Jerusalem The Bells of War Are Ringing
Jerusalem The Bells of War Are Ringing
Jerusalem The Bells of War Are Ringing
The Bells of War Are Ringing
M AY 1 9, 2 0 1 2
The Descent of Angela Merkel 3
EU MilitaryAttack in the South 4
Let Sleeping Germans Lie 5
Russias Asia Play Mustnt Be Ignored 8
Hate Groups Grow 9
.v is always imminent in Israel. Te challenge is
not in forecasting the conict, but in anticipating
when exactly it will happen, and more importantly,
making sure we never grow deaf to the bells of war.
Last Friday, Charles Krauthammer recalled the condi-
tions that preceded the :o, Six-Day War. May o, was Isra-
els most fearful, desperate month, he wrote. Te
country was surrounded and alone. Previ-
ous great-power guarantees proved
worthless. Time was running
out. Forced into mass mobiliza-
tion in order to protect against
invasionand with a military
consisting overwhelmingly
of civilian reservistslife
ground to a halt. Te coun-
try was dying.
Sound familiar:
But while everyone
remembers the Six-Day
War, Krauthammer wrote,
less remembered is that [on
June :, :o,] the nationalist
opposition was for the rst
time ever brought into the gov-
ernment, creating an emergency
national unity coalition (emphasis
added throughout). Four days later, the
reason for Israels hasty political consolida-
tion became evident when a united and stable government
ordered a deadly preemptive strike on Egypts army.
Te formation of a national unity coalition was a precur-
sor to war.
On May ,, :o::, almost , years later to the daywith Is-
rael once again desperate and alone, in a fearful, desperate
statePrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerged from
midnight talks to suddenly and unexpectedly announce that
he had formed the largest national unity government ever
in Israels short history. With the addition of Kadima, Bibi
Netanyahu now controls out of the ::o seats in the Knesset.
As in June :o,, Israels government is today more united
and stable than ever.
Why now: Is it possible, as Krauthammer suggests, that
war might soon erupt: War is not four days away,
but it looms, he wrote. Isv.iiis 1ou.v 1ui uvi.1is1 1uvi.1 1o 1uiiv
ixis1icinuclear weapons in the
hands of apocalyptic mullahs publicly
pledged to Israels annihilation
sici M.v o,.
But its not just Irans nuclear
weapons program that alarms
Israel and makes war possible.
You wouldnt know it, listen-
ing to all his tough talk, but
the regime of Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is
weaker and more vulnerable than
most realize. For Irans Holocaust-
denying, Jew-hating, apocalypse-
inducing president, the window of
opportunity to .c1 on his deadly ambi-
tions is closing.
Over the past :8 months, Ahmadinejad has
been increasingly at odds with Irans mullahs, and
especially Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the ultimate spiritual
and political authority in Iran. In addition, Ahmadinejads
grip on parliament has also slipped substantially. In the
May run-o parliamentary election, the presidents op-
ponents won : of the o, seats up for grabs. His opponents
now have more seats in parliament. With his popularity
slipping, his political power waning, see JERUSALEM page 12
MAY 19, 2012
a centralized decision-making body to
replace the ucc secretariat.
Tehran is unhappy with what it
says is an attempt, under the guise of
deeper regional integration, to pre-
vent the success of Bahrains [Shiite-
led] revolution.
We as representatives of the great
Iranian nation strongly condemn this
unwise measure :o lawmakers
said in a joint statement Monday. Te
brave and faithful Bahraini people,
especially the clerics, the youth and
women, have proved over the past :,
months that their Islamic zeal, nation-
al patriotism, their sted hands and
the slogan of Allah is Great are more
powerful than the aggressive powers,
occupiers and Saudi forces.
For the Iran-wary Gulf statesand
the United States the stakes are high:
Strategically-located just :,o miles
from the Iranian coast, Bahrain is
home to the U.S. Navys Fifh Fleet
and U.S. Naval Headquarters Central
Command. Te ucc, whose other
four members are Oman, Kuwait,
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates,
has accused Iran of stoking the upris-
ing in Bahrain in the hope of seeing
the monarchy replaced by a Tehran-
friendly Shiite regime.
n Germany condemns Syrian
German Foreign Minister Guido West-
erwelle strongly denounced two suicide
attacks in Syria on May :o that killed at
least ,, people and wounded over :,o.
Te two explosions tore through the
capital city of Damascus and marked
the deadliest bombing attack in the
capital city since Syrias uprising began
: months ago. Westerwelles condem-
nation indicates that Germanys interest
in the Syrian crisis is increasing. Last
month in Turkey, Germany met with
the United States, Saudi Arabia and
other Gulf states. Te countries lead-
ers discussed options for dealing with
Syrias revolution. Germany pledged to
provide funding and communications
equipment to the Syrian opposition
activists. Days later, a German govern-
ment adviser said that in the event of
military intervention in Syria, German
participation should be assured. While
Germany was reluctant to participate
in the Libyan intervention last year, it
is increasingly eager to involve itself
with Syria. Te dierence in Berlins
approach to the two nations uprisings
is due to Germanys global strategy.
n Palestinians clash with Israeli
military on Nakba Day
Tousands of Palestinians rallied across
Jerusalem on Tuesday to observe Ca-
tastrophe Day. Te protesters, many
of whom clashed with Israeli troops,
commemorated the birth of the state
of Israel in :8 as their Nakba, or
catastrophe. Te friction between pro-
testers and Israeli soldiers at this years
rally erupted outside Ofer Prison, at the
Qalandia checkpoint and in neighbor-
hoods in East Jerusalem. Soldiers re-
sponded to dozens of stone-throwers at
these locations with tear gas and rubber
bullets. Arab and Palestinian lead-
ers show no interest in making peace
with the Jewish state and perpetually,
through PR campaigns such as Nakba,
cultivate and intensify hatred for the
Jews among Palestinians. For years, the
Trumpet has shown that Bible prophecy
says half of Jerusalem will fall violently
to Israels enemies. Tis years Nakba
rally shows that Palestinians remain
unsatised with the status quo, and
that the fulllment of this landmark
trigger prophecy could be very near.
n Pew poll confirms Islamist
orientation in Egypt
Te results of a recent Pew poll in
Egypt show clear support for an
Islamist direction in that country. Te
Pew Research Center found during a
research program conducted in Egypt
between March : and April :o that o:
percent of Egyptians see Saudi Arabia
as being a better model than Turkey for
the role of religion in the state. Some 8,
percent believe religious leaders have
a very good or somewhat good inu-
ence on the country. Just : percent of
Egyptians have a favorable opinion of
Major War Drill Israel
Not Invited
ui Ui1iu States is leading what
it described as the largest mili-
tary exercises in the Middle East in
:oyears in Jordan on Tuesday.
