Light plays a pivotal role in the designs of several prominent architects, including Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, and Richard Meier. Le Corbusier's Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut relies on the magical play of light through hand-painted windows to create an almost heavenly atmosphere. At the Monastery of La Tourette, Le Corbusier used large light wells with specific glass colors that change the shades of light throughout the day. Louis Kahn chose to use unpredictable natural light over other illumination sources at the Kimbell Art Museum, designing narrow sky slits and metal shields to reflect sunlight onto vault surfaces. Richard Meier perceives light and shadow as materials and designs highly transparent white walls that are most
Light plays a pivotal role in the designs of several prominent architects, including Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, and Richard Meier. Le Corbusier's Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut relies on the magical play of light through hand-painted windows to create an almost heavenly atmosphere. At the Monastery of La Tourette, Le Corbusier used large light wells with specific glass colors that change the shades of light throughout the day. Louis Kahn chose to use unpredictable natural light over other illumination sources at the Kimbell Art Museum, designing narrow sky slits and metal shields to reflect sunlight onto vault surfaces. Richard Meier perceives light and shadow as materials and designs highly transparent white walls that are most
Light plays a pivotal role in the designs of several prominent architects, including Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, and Richard Meier. Le Corbusier's Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut relies on the magical play of light through hand-painted windows to create an almost heavenly atmosphere. At the Monastery of La Tourette, Le Corbusier used large light wells with specific glass colors that change the shades of light throughout the day. Louis Kahn chose to use unpredictable natural light over other illumination sources at the Kimbell Art Museum, designing narrow sky slits and metal shields to reflect sunlight onto vault surfaces. Richard Meier perceives light and shadow as materials and designs highly transparent white walls that are most
Light plays a pivotal role in the designs of several prominent architects, including Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, and Richard Meier. Le Corbusier's Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut relies on the magical play of light through hand-painted windows to create an almost heavenly atmosphere. At the Monastery of La Tourette, Le Corbusier used large light wells with specific glass colors that change the shades of light throughout the day. Louis Kahn chose to use unpredictable natural light over other illumination sources at the Kimbell Art Museum, designing narrow sky slits and metal shields to reflect sunlight onto vault surfaces. Richard Meier perceives light and shadow as materials and designs highly transparent white walls that are most
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Le Corbusiers Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut in Ronchamp still remains to some as
inexplicable today as it was when it first saw the liht of day! decades ao" #ames $tirlin wrote an article about it in the %&s! statin that Le Corbusier was becomin irrational" Hihly contro'ersial! the buildin seems to completely chane as you mo'e round it" $o what is it that ma(es this almost ca'e li(e chapel such a remar(able success) It is the maical play of lihts that fills the space" *fter endlessly repositionin the hand+painted windows! Le Corbusier achie'ed somethin exceptional, he created an atmosphere that reliious people responded to immediately" Not a reliious person himself! when as(ed by a -ournalist whether he had to belie'e in God to desin the buildin! he replied, .No! I had to belie'e in architecture" Howe'er! throuh the iconoraphy of the windows and the celestial liht that comes in! he manaed to desin an almost hea'en+li(e place for thousands of belie'ers"
The liht moti'e is also present in the /onastery of La Tourette" $ittin on a piece of slopin round! the buildin ta(es the traditional monastic form" The inno'ation comes from the use of the lare .liht uns! each of which has a particular coloured lass" *s the sun mo'es around the monastery! the specific orientation of these roof .windows brins in different shades of liht" The 0imbell *rt /useum is yet another example of how liht can be used to chane ones perception of an architectural space" *s Louis 0han once said! .No space! architecturally! is a space unless it has natural liht" 1ddly enouh when it comes to a museum! 0han chose the dynamic! unpredictable natural liht o'er other sources of illumination" *lthouh direct sunliht is thouht to represent a ris( of damae to delicate wor(s of art! he wanted the 'isitors to be able to experience chanes in the weather while enclosed" This is what led to his concept of the cycloid 'ault with .narrow slits of open s(y" He came up with a metal shield! placed underneath the s(ylihts! to reflect sunliht onto the surface of the 'aults" This was no easy -ob! ta(in into account the intense Texas sun" *nother architect to percei'e .the world of liht and shadow as a material is Richard /eier" The white! immaculate walls of his buildins are a celebration of liht" He remains truthful to his belief that liht i'es architectural ideas clarity and that whiteness is most sensiti'e to chanes in the colours of nature"