-;are t'or JC.r'TYJ'IF II tor
at 14.30 hOl.lrs. ";hila th, y were proceeding to ferry stat-i--ms ,however, the Exercise
was oancelled,and the weAther '. as gi'f'en 8S the rea ROD. r.'the comparatively
trulet sea this seem illor:ical.and bep:aD to arise tre(::ly on lbe
mesa deoks.
The strongest or them 1s that. gc;:> to nOUROCK tor revi-otualllng,r.md
that we go to sea iMmediately
A wet blustery 411Y all dsy.
'1",18 morning preparatl)ba went ahead a{>;a1a;l tor the postponed
Troops IlOt detal1,:>tc\ tor it win' aahore for a r01te marcl1 14,0' hours,
when the STYMIE II peraonnel 'warn to leave t the SMS had lncreas a t.aa point
made loading out of the qU8atton.R)one was sorry to hear over the 'loud-
speaKer that II was not to take plea,e.
Abont t600 Ilou;'s the Cr;CASSII\ \"I8tSIled ai'u,hour and turned up the: FIR'l'H.
and by I8,0 hours had dropped her hooks into the ;-:-:ud ot her old enobourage at
f1OUR OClt. ' \0
In tbe mad,_ t". tirst flulnlne issue to the b'oops.
A single pill per man is to be lSSUGd every se::ond day tor eight days.
MoP.M.11 ..
OW/P .& 8/37 (D/42)
InstructioIlB regarding prepa.ration of
)Va.r Dia.ries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. VoL 1
Title pages will be prepared.
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. i/o 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Date Hour
.Tuno 3'43
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
wlnd hact dropped someWhat. but miat and rain waa much in ..
A rout. marob was plaaaed tor toda7. but tbe aent it the ot
STWIE II. and 1 t was Jll'Dll'tpbne4.
A goocUy load of .tl aame aboard :'rom a tende":".and bad 8 noticeable
erred on tbe general
A generally good day with briet
'!'he postponed rOtlte mar('h took up the 4&1.C078. landed at I045 hours ---
'l'he pn. l'lOye4 orr at a BOod pAce, lea by tbe Pipe Rand.lt was not arduoua,
and a.t'ter two da:/. ot ooaparetlve 1nactlvltl.the ex.roia'e wae welco.a.The
lunch atop was Y300 bQura.The arrlwed beot at the pier at 1745
boura,an4 were bnck on tbe ship b7 IR45 hours.
A tair day.
Tn the evening at !930 hours the Bn. went for a brisk blt ot
bll1-o1t.blng and a order wa denims and steel
deeplte tbe 8 ot the proyed a 'uite enjoyable exerciae.
'!'he Yin trom the orOllt aboye the LOCIL .. s almost worth tbe olimb --
By 22'!5 bours the L.O.'!'. bael reolalme4 all were
on boar4 by 2315 houra . Hot coeoe waa eerYed beto"'e the men tUT.'Ile4 In --
I Remarks, references
to Appendices and
M.F.M.ll ,
& 6/87 (8/'2)
Instructions regarding prepara.tion of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. i/o 2nd Echelon for disposal.
\ 4 Title pages will be prepared,'
.... ".
Date Hour
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information ,
a1.eu>. hrJt a.,.
.,t m-. ... A ... C oo.pa. ..... 't.ftet RD)1IIb1d1 ea1e4 jza & .....
.. went: r.,..- tbI sa:. r->:JDd.!btb
A clear !wit d,q.
fte OInOAlJe
.s. ...
I tmE"'ot' ... lltf:at
:I .,..purl.ed 'by fl.' naftl
_ ...... writiag lettenJ to ( .. teA the lMi1llld1
IJINPIIN4 .. rer .... ...... ftl.aten-
L.C . ....... 's" to tile 8IIlpet
Remarks, references
, to Appendices and
r r
Instructions regarding preparation of
War Diaries (which will be kept from first
day of mobilization, creation or embodi-
ment), are contained in F.S. Regs. Vol. 1
\'" Title pages will be prepared.
B ... ., .
Date Hour
(Erase heading not required)
Summary of Events and Information
QIIq" tbe ehipll
. It retldo 'YQn Be
j tile hII,B .... t!
boa not been il: "9a.1l':.
At II)) IrJuN lJoat;.drill 11M 38ld.
IT )
M.F.M. 11
"'OIP & 8/37 (&/42)
Original, duplicate and triplicate to be
forwarded to O. i / c 2nd Echelon for disposal.
Remarks, references
to Appendices and
w1ll SO to. our '. ,"
In._ haft .. ,.t
t.bt UR.
A aaa 4rv.Y5th ht-fiV
on dean
A1t 1630 It ... ..
l1Jae the ...-1 thSDg.yet 1]
:torgItttll .. P""'i
1 .... ba lMJOat ...... 1IId ia 8D i
the ftNt t ... 1rier1:. i.e '
Part II Orders: f"or .Tune 1943 - - Vt
/3 .
GOms Inspection,.
Instruetions no.l'
Instructions 110.2
Officers Duty Roster
Ships Daily Orders
Routine Orders:
Tntg Instructions on
board ship
Inst:n.urlions on treatment
of prisoners
Plan of WAs and LeS on
Field returns
Outline on Ex. ROCKET I&2
Admn instructions Ex. STYMIE
Last Order
No. 35
2 Jun 43
Part II Orders Issued by
This Order
No. 36
9 J1.L'Yl 43
"'("Ei"f"T:O.S .-from cc1ti Section GHQ 2nd Echelon SDecial In,crement w.e.f.
4 Jun 43. (Auth LIS/16034 dated 4 Jlli"l 43) "
Ma jor J. D. Forin
(b) T.O.S'. from No 1 C.I.R.U .. 1;o], .e.f.: 4 Jlm 43. (Auth Demand 9743 .
. -dated; 28 May 43) ,
Capt (A/Major) B .. G. Parker
Amendment ':..;. 11 Order No - 12 para 1 of '31 Jan 41 insofa:r as
i t r efers ' to the u/n is ar.1811de d to read IIT.O.S. from 3 C.I.R.U.
w. e . f . 17 J an l!,l"
Mci..' J,or J .. M. S. Tait
la'"Js .O .S . t o HQ . 2 ,C.I.D .. 'liV' .e.f. ,24 ,.T.1ay 43. (Auth 1st C(l!1 Army
M3 825 ' dat ed 20 Ma y L1:3), ,, ' ' .
.. ., ', A/ Capt. J. E .. T. Mdlullen
. .
(a )Ceases t o' be a tta c hed "f . a . p'. f,roID' No 1 Coy C'. D. C. w. e .X. 1 9 Ma,,Y. 4.3' .
Oa pt : C. J .. Egan ' , ' '
' .. _ ..
(a ) Grant ed .6 days PL with money allowance in, lieu: of rations undel:"
FR&I 789 (3) ,& ( 4 ).. 24 May 43 ' retul'ned 30 May 43
'. J .. "if . Bl a ir
Lieut ,. ,F,. C Hall
L'ieut. S. Harley
Capt .. , J. L 0 Malkin
Lieut. J 0 D. Manson'
A/Capt G.' Honey
Lieut. R. MacDougall '
Capt. D. Newson .
C,; M. Scott
E. 'J. 'Thomas
.Ca,pt e. S .. Vr. Tl1Ql11S0n' ' .. .
Supervisor H. E. Newing (1 Div Alix Services)
(a) Pa rt 11 ' Or der No 70 of 11 Dec :40 ,.ihsofar as it refers to the
u/n is c'anQ8l1ed (Re cords Obs ' Research JHS/288 dated 5 May 43)
H/Gapt C. :M . Came r on
, ,
"B" OTHER . R' NI\S-
(a) T.O.S . frQnNo w.e. f . 4 Jun 43. (Auth Demand 9742
dated 30' MG' : 43) " ,
H-36528 , Pte . A v. R ..
\ '
- paIge: 2 -
- - -,--:..: ' - - ----
(c ) T.O .S . fron No 1 C.I.R. IT . May 43. (Auth EA5/1722 dated
1 Jun 43) :
K-52666 ..Cp l ., ",Ba r bei' ,
' K- .5254\) Bra I!lBer, R. N.
!<;..52077 A/ Cpl Bruc kshaw, Vi .
K- 52962 Pt e "C" A'. ..
K- 52511 Pte ' FEi'gervi k , L. T.
K- 53,26 2 , A/ Cpl Fqrris F . A.
1\- 52-973 1/Cpl . ilurdoc k , ' 1 . .'
K-158D.2 Pre ' 'Sprac klLl'l: t . J . "
. K- 53-502 Pt e St i anke , ,V.
K- 53354 L/Cpl Swa n son , B . ' A . '
Cp+ A. E .
( d ) :(' ro!J. i C. l . R. U. 11 . e .f. 4 Jun. 43 (Auth Demand 97
da t ed 28 ia.y 43) '. : ', "
K- 69770 Pt .C ,.Diggens, H. o.
K- 43,)Q.9 J't,e. R.
, .:pt e " N 01;7011, N. C. '
Pt e . .. 'paylis s , F. H.'
K- 69593 , Pt c 1S; D. J.
K- 697.99 t e , G.
7. STi:mNGTH DECREASE' . ', '
(a ) S .O. S . to GHQ '2ndEchelon ' . 29 Muy 43 . ,
(Auth EA7/ 3Q43 , da ted 28 ', 3 ) ,;' ,
, .. .... t/Sgt 'Pavllul:, Cle rk lCt
.. . -;...
(b) sos to No 1 C.I.R.U. 1'J'.e.f. datcssl10wn on adm . . hosp ,. shoViTn. '; .
"'14 43 . Invera"ray '" Hosp
11ay 43 1 Gene ral Hosp
27 May Lid ENS Stonehouse
29 May 43 1 General Hosp
K .. 4t:'"4.29 :Pte ' Pavre""s- 'S- .. W ... .
. .., . .
, K;..52938 , Pte' Allan! C. c .
" . , .,. . ... . :K-71640 Pte Cox, J. D. .
K-52077 Cpl , Bruc.kshavv , IV .
.. :. ' ... -. .. .. :: , , "" . -.
(c ) S .0:.8 .toN 0 ' 1 C. IolR .. e if ... 28 A Dr 43 (Underage)
. Nyschuk,
( d ) S .0.8. to Reinf Soc C . F.C. 11 Apr l;-3.
(A uth 99/20/8 eaforth/l
dated 3l Bar' 43) . ' .
:. Ptc:: " ': Oddy, J. E
(8) : Part 11- 0tdcrNo 34 or" 28 l.1:ay insofar a s it refers
to the u-n is cancelled.
K-52384 Pte M. " .
. . ,
(f) Part "ll Order No 2 para 4 of 10 Jun 40 insofar as it refers to
the u-n is cancelled. (Records Obs Audit XUK/32 d/17 }lay 43)
K- 52661. Pt'e Derry, S.R.
(g) Part 11' Order No 139 para 2(b) of 29 May 40 insofar as
to the: 'u::"n is aDended to rea d Ity! .$.f. 31 Hay
K-52117 Pte FraS?l';, R. T. :
.... .. .., ..
it refors
.... 4
(h) Part 11 Ord.e,rNo7 para I of 7 Jun 40 i n s ofa r as it r e f e rs t; h e
u-n is cancelled " .; ' ,.'
K-52117 Pte -Frase}" R. T. ',- " .'
. " .:.:
- page 3
9 Jun 43
la") Attached from X-4
23 .. 31 May 43.
K-52542 " Pte
K-52559 Pt8
K-52506 Cpl
List S eafor;th of" C f.8.P. for period
- .
Hella do, R.
Snid8r, A. K.",
BtQphen, N. H. '
( b )
Cea s e t o bo a t tac hed f rom No
" B- 83757 S gt . E .' .
1 , Coy CDC YT 19 <May 43 .
D- l 0 5073 Sgt ,Hoyt '} H. R.