Eager Lion :o:: is the largest
exercise held in the region in the past
:oyears, Major General Ken Tovo,
head of the U.S. Special Operations
Forces, told reporters in Amman.
Yesterday we began to apply the skills
that we have developed over the last
weeks in an irregular warfare scenario
. Tey will last for approximately the
coming two weeks, he added.
Over ::,ooo soldiers are taking
part in the war games, representing :
countries, including Bahrain, Egypt,
Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,
Pakistan, Qatar, Britain, France, Italy,
Spain and Australia. Jordanian army
operations and training chief Major
General Awni Adwan said the military
exercise has been in the planning
phase for the past three years.
Israel despite having extensive
security agreements with Jordanwas
not invited to participate in the exer-
cises. Several Arab nations participat-
ing in the drill are still formally at war
with the Jewish state.
Iran Fumes as Six
Arab States Consider
Closer Union
CNS NEWS | May 15
vvovos.i by six Arab Gulf states
to explore a possible union drew an
angry response in Iran, where lawmak-
ers are painting it as part of a plot to
annex tiny Bahrain to Saudi Arabia.
Leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Coun-
cil (ucc) agreed at a summit in Riyadh
on Monday that their foreign minis-
ters would study further a Saudi-led
proposal for a closer union that envis-
ages political, economic and military
coordination, more open borders, and
MAY 19, 2012
the United States, and o: percent want
to end the Camp David accords with
Israelan increase of seven percent-
age points since last year. Te greatest
increase in support for doing away
with the peace agreement came from
young people and college-educated
a fact that conicts with the typical
liberal view in the West that the young
democratic movement in Egypt is of
a liberal, pro-West disposition. Tese
poll results also conrm that whatever
the result of the upcoming presidential
election on May :,-: and run-o on
June :o-:,, the Islamists have the sup-
port of the peopleand the leadership
will be sure to pander to this Islamist
orientation of the populace. Te Trum-
pet has warned for many years that
Egypt would fall under the inuence
of Islamists, ally itself with Iran and
become an enemy of Israel. As early as
July :,, for example Mr.Flurry wrote:
Islamic extremism is gaining
power at a frightening pace in
Egypt. I believe this prophecy
in Daniel :::: indicates you are
about to see a radical change in
Egyptian politics!
Nationalized Spanish
Bank Plummets
ui vvoviim with bank runs is that
once they start, they dont stop.
And while the world was conveniently
distracted by events in Greece, de-
bating whether or not people were
withdrawing money in droves (they
were), the real bank run happened
elsewhere, namely in Spain, where just
nationalized bank Bankia moments
ago plunged ,o percent and was halted
following an El Mundo report that
customers had withdrawn : billion
over the past week. In other wordsa
bank run (but whatever you do, dont
call it thatits not the politically
correct and accepted nomenclature)
which has sent shockwaves through
Europe, pushed the iUvUsu under :.:,,
and bond yields in their traditional
Europe is open directionwider.
From Financial Times, Shares in
Bankia, the Spanish bank which was
part-nationalized last week, plunged
by over a quarter on Tursday morn-
ing, afer a report that customers had
withdrawn :billion from the bank
over the past week.
Shares fell :, percent to :.:: afer
El Mundo, a national Spanish newspa-
per, reported customers had with-
drawn :billion from the bank over
the past week, citing information from
a recent board meeting.
Te news has started to spill over
to other viius banks, and very soon
all Italian banks will resume being
suspended limit down on fear that
the bank run contagion, pardon, the
withdrawal meme (h/t William Ban-
zai), because in this fake, articially
supported world, one is never allowed
to call a spade a spade, has com-
ivm.vs Cu.ciiiov Angela
Merkels Christian Democratic
Union (cuU) has just suered a hu-
miliating defeat in the last of a series
of state elections held in Germany in
recent months. Coming hard on the
heels of her dident performance on
the European economic crisis over the
same period, this may be the hammer
blow that destroys any chance of her gaining success for a
third term as chancellor at next years federal elections.
Although Merkel had already snied the political winds
of change and declared her support for the growth pact be-
ing cobbled together under the Romish inuence of the two
Marios, Draghi and Monti, it was a case of too little too late
for the crucial state election in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Te political hurt to Merkel and her cuU/csU/vuv coali-
tion government will be substantial. Te chancellor will
now be put to the test to see if she will stand her ground
in the face of the newly elected Socialist leader of France,
Franois Hollande. Te two met this week. Hollande is
unrealistically calling for growth initiatives in a time of
deepening economic crisis in Europe. Merkel is resisting
Germany is caught in a bind. It needs growth in EU
economies to sustain its exports to its chief customer base,
Europe. Yet most of its customers are in the midst of imple-
menting extreme austerity measures demanded by Berlin.
Meanwhile, the German population is fed up with bailing
out the poorer eurozone economies that the policies of
Germanys elites have wrecked over the past decade.
It seems a case of Germany wanting to have its cake and
eat it too.
Chancellor Merkel traditionally waits to see which way
the wind blows, then jumps on the windblown bandwagon.
But the political winds in Europe are changing dramati-
cally, with extremist parties on both the lef and the right
showing heavy gains over the mainstream political parties
in recent elections.
Watch for Chancellor Merkels political star to dimin-
ish, and watch for the climate to ripen for a populist leader,
with strong connections between Rome and Berlin, to soon
come on the scene with promises of creating unity out of
the political and economic confusion that reigns in the EU.
The Descent of Angela Merkel
MAY 19, 2012
EU MilitaryAttack in
the South
Ron Fraser | May 17
ui LUv1w.vvi broke the post-World
War ii embargo on Germanys in-
volvement in military combat beyond
its borders when .1o sanctioned its
engagement attacking Serbian targets
during the :os Balkan wars. Tat was
the rst indication of German elites in-
tention to steadily ramp up the partici-
pation of both the EUs generally, and
Germanys in particular, mounting of
forces in combat zones within regions
of their own imperial interests.
Tis is most particularly the case, as
inferred by a German president, with
those regions involving access to raw
materials and the ow of goods vital
to German industry and commerce.
In the face of public criticism, Horst
Khler was pressured to resign the Ger-
man presidency for simply telling the
truth. Mr. Khler set o the criticism
1sU.mi of capital ight from Greece threatens to
overwhelm the authorities, forcing the country out of
the euro before fresh elections in June. Economists warned
that the Greek nancial system could crumble within weeks
or days unless the European Central Bank steps up support.
President Karolos Papoulias told party leaders that
banks had lost ,oomillion in withdrawals on Monday
alone as citizens rush to pre-empt capital controls and a
much-feared return to the Drachma. He cited central bank
warnings that great fear might soon escalate to panic. Te
leaked details lend credence to claims that capital ight by
both savers and rms have reached billion a week since
the triumph of anti-bailout parties on May o.
