History of The (Empire)
History of The (Empire)
History of The (Empire)
The [Empire] began when the villains known as Cell, King Cold, and Gokua broke out of HFIL
and returned to life. Deciding that they needed a coalition of evil beings in order to combat the
forces of good, they began a recruiting spree to unite every evil warrior they could. Among the
warriors brought into the [Empire] at this time was the evil Majin warrior, Pui Pui; the dreaded
Saiyajins known as Jay and Gogeta; the insane Reploid Sigma; the shapeshifting Super Ditto;
and the fantastic soldier, Sephiroth. The [Empire] also began to consort with demons and
goddesses, gaining such warriors as Lance the demon and his master, Soshounya, who claimed
to be the Devil. Shortly after being formed, the [Empire] also began a long and somewhat
troubled alliance with the Saiyajin warriors known as the Elites, led by King Kaddish, as well as
a historical rivarly with a group of Majins under a warrior known as Majin Vegeta; Majin Vegeta
and King Kaddish were brothers, and as such, this would prove to be an interesting set of
alliances and rivalries. With a number of members and both allies and enemies, the [Empire] had
been established.
However, all would not be well for the [Empire]; shortly after the groups creation, one of it's
members would turn on the others, and create a rather heated rivalry with those he betrayed. This
traitor was the Maverick leader, Sigma, and to aid in his quest he brought others into his army;
the most important of these two new foes for the [Empire] were Zell, a Saiyajin warrior and
former member of the Elites, and Darkness Wolf, also known as Cain Darkwolf, who aided Zell
and Sigma with the use of information and his technological prowess. At first, the [Empire]
could not seem to handle Sigma; the insane Reploid proceeded to defeat a number of the
[Empire]'s warriors via the use of sneaky and underhanded tactics. Even the leaders, Cell, Gokua,
and King Cold, could not seem to handle the situation. Eventually, however, the [Empire] was
able to defeat Sigma when Darkness Wolf turned on Sigma, irritated at working for an idiot, and
became the Head of the [Empire]'s Technology Department after trapping Sigma and bringing
him to Cell. In this manner, the first major conflict the [Empire] faced was resolved. During this
time, the [Empire] gained such members as Kaiya, a pacifist the [Empire] used to infiltrate
Sigma's army; Uubaru, a Majin warrior from another time who was initially an agent of
Darkness Wolf; and Julz, a strange combination of sorceress, goddess, and Saiyajin, and who
was forever at odds with other members of the [Empire].
As the [Empire] grew, however, it began to come into contact with other beings and armies, most
notably the God-like entity known as Hellzone and his warriors, the Titans. Unfortunately for the
[Empire], it's leadership at this time underwent a number of radical changes, and none in charge
seemed to see with much clarity. The Android known as Cell was replaced with Raijin, the
Master of Lightning, while King Cold was beaten and replaced by the Namekian Android,
Drium. Gokua was replaced as well, first by the demonic Janemba and then the Saiyajin warrior,
King Kaenon. Raijin and Kaenon especially became enthralled by Hellzone and his wonderfully
ridiculous powers; those such as Darkness Wolf tried to dissuade the [Empire]'s leadership from
following such openly foolish beings, but their pleas were not heard. Despite the poor leadership,
however, the [Empire] continued to grow; Darkness Wolf brought in his former allies, Son
Gohan and his family, while other warriors such as Fenron, Goh, and Taku also joined up. With
the introduction of non-evil beings, the [Empire] also began to become a more heroic group at
this time, even becoming the prime anti-rape army in the known Multiverse; the [Empire] was
often at odds with a maniacal rapist known as Redhood, until Darkness Wolf went undercover in
order to end that menace as well. Despite these minor victories over evil, however, a much larger
conflict was brewing: the time to face the Majins was close.
Luckily for the [Empire], the leadership had begun to see through the bullshit of such beings as
Hellzone before the war with the Majins began to brew; Raijin and Kaenon began to listen to the
words of such beings as Darkness Wolf, and even began to try to organize their army by
appointing three Commanders to aid in the leadership of the [Empire]. The first Commander was
Katsuo, a warrior who had a troubled life but had achieved a fair share of fame and skill. The
second was a Saiyajin named Gohan, who had formerly been a member of the Elites but had
abandoned them in favor of serving Raijin. The last of these Commanders was Darkness Wolf,
who began to go by the name Cain Darkwolf, and who finally agreed to join the ranks of the
[Empire]'s army after spending a lot of time as a close associate. With this leadership in mind,
the [Empire] finally began it's war with the Majin Army of Majin Vegeta after the Majin Army
and the [Empire]'s old ally, the Elites, merged to become the Majin Elite Army. At first, things
did not seem too good for the [Empire] army; the loss of the Elites was a harsh blow, and easily
put the edge with the Majin Army, or so it seemed. However, the Elites would later leave the
Majin Army after King Kaddish was convinced to do so by his son, Kaddish Jr, and his old
friend, Pui Pui. With the sides now even, the [Empire] and the Majins finally met each other in
combat, and it seemed as if few would have guessed the results. In an 11 to 1 massacre, the
[Empire] managed to completely annihilate the Majin Army; even the best warriors on the Majin
side of the war, Majin Queen Kabura and the Spectral King, Anguish, were able to turn the tide.