:, Pt e Jtrpey, G. F.
(c) Coa 50S to be a ttC\che,d f..a.p. from HQ 2 CIE vv.e ,.f. 5 M8 y43 .
K- 53052 Pt e : Storl;Lng ') R. S.
(d) Ceases to f . a.p. from No 1 Coy ,CDC vI.e.f. 25 Apr 43 ' ..
D-51015 ' S gt r;l. , .
Tn) Having conplet ed Cr.ffiQ Course No 811 sCl"ia18 (Ran'get:ake ;rs) .
Qualified "Q_2
(Courge 3,.,9 AP1" "- 1 J'Jay 43)
Pte MUJlro; H . l i e
( b ) Having c omp l e t ed Cl'mQ Cqurse No' 626Scria112
qua lif i e d D,., i v r i / c (w) on 5 tray 43 .. , ,'
K- 52.511 Pt e Fa6e:t;VJ -;t ,
K- 52962 Ptc Cr omq , C. A .
H- 15802 Pt c . J e ..
Pt e Stianke , TI e . .. . _
. . , . on 26 Apr 43
(c) Having comple t od No 38 Sen:l.'or Clorks.- Course ;qualj,.fioc1 I'Q_II'i .... .
, " K-37058 Pt e . H. ' ." ' . - .
" ,
10.) to hosp shovm w II-:o'.f. da te sho\vn: ' _,
1\ ... 67909 Ptc !lur.ray , R. F oJ . , . : 5 Amb
K;..53974 Pt c ' Fqst c r, A. . 5 FC! Amb
Ft e: R. _A. .5 Fd A.mb
K- 52143 A/ L/Cpl Ha1pr1Q:o.d , H. R. 5 Fd
K-37056 Pt e 'f'u sh, o. i,'7 . 22 F.cT Anb
Pt c C\>x , . J . D. . 5 F ( Anp
K53305 Pt c F . A .D.S.
K-52077 Cpl Br uc ks haw, Y? A .D .8
. "
(b) Ror.J.ovoc1 fron hosp ' sliown to h asp s ho-rr.ct vJ'.e.f. date shavm
'" pte Foste r , A. , 5 Fd Amb to E:L,13 Stonehouse
K-53899 Pte Bl air , R. 5 .;FQ-,ALlb to Gartloch Hosp
K-52143 A/L/Cpl Haumond , H. R. 5 Fd Anb to Gartloch Hosp
K- 37056 Ptc O. ':' 22 Fa Anb to 4 C.C.S.
Cox, J 0 D. 5 Fd. Anb to Ef.'jS Stonehouse
K- 45429 Pte PowGrs , G. :J 0 C: . S .. to Inve rarGlY Hosp
K- 5330 5 Pte Lyo:as , J 0 F . A .D .. S.. . to Ga rtloch Hosp
K- 52077 Cpl Bnlc ks haw., .' . A . D,';S. # to 1 Gerie rGl 1 Hosp
-, '
.. ,
, .
p2ge - !;.
No. 36
9 Jun :;-3
(C:'n tinnoc1 )
(c) frori hosp ShOYln'-VT.e.f .. cl2tc
K-07909 Ptc' Murray , R'. F'oJ '.
K-/;-2017 A/L/Cpl Ke lly , D.
Ptc 'N -s h , O. ':
K-52115 Pte: For res tor, R.
K-53305 Ptc Lyons; F .
5 F( - Anb'
I Snocio l
C:C .s ,
I nvo r c r u FY l /r i'fu y l-r]
Go. rtloch d osp 30LIa y L:3
(a) Gro.nted 6 days P.L. ',7ith noncy 2110rmncG in '''lieu' of rations unc1er
FH&I 7890) c: (4) '[lay 1.'0-3 . returnGd 3Q
Pte AlcJ:Y, D. J. .l<:-L
2990, Ptc ED 1"a synchurr , J .
K-,)20(2- Sgt ii,dans, R. A. K-52693 L/Sgt HodGson,
H-41100 Ptc H. K-52519 Cpl Holoes,- G . O.
" 76 Pt,-, r "..,r'!rC"'TS T'" Tl '/ G m
\.- L;- ' d ::li'-'.,Vl -'. "" .(\-L-35039 L/ 8 ct II'1ivin , "
K-<-2855 Ptc '.: . K. :K;"5l,.0L;-7 Pto _Johnstone, J. -,G. ,
K-52666, Cpl Barber, B. ' 1(-( 6738 [t/L/Cp1 Kay; L.' ' G; -,
K-52376 , Booth, G. : L/Cp1 Labrie , P . C.
K-53900 Ptc Brorm, E . V-. Ie-53988 Ptc H. C.
Ptc Dorgen, H'o L: K-65656 - Pte Lo1"onzotto, C.
' , ' " ,X .... 7-388<- ' ptc R. , J , Ptc L2nb -, G. L.
Ptc Doli tho, A.E.T. =:-lQ30(7 Ptc La 1"s on, H. i,'i
B-9!r329, Ptc J. H. ' K-;:,2227 Ptc Lidc_icoat ,':j. } ...
, 1(-53163 Pt e Coulson, J. , K-Li2803 Ptc Lonoiro, :,L.
K-53217 Ptc 1,V. K-53193 Pte LoBeau, R.
K-52962 p.t e C. K-52875 t/Set LeC12ir, , F.
F-35113 ' Pt0 Clovo-18nCi , G. ' V . ,1(-53100 Pte Lcvrondon, ,R. E.
K-53031 Ptc CI'Oi]!e-Sv.Jords,E.A. .K-52606 Pte Leon, -R.P.
E:- 5291<- ,Ptc L K-52200 hiS E;t BaeD ona1d
-Ii. J.
:;:-10290f;. Ptc Chc: rlcy F . ' K-52993 Ptc BacKa y, . ,Jo. ,-'1. e'
Pte Glavel, J"o L. Ptc Eorey, H. ,:: -
K-l:-35!;-7 Ptc; DOCL'2Zio, K-53195 Pte H6Jil1ians, R.
K-70818 -pte DeRo.che, E. -' I. K-5258<. Cp1 IIar:sho.ll, G. ;!.
K-53153 H., L. K.-52313 Ptc A.
K-5315< Pt c Derksen, flo. 1("'72963 Ptc '1".8
ii./Cpl Davies, E. D. ' K-52975 Pta =IacDorn1d, A.F.
. } .
i>./Cpl Davidson; J.S ;1-103365 Pte '.;.
K-75061 Ptc Dunn; L. B IC- 53678 A /L/Cpl. 1fo- , , " . '
K- 5316 5 . /cpi Ed[;ctt, s "L'. ' ' K- 53512 Pte Uclnncs, A;
K-8 Ptc Enr;lish, ,J ':J. K- 53(26 Pto }\Iurra y, ;,T . G
1(-75011" Pte Englonc1, .L . .__ Pte .. NGlson,J . H.
K-21029 ,Pte Forrestor, ,J. K-37075 A/Cpl G.
K-65268 Pto Fcreie;, 'A. L_. , K-53117 Pte Nixon, Ii.. T.
L-154086 , Pt.e Folk, H. . )(-53106 Pte Parr, R. " .
K-529!rS - Pte Ferrier, ',-: . '-Ji '. K-53213 Pte Polly, G. H.
Pta A. - K-72738 Pte Hobe,xt,son-, J' .R.G
. ' K- 53305 Pte Fnyc rs 9 F. ' J K-37077 ' Pte Riley 9 G. '
K-52090 Farncr, A. _ )(-;5.2257 Ptc C. E.
K-53595 - ,Pto Fl"8S Cr
C. 1 - 37073 Ptc; ROCK, T. F.
K- 52/r70 ,L/Cpl Groi
, L . L . , ",- , ;K- 5.2702 Pto Ros s, J. "
I'I-56232 -.pto Gr8r:i81\:, IT. ,J:. K- 5 :, 061 Pte SinrJson,.J.
A. K-52678. 01)1 SticJ.ql0Y, .',' . D. ,
'Pte Hneilton, '/' K-52991 A/L/Cpl Salttlarsh? J .1;[.
' "7'1 Pt-' L'r r' ''''''son T-I L 1.;,,-65276 Pte -Ii.
o _ Lo.:.. .. ' I:- \...J ll.UGC'.,L.!.. J., ......r:
"K- <-2326 Ptf.:) Hollil1b'"wortl1,J.A. , pte- SCl12ff, H.
page 5
11. Vi!'. OF :.B$ENCE (C(:ntinu(; dl
53 Pte S hmJ , J e K-70952
K-52716 ' Pte Sherm:m, J'e ' -,
K-52319 Pto Stroot, L. J.
K-52326 Snith, F ; ',
K-52320 SE;t S.vT0Gnay, B.
K;...53362 A/CpT Scrivoi'9 H., A:,; t:"673Yr
K-53267 Pto F.G.lI" , K-52281
K-53291 Pte SC:(llSOVGri.l'10 , J . ' ' .. , K-5299 .5
K-71019 Ptc Taylo'r, K-65326
Pto Thona s, I. I T , , " <1(-.-:.6115
K-29178 Pta R. K-52997
K-52690 . Pta L. , E', ,, ' Ie-73288
P t 0 ullin, S: E.
Pto --: oa vor, F .
Pto 'f c3vinc: , R.
Pte i;;illic 1. S 7 G. ' K.
L/Cpl '.!cbb , E . F.
Pto ":mchcorJbG , A. V.
Pta ' ;Ija tson , J .
Pta ':Tillians" G. L.
Ya r dley, E .L.li..
Pte Ya n 1st, R.
Pte YcorJans, ':[ . G.
Pta Zo11y 9 ' ,7,; . J.
12. li DSEHT ' -,iI T.10UT LE ;.VE
(n) ii .. ' L fro:11200-hrs 11 Iby 'Still A''-L 1200 hI'S 19Haytr3 (8th day)
' K'" 531<' 0 Pta La Roc que ;, ' R:
Cn ) - 'l.PPointed A/Cp1 1 '. 0 . f . .. d8 t c . sn6wri:
K-53219 L/cp1 Fi e l dhous e , R. E .
, K-.53251 L/Cpl' . Bra n.t , ''' J . : ' '
: K-53354 , L/Cpl ' :8 anson ; 'D.
(b-) ApiYbintedA/L/Gpl v;. o.f. t8 srw\:7h
K-52328 Pte C1a rko, R. A.
K-70818 Pte . DeRo,cho, 'K. 'I.
K-53596 ' Pto GlasgoYlT, F . P.
K-37036 :Pto Hutton,: H. R. 'I-I.
K-53056 Ptel:lurray , D. , S
K-99535 'Eta :; poone'r ' ,:'E. J . ,
' . ,Pte D. i/'; ' .,: .
:BrovJ'n, C. R. , .
(c) To be LiCul w date shown
K-53251 ':Pte (AiL/Cpl) J.
(d) App A/CQloJB '.7.0. f. 11;- ITa -
F' 5' 2036 S f't Dla
er A
" .1\. - . 6 ,LY . L"- ,11
.. 0. .
(0) A-o'pointed A/S gt \7.8.f . 13 1.1ay
.c K"'; Cpl $ cl1ers E . F.
(f) Appointed A/L;;Sc;t I}H2Y If3
K-53319 Cpl Morrlson" J. , Q.
IJ2Y '3
=lay .0;3
.. ....,
It., L3
1( 1'0y
10 tr 3
10 1.IEl
2 J\.fay
Mar LIe 3
(g) 'Part 8(a) or 1Li.I.:I,aY:'(3,j.npof8ras it rafters
to the u...;n is cancelled
K-52/"13 Pte Tu}:'pe r:, ., C. ,G . H.
(a) in
TT 7'
. .). . ..
rank ' of' GIn vi.e .f'. 3 ITa;' .,43 . u . ' ,
Pte A /Cp1) '.'i . '
LiC:)l (A/Cpl) I'10r;':' is? F . A. '
'. I
t "
- page 6"
No. 36
9 Jun 43
(a) Granted a daily r CGinent al rate of $1.[1,,0 W .,e.f. dato shovm' having
conplct ed tr nonths s crv,icc witp eood and efficient conduct.