Steen Jakobsen from Saxo Bank said outows are be-
coming unstoppable, not helped by open talk in EU circles
of technical plans for Greek withdrawal. Tis has a self-
fullling prophecy built into it, and I dont think we can get
to June. Te fuse is burning and the only two options now
are a controlled explosion where Germany steps in to en-
sure an orderly exit, or an uncontrolled explosion, he said.
Te growing alarm comes as judge Panagiotis Pikram-
menos was picked as Greeces caretaker leader until the
next vote on June :,. Polls show the Lef-wing Syriza leader
Alexis Tsipras emerging as clear victor. Mr. Tsipras has
vowed to tear up the EU-imv bail-out Memorandum,
exhorting German Chancellor Angela Merkel to stop
playing poker with the lives of people.
Te crisis is replicating the pattern of xed-exchange
ruptures through history. Britain was forced o the Gold
Standard in :,: afer pay-cut protests in the navy triggered
capital ight.
Te icv is holding the line with an estimated :oobil-
lion of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ii.) for lenders,
channeled through Greeces central bank. Supplicants must
pawn their loan book in exchange. Te risk is that banks
will run out of collateral since these are low quality assets
with haircuts of ,o percent or more. Te icv could relax
the rules but they would have to take an active decision to
do so, said Mr. Ward.
JP Morgan said Greek banks have already exhausted their
collateral. A refusal by the icv to ease rules would amount
to expulsion, forcing Greece to issue its own money.
Julian Callow from Barclays Capital said the icv risks
grave contagion if it lets go of Greek banks. We have
reached the point where the icv needs to come in with mas-
sive intervention and outright quantitative easing, he said.
Italys banking lobby said foreign deposits at Italian banks
were down :o percent in March. Te good news is that the
Libor-ois spread the stress gauge for bankshas not ris-
en in this latest spasm of the crisis, suggesting that Club Med
deposit ight remains modest for now. Tat could change
fast if a Greek exit shatters the sanctity of monetary union.
Debt Crisis: Greek Exit Looms Closer as Banks Crumble
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, TELEGRAPH | May 16
when he said in an interview with
Deutschland Radio, the public broad-
casting station, that German soldiers
serving in Afghanistan or with other
peacekeeping missions were deployed
to protect German economic interests
(New York Times, May ,:, :o:o).
In the light of Khlers revelation, it
ought not be surprising then to read
of an EU force initiating aggression
over land-based targets in the Horn of
Africa this week.
Associated Press reported, Te
European Union Naval Force patrol-
ling the Indian Ocean on Tuesday
carried out its rst air strikes against
pirate targets on shore, with a pirate
reporting that the raid destroyed
speed boats, fuel depots and an arms
store. Maritime aircraf and attack
helicopters took part in the attacks
early in the morning on the mainland,
an EU spokesman said (May :,).
A further report published in the
Sydney Morning Herald stated, Te
attack involved several European
navies, including seven frigates patrol-
ling o Somalia, from France, Ger-
many, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands
and Portugal. Ocials said it was a
European mission and would not
specify from which warship the strike
was launched. An unidentied heli-
copter destroyed ve of our hunting
boats early in the morning. Tere were
no casualties, one pirate, who identi-
ed himself as Abdi, said (May :,).
With the initiating of the rst
attack on Somali shores by the EU
Naval Force, Operation Atlanta is set
to escalate into a signicant involve-
ment by EU forces as EU elites steadily
increase the European Unions military
presence in the region of the strategic
Horn of Africa. Tese waters are the
key to the security of shipping through
the Gulf of Aden, with its access via the
Red Sea to the crucial sea gate of Suez.
As we have previously reported,
this is part of a prophesied move by
the leading power of the rising :o-na-
tion combine in Europe to consolidate
MAY 19, 2012
its expansion south and east of Rome/
Berlin. Keep watching the Horn of
Africa as the EU embeds its presence
in one of the worlds most strategic of
locations crucial to the fulllment of
Bible prophecy for our day.
EC Should Be EU
ui EUvovi. Union needs to
become more integrated with a
common nance policy and a central
government, German nance minister
Wolfgang Schuble said Wednesday
(May :o). I would be for the further
development of the European Com-
mission into a government. I am for
the election of a European president,
he said at an event in Aachen, reports
I am in favor of being more coura-
geous on Europe, said Schuble, who
is one of the German governments
most pro-European ministers. He said
this is a longterm response to the cur-
rent eurozone crisis, which many have
said has been exacerbated by the fact
that the EU lacked the toolssuch as
a central transfer systemto eec-
tively deal with it.
His comments come as the euro-
zone is in its most dicult period
since its sovereign debt crisis began
over two years ago. Politicians are
openly talking about the prospect
of Greece having to leave the euro
following the May o election which
saw most of the population reject the
tough terms attached to the two bail-
outs the country has had.
British leader David Cameron is
ui iwiv elected French Socialist president, Franois
Hollande, is warning Germany that Mediterranean ideas of
growth, not Germanic austerity, should be the new Euro-
pean creed. All over Europe, the gospel is that tight-sted
Germans are at the root of the European Union meltdown:
Tey worked too hard, saved too much, bought too little, and
borrowed not at all. All that may be true, in theory. But, in
fact, faulting thrif and industry is a prescription for incur-
ring anger and guaranteeing backlashespecially in the case
of the Germans, who are now being asked to provide even
more capital to help other European economies recover.
Tere is one general rule about the history of the modern
state of Germany since its inception in :8,:: Anytime Ger-
many has been both unied and isolated, armed conict
has followed.
We ofen sco at such quaint historical lawsforgetting
that World War i followed from the inability of the French
to harness German nationalism afer the Franco-Prussian
War. World War ii was a result of the inability of the victo-
rious allies either to dismantle the unied German state .
Afer World War ii, the allies swore that they had at last
come up with a novel tripartite solution: Germany would
be split apart. West Germany was to be a member of .1o
and, eventually, the new European Union. France, Great
Britain, and the United States would be nuclear powers, but
not so Germany, where nuclear physics and rocketry were
born. More than oo years of peace followedan abnor-
mality in two millennia of Western civilization. But now,
insidiously, the post-World War ii constraints are eroding.
Germany is united and very rich. Te rest of the European
Union is quite poor and beginning to crack apart. A ragtag
.1o is confused by the new lead from behind America.
Yet the catalysts for the German wars were not just Eu-
ropes inability to contain and surround a naturally power-
ful German state. German fears and emotions counted too.
Tere were lots of causes of the First World War. But one
was German propaganda that France, Britain, and Russia
were thwarting a growing imperial Germanys natural right
to expand and colonize.