Kabura met her match in Raijin, while the [Empire] warrior known as Uubaru was able to defeat
Mewtwo, the chosen avatar of Anguish. Majin Vegeta, the leader of the [Empire]'s foes, was
forced to call a retreat and flee the battlefield. Never again would the Majins be seen as a threat
by the [Empire].
During the time of both the [Empire]/Majin war and it's fall-out, the [Empire] continued to grow.
Warriors such as the former leaders of the Majestic Army, Protox and Zemra, joined the
[Empire] in order to serve under their father-figure, Raijin; others, such as Nabuka, Latent, and
Seika joined at this time. Despite gaining members, however, others were lost; Katsuo left the
[Empire] to pursue a position elsewhere, and Commander Gohan turned into Alus before
distancing himself from the rest of the [Empire], eventually leaving in disgrace. At the same
time, however, the remaining Commander was finally given the title of Emperor, and it was at
this time the [Empire] truly began to become organized. Where once ranks were given based on
the whims of the leadership, Cain implimented a merit-based ranking system. Such warriors as
Kya the Android, Latent the ninja, Gokujin the Saiyajin powerhouse, and Seika the Saiyajin
princess were given the rank of Commander. Others, such as Goh and Nabuka, were given the
rank of General. Cain also began to keep track of the [Empire]'s membership; the [Empire] had
grown to contsist of more than 100 members, and many were not even acquainted with the
[Empire] leadership. To compensate for this, Cain also began to assign all members to a unit in
hopes that the added structure would aid in holding the [Empire] together. Cain and Raijin also
began to dismiss inactive and overly unskilled members as well, which also helped to trim the
[Empire] down to a managable group. However, it is important to note that of the two, Cain was
far more willing to allow unskilled warriors to remain; he gave chances to many fighters who
were considered weak or useless, while Raijin had a tendency to dismiss warriors who were in
the middle of recieving training from Cain.
To test the abilities of the new officers of the [Empire] army while also providing entertainment
for all, Cain decided to bring back the [Empire] Tournament at this time. The Second Great
[Empire] Tournament would prove to be a much larger and interesting event than it's
predecessor, however, and a great many warriors came to attend the event. Warriors such as
Millenium Cell (now going by the name Cy), Sephiroth, Hex, Pui Pui, and Kaddish Jr returned
from the first tournament to try their luck in the second; however, most of the warriors were new
to the tournament scene. All [Empire] officers save for a few were required to compete, and a
number of them proved their worth by doing well; others, however, proved to be of far more
worth than had previously been thought. The ninja known as Ray Uchiha, a mere Lieutenant,
proved to an incredibly skilled warrior when he gained an upset victory over General Goh, who
had been expected to make it to the Semi-Finals as least. This helped pave the way for a revision
of the rank and unit list, which saw a number of low-ranked warriors move upwards through the
ranks due to their performance while a few high-ranked members recieved lower ranks. In the
end, Seika, Gokujin, Latent, and Kya became Commanders, while such warriors as Katsuo, Goh,
Gosek, Sirus Black, Alisha, Vexis, and Nabuka became Generals. Others, such as Sephiroth,
were given the rank of Lieuteneant. Never before had an army been as organized as the [Empire]
became at this point.
During the months of the Second Great [Empire] Tournament, a number of other noteworthy
events took place. One such event was a war between the victorious [Empire] and an ally of the
Majins, the Spectral Army. However, the [Empire]/Spectral War was such an unorganized mess
that everyone involved eventually abandoned it; perhaps it's only importance was that at the time
of the war, such members as Protox, Zemra, Katsuo, and Rinark all left the [Empire]. Some left
to side with the enemy, while some left to pursue options elsewhere. These losses were steadily
mended, however, as the [Empire] steadily recruited more and more warriors such as the
Kasanova, Noma, Sin, and Hiro Muzaki. Another piece of [Empire] history to occur at this time
was the rejuvination of the [Empire]'s actual empire; the planets of Sector Z, the [Empire]'s home
galaxy, had long been forgotten. Emperor Cain, however, began to re-explore Sector Z and
helped give new life to a number of planets; some planets were changed for the better, such as
Planet Emos becoming Planet Tokimeku, while others were explored for the first time, such as
Planet Zar'rok and Planet Valoria. It was during the course of these explorations that the
Universal Dragonballs were discovered, and ever since that time they have become a staple part
of the [Empire] and it's planets. Emperor Cain even underwent a quest to gather the Dragonballs,
and used their power to grant more defense for the [Empire] as a whole.