( uth GO 186/ 4-2 )
'l<-525t.r 2 Pte 1::.6 11ado , R .. R. 16 Jan 43
(b) Granted a dai1yroginont'al l"atc;' of $1'.50 \'''.8.f. date shown having
c0:11plotec16 :I1onths proficient service (Auth GO 486/42), ,' ,' ,
Pte Mellac1o, R. R. 17 Mar 43 "
(c) Pa rt 11 Ordor No ' 22 para 2(b) of, 28 Hal" 43 ins ofa r a s it
to theu-nis ancnc1ed'to read "w.e.f. 22 Jar). Llr3"
K-6776t., Ptc P! C,
WROVG"rts to rank of Pte at Ol;;Tn w'.o.f., date shovrn
K-52539 Cpl Holnan, tI.S. 28 May 43
K-52622 Cpl ' 1-102:C, A., 28 May 43
K-52678 A/L/Cpl Hctcalfo, ' ,; A. 24 tiiay 43
17 .. Tru DESUEr '8 QUl1IFICAT'I0l1S
W Qualificd. as C10rk --cstcnographor) ,Grcup
t B \' w.o. f. 2 5 M,l Y 3
(A uth TTB Report drJ ted 3 Jun Lie 3). .
K-53322 L/S gt Pa\'!luk, v '
(b) Qualified as IiIotor 'B',', Vl .f. 29 :r.!I<::'y
(Auth TTB I)oport da toe 3 JllYl .>
K-52707 L/Cpl CnEloron, . J ., D.,
(c) Qualifioc a s Driver Aoch (Trackc'Cl)' Group r C r VI . 0 .. f. 2 9 Y lrJ
(Aut h TTB RC'oort dat ed ' 3' Jun 43) .
K-53191 Pt e FI'ench, . . ' . .
K-52632 Pt'e Ha rris, A.
K-42939 Ptc Hanpton ; , ' . . '
K-70352 Pte Gillen , E . , \'j. '
K-52965 Pto - Livin stone ; J. K.
K-53055 Pte 'la rslanw. , T
K-53885 Pt e 1l0rr ison, -J. $
K-52762 Pt e t cNcil, D.
K-53600 Pte Price , 1
K-52260 Pt e Robins on , R. T.
K-53850 Pt e S kin:-Yle r D. G
Cd) Qualified as Clerk Gr,ouP. lC.' w.e.f. 25 Hay 43.
(AuthTTB Report dated 3 JD? 43) "
K-52597 Pte . '
". So
Q.ualifieo.l as storGnan Gr'oup, -'e
l'T .o;f. 25 May 43.
(Auth TTB Report datod 3 Jun Lr3)
K-521B-l Vi A.
(f) Qualified as }Iuson GrouptG1 VT.8.f. '25 I
lay 43.
(Auth TTB Report dated 3 Jun lc3) .
K-52724 Pto 1.
. , .
, 'z
- page ::
No. 36
9 JUT! L'r3
18. THl DES I EN 'S R{iTES 6F"'P' Y
, Tal tra de snen 1 s . rates of pa:7 2.S Hason Group lie" ,} .o.f. 25r.Tn y43
K-5272L'r Pte E'VfCl1.S, L.
(b) Roverts to ro c; inontal of "pay of $1.50 por dieLl 'if.o.f.
28 Hay .
K-52301 PtC IIacLood, R'. R. Clerk Group 'Cr
(c) Grant ed t r a
Gs tlcn ' s rates, of 'pay as s 11o':111 w. G. f. 1 J an 1;. 3 hnvinc
C oapl e t ad ' 6 nonths p r ofic ient . s e rvice . (1\ uth GO ' .
K-52708 Pte 'Doa'n ; e; E . ' D:r ' " och t cr $::".75 pordierJ
K-53906 Ptc Dornan, E . :-L. COI)]r. fC' $1.75 por dien
19. PUN IS REENTS' .,.
; . en )
(b) On"' 31 1-1ay' 4 3 reduced to r8nk of Ptc for an OIIenco under
11:\ Soc 15(1) - fr om 2200 hrs' 29 11ay to ,0600 hrs 30 Hay 43.
(11 hsont 8 h:cs). Forf J,.' 'days pa:
u.l1.o or FF,&I
K- 528.51 .\ ii/Cpl .C ,. ,...', .
. . .. . , .
(0) On 31 H:;y 1;3 to :cank of Pte for an ' ofl'Bnco under . ,
. . A fir Soc 15 (1) .:.AYiJ L fr O:i:l 2200 hI'S 29 / r 3 to 0600 30 L=,':1Y 4 3
(Absent 8 hI'S.) Forf 1 ,(';ays 'o::-.y'\mc1er FI1&:I 1r 9(1) (8.),e, ':,.. .
. lC-52973 L/Gpl, L. W " , . .. "
, . . 'I - '.;: ( ', '
, '.} .. . .1 ' ,' ,.
On' 31 tr 3 'r e.ucQr:.l . to rank 01' Ptc, for an of,fcnce 'und'or
AA SC) C 15(1)' .. 'il.:'L fr'on 2200 {l.!' s 29 !;3 to 0600 36 1:0,y:
(Absont 8 hI'S). Forf 1 days pay linGor FR&I
,K-52865 A/Cpl ' R "
K-52710 A/L/cp1 Ifool1.ey, J .
( 0 ) On 31 TIDY /; 3 avmrdoc1 a. :forf of. 28 cl-ajs pay and I t,., C'.ay.s 03, 'roT
an of fencG. under ' _A S'ac' 1)(1), -- AFL' i'roJ2 23 59 ..hrs 28 .Aa y lr'5 t o
' . , 1130 hr s ' 30 r.1a. L1r 3. (AbSEint 1 day 11 hI'S 31 Forf 28 crays:
pay unc.er FR&I 1
r9 (2) . Forf 2 days pay u.n.der FR&I 149(1) (a ) .
Total for f 30' ' ,- ,
. ' K- pt e Davis, ';.: .
.. ...
. .
On 31 43 uwa bt 15 pay :1nd clays CB fbi? an
offenc e tLl1.dGr Ai ' S oc 15(1) "" p,:,- L froD. 2359 h1's,28 11ay 43 to
1100 hI'S 29. ' lla y ; 3. (.AnsEmt 11 hrs 1 nin). Fort 15 days ' pny
unCleI' FR&I I t:'9 ( 2 ) . , Forf 1 c1a,Ys pay FR&I 1L',9(1) (n)
T otal .. f'o:rf 16 da ys IJay _ v .
K- 53579 Pt e S i IBPSon 'J K. R ...
On -31 y [,3' 8 -:Jcl a f orf of 20 )<J..yn Bd, da.ys _ C3 or
offenc G uh der \ 'Se c 15{1 ) , - Ar:,L fr OB 2359 hrs _28 X'lelY 43 t o
2300 hrs . 30 11!8Y 1J.3 . ' (lt'bs cnt 1 <:'11725 hrs 1 ninY. :' 'Ferf 20
pay un aT Ffl.&I 1 49 ( 2) . Forf 2 ' dt ys pay undor FR&I 1
,9( 1) (a ) .,
r ot ar da y s 'pay
K- 52901 Pte B.
, ,
. ,
... page 8
9 Jun43
PUNISIIBENTS (C. ntinuel2. . ,
"(i1)On 25 11:' y 43 aue. a forf 'of 5 days pay 5 clays CB for an offone
Sue 15(1) - 1 .11 fr on 2359 hrs 23 fla y [r 3 to 0830 ill's '
,. c1ay L,3.,., . (ll. bscnt '8 hrs 31 , ''1i..n. ). Forf 5 )dQYs PCfY FR&I
149 (2) .tIorf 1 days ny unde;r FR&I 1,.9 (1 . , otD.l forf
6 days
K-52113 Pte
Cruickshanks 9 U.
Forrest ,&'"; .
(1 ) On 26 'Jay 43 mY(1 ' Q forf ',.of 28 cays pa'y and 14 days CB fat an
off enc e ul1.dc! 1 S ec 15(1) - , .i;"L froi'.1 0900 hrs 30il.pr 43 to
1900 hrs 19 a y 43 . (l. bsent , 1 9 <: ay8 10 hI'S) . Forf 28 days pay
FR&I 1L19 ( 2 ). For f 20 e.ays-pay FR&I 149(1) (a).
ota 1 for! 48 days pay
K,-53629 Pte Doyl e ; G ..
( j ) On 26 LrJ. a\; c. a for-f of 7 a ys pay and'7 days CBfor an offence
un,dcr All. , S;;c 15'(1) - [f;' L fr an 2359 hrs 23 Uay43,to 0630 hrs
25 "43 . ' (1 bsent 1 da'y 6 lp:'.s 31 Llin). Fbr:f 7. ,days, under
, FR&I 149 ( 2). Forf 2 Lays pay under FR&I forf
,' 9 c: ays pay .
K-.53.b05' Pte ilont goDc ry, 11.
(k) On 26 rfuy . t;. 3. a ' of ? Clays pay 7 clc:ys , CD': for an' offence'
un'er, Sec 15(1): - A.7L fr on 2359 h rs 23 May loon'hrs 25 .
( bsent 1 day 10 l r s 1 n in). . Fo{f 7 ' d2S . pay -oncler FR&I ,149 (2)
Forf 2 Qays pay under FR&I 149 (1) (E.) . ot21 forf 9 clnys ,
K- 52349 PtE) " , . ' "
(1) On .16 liay 43 aVIe a forf of 4 clays pay for '-,\n offence urtcle-r AA ' ' ..
Se c 15(1) - frOLl 1330 hi-s 15 Hay 43 to 2330 hI'S 15 J'Iay 43
10 hI'S ). Forf 4'days pay FR&I 149(2). , Forf 1 days
pay ULn.ier FR&I 149(1) (n ) . ,otal forf'5 cays pay.
K- 53899 Pt c Bla ir;' B.,. A , .
(n) .On 16 tIny 43 awd a .. forf of .20 cays pay for Em offence under
, A:\ Sec , Forf 20 pay FR&I 1!c9(2);" '.
a Pte Colebank, A. J.
(n) On 16 lIc-'J.Y awcl -CI f9.rf:: of' 25 days pay for an offence under
AA Sec 40. Forf 25 tays pay unear FR&I lL':-9(2) ;
. ,'
c ,"'94329 Pte J. H.
(0) Part 11.0rder No 72 para 9(f) of '22Sep 42 j"ns;ofar as ':tt . refers"
to the is cancelled.
K-52019 CQ1;]S 1:1a-rch, .. E..
. =-'
"1t\lli IAGES , .BIRTlS & DEATHS
(G-) Born a s.on, n2neUll.bl Ol:TD.; on or abbut 1 Hay '::3 at Victoria , :
British C::Jlm.ibia, - G1ac.ys Hary AI'L1strong J. . , '
. K-5'2764 A/S gt Arnstrons 9 D. S.
address N-of:-K to Isado!'e Joseph DeRoche
De Roche P.O .. , British Co1mjbin, Canada
K-708l8 A/L/Cp1 DeRoche, E. ._
(Father) .
21 .
- pae
9 -
9 Jun L'r3
("b)Chnngc [ - of - K f r o'"" nather to n r .A AnClorsen (father)
1866 12t h venU0 Ea st , VP."- _c ouver; British Colunbia,
1(- 67094 A/ L/ Cpl Ande r sen, C. IT.
(c) Chance N-of-Ie froD nothor to Rinnor (father)
21st Avonuo Vcmcouver, British Colunbia,
K-53290 Pte RiIIle r, .
(d) Cha.n ge address N-of-K to Mrs C. E. Grahan (nother)
10163 94th Street, Alberta, Canada
K-2L;- 61 Pte Gra han, L. H.