Who knows all the sick reasons why desperate Germans
turned to the nutty ex-corporal Adolf Hitler in the :,os:
But among them was the ancient paranoia that the allies
once more had rigged the European system to keep Germa-
ny weak, poor, and on the defensive. In other words, serially
hurt pride and a loss of deterrence seem to have been keys
to the outbreak of the three German wars. And now: Te
very thought of an armed, powerfuland increasingly ex-
asperatedGermany, furious at its neighbors for a fourth
time, seems silly, given the countrys success and security.
But Germans certainly believe that they have played by all
the postwar rules. Tey paid s: trillion for their own reuni-
cation without asking for handouts. Te European Union
turned into a Ponzi racket in which poorer southern mem-
bers cooked their books to get German cashonly, when
caught, to blame their indebtedness on German mercantilism
and callous, export-driven prot-mongering. Perpetual war
guilt decreed that Germans must be apologetic about their
own success and discreet about the reasons for others failures.
Beneath the election of a socialist president in France
and the rise of various extremists in southern Europe is
a common theme. Afer four years of austerity, no poor
European country still believes that it canor should
sacrice to pay back much of what it borrowed from a far
wealthier Germany, which supposedly undermined the
European Union by not spending and borrowing more.
Of course, the EU always claims it will survive. Of
course, all ::st-century Europeans know that nationalism
and military preparedness are the fossilized notions of
more primitive peoples. But lets wait and see what hap-
pens when Europeans not only default on lots of German-
backed loans, but also deantly announce that they should
not have been given them in the rst placeand thus
should not have to give them back at all. Injury for Germa-
ny is one thing; insult on top of it might be quite another.
History is quietly whispering to us in our age of amne-
sia: I would not keep poking the Germans unless you are
able to deal with them when they wake up.
Let Sleeping Germans Lie
Victor Davis Hansen, NATIONAL REVIEW | May 17
MAY 19, 2012
s uiov.i power shifs eastward, Germany and China
are building a special relationship that risks under-
mining Europes overall position with the rising Asian
giant and may have serious consequences for the balance of
power between Europe and China, according to a hard-
hitting new report from a European Union think tank.
Some aspects of the two
countries fast-deepening ties can
be summed up with the words
Marx and Mercedes, Hans
Kundnani, one of the reports two
authors, wrote in an e-mail.
Young Chinese admire the
modernity of Munich and the
edginess of Berlin; older Chi-
nese still pilgrimage to Trier, the
birthplace of Karl Marx. And ev-
eryone, said Mr. Kundnani, loves
German cars.
On a deeper level, business, along with frustration at the
European Unions lack of coordinated policies, is driving
the relationship, Mr. Kundnani and Jonas Parello-Plesner,
analysts at the European Council on Foreign Relations, say
in their report, China and Germany: Why the Emerging
Special Relationship Matters for Europe.
As my colleague Harvey Morris reports, Germany en-
joyed unexpectedly strong rst-quarter growth of o.,per-
cent this year, the most robust in the European Union.
Tat gure contains a remarkable fact: German growth is
largely dependent on Chinese
demand, with the two economies
a near-perfect t, according to
the reports authors. At present,
there is an almost perfect sym-
biosis between the Chinese and
German economies: China needs
technology and Germany needs
markets, they wrote.
Chinas conservative policy
makers like the fact that Ger-
many operates on tight budgets,
mistrusting what they see as prof-
ligacy elsewhere in Europe. It is better to have coopera-
tion with Germany than to pay money to other countries
that have problems with their real economies, the authors
quoted an unidentied Chinese analyst as saying.
Germany and China: Too Close for Some
Didi Kirsten Tatlow, NEW YORK TIMES | May 16
due to step into the fray Tursday
(May:,). He will tell a business audi-
ence in England that the eurozone has
to head towards political and scal
union or risk a potential break-up,
reports the Financial Times.
Either Europe has a committed,
stable, successful eurozone with an
eective rewall, well-capitalized
and regulated banks, a system of s-
cal burden sharing and supportive
monetary policy across the eurozone
or we are in uncharted territory which
carries huge risks for everyone.
Pope Likely To Allow
Breakaway SSPX to
Rejoin Church
DER SPIEGEL | May 13, 2012
ovi Biiuic1 xvi may reach a
decision by the end of May to allow
the ultraconservative Society of Saint
Pius x (ssvx) to rejoin the Catholic
church, Spiegel has learned. At a meet-
ing this coming Wednesday, the four
cardinals of the Congregation of the
Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees
Catholic Church doctrine, plan to
agree a proposal for reuniting the
society with the Catholic Church, and
will submit it to the pope.
Te Swiss-based ssvx rejects some
of the reforms made at the historic
:o: Second Vatican Council. It deed
Rome in :88 by illegally consecrating
four bishops, which led to their ex-
communication by the late Pope John
Paul ii. Te Vatican said last month
that it had received an ssvx answer
to the Holy Sees ultimatum that the
group clarify its doctrinal position or
risk a painful break with Rome. Te
response is encouraging, it is a step
forward, said Vatican spokesman
Father Federico Lombardi.
Radio Vatican recently cited Lom-
bardi as saying the popes top priority
this year is to successfully conclude
the dialogue with the Priest Brother-
hood Pius x and thereby to overcome
a painful rif.
However, a erce row has broken
out among the four bishops of the ssvx
over the planned agreement. Brit-
ish bishop Richard Williamson, who
caused outrage in :oo by denying
the scale of the Holocaust, has taken
an uncompromising stance toward
the Vatican and wants to prevent ssvx
from returning to its fold.
But the majority of ssvx supports
the policy of its head, or superior gener-
al, Bishop Bernard Fellay, who has just
written a letter urging Williamson and
all ssvx bishops to end their isolation,
accept the popes oer, and abandon a
stance that is dividing the church.
n Germany worries about its gold
German politicians and accounting
bodies want more guarantees con-
cerning the security of Germanys gold
reserves, with Germanys federal audit
oce due to report to the nance
committee of the German Parlia-
ment on the matter. Germany has the
worlds second-largest gold reserves,
but keeps most of them overseas,
mainly at the U.S. Federal Reserve,
the Bank of England and the Banque
de France. Te federal audit oce, or
Bundesrechnungshof, is disappointed
This is why Isaiahs prophecy [Isaiah 23] of an
end-time mart of nations that includes both Euro-
pean and Asian powers is so intriguing. And why
the trend of collusion between these two great
economic blocs is worth watching. The relation-
ship we see developing between the king of the
north and the kings of the east is exactly what
Isaiah prophesied over 2,700 years ago!
MAY 19, 2012
that while the gold stored in Ger-
many is regularly checked by the
Bundesbank, the gold overseas is
not. Te foreign banks merely give
the Bundesbank an annual statement
detailing the amount of gold. Te
security of the gold is becoming a
popular concern, with theBildtabloid
claiming the Bundesbank has not
checked its gold reserves for five years.