With the addition of Cain as an Emperor and the decline in Hellzone's influence among the other
leaders, Raijin especially, the [Empire] began to be a beacon of T1 to the entire Multiverse. Cain
even opened the T1 School, teaching everyone who would come the value of T1 over the basic
noobism that had been before. Because of this, the [Empire] began to gain even more recruits,
with such warriors as Warzone and Yukimaru joining up after being introduced to the [Empire]
via the school. Due to the increase in membership, the [Empire] was even able to bring back the
idea of each Emperor leading a division. Raijin declined to start his own division, but Emperor
Kaenon began the seldom referred to Hydro Force and Emperor Cain began the {Excalibur}
division, which served as the best and brightest division of the [Empire]. Others, such as
Gokujin, made attempts to form divisions based upon fighting styles and powers. The [Empire]
underwent it's second to last set of leadership changes at this time as well; Emperor Cell returned
for a brief time before leaving General Nabuka his spot as Emperor, while Emperor Cain was
replaced first with Android 16 and then with Commander Latent.
Unfortunately for the [Empire], a steady decline began which threatened to destroy all that has
been built. By the beginning of the Universal Championship Tournament (which Cain held
instead of a 3rd G[E]T), Emperor Kaenon had long been absent while Emperor Nabuka failed to
do much and Emperor Latent was unable to gather support to do even the most simple of tasks.
Worse, a number of former members, and even former leaders, began to throw their support
behind the enemies of [Empire], a decision which ultimately led to the return of Cain as an
Emperor. However, when Emperor Raijin returned and led a few members into a highly
unacceptable position, that being a war that prohibited the best and most active members from
competing, the split was complete. Emperor Raijin quit the [Empire] due to Emperor Cain
holding sway over most of the [Empire] while Emperor Cain moved the [Empire] into a new
phase. The loss of Emperor Raijin, however, was not a big one; only three members (Sephiroth,
Red Rose, and Gaara) left with him. Meanwhile, the [Empire] began to evolve into what it had
been working towards since the time Cain had first arrived at the [Empire].
With the second Emperor slot having been abandoned by Raijin and the third slot having never
really been used since the days of the Cell, King Cold, and Gokua, Cain was free to move the
[Empire] forward by great leaps in bounds. Recognizing that the [Empire] had grown into an
actual empire, and seeing how no other group could compare to it in terms of skill and power,
Cain decided to take a radical step and convert the [Empire] into a self-contained empire, dubbed
the [T1 Empire] or T1E for short. This new stage of the [Empire] saw the mgihty group split into
various sectors, each based on a certain kind of warrior; the Saiyajins and other ki-powered
beings formed he DBZ Sector, while the ninjas formed the Naruto Sector and the Soul Reapers
formed the Bleach Sector. Furthermore, each sector began to splinter into various armies, some
good and some evil, to provide an endless supply of conflict and fun for the members. This new
[Empire] retained a number of aspects of the old [Empire], including the planets and the focus on
true skill, while finding new ways to eliminate the problems that had often plagued the [Empire].
Most members of the [Empire] remained, and as a flood of new members joined the ever-
growing [T1E], the group was soon larger than any other. Notable additions at this time were
Jiraiya, the master ninja who led the Naruto Sector, and Rayvyn, the warrior who was as
intelligent as she was beautiful and deadly, and who would later become a driving force behind
the [T1E]. Former members also began to re-join, including Katsuo Darkwolf.
As time passed, the [T1E] continued to grow and prosper, continuing the tradition of the
[Empire]. Though a few former members tried to insist that the [Empire] had died the day they
left, the spirit and purpose of the [Empire] remained strong within it's reincarnation. Even when
the long-time [Empire]/[T1E] leader, Cain Darkwolf, left the world of leadership for good, his
replacements continued in his footsteps, and even improved a few details concerning the group.
With the membership list continuing to grow, and more ideas and sectors being created every
day, it's safe to say that the [Empire], through it's evolution as the [T1E], will survive forever.