12;-Dite or-birth havine boon verified is changed
2 nc.y 26. All to be and accordingly.
Pt e Nyschuk, YI . H.
froD 2 I.Ic'Y 23 to
(b) Dat e of bi r t h having been v e r ified is changed' frOIl It, AUG 21
to 16 Aug All docs t o be anc1 accordingly. (Auth Rec
B/2 5598- RES c.a tec1 20 ilay t,3) . -
B- 25598 Pt e Bel 1 ii"l'-cr E. P.
23. HONOURS & N -: RDS
(a) A'irarc od one-good conduct badge
A-3084 Ptc Shaw, E
rr.o.f. 1 Hay L',3 (Auth 99/20/Seaforth/l
(1\. E. Stephens on) .wieut.,
for Officer i/c
Canadian S ect ion, GHQ 2nd Echelon
Last Order
No. 36
9 Jun 43
. Part II OrdBrt IssUed by
This Order
No. 37
1 6 Jun 43
;,. -
(a.) T.O . S . from 1 v.e.f. 8 Jun "1-3: (Auth EA2/5662 d/5Jun
A/Capt. J. J. Com-lay
(b) t - Part - 11 Order :No l(a) of 28 11ay 43 insofar as it
refers to the 'u/n iSB,nended to read ' IILieut. J. D. l'IA.NSON"
Licut. J. D. Mason '
(a) 6 JOO-43. (Auth EA2/5666 d/5Jun43')
Lieut. L. J. Pronger'
.. 3. 00URSES
(a ) :HavinE atten ded Cours e No 9
20 Ap r . 43 , qua l ;ified II Q_lll
l ea pt . G. H. Hone.y
( t
pds .A .Tld from 30 r to
(b) Havins attended , C=lliQ Course N'o 3D3 S e rial 'H026 (PI YJe apons)
fron 6. Apr 43 to: 13 Ha.y 43, qualified "Q_ltl ..
Lieut. J-. D. Nanson
( 8j ' To be capt and to have seniorit y in t he Cdn In! Corps froti
20 May Il3. (Overseas R 0 3507)
Lieut (A /Ca pt) J. E. T.
ca-) Granted 5. c1 a ys PL vlith ' n6noy allovJance in lieu, ;f rations lDnder
FR&I 7890) and (4). 30 I.lay 43 returned ( Jun 43
E.G. Begg
Li8ut. A. V. French .
LiGut. LI . A. Hartin
Najor' F.S. T.1iddleton :
Li0u-t. J. F. McLe ali ,.
(b) G'rantec1 7 days PL vdth noney a 110wanc e in lieu of ra t ions under
FR&I 789 (J) and ( 4 ). 7 ' Jan [r 3' 4 1"e turned 1 t( Jan 43
, "A/Capt. G. N'. - . '. ' ..
6. NEXT -OF -KIN, " .
CaJ Change address N-of-K to Ers Kathu:l:ine :Mabel Newson (vdfe)
sunny gou,th, Landsdowne> Road' , West Worthing , Sussex,Enc.: 1and.
D. F. Newson
. ' . . .
(a)T ; O.S . irom No l C.S .H.U. fl . e I' Jun 43. (Auth
date d 23 llay 43")' , '
.. ... 9pi . ' Hicks ;
(b) It .:. Part 11 Orde; r No 36 Para 6 (b), 9f 9, insofa.r t)s it
refers ,to the ' U/h is anonded to read "T08 fron 1 CIRU i7.8 .:f.
28 43" -'
K-53054 L/Sgt 'Troherne , F. W.
--.,... . ........,.---
,; ."
paGo 2
No. 37
. Jun. 43
T8)S.O.S . to -01 C.li.SoCoR.U. v/.o.f. 21 43. (Auth 99/20/Soaforth/l
da ted 10 I'1a y <'3)
, 'K-678.78 Pte "Dral:c J. "
(b) S.O.S. to No 1 C.I.RoU. \:r. c .f. dat8 ShOiiJll. on adn hosp shOVln
K-52431 L/Cpl i."Jobb; E. F. 8 Jun 1 Gen Hos p
K-53140 Ptc LaRocque, I\.. 11 Hay <jnil Hosp D:ry!:;,on
(e) 'to Nol C.G.E.U. ItrJUl'l /;3'. (Auth EA7/3532 :':
datod7 Jun /(3) , , '
" " k-520C:8 A/Cpl Cross, D. (Ec:ucational Assistant)
(d) S 00.8 .,to No 1: c.r.fe.u. ':.r.c.f. 7 Jun 1',3 . (l;,uth EL/16 c1/7Jun43)
K-52954 Pte ' , Low.is', S;. ,W
('a)Coases to to No 1 CIRU ':'r.o.f. 7 Jun
'Pt;Q .. L(3wiS, 8.
(b) Ceases to beattache'd to Lorna Scots Trns Bn 'i.J.e.f.
K-53?63 'Pte .'.' Fer[uson, A. Yo'.
(e) Ce,9se . to froL1 HQ "2 CIB shoun
8-4287 Pte Neely, J. 7 Ju...11. frY
:8-7250l) Pte . .Anderson, i.!. 1.'1. Eay 1,3
(n); Hayj)lS eonplotec1 crIHQ Course No 303 Serial 25 HW (Pl Woapons)
. :fp'orJ 30 Har <:3 to 5 I:ay 1;3 have qualified as shovm:
K-5266,6 9pl. . Ba rbe r , B. Q-l
K-52540 S t,; t BraiJDcr , R. N . . . Q-J-Z
. - ,
4 I
K-52077 C'pl J3ruekS{la J , a . ,I _ Q-2-Yl
K-52973 L/ Cpl l'-urdoc k , L . Q -2:"'V:"'W ..
K-53262 Cpl Borr is, F. . Q-2
K;..52416' Cpl, - E . Q-l
.' K-5335( Licpl Svvanson , 3 . A. . Q-:-2-V
11" HOOPI'r ' L
(a ) Adnitt ' c1 to hosp sh91m IT . 8 . f . date s11o\,,,n:
K- 3780.5 Pte P.ar.1fe.r ,. -; " , .D.S
"K'- )'2217 Ptc J . .D.S.
K- 673,4 .. Pte Wine he oT:l be , 1 V. 1. .D .s 0
K- 6 56 56 Pt e 0 , C. .D .8
K- 53176' ptci . JOJ?c1on, H. . f .D.S
Pt c AnL.:i'ews , -i . R. f
,K..:7Z',:cf.72 - [ '/L/Cpl HGcanson , H. L . .. .DoS.
K- 52012 ICp.l L,:apr ,ie , p.. C. : .. D.S
. . . . '.'
:T t t' ' Jun s3 ' .. :' ' : .\ )
2 '. Jun !:-3' ,.. '
1 Jun 43
1 Jun 1,3
')1 -,,- f13
. ..) . lia y r
31 11ay ! .. 3
31 tIa y 1,3
31 Ha y {;. 3
. , .
(o} BerJgye.0' . .fn)o _hosp' sho;'-ffi to' shorvu Vi _'8 _'f. shown:
.. -K-t53176 Pte' Jordon , H. ioDS to Gartloch EDt:; 31 I.Jay 43
K-53L'r76 Pte t ndr ws , ADS to' Ga rtloch El:lg 31 Uay <- 3
K-37805 Pt e Parker, H.,' .>. " .DS to EITS Stonehous8 4- Jun 1r3
/'Cpl .La br.io , .E o C. . . to EliJS Stonohouse ': ' 1 JV.h ' Lr 3
Pte : 43
1(;..65556 Pte' 'Lorenzett9 , C. Jun fr 3
.:' .' l' /L/Cpl ;:._ . l\DS::,to ,,Oart,loch Ene . ,I.'I9.-Y s-3
. Pi' ,-C', , "9 -,. ;'
(' , ' " . .
No. 37
16 Jun '+3
"arID : '.NCES
(a ) ,":) c2i1y of $1.50 Y;.c.f. 1 Jnn 43 havinG
e OI1plctoc1 G "wnths rrofie icntse:rvicc. uth GO 4GG/42)
Pte ' : Iunr 0 , G. D ..
(b) And It - Fort II Oreer NO, 3< pciT212(;})' of 2'D nay --;3 insofar C' s
:it r (;fo rs to t:;,c u/n is ccm2oLlcl.
, F-35113 , Pto Clov'iJl[mC, C.
lQ')--ncvGI'ts tc,rnnh: of Pt u Qt own reques.t J
n 1]3
K- 52 5GG Cp 1 De rvill, P
. - -,
('9) Hovcrts t o r c, nk of LiB et at OVil1 - 1.'0qucst w.o.f. 31 tr3
K-52320 Set C.
t I .. , .
:- ,- ,.
" .. .
S . I1: .. TES OF
.",. - n . 1 I
r :l t os of pcry. os 'shoVll1_ u.o.f.> clo:tb ShO\7:n: - d . :\ :r;_"Hl..C. __ l. .L <" L.vs!..cn S
K..;;52 539 Pt e -Iol nan ,.
H. S
h Gp 'C I 28 IIc\ y' 1+3
. . Pt o cKenzic ? ',.7 .
Toe '.' tr.m GIJ
1, 1'.1[1 r 43 u
. " K- 52.597 Pte
-- - . t 1 'J liT
Clerk Gp
1. ' D(]e
.. os
K":'5319l Ptc a.
I. Il2.'l TiGch G:J .' C t 29
HQy L'r 3
K-5263 2 Pte r"i s '
K. Dr Tkch Gp
!.Jny 43 _-c-. ?
K-52762 Pte r'lcNoil
t C t
29 ' 3
Pte Prie c: L. G. : Dr G1J
29 Na:J
. ,
K-'70352 Ftc Gillen , :::; . Dr Gp
29 Ha ;t 43
K-52260 Pte "/ ') bin"'on ' "> T
Dr =Tc ch Gp I c' 29
L l t:'J ' , .:.. __
K-53DG 5' Pte
COlon .,.
1 C'
l.1ny 43 _i:> _, u. ;)
T" . t: 29::{ n
7:;' (l O'n H
Dr Gp
{iLlY 43 L\ , .. -r -J7 .0.1 ' .-1. 1..0 -
rc;1 ..... nf: rp-
D::: lkch G1J
29 l!by ,-;3
.. : ,7,.> ("'L ;,._' - " TT
... 5296 5 Pt c
von.c ,J Dr Gr> ' ' C! 29
43 - ,.(., J
K-53[;50 Pt c
Co" . -. D - r; '
l e i
29 110 '] 43 I') :...?-Pt'1:U D, .f> . J .
20. PUi'.H3 E2!ENTS
(8) On 4 Jun .:;3 D'.7C: 2 forf of 0[' 2b ys' pay n: c'. dny s C:8 for 21"1 offcncG
unc1c)l' i.il. Sec 15(1) - ::.:L 1' 1' 0"'-:: 2230 hI'S 2 ) :-:.e.y 43 t o Jun
Ul.bs ent 4 11 hrs). "lr:f 2.0 _(C: Y,s :;J a y - un .. .:n ' Era I 1L'r 9 (2)
. 5 unCal'" 11,. 9 ( 1 ) (<1 ) , . forI' 33 Cn 7S
(c )
Ptc B211ard , C. D
. ,
On Jui'l 1,3 c:rwc1 bfcTf of 3 ' i) 2Y for em under
:l,.:.'l. S"cc 40. 3 kc1n J7S ' Y l"t . (2) . '
_' , .!:- 79' Pta ..' " Du
... , . ,- "' ; .> ,-: .. -
On ' , .Tun ,3 <2 f orf ,pay for 2n. offGnco u.nc1e r
[ .. ,. Bec .. ,,0 . ' (l Y':f(' ys nitll of 26 IklY /Forf
1 cays ) 2 y unf.J r F:.,':':I 1.9( 2 ) . - (DO 3( .pnre.,19(i)
K- 5302-9 . Pt . _. -"Doyl -c , G F .. . .. .. ..... .. .. _.
pase 8
No. 37
16 Jun Ir3
pm I SHIlENTS ..lC0utinuc(1 )
Cd ) On 4 Jun 43 etHel. a for1' of 15 cloys pay and 10 days CD for an
offence A:;, Sec 15(1) - 1.':.'L fron 0[;30 hrs 29 Hay ""3 to
1530 hrs 31 Nay 2c1ays 7 Forf 15 days'pay
.under FH&I Forf 3 pay FR&I 149(1) (cd
' Total forf Ie days pay .