Spiegel Onlinewrites, [G]old is a hot
topic. Its no coincidence that this
is an issue right now. The euro and
banking crises are threatening the
stability of paper money everywhere.
Germanys gold could be a key part of
its recovery from the euro crisis. For
more information on why you should
watch Germanys gold reserves, see
our article Germanys Gold Hoard.
n Italy calls in the army to protect
tax collectors
Italys Interior Minister Anna Maria
Cancellieri announced May :, that
Equitalia, the private company that
collects taxes, and Finmeccanica, an
aerospace and defense conglomerate,
may receive military protection afer
they were attacked by anarchists. Te
next day, Cancellieri warned that
the army may also need to protect
Italys high-speed rail network. Te
defense measures came afer gunmen
shot Roberto Adinol, cio of one of
Finmeccanicas subsidiaries, Ansaldo
Nucleare, in the leg. Te Olga Cell
of v.i (Informal Anarchist Federa-
tion) claimed responsibility for the
attack, saying it was punishing one
of the many sorcerers of the atomic
industry. Equitalia is regularly
attacked. On May ::, anarchists
threw two petrol bombs at one of its
buildings. With ,o percent youth
unemployment and an unelected
government, the anarchist movement
should have little trouble recruit-
ing. Te Interior Ministry said it has
assigned bodyguards to ,,o people.
Its increased security at :,ooo loca-
tions, and redeployed ,:oo military
personnel already on duty in Italy.
Te Trumpet has long forecast that
the euro crisis would cause riots and
unrest, which would in turn cause
governments to adopt authoritarian
measures. Social unrest and riots
will eventually force Europeans to
succumb to a strong united govern-
ment of Europe, led ultimately not
ui QUiis trusted advisers are
pushing her to renounce the em-
pire that brought civilization to a
quarter of the world.
For almost :oo years, Britain has
awarded medals and bestowed honors
on people who have upheld the ide-
als of the empire. One such honor is
the Order of the British Empire. It was rst awarded in
:oo. It is given to individuals who exemplify distinguished
service pertaining to the arts and sciences, valuable public
service and work with charities.
Yet now, the Queens advisers are pushing her to ditch
the word empire from all ocial awards. Why:
According to the Daily Mail, the lord lieutenants, the
Queens most trusted advisers, believe Britains history is
something to be ashamed of. Tere is a horrifying lack of un-
derstanding about Britains important history, the history of
its empire. Te whole world, it seems, has been brainwashed
into believing some alternative reality about the benets and
harms of that empire.
Today, much of the world equates the British Empire
and colonialism with evil and slavery. Te truth is that this
upside-down world should be thanking the British Empire
for ridding the world of slavery.
In :8oo, slavery was universal. It was the way the world
workedand had worked for most of its o,ooo years of
existence. But in :8o,, one nationvirtually by itselfput
an end to global slavery. Tat would be Britain, and its em-
pire. From now on, convicted slavers faced, by a nice irony,
transportation to Britains penal colony in Australia, says
Harvard historian Niall Ferguson.
But the point is, it was British eortbacked by Royal
Navy cannonsthat largely stopped slavery. As Ferguson
notes, With the true zeal of the convert, the British were
now determined to sweep the African and American seas of
the atrocious commerce with which they are now infested.
Not to say that stamping out global slavery was easy.
But how is it that Britain has forgotten the fact that it was
the force behind freedom: And that it was at a time when
economically it seemed suicidal:
And just as the British have forgotten how they almost
single-handedly stopped global slavery, they have forgotten
the force of good their empire was.
Yes, governments run by people make many mistakes.
Yes, bad things happened under British rule in its colonies.
People did not obey Gods laws. But dont forget all the
good. And dont discount the fact that compared to other
empires, such as the Belgian, Japanese or Ottoman, Brit-
ains empire was largely a benevolent one.
Most people who associate the British Empire with evil
havent done much studying beyond their politically cor-
rect, revisionist high school textbooks.
A lot has happened to Britain since it began award-
ing the Order of the British Empire honor. Today, it is as
if there is a concerted eort to erase empire from their
collective history. But Britain should remember its history.
In fact, perhaps the most important part of its history is
empire. Empire is the key to the history and future of the
British people.
Tere is a reason for the fantastic success of the British
Empire. If you havent read Te United States and Britain
in Prophecy, you need to. It explains the most important
reason Britain became great and why Britain must open its
eyes to its true history before it will ever have a future of
Britains Misguided Shame Over Its History
MAY 19, 2012
Ussi. Pvisiui1 Vladimir Putins decision to skip
both the G-8 and the .1o summits this month sug-
gests he plans to delegate relations with the West as much
as possible to his deputy, Dmitry Medvedev, while he
concentrates his diplomatic eorts in the former Soviet
republics of Eurasia and the emerging economic power-
houses of East Asia.
Putin is a leading advocate among Russian leaders of
deepening Russias Asian connections, and the Pentagon
and the White House need to orient their Asian pivot
properly to address Moscows new Asian orientation. With
this in mind, trying to inuence Russias relationship with
China, particularly in the nuclear realm, is especially im-
portant, since Putin and other Russians see China as both
an opportunity and a challenge.
Russia and China have the worlds two most powerful
militaries afer that of the United States. China is under-
taking perhaps the most comprehensive military modern-
ization program in the world today, while Russia still has
approximately the nuclear weapons capacity as the United
In confrontation with Washington, Moscow and Beijing
could impede realization of important U.S. goals in Asia.
Both countries can, for example, veto actions of the UN
Security Council, a point underscored when they recently
collaborated to prevent the Council from adopting more
stringent sanctions against Iran and North Korea for its
illegal nuclear activities.
Tis is all occurring against the backdrop of the relation-
ship between the Russian and Chinese governments being
perhaps the best it has ever been. Teyve largely resolved
their longstanding border disputes, as well as contained
their rivalries in Central Asia, the Korean Peninsula, and
other regions. Te :oo: Sino-Russian Treaty of Friend-
ship establishes a basis for extensive bilateral security and
defense collaboration. Teir leaders engage in numerous
high-level exchanges, make many mutually supportive
security statements, and cooperate in other ways in support
of what both governments refer to as their developing stra-
tegic partnership. Teir growing two-way commerce and
investment has made China the number one foreign trade
partner of Russia, and they recently completed an unprec-
edented joint naval exercise in the Yellow Sea.
Ultimately one thing should be clearthe United States
may be pivoting to the Pacic, but it should also be keeping
a closer eye on Russias relationship with China.