K- 52156 Pt e Gilnoro, R. G .
On 4 J1L.'1 Ir3 to rnl1k of pto for 8n offenco under
Sec 15(1) - AYJL 2300 hrs 30 43 to 2100 hrs 3 Jun 43.'
(Absent 3 .22 hrs). c1nys pay undor FH&I
K- 52246 .fl. /L/CplPoo blo s, H. _ .
On L', Jun L'r3 a forf of 20 Ceys l;2Y lL', days CD for an
offence undor fl.: .. Sec 15(1) - AUL f'roD 2300 hrs 29 t1o.y: 1;3 to
2359 hrs 2 Jun L'r3. (Absent!;. C;[lYs '59 nin). Forf t)ay
under FR&:I 1/; 9(2). Forf 5 Cays pay under FR&I 149,(1) (8 ) . .
Totnl ,:forf 25 days pay .,
K-:-52880 Pte Snith, E. A.
(8) On 4 J1U1 Llr3 mvd . D. forf of 3 days pny for an offcnce;undorAA
Sec Forf 3 days pay FH&:=
Pte Squnre-Brigcs, E. J.
(h) On 4 :run 43 awe: () forf of PQy and 14; CD for
3 offenp a s unde r 1 t Sec 1 5 (1) - A'tJL fron08
r5 hrs 29 :flay 43
t o 1130 hrs 29 May 43 . ( -bs ent ' 2 hrs [lin)., A-dL fror.1
2200 hrs 29 May 4 3 t o 2330 hrs ' 29 -I'Ia y 3. (Absent 1 :hJ? 30 [l.in).
FL fr on 230.0 h rs 30 !D.'Y 43 t o 2120 hI'S 2 .Tun Ul. bsont -
2 da ys 22 hrs 20 Ijin) . Forf 2B days 'pay undor FR&I l
Forf 3' days pay unc'ler FR&I 149(1) (a). Total forf 31 days pay.
Pte ncDonalc1, H ..
(i) On 1 J1Ul 43 a"1G c: for f of 1 5 Clays' pay 7 da ys CD for an
of f ence under . Sec 15(1) - r',IL, fr on 2200 hrs 28 'nay 43 to
1630 hrs 31 -'hy L'r 3. (Abs - nt 2 da ys 18 hrs 30 nin.). Forf 15 .
da ys pa y u..'YJ.do r FR&I I T9 ( 2) . Forf 3 Gays pay' under FR&I 149(1)(a} ..
Tote l ' forf 18 days . . .
Ki..53341 Pte Hor8n, F
(j) On 1 Jun L',3 awd a forf of 5 days pay and 5 CB for an offonc8
under All. Sec 15(1) - AWL fron 2200 hrs 28 ]',Iay 43 to 2220 h'rs
30 May 4:3. (A bsent 2 c1a ys 20 . !..lin). 'Forf 5 days pay under .
FR&I (2). Forf 3 days pay .under FR&I 149 (1) (a) It' Total forf
G days:gay
k-65006 Pte Nicholos, T.
(k) On 1 JOO . 43 awd a forf of 15: days pay and 14 days cn for an
orfonGe under fl.A Sec J,.5 (1) -NiJL fron 2300 hrs 30 Hay 43 to
2200hrs 31 'Hay 43. (A bsont 23 hI's). Forf 15 ('.ays ' pay unc1er
FR&I 1(9(2). Forf 1 days pay under FR&I 149(1) (a). 'l'otal
forf 16 days l)ay. - .
K-52591 Pte Niven, \l.
:." . . ...,
(1) On 7 Jun 1:3 for an. offence 'Ail. S GC . 15(1)- AivL
fron2359 hrs Lc J'Lul(3 to 1900 hrs 6 Jun (Absent 1 19 hrs
1 nin). Forf 2 pay under FR&I 149(1) (a)
K-52711 , Cpl Stephenson, T.
paGe 9
No. 37
16 Jun 43
20. "PU-'; IS-uillI-TS . ,
en ) On- 7 Jun L'e3 to rank of Cp1 for an off enc o .Ail., ,
Soc 15(1) - L",JL'frob 1330 hrs 'C, Jun !,.Jto OG30 hI'S 7 JD,n
(Absent 19 11TS). Forf 1 clC1YS undcr FR&I 149(1) (a).
K-53773 ' -t . V.
. ... " - . ,..
(n) On 7 Jun IU to r.1nl: of Ptc for ') nf'fC"mcoS l-;.L
Sec 15(1) -: .. -,7L fran 2359 hrs 28 Hay 'to 1530 hI'S 29 :nay ,1,3.
Ul.bsent 15 hi's 31- rain). i'ror_l ' lL'i-OO 111'S 30 to 1230
hI'S 7 Juri 43. < 7 days 22 hI'S 30 IJ.in). Forf 9 PLlY
under FR&I 149(1)(8). . - ' .
( .)
( S )
. , . K-53!, [;/;- h./Cpl Coopel' , \-;.
On 7 ' Jun [1'a(1 a forf of 15 :")2Y anc} 10 c1QYs CD for an
offonce A<1 Soc 15(1)- fron 2359 hI'S 5 Jun 43 to
' 0900 hI'S 7 Jun L;'3. (Ii. -bsEmt 1 9 hI'S '1 Forf 15 .
pC\" FR&I 11;.9(2). Forf2 c1c ys 1)2.y uncleI' FR&I
Total forf" 17 lJay .' . .
. IC-53287 Pte .Forsyth, D. W.
On '7" Jun L'r3 aw( a forf of 7 Lays _Jlay 2ncl 7 clays CD for 2n offoncc
undor ll.L ' SlJC 15(1) - '.iL fro::-.1 23 59 hI'S ,1r Jun L'i-3 to 0800 hI'S
5 Jill ,c. 3. cr. bs cnt u 11-rs 1 Din): '. Forf 7 (0. ys ';J2 FR&I
For f 1 cays I)3Y unc.ar FR&I (a).- otal fQrf" ";
() ca ys pay
K- -,3556 Pt e' Gr eGnl ccs , R.
On 7 Jun 0. forf of 2[; C12YS pay anc: 1< days CB for an
offence llilcl c r {i:, Sec 15 (1)- : .. 'L f:;,'on 2300 23 :r.'Ia y 43 to
1800hrs 4 Jun
,3. (Abslmt '6 19 l1rs). Forf 23 ('lays ' pay
ul'lder FR&I 1<-9(2). Forf 7 nay 'J.n.Cor FR&I (c:r).
'Total forf 35 clays pay_ . ' ,.
K-52092 Ptc ' Hill, P.
On7Jlm to 3 2 forf 6;f 7 days pcty 2ncl 7 days CD for c1IT'
offence l.mc18r AI .. Sec 15(1) - N.VL fron 2359 hrs L':- Jun to
OC.Oohrs 5Jun (AbsentS hI'S I - Din). Forf7 (',ays p(;1y
unc:cr FR&I 1"'r9(2). p 'orf 1 cl<JYS 1")8Y undor FTI&I 1:,9(1) (a).,
Total forf G clays IJay .. . ..
K-52912 Pte Johnst one, R. H.
On 7 Ju:.fl 43 (. ,d a forf of 28' ays 1Jay cmc1 I f, days CE f,.) r an
offenco und r h,'l Sec - '::L fron 2359 hI'S 30 Hay ,1r 3 to
1900 hrs 5 Jun Ir 3. (t' 'bs cn t 5 19 hI'S 1 r.li:p.). Forf 28 csys
pay unc.er' FR<.?:I 1{r9 ( 2 ) _ " For f G clays pc:ry unGar FR&I149(1) (a).
Tota l forf 3 r c.ays pay. .
K- 67235 Pt c .. -oi r , K.
On 7 JUl1. '-;,3 myd [( for! of 1'5" pay 10 "ays CB for an
offenco A[\; Sec 1 5(1) - ',-.";".j L fror 2230 hTS 2 ::; fEc'J. y 43 . to
1930 hrs 1 (Abs ent 2 21 Fo'rf 15 Cays pay
:B'm,'>f 3 ,.,:1'S 'J<:' - lUlc'.or' (n).
Totc:r1 forf 18 4
. K"'7L'i-626 Pte Overill, \!. J.
p2se 10
No. 37
16 Jun 1;3
(u ) On 7 J U11 e. for f of 2[) ",<..!. y .2 1t CD f or 8 n
offonce under At. Sf: C 15(1) - .. .-:1 f TOil l1.rS 2Ci II -ay 43 ' t o
1000 hrs .:;. Jml :;3: Ubscnt 6 (:" S 1 9 hrs) . For f 20 d2YS ' pay
unGer FR&I llr9(2). Forf 7 cl2 YS Ul1l;Gr F:J&I 1' .... 9 (1)(0 ) .
forf 35 (DYS pay
ute n b-rts Ti' I'"
_ J. .
(v) On 7 Jun 43. o.Y{C} 2 forf 9 of 15 ys pay 8n(1 . 10 co. ys . CD for .an ,
offonce under AA S:oc 15(1) - U-,TLfron 2359; hrs 5' JU11 43 to
0700 hrs 7 Jun 1,3; (L bsant 1 (2Y 7 hrs 1 Liin) . Forf 15 (10ys .
pay FR&Il,';9(2). - Forf 2 pay PRe'll (8).
Total forf 17 eays pay, .
K-37073 Pt e Rock, T. F.
(Ii!) On 7 Ju.n. /,3 t c r a ni,: of L/Cpl on offencD undor
Ai.\ Sec 15(1) ... 'iNL' f r o .. 2359 hr JU..1'l /, 3 to 1900 hrs 5 Jun '::'3.
(Absent 19 hrs 1 :i:Ll1 ) . Forf 1 c'.eys nay FEe'H (a).
K-5335< A/Cpl S. cns:'on , D. L . -
ex)' On 7 Jun <'3 .:: fori of 7 c',oys PQy one. 7 (2YS CD for nn
offence lli"J.C::lcr A;'i Sec 15(1) - ;r,:L frO[l 2359 hI'S 4 JU11. /;3 to
OOOO.hr.s 5 Jun /;.3. (Il.b'sont C hrs 1 Forf 7 tays Fd.y
unc'.or'FH&T l"r9(2); Forf 1 undor FHc?cI
Totel forf G .. '
.. Pte Fortier, J. V,
Cays pay 14 days CD for an
fi'on' 2200 11rs 29 1:[lY to
c1.::vs 13 11rs .]0 nin.) Forf 28 c:ays
[} pety u.nc1or. (2).
" " .
On 7 Jun <';3 [1 forf of 28
offence unL18r Soc 15 (1) ' ....
1130hrs 6 Jun :;3. (L bsont 7
pay FR&I (2) - Forf
Tot21 forf 36 C3ysl ..
K ... D. 1.
(z)' - PnI't 11 01"(101" No 2 pnrD 13(11) of G J.:m 43 insofetr as it
I'afors to tho u-n is 2rlOhCc;( to 'IC::L fron OG30 hrs 28 Doc L:.2
to 2200hrs 28 Dec <2U"
. Nll..nrO, G.
. - ". i
(aa) AuC't. - Part 11 Ordor No 5parf .10Ck) of 19 Jan 43 insofar as it
refors to th'3. u-n is
- 52rni' Pt ,. C D
1\..- . 0 rllLYlrO,;-
21. -OF -KIN
(a) ChanE:e N-of-K to l"l1'S L l.'I Hodcson (nother) 117
1, Albrni' St.,
Vancsuvor, B.C. .