Russias Asia Play Mustnt Be Ignored
from Brussels, but from Berlin,
wrote Trumpet editor in chief Gerald
Flurry in :oo. For more informa-
tion on how this will happen, see his
article Did the Holy Roman Empire
Plan the Greek Crisis:
n Britain and Germany call for
greater European Union
Europe must become a political union,
German Finance Minister Wolf-
gang Schuble said while in Aachen,
May :,, to collect the Charlemagne
prize for outstanding commitment
to European unity. On the same
day, British Prime Minister David
Cameron called on Europe to take
several specic steps toward a scal
union. Weve got to create a political
union now. We need strong European
institutions, said Schuble, in his
acceptance speech. Europes political
unity must have a face and that face
must represent a legitimate power,
he said, calling for a single European
leader. I would be for the further
development of the European Com-
mission into a government, he said.
I am for the election of a European
president. Meanwhile, Mr. Cameron
told Europe: Te eurozone is at a
crossroads. It either has to make up
or it is looking at a potential break-up.
Either Europe has a committed, stable,
successful eurozone with an eective
rewall, well capitalized and regu-
lated banks, a system of scal burden
sharing, and supportive monetary
policy across the eurozone. Or we are
in unchartered territory which carries
huge risks for everybody. Te euro is
forcing Europe towards full political
union. Mr. Cameron and Mr. Schu-
ble can see this. Tats exactly what
the euro was designed to do.
North Korea
Upgrading Missile
Launch Site
ov1u Kovi. has started work to
upgrade its Musudan-ri missile
launch site and potentially make the
facility capable of ring an intercon-
tinental ballistic missile. Apparently
undeterred by the catastrophic failure
of what Pyongyang claims was a
rocket putting a satellite into orbit in
April from its facility at Tongchang-
ri, North Korea is now investing in
a larger launch pad at its alternative
launch site, diplomatic sources told
media in South Korea and Japan.
As recently as May o, North Korea
vowed to push ahead with what it
claims are peaceful space and nuclear
programs. It added that it intends to
put a geostationary satellite into orbit
MAY 19, 2012
in the future.
Pyongyangs deance came af-
ter the United States, China, Russia,
France and Britain issued a statement
expressing serious concern at North
Koreas activities and called on the
regime to refrain from any further
actions which may cause grave secu-
rity concerns in the region, including
any nuclear tests.
Tere are still concerns that the
North may be planning a third nuclear
n SCO gaining weight
A syringe of political cohesion is to be
injected into the Shanghai Coopera-
tion Organization (sco), according to
statements afer a Ministers of Foreign
Aairs meeting held in Beijing on
Tuesday. Te meeting was a prepara-
tory measure for the scos upcoming
summit, scheduled for June o-,. Te
sco was created in the mid-nineties
to bolster ties between Russia, China,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan. Since :oo:, the orga-
nization has tried to avoid presenting
itself as a serious political/military
alliance, saying focus is on combating
terrorism and tracking. However,
the Middle Eastern uprisings, the U.S.
withdrawal from Iraq, and the upcom-
ing completion of the U.S.-.1o mis-
sion in Afghanistan work together to
convert the sco into an overtly active
political body. Afer Tuesdays meeting,
Russian Minister of Foreign Aairs
Sergey Lavrov said all sco members
will now have a unied policy in case
of crises in the region. Te new mecha-
nism will be launched at the beginning
of June, and represents a signicant
advancement in the unication of the
biblically labeled kings of the East.
n Assessing Aprils Sino-Russian
naval exercise
On Tursday, a military analysis
agency called Second Line of Defense
released a report on the Sino-Russian
naval drills held from April ::-:,. Te
exercisesheld in the Yellow Sea near
Qingdao, Chinawere the rst ocial
bilateral naval drills ever conducted
between China and Russia. According
to the report, Russian and Chinese
soldiers shared key command, control,
and communications functions, and
practiced their combat interoperabil-
ity. Te two sides also tested the eec-
tiveness of their control and informa-
tion systems. Rather than characterize
the drills as having an anti-terrorist
purpose, the two governments cited
a more diverse set of goals, including
sharing techniques, enhancing in-
teroperability, and improving regional
stability. Another primary goal of
these exercises, according to the re-
port, was to underscore the high level
of defense cooperation between China
and Russia. Beijing and Moscow also
designed the drills to show the United
States and other nations that China
and Russia are willing and able to co-
operate to advance their joint security
interests in the Asia-Pacic region,
the report said.
Hate Groups Grow
as Racial Tipping
Point Changes
ABC NEWS | May 18
ui Umviv of radical hate groups
and militias has exploded in recent
years in reaction to the changing
makeup of America, and new census
gures showing the majority of babies
born in :o:: were non-white could
fuel those simmering tensions, experts
who track hate groups warned.
White supremacist groups have
been having a meltdown since the
census bureau predicted that non-His-
panic whites would lose the majority
by :o,o, said Mark Potok, spokesman
for the Southern Poverty Law Center,
which monitors hate groups. Te
demographic change in this country
is the single most important driver in
the growth of hate groups and extrem-
ist groups over the last few years.
Te data released this week re-
vealed a tipping point in the countrys
demographic shif. For the rst time
in the countrys history, more minor-
ity children were born than white chil-
dren, setting the stage for an eventual
non-white majority in Americas
Te census found that ,o. percent
of births in :o:: were of Hispanic,
black, Asian, and other minority chil-
dren. White babies accounted for .,
percent of the countrys newborns.
In addition, more than percent
of all children under , years old are
minorities, the report said.
For white supremacist and radi-
cal right-wing groups, the data is
especially troubling, and made all the
more apparent by the fact that a black
man was elected president, Potok said.
Tis very real and very signicant
change is represented in the person
of Barack Obama. Weve of course
seen the most remarkable growth in
the radical right since :oo8, precisely
coinciding with Obamas rst three
years as president, he said. Marilyn
Mayo, co-director of the Anti-Defa-
mation Leagues Center on Extrem-
ism, said white supremacist groups
have increased their eorts to recruit
and plot based on the changing racial
makeup of America.
I think that what were seeing is
that hate groups, particularly white
supremacist groups, are talking a lot
about the fact that whites will soon
be a minority in this country, that
their goal at all costs is to preserve
the white race in civilization, which
spurs them to recruit more, and have
more incendiary rhetoric, Mayo said.
Mayo cited two recent plots by radi-
cal groups in Florida and Minnesota
that involved stockpiling weapons
for racially-motivated attacks against
MAY 19, 2012
other Americans.
According to the svic, the number
of radical anti-government militia
groups increased from :,o to :,:,
during the years of the Obama presi-
n Australian study finds traditional
marriages produce better-adjusted
A group of around :,o prominent Aus-
tralian doctors issued a joint statement
this week saying children raised in
heterosexual relationships do better
in all parameters than those raised
by homosexual couples. Doctors for
the Familys convener Lachlan Dunjey
then told .vc News Radio that his
group is concerned about the health
consequences for children of gay mar-
riages. Its well proven that children
who grow up with a mother and a fa-
ther in a biological mother-and-father
family do better than children who
dont have the opportunity to grow up
in that kind of family, he said. Unfor-
tunately, common sense studies like
this one are becoming increasingly
rare in todays upside-down world. Sta-
tistics do show that children raised in
traditional families with well-dened
gender roles are far more likely to grow
into well-adjusted, law abiding citizens.
n Horrific scene punctuates
ongoing Mexican drug war
Forty-nine decapitated and mutilated
bodies were found dumped on a
Mexican highway to the U.S. border
last Sunday. Te grisly display is the
latest horror story in the escalating
war among Mexicos drug cartels.
Te bodies of , men and six women
were found in the town of San Juan
on the highway to the border city of
Reynosa, forcing police and troops to
close the road. Te bodies were found
with their heads, hands and feet cut
o. Several bore tattoos associating
them with drug trackers. Sadly, this
is only the latest event of its kind.
Previously this month, :, bodies were
found dumped or hanging in the city
of Nuevo Laredo, and :8 were found
along a highway south of Guadalajara,
Mexicos second-largest city. In April,
police found the mutilated bodies of
: men in a minivan abandoned in
downtown Nuevo Laredo, along with
a message from an undisclosed drug
gang. Mexican drug cartels have been
waging an increasingly bloody war to
control smuggling routes, local drug
markets and extortion rackets. Te
Trumpet has reported that these trans-
port routes to American customers
help the cartels rake in anywhere from
s8 to s,, billion a year.
n JPMorgans shocking loss proves
regulatory failure
JPMorgan surprised markets on Friday
of last week by announcing that one of
its trading groups lost s: billion. Tis
massive loss comes three years afer
Americas nancial industry almost
collapsed due to corruption and lack of
oversight. But JPMorgan appears to be
proving that the reforms implemented
.v s1Uui1s of the Bible are
aware that the Prophet Jeremiah
had a mission to warn ancient Judah
of its coming destruction. But what
Jeremiah did afer Judah went into
Babylonian captivity is ofen over-
looked or ignored.
Picking up the story in chapter ,,
we read about Judahs demise. During
the reign of Zedekiah, Judah was overtaken by the king of
Babylon, just as Jeremiah had prophesied (Jeremiah ,::-:).
King Nebuchadnezzar slew all the sons of Zedekiahall
the male heirs to the throne of David (verses o-,). He also
killed all the princes and nobles of Judah. Zedekiah himself
was blinded and thrust into prison, where he later died
(Jeremiah ,::::).
At this critical juncture of Judahs history, it appears as if
the throne of David ceased to exist. So most people mistak-
enly assume that God must have broken His covenant with
King David to establish that throne forever!
But in fact, God had a special commission for Jeremiah
that would preserve Davids royal line and transfer his throne.
Nebuchadnezzar released Jeremiah from prison and
gave him free reign to go wherever he pleased (Jeremi-
aho:-,). Jeremiah found favor with the Babylonian Em-
pire because of the unique commission God had given him
regarding Davids throne. Judahs iimv ended up help-
ing Gods prophetgiving him incredible favor (Jeremi-
ah,:::-::). And most people have absolutely no idea wuv!
Afer his release from captivity, Jeremiah headed straight
to Mizpaha town located northwest of Jerusalem in the
land of Benjamin (Jeremiah o:o). Why: Tis is where
God preserved a small band of lowly Jews (verse ,). And in
Jeremiah :::o, we are told that among this band of mists
were the kings daughters.
Remember, every possible heir to Davids throne had
been put to deathexcept for the kings daughters! Why did
God preserve them: It has to do with the second part of
Jeremiahs mysterious commission. God charged him with
the mission of rooting out and throwing down that Davidic
throneand then planting and building up that s.mi
1uvoi in another place!
Jeremiah was commissioned by God to deliver that
throne and its rulerone of the kings daughtersto
Ireland. Later, the throne was moved to Scotland and then
to Westminster Abbey in London. Even though it is called
Davids throne, the throne belongs to the Son of God, and
He will soon sit on that throne (Luke ::,:-,,).
God worked out all of these icviuivii events so that
Jeremiah could reestablish the throne of King Davidso
that Davids kingly line would continue right up to the
return of Jesus Christ to this Earth!
Why Did God Tell Jeremiah to Build and to Plant?
MAY 19, 2012
in the afermath are failing. JPMorgan
Chase cio Jamie Dimon oered a
mea culpa to his companys sharehold-
ers: We ended up with a strategy that
is awed, complex, poorly conceived,
poorly vetted and poorly executed. Tis
should never have happened. I cant
justify it. JPMorgan Chase is the larg-
est bank in the United States. It was the
only bank to remain protable during
the :oo8 nancial crisis. Tis had given
Dimon some credibility at the time,
when he opposed stricter government
regulations. But losing s: billion has
now shredded that credibility. Regula-
tors already implemented a law in :o:o
that was aimed at policing Wall Street
better. But it is becoming obvious
now that the new law isnt much of a
safeguard. Te Justice Department is
investigating the loss, and government
ocials are pointing to JPMorgan as a
poster child for more banking reform.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said
on Tuesday that it helps make the case
for more government banking regula-
tions. While many say the solution to
xing the nancial system is additional
regulations, the truth is that our greed-
based and corruption-riddled system
will not and cannot be xed. Addition-
al banking rules will not cure our sick,
debt-based nancial system.
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A secret plot has just been revealed in Europe that is fullling a
great prophecy in your Bible. We have been saying for over 50
years that a strong man was going to come on the scene to lead
Europe. Britain will also be removed from the EU. Now this secret
plot reveals some of the details of how this is happening now!
This week
on television
Secret Plot
Check local listings or visit
Usiissis suggested it. Te government has all
but conrmed it. And according to one alleged mem-
ber, they both might very well be right. A hacker tied to
Anonymous says the loose-knit collective may be the most
powerful organization on Earth.
Te entire world right now is run by information,
Chris Doyon tells Postmedia News from an undisclosed
location in Canada. Our entire world is being controlled
and operated by tiny invisible :s and os that are ashing
through the air and ashing through the wires around
us. So if thats what controls our world, ask yourself who
controls the :s and the os
Its the geeks and computer hackers of the world, says
In a world where the most critical of information isnt
locked up in vaults but instead encoded in easily obtainable
binary, Doyon says that crackers like those in Anonymous
are in possession of some of the most powerful knowledge
known to man. Authorities say that, under the handle of
Commander X, Doyon acted as a ringleader of sorts of the
Anonymous collective, an operation described by its own
participants as one that lacks leadership altogether.