K-52693-L/Sct P. D.
(b)Ch2.rlGC N .. of-K to I:.Irs G E Trenchdrc1 (':.Jife) Tho Firs,
YorleyGI'8en, KOO\'110, iXDI'I'icks,
Cp:t A.
Cc) Cho.neo ac1c'ross N-of-K to E. Ucik (sistor) lTew
:Gritisll C,)lunbia, Con3clEt
. K-370C,2 . pto . Sutton, YI. F.
Chcmgo IT-of-I( to :r.Irs H n Pnrl;:er (nife) 7.30 Princes
Victc\ri2, Dritish Colur.1bio, C2n2Co
K-37G05 Ptc: Parkor, H. H.
Co) Ch.::nce N-of-K to HI'S DurDck (nother) G.D.
T'.-'.L':l,lG.r::;l Ptc, Du''''''ck -, J
- ./. . . L, ./.
a eo 11
No. 37
16 J'UD 3
21. l\fT::n -QF - K"IN
(f ) N-of-K to I'll' P E Turner (fathor) 6th Avo East,
Vancouvcr, British C()lunbic\
K-427G7 Ptc Turnor, c.
([;) Chango s N to 1,.11"s R J 0' Drion l UG6 Violi st.
D-71599 O'Drion, J. TI.
(h) Chance c:tc1c1rGss N-of-K to }II' 0 Olilons (fathor) HousinG
Staff Rous a , Roon 179 , 1V.nirals Rll, Esquia:--:alt, British Colunbia.
:0-132609 Ptc Ovrens, H.
(i) Ch'3.ngo N-of-K to Hrs E L H8 clrick (wifo) 110ssiclo,
Albortn, Cana c'.n
Chango N-:)f-K fron HI's Pc E LC'V7on(oD (rlifu) to lIr.s. H. Ii..
Lmvondon (nother )1, 66 En st. 37th <\ Vanc cmvor, BTi tish C,-ilnnbia.
X-53100 Ftc n.E.
Chanco N-of-K fron 1,1rs r1Pcthick (Tlothor - to
Dorothy DOH (fric:::nc:.) 15 Tho Street, RyoeoIlbo, Hassocks,
Sussex, Enr 12n(1. . -
K-52GC3 Pte H.N.
(1) 1\ c'.Crcss N-of-K to Kathlyn i'Iclzitosh (vrife) 5!r(L7th Avo
West, Vancouver, British Colunbia, Cr:;.nnc.1a
K-52193 CS:r.I D. J .. ' .
(n) Chango ac:(r8 ss N -of-K to A N Sni th (nothol') 315 loth <\ vonUG
East, Vn.Deouvor, British ColUI18ia, C<.1nac1a.
"', ') r /- ;,s t s . t 1 : T:1
\.- 2,)c.() u/1J/, g 1';:1 ,.1 .r.
Chanco 0.(;]r088 H-of-K to -='lcll'c['.rGt IreLonD (sistor) D'U..c"loch
Farn, Oban
ArCylo, Scotland;
K-52702 Ptc Ross, J.
Chnngo N-of-K to Ill'S A L Korvin (nothoI') 3
r2 HiChf":t.clc1
Street.; Honeton, Hm7 Brunsy{ick, C;:Hinda
K-521?7 LiL/Set Korvin,J.
T5TT.o.s-. .fronr o 1 G.E . ! .U . \l . a . f . "l !.!2Y 43 ([.uth DOl'.mnc1 3039)
J:T-I03G3 . Spr Hanko" Ii . s . .r-102tA 3 S PI' Kyle , 'VI . E;
L-:-L,,1475 "S pr ' Wi , II . F-6('792 Spr Lc::Blanc, E.
K-7621Li. Spr .Hon c.1. r i cks , "K. C. F-6"5C15 Spr En cD 0112 I e. , f.
H-I03169 Sp r Hrudey, . ? . ...2.-40081 Spr HacLeo.n, W. A.
K-46821 ' S,rlT Hunt e r , G. T . " : F":22325 Spr HaeLenn[m, D. : D.
L-6661G Bp I' Iillw.c hu;:: , J . F.. F-22f;-53 Spr J.
Spr E' . If. : . :2'-22434 SIir Narthl, R.
H-101292 SD. Kitehen , E .
page 12
No. 37
16 Jun 43
23" STBEN'GTH ' .. ,' . ',' ' ,.
(a ) S' . O. S . to frO l , C.E.E.U. vf,e.f. 2 ,Jun '/r3 (Auth EA2/54.57 "
Lat ed 1 Jun' tr 3 ) . . '. ..
. U-l038v
, SpJ; . ' Hanke, H. S.
r75 Spr ' H. ..
K-7G214 Spr . Hendricks; I\.C.
n -lo3169 Spr Jlruc1ey, l.1I . _'
Su r Hunter., .. .
'1':' 6:661() sin" Km-rchuk, J.' P ,
1:[ -103635 Sp r Kisinc;or, E. H.
H-I01292 Spr
H-l02643 Spr 'Kyle E;
F-Gt,,792 , 8'H LeBlanc .. .. E
I',.i ,
F-u 5815 Spr ,A. ' H.
13-40001 SI)r ,:.
F-22325 Spr ' "MacLennan, ' D. 'D"
F-22453 Spr , .I. G,.
' F'-2243,4 S;pr Hartin,R. H .
, .
. .
<for Offic or i/c
/w C::mac',i:::m Section, G.H.Q. 2nd Echelon
. ,
. .
. . . Page -5- .
No. 38
24 Jun 43
------- --, --
15. TRi ClU,:.LL I e f. TIONS C.QU1!..Ql
(b;-Qualas B2nc1 sYJon ' Gp "C" VI. c .f. 15 Se:p 42. [>.uth..,. TTB
Report 0.2 tod 21 Jan .'i- 3 .
K52002 PS>:. s son, ::8
K21940 Ptc;. boll,. D.
K52280 Pt 8. B::'O';;D , T. G.
K54039 PtG. r , _ C .='L
16. rrRADE5: EH I - H t TES OF - P. - -
(a-)- Ftovorts rate: of pe.y of $1.70 YI.e.f. 29 Tiay. 43
, S1j,therland, ' J .R. Dr Hoeh "C'I
. (b) Granted trad,EJsmens retcs of "pay as Fittor Gun Gp "c" 1'1.e.f.
4 ,,,J1.El 43 .
H365;28 t .bbot t ,
. ' .
( c )
r:.. an' d ',:J.. ' -, ,, S!, 1:>- C - '" L _. ' " f' ,' ,
"{; e,,"Gr2.C <:;; , Ll<.:::D", .rL,Gq", 0 pa y
} Y5390,? Pto. East,;loocl', . " .
-- S2
-'r::'6 Pt Ph"ll" '-, J
j .. ... I)': e. _ l_ .. lPS" _" ,
,):11 7 P-'- S '"
'.:;)'-t. GO. pc:.lr ,-os , '. V
- Fr-'2'oao Pt P t - ' l.T J -
\./ ;'/ . e . .e H .
3 5 Cook Gop II G" . e . -. 4 ;TUXl !.r 3
" "
.. ,- .
. "
( u )' , Gr a !1"Geo t :ra0.GCI1e::1S r a t e s of 'pa y as Band sman p.p. "C'.',f 11. e . f
. : ..... 15 8 ep 42
K52002 E s s on , E
Pt e . Camp be ll , D
Ca)-On9 , Juri a f ori' 0 ": 28 Cinc_ 14 days CB f or an of fence
Sec 1 5 (1) - A::L "fro "" 2300 hI'S 29 :ia- 43 to 0900 h rs 7 Jun ,
43 (a_bsent 8 days 10 hI's ). 28 rs pay unde r 14 9 ( 2 ).
,Forf 9 days pa y ULce r 149 (1 )( a ) .. Total fo.,..r 37 days pa-
, P-:c .. Bompas, C.B
P-' -e Fe-l
'C"'1 G , \,; U l.J .. -:-l.. J._.l...i..\;..J . ' . __
c :: ) On 9 J 1m -i,-3. u-. .' d a' fort,of iL;' C an off- .
e nce unde.r AA 1 )" (12 ' - from', ;2300 I-it's 31 1Jay '43 to 1900 hrs
5 J\ ll'I tr 3 . (a b s-ent !rdays ' .20 hrsLF'o1'f 28 days pay 'onder -PR&I 149(2).-
, ', F or:f 5 dil -rs PC!, ; FReSH 149(1) (a). Total forf 33 days '"';1f-Y
K7513 Ptc . GavEw, E .K. -
.. :K"5391 r Pte . I,Iilne, II .D,.
(c) On 9 J1.ID 43 aVid a forf of 2S" dayspayanc. Ie} clays C.B. for an off-
ence l,mc1.er AA .15(1) - AWL from 2300 hI'S 30 nay 43 to 0900 hrs
4 Jun (absent 4 days 10 hI's). ?orf 28 days pay unc1er FR&I 149(2).
Forf 5 days pay unc;.e.r, FR&I 149(1) (a) Total forf 33 days pay
( d )
K5276 5 Pte.
On 9 JU!1 43 a . 0.. a f orf 0_ 10 o.a-;; s pay for an
f r om 23 59 L'r J--'.n 3 to 0800 hI'S 6 J1L.YJ.
1 !::i n ). = or f 10 a. " S "9o.j unde :c ?H8.:I 149(2).
FR&I 1 9 ( 1) (n ) . Tot a 1 f 0 _ f 1 2 cl () Y spa y
K53254 Pt E) . Donohuo, :" .J.P.
offence 'uDder AA 15(1)
(absent 1 8 hI'S
Forf 2 days pay un6er
. .
. -'
Pa Fe -6-
24 Jun tr 3
(e) On 9 Jun aTIo. a for f of 10 days pay and 7 dayS for an offence
unde r AA Sec 15(1) - from 2300 h:cs 28 43 to 0740 rus 29 EcJ.y 43
(a bs ent 8 ru's L;.O Din) . F orf 10 da ys p ay under FR&I 149 (2) FOl"f 1 da y5
pa y under FR&I 149 (1)() . Total forf 11 days pay
K37061 Pt e . Kla ssen , P. B.
(f) On 9 Jun 1';3 av.rd n forf of 28 days pay and I t, days C . Bo for an offence
under AA 15(1) - A',fl, from 23 59 hrs 30 L,3 to 1900 hrs 5 Jun
(3 bsent 5 y8 19 hI'S 1 min) . Forf 28 days p2. y 11-11.d8r FR&I l
;. 9 (2)
Forf 6 d<:\ys pay under FR&I 1--, 9(1) ( a ) . forf 3l,. days pay
K53482 Pte. Swanson, i G.
(g) On 31 1.[ay 43 r8primanded for em offence under AA 15(1) - AWL from
2200 hrs 29 1:2 y 1;.3 to 0600 hI'S 30 ilay 1.3 'a bsent 8 hI's). Forf 1 da y5
pay under FR&I 1/,9(1) (a)
K37072 Cpl. Beads, TI.S.
(h) On 11 Jun 1;3 awd a forf of 28 da spay .aue. 14 days C . B. and to pay
cost of appr ehension f or an offenc e under Ai 15(1) - A.'!L from 2300
hrs 29 L,3 to 1455 11rs 8 JlUl 43 (absent 9 days 15 hrs 55 min) .
F orI' 28 daj"s pay under FE&I 1,,9 (2) . Forf 10 days pay under FR&I
1,9(1) (a) . Toto l forf 38 days pay and cost of app 3-11-11 under
FR&I 172(8) .
II38t:.68 Pte. G oodful10w, R .R.