Right now we have access to every classied database
in the U.S. government. Its a matter of when we leak the
contents of those databases, not if, says Doyon.
It wasnt computer nerds slaving over codes to help crack
the system uncover that info either, says Doyon. You know
how we got access: asks Doyon. We didnt hack them. Te
access was given to us by the people who run the systems.
Te ve-star general (and) the Secretary of Defense who sit
in the cushy plush oces at the top of the Pentagon dont
run anything anymore. Its the pimply-faced kid in the base-
ment who controls the whole game, and Bradley Manning
proved that. Te fact he had the :,o,ooo cables that were
released eectively cut the power of the U.S. State Depart-
ment in half. Te Afghan war diaries and the Iran war dia-
ries eectively cut the political clout of the U.S. Department
of Defense in half. All because of one guy who had enough
balls to slip a cu in an envelope and mail it to somebody.
Teres a really good argument at this point that we
might well be the most powerful organization on Earth. Te
entire world right now is run by information, he adds.
Anonymous: We Have Access to Every Classied Database
in the U.S. RUSSIA TODAY | May 14
MAY 19, 2012
and presidential elections slated for June
:o:,, Ahmadinejad is running out of
time to act with force and decisiveness.
Ahmadinejad is also facing enor-
mous pressure throughout the region.
Saudi Arabia, Irans primary counter-
weight in the region, is ramping up
its opposition to Tehrans regional hegemony. It is shoring
up relations with moderate allies and developing closer
relations with Europe, especially Germany. On Monday, an
agreement by Gulf states to explore a Saudi-led plan to de-
velop a political union (akin to the EU) sparked a furious
response from Iran.
Meanwhile, evidence suggests Irans relations with Hamas
and Hezbollah, its surrogates in Gaza and southern Leba-
non, arent as rosy as many assume. In a public speech last
February, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah announced,
Iran does not command us. In Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail
Haniyeh stated in a recent Reuters interview that Hamas
is a Palestinian movement that acts within the Palestinian
arena and it carries out its political and eld actions in a way
that suits the interests of the Palestinian people. Reuters re-
ported Hamas as saying that it will not go to war for Iran.
Ten theres Syria, where the violent revolution against
strongman and Ahmadinejad-condant Bashar al-Assad
continues. Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters
are being persecuted; thousands have been arrested, tortured
or killed. But the anti-government movement refuses to ca-
pitulate. Despite the silence and inaction of the West, the con-
sensus is that Assad will eventually be toppled and the regime
replaced. Te loss of Syria as a pro-Iran, terrorist-sponsoring,
anti-Israel ally would be catastrophic for Ahmadinejad.
Te more these pressures build and converge, the more
likely it is that Ahmadinejad will have to choose. Will he
abandon his dream of an Islamic caliphate headquartered
in Jerusalem and slip quietly into the night: Or will he go
down ghting:
Incidentally, think about what an opportunity this is for
President Obama. Americas archenemy, the head of the
terrorist snake, is facing a multitude of severe, potentially
devastating problems. Moreover, Irans regional enemies
would likely support any strategy to undermine Iranian
hegemony. Sure, Ahmadinejad is wounded, hence danger-
ous. But hes also distracted, weakened and vUiiv.vii.
Tis is potentially a uis1ovic ovvov1Ui1v.
America will undoubtedly squander it.
But Bibi Netanyahu may not.
Te bells of war are also clanging in Cairo, where later
this month millions of Egyptians will elect a new president.
No one knows who Egypts next leader will be. But he is
certain to be hostile to Israel. It appears Mohammud Mursi,
the Muslim Brotherhoods candidate, could be elected.
What would Mursi mean for Israel:
Last week, the Middle East Media Research Institute
(mimvi) posted chilling footage from a recent rally at
which Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi encouraged voters to
elect Mursi. With Mursi smiling supportively beside him,
Sheikh Higazai declared that Mursi would help establish
the dream of an Islamic caliphate. Within a few seconds,
Higazai had gotten to the essence of why Egyptians, es-
pecially Muslim Brotherhood supporters, needed to get
behind Mursi. Te capital of the Islamic caliphatethe
capital of the United States of the Arabswiii vi JivUs.-
iim, Allah willing, he yelled.
He then led the throng in a chant, Millions of martyrs
to march toward Jerusalem, millions of martyrs to march
toward Jerusalem, miiiios ov m.v1vvs 1o m.vcu JivUs.iim! For those still unclear about what a
Mursi presidency would mean for Israel, Higazi spelled it
out in his conclusion: I say this from the podium from
the heart of Egypt, so that the whole world may hear. We
say it loud and clear: Yis, JivUs.iim is oUv uo.i: Wi
su.ii vv.v i JivUs.iim, ov wi su.ii uii .s m.v1vvs
o i1s 1uvisuoiu.
Sadly, when it comes to Egypts transformation into a
radical Islamist state, the world will go on ignoring reality.
In fact, Muhammad Mursi is considered a moderate among
the presidential candidates. And he was embraced by U.S.
Sen. John Kerry, the head of the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, during his visit to Cairo earlier this month.
Even if Mursi isnt elected, the other, more liberal
candidates are no less worrying. In a marathon four-hour
television debate last Tursday, the two leading presiden-
tial candidates, former Foreign Minister Amr Moussa and
former MB member Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh, spent
the evening lobbing stinging insults at the other, distanc-
ing themselves from the Mubarak regime and cozying up
to the Islamist vote. At one point, Fotouh said he would
implement sharia law. Tese moderate candidates agreed
on one issue, however: Both labeled Israel an enemy state.
Both pledged support of Hamas in Gaza, and the Pales-
tinian cause in general. And both promised, if elected, to
revisit and rewrite the :, Egypt-Israel peace treaty.
Te common ground between Egypts three presidential
candidates is a u.1viu vov Isv.ii.
You watch. Te moment any of these candidates is
elected, politics in Egypt will quickly catch up with the
reality on the ground. Te Sinai Peninsula is already law-
less territory increasingly riddled with weapons smugglers
and Islamist terrorist groups, including al Qaeda. Egypt is
already increasing its support of Hamas and other Palestin-
ian terrorist groups. In other words, the :, Egypt-Israel
peace treaty is already dead.
No matter how you look at it, war is coming to Israel.
No1 because Israel is motivating Islamists by treating the
Palestinians unfairly, as many like to believe. And o1
because Israel is starving Gazans, which its not. And o1
because Israel recently formed a national unity govern-
ment, which could mean that it is preparing for conict.
Te reason war is inevitable, vivu.vs soo, is because
millions of radical Islamistsin Iran and Egypt, in Gaza,
in the Palestinian territories live and breathe to conquer
Israel and c.v1Uvi JivUs.iim!
Te bells of war are ringing in Jerusalem. Sadly, too few
hear them.
JERUSALEM from page 1