(i) On 16 Jun t:3 3wd 7 days C .B. for an offence under AA 15(1) ... AUL
from 1600 hrs13 Jun (,3 to 1135 hI'S 14Jun 43 (absent 19 l1.rs 35
(Concurrent vrith EtlHe.rd of 11 Jun <3 parn::L7(b) t.his o:20.qr).No 10'.l->-f'
of pay involved
II38<68 Pte. Goodfe110
j:, H .'.f .R.
(j) On 13 Jun t,3 avrd 2 forf of days pay and l L;. days C.B. for n off-
ence under All. 15(1) - A-::L from 2359 hrs 4 Jun '-<3 to 2340 hTS 12 J U1.1
43 (absent 7 da ys 23 hrs i ns ) . Forf 24 pay under FR&I
( 2) . Forf 8 dQYs Inde r FR&I I
i- 9(1 ) Ca ) . ( 0 days concurrent -with
8'.12 r d of 16 ... tr3, Pa rt II Order No 31 pa r a of 28 J".!ay 43) .
Total forf 24 days pa y
K52317 Pt e . Pe.:> rca, R.E .
(k) On 11 Ju..Tl 1;.3 m-vd 3. forf of 5 de. ys pa y for an offence under AA 40.
(Concurrent 1!i th aYJnrd of 9 Jun parn 17(b) this order). No forf
of pay invo1vod
K75134 Pto. GEnrne, H.K.
(1) On 13 Jun t:30';rd a forf of 28 cl2,YS pay and If; days C .B.and to pay
cost of 2.pprehonsionfor an offence under AA 15(1) - AWL from 0800
hI'S 27 43 to 1955 hI'S 9 Jun 43 (absent 13 days 11 hI'S 55 min).
28 dElYs pay FR&I 149(2). Forf 14 days pay under FR&I
149 (1) (a) Total f orf 1;2 da yspa y and cost of nPP 3-13-7 under
FR&I 172(8) . '. ' . '
K52657 Pte. Cruickshank, '}.
. )
. .
" , -. ..
pel bO -9-
No. 38
2tr Jun
--.------.-----------------.--.. ----
17. ENt e. _1Q .
(cc) - Part II OrDo r Ho 31 para 12(h) of 7 it3 insofar 2, S it
rof ors to tho u/n is 0. s follm-vs - liTho JudGG to
Gener(}l, Cal:l2.(ian Ovorsoas, havin6 Elc1vised i:18t thu conviction
v.pon the llr...t chc:rt;o in these prococ.:dinc s is comc1 2 Cc1n
Inf B(o horcby c1irocts t i12.t t'll.o recore. of tho conviction on the said
bo ane. tho seLle is hOToby :cef:l.OVOcL and tho J.ccusod rolicvod
fron nIl cons 0 quencos of histriu 1 thoro on. The G. O.C. 1 Gc1n Div
hereby orders directs the of tho court to be mitigc:\tod
'Jitibction bo 8S fol10\'Js:' I!T'o' boreducoc1 to tho ranks 2ml to
detention for 2, period, of thirty (30) d8yS. Forfoitures
(}Y:1.ended to r08cl "Forf 30 c10YS })2Y Uc"'1 C
Cl" FReel 149(1) (b). Totnl f orf
36 ckys pny
Klr3038 Cpl . Ilottoson, J .... I.
18 . l'T8XT . OF' . KIN
(Q) The Kin cif tho u/n
K533%1 ftc. D.J.
K(2797 Pte. l{llan, D.8.
Kf:2002 Pte. :3ishop, E.E.
K52942 Ptc.
K534<':c1 Pte. Bror!n, '. ... D.
K<2990 Ptc .. Harr:syr.lchul;:, J
K53209 P-Gc.
-V>0 in"
- - ',< .1.. , E
K52527 Pte . I-Iur2.t or, t( Q II
, .
J OllDS on, C g
K52576 11 \. _. , J
.. r ...
. , .
he s rio1;r bqeD ve rified as sho1!Vn
Uildred Allan (wife)
Hillburn House, E8,st Ray,
Scotland, ..
yi .......
r l ''''''n ("-]'fo)
"OJ. ..L..... _
F2;;rn, British Colu.c.:!.bia, Canaclt;
Elizabeth Bishon (wife)
Sur1l'.1crfiold Ro@d, :
Luton, Bods,
Louj.se Bonpas ('''lifo) .
206 Duxm A venue, .
Toronto, Onto. rio, Can8?8
Alice Brovm (nother)
1'1/, Pa rkmount R08.d,.
Tor6nto, Ontario, Canada.
Vernn Harasynchuk (vl1f3)
21:70 ,East Venables, . . ' .
Vanc'ouvor" British Columbia, Cana6a
A. Haad (sister)
2707 EcKa y A
B.C., C3.nada
!J.nthony Dc Serres _ (mother)
Robson Streot,
V.::-;nc ouyer, B. C ., Canada.
:.Iary Fant (sister)
308 .Avenue North, .'
:Fo. shville, Tennesee,. U .8 .A
FlorenceK-: thleen (wife)
,2865 En st, 35th Avenue,
Vr!Ecouver, B.C ., Canada ..
, George Knox'CAunt)
Avenue, Now
15rJ.tJ.sD ColuJ:'1bJ.8, Canada
Page -10'-
No. 38.
24 Jun 43
18. NEXT OF 112)
(a ) Cont I d. The {;ext of Kin of the u/n h8 s nmv boon verified as
K52857 A/SG:t. LeClair, F
K52218 Sf;t. Hitche.ll, D.B.
K74743 Ptc. Olson, E.O.
K532O'4 L/Cpl. Pa c1get, E ',\I
K5271S S gt. I 0 "
K52258 Ptc. Rankin, H.
Arnie LeClair (vdfe)
124 Hensh8.n Hanor Road , -
Thornton Hoath, Surrey, En61and.
Irene C. Hi tcholl (vrife)
3461 Pender Street Eeit,
Va ncouver, B.C., Cannca
Esther :r.:Iay Olson (wife)
Okanogan .Eission, British COluIlbia,
Ivy Padget (0ife)
422 E2.st L;3rd Avonue ,
Vancouver; B.C., Canada.
Loretta AEn Portvrood (vdfe)
1315 Naniano Street,
NOH ': Gstninster, B.C., Canada.
Mrs. George Rankin (mother)
3570' Hull Street, .
Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Mrs. Ernestine Stianke (mother)
K535O'2Pt e '. Stianke, 1}
Seven Sister Falls, r!1anitoba, Canada.
I{5.)'183 Pt e . "'Talte l" To' D .:10. ': C _ _, ..l.' 0 I t. Josephine ":Jalt.or (wife)
Sunnybnnk, Upper Beeding, Sussex,
(b) Chanf;e of N-of-K frem lirs. T. Beaton (r.J.othcr) to Dunham
(sister), H2noy, British Collll:lbic:., C8.nac1n
K53821 Ptc. Bee. ton? F.B.
(c) ChanGO of address N-of-K to J. Gibson 1950' Robson Street,
Vancouve r, British Canada
K52O' 2b Sgt. Gibson, J
(d) Change bf address N-of-K to 1\11"8. Eleanor Ploy/right . Crd.fe),
2235 'J est 9th Avenue;, Vancouver, British Co1unbia, Canada .
K52728 8 Gt. Plowright 1 L.G.
(A .1' Stephenson) Lieut., .
for Officer i/c,
Cnn ..:' n S tion, G.li.Q., 2nd Ech.elon Type B
. f
,- , I
Pa go -7-
No. 38
24 Jun
------- -
17 . pmnSIL IE ITS (CONT:D)
(El )On 13 forf of 12 days pay and l/c days C.B. for an
offence under 1\1-1. 15(1) - f"", -,TL from otsoo hrs 8 Jun to 1730 hI'S
12 Jnn (absent :- d2Ys 9 hrs 30 min). Forf 12 days pay under
FR&I If,9(2)" Forf 5 days pay under FR&I 1<9(1) (a). Total forf
17 days pc\y ,
K53128 Ptc. Lillio, C.A.
O:n 13 Jun (3 3'lJv;d do.ys C.B. f():r an offence under AA 15(1) - A1:J1
from 2359 hI'S 11 Jun <-3 t 0 5 hI'S 12 Jun Te (a, bsent 9 hrs 1'r6 min).
Forf 1 days pay 1)11dor FR&I I
r9(1) (3)
K37289 Pte. 8illers,
(0) On 13 Ju.."l lr3 ay!d a forf of 21 days pay Gnd lL'r days C.B. for 2
,offences uncJ.erAA 15(1) - (1)A',-:1 fron 2220 hI's 29 Ir3 to 0730
'hrs 30iIc'l Y Cabsont 9 hrs 10 Elin) (2)A':"' 1 from 2300 hI'S 30 Eay
fr] to 1230 hI'S 7 Jun <-} (2bscnt 7 days 13 hrs 30 mins). Forf 21
days pay unc:.er FR&:I 1
,9 (2). Fori" 9' da ys pay unde r FR&I lLi-9 (1) (a)
TO,tal f or f 30 days pay _
, -K5;3689 3 r .o -j?-, J
On 11 Juri / ,3 crrrtl a forf of_ 6 o.ayspay for.Dn offence under All. 15(1)
froni- 23.59 hrs ( Jun /r 3 t 0 ,la, Jun 43 (2 bsent . 5 days
12 hI'S 1 min). ' Forf 6 ,days ' pay lffi:."lerFH&I . Forf 6 d2YS pay
under FR&I 1:;-9 (1) (3) Total f orf 12 cfayspa-y
36p t o Hennessy, A
(0) On 11 Jun 1',3' 2, forf of 10 days pay f or an offenc e under AA 15(1)
from 2359 h r s J un ::-3 t o 1630 hI'S 10 J un 43 (abs ent '5 da ys
16 hts 31 ' '''''-ort 10 days pLly Ul1(:e r FR&I 149 ( 2). Forf 6 da ys
pay u;ne'er 1r9 (1) (c ). -Total forf , 16 d.ays P2_y
K52135' Ptc . _ Jacks on ; R o!i .
, -'
On 11 Jun_ ( 3' a\ .d . forf of 15 days pay and 7 dnys C. B. f or 2 offen-
ces under , 1.5.( 1) - (1) ' -:,-L f r OVl 1500 hrs A Juri :'3 to 2130 lES
7 J:un (absent 3 days 6 111"5 30 r:.:.in ). ( 2 ) f rom 1700 hrs 10 J1LYJ.
43 to 2200 hrs 10 J un tr3 (absvrtt 5 l:l rs) . 15 c1<;1Ys pa_y unde r
F,'R&I149( 2 ). }'or f 4 pn- rmde r -FR&I 149 (1 )( a ) .. Total f orf 19 -
days pay . .
K534- 09pt c . KDin, J ',J.
(5) On 11 JlLYJ. mId L: forI of 15 days pay and 7 days C.B. for an offen-
ce under AA. 15(1) - li':L from 2359 hrs,lr Jun <-3 to ,2015 hrs 8Jun 43
(absent 3 d2YS 20 lws 16 min). -" Forf ' 15 days payurider FR&I
Forf 4 dDYs pay undl3r FR&I (J) ' .' Total forf 19 days pay ' -
K52022 Pte. L .-_-,r .
(t) On 11 Jun !r 3 : to :rnnk of Pte foI' an offence u.."'lder AA 15(1) - .
Arn", fron 2359, hrs 6 J"un L'r] to 1730 hrs 9 Jun (absent 2 days
17 hI'S 3:'- Din). }"orf 3 de ys pa y under l;"R&I 1(9(1) (a) , '
?O' r.:' '' ';' 1/"" 1 T .'
._'))' i ,Gp .. " .uDI'Son., .,'1..
('..."..) On .. ll Jun: <-3 a;-rd 'U forf of' 28 c1c:ys pay anc It:c days C.B. for an offen-
ce un
c'n-., !. " . \ ' '-' \"'1 -<"'" 2200 ' 1;->5 20 1'3 to 1930 "l "rS 7' Jun /' 3'
- __ ,,_, -'- <.do . .J j" ,-.C',. Jc 1 o .! !. _ " <-'_ 7 r .1 . . '. ' .. Lr
" ,(absent e dayci21 lies 30 mins) . Forf 28 days pay underFR&I 1(9(2).
, }'16rf9 days PC] uXld G:-2 FR&I . lI:9(1) (0.). 'I'ot21 forf 37 days pay
.. . I,L'')57t. :p-:-, R
. J __ ) I, __ .) ... (...I, \J LJ L_ _, l
: . ....
Pa be -8- 24 Jun 43
17 . E,WISffilENTS
(v ) On 11 Jun QYTe} C\ forf of 5 da ys pay for an offence under AA 40.
(Concurrent -,7ith 2rmrd of 9 Jun 1,-3, para 17(b) this order). No
forf of pa y in'lolved
K5391/, Pta. ==ilne,
(1.7) On 11 Jun L: 3 a , (1 a forf of 28 days pay , 14 days C . B. a nd to pay
cost- of npp for an offonce uXlde r 1 5(1) :f1 f r om 1 230. hrs
7 t o 131 5 hrs 12 43 (absGnt 35 days 1';- 5 l!1in ) . For f 28
clays pay unde r FR&I 149 ( 2 ) . Forf 36 days pay 1Ll'1der FR&I 149(1 ) (a ) .
Totc:!l for f 64 da ys pay and c os t .of app 5- 4 - 3 unde r FR&I 17 2( 8 ) "
K53137 Pt c . Norri s, R. F .
(x) On 11 Jun 8.\Tc. a forf of 28 days pay' and Iff- aays C . B. f or a n
offence unde r 15(1) - r.: '1 from 2J59 hrs 1 Jun 43 to 2000 hrs
9 Jlm 43 (abs ent 7 Gc ys 20 hrs 1 min) . Forf 28 days pay under FR&I
Forf 8 C.2 YS pay unc.e r FR&I 149(1) ( c. ) . , Tota l for.f 36 days
H65208 Ptc. Sharratt, 1.B.
(y) On 11 Jun ,3. qwd a forf of days pay and 7 days C. B. for a n
offence under 1 5( 1 ) - ': ': 1 f r om 1330 hrs 4 Jun t o 1115 h rs -
8 J un 1; 3 (Qbs ont 3 days 21 h r s , 5 n i n ) . Forf 1 5 da ys pay unde r FRc::I
For f 4 c.ays u.nc..e r FR&I 1 ,9'(1) (a ). Total forI' 19 days
pay "
K52969 Pte . S 70rdy , R . R.
(z) On 11 Jun (3 , m'ld 8. forf of 20 pay a nd 14 days G.E. for an
offence "LIndor AA 15(1) - A',,: L from 2359 hI'S 4 Jun L;3 to 1500 hrs
9 Jlli'1 t r 3 (2bs ent 15 hrs 1 min). Fori' 20 days pay unde r FR&I
1<9(2). Forf 5 G:oys puy undor FR&: I149(1) (8). Total forf 25 days
K5374 9 Pt e . Sundque s,t, J.11. . C. ' ' ..
(aa ) On 11 Jun 43 awd D f orf of 15 days p2y for an offence under AA 15(1)
. '., 1 . from 23 59 hrs 7 J'J.l1. 43 to 2300 hrs 9 Jun 43 (absent 1 day 23 hI'S
1 tun) . , For f 15 c. .... ys pay lUlc; o r FE&I l L'i- 9(2). Forf , 2 cla ys pay W1der
FR&I 149 ( 1 )() . Total forf 17 da ys pay
K53183 Pt c . '.-a lte r, F.R. .
ebb ) lIE - Part IJ Order 110 31 para 12(i) of 7 Hay 43 insofar as it
r efers to the u/ n is amended a s follovJ's - "The Jud[;e Advocate
Genera l , Canadi n Army .Ov e rseas; having; advised. that the conviction
upon the gond cha r ge in these proceedings is invalid, comd 2 Cdn
Inf Bde he r eby di r ects the conviction qf the; saig. -
c m r ge be and the SeIDG is hcr o'by r emove d an d the accu$eg.
from nIl cons equ.ence of h i s trial thereon
K53012 Cpl . Neva rd , R .A. ,
.. .
, ,
E1C}tc,.sE'" " H US K Y
I IT 'PHASE -+ 0
" 0
, C()fIf TACT PTS. e
.. '
'.1 "
. - ;;"'"'t' . ___ _____ 0 __
_ ..-_ .. _-- ... - -_ .... - ...
, I
" l
" I
t ..... -;_
___ _ . .1._ .
;<77 .0/ ./
' ...........
............. 1 ___ "
(31 ,
;Bde. I
. .
GOC 's inspection of 2nd Brigade Group in an order dated 3 June '43. The GOG will
inspect the c:':2nd Brigade Group at 1000 hrs on 5 June 43 at the football field on the
north side of Hamilton.
Detailed instructions showing strength for various elements of the Bn, 30 for BHQ
for example, HQ Coy, Coy HQ and one platoon 24, No.2 platoon 33, Sp'" Coy 6,
Nos 3 4 5 platoons 24 each, No. 6 platoon 15. Each rifle coy 12, each 1flfantry
30. Parade was in full 0 der including bren gun, K; ' S t etc. S: ' s
aily routine orders on board the Circass ia ' ss ed under the name of Co G. S. Me
Lockwood. For Saturday dated 19 June 43 Item 3, OC's serials will immediately
that all indication of unit or formation is erased or cut from AFB 2606 of all offlcers
in their serial. For 20 June 43 Sunday, Number of complaints under item 3 noted, been
received regarding cigarette and other rubbish being thrown overboard but actually
gathering in various craft. For Tuesday 22 June, Item 5 lights out"::will until further
notice be 2300 hrs. For Wednesday 30 June, Item 4 dress, commencing 1400 hrs tomorrow
3643 tropical kit will be taken into wear by all military and RAF personnel. Dress
reaulations will be that Jall personnel will wear shirts, shorts, socks and hose
tops, footwear optional except where laid down. All personnel to wear trouse:s KD long
after 1830 hrs each day. This is an order to accustom all ranks to the changlng of
trousers each evening. Item 5, discipline, smoking forbidden on the mess decks after 2230
hrs. Training memorandum issued on the HMT Circassia 28 June 43 to all officers Seaforth
of C. Training to go forward at a good rate. Particular emphasis on working knowledge
of Map Reference codes, thorough working knowledge of No. 18 set and 38 wireless set.
Netting, handling, maintenance, signal procedure. An accurate knowledge of organization
from Division to Platoon level of the British, American, German, and Italian armies.
This is for officers. For all ranks, training in piat mortar, grenades, including
77 smoke, two inch mortar, TMC, LMG and perhaps some foreign weapons. Extract from
3364 concerning treatment of enemy prisoners of war on capture. A very fine
diagram included in this appendix showing Seaforth Highlanders of Canada on board
HMT Circassia. Plans of the landing craft assault leA and the landing craft support
LCS as well as positons on the Circassia of these craft. This is dated June/July 1943.
Discover from this that there are 6 craft made up of 5 leA's and 1 LCS slung over side.
The LCS is on the port side forward. This would be on the A or bridge deck and on the
promenade deck the r e are two both LCA's, slung over side aft. Then on the boat
deck there are 6 craft LeA's slung over side. The LCA has a length of 36 feet and a
breadth of 9 feet 6 inches. Its weight is 10 tons and its speed is 10 to 12 knots -
that's top speed. Then next - Item 10 in the appendix, outline for Exercise Rocket
1 and 2. Also WEE Rocket and sryMI5 Exercises. - This is a 2 CIB training sheet
dated 8 June 43. Information is of the A)/teshire Coast. Represents part of German
occupied French Coast. Note several important features. A. airfield on top of
plateau 400, ring contour in 8555/ Symington airfieald. B. strong enemy locality
running down to the water's edge. C. Areas shaded on trace are low swampy ground
passable to infantry on foot but not likely suitable for vehicles. This would seem
to be identifiable with the Bekino situation. Assault under method - the assault was
to be made with two Bns up on the right, PPCLI on Sugar green, on the left Seaforth
on Sugar amber and in reserve the Edmonton Regiment to land on either Sugar amber or
?r both o:dered. Aopendix includes also a long background historical summary
on SlClly. Thl mlght be valuable as introductory to narrative o Si cilian camoa on.
Conclusion i from the for egoing it will have been seen that the popUlation of Sicily
as a whole opposed to has not been prosoerous under Italian rule.
After a oerl0d of negle ct oy7tKe fa sci st regime endeavoured to ameliorate the lot of
people and were apparently succeeding to some extent although promises and expecta-
t10ns exceeded actual accomplishments but the foreign policy of Mussolinni had largely
undone the work of years. It seems clear that there is opposition to the regime and to
Germany and that there is a seoarate movement favourable to this country. On the
strength of thi s movement it is of course difficult to judge but there would appear to
be little doubt that conditions are such that promise good results from its encouragement
at the appropriate moment. Then this is followed again by a second series of sheets _
Headed. II - It gives the provincial administration,
that llke Canada, SlClly lS dlvlded lnto 9 provinces, Agregento, Coltenaseta, Catanya Ana
Nasena,Palerno, Palermo, Coragusa,Seracusa, Trepani. Still on this sheet popUlation
numbers Sicily as an area of about 10,000 sq miles and in 1936 the popUlation numbered
3,929,444 representing a density inhabitants per sq mile. Population irregularly
distributed. About one third of the total lives on the northern/eastern coasts. Only
l/loth of the popUlation lives scattered in the country. Prevalence of malaria in
country districts being feared. Geographical - Almost the whole of the Island is
occupied by mountains and hills. Fall either directly to the sea or to restricted
or terraces. Apart from these coastal plains the only areas of low ground
is Mt. Edna where the lower courses of the River Semito, the River Dittanio:,and>the
River Cornalunga fonnthe flat plain land with extensive flooding, etc. etc. - a
great deal of information here including climate, diseases to be encountered and so on.
- industry, agriculture, electricity, fisheries, communications. This might
be valuable although I imagine a great deal of it will turn up in the report backgrounds
for the official history. Also a large section here on beach information, topography
and road in the Bekino area. Local resources, SE Sicilian towns Belino Pitsalo. Note
- 2
small chief port for use of the Province situated on the point where the Hyblaean
Plateau most closely approaches the South coast. Population approx 11,000. Despica
population approx 13,000. Then the order of battle of the Italian Army in Sicily. -
a great deal here. Then operation HUSKY - the complete Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
Operation Order No. 1 - Ref Maps are 1/50000 Despica and Bekina - Despica and
Bekina 277-3 - date is 2 July 43. This gives in gomplete-:: detail the tasks of the
which was to land on Sugar Beach at H hour etc. etc. etc. And then the right
flank the PPCLI, the left flank task:::todthe SS Brigade, The Edmonton Regiment which
was classed as reserve Bn and then the Seaforths. Beaches - Olive Beach 57 Bark West
of Point 926885 allotted to Canadian Brigade Sugar Sector. Then
the sub allotment is for PPCLi on Sugar Green and Seaforth of C on Sugar Amber. The
intention - Seaforth of C will land on Sugar Amber at H hour and will a. Destroy all
enemy opposition encountered on beach. Reorganize and advance westwards destroying
enemy en route. b. Destroy enemy vicinity crossroads 891903 and beach post vicinity
890899. Contact SS Brigade at compound 889900. C. Di spatch one rifle coy to --es;5:Se
and hold position vicinity 878912 and block road approach from northwest. d. Assist
SS Brigade if required. e. Capture and consolidate high ground 885930 to 879929 and
again 881924 and 885920. f. Be prepared to advance and sapture high ground 852952,
848945, 851940. Not time to get all this now - immensely detailed. About 10 sheets.
Appears from these June records that one could work up complete detail needed for
stores carried, landing, serials, how they were arranged. It's all here.